Search results for ""Author Theoni"
Edinburgh University Press Evolution Before Darwin: Theories of the Transmutation of Species in Edinburgh, 1804 1834
This book is the first major study of what was probably the most important centre or pre-Darwinian evolutionary thought in the British Isles. It sheds new light on the genesis and development of one of the most important scientific theories in the history of western thought.It was long believed that evolutionary theories received an almost universally cold reception in British natural history circles in the first half of the nineteenth century. However, a relatively recently serious doubt has been cast on this assumption. This book shows that Edinburgh in the late 1820s and early 1830s was witness to a ferment of radical new ideas on the natural world, including speculation on the origin and evolution of life, at just the time when Charles Darwin was a student in the city. Those who were students in Edinburgh at the time could have hardly avoided coming into contact with these new ideas.
Bristol University Press Community Development as Micropolitics: Comparing Theories, Policies and Politics in America and Britain
Community development is routinely invoked as a practical solution to tackle a myriad of social problems, even though there is little consensus about its meaning and purpose. Through a comparative analysis of competing perspectives on community development since 1968, this book critically examines the contradictory ideas and practices that have shaped this field in the US and the UK. This approach exposes a problematic politics that have far-reaching consequences for those committed to working for social justice. This accessible book offers an alternative model for thinking about the politics of community development and so will appeal to academics, postgraduate students and community development workers.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Sauver Les Apparences: Sur La Notion de Theorie Physique de Platon a Galilee
Classiques Garnier Essai Et Essayisme: Le Potentiel Theorique de l'Essai: de Montaigne Jusqu'a La Postmodernite
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Psychology 101: The 101 Ideas, Concepts and Theories that Have Shaped Our World
A look at 101 of the key issues that underpin our understanding of modern psychology - from addiction and body language, through to self esteem and work ethics. Psychologists have always shone a torch, and often a spotlight, into many dark corners of the human mind. They study everything, from art preferences to altruism, coaching to criminality, jokes and humour to justice and honesty, as well as sex differences, schizophrenia and sociopathy. Psychology can offer clear descriptions and explanations for all sort of phenomena. More importantly, psychological research can improve lives in a multitude of ways; many applied psychologists - e.g. clinical, educational, counselling and work psychologists – have the primary aim of making people more happy and better able to identify and realise their full potential. Psychology 101 offers bite-size articles of psychological science from Adrian Furnham, a seasoned psychologist with a broad range of expertise. This book is the essential guide for anyone with an interest - either academic, professional or general - in demystifying and understanding the fascinating world of psychological history, theories, issues and beliefs.
Classiques Garnier La Gens Flaubert: La Fabrique de l'Ecrivain Entre Postures, Amities Et Theories Litteraires
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Unternehmen Schule: Organisation Und Organisationsentwicklung: Theorien, Modelle Und Arbeitshilfe Fur Die Aktive Gestaltung Von Schule Und Unterricht
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das subjektive System der Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag: Die §§ 677-686 BGB im Lichte der zweigliedrigen subjektiven Theorie
Die Doktrin der echten Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag (§§ 677-686 BGB) beschäftigt die deutsche Zivilrechtswissenschaft seit mehr als hundert Jahren. Unzählige Arbeiten wurden diesem Thema gewidmet und vermochten es nicht, gänzlich Ruhe und Rechtsfrieden in dieses Institut des Bürgerlichen Rechts zu bringen. Sein Anwendungsbereich wird bis heute als zu weitgehend, zu konturlos empfunden. Dies ermöglichte der Rechtsprechung seit jeher auf die Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag immer dann zu verweisen, wenn ein vermögensrechtlicher Ausgleich nach anderen Abwicklungssystemen nicht gelang. Zum Überlaufen brachte das Maß schließlich die von der Rechtsprechung propagierte Auffassung, die nach §§ 134, 138 BGB nichtigen Verträge grundsätzlich auch den Bestimmungen der §§ 677 ff. BGB zu unterwerfen. Johannes Meier versucht einen Neustart, indem er die maßgebenden Momente bei der Geschäftsbesorgung durch den Geschäftsherrn in den Blick nimmt und die §§ 677-686 BGB im Verhältnis zu anderen gesetzlichen Schuldverhältnissen (§§ 812 ff., 985 ff., 823 ff. BGB) abstimmt.
