Search results for ""Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc""
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials Of Discrete Mathematics
Available with WebAssign Online Homework and Grading System! Written for the one-term course, Essentials of Discrete Mathematics, Third Edition is designed to serve computer science and mathematics majors, as well as students from a wide range of other disciplines. The mathematical material is organized around five types of thinking: logical, relational, recursive, quantitative, and analytical. This presentation results in a coherent outline that steadily builds upon mathematical sophistication. Graphs are introduced early and referred to throughout the text, providing a richer context for examples and applications. Algorithms are presented near the end of the text, after students have acquired the skills and experience needed to analyze them. The final chapter emphasizes the multidisciplinary approach and contains case studies that integrate the fields of biology, sociology, linguistics, economics, and music. New & Key Features: NEW – Student Inquiry Problems, found at the beginning of each section, are designed to introduce and motivate the material in the section that follows NEW – Incorporates new content on Graph Theory - Coverage of algorithms appropriate for computer science majors, as well as students with no previous programming experience - Careful attention to mathematical logic and proof techniques - Instructor resources include an Instructor’s Solutions Manual, slides in PowerPoint format, and additional Inquiry Problems - Updated and expanded WebAssign Online Homework and Grading System available for students and instructors
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Human Sexuality: The Basics
Human Sexuality: The Basics presents the core information underlying the vast subject of human sexuality in a concise, no-frills manner that is easy for students to read and comprehend. Not only is this text half the cost and size of other human sexuality texts on the market, it is unique in that it has a chapter on the genetics and inheritance of sexual anatomy, sexual development, and sexual abnormalities. Emphasis on the biological basis of sexuality provides students with a structure to understand the important aspects of sexuality presented in other chapters. This approach also provides the basis for encouraging tolerance, acceptance, and understanding of different sexual preferences and behaviors. Critical thinking questions at the end of each chapter along with learning objectives, summaries, and definitions of terms, facilitate learning by students. The goal of this text is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enable them to understand and to express their sexuality in healthy and enjoyable ways at all stages of life.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Introduction To Data Mining And Analytics
Data Mining and Analytics provides a broad and interactive overview of a rapidly growing field. The exponentially increasing rate at which data is generated creates a corresponding need for professionals who can effectively handle its storage, analysis, and translation. With a dual focus on concepts and operations, this text comprises a complete how-to and is an excellent resource for anyone considering the field. Case studies and hands-on activities incorporate real-world data sets and allow students the opportunity to exercise their new skills. Our Cloud Desktop integrates popular data mining tools, giving students a valuable familiarity with industry-standard applications. After defining the concepts of data mining and machine learning, Data Mining and Analytics delves into the types of databases, their respective relevance and popularity, and the trends that affect their use. The importance of data visualization for communication purposes is explored, as are the processes of data cleansing, clustering, and classification. Excel, SQL, NoSQL, Python, and R programming all receive in-depth treatments, supplemented with hands-on exercises. Operations covered in earlier chapters are given real-world context through a practical application to the current issues of “big data” and of text and image data mining. The text concludes by describing an analyst’s steps from planning through execution, ensuring that readers gain the technical know-how to launch, lead, or support a data project in the workplace.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Quantum Leadership
Quantum Leadership: Creating Sustainable Value in Health Care, Sixth Edition focuses on the issue of leadership within the shifting landscape of health care. With clarity and depth of detail, the text features theories about contemporary leadership within today’s increasingly complex and diverse healthcare delivery system. It works from a model of complexity leadership, in which leadership is not limited to those with certain titles but an attribute that every healthcare worker can develop for success in fast-moving, information-overloaded organizations. The Sixth Edition focuses on supporting high levels of interdisciplinary teamwork as a key leadership strategy to further advance the skills necessary to lead complex, cross-departmental teams. The unique hallmark of this text is its focus on the postindustrial, complex and highly mobile modern healthcare system. The authors emphasize the importance of the characteristics, elements, and role of leaders in guiding individuals and teams in these new models. Key Features Explores both the value and role of social media in leadership and how to leverage this platform for awareness and communication Leadership succession planning Addresses the generational considerations leaders encounter in the modern healthcare work environment Integrates requirements for Quality Matters certification for online courses Navigate 2 Premier Access
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Principles Of Epidemiology For Advanced Nursing Practice
Principles of Epidemiology for Advanced Nursing Practice: A Population Health Perspective provides students and practitioners with an overview of epidemiology concepts as well as the history, models and frameworks in use today. Written from a nursing perspective, this text takes an application-to-practice approach and teaches nurses how to critically analyze population-level data with the goal of improving population health outcomes. The text is keenly focused on the application of epidemiologic principles in data interpretation and critical analysis of published studies, including research design and analysis challenges. Topics covered include: social epidemiology and determinants of health, data and epidemiology, descriptive epidemiology, analytic epidemiology, epidemiology in evaluative research, epidemiology in health policy, and additional select topics. Principles of Epidemiology for Advanced Nursing Practice: A Population Health Perspective wants to engage the student and provide an engaging learning experience. The incorporation of case studies and links to online resources in each chapter lend real-world experience and help bring the content to life. Additionally, the content seeks to demonstrate to students how principles of epidemiology surround us each day on local, regional, national, and global levels. Furthermore, through study and exploration of this content we want future advanced practice nurses to understand the critical role they play in promoting population health. Instructor Resources include: Interactive lectures Instructor resource guide Assessments Discussion questions Syllabus Competency mapping Time-on-task analysis PowerPoint slides
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Introduction To Epidemiology
Introduction to Epidemiology, Eighth Edition is a comprehensive, reader-friendly introduction to this exciting field. Designed for students with minimal training in the biomedical sciences and statistics, this full-color text emphasizes the application of the basic principles of epidemiology according to person, place, and time factors in order to solve current, often unexpected, and serious public health problems. Students will learn how to identify and describe public health problems, formulate research hypotheses, select appropriate research study designs, manage and analyze epidemiologic data, interpret and apply results in preventing and controlling disease and health-related events. With real-world examples in the form of case studies and news files in each chapter, Introduction to Epidemiology is an accessible and effective approach to learning epidemiology. The Eighth Edition features: - Same organization as the prior edition allowing for easier transition - New or expanded coverage of the models of causation, methods of age adjustment, age-period cohort models, incubation and latency periods, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves - Clearer connection between statistical inference and causal inference - New and updated practical examples and News Files help solidify concepts and show real-world application - Updated tables and figures throughout - Access to Navigate 2 online learning materials, including a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, learning analytics reporting tools, and more
