Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Innovative Company: An Ill-defined Object
The concept of innovation is the result of human activities carried out to produce a new product, service or something new that creates value. More recently, the idea of an innovative enterprise, organization or company has emerged, thanks to an increasing interest in innovation as an essential process in a variety of economic, technological and sociological contexts. This book is part of a set on Innovation between Risk and Reward and focuses on the close relationship between innovation and knowledge. It provides the reader with the outline of an innovative company, focusing on the organizational aspects that contribute to defining it and sketching out the profile of what an innovative company is or should be in the age of knowledge. The authors explore the literary corpus in order to outline the state of the art but also the reality of innovative enterprise in the form of meetings and interviews with both large and small companies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Designing Interactive Hypermedia Systems
This book aims at exploring and illustrating the different ways in which hypermedia systems and tools are designed according to those aspects. The design and visualization schemes included in any system will be related to the variety of social and technical complexities confronted by researchers in social, communication, humanities, art and design.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ecosystems Knowledge: Modeling and Analysis Method for Information and Communication
To analyze complex situations we use everyday analogies that allow us to invest in an unknown domain knowledge we have acquired in a known field. In this work the author proposes a modeling and analysis method that uses the analogy of the ecosystem to embrace the complexity of an area of knowledge. After a history of the ecosystem concept and these derivatives (nature, ecology, environment ) from antiquity to the present, the analysis method based on the modeling of socio-semantic ontologies is presented, followed by practical examples of this approach in the areas of software development, digital humanities, Big Data, and more generally in the area of complex analysis.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Geometric Modeling of Fractal Forms for CAD
Designing and controlling complex shapes like porous volumes and rough surfaces is a challenge. Fractal geometry is an interesting approach which considerably simplify the problem. Even though underlying concepts reduce the set possible shapes, they generate a surprising variety of shapes. In this book we present a formalism to design such complex objects for geometric aided geometry design applications. The goal of this formalism is to provide to the end user the possibility to manipulate fractal objects as a standard euclidean object with standard tools of CAD system. This formalism encompass curves, surfaces, volumes, as well as NURBS and subdivision surfaces. All theoretical and practical aspects are developed, from the design up to 3D printing.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy and Environment
Transport systems are facing an impossible dilemma: satisfy an increasing demand for mobility of people and goods, while decreasing their fossil-energy requirements and preserving the environment. Additionally, transport has an opportunity to evolve in a changing world, with new services, technologies but also new requirements (fast delivery, reliability, improved accessibility). In this book, recent research works are reported around the triptych: "transport, energy and environment", which demonstrates that vehicle technologies and fuels can still improve, but it is necessary to prepare their implementation (e.g. electro-mobility), to think of new services, and to involve all actors, particularly enterprises, who will be the drivers of innovation. Mitigation strategies are studied to promote innovative, multimodal and clean transports and services. Research progress is reported on air pollution, vibrations and noise, their mitigation and assessment methodologies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Reliability in Biomechanics
In this book, the authors present in detail several recent methodologies and algorithms that we have developed during the last fifteen years. The deterministic methods account for uncertainties through empirical safety factors, which implies that the actual uncertainties in materials, geometry and loading are not truly considered. This problem becomes much more complicated when considering biomechanical applications where a number of uncertainties are encountered in the design of prosthesis systems. This book implements improved numerical strategies and algorithms that can be applied only in biomechanical studies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Control Design for Industrial Applications
This book presents the most important methods used for the design of digital controls implemented in industrial applications. The best modelling and identification techniques for dynamical systems are presented as well as the algorithms for the implementation of the modern solutions of process control. The proposed described methods are illustrated by various case studies for the main industrial sectors There exist a number of books related each one to a single type of control, yet usually without comparisons for various industrial sectors. Some other books present modelling and identification methods or signal processing. This book presents the methods to solve all the problems linked to the design of a process control without the need to find additional information.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Reliability of Engineering Systems and Technological Risk
This book is based on a lecture course to students specializing in the safety of technological processes and production. The author focuses on three main problems in technological risks and safety: elements of reliability theory, the basic notions, models and methods of general risk theory and some aspects of insurance in the context of risk management. Although the material in this book is aimed at those working towards a bachelor's degree in engineering, it may also be of interest to postgraduate students and specialists dealing with problems related to reliability and risks.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Chi-squared Goodness-of-fit Tests for Censored Data
