Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Tomography
The principle of tomography is to explore the structure and composition of objects non-destructively along spatial and temporal dimensions, using penetrating radiation, such as X- and gamma-rays, or waves, such as electromagnetic and acoustic waves. Based on computer-assisted image reconstruction, tomography provides maps of parameters that characterize the emission of the employed radiation or waves, or their interaction with the examined objects, for one or several cross-sections. Thus, it gives access to the inner structure of inert objects and living organisms in their full complexity. In this book, multidisciplinary specialists explain the foundations and principles of tomographic imaging and describe a broad range of applications. The content is organized in five parts, which are dedicated to image reconstruction, microtomography, industrial tomography, morphological medical tomography and functional medical tomography.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ultra-Wideband Radio Propagation Channels: A Practical Approach
Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology consists of transmitting radio signals over frequency bandwidths from 500 MHz to several GHz. Its unique characteristics may be exploited for the design of high data rate wireless communication systems, as well as localization and imaging applications. The development and optimization of such systems require a precise knowledge of the radio transmission medium. This book examines all aspects of the propagation channel for UWB systems. UWB technology is first presented, with a particular emphasis being placed on its applications, spectrum regulation issues, and the different communication techniques. The authors introduce the theoretical bases of radioelectric propagation and give an overview of the channel sounding techniques adapted for UWB signals. The two main principles of UWB channel modeling are finally exposed and illustrated: deterministic channel modeling, based on the simulation of the propagation phenomena in a given environment, and statistical channel modeling, which relies on the experimental analysis of the main channel characteristics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Materials and Surface Engineering in Tribology
This title is designed to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of tribology. The book introduces the notion of a surface in tribology where a solid surface is described from topographical, structural, mechanical, and energetic perspectives. It also describes the principal techniques used to characterize and analyze surfaces. The title then discusses what may be called the fundamentals of tribology by introducing and describing the concepts of adhesion, friction, wear, and lubrication. The book focuses on the materials used in tribology, introducing the major classes of materials used, either in their bulk states or as coatings, including both protective layers and other coatings used for decorative purposes. Of especial importance to the tribology community are sections that provide the latest information on Nanotribology, Wear, Lubrication, and Wear-Corrosion: Tribocorrosion and Erosion-Corrosion.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc End-to-End Quality of Service: Engineering in Next Generation Heterogenous Networks
A modern communication network can be described as a large, complex, distributed system composed by higher interoperating, smaller sub-systems. Today, the proliferation and convergence of different types of wired, wireless, and mobile networks are crucial for the success of the next generation networking. However, these networks can hardly meet the requirements of future integrated-service networks, and are expected to carry multimedia traffic with various Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Providing all relevant QoS/QoE issues in these heterogeneous networks is then an important challenge for telecommunication operators, manufacturers, and companies. The impressive emergence and the important demand of the rising generation of real-time Multi-service (such as Data, Voice VoD, Video-Conference, etc.) over communication heterogeneous networks, require scalability while considering a continuous QoS. This book presents and explains all the techniques in new generation networks which integrate efficient global control mechanisms in two directions: (1) maintain QoS requirements in order to maximize network resources utilization, and minimize operational costs on all the types of wired-wireless-mobile networks used to transport traffic, and (2) mix the QoS associated with home, access, and core networks in order to provide Quality of Service/Quality of Experience expected by users of new services.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc ICWIM 5, Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Vehicles: 5th International Conference on Weigh-in-Motion of Heavy Vehicles
Weigh-in-motion (WIM) is a process of measuring the dynamic tire forces of a moving vehicle and estimating the corresponding tire loads of the static vehicle. This collection of lectures from the International Conference on Weigh-in-Motion details applications such as: collection of statistical traffic data, support of commercial vehicle enforcement, roadway and bridge cost allocation, and traffic management.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Stochastic Models
This book provides a pedagogical examination of the way in which stochastic models are encountered in applied sciences and techniques such as physics, engineering, biology and genetics, economics and social sciences. It covers Markov and semi-Markov models, as well as their particular cases: Poisson, renewal processes, branching processes, Ehrenfest models, genetic models, optimal stopping, reliability, reservoir theory, storage models, and queuing systems. Given this comprehensive treatment of the subject, students and researchers in applied sciences, as well as anyone looking for an introduction to stochastic models, will find this title of invaluable use.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Switching Processes in Queueing Models
