Search results for ""bruno""
Fordham University Press Posthuman Metamorphosis: Narrative and Systems
From Dr. Moreau’s Beast People to David Cronenberg’s Brundlefly, Stanislaw Lem’s robot constructors in the Cyberiad to Octavia Butler’s human/alien constructs in the Xenogenesis trilogy, Posthuman Metamorphosis examines modern and postmodern stories of corporeal transformation through interlocking frames of posthumanism, narratology, and second-order systems theory. New media generate new metamorphs. New stories have emerged from cybernetic displacements of life, sensation, or intelligence from human beings to machines. But beyond the vogue for the cyborg and the cybernetic mash-up of the organic and the mechanical, Posthuman Metamorphosis develops neocybernetic systems theories illuminating alternative narratives that elicit autopoietic and symbiotic visions of the posthuman. Systems theory also transforms our modes of narrative cognition. Regarding narrative in the light of the autopoietic systems it brings into play, neocybernetics brings narrative theory into constructive relation with the systemic operations of observation, communication, and paradox. Posthuman Metamorphosis draws on Bruno Latour, Donna Haraway, Niklas Luhmann, Cary Wolfe, Mieke Bal, Katherine Hayles, Friedrich Kittler, and Lynn Margulis to read narratives of bodily metamorphosis as allegories of the contingencies of systems. Tracing the posthuman intuitions of both pre- and post-cybernetic metamorphs, it demonstrates the viability of second-order systems theories for narrative theory, media theory, cultural science studies, and literary criticism.
Magic Cat Publishing Little Dinosaurs, Big Feelings
Doctor Diplo is the Jurassic kingdom's best-loved therapist.Meet him and ten of his Jurassic friends...Steggie the Angry DinosaurRex the Scared DinosaurBruno the Sad DinosaurMinka the Happy DinosaurPoppy the Lonely DinosaurPercy the Shy DinosaurTerrie the Excited DinosaurTrev the Overwhelmed DinosaurIggy the Bored DinosaurNino the Content DinosaurHear their stories, and discover how to navigate different emotions with simple mindfulness tools and exercises.This cute and funny, full-colour guide on emotions and feelings for children 5+ offers:-Ten read-aloud stories demonstrating tools to help navigate different emotions-An opportunity to open up conversations about feelings in a gentle and approachable way-Simple mindfulness exercises from Australian child psychologist Amber Owen-Sweet, colourful illustrations that bring the story to life and provide opportunity to discuss each feeling in turn-A 'how to use this book' guide for carers at the back of the bookWritten by best-selling, prize-winning author Swapna Haddow, with calming, charming illustrations from Yiting Lee, this is the perfect book to help every little person master their big feelings.Words of praise for Little Dinosaurs, Big Feelings:A Bookseller's Editor's Pick of the Month: "exciting and intelligent".
Fonthill Media LLc Hermann Goering in the First World War: The Personal Photograph Albums of Hermann Goering
When modern readers think of Hermann Goring, what probably comes to mind is the overweight drug addict and convicted war criminal who cheated the hangman's noose at Nuremberg by committing suicide just hours before he was due to be hanged. Or perhaps there is the image of his powerful German air force in the Second World War---the Luftwaffe---bombing defenceless European cities and towns in the early part of the war, until it was defeated by the British Royal Air Force in the epic Battle of Britain in 1940. Perhaps the reader might think of Goring the debauched art collector who pirated captured collections all over Nazi Europe during the Occupation years. All of these images are correct, but here we see another Hermann Goring: the slim, dashing fighter pilot and combat ace of an earlier struggle, the Great War, or World War I of 1914-18, which he began as an infantry officer fighting the French Army in the 1914 Battle of the Frontiers. During a hospitalization, his friend Bruno Lorzer convinced him to become an aerial observer-photographer, photographing the mighty French fortress of Verdun. He did, and began these never-before-seen personal photo albums of men and aircraft at war: up close.
Vintage Publishing The Mercurial Emperor: The Magic Circle of Rudolf II in Renaissance Prague
In the late 16th century the greatest philosophers, alchemists, astronomers, painters, and mathematicians of the day flocked to Prague to work under the patronage of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, an emperor more interested in the great minds of his times than in the exercise of his immense power. Rarely leaving Prague Castle, he gathered around him a galaxy of famous figures: among them the painter Arcimboldo, the astronomer Tycho Brahe, the mathematician Johannes Kepler, the philosopher Giordano Bruno and the magus John Dee. Fascinated by the new Renaissance learning, Rudolf found it nearly impossible to make decisions of state. Like Faust, he was prepared to risk all in the pursuit of magical knowledge and the Philosopher's Stone which would turn base metals into gold and prolong life indefinitely. But he also faced threats: religious discord, the Ottoman Empire, his own deepening melancholy and an ambitious younger brother. As a result he lost his empire and nearly his sanity. But he enabled Prague to enjoy a golden age of peace and creativity before Europe was engulfed in the Thirty Years' War.Filled with angels and devils, high art and low cunning, talismans and stars, The Mercurial Emperor offers a captivating perspective on a pivotal moment in the history of Western civilisation.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There
Lewis Carroll's timeless classic, introduced by Chris Riddell.You never know where you'll find yourself in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland!Join Alice on her weird and wonderful journey, where nothing is quite as it seems.When Alice steps through the looking-glass, she enters a very strange world of chess pieces and nursery rhyme characters such as Humpty Dumpty, Tweedledum and Tweedledee and the angry Red Queen. Nothing is what it seems and, in fact, through the looking-glass, everything is distorted.Lewis Carroll, born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-98), grew up in Cheshire in the village of Daresbury, the son of a parish priest. He was a brilliant mathematician, a skilled photographer and a meticulous letter and diary writer. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, inspired by Alice Liddell, the daughter of the Dean of Christ Church in Oxford, was published in 1865, followed by Through the Looking-Glass in 1871. He wrote numerous stories and poems for children including the nonsense poem The Hunting of the Snark and fairy stories Sylvie and Bruno.The book includes a behind-the-scenes journey, including an author profile, a guide to who's who, activities and more..Also available in Puffin Classics:Alice's Adventures Through the Looking Glass
Outline Press Ltd It Ain’t Retro: Daptone Records and The 21st-Century Soul Revolution
Soul is the most powerful expression of American music -- a distinct combination of roots, migration, race, culture, and politics packaged together for your dancing pleasure. But if you thought the sounds of Motown or Stax Records died along with 8-tracks and macrame, you d be wrong. For two decades, Daptone Records has churned out hard funk and such beautiful soul that these records sparked a musical revolution. Run by a collective of soul-obsessed producers and musicians, the Brooklyn-based independent label launched the careers of artists such as Amy Winehouse, Sharon Jones and The Dap-Kings, Charles Bradley, and Bruno Mars. Their records paid homage but never lip service to the original artists, proving that soul is still culturally relevant and just as exciting. It Ain t Retro charts this revival s players, sounds, and tectonic shifts over the past twenty years, taking you from dingy clubs where soul crazed DJs packed the dancefloor, to just uptown where some of the genre s heaviest musicians jumpstarted the renaissance in a basement studio, and all the way to the White House. This definitive tale of Daptone Records soulful revolution chronicles the label s history, players, and sounds while dissecting the scene s cultural underpinnings, which continue to reverberate in pop music.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Handbook of Labour Unions: Responses to Neo-Liberalism
