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Intersentia Ltd The Acquisition of Immovables through Long-Term Use
Launched in 1993, The Common Core of European Private law is the oldest ongoing collective comparative law efort in Europe. Putting cases at their heart, each book in this series analyses a selected legal topic on the basis of real and fctional facts across diferent European and other jurisdictions. The likely outcome of the decision and its underlying legal rules are clearly set out case by case and jurisdiction by jurisdiction. In addition, the national reporters put the respective legal rules into the relevant cultural context. In this way, the collaborative efort brings not only the inner structures of national laws in Europe to the fore, but also the diferent cultural sensitivities forging their development in the frst place. It allows a reliable map of what is diferent and what is common in the various private laws across Europe to be drawn, without any specifc agenda for or against the further harmonisation of private law in Europe. The series comprises more than 20 volumes of work of more than 300 academics and is an invaluable tool to understand private law across Europe. In this book, which is part of the Common Core of European Private Law series, reporters consider legal institutions - such as the well-known acquisitive prescription and adverse possession - that allow squatters and other persons who have occupied the private or public land of others to acquire that land through mere long-term use. Rules permitting such acquisition have existed since Roman times and are said to promote legal certainty as regards ownership of land. The reporters investigate how these rules work in their legal systems today and whether this justifcation still holds water, especially given that land is now registered in most countries. Registration seems to obviate the necessity for rules permitting acquisition of land through mere long-term use, as land registration systems create clarity as to who owns the land. The continued existence of these rules also comprises a human-rights dimension. Landowners enjoy constitutional property protection under many constitutions and other legal instruments. The loss of protected ownership draws the constitutional validity of rules on long-term use into question. Yet, the rights to housing and human dignity are also relevant, especially where such users have lived on the land for extended periods and regard it as their home or where they are vulnerable to landlessness. As such, these rights must be balanced against each other. The reporters represent 19 jurisdictions from all over the world, including civil law, common law and mixed legal systems, and are from both the global north and the global south. A comparison between these legal systems and their experience with their rules on long-term use reveals a common core and guidelines against which these rules may be measured in other countries. As such, this book will be valuable to practitioners dealing with both private and public law, academic lawyers and government ofcials tasked with land use planning. With contributions by Miriam Anderson (University of Barcelona), Michel Boudot (Universite de Poitiers), Dmitry Dozhdev (Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences), Magdalena Habdas (University of Silesia in Katowice), Karoline Rakneberg Haug (Norwegian Parliamentary Ombud for Scrutiny of the Public Administration), Bjoern Hoops (University of Groningen), Eran S. Kaplinsky (University of Alberta), John A. Lovett (Loyola University New Orleans College of Law), Ernst J. Marais (University of Johannesburg), Francesco Mezzanotte (University of Roma Tre), Matti Ilmari Niemi (University of Eastern Finland), Alasdair Peterson (University of Glasgow), Hector Simon (University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona), Jozef Stefanko (University of Trnava), Johan Van de Voorde (University of Antwerp), Filippo Valguarnera (Stockholm University), Leon Verstappen (University of Groningen), Emma J.L. Waring (University of York) and Una Woods (University of Limerick).
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management
Winner of the 2nd-place American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award in emergency/critical care nursing for 2021! Prepare for success in today's high acuity, progressive, and critical care settings! Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, 9th Edition helps you understand and apply critical care nursing principles and concepts to clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic management. Known for its comprehensive coverage, this leading textbook uses a logical, body systems organization to address the care of patients with physiological alterations. New to this edition are illustrated Patient-Centered Critical Care features aimed at "humanizing the ICU" as well as Next Generation NCLEX® Exam-style case studies to help you further develop your clinical judgment skills and prepare for the latest nursing licensure exam. Also ideal for CCRN® and PCCN® exam preparation, this book is a one-stop resource on the concepts and skills required for critical care nursing! Time-tested, high-quality content addresses all aspects of today's high acuity, progressive, and critical care nursing. Consistent organization within each body-system unit provides an efficient framework for learning, for CCRN® and PCCN® certification preparation, and for reference in clinical practice. Comprehensive, evidence-based content is highly referenced and includes internet resources for further research and study. Enhanced Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) integration links text content to QSEN competencies, through the addition of QSEN-related questions in case studies, QSEN-labeled features and boxes, QSEN content icons, and highlighted QSEN information. NEW! Updated content throughout reflects the latest changes in concepts, techniques, and technology of high acuity, progressive, and critical care nursing. NEW! New Facilitating Care Transitions chapter explains how critical care nurses can ensure patient safety and provide family education through all phases and locations of care, during transitions to other units and departments within the facility, and during patient discharge to various sites (e.g., home, hospice, long-term care). NEW! Illustrated Patient-Centered Critical Care boxes highlight a new emphasis on changing the culture of critical care by greater inclusion of the patient and family, with evidence-based discussions of topics such as family meetings, debriefing after a code, patient diaries, creating a calm environment, pet visitation, music therapy, the transition of care, and 24/7 ICU visitation. NEW! 10 Next Generation NCLEX® Exam-style case studies are provided on the Evolve website to help prepare you for the changes in the nursing licensure exam. NEW! Diagnosis and Patient Care Management boxes reflect a new focus on the International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP), providing a common language for patient problems using the evidence-based ICNP taxonomy. NEW! Expanded coverage of key trends includes the use of personal protective equipment in light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the opioid epidemic, special considerations for bariatric patients, oncology, and acute chest syndrome. NEW! Additional coverage of the technology required to monitor the patient and other interprofessional team members assists in the management of the patient and the integration of other QSEN competencies. NEW! Psychosocial and Spiritual Considerations chapter emphasizes the psychosocial and spiritual wellbeing of critical care clients. NEW! Expanded coverage of self-care for healthcare professionals equips new critical care nurses to take the time to care for themselves as well as for their patients. NEW! Updated illustrations improve understanding. NEW! Key Points replace Chapter Summary features for quick reference and study. NEW! Inclusion of Canadian/SI units promotes an international understanding of common laboratory values, with a new Common Laboratory Values appendix. NEW! CCN learning features include three new Concept Maps on protein-calorie malnutrition, burns, and pulmonary embolism; two new Case Studies on burns and facilitating care transition; and two new Patient Care Management Plans on stress overload and impaired spiritual status.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Special Stories for Disability Awareness: Stories and Activities for Teachers, Parents and Professionals
Children who live and go to school apart from people with disabilities suffer from several distinct disadvantages, including the fact that exposure to stories about disability, however well-intentioned, may make them believe all those with disabilities have the same emotions, needs and attitudes as characters in the story. This set of eight stories has enough accompanying activities and lessons to counter this problem somewhat; Leicester (education emerita, U. of Nottingham) works from experiences she has had with her own daughter, who contributes an autobiography. Topics include common ground, the advantages of having a good caregiver, correct behaviour around those with disabilities, bullying, cultural attitudes toward disability, and the benefits of focusing on abilities rather than disabilities. This book is intended for children aged four to 11 who are not in mainstreamed classrooms, so caregivers should be extremely careful in using this if children with disabilities are part of the regular classroom.'-'Designed to support key stages 1 and 2 of the National Curriculum (England and Wales); this 155 page book is a superb resource or anyone wishing to raise disability awareness among children. Using the medium of storytelling the lives and adventures of eight children with disabilities are individually told. Care has been taken to cover various types of disability, for example sensory impairment, learning difficulties/difference, mobility and emotional and behavioural difficulties. Cultural diversity is also strongly supported with some of the children coming from ethnic minority groups.Refreshingly unlike many children's stories the heroes of these stories are based on children who have a disability, with a core aim of promoting a positive approach to disability and breaking away from the potential stereotyping that can so easily develop within the everyday lives of children.Supported by walk through instructions on how the book should be used it highlights the key aims and objectives to each story. The building of vocabulary through activity sessions is particularly useful given the complexity of the subject.Clearly illustrated the book is very much a flexible learning resource and can be used independently or within other subjects.In conclusion this book is a must have for anyone tasked with teaching or supporting a child's education.'-The Encephalitis Society'What I like most about this book is they way it gives so much information and so easily. Even if you don't feel confident about the topic, there is so much included that you will have all the help you need. All the stories are positive and how fabulous to have a book which the main characters are disabled!'- National Child-Minding Association'If you only buy one book about disability - make it this one!'- National Child-Minding Association'An imaginative approach to promoting disability awareness among 4 to 11 year olds. Designed to be used by parents and care professionals as well as teachers. Covers a wide range of topics, positive and negative, including fear, feelings, success, bullying, joy and exclusion, with disabled children as the heroes and heroines.'- Current Awareness ServiceStories both educate and entertain. We learn from them and the learning is fun. They also stimulate our imagination and creativity. In this collection of short stories, the heroes and heroines are disabled children who defy the stereotypes associated with being disabled: being pitiable, a victim, freakish or a burden.Special Stories for Disability Awareness provides stories that fire the imagination and promote disability awareness and discussion among children aged 4-11 about universal issues such as fear, loss, feeling 'different', bullying, exclusion, joy, success, friendship and emotional growth. The stories provide a safe environment for young children to discuss painful emotions as well as a tool for teachers, parents and professionals to understand the experiences of disabled children.Each chapter features an engaging story, linked discussion and learning materials as well as suggestions for activities and photocopiable handouts. All those who work in early education or support young children will find this an invaluable resource.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Annals Meeting Reports - Omics Platforms, Prioritizing Health Disparities in Medical Education, Paradox of Overnutrition, and Vitamin D BB, Volume 1287
This Annals volume presents four scholarly meeting reports: (1) Application of combined omics platforms to accelerate biomedical discovery in diabesity; (2) Prioritizing health disparities in medical education to improve care; (3) The paradox of overnutrition in aging and cognition; and vitamin D: beyond bone. Diabesity has become a popular term to describe the specific form of diabetes that develops late in life and is associated with obesity. While there is a correlation between diabetes and obesity, the association is not universally predictive. Defining the metabolic characteristics of obesity that lead to diabetes, and how obese individuals who develop diabetes different from those who do not, are important goals. The use of large-scale omics analyses (e.g., metabolomic, proteomic, transcriptomic, and lipidomic) of diabetes and obesity may help to identify new targets to treat these conditions. This report discusses how various types of omics data can be integrated to shed light on the changes in metabolism that occur in obesity and diabetes. Despite yearly advances in life-saving and preventive medicine, as well as strategic approaches by governmental and social agencies and groups, significant disparities remain in health, health quality, and access to health care within the United States. The determinants of these disparities include baseline health status, race and ethnicity, culture, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic status, region or geography, sexual orientation, and age. In order to renew the commitment of the medical community to address health disparities, particularly at the medical school level, we must remind ourselves of the roles of doctors and medical schools as the gatekeepers and the value setters for medicine. Within those roles are responsibilities toward the social mission of working to eliminate health disparities. This effort will require partnerships with communities as well as with academic centers to actively develop and to implement diversity and inclusion strategies. Besides improving the diversity of trainees in the pipeline, access to health care can be improved, and awareness can be raised regarding population-based health inequalities. Populations of many countries are becoming increasingly overweight and obese, driven largely by excessive calorie intake and reduced physical activity; greater body mass is accompanied by epidemic levels of comorbid metabolic diseases. At the same time, individuals are living longer. The combination of aging and the increased prevalence of metabolic disease is associated with increases in aging-related comorbid diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cerebrovascular dementia, and sarcopenia. Here, correlative and causal links between diseases of overnutrition and diseases of aging and cognition are explored. In recent years, vitamin D has been received increased attention due to the resurgence of vitamin D deficiency and rickets in developed countries and the identification of extraskeletal effects of vitamin D, suggesting unexpected benefits of vitamin D in health and disease, beyond bone health. The possibility of extraskeletal effects of vitamin D was first noted with the discovery of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) in tissues and cells that are not involved in maintaining mineral homeostasis and bone health, including skin, placenta, pancreas, breast, prostate and colon cancer cells, and activated T cells. However, the biological significance of the expression of the VDR in different tissues is not fully understood, and the role of vitamin D in extraskeletal health has been a matter of debate. This report summarizes recent research on the roles for vitamin D in cancer, immunity and autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular and respiratory health, pregnancy, obesity, erythropoiesis, diabetes, muscle function, and aging. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.
Human Kinetics Publishers Physical Best: Physical Education for Lifelong Fitness and Health
Physical educators play a critical role in shaping the health and fitness of America’s youth—and Physical Best, Fourth Edition, is the resource that will help them achieve success in that role.Physical Best, developed by experts identified by SHAPE America, has long been the standard in the field for health-related fitness education, and this latest rendition is the best and most complete package yet: A comprehensive, three-in-one resource. The entire Physical Best program was previously spread over three books (Physical Education for Lifelong Fitness, Physical Best Activity Guide—Elementary Level, and Physical Best Activity Guide—Middle and High School Levels). It now is offered in one all-inclusive resource to reinforce the scope and sequence of the program so teachers can see what comes before and after the grade levels they teach. Updated material to address standards. All chapters and activities are updated to address SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Teachers can be confident they are measuring student progress effectively. New or revised chapters. Teachers will benefit from the new information on the latest research, technology, power training, professional development, best practices, and more. An attractive four-color layout. The text now features four-color illustrations. A web resource that includes K-12 activities. With previous editions, the activities were housed in two separate books, one for elementary teachers and one for middle and secondary teachers. Now, all activities are on the accompanying web resource, where teachers can sort the activities by standard, grade, outcome, and skill and then use them on a mobile device or download and print them. Most activities are supported by ready-to-use reproducible forms such as handouts, assessments, posters, and worksheets. Other useful web ancillaries include an instructor guide to help teachers deliver effective lessons, a test package that teachers can use to create various types of tests and quizzes, and a presentation package that offers slides with key points and graphics from the book. Physical Best meets needs on many levels. For veteran teachers, it outlines strategies for emphasizing health-related fitness in their existing programs. New teachers will benefit from the specific examples from master teachers and be able to use this guidance for creating an effective fitness education program. For teacher education programs, it provides an overview of current research, trends, and best practices in health-related fitness. And for district coordinators, it reinforces professional development training and continued education. This latest edition of the official SHAPE America resource is organized into four parts: Part I offers an in-depth look at physical activity behavior and motivation and explores basic training principles. An expanded chapter on nutrition covers the foundations of a healthy diet and reflects the most up-to-date USDA guidelines. Part II examines health-related fitness concepts: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, power, flexibility, and body composition. The text supplies tips for addressing each fitness component within a program. Part III presents strategies for integrating health-related fitness education throughout the curriculum, employing best teaching practices, and being inclusive in the gym, on the field, and in the classroom. In part IV, readers study assessment and learn assessment strategies for effective teaching and health-related programming. They discover how to collect and use assessment results and how to assess fitness concept knowledge. Physical Best helps teachers impart the skills and knowledge that students need to become physically literate—the first step to leading healthier, less stressful, and more productive lives. It details best practices, provides current content, and shows how to integrate health-related fitness education into an existing curriculum. It helps students meet standards and grade-level outcomes. It can help spark student interest in lifelong physical activity. And it will help teachers be the best physical educators they can be as they shape the future health of the nation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Network Advantage: How to Unlock Value From Your Alliances and Partnerships
Companies made more than 42,000 alliances over the past decade worldwide, many of which failed to deliver strong results. This book explains why and how you can seize the benefits from your business’s network of alliances with customers, suppliers and competitors. This network can provide three key advantages: · superior information · better cooperation · increased power Network Advantage shows how awareness of these three advantages can help align your portfolio of alliances with your corporate strategy to maximize advantages from existing networks and to position your business as an industry leader. This book is written by three leading authorities in the field of organizational management who work with many international corporate clients. Based on groundbreaking research and illustrative cases, it provides practical tools to help you think strategically about reconfiguring your alliances and partnerships. For business executives, consultants, and executive MBAs who want to get the most advantage from the combined power of their alliance portfolios, Network Advantage offers in-depth, practical guidance. Make it your first strategic connection to gaining competitive advantage! Companies’ connections to other firms—their network of alliances—matter for economic success. In this practical, jargon-free, evidence-based book, three experienced scholar/educators provide practical tools to understand your company’s network positioning and what to do to build webs of relationships that provide competitive advantage and economic value. —Jeffrey Pfeffer, professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University and co-author of The Knowing-Doing Gap. The book, Network Advantage, presents compelling ideas and is a must-read. It articulates three different perspectives to think about a firm’s network advantage and shows how a firm can maximize the value of its alliance network. The book is filled with theoretical and practical insights on the topic and offers captivating case studies to illustrate its key points. It is fun to read. I highly recommend this book. —W. Chan Kim, The BCG Chair Professor of INSEAD and the Co-director of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute In this eminently researched book, the authors show how executives and entrepreneurs alike can unlock the value of alliances. And the book comes with some "secrets" to success that most managers overlook. Every CEO, executive and entrepreneur who are collaborating with other firms ought to read this book. —Morten T. Hansen, Professor at University of California at Berkeley, author of Collaboration and co-author of Great by Choice. Don’t compete alone! “Network Advantage” provides a fresh perspective on how all firms can benefit from their alliances and partnerships. The authors seamlessly integrate academic research and real life examples into a practical step by step guide for unleashing the power, information and cooperation advantages available in networks. A must read for thoughtful executives and entrepreneurs alike. —Stein Ove Fenne, President, Tupperware U.S. & Canada Having the "right" business network is everything for a company's success in Asia and worldwide. With its rich cases and practical tools, this book is an indispensable guide for a thoughtful executive on how to design, build and manage a network that will make your firm globally competitive. —Yong-Kyung Lee, Former CEO of Korean Telecom, Member of the Korean National Assembly. Alliances and Partnerships, in their various formats and guises, are the bridges that allow businesses to thrive in their ecosystems by leveraging each other's strengths. The authors show how those bridges, when used appropriately, can help your firm create an alliance network to enhance your business power. The book contains many examples and models to help you shape your own alliance strategy in a world of ever increasing co-opetition. —Ricardo T. Dias, Strategic Alliances Director, Hewlett Packard (HP) Software, Asia Pacific & Japan