This book is devoted to the problems of construction and application of chi-squared goodness-of-fit tests for complete and censored data. Classical chi-squared tests assume that unknown distribution parameters are estimated using grouped data, but in practice this assumption is often forgotten. In this book, we consider modified chi-squared tests, which do not suffer from such a drawback. The authors provide examples of chi-squared tests for various distributions widely used in practice, and also consider chi-squared tests for the parametric proportional hazards model and accelerated failure time model, which are widely used in reliability and survival analysis. Particular attention is paid to the choice of grouping intervals and simulations. This book covers recent innovations in the field as well as important results previously only published in Russian. Chi-squared tests are compared with other goodness-of-fit tests (such as the Cramer-von Mises-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling and Zhang tests) in terms of power when testing close competing hypotheses.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Integration of Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Thin Films: Concepts and Applications for Microsystems
This book contains four parts. The first one is dedicated to concepts. It starts with the definitions and examples of what is piezo-pyro and ferroelectricity by considering the symmetry of the material. Thereafter, these properties are described within the framework of Thermodynamics. The second part described the way to integrate these materials in Microsystems. The third part is dedicated to characterization: composition, structure and a special focused on electrical behaviors. The last part gives a survey of state of the art applications using integrated piezo or/and ferroelectric films.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation and Creativity in SMEs: Challenges, Evolutions and Prospects
In order to survive in their market and differentiate themselves from the competition, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which represent more than 90% of companies worldwide, need to be creative and innovative. This book presents a conceptual framework for thinking about innovation and creativity in SMEs. It takes into account their strategic relation to their environment and the economic, technological and social changes that they face. Their ability to enhance their creativity with new ideas and to legitimize them during their implementation is also taken into account
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Interpolation and Extrapolation Optimal Designs 2: Finite Dimensional General Models
This book considers various extensions of the topics treated in the first volume of this series, in relation to the class of models and the type of criterion for optimality. The regressors are supposed to belong to a generic finite dimensional Haar linear space, which substitutes for the classical polynomial case. The estimation pertains to a general linear form of the coefficients of the model, extending the interpolation and extrapolation framework; the errors in the model may be correlated, and the model may be heteroscedastic. Non-linear models, as well as multivariate ones, are briefly discussed. The book focuses to a large extent on criteria for optimality, and an entire chapter presents algorithms leading to optimal designs in multivariate models. Elfving’s theory and the theorem of equivalence are presented extensively. The volume presents an account of the theory of the approximation of real valued functions, which makes it self-consistent.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Acoustics
The central theme of the chapters is acoustic propagation in fluid media, dissipative or non-dissipative, homogeneous or nonhomogeneous, infinite or limited, placing particular emphasis on the theoretical formulation of the problems considered.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wavelets and their Applications
The last 15 years have seen an explosion of interest in wavelets with applications in fields such as image compression, turbulence, human vision, radar and earthquake prediction. Wavelets represent an area that combines signal in image processing, mathematics, physics and electrical engineering. As such, this title is intended for the wide audience that is interested in mastering the basic techniques in this subject area, such as decomposition and compression.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Protection of Electrical Networks
This book, designed for engineers, technicians, designers and operators working with electrical networks, contains theoretical and practical information on the design and set-up of protection systems. Protection of Electrical Networks first discusses network structures and grounding systems together with problems that can occur in networks. It goes on to cover current and voltage transformers, protection functions, circuit breakers and fuses. Practical explanations of how protection systems function are given, and these, together with tables of settings, make this book suitable for any reader, irrespective of their initial level of knowledge.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Equilibrium and Transfer in Porous Media 2: Transfer Laws
A porous medium is composed of a solid matrix and its geometrical complement: the pore space. This pore space can be occupied by one or more fluids. The understanding of transport phenomena in porous media is a challenging intellectual task. This book provides a detailed analysis of the aspects required for the understanding of many experimental techniques in the field of porous media transport phenomena. It is aimed at students or engineers who may not be looking specifically to become theoreticians in porous media, but wish to integrate knowledge of porous media with their previous scientific culture, or who may have encountered them when dealing with a technological problem. While avoiding the details of the more mathematical and abstract developments of the theories of macroscopization, the author gives as accurate and rigorous an idea as possible of the methods used to establish the major laws of macroscopic behavior in porous media. He also illustrates the constitutive laws and equations by demonstrating some of their classical applications. Priority is to put forward the constitutive laws in concrete circumstances without going into technical detail. This second volume in the three-volume series focuses on transport and transfer from homogeneous phases to porous media, and isothermal transport in the pore space.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Flexible Robotics: Applications to Multiscale Manipulations