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support (Print) with Course Manual (Print)
Over three decades ago, PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support transformed the assessment and management of trauma patients in the field, improving the quality of trauma patient care and saving lives around the world. The tenth edition of this trusted, comprehensive resource continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all prehospital care practitioners through global education. First developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), this proven program includes updated medical content to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care, knowing that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a solid foundation of knowledge and key principles to fuel their critical-thinking skills. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient In the field, seconds count. The tenth edition of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. PHTLS, Tenth Edition features: - The updated ACS National Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients - An advanced discussion on the challenges of prolonged scene time - Consideration of when to shift efforts from search and rescue to recovery in the setting of a drowning victim - The United Kingdom Fire and Rescue Guidelines for search and rescue - New content on blast injuries - Clarification on the role of pelvic binders - Presentation of the emerging role of prehospital blood transfusion in hemorrhagic shock in reducing 30-day mortality - Current content addressing special considerations, including weapons of mass destruction and environmental trauma
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Principles and Practice of Sport Management
Offering an overview of the sport industry and coverage of the foundational knowledge and skills required of the today's sport manager, Principles and Practice of Sport Management is devoted to educating students on the various industry segments where they can focus their careers. After detailing the history and various principles – from management and marketing to finance, legal and ethical – the book delves into key sports management segments, discussing the skills needed in those sectors, the types of positions available, and the current issues facing those sectors. . Key Features: - New chapter on eSports introduces students to this rapidly developing billion-dollar industry which draws in gamers, spectators, teams, leagues, and sponsors increasingly in need of sport managers’ expertise - Discussion on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sports industry - An expanded look at emerging and innovative forms of sports media in the Sports Communications Chapter. - Revamped Ethics chapter that addresses newly emerging issues and how sports managers should address them. - Interactive case studies and chapter questions offer opportunities to apply concepts and principles. - Digital Student Workbook! New digital workbook (in the Navigate Advantage) offers over 570 activities, many of which are automatically graded for each chapter. - Navigate Advantage Access (included with the printed text) unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, a new digital workbook with 570+ practice activities for each chapter, assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools. - Unparalleled instructor resources, including test banks, presentation slides, answer keys to case study questions, and more help facilitate class preparation.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Functional Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for Manual Therapists
With the use of dynamic visuals and kinesthetic exercises, Functional Anatomy, Second Edition helps readers to explore and understand the body's structures, regions, layer of the body, from bones to ligaments to superficial and deep muscles. Muscle profiles indicate origin, insertion, and innervation points while step-by-step instructions teach effective bone and muscle palpation. Readers will also learn how structures help the body move through joint motion, and passive and resisted range of motion techniques. Each region ends with the culmination of structure and function to illustrate how they function together to achieve motion of daily activities as well as the movement involved in sports. Every new print copy includes Navigate Advantage Access that unlocks a complete, interactive eBook, writable PDF Workbook, videos, animations, flashcards, audio glossary, Anatomy & Physiology Review Module, and more! A digital Workbook in a new writable PDF format, along with new flashcards, will provide additional activities, exercises, and self-testing opportunities New online Anatomy & Physiology Review Module is as an interactive study tool that allows students to further explore the human body and test their knowledge Try This! activities and Chapter Review Questions provide key kinesthetic concepts and reinforce learning Expanded coverage of ligaments and their functions, arthrokinematics, and anatomy of nerves-motor and sensory distribution New content on brachial plexus anatomy and how it courses from the spine into the upper extremity
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Evidence-Based Nursing: The Research Practice Connection
Evidence-Based Nursing: The Research–Practice Connection, Fourth Edition introduces students to research methods and evidence-based practice. The text helps students understand research methods, how to appraise and use research evidence in clinical decision-making, and how to fully understand and engage in evidence-based practice. By linking evidence-based practice to recent research in safety and quality programs, it provides timely information in both healthcare and nursing settings.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Computer Ethics: A Global Perspective
The rapid advancement of information technology in modern societies affects the way we live, communicate, work, and entertain. Computers and computer networks formulate an information age in which traditional ethical questions are re-examined and new questions arise concerning moral standards for human behavior. Computer Ethics: A Global Perspective presents a clear and concise introduction to the ethical and social issues sparked by our ever-growing information society at the local and global level. Designed for use as a main text in undergraduate and graduate courses that focus on computer, business, and applied ethics, the text is also ideal for the Information Technology in a Global Society course for the International Baccalaureate diploma. The text considers the impact of digitized information on individuals and societies and includes discussions on privacy, reliability, security, intellectual property, control, equality of access, and authenticity, with insights from the scientists and philosophers who have attempted to evaluate, explain, and resolve these issues. The text also discusses the social impact of information technology in different areas of human life such as business, health, education, entertainment and politics.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support (Print) with Course Manual (eBook)
Over three decades ago, PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support transformed the assessment and management of trauma patients in the field, improving the quality of trauma patient care and saving lives around the world. The tenth edition of this trusted, comprehensive resource continues the PHTLS mission to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all prehospital care practitioners through global education. First developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in the early 1980s in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS-COT), this proven program includes updated medical content to reflect current, evidence-based knowledge and practice. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care, knowing that EMS practitioners make the best decisions on behalf of their patients when given a solid foundation of knowledge and key principles to fuel their critical-thinking skills. A Clear Approach to Assessing a Trauma Patient In the field, seconds count. The tenth edition of PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. PHTLS, Tenth Edition features: - The updated ACS National Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients - An advanced discussion on the challenges of prolonged scene time - Consideration of when to shift efforts from search and rescue to recovery in the setting of a drowning victim - The United Kingdom Fire and Rescue Guidelines for search and rescue - New content on blast injuries - Clarification on the role of pelvic binders - Presentation of the emerging role of prehospital blood transfusion in hemorrhagic shock in reducing 30-day mortality - Current content addressing special considerations, including weapons of mass destruction and environmental trauma
