Search results for ""Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc""
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Digital Forensics, Investigation, and Response
Digital Forensics, Investigation, and Response, Fourth Edition begins by examining the fundamentals of system forensics: what forensics is, an overview of computer crime, the challenges of system forensics, and forensics methods and labs. The second part of this book addresses the tools, techniques, and methods used to perform computer forensics and investigation. These include collecting evidence, investigating information hiding, recovering data, and scrutinizing email. It also discusses how to perform forensics in Windows, Linux, Macintosh operating systems, mobile devices, and networks. Finally, the third part explores incident and intrusion response, emerging technologies and future directions of this field, and additional system forensics resources. Each new print copy includes Navigate eBook Access enabling you to read your digital textbook online or offline from your computer, tablet, or mobile device.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc AAOS Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care
Every new print copy of Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, Sixth Edition includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access which unlocks a complete, interactive eBook with nearly 250 embedded procedure videos, new Skills Checklists to accompany videos in PDF format, and Home Exercise step-by-step instructions in PDF format. Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, Sixth Edition is a robust educational resource focused on how to evaluate and manage common musculoskeletal conditions. This text is used for immediate, point-of-care guidance in decision making and intervention and is a powerful educational product for many health professions dealing with the care of the musculoskeletal system. The easy-to-understand content and crisp presentation appeal to health care professionals and students. It is also a powerful tool to help educate patients regarding conditions and treatment. Up-to-date, step-by-step instruction and helpful illustrations to offer visual confirmation Consistent information throughout each section includes definitions, symptoms, tests, differential diagnosis, treatments, adverse outcomes, referral decisions and red flags. Physical Examination shows photographs and step-by-step descriptions of physical examination maneuvers; inspection and palpation, range of motion, muscle testing, and special tests. Home Exercise Program sections include a concise table of exercises along with step-by-step instruction and illustrations Clinical Case Studies can be found at the end of each section and allow readers to apply the knowledge they have learned in a realistic case scenario. Every new copy includes Navigate Premier with a full eBook, hundreds of procedure videos, Home Exercise instructions in PDF format, slides in PowerPoint format and more!
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy
Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy, Sixth Edition is the ultimate ‘how to’ guide for learning the practical and useful methods for reviewing scientific literature in the health sciences. This text is an outstanding resource for students who need a practical, step-by-step set of instructions for how to organize, conduct, and write a synthesis of literature on a topic of their choice. The hallmark of this text is the inclusion of the Matrix Method developed by the author which outlines one of the many ways to approach a literature review. This method is a practical, easy-to-use structure and process for reviewing research literature, particularly in the health sciences and nursing. Updates on PRISMA New content on predatory publishing “How-to” format, step-by-step instructions and practical examples Templates and interactive web resources Navigate Companion Website, including learning objectives and additional resources on the use of data visualization in health literature reviews
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients: Caring for Suffering Patients
Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients continues to explore the concept of suffering as it relates to nursing practice in an updated new edition. This text helps practicing nurses and students define and recognize various aspects of suffering across the lifespan and within various patient populations, while providing guidance in alleviating suffering. In addition, the authors discuss ways nurses that witness suffering can optimize their own coping skills and facilitate personal growth. The Second Edition aligns with the recently updated ELNEC and AACN competencies and features three new chapters discussing advance care planning, palliative care for those with serious illnesses, and strategies for having difficult conversations with patients and families. How do we identify a patient who is suffering? How do we assess whether our patient (and/or their family) is coping with the event? What can we do to alleviate patient suffering? How can we convey the extent of the suffering to the other members of the healthcare team and advocate excellent palliative care for our patients? Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients, Second Edition answers these questions and more, making it an indispensable resource for nursing students and nurses employed in a variety of health care settings.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Phlebotomy Exam Review
Phlebotomy Exam Review, Eighth Edition provides a comprehensive review of current phlebotomy theory and offers and ideal way to study for phlebotomy licensing or national certification exams. It also makes for an excellent study tool for students taking formal phlebotomy training programs. By answering the questions in this review, student can test their knowledge and application of current phlebotomy theory. Theory questions address recent federal safety standards, Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines, and the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) phlebotomist competencies when applicable. Questions are standard multiple choice, like those used on national exams, with choices that often test your critical thinking abilities.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Equity, Diversity, And Inclusion: Context, Controversies, And Solutions