John Wiley & Sons Inc Contemporary Interpersonal Theory and Research: Personality, Psychopathology, and Psychotherapy
Pioneered by Harry Stack Sullivan in the 1940s, interpersonal therapy has, over the past half century, firmly established itself as one of the four main psychotherapeutic families. Now, from one of the brightest lights currently working in the field, comes the comprehensive guide to contemporary interpersonal research, theory, and practice. Providing a valuable resource for students as well as mental health professionals, Donald J. Kiesler offers both an exhaustive, up-to-the-minute survey of current methods and principles, and a systematic, empirically based approach to interpersonal psychotherapy. In the first part of the book, the focus is on general principles of personality and maladjustment as viewed from the interpersonal perspective. Dr. Kiesler introduces the interpersonal circle—one of the central conceptual underpinnings of interpersonal theory and practice. He then explores the importance of the interpersonal circle in both research and clinical applications, including its roles in the assessment of maladaptive behavior, the conceptualization and diagnosis of DSMTM mental disorders, the analysis of the therapeutic relationship, and the shaping of subsequent interpersonal interventions. Dr. Kiesler also describes the various interpersonal cognitive components and delineates interpersonal principles of complementarity. And he provides circumplex inventories, indispensable tools of the trade used in interpersonal diagnosis, treatment and supervision planning, and evaluation processes. Part 2 is devoted to clinical considerations. Dr. Kiesler provides practical guidelines on interpersonal assessment, diagnosis, therapy, and supervision for a wide range of DSM disorders. He highlights principles of therapeutic metacommunication and interpersonal impact disclosure as they apply to both psychotherapy and supervision. And most importantly, he develops the crucial concept of the maladaptive transaction cycle, explaining how it serves as an overarching principle in differential intervention for patients with specific DSM disorders. Throughout the book, the author reviews the world literature concerning interpersonal theory and practice, critically appraising all important new and emerging concepts, methods, and research trends. Timely, authoritative, and comprehensive, Contemporary Interpersonal Theory and Research is sure to have a profound impact on the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and social work for many years to come. "This groundbreaking book, by one of the leading figures in the interpersonal tradition, will define the field and set the course for theory, research, and practice for years to come. At a time when interpersonal perspectives are becoming increasingly influential, this formidable achievement provides an essential sourcebook for theorists, researchers, and clinicians."—Jeremy Safran, PhD, The New School for Social Research "By almost any measure, what Don Kiesler has accomplished in this work is truly extraordinary. He has taken the enormously large, diverse, and complex literature on the tradition established by Harry Stack Sullivan in psychopathology and psychotherapy, reviewed it systematically and comprehensively, and refined it into a limited set of fundamental principles. The book promises to occupy a central place in interpersonal thinking in personality and clinical psychology."—Robert C. Carson, PhD, Duke University "...a rich and powerful description of how the therapeutic relationship itself brings about change. In a masterful tour de force, [Dr.] Kiesler brings his interactional formulations to bear on current DSM groupings, transforming these categories from mere descriptive labels into useful therapeutic tools. A much-needed book, with rewards for clinician and researcher alike."—Sheldon Cashdan, PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst "Donald Kiesler has created an essential and authoritative guide to the interpersonal perspective in clinical and personality psychology — a perspective with a distinguished past and a vital present. This book is impeccable in its scholarship, integrative in its approach, encyclopedic and up-to-date in its coverage... an important work that deserves to have a broad audience." — Michael B. Gurtman, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Parkside A volume in the Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology and Personality W. Edward Craighead, Series Editor
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder: Innovative Parenting and Counseling Techniques for Helping Children with Bipolar Disorder and the Conditions That May Occur With It
A definitve guide covering all aspects of Bipolar in children, from spotting the symptoms to getting the correct interventions to help cope with the condition. This book explains the Biological causes and helps to seperate the symptoms from those of other conditions including, Tourettes, Aspergers and ADHD, whilst acknowledging that the conditions can appear as co-morbid in some children. Full of practical help and support George Lynn discusses various case histories and how to cope as a parent, along with a guide to help the child learn strategies to live with Bipolar.'-'The author, George Lynn, is a certified medical health counselor who has pioneered the usage of psychotherapy for adults and children with neuropsychological issues. When his own son was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome in 1991, he realized that personality can be powerfully impacted by brain chemistry independent of environment…The book is orientated for parents, but I believe many professionals can find helpful tips and information.'- International Journal of Adolescent Medical Health'George T. Lynn's book, Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder is a valuable resource for parents and those in the mental health profession. The author draws on his experience as a counselor to describe the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar Disorder co-existing with Asperger's Syndrome, Tourette's Disorder or ADHD. He provides a clear, comprehensive perspective on effectively parenting a child with bipolar disorder. He also explains what characteristics the disorders have in common and how they differ from each other. Lynn is skilled at developing the differential diagnosis of disorders that often have significant overlapping characteristics.In every chapter Lynn provides a comprehensive case history, parent survival strategies and simple, straightforward tips for 'surviving meltdowns.' He includes a section on brain physiology, medication management and school success. He gives practical advice about difficult decisions that parents often have to make, including when to call the police and the pros and cons of psychiatric hospitalization.With this book, George Lynn has made a major contribution in the area of parenting children with Bipolar Disorder. He successfully instructs the reader on how to understand and identify the symptoms of these disorders and at the same time how to focus on the child's strengths or "gifts". He delivers a well written and interesting book that provides realistic solutions to difficult problems, and hope to families of these exceptional children.'- Metapsychology Online ReviewUp until five years ago, the professional community did not think that Bipolar Disorder occurred in children. Children with symptoms of Bipolar Disorder were diagnosed as 'severe ADHD', 'depressed' or 'Oppositional Defiant'. Now, as it is being increasingly diagnosed, George Lynn offers clear, practical advice on recognizing the symptoms, understanding medication and accessing the necessary support at school as well as the managing the day-to-day challenges of parenting a child with Bipolar Disorder. As it is frequently found in combination with ADHD, Tourette Syndrome and Asperger's Syndrome, the author draws on case-studies from his own psychotherapeutic practice to show what these conditions have in common, how they differ, and how they relate to each other.Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder, tackles the most difficult decisions parents can face, including whether to involve police or consider hospitalization if their children are a danger to themselves and their families. At the same time, it emphasizes the positive qualities these children often have and illustrates how their gifts and abilities can build their self-esteem and help them function better in society. However severe the child's symptoms, George Lynn's book will provide guidance, support and inspiration for parents and carers as well as being a useful resource for professionals working with the families who suffer as a result of this disorder.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Risk-Return Analysis: The Theory and Practice of Rational Investing (Volume One)
The two most important words Harry Markowitz ever wrote are "portfolio selection." In 1952, when everyone in the stock market was looking for the next hot stock, as a doctoral candidate, he proposed to look at many, diverse stocks--a portfolio. He laid the first cornerstone of Modern Portfolio Theory and defended the idea that strategic asset growth means factoring in the risk of an investment. More than 60 years later, the father of modern finance revisits his original masterpiece, describes how his theory has developed, and proves the vitality of hisrisk-return analysis in the current global economy.Risk-Return Analysis opens the door to agroundbreaking four-book series giving readers a privileged look at the personal reflections and current strategies of a luminary in finance. This first volume is Markowitz's response to what he calls the "Great Confusion" that spread when investors lost faith in the diversification benefits of MPT during the financial crisis of 2008. It demonstrates why MPT never became ineffective during the crisis, and how you can continue to reap the rewards of managed diversification into the future. Economists and financial advisors will benefit from the potent balance of theory and hard data on mean-variance analysis aimed at improving decision-making skills. Written for the academic and the practitioner withsome math skills (mostly high school algebra), this richly illustrated guide arms you with: Concrete steps to accurately select and apply the right risk measures in a given circumstance Rare surveys of a half-century of literature covering the applicability of MPT Empirical data showing mean and riskmeasure used to maximize return in the long term PRAISE FOR RISK-RETURN ANALYSIS"Harry Markowitz invented portfolio analysis and presented the theory in his famous 1952 article and 1959 book. Nobody has greater insight into the process than Harry. No academic or practitioner can truly claim to understand portfolio analysis unless they have read this volume." -- Martin J. Gruber, Professor Emeritus and Scholar in Residence, Stern School of Business, New York University"Surveying the vast literature inspired by [Markowitz's] own 1959 book has stimulated an outpouring of ideas. He builds on the strengths and limitations of the important papers in order to come up with a position that should silence a lot of critics." -- Jack Treynor, President, Treynor Capital Management"The authors do not overlook various criticisms of the MPT, but rather address them convincingly. This excellent book is an essential reference for academics and practitioners alike." -- Haim Levy, Miles Robinson Professor of Finance, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel"Markowitz’s groundbreaking publications on Portfolio Selection prescribe a methodology that a rational decision-maker can follow to optimize his investment portfolio in a risky world. . . . Thischallenging new book clarifies many common misconceptions about modern portfolio theory." -- Roger C. Gibson, author of Asset Allocation and Chief Investment Officer, Gibson Capital, LLC"Contain[s] great wisdom that every economist, portfolio manager, and investor should savor page by page." -- Andrew W. Lo, Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor and Director, Laboratory for Financial Engineering, MIT Sloan School of Management"[Markowitz's] monumental work in the 1950s would be sufficient to qualify as a lifetime achievement for most mortals, but he keeps spouting fresh insights like lightning flashes year after year, and penetrating ever deeper into the theory, mathematics, and practice of investing." -- Martin Leibowitz, Managing Director, Global Research Strategy, Morgan Stanley"Risk–Return Analysis is a wonderful work in progress by a remarkable scholar who always has time to read what matters, who has the deepest appreciation of scientific achievement, and who has the highest aspirations for the future." -- Enterprising Investor (CFA Institute)
DK My First Bilingual Animals
¡La serie de libros para niños más exitosa de la editorial DK disponible ahora en formato bilingüe!Un libro cautivador ideal para las primeras lecturas de los más pequeños de la casa. Se trata de un libro para enseñar los nombres de los animales a nuestros hijos que se encuentran en edad preescolar. Fomenta su aprendizaje mientras leen y se divierten con su primer libro de animales. Este cuento para bebés muestra a los animales en varios contextos ambientales, como el desierto, el jardín, la selva, el campo, la jungla, el mar, el aire, la montaña, el río, la granja y en la nieve. Además incluye una sección de animales prehistóricos, animales de compañía que viven en el hogar, ¡e incluso bebés!My First Bilingual Animals, es un libro para bebés en español e inglés, diseñado de forma resistente gracias a las páginas de cartón. ¡Será el favorito de los “peques”! Promueve el interés de tus hijos por los animales con este divertido libro con entrañables imágenes. Del gato al rinoceronte, de la casa a la junglaAcompáñalos a nombrar a cada animal para ayudarles a desarrollar sus habilidades lingüísticas y a adquirir el conocimiento sobre el pequeño mundo que van descubriendo a su alrededor. La serie My First es una colección ideal para los pequeños ya que les introduce a una gran variedad de temas como animales, colores, letras, números, primeras palabras.Leed el libro juntos, ayúdale a pasar las páginas, y practicad nombrando los animales de las imágenes y fotografías.Este libro infantil My First Bilingual Animals, enseña a los niños a: • Expandir su vocabulario sobre el mundo animal, adquiriendo habilidades lingüísticas. • Aprender dos idiomas con el texto bilingüe, familiarizándose con las palabras en ambos. • Nombrar los animales que ven, ayudándoles a desarrollar las habilidades de la observación. My first bilingual Animals, pertenece a la serie My First (primeras lecturas) de libros infantiles, la colección de libros ideal para niños en edad preescolar. Incluye fotografías, ilustraciones encantadoras, rótulos fáciles de entender, y una amplia variedad de temas. Estos primeros libros de aprendizaje animan a los niños a desarrollar el vocabulario y las habilidades lingüísticas que forman la base de la educación temprana. Además, ahora están disponibles en la edición bilingüe, en inglés y español. Ideal para el aprendizaje simultáneo de dos lenguas.English descriptionDK’s most successful board book series is now bilingualTeach your preschool child numbers and encourage learning while reading and having fun together with your My First Bilingual Animals board book, designed to be a toddler favorite and withstand wear and tear from a preschooler. My First Bilingual Animals uses pictures of animals with clear word labels to encourage learning. My First: Animals includes animals in various environmental contexts, including: desert, garden, rainforest, grassland, underground, jungle, sea, air, mountain, forest, river, farm, and snow. It even includes sections on prehistoric animals, pets that live in the home, and babies!Develop your child's early learning with My First books, specially designed to captivate a preschooler's attention while laying a foundation for learning. My First books feature bold, bright photographs on white backgrounds - ideal for catching a young child's eye and acting as an introduction to early-learning topics. The collectible My First board books make a great early-learning library and include a wide variety of topics including trucks, animals, colors, letters, numbers, and first words.My First board books feature a simple point-and-say layout that builds confidence in children through repeatability and encourages preschool vocabulary and language skills. The board book format is durable and easy for young children to hold and carry on their own, and they're designed to hold up to the rough handling that comes with being a toddler's favorite book to "read" alone or with a parent.
Bedford Square Publishers The Hard Drug Chronicles
From Cocaine, that most troubling and fascinating of substances; through Speed, an oft demonized and misunderstood drug and on to Heroin, long seen as the most 'literary' of narcotics - the contributors to this all-new original anthology reveal that those who partake are forever changed, but the price of paradise is often steep. The Cocaine Chronicles: that most troubling and fascinating of substances is the subject, the subtext, the whys and whereofs in this collection of original short stories that are funny and harrowing, sad and scary, but at all times riveting. In this bold anthology by a cross-section of today's most thought-provoking writers, we meet the casual sniffers, the heavy users, the dealers, the victims and the unsuspecting victims - hysterical romps, tragic characters and unfathomable lows - rendering cocaine a drug that is anything but glamorous. The Speed Chronicles - Deprived of the ingrained romantic mysticism of the opiate or the cosmopolitan chic of cocaine, there is no sympathy for this devil. Speed - crystal meth, amphetamines, Dexedrine, Benzedrine, Adderall; crank, spizz, chickenscratch, oblivious marching powder, the go-fast - twice the productivity at half the cost, and equal opportunity for all. It feels so good and hurts so bad. The first contemporary collection of all new literary short fiction on the drug from an array of today's most compelling and respected authors. These are no stereotypical tales of tweakers - the element of crime and the bleary-eyed, shaky zombies at dawn are here right alongside heart-wrenching narratives of everyday people, good intentions gone terribly awry and dreams going up in flames. The Heroin Chronicles - That most "literary" of narcotics - the enigmatic opium poppy and its various derivatives - and as these stories reveal, those who partake of the sacred flower are forever changed, but the price of paradise is often steep: overdose, hepatitis C, degradation and self-destruction. The editor, Jerry Stahl, himself a recovering addict with long-term sobriety, has assembled an impressive array of writers to create this 'encyclopedia of bad behaviour.' Indeed, these tales of chasing the dragon, with corollaries often violent and savage, will satisfy devotees of noir fiction and outsider art alike. The Hard Drug Chronicles runs to over 700 pages and contains more than 40 all new stories from Lee Child, Jerry Stahl, Ken Bruen, Laura Lippman, Nina Revoyr, James Franco, Sherman Alexie, William T. Vollmann, Megan Abbott, James Greer, Tao Lin, Joseph Mattson, Eric Bogosian, Gary Phillips and Jervey Tervalon. CONTENTS - COCAINE Ten Keys - Lee Child The Crack Cocaine Diet - Laura Lippman White Irish - Ken Bruen Beneficent Diversions from the Crackdkins Diet - Donnell Alexander Poinciana - Susan Straight The Screenwriter - James Brown Twilight of the Stooges - Jerry Stahl Chemistry - Robert Ward Shame - Kerry E. West Viki, Flash, and the Pied-Piper of Shoebies - Deborah Vankin Golden Pacific - Nina Revoyr Sentimental Value - Manuel Ramos Just Surviving Another Day - Detrice Jones A.K.A. Moises Rockafella - Emory Holmes II Camaro Blue - Bill Moody Serving Monster - Jervey Tervalon Disco Zombies - Gary Phillips CONTENTS - SPEED How to Go to Dinner With a Brother On Drugs - Natalie Diaz War Cry - Sherman Alexie Bad - Jerry Stahl Labiodental Fricative - Scott Phillips Osito - Kenji Jasper Amp is the First Word in Amphetamine - Joseph Mattson Addiction - James Franco Wheelbarrow Kings - Jess Walter Tips 'n' Things by Elayne - Beth Lisick Pissing in Perpetuity - Rose Bunch 51 Hours - Tao Lin Everything I Want - Megan Abbott The Speed of Things - James Greer No Matter How Beautifully It Stings - William T. Vollmann CONTENTS - HEROIN Fragments of Joe - Tony O'Neill Hot for the Shot - Sophia Langdon Dos Mac + The Jones - Nathan Larson Possible Side Effects - Jerry Stahl Going Down - L.Z. Hansen Baby I Need to See A Man About A Duck - Michael Albo Godhead - Eric Bogosian Gift Horse - Jervey Tervalon Ghost Town Lydia Lunch The Monster - John Albert Black Caesar's Gold - Gary Phillips Sunshine for Adrienne - Antonia Crane Poppy Love - Ava Stander
Fonthill Media Ltd Operation Big Ben: The Anti-V2 Spitfire Missions
When Hitler unleashed his V1 and V2 rockets on Great Britain in 1944, it was the first military attack on the British civilian population without invasion. Innocent families were wiped out without mercy and terror gripped the nation. Churchill and the Crossbow Committee knew that widespread panic would soon ensue, because the British public were becoming increasingly anxious about the Nazis superior technology, which was destroying their lives. But through important intelligence from Bomber Command, Naval commandos, the French and Dutch Resistances in Europe, and the precise plotting of V rocket activity in the Filter Room of Fighter Command through air reconnaissance, a Top Secret plan was formed to dive-bomb V rocket installations with Mark IX and Mark XVI Spitfires. Craig Cabell is the writer and historian responsible for bringing Operation Big Ben to world attention. He has studied the original documentation since its release from the National Archive in 2004 and interviewed veterans who took part in the operation, such as Flight Lieutenant Raymond Baxter. Cabell's initial research resulted in many accolades and now resides in the 602 'City of Glasgow' Squadron Museum.But now, for the first time, Cabell has put together the whole story of Operation Big Ben, showing the work of the Crossbow Committee, intelligence Commandos under the orders of Commander Ian Fleming, the French and Dutch Resistances, and the brave men who flew the Spitfires of 124, 229, 303, 453, 602 and 603 squadrons. For the sake of accuracy and attention to detail, this book concentrates on the day-to-day activity of Spitfires during Operation Big Ben and the work of the various strands of British intelligence before and during it. In this book Operation Big Ben is separated from Operation Crossbow, (the anti-V1 operation) to show how the British government stepped up its urgency to counter the V2 threat. Although some of the detail could be considered repetitious in places (many cuts of non-operational flying have been made from the histories of each squadron in order to keep the flow of the book thought-provoking and interesting), the focus is on accuracy. The author has noted that in other publications that touch on Operation Big Ben, specific activity has not been documented correctly. This is because squadron histories haven't been cross-referenced in the past.Each squadron history in this book, mentions the work of other Big Ben squadrons (to report on the filtering of intelligence, escort work for other larger operations, or the details of the weather conditions experienced and the plight of the Dutch people during the harsh winter of 1944-45) to create a fuller and more visual picture of what happened. It is appreciated that aviation historians and enthusiasts alike will analyse this volume for the details of the Spitfires used. In a nutshell, Mark IXF Spitfires started Operation Big Ben. These had elliptical wings to begin with and then progressed to clipped-wing (pin-pointing exact dates has not always been possible). The Mark XVI became the cream of the crop for the most important squadrons (602, 603 and to a lesser degree 303; with 602 being the first to have them, followed by 303), Mark V's were used for training purposes. For dive-bombing purposes, two 250 lb bombs were used under each wing for balance, with a 500 lb bomb under the fuselage.Occasionally just the 500 lb bomb was carried, sometime just the two 250 lb bombs, depending on how far they had to fly inland or the difficulty of the job in-hand (the greater weight the more fuel used). Version 5 roundel was used and Operation Big Ben insignia on either side of the fuselage.