This insightful Handbook examines how labor unions across the world have experienced and responded to the growth of neo-liberalism.Since the 1970s, the spread of neo-liberalism across the world has radically reconfigured the relationship between unions, employers and the state. The contributors highlight that this is the major cause and effect of union decline and argue that if there is to be any union revitalisation and return to former levels of influence, then unions need to respond in appropriate political and practical ways. Written in a clear and accessible style, the Handbook examines unions' efforts to date in many of the major economies of the world, providing foundations for understanding each country. Policy makers, analysts, academics, researchers and advanced students in employment, industrial and labor relations as well as political economy will find this unique Handbook an important resource to understanding the contemporary plight and activity of labor unions. Contributors include: S. Ashwin, M. Atzeni, J. Bailey, D. Beale, B. Bruno, D.-o. Chang, S. Contrepois, F.L. Cooke, P. Dibben, H. Dribbusch, B. Fletcher Jr., G. Gall, P. Ghigliani, R. Hurd, J. Kelly, J. McIlroy, R. Munck, E. Noronha, D. Peetz, T. Schulten, R. Trumka, L. Turner, A. Wilkinson, G. Wood
Duke University Press Critique and Postcritique
Now that literary critique's intellectual and political pay-off is no longer quite so self-evident, critics are vigorously debating the functions and futures of critique. The contributors to Critique and Postcritique join this conversation, evaluating critique's structural, methodological, and political potentials and limitations. Following the interventions made by Bruno Latour, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Sharon Marcus and Stephen Best, and others, the contributors assess the merits of the postcritical turn while exploring a range of alternate methods and critical orientations. Among other topics, the contributors challenge the distinction between surface and deep reading; outline how critique-based theory has shaped the development of the novel; examine Donna Haraway's feminist epistemology and objectivity; advocate for a "hopeful" critical disposition; highlight the difference between reading as method and critique as genre; and question critique's efficacy at attending to the affective dimensions of experience. In these and other essays this volume outlines the state of contemporary literary criticism while pointing to new ways of conducting scholarship that are better suited to the intellectual and political challenges of the present. Contributors: Elizabeth S. Anker, Christopher Castiglia, Russ Castronovo, Simon During, Rita Felski, Jennifer L. Fleissner, Eric Hayot, Heather Love, John Michael, Toril Moi, Ellen Rooney, C. Namwali Serpell
Duke University Press Critique and Postcritique
Now that literary critique's intellectual and political pay-off is no longer quite so self-evident, critics are vigorously debating the functions and futures of critique. The contributors to Critique and Postcritique join this conversation, evaluating critique's structural, methodological, and political potentials and limitations. Following the interventions made by Bruno Latour, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Sharon Marcus and Stephen Best, and others, the contributors assess the merits of the postcritical turn while exploring a range of alternate methods and critical orientations. Among other topics, the contributors challenge the distinction between surface and deep reading; outline how critique-based theory has shaped the development of the novel; examine Donna Haraway's feminist epistemology and objectivity; advocate for a "hopeful" critical disposition; highlight the difference between reading as method and critique as genre; and question critique's efficacy at attending to the affective dimensions of experience. In these and other essays this volume outlines the state of contemporary literary criticism while pointing to new ways of conducting scholarship that are better suited to the intellectual and political challenges of the present. Contributors: Elizabeth S. Anker, Christopher Castiglia, Russ Castronovo, Simon During, Rita Felski, Jennifer L. Fleissner, Eric Hayot, Heather Love, John Michael, Toril Moi, Ellen Rooney, C. Namwali Serpell
University of Texas Press Habitat Conservation Planning: Endangered Species and Urban Growth
As environmental awareness grows around the world, people are learning that a diversity of species and the habitat to support them is necessary to maintain the ecological health of the earth. At the same time, however, the pressure to develop wildlife habitat for human settlement and economic gain also grows, causing frequent clashes between the forces of development and of conservation.This pioneering study focuses on a new tool for resolving the land-use conflict—the creation of habitat conservation plans (HCPs). Timothy Beatley explores the development and early results of this provision of the United States' federal Endangered Species Act, which allows development of some habitat and a certain "take" of a protected species in return for the conservation of sufficient habitat to ensure its survival and long-term recovery.Beatley looks specifically at nine HCPs in California, Nevada, Texas, and Florida, states where biological diversity and increasing populations have triggered many conflicts. Some of the HCPs include the San Bruno Mountain HCP near San Francisco, the North Key Largo HCP in the Florida Keys, the Clark County HCP near Las Vegas, Nevada, and the Balcones Canyonlands HCP near Austin, Texas. This first comprehensive overview of habitat conservation planning in the United States will be important reading for everyone involved in land-use debates.
Haynes Publishing Group Peugeot 205 T16 Group B Rally Car: 1983 to 1988
The Peugeot 205 T16 is the legendary Group B turbocharged four-wheel-drive rally car produced by Peugeot between 1983 and 1988. 205 T16s won 16 World Championship rallies between 1984 and 1986 in the hands of Ari Vatanen, Timo Salonen, Juha Kankkunen and Bruno Saby, and lifted both the manufacturers' and drivers' titles in 1985 and 1986 in the hands of Timon Salonen and Juha Kankkunen respectively, against strong opposition from Audi, Lancia, Ford and Austin-Rover., The car was used to extraordinary effect by Peugeot as a marketing tool for the 205 road car, and the project lifted Peugeot to become a mainstream manufacturer to rival the established brands worldwide. Today, the appearance of 205 T16s is always eagerly anticipated at historic rally events, and motorsport retrospectives such as the Goodwood Festival of Speed., This manual chronicles the design, anatomy and operation of the 205 T16, with input from many of the drivers and engineers involved., Author: Nick Garton has been a journalist, author, championship manager and PR person working in motor sport for more than 20 years. His experience of rallying includes representing Shell's interests with Volkswagen, Hyundai and Peugeot. He is author of Haynes Ferrari 312T, Porsche 956/962 and Audi Quattro Rally Car Manuals.