Les Belles Lettres La Theorie Du Discours Chez Hermogene Le Rheteur: Essai Sur Les Structures Linguistiques de la Rhetorique Ancienne
Simon & Schuster Audio Republican Rescue: Saving the Party from Truth Deniers, Conspiracy Theorists, and the Dangerous Policies of Joe Biden
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Institutionen Der Politischen Differenz: Zur Ordnung Des Konflikts Bei Chantal Mouffe Und in Den Theorien Radikaler Demokratie
Bod Third Party Titles Anthony Downs konomische Theorie der Demokratie Ist dieses Modell geeignet um die Wahlbeteiligung in Demokratien zu analysieren
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Der Einfluss der Familie auf das Schulschwänzen: Theoretische und empirische Analysen unter Anwendung der Theorien abweichenden Verhaltens
Ob Pippi Langstrumpf, Tom Sawyer oder Emils Detektive, schulschwänzende Kinder und Jugendliche sind in der klassischen Literatur oft Abenteurer, die durch ihre Taten und Erlebnisse den Leser zum Schmunzeln bringen. Was im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert noch humoristisch beschrieben wurde, hat Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts einen anderen Tenor. Schulschwänzen wird zum Medienere- nis. So schreibt der Kölner Stadtanzeiger „Alles ging den Bach runter – Kinder schwänzen zunehmend die Schule“ (Ksta 15. 07. 2002), die Süddeutsche Zeitung titelt „Schulsport Blaumachen“ (Süddeutsche Zeitung 15. 02. 2000), und dem WDR zufolge liegt das „Schwänzen im Trend“ (WDR 22. 02. 2002), Spiegel Online betont „Schwänzer sind Störenfriede“ (Spiegel 22. 02. 2002) und der Fokus warnt „Schulschwänzer riskieren Lehrstelle“ (Fokus 13. 05. 2007). Trotz der Tatsache, dass in vielen Medienberichten von einer Zunahme des Sch- schwänzens berichtet wird, ist unklar, ob diese Aussage zutrifft oder nicht, denn letztlich fehlen repräsentative Daten, die eine solche Darstellung zulassen w- den. Auch die relativ abgesicherten Kenntnisse über eine Zunahme der Anz- gen und Bußgeldbescheide (Bundesministerien des Innern und der Justiz 2001: 1 557 oder Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf 2001) sagen nichts über die Entwicklung des Schulschwänzens aus, da auch angenommen werden kann, dass sich nur das Anzeigenverhalten verändert hat, nicht aber das eigentliche Schwänzen. Ferner hängt die Zahl der Bußgeldbescheide auch von behördeninternen Regelungen ab, die sich auf die Meldepraxis der Schulen auswirken können, ohne dass sich die Verbreitung des Schulschwänzens verändert haben muss.
