Search results for ""Author Hubert""
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Jan Faktor trifft Wilhelm Raabe
Bod Third Party Titles Echinodermen Stachelhuter 1 Band
Stocker Leopold Verlag Grünröcke erzählen ...
Link, Carl Verlag Vom Unterrichts zum Schulmanager
Herder Verlag GmbH Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte
Schroedel Verlag GmbH Mathematik Neue Wege SII Arbeitsbuch Lineare Algebra Analytische Geometrie Mit CDROM Sekundarstufe 2 Allgemeine Ausgabe 2011
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Lehrbuch der traditionellen ThaiMassagetherapie GrundlagenTechnikenKrankheitsbilder
C.H. Beck Albert Einstein
Walter de Gruyter Lager, Welle-Nabe-Verbindungen, Getriebe
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 5. Schuljahr Thüringen Schülerbuch
ARAVAIPA-Verlag Sommersprossen auf dem Asphalt
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Local Enterprises in the Global Economy: Issues of Governance and Upgrading
This book opens a fresh chapter in the debate on local enterprise clusters and their strategies for upgrading in the global economy. The authors employ a novel conceptual framework in their research on industrial clusters in Europe, Latin America and Asia and provide new perspectives and insights for researchers and policymakers alike.The debate on local upgrading capacity is torn between two lines of thinking: those who believe that local relationships between enterprises and institutions are key to upgrading, and those who argue that the spaces for upgrading are defined by the sourcing strategies of global buyers. From this debate a number of important questions arise: how feasible is it to develop local upgrading strategies? Can local policy networks make a difference, or do global forces undermine them? Do global quality and labour standards marginalise developing country producers or do they help them to upgrade? To answer these questions, the book brings together theoretical and empirical research on local and regional clusters, global value chains and global standards, using case studies from developed and developing countries. The authors provide a new understanding of how global and local governance interact, highlighting power and inequality in global chains but also identifying scope for local action.By showing how and why insertion in global value chains can accelerate or inhibit local upgrading, this book represents a significant contribution to the academic and political debate on globalization. It will be essential reading for all students, academics and researchers interested in global political economy, global and local governance structures, economic geography and innovation studies.
Penguin Putnam Inc Yogurt Every Day: Healthy and Delicious Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Dessert
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: Gerrit Cole: Baseball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of baseball star Gerrit Cole. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: Stephen Curry: Basketball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of basketball star Stephen Curry. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: Ja Morant: Basketball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of basketball star Ja Morant. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: Ronald Acuna Jnr: Baseball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of baseball star Ronald Acuña Jr. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
North Star Editions World's Fastest Motorcycles
NBM Publishing Company Precinct 69
The New Press Four Soldiers
Jacoby & Stuart Das Universum
Tecklenborg Verlag GmbH Himalaya Im Reich der Gtter
Innsalz, Verlag Letzte Chance
Marix Verlag Die groen Erfinder der Weltgeschichte
Österr. Jagd-/Fischerei Baum und Wildtier Heimische Bume im Portrt
Österr. Jagd-/Fischerei Birkwild Haselhuhn Schneehuhn
Uni-Med Verlag AG Urologische Fragen in der Praxis
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Urkundenbuch der Stadt Rinteln
Bachem J.P. Verlag BURDA und MÜNCHEN
TÜV Media GmbH, Köln Vom Instandhaltungs zum Assetmanagement
Tyrolia Verlagsanstalt Gm Ein Ausflug auf die Alm
Tyrolia Verlagsanstalt Gm Die Spur führt in den Hühnerstall
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Die Wiedergewinnung des Realismus
Ludwig Verlag Eine gute Zeit zu leben
C.H. Beck Die geheimen Archive des Vatikan
C.H. Beck COVID19 Rechtsfragen zur CoronaKrise
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Monetary Unions: Institutions and Policies
This textbook explains the notion of monetary union, highlighting the key concepts, procedures, and challenges involved. The book is organized in three parts. In the first part, the reader learns about monetary issues, like definitions and typology of monetary unions, rationale of monetary unions, monetary policy, monetary institutional matters. The second part is devoted to fiscal matters and the interplay between fiscal and monetary policies, such as deficits, transfers, public debt sustainability issues, fiscal policy, policy mix. The last part focuses on other distinct but related issues, necessary to complete the union: banking and fiscal unions, structural adjustments in a monetary union. It ends with a chapter on the fate of monetary unions: how they develop, mature and sometimes dissolve.The book addresses students at undergraduate and graduate level, interested in a better understanding of international macroeconomics and monetary unions, as well as policy-makers, practitioners and economists in central banks, ministries of economics, economic institutions and banks.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Participatory Governance
Can participatory governance really improve the quality of democracy? Concentrating on democracy beyond governmental structures, this Handbook argues that it is a political task to engage individuals at all levels of governance. The Handbook on Participatory Governance reveals that transforming governance arrangements does in fact enhance democracy and that the democratic quality of participatory governance is crucial. The contributors reflect on the notion of democracy and participatory governance and how they relate to each other. Case studies are presented from regional, national and international levels, to identify how governance can be turned into a participatory form. With chapters reviewing participatory governance?s role alongside power, science and employment relations, innovative ideas for future progress in participatory governance are presented.Academics and postgraduate students with an interest in governance and public policy will find this Handbook a useful guide for further and future research. Practitioners interested in improving citizen participation will also benefit from the insight into increasing participation at every level of governance.Contributors include: R. Atkinson, B. Denters, F. Fischer, B. Geißel, M. Haus, H. Heinelt, P. Heß, P.-J. Klok, N. Kortendiek, K.-O. Lindgren, S. McKay, T. Persson, T. Pogrebinschi, T. Saretzki, R. Schmalz-Bruns, W. Schroeder, S.J. Silvia, J. Steffek, J. Steiner, P. Stolzenberg, B. Wampler, M.E. Warren, K. Zimmermannis
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Early History of Railway Tunnels
To the early railway traveller, the prospect of travelling to places in hours rather than days hitherto was an inviting prospect, however a journey was not without its fears as well as excitement. To some, the prospect of travelling through a tunnel without carriage lighting, with smoke permeating the compartment and the confined noise was a horror of the new age. What might happen if we broke down or crashed into another train in the darkness? To others it was exciting, with the light from the footplate flickering against the tunnel walls or spotting the occasional glimpses of light from a ventilation shaft. To the directors of early railway companies, planning a route was governed by expense and the most direct way. Avoiding hills could add miles but tunnelling through them could involve vast expense as the Great Western Railway found at Box and the London and Birmingham at Kilsby. Creating a cutting as an alternative was also costly not only in labour and time, but also in compens
O'Reilly Media Streaming Databases
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: Gerrit Cole: Baseball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of baseball star Gerrit Cole. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
North Star Editions Extreme Sports: Snowmobiling
North Star Editions World's Fastest Cars
North Star Editions World's Fastest Spacecraft