Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Multi-Level Governance in the European Union: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Publizistik in Jeudischen Displaced-Persons-Camps Im Nachkriegsdeutschland: Charakteristika, Medientypen Und Bibliothekarische Euberlieferung
Harrassowitz Amharic Cultural Reader
Bohlau Verlag Die Familien-Fideikommissbibliothek des Hauses Habsburg-Lothringen 1835-1918: Metamorphosen einer Sammlung
George Dillman Karate International Humane Pressure Point Self-Defense: Dillman Pressure Point Method for Law Enforcement, Medical Personnel, Business Professionals, Men and Women
Greystone Books,Canada On the Edge: The State and Fate of the World's Tropical Rainforests
In 1972, The Limits to Growth introduced the idea that world resources are limited. Soon after, people became aware of the threats to the world's rainforests, the biggest terrestrial repositories of biodiversity and essential regulators of global air and water cycles. Since that time, new research and technological advances have greatly increased our knowledge of how rainforests are being affected by changing patterns of resource use. Increasing concern about climate change has made it more important than ever to understand the state of the world's tropical forests. This book provides an up-to-date picture of the health of the world's tropical forests. Claude Martin, an eminent scientist and conservationist, integrates information from remote imaging, ecology, and economics to explain deforestation and forest health throughout the world. He explains how urbanization, an increasingly global economy, and a worldwide demand for biofuels put new pressure on rainforest land. He examines the policies and market forces that have successfully preserved forests in some areas and discusses the economic benefits of protected areas. Using evidence from ice core records and past forest cover patterns, he predicts the most likely effects of climate change.
Amicus Ink What Would Happen If You Never Got Vaccines?
Stone Arch Books The Big Muskie
Stone Arch Books Hedgehog Hijinx
Rowman & Littlefield Acts of Reading: Interpretation, Reading Practices, and the Idea of the Book in John Foxe's Actes and Monuments
Acts of Reading examines how John Foxe’s Actes and Monuments shaped reading and interpretive practice in the early modern period and addresses the impact of recent electronic editions of Foxe’s text on current reading practice and scholarship. The collection draws on history-of-the-book scholarship to make a plea for the centrality of Foxe to any discussion of Renaissance literary history. These essays also productively attend to the relationship between the materiality of books and the conceptual assumptions that govern our engagement with them. The anthology’s focus on digital editions of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs allows it to explore the often conflicted relationship between modern technologies of book production and reception and the early modern texts transmitted via these technologies. More broadly, Acts of Reading explores how books, and our encounters with them through different media, turn us into who we are.
Smithsonian Books We Have Capture: Tom Stafford and the Space Race
Capstone Press Staying Safe at School
Capstone Press Carma Comes Home
Sourcebooks, Inc 1-2-3 Magic in the Classroom: Effective Discipline for Pre-K through Grade 8
Based on the bestselling parenting book 1-2-3 Magic"If you only have time to read one book about managing student behavior, make it this one.""This book is a great resource for new teachers and veteran teachers."The fastest way to get back to what you love--teaching!Being a teacher can be one of the most rewarding professions, but also one of the most frustrating. Many teachers feel very prepared to instruct students in their chosen subjects, but don't have quite as much training in managing classroom discipline—yet experienced educators know that if challenging behavior goes unchecked, the entire year can be disrupted. 1-2-3 Magic in the Classroom shows teachers how to establish and maintain good discipline habits in their classrooms through an easy-to-understand program that you'll swear "works like magic."1-2-3 Magic in the Classroom will help you understand:• How to encourage courteous classroom behavior and constructive work habits• How your personality affects your teaching style• How to effectively manage transition times with your class• Successful methods for handling assemblies, recess, lunchtime, and field trips• How to communicate productively with parents1-2-3 Magic in the Classroom takes the guesswork out of classroom discipline and will help you get back to teaching and your students get back to learning—today!
