Search results for ""Author Hubert""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Litora Ãbungsheft: Lehrgang fÃ"r den spät beginnenden Lateinunterricht
Das Ãbungsheft bietet zu jeder Lektion des Unterrichtswerks Litora zusätzliches Arbeitsmaterial: jeweils einen Ãbersetzungstext sowie Ãbungen zu Formenlehre, Syntax, Wortschatz und Realien. Die Aufgaben sind unterschiedlich schwierig, sodass das Material auch in binnendifferenzierten Unterrichtsformen eingesetzt werden kann. Der eingelegte LösungsschlÃ"ssel erlaubt das selbstständige Arbeiten mit dem Heft.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Zentralität und Religion: Zur Formierung urbaner Zentren im Imperium Romanum
Das gewaltige circummediterrane imperium Romanum ist von einem einzigen städtischen Zentrum aus, der 'ewigen', 'heiligen' Stadt am Tiber, dem caput mundi, errichtet und über einen vergleichsweise langen Zeitraum hin beherrscht worden. Diese gewaltsame Expansion hat alte Zentren erfaßt, umgestaltet und zerstört wie Karthago, Korinth und Jerusalem. Gleichzeitig wurden neue capita provinciarum geschaffen (Lyon/Gallien, Caesarea/Judaea, Trier, Köln, Mainz, Tarraco, Corduba, Emerita, Sarmizegetusa/Dacien). Ein wichtiges Thema moderner Urbanistik und Raumforschung ist die Ausbildung eines Zentrums einer Region und das dazugehörige Verständnis zu anderen Zentralorten und der Peripherie. 'Zentralität' ist jeweils Ergebnis vieler Faktoren. Neben der Geographie spielen auch Ökonomie und Demographie eine große Rolle. Das Zentrum ist aber nicht nur eine faktische Verdichtung von Menschen, Ressourcen und Macht, sondern auch eine ästhetisch erfahrbare, emotionale, geistige Mitte. Der Imagination, Konstruktion, Wahrnehmung von Zentralität dienen urbanistische, architektonische, literarische, künstlerische und religiöse Mittel. Zentralität ist deshalb ein fruchtbares Thema in der Erforschung römischer Reichs- und Provinzreligion. Im Mittelpunkt des Bandes steht die Frage, wie und in welchem Ausmaß das Symbolsystem 'Religion' mit seinen Festen, Ritualen, Bildern, Symbolen, mit Götterkult und Kaiserverehrung 'Zentralität' auf den jeweiligen politisch-administrativen Ebenen (regional, überregional) und im engen Bereich von Religion selbst, 'inszeniert', 'repräsentiert', geschaffen hat.
Buchschmiede Rendering Visualisierung
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Precast Concrete Structures, (Package: Print + ePDF)
Building with precast concrete elements is one of the most innovative forms of construction. This book serves as an introduction to this topic, including examples, and thus supplies all the information necessary for conceptual and detailed design.
Verso Books The Earth: From Myths to Knowledge
Our planet's elliptical orbit around the Sun and its billions-of-years existence are facts we take for granted, matters every literate high school student is expected to grasp. But humanity's struggle towards these scientific truths lasted millennia. Few of us have more than the faintest notion of the path we have travelled. Hubert Krivine tells the story of the thinkers and scientists whose work allowed our species to put an age to the planet and pinpoint our place in the solar system. It is a history of bold innovators, with a broad cast of contributors - not only Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler, but Halley, Kelvin, Darwin and Rutherford, among many others. Courage, iniquity, religious dogmatism, genius and blind luck all played a part. This was an epic struggle to free the mind from the constraints of cant, ideology and superstition. From this history, Krivine delineates an invaluable philosophy of science, one today under threat from irrationalism and the fundamentalist movements of East and West, which threaten both what we have attained at great cost and what we still have to learn. Scientific progress is not a sufficient condition for social progress; but it is a necessary one. The Earth is not merely a history of scientific learning, but a stirring defence of Enlightenment values in the quest for human advancement.
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance de Pierre Bayle: v. 7: Juillet 1686-Decembre 1688, Lettres 588-719
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance de Pierre Bayle: v. 2: Novembre 1674 - Novembre 1677, Lettres 66 - 146
Taylor & Francis Ltd Fluvial, Environmental and Coastal Developments in Hydraulic Engineering: Proceedings of the International Workshop on State-of-the-Art Hydraulic Engineering, Bari, Italy, 16-19 February 2004
Comprising the Proceedings of the International Workshop on State-of-the-Art Hydraulic Engineering held in Bari, Italy on 16-19 February 2004, this volume presents an in-depth investigation of the energy loss of skimming flows under a range of discharges, step and dam heights, and channel slopes. Including a wealth of information, the volume is divided into the following key sections: air-water flows and transitional flows; stepped chute and transitional flows; environmental and coastal hydraulics with dispersion in estuaries and jets; and transitional flows. Fluvial, Environmental and Coastal Developments in Hydraulic Engineering constitutes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of topics, including certain findings and discussions which are virtually unprecedented in hydraulic literature. As such, the volume is undoubtedly an important one, and will prove to be of particular interest to scientists and students of hydraulics and fluid mechanics, engineers, and specialists in the field of environmental protection.
