Search results for ""Author Hubert""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lumina Nova - Arbeitsheft
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gesammelte Werke in deutscher Sprache: Band 4: Das Elend des Historizismus
Karl Popper behandelt und kritisiert in diesem Buch zwar vordergründig den Historizismus, das heißt die Lehre, daß es Gesetze der historischen Entwicklung gibt, in seinen antinaturalistischen und pronaturalistischen Ausprägungen. Im Grunde ist das Buch aber viel breiter angelegt. Es ist die erkenntnisfördernde Übertragung von Poppers Wissenschaftslehre auf Politik, Soziologie und Geschichte, für deren Problemstellungen es neue überraschende Lösungen aufzeigt.Karl Popper diskutiert hier die Vor- und Nachteile praxisorientierter Wissenschaft. Er behandelt nicht nur Fragen, ob die Methoden der Naturwissenschaften auf die Sozialwissenschaften übertragen werden können, sondern ebenso Fragen, auf welche Weise eine demokratische Gesellschaft organisiert sein soll, damit die Politik nicht zu großen Schaden anrichtet und ein Höchstmaß an Freiheit garantiert ist.Jeder, der an politischen, soziologischen und historischen Fragestellungen interessiert ist, wird deshalb aus diesem Buch Anregungen und Lösungsvorschläge entnehmen können, die heute noch so aktuell sind wie vor 50 Jahren. Das Buch ist ein Standardwerk der Anwendung wissenschaftlicher Theorien auf die konkrete Praxis."... Mit Nachdruck richtet Popper seine differenzierte und sorgfältig aufgebaute Kritik vor allem gegen die ganzheitliche Betrachtungsweise' der sozialen Welt (Holismus'), gegen das intuitive' Verstehen und Deuten geschichtlicher Veränderungen und gegen trügerische historische oder naturwissenschaftlich verbrämte Analogieschlüsse bei den theoretischen und spekulativen Bemühungen um geschichtliche Großprognosen'. ..."Ernst Weymar in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Nr. 246 vom 22.10.1966
HarperCollins Publishers Breakfast at Tiffany's: The Official 50th Anniversary Companion
A celebration of a timeless classic, this companion volume, timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the release of the iconic film, is the perfect book for any fan of Audrey Hepburn or the cinema. This gorgeously illustrated tribute to Breakfast at Tiffany's is the only official companion to be published in association with Paramount Pictures and the Audrey Hepburn estate. It celebrates the film's ongoing popularity:complete with candid behind-the-scenes photos, facsimiles of the shooting script, full-color reproductions of the poster art, a special section on the costumes, the score for Moon River, and much more. Many of the illustrations included have never been published before.Breakfast at Tiffany's features a top-notch cast, including George Peppard, Mickey Rooney, and Patricia Neal, yet Holly Golightly was the role that transformed Audrey Hepburn into a movie icon. Dressed by Hubert de Givenchy, directed by the infamous Blake Edwards, and brandishing the trademark cigarette holder, hers was the most memorable role. Rich in detail and in illustration, this keepsake tribute volume is the perfect celebration of a beloved classic.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gesammelte Werke in deutscher Sprache: Band 5: Die offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde. Band I: Der Zauber Platons
Das sozialphilosophische Hauptwerk von Karl Popper behandelt vor allem die Geschichte des Historizismus, das heißt, die Idee eines gesetzmäßigen historischen Ablaufs, bei Platon (Band I) sowie bei Hegel, Marx und deren Nachfolgern (Band II). Es enthält außerdem eine Vielzahl von Erörterungen über erkenntnistheoretische, philosophische, ethische und politische Fragen, die bis heute von brennender Aktualität sind. Daß dieses Buch seit 1945 in 23 Sprachen übersetzt wurde, macht deutlich, daß Poppers 'Kriegsbeitrag' weit mehr ist als eine originelle Auseinandersetzung mit den philosophischen Systemen von der Antike bis heute.Die Theorie der offenen Gesellschaft, also die ständige schrittweise Verbesserung von Institutionen in parlamentarisch-demokratischen Gesellschaften, ist in diesen beiden Bänden so gründlich entwickelt, daß alle an der Begründung und Weiterentwicklung von Zivilgesellschaften interessierten Personen sich mit ihr auseinandersetzen sollten.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gesammelte Werke in deutscher Sprache: Band 6: Die offene Gesellschaft und ihre Feinde. Band II: Falsche Propheten: Hegel, Marx und die Folgen