Baen Books Collapsium
In the eighth decade of the Queendom of Sol, three commodities rule the day. The first is wellstone, a form of programmable matter capable of emulating almost any substance: natural, artificial, even hypothetical. The second is collapsium, a deadly crystal composed of miniature black holes, vital for the transmission of information and matter — including humans — throughout the solar system. The third is the bitter rivalry between Her Majesty's top scientists. Bruno de Towaji, famed lover and statesman, dreams of building an arc de fin, an almost mythical device capable of probing the farthest reaches of spacetime. Marlon Sykes, de Towaji's rival in both love and science, is meanwhile hard at work on a vast telecommunications project whose first step is the construction of a ring of collapsium around the sun. But when a ruthless saboteur attacks the Ring Collapsiter and sends it falling into the sun, the two scientists must put aside personal animosity and combine their prodigious intellects to prevent the destruction of the solar system... and every living thing within it. About The Collapsium: “Ingenious and witty . . . as if Terry Pratchett at his zaniest and Larry Niven at his best had collaborated.”—Booklist "Fresh and imaginative. From a plausible yet startling invention, McCarthy follows the logical lines of sight, building in parallel the technological and societal innovations. 'Our Pick.' I wanted to visit this Queendom and meet these people."—Science Fiction Weekly "The future as McCarthy sees it is a wondrous place. While there are amusing attributes and quirks to McCarthy's characters, the greater pleasures of this novel lie in its hard science extrapolations. McCarthy plays us his technical strengths by providing a useful appendix and glossary for the mathematically inclined reader." —Publishers Weekly "[McCarthy] studs his narrative with far-out scientific concepts that he defends in a series of appendices. He certainly has a sense of humor. [Protagonist] Bruno de Towaji . . . is surely speaking for his creator when he assures another character, 'Imagination really is the only limit.'"—The New York Times About Wil McCarthy: "McCarthy is an entertaining, intelligent, amusing writer, with Heinlein's knack for breakneck plotting and, at the same time, Clarke's thoughtfulness."—Booklist “‘Imagination really is the only limit.’”—The New York Times “The future as McCarthy sees it is a wondrous place.”—Publishers Weekly "A bright light on the SF horizon.”—David Brin “Wil McCarthy demonstrates that he has a sharp intelligence, a galaxy-spanning imagination, and the solid scientific background to make it all work.”—Connie Willis “In nearly every passage, we get another slice of the science of McCarthy’s construction, and a deeper sense of danger and foreboding... McCarthy develops considerable tension.”—San Diego Union-Tribune “An ingenious yarn with challenging ideas, well-handled technical details, and plenty of twists and turns.”—Kirkus
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Umstrittene Repräsentation der Schweiz: Soziologie, Politik und Kunst bei der Landesausstellung 1964
Was kommt heraus, wenn sich mitten im Kalten Krieg ein von der Commedia dell'arte und Westschweizer Volksbräuchen inspirierter Theaterregisseur mit der IBM Schweiz zusammentut, um eine Live-Befragung des Publikums der Landesausstellung von 1964 durchzuführen, und zwar auf Basis eines soziologisch elaborierten Fragebogens aus der Feder von sozialanthropologisch geschulten Forscherinnen und Forschern aus Paris? Das Ergebnis ist ein handfester Politskandal, eine vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds gekappte soziologische Studie, deren Rohmaterial sich schließlich der inzwischen berühmte Soziologe Luc Boltanski annimmt und darauf aufbauend seine erste Monographie verfasst, die 1966 unter dem Titel "Le bonheur suisse" in Paris veröffentlicht wird.Koni Weber rekonstruiert die Entstehung, Entwicklung und Verwerfung einer soziologischen Gesellschaftsdeutung. Er verfolgt die diversen Phasen der soziologischen Umfrage von den Konzeptentwürfen über die Konstruktion des Fragebogens und die Stichprobenziehung bis hin zur statistischen Auswertung.Inspiriert durch das Postulat Bruno Latours' Wissenschaft in action zu analysieren, also bei jener Phase der Wissensproduktion genauer hinzuschauen, wo Fakten noch nicht abgesichert sind, fokussiert der Autor auf die epistemischen Praktiken, die wissenschaftlichen Kontroversen, die gesellschaftlichen Debatten und die medialen Skandalisierungen, die bei der Herstellung soziologischen Wissens zusammenspielen. Er schlüsselt die Heterogenität soziologischer Verfahren in den 1960er Jahren analytisch auf und beleuchtet ein Stück Schweizer Zeitgeschichte zwischen 1955 bis 1964 in wissenshistorischer Perspektive.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Handbook of Labour Unions: Responses to Neo-Liberalism
This insightful Handbook examines how labor unions across the world have experienced and responded to the growth of neo-liberalism.Since the 1970s, the spread of neo-liberalism across the world has radically reconfigured the relationship between unions, employers and the state. The contributors highlight that this is the major cause and effect of union decline and argue that if there is to be any union revitalisation and return to former levels of influence, then unions need to respond in appropriate political and practical ways. Written in a clear and accessible style, the Handbook examines unions' efforts to date in many of the major economies of the world, providing foundations for understanding each country. Policy makers, analysts, academics, researchers and advanced students in employment, industrial and labor relations as well as political economy will find this unique Handbook an important resource to understanding the contemporary plight and activity of labor unions. Contributors include: S. Ashwin, M. Atzeni, J. Bailey, D. Beale, B. Bruno, D.-o. Chang, S. Contrepois, F.L. Cooke, P. Dibben, H. Dribbusch, B. Fletcher Jr., G. Gall, P. Ghigliani, R. Hurd, J. Kelly, J. McIlroy, R. Munck, E. Noronha, D. Peetz, T. Schulten, R. Trumka, L. Turner, A. Wilkinson, G. Wood
Columbia University Press Accidental Agents: Ecological Politics Beyond the Human
In the Anthropocene, the fact that human activity is enmeshed with the existence and actions of every kind of other being is inescapable. As a result, the planetary ecological crisis has brought forth an urgent need to rethink understandings of human action. One response holds that the transformations necessary to tackle today’s crises will emerge from the distinctive capacity of human beings to transcend their environment. Another school of thought calls for seeing action as composite, produced by distributed networks of human and nonhuman agents. Yet the first of these is open to charges of human exceptionalism, while the second, according to its critics, lacks effective political traction.Martin Crowley argues that a new conception of political agency is necessary to break this impasse. Engaging with thinkers such as Bruno Latour, Bernard Stiegler, and Catherine Malabou, Crowley proposes an original account of agency as both distributed and decisive. Challenging the prevailing view of agency as exclusively human, he explores how a politics that incorporates nonhuman agency can intervene in the real world, examining timely issues such as climate-related migration and digital-algorithmic politics. A major intervention into ongoing debates in posthumanism, political ecology, and political theory, Accidental Agents reshapes our understanding of political agency in and for a more-than-human world.
The University of Chicago Press Moralizing Technology: Understanding and Designing the Morality of Things
Technology permeates nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Cars enable us to travel long distances, mobile phones help us to communicate, and medical devices make it possible to detect and cure diseases. But these aids to existence are not simply neutral instruments: they give shape to what we do and how we experience the world. And because technology plays such an active role in shaping our daily actions and decisions, it is crucial, Peter-Paul Verbeek argues, that we consider the moral dimension of technology. "Moralizing Technology" offers exactly that: an in-depth study of the ethical dilemmas and moral issues surrounding the interaction of humans and technology. Drawing from Heidegger and Foucault, as well as from philosophers of technology such as Don Ihde and Bruno Latour, Peter-Paul Verbeek locates morality not just in the human users of technology but in the interaction between us and our machines. Verbeek cites concrete examples, including some from his own life, and compellingly argues for the morality of things. Rich and multifaceted, and sure to be controversial, "Moralizing Technology" will force us all to consider the virtue of new inventions and to rethink the rightness of the products we use every day.
Liverpool University Press Supernatural Fiction in Early Modern Drama & Culture
Magic and the supernatural are common themes in the philosophy and fiction of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This book explores varieties of scepticism and belief exhibited by a selection of philosophers and playwrights, including Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Giordano Bruno, John Dee, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and Thomas Middleton, explicating how each author defines the supernatural, whether he assumes magic to operate in the world, and how he uses occult principles to explain what can be known and what is ethical. Beliefs and claims concerning impossible phenomena and superhuman agency require literary historians to determine whether an occult system of magical operation is being described in a given text. Each chapter in this volume evaluates whether a chosen early modern author is endorsing magic as efficacious or divinely sanctioned, or criticising it for being fraudulent or unholy. By examining works of fiction, it is possible to explore fantastic settings which were not intended to be synonymous with the early modern audience's everyday experience, settings where magic exists and operates according to the playwrights' designs. This book also sets out to determine what historical sources provided given authors with knowledge of the occult and speculates on how aware an audience would have been of academic, classical, or popular contexts surrounding the text at hand.
