Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Arcturus Publishing Ltd You Can Do Anything!: 40 Inspirational Activities
Currency Press Pty Ltd Thyestes
MER Paper Kunsthalle Performance as Archive: Archive as Performance
Cosmo Publications How to Teach: A Graded Course of Instruction and Manual of Methods for the Use of Teachers
Spector Books Matthias Hoch: Ber 2019-2020
Spector Books Diamonds Against Stones
Arnoldsche Devotion: Image, Recitation, and Celebration of the Vessantara Epic in Northeast Thailand
The Vessantara Jataka is the tale of Buddha's last life, before he was reborn as the historical Buddha 2,500 years ago. In this earlier existence as Prince Vessantara he demonstrated evidence of the highest virtue that constitutes an enlightened man: generosity. Vessantara gave away everything dear to him - in the climactic scene of the story, even his wife and children. In North-East Thailand the Vessantara tale is celebrated annually as Bun Phra Wet. Pha Phra Wet - 'Vessantara cloths' - form the visual framework for this festival; they are hand-painted scrolls, which can reach lengths of up to one hundred metres. Devotion presents, for the very first time, a selection of six full-length Vessantara scrolls and explores a contemporary multimedia celebration of an ancient Buddhist text.
Arnoldsche Auto Didaktika: Wire Models from Burundi
The unique wire model collection of the Swiss collector Edmond Remondino documents an early phase of a craft that today enjoys international renown with collectors and researchers. In the 1970s and 1980s the models evolved from real prototypes such as race cars from the Rally du Burundi; today, as then, the extraordinary aesthetic, alternating between minimalism and comic-type exaggeration, captures the imagination. However, these cars, planes and helicopters, often referred to as 'recycled art', are in no way assembled from rubbish. In Burundi old tin cans and metal wire are considered an important basic material in handicraft. Interdisciplinary essays discuss the works of the self-taught working engineers in terms of their skillful production and the history of Burundi as well as from an industrial design viewpoint, showing completely new aspects of a genre of African art that is now more than forty years old. Text in English and German.
Delius, Klasing & Co Cape Town: City Full of Contrasts
Embark on a visually stunning journey through Cape Town and experience the spirit of the Mother City first-hand! Cape Town rates as one of the most beautiful cities worldwide – and rightly so. Situated between two oceans and a massive mountain, the Mother City close to the Cape of Good Hope unites urban flair and countryside idyll. But it's not just Cape Town’s location that is unique: the potpourri of cultures and a fascinating mélange of old and new make the metropolis at Africa’s southern tip so special. This illustrated book captures the diversity in exciting pairs and takes you directly to Cape Town’s sights and most interesting places. Expert texts and large-format photos arouse wanderlust and curiosity about the city at the foot of the Table Mountain and inspire even locals to go on discovery tours. Like no other, Alain Proust portrays the different faces of his home of choice. With impressive landscape photos and panoramas he shows the beauty of nature, takes a look at the streets, the alleys and the people of Cape Town. With artistic sensitivity and an extraordinary sense for detail he captures social differences as well as the colours and flavours of South African cuisine. Text in English and German.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Staatssozialismen im Vergleich: Staatspartei Sozialpolitik Opposition
Am Beispiel der Sowjetunion, Polens, der Tschechoslowakei, Ungarns, Rumäniens, Bulgariens, der DDR sowie der Sonderfälle Jugoslawien und Albanien analysieren die Autoren des Bandes drei Forschungsfelder, die für Bestand und Stabilität der staatssozialistischen Systeme von zentraler Bedeutung waren: die Staatsparteien als monopolistische Herrschaftsträger, die Sozialpolitik als wichtigstes Medium der Herrschaftslegitimation und die Rolle von Opposition und Widerstand infolge des Scheiterns autokratischer Regimelegitimierung.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Epigraphical Evidence Illustrating Paul's Letter to the Colossians
The present volume contains the proceedings of an international conference meant to further the dialogue between New Testament scholars and epigraphists with an interest in NT matters. After the more general approach of a previous conference, it was decided to focus on a particular writing. The Letter to the Colossians, though a relatively short work, was chosen because it contains some very interesting material worthy of study from an epigraphical angle and also offers opportunities to open up towards a broader perspective on Pauline literature. The essays that make up this collection offer insights into the world of the intended addressees, show ways for contextualising epigraphical material, and demonstrate from case studies how this material, in combination with literary and archaeological evidence, can be made to use in interpreting specific concepts or motifs in the letter.