Die Theorie der offenen Gesellschaft, also die ständige schrittweise Verbesserung von Institutionen in parlamentarisch-demokratischen Gesellschaften, ist in diesen beiden Bänden so gründlich entwickelt, daß alle an der Begründung und Weiterentwicklung von Zivilgesellschaften interessierten Personen sich mit ihr auseinandersetzen sollten.Das sozialphilosophische Hauptwerk von Karl Popper erscheint parallel zur 8. Auflage in den Gesammelten Werken auch als preisgünstige Studienausgabe.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Pain: A textbook for health professionals
Pain: A textbook for health professionals provides a comprehensive guide to pain and pain management with a focus on interprofessional practice. Written by internationally acclaimed authors and fully updated to reflect latest evidence and understanding, this book bridges the gap between theoretical underpinning and practice for assessment and management of patients with persistent pain - all in clear and accessible language. Now in its third edition, the text emphasises personal aspects of pain and the therapeutic alliance, as well as social and cultural aspects of pain, pain education for patients, and multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary working. It will provide both students and clinicians with a new lens through which to understand a person's pain experience, as well as tools for effective management. Comprehensive information about all aspects of pain and pain management Relevant to a wide audience - suitable for physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, nurses and GPs, as well as undergraduate students Factual and informative for clinicians in everyday practice Includes information on acute as well as chronic pain New chapters on communication, the language of pain, pain education for patients, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary working, and inequities in pain including pain in low- and middle-income countries and amongst indigenous peoples Updated chapters with new information about the psychology of pain Now with full colour artworks and page design
Shoestring Press Country of Arrival
Thieme Publishing Group Therapeutic Fasting: The Buchinger Amplius Method
Learn the world-famous Buchinger method of therapeutic fasting for long-term health benefits Accepted as a classic cure for many medical and physical issues, as well as a key to good general health, Otto Buchinger's therapeutic fasting methods have attracted millions of followers and been in use for more than five decades. In Therapeutic Fasting, written by an internationally renowned authority on fasting (also, a member of the original Buchinger family), the details and methodology of this highly effective program are disclosed for a whole new generation of readers and clinicians. Special Features Offers easy-to-follow guidelines for implementing the original, acclaimed Buchinger method of therapeutic fasting, which is firmly rooted in concepts of medical sciences and physiology Enhanced by step-by-step instructions, how-to tips, clear explanations, full-color photographs, and compelling personal commentary by individuals who have experienced the program The author Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, MD, is an international authority on fasting and heads the well-known Buchinger clinics in Europe. Explores the far-reaching physical, spiritual, and psychological effects of fasting Shows how motivational techniques and physical exercises complement the program and lead to a strong sense of well-being, with examples of yoga, correct breathing, abdominal massage, and more Demonstrates how food is slowly and safely introduced after the fast, with more than 40 savory recipes that promote nutritional awareness in everyday life The only book on this topic available in English, Therapeutic Fasting: The Buchinger-Amplius Method will enable all readers to learn patterns of healthy behavior, practice them with professional guidance, and integrate them into a balanced, healthy lifestyle. It is a fascinating reference for general practitioners, nutritioni
Southern Music Company Andante Cantabile: 21st Century Saxophone Series for Alto Saxophone and Piano
Southern Music Company Andante Cantabile: For Tenor Saxophone and Piano
Nova Science Publishers Inc Wind Turbine Manufacturing in the U.S.: Developments & Considerations
Penguin Books Ltd Last Exit to Brooklyn