Liverpool University Press Inventions of Enlightenment Since 1800: Concepts of Lumières, Enlightenment and Aufklärung
Enlightenment values, including an emphasis on human rights and belief in rationalism and progress, aspire to be universals, yet at the same time they are concepts grounded in the eighteenth century. Since the French Revolution we have grappled with the concepts of Enlightenment, Lumière, Aufklärung, in an attempt to understand how these eighteenth-century concepts continue to shape and influence modern notions of liberal culture. This collection of essays approaches these important questions in a resolutely European and multi-lingual perspective. Ranging from Victor Cousin to Peter Gay, different chapters consider Tocqueville and the Hegelian school (Bruno Bauer, David Friedrich Strauss, Hermann Hettner), the intellectual currents in Europe around 1900 (Wilhelm Dilthey, Gustave Lanson), the thinkers of the Weimar Republic (Ernst Cassirer) and of the Frankfurt School (Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno), and the debates after the Second World War (Franco Venturi). While the principal focus is on writing in French, German and English, the book also treats the Russian- and Italian-speaking worlds. This important contribution to the history of ideas helps us to redefine the Enlightenment. These essays do not merely describe historical assessments of an eighteenth-century movement of ideas: they contribute to the ongoing debate about the very nature of the concept of Enlightenment.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Work and Society: A Reader
This book provides a lively and accessible introduction to key new areas in the contemporary study of work. While traditional accounts of work have tended to focus upon male manual workers in factories, recent developments have shifted the notions of what counts as work, what work is, and where it takes place. This topical book takes up these developments, broadening our understanding of work. Complementing the second edition of Grint's successful Sociology of Work textbook, this book is divided into five parts, each of which explores recent developments in the theory and practice of work. The wide range of substantive areas covered includes domestic work, globalization, gender, resistance, child labour and labour relations. The theoretical approaches incorporate theories of technology, time, identity, change and discipline. The authors include some of the leading international writers in their fields today, such as Stephen Barley, John Hassard, Bruno Latour and Judy Wajcman, plus some of the rising stars of the future. Each part has an introduction by the editor which contextualizes the selections, and there is a general introduction to help students navigate the text. Work and Society: A Reader will be essential reading for anyone taking courses in the sociology of work, organizational behaviour, business studies, studying MBAs or wishing to understand the contemporary world of work.
Harvard University Press Poetic Works
Bernardus Silvestris exemplifies the scholastic culture of his time. Having studied with pioneers in philosophy and science, he became a renowned teacher of literary and poetic composition. His versatility as scholar, philosopher, and scientist is apparent in his masterpiece, the Cosmographia. In alternating verse and prose, this foundational text for later Latin and vernacular literature synthesizes important intellectual movements of the early twelfth century. It owes its deepest debt to the tradition of philosophical allegory, including Plato’s Timaeus, Cicero’s Somnium Scipionis, and the prosimetra of Martianus Capella and Boethius. Bernardus also displays a masterly awareness of classical Latin poetry. Though less widely influential than his great disciple, Alan of Lille, Bernardus is the most subtle of the twelfth-century Latin poets; the Cosmographia has been aptly compared to the poetry of Lucretius and Giordano Bruno, and a copy survives written in the hand of Boccaccio.In Mathematicus (“The Astrologer”), a Roman hero, faced with an astrologer’s prediction that he will kill his father, resolves to defy fate by committing suicide. This text is the most substantial of the surviving twelfth-century poems based on the ancient exercises in rhetoric known as controversiae, and it illustrates the twelfth century’s concern with astral determinism.
HarperCollins Publishers THOMAS & FRIENDS MAGNET BOOK
Peep! Peep! All aboard with Thomas & Friends in this All Engines Go magnetic adventure! All Engines Go! Toddlers can take a journey across the Island of Sodor and meet all the trains in this fun, magnetic book with 5 great scenes. Start the day at the Engine Sheds, visit the Farm and race down Lookout Mountain. Then create adventures of your own with the magnetic characters of Thomas, Percy, Kana, Nia, Diesel, Bruno, Sandy and Carly. Each of the 8 engines is a magnetic play piece that can be used again and again. The illustration on the front cover shows the magnets that are stored inside the book. This removes the need for a plastic holder on the front cover. There are hours of fun to be had and this is the perfect way to encourage children aged 3 and up to use their imagination and build a life-long love of books. Thomas has been teaching children lessons about life and friendship for over 75 years. He ranks alongside other beloved character such as Paddington Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage and appeals to young fans of Paw Patrol, Fireman Sam and Peppa Pig.
Liverpool University Press Maps and Territories: Global Positioning in the Contemporary French Novel
The rapidity of postwar globalization and the structural changes it has brought to both social and spatial aspects of everyday life has meant, in France as elsewhere, the destabilizing of senses of place, identity, and belonging, as once familiar, local environments are increasingly de-localized and made porous to global trends and planetary preoccupations. Maps and Territories identifies such preoccupations as a fundamental underlying impetus for the contemporary French novel. Indeed, like France itself, the protagonists of its best fiction are constantly called upon to renegotiate their identity in order to maintain any sense of belonging within the troubled territories they call home. Maps and Territories reads today’s French novel for how it re-maps such territories, and for how it positions its protagonists vis-à-vis the pressures of globalization, uncovering previously unseen affinities amongst, and offering fresh readings of—and offering exciting new perspectives on—a diverse set of authors: namely, Michel Houellebecq, Chloé Delaume, Lydie Salvayre, Jean-Philippe Toussaint, Virginie Despentes, Philippe Vasset, Jean Rolin, and Marie Darrieussecq. In the process, it sets the literary works into dialogue with a range of today’s most influential theorists of postmodernity and globalization, including Paul Virilio, Marc Augé, Peter Sloterdijk, Bruno Latour, Fredric Jameson, Edward Casey, David Harvey, and Ursula K. Heise.
Rizzoli International Publications The Mansion on Turtle Creek Cookbook: Haute Cuisine, Texas Style
The Mansion on Turtle Creek—the winner of James Beard, Forbes Five-Star, and AAA Five-Diamond Awards—is a luxury resort in Dallas that houses one of the finest restaurants in the country. This book allows visitors and home cooks everywhere to learn how to re-create its signature dishes, from accessible favorites such as tortilla soup and turtle pie to refined showstoppers like grilled gulf snapper with tomatillo-serrano vinaigrette and roasted rib eye with gorgonzola fritters.Royalty, rock stars, presidents, athletes, and visitors from all over the world have been lured to this 1920s-era Italianate villa by a confident and intelligent menu that has never been traditional in concept or execution. The restaurant gained renown in the 1980s when chef Dean Fearing took a regional cliché—Tex-Mex food—and transformed it into an appreciation of fresh, local ingredients. New Southwestern cuisine was born, and it went on to revolutionize American fine dining. This tradition of culinary excellence thrives today at the Mansion, with the current chef Bruno Davaillon whose past work earned a Michelin star. This book profiles how a regional cooking style has been refined to the highest art through a world-class resort restaurant.
Columbia University Press Accidental Agents: Ecological Politics Beyond the Human
In the Anthropocene, the fact that human activity is enmeshed with the existence and actions of every kind of other being is inescapable. As a result, the planetary ecological crisis has brought forth an urgent need to rethink understandings of human action. One response holds that the transformations necessary to tackle today’s crises will emerge from the distinctive capacity of human beings to transcend their environment. Another school of thought calls for seeing action as composite, produced by distributed networks of human and nonhuman agents. Yet the first of these is open to charges of human exceptionalism, while the second, according to its critics, lacks effective political traction.Martin Crowley argues that a new conception of political agency is necessary to break this impasse. Engaging with thinkers such as Bruno Latour, Bernard Stiegler, and Catherine Malabou, Crowley proposes an original account of agency as both distributed and decisive. Challenging the prevailing view of agency as exclusively human, he explores how a politics that incorporates nonhuman agency can intervene in the real world, examining timely issues such as climate-related migration and digital-algorithmic politics. A major intervention into ongoing debates in posthumanism, political ecology, and political theory, Accidental Agents reshapes our understanding of political agency in and for a more-than-human world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Transfer of Economic Knowledge
This innovative book sheds new light on the various transfer processes of economic knowledge from the academic environment to the outside world. The internationally acclaimed group of authors considers the transfer of knowledge in the teaching of economics, through public policy advice, and the spread of ideas across disciplinary boundaries.The economics profession is mainly concerned with the production of economic knowledge rather than the transfer of this knowledge outside the academic economics environment. The process of the production of knowledge and its final use has not been thoroughly investigated, and so relatively little is known about how this knowledge benefits public policy, private sector decisionmaking and the transfer of ideas across the social sciences. The leading contributors, including James M. Buchanan, Bob Coates, Bruno S. Frey, Heinz Konig, Anne Krueger and Charles Wyplosz, examine the transfer of knowledge from an interdisciplinary perspective addressing psychological, sociological and cultural issues. They also look at the theoretical analysis of the transfer of economic knowledge, focusing on public choice and political economy interpretations of economic policy advice, as well as institutional and management issues of policy advice. Finally they consider the challenges of teaching economics and explore the possibility of applying the new media for transferring economic knowledge.
