Search results for ""bruno""
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Conversations with Birds: The Metaphysics of Bird and Human Communication
For decades Alan Powers has studied bird vocalizations, developing the remarkable ability to imitate birds’ songs and get them to respond and even change tunes. Through his years of study, he has discovered that birds can teach us important lessons about the world and about ourselves. As Powers explains, by communing cross-species we reach out to the timeless interconnected web of all life past and present--what Renaissance philosopher Giordano Bruno called in Latin the Uni-versus, the “Whole turned into One.” Sharing his journey to learn birdtalk and his profound observations about the poetic, spiritual, and healing influences of birdsong, Powers explores the ancient language of birds and the depth of meaning birds convey. He explains how bird speech sounds like song to us, but birdtalk is urgent and nuanced, whether about predators or the weather. He details how he began learning birdtalk, listening to one bird each summer, learning their many vocalizations and variations. Discussing specific techniques, he shares insights into the birdtalk of many species, including the complex and intelligent speech of Crows, the emotional depths of Loons, the mimicry of Blue Jays, and the beautiful song of the Wood Thrush. Exploring the intertwined metaphysics of bird and human languages, Powers looks at the long-standing tradition of “avitherapy” throughout history, literature, and the arts. He shares insights into birds from Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson, reveals how birds appear in love songs throughout the world, and examines how famous writers such as Keats, Catullus, St. Francis of Assisi, and the French historian Jules Michelet found that talking to birds improves their state of mind. He also explores how song-talk with birds restores peace, calms anxiety, and enhances health.
Duke University Press Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics
The French philosopher Jacques Rancière has influenced disciplines from history and philosophy to political theory, literature, art history, and film studies. His research into nineteenth-century workers’ archives, reflections on political equality, critique of the traditional division between intellectual and manual labor, and analysis of the place of literature, film, and art in modern society have all constituted major contributions to contemporary thought. In this collection, leading scholars in the fields of philosophy, literary theory, and cultural criticism engage Rancière’s work, illuminating its originality, breadth, and rigor, as well as its place in current debates. They also explore the relationships between Rancière and the various authors and artists he has analyzed, ranging from Plato and Aristotle to Flaubert, Rossellini, Auerbach, Bourdieu, and Deleuze. The contributors to this collection do not simply elucidate Rancière’s project; they also critically respond to it from their own perspectives. They consider the theorist’s engagement with the writing of history, with institutional and narrative constructions of time, and with the ways that individuals and communities can disturb or reconfigure what he has called the “distribution of the sensible.” They examine his unique conception of politics as the disruption of the established distribution of bodies and roles in the social order, and they elucidate his novel account of the relationship between aesthetics and politics by exploring his astute analyses of literature and the visual arts. In the collection’s final essay, Rancière addresses some of the questions raised by the other contributors and returns to his early work to provide a retrospective account of the fundamental stakes of his project.Contributors. Alain Badiou, Étienne Balibar, Bruno Bosteels, Yves Citton, Tom Conley, Solange Guénoun, Peter Hallward, Todd May, Eric Méchoulan, Giuseppina Mecchia, Jean-Luc Nancy, Andrew Parker, Jacques Rancière, Gabriel Rockhill, Kristin Ross, James Swenson, Rajeshwari Vallury, Philip Watts
Duke University Press Sciences from Below: Feminisms, Postcolonialities, and Modernities
In Sciences from Below, the esteemed feminist science studies scholar Sandra Harding synthesizes modernity studies with progressive tendencies in science and technology studies to suggest how scientific and technological pursuits might be more productively linked to social justice projects around the world. Harding illuminates the idea of multiple modernities as well as the major contributions of post-Kuhnian Western, feminist, and postcolonial science studies. She explains how these schools of thought can help those seeking to implement progressive social projects refine their thinking to overcome limiting ideas about what modernity and modernization are, the objectivity of scientific knowledge, patriarchy, and Eurocentricity. She also reveals how ideas about gender and colonialism frame the conventional contrast between modernity and tradition. As she has done before, Harding points the way forward in Sciences from Below.Describing the work of the post-Kuhnian science studies scholars Bruno Latour, Ulrich Beck, and the team of Michael Gibbons, Helga Nowtony, and Peter Scott, Harding reveals how, from different perspectives, they provide useful resources for rethinking the modernity versus tradition binary and its effects on the production of scientific knowledge. Yet, for the most part, they do not take feminist or postcolonial critiques into account. As Harding demonstrates, feminist science studies and postcolonial science studies have vital contributions to make; they bring to light not only the male supremacist investments in the Western conception of modernity and the historical and epistemological bases of Western science but also the empirical knowledge traditions of the global South. Sciences from Below is a clear and compelling argument that modernity studies and post-Kuhnian, feminist, and postcolonial sciences studies each have something important, and necessary, to offer to those formulating socially progressive scientific research and policy.
Penguin Books Ltd The Invention of Science: A New History of the Scientific Revolution
We live in a world made by science. How and when did this happen? This book tells the story of the extraordinary intellectual and cultural revolution that gave birth to modern science, and mounts a major challenge to the prevailing orthodoxy of its history.Before 1492 it was assumed that all significant knowledge was already available; there was no concept of progress; people looked for understanding to the past not the future. This book argues that the discovery of America demonstrated that new knowledge was possible: indeed it introduced the very concept of 'discovery', and opened the way to the invention of science.The first crucial discovery was Tycho Brahe's nova of 1572: proof that there could be change in the heavens. The telescope (1610) rendered the old astronomy obsolete. Torricelli's experiment with the vacuum (1643) led directly to the triumph of the experimental method in the Royal Society of Boyle and Newton. By 1750 Newtonianism was being celebrated throughout Europe.The new science did not consist simply of new discoveries, or new methods. It relied on a new understanding of what knowledge might be, and with this came a new language: discovery, progress, facts, experiments, hypotheses, theories, laws of nature - almost all these terms existed before 1492, but their meanings were radically transformed so they became tools with which to think scientifically. We all now speak this language of science, which was invented during the Scientific Revolution.The new culture had its martyrs (Bruno, Galileo), its heroes (Kepler, Boyle), its propagandists (Voltaire, Diderot), and its patient labourers (Gilbert, Hooke). It led to a new rationalism, killing off alchemy, astrology, and belief in witchcraft. It led to the invention of the steam engine and to the first Industrial Revolution. David Wootton's landmark book changes our understanding of how this great transformation came about, and of what science is.
DOM Publishers Architecture in Archives: The Collection of the Akademie der Künste
The Akademie der Künste (Academy of Arts) in Berlin has carried out its task of promoting the arts in Germany since the year it was founded in 1696. From the outset, master builders have been eligible to become members. The architect Hans Scharoun laid the groundwork for establishing the architectural archive. As the first post-war president of the academy in West Berlin, he was eager to document twentieth-century architecture in the Archive. Besides the story lying behind the assembly of a collection, this publication presents all seventy-one archives and eighty collections, including short biographies of the originators and the nature and scope of inventories. The Preußische Akademie (Prussian Academy) is represented among other things by drawings by Friedrich Gilly from the end of the eighteenth century. Expressionist designs by Bruno Taut, Alfons Anker, Paul Goesch and Adolf Behne in particular are to be found in rich abundance. In common with the archives of Richard Ermisch, Paul Baumgarten and Thilo Schoder, these offer a chronicle of the 1920s. One focus of the collection is devoted to the archives of Second World War émigré architects, among them Adolf Rading, Gabriel Epstein, Julius Posenerand Konrad Wachsmann. The post-war period and the booming 1960s are represented by the archives of Hermann Henselmann, Walter Rossow, Bernhard Hermkes, Werner Hebebrand, Werner Düttmann and Heinz Graffunder. Archives and collections which can be traced back beyond the turn of the twenty-first century emerged from Jörg Schlaich, Kurt Ackermann, Szyszkowitz + Kowalski and Valentien + Valentien. On offer for the first time is an overview in print form of these archives acquired by the Academy up to the present day – archives of architects, engineers, landscape architects and architectural photographers and critics alike. This publication presents an excerpt from around half a million documents.
American University in Cairo Press The Afterlives of Egyptian History: Reuse and Reformulation of Objects, Places, and Texts
An examination of the myriad lifetimes lived by ancient Egyptian artifacts Egypt has a particular longue durée, a continuity of preservation in deep time, not seen in other parts of the world. Over the centuries, ancient buildings have been adopted for purposes that differed from the original. Temple sites have been transformed into places of worship for new deities or turned into houses and tombs. Tombs, in turn, have been adapted to function as human dwellings already in the Late Antique Period.The Afterlives of Egyptian History expands on the traditional academic approach of studying the original function and sociopolitical circumstances of ancient Egyptian objects, texts, and sites to examine their secondary lives by exploring their reuse, modification, and reinterpretation.Written in honor of the Egyptologist, Edward Bleiberg, this volume brings together a group of luminous scholars from a wide range of fields, including Egyptian archaeology, philology, conservation, and art, to explore the historical circumstances, as well as political and economic situations, of people who have come into contact with ancient Egypt, both in antiquity and in more recent times.Contributor Affiliations:Yekaterina Barbash, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY USALisa Bruno, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY USASimon Connor, F.R.S.–FNRS, Brussels, Belgium and University of Liege, Liege, BelgiumKathlyn (Kara) Cooney, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA USARichard Fazzini, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY USAPeter Lacovara, Ancient Egyptian Archaeology and Heritage Fund, Albany, NY USARonald J. Leprohon, University of Toronto, CanadaMary McKercher, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY USAEdmund Meltzer, Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, California USAJoachim Friedrich Quack, Heidelberg University, Tiffin, Ohio USAPaul Edmund Stanwick, independent scholar, New York, NY USAEmily Teeter, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL USAKathy Zurek-Doule, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY USA
Lannoo Publishers 150 Houses You Need to Visit Before You Die
"It makes me feel guilty that anybody should have such a good time doing what they are supposed to do." - Charles Eames on architecture. "A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines." - Frank Lloyd Wright on architecture. Architectural travel is on the rise. With this book you not only have a reference book of 150 of the world's most iconic private homes, but also a bucket list to plan your next country or city trip. These homes are unique, either because of the aesthetics of the interiors, the construction, or the sophisticated design. This is the ultimate architecture travel wish list. For each house, the authors provide a lively description of the building and its owners, in addition to the specifics of architect, date, and location. 150 Houses You Need to Visit Before You Die is the ultimate 'architecture bucket list' and the sequel to the successful 150 Bars You Need to Visit before You Die, 150 Restaurants You Need to Visit Before You Die and 150 Hotels You Need to Visit before You Die. Features houses in: Belgium, France, Spain, the US, Brazil, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Morocco, Portugal, Venezuela, Switzerland, Russia, Germany, Mexico, Italy, Scotland, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Solvenia, Hawaii, Australia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, Japan, Israel, Canada, Serbia, Poland, Norway, and England, by architects such as Moshe Safdie, Kisho Kurokawa, Harry Seidler, Mackay Hugh Baillie Scott, Alvar Aalto, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Carlo Mollino, Carlo Scarpa, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius, Bruno Taut, Max Bill, Mario Botta, Gio Ponti, Adolf Loos, Eero Saarinen, Frank Lloyd Wright, Georgia O'Keeffe, Richard Neutra, Antoni Gaudi, and Victor Horta.
