Search results for ""Author Hubert""
North Star Editions World's Fastest Motorcycles
NBM Publishing Company Precinct 69
Hierophant Gedichte 19602023
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG clara.: clara. Kurze lateinische Texte
Ciceros Reden gegen Verres gehören zur Standardlektëre im Lateinunterricht - und das mit gutem Grund: Die Geschichte ist spannend und interessant; der Leser erfährt viel darëber, wie Politik und Gesellschaft in Rom funktionierten. Die Reden sind rhetorisch ausgefeilt und brillant und vermitteln einen lebendigen Eindruck von Ciceros Redekunst.Die Texte sind mit Hilfen und Anregungen versehen und eignen sich gut fër die Erst- und Mittelstufenlektëre.
Batsford Ltd Industrial Britain: An Architectural History
A fascinating insight into Britain’s industrial past as evidenced by its buildings, richly illustrated with intricate line drawings. Industrial Britain goes far beyond the mills and machine houses of the Industrial Revolution to give an engaging insight into Britain’s industrial heritage. It looks at the power stations and monumental bridges of Britain, including the buildings and engineering projects associated with the distribution of manufactured goods – docks, canals, railways and warehouses. The gasworks Temples of mass production The mill Warehouse and manufactory Dock and harbour buildings Water power and water storage Waterways: canals and rivers The railway age Breweries and oast houses Markets and exchanges The twentieth century: industry on greenfield sites It’s a story of industrial development, but also a story of its ultimate decline. As manufacturing has been increasingly replaced by services, new uses have been found for at least some of the country’s great industrial buildings. Not least as containers for art and heritage, such as the Bankside Power Station (Tate Modern) and Salts Mill. Other buildings featured are still used as originally intended today, such as Smithfield Market in London and the Shepherd Neame brewery in Faversham. Illustrated throughout with over 200 original line drawings, Industrial Britain is a celebration of industrial architecture and its enduring legacy.
APress Mastering Digital Electronics: An Ultimate Guide to Logic Circuits and Advanced Circuitry
Discover the essential knowledge and practical skills to excel in the dynamic field of digital electronics with "Mastering Digital Electronics." From the fundamentals of diode resistor logic to unraveling the intricacies of TTL and CMOS logic gates, this book takes you on a journey through the evolution of digital electronics. Starting with the humble SR latch and progressing to the revolutionary JK flip flop that powers today's computer technology, you'll gain a solid foundation in binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, and the representation and optimization of digital circuits.The book gives a firm understanding of digital electronics, then moves on to using standard design methods, such as state diagrams, to design everyday logic circuits such as counters, shift registers, PISO, and SIPO registers. It delves into how to design some challenging digital circuits such as a crossroad set of traffic lights with a pelican crossing and how to use the 555 timer to control a variety of applications. At every stage of the book, you will be learning how to use TINA version 12, an industry standard ECAD and many of its functions. Moreover, the book ventures into using the software to simulate and so confirm all the circuits you design.For readers interested in advancing to the practical implementation of the circuits discussed, the book provides opportunities to design PCB circuit boards for selected circuits using the software. This book will suit any student of digital electronics at any level and provide them with essential reference material for them to start a career in digital electronics.What You’ll Learn What logic gates are, and the difference between sequential and combinational logic. How to use binary numbers and how to perform all arithmetic operations Learn about the five basic logic gates; AND, NAND, OR, NOR and EXOR gates. How to minimize logic circuits using Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps. How to state diagrams to design logic circuits. How to design a range of logic circuits. Learn about combinational circuits and the half and full adder as well as a logic circuit to subtract binary numbers. Learn about the 555 timer and how to apply it to a range of logic circuits. Who This Book Is ForStudents who are studying for an engineering qualification. Hobbyist who wants to design digitalcircuits Engineers who need a go-to reference book on digital electronics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Analytical and Physical Electrochemistry
The study of electrochemistry is pertinent to a wide variety of fields, including bioenergetics, environmental sciences, and engineering sciences. In addition, electrochemistry plays a fundamental role in specific applications as diverse as the conversion and storage of energy and the sequencing of DNA.Intended both as a basic course for undergraduate students and as a reference work for graduates and researchers, Analytical and Physical Electrochemistry covers two fundamental aspects of electrochemistry: electrochemistry in solution and interfacial electrochemistry. By bringing these two subjects together into a single volume, the author clearly establishes the links between the physical foundation and the analytical applications of electrochemistry.The philosophy of Analytical and Physical Electrochemistry has been to publish all the mathematical derivations in detail, allowing you, if you so desire, to follow the calculations that lead to the main results. With this rigorous approach, the author has provided a book of reference constructed from first principles. In this respect, the nomenclature and standards of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) are observed.