Intellect Books Imagining Antiquity in Islamic Societies
In the aftermath of the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage pursued by Islamist groups like ISIS, many observers have erroneously come to associate Islamic doctrine and practice with such acts. This book explores the diverse ways Muslims have engaged with the material legacies of ancient and pre-Islamic societies, as well as how Islam’s own heritage has been framed and experienced over time. This is a new collection of articles previously available in issues of the International Journal of Islamic Architecture. The tragically familiar spectacles of cultural heritage destruction performed by the Islamic State group (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq are frequently presented as barbaric, baffling, and far outside the bounds of what are imagined to be normative, 'civilized' uses of the past. Often superficially explained as an attempt to stamp out idolatry or as a fundamentalist desire to revive and enforce a return to a purified monotheism, analysis of these spectacles of heritage violence posits two things: that there is, fact, an 'Islamic' manner of imagining the past – its architectural manifestations, its traces and localities – and that actions carried out at these localities, whether constructive or destructive, have moral or ethical consequences for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. In this reading, the iconoclastic actions of ISIS and similar groups, for example the Taliban or the Wahhabi monarchy in Saudi Arabia, are represented as one, albeit extreme, manifestation of an assumedly pervasive and historically on-going Islamic antipathy toward images and pre-contemporary holy localities in particular, and, more broadly, toward the idea of heritage and the uses to which it has been put by modern nationalism. But long before the emergence of ISIS and other so-called Islamist iconoclasts, and perhaps as early as the rise of Islam itself, Muslims imagined Islamic and pre-Islamic antiquity and its localities in myriad ways: as sites of memory, spaces of healing, or places imbued with didactic, historical, and moral power. Ancient statuary were deployed as talismans, paintings were interpreted to foretell and reify the coming of Islam, and temples of ancient gods and churches devoted to holy saints were converted into mosques in ways that preserved their original meaning and, sometimes, even their architectural ornament and fabric. Often, such localities were valued simply as places that elicited a sense of awe and wonder, or of reflection on the present relevance of history and the greatness of past empires, a theme so prevalent it created distinct genres of Arabic and Persian literature (aja’ib, fada’il). Sites like Ctesiphon, the ancient capital of the Zoroastrian Sasanians, or the Temple Mount, where the Jewish temple had stood, were embraced by early companions of the Prophet Muhammad and incorporated into Islamic notions of the self. Furthermore, various Islamic interpretive communities as well as Jews and Christians often shared holy places and had similar haptic, sensorial, and ritual connections that enabled them to imagine place in similar ways. These engagements were often more dynamic and purposeful than conventional scholarly notions of 'influence' and 'transmission' can account for. And yet, Muslims also sometimes destroyed ancient places or powerfully reimagined them to serve their own purposes, as for example in the aftermath of the Crusader presence in the Holy Land or in the destruction, reuse and rebuilding of ancient Buddhist and Hindu sites in the Eastern Islamic lands and South Asia. This volume presents thirteen essays by leading scholars that address the issue of Islamic interest in the material past of the ancient and Islamic world, with essays examining attitudes about antiquarianism in the Islamic world from medieval times to the present. Main readership will be among scholars, graduate and undergraduate students, researchers, educators and academic libraries working or studying in the fields of the ancient world, antiquities, heritage and the Islamic world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Clinical Trials: A Methodologic Perspective
Presents elements of clinical trial methods that are essential in planning, designing, conducting, analyzing, and interpreting clinical trials with the goal of improving the evidence derived from these important studies This Third Edition builds on the text’s reputation as a straightforward, detailed, and authoritative presentation of quantitative methods for clinical trials. Readers will encounter the principles of design for various types of clinical trials, and are then skillfully guided through the complete process of planning the experiment, assembling a study cohort, assessing data, and reporting results. Throughout the process, the author alerts readers to problems that may arise during the course of the trial and provides common sense solutions. All stages of therapeutic development are discussed in detail, and the methods are not restricted to a single clinical application area. The authors bases current revisions and updates on his own experience, classroom instruction, and feedback from teachers and medical and statistical professionals involved in clinical trials. The Third Edition greatly expands its coverage, ranging from statistical principles to new and provocative topics, including alternative medicine and ethics, middle development, comparative studies, and adaptive designs. At the same time, it offers more pragmatic advice for issues such as selecting outcomes, sample size, analysis, reporting, and handling allegations of misconduct. Readers familiar with the First and Second Editions will discover revamped exercise sets; an updated and extensive reference section; new material on endpoints and the developmental pipeline, among others; and revisions of numerous sections. In addition, this book: • Features accessible and broad coverage of statistical design methods—the crucial building blocks of clinical trials and medical research -- now complete with new chapters on overall development, middle development, comparative studies, and adaptive designs • Teaches readers to design clinical trials that produce valid qualitative results backed by rigorous statistical methods • Contains an introduction and summary in each chapter to reinforce key points • Includes discussion questions to stimulate critical thinking and help readers understand how they can apply their newfound knowledge • Provides extensive references to direct readers to the most recent literature, and there are numerous new or revised exercises throughout the book Clinical Trials: A Methodologic Perspective, Third Edition is a textbook accessible to advanced undergraduate students in the quantitative sciences, graduate students in public health and the life sciences, physicians training in clinical research methods, and biostatisticians and epidemiologists. This book is accompanied by downloadable files available below under the DOWNLOADS tab. These files include: MATHEMATICA program – A set of downloadable files that tracks the chapters, containing code pertaining to each. SAS PROGRAMS and DATA FILES used in the book. The following software programs, included in the downloadables, were developed by the author, Steven Piantadosi, M.D., Ph.D: RANDOMIZATION – This program generates treatment assignments for a clinical trial using blocked stratified randomization. CRM – Implements the continual reassessment methods for dose finding clinical trials. OPTIMAL – Calculates two-stage optimal phase II designs using the Simon method. POWER – This is a power and sample size program for clinical trials. Executables for installing these programs can also be found at Steven Piantadosi, MD, PhD, is the Phase One Foundation Distinguished Chair and Director of the Samuel Oschin Cancer Institute, and Professor of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Piantadosi is one of the world’s leading experts in the design and analysis of clinical trials for cancer research. He has taught clinical trials methods extensively in formal courses and short venues. He has advised numerous academic programs and collaborations nationally regarding clinical trial design and conduct, and has served on external advisory boards for the National Institutes of Health and other prominent cancer programs and centers. The author of more than 260 peer-reviewed scientific articles, Dr. Piantadosi has published extensively on research results, clinical applications, and trial methodology. While his papers have contributed to many areas of oncology, he has also collaborated on diverse studies outside oncology including lung disease and degenerative neurological disease.
Wolters Kluwer Health Community and Public Health Nursing
Approachable and tailored to today’s active learners, Community and Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public’s Health, 10th Edition presents an engaging introduction to population-focused care, helping students broaden their viewpoints from the client–nurse relationship to a community healthcare focus. This highly visual, student-friendly text incorporates bulleted lists, infographics, and a plethora of meaningful real-life examples and case studies to facilitate a foundational understanding of public health principles and evidence-based practice. The 10th edition continues to highlight the relevance of population-focused tools and interventions to acute care as well as community and public health settings, and to equip students with the skills and understanding to confidently promote health, foster disease prevention, and protect at-risk populations. Covering a multitude of commonly encountered community and public settings, situations, and populations — including older adults, homeless populations, veterans, refugees, and the LGBTQ community — this updated edition has been extensively revised and reorganized to familiarize students with today’s most prominent public health issues and empower them to provide the most effective nursing care wherever they may choose to practice. UPDATED! New and revised content throughout reflects the growing need for effective community-based care across the changing healthcare landscape. UPDATED! Streamlined organization emphasizes Healthy People 2030 framework and goals and keeps students focused on essential trends and concepts. NEW! Ten Essential Public Health Services content incorporated into Active Learning Exercises encourages students to consider situations/questions within this critical context. UPDATED! Emphasis on vulnerable groups throughout the text alerts students to specific considerations in the care of diverse population groups, including older adults, veterans, refugees, homeless populations, and the LGBTQ community. Evidence-Based Practice features familiarize students with current research examples and their effective application in community/public health nursing practice. Stories from the Field boxes present real-world scenarios that emphasize the nursing process and challenge students to consider assessment and intervention in a public health context. Levels of Prevention Pyramid boxes enhance students’ understanding of the levels of prevention concepts that are basic to community health nursing. Healthy People 2030 content highlights pertinent goals and objectives for health promotion for specific populations. Perspectives features immerse students in various viewpoints to promote critical thinking, dispel commonly held misconceptions, and emphasize the link between skills learned in specialty practice and other practice settings. What Do YOU Think? features push students to think deeply and reach valuable conclusions on subject matter unique to public health. QSEN: Focus on Quality features alert you to Quality and Safety Education for Nurses concepts related to environmental health and disasters, patient-centered care (family/community; empowerment), teamwork/collaboration (communication; system barriers), EBP/QI/ethics and data (e.g., tracking the homeless). Population Focus features strengthen your ability to consider chapter concepts from a population-focused perspective. C/PHN Use of the Nursing Process boxes allow students to see how assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, and evaluation are used within the context of community/public health situations as presented in selected chapters. Active Learning Exercises offer essential practice applying chapter concepts to actively solving community health problems. Learning Objectives and Key Terms focus students’ attention on essential concepts and vocabulary. Summaries provide a concise, bulleted review of preceding chapter content. References at the end of each chapter expand students’ knowledge through current research and a broad base of authoritative information sources.
Daylight Community Arts Foundation All the Queens Men
Walking the fine line between fiction and non-fiction, Murray creates a hauntingly beautiful narrative book that navigates the psychology of men through an exploration of portraiture and place. Intimate portraits and enigmatic landscapes deliberately mix fact and fiction, past and present, myth and reality. Katie Murray is an American photographer and video artist. She received her BFA in 1997 from the School of Visual Arts and her MFA from Yale University School of Art in 2000. Murray’s work concerns itself with the primal and mythological. She has exhibited in solo and group shows to include: [The Barbara Walter’s Gallery at Sarah Lawrence College (2014), The Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago (2014) The Photographers’ Gallery, UK (2013) College of the Canyons Art Gallery (2012), HomeFront Gallery, NY (2011), World Class Boxing, Miami (2010), Kate Werble Gallery, NY (2009), International Center for Photography (2008) White Columns, NY (2004) Jen Bekman Gallery (2004), Queens Museum of Art, NY (2004), and The Yale Art Gallery, CT (2000)]. She received the New York State Residents Grant for Excellence in Photography in 1996, the Robin Forbes Memorial Award in Photography in 1997, the Barry Cohen Award for Excellence in Art in 2000, and a NYFA grant in 2012. Murray’s work has been published in various magazines, books and catalogues. Murray’s work is held in numerous private and public collections. Murray is a faculty member at Hunter College, Sarah Lawrence College, and School of Visual Arts. Maria Antonella Pelizzari teaches courses in the History of Photography at Hunter College, focusing on issues of cultural representation, historiography, and collecting, for both nineteenth- and twentieth-century works. Her expertise covers a wide range of subjects and time periods, such as Italian photography and culture from its beginnings to the present, nineteenth-century British colonialism, American modernism, and the interdisciplinary dialogue between photography and architecture. She is the author of Photography and Italy (London: Reaktion Books, 2011), a historical study that represents the first and only book on this subject in English literature, which will be also published by Contrasto, Milan. She has edited the volume Traces of India: Photography, Architecture and the Politics of Representation, CCA and Yale Center for British Art, 2003 (awarded the book prize Historians of British Art” in 2004) and has contributed essays to several books (among them, Art for Venice, London: Ivorypress, 2011; Desire for Magic: Patrick Nagatani 1978-2008, University of New Mexico Art Museum, 2010; Picturing Place: Photography and the Geographical Imagination, London and New York: I. B.Tauris, 2002; America: The New World in 19th- Century Painting, Munich, London, New York: Prestel, 1999). Her essays have been published in History of Photography, Visual Resources, Afterimage, Performing Arts Journal, Casabella, Fotologia, Photography and Culture, Perspectives. Actualités de la recherche en histoire de l’art, and CV Magazine. She has co-edited (with Paolo Scrivano, Boston University) a new volume of Visual Resources. An International Journal of Documentation on Intersection of Photography and Architecture” (Vol.XXVII, N.2, June 2011) and is working on a new book on photomontage in Italy in the 1930s. Pelizzari earned her PhD from the University of New Mexico and her MA from the Universita’ di Genova, in Italy. She has been Associate Curator of Photography at the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montreal, and has held teaching positions at Concordia University (Montreal) and Ryerson University (Toronto).
City Lights Books Shoot an Iraqi: Art, Life and Resistance Under the Gun
Wafaa Bilal's childhood in Iraq was defined by the horrific rule of Saddam Hussein, two wars, a bloody uprising, and time spent interned in chaotic refugee camps in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Bilal eventually made it to the United States to become a professor and a successful artist, but when his brother was killed by an unmanned U.S. Predator drone, he decided to use his art to confront those in the comfort zone with the realities of life in a conflict zone. His response was "Domestic Tension," an unsettling interactive performance piece: for one month, Bilal lived alone in a prison cell-sized room in the line of fire of a remote-controlled paintball gun and a camera that connected him to Internet viewers around the world. Visitors to the gallery and a virtual audience that grew by the thousands could shoot at him twenty-four hours a day. The project received overwhelming worldwide attention and spawned provocative online debates; ultimately, Bilal was named Chicago Tribune's Artist of the Year. Structured in two parallel narratives, the story of Bilal's life journey and his "Domestic Tension" experience, Shoot an Iraqi is for anyone who seeks insight into the current conflict in Iraq and for those fascinated by interactive art technologies and the ever-expanding world of online gaming. "Once I picked up this book, i could not put it down. There is something so urgent and compelling about Bilal's story, as though he is speaking to our time. His story is not just for those interested in the arts; it is a human story of the horror, frustration, and tragedies of war." -Mary Flanagan, artist and author of re:skin "This is an unsettling and gripping book. It poignantly recounts a dark and imaginative experiment inspired by an excruciating and ghastly reality. Its unsettling effects couldn't be more welcome: we desperately need to be shocked out of our collective zombification, and this book does that by leading us through a wild labyrinth at once aesthetic, political, and existential. Potent stuff." -Danny Postel, author of Reading "Legitimation Crisis" in Tehran "Who in their right mind would allow the internet to shoot at them? Shoot an Iraqi: Art, Life, and the Resistance Under the Gun tells the story of Wafaa Bilal. When his brother was killed by an unmanned Military device during the Iraq war, Bilal took it locked himself in a room, a camera showing him to the world with a remote controlled paintball gun connected to the internet, in the name of art and political statement. Bilal explains himself quite well, making Shoot an Iraqi fascinating reading." -Midwest Book Review "Weaving together accounts of Iraq and America, art and violence, performance and reality, past and present, this gripping account all but shakes the reader by the lapels." -Publishers Weekly Iraqi-born artist Wafaa Bilal has exhibited his art worldwide, and traveled and lectured extensively to inform audiences of the situation of the Iraqi people, and the importance of peaceful conflict resolution. Bilal's 2007 dynamic installation "Domestic Tension" gained global recognition, being named Artist of the Year by the Chicago Tribune. Bilal has held exhibitions in Baghdad, the Netherlands, Thailand and Croatia; as well as at the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago, the Milwaukee Art Museum and various other US galleries. His residencies have included Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga, California; Catwalk in New New York; and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Bristol and Bath Art Book: The cities through the eyes of their artists
Bristol and Bath are two beautiful, closely connected cities. They are portrayed through the eyes of their artists in a delightful variety of styles in this stunning book. The Bristol and Bath Art Book portrays two very different cities. The beautiful images in the book capture the breath-taking landscape of rivers, hills and gorges which they share, but also the cities’ sights that are so unique. Bristol is painted as busy, quirky and vibrant, where Bath glows in more tranquil hues. These important cities in the history of the world are intimately connected. The river Avon that flows through both cities, gouges the spectacular Avon Gorge at Bristol, which is where its international maritime connections begin. The regenerated old docks (the ’floating harbour’), Wapping Wharf and the quayside are lovingly depicted by various artists. Now that the main docks are outside the city, the harbour-side now bustles with shops, bars and offices, but there are still cranes to be seen at the M shed. Underfall boatyard remains a home to maritime businesses and is also pictured in this lovely book, along with pleasure craft and houseboats in the harbour. John Cabot’s The Matthew is the ship that put America on the map. The reconstruction is depicted in drawings and paintings. She may have been a pirate ship at one time, too, as Bristol was the birthplace of Blackbeard and had a thriving piracy business. From this Atlantic connection, the list of items traded expanded from wool, wine and grain to tobacco and alas, to slaves. The profits from this trade endowed many of the fine public monuments drawn and painted here. Like many places, Bristol is undertaking a new reckoning with its history. The great engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed the Clifton Suspension Bridge to span the deep Avon Gorge. In the book, there are many images of this vertiginous bridge: ringed by balloons, luminous in the gloaming, stark in the snow, or painted to resemble a cathedral arch from below. It is a much-loved, living monument to the great man. His Great Western Railway terminus at Temple Meads features here in drawings and prints, along with his pioneering Bristol-built steamship, the SS Great Britain. Crossing Brunel’s famous bridge over the Avon, you will find yourself in the tranquil Leigh woods, painted as a hotspot for bluebells in spring. The old Railway Path, flat, traffic-free and lined with greenery, takes you from Bristol to Bath, where you will find more gorgeous parks: the Georgian garden in the town centre, Alexandra Park with panoramas of the city and the Botanical Gardens with its aerial walkway. Bath is a UNESCO world heritage site because of its Roman remains and exquisite Georgian architecture. Its famous Roman Baths were built around a hot spring the Romans believed sacred to the Goddess Sulis and the city became a centre for health and an inspiration for artists. Its 18th-century architecture: The Royal Crescent, The Circus, Pulteney Bridge and Assembly Rooms, are all examples of Bath’s heyday as a Georgian spa town and are featured in the art book in stunning paintings, drawings and collages. They capture the Bath that Jane Austen would have known from her time in the city. Here, movies of some of her novels have been filmed, along with many other Regency era series e.g. the record-breaking series Bridgerton.