Picture Window Books I Want to Be a Brachiosaurus
Capstone Press Do Plants Have Heads?: Learning About Plant Parts
University of Toronto Press Comparative Federalism: A Systematic Inquiry
Comparative Federalism: A Systematic Inquiry, Second Edition is a uniquely comprehensive, analytic, and genuinely comparative introduction to the principles and practices, as well as the institutional compromises, of federalism. Hueglin and Fenna draw from their diverse research on federal systems to focus on four main models-America, Canada, Germany, and the European Union-but also to range widely over other cases. At the heart of the book is careful analysis of the relationship between constitutional design and amendment, fiscal relations, institutional structures, intergovernmental relations, and judicial review. Such analysis serves the dual role of helping the reader understand federalism and providing a comparative framework from which to assess the record of federal systems. The second edition has been extensively revised and updated, taking into account new developments in federal systems and incorporating insights from the growing body of literature in the field. It includes two new chapters, "Fiscal Federalism" and "The Limits of Federalism."
Aladdin Paperbacks Battle for Arcanum, 4
Simon & Schuster Battle for Arcanum
Stone Arch Books The Voiceless Vampire
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Sage Publications, Inc Social Psychology
Crabtree Blossoms Bruce Is Not Going to Try That
Crabtree Blossoms Bruce Is Way Too Loud
Tsia Digital Hesitation: Why B2B Companies Aren't Reaching Their Full Digital Transformation Potential
Medieval Institute Publications The Study of Chivalry: Resources and Approaches
In a series of essays readers will find information about modern scholarship on the subject of chivalry and various suggestions for ways to teach some familiar and unfamiliar chivalric materials. Short bibliographies are provided for teachers' further use.
University Press of America Social Research and the Practicing Professions by Robert K. Merton
Originally published by Abt Books in 1982, this three-part collection of essays taps the seminal thinking of Robert Merton, one of America's foremost sociologists, a social theorist whose work has long had what are described as 'potentials of relevance' for diverse domains of practice. This book examines the interplay between social research and social policy with a focus on the practicing professions | medicine and its allied disciplines, the law, social services, and the clergy. Aimed at members of the practicing professions, sociologists, economists and makers of policy.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. North Korea after Kim Il Sung: Continuity or Change?
A distinguished group of international scholars debates the state of change or continuity in North Korea's post--Kim II Sung regime--shedding light on one of the world's most closed societies, its potential to adapt to post--cold war realities, and the prospects for a peaceful and stable Korean peninsula.
Paulist Press International,U.S. Celtic Spirituality
Sure to be of exceptional interest among scholars as well as recreational readers is this volume in the esteemed Classics of Western Spirituality™ series. Celtic Spirituality offers translations of numerous texts from the Celtic tradition from the 6th through the 13th centuries, in a cross-section of genres and forms, including saints' lives, monastic texts, poetry, devotional texts, liturgical texts, apocrypha, exegetical texts, and theological treatises. Davies has written a helpful introduction, which covers the origins and characteristics of Celtic Christianity and the different genres included in body of the work. He provides readers with insight into the style, form, and character of the texts, including explanation of the Celtic emphasis on orality, the importance of place, emphasis on the environment and animals, and the role of the imagination. With its wide diversity of texts and emphasis on a current of spirituality that is both popular, historical, and inspirational, this volume will be important for scholars of spirituality and Celtic history as well as persons of Celtic descent. †
Hal Leonard Corporation Street Song: Score and Parts
Random House USA Inc The French Revolution: A History
Little, Brown & Company Final Harvest: Emily Dickinson's Poems
Though generally overlooked during her lifetime, Emily Dickinson's poetry has achieved acclaim due to her experiments in prosody, her tragic vision and the range of her emotional and intellectual explorations.
Columbia University Press The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature: Volume 1: From Restoration to Occupation, 1868-1945
This comprehensive anthology collects works of fiction, poetry, drama, and essay-writing from a pivotal time in Japanese history. In addition to their literary achievements, the texts reflect the political, social, and intellectual changes that occurred in Japanese society during this period, including exposure to Western ideas and literature, the rise of nationalism, and the complex interaction of traditional and modern forces. The volume offers outstanding, often new translations of classic texts by such celebrated writers as Nagai Kafu, Shimazaki Toson, Natsume Soseki, Kawabata Yasunari, and Yosano Akiko. The editors have also unearthed works from lesser-known women writers, many of which have never been available in English. Organized chronologically and by genre within each period, the volume reveals the major influences in the development of modern Japanese literature: the Japanese classics themselves, the example of Chinese poetry, and the encounter with Western literature and culture. Modern Japanese writers reread the classics of Japanese literature, infused them with contemporary language, and refashioned them with an increased emphasis on psychological elements. They also reinterpreted older aesthetic concepts in light of twentieth-century mentalities. While modern ideas captured the imagination of some Japanese writers, the example of classical Chinese poetry remained important for others. Meiji writers continued to compose poetry in classical Chinese and adhere to a Confucian system of thought. Another factor in shaping modern Japanese literature was the example of foreign works, which offered new literary inspiration and opportunities for Japanese readers and writers. Divided into four chapters, the anthology begins with the early modern texts of the 1870s, continues with works written during the years of social change preceding World War I and the innovative writing of the interwar period, and concludes with texts from World War II. Each chapter includes a helpful critical introduction, situating the works within their literary, political, and cultural contexts. Additionally, there are biographical introductions for each writer.
