Search results for ""author christo"
University of Pennsylvania Press Natural Designs: Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo and the Invention of New World Nature
Natural Designs chronicles the life and work of the earliest and most influential Spanish historian of the New World, Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo (1478–1557). Through a combination of biography and visual and textual analysis, Elizabeth Gansen explores how Oviedo, in his writings, brought the European Renaissance to bear on his understanding of New World nature. Oviedo learned much from the humanists with whom he came into contact in the courtly circles of Spain and Italy, including Giovanni Battista Ramusio and Pietro Bembo, and witnessed Christopher Columbus regaling Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand with news from his inaugural voyage to the Indies. Fascinated by the Caribbean flora and fauna Oviedo encountered on his arrival to the Caribbean in 1514, he made them the protagonists of his writings on the Indies. From his consumption of the prickly pear cactus, which led him to believe his death was imminent, to the behavior of the iguana, which defied his efforts to determine if the lizard was fish or flesh, his works reveal the challenges at the heart of Spain’s encounter with the biological wonders of the Americas. Natural Designs foregrounds Oviedo’s role as a writer, illustrator, and editor of New World nature. As much as Oviedo is credited as a pioneer in the literary genre of American natural history, his contributions to early modern conceptions of the flora and fauna of the Indies are still not widely understood and appreciated. Gansen situates us in the early sixteenth century to reappraise the works of the Spanish historian who first shaped these realities.
Princeton University Press Camille Saint-Saëns and His World
Camille Saint-Saens--perhaps the foremost French musical figure of the late nineteenth century and a composer who wrote in nearly every musical genre, from opera and the symphony to film music--is now being rediscovered after a century of modernism overshadowed his earlier importance. In a wide-ranging and trenchant series of essays, articles, and documents, Camille Saint-Saens and His World deconstructs the multiple realities behind the man and his music. Topics range from intimate glimpses of the private and playful Saint-Saens, to the composer's interest in astronomy and republican politics, his performances of Mozart and Rameau over eight decades, and his extensive travels around the world. This collection also analyzes the role he played in various musical societies and his complicated relationship with such composers as Liszt, Massenet, Wagner, and Ravel. Featuring the best contemporary scholarship on this crucial, formative period in French music, Camille Saint-Saens and His World restores the composer to his vital role as innovator and curator of Western music. The contributors are Byron Adams, Leon Botstein, Jean-Christophe Branger, Michel Duchesneau, Katharine Ellis, Annegret Fauser, Yves Gerard, Dana Gooley, Carolyn Guzski, Carol Hess, D. Kern Holoman, Leo Houziaux, Florence Launay, Stephane Leteure, Martin Marks, Mitchell Morris, Jann Pasler, William Peterson, Michael Puri, Sabina Teller Ratner, Laure Schnapper, Marie-Gabrielle Soret, Michael Stegemann, and Michael Strasser.
The Book Guild Ltd Elizabeth Taylor's Kiss and Other Brushes with Hollywood
“What a treat. An all-star cast with one thing in common: they worked with David Wood. And just for us he’s brought them to life again – and so vividly – in this irresistible memoir of his ‘brushes with Hollywood'." Gyles Brandreth In this memoir, actor and writer David Wood recalls his ‘brushes with Hollywood’, notably being kissed on the lips by Elizabeth Taylor as midnight struck on his 22nd birthday; playing Richard Burton’s servant on stage in Dr Faustus; being seduced by Shelley Winters in The Vamp, a television two-hander play; hanging upside down from a chandelier and being rescued by David Hemmings in the West End musical Jeeves; singing songs and being shot down in flames as a Royal Flying Corps officer in the film Aces High, in which he was reunited with Malcolm McDowell (his fellow rebel schoolboy in the film If….) and acted alongside Christopher Plummer and Simon Ward; sharing the screen at sea in an oil rig supply vessel with Roger Moore, Anthony Perkins and James Mason in North Sea Hijack; penning the daytime Emmy-nominated Back Home, starring Hayley Mills, thereby becoming a Disney-approved writer; and writing The Queen’s Handbag to celebrate the Queen’s 80th birthday, performed in Buckingham Palace Gardens and seen live by 8,000,000 BBC TV viewers. "I couldn’t put it down. It has all the charm and warmth and wit that is David Wood and his lifelong passion for the theatre is inspiring. I loved it." Hayley Mills
Penguin Books Ltd The Fall of Public Man
Richard Sennett's The Fall of Public Man examines the growing imbalance between private and public experience, and asks what can bring us to reconnect with our communities. Are we now so self-absorbed that we take little interest in the world beyond our own lives? Or has public life left no place for individuals to participate? Tracing the changing nature of urban society from the eighteenth century to the world we now live in, and the decline of involvement in political life in recent decades, Richard Sennett discusses the causes of our social withdrawal. His landmark study of the imbalance of modern civilization provides a fascinating perspective on the relationship between public life and the cult of the individual. 'Brilliant ... One admires the breadth of Professor Sennett's erudition, the reach of his historical imagination, the doggedness of his analysis ... Buy this book and read it. Ironically, it may provide a key to happiness' Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, The New York Times 'A powerful argument for a more formal public culture and a swipe against the rise of a self-indulgent counter-culture' Melissa Benn, Guardian 'A provocative book ... Sennett brings us to an undeniably recognizable place, the contemporary urban scene' Richard Todd, Atlantic Monthly Richard Sennett's previous books include The Fall of Public Man, The Corrosion of Character, Flesh and Stone and Respect. He was founder director of the New York Institute for the Humanities, and is now University Professor at New York University and Academic Governor and Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics.