Ave Maria Press The Mystery of Suffering
Hierophant Vier Frauen
Hierophant Iduma
Acres U.S.A., Inc Four-Seasons Organic Cow Care
Flipped Eye Publishing Limited First Rain
Written originally in Me'phaa, First Rain is a selection of poems that emerged from the poet responding to the death of his grandmother who declared to him in 2005: I will die in the days when the first rains come. The work mourns both the loss of a grandmother, and the fading away (like her sight in later life) of a culture and language that hold so much history and pride. In this way, they address social, racial and gender inequalities, environmental abuses and injustices faced by native peoples in Latin America - issues that have resonance globally. As the poet recounts: In the face of the wind, grab the stones that are falling upon us, one of his grandmother's phrases, refers to people standing up to injustice. This collection, Hubert Matiuwaa's first ever in English, is a gathering of stones.
Granta Books A Meal in Winter
One morning, in the dead of winter, three German soldiers head out into the frozen Polish countryside. They have been charged by their commanders to track down and bring back for execution 'one of them' - a Jew. Having flushed out a young man hiding in the woods, they decide to rest in an abandoned house before continuing their journey back to the camp. As they prepare food, they are joined by a passing Pole whose virulent anti-Semitism adds tension to an already charged atmosphere. Before long, the group's sympathies begin to splinter as each man is forced to confront his own conscience as the moral implications of their murderous mission become clear.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Policymaking at a Crossroads: Negotiating the 2021–2027 Budget
For readers interested in an overview of what led to the adoption of the European Union’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and its aftermath, this book traces the discursive dynamics and milestones of the negotiations around the MFF and the new recovery instrument, aimed at alleviating the economic crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.Covering the negotiations of the current MFF, contributions by both scholarly experts in their respective policy areas and authors close to the policy community in Brussels provide a well rounded insight into this discerning topic. Chapters explore the issues that unfolded during the negotiations of the MFF and recovery package against the backdrop of conflicts over solidarity, identity and sovereignty and thus the scope of cooperation and membership as well as institutional design and authority. EU Policymaking at a Crossroads anticipates, describes and discursively explains changes in selected policy areas, looking into the negotiations, effects and reflections surrounding them.This timely book will be a highly beneficial read for academics and students in the fields of international relations, European politics and public policy. Scholars specializing in multilevel governance of different policy areas such as sustainability, agriculture and migration will also profit from this comprehensive book.
James Currey When Refugees Go Home: African Experiences
Examines refugees' own strategies for return that do not always relate to formal repatriation schemes. It is well known that there are millions of refugees in Africa. It is less well known that there are milions of refugees who have returned home. This book puts these 'returnees' on the map, documenting some of what happens to people when they go back to their countries of origin and start to pick up the pieces of their lives. Published in association with UNRISD; North America: Africa World Press
Stanford University Press A Theory of /Cloud/: Toward a History of Painting
This is the first in a series of books in which one of the most influential of contemporary art theorists revised from within the conceptions underlying the history of art. The author’s basic idea is that the rigor of linear perspective cannot encompass all of visual experience and that it could be said to generate an oppositional factor with which it interacts dialectically: the cloud. On a literal level, this could be represented by the absence of the sky, as in Brunelleschi’s legendary first experiments with panels using perspective. Or it could be the vaporous swathes that Correggio uses to mediate between the viewer on earth and the heavenly prospect in his frescoed domes at Parma. Insofar as the cloud is a semiotic operator, interacting with the linear order of perspective, it also becomes a dynamic agent facilitating the creation of new types of pictorial space. (Damisch puts the signifer cloud between slashes to indicate that he deals with clouds as signs instead of realistic elements.) This way of looking at the history of painting is especially fruitful for the Renaissance and Baroque periods, but it is also valuable for looking at such junctures as the nineteenth century. For example, Damisch invokes Ruskin and Turner, who carry out both in theory and in practice a revision of the conditions of appearances of the cloud as a landscape feature. Even for the twentieth century, he has illuminating things to say about how his reading of cloud applies to the painters Leger and Batthus. In short, Damisch achieves a brilliant and systematic demonstration of a concept of semiotic interaction that touches some of the most crucial features of the Western art tradition.