The new second edition of this forward-thinking text goes beyond the discussion of health disparities to highlight the importance of health equity. As the new title suggests, Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Context, Controversies, and Solutions helps the reader understand key social justice issues relevant to health disparities and/or health equity, taking the reader from the classroom to the real world to implement new solutions. The new Second Edition features: - Two new chapters: one on the impact of urban education on urban health (Ch 4) and another covering the elderly and health equity (Ch 10) - Updated and enhanced coverage on men’s health, demographic data, the importance of cultural proficiency, maternal mortality and Black women, and much more. - Current trends and movements, including the role of social media in the provision of health care information for improved health literacy; mass incarceration and criminal justice reform; and new efforts toward resolving health disparities. - Case studies and problems that engage students in thinking about health disparities/equity and diversity issues and prompt them to consider possible solutions.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Managing Risk In Information Systems
PART OF THE JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY & ASSURANCE SERIES Revised and updated with the latest data in the field, the Second Edition of Managing Risk in Information Systems provides a comprehensive overview of the SSCP® Risk, Response, and Recovery Domain in addition to providing a thorough overview of risk management and its implications on IT infrastructures and compliance. Written by industry experts, and using a wealth of examples and exercises, this book incorporates hands-on activities to walk the reader through the fundamentals of risk management, strategies and approaches for mitigating risk, and the anatomy of how to create a plan that reduces risk. Instructor's Material for Managing Risk in Information Systems include: PowerPoint Lecture Slides Instructor's Guide Course Syllabus Quiz & Exam Questions Case Scenarios/Handouts
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Network Security, Firewalls And Vpns
PART OF THE NEW JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY & ASSURANCE SERIES Fully revised and updated with the latest data from the field, Network Security, Firewalls, and VPNs, third Edition provides a unique, in-depth look at the major business challenges and threats that are introduced when an organization’s network is connected to the public Internet. Written by an industry expert, this book provides a comprehensive explanation of network security basics, including how hackers access online networks and the use of Firewalls and VPNs to provide security countermeasures. Using examples and exercises, this book incorporates hands-on activities to prepare the reader to disarm threats and prepare for emerging technologies and future attacks. Key Features: -Introduces the basics of network security—exploring the details of firewall security and how VPNs operate -Illustrates how to plan proper network security to combat hackers and outside threats -Discusses firewall configuration and deployment and managing firewall security -Identifies how to secure local and internet communications with a VPN Instructor Materials for Network Security, Firewalls, VPNs include: PowerPoint Lecture Slides Exam Questions Case Scenarios/Handouts About the Series This book is part of the Information Systems Security and Assurance Series from Jones and Bartlett Learning. Designed for courses and curriculums in IT Security, Cybersecurity, Information Assurance, and Information Systems Security, this series features a comprehensive, consistent treatment of the most current thinking and trends in this critical subject area. These titles deliver fundamental information-security principles packed with real-world applications and examples. Authored by Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSPs), they deliver comprehensive information on all aspects of information security. Reviewed word for word by leading technical experts in the field, these books are not just current, but forward-thinking—putting you in the position to solve the cybersecurity challenges not just of today, but of tomorrow, as well.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Criminology: Theory, Research, And Policy
Crime is an important social issue and how policymakers deal with crime (via crime policy) can have enormous social and financial implications. The fourth edition of best-selling Criminology: Theory, Research, and Policy discusses criminal behavior and explores the factors that contribute to crime as well as the social reactions to crime. By making the connection between theory, research, and policy, the authors demonstrate the relevancy of criminological theory in the public attempt to control crime while providing justice. The emphasis on these three elements with pertinent discussions and examples is what sets this text apart from other criminology titles.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults
The eighth edition of Understanding Motor Development: Infants, Children, Adolescents, Adults provides readers with both an explanatory and a descriptive basis for the processes of motor development. Covering the entire lifespan, this text focuses on the phases of motor development and provides a solid introduction to the biological, affective, cognitive, and behavioral aspects within each developmental stage. Readers are presented with the most up-to-date research and theory, while the Triangulated Hourglass Model is used as a consistent conceptual framework that clearly defines infant, childhood, adolescent, and adult motor development. Key Features: -- In order to reflect current research and professional viewpoints, all chapters have been extensively revised, particularly those focused on the development of fundamental movement, perceptual-motor development, and motor skill intervention. -- Age-group-specific chapters in the Eighth Edition feature an enhanced focus on intervention. -- Developmental Dilemma Boxes consider interesting and perplexing questions raised by the study of human development. -- International Perspective Boxes consider how perspectives on various aspects of human growth and development differ depending on cultural norms, ethnicity, socioeconomic conditions, and a host of other factors. -- Every new print copy includes access to Navigate 2 Advantage, a dynamic technology solution with online learning materials including an interactive eBook, student study aids and assessments, and more.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc An Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation
An Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation, Fourth Edition is a comprehensive and accurate overview of the practical application of forensic science in crime scene investigation.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Botany: An Introduction To Plant Biology
Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology, Seventh Edition continues to set the standard for the fundamentals of plant science. No botany text better connects structure to function and does so with higher quality art and imagery. Combining strong scientific grounding with an approachable writing style, Botany teaches and engages. The essentials to a foundational understanding of plant science are all there, including structure, genetics and evolution, physiology and development, and ecology. Now in an updated seventh edition, the text continues to lead with the latest material on molecular biology, plant biotechnology, and the most recent coverage of taxonomy and phylogeny of plants to keep students on the forefront of cutting-edge botanical research. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology, Seventh Edition is the clear choice for students digging into this exciting science.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials Of Epidemiology In Public Health
Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health, Fourth Edition combines theory and practice in presenting traditional and new epidemiologic concepts. Broad in scope, the text opens with five chapters covering the basic epidemiologic concepts and data sources. A major emphasis is placed on study design, with separate chapters devoted to each of the three main analytic designs: experimental, cohort, and case-control studies. Full chapters on bias, confounding, and random error, including the role of statistics in epidemiology, ensure that students are well-equipped with the necessary information to interpret the results of epidemiologic studies. Up-to-date examples from the epidemiologic literature on diseases of public health importance are provided throughout the book. Key Features: • New examples and the latest public health statistics throughout • Coverage of the Ebola outbreak including an in-depth investigation of what happened • New examples that illustrate epidemiological principles including a greater emphasis on social factors that influence health, such as racism • Straightforward descriptions of the latest epidemiologic methods including mediation analysis, agent-based modelling, and the use of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to assess confounding. • An expanded glossary and key terms highlighted throughout the text
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials Of Public Health
New bonus chapter - Public Health Preparedenss and Response and the COVID-19 Pandemic - will be added to the eBook for Fall 2020 classes. As one of the foundational texts in the Essential Public Health series, Essentials of Public Health, Fourth Edition -- formerly authored by Turnock -- is a thorough introduction to the field of public health, covering public health practice, government public health, and careers in public health. After defining public health and looking at the current U.S. public health system and practice, the book explores population health measurement, policy development, and collaboration between the public health and the health system. Final chapters examine career opportunities in public health administration, epidemiology, public health nursing, and health education as well as emerging ones such as health information technologists, emergency managers, and more. Helpful learning tools such as chapter exercises and discussion questions, making it an ideal text to prepare your students for the profession of public health. Thoroughly revised, the Fourth Edition includes: - New unifying theme -- Public Health 3.0 and its new recommendations for 21st century public health practice -- woven throughout the first six chapters. - New content related to health reform under the ACA, including its implementation under the current administration, and its potential to improve public health - Significantly more tables and figures, references and weblinks,and new "Outside the Book" exercises to enhance learning. - Updated and enhanced chapters that detail the wide range of career opportunities in public health to help guide undergraduate students in their career path.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc UK PHTLS Prehospital Trauma Life Support
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Wilkins' Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist with Patient Assessment and Found. of Periodontal Instr
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Leadership for EvidenceBased Innovation in Nursing and Health Professions
Where Evidence-Based Practice Meets InnovationHealthcare organizations require both innovation and evidence-based practice to build systems that will support the future of improved care. Evidence-based practice forms the foundation from which healthcare leaders can build a case for change, while the practice of innovation provides for the exploration of emerging and novel approaches to care delivery. By combining these two concepts, Leadership for Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing and Health Professions, Third Edition addresses the core competencies and behaviors required of advanced practice nurses to be innovative leaders.Dr. Weberg and Dr. Davidson thoughtfully revised and updated the third edition with new chapters and content on modern and timely topics, including implementation science as an extension of evidence-based practice, work force constructs and dynamics, building teams, and more. With Leadership for Evidence-Based Innovation in Nursing and Health Professions, Third E
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc HIV Essentials
The world's leading experts provide all the 'essentials' needed to manage HIV patients in the office, on the ward, and in the ICU. HIV Essentials incorporates the latest clinical guidelines into a step-by-step guide to the diagnosis, evaluation, management, and prevention of HIV infection and its complications. Topics include opportunistic infections and other HIV complications, treatment of HIV and pregnancy, antiretroviral drug summaries, post-exposure and pre-exposure prophylaxis, as well as commercially available dosage forms for all ARVs. The Tenth Edition was revised and updated to focus on treatment and prevention and has removed HCV content.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc New Dimensions in Womens Health with Navigate Advantage Access
Revised and update to keep pace with changing issues that affect all women, the new Ninth Edition of the best-selling New Dimensions in Women's Health continues to provide a modern look at the health of women of all cultures, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and sexual orientations. Written for undergraduate students within health education, nursing, and women's studies programs, the text provides readers with the critical information needed to optimize their well-being, avoid illness and injury, and support their overall health. The authors took great care to provide in-depth coverage of important aspects of women's health and to examine the contributing epidemiological, historical, psychosocial, cultural, ethical, legal, political, and economic influences.The Ninth Edition includes: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on many aspects of women's health, from the workplace to violence, substance abuse and more. Updates related to the Affordable Care Act and post-Medicaid
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Security Strategies In Windows Platforms And Applications With Cloud Labs