Oxford University Press Byzantine and Renaissance Philosophy: A History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps, Volume 6
Peter Adamson explores the rich intellectual history of the Byzantine Empire and the Italian Renaissance. Peter Adamson presents an engaging and wide-ranging introduction to the thinkers and movements of two great intellectual cultures: Byzantium and the Italian Renaissance. First he traces the development of philosophy in the Eastern Christian world, from such early figures as John of Damascus in the eighth century to the late Byzantine scholars of the fifteenth century. He introduces major figures like Michael Psellos, Anna Komnene, and Gregory Palamas, and examines the philosophical significance of such cultural phenomena as iconoclasm and conceptions of gender. We discover the little-known traditions of philosophy in Syriac, Armenian, and Georgian. These chapters also explore the scientific, political, and historical literature of Byzantium. There is a close connection to the second half of the book, since thinkers of the Greek East helped to spark the humanist movement in Italy. Adamson tells the story of the rebirth of philosophy in Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. We encounter such famous names as Christine de Pizan, Niccolò Machiavelli, Giordano Bruno, and Galileo, but as always in this book series such major figures are read alongside contemporaries who are not so well known, including such fascinating figures as Lorenzo Valla, Girolamo Savonarola, and Bernardino Telesio. Major historical themes include the humanist engagement with ancient literature, the emergence of women humanists, the flowering of Republican government in Renaissance Italy, the continuation of Aristotelian and scholastic philosophy alongside humanism, and breakthroughs in science. All areas of philosophy, from theories of economics and aesthetics to accounts of the human mind, are featured. This is the sixth volume of Adamson's History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps, taking us to the threshold of the early modern era.
Penguin Books Ltd The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects
In a dazzling fusion of Quentin Fiore's bold and inventive graphic design and Marshall McLuhan's unique insight into technology, advertising and mass-media, The Medium is the Massage is a unique study of human communication in the twentieth century, published in Penguin Modern ClassicsMarshall McLuhan is the man who predicted the all-pervasive rise of modern mass media. Blending text, image and photography, his 1960 classic The Medium is the Massage illustrates how the growth of technology utterly reshapes society, personal lives and sensory perceptions, so that we are effectively transformed by the means we use to communicate. His theories, many of which are illustrated in this astonishing 'inventory of effects', force us to question how modes of communication have shaped society. This concept, and his ideas such as rolling, up-to-the-minute news broadcasts and the media 'Global Village' have proved decades ahead of their time.How do we see the world around us? The 'Penguin on Design' series includes the works of creative thinkers whose writings on art, design and the media have changed our vision forever. Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) was a Canadian educator, philosopher and scholar - a professor of English Literature, a literary critic and a communications theorist. McLuhan's work is viewed as one of the cornerstones of the study of media theory. Among his other works are The Mechanical Bride (1951), The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962) and Understanding Media (1964). Quentin Fiore (b. 1920) is a graphic designer renowned for his collaborations with writers including the academic Marshall McLuhan and the futurist and engineer Buckminster Fuller.If you enjoyed The Medium is the Massage, you might like Bruno Munari's Design as Art, also available in Penguin Modern Classics.'The media prophet of the 1960s'The New York Times'In the tumult of the digital revolution, McLuhan is relevant anew'Wired
University of Minnesota Press Superhumanity: Design of the Self
A wide-ranging and challenging exploration of design and how it engages with the self The field of design has radically expanded. As a practice, design is no longer limited to the world of material objects but rather extends from carefully crafted individual styles and online identities to the surrounding galaxies of personal devices, new materials, interfaces, networks, systems, infrastructures, data, chemicals, organisms, and genetic codes. Superhumanity seeks to explore and challenge our understanding of “design” by engaging with and departing from the concept of the “self.” This volume brings together more than fifty essays by leading scientists, artists, architects, designers, philosophers, historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists, originally disseminated online via e-flux Architecture between September 2016 and February 2017 on the invitation of the Third Istanbul Design Biennial. Probing the idea that we are and always have been continuously reshaped by the artifacts we shape, this book asks: Who designed the lives we live today? What are the forms of life we inhabit, and what new forms are currently being designed? Where are the sites, and what are the techniques, to design others? This vital and far-reaching collection of essays and images seeks to explore and reflect on the ways in which both the concept and practice of design are operative well beyond tangible objects, expanding into the depths of self and forms of life. Contributors: Zeynep Çelik Alexander, Lucia Allais, Shumon Basar, Ruha Benjamin, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Daniel Birnbaum, Ina Blom, Benjamin H. Bratton, Giuliana Bruno, Tony Chakar, Mark Cousins, Simon Denny, Keller Easterling, Hu Fang, Rubén Gallo, Liam Gillick, Boris Groys, Rupali Gupte, Andrew Herscher, Tom Holert, Brooke Holmes, Francesca Hughes, Andrés Jaque, Lydia Kallipoliti, Thomas Keenan, Sylvia Lavin, Yongwoo Lee, Lesley Lokko, MAP Office, Chus Martínez, Ingo Niermann, Ahmet Ögüt, Trevor Paglen, Spyros Papapetros, Raqs Media Collective, Juliane Rebentisch, Sophia Roosth, Felicity D. Scott, Jack Self, Prasad Shetty, Hito Steyerl, Kali Stull, Pelin Tan, Alexander Tarakhovsky, Paulo Tavares, Stephan Trüby, Etienne Turpin, Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Eyal Weizman, Mabel O. Wilson, Brian Kuan Wood, Liam Young, and Arseny Zhilyaev.
University of Minnesota Press Accumulation: The Art, Architecture, and Media of Climate Change
Examines how images of accumulation help open up the climate to political mobilization The current epoch is one of accumulation: not only of capital but also of raw, often unruly material, from plastic in the ocean and carbon in the atmosphere to people, buildings, and cities. Alongside this material growth, image-making practices embedded within the fields of art and architecture have proven to be fertile, mobile, and capacious. Images of accumulation help open up the climate to cultural inquiry and political mobilization and have formed a cultural infrastructure focused on the relationships between humans, other species, and their environments.The essays in Accumulation address this cultural infrastructure and the methodological challenges of its analysis. They offer a response to the relative invisibility of the climate now seen as material manifestations of social behavior. Contributors outline opportunities and ambitions of visual scholarship as a means to encounter the challenges emergent in the current moment: how can climate become visible, culturally and politically? Knowledge of climatic instability can change collective behavior and offer other trajectories, counteraccumulations that draw the present into a different, more livable, future.Contributors: Emily Apter, New York U; Hans Baumann; Amanda Boeztkes, U of Guelph; Dominic Boyer, Rice U; Lindsay Bremner, U of Westminster; Nerea Calvillo, U of Warwick; Beth Cullen, U of Westminster; T. J. Demos, U of California, Santa Cruz; Jeff Diamanti, U of Amsterdam; Jennifer Ferng, U of Sydney; Jennifer Gabrys, U of Cambridge; Ian Gray, U of California, Los Angeles; Gökçe Günel, Rice U; Orit Halpern, Concordia U; Gabrielle Hecht, Stanford U; Cymene Howe, Rice U; Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Simon Fraser U; Robin Kelsey, Harvard U; Bruno Latour, Sciences Po, Paris; Hannah le Roux, U of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; Stephanie LeMenager, U of Oregon; Nashin Mahtani; Kiel Moe, McGill U; Karen Pinkus, Cornell U; Stephanie Wakefield, Life U; McKenzie Wark, The New School; Kathryn Yusoff, Queen Mary U of London.
Duke University Press Listen Again: A Momentary History of Pop Music
Arguing that pop music turns on moments rather than movements, the essays in Listen Again pinpoint magic moments from a century of pop eclecticism, looking at artists who fall between genre lines, songs that sponge up influences from everywhere, and studio accidents with unforeseen consequences. Listen Again collects some of the finest presentations from the celebrated Experience Music Project Pop Conference, where journalists, musicians, academics, and other culturemongers come together once each year to stretch the boundaries of pop music culture, criticism, and scholarship.Building a history of pop music out of unexpected instances, critics and musicians delve into topics from the early-twentieth-century black performer Bert Williams’s use of blackface, to the invention of the Delta blues category by a forgotten record collector named James McKune, to an ER cast member’s performance as the Germs’ front man Darby Crash at a Germs reunion show. Cuban music historian Ned Sublette zeroes in on the signature riff of the garage-band staple “Louie, Louie.” David Thomas of the pioneering punk band Pere Ubu honors one of his forebears: Ghoulardi, a late-night monster-movie host on Cleveland-area TV in the 1960s. Benjamin Melendez discusses playing in a band, the Ghetto Brothers, that Latinized the Beatles, while leading a South Bronx gang, also called the Ghetto Brothers. Michaelangelo Matos traces the lineage of the hip-hop sample “Apache” to a Burt Lancaster film. Whether reflecting on the ringing freedom of an E chord or the significance of Bill Tate, who performed once in 1981 as Buddy Holocaust and was never heard from again, the essays reveal why Robert Christgau, a founder of rock criticism, has called the EMP Pop Conference “the best thing that’s ever happened to serious consideration of pop music.”Contributors. David Brackett, Franklin Bruno, Daphne Carr, Henry Chalfant, Jeff Chang, Drew Daniel, Robert Fink, Holly George-Warren, Lavinia Greenlaw, Marybeth Hamilton, Jason King, Josh Kun, W. T. Lhamon, Jr., Greil Marcus, Michaelangelo Matos, Benjamin Melendez, Mark Anthony Neal, Ned Sublette, David Thomas, Steve Waksman, Eric Weisbard
Edition Axel Menges Home of Ones Own / Emigrierte Architekten und ihre Hauser: Emigre Architects and Their Houses. 19201960
Text in English & German. When architects design a house for themselves, the often tense relationship between clients and builders is usually absent. That is why in many such buildings the architect-designers artistic stance and political position, preferences and antipathies, temperament and character are more pronounced than usual. Moreover the architectural theories, debates and trends of an epoch also leave their traces in them in a particular way. We encounter both attachment to tradition and commitment to the avant-garde, willingness to experiment and pragmatism, distinctive artistry and views shaped by the fact that a building is also a product of engineering. And last but not least, expressed in their houses are the personal life circumstances of the people concerned, or the messages the houses are meant to convey above and beyond their actual purpose: as a 'manifesto', as the 'self-portrait' of the architect, but also as an advertising tool or as a sign of connection to specific milieux or positions. Building for oneself has a special connotation under the conditionsof migration and exile. Among the most prominent examples are the private homes of Rudolph Schindler in West Hollywood (1921/22), Richard Neutra in Los Angeles (1932), Walter Gropius in Lincoln, Massachusetts (1937/1938), Ernst May near Nairobi (1937/1938), Bruno Taut in Istanbul (1937/1938), Ernö Goldfinger in London (19371939), Marcel Breuer in New Canaan, Connecticut (1938/1939 and 1947/1948), Josep Lluís Sert in Lattingtown, New York (19471950) and Max Cetto in Mexiko-Stadt (1948/1949). What expression could voluntary migration or forced change of location find in these buildings? To what extent do the architects other buildings differ from such 'homes of ones own' in a foreign country, to use an expression borrowed and modified from Virginia Woolf? The book is a collection of contributions by internationally renowned authors and examines not only the buildings themselves but also other aspects of the topic that have hitherto received little attention.