Switching processes, invented by the author in 1977, is the main tool used in the investigation of traffic problems from automotive to telecommunications. The title provides a new approach to low traffic problems based on the analysis of flows of rare events and queuing models. In the case of fast switching, averaging principle and diffusion approximation results are proved and applied to the investigation of transient phenomena for wide classes of overloading queuing networks. The book is devoted to developing the asymptotic theory for the class of switching queuing models which covers models in a Markov or semi-Markov environment, models under the influence of flows of external or internal perturbations, unreliable and hierarchic networks, etc.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermo-Hydromechanical and Chemical Coupling in Geomaterials and Applications: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium GeoProc'2008
GeoProc2008 collects the proceedings of the International Conference on Coupled T-H-M-C (thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, chemical) Processes in Geosystems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Photonic Waveguides: Theory and Applications
This book presents the principles of non-linear integrated optics. The first objective is to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of integrated optics so that they may be able to develop the theoretical and experimental tools to study and control the linear and non-linear optical properties of waveguides. The potential use of these structures can then be determined in order to realize integrated optical components for light modulation and generation. The theoretical models are accompanied by experimental tools and their setting in order to characterize the studied phenomenon. The passage from theory to practice makes the comprehension of the physical phenomena simple and didactic. The book also gives a presentation of the industrial applications of the integrated optical components. The studied topics range from the theory of waveguides and the linear and non-linear optical characterization techniques to photonic crystals. This last field constitutes a major challenge of photonic technologies of the 21st century.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Automatic Control of Bioprocesses
Giving an overview of the challenges in the control of bioprocesses, this comprehensive book presents key results in various fields, including: dynamic modeling; dynamic properties of bioprocess models; software sensors designed for the on-line estimation of parameters and state variables; control and supervision of bioprocesses.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Production Scheduling
The performance of an company depends both on its technological expertise and its managerial and organizational effectiveness. Production management is an important part of the process for manufacturing firms. The organization of production relies in general on the implementation of a certain number of basic functions, among which the scheduling function plays an essential role. This title presents recently developed methods for resolving scheduling issues. The basic concepts and the methods of production scheduling are introduced and advanced techniques are discussed, providing readers with a comprehensive and accessible guide to employing this process.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB
This book uses MATLAB as a computing tool to explore traditional DSP topics and solve problems. This greatly expands the range and complexity of problems that students can effectively study in signal processing courses. A large number of worked examples, computer simulations and applications are provided, along with theoretical aspects that are essential in order to gain a good understanding of the main topics. Practicing engineers may also find it useful as an introductory text on the subject.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Inventory of Biodiversity Today
Our knowledge of living organisms is still very limited, with less than 20% of the world's species known to date. It is therefore essential to increase our efforts to inventory biodiversity. This is the goal of scientific research, but it is also a vital responsibility in the face of the sixth extinction. With so many species set to disappear before they can be analyzed, the compilation of this inventory now represents a major challenge. Thanks to the collaborative work of numerous researchers from the Institut de systématique, évolution, biodiversité (ISYEB) and other institutions, Inventory of Biodiversity Today presents the latest methods of field data collection and analysis. Strategies have diversified and are providing new and ever-more-precise data on a growing number of specimens. All of these data are integrated to delimit and describe living species, and are accessible to as many people as possible, so we can all take action on a daily basis to better understand a
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Concepts in Biology: A Historical Perspective
This book provides a comprehensive review of the history of concepts of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems throughout the last century. Historically, these systems were long considered as compartments that performed separate and different functions. However, a breakthrough occurred when advances in genetics and cellular and molecular biology techniques revealed that these systems shared molecular entities (such as cytokines, hormones and neurotransmitters) with their cognate receptors. These molecular links between the three systems broaden our understanding of the regulation of physiological processes. This approach has generated a multiplicity of new concepts, including crosstalk between organs, axis, feedback, molecular sensors, protein multi-functionality, positive and negative signaling ratios and pathways (such as cell signaling, metabolism and stem cell differentiation, to name a few). The improvement of experimental approaches has often resulted in major discoveries. This, combined with clear reasoning, intuition and coherence gave rise to new and unexpected concepts, and sometimes evolving ones. These new concepts lead the reader to the incredible transformation of biology in recent years.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Ondes Martenot with Tubes