Peeters Publishers The Unity of Luke - Acts
This volume contains the papers presented at the 47th Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense (Leuven, 1998). The general theme of the meeting was the unity of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. Main papers on this topic were read by R.L. Brawley, J. Delobel, A. Denaux, J.A. Fitzmeyer, F.W. Horn, J. Kremer, A. Lindemann, O. Mainville, D. Marguerat, F. Neirynck, W. Radl, M. Rese, J. Taylor, C.M. Tuckett, and J. Verheyden. While a large majority of scholars agree that Luke intended his work to cover both the past and the continuing history of Jesus (Gospel and Acts), the essays also illustrate the complexities of this view on the unity of Luke-Acts when it comes to interpret the various aspects of Lukan theology, christology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology, the expansion of the Church in light of its Jewish origins, the genre of Luke-Acts, and the literary and stylistic means Luke used to make his work a unity. In total the volume includes some 40 papers, of which 24 are offered papers: L. Alexander, H. Baarlink, M. Bachmann, D. Bechard, T.L. Brodie, G.P. Carras, A. del Agua, C. Focant, G. Geiger, B.J. Koet, V. Koperski, D.P. Moessner, G. Oegema, J. Pichler, E. Plumacher, A. Puig i Tarrech, U. Schmid, B. Schwank, N. Taylor, P.J. Tomson, S. Van den Eynde, S. Walton, G. Wasserberg, F. Wilk. This collection is an invaluable contribution to current discussions in Lukan study and to a nuanced understanding of the relationship between Luke's two volumes.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der Höchste: Studien zur hellenistischen Religionsgeschichte und zum biblischen Gottesglauben
Die hier zusammengestellten Abhandlungen Reinhard Feldmeiers zu Texten und Themen der hellenistischen Religionsgeschichte, des Antiken Judentums und des Neuen Testaments sind bei aller Unterschiedenheit verbunden durch ihr gemeinsames Thema, die von Juden, Christen und Heiden immer wieder neu gestellte Frage nach Gott. Neben exegetischen und religionsgeschichtlichen Untersuchungen wurden dabei auch Vorträge aufgenommen, die auf Tagungen, vor Pfarrkapiteln oder in Gemeinden gehalten wurden.Titel und Untertitel deuten schon an, dass es um den biblischen Gottesglauben geht, der im Kontext der antiken Religionsgeschichte und Philosophie in einem fortwährenden dialektischen Prozess von Anpassung und Abgrenzung, Abstoßung und Aneignung, Überbietung und Überformung immer wieder neu zur Sprache gebracht wurde. Gerade die Auseinandersetzung mit den 'Heiden' und die sorgfältige Beachtung der Außenperspektive (die nicht zu verwechseln ist mit der ahistorischen Konstruktion eines Kontrastbildes) verhilft dazu, die Konturen des biblischen Zeugnisses umso schärfer wahrzunehmen.Systematisch ist der Band in drei Hauptteile gegliedert. Der erste widmet sich der Religionsgeschichte der kaiserzeitlichen Antike mit Schwerpunkt auf Plutarch. Der zweite Hauptteil zeichnet nach, wie Juden und Christen in diesem Kontext ihren Glauben an den Gott Israels und den Vater Jesu Christi reflektiert und auf neue Weise zur Sprache gebracht haben. Im dritten Teil ist vor allem die Verbindung des Gottesglaubens mit der Christologie und hier vor allem mit der Passion im Blick.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Studien zum Römerbrief
Der vorliegende Band versammelt insgesamt 23 zumeist nur noch schwer zugängliche Aufsätze von Michael Theobald zum bedeutendsten Brief des Apostels. Darunter befinden sich vier größere bislang unveröffentlichte Texte. Die Sammlung deckt die Breite der im Brief behandelten Thematik exemplarisch ab und ist um folgende Problemkreise gruppiert: 'Gottesfrage', 'Christologie', 'Zur Lehre von der Rechtfertigung', 'Kirche und Israel', 'Verständiger Glaube' und 'Zur paulinischen Ethik'. Michael Theobald berücksichtigt dabei neuere methodische Zugänge zum Römerbrief, unter anderem die Frage nach der Rhetorik (so in der Studie zur 'propositio' des Briefes, Röm 1,16 f.). Er erhellt den Brief im Horizont hellenistischer Literatur. Hohe Aktualität besitzen einige Beiträge dadurch, daß sie zu heute strittigen Fragen eine bibeltheologische Besinnung bieten (Rechtfertigungslehre und Ekklesiologie, die 'Ethik' des Römerbriefs und die kirchliche Morallehre). Auch vernachlässigte Themen, wie der 'Zorn Gottes', werden angesprochen. Von besonderem Interesse sind Michael Theobalds 'fundamentaltheologische' Studien zur Argumentation im Römerbrief als einer Rechenschaft über den Glauben und seine spezifische Art, Theologie zu treiben. Die Beiträge zeigen insgesamt, welche überragende Rolle die Frage nach dem Selbstverständnis der Kirche im Angesicht Israels für die Theologie des Römerbriefs spielt. "... Alles in allem: Ein Buch, von dem auch der fortgeschrittene Leser viel lernen wird - gleichgültig welcher Konfession er angehört!" Wolfgang Reinbold in Biblische Zeitschrift 47/1 (2003) S. 147-149
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Holy Spirit of Communion: A Study in Pneumatology and Ecclesiology
Communion is a dynamic reality - love, unity of life, mutual penetration, the closest union. The Holy Spirit is the Communion within the Trinity and forms the communion between God, man and the world, between people, in the Church and within whole reality of this world.Showing pneumatology as a dimension of the entire dogmatic theology determines the originality of this monograph. Typically, theologians focused their works on pneumatology itself. Marek Jagodzinski's monograph is especially up to date since the pentecostal awakening in Christianity carries certain dangers. They take the forms of over-exposing the Holy Spirit at the expense of the Son of God, overly simplified ecumenism, emphasising charisms over the institution and putting personal experience over the community faith of the Church. The study is not only a presentation of ideas but brings new and inspiring elements to the scientific discussion. It is an original and creative contribution to the theoretical achievements of theology as a discipline of science. The dissertation brings a new name for the Third Divine Person - Communion in the Holy Trinity. Communion reflects the mission of the Holy Spirit which embraces the Church and the sacraments, voices a golden mean between forgetting about the Holy Spirit and the Joachimism of proclaiming the era of the Holy Spirit. The monograph justifies the simultaneous existence of Christology and pneumatology, brings a new perspective on Filioque and is of significance for ecumenism.
Inter-Varsity Press He Began With Moses: Preaching The Old Testament Today
When Jesus walked with his confused disciples on the Emmaus road, he began with Moses and all the Prophets and explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself - and their hearts burned within them (Luke 24). Contemporary people, too, can find their hearts burning as they hear God speak through the Old Testament texts. However, preaching from this part of the Christian Bible brings significant challenges and raises a number of issues, and hence can be neglected. This stimulating volume offers guidance for expository preaching from the Old Testament, and practical suggestions for how to understand the message of its diverse literature and to apply it today. The chapters cover narrative, plot and characters, along with the main Old Testament genres and two special topics: preaching from 'difficult' texts, and preaching Christ. The aim is to encourage use of all the Bible's rich resources, in the power of the Holy Spirit, in preaching the good news of the kingdom of God worldwide. The contributors are internationally respected evangelical Old Testament scholars, from a wide range of church traditions, who are also active in preaching: Daniel I. Block, David G. Firth, Grenville J. R. Kent, Paul J. Kissling, Alison Lo, Tremper Longman III, Ernest C. Lucas, R. W. L. Moberly, Laurence A. Turner, Federico G. Villanueva, Gordon Wenham, H. G. M. Williamson and Christopher J. H. Wright.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Lightning Catcher
'This exciting, science-packed novel is a cracking read and bursts with action, warmth and humour' - BookTrust Great Books Guide 2021 'This is great fun; an energetic middle-grade debut with a fresh contemporary feel and a good dash of Stranger Things' - The Bookseller Alfie has noticed a few things since his family moved to Folding Ford. He really misses life in the city. He and his sister don't exactly fit in here. But the most interesting one is that the weather is BONKERS. One frost-covered branch on one tree in the middle of June? A tiny whirlwind in a bucket in the garden? Only in Folding Ford. Armed with his bike, a notepad and his new best mate Sam, Alfie is going to investigate. His best clue is Nathaniel Clemm … the only thing in town weirder than the weather. When Alfie ‘investigates’ Mr Clemm’s garden, only SLIGHTLY illegally, he finds a strange box that freezes his trainers and makes his teeth tingle. And when he opens it, only SLIGHTLY deliberately, SOMETHING gets out. Something fast, fizzing and sparking with electricity and very, very much alive. But the creature from the box brings trouble of its own, and as barometers and tempers go haywire in Folding Ford, Alfie finds himself at the centre of a perfect storm. Skellig meets Stranger Things in this funny, heartfelt adventure story perfect for fans of Ross Welford, Christopher Edge and Frank Cottrell Boyce.
Sarabande Books, Incorporated Let Me Clear My Throat: Essays
From Farinelli, the eighteenth century castrato who brought down opera houses with his high C, to the recording of "Johnny B. Goode" affixed to the Voyager spacecraft, Let Me Clear My Throat dissects the whys and hows of popular voices, making them hum with significance and emotion. There are murders of punk rock crows, impressionists, and rebel yells; Howard Dean's "BYAH!" and Marlon Brando's "Stella!" and a stock film yawp that has made cameos in movies from A Star is Born to Spaceballs. The voice is thought's incarnating instrument and Elena Passarello's essays are a riotous deconstruction of the ways the sounds we make both express and shape who we arethe annotated soundtrack of us giving voice to ourselves. Elena Passarello is an actor and writer originally from Charleston, South Carolina. She studied nonfiction at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Iowa, and her essays have appeared in Creative Nonfiction, Gulf Coast, Slate, Iowa Review, The Normal School, Literary Bird Journal, Ninth Letter, and in the music writing anthology Pop Till the World Falls Apart. She has performed in several regional theaters in the East and Midwest, originating roles in the premieres of Christopher Durang's Mrs. Bob Cratchit's Wild Christmas Binge and David Turkel's Wild Signs and Holler. In 2011 she became the first woman winner of the annual Stella Screaming Contest in New Orleans.