Johns Hopkins University Press Global Forensic Cultures: Making Fact and Justice in the Modern Era
Essays explore forensic science in global and historical context, opening a critical window onto contemporary debates about the universal validity of present-day genomic forensic practices.Contemporary forensic science has achieved unprecedented visibility as a compelling example of applied expertise. But the common public view—that we are living in an era of forensic deliverance, one exemplified by DNA typing—has masked the reality: that forensic science has always been unique, problematic, and contested. Global Forensic Cultures aims to rectify this problem by recognizing the universality of forensic questions and the variety of practices and institutions constructed to answer them.Groundbreaking essays written by leaders in the field address the complex and contentious histories of forensic techniques. Contributors also examine the co-evolution of these techniques with the professions creating and using them, with the systems of governance and jurisprudence in which they are used, and with the socioeconomic, political, racial, and gendered settings of that use. Exploring the profound effect of "location" (temporal and spatial) on the production and enactment of forms of forensic knowledge during the century before CSI became a household acronym, the book explores numerous related topics, including the notion of burden of proof, changing roles of experts and witnesses, the development and dissemination of forensic techniques and skills, the financial and practical constraints facing investigators, and cultures of forensics and of criminality within and against which forensic practitioners operate.Covering sites of modern and historic forensic innovation in the United States, Europe, and farther-flung imperial and global settings, these essays tell stories of blood, poison, corpses; tracking persons and attesting documents; truth-making, egregious racism, and sinister surveillance. Each chapter is a finely grained case study. Collectively, Global Forensic Cultures supplies a historical foundation for the critical appraisal of contemporary forensic institutions which has begun in the wake of DNA-based exonerations.Contributors: Bruno Bertherat, José Ramón Bertomeu Sánchez, Binyamin Blum, Ian Burney, Marcus B. Carrier, Simon A. Cole, Christopher Hamlin, Jeffrey Jentzen, Projit Bihari Mukharji, Quentin (Trais) Pearson, Mitra Sharafi, Gagan Preet Singh, Heather Wolffram
University of Minnesota Press Superhumanity: Design of the Self
A wide-ranging and challenging exploration of design and how it engages with the self The field of design has radically expanded. As a practice, design is no longer limited to the world of material objects but rather extends from carefully crafted individual styles and online identities to the surrounding galaxies of personal devices, new materials, interfaces, networks, systems, infrastructures, data, chemicals, organisms, and genetic codes. Superhumanity seeks to explore and challenge our understanding of “design” by engaging with and departing from the concept of the “self.” This volume brings together more than fifty essays by leading scientists, artists, architects, designers, philosophers, historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists, originally disseminated online via e-flux Architecture between September 2016 and February 2017 on the invitation of the Third Istanbul Design Biennial. Probing the idea that we are and always have been continuously reshaped by the artifacts we shape, this book asks: Who designed the lives we live today? What are the forms of life we inhabit, and what new forms are currently being designed? Where are the sites, and what are the techniques, to design others? This vital and far-reaching collection of essays and images seeks to explore and reflect on the ways in which both the concept and practice of design are operative well beyond tangible objects, expanding into the depths of self and forms of life. Contributors: Zeynep Çelik Alexander, Lucia Allais, Shumon Basar, Ruha Benjamin, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Daniel Birnbaum, Ina Blom, Benjamin H. Bratton, Giuliana Bruno, Tony Chakar, Mark Cousins, Simon Denny, Keller Easterling, Hu Fang, Rubén Gallo, Liam Gillick, Boris Groys, Rupali Gupte, Andrew Herscher, Tom Holert, Brooke Holmes, Francesca Hughes, Andrés Jaque, Lydia Kallipoliti, Thomas Keenan, Sylvia Lavin, Yongwoo Lee, Lesley Lokko, MAP Office, Chus Martínez, Ingo Niermann, Ahmet Ögüt, Trevor Paglen, Spyros Papapetros, Raqs Media Collective, Juliane Rebentisch, Sophia Roosth, Felicity D. Scott, Jack Self, Prasad Shetty, Hito Steyerl, Kali Stull, Pelin Tan, Alexander Tarakhovsky, Paulo Tavares, Stephan Trüby, Etienne Turpin, Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Eyal Weizman, Mabel O. Wilson, Brian Kuan Wood, Liam Young, and Arseny Zhilyaev.
Dalkey Archive Press Their Four Hearts
In many respects, Their Four Hearts is a book of endings and final things. Vladimir Sorokin wrote it in the year the Soviet Union collapsed and then didn’t write fiction for ten years after completing it––his next book being the infamous Blue Lard, which he wrote in 1998. Without exaggerating too much, one might call it the last book of the Russian twentieth century and Blue Lard the first book of the Russian twenty-first century. It is a novel about the failure of the Soviet Union, about its metaphysical designs, and about the violence it produced, but presented as God might see it or Bataille might write it. Their Four Hearts follows the violent and nonsensical missions carried out by a group of four characters who represent Socialist Realist archetypes: Seryozha, a naive and optimistic young boy; Olga, a dedicated female athlete; Shtaube, a wise old man; and Rebrov, a factory worker and a Stakhanovite embodying Soviet manhood. However, the degradation inflicted upon them is hardly a Socialist Realist trope. Are the acts of violence they carry out a more realistic vision of what the Soviet Union forced its “heroes” to live out? A corporealization and desacralization of self-sacrificing acts of Soviet heroism? How the Soviet Union truly looked if you were to strip away the ideological infrastructure? As we see in the long monologues Shtaube performs for his companions––some of which are scatological nonsense and some of which are accurate reproductions of Soviet language––Sorokin is interested in burrowing down to the libidinal impulses that fuel a totalitarian system and forcing the reader to take part in them in a way that isn’t entirely devoid of aesthetic pleasure. As presented alongside Greg Klassen’s brilliant charcoal illustrations, which have been compared to the work of Bruno Schulz by Alexander Genis and the work of Ralph Steadman as filtered through Francis Bacon by several gallerists, this angular work of fiction becomes a scatological storybook-world that the reader is dared to immerse themselves in.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Formal Methods: Industrial Use from Model to the Code
Although formal analysis programming techniques may be quite old, the introduction of formal methods only dates from the 1980s. These techniques enable us to analyze the behavior of a software application, described in a programming language. It took until the end of the 1990s before formal methods or the B method could be implemented in industrial applications or be usable in an industrial setting. Current literature only gives students and researchers very general overviews of formal methods. The purpose of this book is to present feedback from experience on the use of “formal methods” (such as proof and model-checking) in industrial examples within the transportation domain. This book is based on the experience of people who are currently involved in the creation and evaluation of safety critical system software. The involvement of people from within the industry allows us to avoid the usual problems of confidentiality which could arise and thus enables us to supply new useful information (photos, architecture plans, real examples, etc.). Topics covered by the chapters of this book include SAET-METEOR, the B method and B tools, model-based design using Simulink, the Simulink design verifier proof tool, the implementation and applications of SCADE (Safety Critical Application Development Environment), GATeL: A V&V Platform for SCADE models and ControlBuild. Contents 1. From Classic Languages to Formal Methods, Jean-Louis Boulanger. 2. Formal Method in the Railway Sector the First Complex Application: SAET-METEOR, Jean-Louis Boulanger. 3. The B Method and B Tools, Jean-Louis Boulanger. 4. Model-Based Design Using Simulink – Modeling, Code Generation, Verification, and Validation, Mirko Conrad and Pieter J. Mosterman. 5. Proving Global Properties with the Aid of the SIMULINK DESIGN VERIFIER Proof Tool, Véronique Delebarre and Jean-Frédéric Etienne. 6. SCADE: Implementation and Applications, Jean-Louis Camus. 7. GATeL: A V&V Platform for SCADE Models, Bruno Marre, Benjamin Bianc, Patricia Mouy and Christophe Junke. 8. ControlBuild, a Development Framework for Control Engineering, Franck Corbier. 9. Conclusion, Jean-Louis Boulanger.
University of Minnesota Press Accumulation: The Art, Architecture, and Media of Climate Change
Examines how images of accumulation help open up the climate to political mobilization The current epoch is one of accumulation: not only of capital but also of raw, often unruly material, from plastic in the ocean and carbon in the atmosphere to people, buildings, and cities. Alongside this material growth, image-making practices embedded within the fields of art and architecture have proven to be fertile, mobile, and capacious. Images of accumulation help open up the climate to cultural inquiry and political mobilization and have formed a cultural infrastructure focused on the relationships between humans, other species, and their environments.The essays in Accumulation address this cultural infrastructure and the methodological challenges of its analysis. They offer a response to the relative invisibility of the climate now seen as material manifestations of social behavior. Contributors outline opportunities and ambitions of visual scholarship as a means to encounter the challenges emergent in the current moment: how can climate become visible, culturally and politically? Knowledge of climatic instability can change collective behavior and offer other trajectories, counteraccumulations that draw the present into a different, more livable, future.Contributors: Emily Apter, New York U; Hans Baumann; Amanda Boeztkes, U of Guelph; Dominic Boyer, Rice U; Lindsay Bremner, U of Westminster; Nerea Calvillo, U of Warwick; Beth Cullen, U of Westminster; T. J. Demos, U of California, Santa Cruz; Jeff Diamanti, U of Amsterdam; Jennifer Ferng, U of Sydney; Jennifer Gabrys, U of Cambridge; Ian Gray, U of California, Los Angeles; Gökçe Günel, Rice U; Orit Halpern, Concordia U; Gabrielle Hecht, Stanford U; Cymene Howe, Rice U; Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Simon Fraser U; Robin Kelsey, Harvard U; Bruno Latour, Sciences Po, Paris; Hannah le Roux, U of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; Stephanie LeMenager, U of Oregon; Nashin Mahtani; Kiel Moe, McGill U; Karen Pinkus, Cornell U; Stephanie Wakefield, Life U; McKenzie Wark, The New School; Kathryn Yusoff, Queen Mary U of London.