Park Books Perpetuating Architecture. Martino Pedrozzi's Interventions: On the Rural Heritage in Valle di Blenio & Val Malvaglia 1994-2017
For more than 20 years, Swiss architect Martino Pedrozzi has been working on the partial reconstruction of derelict dwellings on alpine pastures in the mountains of southern Switzerland. His interventions in Valle di Blenio and Val Malvaglia, at altitudes around 6,500 ft in the canton of Ticino, are part of a scheme to protect and preserve the cultivated landscape shaped by generations of local farmers grazing their cattle. Pedrozzi collected and put in place again stones that had been used as building materials for the ancient dry-stone walled structures, which have been abandoned in recent decades. This recomposition is meant to reconstruct a public space and to retain landmarks in the barren alpine landscape, and to form a monument for the civilisation that has been sustained by it for centuries. This book documents Pedrozzi's work and highlights the problem of rural exodus: a constant phenomenon in the history of human life, caused by conflict, economic change, natural disasters, and climate change. Here it is about mountain dwellings no longer used because alpine agriculture has been given up in favour of better opportunities and more comfortable ways of life. Text in English and Italian.
TFM Publishing Ltd All Blood Counts: A manual for blood conservation and patient blood management
This book gathers together the collected wisdom of an experienced group of practitioners from the world of blood conservation including surgeons, anaesthetists, haematologists, transfusion specialists, microbiologists, and legal advisors. Topics included are: an historical overview, transfusion-transmitted diseases, changing demographics and the projected impact on blood supplies, who needs transfusion, practicalities and tips - how to do it, the laboratory perspective, haemodilution, intra-operative cell salvage, surgical methods to minimise blood loss, anaesthetic methods to minimise blood loss, pharmacological methods to minimise blood loss, postoperative salvage, postoperative haemoglobin, cancer patients, patient consent and refusal, trauma management, patient ID and documentation, audit/clinical governance, the role of the Hospital Transfusion Team, education, national reports including European Directives, further information. Additional chapters will include pre-operative blood management, near-patient testing, the incidence and relevance of pre-operative anaemia, anaemia management in obstetrics, pre-operative anaemia in orthopaedics, haemostatic sealants, the effect of transfusion in cardiovascular surgery, transfusion alternatives.
Royal Society of Chemistry Sector Field Mass Spectrometry for Elemental and Isotopic Analysis
This book was triggered by the success story of sector field mass spectrometry in elemental and isotopic analysis since the first presentation of the mass spectrum of Ne a hundred years ago. The outstanding and unique features of sector field mass spectrometry - high sensitivity, high mass resolution and simultaneous multiple ion detection – have paved the way for its widespread and successful application across different scientific disciplines. Written, compiled and edited by world renowned experts, this book is intended to provide deep insight into the topic along with fundamental knowledge about elemental and isotopic analysis. Aimed at scientists in the field of natural and life sciences, instrument manufacturers, practitioners and graduate students, it provides solid information about the methodological background and analytical capabilities of sector field mass spectrometry. A detailed description of peculiarities and an overview of the most relevant applications making use of specific techniques employing sector field mass analysers (ICP-MS, GDMS, TIMS, SIMS and IRMS) are given, including a presentation of the currently available commercial instruments. This approach guarantees that readers are thoroughly introduced to and familiarized with the fascinating inter- and transdisciplinary field of sector field mass spectrometry.
Royal Society of Chemistry Electrospinning: From Basic Research to Commercialization
Electrospinning is a technique used to produce nanofibres from a polymer solution using an electrostatic force. The technology is now being used to create materials for a wide variety of uses from tissue engineering and 3D printing to packaging materials and electronic sensors. This new book focusses on the recent developments in their design, process parameters and polymers-selection to enable the commercial applications of electrospinning. The initial chapters introduce the technique and then specific chapters focus on the different application areas showing the various approaches for successful implementation of this fabrication process towards commercialization from basic research and development. The book will be suitable for graduate students, academics and industrial entrepreneurs in materials science, polymer science and chemical engineering as well as those interested in the energy and health applications of the materials.