Harriman House Publishing Price Action Trading
Extract from the Preface: What the book covers. This book is about day trading. Using the price action itself, rather than any of the usual array of indicators based on it. The US 30-year Treasury Bond Futures is the favoured instrument - the T-Bonds, as they are commonly called. There are good reasons for choosing this instrument to learn to trade - one being that they do not require a detailed knowledge of bonds themselves. The other attractions, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran, are to do with liquidity, range, behaviour, patterns and the price action displayed at the key support and resistance points it encounters. Most days the T-bonds offer trading opportunities which can be taken within a money management environment that can give you an edge for profit - and this book has been designed to show you how to do just that. Fully illustrated with charts taken from a live trading screen and displayed in exactly the way you would have seen them for yourself, on your computer monitor. What you see is not just what happened, in detail, but also clear evidence of just how you could have profited yourself from each trading situation. Who the book is for.This book has been written for anyone wishing to day trade, using a discretionary method, rather than a mechanical system. It is a learning tool which should commend itself to the experienced trader, as much as to someone new to this business. Certainly I hope that any raw recruit would find it an easy read, even if it took a while longer to digest the subject matter as a whole. How the book is structured. The seasoned trader will probably start by skip reading, to see if he can cut to the chase quickly. The less experienced will immediately see - from the detail of the charts alone - that there is a great deal of information to absorb, and will have to start at the beginning! After that, wherever you place yourself as a trader, I hope you will find that the methodology is pretty straightforward, the approach you need to adopt clear-cut, and the various steps involved in the process uncomplicated. It has to be said that there is nothing amazing or wonderful in learning to read the tape - for that, albeit in a computer environment, is what this methodology is all about - and the key to success in so doing, is in the application of a robust risk/reward/ratio.This means that the successful exponent of the art-cum-science of discretionary trading, in this particular way, has to have a mindset that can take the winning and the losing with complete equanimity. It is not easy. It is not for everyone. But ...those who can learn how the market works and learn to go with the flow, putting the odds on their side, stand a good chance of creating the essential edge to win. Those who already day trade in discretionary fashion will hopefully gain pointers here and there and find, as we all know, that it often takes just one pearl gained to make the trawl an eminently worthwhile exercise. Those who come to this book with little or no experience will gain from their lack of preconception, even if it takes a lot of reading and re-reading to get up to speed on the computer, with live charts. Best of luck Bill Eykyn'.
Human Kinetics Publishers Lesson Planning for High School Physical Education With Web Resource: Meeting the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes
Lesson Planning for High School Physical Education provides standards-based, ready-to-use lesson plans that enhance student learning and help students become physically literate. Designed to complement the successful elementary and middle school books in the series, this book also provides guidance on how to plan effective lessons that align with SHAPE America's National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Lesson Planning for High School Physical Education is written by master teachers and edited by SHAPE America. In this book, you'll find: - More than 240 lesson plans that provide deliberate, progressive practice tasks and integrate appropriate assessments to evaluate and monitor student progress - Innovative and unique modules on topics such as fly fishing, rock climbing, line dance, yoga and stress management, and more, as well as more traditional modules - Introductory chapters that present the key points for the grade span, putting the lessons in context and providing teachers and PE majors and minors a clear roadmap for planning curricula, units, and lessons - Lessons that reflect best practices in instruction, helping teachers enhance their effectiveness - Expert guidance in delivering quality lessons that are designed to reach objectives and produce outcomes, and not just keep students occupied The lessons correspond to each category in SHAPE America's National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, and are sequential and comprehensive--you get complete, ready-to-use units and not just individual lessons that don't connect. The lessons include resource lists, references, equipment lists, and student assignments. The accompanying web resource offers easy access to printable PDF files of the lessons. Your administrator will be able to see at a glance that the lessons in the book are designed to meet the national standards and outcomes created by SHAPE America. The lessons in Lesson Planning for High School Physical Education can be used as they are or modified to fit the needs of your students. They also are perfect models for teachers and college students to use in creating their own lessons. The text includes instructional strategies such as how to teach for transfer, utilize grids and small games, differentiate instruction for varying ability levels, integrate conceptual material, and more. The book is organized into two parts. Part I explores issues pertinent to planning for high schoolers' success, including how to plan lessons using SHAPE America's Grade-Level Outcomes, meeting the National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes, developing an electives-based program for high school students, and the importance of teaching for student learning. The lesson plans themselves are found in Part II, and each lesson aligns with SHAPE America's National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. Part II offers plans in these categories: - Outdoor pursuits - Individual-performance activities - Net and wall games, such as badminton and tennis - Target games - Dance and rhythms - Fitness activities, such as Pilates, resistance training, and yoga - Personal fitness assessment and planning Each category contains modules of 15 or 16 lessons, each of which incorporates various National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes. For example, you can address Standard 4 outcomes--which are about personal and social responsibility--during lessons on net and wall games, lessons on dance and rhythms, and so on. With the high-quality lesson content and the many tools and resources provided, Lesson Planning for High School Physical Education will help teachers foster their students' physical literacy and help students develop physically active lifestyles that they can maintain throughout their adult lives.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery
Over the past three decades, information in the aerospace and mechanical engineering fields in general and turbomachinery in particular has grown at an exponential rate. Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery is the first book, in one complete volume, to bring together the modern approaches and advances in the field, providing the most up-to-date, unified treatment available on basic principles, physical aspects of the aerothermal field, analysis, performance, theory, and computation of turbomachinery flow and heat transfer. Presenting a unified approach to turbomachinery fluid dynamics and aerothermodynamics, the book concentrates on the fluid dynamic aspects of flows and thermodynamic considerations rather than on those related to materials, structure, or mechanical aspects. It covers the latest material and all types of turbomachinery used in modern-day aircraft, automotive, marine, spacecraft, power, and industrial applications; and there is an entire chapter devoted to modern approaches on computation of turbomachinery flow. An additional chapter on turbine cooling and heat transfer is unique for a turbomachinery book. The author has undertaken a systematic approach, through more than three hundred illustrations, in developing the knowledge base. He uses analysis and data correlation in his discussion of most recent developments in this area, drawn from over nine hundred references and from research projects carried out by various organizations in the United States and abroad. This book is extremely useful for anyone involved in the analysis, design, and testing of turbomachinery. For students, it can be used as a two-semester course of senior undergraduate or graduate study: the first semester dealing with the basic principles and analysis of turbomachinery, the second exploring three-dimensional viscid flows, computation, and heat transfer. Many sections are quite general and applicable to other areas in fluid dynamics and heat transfer. The book can also be used as a self-study guide to those who want to acquire this knowledge. The ordered, meticulous, and unified approach of Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery should make the specialization of turbomachinery in aerospace and mechanical engineering much more accessible to students and professionals alike, in universities, industry, and government. Turbomachinery theory, performance, and analysis made accessible with a new, unified approach For the first time in nearly three decades, here is a completely up-to-date and unified approach to turbomachinery fluid dynamics and aerothermodynamics. Combining the latest advances, methods, and approaches in the field, Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery features: The most comprehensive and complete coverage of the fluid dynamics and aerothermodynamics of turbomachinery to date A spotlight on the fluid dynamic aspects of flows and the thermodynamic considerations for turbomachinery (rather than the structural or material aspects) A detailed, step-by-step presentation of the analytical and computational models involved, which allows the reader to easily construct a flowchart from which to operate Critical reviews of all the existing analytical and numerical models, highlighting the advantages and drawbacks of each Comprehensive coverage of turbine cooling and heat transfer, a unique feature for a book on turbomachinery An appendix of basic computation techniques, numerous tables, and listings of common terminology, abbreviations, and nomenclature Broad in scope, yet concise, and drawing on the author's teaching experience and research projects for government and industry, Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery explains and simplifies an increasingly complex field. It is an invaluable resource for undergraduate and graduate students in aerospace and mechanical engineering specializing in turbomachinery, for research and design engineers, and for all professionals who are—or wish to be—at the cutting edge of this technology.
Edition Axel Menges Carlo Scarpa, Castelvecchio, Verona: Museo di Castelvecchio, Verona
During the 1960s Italy's museum sector witnessed a fertile period of renewal. A generation of architects, working in partnership with the directors of museums, set about transforming into exhibition spaces a number of ancient monumental complexes located in the historic centres of some of the most important Italian cities. Among these was the brilliant and solitary Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa (19061978) who revitalised the discipline of museography by sagaciously combining it with restoration. His lucid intervention at Verona's Museo di Castelvecchio is emblematic of this approach: the medieval castle, the museum of ancient art, and modern architecture all harmoniously coexisting in a monument located at the heart of a city designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The far-sighted choice of Scarpa was owed to the then director of the museum, Licisco Magagnato, who tenaciously argued the case for the appointment of an architect specialising in this field to work on the city's principal museum of ancient art. The renovation work, which continued for more than a decade, took place in various phases (19581964, 1967 and 19681974) but in accordance with a remarkably consistent and coherent plan. In his work on Castelvecchio, carried out at a significant point in his career, Scarpa attained a remarkable balance between different aesthetic elements that is particularly evident in the sculpture gallery, where the renovations harmonise with the power of the 14th-century Veronese sculptures exhibited in this section of the museum. One of the most striking details is the location of the equestrian statue of Cangrande I della Scala. For the presentation of this work the architect conceived a backdrop of great poetry, drawing the visitor's attention to its historical stratifications and simultaneously creating an exemplary essay in modern architecture. This museum is the most perfectly resolved of Scarpa's works in terms of the complexity and coherence of its design, and today remains "outrageously" well preserved. It is therefore unsurprising that a photographer-artist such as Richard Bryant should have been attracted by the extraordinary compositional, spatial and luminous harmony of Castelvecchio. The book is introduced by an essay by Alba Di Lieto, the architect appointed to Verona City Council's Direzione Musei d'Arte e Monumenti, a scholar of Scarpa's drawings, and the author of monographs on his work. She describes the architect's renovation and locates it in the context of Italy's architectural panorama. She also offers insights into the cataloguing of Scarpa's graphic output in the context of the overall conservation of his work. The essay is followed by a brief history of the castle by Paola Marini, who was the director of Verona's civic museum network for 22 years. The essay is followed by a brief history of the castle by Paola Marini, who was the director of Verona's civic museum network for 22 years. In December 2015 she has taken on a new role as director of the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice the first of Scarpa's museum projects in 1949. Valeria Carullo writes in her postscript about her experience by assisting Richard Bryant in photographing the castle. She is curator of The Robert Elwall Photographs Collection in the RIBA British Architectural Library. Richard Bryant is one of the best-known architectural photographers, working all over the world. He and Hélène Binet are the only photographers with an honorary fellowship of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Intellect Books Bombay Cinema's Islamicate Histories
Bombay Cinema's Islamicate Histories comprises fourteen essays on the history and influence of cultural Islam on Bombay cinema. These essays are written by major scholars of both South Asian cultural history and Indian cinema working across several continents. Following Marshal Hodgson, the term ‘Islamicate’ is used to describe Muslim cultures in order to distinguish the cultural forms associated with Islam from the religion itself. Such a distinction is especially important to observe in South Asia where, over a thousand-year history, Muslim cultures have commingled with other local religious and cultural traditions to form a rich vein of syncretic aesthetic expression. This volume argues that the influence of Muslim cultures on Bombay cinema can only be grasped against the backdrop of this long history, an argument that informs the shape of the whole. The book is divided into two sections. The first, ‘Islamicate Histories’, charts the historical roots of South Asian Muslim cultures and the precursors of Bombay cinema’s Islamicate idioms in the Urdu Parsi Theatre, the Courtesan cultures of Lucknow, the traditions of miniature painting, poetry, song and their performance, and the various modes of story-telling that derive from Perso-Arabic traditions. The second section, ‘Cinematic Forms’, discusses the way in which these Islamicate histories are partially constitutive of the traditions of representation, performance and story-telling that give Bombay cinema its distinctive character, traditions that have continued into Bollywood. It explores ‘Islamicate’ genres like the ‘Oriental’ film and the ‘Muslim Social’, as well as forms of poetry and performance like the ‘ghazal’ and ‘the qawwali’. Bombay Cinema’s Islamicate Histories is published at a time of acute crisis in the perception and understanding of Islam, where Islamophobia stereotypes Muslims as incipient fifth column and Hindu fundamentalism is ascendant. It demonstrates that Muslim and Hindu cultures in India are inextricably entwined and shows how the syncretic idioms of Islamicate cultural history inform the very identity of Bombay cinema, even as that cinema has also instrumentalized Islamicate idioms to stereotype and even demonise the Muslim, especially in contemporary Bollywood. This book argues that many of the idioms of Bombay cinema that we love are derived from the historical influence of Muslim cultures as they interacted with other traditions in the Indian subcontinent. It traces the emergence of cultures of poetry, dance, song, performance and story-telling out of the thousand-year history of Islam on Indian soil, and describes the ways in which they underlie and inform the expressive forms of Bombay cinema. It is timely to be reminded of the contribution of Muslim cultures to the distinctive and widely recognized popular cinema of India at a historical moment when the cultural influence of Islam on India is being denied by forces which seek to turn the country away from cultural pluralism towards Hindu fundamentalism. Bombay Cinema’s Islamicate Histories features contributions by major scholars of both South Asian cultural history and Indian cinema working across several continents. The audience for this book will be primarily graduate and advanced undergraduate students of film studies. The writing is accessible and lively and individual chapters will be suitable for classroom use. It will be of value in disciplines outside film studies, where the Islamicate tradition in general and its impact on film in particular is taught. It will find an audience in disciplines such as history, cultural studies, women's studies, visual studies and South Asian area studies. It will also be of interest to anyone who wants to know how cinema negotiates the parameters of Muslim identity in response to historical and contemporary events in India.
Open University Press A Practical Guide to End of Life Care
Are you involved in caring for people at the end of their life? Do you have a role in supporting the families of those who are dying, or is this an area of your work you find personally difficult?This book is an accessible guide for all those working in health or social care and caring for people at the end of their lives. This will include people in roles such as healthcare assistant, hospice worker, volunteer, nurse or other carers.Written by experts with extensive experience in delivering high quality end of life care, this book is full of real life examples, reflection exercises and case studies. It also includes insights into what can help make a good death, and how to help support families at the end of life.The easy to read chapters emphasise treating people who are dying with dignity using a person centred approach.The book supports the delivery of quality care by recognising physical and non-physical symptoms, and thinking about various emotional and physical needs people might have. It is also important that care givers look after themselves and advice is given on how best to do this.An essential purchase for anyone looking for guidance or support in this area, and suitable for those working in the community, care homes, hospices, hospitals or other settings where people are cared for. With a Foreword from Dr. Ros Taylor, MBE, National Director for Hospice Care, Hospice UK.“The book strikes a balance between the factual and the personal, and gives the reader detailed information and time to think through reflection exercises.”Deborah Preshaw, doctoral nursing student, Queens University Belfast, UK“This is a beautifully presented learning tool to support the delivery of end of life care. I particularly like the ‘signposts’ which reinforce the intention of the book to enable ‘carers’ to apply what they read to their role in practice.” Liz Bryan, Director of Education and Training, St Christopher's Hospice, UK"This book is a very welcome addition to the literature on end of life care, as it does exactly what it says – it is a practical guide. I highly recommend this book." Mick Coughlan, Programme Leader, The Royal Marsden School, UK"I feel this book would be very useful for those new to palliative care as well as those studying the subject. Relating theory to practice is always powerful and for new nurses and other healthcare professionals this provides context and meaning."Clodagh Sowton, Director of Patient Services, Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care, UK"This is a welcome book to the field of end of life care. This practical guide is accessible and is an excellent bridge between the ‘Lay Person’ and those health care professionals caring for the individual as they approach the end of life. I will be directing students of healthcare towards this impressive, insightful book."Robert Murphy, Senior Lecturer - Adult Nursing, London South Bank University, UK"The material covered is very helpful and the range of authors has been well selected from individuals who are active in clinical practice. The book is practical and clear, and Clair deserves high praise for the contribution it will make to clinicians seeking to improve their palliative care knowledge and skills."Professor Max Watson, Medical Director Northern Ireland Hospice, Visiting Professor University of Ulster, UK
Rheinwerk Publishing Inc. Node.js: The Comprehensive Guide
If you’re developing server-side JavaScript applications, you need Node.js! Start with the basics of the Node.js environment: installation, application structure, and modules. Then follow detailed code examples to learn about web development using frameworks like Express and Nest.js. Learn about different approaches to asynchronous programming, including RxJS and data streams. Details on peripheral topics such as testing, security, performance, and more, make this your all-in-one daily reference for Node.js! · Your complete guide to backend programming with JavaScript· Install the Node.js environment and learn to use core frameworks· Debug, scale, test, and optimize your applications· Get practical code examples as downloadable product supplements Getting Started with Node.js Begin your journey with Node.js. Learn about the core components of the environment such as the V8 engine and libraries. Then install Node.js and explore application development tools and the module system. Developing Applications Develop web applications by following practical code examples. Set up a web server using HTTP and develop apps step by step using the Express and Nest.js frameworks. Connect databases, generate interfaces using the REST server and GraphQL, implement command-line tools, handle asynchronous programming, and more. Managing ApplicationsManage your Node.js applications from development to deployment. Learn how to use package managers, implement tests, and protect against security threats. Get expert tips on scalability and performance to optimize your apps. What used to sound unimaginable is possible with Node.js: a single language for client-side and server-side programming. Today, you can use JavaScript for frontend and backend development. This allows you to develop high-performance, scalable, and real-time web applications quickly and easily. No wonder Node.js is becoming more and more popular. This comprehensive guide is the perfect place to start if you want to master Node.js, one of the most important players in the JavaScript universe. You’ll learn the basics of Node.js, see how the platform is built, and work with various interfaces. With Sebastian Springer, you have an experienced author at your side who shares his enthusiasm about professional JavaScript development. Using many real-life examples, he shows you how to use Node.js securely, right from the start. This book covers key JavaScript features like destructuring, promises, and the module system. However, the focus is on Node.js, so you should have basic knowledge of JavaScript before reading. This book includes: 1) More than 800 pages on Node.js 2) Concrete solutions for practical use cases 3) Detailed, numbered code listings 4) Tables, figures, note boxes, and screenshots 5) A comprehensive index6) All code examples available as downloadable supplements The structure of the book: To help structure your learning process, you can think of the book as having four distinct parts:· The first part covers the Node.js basics and provides a hands-on introduction to the module system. · The second part provides practical examples from web development. You’ll learn about important frameworks such as Express and template engines like Pug. · The third part is dedicated to asynchronous programming. You’ll learn how to deal with promises and child processes, and also how to use data streams in development. · The fourth part offers best practices and troubleshooting tips for developers. You’ll find valuable knowledge for everyday developer tasks, solutions for common problems, and security considerations. Highlights: Installation Asynchronous programming Application development Modules Express and Nest.js frameworks Template engines Database connectivity Web sockets Session handling Deployment and operations Security Testing, performance, and scalability
American Bar Association Cybersecurity for the Home and Office: The Lawyer's Guide to Taking Charge of Your Own Information Security
Why this book? Most have neither considered, nor know how “cyber secure” they are. For the majority who are not information technology (IT) professionals, the idea of delving into the technical details of secure computing can create apprehension and confusion. Some people think that if their email system works, and if their documents are accessible, then why bother making any security improvements to their system, which might create complications or cost time and money. Some would prefer not to know the cybercrime risks they are facing, or just haven’t thought about it. Cybersecurity is more, though; it is also about protecting data from risks other than cybercrime, such as unanticipated IT issues, hard-drive crashes, house fires, and other incidents. Beyond security, this book will also provide information to use computers and data more efficiently. No matter an individual's level of comfort or experience with computers, this book will help recognize when electronic “doors” are open to cybercriminals, and aid in fully appreciating why certain security steps need to be taken. Since cybercriminals are always attacking, trying to steal data or make data unusable, Cybersecurity for the Home and Office: The Lawyer's Guide to Taking Charge of Your Own Information Security will make it easier to understand these risks so a decision can be made as to where to set the “cybersecurity dial” in home and office. How much risk feels comfortable? How sensitive or confidential is your data? Are you safeguarding someone else’s data and confidential information? What is risked, professionally and personally, if data is ever stolen or compromised? Setting the dial too low, may allow for over exposure to threats, but if the dial is too high, frustration may set in with the inconveniences of the security measures themselves. appendices 1 – 4 offer some assessments and materials to start your thought process about your cybersecurity posture and awareness. Appendices 1 and 2 have short quizzes to assess your current security, awareness, threats, and how home and work cybersecurity are related. Appendix 3 discusses the concept of the cybersecurity dial, where it is set now, and where it needs to be. Appendix 4 covers some common cybersecurity myths. Cybersecurity is not “one-size-fits-all.” It needs to be what works for each individual. It’s how to decide to evaluate and manage risks. With this book, you can gradually increase your security posture as you learn, by making incremental changes and learning to live with them. For the price of this book, you will learn how to improve your cybersecurity by yourself, without paying anyone else, as this book does not recommend any costly services or products. The time invested now can save from having an expensive disaster later and could make your computing experience much more efficient. By first fixing cybersecurity at home and with personal devices, you will then be able to translate that knowledge and experience to your workplace. Waiting for the law and other standards to evolve is not the right move, as they will always lag behind the pace of technology advancements. The basic principles and methods to secure yourself are available now to learn and apply them yourself. Technology will continue to change rapidly, but if the basic principles are understood, then sound, ongoing choices to can be implemented and utilized. You need not become a technology expert; however, you should learn about the serious threats faced, the potential consequences, and the steps that can be taken to mitigate these risks. Technology-related threats and appropriate countermeasures are similar to things you already do in your “brick and mortar” physical life. Learn to secure your computer just as you lock your house’s doors and windows, put on a seatbelt while driving, check your car’s oil level, tire pressure, and stop at red lights. Yes, computers can be complex, frustrating, and confusing, but everyone can learn how to do this. The author wrote this book for lawyers because they all have personal and work-related information on numerous devices and in various locations. Every lawyer should be aware of the risks of loss or theft of that information, and be ready to react.