Print Textbook & Cybersecurity Cloud Lab Access: 180-day subscription. Cybersecurity Cloud Labs for for Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications provide fully immersive mock IT infrastructures with live virtual machines and real software, where students will learn and practice the foundational information security skills they will need to excel n their future careers. Unlike simulations, these hands-on virtual labs reproduce the complex challenges of the real world, without putting an institution’s assets at risk. Available as a standalone lab solution or bundled with Jones & Bartlett Learning textbooks, Cybersecurity Cloud Labs are an essential tool for mastering key course concepts through hands-on training. Lab 1: Implementing Access Controls with Windows Active Directory Lab 2: Using Access Control Lists to Modify File System Permissions on Windows Systems Lab 3: Configuring Microsoft Encrypting File System and BitLocker Drive Encryption Lab 4: Identifying and Removing Malware from Windows Systems Lab 5: Managing Group Policy within the Microsoft Windows Environment Lab 6: Auditing Windows Systems for Security Compliance Lab 7: Creating a Scheduled Backup and Replicating System Folders Lab 8: Hardening Windows Systems for Security Compliance Lab 9: Securing Internet Client and Server Applications on Windows Systems Lab 10: Investigating Security Incidents within the Microsoft Windows Environment
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition
Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition, Seventh Edition provides students with the latest sports nutrition information and dietary practices enabling them to assist athletes and fitness enthusiasts in achieving their personal performance goals. Drawing from the latest data and statistics from nutrition research and guidelines, the authors demonstrate effective ways to communicate sports nutrition messages to athletes and outline how to motivate individuals to make permanent behavior change. Early chapters introduce sports nutrition and give a thorough explanation of macronutrients, micronutrients, and water, and their relation to athletic performance, while later chapters focus on the practical and applied aspects of sports nutrition including behavior change through consultations and weight management. Updated throughout, the Seventh Edition includes new or expanded discussion of sports nutrition organizations; working as an interdisciplinary team; ketogenic diets; third party testing of dietary supplements; Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S); and offers new research on fiber, gut microbiome; and athletic performance. Key Features: • You are the Nutrition Coach case studies at the beginning of each chapter provide context to chapter material. • Box features such as Fortifying Your Nutritional Knowledge; Gaining the Performance Edge; Training Tables expand on chapter contents with coverage of timely topics, insightful tips, and meal planning and food guidance. • The Box Score concludes each chapter with Key Points and Study Questions • 15 Interactive online case-study digital modules, included in the Navigate Premier Access, focus on topics such as weight gain and weight loss, pre-event fueling, post-event recovery, diabetes, and orthorexia. Premier Access also includes numerous learning tools and study aids including a full eBook, animations, workbook exercises in writable PDF format, and six helpful appendices, including: Appendix B The Gastrointestinal Tract Appendix C Major Metabolic Pathways Appendix D Calculations and Conversions Appendix E Growth and Body Mass Index Charts Appendix F Dietary Reference Intakes Appendix G Training Tables
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Hazardous Materials: Awareness and Operations with Navigate Advantage Access
Webinar: Overview and Q&A with Rob Schnepp A fire fighter’s ability to recognize an incident involving hazardous materials or weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is critical. They must possess the knowledge required to identify the presence of hazardous materials and WMD, and have an understanding of what their role is within the response plan. Hazardous Materials: Awareness and Operations, Fourth Edition provides fire fighters and first responders with these essential skills and enables them to keep themselves and others safe while mitigating potentially deadly incidents. Revised and updated to meet new NFPA 470 standards, the fourth edition of Hazardous Materials: Awareness and Operations delivers high quality content developed, and peer reviewed, by experts in the field. The content is fully compliant fir NFPA 470, 2022 Edition that includes NFPA 1072 for awareness, operations, mission specific competencies and JPRs relative to awareness personal and operations level responders.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Phlebotomy Essentials with Navigate Premier Access
Phlebotomy Essentials, Eighth Edition provides accurate, up-to-date, and practical information and instruction in phlebotomy procedures and techniques, along with a comprehensive background in phlebotomy theory and principles. It is appropriate for use as an instructional text or as a reference for those who wish to update skills or study for national certification. Enhanced with new images, a more efficient design, and new contributions from leading subject matter experts, this updated edition details how today's phlebotomists work in an approach optimized for how today's students learn. Combined with an optional Workbook, Exam Review book, and updated digital courseware, the latest edition of Phlebotomy Essentials represents a cornerstone of preparation for a successful career in phlebotomy.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc 100 Questions & Answers About Kidney Cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, kidney cancer is one of the ten most common cancers in both men and women. No one with kidney cancer needs to be alone in their fight against this disease. That's where this book and the information within can help. 100 Questions & Answers About Kidney Cancer, Fourth Edition offers authoritative and practical answers to the most common questions asked by patients and their loved ones. What is kidney cancer? What causes kidney cancer? How is kidney cancer treated? The authors bring their vast experience, expertise, and cutting-edge research in the field to answer these and other questions. They provide information on different types of kidney cancer, signs and symptoms, treatment options, and more. 100 Questions & Answers About Kidney Cancer, Fourth Edition is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the physical and emotional uncertainty of this disease. NEW to THIS EDITION: -New section (Part 10) brings together and summarizes all of the treatments that are now being utilized for patients with metastatic kidney cancer. -New summary of the most recent recommendations from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), a leading source of up-to-date cancer treatment recommendations, regarding systemic treatments for metastatic kidney cancer (Appendix).