Few novels have caused as much debate as Hubert Selby Jr.'s notorious masterpiece, Last Exit to Brooklyn, and this Penguin Modern Classics edition includes an introduction by Irvine Welsh, author of Trainspotting.Described by various reviewers as hellish and obscene, Last Exit to Brooklyn tells the stories of New Yorkers who at every turn confront the worst excesses in human nature. Yet there are moments of exquisite tenderness in these troubled lives. Georgette, the transvestite who falls in love with a callous hoodlum; Tralala, the conniving prostitute who plumbs the depths of sexual degradation; and Harry, the strike leader who hides his true desires behind a boorish masculinity, are unforgettable creations. Last Exit to Brooklyn was banned by British courts in 1967, a decision that was reversed the following year with the help of a number of writers and critics including Anthony Burgess and Frank Kermode. Hubert Selby, Jr. (1928-2004) was born in Brooklyn, New York. At the age of 15, he dropped out of school and went to sea with the merchant marines. While at sea he was diagnosed with lung disease. With no other way to make a living, he decided to try writing: 'I knew the alphabet. Maybe I could be a writer.' In 1964 he completed his first book, Last Exit to Brooklyn, which has since become a cult classic. In 1966, it was the subject of an obscenity trial in the UK. His other books include The Room, The Demon, Requiem for a Dream, The Willow Tree and Waiting Period. In 2000, Requiem for a Dream was adapted into a film starring Jared Leto and Ellen Burstyn, and directed by Darren Aronofsky.If you enjoyed Last Exit to Brooklyn, you might like Larry McMurty's The Last Picture Show, also available in Penguin Modern Classics.'Last Exit to Brooklyn will explode like a rusty hellish bombshell over America, and still be eagerly read in 100 years'Allen Ginsberg'An urgent tickertape from hell'Spectator
Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi Uitgevers/Publishers) Kees Visser: Monochromes
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Kunstliche Intelligenz in Der Beruflichen Bildung: Zukunft Der Arbeit Und Bildung Mit Intelligenten Maschinen?!
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Religion des Imperium Romanum: Koine und Konfrontationen
Welchen Einfluss hatte die Ausbildung des Imperium Romanum auf die Religionsgeschichte des dadurch integrierten Raumes? In einer Reihe von Fällen unterstützt religiöse Kommunikation die neuen Herrschaftsstrukturen, Rom kann sich hier Mechanismen zunutze machen, die schon in hellenistischer Zeit ausgebildet wurden. Der überraschende Befund der hier vorgelegten Untersuchungen reicht aber weiter: Die Diffusion von religiösen Zeichen und Praktiken wie die Ausbildung universaler Züge in den regionalen Kulturen wie der römischen Religion im besonderen legen es nahe, von einer 'Koine', von der Religion des Imperium Romanum im Singular zu sprechen. Diese Koine findet weder an den administrativen Trennlinien der Provinzen, an den Rändern ethnischer Gruppen noch an unterschiedlichen Überzeugungen und Gottheiten eine strikte Grenze, sie umschließt Kleinasien wie Nordafrika, den Donauraum wie Griechenland und Italien. In dieser Koine agieren Intellektuelle und religiöse Spezialisten, Architekten und Heilssucher. Zugleich ist, bei aller Verbreitung und Strukturähnlichkeit, die religiöse Vielfalt nicht zu übersehen. Es existieren tiefgreifende Unterschiede, die zu Konfrontationen führen. Akzeptanz und Repression, Toleranz und erzwungene Homogenität stehen nebeneinander, lokale Pluralität und gewalttätige Konfrontation lassen sich nachweisen. Historisch spannen die Beiträge in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache einen Bogen vom zweiten Jh. v. Chr. bis zum 4. Jh. n. Chr.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Perspectives on Cognition & Action in Sport
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lumina nova â Begleitgrammatik
Der Band begleitet lektionsweise den Text- und Übungsband.Die Begleitgrammatik bietet, nach Lektionen geordnet, alle Themen der Syntax, der Morphologie und der Stilistik, die in "Lumina Nova - Texte und Übungen" eingefëhrt werden. Sie ist in leicht verständlicher Diktion verfasst. Großer Wert wurde auf Übersichtlichkeit und praktische Handhabbarkeit gelegt; dem dienen zahlreiche Tabellen, Systematisierungen und Zusammenfassungen sowie diverse Anhänge.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Collected Poems: with translations of Jacques Prévert