Paulist Press International,U.S. Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Thought
Responding to the signs of the time, this book brings the lens of Catholic social thought (CST) to the enterprise of Catholic higher education in the United States. This book throws light on what Catholic colleges and universities might and must do in order both to preserve their mission and renew it for the future.Endorsements"Leading a Catholic college or university in today's challenging circumstances requires a wide range of skills and a capacity for understanding multiple issues and heeding multiple voices. In this volume, Prusak and Reed-Bouley have assembled an impressive group of Catholic thought leaders and asked them to reflect on the critical issues we face, and the concrete circumstances in which we face them, in light of the Gospel commands for justice, love, and service, which we call Catholic social thought (CST). The result is a volume not only for educators, but for everyone—trustees, alumni, Church leaders—interested in and responsible for guiding and shaping Catholic higher education into the future."—Michael J. Garanzini, SJ, president, Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities"Do not expect this book to reside exclusively in libraries at Catholic colleges and universities. To the contrary, Bernard Prusak and Jennifer Reed-Bouley's volume on CST is an indispensable companion for every institution of learning where people of all faith traditions (or none) grapple with the excruciating social concerns of our time. The contributors to this essential collection are accomplished scholars known for applying the rich CST history to the thorniest problems of contemporary times."—Linda M. LeMura, president, Le Moyne College"This timely and useful book invites Catholic educators and administrators to change how they see CST. It is not something to be confined to ethics classes or overarching mission statements. It is a powerful and practical tool for engaging all facets of Catholic higher education, from labor practices, to admissions and budgets, to struggles for gender equity and racial justice, to the pursuit of solidarity on a local and global scale. It is a whole way of life for each campus and institution. Although the living tradition of CST may not always provide easy or quick solutions to the complex problems we face, it helps us ask the right questions and start the right conversations. Each chapter is informative and stimulating, and, as a full collection, this volume is simply top notch."—Andrew Prevot, associate professor of theology, Boston College"At a time when institutions of higher education are facing difficult and troubling questions about their mission, operations, and their very survival, Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Thought comes as a much-needed provocation to face these questions boldly and faithfully. Each chapter contributes solid insights from Catholic social thought applied to key issues challenging higher education today. The volume's richness comes in the breadth and depth of analysis, examining examples of successful projects at Catholic colleges and universities of the kinds of transformation needed to address challenges such as climate, racial, migrant, labor, and economic justice. But with just as much honesty, the authors analyze missed opportunities and failed attempts, and point to the road yet to travel, particularly in light of the inequities and challenges brought to light by the COVID-19 pandemic. In clear and engaging language, each chapter offers the opportunity for various decision makers and stakeholders involved in Catholic higher education to deepen their commitment to the social doctrine of the Church while tackling the hardest questions facing our institutions to date. This book is a masterful example of how to apply the hermeneutical/pastoral cycle of see-judge-act to higher education with commitment, clarity, and compassion."—MT Dávila, associate professor and chair, Religious and Theological Studies, Merrimack CollegeBernard G. Prusak is professor of philosophy and director of the McGowan Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility at King's College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. His books include Catholic Moral Philosophy in Practice and Theory: An Introduction (Paulist Press, 2016).Jennifer Reed-Bouley is professor and program director of theology at College of Saint Mary in Omaha, Nebraska. Her article "Challenging Racism and White Privilege in Undergraduate Theology Contexts: Teaching and Learning Strategies for Maximizing the Promise of Community Service-Learning," Teaching Theology and Religion 18/1 (2015), won the College Theology Society's annual award for "Best Article Published in Theology."†
Human Kinetics Publishers Experiencing Dance: From Student to Dance Artist
Experiencing Dance: From Student to Dance Artist, Second Edition, takes off where its previous edition—a best-selling high school text for students enrolled in dance classes—left off. Geared to students in dance II, III, and IV classes, this text places teachers in the role of facilitator and opens up a world of creativity and analytical thinking as students explore the art of dance. Through Experiencing Dance, students will be able to do the following: • Encounter dance through creating, performing, responding to, analyzing, connecting with, and understanding dance through its 45-plus lessons. • Experience dance as performers, choreographers, and audience members. • Learn about dance in historical and cultural contexts, in community settings, and as career options. • Go through a complete and flexible high school curriculum that can be presented in one or more years of instruction. • Meet state and national standards in dance education and learn from a pedagogically sound scope and sequence that allow them to address 21st-century learning goals. • Use Spotlight and Did You Know? special elements that will enhance the learning experience and connect studio learning to the real world of dance. Experiencing Dance will help students engage in movement experiences as they learn and apply dance concepts through written, oral, and media assignments. These assignments help them gain a perspective of dance as an art form and provide the content for students to develop interactive dance portfolios. The text contains 15 chapters in five units. Each chapter offers at least three lessons, each containing the following material: • Move It! introduces students, through a movement experience, to a lesson concept. • Vocabulary provides definitions of key terms. • Curtain Up offers background information to help students understand lesson topics and concepts. • Take the Stage presents dance-related assignments for students to produce and share. • Take a Bow engages students in response, evaluation, and revision activities to process their work and concepts presented in the chapter. Each lesson includes Spotlight and Did You Know? special elements that help students extend their learning and deepen their understanding of historical and cultural facts and prominent dancers, dance companies, and professionals in careers related to dance. Each chapter includes a chapter review quiz. Quizzes incorporate true-or-false, short-answer, and matching answer questions. Finally, each chapter ends with a capstone assignment. Students will delve into major topics such as these: • Identifying your movement potential as a dancer • Understanding dance science and its application through studying basic anatomy and injury prevention in relation to dance training • Developing proper warm-ups and cool-downs and integrating fitness principles and nutrition information into healthy dancing practices • Expressing through various dance styles and forms the roles of the dancer, the historical and cultural heritage of the dance, andd the dance’s connections to community and society • Developing and performing dance studies and choreography in a variety of styles and forms and then producing the dance using production elements for a variety of settings • Preparing for a future as a dancer, choreographer, or a career that is otherwise connected to dance • Advocating for dance in your community and beyond The text is bolstered by web resources for both students and teachers. These resources enhance the students’ learning experience while enabling teachers to prepare for, conduct, and manage their classes. The student web resource contains these features: • Journaling prompts • Extended learning activities • Web search suggestions for further research • Worksheets and assignments to either print out or complete online (via editable Word files) • Interactive chapter review quizzes (these are completed online and students get immediate feedback) • Video clips • Vocabulary terms with and without definitions to aid in self-quizzing and review The teacher web resource contains everything that is on the student web resource, plus the following: • A printable full-color poster for the classroom • PowerPoint presentations for each chapter • Answer keys for worksheets and quizzes • A full electronic version of the student textbook In addition, Experiencing Dance is available in both print and interactive iBook versions. The iBook version has embedded chapter-opening and instructional video clips as well as interactive quizzes (in which students immediately receive feedback on their answers). This updated text, with its solid instruction and comprehensive lessons, new resources, and extended learning experiences, will help students at levels II, III, and IV increase their understanding of, expertise in, and enjoyment of dance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Analytics Modeling Certificate
The Data Analytics Modeling Certificate (14.0 CPE Credits) will expand your ability to work with structured and unstructured data to drive a successful analytics practice.To start, you will learn to define clear business outcomes for your analytics practice to ensure your efforts align with your organization's strategic direction and create value. Next, you will learn data profiling and data cleansing techniques to maintain data quality throughout the data life cycle. You'll practice ETL (extract, transform, load) techniques and work with different data models and analytics tools. Finally, you will learn how to institute sophisticated tools for managing an ongoing enterprise data practice, including tools for data warehousing, managing the data life cycle, and working with structured and unstructured data.This certificate is Part 3 of the Data Analyst Certificates Bundle – a comprehensive five-part program that provides training and practical guidance on the topic of data analytics.Note: It is recommended that you complete the Application of Data Analysis Essentials Certificate, or ensure you have equivalent knowledge and skills, before starting this certificate course.Learning Labs*This is an interactive learning program that includes bonus hands-on learning labs that will expose you to the tools needed to implement an analytics practice in a practical way and equip you to deploy those tools as needed within your organization. You will practice using various technologies for preparing, analyzing and managing datasets in the real world. *Time spent on learning labs does not award CPE and completing learning labs is not a requirement for earning the certificate. WHO WILL BENEFIT Accounting and finance professionals, especially those interested in learning and applying data analysis techniques to help their organizations make informed, data-driven business decisions. KEY TOPICS Defining value and tying analytics to value-driven business cases Understanding the characteristics of data and how they can be leveraged to gather insights from information Identifying project constructs for data analytics Identifying different types of data with which analysts will be expected to interact Profiling data for accurate analysis initiatives Understanding tool capabilities for working with data Cleansing data with appropriate tools to increases analytics accuracy Managing data quality and integrity Extracting, transforming, and loading data Implementing a data warehouse Managing the data life cycle Creating and using different types of data models Tools for working with both structured and unstructured data LEARNING OBJECTIVES Identify opportunities, processes, and necessary data for solving analytical problems. Apply data profiling and data cleansing techniques to available data. Use data preparation and enrichment tools. Use ETL (extract, transform, load) tools. Compare data warehousing techniques. Use data warehousing and data management tools. Align the outcomes of your data analytics practice with your organization's strategic direction and create value. Digital Badge: Your Professional Distinction Set yourself apart as a future-ready financial professional. Upon completion, you will be awarded with a certificate in the form of a digital badge. Digital badges allow you to distinguish yourself in the marketplace and show your commitment to quality. The badge can be posted to your social media profiles and linked to your resume or email signature, providing maximum visibility to your achievement. Credit Info CPE CREDITS: Online: 14.0 (CPE credit info) NASBA FIELD OF STUDY: Information Technology LEVEL: Intermediate PREREQUISITES: Recommended: Complete the Application of Data Analysis Essentials Certificate or ensure you have equivalent knowledge and skills. ADVANCE PREPARATION: None DELIVERY METHOD: QAS Self-Study COURSE ACRONYM: DALP-S3 Online Access InstructionsA personal pin code is enclosed in the physical packaging that may be activated online upon receipt. Once activated, you will gain immediate online access to the product for one full year. System RequirementsAICPA’s online CPE courses will operate in a variety of configurations, but only the configuration described below is supported by AICPA technicians.A stable and continuous internet connection is required. In order to record your completion of the online learning courses, please ensure you are connected to the internet at all times while taking the course. It is your responsibility to validate that CPE certificate(s) are available within your account after successfully completing the course and/or exam. Supported Operating Systems: Macintosh OS X 10.10 to present Windows 7 to present Supported Browsers: Apple Safari Google Chrome Microsoft Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Required Browser Plug-ins: Adobe Flash Adobe Acrobat Reader Technical Support: Please contact
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Holy Spirit and Ethics in Paul: Transformation and Empowering for Religious-Ethical Life
Volker Rabens answers the question of how, according to the apostle Paul, the Holy Spirit enables religious-ethical life. In the first part of the book, the author discusses the established view that the Spirit is a material substance which transforms people ontologically by virtue of its physical nature. In order to assess this "Stoic" reading of Paul, the author examines all the passages from the Hebrew Bible, early Judaism, Hellenism and Paul that have been put forward in support of this concept of ethical enabling. He concludes that there is no textual evidence in early Judaism or Paul that the Spirit was conceived as a material substance. Furthermore, none of these or any of the Graeco-Roman writings show that ethical living derives from the transformation of the "substance" of the person that is imbued with a physical Spirit. The second part of the study offers a fresh approach to the ethical work of the Spirit which is based on a relational concept of Paul's theology. Rabens argues that it is primarily through initiating and sustaining an intimate relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and with the community of faith that the Spirit transforms and empowers people for ethical living. The author establishes this thesis on the basis of an exegetical study of a variety of passages from the Pauline corpus. In addition, he demonstrates that Paul lived in a context in which this dynamic of ethical empowering was part of the religious framework of various Jewish groups.Reviews of the first edition:"Rabens's book is a model of thorough research, lucid argument, and careful exegesis."Peter Orr in Themelios 35 (2010), pp. 452-455"Overall Rabens has provided us with a fascinating and convincing account of how the process of 'walking in the Spirit' takes place."Gary W. Burnett in Journal for the Study of the New Testament 33.5 (2011), p. 84"To conclude, I recommend this monograph for three reasons. One, it is truly a 'model' thesis in that it accomplishes its aims with clarity and simplicity. Secondly, it provides an excellent survey of Pauline pneumatology and ethics. Lastly, another benefit of this monograph is the intentional bridging of continental and English NT scholarship."Carsten Lotz in LST - InSight Spring 2011, p. 17"This is a beautifully written book, detailed, stimulating and fresh. Its central thesis is strongly argued and makes an important contribution to understanding Paul's ethics, theology and pneumatology."Jane Heath in The Expository Times 123 (2011), p. 138"R.'s study is remarkably comprehensive and well-informed."Gitte Buch-Hansen in Theologische Revue 108 (2012), pp. 118-119"Rabens's relational approach is carefully argued and will be of particular use to specialists in Pauline pneumatology and ethics, although the implications [...] will cause this study to be of interest to other specializations within Pauline studies in particular and biblical studies in general (e.g., cosmology, anthropology, soteriology)."Matthew P. O'Reilly in Religious Studies Review 38 (2012), pp. 20-21"And here is the strength Rabens' work offers us. Not only is The Holy Spirit and Ethics in Paul the work of a competent Neutestamentler who is able to realistically place Paul in both his traditional and contemporary context, but it is also a model of what effective biblical theology can offer the Church in a wider conversation."Mark Saucy in Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research 4 (2012), pp. 109-122"Overall, R. provides a fascinating and convincing account of the work of the Spirit in the ethical transformation of the individual."Archie T. Wright in Journal for the Study of Judaism 44 (2013), pp. 117-118"Systematisch klar, begrifflich hochpräzise und mit einem Interesse weckenden Spannungsbogen im Aufbau seiner Arbeit nähert sich Rabens einem 'Glaubensthema' und beschreitet dabei den Weg von der Frage zu den Texten. […] Von der Gründlichkeit des Autors zeugt schließlich ein über 50-seitiger Appendix, der die Forschungsgeschichte der letzten 140 Jahre zum Thema 'Paulus und Ethik' aufarbeitet." Hildegard Scherer in Biblische Zeitschrift 56 (2012), S. 306"In der Paulus-Forschung wird die Beziehungs-Dimension in jüngerer Zeit zu Recht stärker wahrgenommen. In diesem Rahmen bietet Rabens' Arbeit eine wichtige und meines Erachtens notwendige Auseinandersetzung mit einem Paradigma der Paulus-Forschung, die zu Korrekturen nötigt."Stefan Schreiber in Biblische Notizen 152 (2012), S. 141
Nova Science Publishers Inc Contemporary Issues in Childhood Malnutrition
Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in a person's intake of energy and/or nutrients. Child malnutrition, in all its forms, includes undernutrition, which includes wasting (low weight-for-height), stunting (low height-for-age) and underweight (low weight-for-age), micronutrient-related malnutrition (a lack of important vitamins and minerals) or micronutrient excess, overweight, obesity, and resulting diet-related non-communicable diseases. Malnutrition is one of the most important factors for improper physical and mental development of children. One in every five children in the developing world is malnourished, and poor nutrition is associated with half of all child deaths worldwide. The problem of low or excessive body weight concerns countries with different levels of socio-economic development. This is a medical, social, and economic issue. Every country in the world is affected by one or more forms of malnutrition. Combating malnutrition in all its forms is one of the greatest global health challenges. Infants, children and adolescents are at particular risk of malnutrition. In children, malnutrition has particularly significant health consequences during both early development and adulthood. Malnutrition endangers children's survival, health, growth and development, slows national progress towards the developmental goals and thus diminishes the strength and capacity of nation. Malnutrition in terms of undernutrition is substantially higher in rural than in urban areas and children from indigenous populations often have the poorest nutritional status. The developmental, economic, social, and medical impacts of the global burden of malnutrition are serious and lasting for all involved including individuals and their families, communities and countries. Poor nutrition during the early years of life can also have severe consequences for subsequent skeletal and immunological development. Studies have demonstrated that undernutrition is not caused by food insecurity alone. Other factors range from the length of the breastfeeding period and the availability of milk oligosaccharides, pathogen exposure, and enteric dysfunction marked by villus atrophy and loss of gut barrier function. Differences in the succession of microbial establishment and maturity might contribute to family discordances in nutritional status. Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. Its prevalence has increased at an alarming rate. Globally, in 2016, the number of overweight children under the age of five is estimated to be over 41 million. Almost half of all overweight children under 5 lived in Asia. Overweight and obesity have been linked to adverse psychological and physical outcomes during childhood and continuing into adolescence and adulthood. The association between overweight and obesity with psychosocial problems (anxiety, depression and negative self-image), health problems (diabetes and cardiovascular events) and impaired social, educational and economic productivity has been well documented. Moreover, the negative impact of being underweight, overweight, or obese on the health and development of children and adolescents can also extend into adulthood, increasing the risk of chronic non-communicable diseases and disability. Overweight and obesity, as well as their related diseases, are largely preventable. Therefore prevention of childhood obesity is a high priority. The mechanism of development of obesity is not fully understood and it is believed to be a disorder with multiple causes. Environmental factors, lifestyle preferences, and cultural environment play pivotal roles in the rising prevalence of obesity worldwide. In general, overweight and obesity are assumed to be the result of an increase in caloric and fat intake. On the other hand, there are supporting evidence that excessive sugar intake by soft drink, increased portion size, and steady decline in physical activity have been playing major roles in the rising rates of obesity all around the world. Nutritional assessmentis the interpretation of anthropometric, biochemical, clinical and dietary data to determine whether a person or groups of people are well nourished or malnourished (over-nourished or under-nourished). Research can be aimed at identifying the various social, cultural, political, and economic factors of nutrition in order to fully understand the underlying causes of malnutrition. The social determinants of malnutrition can be explored through both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Furthermore, exploring the issues of food security, dietary diversity, and infant-feeding practices can provide a comprehensive understanding of a population's nutritional status.