Duke University Press Listen Again: A Momentary History of Pop Music
Arguing that pop music turns on moments rather than movements, the essays in Listen Again pinpoint magic moments from a century of pop eclecticism, looking at artists who fall between genre lines, songs that sponge up influences from everywhere, and studio accidents with unforeseen consequences. Listen Again collects some of the finest presentations from the celebrated Experience Music Project Pop Conference, where journalists, musicians, academics, and other culturemongers come together once each year to stretch the boundaries of pop music culture, criticism, and scholarship.Building a history of pop music out of unexpected instances, critics and musicians delve into topics from the early-twentieth-century black performer Bert Williams’s use of blackface, to the invention of the Delta blues category by a forgotten record collector named James McKune, to an ER cast member’s performance as the Germs’ front man Darby Crash at a Germs reunion show. Cuban music historian Ned Sublette zeroes in on the signature riff of the garage-band staple “Louie, Louie.” David Thomas of the pioneering punk band Pere Ubu honors one of his forebears: Ghoulardi, a late-night monster-movie host on Cleveland-area TV in the 1960s. Benjamin Melendez discusses playing in a band, the Ghetto Brothers, that Latinized the Beatles, while leading a South Bronx gang, also called the Ghetto Brothers. Michaelangelo Matos traces the lineage of the hip-hop sample “Apache” to a Burt Lancaster film. Whether reflecting on the ringing freedom of an E chord or the significance of Bill Tate, who performed once in 1981 as Buddy Holocaust and was never heard from again, the essays reveal why Robert Christgau, a founder of rock criticism, has called the EMP Pop Conference “the best thing that’s ever happened to serious consideration of pop music.”Contributors. David Brackett, Franklin Bruno, Daphne Carr, Henry Chalfant, Jeff Chang, Drew Daniel, Robert Fink, Holly George-Warren, Lavinia Greenlaw, Marybeth Hamilton, Jason King, Josh Kun, W. T. Lhamon, Jr., Greil Marcus, Michaelangelo Matos, Benjamin Melendez, Mark Anthony Neal, Ned Sublette, David Thomas, Steve Waksman, Eric Weisbard
Transworld Publishers Ltd Bunce's Big Fat Short History of British Boxing
*FULLY REVISED AND UPDATED TO INCLUDE THE BIGGEST FIGHTS IN THE LAST FEW YEARS*'Essential reading for anyone with even a fleeting interest in boxing' Boxing Monthly 'Nobody knows British fighters and their stories better than Steve Bunce' Daily TelegraphBoxing is Steve Bunce's game. He has filed thousands and thousands of fight reports from ringside. He has written millions and millions of words for national newspapers previewing boxing, profiling boxers and proselytising on the business. He has been the voice of British boxing on the airwaves, both radio and television, with an army of loyal fans. And now it's time to put those many years of experience into penning his history of the sport of kings on these isles. It's Bunce's Big Fat Short History of British Boxing.Starting in 1970, the beginning of modern boxing in Britain, Bunce takes us from Joe Bugner beating Henry Cooper to an explosion then in the sport's exposure to the wider British public, with 22 million watching Barry McGuigan win his world title on the BBC. All boxing royalty is here - Frank Bruno taking on Mike Tyson in Las Vegas; Benn, Watson, Eubank and Naseem; Ricky Hatton, Lennox Lewis and Calzaghe; Froch and Haye - through to a modern day situation where with fighters as diverse as Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua, we have more world champions than ever before. And besides the fighters, there are the fixers, the managers, the trainers, the duckers and divers...Bunce's Big Fat Short History of British Boxing will have every high and impossible low, tragic deaths and fairy tales. It is a record of British boxing, British boxing people and fifty years of glory, heartache and drama.WHAT READERS ARE SAYING***** A fantastic history and a top collectors prize already... this book knocked me out in the first pages.***** Must read book for boxing fans.***** Been reading boxing books all my life, don't think I've enjoyed one more than this. ***** An absolute must for any British boxing fan.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Volatility Surface: A Practitioner's Guide
Praise for The Volatility Surface "I'm thrilled by the appearance of Jim Gatheral's new book The Volatility Surface. The literature on stochastic volatility is vast, but difficult to penetrate and use. Gatheral's book, by contrast, is accessible and practical. It successfully charts a middle ground between specific examples and general models--achieving remarkable clarity without giving up sophistication, depth, or breadth." --Robert V. Kohn, Professor of Mathematics and Chair, Mathematical Finance Committee, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University "Concise yet comprehensive, equally attentive to both theory and phenomena, this book provides an unsurpassed account of the peculiarities of the implied volatility surface, its consequences for pricing and hedging, and the theories that struggle to explain it." --Emanuel Derman, author of My Life as a Quant "Jim Gatheral is the wiliest practitioner in the business. This very fine book is an outgrowth of the lecture notes prepared for one of the most popular classes at NYU's esteemed Courant Institute. The topics covered are at the forefront of research in mathematical finance and the author's treatment of them is simply the best available in this form." --Peter Carr, PhD, head of Quantitative Financial Research, Bloomberg LP Director of the Masters Program in Mathematical Finance, New York University "Jim Gatheral is an acknowledged master of advanced modeling for derivatives. In The Volatility Surface he reveals the secrets of dealing with the most important but most elusive of financial quantities, volatility." --Paul Wilmott, author and mathematician "As a teacher in the field of mathematical finance, I welcome Jim Gatheral's book as a significant development. Written by a Wall Street practitioner with extensive market and teaching experience, The Volatility Surface gives students access to a level of knowledge on derivatives which was not previously available. I strongly recommend it." --Marco Avellaneda, Director, Division of Mathematical Finance Courant Institute, New York University "Jim Gatheral could not have written a better book." --Bruno Dupire, winner of the 2006 Wilmott Cutting Edge Research Award Quantitative Research, Bloomberg LP
Hal Leonard Corporation I Am Michael Alago: Breathing Music. Signing Metallica. Beating Death.
Musician, nightlife impresario, record label executive, photographer, and author, Michael Alago takes readers through this amazing journey that is his life. Alago grew up in Brooklyn, New York, in a large, spirited, and devoted Puerto Rican family. Through his early passion for music, art, theater, and photography, he soon found himself rubbing elbows with many downtown NYC scene makers, from Stiv Bators to Jean Michel Basquiat, Cherry Vanilla and Wayne County to Deborah Harry and Robert Mapplethorpe. As an underage teenager going to Max's Kansas City, CBGB, and various art galleries, Alago also began running The Dead Boys fan club. A few years later, he became the assistant music director for legendary nightclubs the Ritz and the Red Parrot. At age twenty-four, he began a storied career as an A&R executive at Elektra Records that started with signing Metallica in the summer of 1984, changing the entire landscape of rock 'n' roll and heavy metal. Alago continued to work in A&R for both Palm Pictures and Geffen Records. He was thrilled to executive-produce albums by Cyndi Lauper, Public Image Ltd, White Zombie, and Nina Simone. In the late 1980s, he was diagnosed with HIV, which manifested into full-blown AIDS ten years later. He survived to continue his music career, but in 2005, he left music to pursue his other love: photography. Alago went on to publish three bestselling books: Rough Gods, Brutal Truth, and Beautiful Imperfections with German-based publisher Bruno Gmünder. He has since overcome his longtime addiction to drugs and alcohol. In his clean and sober life, he has reconnected with his family, continues to be a working photographer as well as record producer, and only through the grace of his 12-Step program is he able to live this big, beautiful life. In 2017, a documentary directed by Drew Stone and produced by Michael Alex on Alago's wildly successful career in music was released in theaters and on Netflix, entitled Who the Fuck Is That Guy? The Fabulous Journey of Michael Alago.
HarperCollins Publishers Thomas & Friends: Pocket Library
This fantastic slipcase of 6 little board books features appealing images of Thomas and his friends from the All Engines Go TV show together with rhyming text. This brightly coloured Thomas & Friends Pocket Library is the perfect size to go in a pocket or bag, so young children can enjoy it here, there and everywhere! This Thomas & Friends Pocket Library slipcase with six books features images of favourite characters from the All Engines Go TV show with rhyming text, making it a pleasure for parents, grandparents, relatives and carers to read, while young children will enjoy looking at the pictures and helping to turn the sturdy board pages. The six board books jave rhyming text about the following popular characters:ThomasPercyKanaDieselNiaCarly and Sandy Young children will also enjoy placing the book back covers together in the right order to reveal a big picture of Thomas and his friends. The slipcase is small enough to carry with you, so the books can entertain children wherever you go. The Thomas and Friends Pocket Library is a great collection for young children to enjoy again and again. It’s a must-have for every child! The books are great for bedtime reading and also make perfect party bag fillers. The Thomas & Friends Pocket Library is now more eco-friendly too: the plastic shrinkwrap has been removed and instead the slipcase has a cardboard flap around the books and a small sticker to hold it closed. Look out for other young Thomas publishing including:Thomas & Friends Pocket LibraryThomas & Friends Little Learners Pocket LibraryThomas & Friends FeelingsThomas & Friends Peep! Peep! Potty StarThomas & Friends Potty Star! Sticker ActivityThomas & Friends 12 Engines of ChristmasThomas & Friends Puzzle PalsThomas & Friends Magnet BookThomas & Friends The Lost SheepThomas & Friends A Day at the ZooThomas & Friends Thomas and Bruno storybookThomas & Friends Chasing Rainbows storybookThomas & Friends Annual
David & Charles Punch Needle Toys: 20 Toys to Make with Punch Needle Embroidery
Welcome to Punch Needle Toys, a collection of cute and cuddly toys made using punch needle embroidery. Punch needle embroidery is a technique usually used to create homewares such as cushion covers and wall hangings, but this unique collection includes designs and instructions is for 20 adorable and original punch needle toys. These punch needle plushies are part toy, part cushion, due to the simple outline shapes. Designer and author, Caro Bello, has created a fun collection of 20 distinctive animals including Bruno the Beaver, Enrique the Elephant, and Felipe the Fox. Each of the characters has their own style and Caro uses a variety of traditional and modern punch needle stitches to create their very individual outfits. Enrique, for example, is wearing a pair of bright yellow underpants as he likes to relax while he works from home. Gaspar Giraffe is an undercover spy who wears a hidden camera beneath his bowtie and Helena Hen looks harmless in her folk-chic shawl but is actually an underground activist working for the chick rights movement. The toys are made flat and then joined and stuffed to bring them to life. There are step-by-step instructions and photography explaining how to get started with punch needle embroidery. Caro explains everything from which tools and materials to choose, through to techniques for how to do the different stitches (both traditional and modern) that are used in the projects and how to transfer the embroidery designs onto the fabric. There is also general advice about how to hold the needle correctly, choosing colours and techniques for fixing errors. Caro explains the four golden rules of needle punch embroidery to ensure that you get the best results from your stitching. And there is advice about special finishing techniques to create different looks including tufting, brushing and pompom, as well as the best techniques to sew and fill the toys when you've finished the embroidery. The toys are cleverly designed with details on the front and back and the templates have been included at full-size, so you don't need to worry about enlarging them. There is a clear 'embroidery placement' diagram for each of the toys showing which stitches are used on each animal.