The Ondes Martenot is one of the precursors of electronic musical instruments, and is today considered, with the desire for a return to analogue, as a cult instrument. This book, which is the result of several years of research, sheds light on the intrinsic functioning of the Ondes Martenot. Based on the study of numerous prototypes, the authors trace the historical evolution of the different techniques used: additive, multiplicative and relaxation syntheses. Often, the analysis of the functioning of these instruments demonstrates atypical technological choices, underpinned by a logic that places artistic creation at the forefront. Several models and simulations are built, so as to understand the functioning of each of the different sub-assemblies (keyboard, ribbon, intensity key, timbre filter...). At the end of the book, the complete construction of an Onde (copy of model no. 208) is described in detail. This practical realization of a facsimile is an opportunity to explore the knowhow of the electronic luthier Maurice Martenot.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Diversity of Methodological Approaches in Social Sciences: Example of the Analysis of Media and Online Information
As with many rapidly evolving areas, research on pluralism in media and information makes use of appropriate interdisciplinary approaches that consider diverse and interdependent factors. These considerations include new economic constraints, journalistic production, networked technologies, online social interactions, new forms of discourse, consumer preferences and practices, and the specificities of information markets. This book presents and assesses several methodological approaches that have proven to be valuable in the study of transformations in media and information. Some are well-known in social sciences (e.g. qualitative analysis by interviews), whereas others come from different disciplines and remain rare and original (e.g. agent-based modeling). By focusing on various dimensions of the media and information pluralism, this book pulls together methods based on network analysis, agent-based modeling and sociosemiotics, as well as qualitative and legal approaches. Each of the five chapters introduces a specific method and its relevance for the analysis of a particular research question.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Complexities 1: Various Approaches in the Field of Techno-Scientific Knowledge
Complexity is not a new issue. In fact, in their day, William of Ockham and René Descartes proposed what can best be described as reductionist methods for dealing with it. Over the course of the twentieth century, a science of complexity has emerged in an ever-increasing number of fields (computer science, artificial intelligence, engineering, among others), and has now become an integral part of everyday life. As a result, everyone is confronted with increasingly complex situations that need to be understood and analyzed from a global perspective, to ensure the sustainability of our common future. Complexities 1 analyzes how complexity is understood and dealt with in the fields of cybersecurity, medicine, mathematics and information. This broad spectrum of disciplines shows that all fields of knowledge are challenged by complexity. The following volume, Complexities 2, examines the social sciences and humanities in relation to complexity.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Articulations Between Tangible Space, Graphical Space and Geometrical Space: Resources, Practices and Training
This book aims to present some of the latest research in the didactics of space and geometry, deepen some theoretical questions and open up new reflections for discourse. Its focus is as much on the approach of geometry itself and its link with the structuring of space as it is on the practices within the classroom, the dissemination of resources, the use of different artefacts and the training of teachers in this field. We study how spatial knowledge, graphical knowledge and geometric knowledge are taken into account and articulated in the teaching of space and geometry in compulsory schools, teaching resources (programs and textbooks) and current teacher training. We question how the semiotic dimension (language, gestures and signs) of geometric activity can be taken into account, and we identify the role of artefacts (digital or tangible) in the teaching and learning of geometry. This book brings together some fifteen contributions from Frenchspeaking researchers from different countries (France, Switzerland and Canada).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Biosphere Reserves and Sustainable Development Goals 2
Since 1971, UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme has embraced a number of principles that link the political, scientific and academic spheres. Biosphere Reserves and Sustainable Development Goals 2 is a reminder of the fundamental issues involved in governance. The diversity and multiplicity of stakeholders, and the complexity of the interplay between them, as well as their organization, are decisive factors in the proper management of resources and territories. The book also presents a number of case studies demonstrating that, between the strong development aspirations of their populations, the impact of human activities and the need to conserve their biological heritage, the biosphere reserves of the southern Mediterranean are facing major issues: agricultural pollution, forest fires, water use in a context of climate change, etc.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Management Control and Creativity: Challenges of Managing Innovation Processes
Innovation is an essential growth lever for organizations. Like any strategic element, it must be managed to ensure the right decision is made at the right time. When we talk about management, we naturally also consider management control. However, using management tools can be a danger to developing creativity – an essential element of innovation. This book examines the interdependencies between management control and creativity. By comparing two organizational contexts, we highlight the vital role of organizations as generators of creativity. We also underline the acceptance of an imbalance between the elements in tension, which can lead to the questioning and fostering of innovation; and the role of senior management as mediators between organizations and local actors.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Non-Volatile CBRAM/MIM Switching Technology for Electronically Reconfigurable Passive Microwave Devices: Theory and Methods for Application in Rewritable Chipless RFID