Anomie Publishing Meekyoung Shin
London and Seoul-based Korean artist Meekyoung Shin (b.1967) is internationally renowned for her sculptures that probe the mis- and re-translations that often emerge when objects of distinct cultural and historical specificity are dislocated from their original context. Made from soap, her works replicate artefacts and canonical works of art, from Asian porcelain vases to Greek and Roman sculptures, translating between continents, cultures and centuries in the process. Meekyoung Shin was born in South Korea and completed her BFA and MFA at Seoul National University. In 1995, she moved to London to obtain her MFA at the Slade School of Art, University College London, and has since held solo exhibitions internationally including at Haunch of Venison, London (2010) and the Korean Cultural Centre UK, London (2013). She has participated in numerous group shows including at the Museum of Art and Design, New York, and the 2013 Asian Art Biennial in Taiwan. Her works are found in collections all over the world, including the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea. Shin was nominated for the Korea Artist Prize 2013. In this new monograph on the artist, Jonathan Watkins sets the scene for Shin’s solo exhibition at the Korean Cultural Centre UK in London in late autumn 2013, a stone’s throw from Nelson’s Column and the‘Fourth Plinth’ commission of Trafalgar Square. Context is essential to Shin’s practice, and indeed, to her identity. As she asserts: ‘I often identify myself as someone on the border between cultures’. Watkins eloquently introduces Shin’s major bodies of work whilst capturing the cultural complexity, exquisite craftsmanship, conceptual elegance and natural wit embodied within them. An essay by Ben Tufnell explores the cultural and historical references in Shin’s work over the past fifteen years. Taking Shin’s solo exhibition at Haunch of Venison in London in 2011 as his point of departure, he opens up questions of anthropology and museology, of what is exhibited where and when, by and for whom. His incisive analysis of Crouching Aphrodite (2002)– a life-size sculpture of the artist’s own body in the pose of the classical Venus of Vienne from the Louvre – raises issues of Eastern and Western culture, of originality and copying: ‘Being neither fully Asian nor fully Roman it inhabits a cultural limbo space.’ Tufnell explains, ‘Shin’s works are not simply replicas or reproductions but strange twins, uncanny avatars of their precursors.’ Curator and art historian Kyung An’s text offers an illuminating account of Shin’s Written in Soap: A Plinth Project (2012-ongoing), which takes the form of a remarkable public art project in which the artist recreates– out of soap – a large equestrian military statue of Prince William Augustus, the Duke of Cumberland, that once stood in Cavendish Square, London. Having initiated a project that contributes to debates on public monument building, Shin then created subsequent versions of the sculpture for display in Seoul and Taipei. As An asks, ‘what becomes of the monument when it is transplanted to a national museum dedicated to modern and contemporary art five thousand miles away?’ Jade Keunhye Lim’s essay unpicks the various strands of Shin’s Translation Series, from the classical Greek sculptures through to Toilet Project (2004-ongoing)– in which portrait busts made of soap are placed in the washrooms of galleries and museums for visitors to use when washing their hands – and Weathering Project (2009-ongoing), in which Shin locates her soap sculptures outdoors for them to be slowly eroded by the elements. Via cultural imperialism and the tastes of the affluent classes of the West, Keunhye Lim questions the value systems of objects and the logic of their accession into museums – questions that underpin Shin’s practice. How is beauty, cultural significance and financial value constructed, and how does this translate across cultures and time? This monograph, beautifully illustrated with over fifty colour and black and white images, was published by Anomie Publishing in collaboration with the Korean Cultural Centre UK, London, on the occasion of‘Unfixed: A solo exhibition by Meekyoung Shin’, held at the KCC from 12 November 2013 to 18 January 2014, curated by Jonathan Watkins. Published by Anomie Publishing in collaboration with the Korean Cultural Centre UK, London.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Perspectives on Rehabilitation and Dementia
The volume has ambitious scope and covers almost all potential supports and services. Most of the chapters have been written by professionals who work with people with dementia and their families, and most are British social workers and professionals allied-to-medicine (occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy).'- Ageing and Society'Marshall, in her introduction, states that the aim of the book is to strengthen the link between rehabilitation and dementia and to encourage the understanding that people with dementia do benefit from rehabilitation and treatment. The book clearly meets this aim with the contributors offering convincing arguments for the conceptualisation of dementia care as rehabilitation and the potential for improvements in symptoms and in quality of life for people with dementia... The book is accessible, easy to read, informative and provides practical information and new ideas useful for practitioners, services providers, commissioners and policy makers.'- Social Policy'This book has much to offer a range of professionals and those teaching them at post-qualifying levels.'- Journal of Interprofessional Care'The chapters give us a real and honest appraisal of the pains and possibilities of dementia. And David Jolley ends his chapter with what could be seen as a surprising statement that "Life with dementia is worth Living". His ideas sum up the tone of the book which asserts that people with dementia still have much to give but need help in order to maintain health, safety and dignity, and offers various practical therapeutic models that have been worked out in different settings... throughout the book we are encouraged to keep the person with dementia at the centre of care and to see them as a unique individual with a disability who needs help.'- Perspectives on Rehabilitation and Dementia'Service planners could gain from dipping in to this collection and testing the extent to which their current plans reflect the thinking shared by the authors. The importance of team working is stated throughout, and in an era of partnership working this provides yet another useful policy book on which to hang revised plans'- Community Care'Contributions from people with dementia and their families provide the central core of the text and anchor it firmly in reality. There is a unanimously positive approach to rehabilitation. Many of the authors focus on self esteem and confidence with many references to the need of teamwork. They also share the positive view of people with dementia, which concentrates on personhood focussing upon the whole person, drawing upon their strengths as well as taking into account declining abilities in some areas. This book is strongly recommended for health care professions, particularly nursing courses.'- London Centre for Dementia Care News 'The book explores the positive outcomes for people with dementia in terms of quality of life and self-esteem, especially if rehabilitation is seen as a positive philosophy of practice as well as a set of skills and approaches. It includes many different perspectives from a diverse group of professionals, carers and practitioners, and people with dementia themselves.'- Working with Older PeoplePerspectives on Rehabilitation and Dementia offers new insights into the application of a well-established approach and set of skills to a group of people who have traditionally been thought not to benefit from them. Indeed people with dementia have missed out on physical and psychological rehabilitation very substantially. This book demonstrates that rehabilitation has positive outcomes for people with dementia in terms of quality of life and self-esteem, especially if rehabilitation is seen as a positive philosophy of practice as well as a set of skills and approaches.The perspectives in this book are those of a very diverse group of professionals, carers, and people with dementia themselves. Professional backgrounds and the settings in which they work are diverse and include both academics and practitioners. The voices of people with dementia underline the importance of seeing how they understand rehabilitation for themselves.Professionals in almost all caring professions - nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, acute, geriatric and psychiatric medicine, psychology, social work and rehabilitation - will increasingly find themselves working with people with dementia. They need to be alert to the latest thinking on approaches and interventions. This book provides a readable course text for understanding both their own professional contribution and that of others in the team.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Self-Concept: Developmental, Social, and Clinical Considerations
Of related interest... SOCIAL ORIGINS OF MENTAL ABILITY —Gary Collier This volume is the first comprehensive, systematic survey of research into the non-hereditary influences on intelligence. Focusing on the cultural, environmental, and social influences on the development of mental abilities, Dr. Collier helps to advance the nurture side of the "nature vs. nurture" debate. He also offers a viable synthesis of supporting facts and ideas from the worlds of psychology, the psychology of personality, and cognitive psychology. This book will have a profound influence upon academe, the psychological community, educators, and policymakers. 1993 (0-471-30407-7) 320 pp. EGO DEFENSES: Theory and Measurement —Edited by Hope R. Conte and Robert Plutchik This book explores the nature and manifestations of defense mechanisms and traces ego defense theory and research from Freud's initial conceptualization through recent work in object-relations theory and other psychoanalytically oriented approaches. It provides clinical guidelines for diagnosing, assessing, and dealing with defenses, reviews empirical research techniques, and indicates their value in development and in psychotherapy. This volume should be of value to theoreticians, clinicians, and researchers interested in finding appropriate tools for measurement of defense mechanisms. 1994 (0-471-05233-7) 352 pp. A THEORY OF PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT —Luciano L'Abate with Charles H. Bryson Luciano L'Abate's theories are rooted in social interactions and life experiences, unlike the more traditional, somewhat metaphysical theories of personality development. In this groundbreaking work, he brings to light the heart of his theory, that the ability to love and to negotiate are the sine qua non of personal competence, with the family as the major determinant of both. This book is essential reading for personality researchers, students, and all psychologists in clinical, developmental, abnormal, and social psychology. 1993 (0-471-30303-8) 336 pp. Handbook of Self-Concept "If we could see ourselves as others see us, we would vanish on the spot." —E. M. Cioran It is one of the most intimate of realities and the slipperiest of abstractions. For Sartre it was a double negative and for B. F. Skinner, a set of learned responses. Among exponents of artificial intelligence it is the Oz at the end of the rainbow, while for Voltaire it was an unavoidable pathology. And, ever since William James first identified consciousness of self as a discrete psychological phenomenon, more than a century ago, it has been the source of intense speculation and debate among psychologists. In the past twenty years alone, over 11,000 studies have been conducted on various aspects of self-concept. Much progress has been made, and a general consensus has been reached about many of its aspects, yet, many fundamental questions remain unanswered, such as: What exactly do we mean when we say "self"? Is self-concept an aspect of a broader cognitive self-system, or is it best defined in behavioral terms? How valuable is self-concept to clinical practice? What roles do age, race, gender, and sociocultural variables play in self-concept? Bringing together contributions from leading researchers and clinicians from a broad range of psychological disciplines, this book provides answers to these and other important questions concerning self-concept. It explores all theoretical and applied aspects of self-concept, offering a balanced synthesis of the vast body of information on the subject that has accumulated since the 1970s. Chapters address each of the six primary self-concept domains (competence, social, affect, academic, family, and physical) with an emphasis on the clinical significance of each. In the chapter on clinical assessment, existing self-concept scales are subjected to in-depth quantitative and qualitative review, and readers are provided with standardized tables for organizing the principal characteristics reviewed and comparing individual test results. In the concluding chapter, Dr. Bracken describes the clinical applications of a multidimensional, context-dependent model that facilitates the synthesis of information across instruments (including more than 70 psychoeducational tests and scales provided in an appendix) and informants. Providing practical answers to many of the most important questions about self-concept, Handbook of Self-Concept is essential reading for personality psychologists as well as researchers and educators in developmental, clinical, and social psychology.
Hal Leonard Corporation Leonard, Marianne, and Me: Magical Summers on Hydra
In 1973, Judy Scott was intent on traveling to Istanbul, but serendipitously she stumbled onto the incomparable Greek island of Hydra and the people who would continue, over many subsequent visits, to enhance and influence her life ever after.This memoir, based on notebooks and journals Scott kept during various times and visits to her favorite place on earth, recounts in very intimate detail her interactions and developing relationships with singer/songwriter Leonard Cohen and his beautiful muse and “love of his life” Marianne Ihlen. As Leonard himself observed of this book when Scott sent the manuscript to him for his approval: “I particularly admire the detail and honesty of the piece.” One of the more unique features in this recounting is the emerging acknowledgment the author confronts of her own sexuality, as she recounts: “It did not take long for Leonard to recognize that I was more attracted to Marianne than I was to him, though I came to love him too in the end.” And indeed it was Marianne herself, who sought out and fostered Scott’s interest and affection. After a shocking interlude at Marianne’s 38th birthday party, Scott writes: “After that, my life on Hydra was all about Marianne.” But it was Leonard’s interest, his kindness and generosity that signified her lifelong love and respect for the real private person who was Leonard Cohen. Robert Kory, Leonard’s executor, told Scott when they met to discuss several edits the Cohen family had requested: “Your story details a side of Leonard and a phase in his life that no other biography or coverage of the public person he was captures. And it lovingly depicts and lets me see the person he was at 38, long before I made his acquaintance and got to experience the musical and literary genius, and whose legacy I’m now dedicated to preserving.”The book also goes into a detailed description of Hydra in the early 1970s. A unique place filled with astonishing physical beauty and an incomparable atmosphere of serenity and peaceful energy. Hydra is the only inhabited Greek island with no cars (they are forbidden), no automotive transportation at all. All the roads on the three large hills that circle the small deep-water yacht port contain stairs or steps that make traversing by wheeled vehicles impossible. This absence of gas-powered vehicles and motors was also the reason Hydra attracted so many artists; it was the light, the unfiltered magical “Greek light” absent noxious fumes that presented some of the purist images on earth. The island also contained a small foreign community of like-minded creative souls, artists, musicians, writers and their supporters and admirers. As Scott explains: “Hydra in the late ’60s early ’70s was at its creative zenith. Like Paris in the ’30s, Harlem in the ’40s, Greenwich Village in the ’50s, San Francisco in the ’60s—Hydra in the ’70s was the place to be.”The memoir, though it centers on her most important, most impactful interactions with Leonard and Marianne, also contains several portraits of other Hydra habitués, all members of the same small ex-pat community, all close friends (and occasional lovers) of Leonard and Marianne, all uniquely interesting in their own right. From George Lialios, the wealthy Greek man the book is dedicated to (whom Scott met first on the island and who introduced her to all the others contained in these pages) to Alexis Bolens, the Swiss/Greek handsome lothario, who’d worked as a mercenary in Rhodesia and a plantation manager in South Africa, from Lindsey Callicoatt, the writer, artisan and most beloved of all the foreign community, to George Slater, irascible poet, sea captain and brilliant curry maker—there are many characters who all contributed to the “Hydra family” that Scott lovingly recalls. This book is both a story of a special time, place and cast of characters—a travelogue of an enchanted island as it was back then and still is to this day, backlit by the glow of Leonard Cohen and his muse, Marianne.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd First Steps Box Set: 10 book set
AN INTERACTIVE GUIDE AND INTRODUCTION TO THE CHRISTIAN LIFE – WARTS AND ALL! The First Steps series provides an innovative and engaging guide to the Christian Life for people who are just starting out on it, perhaps with no Church background or previous information whatsoever. Possibly excited and nervous at the same time. Each of the ten titles uses everyday language to clearly explain some of the key areas people need to grasp, but commonly struggle with. A unique feature is that you are introduced to a person in each book, who we see trying this out in real life situations. You can almost imagine being there with them. These ten titles can be followed step–by–step as a path, or in the order that seems most relevant to where you are right now. God – Is He Out There? War – Why Did Life Just Get Harder? Voices – Who Am I Listening To? Bible – Can We Trust It? Believe – What Should I Know? Character – How Do I Change? Training – How Do I Grow As A Christian? Church – Do I Have To Go? Relationships – How Do I Make Things Right? Service – How Do I Give Back? Each book will grab your attention using six symbols that run throughout each one. A person experiencing what’s in the book, before you have to. Illustrations that really bring it to life. Stop signs to ensure you’ve grasped it. Key Bible verses to give you confidence in what you’ve read. One significant and relevant Bible verse to easily remember and hold onto. A brief summary of what you’ve just covered, before going any further. Let’s jump in and take a look at what’s instore for us. GOD – IS HE OUT THERE? Probably the best title to start with as we need to be sure that God exists in the first place, discover who He is and what He’s like, and how this affects me, my life and my world. WAR – WHY DID LIFE JUST GET HARDER? As with anything that is new, we may come up against unexpected problems that risk throwing us off course. Being aware of this is key, and also knowing that anything this amazing is worth fighting for, combined with the surprising news is we’re not left to do this on our own! VOICES – WHO AM I LISTENING TO? We’re bombarded with messages demanding our attention and it can be difficult to know who to listen to, or what is the best decision to make. God is well aware of this and has provided loads of clarity. BIBLE – CAN WE TRUST IT? The Bible may have all the answers we’re looking for, but if we don’t trust it, we’re not going to believe it. How can we be sure it’s true and trustworthy? BELIEVE – WHAT SHOULD I KNOW? Nobody understands the whole Bible right away – so what are some of the key truths we need to grasp, to get started? CHARACTER – HOW DO I CHANGE? None of us wants to be a hypocrite, so how can my character match who I say I am? TRAINING – HOW DO I GROW AS A CHRISTIAN? This looks at the wonderful opportunities we get, to grow and mature as a Christian, at just the right time and pace. CHURCH – DO I HAVE TO GO? Here comes a trick issue! Love it or dread it, it is home for the Christian on this planet. Let’s blow away some myths and false expectations, so we can really feel at home there. RELATIONSHIPS – HOW DO I MAKE THINGS RIGHT? How do we deal, as different people now, with all the various relationships we have? How can we heal broken ones, protect all the ones that are good, and accept that some will always be difficult? SERVICE – HOW DO I GIVE BACK? We’re told its good to give back, but what does that actually mean and how do we do it? Especially when we have to serve people we have a problem with. SUITABLE FOR: People Exploring For Themselves One–To–One Mentoring Small Group Discussions Training Courses