Penguin Books Ltd Get Well, Good Knight
Springer Verlag, Singapore Poly Trimethylene Terephthalate: Based Blends, IPNs, Composites and Nanocomposites
This book explains general concepts of an important engineering thermoplastic polymer—polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT). It describes preparation methods, characterization techniques, and various applications of PTT-based blends, IPNs, and composites. It also gives a clear idea about the engineering thermoplastic, PTT, and its importance in future. In addition to the basic concepts of PTT-based materials, the book also includes novel studies and issues on this topic. This book is an outcome of contributions by experts from different disciplines with various backgrounds and expertise. This book is useful for professionals, researchers, industrial practitioners, graduate students, and senior undergraduates of polymer science and engineering. Additionally, it is also beneficial for researchers working on materials science, surface science, bioengineering, chemical engineering, and nanomaterials. This book helps the researchers and students in expanding their knowledge in this field.
Transcript Verlag Scale Matters: The Quality of Quantity in Human Culture and Sociality
Scale matters. When conducting research and writing, scholars upscale and downscale. So do the subjects of their work - we scale, they scale. Although scaling is an integrant part of research, we rarely reflect on scaling as a practice and what happens when we engage with it in scholarly work. The contributors aim to change this: they explore the pitfalls and potentials of scaling in an interdisciplinary dialogue. The volume brings together scholars from diverse fields, working on different geographical areas and time periods, to engage with scale-conscious questions regarding human sociality, culture, and evolution. With contributions by Nurit Bird-David, Robert L. Kelly, Charlotte Damm, Andreas Maier, Brian Codding, Elspeth Ready, Bram Tucker, Graeme Warren and others.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Bioökonomie: Impulse für ein zirkuläres Wirtschaften
In der Definition der Bundesregierung umfasst die Bioökonomie die „Erzeugung, Erschließung und Nutzung biologischer Ressourcen, Prozesse und Systeme, um Produkte, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen in allen wirtschaftlichen Sektoren im Rahmen eines zukunftsfähigen Wirtschaftssystems bereitzustellen“. Viele Publikationen adressieren stark die technologischen Facetten der Bioökonomie. In dem vorliegenden Sammelband werden hingegen Anwendungsaspekte, Potenziale und Hemmnisse aus wissenschaftlicher – aber eben auch aus betrieblicher – Sicht reflektiert, um konkrete Erkenntnisse für Geschäftsmodelle abzuleiten, die regenerative Rohstoffe in ihre Wertschöpfung einbeziehen. Die branchenbezogenen Erkenntnisse münden in einen Leitfaden, der Aufschluss über den bioökonomischen Reifegrad des jeweiligen Unternehmens gibt.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Geschichte der musikalischen Interpretation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Band 1: Ästhetik – Ideen
Gegenstand von Band 1 sind die ästhetischen Ideen, die der musikalischen Interpretation zu Grunde liegen, ihr nachfolgen oder sie begleiten. Aus dem Inhalt: Begriffsgeschichte Interpretation - Theorie der Interpretation - Reflexionen zu den zentralen Kategorien Autor, Werk, Interpret, Hörer - Über das Verhältnis von Wahrheit und Schönheit, Körper und Geist, Hören und Sehen, Geist und Technik, Werkinterpretation und Spontaneität, Zeitgenossenschaft und historischem Bewusstsein. Grundlage der Betrachtung sind die Quellen und Zeugnisse zur musikalischen Interpretation, wie sie in ästhetischen und theoretischen Abhandlungen, in Lehrwerken und im Feuilleton, in Briefen und biographischen Schriften begegnen.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Coram Deo Versus Homo Deus: Christliche Humanitat Statt Selbstvergottung
Springer International Publishing AG Alcohol, Age, Generation and the Life Course
This volume explores generational differences in alcohol consumption practices and examines the changing role of alcohol across the life course. It considers generational patterns in where, how and why people buy and consume alcohol and how these may interact with identity and belonging and considers how drinking alcohol in adolescence, adulthood, middle-age or later life takes on different functions, meanings and tensions. Alcohol is shown to play an important role in biographical transitions, such as in the coming of age rituals that mark the passage from adolescences to adulthood, whilst drinking alcohol in adulthood and in later life takes on new meanings, pleasures and risks in light of shifting roles and responsibilities relating to work, leisure and the family. The empirically-informed contributions draw on a range of diverse disciplinary backgrounds and a range of cultural contexts provides a nuanced examination of the role of alcohol at different life course stages and explores both continuity and change between generations.