Pan Macmillan The Tiger and the Wolf
The first in the Echoes of the Fall series, The Tiger and the Wolf is an epic fantasy novel by Adrian Tchaikovsky, winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award and British Fantasy Award for Best Novel.‘One of the most interesting and accomplished writers in speculative fiction’ – Christopher PaoliniIn the bleak northern crown of the world, war is coming . . .Maniye’s father is the Wolf clan’s chieftain, but she’s an outcast. Her mother was queen of the Tiger and these tribes have been enemies for generations. Maniye also hides a deadly secret. All can shift into their clan’s animal form, but Maniye can take on tiger and wolf shapes. She refuses to disown half her soul so escapes, rescuing a prisoner of the Wolf clan in the process. The killer Broken Axe is set on their trail to drag them back for retribution.The Wolf chieftain plots to rule the north, and controlling his daughter is crucial to his schemes. However, other tribes also prepare for strife. Strangers from the far south appear too, seeking allies in their own conflict. It’s a season for omens as priests foresee danger and a darkness falling across the land. Some say a great war is coming, overshadowing even Wolf ambitions. A time of testing and broken laws is near – but what spark will set the world ablaze?Continue this sweeping coming-of-age fantasy with The Bear and the Serpent.
Johns Hopkins University Press Ornithology: Foundation, Analysis, and Application
The essential text for ornithology courses, this book will leave students with a lifelong understanding and appreciation of the biology and ecology of birds.Aves, the birds, is the wildlife group that people most frequently encounter. With over 10,000 species worldwide, these animals are part of our everyday experience. They are also the focus of intense research, and their management and conservation is a subject of considerable effort throughout the world. But what are the defining attributes that make a bird a bird?Aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, Ornithology provides a solid modern foundation for understanding the life and development of birds. Written by renowned experts from around the globe, this comprehensive textbook draws on the latest research to create an innovative learning experience. Moving beyond bones, muscle, and feathers, it provides the core information needed to “build” the bird, linking anatomy and physiology with ecology and behavior.As it reviews the major orders of birds, the book highlights their wide diversity and critically evaluates ornithological concepts and theories. Incorporating brief biographies of leaders in the field, the text describes their contributions in the context of key historical events in bird science. Each chapter ends with a summary of the material covered, a discussion of potential management and conservation applications, and suggested study questions that will stimulate thought and discussion. Contributors: Peter Arcese, George E. Bentley, Lori A. Blanc, William M. Block, Alice Boyle, Leonard A. Brennan, Luke K. Butler, Zac Cheviron, Luis M. Chiappe, Melanie R. Colón, Caren B. Cooper, Robert J. Cooper, Jamie M. Cornelius, Carlos Martinez Del Rio, John Dumbacher, Shannon Farrell, Maureen Flannery, Geoffrey Geupel, Patricia Adair Gowaty, Thomas P. Hahn, Ashley M. Heers, Fritz Hertel, Geoffrey E. Hill, Matthew Johnson, Lukas F. Keller, Dylan C. Kesler, Pablo Sabat Kirkwood, John Klicka, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Ashley M. Long, Scott R. Loss, Graham R. Martin, John M. Marzluff, Susan B. McRae, Michael L. Morrison, Timothy J. O’Connell, Jen C. Owen, Marco Pavia, Jeffrey Podos, Lars Pomara, Jonathan F. Prather, Marco Restani, Alejandro Rico-Guevara, Amanda D. Rodewald, Vanya G. Rohwer, Matthias Starck, Michael W. Strohbach, S. Mažeika P. Sullivan, Diego Sustaita, Kerri T. Vierling, Gary Voelker, Margaret A. Voss, Jeff R. Walters, Paige S. Warren, Elisabeth B. Webb, Michael S. Webster, Eric M. Wood, Robert M. Zink, Benjamin Zuckerberg
Boydell & Brewer Ltd European Music and Musicians in New York City, 1840-1900
The first thorough exploration of musical life in nineteenth-century New York City, with topics ranging from military bands and immigrant impresarios to visits from operatic diva Adelina Patti. The musical scene in mid-nineteenth century New York City, contrary to common belief, was exceptionally vibrant. Thanks to several opera companies, no fewer than two orchestras, public chamber music and solo concerts, and numerouschoirs, New Yorkers were regularly exposed to "new" music of Verdi, Meyerbeer, Schumann, Berlioz, Liszt, and Wagner. In European Music and Musicians in New York City, 1840-1900, the first thorough exploration of musical life in New York City during this period, editor John Graziano and a number of other distinguished essayists assert that the richness of the artistic life of the city, particularly at this time, has been vastly underrated and undervalued. This marvelous new collection of essays, with topics ranging from military bands and immigrant impresarios to visits from operatic diva Adelina Patti, establishes that this musical scene was one of quantity and quality, lively and multifaceted -- in many ways equal to the scene in the largest of the Old World's Cities. Contributors: Adrienne Fried Block, Christopher Bruhn, Raoul F. Camus, Frank J. Cipolla, John Graziano, Ruth Henderson, John Koegel, R. Allen Lott, Rena C. Mueller, Hilary Poriss, Katherine K. Preston, Nancy B. Reich, Ora Frishberg Saloman, Wayne Shirley. John Graziano is Professor of Music, The City College and Graduate Center,CUNY, and co-Director of the Music in Gotham research project.
Duke University Press Bourdieu and Historical Analysis
The French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu had a broader theoretical agenda than is generally acknowledged. Introducing this innovative collection of essays, Philip S. Gorski argues that Bourdieu's reputation as a theorist of social reproduction is the misleading result of his work's initial reception among Anglophone readers, who focused primarily on his mid-career thought. A broader view of his entire body of work reveals Bourdieu as a theorist of social transformation as well. Gorski maintains that Bourdieu was initially engaged with the question of social transformation and that the question of historical change not only never disappeared from his view, but re-emerged with great force at the end of his career.The contributors to Bourdieu and Historical Analysis explore this expanded understanding of Bourdieu's thought and its potential contributions to analyses of large-scale social change and historical crisis. Their essays offer a primer on his concepts and methods and relate them to alternative approaches, including rational choice, Lacanian psychoanalysis, pragmatism, Latour's actor-network theory, and the "new" sociology of ideas. Several contributors examine Bourdieu's work on literature and sports. Others extend his thinking in new directions, applying it to nationalism and social policy. Taken together, the essays initiate an important conversation about Bourdieu's approach to sociohistorical change.Contributors. Craig Calhoun, Charles Camic, Christophe Charle, Jacques Defrance, Mustafa Emirbayer, Ivan Ermakoff, Gil Eyal, Chad Alan Goldberg, Philip S. Gorski, Robert A. Nye, Erik Schneiderhan, Gisele Shapiro, George Steinmetz, David Swartz
University of Pennsylvania Press English Renaissance Drama and the Specter of Spain: Ethnopoetics and Empire
The specter of Spain rarely figures in our discussions of the drama that is often regarded as the crowning achievement of the English literary Renaissance. Yet dramatists such as Thomas Kyd, Christopher Marlowe, and William Shakespeare are exactly contemporary with England's protracted conflict with the Spanish Empire, a traditional ally turned archetypical adversary. Were these playwrights really so mute with respect to their nation's Spanish troubles? Or have we failed—for reasons cultural and institutional—to hear the Hispanophobic crosstalk that permeated the drama no less than England's other public discourses? Imagining an early modern public sphere in which dramatists cross pens with proto-imperialists, Protestant polemicists, recusant apologists, and a Machiavellian network of propagandists that included high government officials as well as journeyman printers, Eric Griffin uncovers the rhetorical strategies through which the Hispanophobic perspectives that shaped the so-called Black Legend of Spanish Cruelty were written into English cultural memory. At the same time, he demonstrates that the English were as ready to invoke Spain in the spirit of envious emulation as to demonize the Spanish other as an ethnic agent of intolerance and oppression. Interrogating the Whiggish orientation that has continued to view the English Renaissance through a haze of Anglo-American triumphalism, English Renaissance Drama and the Specter of Spain recovers the voices of key Spanish participants and the "Hispanized" Catholic resistance, revealing how England and Spain continued to draw upon shared traditions and cultural resources, even during the moments of their most storied confrontation.