P.I.E-Peter Lang S.A., Editions Scientifiques Internationales Préserver l'Art de l'Ennemi ?: Le Patrimoine Artistique En Belgique Et En France Occupées, 1914-1918
Harvard Business Review Press The Heart of Business: Leadership Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism
A Wall Street Journal BestsellerNamed a Financial Times top titleHow to unleash "human magic" and achieve improbable results.Hubert Joly, former CEO of Best Buy and orchestrator of the retailer's spectacular turnaround, unveils his personal playbook for achieving extraordinary outcomes by putting people and purpose at the heart of business.Back in 2012, "Everyone thought we were going to die," says Joly. Eight years later, Best Buy was transformed as Joly and his team rebuilt the company into one of the nation's favorite employers, vastly increased customer satisfaction, and dramatically grew Best Buy's stock price. Joly and his team also succeeded in making Best Buy a leader in sustainability and innovation.In The Heart of Business, Joly shares the philosophy behind the resurgence of Best Buy: pursue a noble purpose, put people at the center of the business, create an environment where every employee can blossom, and treat profit as an outcome, not the goal.This approach is easy to understand, but putting it into practice is not so easy. It requires radically rethinking how we view work, how we define companies, how we motivate, and how we lead. In this book Joly shares memorable stories, lessons, and practical advice, all drawn from his own personal transformation from a hard-charging McKinsey consultant to a leader who believes in human magic.The Heart of Business is a timely guide for leaders ready to abandon old paradigms and lead with purpose and humanity. It shows how we can reinvent capitalism so that it contributes to a sustainable future.
Artech House Publishers An Engineer's Guide to Automated Testing of High-Speed Interfaces, Second Edition
This second edition of An Engineer's Guide to Automated Testing of High-Speed Interfaces provides updates to reflect current state-of-the-art high-speed digital testing with automated test equipment technology (ATE). Featuring clear examples, this one-stop reference covers all critical aspects of automated testing, including an introduction to high-speed digital basics, a discussion of industry standards, ATE and bench instrumentation for digital applications, and test and measurement techniques for characterization and production environment. Engineers learn how to apply automated test equipment for testing high-speed digital I/O interfaces and gain a better understanding of PCI-Express 4, 100Gb Ethernet, and MIPI while exploring the correlation between phase noise and jitter. This updated resource provides expanded material on 28/32 Gbps NRZ testing and wireless testing that are becoming increasingly more pertinent for future applications. This book explores the current trend of merging high-speed digital testing within the fields of photonic and wireless testing.