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Soins De Réanimation Préhospitaliers, Neuvième Édition
Sur le terrain, les secondes comptent. PHTLS: Soins de réanimation préhospitaliers enseigne et renforce les principes d'évaluation rapide d'un patient en état de traumatisme en utilisant une approche ordonnée, en traitant immédiatement les problèmes potentiellement mortels au fur et à mesure qu'ils sont identifiés, et en réduisant tout retard de transport vers la destination appropriée. Développé par la National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT ou Association nationale des techniciens médicaux d'urgence) en coopération avec le American College of Surgeons Committee (ASC-COT ou Collège américain du Comité des chirurgiens), PHTLS, Neuvième édition reprend les connaissances et la pratique actuelles étayées par des données, et encourage la pensée critique en tant que fondement de la fourniture de soins de qualité. Évaluer rapidement un patient en état de traumatisme pour identifier les soins vitaux est au cœur de la neuvième édition de PHTLS. Il faut 2 minutes ou moins à un patient pour se vider de son sang. Aucune autre intervention des prestataires de soins préhospitaliers n’est plus importante que l’arrêt de l’hémorragie chez les patients en état de traumatisme. Pour refléter cela, PHTLS, Neuvième édition utilise le moyen mnémonique d’évaluation du patient XABCDE pour placer une hémorragie au premier plan de chaque contact avec un patient. L'importance de la méthode XABCDE (en français hémorragie, voies aériennes, respiration, circulation, handicap et exposition/environnement) est renforcée dans chaque chapitre clinique. PHTLS, Neuvième édition présente : Les informations actuelles sur la réanimation liquidienne et l'immobilisation de la colonne vertébrale provenant de la recherche factuelle et de prestataires de soins préhospitaliers expérimentés qui appliquent les principes et les pratiques de PHTLS sur le terrain Les dernières techniques de gestion des patients, y compris la mise en place d’un garrot, les sites de décompression par aiguille, l'utilisation de liants pelviens, la réanimation pédiatrique liquidienne et la gestion pédiatrique des voies respiratoires L'accent est mis sur les blessures évitables, de la distraction au volant aux chutes chez les personnes âgées, en passant par la violence conjugale L'accent est également mis sur les menaces et les interventions tactiques des civils, des véhicules utilisés comme armes de destruction massive à un nouvel organigramme de la méthodologie d'évaluation à distance Composants dynamiques du programme Le manuel principal de PHTLS, Neuvième édition est la ressource définitive en matière de traumatologie. Il présente en détail les preuves médicales sous-tendant les principes et pratiques recommandés dans le cours PHTLS. La prochaine étape de l'évolution du programme PHTLS sera un nouveau manuel de cours PHTLS qui accompagnera le manuel principal. Il renforce et clarifie les concepts clés du cours, a une présentation agréable et interactive et est rédigé de façon à ce que vous ayez l'impression de participer à une conversation, plutôt qu’à un cours magistral.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Theory and Practice: Theory and Practice
ow in its third edition, this comprehensive volume is recognized as the most authoritative review of the epidemiology of infectious disease. Divided into five sections that cover methods in infectious disease epidemiology, airborne transmission, diarrheal diseases, blood and body fluid as a reservoir of infectious diseases, vectorborne and parasite disease, the book includes ‘state-of-the-art’ chapters on methodological issues, pathogenesis, and comprehensive reviews of virtually all known infectious diseases. New to the Third Edition: 1. All chapters updated with significant new information 2. HIV chapter completely updated including results of trials of Male Circumcision, HIV-vaccines, female condoms, Microbicides and new drugs 3. New chapter on Infectious Disease Eradication (e.g. Smallpox, Polio, Measles) 4. New chapter on Pneumococcal Disease (with material on S. pneumonia moved from the ARI and Vaccine chapters) 5. Influenza chapter updated with new material on H1/N1 and control/prevention of Influenza during a pandemic 6. Consolidation of material from the chapters on Outbreaks and Surveillance. 7. Nosocomial Infection chapter is shortened and updated with a new section on nosocomial/community MRSA 8. Malaria chapter updated with new information on bed nets, prophylactic therapy of pregnant women and other high risk populations as well as new detailed examination of the organization, implementation, and accomplishments of the WHO—Roll-Back Malaria program; and a new description of the 5th Human Malaria parasite—P.knowlesi and its Epidemiology. 9. STD chapter is updated with new information on the rapid diagnosis of STDs using urine PCR-methods as well as new information on partner prophylacitic treatment of STDs 10. New information in Chickengunya virus, Enterovirus 71, Nipah and Hendra virus infections to the Emerging infections chapter. 11. Hepatitis chapter is revised with new information on HEV virus 12. New brief chapter discussing the various models of behavioral change that are useful in Infectious Diseases research—e.g. Health Belief model etc.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Nutrition For The Older Adult
Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools. Updated to the latest data and expert information, the Third Edition of Nutrition for the Older Adult introduces students to the unique nutritional needs of this growing population. Designed for the undergraduate, the text begins by covering the basics, including the demographics of aging, physiology of aging, and vitamin and mineral requirements for older adults. It then delves into clinical considerations, including the nutritional implications of diseases and conditions common among older adult. Additional coverage includes: nutritional assessment, pharmacology, nutritional support, and much more. With new pedagogical features along with revamped end-of-chapter activities and questions, Nutrition for the Older Adult is an essential resource for students in the fields of nutrition, nursing, public health and gerontology. With Navigate 2, technology and content combine to expand the reach of your classroom. Whether you teach an online, hybrid, or traditional classroom-based course, Navigate 2 delivers unbeatable value. Experience Navigate 2 today at
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants
Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants, Fourth Edition is an essential resource for healthcare professionals working with new breastfeeding families and infants. Using a multidisciplinary approach, it incorporates the latest research on infant sucking and clinical strategies to assist infants with breastfeeding. With an emphasis on skills, it focuses on normal sucking function in addition to difficulties based in anatomical, cardiorespiratory, neurological, or prematurity issues. The Fourth Edition has been extensively updated with new photos throughout and additional information on breastfeeding modifications for infants with structural issues, including micrognathia, orofacial clefts, and torticollis. The contributing authors also reflect on the latest breastfeeding research, including the mechanics of sucking, the normal anatomy of the floor of the mouth, the role of tongue tie in feeding difficulty, as well as strategies to support infants with neurological conditions.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Contraceptive Technology
The leading family planning reference for over 30 years with more than 2 million copies in print. Contraceptive Technology is a one stop, person-centered reference guide for students and practitioners in sexual and reproductive health care professions. Whether it is family planning, discussing reproductive desires, maintaining contraception while managing a specific condition, abortion, reproductive tract infection or post-partum contraception, this trusted resource can be referenced in any situation when working with patients seeking guidance on reproduction, sexual health, and contraceptive options. Now in its 22nd edition, this best-selling reference provides breadth, depth of knowledge, and expansive research from over 85 medical experts in the fields of contraception, sexual health, reproductive health, and infectious disease. With a holistic approach, this edition continues the tradition of focusing on the individual patients, meeting them where they are to offer respectful, appropriate care and services. Contraceptive Technology elevates awareness of new and time-honored technologies available in contraception, demystifies misperceptions, provides current, fact-based information, and emphasizes a person-centered approach.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Introduction to Global Health