This book presents the applications of non-volatile CBRAM/MIM switching technology for electronically reconfigurable passive RF and microwave devices, together with theory and methods for application in rewritable chipless RFID tags. Conductive Bridging Random Access Memory (CBRAM) is a renowned and commercially used non-volatile memory concept. Having evolved over the past few decades, it is currently identified as an efficient non-volatile RF switching technology.This book presents recent research on this topic, focusing on the development of a new generation of low-cost non-volatile RF switches and their applications, demonstrating both high performance and flexibility of implementation. It includes the experimental realization of various prototypes of RF and microwave devices utilizing this technology, along with relevant analysis of mathematical and electrical models, and detailed discussions of future aspects. All devices presented are compatible with mass industrial production at an economically efficient budget through optimized fabrication steps, without the requirement of sophisticated “clean room” processes among them.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc EcoDesign and Ecological Transition
Successive IPCC reports consistently stress the devastating impact of human activity on the climate. An ecological transition seems essential to modify our economic and social system, while meeting the needs of current and future generations. As the main culprits of environmental destruction, companies must modify their production methods to reduce their negative impact on the environment. Eco Design and Ecological Transition presents an innovative approach to eco design, a method that aims to offer products or services with a reduced environmental impact compared to conventional production methods, from the extraction of resources to the end of the product's life. The book also analyzes the potential of the circular economy and frugal innovation. It shows that innovation, to be sustainable, must be both environmentally and socially sustainable. From a systemic point of view, it examines the ability of players, particularly companies, to change their strategies in order to combin
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Drinking Water Treatment, Water Quality and Clarification
Today, hundreds of millions of people drink contaminated water without knowing it. Yet water treatment technologies can effectively eliminate contamination and can supply urban and rural populations with safe drinking water in a secure way. For almost two centuries, the huge number of treatments available to guarantee water quality has grown alongside technological progress, the strengthening of industry norms and the reinforcement of consumer expectations. New treatment methods have been developed according to the advancement of knowledge and new sanitary regulations. This five-volume book sets out to clearly present the variety of treatments available along with their performance, limitations and conditions of use as well as ways to combine them to produce safe drinking water, which is a basic need essential to everyday life. The author shares his expertise acquired at Veolia, a company that is a world leader in water services and sanitation, desalination of sea water and the recycling of wastewater. Founded in France in 1853 to bring safe water to populations and to protect them from waterborne epidemics which ravaged cities, its history is intertwined with that of water treatment.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects, Volume 4: Retaining Structures, Soil Reinforcement and Improvement
Geotechnical engineering is now a fundamental component of construction projects. The fourth and final volume of this book presents a range of retaining structures, alongside soil reinforcement and improvement techniques and processes. Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects 4 first presents the concept of thrust-fall, then goes on to examine the behavior of retaining structures and their design and justification methods. A variety of practical applications for retaining structures are then considered, covering gravity walls, sheet pile curtains, in advance shoring excavations and retaining diaphragm walls. The book goes on to study soil reinforcement and improvement techniques, a subject that the author has dedicated thirty-five years to researching and teaching: from reinforced earth, in situ soil nailing, micropiles, in situ soil compaction, stone columns and rigid inclusions to "soil-cement" and "lime cement" columns. This book ends with a comprehensive and practical discussion of the behavior of underground structures; covering the concepts of convergence-confinement, stress evolution and subsidence estimation. Each chapter of this fourth volume is illustrated with concrete examples and measurements of retaining structures, soil reinforcement and soil improvement from construction sites. The result is a combination of geotechnical expertise and lessons learned from experience, both of which are highly valuable in the field of applied geotechnics for construction projects.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects, Volume 1: Soil and Experimental Data
Geotechnical engineering is now a fundamental component of construction projects. The first volume of this book therefore paves the way for the development of a lasting partnership between soil and foundations. Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects 1 first defines, identifies and classifies soils, exploring their complexities and weaknesses, and then outlines the basic principles of stresses and strains that establish and develop within soils. The third chapter of the book introduces and develops methods of soil investigation in order to experimentally determine the geotechnical parameters that are useful in the design stage of construction projects. Each chapter of this first volume is illustrated with photographs of example construction sites and concludes with concrete examples of real projects. The result is a combination of geotechnical expertise and lessons learned from experience, both of which are highly valuable in the field of applied geotechnics for construction projects.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Objects to Learn about and Objects for Learning 2: Which Teaching Practices for Which Issues?