Duke University Press Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Postmodernity, Contemporaneity
In this landmark collection, world-renowned theorists, artists, critics, and curators explore new ways of conceiving the present and understanding art and culture in relation to it. They revisit from fresh perspectives key issues regarding modernity and postmodernity, including the relationship between art and broader social and political currents, as well as important questions about temporality and change. They also reflect on whether or not broad categories and terms such as modernity, postmodernity, globalization, and decolonization are still relevant or useful. Including twenty essays and seventy-seven images, Antinomies of Art and Culture is a wide-ranging yet incisive inquiry into how to understand, describe, and represent what it is to live in the contemporary moment.In the volume’s introduction the theorist Terry Smith argues that predictions that postmodernity would emerge as a global successor to modernity have not materialized as anticipated. Smith suggests that the various situations of decolonized Africa, post-Soviet Europe, contemporary China, the conflicted Middle East, and an uncertain United States might be better characterized in terms of their “contemporaneity,” a concept which captures the frictions of the present while denying the inevitability of all currently competing universalisms. Essays range from Antonio Negri’s analysis of contemporaneity in light of the concept of multitude to Okwui Enwezor’s argument that the entire world is now in a postcolonial constellation, and from Rosalind Krauss’s defense of artistic modernism to Jonathan Hay’s characterization of contemporary developments in terms of doubled and even para-modernities. The volume’s centerpiece is a sequence of photographs from Zoe Leonard’s Analogue project. Depicting used clothing, both as it is bundled for shipment in Brooklyn and as it is displayed for sale on the streets of Uganda, the sequence is part of a striking visual record of new cultural forms and economies emerging as others are left behind.Contributors: Monica Amor, Nancy Condee, Okwui Enwezor, Boris Groys, Jonathan Hay, Wu Hung, Geeta Kapur, Rosalind Krauss, Bruno Latour, Zoe Leonard, Lev Manovich, James Meyer, Gao Minglu, Helen Molesworth, Antonio Negri, Sylvester Okwunodu Ogbechie, Nikos Papastergiadis, Colin Richards, Suely Rolnik, Terry Smith, McKenzie Wark
Duke University Press A Quarter Century of Common Knowledge: Eleven Conversations
To commemorate the journal’s quarter-century, this double issue consists of foundational pieces arranged in conversation with one another. Common Knowledge has opened lines of communication among schools of thought in the academy, as well as between the academy and the community of thoughtful people outside its walls, and the pages of the journal challenge the ways we think about scholarship and its relevance to humanity. Contributors to the issue include former presidents, prime ministers, and archbishops, along with winners of the Nobel Prize, Man Booker Prize, Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award, MacArthur Fellowship, International Balzan Prize, and Holberg International Prize. Contributors. M. H. Abrams, Edward Albee, Barry Allen, Wayne Andersen, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Sir Isaiah Berlin, Marianna Birnbaum, Sir John Boardman, G. W. Bowersock, Aldo Buzzi, Caroline Walker Bynum, Anne Carson, William M. Chace, J. M. Coetzee, Cornelius Castoriadis, Stanley Cavell, Stuart Clark, Inga Clendinnen, Francis X. Clooney, Christopher Coker, Maria Conterno, Michael Cook, Lorraine Daston, Lydia Davis, Natalie Zemon Davis, Thibault De Meyer, Gunter Eich, Sir John H. Elliott, Caryl Emerson, Mikhail Epstein, Péter Esterházy, Roger Cardinal Etchegaray, Fang Lizhi, Paul Feyerabend, Michael Fried, Joseph Frank, Manfred Frank, Luis Garcia, Clifford Geertz, Carlo Ginzburg, Philip Gossett, Stephen Greenblatt, Thom Gunn, Jürgen Habermas, Ian Hacking, Václav Havel, Sir Edward Heath, Albert O. Hirschman, David Hollinger, Darrel Alejandro Holnes, Miroslav Holub, Maya Jasanoff, Albert R. Jonsen, Stanley N. Katz, Hugh Kenner, Sir Anthony Kenny, Sir Frank Kermode, Jee Leong Koh, Joseph Leo Koerner, Yusef Komunyakaa, György Konrád, Bruce Krajewski, László Krasznahorkai, Anton O. Kris, Julia Kristeva, Bruno Latour, Ewa Lipska, Greil Marcus, Steven Marcus, Samuel Menashe, Adam Michnik, Jack Miles, Alexander Nehamas, Reviel Netz, Sari Nusseibeh, Jeffrey M. Perl, Marjorie Perloff, J. G. A. Pocock, W. V. Quine, Belle Randall, Nadja Reissland, Colin Richmond, Richard Rorty, Ingrid Rowland, Hanna Segal, Amartya Sen, Quentin Skinner, Barbara Herrnstein Smith, A. L. Snijders, Timothy Snyder, Susan Sontag, Isabelle Stengers, Wis?awa Szymborska, Miguel Tamen, G. Thomas Tanselle, Sir Keith Thomas, Stephen Toulmin, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Michiko Urita, Bas van Fraassen, Marina Vanzolini, Gianni Vattimo, Helen Vendler, Charlie Samua Veric, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Sir Bernard Williams, Lord (Rowan) Williams, H. R. Woudhuysen, Grzegorz Wróblewski, Santiago Zabala
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Lost Pillars of Enoch: When Science and Religion Were One
Explores the unified science-religion of early humanity and the impact of Hermetic philosophy on religion and spirituality • Investigates the Jewish and Egyptian origins of Josephus’s famous story that Seth’s descendants inscribed knowledge on two pillars to save it from global catastrophe • Reveals how this original knowledge has influenced civilization through Hermetic, Gnostic, Kabbalistic, Masonic, Hindu, and Islamic mystical knowledge • Examines how “Enoch’s Pillars” relate to the origins of Hermeticism, Freemasonry, Newtonian science, William Blake, and Theosophy Esoteric tradition has long maintained that at the dawn of human civilization there existed a unified science-religion, a spiritual grasp of the universe and our place in it. The biblical Enoch--also known as Hermes Trismegistus, Thoth, or Idris--was seen as the guardian of this sacred knowledge, which was inscribed on pillars known as Enoch’s or Seth’s pillars. Examining the idea of the lost pillars of pure knowledge, the sacred science behind Hermetic philosophy, Tobias Churton investigates the controversial Jewish and Egyptian origins of Josephus’s famous story that Seth’s descendants inscribed knowledge on two pillars to save it from global catastrophe. He traces the fragments of this sacred knowledge as it descended through the ages into initiated circles, influencing civilization through Hermetic, Gnostic, Kabbalistic, Masonic, Hindu, and Islamic mystical knowledge. He follows the path of the pillars’ fragments through Egyptian alchemy and the Gnostic Sethites, the Kabbalah, and medieval mystic Ramon Llull. He explores the arrival of the Hermetic manuscripts in Renaissance Florence, the philosophy of Copernicus, Pico della Mirandola, Giordano Bruno, and the origins of Freemasonry, including the “revival” of Enoch in Masonry’s Scottish Rite. He reveals the centrality of primal knowledge to Isaac Newton, William Stukeley, John Dee, and William Blake, resurfacing as the tradition of Martinism, Theosophy, and Thelema. Churton also unravels what Josephus meant when he asserted one Sethite pillar still stood in the “Seiriadic” land: land of Sirius worshippers. Showing how the lost pillars stand as a twenty-first century symbol for reattaining our heritage, Churton ultimately reveals how the esoteric strands of all religions unite in a gnosis that could offer a basis for reuniting religion and science.
Skyhorse Publishing Pashtun: A Military Thriller
A romping ride. . . . Pashtun will keep you turning the pages following hero Frank Morgan’s plunge into assassination, survival, and revenge.” James Bruno, bestselling author of Havana QueenThe Company has a special secret operation planned for one of their top agents: the leaders of the Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorist groups are hiding out in Pashtun country, and they must be eliminated. The job falls to a man they have named Frank Morganafter the Company’s deadliest agentwho stood out as a recruit at Quantico and whose skills resemble those of his namesake. The other soldiers claim Frank’s abilities as a sniper and a tracker border on the supernatural and are more than willing to complete this mission with him.Frank begins his adventure in Afghanistan with another Company-appointed soldier: an indestructible, lyrical Irishman with a cutting sense of humor and a bottle of Jameson never far from hand. After the men rescue a burqa-clad young woman, they soon discover that the Company has not been honest with them and decide to take a second mate under their winga giant lieutenant who had been previously mixed up with the Taliban and could provide vital intel for their mission.However, together they quickly learn that oil, drugs, and greed have led to this quest; assassinating the terrorists is not their main objective. With the lines now blurred, their assignment is more complicated than ever.Pashtunin paperback for the first timedepicts the challenges of military special ops in a boulder-filled landscape, and is told with compassion for those asked to fight the battles.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade, Yucca, and Good Books imprints, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fictionnovels, novellas, political and medical thrillers, comedy, satire, historical fiction, romance, erotic and love stories, mystery, classic literature, folklore and mythology, literary classics including Shakespeare, Dumas, Wilde, Cather, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Conversation on Water
From the contributors to The Conversation, a compelling essay collection on the world's water crises and the necessary steps to build a more sustainable and equitable water future for all.Water-related crises are affecting more and more communities, both in the United States and internationally. If we continue to delay upgrading our infrastructure and addressing rising environmental concerns, we risk further destabilizing already strained systems—or, worse, causing a catastrophic collapse. In The Conversation on Water, water scholar and professor Andrea K. Gerlak collects essays from The Conversation U.S. on critical issues related to water from leading experts in everything from public policy to environmental engineering.Gerlak pays special attention to the threats facing our water systems today—covering insufficient infrastructure, climate change, and pollution—and integrates them with essays on technologies for harvesting water and Indigenous knowledge in governing the oceans. She then proposes solutions that present opportunities for hope and reform. From new partnerships and collaborative efforts to alternative governance practices and new scientific tools and community approaches, readers will learn about viable pathways forward and will understand the deep social and political dimensions of water governance. Understanding these challenges is the first step toward building a more sustainable and equitable water future for all. The Critical Conversations series collects essays from top scholars on timely topics, including water, biotechnology, gender diversity, gun culture, and more, originally published on the independent news site The Conversation U.S. Contributors: Roger Bales, Kevin Befus, Robert Blasiak, Ellen Bruno, Bethany Caruso, Sebastien Chastin, Craig E. Colten, Joseph Cook, Michelle DiBenedetto, Farshid Felfelani, Gabriel Filippelli, Michail Georgiou, Burke Griggs, Gary Griggs, Drew Gronewold, Marissa Grunes, Danielle Hare, Brian Haus, Dan Johnson, Carol Kwiatkowski, Rosalyn R. LaPier, Katharine Mach, Amahia Mallea, Daniel McCool, Jacob Miller-Klugesherz, Nobuhito Mori, Thomas Mortlock, Suzanne O'Connell, Itxaso Odériz, Joseph D. Ortiz, Meg Parsons, Raquel Partelli-Feltrin, Yadu Pokhrel, Manzoor Qadir, Julie Reimer, Landolf Rhode-Barbarigos, Richard Rood, Asher Rosinger, Matthew R. Sanderson, Heidi Schweizer, Alan Seltzer, A. R. Siders, Rodolfo Silva-Casarín, Vladimir Smakhtin, Bruce Sutherland, Lara Taylor, Emily Ury, Ton Van den Bremer, Andrew J. Whelton
Duke University Press Beyond the Body Proper: Reading the Anthropology of Material Life
Over the past several decades, scholars in both the social sciences and humanities have moved beyond the idea that there is a “body proper”: a singular, discrete biological organism with an individual psyche. They have begun to perceive embodiment as dynamic rather than static, as experiences that vary over time and across the world as they are shaped by discourses, institutions, practices, technologies, and ideologies. What has emerged is a multiplicity of bodies, inviting a great many disciplinary points of view and modes of interpretation. The forty-seven readings presented in this volume range from classic works of social theory, history, and ethnography to more recent investigations into historical and contemporary modes of embodiment.Beyond the Body Proper includes nine sections conceptually organized around themes such as everyday life, sex and gender, and science. Each section is preceded by interpretive commentary by the volume’s editors. Within the collection are articles and book excerpts focused on bodies using tools and participating in rituals, on bodies walking and eating, and on the female circumcision controversy, as well as pieces on medical classifications, spirit possession, the commodification of body parts, in vitro fertilization, and an artist/anatomist’s “plastination” of cadavers for display. Materialist, phenomenological, and feminist perspectives on embodiment appear along with writings on interpretations of pain and the changing meanings of sexual intercourse. Essays on these topics and many others challenge Eurocentric assumptions about the body as they speak to each other and to the most influential contemporary trends in the human sciences.With selections by: Henry Abelove, Walter Benjamin, Janice Boddy, John Boswell, Judith Butler, Caroline Walker Bynum, Stuart Cosgrove, Michel de Certeau, Gilles Deleuze, Alice Domurat Dreger, Barbara Duden, Friedrich Engels, E. E. Evans-Pritchard, Judith Farquhar, Marcel Granet, Felix Guattari, Ian Hacking, Robert Hertz, Patricia Leyland Kaufert, Arthur Kleinman, Shigehisa Kuriyama, Jean Langford, Bruno Latour, Margaret Lock, Emily Martin, Karl Marx, Marcel Mauss, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Nancy K. Miller, Lisa Jean Moore, John D. O’Neil, Aihwa Ong, Mariella Pandolfi, Susan Pedersen, Gregory M. Pflugfelder, Rayna Rapp, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Kristofer Schipper, Matthew Schmidt, Peter Stallybrass, Michael Taussig, Charis Thompson, E.P. Thompson, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Victor Turner, Terence Turner, Jose van Dijck, Keith Wailoo, Brad Weiss, Allon White
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who - The Ninth Doctor Chronicles
This release revisits the first year of Doctor Who's triumphant return to television in 2005 with some of the series' original cast for four brand new adventures. 1. The Bleeding Heart by Cavan Scott. Galen is a place where people come to heal. The renowned 'planet of peace' seems the ideal venue for talks between two warring races. But when death disrupts the diplomacy, Cosmic Nine news reporter Adriana Jarsdel uncovers a different story. Luckily, someone is there to help. A battle-weary veteran from another war. The Doctor has come to Galen - but is he looking for peace, or something else entirely? 2. The Window on the Moor by Una McCormack. Emily and her sisters once told each other fables of warring kingdoms: wicked princes, noble dukes, and their battling armies. Now she wanders the moors of her childhood alone, remembering those tales. The TARDIS arrives amid a strange civil war, with prisons made of glass and cities stalked by terrifying beasts. As windows open between worlds, stories and storyteller meet, and Rose comes face to face with Emily Bronte. 3. The Other Side by Scott Handcock.Rose has invited a new friend on board the TARDIS, against the Doctor's better judgement. But when the Time Lord tries to take his unwelcome guest home, a temporal tsunami cuts the journey short. The travellers find the source of the disturbance inside an abandoned cinema. Will Adam Mitchell help or hinder when the Doctor and Rose discover what is lurking on the other side of the screen? 4. Retail Therapy by James Goss. Jackie Tyler is a success. Every home should have a Glubby Glub, and Jackie is star saleswoman on the Powell Estate. At last, she's found her calling and it's only a matter of time before she can give Rose the life she deserves. But the Doctor isn't impressed. Jackie Tyler isn't just filling peoples' houses with useless clutter. He believes she's launching an alien invasion. CAST: Nicholas Briggs (Narrator), Claire Wyatt(Adriana Jarsdel), Bruno Langley (Adam Mitchell), Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler), Laura Risborough (Emily Bronte).