MIT Press Ltd Noah's Ark: Essays on Architecture
Hierophant Spirituelle Philosophie
NBM Publishing Company Beauty
Ablaze, LLC A Man's Skin
In Renaissance Italy, Bianca, a young lady from a good family, is of marriage age. Her parents find her a fiancé to their liking: Giovanni, a rich merchant, young and pleasant. The wedding looks set to go smoothly even though Bianca can't hide her disappointment at having to marry a man she knows nothing about.But before the marriage, she learns the secret held and bequeathed by the women of her family for generations: a "man's skin"! By donning it, Bianca becomes "Lorenzo" and enjoys all the attributes of a young man of stunning beauty. She can now visit the world of men incognito and get to know her fiancé in his natural environment. In her male skin, Bianca frees herself from the limits imposed on women and discovers love and sexuality.The moral of the Renaissance then acts as a mirror to that of our century and poses several questions: why should women have a different sexuality from that of men? Why should their pleasure and freedom be the object of contempt and coercion? Finally, how can morality be the instrument of both severe and unconscious domination?Tackling universal themes such as gender, sexuality, LGBTQ+, compassion, religion, and morality through a captivating and subtle fable, Hubert and Zanzim brilliantly question our relationship to gender and sexuality... but not only that. By mixing religion and sex, morality and humor, nobility and outspokenness, A Man's Skin invites us both to the liberation of morals and to the mad and noble quest for love.This edition includes a lesson plan and discussion guide. Translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger.
Penguin Books Ltd The Demon
Harry White is the man other men want to be: admired by his peers, talented, rich, and desired by countless women. His steady rise to a position of unprecedented influence in a New York investment firm seems inevitable to those who know him, and on the way he acquires a beautiful wife and children. But with every achievement the desire to destroy what is his grows stronger. A demon within drives him to sexual excess, petty crime and eventually murder.The Demon explores the dark side of a man's ambitions with unflinching determination. Harry White's story is a gripping twentieth-century tragedy.
Alianza Editorial Meditaciones cósmicas
Cerca del estanque de Malicorne, frente al gran sauce llorón que se refleja en el agua serena, hay un banco. Hubert Reeves, astrofísico y célebre divulgador científico, lo llama el banco de ver pasar el tiempo. En él se sienta a menudo para tratar de aprehender el delgado hilo del tiempo que nos trae todo a lo largo de nuestra existencia. Allí es donde a veces se le ocurren algunas preguntas: Me da la sensación de que forman parte del curso de una larga interrogación sobre este mundo, que me maravilla, me fascina y al mismo tiempo me preocupa. Reflexionar sobre ellas también es tratar de tranquilizarse.En estas " Meditaciones cósmicas " , las más complejas cuestiones científicas se dan la mano de las más hondas inquietudes humanas: la infinitud, el paso del tiempo, el progreso, la religión, la naturaleza, la muerte, y un largo etcétera. Reeves trata sobre todo ello con cercanía, invitando al lector a que, por sí mismo, forje su propia cosmovisión.
Kagero Oficyna Wydawnicza Panzerjager 38 (t) Hetzer & G13: Volume 1
The new format of the book - A4 80 pages archive photos color profiles mate coated paper soft cover binding
Tyrolia Verlagsanstalt Gm Das Tiroler VierJahreszeitenWanderbuch. 102 Wandertipps für Frühling Sommer Herbst und Winter
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Alltagsleben Im Alten ROM: Clara. Kurze Lateinische Texte
Verlag Herder Gottesbilder Des Alten Testaments: Von Israels Anfangen Bis Zum Ende Der Exilischen Epoche
Walter de Gruyter Betriebsfestigkeit, Federn, Verbindungselemente, Schrauben
FISCHER, S. Frankfurter Anthologie 40 Vierzigster Band Gedichte und Interpretationen Begrndet von Marcel ReichRanicki
Hayle Medical Machine Learning Techniques for Medical Imaging
Murphy & Moore Publishing Fuzzy Logic, Systems and Engineering Applications
The New Press A Meal in Winter
Brigg Verlag Von der NSDiktatur bis 1946
Pilger Verlag Unsere Heimat Ihr Begleiter durch das Jahr 2024
D + R Verlags GmbH Nfg. K Die Küche der Sonne
Wissner-Verlag Spurensuche im Wittelsbacher Land Band 1 Der Landschaft und Natur auf der Spur Zeitreisen Vorgeschichte bis Mittelalter
Tulipan Verlag Das geheimste Geheimnis der Welt
Österr. Jagd-/Fischerei Gams in den Alpen
Österr. Jagd-/Fischerei Herausforderung Rotwild
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