Galaxy Press Sci-Fi Fantasy 10th Anniversary Audioook Collection
Tyndale House Publishers SEAL of God
McGraw-Hill Education Steam Plant Operation
The definitive guide for steam power plant systems and operation―fully updated For more than 80 years, this book has been a trusted source of information on steam power plants, including the design, operation, and maintenance of major systems. Steam Plant Operation, Tenth Edition, emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive energy plan utilizing all economical sources of energy, including fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable energy sources. The book continues to describe the important role that steam plays in our power production and it identifies the associated risks and potential problems for each source of energy.This practical guide provides common power plant calculations such as plant heat rate, boiler efficiency, pump performance, combustion processes, and the systems necessary to control plant emissions. Numerous illustrations and clear presentation of the material will assist in preparing for an operator’s license exam. Throughout, real-world examples demonstrate each topic. Engineering students will find a detailed introduction to steam power plant technology.· Offers concise explanations of concepts, from fundamentals through advanced design and operation· Recommended by several states as a key reference for their steam plant licensing exams
Fiducia Press Bedminster's Tobacco Women
Idea & Design Works Sonic the Hedgehog, Vol. 15: Urban Warfare
Diaphanes AG Manifesto of Artistic Research
Since its beginnings in the 1990s, artistic research has become established as a new format in the areas of educational and institutional policy, aesthetics, and art theory. It has now diffused into almost all artistic fields, from installation to experimental formats to contemporary music, literature, dance, or performance art. But from its beginnings—under labels like “art and science” or “scienceart” or “artscience” that mention both disciplines in one breath—it has been in competition with academic research, without its own concept of research having been adequately clarified. This manifesto attempts to resolve the problem and to defend the term. Further, this manifesto defends the radical potential of artistic research against those who toy all too carefully with university formats, wishing to ally their work with scientific principles. Its aim is to emphasize the autonomy and particular intellectuality of artistic research, without seeking to justify its legitimacy or adopt alien standards.
Legend Press Ltd Lady Sapiens: Breaking Stereotypes About Prehistoric Women
St Augustine's Press Commentary on Aristotle`s Posterior Analytics
Haymarket Books Coup: A Story of Violence and Resistance in Bolivia
In three dramatic weeks in October and November 2019, the fourteen years of progressive change that Evo Morales’ pink tide government had worked to implement in Bolivia and beyond came to a screeching halt. President Morales was forced to resign after protests against his re-election to a fourth term in allegedly fraudulent elections erupted among the urban middle classes, anti-indigenous racists, and prominent conservative politicians. The country’s far right used the ensuing crisis to orchestrate a successful coup, with military and police backing, paving the way for a repressive “transition” government led by Jeanine Áñez to take power. The Áñez government quelled popular protests with lethal force, shut down critical media outlets, and targeted members of Morales’ political party, the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS). Despite postponing elections three times, the Áñez government was eventually forced to call elections in October 2020. The MAS swept back into power, winning elections with 55% of the vote and returning democracy to the country. This book tells the story of this year of upheaval in Bolivia, providing a critical analysis of the 14 years of the MAS government that preceded it as well as the MAS return to power in 2020. It includes personal stories and commentary from women and men on the streets, leaders in social movements, members of the MAS party and government, survivors of Áñez’s abuses, and intellectuals.
The New York Review of Books, Inc The Summer Book
Monacelli Press Garden Portraits: Experiences of Natural Beauty
A photographic portrait of 16 private gardens in New York and Connecticut through the seasons, weathers, and times of day. For his third book of landscape photographs with Monacelli, following Magnificent Trees of the New York Botanical Garden and The Rockefeller Family Gardens, Larry Lederman has selected 16 private gardens in New York State and Connecticut and studied them in depth, presenting views through the seasons and weathers to capture their essential spirit. As Gregory Long, President Emeritus of the New York Botanical Garden, observes: "After selecting the gardens, Lederman sets out to learn and understand them. He visits in all seasons, in all weather, at many times of day, in many light conditions. He wants to analyze their design and study their character. He wants to know their plants and see their environmental conditions and visual elements from many points of view. He wanders. He walks the paths, forward and backward, and stops frequently so that his camera can memorize views and details. As a result of this time spent and such intense scrutiny, he sometimes discovers aspects of a place that the residents themselves have never seen or fully appreciated. I think the owners of the gardens in this book will see vistas, patterns, designs on the land they did not know they possess. They will love their even gardens more, and their commitments will grow."