Sports Publishing LLC Backlund: From All-American Boy to Professional Wrestling's World Champion
Bob Backlund began life as a poor farm boy in the little village of Princeton, Minnesota, with a population of just over 2,000 people. He was a below-average student with a lackluster work ethic and a bad attitude, who hung with the wrong crowd and made a lot of bad choices. He was a kid whose life was headed for disaster—until a local coach took interest in him, suggested that he take up amateur wrestling, and offered to work with him if he promised to stay out of trouble. It was in North Dakota that Bob Backlund had the first of several chance encounters that would shape his destiny. While working out at the YMCA gymnasium in Fargo, North Dakota, where he wrestled for North Dakota State, Backlund met a well-known professional wrestler, “Superstar” Billy Graham. The men talked, and at Graham’s suggestion, Backlund was inspired to pursue a career in professional wrestling. Less than five years from that day, on February 20, 1978, Backlund would find himself halfway across the country, standing in the middle of the ring at Madison Square Garden with his hand raised in victory as the newly crowned World Wide Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion. The man Backlund pinned for the championship that night was none other than Superstar Billy Graham. Featuring contributions from Bruno Sammartino, Harley Race, Terry Funk, Pat Patterson, Ken Patera, Sergeant Slaughter, The Magnificent Muraco, George “The Animal” Steele, “Mr. USA” Tony Atlas, The Iron Sheik, and many others, this book tells the incredible story of the life and nearly forty-year career of one of the most famous men to ever grace the squared circle. Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Sports Publishing imprint, is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in sports—books about baseball, pro football, college football, pro and college basketball, hockey, or soccer, we have a book about your sport or your team. In addition to books on popular team sports, we also publish books for a wide variety of athletes and sports enthusiasts, including books on running, cycling, horseback riding, swimming, tennis, martial arts, golf, camping, hiking, aviation, boating, and so much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Radius Books Publish Your Photography Book: Third Edition
An expanded edition of the essential guide to making a photobook, packed with interviews and contributions from artists, publishers, designers, packagers, editors and other industry experts The first book to demystify the process of producing and publishing a book of photographs, Publish Your Photography Book was first released in 2011 and subsequently sold out two editions. This highly anticipated third edition guides photo-based artists through the steps involved in publishing a book of their work. Industry insiders Darius D. Himes and Mary Virginia Swanson survey the current landscape of photography-book publishing and point out the many avenues to pursue and pitfalls to avoid. This updated, expert guide covers: a history of the photobook; an overview of the publishing industry; the process of bringing your project to book form (with both traditional publishing and self-publishing options); how to market a photography book (including a dialogue with collectors on the limited edition and artist-made books); case studies with published photographers; and valuable resources on production materials, publishing and marketing timelines. Filled with educational wisdom, the book features interviews and contributions from artists, agents, editors, designers, printers, publishers, distributors, booksellers, curators and librarians who share their experiences and provide advice about each step on the path to publication and placement. A removable workbook helps readers address book preparation, draft submission guidelines, production timelines and marketing plans. With over 50 years of combined industry experience and insights, the authors also provide both historical context and contemporary expertise about the international photobook scene, including awards, fairs and grants. Contributors include: Regina Maria Anzenberger, Bob Aufuldish, Julia Borissova, Barbara Bosworth, Frish Brandt, Sonel Breslav, Joan Brookbank, Jane Brown, Jason Burstein, David Campany, Alejandro Cartagena, Bruno Ceschel, Nelson Chan, Lewis Chaplin, Clément Cheroux, David Chickey, Joshua Chuang, Mary DelMonico, Sarah Espenon, Jon Evans, Chloe Ferres, Tricia Gabriel, Susan kae Grant, Kris Graves, Hans Gremmen, Nathalie Herschdorfer, Todd Hido, Deborah Hollis, Tiffany Jones, Christina Labey, Joan Liftin, Michael Lundgren, Lesley A. Martin, Christopher McCall, Lisa McCarty, Clifton Meador, Dan Milnor, Arezoo Moseni, Colleen Mullins, Azu Nwagbogu, Martin Parr, Cecile Poimboeuf-Koizumi, Alan Rapp, Rixon Reed, Ruth R. Rogers, Laura Russell, Markus Schaden, Mike Slack, Søren Solkær, David Solo, Gerhard Steidl, Alan Thomas, Ian van Coller, Anne Wilkes Tucker, Amy Wilkins, Deborah Willis, Denise Wolff, Nancy E. Wolff, Carl Wooley, Sophie Wright and Philip Zimmermann.
Edition Axel Menges Fundacion Cesar Manrique, Lanzarote (Opus 16)
Text in English, German and Spanish. Over the last decade the island of Lanzarote has become one of the favourite tourism destinations in the Canary Islands. However, our interest is more one of artistic than of touristic discovery, and this would be virtually unthinkable without the work of an artist who fell in love with this wonderful paradise. We refer to César Manrique (1919-1992), who was able to see and reveal to us the unique beauties arising out of the happy marriage of the four elements believed by the Greeks to form the whole of creation: air, earth, fire and water. In fact, after returning to his island in 1968 after a period spent in New York, Manrique dedicated himself passionately to realising his utopia, to renew Lanzarote out of his own sources. Among Manrique's best known works on Lanzarote are the Casa Museo del Campesino, the Jameos del Agua, the Mirador del Río, the Cactus Garden and his own house in the Taro de Tahíche. Manrique's house in Taro de Tahíche, which nowadays houses the César Manrique Foundation, can be considered as a 'work in progress' as it was built over a period of almost 25 years and was still not completed upon the artist's death. Arising out of the five interconnected volcanic bubbles of the underground storey, it has become a metaphor for the amorous meeting of man with Mother Earth, the latter being understood, to use Bruno Taut's expression, as 'a fine home for living'. The spaces on the upper floor can be virtually mistaken for the white cubic buildings dispersed throughout the island. But when we cross their thresholds, we have the unique feeling that here something was created which is really new. In fact, Manrique -- enemy in equal measure of the 'pastiche' of regionalism and the off-key International Style blind to differentiation -- sifted the vernacular with certain modern filters such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe or Le Corbusier, and at the same time he gave it such a specific stamp that the final result became indigenous and unmistakable. Simón Marchán Fiz is professor of aesthetics in Madrid. Like Marchán Fiz, Pedro Martínez de Albornoz lives in Madrid. The photographs shown in this book are the best photographic interpretation of one of Manrique's work up to now.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Performance Management at Universities: The Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator at Work
"Mouritzen and Opstrup's book is a most welcome addition to the subject of the management of academic performance. It is certainly well-worth reading and considering."—Bruno S. Frey, Permanent Visiting Professor at the University of Basel and Research Director CREMA - Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts, Switzerland"Performance Management at Universities could not possibly be more timely. With universities and university faculty throughout the world being pressed to give more evidence and more precise indicators about their productivity, this thoughtful contribution provides a much needed and unusually thoughtful analysis of the possibilities and pitfalls found in current approaches to university performance evaluation. Given policy-makers’ and politicians’ calls for evidence-based management and evaluation, let us hope that policy-makers heed their own rhetoric and act on the evidence provided here. The authors show that performance measures, while sometimes beneficial, are subject to gaming and manipulation and that more precision does not necessarily equate with better performance, but rather altered performance. This superb book should be read by anyone interested higher education evaluation as well as by those who are subjected to it."—Barry Bozeman, Regents' Professor, Arizona Centennial Professor of Technology Policy and Public Management, School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University, USA"In Performance Management at Universities, Mouritzen and Opstrup definitively answer the question: What are the effects of national university performance-based funding schemes that use bibliometric indicators? As these schemes have proliferated, the question has become urgent. The authors marshal comprehensive data on the Danish university system to sift through the many predictions commonly made by academics newly subject to these systems to identify what actually happened to Danish research as the system took hold."—Diana Hicks, Professor, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, and first author on the Leiden Manifesto on research metricsThis book gives an account of what can happen when performance management is introduced at universities. How do scholars – for better or worse – respond to a system which counts the number of articles and books? Many myths exist about scholar’s reactions: They cheat, slice their production to the least publishable unit, become more risk averse and will go for the low-hanging fruits; in short, they develop a “taste for publication” at the cost of a “taste of science”. Systematic knowledge about the consequences of such systems for the motivation, behavior and productivity of university scholars is in short supply. The book is a major contribution to remedy this situation.