Introduction to Global Health is a comprehensive look at today’s most critical global health concerns and the actions that people around the world are taking to solve public health problems and to promote health and wellbeing. The Fourth Edition of Introduction to Global Health maintains the clarity and ease of use of the prior edition, while featuring a greater emphasis on the specific interventions that are being implemented to promote longer, healthier lives worldwide and prevent disease, disability, and early death in countries of all income levels. Every chapter balances material about pandemics, climate change, and other emerging threats to global public health with evidence of how global health interventions are enabling progress toward achieving health equity. Key Features: • Chapters on globalization and health security, the socioeconomic and environmental contributors to population health, ethics and human rights, health systems financing, and global health agencies and organizations closely align with the student learning objectives recommended by the Consortium of Universities for Global Health. • Updated science, policy, epidemiology, and data visualizations are featured in the chapters on infectious diseases, reproductive health, nutrition, noncommunicable diseases, mental health promotion, injury prevention, child and adolescent health, and healthy aging. • Expanded coverage of history, values, and functions of global health, plus new content about COVID-19, prevention and implementation science, culture and health, ecosystem and planetary health, interprofessionalism, and other trending themes have been added. • Chapters and sections are organized to ease navigation for eBook readers. • More than 350 tables, figures, and photographs enliven the content. • The glossary provides definitions for more than 900 key terms. • A robust set of instructor’s materials provide discussion prompts for each section of the text, active learning exercises for each chapter, author-created PowerPoint slides, quiz and test banks, and sample syllabi.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Nutrition Across Life Stages
Good nutrition is a critical component at every stage of life. Nutrition Across Life Stages, Second Edition covers topics applicable and relevant for entry-level Nutrition and Dietetics students who are focusing their study on nutritional requirements and challenges during each life stage. The text clearly and comprehensively presents the impact of nutrition on people across the life cycle, moving through each life stage by first highlighting normal nutritional needs before delving into the implications of nutrition for health and disease at each particular stage of life. Each new print copy includes a 365-day Navigate eBook access. Instructor resources include test bank, slides in PowerPoint format, image bank, and instructor's manual with learning objectives, chapter outlines, answers to in-text questions, and more.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Comprehensive Lactation Consultant Exam Review
Awarded third place in the 2023 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Maternal-Child/Neonatal Nursing category! Comprehensive Lactation Consultant Exam Review, Fifth Edition is an ideal resource to help prepare for the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) certification examination. Completely revised and updated, the Fifth Edition is mapped to the 2016 and 2023 Detailed Content Outlines and contains more than 1100 practice exam questions and answer rationales, more than 350 clinical photos, and 20 case studies with questions. Organized around the mother-baby dyad's development, it poses questions unique to key topics, including nutrition, pathology, psychology, clinical skills, and more. This review guide is perfect for beginning lactation consultants and those re-certifying, as well as dietitians, childbirth educators, nurses, and breastfeeding counselors.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Edition
On the battlefield, seconds count. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Ninth Edition teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems as they are identified, and minimizing any delays in initiating transport to an appropriate destination. Developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ASC-COT), PHTLS, the Military Ninth Edition reflects current, evidence-based knowledge and practice, and promotes critical-thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. Since 1996, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) has improved the care rendered in combat prehospital environments. TCCC is the battlefield prehospital component of the Joint Trauma System, an organization within the Department of Defense that projects combat trauma care out to the point of injury and continues that care seamlessly while bringing the casualty home for recuperation and rehabilitation. TCCC guidelines are continuously revised and updated by the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (Co-TCCC), an all-volunteer group of military medicine and trauma care specialists. The membership of Co-TECC includes combat medics, corpsmen, and pararescuemen as well as physicians and physician assistants. PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Military Ninth Edition is the next step in the evolution of the premier global prehospital trauma education program, a partnership between PHTLS and TCCC that goes back to the fourth edition of this manual. Military Ninth Edition continues the shared mission to promote excellence in trauma care by all providers and in all environments. In addition to the PHTLS core content, it features thirteen chapters written by military prehospital trauma care experts for practitioners in the military environment. Military Ninth Edition includes: Scenario – An opening case study that presents the key concepts of the chapter in a realistic patient or casualty care situation that encourages the participant to ask, “What would I do?” Key Terms – All key terms that appear in the Glossary are highlighted within the chapters. Engaging Art Program – The Military Ninth Edition features photos and illustrations that depict the realities of battlefield prehospital care. Summary – A list of the key concepts of the chapter. Scenario Solution – A discussion on how the patient or casualty in the opening scenario is assessed and treated in the field or on the battlefield and during transport.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Communication Sciences And Disorders: From Science To Clinical Practice
Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice, Fourth Edition is the ideal introductory text for undergraduate students enrolled in their first course in communication sciences and disorders. Written by experts in the field, this text contains fundamental information about speech disorders that are related to impairments in articulation, voice, and fluency, while providing the essential information on the speech, language, and hearing sciences combined with practical information about assessment and intervention practices. This new edition provides readers with a wide-angle view of communication disorders, covering the variety of topics that speech, language, and hearing scientists study, and the variety of individuals that Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists treat. Topics are methodically organized to match the flow of the introductory course, beginning with an overview of the professions, the nature of communication across the life span, and social-cultural issues that affect communication and communication disorders. Section Two examines the variety of speech disorders, including chapters focusing on speech sound disorders in children, voice disorders, cleft lip and palate, fluency disorders, motor speech disorders, augmentative communication, and dysphagia. Section Three covers language disorders in children and acquired neurogenic language disorders, while Section Four concludes with a discussion on hearing and hearing disorders.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Nursing Ethics: Across The Curriculum And Into Practice
The fifth edition of Nursing Ethics: Across the Curriculum and Into Practice has been revised to reflect the most current issues in healthcare ethics including new cases, laws, and policies. The text continues to be divided into three sections: Foundational Theories, Concepts and Professional Issues; Moving Into Ethics Across the Lifespan; and Ethics Related to Special Issues focused on specific populations and nursing roles. The text includes legal features sections in most chapters, an expanded appendix of case studies with suggestions for discussion, and ethical reflections questions in each chapter. This new edition will also include an appendix focused on simulation suggestions, heavier coverage of ethics and terrorism, and stronger coverage of immigration and the importance of remaining unbiased a healthcare provider. Key Features: Even more case studies, with recent legal/ethical cases New appendix focused on simulation suggestions Heavier focus on immigration and importance of remaining unbiased as a healthcare provider, ethics and terrorism Update to national health insurance information Update information on vaccines, polypharmacy and antipsychotic drugs