Resulting from a conference that took place in Amiens, France, in June 2019, this book examines the place and role of objects centered in teaching practices from kindergarten to university, both in the context of France and elsewhere. These “objects for learning” are considered in their physicality as productions, work or signs that are used for learning. They become “objects to learn about” when the object itself is the learning objective.This book offers a cross-disciplinary perspective, linking the different disciplinary fields studied and the many reference sources used by the authors. This two-volume work offers an overview of current research on the subject, with this second volume focusing on objects in representations of space and time, then on learners’ activities in the making or use of objects, before concluding with different cultural and philosophical perspectives on objects
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Rheology, Physical and Mechanical Behavior of Materials 1: Physical Mechanisms of Deformation and Dynamic Behavior
This book studies the flow of materials and the influence of strain rates on the relationship between imposed stresses and the dynamic deformations obtained. It provides applications for shaping, molecular molding, shrink-fit assembly and welding, including details of the various specific processes for implementation at high strain rates, illustrated by numerous industrial examples. Rheology, Physical and Mechanical Behavior of Materials 1 presents analyses of plasticity mechanisms at microscopic and macroscopic scales, and of the various forms of stressstrain behavior laws according to working speeds, mechanisms, athermics, viscoplasticity and formability limits at types and speeds of change. It is aimed at researchers involved in the mechanics of deformable media, as well as industrial design and manufacturing departments
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Marine Environmental Quality: Healthy Coastal Waters
Understanding marine pollution and the contamination of coastal environments requires knowledge from a variety of scientific fields. Marine Environmental Quality promotes a multidisciplinary approach to investigations, drawing on not only natural sciences, but also applied mathematics and social sciences.The investigations in this book focus on both organic and inorganic pollutants, firstly in a study conducted in the city of La Rochelle, on the North Atlantic French coast, then expanding the areas under examination to regions of English and Portuguese waters and, lastly, to the Mediterranean Sea. The improvement such research can bring to biomarkers, models and experiments enables equal progress in the quality of seawater in ports and protected areas of coastal regions.The eight chapters of Marine Environmental Quality present many aspects of this research, including experiments with floating barriers, water governance in various areas, sampling sites and sentinel species that act as biomarkers in harbors. Also covered are environmental commitments, both international and local, the risk that marine contamination poses to human health, experimental designs for interactions with microplastics and a study biomonitoring the juveniles of sentinel species. Such results will bring many benefits, to human health, to economic inclusion and to regional development.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Intercultural Urbanism at the Service of the African City of Tomorrow
Most African cities are human settlements that lack the systems needed for effective land use planning. In fact, the disorganization that prevails has become so complex that the concept of urbanism itself has been called into question. This book highlights the need to restore urban planning in African cities through sustainable development and interculturality. Furthermore, it addresses the balance of power between urban planning and sustainable development and explores the historical and postcolonial aspects of urban planning in African cities. A case study focusing on the development of sustainable cities and neighborhoods in the M'Zab Valley is also included, as well as topics such as urban greening, climatic threats and the problem of state agro-industrial land transactions, which compete with sustainable urban planning. Sustainable Intercultural Urbanism at the Service of the African City of Tomorrow is a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners interested in urban issues in African cities. These cities, in particular sub Saharan cities, have long been excluded from any discourse on sustainable cities and urban planning; this book places the focus on these cities and acknowledges their varied urban realities. The intention is to spark a new debate on sustainable urban planning in African cities based on intercultural sustainable urbanism, which is key to thinking about and building ecological, intercultural, compact, intelligent and postcolonial cities.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Research Methodology in Education and Training: Postures, Practices and Forms, Volume 12
This book is a methodological guide intended for those who wish to better understand how to conduct research in the education and training sciences. It is organized into three main parts. The first part deals with postures, emphasizing the idea that engaging in a research process involves taking a different stance from that of a social or professional actor. For example, this may require converting a professional or social question into a research question or reflecting on the use of a social vocabulary in research. The second part concerns practices, that is, how research is conducted: the definition of a research question based on findings, theoretical exploration and problematization, the production of empirical information and its analysis and restitution. The third and final part concludes by focusing on the diversity of research forms; not only research cultures specific to disciplinary fields and approaches, such as action research, collaborative research or research training, but also the design choices in terms of multi-, inter- or trans-disciplinarily.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Valuation of the Liability Structure by Real Options