O'Reilly Media Open Sources 2.0
Open Sources 2.0 is a collection of insightful and thought-provoking essays from today's technology leaders that continues painting the evolutionary picture that developed in the 1999 book Open Sources: Voices from the Revolution . These essays explore open source's impact on the software industry and reveal how open source concepts are infiltrating other areas of commerce and society. The essays appeal to a broad audience: the software developer will find thoughtful reflections on practices and methodology from leading open source developers like Jeremy Allison and Ben Laurie, while the business executive will find analyses of business strategies from the likes of Sleepycat co-founder and CEO Michael Olson and Open Source Business Conference founder Matt Asay. From China, Europe, India, and Brazil we get essays that describe the developing world's efforts to join the technology forefront and use open source to take control of its high tech destiny. For anyone with a strong interest in technology trends, these essays are a must-read. The enduring significance of open source goes well beyond high technology, however. At the heart of the new paradigm is network-enabled distributed collaboration: the growing impact of this model on all forms of online collaboration is fundamentally challenging our modern notion of community. What does the future hold? Veteran open source commentators Tim O'Reilly and Doc Searls offer their perspectives, as do leading open source scholars Steven Weber and Sonali Shah. Andrew Hessel traces the migration of open source ideas from computer technology to biotechnology, and Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger and Slashdot co-founder Jeff Bates provide frontline views of functioning, flourishing online collaborative communities. The power of collaboration, enabled by the internet and open source software, is changing the world in ways we can only begin to imagine.Open Sources 2.0 further develops the evolutionary picture that emerged in the original Open Sources and expounds on the transformative open source philosophy. "This is a wonderful collection of thoughts and examples by great minds from the free software movement, and is a must have for anyone who follows free software development and project histories." --Robin Monks, Free Software Magazine The list of contributors include * Alolita Sharma * Andrew Hessel * Ben Laurie * Boon-Lock Yeo * Bruno Souza * Chris DiBona * Danese Cooper * Doc Searls * Eugene Kim * Gregorio Robles * Ian Murdock * Jeff Bates * Jeremy Allison * Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona * Kim Polese * Larry Sanger * Louisa Liu * Mark Stone * Mark Stone * Matthew N. Asay * Michael Olson * Mitchell Baker * Pamela Jones * Robert Adkins * Russ Nelson * Sonali K. Shah * Stephen R. Walli * Steven Weber * Sunil Saxena * Tim O'Reilly * Wendy Seltzer
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Intelligent Company: Five Steps to Success with Evidence-Based Management
Today's most successful companies are Intelligent Companies that use the best available data to inform their decision making. This is called Evidence-Based Management and is one of the fastest growing business trends of our times. Intelligent Companies bring together tools such as Business Intelligence, Analytics, Key Performance Indicators, Balanced Scorecards, Management Reporting and Strategic Decision Making to generate real competitive advantages. As information and data volumes grow at explosive rates, the challenges of managing this information is turning into a losing battle for most companies and they end up drowning in data while thirsting for insights. This is made worse by the severe skills shortage in analytics, data presentation and communication. This latest book by best-selling management expert Bernard Marr will equip you with a set of powerful skills that are vital for successful managers now and in the future. Increase your market value by gaining essential skills that are in high demand but in short supply. Loaded with practical step-by-step guidance, simple tools and real life examples of how leading organizations such as Google, CocaCola, Capital One, Saatchi & Saatchi, Tesco, Yahoo, as well as Government Departments and Agencies have put the principles into practice. The five steps to more intelligent decision making are: Step 1: More intelligent strategies by identifying strategic priorities and agreeing your real information needs Step 2: More intelligent data by creating relevant and meaningful performance indicators and qualitative management information linked back to your strategic information needs Step 3: More intelligent insights by using good evidence to test and prove ideas and by analysing the data to gain robust and reliable insights Step 4: More intelligent communication by creating informative and engaging management information packs and dashboards that provide the essential information, packaged in an easy-to-read way Step 5: More intelligent decision making by fostering an evidence-based culture of turning information into actionable knowledge and real decisions "Bernard Marr did it again! This outstanding and practical book will help your company become more intelligent and more successful. Marr takes the fields of business-intelligence, analytics and scorecarding to bring them together into a powerful and easy-to-follow 5-step framework. The Intelligent Company is THE must-read book of our times." Bruno Aziza, Co-author of best-selling book Drive Business Performance and Worldwide Strategy Lead, Microsoft Business Intelligence "Book after book Bernard Marr is redefining the fundamentals of good business management. The Intelligent Company is a must read in these changing times and a reference you will want on your desk every day!" Gabriel Bellenger, Accenture Strategy
Taylor & Francis Inc Psychotherapy in Group Care: Making Life Good Enough
Integrate psychotherapy with residential treatment to achieve positive results for patients in group care! This book addresses the complex issues that arise in the effort to provide individual therapy in group care settings. It reviews classical case material, presents contemporary case studies, and examines practical and theoretical issues important to the effective delivery of treatment to individuals living in residential care. Noted experts who have been associated with The Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School at the University of Chicago and the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas, share knowledge garnered from years of real-world experience to help you stay at the leading edge of the field and provide effective individual treatment to your clients in long- and short-term residential care. Psychotherapy in Group Care: Making Life Good Enough includes practical and theoretical chapters exploring important aspects of the group care paradigm. The book: presents a case study that describes vital aspects of the analytic process that emerged in work with an adolescent boy in a group home who felt as though he was a psychological orphan illustrates the role of play as a continuous and basic function in therapy and presents play-themed vignettes from analytic work with two young people in residential care revisits Joey: A Mechanical Boy and Tommy the Space Childclassic case studies from Bruno Bettelheim and Rudolph Ekstienand explores the implications of contemporary relational theory for using the meaning and metaphor of behaviors and communications addresses issues of transference and counter-transference in the psychodynamic psychotherapy of a young girl in residential carewith a discussion of unrecognized rescue fantasies and projective identification, and of the need for residential childcare workers to recognize and work through the difficult feelings evoked in the process of working with seriously disturbed young people examines the structural basis for the integration of psychotherapy and residential treatment, considering the meaning of integration, variables that affect the manner and degree to which integration can be accomplished, and changes in the psychotherapists' roles that can maximize the potential of each variable explores three sets of theoretical issues facing clinicians as they play multiple roles in short-term residential treatment, discussing how conflicts in the roles of therapists and team leaders can be resolved, the implications of such a resolution in terms of confidentiality, and ways in which major approaches to psychotherapy can be adapted to new conditions considers the role of the primary clinician in relation to the residential team and explores the ways in which integration of psychotherapy and residential treatment can be implemented in the early phase of the treatment process
Edition Axel Menges CityLight
Text in English & German. The ongoing paradigm change in regard to the use of energy, its efficient usage and the consumption of resources is giving rise to new light systems and lighting appliances. This development might also lead to the use of light as a building material in its own right, comparable to traditional building materials, making it possible to create light space productions something that did not seem feasible up to now due to the high cost of energy and of light systems. The goal of this book is to develop temporary light spaces that re-interpret the existing urban environment on a seasonal basis or over a cycle of several years. As a result, the city will literally appear in a new light. Strollers in the city streets will experience their familiar environment in a new way. Illuminated planes interlacing with planes made by linear fields of light beams will create immaterial material space experiences: still lifes of light within which one can move about and light choreographies that move barely noticeably, creating still lifes in motion. Current research aims at exploring, imagining and inventing stand-alone spatial structures of light, adding on to and transforming existing spaces, creating a new spatial awareness that may enable people to experience urban space in a different way. Similar to the process of architectural design, where haptic built volumes create interspaces, the light spaces that are currently being designed make these interspaces visible and allow urban dwellers to experience unexpected spatial constellations. In addition to the presentation of light-planning examples in Paris, Shanghai, Helsinki, Mekka and Frankfurt am Main the book includes a number of essays relating to the subject, among them: "Light architecture" (Werner Oechslin), The Potemkin city (Adolf Loos), Glass architecture and letters about glass houses (Paul Scheerbart), Alpine architecture (Bruno Taut), The unvisible cities (Italo Calvino), Architecture must burn (Coop Himmelb(l)au), In search of light (Wolfgang Rang), City light. About the social power of light (Helmut Bien), Light or the loss of darkness (Manuel Cuadra), Visible and unvisible light (Andreas Danler), Light concepts for Frankfurt am Main (Michael Hootz), Light planning for cities in China (Hao Luoxi), City light. An instrument of urban planning (Roger Narboni), Light for the public space (Susanne Seitinger), Sustainable urban lighting (Mark Burton-Page), Borders, places, light (Niels Gutschow), Earth and spirit (Wolfgang Rang). With texts by Michael Batz, Niels Gutschow, Hao Luoxi, Roger Narboni, Werner Oechslin, Wolfgang Rang and others.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who - Ravenous 2
Having reunited his companions, the Doctor decides to lift their spirits by treating each of them to a trip to their home world. On Kaldor Liv is confronted by a face from her past, and on Earth Helen must summon all her skill and knowledge to help save her friends from eternal damnation. But try as they might to stay out of danger, dark forces are emerging. Dark enough to strike fear into the hearts of a Time Lord. 2.1 Escape from Kaldor by Matt Fitton. Returning to a home world she'd rather forget, Liv reluctantly accompanies Helen to the grand opening of a luxury shopping mall. But when a glitch in the system sends the Robots of Death on a rampage, Liv's past comes crashing down about her. 2.2 Better Watch Out by John Dorney. The Doctor hopes to take Liv's mind off recent events by treating his companions to a traditional European Christmas. But not everybody is full of the spirit of Christmas when a wave of misery follows the Krampus as they run through the streets of Salzburg.2.3 Fairytale of Salzburg by John Dorney With the Doctor and most of the population condemned to hell, Liv and Helen race against time to discover the source of all this chaos, and to find the one man who can save the people of Salzburg from eternal damnation. 2.4 Seizure by Guy Adams. As if it wasn't enough to be trapped in the labyrinth of a dying TARDIS and pursued by a ghost, the team find themselves face to face once more with the Eleven. But the Doctor has bigger things to worry about when he discovers they're being hunted by the only creature to strike fear into the hearts of a Time Lord: The Ravenous. Big Finish's run of Eighth Doctor adventures star Paul McGann reprising his much loved portrayal of the Eighth incarnation of TV's Time Lord, and cover both single adventures and epic boxed set arcs! This new set kicked off with Series 1, including a return for one of the Doctor's most grisly foes: the Kandyman, while this set includes fan favourite the Robots of Death! CAST: Paul McGann (The Doctor), Nicola Walker (Liv Chenka), Hattie Morahan (Helen Sinclair), Mark Bonnar (The Eleven), Claire Rushbrook (Tula Chenka / SV111 / SV23), Richard Popple( Kit Laver), David Rintoul (Galla Posca),Tracy Wiles(Hadway / Salma / V75),John Dorney (Sol / Security Guard / Comtech / V21 / V616), Jamie Newall (Shafranek),Carla Mendonca (Waltraud Raither / Imp 1), Kate Rawson (Inge / Imp 2),Ewan Goddard (Christophe / Krampus Runner), Robert Whitelock (Bruno / Vagabond / Priest), Siân Phillips (Pilgrim), Raad Rawi (Bishop) Kate Duchêne(AntoniaWerner), Susan Hingley (Maria Werner), Pippa Haywood (Jaxa), George Asprey (Ravenous).
