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Schiffer Publishing Ltd Maine Coast Perspectives
The middle coast of Maine is dotted with quaint fishing villages and green landscapes, drenched in sunlight or shrouded in thick fog. This collection of photographs artfully captures the harbors and lighthouses, small towns and hidden coves. Glimpse of the people’s lives, the toil of the fishing industry and the joy of a Fourth of July jubilee or a farmer’s market. The book concentrates on the area along Route 1 between Maine’s two largest navigable rivers, the Kennebec and the Penobscot, that is rich in colonial and maritime history. From the mouth of the Kennebec River, where the Popham Colony was settled in 1607, the book goes on a grand tour of Bath, Wisscaset, Boothbay Harbor, Southport, New Castle, Damariscotta, Pemaquid, Waldoboro, Friendship, Thomaston, Port Clyde, Rockland, Rockport, Camden, Isleboro, Bayside, Belfast, and Searsport, with many points between. It offers landscapes, seascapes, architecture, and monuments that make this area special. Each place is enriched with interesting information from an insider’s point of view and photographs that reveal the artist’s eye. The book is encourgement to explore this region more deeply and a reminder of places visited.
Ebury Publishing From the Veg Patch: 10 favourite vegetables, 100 simple recipes everyone will love
-One of delicious magazine's top cookbooks of 2021'Not only does Kathy Slack write beautifully, but she also takes stunning photographs with a strong sense of place, light dappling across the pages.' - delicious'What a lovely first cookbook this is: a fresh and tempting celebration of the joys of growing your own, and cooking what you grow. And Kathy writes beautifully.' - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall'This book is a seasonal treat. I feel transported into nature when I read Kathy's delightful recipes...' - Thomasina Miers'A gentle, useful book full of inspiring, delicious recipes and guidance for kitchen gardeners. Kathy writes with a poetic, infectious wonderment at the life-enhancing magic of growing and cooking vegetables.' - Rosie Birkett'A book full of promise.' - Gill Meller-Everyday recipes that make vegetables the star of the showKathy Slack takes us through a year in her veg patch in this celebration of her ten favourite things to grow and eat.Peas, lettuce, courgettes, beans, tomatoes, beetroot, squash, apples, kale and leeks; all simple to grow, affordable and readily available to anyone without a growing space of their own. Most recipes are vegetarian, some use meat or fish, but every dish makes veg the star of the plate. This is food for everyone and every day.Here are recipes to herald the start of spring (Pea, Feta and Mint Frittata) to enjoy on a sweltering summer day (A Tomato-lovers Salad with Anchovy Breadcrumbs) to warm you up as the nights start to draw in (Pumpkin Tikka Masala) and to hunker down with in the depths of winter (Leek, Chestnut and Cider Crumble).Whether you grow your own vegetables at home or buy them at the supermarket, these beautiful recipes celebrate ingredients at their very best and are a joy to cook and eat.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die apokryphe Bibel: Ein anderer Zugang zum frühen Christentum
Der Schwerpunkt dieses Buches liegt beim Umgang mit frühchristlichen, bzw. altkirchlichen und neutestamentlichen Apokryphen. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund der geschickten Vermarktung dieser Schriften in den Medien ist ein neuerwachtes Interesse an den Apokryphen in weiteren Kreisen der Öffentlichkeit zu verspüren. Was hingegen oft fehlt, ist eine solide Information, die auch den Kriterien der Wissenschaft Genüge tut. In diese Lücke stößt das vorliegende Werk vor, und zwar durch eine Serie von sieben Einzelfallstudien, die das Thema in gut lesbarer Form brennpunktartig bündeln. Den äußeren Rahmen geben die Gattungen von Schriften vor, die wir auch im Neuen Testament finden. Den Anfang macht daher die Beschäftigung mit Evangelien, die erst in den letzten sechs Jahrzehnten ans Tageslicht kamen und teils hohe Erwartungen wecken, nämlich das Judasevangelium, das Thomasevangelium und das Geheime Evangelium nach Markus. Es folgt eine Übersicht über die teils sehr erheiternden Tiergeschichten in den Apostelakten. Die Briefliteratur wird von der Korrespondenz zwischen Seneca und Paulus vertreten, deren Echtheit selbst heute noch ihre Verteidiger findet. Als Beispiele für Apokalypsen dienen zwei Werke, die dem Apostel Paulus zugeschrieben werden. Wenig bekannt und zu Unrecht vernachlässigt sind die Pseudo-Clementinen, in denen der Petrusschüler und spätere Papst Clemens I. unter anderem vom Wettkampf zwischen Simon Petrus und Simon Magus berichtet. Den Abschluß bildet eine längere thematische Abhandlung zur Vielgestaltigkeit der Figur des Erlösers Jesus Christus in frühchristlichen Schriften. Sie bietet eine erstaunliche Fülle von einschlägigem Material teils zum ersten Mal in ausführlicher Form dar.