The objective of this book is to provide those interested in the field of flexible robotics with an overview of several scientific and technological advances in the practical field of robotic manipulation. The different chapters examine various stages that involve a number of robotic devices, particularly those designed for manipulation tasks characterized by mechanical flexibility. Chapter 1 deals with the general context surrounding the design of functionally integrated microgripping systems. Chapter 2 focuses on the dual notations of modal commandability and observability, which play a significant role in the control authority of vibratory modes that are significant for control issues. Chapter 3 presents different modeling tools that allow the simultaneous use of energy and system structuring notations. Chapter 4 discusses two sensorless methods that could be used for manipulation in confined or congested environments. Chapter 5 analyzes several appropriate approaches for responding to the specific needs required by versatile prehension tasks and dexterous manipulation. After a classification of compliant tactile sensors focusing on dexterous manipulation, Chapter 6 discusses the development of a complying triaxial force sensor based on piezoresistive technology. Chapter 7 deals with the constraints imposed by submicrometric precision in robotic manipulation. Chapter 8 presents the essential stages of the modeling, identification and analysis of control laws in the context of serial manipulator robots with flexible articulations. Chapter 9 provides an overview of models for deformable body manipulators. Finally, Chapter 10 presents a set of contributions that have been made with regard to the development of methodologies for identification and control of flexible manipulators based on experimental data. Contents 1. Design of Integrated Flexible Structures for Micromanipulation, Mathieu Grossard, Mehdi Boukallel, Stéphane Régnier and Nicolas Chaillet. 2. Flexible Structures’ Representation and Notable Properties in Control, Mathieu Grossard, Arnaud Hubert, Stéphane Régnier and Nicolas Chaillet. 3. Structured Energy Approach for the Modeling of Flexible Structures, Nandish R. Calchand, Arnaud Hubert, Yann Le Gorrec and Hector Ramirez Estay. 4. Open-Loop Control Approaches to Compliant Micromanipulators, Yassine Haddab, Vincent Chalvet and Micky Rakotondrabe. 5. Mechanical Flexibility and the Design of Versatile and Dexterous Grippers, Javier Martin Amezaga and Mathieu Grossard. 6. Flexible Tactile Sensors for Multidigital Dexterous In-hand Manipulation, Mehdi Boukallel, Hanna Yousef, Christelle Godin and Caroline Coutier. 7. Flexures for High-Precision Manipulation Robots, Reymond Clavel, Simon Henein and Murielle Richard. 8. Modeling and Motion Control of Serial Robots with Flexible Joints, Maria Makarov and Mathieu Grossard. 9. Dynamic Modeling of Deformable Manipulators, Frédéric Boyer and Ayman Belkhiri. 10. Robust Control of Robotic Manipulators with Structural Flexibilities, Houssem Halalchi, Loïc Cuvillon, Guillaume Mercère and Edouard Laroche. About the Authors Mathieu Grossard, CEA LIST, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Nicolas Chaillet, FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France. Stéphane Régnier, ISIR, UPMC, Paris, France.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Architecture and Governance for Communication Services
Communication services are evolving at an unprecedented rate. No longer limited to interpersonal vocal communication, they now integrate functions such as address books, content sharing and messaging. The emergence of social networks – which may also include these features – is an important element of this transformation. Content services are becoming flagship services themselves, and are sometimes paired up with conversation services. The boundaries between different services are becoming less and less distinct. This book meets the need for a better understanding of communication services, and for a general framework of their description. A detailed overview on service architecture in the Telco, Web and IT worlds is presented, offering a roadmap with explanations on how to improve the architecture and governance of communication service architectures by exploiting the syntax and semantics that are common to different services is clearly outlined. This book also responds to recurring questions about service design, such as the functional scope of enablers or SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) services, the relevance of service composition to the user and collaboration between different services in a converged environment. Many concrete examples from telecoms service providers’ operations illustrate these concepts. Contents 1. Describing Service Architectures. 2. Convergence of Service. 3. Building an Architectural Framework for Telecom Services. 4. Modeling and Case Study. 5. Organizational and Software Applications. About the Authors Emmanuel Bertin is senior service architect at Orange Labs in France. He is the author of more than 40 research papers, and holds more than 10 patents in the area of communication services. Noël Crespi worked at Bouygues Telecom, France Telecom R&D, and then at Nortel Networks where he led the Telephony Programme. He is currently Professor and Head of the Service Architecture Laboratory at Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis in France and is the author/co-author of more than 160 research papers and 140 contributions in standardization.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc 3D Video: From Capture to Diffusion
While 3D vision has existed for many years, the use of 3D cameras and video-based modeling by the film industry has induced an explosion of interest for 3D acquisition technology, 3D content and 3D displays. As such, 3D video has become one of the new technology trends of this century. The chapters in this book cover a large spectrum of areas connected to 3D video, which are presented both theoretically and technologically, while taking into account both physiological and perceptual aspects. Stepping away from traditional 3D vision, the authors, all currently involved in these areas, provide the necessary elements for understanding the underlying computer-based science of these technologies. They consider applications and perspectives previously unexplored due to technological limitations. This book guides the reader through the production process of 3D videos; from acquisition, through data treatment and representation, to 3D diffusion. Several types of camera systems are considered (multiscopic or multiview) which lead to different acquisition, modeling and storage-rendering solutions. The application of these systems is also discussed to illustrate varying performance benefits, making this book suitable for students, academics, and also those involved in the film industry.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Knowledge Needs and Information Extraction: Towards an Artificial Consciousness