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Professional Nursing Concepts: Competencies for Quality Leadership
Professional Nursing Concepts: Competencies for Quality Leadership, Fifth Edition takes a patient-centered, traditional approach to the topic of nursing education. An ideal text for teaching students how to transition from the classroom to practice, it focuses on the core competencies for health professionals as determined by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). Completely updated and revised, the Fifth Edition content on epidemics and pandemics (specifically COVID-19), minority health, integrating social care into health care, infection control and prevention, competency-based education, motivational interviewing, Healthy People 2020, and more. Students can stay engaged with Stop and Consider statements that examine key topics from a personal and a clinical point-of-view, and with End-of-Chapter Special Teaching Learning Features that encourage students to interact with the content in dynamic ways, from group discussions to reflection journals to designing their own clinical case scenarios.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc 100 Questions & Answers About Metastatic Breast Cancer
EMPOWER YOURSELF! The American Cancer Society estimates over 275,000 new breast cancer diagnoses in American women for 2020. No one with breast cancer needs to be alone in their fight against this disease. That's where this book and the authoritative information within can help. 100 Questions & Answers About Metastatic Breast Cancer offers essential and practical guidance. This unique book provides both doctor and patient perspectives and offers answers to the most asked questions by patients and their loved ones. What is metastatic breast cancer? How will my oncologist decide how to treat my metastatic breast cancer? What is targeted therapy? Along with the answers to these and other questions, this book provides information on diagnosis, treatment, living with metastatic breast cancer, hormonal therapy, coping strategies, and more. Authored by Lillie Shockney, the foremost trusted expert on the topic, 100 Questions & Answers About Metastatic Breast Cancer is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the physical and emotional uncertainty of this disease.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Clinical Aspects Of Dental Materials
Using a proven pedagogical organization, this updated Fifth Edition of Gladwin and Bagby’s market-leading title focuses on providing students with a dental materials background that emphasizes the clinical aspects of dental materials, while also introducing concepts of materials science. The book’s three-part structure addresses types of dental materials in the 22 chapters of Part I, includes laboratory and clinical applications (essentially a built-in lab manual) in Part II, and presents 11 case studies in Part III that serve as an overall review and help students strengthen their critical thinking skills when providing patient care. Up-to-date content that reflects the latest advances in dental materials, clinical photos, review questions, and online videos all combine to help students develop the understanding of dental materials they need for successful dental hygiene practice.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Teaching Social and Emotional Learning in Physical Education
Teaching Social and Emotional Learning in Physical Education is the ideal resource for understanding and integrating social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies into the structure of a physical education program, alongside physical activity and skill development goals. This text should be incorporated as a key resource to guide physical education teacher education courses specifically focused on social and emotional learning while also providing supplemental readings for courses related to physical education curriculum, instruction, assessment, and/or models-based practice. Similarly, practicing physical education teachers who are interested in developing a stronger focus on SEL in their teaching will find that the book provides a comprehensive resource to guide their professional learning and practice.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Principles of Fire Behavior and Combustion with Advantage Access
This text comes with Navigate Advantage Access. Mapped fully to the National Fire Academy's Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) model curriculum bachelor’s level course Fire Dynamics (C0257), this edition includes the bachelor’s level correlation grid. The Fifth Edition features: - Expanded examples showing the connection of the principles of fire science to major fires and their outcomes. - New: Computational examples relevant to fires illustrate the principles of fire behavior and combustion. - New: A new Math Refresher Appendix provides a review of the basic mathematical tools and a summary of the mathematical notations used in this book. - Expanded notes and tips that enhance chapter material with facts, history, safety tips, and in-depth content. - A new discussion of the DiNenno Prize and the recipients’ game-changing contributions to fire science and fire safety. - Includes a correlation grid mapping the content to the National Fire Academy's Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Fire Behavior and Combustion (C0276) model curriculum course, the correlation grid is included within the instructor materials that supports the text.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Design in Health Care
Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Design, Third Edition was written to provide health services administration students, managers, and other professionals with an in-depth analysis of the theories and concepts of organizational behavior and organization theory while embracing the uniqueness and complexity of the healthcare industry. Using an applied focus, this book provides a clear and concise overview of the essential topics in organizational behavior and organization theory from the healthcare manager’s perspective. The Third Edition offers: - New case studies throughout underscore key theories and concepts and illustrate practical application in the current health delivery environment - In-depth discussion of the industry’s redesign of health services offers a major focus on patient safety and quality, centeredness, and consumerism. - Current examples reflect changes in the environment due to health reform initiatives. - Diversity, health disparities, and cultural competencies are addressed in health care - Timely new material on change management provides new insight for future healthcare managers. - Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 eBook Access enabling users to read their digital textbook online or offline, on computers, tablets, and mobile devices.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Systems Thinking