University of Notre Dame Press Theo-Poetics: Hans Urs von Balthasar and the Risk of Art and Being
Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905–1988) originated much of twentieth- and twenty-first-century theology's renewed interest in aesthetics. Von Balthasar's theology is both poetic and philosophical, and while this combination is often recognized, it calls for an explanation. In Theo-Poetics: Hans Urs von Balthasar and the Risk of Art and Being, Anne M. Carpenter explores von Balthasar's use of poetry and poetic language, and she offers a detailed analysis of his philosophical presuppositions. Carpenter argues that von Balthasar uses poets and poetic language to make theological arguments because this poetic way of speaking expresses metaphysical truth without reducing one to the other. Carpenter begins with von Balthasar's very early interests in music, literature, and philosophy, in particular his work, Apocalypse of the German Soul. She explores Glory of the Lord and the trilogy, moving through his despair over the possibility of reconciling art and theology. She uncovers the major characteristics of von Balthasar's metaphysical thinking, discussing his interactions with Thomas Aquinas, Karl Barth, and Martin Heidegger to firmly link Christology, metaphysics, and the expressiveness of language. The book concludes by marshaling its themes into a focused evaluation of von Balthasar's "redeemed" theo-poetic as it comes to expression in the poetry of G. M. Hopkins. Carpenter resituates and reevaluates Hopkins's poetry in a new context, placing him in the school of Aquinas rather than Scotus, and shows us how metaphysics is necessary for a vigorous understanding of language.
HarperCollins Publishers The Battle of Maldon: together with The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth
Collector’s slipcased edition of the first ever standalone presentation of one of J.R.R. Tolkien’s most important poetic dramas, that explores timely themes such as the nature of heroism and chivalry during war, and which features unpublished and never-before-seen texts and drafts. In 991 AD, vikings attacked an Anglo-Saxon defence-force led by their duke, Beorhtnoth, resulting in brutal fighting along the river Blackwater, near Maldon in Essex. The attack is widely considered one of the defining conflicts of tenth-century England, and is immortalised in the poem, The Battle of Maldon. Written shortly after the battle, the poem survives only as a 325-line fragment, but its value to today is incalculable. J.R.R. Tolkien considered The Battle of Maldon ‘the last surviving fragment of ancient English heroic minstrelsy’. It would inspire him to compose, during the 1930s, his own dramatic verse-dialogue, The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm’s Son, which imagines the aftermath of the great battle when two of Beorhtnoth’s retainers come to retrieve their duke’s body. Leading Tolkien scholar, Peter Grybauskas, presents for the first time Tolkien’s own prose translation of The Battle of Maldon together with the definitive treatment of The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth and its accompanying essays; also included and never before published is the lecture, ‘The Tradition of Versification in Old English’. Illuminated with insightful notes and commentary, he offers a definitive critical edition of these works, and argues compellingly that, Beowulf excepted, The Battle of Maldon may well have been ‘the Old English poem that most influenced Tolkien’s fiction’, most dramatically within the pages of The Lord of the Rings. This slipcased edition includes a colour frontispiece reproducing a page of Tolkien’s original manuscript of The Homecoming, and is printed on acid-free paper with a ribbon marker. It is quarterbound with a unique illustration by Bill Sanderson gold-foiled on grey boards and is housed in a custom-built slipcase. It also includes a digitally remastered recording of The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth read by J.R.R. Tolkien & Christopher Tolkien, which is available on CD for the first time.
Titan Books Ltd Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie
Discover the secrets of the Spider-Verse in this visually stunning collection of more than 500 pieces of artwork from the Oscar-winning, groundbreaking animated feature film! Fans can go behind the scenes with the creators of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and get a look at concept art, final designs, and artist commentary, plus previously unseen storyboards. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the creative minds behind The Lego Movie and 21 Jump Street, bring their unique talents to a fresh vision of a different Spider-Man universe. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse introduces Brooklyn teen Miles Morales, and the limitless possibilities of the Spider-Verse where more than one wears the mask. This luxurious oversized art book unmasks the artistry behind the dazzling and thoroughly original movie with a unique visual style that’s the first of its kind. Here you’ll find fascinating insights into the filmmakers’ creative process: • Exclusive commentary from creators Phil Lord and Christopher Miller on their inspirations for their unique new take on Spider-Man, rooted in his comics origins and the idea of a post-modern Spider-Man in an environment that has multiple spider-people from all of the comics, and giving the film an even stronger visual identity by leaning into the comic book language. • Concept art and sketches of every featured character and location in the film. Meet Miles Morales, the Peter Parkers, Spider-Gwen/Ghost-Spider, Spider-Ham, Peni and SP//dr and Spider-Man Noir—as well as villains Green Goblin, Scorpion, Tombstone, the Prowler, Doctor Octavius and Kingpin. Explore New York City and State, from Miles’s Brooklyn home to Manhattan, the Hudson Valley Forest, Spider-Man’s hideout and Wilson Fisk’s particle collider. • Unseen storyboards and paintings of key scenes—including Miles meeting the older Peter Parker for the first time; Miles swinging through the city, exploring the subway, and swinging through the forest; the fight at Aunt May’s; and Uncle Aaron’s death. • 2 gatefolds feature the film’s complete color script by Dave Bleitch and artwork by Justin K. Thompson, Wendell Dalit, Alberto Mielgo and Yuhki Demers depicting Miles Morales/Spider-Man; storyboards by Ryan Savas of Miles exploring his powers for the first time; and lighting keys by Wendell Dalit of the same sequence. • A foreword written by Brian Michael Bendis, Miles Morales’ co-creator and executive producer of the film. Go into the Spider-Verse any time you want with this special compilation of art from the film that belongs on every fan’s coffee table! “The visual look of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is a marvel. Seeing how they came to the design choices they did is... worth the price of this book and then some - Vespe's Holiday Gift Guide
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gott wahrnehmen: Die Sinne im Johannesevangelium. Ratio Religionis Studien IV
Wunderbar wohlschmeckender Wein auf der Zunge, Todesgeruch in der Nase und den Finger in der Wunde zur Vergewisserung der Botschaft des neuen Lebens: Ausgerechnet das "geistliche Evangelium" enthält ausgesprochen sinnlich-körperliche Erzählungen. Rainer Hirsch-Luipold interpretiert sie als Antwort auf die erkenntnistheoretische Problemanalyse: "Keiner hat Gott jemals gesehen" (Joh 1,18). Vom Gedanken der Fleischwerdung des göttlichen Logos her entwickelt das vierte Evangelium eine christologisch zentrierte Ästhetik des Unsichtbaren. Über Augen, Mund und Nase der ersten Zeugen erhalten die Leserinnen und Leser die Möglichkeit der Wahrnehmung Gottes in der Begegnung mir Jesus. Gemäß der soteriologischen Pragmatik des Evangeliums werden sie dadurch über Gotteserkenntnis und Glauben zum Leben geführt. Ausgehend von drei exemplarischen Erzählungen entwirft der Autor eine Gesamtsicht der literarischen Technik, Pragmatik und Theologie des vierten Evangeliums.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Whos Who in Fashion
The 7th Edition of Who''s Who in Fashion captures the energy, drama, excitement, and diversity of the luminaries working in the world of fashion. This lushly illustrated book features profiles of fashion legends as well as newcomers who make up the rich tapestry of the fashion industry, spanning designers, photographers, costume designers, writers/editors, illustrators, companies, accessory designers, makeup/cosmetic specialists, and fashion conglomerates. This new edition includes over 400 profiles, 90 of which are new, and 820 images, making this a must-have reference for fashion students, historians, costume curators, and fashion enthusiasts alike. New Profiles Virgil Abloh, Haider Ackermann, Adidas, Adnym, AEFFE, Mike Amiri, Imran Amed, Jonathan Anderson, Paul Andrew, Rosie Assoulin, Kevyn Aucoin, Brendon Babenzien (Noah), BCBGMAXAZRIA, Ritu Beri, Christopher Bevans (DYNE), Blair Breitenstein, Bobbi Brown, Sarah Burton, Giuliano Calz
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Brevard Childs, Biblical Theologian: For the Church's One Bible
In pursuit of the oneness of scripture's scope, Brevard Childs (1923-2007) ranged across the Christian Bible, writing Introductions to the Old and New Testaments before attempting a landmark Biblical Theology of the same. For him the canon is a christological rule of faith, though perceiving the "family resemblance" in its historic formation and impress in the life of the church as well as, mysteriously, the synagogue, is always a great struggle. Yet Childs' argument for final form exegesis rose out of his form-critical training: Hermann Gunkel is a crucial antecedent. Childs' work has been much discussed, and in the wake of James Barr's criticism much misunderstood. Driver gives its total profile for the first time, from its background and controversy to its later development, analyzing all published titles and filling out this record with a number of previously unseen letters and papers.