This book presents a theory of consciousness which is unique and sustainable in nature, based on physiological and cognitive-linguistic principles controlled by a number of socio-psycho-economic factors. In order to anchor this theory, which draws upon various disciplines, the author presents a number of different theories, all of which have been abundantly studied by scientists from both a theoretical and experimental standpoint, including models of social organization, ego theories, theories of the motivational system in psychology, theories of the motivational system in neurosciences, language modeling and computational modeling of motivation. The theory presented in this book is based on the hypothesis that an individual’s main activities are developed by self-motivation, managed as an informational need. This is described in chapters covering self-motivation on a day-to-day basis, the notion of need, the hypothesis and control of cognitive self-motivation and a model of self-motivation which associates language and physiology. The subject of knowledge extraction is also covered, including the impact of self-motivation on written information, non-transversal and transversal text-mining techniques and the fields of interest of text mining. Contents: 1. Consciousness: an Ancient and Current Topic of Study. 2. Self-motivation on a Daily Basis. 3. The Notion of Need. 4. The Models of Social Organization. 5. Self Theories. 6. Theories of Motivation in Psychology. 7. Theories of Motivation in Neurosciences. 8. Language Modeling. 9. Computational Modeling of Motivation. 10. Hypothesis and Control of Cognitive Self-Motivation. 11. A Model of Self-Motivation which Associates Language and Physiology. 12. Impact of Self-Motivation on Written Information. 13. Non-Transversal Text Mining Techniques. 14. Transversal Text Mining Techniques. 15. Fields of Interest for Text Mining. About the Authors Nicolas Turenne is a researcher at INRA in the Science and Society team at the University of Paris-Est Marne la Vallée in France. He specializes in knowledge extraction from texts with theoretical research into relational and stochastic models. His research topics also concern the sociology of uses, food and environmental sciences, and bioinformatics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Crowdsourcing: One Step Beyond
Crowdsourcing is a relatively recent phenomenon that only appeared in 2006, but it continues to grow and diversify (crowdfunding, crowdcontrol, etc.). This book aims to review this concept and show how it leads to the creation of value and new business opportunities. Chapter 1 is based on four examples: the online-banking sector, an informative television channel, the postal sector and the higher education sector. It shows that in the current context, for a company facing challenges, the crowd remains an untapped resource. The next chapter presents crowdsourcing as a new form of externalization and offers definitions of crowdsourcing. In Chapter 3, the authors attempt to explain how a company can create value by means of a crowdsourcing operation. To do this, authors use a model linking types of value, types of crowd, and the means by which these crowds are accessed. Chapter 4 examines in detail various forms that crowdsourcing may take, by presenting and discussing ten types of crowdsourcing operation. In Chapter 5, the authors imagine and explore the ways in which the dark side of crowdsourcing might be manifested and Chapter 6 offers some insight into the future of crowdsourcing. Contents 1. A Turbulent and Paradoxical Environment. 2. Crowdsourcing: A New Form of Externalization. 3. Crowdsourcing and Value Creation. 4. Forms of Crowdsourcing. 5. The Dangers of Crowdsourcing. 6. The Future of Crowdsourcing. About the Authors Jean-Fabrice Lebraty is Professor of management sciences at IAE (Business School) at Jean Moulin – Lyon 3 University in France and a member of the research laboratory Magellan EA3713. He specializes in the management of information and communication systems and his research notably concerns decision-making and the links between crowd and information technology. Katia Lobre-Lebraty is Associate Professor of management sciences at IAE (Business School) at Jean Moulin – Lyon 3 University in France and a member of the research laboratory Magellan EA3713. She specializes in management control and strategic management and her research concerns both the modes of governance of organizations and Open Data
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fracture Mechanics 1: Analysis of Reliability and Quality Control
This first book of a 3-volume set on Fracture Mechanics is mainly centered on the vast range of the laws of statistical distributions encountered in various scientific and technical fields. These laws are indispensable in understanding the probability behavior of components and mechanical structures that are exploited in the other volumes of this series, which are dedicated to reliability and quality control.The author presents not only the laws of distribution of various models but also the tests of adequacy suited to confirm or counter the hypothesis of the law in question, namely the Pearson (x2) test, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test, along with many other relevant tests.This book distinguishes itself from other works in the field through its originality in presenting an educational approach which aims at helping practitioners both in academia and industry. It is intended for technicians, engineers, designers, students, and teachers working in the fields of engineering and vocational education. The main objective of the author is to provide an assessment of indicators of quality and reliability to aid in decision-making. To this end, an intuitive and practical approach, based on mathematical rigor, is recommended.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering
Many approaches to creating Software Product Lines have emerged that are based on Model-Driven Engineering. This book introduces both Software Product Lines and Model-Driven Engineering, which have separate success stories in industry, and focuses on the practical combination of them. It describes the challenges and benefits of merging these two software development trends and provides the reader with a novel approach and practical mechanisms to improve software development productivity.The book is aimed at engineers and students who wish to understand and apply software product lines and model-driven engineering in their activities today. The concepts and methods are illustrated with two product line examples: the classic smart-home systems and a collection manager information system.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Color Imaging