Small Beer Press Hound: a novel
"Death was, after all, the way Henry made his living." A bookhound, Henry Sullivan buys and sells books he finds at estate auctions and library sales around Boston and often from the relatives of the recently deceased. He's in his late thirties, single, and comfortably set in his ways. But when a woman from his past, Morgan Johnson, calls to ask him to look at her late husband's books, he is drawn into the dark machinations of a family whose mixed loyalties and secret history will have fatal results. Hound, the first novel featuring Henry Sullivan, is the debut work of a longtime Boston bookseller. It is a paean to books, bookselling, and the transformative power of the printed word. Even as it evolves into a gripping murder mystery, it is also a reminder that there are still quiet corners of the world where the rhythms of life are calmer, where there's still time for reading, time for getting out for a beer with friends, time to investigate the odd details of lives lived on the edges of the book world. As the true story unfolds, its mysteries are also of the everyday sort: love found and love lost, life given and life taken away. At the center is Henry himself, with his troubled relationships and his love of old books. There's his landlady Mrs. Prowder whose death unsettles Henry's life and begins the sequence of events that overturns it. There's the secret room his friend Albert discovers while doing "refuse removal," a room that reveals the story of a woman who lived and loved a century ago. And throughout the novel are those of us whose lives revolve around books: the readers, writers, bookstore people, and agents-as well as Henry, the bookhound, always searching for the great find, but usually just getting by, happy enough to be in the pursuit. "McCaffrey, the owner of Boston's legendary Avenue Victor Hugo Bookshop, succeeds in conveying his love of books in his intriguing debut." -Publishers Weekly "Hound is billed as a mystery, and it's a good one, but its fuse is long and its pace befitting an old bookshop. That's a good thing. There's something charismatic and timeless about the way the story builds and McCaffrey opens Henry's life to the reader. It wasn't until the action started to heat up about 100 or so pages in that we remembered we were reading a mystery at all. And while we're a little tired of books about books and the people who love them-which often come off more as marketing initiatives- McCaffrey is never cloying or playing to demographic. He's just telling a compelling, old-school yarn, the kind of story a man who knows his literature tells." -Time Out Chicago "Vincent McCaffrey's debut mystery is crammed with stories, with likable, eccentric characters, much like his marvelous Avenue Victor Hugo Bookshop-of all the bookstores in the world, the one I still miss most of all. Like all good mysteries, Hound concerns more than murder: it's rich in detail and knowledgeable asides about bookselling, the world of publishing, and life lived in the pubs, shabby apartments, penthouses, and strange corners of the city of Boston." -Kelly Link, author of Pretty Monsters "McCaffrey's bookseller, Henry Sullivan, is as endearing, frustrating, and compelling a character I've come across in some time. Hound is more than Henry's show, however. It's a slow burn murder mystery, a sharp character study, a detailed exploration of Boston, and a mediation on the secrets of history-both personal and universal. But I'm wasting our precious time trying to pigeonhole his wonderful first novel. Hound is, quite simply, a great book." -Paul Tremblay, author of The Little Sleep. Vincent McCaffrey has owned and operated the Avenue Victor Hugo Bookshop for more than thirty years, first in Boston, and now online from Abington, Massachusetts. He has been paid by others to do lawn work, shovel snow, paint houses, and to be an office-boy, warehouse grunt, dishwasher, waiter, and hotel night clerk. He has since chosen at various times to be a writer, editor, publisher, and bookseller. He can still remember the first time he sold books for money in 1963-and what most of those books were. Hound is his first novel.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Proofs and Fundamentals: A First Course in Abstract Mathematics
“Proofs and Fundamentals: A First Course in Abstract Mathematics” 2nd edition is designed as a "transition" course to introduce undergraduates to the writing of rigorous mathematical proofs, and to such fundamental mathematical ideas as sets, functions, relations, and cardinality. The text serves as a bridge between computational courses such as calculus, and more theoretical, proofs-oriented courses such as linear algebra, abstract algebra and real analysis. This 3-part work carefully balances Proofs, Fundamentals, and Extras. Part 1 presents logic and basic proof techniques; Part 2 thoroughly covers fundamental material such as sets, functions and relations; and Part 3 introduces a variety of extra topics such as groups, combinatorics and sequences. A gentle, friendly style is used, in which motivation and informal discussion play a key role, and yet high standards in rigor and in writing are never compromised. New to the second edition: 1) A new section about the foundations of set theory has been added at the end of the chapter about sets. This section includes a very informal discussion of the Zermelo– Fraenkel Axioms for set theory. We do not make use of these axioms subsequently in the text, but it is valuable for any mathematician to be aware that an axiomatic basis for set theory exists. Also included in this new section is a slightly expanded discussion of the Axiom of Choice, and new discussion of Zorn's Lemma, which is used later in the text. 2) The chapter about the cardinality of sets has been rearranged and expanded. There is a new section at the start of the chapter that summarizes various properties of the set of natural numbers; these properties play important roles subsequently in the chapter. The sections on induction and recursion have been slightly expanded, and have been relocated to an earlier place in the chapter (following the new section), both because they are more concrete than the material found in the other sections of the chapter, and because ideas from the sections on induction and recursion are used in the other sections. Next comes the section on the cardinality of sets (which was originally the first section of the chapter); this section gained proofs of the Schroeder–Bernstein theorem and the Trichotomy Law for Sets, and lost most of the material about finite and countable sets, which has now been moved to a new section devoted to those two types of sets. The chapter concludes with the section on the cardinality of the number systems. 3) The chapter on the construction of the natural numbers, integers and rational numbers from the Peano Postulates was removed entirely. That material was originally included to provide the needed background about the number systems, particularly for the discussion of the cardinality of sets, but it was always somewhat out of place given the level and scope of this text. The background material about the natural numbers needed for the cardinality of sets has now been summarized in a new section at the start of that chapter, making the chapter both self-contained and more accessible than it previously was. 4) The section on families of sets has been thoroughly revised, with the focus being on families of sets in general, not necessarily thought of as indexed. 5) A new section about the convergence of sequences has been added to the chapter on selected topics. This new section, which treats a topic from real analysis, adds some diversity to the chapter, which had hitherto contained selected topics of only an algebraic or combinatorial nature. 6) A new section called ``You Are the Professor'' has been added to the end of the last chapter. This new section, which includes a number of attempted proofs taken from actual homework exercises submitted by students, offers the reader the opportunity to solidify her facility for writing proofs by critiquing these submissions as if she were the instructor for the course. 7) All known errors have been corrected. 8) Many minor adjustments of wording have been made throughout the text, with the hope of improving the exposition.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Pesher Nahum
Contained herein are 25 articles (20 in English, 5 in Hebrew) that, like the academic oeuvre of volume's honoree, span a broad array of topics within the fields of Hebraica, Judaica, and Biblica. The specific categories represented and the contributions they contain are: biography (Joel L. Kraemer presents a portrait of the honoree; Walter E. Kaegi shares personal reminiscences of Carl Herman Kraeling); text editions and translations, with analysis (Haggai Ben-Shammai analyzes and publishes a partial editio princeps of one of the early Judeao-Arabic endeavors to achieve a rapprochement between biblical and Graeco-Arab philosophy; Paul B. Fenton analyzes and publishes the editio princeps of a newly identified esoteric epistle from the hand of David II Maimondies; Mordechai A. Friedman analyzes and offers some new insights on four Geniza letters concerning the transfer of money to the well-known litterateur Judah ha-Levi; Israel M. Sandman analyzes and presents a critical edition of four fragments from Abraham Bar Hayya's Book of Intercalation that represent his harmonization of science and biblical exegesis; Michael G. Wechsler presents an editio princeps of 10 newly identified fragments of Saadia Gaon's commentary on the book of Esther as well an analysis and translation of those fragments, accompanied by an inventory of all known fragments of Saadia's commentary on that book); grammar/lexicography (Joshua Blau surveys certain vocables in Classical Arabic that sometimes have a different meaning in Judaeo-Arabic), exegesis, philosophy, theology, and polemics (Elinoar Bareket surveys the factors underlying the tendency of medieval Jewish writers to identify the names of biblical people and places with contemporary equivalents; Rachel Elior examines the Jewish realm of memory surrounding the Day of Atonement; Nahem Ilan analyzes Saadia Gaon's interpretation of Proverbs 30:10-17 with a view to his anti-Karaite polemical tendency, providing as well a structural outline of Saadia's introduction to Proverbs; Eve Krakowski considers the Karaite view of the history of the biblical text and the relevance of this view to their own collective self-conception, including a critical reassessment of the view that the Karaites were influenced by certain Dead Sea Scroll texts; Abraham Lipshitz critically assesses the notion that Abraham ibn Ezra held to a Philonic view of an infinitely durative rather than completed act of creation; Meira Polliack analyzes the relationship between Yefet b. Eli and Daniel al-Q?mis? in their exegetical approaches to biblical prophecy); history of modern scholarship (María Angeles Gallego presents an overview of the stages of modern European research -- beginning in the 18th century -- on medieval Judaeo-Arabic, with specific emphasis on Iberian Spanish scholarship), Jewish socio-cultural history (Moshe Gil provides a glimpse into the state of food commerce in the Geniza community from the evidence of merchants' letters; Joshua Holo considers the evidence for Gershom b. Judah's Italian extraction and its relevance for understanding the origin of Ashkenazic Jewish culture; Benjamin Z. Kedar evaluates the evidence for the timing of the relocation of the Tiberian Yeshiva first to Ramla and then to Jerusalem; Norman A. Stillman provides a comparative survey of the Islamic and Jewish perspectives on corporal modesty); textual criticism (Daniel J. Lasker surveys and assesses the history of a specific textual variation in Judah ha-Levi's Book of the Kuzari); codicological-textual history (Paul Saenger analyzes the relationship between chapter divisions of the Pentateuch in Christian -- especially Latin -- Bibles and those in Jewish tradition); Dead Sea Scrolls (Anthony J. Tomasino critically evaluates the formation and support data for the current consensus regarding the messianic nature of 4Q246; Michael O. Wise analyzes the content and dating of the manuscripts from Murabba'at and considers their contribution to our knowledge of various personalities both living during and involved in the First and Second Jewish Revolts); and historiography (Isaac Kalimi assesses the historiographical method of the writer of the book of Chronicles in light of both inner-canonical and extra-biblical considerations). Also included is a comprehensive bibliography of the honoree's works as well as discrete indexes of manuscripts, biblical references, classical and medieval works, and general items.
Baker Publishing Group We Hope for Better Things
A 2020 Michigan Notable Book 2020 WFWA Star Award Winner 2019 Christy Award finalist *** "In this powerful first novel . . . Bartels successfully weaves American history into a deeply moving story of heartbreak, long-held secrets, and the bonds of family."--Publishers Weekly, Starred Review "A forbidden interracial marriage, an escaped slave, an expectant mother waiting for her Union soldier to return--all of these stories are deftly told by Bartels, as she explores the hard realities of racism and its many faces during various eras of American history. . . .Compelling characters make this winning debut also appealing for fans of general historical fiction."--Library Journal "Bartels' debut tells the story of three Balsam women, each of a different era, told against the backdrop of racism and violence in America. . . .will appeal to fans of faith-based women's fiction authors like Colleen Coble."--Booklist ***** When Detroit Free Press reporter Elizabeth Balsam meets James Rich, his strange request--that she look up a relative she didn't know she had in order to deliver an old camera and a box of photos--seems like it isn't worth her time. But when she loses her job after a botched investigation, she suddenly finds herself with nothing but time. At her great-aunt's 150-year-old farmhouse north of Detroit, Elizabeth uncovers a series of mysterious items, locked doors, and hidden graves. As she searches for answers to the riddles around her, the remarkable stories of two women who lived in this very house emerge as testaments to love, resilience, and courage in the face of war, racism, and misunderstanding. And as Elizabeth soon discovers, the past is never as past as we might like to think. Debut novelist Erin Bartels takes readers on an emotional journey through time--from the volatile streets of 1960s Detroit to the Michigan's Underground Railroad during the Civil War--to uncover the past, confront the seeds of hatred, and discover where love goes to hide. ***** "We Hope for Better Things has it all: fabulous storytelling, an emotional impact that lingers long after you turn the last page, and a setting that immerses you. I haven't read such a powerful, moving story since I read To Kill a Mockingbird in high school. This book will change how you look at the world we live in. Highly recommended!"--Colleen Coble, USAToday bestselling author of the Rock Harbor series and The View from Rainshadow Bay "A timely exploration of race in America, We Hope for Better Things is an exercise of empathy that will shape many a soul."--Julie Cantrell, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Perennials "I applaud [Erin's] courage, her authenticity, her beautiful turn of phrase, the freshness of her imagery, and the depth of her story that speaks to a contemporary world where understanding is often absent. We Hope for Better Things is a remarkable debut novel."--Jane Kirkpatrick, award-winning author of Everything She Didn't Say "Erin Bartels's We Hope for Better Things shares the joys and sorrows of three women from different generations. A roller coaster of emotions awaits as you share the lives of these women and hope along with them for better things."--Ann H. Gabhart, bestselling author of River to Redemption "Storytelling at its finest. Erin Bartels delivers a riveting story of forbidden love, family bonds, racial injustice, and the power of forgiveness. We Hope for Better Things is a timely, sobering, moving account of how far we've come . . . and how much distance remains to be covered. A compulsively readable, incredibly powerful novel."--Lori Nelson Spielman, New York Times bestselling author of The Life List "There is the Detroit we think we know, and there is the Detroit full of stories that are never brought to the forefront. With We Hope for Better Things, Erin Bartels brings full circle an understanding of contemporary Detroit firmly rooted in the past, with enthralling characters and acute attention to detail. It's a must not just for Detroit lovers but also for those who need to understand that Detroit history is also American history."--Aaron Foley, city of Detroit's chief storyteller and editor of The Detroit Neighborhood Guidebook
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Silent Grief: Living in the Wake of Suicide
This book gives insights into the pain and suffering involved when people are grieving for someone who has committed suicide, but it also offers hope without diminishing the significance of the suffering involved. As such, it has a lot to offer, and is therefore to be welcomed.'- Well-Being'This book provides deep and valuable insight into the experiences of "suicide survivors" - those who have been left behind by the suicide of friend, family member or loved one.'- Therapy Today'The personal stories are full of pathos interest and will clarify where the death leaves those left behind. The list of self-help groups is world wide and it will be useful that you can point the bereaved and traumatized in the right direction.'- Accident and Emergency Nursing Journal'The authors describe powerfully the effect of suicide on survivors and the world of silence, shame, guilt and depression that can follow. Author Christopher Lake is a suicide survivor and co-author Henry Seiden is an experienced therapist and educator.They use sensitive and unambiguous language to provide an understanding of what it is like to live in the wake of suicide and the struggle to make sense of the world. They also look at how survivors might actively respond to their situation, rather than being passive victims. This book should be read by any professional who is likely to come into contact with people affected by suicide.'- Nursing Standard, October 2007'The book is well written and relevant to both survivors and professionals concerned for the welfare of those bereaved by suicide.'- SOBS (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide) Newsletter'Silent grief is a book for and about "suicide survivors," defined as people who have experienced the death of a friend or relative through suicide, and for anyone who wants to understand what survivors go through. The book explains the profound, traumatic effect suicide has on individuals bereaved in such circumstances. Using verbatim quotes from survivors it explains how they experience feelings of shame, guilt, anger, doubt, isolation and depression. This book provides good insight into the experience of individuals affected by suicide and can be a useful resource to anybody working with such people - be it prisoners who have lost someone close through suicide or the family of a prisoner following a self-inflicted death in prison.- National Offender Management Service. Safer Custody News. Safer Custody Group. May/June 2007Silent Grief is a book for and about "suicide survivors" - those who have been left behind by the suicide of a friend or loved one.Author Christopher Lukas is a suicide survivor himself - several members of his family have taken their own lives - and the book draws on his own experiences, as well as those of numerous other suicide survivors. These inspiring personal testimonies are combined with the professional expertise of Dr. Henry M. Seiden, a psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist.The authors present information on common experiences of bereavement, grief reactions and various ways of coping. Their message is that it is important to share one's experience of "survival" with others and they encourage survivors to overcome the perceived stigma or shame associated with suicide and to seek support from self-help groups, psychotherapy, family therapy, Internet support forums or simply a friend or family member who will listen.This revised edition has been fully updated and describes new forms of support including Internet forums, as well as addressing changing societal attitudes to suicide and an increased willingness to discuss suicide publicly.Silent Grief gives valuable insights into living in the wake of suicide and provides useful strategies and support for those affected by a suicide, as well as professionals in the field of psychology, social work, and medicine.