Nick Hern Books Words Into Action: Finding the Life of the Play
Packed with insights from a lifetime of directing theatre, Words into Action is a fascinating read and a vital masterclass for actors and directors. Renowned theatre director William Gaskill was one of the founders of the Royal Court, whose ethos, as Christopher Hampton says in his Foreword, 'this book goes a long way towards defining'. Gaskill's acclaimed work as a director always began with the words of the playwright, and here, starting with a chapter on 'Trusting the Writer', he takes the actor through the vital steps needed to find the life of the play and then to articulate it on stage. Drawing instances from his own work in the theatre and from teaching at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, he looks at action and intention, stillness and movement, sentences and rhetoric, punctuation and pauses. He pays detailed attention to staging Shakespeare's plays, and there are also chapters on masks, on language as character, and on verse and prose. Gaskill was, says Maggie Smith, ‘the best teacher in the world.'
Floris Books The Childhood of Jesus: The Unknown Years
The gospel accounts of the birth and childhood of Jesus have puzzling discrepancies and contradictions. In particular, Matthew and Luke give different versions of the genealogy and birth of Jesus, and of the events that follow.A long forgotten tradition held that there were, in fact, two families and two Jesus children whose destinies would come together: one from the kingly line of Solomon, and the other from the priestly line of Nathan. There are various apocryphal texts, as well as works of art, in which both children clearly occur.Emil Bock shows how the pattern and structure of the four gospels support the stories of two boys called Jesus, living side by side in Nazareth until the age of twelve, right up to the dramatic day of their visit to the temple in Jerusalem. He also recreates the years between this time and Jesus' baptism.This book is essential reading for every Christology student, and for anyone who has ever wondered about the gospel accounts of Jesus' birth.
The History Press Ltd The Trio: Three War Correspondents of World War Two
The Trio tells the story of three war correspondents, two Englishmen and an Australian, all in their 30s, whose friendship was forged during the Second World War. They became so close that their colleagues dubbed them ‘The Trio’, sometimes out of disgruntled rivalry. Alan Moorehead, Alexander Clifford and Christopher Buckley worked for the Express, Mail and Telegraph respectively. Clifford and Moorehead lived together more closely than most married couples, and all three correspondents spent the war years travelling relentlessly, chasing news and writing stories, while being reliant on each other’s friendship and mutual trust. They slept under the desert stars, in sumptuous Italian villas, in trains and army trucks. They were frequently in the line of fire, while their names became synonymous with the best war reporting. The Trio describes their relationship, what happened to each of them in the war and finally, when the fighting was over, how success gave way to personal tragedy.
Harvard University Press Politics against Domination
Ian Shapiro makes a compelling case that the overriding purpose of politics should be to combat domination. Moreover, he shows how to put resistance to domination into practice at home and abroad. This is a major work of applied political theory, a profound challenge to utopian visions, and a guide to fundamental problems of justice and distribution.“Shapiro’s insights are trenchant, especially with regards to the Citizens United decision, and his counsel on how the ‘status-quo bias’ in national political institutions favors the privileged. After more than a decade of imperial overreach, his restrained account of foreign policy should likewise find support.”—Scott A. Lucas, Los Angeles Review of Books“Shapiro has a brief and compelling section on the importance of hope in his first chapter. This book enacts and encourages hope, with its analytical clarity, deep engagement of complicated political issues that resist easy theorizing, and emphasis on the politically possible.”—Kathleen Tipler, Political Science Quarterly“Offers important insights for thinking about democracy’s prospects.”—Christopher Hobson, Perspectives on Politics
Yale University Press The City and the King: Architecture and Politics in Restoration London
The City of London is a jurisdiction whose relationship with the English monarchy has sometimes been turbulent. This fascinating book explores how architecture was used to renew and redefine a relationship essential to both parties in the wake of two momentous events: the restoration of the monarchy, in 1660, and the Great Fire six years later. Spotlighting little-known projects alongside such landmarks as Christopher Wren’s St. Paul’s Cathedral, it explores how they were made to bear meaning. It draws on a range of evidence wide enough to match architecture’s resonances for its protagonists: paintings, prints, and poetry, sermons and civic ceremony mediated and politicized buildings and built space, as did direct and sometimes violent action. The City and the King offers a nuanced understanding of architecture’s place in early modern English culture. It casts new light not only on the reign of Charles II, but on the universal mechanisms of construction, decoration, and destruction through which we give our monuments significance.Published for the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DKfindout! Vikings
Find out all about the history of the Vikings, the warriors and explorers who raided Europe in their longships throughout the Middle Ages. Learn about Viking warfare, their families, homes, clothes, and crafts, as well as gods from Norse mythology, such as Thor and Loki, in this beautifully illustrated children's book that is crammed with amazing facts. Part of the award-winning DKfindout! series, this engaging book includes new photography and illustrations that transport children directly into the world of the Vikings. Written by experts in Viking history, and checked by an educational consultant, DKfindout! Vikings is ideal for school projects or for children who simply love to learn about accurate ancient history. Amazing cut-away artworks take you inside Viking homes and longships, in which these notorious seafaring warriors sailed to North America 500 years before Christopher Columbus. New photography, including reenactments of Viking life, makes this book essential for budding historians and imaginative learners.
HarperCollins Publishers The Fall of Numenor
J.R.R. Tolkien's writings on the Second Age of Middle-earth, collected for the first time in one volume.Guided by the Dark Lord Sauron, the Elves of Eregion forge the Rings of Power. Yet in secret he has begun building the Barad-dûr in Mordor, and here, in the fires of Mount Doom, he makes the One Ring. Seeking to rule Middle-earth, Sauron begins to wage terrible war upon them.On the island-kingdom of Númenor, the Men of the West become mighty, building great ships to increase their influence throughout Middle-earth. But as their power grows, the seed of their downfall is sown. Only by uniting in alliance with the Elves can they hope to overcome Sauron.Adhering to The Tale of Years' timeline in The Lord of the Rings, Brian Sibley assembles a new chronicle of Middle-earth, a tragic tale of pride, envy and downfall told substantially in the words of J.R.R. Tolkien from the various published texts originally edited by Christopher Tolkien, and illustrated with pencil drawings by Alan Lee.