Cengage Learning EMEA Welding Skills, Processes and Practices: Level 2
Welding Skills, Processes and Practices Level 2 is THE textbook to support Welding and Fabrication courses and is an ideal training tool to support assessment practice and to underpin concepts and theory. The textbook has been specifically designed to align the major awarding body qualifications in welding and metal fabrication and the comprehensive coverage crosses from techniques and design and testing right down to interpersonal skills, health and safety and customer care.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. How Life Moves: Explorations in Meaning and Body Awareness
MP-WBK World Bank Group Publ GovTech Maturity Index The State of Public Sector Digital Transformation
The GovTech Initiative was launched in 2019 to assist practitioners in the design of new digital transformation projects. The GovTech Maturity Index measures the maturity of four GovTech focus areas: supporting core government systems, enhancing service delivery, and mainstreaming citizen engagement and GovTech enablers.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lumina nova â Lernvokabeln
Die Lernvokabeln zu Lumina Nova - einzeln zum Nachkauf.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lumina nova â Texte und Ãbungen
Lumina nova ist ein Unterrichtswerk fÃ"r Latein 3, das in Klasse 8 (oder sogar schon 7) beginnt. Es berÃ"cksichtigt von Anfang an die neuen kompetenzorientierten Curricula sowie die veränderte Lernumgebung im G8. Der Zeitknappheit wird ebenso offensiv begegnet wie der zu fordernden Orientierung an heutigen SchÃ"lerbedÃ"rfnissen.Alle 28 Lektionen von Lumina nova folgen auf je sechs Seiten demselben Prinzip: Lebensweltbezug und Realieninformationen bilden den motivierenden Einstieg. Das HerzstÃ"ck ist der lateinische Text, der zusammen mit texterschließenden Aufgaben auf einer Doppelseite dargeboten wird. Viele methodisch abwechslungsreiche und binnendifferenzierende Ãbungen schließen sich auf einer weiteren Doppelseite an. Ein transparenter Lernprozess ist garantiert durch die zusammenfassende Abschlussseite, Lernmethoden, EselsbrÃ"cken, Wiederholungstabellen etc. enthält.Lumina nova bietet auf weniger als 200 Seiten viel UnterstÃ"tzung, Entlastung und Informationen fÃ"r SchÃ"ler und Lehrer.Eine durchdachte und unverbrauchte Bebilderung, Sentenzen, Zitate und Tabellen runden den Band ab.Lumina nova ist auch digital auf scook verfÃ"gbar.
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance générale de La Beaumelle: 20 Octobre 1754-30 Juin 1755 v. 8
Dr Ludwig Reichert Zeit - Leere - Hingabe - Gluck. Seinsqualitaten Und Wandlungsprozesse in Der Musiktherapie
Classiques Garnier Essai Sur l'Histoire Des Rapports Entre l'Agriculture Et Le Capitalisme
Les Belles Lettres Pline Le Jeune, Lettres: Tome III: Livres VII-IX
JOVIS Verlag Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg Willy Brandt / Berlin Brandenburg Airport Willy Brandt
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) In recent years, few German buildings have received as much public attention as the capital’s new airport, designed by von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects. Since opening in October 2020, BER can now be experienced by everyone. This volume of the gmp FOCUS series offers insight into the design and planning of the airport, which is characterized by short distances, a high degree of modularity, and flexibility of use. Based on a universal planning and design manual, all elements of the airport are integrated into an axial system and form an architectural-functional unit. An essay by architecture critic Falk Jaeger and an interview with the designing architects provide background information on the project.