The valuation of the liability structure can be determined by real options because the shares of a company can be regarded as similar to the purchase of a financial call option. Therefore, from this perspective, debt can be viewed as the sale of a financial put option. As a result, financial analysts are able to establish different valuations of a company, according to these two financing methods. Valuation of the Liability Structure by Real Options explains how the real options method works in conjunction with traditional methods. This innovative approach is particularly suited to the valuation of companies in industries where an underlying asset has high volatility (such as the mining or oil industries) or where research and development costs are high (for example, the pharmaceutical industry). Integration of the economic value of net debt (rather than the accounting value) and integration of the asset volatility are the main advantages of this approach.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Smart Users for Energy and Societal Transition
Climate change and the loss of biodiversity are now realities. Their causes and origins stem from the energy, goods and resources relied upon by the lifestyle of a growing part of humanity. Smart Users for Energy and Societal Transition presents this much needed transition, as well as the scenarios and paths essential to mitigating the impacts of climate change. It deals with transitions experimented in the form of ecosystems in universities, cities and territories, as well as with concepts of smart buildings, smart grids and smart cities, addressed to smart users – or not – in an interdisciplinary research context. Sociological issues related to the role of smart building users are discussed, ranging from acceptance to the appropriation of the technologies made available to them. The book highlights the ethics of this essential transition and the importance of individual behaviors in safeguarding humanity on a preserved planet.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 3: Non-deterministic Mechanics
This book comprised of three separate volumes presents the recent developments and research discoveries in structural and solid mechanics; it is dedicated to Professor Isaac Elishakoff. This third volume is devoted to non-deterministic mechanics. Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 3 has broad scope, covering topics such: design optimization under uncertainty, interval field approaches, convex analysis, quantum inspired topology optimization and stochastic dynamics. The book is illustrated by many applications in the field of aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, biomedical engineering and automotive engineering. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers in the field of theoretical and applied mechanics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Reliability for Industry 2
Applied Reliability for Industry 2 illustrates the multidisciplinary state-of-the-art science of experimental reliability. Many experts are now convinced that reliability is not limited to statistical sciences. In fact, many different disciplines interact in order to bring a product to its highest possible level of reliability, made available through today's technologies, developments and production methods. These three books, of which this is the second, propose new methods for analyzing the lifecycle of a system, enabling us to record the development phases according to development time and levels of complexity for its integration. Experimental reliability, as advanced in Applied Reliability for Industry 2, examines all the tools and testing methods used to demonstrate the reliability of the final mechatronic system.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Website Design and Development with HTML5 and CSS3
Combining theory and practice, Website Design and Development with HTML5 and CSS3 is aimed at both beginners who want to design their first website, and experienced developers who want to consolidate their technical skills. This book addresses the theoretical aspects of HTML5 and CSS3, including: HTML elements, semantic containers, semantic text formatting, multimedia elements, forms, tables, definition and integration of CSS styles, text formatting, and container and box styles. It also encompasses a practical section which presents the process of creating a website, as well as the key rules to apply in order to not only achieve project success, but also to meet user needs. Illustrated by numerous examples, this book includes corrected practical work, structured according to an evolutionary logic ranging from the design of a simple HTML5 page to the creation of a professional website.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Reliability for Industry 3
Applied Reliability for Industry 3 illustrates the multidisciplinary state-of-the-art science of operational reliability. Many experts are now convinced that reliability is not limited to statistical sciences. In fact, many different disciplines interact in order to bring a product to its highest possible level of reliability, made available through today’s technologies, developments and production methods. These three books, of which this is the third, propose new methods for analyzing the lifecycle of a system, enabling us to record the development phases according to development time and levels of complexity for its integration. Operational reliability, as presented in Applied Reliability for Industry 3, verifies the reliability performance of the mechatronic system in real life through an analysis of field data.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Hybrid Excited Synchronous Machines: Topologies, Design and Analysis
Our transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable future has seen an increase in the use of electrical energy in the functioning of our society. This implies the need to develop tools and methods which allow us to study electromagnetic devices and ensure their functioning for as long as possible. This requires us to use these tools to understand their behavior, not just as one component, but also in the entire systems in which they can be found, throughout their life cycle. This book provides electrical engineering students and researchers with the resources to analyze how synchronous machines behave over their entire field of operation, particularly focusing on hybrid excited synchronous machines (HESMs). The field of HESMs, although not a fundamental problem in the strict sense of the term, provides answers to a range of fundamental problems: the flux weakening of permanent magnet machines, energy optimization, and lastly the increasing costs of rare-earths permanent magnets.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc From Euclidean to Hilbert Spaces: Introduction to Functional Analysis and its Applications