This collective work identifies the latest developments in the field of the automatic processing and analysis of digital color images. For researchers and students, it represents a critical state of the art on the scientific issues raised by the various steps constituting the chain of color image processing. It covers a wide range of topics related to computational color imaging, including color filtering and segmentation, color texture characterization, color invariant for object recognition, color and motion analysis, as well as color image and video indexing and retrieval. Contents 1. Color Representation and Processing in Polar Color Spaces, Jesús Angulo, Sébastien Lefèvre and Olivier Lezoray. 2. Adaptive Median Color Filtering, Frédérique Robert-Inacio and Eric Dinet. 3. Anisotropic Diffusion PDEs for Regularization of Multichannel Images: Formalisms and Applications, David Tschumperlé. 4. Linear Prediction in Spaces with Separate Achromatic and Chromatic Information,Olivier Alata, Imtnan Qazi, Jean-Christophe Burie and Christine Fernandez-Maloigne. 5. Region Segmentation, Alain Clément, Laurent Busin, Olivier Lezoray and Ludovic Macaire. 6. Color Texture Attributes, Nicolas Vandenbroucke, Olivier Alata, Christèle Lecomte, Alice Porebski and Imtnan Qazi. 7. Photometric Color Invariants for Object Recognition, Damien Muselet. 8. Color Key Point Detectors and Local Color Descriptors, Damien Muselet and Xiaohu Song. 9. Motion Estimation in Color Image Sequences, Bertrand Augereau and Jenny Benois-Pineau.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Damage Mechanics in Metal Forming: Advanced Modeling and Numerical Simulation
The aim of this book is to summarize the current most effective methods for modeling, simulating, and optimizing metal forming processes, and to present the main features of new, innovative methods currently being developed which will no doubt be the industrial tools of tomorrow. It discusses damage (or defect) prediction in virtual metal forming, using advanced multiphysical and multiscale fully coupled constitutive equations. Theoretical formulation, numerical aspects as well as application to various sheet and bulk metal forming are presented in detail.Virtual metal forming is nowadays inescapable when looking to optimize numerically various metal forming processes in order to design advanced mechanical components. To do this, highly predictive constitutive equations accounting for the full coupling between various physical phenomena at various scales under large deformation including the ductile damage occurrence are required. In addition, fully 3D adaptive numerical methods related to time and space discretization are required in order to solve accurately the associated initial and boundary value problems. This book focuses on these two main and complementary aspects with application to a wide range of metal forming and machining processes. Contents 1. Elements of Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics.2. Thermomechanically-Consistent Modeling of the Metals Behavior with Ductile Damage.3. Numerical Methods for Solving Metal Forming Problems.4. Application to Virtual Metal Forming.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Holography
This book presents a substantial description of the principles and applications of digital holography.The first part of the book deals with mathematical basics and the linear filtering theory necessary to approach the topic. The next part describes the fundamentals of diffraction theory and exhaustively details the numerical computation of diffracted fields using FFT algorithms. A thorough presentation of the principles of holography and digital holography, including digital color holography, is proposed in the third part.A special section is devoted to the algorithms and methods for the numerical reconstruction of holograms. There is also a chapter devoted to digital holographic interferometry with applications in holographic microscopy, quantitative phase contrast imaging, multidimensional deformation investigations, surface shape measurements, fluid mechanics, refractive index investigations, synthetic aperture imaging and information encrypting.Keys so as to understand the differences between digital holography and speckle interferometry and examples of software for hologram reconstructions are also treated in brief. Contents 1. Mathematical Prerequisites.2. The Scalar Theory of Diffraction.3. Calculating Diffraction by Fast Fourier Transform.4. Fundamentals of Holography.5. Digital Off-Axis Fresnel Holography.6. Reconstructing Wavefronts Propagated through an Optical System.7. Digital Holographic Interferometry and Its Applications.Appendix. Examples of Digital Hologram Reconstruction Programs
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Oxydative Ageing of Polymers
This book aims to rehabilitate kinetic modeling in the domain of polymer ageing, where it has been almost abandoned by the research community. Kinetic modeling is a key step for lifetime prediction, a crucial problem in many industrial domains in which needs cannot be satisfied by the common empirical methods.The book proposes a renewed approach of lifetime prediction in polymer oxidative ageing. This approach is based on kinetic models built from relatively simple mechanistic schemes but integrating physical processes (oxygen diffusion and stabilizer transport), and use property (for instance mechanical failure) changes. An important chapter is dedicated to radiation-induced oxidation and its most important applications: radiochemical ageing at low dose rates and photo-chemical ageing under solar radiation. There is also a chapter devoted to the problem of ageing under coupled oxidation and mechanical loading.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Modeling
The fuel cell is a potential candidate for energy storage and conversion in our future energy mix. It is able to directly convert the chemical energy stored in fuel (e.g. hydrogen) into electricity, without undergoing different intermediary conversion steps. In the field of mobile and stationary applications, it is considered to be one of the future energy solutions. Among the different fuel cell types, the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell has shown great potential in mobile applications, due to its low operating temperature, solid-state electrolyte and compactness. This book presents a detailed state of art of PEM fuel cell modeling, with very detailed physical phenomena equations in different physical domains. Examples and a fully coupled multi-physical 1.2 kW PEMFC model are given help the reader better understand how to use the equations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Process Engineering and Industrial Management
