Search results for ""Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc""
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Forensic Nursing
Developed within a holistic, caring framework, and well grounded in theory and research, the Second Edition continues to provide a unique and comprehensive look at forensic nursing from an interdisciplinary perspective, and addresses the need for collaborative practice and skill in caring for victims of violence and disaster, as well as in competently assisting in investigations. New information has been included on human trafficking, sexual predators and the internet, and elder abuse.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Advanced First Aid, CPR, and AED
Advanced First Aid, CPR, and AED, Eighth Edition course materials are ideal for use within college-level courses designed to train individuals in first aid, CPR, and AED. This manual features current content on topics from CPR skills to opioid emergencies to COVID considerations and precautions. To simplify training, the text focuses on the most vital lifesaving skills, so participants have clarity on how to respond to common emergencies like cardiac arrest, choking, life-threatening bleeding, anaphylactic shock, and strokes. Updated, Evidence-Based Content. Updated content that meets or exceeds the scientific recommendations developed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and is consistent with the Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Guidelines as established by the American Heart Association (AHA) and other resuscitation councils around the world. Current and in-depth information on CPR, AED, injuries, and illnesses, including new content on hemorrhage control, airway obstruction response, and more. Decision tables that provide a concise summary of what signs to look for and what treatment steps to take during an emergency. Training Geared for the Real World New and updated content on hemorrhage control, opioid overdose response, airway obstruction response, compression-only CPR, COVID-19, and more. New content on face masks, face shields, and hands-only CPR helps learners to respond despite coronavirus pandemic concerns. Greater emphasis on willingness and confidence to act is presented throughout the text, including discussion on how to communicate during emergencies. A range of online and classroom-based teaching and learning materials enable flexible course delivery. ECSI programs are offered in association with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American College of Emergency Physicians-two of the most renowned medical organizations in the world. These organizations provide medical direction to ECSI and stand behind the content of our training materials. Our programs are consistent with ILCOR recommendations and meet or exceed the American Health Association (AHA) guidelines. To learn how to become an ECSI instructor or approved ECSI Education Center, visit
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Introduction to Health Behavior Theory
Designed to provide students with an easy to understand, interesting, and engaging introduction to the theoretical basis of health education, Introduction to Health Behavior Theory, Fourth Edition uses comprehensive and accessible explanations to help students understand what theory is, how theories are developed, and what factors influence health behavior theory. Covering the more commonly used health behavior theories in individual chapters, the author breaks each theory into concepts and constructs to enhance comprehension and encourage students to discover how these theories can be put into practice. Key Features: - Theory essence sentence and constructs chart at the beginning of each chapter condenses the theory into one easy to learn and remember sentence and provides context for the rest of the chapter. - A historical overview of each theory’s development provides students with a context for how and why the theory explains behavior. - Numerous examples from the literature in difference practice settings with different populations to support learning/understanding of the content. Many examples are COVID-19 related. - End of chapter activities based on a reproduced full journal article reinforce chapter content by clearly demonstrating the theory's application in practice. - Links to and annotations of additional open access articles in each chapter that demonstrate the application of the theory in practice. - A final summary chapter includes guidelines for choosing a theory, summary charts of theory essence sentences and constructs, and construct domains with examples of corresponding program activities. - Navigate eBook access (included with the print text) provides online or offline access to the digital text from a computer, tablet, or mobile device.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Introduction To Neurogenic Communication Disorders
Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders, Third Edition introduces students to common adult communication disorders and associated neuroanatomy and neurophysiology in an accessible, practical, and clinical context. This Third Edition emphasizes student understanding of major health trends and continues to provide students with necessary foundational knowledge while highlighting the human element of communication disorders. Illustrative patient profiles provided in online videos demonstrate actual case examples of symptoms, deficits, and pathological behaviors, reinforcing key concepts presented within the textbook.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide
Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide, Ninth Edition helps readers develop a fundamental knowledge of the medical terminology necessary for a career in any healthcare setting. The text opens with a general introduction to word parts and the human body as a whole, followed by an overview of diseases and treatments. Each subsequent chapter on the individual body systems begins with an illustrated overview of the system with definitions of key terms relevant to that system. Tables of word parts and exercises on using them follow. The sequence of the systems chapters follows the same order as that found in a tradition A&P courses.Turning to the abnormal, a section on diseases and treatments is included, followed by definitions of related key terms.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Suporte De Vida Em Trauma Pré-Hospitalar, Nona Edição