British Library Publishing A History of Britain in 100 Maps
In A History of Britain in 100 Maps Jeremy Black takes readers deep into the unparalleled collections of the British Library Map Room to tell a new story of the British Isles through acknowledged treasures and previously undiscovered and unpublished items. Presenting in detail 100 important maps Black explores major themes in British history, from settlement, environmental change, state formation and ecclesiastical development to industrialisation, urbanisation, and modern socio-political developments. In doing so he also tells the story of how a rich mapmaking tradition developed from the medieval Mappa Mundi to the work of pioneering cartographers including Matthew Paris, John Speed and Christopher Saxton and on through institutions such as the Ordnance Survey and the A-Z Company. Cartographic records of the Civil War and Great Fire, or curiosities including Emil Reich's 'Map of British Genius', are contrasted with infographic maps of recent elections and the COVID-19 epidemic. The book also considers the growing field of fine and digital artists using delineated images of Britain as their subject matter.
HarperCollins Publishers The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun
Unavailable for more than 70 years, this early but important work is published for the first time with Tolkien’s ‘Corrigan’ poems and other supporting material, including a prefatory note by Christopher Tolkien. Set ‘In Britain’s land beyond the seas’ during the Age of Chivalry, The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun tells of a childless Breton Lord and Lady (‘Aotrou’ and ‘Itroun’) and the tragedy that befalls them when Aotrou seeks to remedy their situation with the aid of a magic potion obtained from a corrigan, or malevolent fairy. When the potion succeeds and Itroun bears twins, the corrigan returns seeking her fee, and Aotrou is forced to choose between betraying his marriage and losing his life. Coming from the darker side of J.R.R. Tolkien’s imagination, The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun, together with the two shorter ‘Corrigan’ poems that lead up to it and are also included here, was the outcome of a comparatively short but intense period in Tolkien’s life when he was deeply engaged with Celtic, and particularly Breton, myth and legend. Written in 1930, this early but seminal work is an important addition to the non-Middle-earth portion of his canon alongside Tolkien’s other retellings of myth and legend, The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún, The Fall of Arthur and The Story of Kullervo, a small but important corpus of his ventures into ‘real-world’ mythologies, each of which would be a formative influence on his own legendarium.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inequality and Poverty: Papers from the Second Ecineq Society Meeting
Volume 16 of "Research on Economic" contains a selection of thirteen papers from the Second Biannual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, Berlin, July, 2007. This conference brings together both established scholars in the field of income distribution as well as advanced graduate students and new Ph.D's. The multi-day conference provides a forum for over 150 participants to share their work with one another. The papers contained in this volume are selected from a few of the many different sub-fields represented at the conference. As the title suggests a major emphasis of the volume is to collect work on the inequality of opportunity. An additional emphasis of the volume is on inequality measurement issues. Finally, the volume is designed to present work from both senior researchers and as well as emerging scholars. The volume begins with an essay on equal liberties by Serge-Christophe Kolm. The second paper examines the relationship between inequality and envy. The next four papers address the inequality of opportunities. Empirical studies of the equality of opportunity include Africa, Italy, Germany, and the United States. The measurement section also contains four papers. The topics covered in these papers include welfare analysis with ordinal data, unit consistency and multidimensional inequality indices, unit consistency and intermediate inequality indices, and the examination of two newly rediscovered inequality measures originally introduced by Bonferroni and De Vergotini. The volume also includes papers on the intergenerational transfer of income inequality and poverty in the US and Germany, income inequality and mobility in Argentina, the use of experimental methods to understand inequality aversion, and the recognition that measuring unemployment is an ethical problem, not simply an exercise in statistical measurement.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Social Capital and Regional Development
The role of social capital in regional development is a multifaceted topic which is studied all over the world using various methods and across numerous disciplines. It has long been evident that social capital is important for regional development, however, it is less clear how this works in practice. Do all types of social capital have the same effects and are different kinds of regions impacted in the same way? This book is the first to offer an overview of this rapidly expanding field of research and to thoroughly analyze the complex issue of social capital and regional development.The authoritative and original chapters, written by leading scholars from around the world, combine theory and new empirical research to analyze various types of regions from metropolitan to rural. A particular focus is on entrepreneurship and the social capital of enterprises, whilst the role of social capital for modern governance and planning is also highlighted. The different components of social capital and data availability are also treated in depth. This handbook is an ideal resource for students and scholars studying social capital, social networks, and regional growth and development.It also offers great insight for policymaker and planners in the fields of urban, regional and rural development.Contributors include: M. Andersson, P. Arenius, R.E. Bolton, N. Bosma, A. Christoforou, M. Emmelin, M. Eriksson, M.P. Feldman, E. Ferragina, R. Franzén, M. Fritsch, T. Hatori, D. Iriwati, B. Johannisson, B. Johansson, L. King, K. Kobayashi, J.P. Larsson, M. Lindberg, M. Ljunggren, J. Peiró-Palomino, E. Pisani, J. Poot, Y. Pu, M. Ramírez Pasillas, M. Roskruge, R. Rutten, V. Schutjens, E. Setiawan, T.F. Slaper, M.F. Thompson, E. Tortosa-Ausina, B. Volker, J. Wernberg, H. Westlund, M. Wyrwich, A. Xiong, T.D. Zoller
Duke University Press Trans/Feminisms
This special double issue of TSQ goes beyond the simplistic dichotomy between an exclusionary transphobic feminism and an inclusive trans-affirming feminism. Exploring the ways in which trans issues are addressed within feminist and women’s organizations and social movements around the world, contributors ask how trans, genderqueer, and nonbinary issues are related to feminist movements today, what kind of work is currently undertaken in the name of trans/feminism, what new paradigms and visions are emerging, and what questions still need to be taken up. Central to this special issue is the recognition that trans/feminist politics cannot restrict itself to the domain of gender alone.This issue features numerous shorter works that represent the diversity of trans/feminist practices and problematics and, in addition to original research articles, includes theory, reports, manifestos, opinion pieces, reviews, and creative/artistic productions, as well as republished key documents of trans/feminist history and international scholarship.Contributors: Miriam Abelson, Sara Ahmed, Aitzole Araneta, Alexandre Baril, Marie-Hélène/Sam Bourcier, micha cárdenas, Daniel Chávez, Jeanne Córdova, Pedro J. DiPietro, Lucía Egaña, A. Finn Enke, Karine Espineira, Sandra Fernández, Simon D. Fisher, Tania Hammidi, Christoph Hanssmann, Emma Louise Heaney, Hailey Kaas, Cael Keegan, Faris Khan, Yana Kirey-Sitnikova, Terence Kumpf, Riki Lane, Helen Hok-Sze Leung, Claudia Sofia Garriga López, Tommi Avicolli Mecca, L. Leigh Ann van der Merwe, Scott Morgensen, Marcio Jose Ornat, Ruin S. M. Pae, José Quiroga, Naomi Scheman, Joseli Maria Silva, reese simpkins, Miriam Solá, Sandy Stone, Stefania Voli, Rinaldo Walcott, Lori Watson, Cristan Williams, Shana Ye, Asli Zengin
New York University Press Cultivating Intelligence: Power, Law, and the Politics of Teaching
A personal account of academic life In what might be considered a postmodern version of The Paper Chase, Louise Harmon and Deborah W. Post explore what law school looks and feels like today for two women academics. In the tradition of Patricia Williams's The Alchemy of Race and Rights, these two women take the reader on an intimate intellectual journey, exploring the meanings of difference, to them and to the academy. The two womenone black, the other white; one more oriented toward metaphor, the other toward narrativegrapple with what it means to teach law, as a woman, as a minority, as an activist, in an environment that remains overwhelmingly white, male, and traditionalist. Partially as a response to the controversies raging around The Bell Curve, Harmon and Post devote the core of their conversation to the relationship between intelligence, cognitive theory, and professional education. They critique the very nature and purpose of legal pedagogy, exploring the legacy of Christopher Columbus Langdell, the founder of the modern law school, who could not have imagined the diverse student bodies that constitute today's campuses. How do people learn? What does it mean to teach critical thinking in institutions where hierarchy is entrenched? What happens when a professor with a couch and conversation teaching style confronts 100+ students in an amphitheater? Why do students with the most interested and animated faces in class often fail miserably on exams? In a book devoid of posturing and intellectual bravado, Harmon and Post provide a refreshing, revealing portrait of women in academia and the conflicts, anxieties, skepticism, and realities any thinking educator must confront.