From Euclidian to Hilbert Spaces analyzes the transition from finite dimensional Euclidian spaces to infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, a notion that can sometimes be difficult for non-specialists to grasp. The focus is on the parallels and differences between the properties of the finite and infinite dimensions, noting the fundamental importance of coherence between the algebraic and topological structure, which makes Hilbert spaces the infinite-dimensional objects most closely related to Euclidian spaces.The common thread of this book is the Fourier transform, which is examined starting from the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), along with its applications in signal and image processing, passing through the Fourier series and finishing with the use of the Fourier transform to solve differential equations.The geometric structure of Hilbert spaces and the most significant properties of bounded linear operators in these spaces are also covered extensively. The theorems are presented with detailed proofs as well as meticulously explained exercises and solutions, with the aim of illustrating the variety of applications of the theoretical results.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Recording and Voice Processing, Volume 1: History and Generalities
Capturing, recording and broadcasting the voice is often difficult. Many factors must be taken into account and achieving a true representation is much more complex than one might think. The capture devices such as the position of the singer(s) or narrator(s), the acoustics, atmosphere and equipment are just some of the physical aspects that need to be mastered. Then there is the passage through the analog or digital channel, which disrupts the audio signal, as well as the processes that are often required to enrich, improve or even transform the vocal timbre and tessitura. While in the past these processes were purely material, today digital technologies and software produce surprising results that every professional in recording and broadcasting should know how to master.Recording and Voice Processing 1 addresses some general theoretical concepts. A history of recording and the physiology of the vocal apparatus are detailed in order to give the reader an understanding of the fundamental aspects of the subject. This volume also includes an advanced study of microphones, addressing their characteristics and typologies. The acoustic environment and its treatment are also considered in terms of the location of the sound capture - whether in a home studio, recording studio, live or natural environment - in order to achieve a satisfactory sound recording.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Inside the World of Computing: Technologies, Uses, Challenges
Computers and the Internet are an undeniable and inextricable part of our daily lives. This book is for those who wish to better understand how this came to be. It explores the technological bases of computers, networks, software and data management, leading to the development of four �pillars� on which the essential applications that have a strong impact on individuals and society are based: embedded systems, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet, image processing and vision. We will travel to the heart of major application areas: robotics, virtual reality, health, mobility, energy, the factory of the future, not forgetting the major questions that this �digitization� can raise. This book is the author�s testimony after fifty years spent in environments that are very open to new technologies. It offers perspectives on the evolution of the digital world that we live in.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Scattering and Diffraction by Wedges 2: The Wiener-Hopf Solution - Advanced Applications
The book has a dual purpose. The first is to expose a general methodology to solve problems of electromagnetism in geometries constituted of angular regions. The second is to bring the solutions of some canonical problems of fundamental importance in modern electromagnetic engineering with the use of the Wiener-Hopf technique. In particular, the general mathematical methodology is very ingenious and original. It is based on sophisticated and attractive procedures exploiting simple and advanced properties of analytical functions. Once the reader has acquired the methodology, she/he can easily obtain the solution of the canonical problems reported in the book. The book can be appealing also to readers who are not directly interested in the detailed mathematical methodology and/ or in electromagnetics. In fact the same methodology can be extended to acoustics and elasticity problems. Moreover, the proposed practical problems with their solutions constitute a list of reference solutions and can be of interests in engineering production in the field of radio propagations, electromagnetic compatibility and radar technologies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electricity Production from Renewable Energies
Since the early 2000s, energy and environmental issues have led to a marked increase in electricity production from renewable energy sources. Sustainable development and concern for future generations constantly challenge us to develop new technologies for energy production, as well as new energy usage patterns. Their rapid emergence can make these new technologies difficult to understand and can thus affect perceptions.Directed towards a broad audience, this book contributes to a better understanding of new electricity generation technologies. It presents the issues, sources and means of conversion using a general approach, while developing scientific concepts to understand their main technical characteristics.This revised and extended second edition presents current data characterizing the development of these renewable energy sources, covering emerging photovoltaic and tidal technologies, offshore wind power, and recent developments on the integration of these sources into the electricity grid. The emergence of self-production and self-consumption is also addressed. In addition, several exercises provide the reader with an opportunity to evaluate their understanding.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation in Sport: Innovation Trajectories and Process Optimization
Whether in terms of practices, equipment or services, the sports sector is characterized by intense inventiveness and is an excellent subject to study innovation processes. This book provides a sociological reading of these processes, illustrated by case studies that allow us to grasp the complexity of innovation trajectories. The case studies highlight the astonishing pathways, from the origin of inventions to their effective dissemination and use, and including the bifurcations of projects. The “surprises” thus presented refer to an invariant of innovation processes, namely that trajectories are rarely linear and that the control exercised over them is relative. Innovation in Sport concludes with a set of recommendations for optimizing the management of sport innovation. This book is intended for students of sports science and management, as well as for professionals and entrepreneurs in the sports markets.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Gamification of Society