Cengage Learning EMEA Organization Development and Change
Market-leading text Organization Development and Change provides students with an excellent grounding in the theoretical underpinnings of the subject as well as describing, in practical terms, how behavioural science can be used to develop organizational strategies, structures and processes. It will enrich students��� understanding and study of organization development, change management and human resources management. This is the first time the textbook has been adapted for Europe, South Africa and the Middle East. Therefore, all the core elements which have contributed to this popular textbook���s success are complemented by the inclusion of recent and relevant developments in the field pertinent to these regions, enabling students to fully relate to the topics discussed. This title is available with MindTap, a flexible online learning solution which features an interactive eReader, a wide range of assignments and quizzes as well as scenario-based questions and cases to further entrench key concepts, boost confidence, develop critical thinking skills and prepare students for the workplace, alongside analytics to help you track their progress.
Marvel Comics The Avengers Omnibus Vol. 4 (new Printing)
Marvel Comics The Avengers Omnibus Vol. 3 (new Printing)
Marvel Comics Fantastic Four Epic Collection: The Dream Is Dead
Josef Weinberger Plays Trap for a Lonely Man
University of California Press Microcosmos: Four Billion Years of Microbial Evolution
This title is back in print with a revised preface. "Microcosmos" brings together the remarkable discoveries of microbiology of the past two decades and the pioneering research of Dr. Margulis to create a vivid new picture of the world that is crucial to our understanding of the future of the planet. Addressed to general readers, the book provides a beautifully written view of evolution as a process based on interdependency and their interconnectedness of all life on the planet.
Gabler Handbuch Kreditgeschäft
Aktuelle und umfassende Information zu allen Fragen des Kreditgeschäfts.
Graffeg Limited Gwyll, Y - Tirweddau Ceredigion
Hodder Gibson TeeJay Mathematics National Curriculum Year 2 (2B) Second Edition
This fun and engaging textbook provides a wealth of invaluable skills-building exercises that, when accompanied by textbook 2A, cover the entire content of the National Curriculum Mathematics Year 2 Course.- A pupil-centred textbook that gives skill-based practice with hundreds of different exercises- Each chapter has a "Revisit - Review - Revise" exercise as a summary to consolidate learning- Contains a final summary chapter, which can be used as preparation for end of year assessmentThe book works perfectly alongside TJ Maths' corresponding homework pack, which mirrors the exercises in the textbook.
Green Lion Press Euclid's Elements
The classic Heath translation, in a completely new layout with plenty of space and generous margins. An affordable but sturdy sewn hardcover student and teacher edition in one volume, with minimal notes and a new index/glossary.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Work, Workplaces and Disruptive Issues in HRM
Technology advancement and the widespread impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have had a major impact on both the contours and terrain of work, employment, and the management of people. Understanding these complex developments requires fresh perspectives on the nature and context of the management of people and human resources. The expanding fourth industrial revolution has been underpinned by new technological platforms and AI, as well as new worker motivations, making essential that researchers seek to explore the field of HRM in a new way. The Emerald Handbook of Work, Workplaces, and Disruptive Issues in HRM reflects these complex changes in the way work, employment and people currently are and will continue to be managed across the globe. Considering these changes, a multidisciplinary range of voices illustrate just how fundamental recent developments will be in reshaping work and employment as in any previous revolution. The Handbook is structured into three sections: Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development, and Emerging Issues, each exploring key themes and the emergence of ground-breaking new perspectives. These themes are central issues for debate and discussion in the workplaces across the globe and the work presents innovative and provocative assessments of changes and challenges in rapidly evolving local and global environments.
Canolfan Peniarth Mêts Maesllan 2
Tyndale House Publishers First
Penguin Books Ltd Selected Short Fiction
This witty and amusing collection of short pieces shows Dickens liberated from the more formal and sustained demands of the novel and experimenting with a diverse range of fictional techniques. In his tales of the supernatural, he creates frighteningly believable, spine-tingling stories of prophetic dreams and visions, as well as more fantastical adventures with goblins and apparitions. Impressionistic sketches combine imaginatively heightened travel journals with wry observations of home and abroad, while in his dramatic monologues, Dickens demonstrates his talent for exploring the secret workings of the human mind. These short works display Dickens's exuberant sense of comedy and character as his imagination is given free rein.