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Innovative Teaching Strategies In Nursing And Related Health Professions
Learners are accessing and organizing information much differently than they did only a few years ago. Technology has changed the way students learn and educators teach. The updated Innovative Teaching Strategies in Nursing and Related Health Professions, Eighth Edition details the trends in teaching strategies and educational technology that promote effective learning for today’s students. The Eighth Edition has been updated to provide the most current information and strategies for online learning and incorporating technology across settings. Chapters on blended learning and study abroad programs help students to gain a more diverse and increased global perspective. Highlighting innovative teaching techniques and real-world illustrations of the educational strategies, this text goes beyond theory to offer practical application principles that educators can count on.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Elementary Information Security
If we want a solid understanding of security technology, we must look closely at the underlying strengths a of information technology itself. An ideal text for introductory information security courses, the Third Edition of Elementary Information Security provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand introduction to the complex world of cybersecurity and technology. Thoroughly updated with recently reported cybersecurity incidents, this essential text enables students to gain direct experience by analyzing security problems and practicing simulated security activities. Emphasizing learning through experience, Elementary Information Security, Third Edition addresses technologies and cryptographic topics progressing from individual computers to more complex Internet-based systems. Designed to fulfill curriculum requirement published the U.S. government and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Elementary Information Security, Third Edition also covers the core learning outcomes for information security education published in the ACM’s “IT 2008” curricular recommendations. Students who are interested in becoming a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) may also use this text as a study aid for the examination.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Web Programming With HTML5, CSS, And Javascript
Web Programming with HTML 5, CSS, and JavaScript is written for the undergraduate, client-side web programming course. It covers the three client-side technologies (HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript) in depth, with no dependence on server-side technologies. One of the distinguishing features of this new text is its coverage of canvas, one of the most important new features of HTML5. Topics are presented in a logical, comprehensive manner and code is presented in both short code fragments and complete web pages, allowing readers to grasp concepts quickly and then apply the concepts in the context of a complete web page. Each chapter concludes with an optional case study, which builds upon itself to create a sophisticated website. The case studies allow students to apply what they have learned and gives them a feel for the real-world design process.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Physicians' Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2024
Completely revised and updated for 2024, the Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual is an up-to-date guide to the latest information on standard therapy and recent advances in the field. Written by world-class experts in clinical cancer therapeutics, this essential reference provides a complete, easy-to-use catalogue of over 100 drugs and commonly used drug regimens—both on- and off-label—for the treatment of all the major cancers. Key Features: • Includes 12 new agents and several new supplemental indications that have all been approved by the FDA within the past year • Updated new indications for previously approved agents • Indications, drug doses and schedules, toxicities, and special considerations for each agent expanded and revised • A specific chapter focused on antiemetic treatment regimens for both acute and delayed nausea/vomiting • Diagrams of drug structures and pathways for many of the agents • A comprehensive discussion of clinical pharmacology, special considerations, indications, and dosages • Covers toxicity and drug–drug interactions • A section on chemotherapy regimens for all major cancers • Provides an overview of the basic principles of cancer drug therapy Your must-have Physicians' Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual is available for your iPhone, iPad, and Android
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Pharmacology For The Prehospital Professional
Fully revised to meet current guidelines, Pharmacology for the Prehospital Professional, Second Edition offers a complete and practical understanding of pharmacology in the prehospital setting.The Second Edition provides a unique problem-based approach to ensure that you, as a prehospital provider, are prepared to effectively administer the drugs your patients need. Clinical scenarios present case information just as you will learn it in the classroom and encounter it in the field. By placing each drug in its relevant context, this text teaches you to identify the proper drug for a specific patient in a specific situation. This Second Edition includes: Contextualized profiles of over 90 drugs used in prehospital care for quick identification at critical moments. Problem-oriented approaches to real scenarios encountered in the field. Step-by-step procedural descriptions of pharmacologic processes commonly performed in the prehospital setting. A Medication Math chapter that strengthens your dosage-calculation skills. Legal Aspects and Risk Management coverage to help you avoid common mistakes made in prehospital care. Review questions that reinforce important chapter concepts and test your understanding.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Memmlers Structure Function of the Human Body
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc ATI TEAS Review Manual
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Study Guide for The Complete Medical Assistant
This Study Guide for The Complete Medical Assistant includes exercises and activities that align with the latest CAAHEP and ABHES competencies and meet the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning domains. Working through the Study Guide, students will reinforce information presented in the textbook. Features of the Study Guide · Learning Objectives focus on the major topics from the chapter. Each objective addresses knowledge necessary for the entry-level medical assistant.· Objective-style questions include matching terms and definitions, identifying medical Abbreviations, and multiple-choice format. Terminology and abbreviation activities give students a chance to review important terms and Abbreviations they may encounter during externship and into their employment in a medical facility.· Brief answer questions and case studies require students to review the textbook chapter for essential information and apply problem solving to case studies based on actual scenarios that may occur in the medical facility.· Internet research exercises encourage students to find more information about topics and subjects included in each chapter. Students learn how to access reliable websites to obtain information that will help them understand medical conditions and develop patient education materials.· Procedure skill sheets provide students with the step-by-step process for performing the basic clinical skills they may encounter in the medical facility. Instructors can evaluate students by assigning points for each step performed correctly.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Linear Algebra With Applications