Process Engineering, the science and art of transforming raw materials and energy into a vast array of commercial materials, was conceived at the end of the 19th Century. Its history in the role of the Process Industries has been quite honorable, and techniques and products have contributed to improve health, welfare and quality of life. Today, industrial enterprises, which are still a major source of wealth, have to deal with new challenges in a global world. They need to reconsider their strategy taking into account environmental constraints, social requirements, profit, competition, and resource depletion. “Systems thinking” is a prerequisite from process development at the lab level to good project management. New manufacturing concepts have to be considered, taking into account LCA, supply chain management, recycling, plant flexibility, continuous development, process intensification and innovation. This book combines experience from academia and industry in the field of industrialization, i.e. in all processes involved in the conversion of research into successful operations. Enterprises are facing major challenges in a world of fierce competition and globalization. Process engineering techniques provide Process Industries with the necessary tools to cope with these issues. The chapters of this book give a new approach to the management of technology, projects and manufacturing. Contents Part 1: The Company as of Today 1. The Industrial Company: its Purpose, History, Context, and its Tomorrow?, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 2. The Two Modes of Operation of the Company – Operational and Entrepreneurial, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 3. The Strategic Management of the Company: Industrial Aspects, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. Part 2: Process Development and Industrialization 4. Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 5. Foundations of Process Industrialization, Jean-François Joly. 6. The Industrialization Process: Preliminary Projects, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont and Michel Royer. 7. Lifecycle Analysis and Eco-Design: Innovation Tools for Sustainable Industrial Chemistry, Sylvain Caillol. 8. Methods for Design and Evaluation of Sustainable Processes and Industrial Systems, Catherine Azzaro-Pantel. 9. Project Management Techniques: Engineering, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. Part 3: The Necessary Adaptation of the Company for the Future 10. Japanese Methods, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 11. Innovation in Chemical Engineering Industries, Oliver Potier and Mauricio Camargo. 12. The Place of Intensified Processes in the Plant of the Future, Laurent Falk. 13. Change Management, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 14. The Plant of the Future, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fracture Mechanics and Crack Growth
This book presents recent advances related to the following two topics: how mechanical fields close to material or geometrical singularities such as cracks can be determined; how failure criteria can be established according to the singularity degrees related to these discontinuities. Concerning the determination of mechanical fields close to a crack tip, the first part of the book presents most of the traditional methods in order to classify them into two major categories. The first is based on the stress field, such as the Airy function, and the second resolves the problem from functions related to displacement fields. Following this, a new method based on the Hamiltonian system is presented in great detail. Local and energetic approaches to fracture are used in order to determine the fracture parameters such as stress intensity factor and energy release rate. The second part of the book describes methodologies to establish the critical fracture loads and the crack growth criteria. Singular fields for homogeneous and non-homogeneous problems near crack tips, v-notches, interfaces, etc. associated with the crack initiation and propagation laws in elastic and elastic-plastic media, allow us to determine the basis of failure criteria. Each phenomenon studied is dealt with according to its conceptual and theoretical modeling, to its use in the criteria of fracture resistance; and finally to its implementation in terms of feasibility and numerical application. Contents 1. Introduction.Part 1: Stress Field Analysis Close to the Crack Tip2. Review of Continuum Mechanics and the Behavior Laws.3. Overview of Fracture Mechanics.4. Fracture Mechanics.5. Introduction to the Finite Element Analysis of Cracked Structures.Part 2: Crack Growth Criteria6. Crack Propagation.7. Crack Growth Prediction in Elements of Steel Structures Submitted to Fatigue.8. Potential Use of Crack Propagation Laws in Fatigue Life Design.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Competitive Inteligence 2.0: Organization, Innovation and Territory
The recent “concept of 2.0", a consequence of "Web 2.0", discusses the emergence of a new style, emancipated from the Web, which finds applications in all areas of social activity: management, innovation, education , organization, territory, etc. This book considers the implications of the changing paradigm for competitive, economic and territorial intelligence applied to innovation, value creation and enhancement of territories. Competitive intelligence is therefore in the "2.0" and its values: perpetual beta, user-generated content, social relations, etc., horizontality, a renewed legitimacy. This book, collecting contributions from international experts, testifies to the heterogeneity and richness of possible approaches. It provides a totally new way of evaluating the impact of 2.0 with concrete examples, while analyzing the theoretical models allowing the reader to develop in other contexts the described cases of success.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Extractive Metallurgy 3: Processing Operations and Routes
Extractive metallurgy is the art and science of extracting metals from their ores and refining them. The production of metals and alloys from these source materials is still one of the most important and fundamental industries in both developed and developing economies around the world. The outputs and products are essential resources for the metallic, mechanical, electromagnetic, electrical and electronics industries (silicon is treated as a metal for these purposes). This series is devoted to the extraction of metals from ores, concentrates (enriched ores), scraps, and other sources and their refining to the state of either liquid metal before casting or to solid metals. The extraction and refining operations that are required may be carried out by various metallurgical reaction processes. Extractive Metallurgy 1 deals with the fundamentals of thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction processes. Extractive Metallurgy 2 focuses on pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, halide and electro-metallurgical (conversion) processes. Extractive Metallurgy 3 deals with the industrial processing operations, technologies, and process routes, in other words the sequence of steps or operations used to convert the ore to metal. Processes and operations are studied using the methodology of “chemical reaction engineering”. As the fundamentals of the art and science of Extractive Metallurgy are infrequently taught as dedicated university or engineering schools courses, this series is intended both for students in the fields of Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering who want to acquire this knowledge, and also for engineers put in charge of the operation of an industrial production unit or the development of a new process, who will need the basic knowledge of the corresponding technology.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling Urban Dynamics: Mobility, Accessibility and Real Estate Value