Independent Thinking Press The Philosophy Foundation: The Philosophy Shop (Hardback)- Ideas, activities and questions to get people, young and old, thinking philosophically
Edited by Peter Worley with chapters by: Harry Adamson, Peter Adamson, Alfred Archer, Saray Ayala, Grant Bartley, David Birch, Peter Cave, Miriam Cohen Christofidis, Philip Cowell, James Davy, Andrew Day, Georgina Donati, Claire Field, Berys Gaut, Morag Gaut, Philip Gaydon, Nolen Gertz, A. C. Grayling, Michael Hand, Angie Hobbs, David Jenkins, Milosh Jeremic, Lisa McNulty, Sofia Nikolidaki, Martin Pallister, Andrew Routledge, Anja Steinbauer, Dan Sumners, Roger Sutcliffe, John L. Taylor, Amie L. Thomasson, Robert Torrington, Andy West, Guy J. Williams, Emma Williams, Emma Worley, Peter Worley. The Philosophy Shop is a veritable emporium of philosophical puzzles and challenges to develop thinking in and out of the classroom. Imagine a one-stop shop stacked to the rafters with everything you could ever want, to enable you to tap into young people's natural curiosity and get them thinking deeply. Well, this is it! Edited by philosophy in schools expert, Peter Worley and with contributions from philosophers from around the world, The Philosophy Shop is jam-packed with ideas to get anyone thinking philosophically from children and young people to adults. For use in the classroom, at after school clubs, in philosophy departments and philosophy groups or even for the lone reader, this book will appeal to anyone who likes to think. Take it on journeys and dip in; use it as a classroom starter activity, or for a full philosophical enquiry - it could even be used to steer pub, dinner party or family discussions away from the same old topics. The proceeds of the book are going towards The Philosophy Foundation, a charity bringing philosophy to schools and communities. This book is also available in paperback edition, ISBN 9781781352649. Winner of the Education Resources Awards 2013, Educational Book Award category Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Winner, Philosophy (Adult Nonfiction)
Quadrille Publishing Ltd Honey: Recipes From a Beekeeper's Kitchen
"Amy's beautiful recipes are an ode to the pleasures of cooking with honey and the importance of it in our lives." – Thomasina Miers"Something truly magical happens when beekeeping, gardening and cooking meet, and in that intersection stands Amy with this wonderful book." – Itamar Srulovich, Honey & Co."A beautiful, thoughtful exploration of keeping bees and cooking with honey – with such enticing recipes." – Mark DiaconoA sticky celebration of honey from bloom to plate, with 80 inspiring recipes straight from a beekeeper’s kitchen. Amy Newsome is a cook, gardener and beekeeper – and this is her homage to honey and its deliciously distinct varietals from around the globe. Marvel at the floral intricacies of honey’s terroir and all its wonderful flavours, before getting stuck in with 80 sweet and savoury recipes that celebrate the magic of cooking with honey; from honey ferments, fancy fritto misto and Honeyed Chipotle Lamb Tacos, to Saffron & Apricot Honey Buns, Eucalyptus Honey Granita and a Bergamot Bee's Knees to wash everything down. Covering the beekeeper’s year and how honey is made, you will journey through the changing seasons, take a peak inside the hive and discover just how to create the perfect bee-friendly garden. This cookbook is an incredibly thoughtful collection of recipes and stories that offers an inspiring glimpse into the craft of beekeeping and the remarkable world of the honeybee, confirming why and how we should be treating honey with the respect it deserves.