New York University Press Democratic Community: Nomos XXXV
A state-of-the-art meditation on relations, theoretical and practical, among a familiar triad of themes: comunitarianism, liberalism, and democracy. --American Political Science Review A collection of distinguished contributors, from a wide range of disciplines, examine the implications of the resurgence of interest in community. The chapters in Democratic Community consider the fundamental issues that divide liberals and communitarians, as well as the structure of communities, the roles of freedom and democratic institutions in sustaining one another, the place of a democratic civil society in a democratic polity, and the contributions of feminist thinking. This thirty-fifth volume in the American Society of Political and Legal Philosophy series is devoted, as is each volume in the series, to a single topic-- in this case, the implications for human nature and democratic theory of the resurgence of interest in community. Democratic Community deals not only with fundamental issues that divide liberals and communitarians, but is also concerned with the structure of communities, the roles of freedom and democratic institutions in sustaining one another, the place of a democratic civil society in a democratic polity, and the contributions of feminist thinking to the great debate. The collection of distinguished contributors, from a wide range of disciplines, includes: Richard J. Arneson (University of California, San Diego), Jean Baechler (University of Paris, Sorbonne), Christopher J. Berry (University of Glasgow), Robert A. Dahl (Yale University), Martin P. Golding (Duke University), Carol C. Gould (Stevens Institute of Technology), Amy Gutmann (Princeton University), Jane Mansbridge (Northwestern University), Kenneth Minogue (London School of Economics), Robert C. Post (University of California, Berkeley), David A. J. Richards (New York University), Gerald N. Rosenberg (University of Chicago), Bruce K. Rutherford (Yale University), Alan Ryan (Princeton University), and Carmen Sirianni (Brandeis University).
Editorial Sal Terrae Dios y el nuevo atesmo
En el presente libro, John F. Haught ofrece respuestas claras, concisas y convincentes a las acusaciones lanzadas contra la religión en tres recientes superventas: El espejismo de Dios, de Richard Dawkins; El fin de la fe, de Sam Harris; y Dios no es bueno, del difunto Christopher Hitchens.Para algunos, estos nuevos ateos formulan de forma sumamente acertada lo que consideran problemático en las religiones. Pero, como muestra Haught, el tratamiento de la religión en estas obras está plagado de incoherencias lógicas, ideas erróneas y superficiales y burdas generalizaciones.Puede ser rechazado Dios como un mero espejismo? Es la fe realmente enemiga de la razón? Es cierto que la religión lo emponzoña todo? Al hilo de estas preguntas, el autor desarrolla una profunda e interpelante visión de la fe, la experiencia religiosa y el Dios cristiano.En las últimas centurias, la teología cristiana ha ido recuperando, no sin algunos reveses, su originaria y más intrépida fe en que Dios no
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolution of Economic Institutions: A Critical Reader
It is now widely acknowledged that institutions are a crucial factor in economic performance. Major developments have been made in our understanding of the nature and evolution of economic institutions in the last few years. This book brings together some key contributions in this area by leading internationally renowned scholars including Paul A. David, Christopher Freeman, Alan P. Kirman, Jan Kregel, Brian J. Loasby, J. Stanley Metcalfe, Bart Nooteboom and Ugo Pagano. This essential reader covers topics such as the relationship between institutions and individuals, institutions and economic development, the nature and role of markets, and the theory of institutional evolution. The book not only outlines cutting-edge developments in the field but also indicates key directions of future research for institutional and evolutionary economics.Vital reading on one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing areas of research today, The Evolution of Economic Institutions will be of great interest to researchers, students and lecturers in economics and business studies.
Unicorn Publishing Group A Compendium of Contrarians: Those Who Stand Out By Not Fitting In
What do Winston Churchill, Rosa Parks, Emile Zola, Billy Beane and Christopher Hitchens have in common? They are all Contrarians. This book is about the people who do not quietly slip into the shadows, who revel in playing devil’s advocate, who zig when everyone else zags and who dare ask the question: ‘Yes, but just supposing that everyone else is wrong?’ They are not always successful all of the time. In fact some are spectacularly unsuccessful on occasions. They may not be popular or easy to live with, but are always interesting and usually inspiring. Some make a point of arguing the opposite point of view on every occasion; some are mainstream on everything, but resolute in opposing the mainstream on one particular issue. For some, the issue which they contest so vigorously becomes mainstream through their exertions. In Compendium of Contrarians, Robert Orr-Ewing shows how he has been inspired by these amusing, challenging, interesting and unusual characters.
Medieval Institute Publications The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse: Medieval Texts in Translation
Filling today's religious book market are Apocalypse commentaries teaching that the seven seals of Revelation 5-8 describe tragedies that are to take place in the last days. Medieval Europeans, on the other hand, thought very differently about the seven seals. Some used the seven seals for catechetical purposes and associated them with seven major events in the life of Christ or seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Other medieval writers taught that the seven seals contained symbols about life in the church between the first and second comings of Christ. Still others viewed the seals as milestones in the grand outline of salvation history. This book illustrates this vastness of medieval interpretive tradition on the seven seals. It includes fifteen texts from the sixth through the fifteenth centuries, which have been organized under three headings: those illustrating christological interpretations of the seven seals, those proposing ecclesiastical interpretations, and those giving historical interpretations.
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag The Never Taken Images
The Never-Taken Images documents a unique long-term project that Swiss photographers Françoise and Daniel Cartier have been pursuing since 1998. They have put together a vast collection of unfixed photographic papers, glass negatives, and films, mostly dating from 1880 to 1990. Samples of these are mounted and displayed, and, exposed to light over the course of several exhibitions, evolve towards colour saturation. Instead of looking at still images, the Cartiers’ installations, titled Wait and See, allow the viewers to perceive a kind of reality for themselves. The book features on around 100 pages the entire test catalogue that the Cartiers have put together to date, showing some 900 different papers and photosensitive supports. These facsimiles offer an almost real impression of their formats, colours, and materiality. Essays by Kathrin Schönegg, photo historian and curator, Thilo Koenig, scholar of art history and critic, and Christophe Brandt, former director of the Institute for the Conservation of Photographs at the University of Neuchâtel, supplement the images and place the Wait and See project in the art historical and technological context of abstract media art. The Never-Taken Images also celebrates the industrially manufactured photo-sensitive support, representing the long central pre-digital period in the history of photography. Text in English, French and German.
HarperCollins Publishers The Lord of the Rings
Continuing the story begun in The Hobbit, all three parts of the epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, in one paperback. Features the definitive edition of the text, fold-out flaps with the original two-colour maps, and a revised and expanded index. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power – the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring – the ring that rules them all – which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as the Ring is entrusted to his care. He must leave his home and make a perilous journey across the realms of Middle-earth to the Crack of Doom, deep inside the territories of the Dark Lord. There he must destroy the Ring forever and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. Since it was first published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness, its sweeping fantasy has touched the hearts of young and old alike. This single-volume paperback edition is the definitive text, fully restored with almost 400 corrections – with the full co-operation of Christopher Tolkien – and features a striking new cover.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Transformation and Education in the Literature of the GDR
This book explores how writers adhered to, played with, and subverted the formulaic precepts of educational transformation in the German Democratic Republic. Perhaps never before has a state emphasized education to citizenship more than in the new nation founded in 1949 as the German Democratic Republic. For forty years, educational and cultural policy played a pivotal role in effortsto build and sustain a socialist state on German soil. Party and state held teachers and writers responsible for demonstrating the superiority of socialism, infusing pupils and readers with a commitment to the emerging state, andproviding persuasive role models of der neue Mensch each was challenged to become. Utilizing an innovative triangular framework, this book demonstrates how mentor-protegé(e) rubrics, traditionally associated with the socialist Bildungsroman, came to characterize text-external and text-internal relations within diverse narrative forms. Thus, leading writers such as Hermann Kant, Christa Wolf, Brigitte Reimann, and Christoph Hein played with the genre's patterns of transformation as they engaged with the intellectual, societal, and aesthetic dilemmas of GDR life. This book shows that understanding representations of educational transformation in GDR literature, a topic largely overlooked by critics, is central to an aesthetic appreciation of that literature more broadly.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Everybody Fights: So Why Not Get Better at It?