Autumn House Press The Gardens of Our Childhoods
Poems considering self, masculinity, and culture through the spectacle of professional wrestling. In this stunning debut, John Belk looks at the world of professional wrestling to excavate the real within the artificial and explore the projections we create, run from, and delight in. In The Gardens of Our Childhoods, the distance between spectacle and reality blurs. Belk uses the spectacle of wrestling to stare deeply into American culture and masculinity, parsing the intersecting threads of patriarchy and gender, and unpacking identity formation and performance. As Belk pries into toxic masculinities, he leaves space also for tenderness, queerness, and resistance to normative structures, opening the potential for love and admiration. Populated by classic and contemporary wrestlers like André the Giant, Hulk Hogan, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Ricky Steamboat, Bruno Sammartino, Marcus “Buff” Bagwell, and more, this book is ultimately about the constant deconstruction and reconstruction of our identities that smudge fiction and reality. Like wrestlers in their operatic and winding storylines, we learn how to project and inhabit identities while growing into and fighting against the scripts we write for ourselves and those that are imposed on us. The Gardens of Our Childhoods is the winner of Autumn House Press’s Rising Writer Prize in Poetry.
Fordham University Press Posthuman Metamorphosis: Narrative and Systems
From Dr. Moreau’s Beast People to David Cronenberg’s Brundlefly, Stanislaw Lem’s robot constructors in the Cyberiad to Octavia Butler’s human/alien constructs in the Xenogenesis trilogy, Posthuman Metamorphosis examines modern and postmodern stories of corporeal transformation through interlocking frames of posthumanism, narratology, and second-order systems theory. New media generate new metamorphs. New stories have emerged from cybernetic displacements of life, sensation, or intelligence from human beings to machines. But beyond the vogue for the cyborg and the cybernetic mash-up of the organic and the mechanical, Posthuman Metamorphosis develops neocybernetic systems theories illuminating alternative narratives that elicit autopoietic and symbiotic visions of the posthuman. Systems theory also transforms our modes of narrative cognition. Regarding narrative in the light of the autopoietic systems it brings into play, neocybernetics brings narrative theory into constructive relation with the systemic operations of observation, communication, and paradox. Posthuman Metamorphosis draws on Bruno Latour, Donna Haraway, Niklas Luhmann, Cary Wolfe, Mieke Bal, Katherine Hayles, Friedrich Kittler, and Lynn Margulis to read narratives of bodily metamorphosis as allegories of the contingencies of systems. Tracing the posthuman intuitions of both pre- and post-cybernetic metamorphs, it demonstrates the viability of second-order systems theories for narrative theory, media theory, cultural science studies, and literary criticism.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Work and Society: A Reader
This book provides a lively and accessible introduction to key new areas in the contemporary study of work. While traditional accounts of work have tended to focus upon male manual workers in factories, recent developments have shifted the notions of what counts as work, what work is, and where it takes place. This topical book takes up these developments, broadening our understanding of work. Complementing the second edition of Grint's successful Sociology of Work textbook, this book is divided into five parts, each of which explores recent developments in the theory and practice of work. The wide range of substantive areas covered includes domestic work, globalization, gender, resistance, child labour and labour relations. The theoretical approaches incorporate theories of technology, time, identity, change and discipline. The authors include some of the leading international writers in their fields today, such as Stephen Barley, John Hassard, Bruno Latour and Judy Wajcman, plus some of the rising stars of the future. Each part has an introduction by the editor which contextualizes the selections, and there is a general introduction to help students navigate the text. Work and Society: A Reader will be essential reading for anyone taking courses in the sociology of work, organizational behaviour, business studies, studying MBAs or wishing to understand the contemporary world of work.
Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd Nutrition for Top Performance in Football: Eat Like the Pros and Take Your Game to the Next Level
Foreword by Brendan Rodgers, Leicester City FC manager. Nutrition plays a crucial role in the match performance and recovery of the athlete. To apply the principles of sports nutrition in football, this book provides nutrition basics as well as insight into the physiological demands of the game itself by looking into what elite players eat and drink. Appropriate food choices and timing are also important for a player to perform hard, avoid illness, and recuperate from injury. This book uses the UEFA 2020 Expert Group Consensus Review on Nutrition in Elite Football to give evidence-based guidelines for optimizing football performance through appropriate nutrition and the latest comprehensive information on nutrition guidelines for professional players-also relevant to the amateur player. Included are the specific needs of female players and match officials and relevant issues such as eating during travel and food hygiene. Finally, the book provides some example meal plans and snacks for training, match, and recovery days. Meal recipes are provided by elite performance chefs, Rachel Muse and Bruno Cirillo, who regularly prepare meals for elite players. The science behind sports nutrition is evolving fast. Knowing what the top professional players are eating and drinking can help amateur players improve their own performance, recovery, and health.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
'Simply written and highly memorable' Ireland on Sunday'A subtle, calculatedly simple and ultimately moving story' Irish Times'Stays ahead of its readers before delivering its killer-punch final pages' Independent'A small wonder of a book . . . A particular historical moment, one that cannot be told too often' Guardian'An extraordinary tale of friendship and the horrors of war...Raw literary talent at its best' Irish Independent______________What happens when innocence is confronted by monstrous evil?Nine-year-old Bruno knows nothing of the Final Solution and the Holocaust. He is oblivious to the appalling cruelties being inflicted on the people of Europe by his country.All he knows is that he has been moved from a comfortable home in Berlin to a house in a desolate area where there is nothing to do and no-one to play with. Until he meets Shmuel, a boy who lives a strange parallel existence on the other side of the adjoining wire fence and who, like the other people there, wears a uniform of striped pyjamas.Bruno's friendship with Shmuel will take him from innocence to revelation.And in exploring what he is unwittingly a part of, he will inevitably become subsumed by the terrible process.The new novel by John Boyne, WATER, is available for pre-order now.
University of Minnesota Press Arte Programmata: Freedom, Control, and the Computer in 1960s Italy
Tracing the evolution of the Italian avant-garde’s pioneering experiments with art and technology and their subversion of freedom and control In postwar Italy, a group of visionary artists used emergent computer technologies as both tools of artistic production and a means to reconceptualize the dynamic interrelation between individual freedom and collectivity. Working contrary to assumptions that the rigid, structural nature of programming limits subjectivity, this book traces the multifaceted practices of these groundbreaking artists and their conviction that technology could provide the conditions for a liberated social life.Situating their developments within the context of the Cold War and the ensuing crisis among the Italian left, Arte Programmata describes how Italy’s distinctive political climate fueled the group’s engagement with computers, cybernetics, and information theory. Creating a broad range of immersive environments, kinetic sculptures, domestic home goods, and other multimedia art and design works, artists such as Bruno Munari, Enzo Mari, and others looked to the conceptual frameworks provided by this new technology to envision a way out of the ideological impasses of the age.Showcasing the ingenuity of Italy’s earliest computer-based art, this study highlights its distinguishing characteristics while also exploring concurrent developments across the globe. Centered on the relationships between art, technology, and politics, Arte Programmata considers an important antecedent to the digital age.