Hay House Inc Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon
A WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER by DR. JOE DISPENZA , the author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo, as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain. Becoming Supernatural draws on epigenetics, quantum physics & neuroscience research conducted at his advanced workshops since 2012 to explore how common people are doing the uncommon to transform their consciousness, mindset, and beliefs to heal and live SUPERNATURAL lives. “From a gifted scientist and passionate teacher, this unique and practical guide shows us—step by step—how to move beyond the limits of the known and into an extraordinary new life.” — Tony Robbins, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Unshakeable Becoming Supernatural marries some of the most profound scientific information with ancient spiritual wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life. Readers will learn that we are, quite literally supernatural by nature if given the proper knowledge and instruction, and when we learn how to apply that information through various healing meditations, we should experience a greater expression of our creative abilities. We have the capacity to tune in to frequencies beyond our material world and receive more orderly coherent streams of consciousness and energy; that we can intentionally change our brain chemistry to initiate profoundly mystical transcendental experiences; and how, if we do this enough times, we can develop the skill of creating a more efficient, balanced, healthy body, a more unlimited mind, and greater access to the quantum field and the realms of spiritual truth. Topics include: • Demystifying the body’s 7 energy centers and how you can balance them to heal • How to free yourself from the past by reconditioning your body to a new mind • How you can create reality in the generous present moment by changing your energy • The difference between third-dimension creation and fifth-dimension creation • The secret science of the pineal gland and its role in accessing mystical realms of reality • The distinction between Space-Time vs. Time-Space realities • And much more Chapters include:· Opening the Door to the Supernatural· The Present Moment· Tuning In to New Potentials in the Quantum· Blessing of the Energy Centers· Reconditioning the Body to a New Mind· Case Studies: Living Examples of Truth· Heart Intelligence· Mind Movies/Kaleidoscope· Walking Meditation· Case Studies: Making It Real· Space-Time and Time-Space· The Pineal Gland· Project Coherence: Making a Better World· Case Studies: It Could Happen to YouUsing tools and disciplines ranging from cutting-edge physics to practical exercises such as a walking meditation, Dr. Joe offers nothing less than a proven program for stepping outside our physical reality and into the quantum field of infinite possibilities. “Dr. Joe Dispenza is a doctor, a scientist, and a modern-day mystic. . . . In a style that is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand, [he] has woven into a single volume the paradigm-altering discoveries of quantum science and the deep teachings that adepts of the past dedicated their entire lifetimes to master.” — from the foreword by Gregg Braden, New York Times best-selling author of Human by Design and The Divine Matrix “I wrote this book to take what I’ve always thought was possible to the next level of understanding. I wanted to demonstrate to the world that we can create better lives for ourselves—and that we are not linear beings living linear lives, but dimensional beings living dimensional lives. Hopefully, reading it will help you understand that you already have all the anatomy, chemistry, and physiology you need to become supernatural sitting latent within you, waiting to be awakened and activated.” - Dr. Joe Dispenza New York Times best-selling author Researcher of epigenetics, quantum physics & neuroscience
APress The Blockchain Alternative: Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Theory
Examine what would happen if we were to deploy blockchain technology at the sovereign level and use it to create a decentralized cashless economy. This book explains how finance and economics work today, and how the convergence of various technologies related to the financial sector can help us find solutions to problems, such as excessive debt creation, banks getting too big to fail, and shadow banking. The Blockchain Alternative offers sensible corrections to outdated and incorrect dogmas, such as the efficient markets hypothesis and rational expectations theory. You’ll also be introduced to universal basic income, the consequences of going cashless, why complexity economics needs to be understood and what kinds of tools and theories you'll need to redefine the existing definition of capitalism. While the book does discuss technologies and methods that are primed for our future, a number of references are made to economic history and the works of great thinkers from a different era. You’ll see how the blockchain can be used to deploy solutions that were devised in the past, but which can serve as the antidote to our current economic malaises. You'll discover that what is required today is not an adaptation of the old theories, but a new methodology that is suited to this new era. Without undertaking such an endeavor, one will always be burdened with a definition of capitalism that is out of kilter with the evolution of our digital humanity. What would this mean to monetary and fiscal policy, market structure and our current understanding of economics? More importantly would we need to change our current understanding of capitalism? And if we were to change our perceptions, what would the future version look like? This book answers these questions, and analyses some of the most pertinent issues of our generation. What You’ll Learn Examine fractional banking, debt, and the financialization of assets Gain a firm understanding of the “too big to fail” theory, smart contracts, and Fintech Review economics and agent-based modelling Use the blockchain and complexity economics to rethink economics and capitalistic systems Who This Book Is ForThe primary audience is bankers and other finance professionals, policy makers, and students of finance and economics. The secondary audience is anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the current financial system, the blockchain, and the future of capitalism.Praise for The Blockchain Alternative“…a bold and pioneering effort to make sense of how emerging digital technologies might be used to reshape public policies, including macroeconomic and social policies, in basic ways. Everyone interested in this very important emerging question should read this book."- Dr. Sanjay G. Reddy, Associate Professor of Economics at The New School for Social Research and Research Associate of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University.“Writing on blockchain today is analogous to writing about the internet, before it became massively distributed. The book pushes us to think about the quantum leap that this technology may infer to our capitalist model, if scaled at the pace described by the book. Written with the support of strong empirical models but also with an open mind towards the future, this is a must read for anyone interested in becoming part of the new economic infrastructure”- Dr. Mark Esposito, Harvard University’s Division of Continuing Education & Judge Business School, University of Cambridge“With a rigorously balanced dosage of versatility and rationale we are allured into a multifaceted trajectory across ingrained yet functionally arcane economic models, only to plunge into a conceptually revolutionary realm which irreversibly stimulates us into envisaging a fascinating novel scheme of world order”. - Ioana Surpateanu, Political Adviser to the European Parliament“If there is only one book that I am reading on how blockchain is going to change our lives, it will have to be "The Blockchain Alternative."- Dr. Terence Tse, Associate Professor of Finance, ESCP Europe Business School
Wolters Kluwer Health Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society Core Curriculum: Wound Management
Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society Core Curriculum Wound Management, 2nd Edition Based on the curriculum blueprint of the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing Education Programs (WOCNEP) and approved by the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society™ (WOCN®), this practical text for wound assessment and management is your perfect source for expert guidance, training and wound, ostomy, and continence (WOC) certification exam preparation. Written by expert clinicians, Core Curriculum Wound Management, 2nd Edition is one of the few nursing texts to offer the basic pathology, physiology and current clinical skills required for high-level wound care. Chapter features include: Objectives at the start of each chapter, Key Points that expand on important concepts, Tables that offer clinical guidelines and care strategies, Case Studies that optimize clinical decision-making, and End-of-Chapter Review Q&A’s — multiple choice questions followed by answers and rationales.This is essential content for those seeking WOC certification, including nursing students in wound care programs; nurses involved in wound care; nurses in gastroenterology, urology, and surgical nursing; graduate nursing students and nursing faculty. Incorporating the latest developments in clinical practice, this evidence-based content is your complete map to gaining WOC certification — and to providing safe, optimal patient care. Follow evidence-based best practices with this top-level nursing guide to wound care … NEW chapter on professional practice NEW chapter on incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) Easy-to-follow format that breaks down pathology, physiology and patient management topics into easy-to-remember terms Numerous illustrations, full-color photos and tables Evidence-based guidelines that address all crucial facets of wound care nursing, including: General principles of wound management – goal-setting and systemic support Wound cleansing and dressing selection Skin and wound care for various populations – neonatal and pediatric, geriatric, bariatric, spinal cord–injured patients Management of surgical wounds Nutritional strategies Pathology and management of venous, arterial and neuropathic wounds Principles and guidelines for wound debridement Assessment and management of wound-related infections and traumatic wounds Prevention and management of moisture-associated skin damage, medical adhesive-related skin injury and skin tears Pressure injury prevention Fistula management Your purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook. The eBook includes powerful search tools, the ability to annotatecontent, videos, and additional resources. It can be downloaded to three devices, and easily converted to an audiobook. About the Clinical Editors Laurie McNichol, MSN, RN, CNS, GNP, CWOCN, CWON-AP, FAAN is a Clinical Nurse Specialist and WOC nurse at Cone Health in Greensboro, North Carolina. She was Co-Editor of the Core Curriculum Wound Care, first edition. She is a past President of the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses SocietyTM (WOCN®) and the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP®). She has authored numerous key publications and is a well-known lecturer in the areas of wound, ostomy and continence management, and professional practice for the WOC nurse. Catherine R. Ratliff, PhD, RN, GNP-BC, CWOCN, CFCN, FAAN is a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner with more than 25 years of wound care experience and research. A former Program Director for a WOCNEP offering graduate credits at the UVA School of Nursing, she is widely published in the field of wound and ostomy care and serves as Ostomy Section Editor for the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing (JWOCN®). Stephanie S. Yates, MSN, RN, ANP-BC, CWOCN is an Adult Nurse Practitioner and WOC Nurse at Duke University Hospital Cancer Center. She previously practiced in acute care and outpatient wound care. She is a past President of the Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society TM (WOCN®). She has lectured locally, regionally and nationally, and published wound care-related articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Merrell Publishers Ltd London of the Future
The proposals in London of the Future aim to predict and prescribe how the metropolis might be governed, organized, and designed in years to come and to provoke debate among planners, architects, and developers. Over the course of eighteen essays, experts in various fields - engineering, urbanism, architecture, manufacturing, futurology, journalism, and more - examine possibilities for reimagining and improving many aspects of the city. These writers consider changes both radical and minor that could shape London into a more resilient city and a fairer, healthier place to live. The architectural commentator Peter Murray provides an engaging introduction. Discussing some of the more interesting and, in some cases, eccentric proposals of the earlier book, he paves the way for an entirely new and up-to-date collection of ideas for the twenty-first century and beyond. The architectural critic and consultant Hugh Pearman ponders the dangers and uses of prediction while proposing that London be improved and made more liveable, rather than expanded and developed. The architect Carolyn Steel continues the focus on making the city a more pleasant place to live by discussing the future of its food supplies, considering the place of farming within the city's boundaries to spearhead urban renewal in a newly environmental age. The engineer Roma Agrawal advocates increasing cross-disciplinary understanding in the building and engineering world so that tomorrow's engineers can be curious without boundaries. Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara of the architectural practice Grafton interrogate the meaning of permanence, and what London's inhabitants will need from their buildings, and the urbanist Kat Hanna discusses the future of two of London's identities: the Central Business District and the Financial Services Hub. Mark Brearley, an architect and proprietor of a long-established London manufacturer, writes on the subject of the local high street and how the city is strengthened by these social, commercial hubs. Gillian Darley, a writer and historian, looks at the future of heritage, and how the city's past can be conserved and contribute towards its future. Sarah Ichioka is an environmental and social consultant, and her approach focuses on the climate emergency and natural solutions to make the city more resilient. The architect Indy Johar puts forward radical ideas about the shift that is required of all London's inhabitants if the city is to transform itself for the future, and Smith Mordak, an architect and engineer with Buro Happold, advocates for large infrastructural changes for sustainability. The cultural practitioner and writer Yasmin Jones-Henry, meanwhile, advocates for the value of cultural activities, powered by diversity, while the theatre director Jude Kelly calls for London's broadly inclusive cultural past to be put at the centre of future plans, and imagines a place for AI in that future. Dame Baroness Lawrence, a campaigner who has promoted reforms in the police service, uses housing, education, policing, and racial equality to put forward her vision for a more equitable London. The journalist Anna Minton sets the extraordinarily high values of property in certain areas of the city against the crisis of social housing and the poor quality of low-income housing and asks how the problem of housing inequality can be solved. The architect Claire Bennie also examines how housing can be made fairer and available to more people. The futurologist Mark Stevenson, meanwhile, imagines a commercial, building-focused solution to the problem of climate change, while the journalist Tony Travers imagines London's future in relation to its survival of past crises. Neal Shashore, an architectural historian, focuses on the approach to educating future designers of the capital, to champion inclusivity and focus on the needs of people and communities. As part of the London Society's growing role to campaign for a better London, the proposals in this book aim to influence the discourse of politicians and local authorities and to provoke debate among architects, developers, and planners. But it will also provide food for thought more generally, in a world where change will be required of everyone.
Baker Publishing Group School of the Prophets – Advanced Training for Prophetic Ministry
The Essential Guide for Prophets Mining from years on the frontlines of prophetic ministry, and overseeing the internationally renowned Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, bestselling author Kris Vallotton takes you deep into the heart of one of the most crucial, compelling and controversial topics today: the office of prophet. In this definitive guide, Kris offers often-neglected foundational teaching and provides critical advanced training, including how to · discern your calling and grow in your gift · define your divinely appointed sphere of influence and depth of authority · recognize the six different types of prophets--and how to deal with false ones · navigate potential relational difficulties as you step into your gifting · understand the complex ways God communicates · prepare for the common, but dangerous, spiritual attacks prophets face Vallotton offers a balanced view of not only what modern-day prophets are, but also what they are not. You will come away empowered and equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for this beautiful, vital, supernatural ministry. "The New Testament of Jesus Christ is a message of faith, hope and love. It is called the Good News. My friend and colleague Kris Vallotton is one of the best in the prophetic community to help shape, teach and model these 'Good News Prophets.' Thanks for honoring my generation's pioneering work and picking up the baton and carrying it forth!"--Dr. James Goll, founder, Encounters Network, Prayer Storm and GET eSchool "My friend Kris Vallotton has masterfully crafted this treatise, School of the Prophets, on the dynamics and framework of building a prophetic community in the 21st century. His life experience and seasoning in Christ have afforded the Spirit the opportunity to make him an influencer of influencers and a prophetic voice to the nations with a global footprint."--Mark J. Chironna, M.A., Ph.D.; Mark Chironna Ministries; Church on the Living Edge, Orlando, Florida "I love this book! As a person passionate to see the most desired gift in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 14:1) flourish all over the world, I would recommend this book wholesale. It clearly and biblically describes how to function in the New Testament gift of prophecy and articulates various kinds of biblical prophets. If one heeds its principles, it will give greater understanding and produce higher levels of maturity in prophetic ministry."--Stacey Campbell, founder, Canadian Prophetic Council; author, Ecstatic Prophecy "This is a must-read for all ministries. As an apostolic ministry, we recognize the gifts and callings that God has placed on the lives of those we pastor. Reading School of the Prophets has given us greater insight and understanding of how to help develop and prepare others to walk in their divine assignment. Kris Vallotton brings much clarity in what it means to be called in the office of a prophet and eliminates the fear of giving and receiving the prophetic."--Tony and Cynthia Brazelton, founders and pastors, Victory Christian Ministries International "Kris Vallotton's book reminds us that the heart of prophecy should be God's heart to build up, encourage and speak life. Kris goes through strategic and important teaching about prophecy versus the office of prophet, specifically in the context of the Church. I highly recommend this book and pray that it helps you to understand the prophetic and to 'call the gold' out of those around you."--Heidi Baker, Ph.D.; co-founder and director, Iris Global "As I read this book, I could hear the sound of an entire generation of voices emerge that will transform culture. Kris Vallotton is a father to these voices. School of the Prophets presents a practical methodology for prophetic community and a powerful manifesto for prophetic transformation in this generation."--Bob Hazlett, author, The Roar: God's Sound in a Raging World; Future Perspectives, New Haven, Connecticut
Nova Science Publishers Inc Climate Change: Background, Funding and Impacts
Regarding climate changes, a key question has been the degree to which humans and natural factors have influenced observed global climate change. Chapter 1 traces the evolution of scientific understanding and confidence regarding the drivers of recent global climate change. Chapter 2 reviews how U.S. agencies address climate change as a potential driver of global migration. Chapter 3 examines reported federal funding from 2010 to 2017 and the extent to which reports on such funding are clearly linked to the federal fiscal exposure to climate change; the extent to which selected agencies reported climate change funding that supports programs where addressing climate change is the primary purpose; and the extent to which the primary purpose programs are fragmented, overlapping, or duplicative. The costs of recent weather disasters have illustrated the need for planning for climate change risks and investing in resilience as reported in chapter 4. For more than a decade, federal agencies have grappled with how to address climate change effects when implementing the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA). As set forth by Congress, one of the main purposes of the ESA is to "provide a means whereby the ecosystems upon which endangered species and threatened species depend may be conserved." Chapter 5 analyzes the courts' role in shaping how the Services have factored climate change effects into ESA decisions and recent 2019 regulatory developments that aim to clarify how the Services consider and address climate change in their ESA decisions. Many governments hold that environmental degradation and climate change pose international and trans-boundary risks to human populations, economies, and ecosystems. International financial assistance, or foreign aid, has been a principal method for governments to support actions on global environmental problems in lower-income countries. As discussed in chapter 6 and 7, this assistance may include grants, loans, loan guarantees, export credits, insurance products, and private sector investment. On June 1, 2017, President Trump announced his intent to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement (PA), an international accord to address climate change over the coming century. Some observers argue that the Administration's decision to withdraw from the PA will (1) reduce the U.S. standing in the world by making the United States an international outlier on climate change, (2) strengthen perceptions that the United States is withdrawing from its traditional position of world leadership and becoming more inward-focused or even isolationist, (3) create an opportunity for China to assume a position of world leadership on climate change and perhaps other issues, and (4) make the United States appear less reliable as a negotiating partner, which could make it harder for the United States in the future to secure foreign cooperation for addressing other issues of mutual interest or to call on other countries to abide by their commitments in other international agreements as reported in chapter 8. Surface transportation is a major source of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, the main human-related greenhouse gas (GHG) contributing to climate change. At the same time, the effects of climate change, such as extreme heat, sea level rise, and stronger storms, pose a threat to transportation infrastructure. Chapter 9 seeks to address these two aspects of climate change with mitigation provisions that aim to reduce GHG emissions from surface transportation and adaptation provisions that aim to make the surface transportation system more resilient to a changing climate. For policymakers considering actions to reduce GHG emissions, various policy instruments are available. Over the last 15 years, many legislative proposals have involved market-based approaches, such as a GHG emissions cap-and-trade system or a carbon tax. These particular approaches may be considered in the 116th Congress and are discussed in chapter 10. As mandated by Congress, the U.S. Global Change Research Program produces regular National Climate Assessment (NCA) reports on the state of scientific knowledge about climate change and its effects on human and natural systems in the United States. According to NCA4, "annual losses in some economic sectors are projected to reach hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century" provided continued growth in emissions at historic rates. The findings of the NCA4 are the focus of chapter 11. In light of public concern over climate change, some stakeholders have asked to what extent publicly traded companies should disclose their climate-related risks. As reported in chapter 12, while current SEC requirements do not address climate-related risks expressly, publicly traded companies must disclose such risks if they are "material" under federal securities laws.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Dementia and Social Inclusion: Marginalised groups and marginalised areas of dementia research, care and practice
There has been a considerable and welcome growth of publications about dementia care and Jessica Kingsley Publishers has certainly played a very useful part in this growth... we need more not less of this quality of work and writing if society is to include those with dementia as full citizens.'- Christian Council on Ageing'The editors are to be congratulated on assembling a collection of contributions which make this book a milestone in the literature on dementia research and practice... [They] have collected papers on extraordinarily diverse issues and from a very diverse set of authors. Each of the chapters can be seen as an invaluable introduction to the topic area as well as addressing the main theme of the book. It is a milestone book because it manages to provide a snapshot of dementia studies at this moment in time and will, in my view, be widely quoted by policy makers, practice developers, researchers and trainers for the next few years... In such a treasure trove of approaches and issues it is hard to pick out the most striking... I would recommend this book: all readers of the journal will find chapters that they can use to improve dementia care.' - Journal of Dementia Care'What makes this particularly notable is that Innes, Archibald and Murphy have harnessed such individual voices to address so cogently. Together they address the core issues, all too often neglected or marginalized, in dementia research and care.Sexuality, communication, risk taking, ethnicity, incontinence and practices within remote rural communities are all subjects that draw threads from the very fabric of our society, and it is indicative of how wide the spectrum has broadened that these historically dispirit strands can be tackled constructively.' - Signpost'A diverse range of subjects are covered in a series of papers written by numerous professionals of standing from various disciplines... The subjects covered include ethnicity, spirituality, sexuality, dying with dementia (palliative care), faecal incontinence and risk-taking. There is a section addressing aspects of communicating with people with dementia and another covering the medical aspects of dementia that have not had much focus in recent years, such as hypertension and diabetes. Finally, there is a social science perspective, including discussing ways that people with dementia can be involved in the research process.I found the book easy to read and it is well written and clearly presented. Covering marginalized areas of practice, it offers food for thought for the reader and is a welcome addition to current literature'. - British Journal of Occupational Therapy'This book provides invaluable research results and innovative thinking which professionals studying gerontology and dementia care will find very useful throughout their careers.'- London Centre for Dementia Care Newsletter'The contributors to this volume examine the barriers to the consideration of social inclusion in the field of dementia studies and argue for the necessity of acknowledging the personhood of all individuals with dementia. The papers discuss the sexuality of people with dementia, communication and risk taking, and dementia care in remote rural communities, among other topics. The volume ends with suggestions for more inclusive values, service development, theory and research'. - Book News'The book, commendably, tries to look at marginalized issues within dementia, such as death and dying, sexuality and faecal incontinence.' - Mental Health Today'This is a book for the connoisseur. I wish I had contributed a paper. I wish I had read it even earlier. It will be appreciated by many people, from many backgrounds. This is the study of dementia and dementia-care grown to a new maturity. Chapters are original research papers, communicating new findings and analyses, set in the context of previous knowledge, well reviewed... Thanks to the editors and authors for this little gift. Let's be sure it is read widely.' - David Jolley, director of DementiaplusExamining important issues in dementia research and care that are often neglected or marginalized, the contributors to this book provide fresh perspectives on current practice. The authors put dementia care into a socio-cultural framework, highlighting the impact of social change on dementia care over the last two decades and challenging current stereotypes.The contributors address the implications of power relationships between carers and people with dementia and discuss a broad spectrum of issues, including:* the sexuality of people with dementia* communication and risk taking* people with dementia from minority ethnic groups* faecal incontinence* dementia care and practice in remote rural communities.Taking an in-depth look at dementia research and service development, this book makes essential reading for practitioners, researchers and students working in the field of dementia care.