No local, os segundos contam. PHTLS: Suporte de Vida em Trauma Pré-hospitalar ensina e reforça os princípios em avaliar rapidamente um paciente de trauma usando uma abordagem ordenada, tratando imediatamente os problemas com risco de vida, à medida que eles sejam identificados, e minimizando quaisquer atrasos em iniciar o transporte à uma destinação apropriada. Desenvolvido pela Associação Nacional de Técnicos de Emergência Médica (NAEMT) em colaboração com o Colégio Americano do Comitê dos Cirurgiões de Traumas (ASC-COT), o PHTLS, Nona Edição reflete os conhecimentos e práticas atuais com base em evidências, e promove o pensamento crítico como a base para fornecer cuidados de qualidade. Avaliar rapidamente um paciente de trauma para identificar os cuidados de salvamento constitui o centro da nona edição do PHTLS. Leva 2 minutos ou menos para um paciente exsanguinante. Nenhuma outra intervenção pré-hospitalar que os prestadores de cuidado realizam é mais importante do que parar esse nível de sangramento em pacientes de trauma. A fim de refletir isso, o PHTLS, Nona Edição utiliza a mnemônica XABCDE de avaliação do paciente para colocar a hemorragia exsanguinante à frente de cada encontro com o paciente. A importância de XABCDE (hemorragia grave exsanguinante, vias aéreas, respiração, circulação, incapacidade neurológica e exposição ao ambiente) é reforçada em cada capítulo clínico. Características do PHTLS, Nona Edição: Informações atuais sobre ressuscitação com fluidos e imobilização espinhal a partir de pesquisas com base em evidências e experientes provedores de cuidados pré-hospitalares que aplicam os princípios e as práticas do PHTLS no local Técnicas atualizadas de tratamento do paciente, incluindo colocação de torniquete, locais de descompressão com agulha, o uso de ligantes pélvicos, ressuscitação pediátrica com fluidos e manejo pediátrico das vias aéreas Ênfase em lesões evitáveis, desde dirigir distraído até quedas em adultos idosos, e violência entre parceiros íntimos Foco em ameaças e respostas tácticas civis, desde veículos como armas de destruição em massa até um novo fluxograma de metodologia de avaliação remota Componentes Dinâmicos do Programa O manual do PHTLS, Nona Edição é o recurso definitivo em cuidados de trauma que detalha as evidências médicas por trás dos princípios e práticas recomendados do curso do PHTLS. Como próximo passo na evolução do programa do PHTLS, o manual principal será acompanhado pelo novo manual do curso do PHTLS, que reforça e esclarece os conceitos-chave do curso; apresenta um design envolvente e interativo; e está escrito de modo que você sente estar participando de um bate-papo, versus ouvindo a uma aula expositiva.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Brown's Evidence-Based Nursing: The Research-Practice Connection
Brown's Evidence-Based Nursing: The Research-Practice Connection continues to be a popular choice for graduate and upper level undergraduate students in an updated fifth edition. In an accessible and easy-to-read style, it introduces students to research methods and evidence-based practice. Students will understand research methods, how to appraise and use research evidence in clinical decision-making, and how to fully understand and engage in evidence-based practice. The unique Why-How-What format along with the exemplar studies throughout provide rich context for learning how EBP progresses from research results. The Fifth Edition was revised to feature LGBTQIA+ inclusive language and features a greater focus on information technology as it relates to EBP. Additionally, clear exemplars and appendices help fully explain key concepts while minimizing the potential for students to feel overwhelmed by the intricacies of scientific research jargon. Brown's Evidence-Based Nursing: The Research-Practice Connection, Fifth Edition is the clear choice for instructors seeking an application-focused resource for their students.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc The Interprofessional Health Care Team: Leadership and Development
The Interprofessional Health Care Team: Leadership and Development, Third Edition is designed to help future health professionals realize their capacity for leadership and develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are requisite to becoming a positive agent of change and growth in themselves and in others at the organizations within which they work. It describes possibilities and options, theories, exercises, rich references, and stimulating questions that will inspire both novices and experts to think differently about their roles and styles as leaders or members of a team. The authors provide many tools to empower readers and facilitate the fostering of productive teamwork. It is an inspiring book with easily operational principles. It is written for many audiences and to achieve many goals all centered on best practices to attain quality care, particularly during this time of reinventing and transforming health care. In response to increasingly complex healthcare challenges, models for interprofessional practice and education have received global acceptance as prerequisites for improving population health, improving per capita costs and improving the health care experience. This book is comprised of three primary modules or parts: Teamwork and Group Development, Relationship Centered Leadership and Building & Sustaining Collaborative Interdisciplinary Teams. Each module is divided into chapters which introduce theoretical concepts and provide case studies and active teaching/learning experiences that are appropriate for in-class, on-line, or personal, reflective learning environments.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist with Navigate Advantage Access
With a comprehensive and student-friendly format, Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, Sixth Edition equips dental hygiene students with modern, evidence-based coverage of periodontal anatomy, the periodontal disease process, and classification of periodontal disease. Using an easy-to-follow, detailed outline format, leading experts in the field provide readers with an accessible account of the complex subject of periodontics. Rich with engaging features and student resources, the Sixth Edition has been revised and updated throughout to reflect the hygienist's increasingly important role in periodontal therapy, while detailing how students can confidently apply what they have learned to clinical patient care.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: A Framework for Success
The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: A Framework for Success, Fourth Edition provides a road map and toolkit for students to use on their DNP scholarly project journey, starting from conception through completion and dissemination. With a focus on key information for planning, implementing, and evaluating a project, the text also emphasizes the impact that DNP-prepared nurses and well-developed DNP projects have in shaping the future of nursing and healthcare. The Fourth Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to incorporate the new AACN Essentials and provides greater clarity on the current state of DNP project work. This practical resource features new content on sustainability, knowledge networks, sequential projects, the need for business acumen, financial analysis and implications, the need to work with stakeholders, as well as the need to use data to validate the problem. The Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: A Framework for Success, Fourth Edition ensures that nurses are not simply told to contribute to healthcare transformation, but rather they are guided to know how.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Varney's Midwifery
Varney's Midwifery continues to be the gold standard for midwifery practice in an updated seventh edition. New lead editors assembled a team of expert contributors and authors to continue the legacy of Varney's Midwifery as the trusted, must-have resource for students, professional midwives, and women's health practitioners. Varney's Midwifery uses current evidence-based guidelines to address the care of individuals throughout the lifespan, including primary care, gynecology, perinatal care in a variety of settings, and newborn care. The Seventh Edition reflects the new ACNM Core Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice published in 2020, including care of transgender individuals and abortion-related care. It also provides updated information on promotion of health equity, new techniques for fetal screening, diagnosis across the lifespan, and chronic conditions in pregnancy.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research
Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research, Fifth Edition is an essential resource for teaching students how to translate research into practice. The text is based on the five step IDP process (knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation). The Fifth Edition has been revised to include content related to the evolution of nursing science, quality improvement projects and how they relate to evidence-based practice, as well as search strategies and authentic web content. The hallmark feature of this text is its presentation of content. Each chapter is divided into 'bites' which make the chapters quick to read and easy to understand. To bring content to life, the authors have woven the "Apply What You've Learned" case study throughout each chapter to illustrate the importance of hand hygiene. Lastly, the Fifth Edition features a revision to the hierarchy of evidence which helps students identify the types of evidence that fit within each level as well as the tools necessary to appraise evidence. New to the Fifth Edition: Separate chapters dedicated to evidence-based practice and nursing research Updated quantitative design examples Analysis of the four types of study validity threats Conducting evidence appraisal to determine strength and quality Recommended tools to appraise evidence quality New content focused on mixed methods In-depth examples of data collection Enhanced quality improvement and evidence-based practice projects Navigate Advantage Access
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Breastfeeding Management for the Clinician: Using the Evidence
Breastfeeding Management for the Clinician: Using the Evidence is the perfect tool for busy clinicians who need a quick, accurate, and current reference. It provides the essentials of breastfeeding management to support best outcomes for breastfeeding families. Now in an updated and modernized fifth edition, this unique resource features new information on the political and social landscape of breastfeeding, LGBTQI+ families, milk sharing, exclusive pumping, new breastfeeding products, breastfeeding in emergencies, additional feeding care plans, and access to downloadable Patient Care Plan Handouts to help both patients and clinicians navigate common breastfeeding challenges and questions. Breastfeeding Management for the Clinician: Using the Evidence, Fifth Edition includes literature reviews while covering incidence, etiology, risk factors, prevention, prognosis and implications, interventions, expected outcomes, care plans, and clinical algorithms. With a focus on the practical application of evidence-based knowledge and a problem-solving approach, this reference helps busy clinicians integrate the latest research into their everyday clinical practice.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the Health Professions, Enhanced Edition
Easy to understand and fun to read, this engaging primer on the etiology and pathogenesis of human disease will help you develop a basic understanding of pathology that will set you on the path to a successful career in the health professions. Punctuated by humor, unique case studies that link pathology to real-world clinical applications, and absorbing tales from the history of medicine, this engaging book focuses on the patient as it guides you through the causes and consequences of common diseases.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Legal And Privacy Issues In Information Security
Part of the Jones & Bartlett Learning Information Systems Security and Assurance Series Revised and updated to address the many changes in this evolving field, the third Edition of Legal Issues in Information Security (Textbook with Lab Manual) addresses the area where law and information security concerns intersect. Information systems security and legal compliance are now required to protect critical governmental and corporate infrastructure, intellectual property created by individuals and organizations alike, and information that individuals believe should be protected from unreasonable intrusion. Organizations must build numerous information security and privacy responses into their daily operations to protect the business itself, fully meet legal requirements, and to meet the expectations of employees and customers. Instructor Materials for Legal Issues in Information Security include: PowerPoint Lecture Slides Instructor's Guide Sample Course Syllabus Quiz & Exam Questions Case Scenarios/Handouts New to the third Edition: • Includes discussions of amendments in several relevant federal and state laws and regulations since 2011 • Reviews relevant court decisions that have come to light since the publication of the first edition • Includes numerous information security data breaches highlighting new vulnerabilities
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc McKenzie's An Introduction to Community & Public Health
Now in its Tenth Edition, An Introduction to Community & Public Health provides students with the latest trends and statistics in this evolving field. With an emphasis on developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in health education and health promotion, this best-selling introductory text covers such topics as epidemiology, community organizations, program planning, minority health, mental health, environmental health, drug use and abuse, safety, and occupational health. Updated with World Health Organization goals and COVID related activities as well as updated content related to Health and Human Services (HHS) priorities and critical Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) activities.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials of Health Care Marketing
Essentials of Health Care Marketing, Fifth Edition provides students with a foundational knowledge of the principles of marketing and their particular application in health care. Offering an engaging and accessible approach, the Fifth Edition of this highly current text offers new or expanded content on social media and digital marketing, a thorough consideration of ethics, the impact of technology on marketing and health care, and additional multimedia to add relevance and further engage students. New to the Fifth Edition: - New chapter on Marketing in the Digital Age discusses new disruptive competitors in health care, digital influences along the stages of the patient journey, the Internet of Things (IoT) and its effect on marketing, and more. - Sixteen new cases highlight the impact of COVID-19, the marketing of the patient portal, the impact of mergers in health care on organizational culture, social media influences, and related current topics. - Links in every chapter connect students to valuable digital resources, including video and web links that illuminate chapter concepts and provide a basis for classroom discussion. - New & expanded discussion of technology throughout the text, including the use of artificial Intelligence (AI), big data, and virtual focus groups in market research; OTT distribution models such as Apple TX and Roku in advertising, and how technology impacts aging place for growing senior demographic. - Significantly enhanced discussion of transparency in government, consumer, and corporate responses around price, including a new section on value-based payment models. - New capstone chapter (16) on ethical considerations in marketing covers areas of topical interest and debate in health care marketing.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials Of Public Health Research Methods