The field of Urban Dynamics itself is based on the systems engineering concept that all complex systems (and cities and urban areas are no exception) are comprised of independent and often smaller, more understandable sub-components with relationships to one another. This allows for the system as a whole to be modeled, using knowledge of the individual subsystems and their behaviors. In this instance, urban dynamics allows for the modeling and understanding of land use, the attractiveness of space to residents, and how the ageing and obsolescence of buildings affects planning and economic development, as well as population movements, with the urban landscape. The book adopts a trans-disciplinary approach that looks at the way residential mobility, commuting patterns, and travel behavior affect the urban form. It addresses a series of issues dealing with the accessibility of urban amenities, quality of life, and assessment of landscape residential choices, as well as measurement of external factors in the urban environment and their impact on property values.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Stochastic Geometry for Image Analysis
This book develops the stochastic geometry framework for image analysis purpose. Two main frameworks are described: marked point process and random closed sets models. We derive the main issues for defining an appropriate model. The algorithms for sampling and optimizing the models as well as for estimating parameters are reviewed. Numerous applications, covering remote sensing images, biological and medical imaging, are detailed. This book provides all the necessary tools for developing an image analysis application based on modern stochastic modeling.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Construction Reliability: Safety, Variability and Sustainability
This book provides answers to the following problems: how to identify the most probable critical failures; how to describe and use data-concerning materials that are either heterogeneous, time-variant, or space-variant; how to quantify the reliability and lifetime of a system; how to use feedback information to actualize reliability results; and how to optimize an inspection politic or a maintenance strategy. Numerous authors from public research centers and firms propose a synthesis of methods, both new and well-known, and offer numerous examples concerning dams, geotechnical study, and structures from nuclear and civil engineering.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Geographical Information and Urban Transport Systems
Urban transport systems need to be analyzed from various perspectives: the offer on one hand, the demand on the other hand, but also their negative externalities (risks of transport systems). These three dimensions are rarely apprehended in an integrated perspective. This book provides a large collection of chapters dealing with these specific dimensions, each written by recognized specialists in their domain, and articulates them in an integrated way.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Microwaves Photonic Links: Components and Circuits
This book presents the electrical models for the different elements of a photonic microwave link like lasers, external modulators, optical fibers, photodiodes and phototransistors. The future trends of these components are also introduced: lasers to VCSEL, external modulators to electro-absorption modulators, glass optical fibers to plastic optical fibers, photodiodes to UTC photodiodes or phototransistors. It also describes an original methodology to evaluate the performance of a microwave photonic link, based on the developed elcetrical models, that can be easily incorporated in commercial electrical circuits simulation software to simulate this complete link.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Wave Propagation in Fluids: Models and Numerical Techniques
This second edition with four additional chapters presents the physical principles and solution techniques for transient propagation in fluid mechanics and hydraulics. The application domains vary including contaminant transport with or without sorption, the motion of immiscible hydrocarbons in aquifers, pipe transients, open channel and shallow water flow, and compressible gas dynamics. The mathematical formulation is covered from the angle of conservation laws, with an emphasis on multidimensional problems and discontinuous flows, such as steep fronts and shock waves. Finite difference-, finite volume- and finite element-based numerical methods (including discontinuous Galerkin techniques) are covered and applied to various physical fields. Additional chapters include the treatment of geometric source terms, as well as direct and adjoint sensitivity modeling for hyperbolic conservation laws. A concluding chapter is devoted to practical recommendations to the modeler. Application exercises with on-line solutions are proposed at the end of the chapters.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Manufacturing
According to the NACFAM (National Council for Advanced Manufacturing, USA) Sustainable Manufacturing is defined "as the creation of manufactured products that use processes that are non-polluting, conserve energy and natural resources, and are economically sound and safe for employees, communities, and consumers." The book covers Sustainable Manufacturing techniques such as materials and manufacturing for renewable energies; clean manufacturing technology; ecological manufacturing; energy-efficient manufacturing; remanufacturing; recycling of materials; environmentally conscious design and manufacturing processes; sustainable advanced manufacturing systems; manufacturability in sustainable product design; education and training for sustainable manufacturing.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Microrobotics for Micromanipulation