Johns Hopkins University Press Marvelous Microfossils: Creators, Timekeepers, Architects
Training a powerful lens on the microscopic wonders of the universe, hundreds of photos, both exquisite and strange, accompany this startling exposé of a secret world invisibly evolving around us for billions of years.Silver Winner of the 2021 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award for Nature & EnvironmentMicrofossils—the most abundant, ancient, and easily accessible of Earth's fossils—are also the most important. Their ubiquity is such that every person on the planet touches or uses them every single day, and yet few of us even realize they exist. Despite being the sole witnesses of 3 billion years of evolutionary history, these diminutive fungi, plants, and animals are themselves invisible to the eye. In this microscopic bestiary, prominent geologist, paleontologist, and scholar Patrick De Wever lifts the veil on their mysterious world.Marvelous Microfossils lays out the basics of what microfossils are before moving on to the history, tools, and methods of investigating them. The author describes the applications of their study, both practical and sublime. Microfossils, he explains, are indispensable in age-dating and paleoenvironmental reconstruction, which guide enormous investments in the oil, gas, and mining industries. De Wever shares surprising stories of how microfossils made the Chunnel possible and have unmasked perpetrators in jewel heists and murder investigations. He also reveals that microfossils created the stunning white cliffs on the north coast of France, graced the tables of the Medici family, and represent our best hope for discovering life on the exoplanets at the outer edges of our solar system. Describing the many strange and beautiful groups of known microfossils in detail, De Wever combines lyrical prose with hundreds of arresting color images, from delicate nineteenth-century drawings of phytoplankton drafted by Ernst Haeckel, the "father of ecology," to cutting-edge scanning electron microscope photographs of billion-year-old acritarchs. De Wever's ode to the invisible world around us allows readers to peer directly into a minute microcosm with massive implications, even traversing eons to show us how life arose on Earth.
Leuven University Press Ohne Worte: Vocality and Instrumentality in 19th-Century Music
The musical thought and practice of canonical composersWhat can music tell us—without words? Can it depict scenes, narrate stories, elucidate beliefs? And can it be an instrument through which we access the inner lives not only of musicians from the past but of ourselves, today?In Ohne Worte five scholars and performers probe these and related questions to illuminate both the experience and performance of nineteenth-century music. Drawing on a rich range of sources, they reveal the musical thought and practice of canonical composers like Berlioz, Mendelssohn, and Schumann. Their work challenges us to reconsider our musical practices and the voices manifested in them, and it encourages the creation of an art that is both historical and transcendental. This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).ContributorsJean-Pierre Bartoli (Université Paris–Sorbonne), Hubert Moßburger (Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart), Jeanne Roudet (Université Paris–Sorbonne), Douglass Seaton (Florida State University School of Music), Edoardo Torbianelli (Hochschule der Künste Bern)
Peter Lang AG Culture, Communication, and Creativity: Reframing the Relations of Media, Knowledge, and Innovation in Society
It is the premise of this volume that the rising importance of creativity in modern culture is related to dramatic changes in communication. In the last decades we have witnessed a revolutionary change in the ways we interact with one another. This transformation of the structure of communication is one of the most decisive aspects of the creativity of culture. The full aim of this volume therefore is to explore the resulting transformation in the relations of culture, creativity, and communication.
Schnell & Steiner Die Papste Und Ihr Amt Zwischen Einheit Und Vielheit Der Kirche: Theologische Fragen in Historischer Perspektive
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance générale de La Beaumelle: 15: Vol. XV: janvier 1764 - decembre 1766
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance générale de La Beaumelle: 1 Juillet 1755-29 Janvier 1756 v. IX
Ohio University Press Barns of the Midwest
Originally published in 1995, Barns of the Midwest is a masterful example of material cultural history. It arrived at a critical moment for the agricultural landscape. The 1980s were marked by farm foreclosures, rural bank failures, the continued rise of industrialized agriculture, and severe floods and droughts. These waves of disaster hastened the erosion of the idea of a pastoral Heartland knit together with small farms and rural values. And it wasn’t just an idea that was eroded; material artifacts such as the iconic Midwestern barn were also rapidly wearing away. It was against this background that editors Noble and Wilhelm gathered noted experts in history and architecture to write on the nature and meaning of Midwestern barns, explaining why certain barns were built as they were, what types of barns appeared where, and what their functions were. Featuring a new introduction by Timothy G. Anderson, Barns of the Midwest is the definitive work on this ubiquitous but little studied architectural symbol of a region and its history.
Rowman & Littlefield Everson Revisited: Religion, Education, and Law at the Crossroads
Everson Revisited explores the consequences and future implications of Everson v. Board of Education, the landmark Supreme Court case that permitted the use of tax revenue to transport students to parochial schools while simultaneously calling for an impenetrable "wall of separation" between religion and public schools.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG clara.: clara. Kurze lateinische Texte
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance générale de La Beaumelle: Vol.14: mars 1761-decembre 1763
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance générale de La Beaumelle: Volume 10
V&R unipress GmbH Wiener Forum fÃ"r Theologie und Religionswissenschaft.: Neue Perspektiven der Debatte