A.S.J. Tessimond (1902-1962) was one of the most individual, versatile and approachable voices in 20th century poetry. Influenced at first by the Imagists, his poetry is remarkable for its lucidity and formal exactness and for its witty, humane depiction of life in the modern city. Out of step with his contemporaries - both Pound and Eliot as well as Auden and his followers - Tessimond was always a marginalised figure, publishing only three collections in his lifetime, one in each decade from 1934 to 1958. Yet his work has been popular enough to be included in numerous anthologies and has been a perennial favourite with listeners of radio programmes such as Poetry Please. This edition is a long awaited reissue of the posthumous Collected Poems edited by his friend the writer Hubert Nicholson, who characterised his poems as 'beautiful, shapely, well wrought and elegant, whether in public of private mode', penetrating the heart of both London and England: 'His hallmark, his unique contribution to the body poetic, is to be found in those poems encapsulating urban types - and the institutions that shape and demarcate their lives, the popular press and radio, films, money, advertising, houses, tube stations, the implacable streets...He wrote a good deal about love, its hopes and ecstasies and its frustrations and sadness.' As Nicholson has pointed out, Tessimond wrote many poems in the first person, 'but they are not in the least egotistical. They are imaginative projections of himself into types, places, generalised Man, even God or Fate.' He was 'entirely a man of the city', his 'landscape' pieces depicting Hyde Park Corner, Chelsea Embankment, a Paris cafe and even an overcrowded bus in Jamaica. 'He loved the life around him and was a meditative as well as an observant man. He reflected, and reflected on, the passing show, kindly, honestly, and with wit and wisdom.' Tessimond has been described as an eccentric, a night-lifer, loner and flaneur. He loved women, was always falling in love, but never married. He suffered from frequent bouts of depression, alleviated neither by a succession of psychiatrists nor by electric shock therapy. The fact that he was plagued by self-doubt and was fiercely critical of his own work must have contributed to his work being too little published and too much neglected, despite being championed by an extraordinary variety of admirers, from Michael Roberts, John Lehmann and Ceri Richards to Bernard Levin, Maggie Smith, Bill Deedes and Trevor McDonald. Maggie Smith read his poem 'Heaven' at the funeral of Bernard Levin, for whom Tessimond was 'a quiet voice, which makes it easy to miss the resonances, but they are there, and although I doubt if he will achieve a widespread fame, I am sure that any future anthology of twentieth-century English verse that does not include a sample of his work will be less complete, less representative and less valuable than it might have been.' In an obituary for The Times, Tessimond's friend, the critic George Rostrevor Hamilton, said he was 'modest about his poetry, and sometimes thought it too small to be worthwhile. But over and above a dry wit and fancy, he had an exquisite feeling for words, meticulous but, like himself, without affectation. In his own way he was unrivalled.'
Peter Lang AG Weigi: Vom Getoene Der Schwarzen Und Weißen Steine - Geschichte Und Philosophie Des Chinesischen Brettspiels
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Studien Zu Den Quellen Der Fruhmittelalterlichen Bussbucher
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Worterbuch Der Bairischen Mundarten in Osterreich 39. Lieferung: (7. Lieferung Des 5. Bandes) E, E - Eigen
Dietrich Reimer Bekenntnisse: Formen Und Formeln
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Griechische philosophische Hymnen: Aus dem Nachlaß
Günther Zuntz unternimmt erstmals eine Rekonstruktion und Beschreibung der Geschichte einer bislang nur punktuell greifbaren Textsorte: des griechischen philosophischen Hymnos. Ausgehend von spärlichen Hinweisen auf frühe Spuren (Empedokles), interpretiert er den Zeus-Hymnos des Kleanthes, rekonstruiert philosophische Hymnen aus Orakeln von Klaros, den chaldäischen Orakeln und der sogenannten Tübinger Theosophie, um schließlich die überlieferten Werke des Proklos und des Synesios als Repräsentanten in ebendiese Tradition einzuordnen. Die vorliegende Studie bietet somit die erste zusammenhängende Darstellung des griechischen philosophischen Hymnos überhaupt.