University of Minnesota Press Arte Programmata: Freedom, Control, and the Computer in 1960s Italy
Tracing the evolution of the Italian avant-garde’s pioneering experiments with art and technology and their subversion of freedom and control In postwar Italy, a group of visionary artists used emergent computer technologies as both tools of artistic production and a means to reconceptualize the dynamic interrelation between individual freedom and collectivity. Working contrary to assumptions that the rigid, structural nature of programming limits subjectivity, this book traces the multifaceted practices of these groundbreaking artists and their conviction that technology could provide the conditions for a liberated social life.Situating their developments within the context of the Cold War and the ensuing crisis among the Italian left, Arte Programmata describes how Italy’s distinctive political climate fueled the group’s engagement with computers, cybernetics, and information theory. Creating a broad range of immersive environments, kinetic sculptures, domestic home goods, and other multimedia art and design works, artists such as Bruno Munari, Enzo Mari, and others looked to the conceptual frameworks provided by this new technology to envision a way out of the ideological impasses of the age.Showcasing the ingenuity of Italy’s earliest computer-based art, this study highlights its distinguishing characteristics while also exploring concurrent developments across the globe. Centered on the relationships between art, technology, and politics, Arte Programmata considers an important antecedent to the digital age.
Fordham University Press Exterranean: Extraction in the Humanist Anthropocene
Exterranean concerns the extraction of stuff from the Earth, a process in which matter goes from being sub- to exterranean. By opening up a rich archive of nonmodern texts and images from across Europe, this work offers a bracing riposte to several critical trends in ecological thought. By shifting emphasis from emission to extraction, Usher reorients our perspective away from Earthrise-like globes and shows what is gained by opening the planet to depths within. The book thus maps the material and immaterial connections between the Earth from which we extract, the human and nonhuman agents of extraction, and the extracted matter with which we live daily. Eschewing the self-congratulatory claims of posthumanism, Usher instead elaborates a productive tension between the materially-situated homo of nonmodern humanism and the abstract and aggregated anthropos of the Anthropocene. In dialogue with Michel Serres, Bruno Latour, and other interdisciplinary work in the environmental humanities, Usher shows what premodern material can offer to contemporary theory. Examining textual and visual culture alike, Usher explores works by Ronsard, Montaigne, and Rabelais, early scientific works by Paracelsus and others, as well as objects, engravings, buildings, and the Salt Mines of Wieliczka. Both historicist and speculative in approach, Exterranean lays the groundwork for a comparative ecocriticism that reaches across and untranslates theoretical affordances between periods and languages.
Duke University Press The Concept in Crisis: Reading Capital Today
The publication of Reading Capital—by Louis Althusser, Étienne Balibar, Roger Establet, Pierre Macherey, and Jacques Rancière—in 1965 marked a key intervention in Marxist philosophy and critical theory, bringing forth a stunning array of concepts that continue to inspire philosophical reflection of the highest magnitude. The Concept in Crisis reconsiders the volume’s reading of Marx and renews its call for a critique of capitalism and culture for the twenty-first century. The contributors—who include Alain Badiou, Étienne Balibar, and Fernanda Navarro—interrogate Althusser's contributions in particular within the context of what is surely the most famous collective reading of Marx ever undertaken. Among other topics, they offer a symptomatic critique of Althusser; consider his writing as a materialist production of knowledge; analyze the volume’s conceptualization of value and crisis; examine how leftist Latin American leaders like Che Guevara and Subcomandante Marcos engaged with Althusser and Reading Capital; and draw out the volume's implications and use for feminist theory and praxis. Retrieving the inspiration that drove Althusser's reinterpretation of Marx, The Concept in Crisis explains why Reading Capital's revolutionary inflection retains its critical appeal, prompting readers to reconsider Marx's relevance in an era of neoliberal capitalism. Contributors. Emily Apter, Alain Badiou, Étienne Balibar, Bruno Bosteels, Adrian Johnston, Warren Montag, Fernanda Navarro, Nick Nesbitt, Knox Peden, Nina Power, Robert J. C. Young
Duke University Press Cultures without Culturalism: The Making of Scientific Knowledge
Cultural accounts of scientific ideas and practices have increasingly come to be welcomed as a corrective to previous—and still widely held—theories of scientific knowledge and practices as universal. The editors caution, however, against the temptation to overgeneralize the work of culture, and to lapse into a kind of essentialism that flattens the range and variety of scientific work. The book refers to this tendency as culturalism. The contributors to the volume model a new path where historicized and cultural accounts of scientific practice retain their specificity and complexity without falling into the traps of culturalism. They examine, among other issues, the potential of using notions of culture to study behavior in financial markets; the ideology, organization, and practice of earthquake monitoring and prediction during China's Cultural Revolution; the history of quadratic equations in China; and how studying the "glass ceiling" and employment discrimination became accepted in the social sciences. Demonstrating the need to understand the work of culture as a fluid and dynamic process that directly both shapes and is shaped by scientific practice, Cultures without Culturalism makes an important intervention in science studies. Contributors. Bruno Belhoste, Karine Chemla, Caroline Ehrhardt, Fa-ti Fan,Kenji Ito, Evelyn Fox Keller, Guillaume Lachenal, Donald MacKenzie, Mary S. Morgan, Nancy J. Nersessian, David Rabouin, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Claude Rosental, Koen Vermeir
Silvana The Gruppo N and the Psychology of Perception: Trick of the Eye
The research in the field of vision conducted from 1919 by the Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, founded by Vittorio Benussi at the University of Padua, had a remarkable and innovative impact. This research went beyond the academic and disciplinary sphere and, starting in the 1960s, helped to stimulate a ground-breaking cultural and artistic scene, launching the city of Padua and its artists internationally. This volume explores the relationship between the works, milieux and exhibitions of the Gruppo N - Alberto Biasi, Ennio L. Chiggio, Toni Costa, Edoardo Landi, Manfredo Massironi - active in Padua from 1960 to 1964, and the studies of Vittorio Benussi and the first scholars of his School: Cesare Musatti, Fabio Metelli and Gaetano Kanizsa, who was born in Trieste but graduated in Padua. Marina Apollonio’s art and research occupy a special place in this dialogue between science and art. Texts by: Rossana Actis-Grosso, Elisa Baldini, Guido Bartorelli, Paolo Bernardis, Marco Bertamini, Giovanni Bianchi, Ivana Bianchi, Andrea Bobbio, Nicola Bruno, Elisa Caldarola, Marnie Campagnaro, Barbara Luciana Cenere, Alberto Cibin, Elena Clara, Osvaldo da Pos, Andrea Dissegna, Carlo Fantoni, Giovanni Galfano, Walter Gerbino, Enrico Giora , Massimo Grassi, Laura Messina-Argenton, Giulia Parovel Tamara Prest, Marta Previti, Lucia Regolin, Sergio Roncato e Baingio Pinna, Federica Stevanin, Giorgio Vallortigara, Ian Verstegen, Giuseppe Virelli, Daniele Zavagno. Text in Italian with English translations in the appendix.