This concise primer focuses on systems thinking as it spans the domains of health administration, public health, and clinical practice. Currently, the accrediting commissions within public health, health administration, and nursing are including systems thinking as part of the core competencies in their respective fields and professions. Meanwhile, academic programs do not have the materials, other than journal articles, to give students the requisite understanding of systems thinking as is expected of the next generation of health professionals. Health Systems Thinking: A Primer is designed to meet that void and serve as a supplemental reading for this important and timely topic. Key Features: - Demonstrations of how systems thinking is used in an organization or practice is shown through examples, case studies, and interviews with leaders. - Exercises help students gain experience in the use of systems thinking to analyze and solve problems.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Geriatric Notes
Geriatric Notes is an essential quick reference for the advanced practice provider (APP) who provides care to elders in the outpatient setting, such as nursing homes, family practice, or home health. With a practical, accessible, and concise approach, it offers an easy to understand overview of the most common diagnoses, topics, and symptoms encountered in the aging population. Designed to offer access to the basics, this guide provides tables and bullet points for easy reference. Sections include health promotion, neurology and psychiatry, cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastroenterology, genitourinary, rheumatology, dermatology, endocrinology, labs, Beers list, and common presentations.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Emergency Care And Transportation Of The Sick And Injured Student Workbook
This Student Workbook contains exercises to reinforce what you will learn in both in the textbook and the classroom. The exercises cover the new National EMS Education Standards and are designed to test your general knowledge, encourage critical thinking, and aid comprehension of assessment and treatment skills. Organized by chapter, the Student Workbook provides a variety of exercises to reinforce material learned, including: General Knowledge, Critical Thinking, and Skills Activities Fill in the Patient Care Report Answer Key provided on perforated pages
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Policy Analysis
Drawing from the perspectives of a variety of disciplines, this innovative text is unlike any others of its kind. Health Policy Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Third Edition analyzes current U.S. health policy and proposes various alternatives for developing future health policy without pushing a single solution set—rather, it considers the viewpoints of economics, political science, management, communications, technology, and public health. Organized into three sections, this unique text first explores the current and historical issues with the U.S. healthcare system and considers the alternatives for future policy that have strong support. It then reviews the political processes that influence planning in various healthcare settings; presents the accepted methods of economic and financial analysis; and addresses the ethical and other value considerations that must enter into the health policy process. Finally, it takes a look at the roles, skills, and leadership that health professionals can bring to the policy making process in their local and national communities. The Third Edition offers: • Coverage of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act to date and the impacts of the 2016 elections are woven throughout chapters 1 through 6. • Greater emphasis on what the Institute of Medicine now calls the learning health system and the greater focus on cost and outcomes, now that the uninsured crisis has been somewhat improved. • New and updated case studies
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Wireless And Mobile Device Security
The world of wireless and mobile devices is evolving day-to-day, with many individuals relying solely on their wireless devices in the workplace and in the home. The growing use of mobile devices demands that organizations become more educated in securing this growing technology and determining how to best protect their assets. Written by an industry expert, Wireless and Mobile Device Security explores the evolution of wired networks to wireless networking and its impact on the corporate world. Using case studies and real-world events, it goes on to discuss risk assessments, threats, and vulnerabilities of wireless networks, as well as the security measures that should be put in place to mitigate breaches. The text closes with a look at the policies and procedures in place and a glimpse ahead at the future of wireless and mobile device security.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Fundamentals Of Medium/Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Systems