Editions Flammarion The Complete Book of French Cooking: Classic Recipes and Techniques
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Betriebliche Berufsbildungsforschung
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG English and American Studies: Theory and Practice
Das ganze Studium der Anglistik und Amerikanistik in einem Band. Ob englische und amerikanische Literatur, Sprachwissenschaft, Literatur- und Kulturtheorie, Fachdidaktik oder die Analyse von Filmen und kulturellen Phänomenen führende Fachvertreter geben in englischer Sprache einen ausführlichen Überblick über alle relevanten Teildisziplinen. BA- und MA-Studierende finden hier die wichtigsten Grundlagen und Wissensgebiete auf einen Blick. Durch die übersichtliche Darstellung und das Sachregister optimal für das systematische Lernen und zum Nachschlagen geeignet.
Manson Publishing Ltd Parkinson's Disease: Clinican's Desk Reference
This books’ coverage ranges from incidence, diagnosis, investigation, drug treatments, non-motor features of Parkinson’s Disease, assessment scales and surgical intervention, to the role of nurses, physio– and occupational therapists, speech/language pathologists, dieticians, and to the use of complementary medicine.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Geometric Analysis
Provides expanded versions of the lectures delivered in the Graduate Minicourse portion of the 2013 Park City Mathematics Institute session on Geometric Analysis. The papers give excellent high-level introductions, suitable for graduate students wishing to enter the field and experienced researchers alike, to a range of the most important areas of geometric analysis.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Wissenspolitik Und Politischer Wandel: Zur Bedeutung Veranderter Wissensordnungen Fur Die Deutsche Und Britische Arbeitsmarktpolitik
Les Belles Lettres Pline Le Jeune, Lettres: Tome II: Livres IV-VI
Shoestring Press Owl Songs
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Zentralität und Religion: Zur Formierung urbaner Zentren im Imperium Romanum
Das gewaltige circummediterrane imperium Romanum ist von einem einzigen städtischen Zentrum aus, der 'ewigen', 'heiligen' Stadt am Tiber, dem caput mundi, errichtet und über einen vergleichsweise langen Zeitraum hin beherrscht worden. Diese gewaltsame Expansion hat alte Zentren erfaßt, umgestaltet und zerstört wie Karthago, Korinth und Jerusalem. Gleichzeitig wurden neue capita provinciarum geschaffen (Lyon/Gallien, Caesarea/Judaea, Trier, Köln, Mainz, Tarraco, Corduba, Emerita, Sarmizegetusa/Dacien). Ein wichtiges Thema moderner Urbanistik und Raumforschung ist die Ausbildung eines Zentrums einer Region und das dazugehörige Verständnis zu anderen Zentralorten und der Peripherie. 'Zentralität' ist jeweils Ergebnis vieler Faktoren. Neben der Geographie spielen auch Ökonomie und Demographie eine große Rolle. Das Zentrum ist aber nicht nur eine faktische Verdichtung von Menschen, Ressourcen und Macht, sondern auch eine ästhetisch erfahrbare, emotionale, geistige Mitte. Der Imagination, Konstruktion, Wahrnehmung von Zentralität dienen urbanistische, architektonische, literarische, künstlerische und religiöse Mittel. Zentralität ist deshalb ein fruchtbares Thema in der Erforschung römischer Reichs- und Provinzreligion. Im Mittelpunkt des Bandes steht die Frage, wie und in welchem Ausmaß das Symbolsystem 'Religion' mit seinen Festen, Ritualen, Bildern, Symbolen, mit Götterkult und Kaiserverehrung 'Zentralität' auf den jeweiligen politisch-administrativen Ebenen (regional, überregional) und im engen Bereich von Religion selbst, 'inszeniert', 'repräsentiert', geschaffen hat.