Part of the Essential Public Health Series, Essentials of Public Health Research Methods is specifically written for undergraduate students studying public health who want to fully understand the range of research methods as applied to public health. Using the circular model of public health research as an overarching framework, Essentials of Public Health Research Methods provides a clear, time-tested methodology that leads students step-by-step through the research process -- from framing the questions, identifying the study design and choosing methodology to collecting and analyzing data, and disseminating research findings. By following this process, students learn about various facets of public health, while also learning how to select and apply various research methodologies. Key Features: - An opening overview chapter provides the framework for the book, while opening quotes and learning objectives in each chapter provide a roadmap for skills and knowledge to be gained - Current and diverse examples illustrate each component of the process and reflect the range of public health disciplines and interests - Plentiful graphics and charts help illustrate and clarify concepts - Thought-provoking questions at the end of chapters help stimulate thought and discussion
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Dreeben-Irimia's Introduction To Physical Therapy Practice For Physical Therapist Assistants
Dreeben-Irimia's Introduction to Physical Therapy Practice for Physical Therapist Assistants, Fourth Edition introduces students to the role of the physical therapist assistant in physical therapy care.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Lewin's Essential GENES
Extensively reorganized and revised with the latest data from this rapidly changing field, Lewin's Essential GENES, Fourth Edition, provides students with a comprehensive overview of molecular biology and molecular genetics. The authors took care to carefully modify the chapter order in an effort to provide a more clear and student-friendly presentation of course material. Chapter material has been updated throughout, including a completely revised chapter on regulatory RNA, to keep pace with this advancing field. The Third Editions exceptional pedagogy enhances student learning and helps readers understand and retain key material like never before. Concept and Reasoning Checks at the end of each chapter section, End-of-Chapter Questions and Further Readings sections, as well as several categories of special topics boxes, expand and reinforce important concepts.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Evidence-Based Practice For Health Professionals
Evidence Based Practice for Health Professionals, Second Edition is a entry-level textbook for health professional students that explores the basic concepts of evidence-based practice with a clinical emphasis.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Principles Of Cell Biology
Principles of Cell Biology, Third Edition is an educational, eye-opening text that not only helps students learn the material, but also updates instructors on the latest findings in order guide students to look up new subjects, not yet covered in other similar cell biology books. Students will learn the material through 14 comprehensible principles, which give context to the underlying theme that make the details fit together. The Third Edition emphasizes how evolution shapes organisms at the cellular level, highlighting holobionts, natural, and artificial selection. The core texts covers the complexity that arises by natural selection and adheres to the standard categories (transcription, translation, metabolism, etc.)., but the first and last chapters introduce cellular evolution and natural selection, to conclude and describe the humans’ involvement in replacing natural selection with artificial selection.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Fire Inspector: Principles And Practice
Each new print copy of Fire Inspector: Principles and Practice also includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a complete eBook, Study Center, homework and Assessment Center, and a dashboard that reports actionable data. Experience Navigate 2 today at A Complete Fire Inspector I and II Training Solution! Fire inspectors need to know how to interpret and apply national and local codes and standards in the office and in the field. Fire Inspector: Principles and Practice, Revised Enhanced First Edition Includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access is designed to prepare fire inspectors to ensure the highest standards of fire and life safety in their communities. This Revised Enhanced First Edition meets and exceeds the job performance requirements for level I and II fire inspectors from Chapters 4 and 5 of NFPA 1031, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner, 2014 Edition and includes: Coverage of ventilation-limited fire within Chapter 4: Fire Growth Updated content in Chapter 12: Ensuring Proper Storage and Handling Practices to reflect changes from NFPA 55, Compressed Gases and Cryogenic Fluids Changing Codes and Standards appendix to help easily identify the updates within the 2014 Edition of NFPA 1031. NFPA 1031 Correlation Guide that maps NFPA objectives to corresponding textbook chapters and pages. Fire Inspector: Principles and Practice, Revised Enhanced First Edition Includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access is built on a solid foundation of the basics: building construction, fire growth, and types of occupancies. This fundamental knowledge is presented in a concise, understandable writing style that is easy to digest and recall. The solid foundation of fire and building knowledge then branches out to show the fire inspector how abstract concepts and codes will be concretely applied on a daily basis. This is the text that truly prepares fire inspectors for the real world.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Victimology: Theories And Applications
Named 2016 Living Legend by the American Academy of Nursing, Ann Wolbert Burgess has dedicated her career to the study of victims, offenders, and the impact of crime on society. Dr. Burgess continues to bring her years of research and real-world experience working with victims, offenders, FBI, and law enforcement from the courtroom to the classroom in this updated third edition of Victimology: Theories and Applications. This authoritative text provides an overview of issues related to a variety of victims types, such as children, the elderly, women, individuals and groups of a specific race or religion, and victims of internet crime. Within the context of each victim type, Dr. Burgess discusses not only the impact of the crime on the victim, but also covers the motivation of the perpetrator, strategies for intervention, laws that define the nature of the crime, and the legal attempts to punish offenders. Whether a student is considering a career in the criminal justice system, health care, first responder services, social work, or academia, this applied text will guide them toward a deeper understanding of the multifaceted world of victimology and prepare them to better serve victims of crime.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Pediatric Advanced Life Support Study Guide