Harvard University Press Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization
Winner of the Bruno Kreisky Prize, Karl Renner InstitutA Financial Times Best Economics Book of the Year An Economist Best Book of the Year A Livemint Best Book of the YearOne of the world’s leading economists of inequality, Branko Milanovic presents a bold new account of the dynamics that drive inequality on a global scale. Drawing on vast data sets and cutting-edge research, he explains the benign and malign forces that make inequality rise and fall within and among nations. He also reveals who has been helped the most by globalization, who has been held back, and what policies might tilt the balance toward economic justice.“The data [Milanovic] provides offer a clearer picture of great economic puzzles, and his bold theorizing chips away at tired economic orthodoxies.”—The Economist“Milanovic has written an outstanding book…Informative, wide-ranging, scholarly, imaginative and commendably brief. As you would expect from one of the world’s leading experts on this topic, Milanovic has added significantly to important recent works by Thomas Piketty, Anthony Atkinson and François Bourguignon…Ever-rising inequality looks a highly unlikely combination with any genuine democracy. It is to the credit of Milanovic’s book that it brings out these dangers so clearly, along with the important global successes of the past few decades.—Martin Wolf, Financial Times
Editions Heimdal Sainte-MèRe-ÉGlise & Merderet
After his books about the Pointe du Hoc, WN 62 and recently Pegasus Bridge and the Melville Battery, von Keusgen gives us here a lively chronological account of the airborne attacks carried out by the legendary 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions in the first hours of the Battle of Normandy. Not only is the text accompanied by American eye-witness accounts of the very bitter fighting around Sainte-Mère-Eglise, the flooded zones and the Merderet Bridges, but also by the accounts of Manche civilians and – von Keusgen’s principal contribution – those of German veterans, too. The reader therefore discovers all the details of what the Fallschirmjäger of the FJR 6 went through, like Bruno Hinz and K.-H. Mayer all mixed up in the fighting at Saint-Côme du Mont and the famous “Dead Man’s Corner”, or like several Grenadiere from the 91. Luftlande-Division, among whom Rudi Escher, about whom we learn more, and the telephonist Heinrich Speiles). The author moreover has had access to period documents which up until now have remained in the shadows, about Generalleutnant Wilhelm Falley and his aide de camp, Major Bartuzat, liquidated during the night of 5 to 6 June 1944. The text is accompanied by a lot of photographs. Without any doubt, this book will motivate those interested in paratroopers and the fighting in the Cotentin Peninsula.
Princeton University Press Site Reading: Fiction, Art, Social Form
Site Reading offers a new method of literary and cultural interpretation and a new theory of narrative setting by examining five sites--supermarkets, dumps, roads, ruins, and asylums--that have been crucial to American literature and visual art since the mid-twentieth century. Against the traditional understanding of setting as a static background for narrative action and character development, David Alworth argues that sites figure in novels as social agents. Engaging a wide range of social and cultural theorists, especially Bruno Latour and Erving Goffman, Site Reading examines how the literary figuration of real, material environments reorients our sense of social relations. To read the sites of fiction, Alworth demonstrates, is to reveal literature as a profound sociological resource, one that simultaneously models and theorizes collective life. Each chapter identifies a particular site as a point of contact for writers and artists--the supermarket for Don DeLillo and Andy Warhol; the dump for William Burroughs and Mierle Laderman Ukeles; the road for Jack Kerouac, Joan Didion, and John Chamberlain; the ruin for Thomas Pynchon and Robert Smithson; and the asylum for Ralph Ellison, Gordon Parks, and Jeff Wall--and shows how this site mediates complex interactions among humans and nonhumans. The result is an interdisciplinary study of American culture that brings together literature, visual art, and social theory to develop a new sociology of literature that emphasizes the sociology in literature.
Pennsylvania State University Press The Problematic Public: Lippmann, Dewey, and Democracy in the Twenty-First Century
Almost one hundred years have passed since Walter Lippmann and John Dewey published their famous reflections on the “problems of the public,” but their thoughts remain surprisingly relevant as resources for thinking through our current crisis-plagued predicament. This book takes stock of the reception history of Lippmann’s and Dewey’s ideas about publics, communication, and political decision-making and shows how their ideas can inspire a way forward.Lippmann and Dewey were only two of many twentieth-century thinkers trying to imagine how a modern industrial democracy might (or might not) come to pass, but despite that, the “Lippmann/Dewey debate” became a symbol of the two alleged options: an epistocracy, on the one hand, and grassroots participation, on the other. In this book, distinguished scholars from rhetoric, communication, sociology, and media and journalism studies reconsider this debate in order to assess its contemporary relevance for our time, which, in some respects, bears a striking resemblance to the 1920s. In this way, the book explains how and why Lippmann and Dewey are indispensable resources for anyone concerned with the future of democratic deliberation and decision-making.In addition to the editor, the contributors to this volume include Nathan Crick, Robert Danisch, Steve Fuller, William Keith, Bruno Latour, John Durham Peters, Patricia Roberts-Miller, Michael Schudson, Anna Shechtman, Slavko Splichal, Lisa S. Villadsen, and Scott Welsh.
Black Heron Press The Train to Orvieto
The Train to Orvieto, set in Orvieto, Florence, and Milan, Italy, and in the heartland of America, is an intimate story of love, loss, betrayal, and reconciliation that unfolds against an historical background of war and dramatic social change. It is a story enacted by fascinating three-dimensional characters and told by one of them, Fina, a history teacher who warns the reader, "The truth never mattered." It is a story depicting the clash of opposites—the desire for union with another and the need for solitude; loyalty and betrayal; change and tradition; the fatalism of rural Italy and the sense of familial and social duty, as against one's obligations to oneself—and it explores the classic theme of how the consequences of decisions made in youth carry through the remainder of one's life. The Train to Orvieto invites us to consider how much we re able to understand the truths of our own lives and what it costs to accept them.The novel consists of the three parts. The first part concerns Willa, her adventurous mother; the second Losine, Willa's elegant lover; and the third, Fina herself. Together, they compose a cross-cultural family saga of the marriage of Willa, a passionate artist from Ohio, and Gabriel, her possessive husband; and of Fina, a daughter who stands at the center of questions about who we are, what we can know of one another, and whether we can forgive.Part I begins in 1935. Fina's mother, Willa Carver, is determined to leave stifling Erhart, Ohio to become an artist in Italy. Her parents are opposed until her impecunious drawing teacher asks for Willa's hand. Willa is quickly sent to Italy chaperoned by the well-connected Sra. Farnese. The two women meet Gabriele Marcheschi, a soldier from Orvieto, on the train. He eagerly courts Willa and sets their marriage date without asking her. After their wedding, Orvieto's provincial culture presents daunting obstacles to Willa and her artistic ambitions.Part II begins in 1949. Michel Losine is a Milanese jeweler, smuggler, thief, faux archaeologist who specializes in locating people gone missing during WWII. A decade earlier in Germany he evaded capture with help from Fr. Eric, a priest whom he has come to Orvieto to thank for that assistance, albeit belatedly. He encounters Willa by chance. The meeting with Fr. Eric raises questions about faith and truth for Losine, and he also receives an unwelcome warning about Willa.Part III begins in 1968. Fina expects to marry Bruno, Gabriele's assistant, who is widely thought to be a "catch." When she is accepted to university in Milan, both Gabriele and Bruno try to prevent her from going. During the conflict, long-hidden family secrets are revealed. Fina's bitter parting propel her on a journey that leads to more revelations about a past that has imprisoned her entire family.