Microrobotics is an emerging and booming area with many and various applications, including in fields such as industrial/manufacturing robotics, medical robotics, and laboratory instrumentation. Microrobotics for Micromanipulation presents for the first time, in detail, a treatment of the field of robotics dedicated to handling objects of micrometer dimensions. At these dimensions, the behavior of objects is significantly different from the better known, larger scales, which leads to implementation techniques that can be radically different from the more commonly used solutions. This book details the behaviors of objects at the micrometer scale and provides robotics solutions that are suitable, in terms of actuators, grippers, manipulators, environmental perception, and microtechnology. Worked examples are included in the book - enabling engineers, students and researchers to familiarize themselves with this emerging area and to contribute to its development.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Metrology for Manufacturing Engineering
Applied Metrology for Manufacturing Engineering, stands out from traditional works due to its educational aspect. Illustrated by tutorials and laboratory models, it is accessible to users of non-specialists in the fields of design and manufacturing. Chapters can be viewed independently of each other. This book focuses on technical geometric and dimensional tolerances as well as mechanical testing and quality control. It also provides references and solved examples to help professionals and teachers to adapt their models to specific cases. It reflects recent developments in ISO and GPS standards and focuses on training that goes hand in hand with the progress of practical work and workshops dealing with measurement and dimensioning.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Linear Systems
Linear systems have all the necessary elements (modeling, identification, analysis and control), from an educational point of view, to help us understand the discipline of automation and apply it efficiently. This book is progressive and organized in such a way that different levels of readership are possible. It is addressed both to beginners and those with a good understanding of automation wishing to enhance their knowledge on the subject. The theory is rigorously developed and illustrated by numerous examples which can be reproduced with the help of appropriate computation software. 60 exercises and their solutions are included to enable the readers to test and enhance their knowledge.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Geographical Information and Climatology
This book includes two parts. The first part is more theoretical and general, and it covers fundamental principles : geospatial climate data measurement ; spatial analysis, mapping and climate ; geographical information, remote sensing and climatology ; and geographical information for initialisation of forecasting and climate models. The second part describes geographical information used in various climate applications of importance today, related to risk : urban climate ; air pollution ; hydrological problems linked to climatology ; forest fires.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Information Science
With regard to the problems identified by many researchers relating to the storage and processing of (semi-)structured digital data, accessibility and sharing, intellectual property, digital documents, information retrieval, information literacy, the relevance of information, information profiles of users, etc. the political projects for the Information Society cause some caution and embarrassment from a scientific point of view. This book gathers 13 contributions from Information Science researchers, and presents some scientific issues from the various domains which are, also, the issues in our present digital era.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Low Emission Power Generation Technologies and Energy Management
This title is dedicated to energy storage, low emission technologies and energy management, with discussions on the future of nuclear energy, combined heat and power, using hydrogen as an energy vector and fuel cells, as well as chapters on energy saving and control of the demand for power.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Intelligent Machining
Machining, as a reliable manufacturing process, still offers unmatched capabilities in producing high quality three-dimensional parts from metals, polymers, ceramics, wood and composites. Advances in computational modeling and optimization methods enabled researchers to develop cost effective and high throughput modern machining processes. This book aims to provide recent advances intelligent machining for modern manufacturing engineering. It includes six chapters that provide basic fundamentals, modern machining processes, analytical and mechanistic modeling approaches, finite element modeling and systems based modeling, recent optimization methods and case studies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Decision Making Process: Concepts and Methods
This book provides an overview of the main methods and results in the formal study of the human decision-making process, as defined in a relatively wide sense. A key aim of the approach contained here is to try to break down barriers between various disciplines encompassed by this field, including psychology, economics and computer science. All these approaches have contributed to progress in this very important and much-studied topic in the past, but none have proved sufficient so far to define a complete understanding of the highly complex processes and outcomes. This book provides the reader with state-of-the-art coverage of the field, essentially forming a roadmap to the field of decision analysis. The first part of the book is devoted to basic concepts and techniques for representing and solving decision problems, ranging from operational research to artificial intelligence. Later chapters provide an extensive overview of the decision-making process under conditions of risk and uncertainty. Finally, there are chapters covering various approaches to multi-criteria decision-making. Each chapter is written by experts in the topic concerned, and contains an extensive bibliography for further reading and reference.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Speech Physiology to Linguistic Phonetics
Communicating by speech is seemingly one of the most natural activities for humans. However, despite its apparent obviousness and ease, speech production is a very complex activity with multiple levels of organization involved with transforming cognitive intent into a meaningful sequence of sounds. This book establishes a connection between the physiology of speech and linguistics, and provides a detailed account of speech production processes, indicating how various languages of the world make use of human anthropophonic capacities. The book also offers new insights into the possible ways in which articulatory-based phonetics and phonology might be unified, making it essential reading matter for anyone involved in this field. Numerous illustrations are included which enhance the reader’s understanding.