Based on the 2014 National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) Medium/Heavy Truck Tasks Lists and ASE Certification Test Series for truck and bus specialists, Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Systems is designed to address these and other international training standards. The text offers comprehensive coverage of every NATEF task with clarity and precision in a concise format that ensures student comprehension and encourages critical thinking. Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Systems describes safe and effective diagnostic, repair, and maintenance procedures for today’s medium and heavy vehicle chassis systems, including the most current, relevant, and practical coverage of: • Automated transmissions • Braking system technology used in vehicle stability, collision avoidance, and new stopping distance standards • Hybrid drive powertrains • Advanced battery technologies • On board vehicle networks and integrated chassis electrical control system • Automatic transmission drive shafts and drive axles • Charging, starting, vehicle instrumentation and chassis electrical systems • On-board diagnostic systems, electronic signal processing, and sensor operation • Steering, suspension, frames, hitching, and air conditioning systems • Environmental and fuel efficiency technologies Additional features include: • Up-to-date NATEF coverage • Support of ASE certification test preparation for medium-heavy truck and bus test series • A clear, accessible writing style • Reinforcement of concepts learned • Application to real-world practice • A wealth of photographs, illustrations, and step-by-step explanations with visual summaries
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Multicultural Health
Fully updated and expanded, the Second Edition of Multicultural Health serves as a comprehensive guide for healthcare workers in any cultural community. Focusing on differences in cultural beliefs about health and illness, and models for cross-cultural health and communication, this text helps students and professionals learn effective ways to implement health promotion programs and program evaluation across cultures. - NEW! - Full color design and art program - NEW! - A Student Activity added to each chapter to challenge student comprehension. - NEW! - Two new Feature Boxes Added to each chapter titled, What do you think? and Did you Know?, to engage readers and enhance critical thinking. - NEW! - Chapter 3, Worldview and Health Decisions provides information about the ways that worldview and communication impacts health, the provision of health services, health care decisions, and communication
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Clinical Observation
Clinical Observation: A Guide for Students in Speech, Language, and Hearing provides structure and focus for students completing pre-clinical or early clinical observation as required by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Whether used in a course on observation and clinical processes, or as a self-guide to the observation process, this practical hands-on workbook will give a clear direction for guided observations and provide students with an understanding of what they are observing, why it is relevant, and how these skills serve as a building-block to their future role as clinicians. With clear and concise language, this reader friendly guide includes a quick review of background knowledge for each aspect of the clinical process, exercises and activities to check understanding and guide observation, and questions for reflection to help students apply their observation to their current studies and their future work as speech-language pathologists. This journaling process will help students connect what they observe with the knowledge they have gained from classes, textbooks, and journal articles. Thought provoking activities may be completed, revisited, and redone, and multiple activities are provided for each observation. This is a must-have resource for supervisors, students, and new clinicians. Clinical Observation: A Guide for Students in Speech, Language, and Hearing reviews the principles of good practice covering ASHA’s Big Nine areas of competency.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Fire Service Instructor Principles and Practice Student Workbook
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Basic Life Support Provider: Pediatric Education For Prehospital Professionals
Basic Life Support Provider: Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (BLS PEPP) is a comprehensive source of prehospital medical information for the emergency care of infants and children. BLS PEPP is designed to give First Responders and EMT-Basics the education, skills, and confidence they need to effectively treat pediatric patients. Developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, BLS PEPP specifically teaches prehospital professionals how to better assess and manage ill or injured children. BLS PEPP combines complete medical content with dynamic features and an interactive course to better prepare prehospital professionals for the field.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc AMLS Advanced Medical Life Support
Please note that this product includes the print version of the AMLS main text packaged with the AMLS Course Manual eBook.AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support is the leading course for prehospital practitioners in advanced medical assessment and treatment of commonly encountered medical conditions. Created by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) and endorsed by the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), AMLS was the first EMS education program to fully address how to best manage patients in medical crises and today is used around the globe. What makes AMLS distinctive is its continual focus on using the AMLS Assessment Pathway and critical thinking to rapidly assess patients and formulate effective management plans.AMLS is the only resource approved for use in NAEMT's Advanced Medical Life Support course. The fourth edition's medical content has been revised and updated to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. New Content to Addre
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Linux Fundamentals
The Linux world is constantly changing, requiring new knowledge and skills to work as a Linux system administrator. Linux Fundamentals, Second Edition not only updates the first edition with new material, but also changes the book’s focus a bit, from a basic approach to Linux to a more advanced server-oriented look at using Linux. While the first edition tracked the skills needed to meet the LPI Linux Fundamentals exam requirements, this edition tracks the more advanced CompTIA Linux+ exam requirements. The Second Edition provides a soft, accessible, and practical introduction to Linux environments and command line basics. The addition of new virtual labs will also empower students to apply theory in hands-on exercises in real time. This edition dives deeper into the Linux server environment, covering the commands you are expected to know for the Linux+ exam. The updated chapters provide expanded coverage on how to manage users, files, devices, and filesystems in a multi-user networked server environment.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Fundamentals of Microbiology