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Theory and Empirical Research in Social Entrepreneurship
The editors of this book have put together a volume that advances research on and deepens the understanding of social entrepreneurship in a number of ways. First, the volume offers a model of social entrepreneurship that bridges economics and sociology. Second, the approach taken expands our understanding of the broader phenomenon without compromising attention to detail. Third, the book also illustrates the usefulness of action research as a means of simultaneously intervening to create social and economic value and collecting data to test theory. All in all, this book represents an excellent resource for scholars; the literature review alone is worth acquiring it, let alone the other sections on social exchange theory, action research methodology, and philanthropic finance. Because of its practice orientation, this book is also a good resource for policy makers who want fresh thinking and evidence-based approaches to policy.'- Gideon D. Markman, Colorado State University, US'Social entrepreneurship has emerged as an academic field, due to growing interest among students, academics, and policymakers in understanding the antecedents and consequences of these activities. Unfortunately, there has been no comprehensive collection of state-of-the-art theoretical and empirical research on this topic. This timely and important book fills this gap, by effectively synthesizing the burgeoning interdisciplinary literature on social entrepreneurship. Given growing interest in social entrepreneurship, the usefulness of this book to academics, entrepreneurs, and policymakers will not diminish over time.'- Donald S. Siegel, University at Albany, SUNY, USScholars and policy makers have long recognized entrepreneurship as a powerful engine of economic growth. There is clear evidence, however, that when it comes to social entrepreneurship, policy attention has not been matched by growth in scholarly research. This volume illustrates the type of empirical effort that must take place for the field to advance.The authors review the latest research in the field and then address the many challenges - heterogeneous institutions, geographies and cultures, fast evolving practices, the lack of reliable large datasets, and fragmented theory building that have hampered the development of this research. In many ways, the fundamental questions relating to the rationale and definitions of social entrepreneurship are still very much a work in progress. The main characteristics emerging from the theoretical and empirical discussions in this volume exemplify such complexity. This volume will inspire future researchers to pursue cross-disciplinary theory building, with the aim of building on what we already know and resolving what remains controversial. It will also help researchers think creatively about how their work can inform practice and policy making through the initial design of the research model.This book offers an empirical approach to social entrepreneurship, that researchers, students and policy makers will find invaluable.Contributors: A.-K. Achleitner, N. Auch, H. Aygören, S. Bacq, A.V. Bruno, J.F.G. Bunders, E.D. Carlson, J.E. Clarkin, P. Heister, J.R. Kickul, A. Kroeger, K. Lambrich, S.H. Lee, J. Maas, M. Meyskens, M. Nordqvist, P.H. Phan, A.A. Seferiadis, W. Spiess-Knafl, C. Weber, J.L. Woolley, M.B.M. Zweekhorst
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Cultural Economics
Ruth Towse has provided an indispensable guide and companion for anyone seeking an informed grasp of the economics of the cultural sector. In a series of wonderfully clear and well-organized chapters on themes including the creative economy, cultural policy, artists' labour markets and copyright, and characterized throughout by insightful references to key theories, players and institutions, this book skillfully lays out and explains the fundamental and distinctive economic features of artistic and cultural industries. A valuable resource and timely contribution to the thinking of an emerging generation of researchers and scholars.'- Gillian Doyle, University of Glasgow, UK'Ruth Towse presents a fabulous, broad ranging overview of cultural economics. The book explores the forefront of knowledge, is easy to read and reveals sound judgement. I highly recommend the book to anyone concerned about the relationship of culture to society - as everyone should!'- Bruno S. Frey, University of Zurich, Switzerland and Zeppelin University, GermanyElgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by some of the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.Written by an internationally renowned expert in the field, Professor Ruth Towse, this book presents a comprehensive yet concise introduction to cultural economics. It covers a broad range of topics in the arts and cultural industries, using the tools of economics to explain their supply and demand, production and consumption.Starting from the 1960s concern about costs and public finance in the performing arts, the subject has developed over the last fifty years to include museums and built heritage, and lately, the wider creative industries and their issues with copyright. This book explains the theoretical underpinnings and reports on the main empirical research on the creative industries, cultural policy, performing arts, heritage, artists' labour markets, copyright, broadcasting, film and music, festivals, cities of culture, creative clusters and economic impact.Key features include:- a unique survey of the main developments in the field- written in straightforward language including explanations of all technical terms- each chapter offers guidance for further reading for those who wish to pursue the subject beyond an introductory level- accessible to anyone with an interest in what drives the creative economy and how the arts are financed.Composed in a succinct and engaging style, this commanding introduction will prove an essential resource for students of business economics and industrial organization, particularly those with an interest in culture, the arts and the media.Contents: 1. About Cultural Economics 2. Cultural Economics and Cultural Policy 3. Performing Arts 4. Museums and Built Heritage 5. Artists, the Art Market and Artists' Labour Markets 6. The Creative Economy 7. Copyright 8. Broadcasting Music and Film Industries 9. Festivals, Cities of Culture, Creative Clusters and Economic Impact 10. Conclusion Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Cultural Economics
Ruth Towse has provided an indispensable guide and companion for anyone seeking an informed grasp of the economics of the cultural sector. In a series of wonderfully clear and well-organized chapters on themes including the creative economy, cultural policy, artists' labour markets and copyright, and characterized throughout by insightful references to key theories, players and institutions, this book skillfully lays out and explains the fundamental and distinctive economic features of artistic and cultural industries. A valuable resource and timely contribution to the thinking of an emerging generation of researchers and scholars.'- Gillian Doyle, University of Glasgow, UK'Ruth Towse presents a fabulous, broad ranging overview of cultural economics. The book explores the forefront of knowledge, is easy to read and reveals sound judgement. I highly recommend the book to anyone concerned about the relationship of culture to society - as everyone should!'- Bruno S. Frey, University of Zurich, Switzerland and Zeppelin University, GermanyElgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by some of the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.Written by an internationally renowned expert in the field, Professor Ruth Towse, this book presents a comprehensive yet concise introduction to cultural economics. It covers a broad range of topics in the arts and cultural industries, using the tools of economics to explain their supply and demand, production and consumption.Starting from the 1960s concern about costs and public finance in the performing arts, the subject has developed over the last fifty years to include museums and built heritage, and lately, the wider creative industries and their issues with copyright. This book explains the theoretical underpinnings and reports on the main empirical research on the creative industries, cultural policy, performing arts, heritage, artists' labour markets, copyright, broadcasting, film and music, festivals, cities of culture, creative clusters and economic impact.Key features include:- a unique survey of the main developments in the field- written in straightforward language including explanations of all technical terms- each chapter offers guidance for further reading for those who wish to pursue the subject beyond an introductory level- accessible to anyone with an interest in what drives the creative economy and how the arts are financed.Composed in a succinct and engaging style, this commanding introduction will prove an essential resource for students of business economics and industrial organization, particularly those with an interest in culture, the arts and the media.Contents: 1. About Cultural Economics 2. Cultural Economics and Cultural Policy 3. Performing Arts 4. Museums and Built Heritage 5. Artists, the Art Market and Artists' Labour Markets 6. The Creative Economy 7. Copyright 8. Broadcasting Music and Film Industries 9. Festivals, Cities of Culture, Creative Clusters and Economic Impact 10. Conclusion Index
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Bank Valuation and Value Based Management: Deposit and Loan Pricing, Performance Evaluation, and Risk
The definitive guide to complying with the brand-newBasel III requirements and creating sustainable valueWith the Final Standard of Basel III published and implementation deadlines set, there's no better time for the revised and updated edition of the cornerstone resource bankers, bank regulators, auditors, and risk managers worldwide rely on--Bank Valuation and Value-Based Management. Whether you're complying with the new standards of practice, valuing a bank, or searching forsustainable value creation, you can do it quicker and more effectively with the insight only Jean Dermine can offer.Renowned for his expertise in asset and liabilitymanagement, European financial markets, and banking theory, Dermine provides the most comprehensivereference available on the essence of banking--asset-liability management, with particular focus on an institution's banking book. Along with an in-depth exploration of what drives value in a bank, he equips you with his personal bank valuation model aimed at assessing decisions that enhance shareholder value. Complementing his toolbox of practical instruments for valuing banks, Dermine gives you a robust, integrated value-based management framework for addressing such managerialissues as fund transfer pricing, risk-adjusted performanceevaluation, deposit pricing, capital management, loan pricing and provisioning, securitization, and the measurement of interest-rate risk.Relevant in banking systems across the globe, this new edition includes the latest methods and strategies for: Identifying the drivers of sustainable value creation Choosing a fund transfer price that includes liquidity and solvency risks Allocating economic capital to business unitsPricing deposits and loans Estimating the duration of nonmaturing accounts Allocating provisions on performing and nonperforming loans. Throughout the book, extensive mathematical formulas and exercises ground conceptual coverage to hands-on practices. A wealth of exercises and real-world problems work to develop your intuitive sense for asset-liability management in the international banking community.Bank Valuation and Value-Based Management, Second Edition, is your one-stop resource for all the information critical to your success.PRAISE FOR BANK VALUATION AND VALUE BASED MANAGEMENT, Second Edition:"Professor Dermine's book covers the full range of critical topics in banking today--valuation, pricing, and risk management. Analytical, complete, and relevant, this book is a gem! At a time of increased scrutiny of the banking industry, this volume uses an analytic approach that will serve the reader well for years to come. A must-read for anyone in the profession." -- ANTHONY M. SANTOMERO, Director, Citigroup; former president, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia; Senior Advisor, McKinsey & Company; and Richard K. Mellon Professor Emeritus of Finance, the Wharton School"Valuing banks, especially large and complex ones, poses special challenges that recent history has made abundantly clear at great cost to investors and taxpayers. This second edition of the leading volume in the field builds on its strengths as a comprehensive treatment of thekey valuation and bank management components. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand modern banking and finance." -- INGO WALTER, Seymour Milstein Professor of Finance, Corporate Governance, and Ethics at the Stern School of Business, New York University"It is extraordinarily clear and very helpful for my day-to-day activity. It is significantly increasing my understanding of the bank." -- PAOLO BELTRATTI, Professor of Finance, Bocconi University, and former chairman of the management board, Intesa Sanpaolo."A jewel. I will recommend it." -- BRUNO COLMANT, Roland Berger, former member of the NYSE management committee
John Wiley & Sons Inc East-Commerce: China E-Commerce and the Internet of Things
A New E-Commerce Model is Coming from the East—it is More Advanced and it is Spreading Worldwide China is now the biggest e-commerce market, hardware producer and soon Internet of Things player in the world. Written by a world-recognized expert, this eye-opening treatment allows readers a rare glimpse into how China will shape the global online world for the next decade. Featuring hundreds of interviews, with influential companies and investors such as Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent, Xiaomi, Yihaodian, Cogobuy, Rocket Internet, Didi-Kuaidi Taxi, Snapdeal, Tokopedia, DST Global, Credit Suisse, UBS, Qiming Ventures and many more, this ground-breaking guide provides exceptional firsthand accounts of the key considerations to making lucrative investments in this powerful sector. East-Commerce enables you to: Understand how China's e-commerce explosion began and where it is heading See where China is shaping investments and innovation all over the globe Examine why China's model is better suited for developing economies Go in-depth into how and where others are finding opportunity and success The new business models coming out of China offer a variety of new growth opportunities to international companies. Understanding how China's online market operates gives you the edge when building a global strategy. Praise for East-Commerce "I have never read such a penetrating exploration of China's e-commerce scene. Not only does it cover the unique characteristics of China's e-commerce landscape but it also delves into the cultural motivators of the Chinese people who are uniquely passionate about online shopping."—TOM DOCTOROFF, CEO, J Walter Thomson Asia, author of Billions and What Chinese Want "As China now becomes the world's largest e-commerce market, this book provides a timely and insightful analysis for investors looking for opportunities in China." —AMY LO, Group Managing Director and Chief Executive, UBS Hong Kong "East-Commerce is an insightful and entertaining guide to the e-commerce boom in Asia's emerging markets. Filled with interviews and anecdotes from leading entrepreneurs and businesses, Marco Gervasi has written the most comprehensive book on the topic I've seen."—PORTER ERISMAN, former VP, Alibaba; author, Alibaba's World "Inquisitive and well-articulated, East-Commerce describes in a unique way how China is leapfrogging the West in many key online sectors"a must read."—JOHN LINDFORS, Managing Partner and Director, DST Investment Management, former Partner Goldman Sachs "East Commerce provides incredible insight into the technological and cultural changes going on in China. It is especially valuable for multinational companies doing business in China to re-frame their thinking and marketing approach and to build loyalty in this massive market."—CHANDOS QUILL, VP Global Data Solutions, Merkle Inc. "East-Commerce gives an insider's perspective on what it's like to operate in the biggest e-commerce market in the world"each one of my team members has this book on their desk."—BRUNO FELTRACCO, VP and Managing Director, The North Face Asia Pacific "Marco Gervasi delivers crucial insight into the global implications associated with the increasing relevance and reach of the 'East-Commerce' model."—MICHAEL INJAYCHOCK, Sr. Director, Touchpoint Optimization, Eli Lilly and Company "East-Commerce reads more like a novel than a text book as it details the evolution of the Chinese ecommerce marketplace and offers great insight into how to successfully navigate the complicated landscape."—RICHARD RUSSELL, Director Media Strategy, Deckers Outdoor Corporation "Digital disruption is taking place with incredible speed and intensity in China and with it, tremendous innovation and entrepreneurship. Marco Gervasi has chronicled this development with first-hand knowledge and experience in this book. I recommend it to those who care about what is truly changing China and therefore, the world."—EDWARD TSE, author, China's Disruptors