The applications of gamification and the contexts in which game elements can be successfully incorporated have grown significantly over the years. They now include the fields of health, education, work, the media and many others. However, the human and social sciences still neglect the analysis and critique of gamification. Research conducted in this area tends to focus on game objects and not gamification�s logic as its ideological dimension. Considering that the game, as a model and a reference, laden with social value, deserves to be questioned beyond its objects, The Gamification of Society gathers together texts, observations and criticisms that question the influence that games and their �mechanics� have on wider society. The empirical research presented in this book (examining designers� practices, early childhood, political action, the quantified self, etc.) also probes several different national contexts those of Norway, Belgium, the United States and France, among others.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Emotions and Values in Equity Crowdfunding Investment Choices 2: Modeling and Empirical Study
Equity crowdfunding is a new way for seed stage start-ups to generate initial capital and, as such, raises questions around the choices made by investors within this area. Understanding it is important for investor protection, as investors are generally unaware of the factors that can influence their decisions. However, investing in equity crowdfunding places the investor in a unique decision-making framework, in which resources such as images, videos and storytelling are all mobilized by entrepreneurs and platforms as tools of persuasion. This context thus seems to favor more holistic and emotional decision-making, rather than a process that is rational and analytical. Volume 1 presents a transdisciplinary theoretical analysis, combining different fields within the social sciences, primarily finance, marketing and psychology. In this second volume, an explanatory model is developed on the basis of this theoretical framework, which is then empirically tested using data from laboratory experiments. This book also proposes the original theory of �emotional matching�, which is both justified and substantiated. It personalizes behavior and offers a new perspective based on project characteristics and investor preferences.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mankind and Deserts 3: Wind in Deserts and Civilizations
The wild beauty of deserts has always been a source of fascination the world over. Mankind and Deserts 3 the third and final volume focuses on wind, frequently present in all deserts, either hot or cold. Wind plays a major role in aridity and landscapes bear numerous forms due to its action, erosion, transportation and surface formations, some discreet and others spectacular, such as vast expanses of towering yardangs. Aeolian dynamics lead to dune formation, simple or associated with sand ridges or ergs, as in the Sahara. Mankind has attempted, to varying degrees of success, to cope with sand accumulation; ignoring aeolian dynamics has led many development projects to failure. This is developed by Yann Callot, a Professor at Lyon University who studied aeolian dynamics in the Sahara. Traditional societies have adapted to live in deserts, establishing vibrant civilizations with original ways of living, managing water resources and creating routes for trade, especially for salt. In a changing environment, useful lessons can be drawn from the genius of mankind�s adaptation to such diverse and fragile environments. This is explained by Marc Côte, who was a Professor at Constantine (Algeria) and Aix-en-Provence Universities. From ancient, almost mythical, exploration to modern scientific studies, deserts have come to be better known yet still hold great appeal. This book traces the history of their knowledge while providing a basis for understanding their features and the tools needed for their protection, in an ever-changing world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mankind and Deserts 2: Water and Salts
The wild beauty of deserts has always been a source of fascination the world over. Mankind and Deserts 2 the second of three volumes focuses on water, its absence or indeed its extreme scarcity, as well as on the ways in which salts come to be formed in areas such as these. Aridity of the climate does not exclude rainfall, after which deserts flourish; wet mists, dew, exceptional events separated by years of total drought. Water flows into temporary and disorganized networks but, occasionally, large rivers cross the deserts, giving rise to vibrant civilizations: the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, Niger, to name a few. Temporary or permanent lakes collect water in basins without outlet to the ocean, referred to as endorrheic basins, such as Lake Chad. This results in salt accumulation and evaporitic formations. A large variety of salts crystallize, in addition to halite, among which is potash. Halite common salt is an essential resource and its trade leads to the creation of salt caravans, used to exchange it with gold, even on a 1-1 weight basis, generating subsequent wealth. From ancient, almost mythical, exploration to modern scientific studies, deserts have come to be better known yet still hold great appeal. This book traces the history of their knowledge while providing a basis for understanding their features and the tools needed for their protection, in an ever-changing world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mankind and Deserts 1: Deserts, Aridity, Exploration and Conquests
The wild beauty of deserts has always been a source of fascination the world over. Mankind and Deserts 1 the first of three volumes describes their location and geographic variety. There are both hot and cold deserts, those at high altitude or those at sea level, differing in climate but sharing the scarcity of water, extreme temperatures and often violent winds. According to paleoclimate evidence, however, deserts have not always been as arid as they are today. Deserts were a source of inspiration for many spiritual leaders, among them, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad; as well as conquerors, from Alexander the Great to Genghis Khan. Some avoided these deserts, or crossed them as fast as they could. Others adapted to them and developed vibrant civilizations and cities. From ancient, almost mythical, exploration to modern scientific studies, deserts have come to be better known yet still hold great appeal. This book traces the history of their knowledge while providing a basis for understanding their features and the tools needed for their protection, in an ever-changing world.