Fundamentals of Microbiology, Twelfth Edition is designed for the introductory microbiology course with an emphasis on the health sciences. It consolidates the important concepts and ideas necessary for mastery by students entering the health care field as a nurse or other allied health professional. Over many editions of Fundamentals of Microbiology, the textbook has reflected flexibility by evolving in response to the rapidly changing field of microbiology and the changing learning needs of students. The Twelfth Edition has been updated with the latest scientific and education research written with a global perspective on microbiology and infectious disease. Along with these revisions, the visual aspects of the text have been improved to make the understanding of difficult complex concepts more approachable and the figures more engaging. This the first textbook to include all the fundamental microbiological disease aspects of COVID-19 in context with chapter key concepts.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Equipment for Respiratory Care
Equipment for Respiratory Care, Second Edition continues to break the archetype of equipment texts. Uniquely focused on the usage of respiratory equipment in practical, clinical settings, the Second Edition guides learners through not only WHEN and WHY to use equipment but HOW it is important. Through a combination of theory and operation, Equipment for Respiratory Care, Second Edition illustrates how to effectively and safely match the therapeutic modality to a patient’s needs, making this text an essential resource for the Respiratory Care practitioner. Equipment for Respiratory Care, Second Edition prepares learners for successful completion of the National Board for Respiratory Care 2020 Examination. It is a go-to guide for exam preparation, offering online study aides and detailed simulations.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Java Illuminated
Written for the one- to three-term introductory programming course, the sixth edition of Java Illuminated provides learners with an interactive, user-friendly approach to learning the Java programming language. Comprehensive but accessible, the text takes a progressive approach to object-oriented programming, allowing students to build on established skills to develop new and increasingly complex classes. Java Illuminated follows an activity-based active learning approach that ensures student engagement and interest. In addition, the text presents other topics of interest, including graphical user interfaces (GUI), data structures, file input and output, and graphical applications.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support (eBook) with Course Manual (Print)
Over three decades ago, PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support transformed the assessment and management of trauma patients in the field, improving the quality of trauma patient care and saving lives around the world. The tenth edition of this trusted, comprehensive resource continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all prehospital care practitioners through global education. First developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), this proven program includes updated medical content to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care, knowing that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a solid foundation of knowledge and key principles to fuel their critical-thinking skills. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient In the field, seconds count. The tenth edition of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. PHTLS, Tenth Edition features: - The updated ACS National Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients - An advanced discussion on the challenges of prolonged scene time - Consideration of when to shift efforts from search and rescue to recovery in the setting of a drowning victim - The United Kingdom Fire and Rescue Guidelines for search and rescue - New content on blast injuries - Clarification on the role of pelvic binders - Presentation of the emerging role of prehospital blood transfusion in hemorrhagic shock in reducing 30-day mortality - Current content addressing special considerations, including weapons of mass destruction and environmental trauma
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Friis Epidemiology 101
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the MPox epidemic, recent outbreaks of Ebola, and a growing focus on the role of social determinants in health disparities, and more, there is increasing motivation and need to learn about epidemiology. Friis' Epidemiology 101, Third Edition is a clear and accessible resource designed to provide students with a solid foundation in basic epidemiologic concepts while also demonstrating how these concepts can be applied to problems in everyday life. In keeping with the prior editions, this non-technical text is written for students with little or no background in health and biostatistics, and offers numerous case studies, text boxes, vignettes, exhibits, photographs, figures, and illustrations to engage readers. Key Features Updated throughout with new data and examples. Coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, mPox, the drug overdose epidemic, and an enhanced understanding of the social determinants of health. Additional discussion of epidemiolo
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc 100 Questions & Answers About Brain Tumors
Whether you’re a newly diagnosed brain tumor patient, a survivor, or a friend or relative of either, this book offers help. Completely revised and updated, 100 Questions & Answers About Brain Tumors, Second Edition gives you authoritative, practical answers to your questions about treatment options, post-treatment quality of life, sources of support, and much more. The authors, a brain tumor survivor teamed with a neuro-oncologist specializing in brain tumors, provide a comprehensive, step-by-step discussion of what you can expect in the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors, while providing a real-life understanding of what these steps might mean for your day-to-day life. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the physical and emotional turmoil of this frightening disease.