Fully revised to meet the 2015 CPR/ECC Guidelines and to prepare students and professionals for PALS certification and recertification, Pediatric Advanced Life Support Study Guide, Fourth Edition, provides a clear and complete approach to managing pediatric emergencies. Designed for use by the spectrum of healthcare professionals, the Fourth Edition provides users with the critical information needed to approach real-life pediatric emergencies. The Fourth Edition includes: End-of-chapter quizzes with answers and objectives, as well as a comprehensive posttest to gauge material comprehension Case studies at the end of appropriate chapters for practice with real-world material application Clear procedural explanations written in descriptive yet accessible language A refined Table of Contents including standalone chapters on cardiac dysrhythmias, for focused learning and study PALS Pearl boxes that discuss practical applications of material for use in the field In-text references for deeper research if desired
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Epidemiology
Written for those who are familiar with the basic strategies of analytic epidemiology, Epidemiology: Beyond the Basics takes readers through a more rigorous discussion of key epidemiologic concepts and methods such as study design, measures of association, research assessment, and more. With real-life examples throughout, the book avoids complex statistical formulations and is an invaluable resource for intermediate students and practicing epidemiologists who wish to expand their knowledge of epidemiology and its role in the medical and public health sciences. The Fourth Edition offers updated examples and new exercises in each chapter as well as many new discussions of topics such as: prevalence ratios vs. odds ratios; inverse probability weighting as a technique for correcting for selection bias; regression to the mean as a source of confounding (Glymour bias); mediation analysis; correction for competing causes in multivariate analysis; the extension of the Cox model for the analysis of nested case-control studies; multilevel analysis; translational epidemiology and much more. This edition also offers an updated package of instructor materials including instructor’s manual, PowerPoint lecture slides, and a test bank.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials Of Perioperative Nursing
Essentials of Perioperative Nursing, Sixth Edition is an essential reference for new perioperative nurses as well as experienced nurses who need a refresher. Succinct and easy to use, it addresses the basics associated with navigating the perioperative environment rather than a procedure-oriented approach. Ideal for nurses, students, and perioperative nursing staff, it is also a helpful study guide for CNOR certification. Completely updated and revised, the Sixth Edition reflects the most current research findings, literature reviews, and the latest Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) perioperative guidelines. In addition, it features a greater emphasis on safety, new surgical modalities, and approaches to sterilizing surgical instruments and equipment. Each chapter contains objectives, a lesson plan, study questions, a post-test, and a competency checklist to help organize, assess, and reinforce learning. Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Preferred Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook and Navigate 2 TestPrep.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Legal Aspects Of Corrections Management
This updated third edition of Legal Aspects of Corrections Management provides a current, informative, and reader-friendly discussion of the contemporary legal issues impacting corrections management. Through the use of case law, this text provides readers with a practical understanding of how the First, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments relate to the day-to-day issues of running a prison, jail, and other corrections programs, such as probation and parole. The authors' combined corrections experience included such positions as General Counsel, Regional Counsel, and Correctional Program Officer, as well as working within corrections facilities. Their work involved advising corrections staff and management on the legal issues associated with policies and procedures. The authors also have extensive teaching experience in corrections law, the criminal justice system, and criminology. The benefits of such experiences are reflected in the comprehensive coverage of topics in this accessible and updated Third Edition. New to the Third Edition: -Cases and statistical information have been thoroughly updated. -Contains many new photos and figures throughout -New sections include: *Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA) *Double Jeopardy *DNA Collection *Searches of Non-Inmates *Legal Challenges to the Method of Execution *Standards of Employee Conduct *Fair Labor Standards Act *Portal-to-Portal Act *Title VII and Inmate-Created Hostile Work Environment *The Americans with Disabilities Act *Death Penalty for Juvenile Offenders Key Features: -Includes engaging real-world examples of common problems and occurrences in corrections to provide students and practitioners with a good understanding of the legal aspects of corrections management. -Provides insight into the legal steps that should be anticipated in a correctional lawsuit. -Provides an accessible and easy-to-understand collection of Supreme Court and significant lower court rulings on key issues in corrections. With the focus on Supreme Court cases, the text has applicability nationwide. -Focuses on constitutional issues affecting such areas as inmate correspondence, visiting, and religion (First Amendment); search and seizure, privacy (Fourth Amendment); due process (Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments); equal protection (Fourteenth Amendment); and the death penalty, conditions of confinement (cruel and unusual punishment), and health care (Eighth Amendment). -Includes coverage of statutory and administrative law, as well as chapters on probation and parole, jails, juveniles, privatization, and the loss of rights of convicted persons. -Includes examples of relevant documents, such as a civil complaint; a sample presentence investigation report; a listing of inmate rights and responsibilities; of misconduct charges; and of mission statements for departments of corrections.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Study Guide For The Nature Of Disease
Study Guide for The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the Health Professions reinforces and consolidates the complex concepts presented in the companion text and facilitates content mastery. Its comprehensive set of self-study tools follows the Learning Objective in the main text. Each chapter also includes one or more Decision Trees, which provide practical algorithms for understanding the process of diagnostics and critical thinking for given topics in the health professions.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions
The Resource Nurse Educators Can Count On.The recent pandemic has driven rapid change in educational technology use, while the post-pandemic phase has driven a desire for intentional social learning and interaction. Furthermore, technology has changed the way students learn and educators teach. The updated Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions, Ninth Edition details the trends in teaching strategies and educational technology that promote effective learning for today's students. The Ninth Edition has been updated to provide the most current information and strategies for online learning and incorporating technology across settings. Chapters on blended learning and study abroad programs help students to gain a more diverse and increased global perspective. Highlighting innovative teaching techniques and real-world illustrations of the educational strategies, this text goes beyond theory to offer practical application principles that educators can count
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Communication Sciences and Disorders From Science to Clinical Practice
Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice, Fifth Edition is the ideal introductory text for undergraduate students enrolled in their first course in communication sciences and disorders. Written by experts in the field, this text contains fundamental information about speech disorders that are related to impairments in articulation, voice, and fluency, while providing the essential information on the speech, language, and hearing sciences combined with practical information about assessment and intervention practices. This new edition provides readers with a wide-angle view of communication disorders, covering the variety of topics that speech, language, and hearing scientists study, and the variety of individuals that Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists treat.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Pathophysiology A Practical Approach
Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach, Fifth Edition provides an innovative, practice-ready, approach to foundational pathophysiology for pre-licensure nursing students. Dr. Story takes a student-focused approach to the challenging subject formatted with vibrant graphics and easy-to-read practice tools. Her text is organized by body system, and she has organized the content into topical chapters that walk students through their base knowledge of A&P, what can go wrong with the human body, how to identify the problem, and what actions they need to take. This student-friendly approach empowers readers to take a more active role in learning pathophysiology.The Fifth Edition is unique in its application to practice. Key features walk the reader through challenging topics and latest insights in pathophysiology, leveraging recent ground-breaking studies discussed in the updated and expanded Emerging Research sections, and offering new Application to Practice callouts that deepen the connecti
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Student Workbook for Phlebotomy Essentials
Designed to be used with Phlebotomy Essentials, Eighth Edition by Ruth McCall, the Student Workbook is a valuable learning resource that will help students master the principles of phlebotomy by reinforcing key concepts and procedures covered in the textbook. The Workbook offers a variety of exercises and tools to make it easy and fun for students to understand and retain essential information and enhance critical thinking skills. The Workbook provides students with chapter-by-chapter exercises to reinforce text material, assessment tools to evaluate skills, realistic scenarios to gauge their grasp of key concepts, and skills logs to chart progress. It also includes key terms matching exercises, chapter review questions, crossword puzzles, skills and knowledge drills, requisition activities, cases studies, and procedure evaluation forms.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Basics of the U.S. Health Care System
Basics of the U.S. Health Care System provides a broad introduction to the workings of the health care system in the US. Engaging and activities-oriented, the text offers an accessible overview of the major concepts of healthcare operations; the role of government and public health; inpatient, outpatient, and long-term care services; payors and financing; careers; and legal and ethical issues. Updated with new data throughout, Basics of the U.S. Health Care System, Fifth Edition also includes coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the global impact of the pandemic and global vaccination rates; the impact of socioeconomic factors on COVID outcomes; the disease’s impact on mental health; the U.S. government role in managing the pandemic, and more. Thoroughly revised, Basics of the U.S. Health Care System, Fifth Edition includes: - Updated data, including new Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) at-a-Glance 2021 data. - Expanded discussion on social justice and the social determinants of health. - New chapter on U.S. Population Health discusses the differences between public health population health, and community health. - New laws and legislation passed during the Trump and Biden administrations, including the healthcare provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022, and discussion of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade. - Expanded careers chapter offers eight new healthcare career opportunities. - Final chapter takes a comparative look the US health care system vs. other developed countries, and discusses trends that impact the U.S. healthcare system including digital health, systems and design thinking, pay for performance and value based purchasing, and more.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials of Health Justice: Law, Policy, and Structural Change
Given the national reckoning around structural inequity, racism, and intractable health inequalities, there is an unrequited demand among faculty and scholars who teach and write about health equity and social justice for texts that go beyond a discussion of the social determinants of health and access to care to provide analysis that offers a structural and legal lens for understanding entrenched health inequity in the U.S. The COVID-19 pandemic has only made the need for this approach more compelling and urgent. Addressing that need, authors Elizabeth Tobin-Tyler and Joel Teitelbaum have built upon and expanded their first edition with Essentials of Health Justice: Law, Policy and Structural Change, Second Edition. This unparalleled new edition explores the historical, structural, and legal underpinnings of racial, ethnic, gender-based, and ableist inequities in health, and provides a framework for students to consider how and why health inequity is tied to the ways that laws are structured and enforced. Additionally, it offers analysis of potential solutions and posits how law may be used as a tool to remedy health injustice. Written for a wide, interdisciplinary audience of students and scholars in public health, medicine, and law, as well as other health professions, this accessible text discusses both the systems and policies that influence health and explores opportunities to advocate for legal and policy change by public health practitioners and policymakers, physicians, health care professionals, lawyers, and lay people. Key Features: • Contextualizes health justice through examination of theoretical underpinnings and historical social justice movements • Provides analysis of how law and policy structure injustices that harm health and drive health inequities • Includes chapters on key systems and policies that drive health injustice – e.g., inequities in socioeconomic status, place-based inequities, the carceral state – and populations whose health is harmed – People of Color, immigrants, women, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities • Provides discussion and analysis of current legal and policy proposals and of possible options for the future • Offers learning objectives and key terms in each chapter. Discussion questions/answers for each chapter are available to faculty adopting the text • Includes Navigate eBook access (with the printed text) for convenient online or offline reading of the text from a computer, tablet, or smart phone.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc First Aid, CPR, and AED Guide