Periplus Editions (Hong Kong) Ltd Everyday Malay Phrase Book and Dictionary: Your Guide to Speaking Malay Quickly and Effortlessly in a Few Hours
This is a travel size, easy-to-use Malay phrasebook, dictionary, and beginning Malay language bookBahasa Malaysia (literally "the Malaysian language") is based on Malay which is the mother tongue of the Malays of the Peninsula and the people of central eastern Sumatra. Malay is closely related to languages throughout Indonesia, the Philippines and the Pacific Islands, and it has been for centuries the lingua franca of Southeast Asia. The lessons in this book are prioritized, with more important words and phrases being give first, so that you may profit no matter how deeply into the book you go. By studying the first section only, you acquire a basic "survival" Bahasa Malaysia, and by mastering the first three sections you should be able to get around quite well on your own. In order to present each lesson clearly as a unit and reinforce learning, Malay vocabulary is often repeated. Colloquial Malay, which is the most commonly spoken and the most readily understood form of the language, is used here rather than "formal" Bahasa Malaysia. Care has been taken to include only vocabulary that has immediate practical application for visitors. By repetition and memorization of the materials, you will quickly gain a grasp of the language's basic elements. Rather than include long and tedious lists of words and phrases in the lessons themselves, we have appended at the back of the book a miniature bilingual dictionary that should be adequate for the needs of most tourists. At the end of the book you will also find additional information on the use of verb and noun affixes, and further suggestions to learn Malay. Everyday Malay includes: Over 2,000 of the most commonly used Malaysian words and phrases. A useful and concise Malay dictionary. Extensive notes on grammar and the Malay language. Cultural do's and dont's that will make your visit go smoothly. Knowing a few simple phrases of Malay opens up an entirely new and more fulfilling travel experience. Malaysians love it if you can communicate in their language, and in only a few short hours this book allows you to do just that!
F.A. Davis Company Michlovitz's Modalities for Therapeutic Intervention
A volume in the Contemporary Perspectives in Rehabilitation Series, curated by Steven L. Wolf, PhD, PT, FAPTAImplement a current, evidence-based approach to the selection, application, and uses of therapeutic modalities as an essential tool for functionally based rehabilitation and as a complement to other types of interventions in a patient-centered model of care.The 7th Edition of this groundbreaking text fosters an in-depth understanding of the science behind each modality, its advantages and limitations, its appropriateness for specific conditions, and its implementation. A hands-on problem-solving approach promotes the development of essential clinical decision-making skills through a wealth of full-color photographs and illustrations, special features, and challenging cases studies. Case studies with clinical decision components feature rationales for selecting and applying each therapeutic modality. Suggested Lab Activities promote discussion and hands-on practice. Illustrations, photographs, and graphs bring the text to life and familiarize you with the equipment you’ll need to know about when you enter your clinical rotations. Important facts, highlighted in each chapter, prepare you for tests on the clinical application of the modality. “Key Word Literature Searches” and “Websites for Literature for Evidence” boxes enhance your understanding of research and evidence. New To This Edition: Updated, Enhanced, & Revised! The content reflects the most current information on the science and practice of therapeutic interventions. Updated & Enhanced! A more step-by-step approach to the application of the agents makes the procedures easier to follow and easier to understand. New! Case Studies are followed by open-ended questions that promote active discussions of clinical decision-making. New! “For Whom and When” boxes succinctly describe which patients are most appropriate for the application of a specific physical agent and when administration of the agent is most indicated and supported. “Complementary Role” sections highlight how specific agents play a complementary role to other interventions as part of the larger plan of care. Updated! References at the end of each chapter reflect timely and relevant sources of information.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Wohlstandssicherung durch freiwillige Längerbeschäftigung: Juristische und ökonomische Fragen der Pensionierung von Universitätsprofessoren
Die geburtenstarken Jahrgänge gehen in den wohlverdienten Ruhestand, Arbeitskräfte fehlen. Wie angesichts des demografischen Wandels künftig die Renten und Pensionen gezahlt werden, ist unklar. Zu den Lösungsvorschlägen gehört auch eine Verlängerung der Lebensarbeitszeit; in der Professorenschaft ist Bereitschaft zur freiwilligen Längerarbeit überproportional groß. Die bestehenden, ökonomisch sinnvollen Regelungen lassen diese bereits zu; die Praxis an den Universitäten ist jedoch höchst heterogen. Der interdisziplinär angelegte Band beleuchtet die maßgeblichen Aspekte des Beamten-, Hochschul-, Europarechts und der Rechtsvergleichung sowie die volkswirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen einer potenziellen Anpassung des Ruhestandsalters. Mit konkreten Vorschlägen aus juristischer und ökonomischer Perspektive entwickeln die „Augsburger-Freiburger Thesen“ das bisherige Recht praxistauglich weiter.
Museum Tusculanum Press 100 Danish Poems: From the Medieval Period to the Present Day