Updated and revised to increase clarity and further improve student learning, the Eighth Edition of Gareth Williams' classic text is designed for the introductory course in linear algebra. It provides a flexible blend of theory and engaging applications for students within engineering, science, mathematics, business management, and physics. It is organized into three parts that contain core and optional sections. There is then ample time for the instructor to select the material that gives the course the desired flavor. Part 1 introduces the basics, presenting systems of linear equations, vectors and subspaces of Rn, matrices, linear transformations, determinants, and eigenvectors. Part 2 builds on the material presented in Part1 and goes on to introduce the concepts of general vector spaces, discussing properties of bases, developing the rank/nullity theorem, and introducing spaces of matrices and functions. Part 3 completes the course with important ideas and methods of numerical linear algebra, such as ill-conditioning, pivoting, and LU decomposition. Throughout the text the author takes care to fully and clearly develop the mathematical concepts and provide modern applications to reinforce those concepts. The applications range from theoretical applications within differential equations and least square analysis, to practical applications in fields such as archeology, demography, electrical engineering and more. New exercises can be found throughout that tie back to the modern examples in the text. Key Features of the Eighth Edition: • Updated and revised throughout with new section material and exercises. • Each section begins with a motivating introduction, which ties material to the previously learned topics. • Carefully explained examples illustrate key concepts throughout the text. • Includes such new topics such as QR Factorization and Singular Value Decomposition. • Includes new applications such as a Leslie Matrix model that is used to predict birth and death patterns of animals. • Includes discussions of the role of linear algebra in many areas, such as the operation of the search engine Google and the global structure of the worldwide air transportation network. • A MATLAB manual that ties into the regular course material is included as an appendix. These ideas can be implemented on any matrix algebra software package. This manual consists of 28 sections that tie into the regular course material. • Graphing Calculator Manual included as an appendix. • A Student Solutions Manual that contains solutions to selected exercises is available as a supplement. An Instructors Complete Solutions Manual, test bank, and PowerPoint Lecture Outlines are also available. • Available with WebAssign Online Homework & Assessment
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences With Patient Care Correlations
Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences with Patient Care Correlations provides a solid foundation in the areas of science that pharmacy students most need to understand to succeed in their education and career. Offering a comprehensive overview of the biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences, it is an ideal primary or secondary textbook for introductory courses. Students can also use this text to refresh their scientific knowledge before beginning graduate study. Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences with Patient Care Correlations includes 16 chapters that cover subjects ranging from cell biology and medicinal chemistry to toxicology and biostatistics. It also includes clinical correlations and integrated cases. Practical as well as informative, this essential reference relates the subject matter to the real world of pharmacy practice to assist students throughout their graduate studies and professional careers. Features Provides a comprehensive introduction to the biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences curriculum Serves as an ideal text for all introductory pharmacy courses Covers the topics that are most challenging for students Relates science to the real world of pharmacy practice Includes over 525 illustrations, photos, and figures
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning
Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning continues to deliver a comprehensive overview of general strategies for health history taking, physical examination, and documentation in an exciting new fifth edition. The authors expertly cover the diagnostic reasoning process that providers must follow when assessing an actual case. They outline each step of the health assessment process and further demonstrate the link between health history and physical examination. They also provide the healthcare professional with the essential data needed to formulate a diagnosis and treatment plan. With the Fifth Edition's comprehensive coverage and logical presentation of content, students will know how to confidently conduct a complete health assessment and make appropriate diagnostic interventions based on evidence from the health assessment.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc 100 Questions & Answers About HIV and AIDS
EMPOWER YOURSELF! There is a wealth of information available about HIV and AIDS, but it is difficult to determine what is factual and reliable. Whether you are a newly diagnosed patient or a friend or relative of someone living with HIV or AIDS, this book can help. Offering both doctor and patient perspectives, 100 Questions & Answers About HIV and AIDS, Sixth Edition provides authoritative and practical answers to the most commonly asked questions by patients and their loved ones. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? How can HIV infection be prevented? How do I find the right medical care? Along with the answers to these and other questions, this book provides information on diagnosis, treatment, living with HIV and more. Updated to provide the latest information, 100 Questions & Answers About HIV and AIDS, Sixth Edition is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the physical and emotional uncertainty of this disease.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Zaccagnini & White's Core Competencies for Advanced Practice Nursing: A Guide for DNPs
The AACN’s Essentials framework is an integral part of nursing education that outlines the competencies expected for nursing practice but can be difficult to incorporate. Zaccagnini & White's Core Competencies for Advanced Practice Nursing: A Guide for DNPs, Fifth Edition continues to be the must-have resource for students to understand what it means to be a DNP and achieve mastery of the revised AACN Essentials. The practical framework features chapters aligned to each of the Essentials and weaves in concepts, covering all the necessary DNP information, providing students and faculty with a pragmatic blueprint to follow in their DNP programs. Authored by advanced practices nurses with DNP degrees who practice or teach in a broad range of roles, Zaccagnini & White's Core Competencies for Advanced Practice Nursing: A Guide for DNPs, Fifth Edition provides the infrastructure for students, faculty, and those practicing with a DNP degree to achieve and sustain the highest level of practice.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Drugs and Society
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Sanders' Paramedic Textbook with Navigate Advantage Access
Featuring current print and digital content, engaging illustrations and photos, and accessible technology, Sanders’ Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Advantage Access resources spur critical thinking for paramedic students and provide a must-have reference for emergency physicians. The new edition has been reviewed and endorsed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), and its content meets or exceeds the scientific recommendations by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and is consistent with the ECC Guidelines as established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils around the world. Sanders' robust resources for educators and students deliver teaching and learning solutions to best fit educators' unique classroom needs. Its single volume provides portability to learners while limiting repetition of content, and its inclusion of detailed anatomy and physiology negate the need for additional reference texts. Even more, its emergency drug index incorporates detailed drug information in an easy-to-find location. Developed by a renowned team of authors, Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Advantage Access provides a comprehensive training program and curriculum to prepare students for long-term success in the field and focuses on inclusion and diversity to engage every student. What’s new in the Sixth Edition: - Updated discussion of core EMS guidelines, including EMS Agenda 2050, the National EMS Scope of Practice Model 2019, and the 2021 National EMS - Education Standards - Expanded discussion of paramedic well-being and mental health, including self-care, injury prevention, stress management, resilience, avoidance of compassion fatigue, and suicide prevention - Emphasis on current spinal motion restriction guidelines - Updated descriptions and discussions of medications, including analgesics, sedative-hypnotics, push-dose drugs, and medications used in fibrinolytic therapy and the management of diabetes - Inclusion of special considerations for geriatric and pediatric patients - New insights on evolving topics, such as diagnostic testing methods and use of analgesics for abdominal pain - New guidance to ensure personal safety when responding to behavioral emergencies - Increased focus on cultural awareness, advice on avoiding implicit and explicit biases, and guidance on using gender-sensitive language Sanders' Paramedic Textbook, Sixth Edition with Navigate Advantage Access includes the following resources: - Print textbook - Audiobook - eBook - Instructor Guide - Assessments - Learning Objectives - Slides - Lecture Outlines - Case Study Slides - Simulation Training Support and Scenarios document - Skill Videos - Active Learning Activities - Practice Activities - TestPrep - Flashcards - Simulations (Soft-Skill Simulations; First Responder Resiliency and Support Simulations)