Ave Maria University Press Surnaturel: A Controversy at the Heart of Twentieth-Century Thomistic Thought
In the first section, Etienne Fouilloux describes the arc of Henri de Lubac's career up to the publication of his Surnaturel; Georges Chantraine, S.J., describes de Lubac's Surnaturel; Henry Donneaud, O.P., describes the early Thomistic response to the book; and Rene Mougel depicts Jacques Maritain's position on the topic. In the second section, focusing on Thomas Aquinas and the medieval period, Michel Bastit inquires into the relationship of Thomism to Aristotle; Jean-Miguel Garrigues explores the grace of Christ; Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P., describes the variety of medieval positions on nature and grace as seen in theological accounts of limbo; and Jean-Pierre Torrell, O.P., masterfully summarises nature and grace according to Aquinas. The third section engages late-scholastic developments: Laurence Renault treats William of Ockham; Jacob Schmutz explores the shifting expositions of concurrence (divine and human causality) between the thirteenth and the seventeenth centuries; and Marie-Bruno Borde, O.C.D., presents the position of the Salmanticenses. Lastly, section four inquires into contemporary developments: Georges Cardinal Cottier, O.P., discusses natural mysticism and the theology of the religions; Gilbert Narcisse, O.P., traces the theme of grace in contemporary theology; Benoit-Dominique de La Soujeole, O.P., explores the situation of contemporary ecclesiology; and Bishop Andre-Mutien Leonard notes the value of the concept of; pure nature; within theological discussions.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Contemporary French Cinema
A Companion to Contemporary French Cinema A Companion to Contemporary French Cinema presents a comprehensive collection of original essays addressing all aspects of French cinema from 1990 to the present day. Featuring contributions from an international cast of established and emerging scholars of French cinema, these innovative essays highlight the diversity of French films and filmmaking techniques that have emerged since the New Wave era. Themes and topics covered include the social, political, and cultural contexts of recent French cinema; contemporary filmmakers and performers; genres, cycles, and cinematic forms; gender and sexuality; and emerging trends and innovative new filmmaking forms. Among the French films examined in depth are hit comedies including Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis and Intouchables, blockbusters such as The Crimson Rivers, police films like 36th Precinct, historical films such as Farewell My Queen and Days of Glory, celebrated animated features such as Kirikou and the Sorceress, films representative of the “new French extreme,” such as Romance, Baisemoi, and Trouble Every Day, and numerous auteur films ranging from Bruno Dumont’s Hors Satan and François Ozon’s shorts to Pascale Ferran’s Lady Chatterley and Alain Guiraudie’s L’Inconnu du lac. Combining cutting-edge scholarship with wide-ranging methodological approaches and perspectives, A Companion to Contemporary French Cinema is an invaluable resource for students and scholars of French film, as well as all those interested in the evolution of this celebrated cinematic tradition.
Pan Macmillan The Fat Artist and Other Stories
Benjamin Hale's fiction abounds with a love of language and a wild joy for storytelling. In prose alternately stark, lush, and hallucinatory, occasionally nightmarish and often absurd, the seven stories in this collection are suffused with fear and desire, introducing us to a company of indelible characters reeling with love, jealousy, megalomania, and despair.As in his acclaimed debut novel, The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore, the voices in these stories speak from the margins: a dominatrix whose longtime client, a U.S. congressman, drops dead during a tryst in a hotel room; an addict in precarious recovery who lands a job driving a truck full of live squid; a heartbroken performance artist who attempts to eat himself to death as a work of art. From underground radicals hiding in Morocco to an aging hippie in Colorado in the summer before 9/11 to a young drag queen in New York at the cusp of the AIDS crisis, these stories rove freely across time and place, carried by haunting, peculiar narratives, threads in the vast tapestry of American life.Weaving a pleasure in the absurd with an exploration of the extraordinary variety of the human condition and the sway our most private selves and hidden pasts hold over us, the stories in The Fat Artist reside in the unnerving intersections between life and death, art and ridicule, consumption and creation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Jump into the HPLC adventure! Three decades on from publication of the 1st German edition of Veronika Meyer's book on HPLC, this classic text remains one of the few titles available on general HPLC aimed at practitioners. New sections on the following topics have been included in this fifth edition: Comparison of HPLC with capillary electrophoresis How to obtain peak capacity van Deemter curves and other coherences Hydrophilic interaction chromatography Method transfer Comprehensive two-dimensional HPLC Fast separations at 1000 bar HPLC with superheated water In addition, two chapters on the instrument test and troubleshooting in the appendix have been updated and expanded by Bruno E. Lendi, and many details have been improved and numerous references added. A completely new chapter is presented on quality assurance covering: Is it worth the effort? Verification with a second method Method validation Standard operating procedures Measurement uncertainty Qualifications, instrument test, and system suitability test The quest for quality Reviews of earlier editions "That this text is written by an expert in both the practice and teaching of HPLC is evident from the first paragraph....not only an enjoyable, fascinating and easy read, but a truly excellent text that has and will serve many teachers, students and practitioners very well." —The Analyst “…provides essential information on HPLC for LC practitioners in academia, industry, government, and research laboratories…a valuable introduction." - American Journal of Therapeutics
John Wiley & Sons Inc Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Jump into the HPLC adventure! Three decades on from publication of the 1st German edition of Veronika Meyer's book on HPLC, this classic text remains one of the few titles available on general HPLC aimed at practitioners. New sections on the following topics have been included in this fifth edition: Comparison of HPLC with capillary electrophoresis How to obtain peak capacity van Deemter curves and other coherences Hydrophilic interaction chromatography Method transfer Comprehensive two-dimensional HPLC Fast separations at 1000 bar HPLC with superheated water In addition, two chapters on the instrument test and troubleshooting in the appendix have been updated and expanded by Bruno E. Lendi, and many details have been improved and numerous references added. A completely new chapter is presented on quality assurance covering: Is it worth the effort? Verification with a second method Method validation Standard operating procedures Measurement uncertainty Qualifications, instrument test, and system suitability test The quest for quality Reviews of earlier editions "That this text is written by an expert in both the practice and teaching of HPLC is evident from the first paragraph....not only an enjoyable, fascinating and easy read, but a truly excellent text that has and will serve many teachers, students and practitioners very well." —The Analyst “…provides essential information on HPLC for LC practitioners in academia, industry, government, and research laboratories…a valuable introduction." - American Journal of Therapeutics
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Post–Soviet Secessionism – Nation–Building and State–Failure after Communism
"The USSRs dissolution resulted in the creation of not only fifteen recognized states but also of four non-recognized statelets: Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and Transnistria. Their polities comprise networks with state-like elements. Since the early 1990s, the four pseudo-states have been continously dependent on their sponsor countries (Russia, Armenia), and contesting the territorial integrity of their parental nation-states Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Moldova. In 2014, the outburst of Russia-backed separatism in Eastern Ukraine led to the creation of two more para-states, the Donetsk Peoples Republic (DNR) and the Luhansk Peoples Republic (LNR), whose leaders used the experience of older de facto states. In 2020, this growing network of de facto states counted an overall population of more than 4 million people. The essays collected in this volume address such questions as: How do post-Soviet de facto states survive and continue to grow? Is there anything specific about the political ecology of Eastern Europe that provides secessionism with the possibility to launch state-making processes in spite of international sanctions and counteractions of their parental states? How do secessionist movements become embedded in wider networks of separatism in Eastern and Western Europe? What is the impact of secessionism and war on the parental states? The contributors are Jan Claas Behrends, Petra Colmorgen, Bruno Coppieters, Nataliia Kasianenko, Alice Lackner, Mikhail Minakov, and Gwendolyn Sasse."
Scholastic US Logan Likes Mary Anne!
Now a major Netflix series! Kristy, Mary Anne, Claudia, and Stacey are best friends and founding members of THE BABYSITTERS CLUB. Whatever comes up - cranky toddlers, huge dogs, scary neighbors, prank calls - you can count on them to save the day. It's the first day of a new school year, and while Mary Anne doesn't know what to expect from the eighth grade, she's looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. One thing she definitely doesn't expect is to meet Logan Bruno, who just moved to Stoneybrook! Logan has a dreamy southern accent, he's awfully cute... and he might be interested in joining the BSC. But the baby-sitters aren't sure if Logan would make a good club member, so they send him on a job with Mary Anne as a test. Logan and Mary Anne hit it off, but Mary Anne isn't sure of where their friendship could go. Life in the Baby-sitters Club has never been this complicated - or this fun! BOOKS IN THE SERIES Kristy's Great Idea (book 1) Truth About Stacey (book 2) Mary Anne Saves the Day (book 3) Claudia and Mean Janine (book 4) Dawn and the Impossible Three (book 5) Kristy's Big Day (book 6) Boy-Crazy Stacey (book 7) Logan Likes Mary Anne (book 8) Claudia and the New Girl (book 9)