Buchschmiede Rendering Visualisierung
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Precast Concrete Structures, (Package: Print + ePDF)
Building with precast concrete elements is one of the most innovative forms of construction. This book serves as an introduction to this topic, including examples, and thus supplies all the information necessary for conceptual and detailed design.
Verso Books The Earth: From Myths to Knowledge
Our planet's elliptical orbit around the Sun and its billions-of-years existence are facts we take for granted, matters every literate high school student is expected to grasp. But humanity's struggle towards these scientific truths lasted millennia. Few of us have more than the faintest notion of the path we have travelled. Hubert Krivine tells the story of the thinkers and scientists whose work allowed our species to put an age to the planet and pinpoint our place in the solar system. It is a history of bold innovators, with a broad cast of contributors - not only Copernicus, Galileo and Kepler, but Halley, Kelvin, Darwin and Rutherford, among many others. Courage, iniquity, religious dogmatism, genius and blind luck all played a part. This was an epic struggle to free the mind from the constraints of cant, ideology and superstition. From this history, Krivine delineates an invaluable philosophy of science, one today under threat from irrationalism and the fundamentalist movements of East and West, which threaten both what we have attained at great cost and what we still have to learn. Scientific progress is not a sufficient condition for social progress; but it is a necessary one. The Earth is not merely a history of scientific learning, but a stirring defence of Enlightenment values in the quest for human advancement.
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance de Pierre Bayle: v. 7: Juillet 1686-Decembre 1688, Lettres 588-719
Voltaire Foundation Correspondance de Pierre Bayle: v. 2: Novembre 1674 - Novembre 1677, Lettres 66 - 146
Taylor & Francis Ltd Fluvial, Environmental and Coastal Developments in Hydraulic Engineering: Proceedings of the International Workshop on State-of-the-Art Hydraulic Engineering, Bari, Italy, 16-19 February 2004
Comprising the Proceedings of the International Workshop on State-of-the-Art Hydraulic Engineering held in Bari, Italy on 16-19 February 2004, this volume presents an in-depth investigation of the energy loss of skimming flows under a range of discharges, step and dam heights, and channel slopes. Including a wealth of information, the volume is divided into the following key sections: air-water flows and transitional flows; stepped chute and transitional flows; environmental and coastal hydraulics with dispersion in estuaries and jets; and transitional flows. Fluvial, Environmental and Coastal Developments in Hydraulic Engineering constitutes a comprehensive and systematic analysis of topics, including certain findings and discussions which are virtually unprecedented in hydraulic literature. As such, the volume is undoubtedly an important one, and will prove to be of particular interest to scientists and students of hydraulics and fluid mechanics, engineers, and specialists in the field of environmental protection.
Cengage Learning EMEA Welding Skills, Processes and Practices: Level 2
Welding Skills, Processes and Practices Level 2 is THE textbook to support Welding and Fabrication courses and is an ideal training tool to support assessment practice and to underpin concepts and theory. The textbook has been specifically designed to align the major awarding body qualifications in welding and metal fabrication and the comprehensive coverage crosses from techniques and design and testing right down to interpersonal skills, health and safety and customer care.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. How Life Moves: Explorations in Meaning and Body Awareness
Skira Sofia Goscinski
Editions Flammarion Hubert Le Gall: Fabula
John Wiley & Sons Inc IT-Driven Business Models: Global Case Studies in Transformation
A look at business model innovation's crucial role in today's global business environment. Showing organizations how business model innovation should be a key focus area in today's global economy, this book features cases from businesses around the globe that have developed customized business models and achieved spectacular levels of performance. Case examples from well-known innovation leaders IKEA, Apple, Tata, SHARP, Saudi Aramco, De Beers, Telefonica, Valero Energy, LEGO, and Proctor & Gamble Shows businesses how to get beyond traditional business models to take better advantage of emerging opportunities Coauthored by former CEO of SAP AG, the world's largest provider of enterprise software Filled with interviews with key executives, this book reveals the role of technology in driving and enabling changes to fundamental facets of a business. Companies around the world are innovating their business models with tremendous results. IT-Driven Business Models shows interested organizations how they can start the process.