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets Flipped Classroom with Student Workbook
Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets, Ninth Edition is the newest evolution of the premier paramedic education training program. This legendary paramedic textbook was first developed by Dr. Nancy Caroline in the early 1970s and transformed paramedic education. Today, lead editors Bob Elling and Barb Aehlert, along with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, are proud to continue this legacy and set the new gold standard for the paramedics of tomorrow. The Ninth Edition offers cutting-edge, evidence-based content that meets or exceeds the most current scientific recommendations developed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and the ECC Guidelines established by the American Heart Association and other resuscitation councils around the world. Clear chapter objectives align with the 2019 National EMS Scope of Practice Model and 2021 EMS Education Standards. Thoroughly reviewed by medical doctors and subject-matter experts, the Ninth Edition teaches students the technical skills required of today’s paramedic while emphasizing other important professional attributes, including critical thinking, empathy, teamwork, communication, problem solving, and personal well-being. Taking a systemic approach to the assessment and management of traumatic and medical emergencies, and devoting entire chapters to special topics, such as mass-casualty incidents, the Ninth Edition covers the full scope of paramedic practice. Some of the key high-level updates to the Ninth Edition include the following: Language carefully reviewed throughout text to ensure gender neutrality, racial inclusivity, and nonstigmatizing descriptions of patient conditions NEW Street Smarts boxes throughout the text to emphasize the “soft skills” expected of today’s paramedics Images updated to reflect appropriate PPE in the current COVID-19 setting Added emphasis on current spinal motion restriction guidelines Thoroughly reviewed and updated references, statistics, and case studies CPR and ACLS algorithms updated throughout text to reflect the current AHA guidelines
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals Advocacy and Action
Policy and Politics for Nurses and Other Health Professionals: Advocacy and Action, Fourth Edition reflects a well-honed vision of what nursing and health professionals need to know to both understand and influence modern health policy. The authors focus on the most relevant health policy issues while taking an interdisciplinary approach to create an understanding of healthcare practice and policy across interprofessional teams. Through their focus on relevant issues, the authors discuss how healthcare professionals can prepare themselves to engage in the economic, political, and policy dimensions of health care. The Fourth Edition has been carefully revised and updated to reflect essential shifts to improve health and public policy as well as dramatic improvements in health care cost, quality, reliability, and technology around public health and data infrastructure. In addition, global and population health issues such as war, terrorism, pandemics, disease, and natural disasters that
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Jones & Bartlett Learning's Comprehensive Medical Assisting
Designed to ensure that every medical assisting graduate can quickly trade a cap and gown for a set of scrubs, Jones & Bartlett Learning's Comprehensive Medical Assisting, Sixth Edition is more than just a medical assisting textbook - it’s an engaging, dynamic suite of learning resources designed to train medical assisting students in the administrative and clinical skills they’ll need in today’s rapidly changing health care environment. This edition has been updated to include the most current American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) curriculum standards for medical assistants in all three domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. These standards are required for the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)-accredited programs. Available for purchase separately or as a bundle with our Comprehensive Medical Assisting textbook: Study Guide for Jones & Bartlett Learning’s Comprehensive Medical Assisting comes with procedure skill sheets, case studies for critical thinking, and a variety of question types to meet the needs of different learning styles and to reinforce content and knowledge. Jones & Bartlett Learning’s Pocket Guide for Medical Assisting gives step-by-step coverage of medical assisting procedures in both administrative and clinical settings. The small size makes it perfect for clinical and office use.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Systems Student Workbook
Thoroughly updated and expanded, Fundamentals of Medium/Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Systems Student Workbook, Second Edition offers comprehensive coverage of basic concepts building up to advanced instruction on the latest technology, including distributed electronic control systems, energy-saving technologies, and automated driver-assistance systems. This workbook promotes increased retention of core concepts as students engage in activities built to support the commercial vehicle curriculum. All content seamlessly aligns with the latest ASE Medium-Heavy Truck Program requirements for MTST. THE SECOND EDITION INCLUDES: ASE-Type questions – Test your critical thinking skills and prepare for certification exams. Skill activities – Test your understanding of learned procedures to ensure detailed knowledge of each step. Labeling activities – Master visual recognition with labeling activities that test your knowledge of automotive tools, parts, and systems. And More – Engage in additional activities such as matching, multiple choice, and true/false questions. DYNAMIC TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS This text fully aligns with CDX Online Access for the Medium/ Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicle Systems training program. With an easy-to-use interface and seamless integration with this resource, the online learning system reinforces key topics and expands upon core concepts to provide an interactive e-learning experience. Online resources include: A media gallery with hundreds of videos 200+ interactive animations Sophisticated reporting on student progress Improved tasksheet management Mobile-ready course materials
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Essentials of Health Care Finance
Blending the topics of both accounting and finance, Essentials of Health Care Finance is a relevant, readable, and easily applied resource for health care management students and executives that explores finance theory and its practical application in health care across a full range of facilities, from hospitals, home health agencies, and skilled nursing facilities to surgical centers, physician practices, and integrated health systems. Carefully revised, the Ninth Edition of Essentials of Health Care Finance has been updated with additional reflection, examples, and application so that individuals with no healthcare experience can benefit from additional elaboration on key concepts such as physician practice management, flex budgeting, and strategic financial planning. The Ninth Edition also explores trends in national health expenditures and physician organizations and alignment; changes in health services financing and utilization since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA); and covers notable changes in payment methodologies. Other Key Updates include: - Changes to billing, coding, and documentation of health care services in specific settings. - An all-new overview of the current legal and regulatory provisions that impact today’s healthcare manager in a thoroughly revised Chapter 4. - Updated information regarding the health policy environment and added examples. - New chapter questions and scenarios. - Excel formulas for important financial mathematics equations and ratios. - Updated information on reimbursement for long-term care and home health organizations in Chapter 12 (their payment models completely changed in 2019).