Verso Books Michael Ignatieff: The Lesser Evil?
One of the most influential intellectuals in the English-speaking world, Michael Ignatieff's story is generally understood to be that of an ambitious, accomplished progressive politician and writer, whose work and thought fit within an enlightened political tradition valuing human rights and diversity. Here, journalist Derrick O'Keefe argues otherwise. In this scrupulous assessment of Ignatieff's life and politics, he reveals that Ignatieff's human rights discourse has served to mask his identification with political and economic elites.Tracing the course of his career over the last thirty years, from his involvement with the battles between Thatcher and the coal miners in the 1980s to the Balkan Wars of the 1990s, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel's 2009 invasion of Gaza, O'Keefe proposes that Ignatieff and his political tradition have in fact stood in opposition to the extension of democracy and the pursuit of economic equality. Michael Ignatieff: The Lesser Evil? is a timely assessment of the Ignatieff phenomenon, and of what it tells us about the politics of the English-speaking West today. About the series: Counterblasts is a new Verso series that aims to revive the tradition of polemical writing inaugurated by Puritan and leveller pamphleteers in the seventeenth century, when in the words of one of them, Gerard Winstanley, the old world was "running up like parchment in the fire." From 1640 to 1663, a leading bookseller and publisher, George Thomason, recorded that his collection alone contained over twenty thousand pamphlets. Such polemics reappeared both before and during the French, Russian, Chinese and Cuban revolutions of the last century. In a period of conformity where politicians, media barons and their ideological hirelings rarely challenge the basis of existing society, it's time to revive the tradition. Verso's Counterblasts will challenge the apologists of Empire and Capital.
Princeton University Press Suburbs under Siege: Race, Space, and Audacious Judges
In Suburbs under Siege Charles Haar argues passionately that all people--rich or poor, black or white--have a constitutional right to live in the suburbs and that a socially responsible judiciary should vigorously uphold that right. For various reasons, American courts have generally failed to question local zoning regulations that trap the urban poor in the squalor of inner cities, away from decent housing and jobs in the suburbs. No U.S. Supreme Court case, for instance, has confronted exclusionary zoning rules, as Brown v. Board of Education once attacked school segregation. Instead, judges at all levels have most often reinforced the residential segregation that may well destroy American society. In this provocative book on the landmark Mount Laurel cases, Haar shows how the N.J. state judiciary broke out of this pattern of judicial behavior. These courageous, innovative judges attracted nationwide attention by challenging the forces of affluence that ruled the suburbs (and the legislature) of their state. Furthermore, they based their reasoning on the N.J. state constitution in order to protect their rulings from invalidation by the U.S. Supreme Court. In the early 1970s, when the cases began, the plaintiffs, Ethel Lawrence and her daughter Thomasene, were barely making ends meet in the Philadelphia suburb of Mount Laurel, a town where their African-American ancestors had lived for seven generations. The Lawrences' dream was to live in a Mount Laurel garden apartment planned by a grassroots reform group as affordable housing: in their way stood a typical minimum acreage zoning ordinance. The eventual court victory of the Lawrences and their young public interest attorneys inspired other N.J. suits and a process of remediation that continues to this day, as judges, experts (special masters), the state legislature, and other citizens work to carry out the Mount Laurel principles. Haar's book is a bold attack on conventional doctrines of the separation of powers limitations on the judicial branch and a plea that judges across the country assume their proper responsibilities for fair housing before it is too late. Originally published in 1996. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.