Weldon Owen Children's Books Are We Running Out of Water?
Scientists, engineers, academics and environmentalists warn that unless water use is drastically reduced, severe water shortage will affect the entire planet by 2040. But what does that mean? Why is this happening? What should we do about it? Mind Mappers: Are We Running Out of Water? unravels the issues and the answers. Beautiful illustrations, a unique structure and straightforward narrative make this an engaging, fascinating and illuminating read.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Key Learning Skills for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Blueprint for Life
Finding a way of simultaneously addressing the sensory, motor, emotional, communicative, cognitive and social needs of children on the autism spectrum can be a real challenge, and choosing from the vast array of options available is a daunting task. This book provides a blueprint for an educational intervention program that is evidence-based, comprehensive in scope and integrative in its approach.Grouping techniques into five categories for discussion, the book examines autism spectrum disorders within a developmental context, and shows that interventions with autistic individuals are not only possible, but can be really successful. Specific intervention strategies and program examples for developing competencies in areas such as joint attention, sensory integration, motor functioning, impulse control, memory, self-awareness, theory of mind and empathy, abstract thinking, problem-solving, social skills and community engagement, are presented. Techniques for dealing with specific behavior problems are also examined, including toileting delays, temper-tantrums, and eating and sleeping problems, amongst many others.This book will be essential reading for families, teachers, and other professionals working with children with autism.
James Currey Inside Mining Capitalism: The Micropolitics of Work on the Congolese and Zambian Copperbelts
A groundbreaking analysis of 21st century labour practices in the mining industry and the new scramble for industrial power on the African continent. Since the beginning of the 21st century, African countries with mineral resources have witnessed an unprecedented rise in foreign direct investments and the development of new flexible workforce management practices in the mining industry. But what does this mean for those who actually work in this industry? Based on research in the Congo and Zambia, where a mining boom has led to more than thirty new mining projects in recent years, this book explores the processes of improvisation and adaptation behind the emergence of this neoliberal labour regime. The contributors show how mining projects' labour practices have been mediated, negotiated, or resisted by mine workers, unionists, and human resource managers. They discuss variations in labour practices put in place by new mining projects depending on the type of capital involved, the type of mine being developed, and their location. Finally, the book examines the implications of power dynamics surrounding companies' labour strategies from the broader perspective of the responsibility of trade unions, gender equality, and identity politics.
Fitzcarraldo Editions Nocilla Trilogy
A landmark in contemporary Spanish literature, Agustín Fernández Mallo's Nocilla Trilogy – made up of the novels Nocilla Dream, Nocilla Experience and Nocilla Lab – is a project for our time. Reading takes the form of literary channel surfing: we flick through an audacious network of chopped-up stories, recycled texts and mixed-media collages, and try to find the signal in the noise, reflecting the dizzying search for meaning that characterizes life in our digital age. The globe-spanning narratives that explode across the trilogy take us from a lone poplar tree in the Nevada desert to a barnacle-covered cliff in Galicia, Spain, through scientific treatises and film-editing manuals, personal journals and comic strips. The books are full of references to indie cinema, theoretical physics, conceptual art, practical architecture, the history of computers and the decadence of the novel. And yet, for all the freewheeling, fragmentary swagger, a startling order emerges and takes hold. Peerless in its daring, Nocilla Trilogy charts a hidden and exhilarating cartography of contemporary experience.