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Economics Of Health And Medical Care
Economics of Health and Medical Care is an introduction to population-based health economics as well as the traditional, market-oriented approach to health care economics. The book examines economics through the lens of descriptive, explanatory, and evaluative economics. The Seventh Edition is an extensive revision that reflects the vast changes that have been occurring in the health care industry and in the economy, most notably in the areas for payment systems and quality improvement. Additionally, the text offers expanded discussion of the impact of the Affordable Care Act on the demand for healthcare services and health insurance, particularly regarding Medicare and Medicaid programs. Evolving issues in healthcare as well as discussion of the implication for efficiency in the production and consumption of healthcare services are covered throughout the text. Key features: • Revised introduction provides an overview of why health economics, explaining the economic approach to understanding health care issues and problems. • Updated data to reflect changes in the healthcare system, along with new and expanded empirical studies illustrate the use of economics and healthcare. • Helpful links to additional online sources further support and clarify chapter concepts • Updated and expanded glossary that incorporates new and additional terminology in healthcare and now incorporates definitions of basic economic terminology.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Top 100 Drugs In Midwifery & Women's Health
Welcome to the go-to drug guide for all Women's Health Nurse Practitioners and Certified Nurse Midwives. Top 100 Drugs in Midwifery and Women's Health is specifically designed for advanced practice nurses to accurately treat and prescribe for their patients across their lifespan, from obstetrics to gerontology. Comprehensive and convenient, this invaluable resource includes the hundred most common prescription drugs for midwives and nurse practitioners in an easy-to-reference format. Along with key information about each drug, details about the drug's use during pregnancy and lactation are included, as well as adolescent and elder use.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Cases in Health Care Management
The new Second Edition of Cases in Health Care Management is a collection of over 100 new and cutting-edge case studies designed to help illustrate the challenges related to managing the health care services. Organized into nine content areas, from Leadership, Management, and Quality/Patient Safety; to Health Disparities and Cultural Competence, Ethics, and more, these realistic scenarios span the full spectrum of issues that can arise in a variety of health care services settings. Appropriate for all levels of higher education, this text engages students in active learning through lively writing and storytelling techniques that pull them into the story while giving them fresh, provocative real-world scenarios to analyze and critique. Furthermore, the authors have incorporated diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and cultural competency throughout to encourage greater cultural awareness, sensitivity, and fairness. Key Features: - More than one hundred new cutting-edge cases written by experts in the field - Discussion questions and additional resources for students are provided for each case - Case study guidelines and instructions, with rubrics for evaluation of student performance are provided in Appendix A - Instructors’ case study guides to facilitate class and online discussions are part of the instructor resources–available to qualified instructors - New matrix (offered as an instructor's resource) helps instructors assess the suitability of each case for different student audiences (community college, undergraduate, or graduate students)
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Fire and Emergency Services Administration: Management and Leadership Practices includes Navigate Advantage Access: Management and Leadership Practices
Fire and Emergency Services Administration: Management and Leadership Practices, Third Edition, provides aspiring and current chief officers who administer, manage, or lead fire, emergency medical services (EMS), rescue, and/or emergency management organizations with the knowledge to make policy decisions and the skills needed to lead their organizations through progressive change. The core principle of the program is focused on problem solving through persuasion, influence, and developing internal and external cooperation processes to achieve the organization’s mission. Real-world perspective bridges the gap between theory of management and leadership practices and the application of those vital skills. The fire and emergency services profession has made many progressive changes in equipment, training, and funding, but the job of making improvements is never complete. This text provides the knowledge needed by chief officers and their staff to identify and implement progressive change that will help keep fire fighters safe while providing the best public fire and emergency services. This text is an integral resource for officers, those studying for promotion, individuals taking civil service examinations, fire science students, and existing practitioners. It is part of an integrated teaching and learning system that combines dynamic features and content to support instructors and to help prepare students for their leadership career in the fire and emergency services.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Ethical and Legal Aspects of Health Care Practice
Ethical and Legal Aspects of Health Care Practice is a working text and survey of legal and ethical issues intended for health professionals, including physician assistants, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and respiratory therapists. This survey of legal and ethical issues for health professions students covers various approaches to ethical analysis, illustrates their application through the use of cases, and discusses important substantive, relevant topics in the field of medical ethics. Grounded in more than 27 years of experience teaching medical ethics and legal medicine, the author presents a framework from which students can effectively analyze difficult and critical topics relevant to healthcare practice now and as laws evolve, an essential foundation in the principles and practice of medical ethics for any healthcare professional.