If you are an approved Emergency Care & Safety Institute Education Center, you may want to purchase First Aid, CPR and AED Guide with ECSI Course Completion Card. If you are not currently associated with an ECSI center, you can save as much as 50% compared to other national training organizations. Learn more at Based on current Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Guidelines and scientific recommendations developed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and other resuscitation councils around the world, First Aid, CPR, and AED Guide, Eighth Edition is an excellent resource for action at common emergencies. This quick reference gives lay responders the tools necessary to prevent and minimize injury, provide comfort, and maximize care until professional medical care arrives. This guide is perfect for anybody who wants quick, portable access to vital first aid and basic life support information in place of, or in addition to, taking a formal first aid or CPR and AED course. The First Aid, CPR, and AED Guide, Eighth Edition may be used within first aid, CPR, and AED refresher training courses offered through the Emergency Care & Safety Institute (ECSI). Please note that ECSI digital course completion certificates are not included.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Financial Management for Nurse Managers: Merging the Heart with the Dollar: Merging the Heart with the Dollar
Financial Management for Nurse Managers: Merging the Heart with the Dollar, Fifth Edition is a unique text that addresses the financial management issues faced by nurse leaders in a variety of settings, including hospitals, ambulatory/outpatient clinics, long-term care facilities, and home care. With an evidence-based and practical approach, it covers a wide-range of financial information, including healthcare finance, economics, budgeting, reimbursements, accounting, and financial strategies. The Fifth Edition features additional ambulatory examples, a new exercise on emergency planning, and updated and expanded case studies. Financial Management for Nurse Managers: Merging the Heart with the Dollar brings financial concepts to life for students with practical applications and straightforward budgeting practice activities.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc AEMT: Advanced Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured Student Workbook
This Student Workbook contains exercises to reinforce what you will learn in both in the textbook and the classroom. The exercises cover are designed to test your general knowledge, encourage critical thinking, and aid comprehension of assessment and treatment skills. Organized by chapter, the Student Workbook provides a variety of exercises to reinforce material learned, including: General Knowledge, Critical Thinking, and Skills Activities Fill in the Patient Care Report Answer Key provided on perforated pages
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals
Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals, Third Edition provides an overview of the policy-making process within a variety of settings including academia, clinical practice, communities, and various health care systems. Health Policy takes a comprehensive structural approach to policymaking and provides the necessary tools to engage in health policy formulation. The Third Edition remains an easy-to-read foundational policy book that operationalizes health policy and politics and is one of the few health policy books that takes a civic competence model approach. It also provides the necessary tools to engage in health policy formulation and includes coverage of think tanks and expansion on policy institutes. Revised Appendices with current policy resources New Appendix: Major Federal Laws Executive Summaries Addition of Policy Terminology section at end of each chapter Policy Analysis Templates to help readers put skills into practice Summary Points and Policy Terminology emphasize critical content and terms Case studies and policy analysis templates bring concepts into the real world
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED
Standard First Aid, CPR, and AED, Eighth Edition is ideal for use within training courses designed to certify individuals in first aid, CPR, and AED. More than a stand-alone text, this student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers many resources to better support instructors and prepare students to learn life-saving skills. This manual includes: Updated content that meets or exceeds the scientific recommendations developed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and is consistent with the CPR and ECC Guidelines as established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils around the world Emphasis on life-threatening conditions and focus on critical life-saving skills Decision tables that provide a concise summary of what signs to look for and what treatment steps to take during an emergency Current information on CPR, AED, injuries, and illnesses New and updated content on hemorrhage control, opioid overdose response, compression-only CPR, and COVID-19 ECSI programs are offered in association with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American College of Emergency Physicians-two of the most renowned medical organizations in the world. These organizations provide medical direction to ECSI and stand behind the content of our training materials. Our programs are consistent with ILCOR recommendations and meet or exceed the American Health Association (AHA) guidelines. To learn how to become an ECSI instructor or approved ECSI Education Center, visit
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology, Second Edition uses a proven “work text” approach that helps students master the information they need to communicate successfully in the health care world.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach
Delivering Health Care in America, Eighth Edition is the most current and comprehensive overview of the basic structures and operations of the U.S. health system—from its historical origins and resources, to its individual services, cost, and quality. Using a unique “systems” approach, the text brings together an extraordinary breadth of information into a highly accessible, easy-to-read resource that clarifies the complexities of health care organization and finance while presenting a solid overview of how the various components fit together. The Eighth Edition of this highly current, forward-thinking text offers: - Updated new data for tables, charts, figures, and text based on the latest published data - New and emerging characteristics of the U.S. healthcare system such as ‘accountable care,’ ‘integrated delivery,’ and ‘pay for value’ - Coverage of COVID-19 topics in chapters 2, 5, 6, and 14 - The latest on the Affordable Care Act including its effects of insurance, access, and cost. - The latest in medical technology (artificial intelligence, electronic health records, Right to Try Act of 2018, etc.) along with integration of the digital environment throughout the text. - Current challenges and issues facing the U.S. health care system, such as care for populations with special needs and behavioral health services. - Navigate eBook access (included with each print text) provides entry to the enriched digital text, which includes chapter quizzes, interactive glossary and weblinks.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Foundations Of Periodontics For The Dental Hygienist, Enhanced
Comprehensive and easy-to-understand, Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, Enhanced 5th Edition equips dental hygiene students with up-to-date, evidence-based coverage of periodontal anatomy, the periodontal disease process, and classifications of periodontal disease. Rather than presenting information in narrative style, the author—a leading expert in the field—uses a detailed outline format, making the information easier to read, understand, and reference. Rich with engaging learning features and student resources, the Enhanced 5th Edition has been revised and updated throughout to reflect the hygienist's increasingly important role in periodontal therapy and to help students confidently apply what they’ve learned to clinical patient care situations.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Botany: Introduction To Plant Biology And Botany: A Lab Manual
This value bundle includes the text and lab manual for Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Curriculum Development In Nursing Education
Curriculum Development in Nursing Education, Fourth Edition is designed for novice and experienced faculty, presenting logical processes to develop, implement, and evaluate a curriculum. The Fourth Edition has an updated version of the Model of Evidence-Informed, Context-Relevant, Unified Curriculum Development in Nursing Education with separate chapters explicating each aspect of the model. Additional content is devoted to nursing education by distance delivery. The Fourth Edition attends more meticulously to concept-based curricula and the accompanying teaching-learning processes, than in previous editions. Faculty development, ongoing appraisal, and scholarship are efmphasized as core components of all curriculum work. This comprehensive text encompasses a combination of original concepts, current and classic literature and research, and the practicalities of curriculum work to guide readers in their own curriculum endeavors. The cases presented are new and can be used as a springboard for teaching and learning in courses as well as for faculty development. New to the Fourth Edition: Simulated learning experiences as part of curriculum design How the NCLEX exam and external reviews influence undergraduate curriculum New case studies and synthesis activities Updated references across all chapters
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Community And Public Health Education Methods
Updated and revised to keep pace with changes in the field, the fourth edition of Community Health Education Methods: A Practical Guide teaches students to effectively communicate health education messages and positively influence the norms and behaviors of both individuals and communities. Written by and for health education specialists, this text explores the methods used by health educators, including didactic techniques designed to guide others toward the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. New & Key Features of the Fourth Edition: - Includes a new chapter focusing on using social media tools, such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, texting, blogging, smartphone apps, internet channels (e.g., YouTube), video vines, etc - Incorporates the new CHES competencies throughout the book, so that users understand what to expect in terms of CEHS with each chapter - Each chapter includes key terms, additional resources, interesting "Did You Know?" facts, and a series of "Community Connections" vignettes designed to provide readers with an easy-to-understand, practical application on the concepts presented.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Invitation To Holistic Health
Invitation to Holistic Health: A Guide to Living a Balanced Life, Fourth Edition, features solid principles and proven practices to promote optimal health and well-being using a holistic approach. The text is divided into four parts: Strengthening Your Inner Resources; Developing Healthy Lifestyle Practices; Taking Charge of Challenges to the Body, Mind, and Spirit; and Safe Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies. This easy-to-read guide provides how-to information for dealing with a variety of health-related issues, including nutrition, exercise, herbal remedies, and homeopathic remedies, to name a few. Unlike other holistic health textbooks, the Fourth Edition promotes a variety of therapies and provides evidence to support the practice of each one. New to the Fourth Edition: • Updated research related to holistic health and practices • Expanded coverage of obesity and diversity • Tips for practitioners on providing holistic care in conventional settings • Discussion around the integration of conventional medicine and alternative therapies
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Fundamentals Of Medium/Heavy Duty Diesel Engines
Based on the 2014 National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) Medium/Heavy Truck Tasks Lists and ASE Certification Test Series for truck and bus specialists, Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Duty Diesel Engines is designed to address these and other international training standards. The text offers comprehensive coverage of every NATEF task with clarity and precision in a concise format that ensures student comprehension and encourages critical thinking. Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Duty Diesel Engines describes safe and effective diagnostic, repair, and maintenance procedures for today’s medium and heavy vehicle diesel engines, including the most current, relevant, and practical coverage of: • HD-OBD emission diagnostics • Common rail injection systems • Exhaust after treatment systems, including diesel particulate filters, selective catalyst reduction (SCR), and lean NOx traps (LNT) • Variable geometry and series turbocharging • Exhaust gas recirculation • Engine braking • Major engine OEM-specific coverage of fuel, air induction, and diagnostic systems • Electronic signal processing and sensor technology Additional features include: • Up-to-date NATEF coverage • Support of ASE certification test preparation for diesel engine, medium-heavy truck, and bus test series • A clear, accessible writing style • Reinforcement of concepts learned • Application to real-world practice • A wealth of photographs, illustrations, and step-by-step explanations with visual summaries