* Now available in paperback with a new afterword. Learn how to fight better and end your arguments with your partner feeling closer, more loved, and better understood.We take our cars in for oil changes. We mow our lawns and pull weeds. Why don't we do maintenance on our marriages? This relationship is the most important one we will ever have, so why not get better at it?For the last several years, Penn and Kim Holderness of The Holderness Family have done the hard maintenance and the research to learn how to fight better. With the help of their marriage coach Dr. Christopher Edmonston, they break down their biggest (and in some cases, funniest) fights. How did a question about chicken wings turn into a bra fight (no, not a bar fight or a bra fight)? How did a roll of toilet paper lead to tears, resentment, and a stint in the guest bedroom?With their trademark sense of humor and complete vulnerability, Penn and Kim share their 10 most common Fight Fails and how to combat them. Throughout the book, they offer scripts for how to start, continue, and successfully close hard conversations. Couples will emerge equipped to engage and understand, not do battle—and maybe laugh a little more along the way.A USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller, Everybody Fights will help couples learn how to: Use "magic words" for healthy conflict resolution Address unspoken and unrealistic expectations Banish the three Ds of unhealthy communication—distraction, denial, and delay Carry individual baggage while helping your partner deal with theirs Penn and Kim want you to know you're not alone. Everybody fights. Marriage is messy. Marriage is work. But marriage is worth it. Fight for it!
Dreamspinner Press The Tech
Can two quiet con men who lost their childhoods find their places as a part of a family—and with each other?Ever since he watched his father die, Etienne Couvier has kept to himself. Under the tutelage of his adoptive family, the Salingers, Tienne grows into a gifted forger and artist. But no matter how hard they try to draw him into their midst—and despite the singular pull their friend Stirling Christopher has on his emotions—he resists. When computer tech Stirling lost his foster parents, he found shelter and love with the Salingers. Stirling knows firsthand what Tienne has been through, so when an attacker shatters Tienne’s self-imposed isolation, Stirling urges him into the Salinger crew. Maybe they can finally explore the quiet attraction between them. Then the Salingers announce their next project: an inquest into the mysterious deaths of Stirling’s adoptive parents. They descend on the Caribbean for answers, with Stirling and Tienne the quiet centers of the human justice-seeking hurricane. As they stretch out of their comfort zones, they learn that being family means someone always has your back. Hand in hand, they’ll solve the mystery. They might even be able to live with the consequences—as long as they do it together.Amy Lane’s Long Con series follows a crew of civic-minded thieves on their quests for justice, adventure, and love. Fans of Leverage, heist movies, and romantic suspense will love The Tech.
Globe Pequot Press The Sound of Music Story: How a Beguiling Young Novice, a Handsome Austrian Captain, and Ten Singing von Trapp Children Inspired the Most Beloved Film of All Time
On March 2, 1965, The Sound of Music was released in the United States and the love affair between moviegoers and the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical was on. Rarely has a film captured the love and imagination of the moviegoing public in the way that The Sound of Music did as it blended history, music, Austrian location filming, heartfelt emotion, and the yodeling of Julie Andrews into a monster hit. Tom Santopietro has written the ultimate Sound of Music fan book with all the details from behind-the-scenes stories of the filming in Austria and Hollywood to new interviews with Johannes von Trapp and others. Santopietro looks back at the real-life story of Maria von Trapp, goes on to chronicle the sensational success of the Broadway musical, and recounts the story of the near cancellation of the film when Cleopatra bankrupted 20th Century Fox. We all know that Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer played Maria and Captain Von Trapp, but who else had been considered? Tom Santopietro knows and will tell all while providing a historian's critical analysis of the careers of director Robert Wise and screenwriter Ernest Lehman, a look at the critical controversy which greeted the movie, the film's relationship to the turbulent 1960s and the super stardom which engulfed Julie Andrews. Tom Santopietro's The Story of The Sound of Music is book for everyone who cherishes this American classic.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Vertragsrecht
Wie kommt ein gültiger Vertrag zustande? Welche Pflichten werden durch einen Vertrag und durch die Aufnahme von Vertragsverhandlungen begründet? Nach welchen Regeln beurteilt es sich, ob eine Partei Erfüllung des Vertrages verlangen, den Vertrag durch Rücktritt, Widerruf oder Kündigung aufheben oder ihren Kontrahenten auf Schadensersatz in Anspruch nehmen kann? Hein Kötz geht im vorliegenden Band diesen und anderen Fragen des Vertragsrechts nach. Die 2. Auflage wurde gründlich überarbeitet.Das Werk wurde zu den "juristischen Ausbildungsbüchern des Jahres 2009" gewählt. Aus Rezensionen zur 1. Auflage: "Der Gesamteindruck ist jedoch ohne Zweifel bestechend: ein großer Wurf!" Gostomzyk/Neureither/Norouzi JuS 2009, S. 1158f."Neben den didaktischen und vertragstheoretischen Lorbeeren, die Kötz zuzusprechen sind, kommen dem Buch auch bedeutende systemanalytische Verdienste zu. […] Die jetzt erschienene Erstauflage jedenfalls hat Pioniercharakter und ist als unverzichtbare Lektüre für alle Lernenden und Lehrenden zu begreifen, die sich 'am Puls der Zeit' mit dem Vertragsrecht befassen wollen." Christoph Reymann Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 2011, 739-742"Wer Kötz' "Vertragsrecht" gelesen hat, ist zweifelsohne auf höchstem Niveau und hat neben dem unverzichtbaren Standardwissen auch wirtschaftliches und rechtsvergleichendes Verständnis zum Vertragsrecht gewonnen." Benjamin Krenberger (1/2010) Aus Rezensionen zur 2. Auflage: "Es lässt sich wunderbar flüssig lesen und ist aufgrund der sehr guten Strukturierung auch zum schnellen 'Nachschlagen' geeignet."Die ungekürzte Rezension von Sebastian Jäger finden Sie auf (02/2013)
Inter-Varsity Press A Gracious and Compassionate God: Mission, Salvation And Spirituality In The Book Of Jonah
The book of Jonah is full of surprises, and this is no less true for us today than it was for its original readers. How is it possible that a city like Nineveh would repent? Why does Jonah seem so out of touch with the God who calls him to act as a prophet? And the end of the book asks readers the same question that God poses to Jonah: to what extent is their character truly in accord with that of the God whom they claim to serve? At the same time, Jonah centres on the grand theme of the Bible: the manifestation of God's unmerited grace to those who have sinned against him. However, despite its brevity, Jonah raises challenging theological questions regarding mission and religious conversion; and there is no shortage of fascinating historical aspects, along with the various unexpected plot twists. In this stimulating biblical-theological study, Daniel Timmer examines the book's historical backgrounds (in both Israel and Assyria), discusses the biblical text in detail, and pays special attention to redemptive history and its Christocentric orientation. He explores the relationship between Israel and the nations - including the question of mission - and the nature of religious conversion and spirituality in the Old Testament. Timmer also argues that the book of Jonah was written to facilitate spiritual change in its readers, and our study is not complete until we have wrestled with it on those terms. The New Studies in Biblical Theology offer creative expositions of key issues in understanding the Bible.