Books on Demand Little's Law - eine Einführung: Eine Präsentationsvorlage zu J.D. Little's Erkenntnissen zur Warteschlangen-Theorie
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin L'Estime Des Apparences: 21 Manuscrits de Leibniz Sur Les Probabilites, La Theorie Des Jeux, l'Esperance de Vie
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Erfahrung und Vollzug: Ansätze zu einer Theorie performativer Glaubensakte im Anschluss an Edmund Husserl und Richard Hönigswald
Veronika Surau-Ott entwickelt aus einem phänomenologisch geklärten Begriff religiöser Erfahrung eine Theorie performativer Glaubensakte und prüft sie am Modell des Gottesdienstes. Sie nimmt ihren Ausgang von einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem immer noch dominanten hermeneutischen Paradigma der systematischen Theologie. Der Rückgriff auf Edmund Husserls Erfahrungsphänomenologie und seine glaubensphilosophischen Spätschriften verdeutlicht den phänomenologischen Aspekt des Erlebens als Erfahrung. Richard Hönigswalds in eine diskursive Theorie von Gegenständlichkeit eingebettete Glaubensphilosophie macht den Begriff des sprachlichen wie nicht-sprachlichen Vollzugs für eine Theorie der Glaubensakte fruchtbar. Die systematische Verbindung aus phänomenologischer Erkenntnistheorie und diskursiver Performativität verdeutlicht, wie das, was sich von sich selbst her zeigt, performativ konstituiert und diskursiv repräsentiert wird.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Diakoniewissenschaft Und Diakoniemanagement an Der Kirchlichen Hochschule Wuppertal/Bethel: Interdisziplinaritat, Normativitat, Theorie-Praxis-Verbindung
John Wiley & Sons Inc Plates and Shells for Smart Structures: Classical and Advanced Theories for Modeling and Analysis
Smart structures that contain embedded piezoelectric patches are loaded by both mechanical and electrical fields. Traditional plate and shell theories were developed to analyze structures subject to mechanical loads. However, these often fail when tasked with the evaluation of both electrical and mechanical fields and loads. In recent years more advanced models have been developed that overcome these limitations. Plates and Shells for Smart Structures offers a complete guide and reference to smart structures under both mechanical and electrical loads, starting with the basic principles and working right up to the most advanced models. It provides an overview of classical plate and shell theories for piezoelectric elasticity and demonstrates their limitations in static and dynamic analysis with a number of example problems. This book also provides both analytical and finite element solutions, thus enabling the reader to compare strong and weak solutions to the problems. Key features: compares a large variety of classical and modern approaches to plates and shells, such as Kirchhoff-Love , Reissner-Mindlin assumptions and higher order, layer-wise and mixed theories introduces theories able to consider electromechanical couplings as well as those that provide appropriate interface continuity conditions for both electrical and mechanical variables considers both static and dynamic analysis accompanied by a companion website hosting dedicated software MUL2 that is used to obtain the numerical solutions in the book, allowing the reader to reproduce the examples given as well as solve problems of their own The models currently used have a wide range of applications in civil, automotive, marine and aerospace engineering. Researchers of smart structures, and structural analysts in industry, will find all they need to know in this concise reference. Graduate and postgraduate students of mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering can also use this book in their studies.
Springer Verlag, Singapore English-Medium Instruction Translanguaging Practices in Asia: Theories, Frameworks and Implementation in Higher Education
This book examines translanguaging pedagogy in Asia’s English-medium instruction (EMI) higher education. It presents an overview of concepts and common issues, and case studies from specific contexts in Asia. The book first interrogates macro-level English-medium instruction policies and implementation from English as a lingua franca (ELF) perspectives. Following this, implications of English as a lingua franca on English-medium instruction pedagogy will be explored, with a theoretical framework of 'translanguaging pedagogy' developed. The book concludes with a discussion on translanguaging and how the concept contributes to English-medium instruction in Asia. Through the book, the content focuses on the specificity of each Asian English-medium instruction context from a translanguaging lens. English-medium instruction policies and translingual practices from China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam are explored, and opportunities and challenges related to translanguaging pedagogy in Asian English-medium instruction classrooms are examined.
Classiques Garnier Theorie Critique Du Reformisme Conservateur: Genese de la Matrice Reformiste En Allemagne a l'Epoque de la Revolution Francaise
Logos Verlag Berlin Kindliches Lernen Und Padagogisches Handeln Im Kindergarten: Subjektive Theorien Angehender Kindheitspadagoginnen Und Kindheitspadagogen
De Gruyter Plots, Designs, and Schemes: American Conspiracy Theories from the Puritans to the Present
Plots, Designs, and Schemes is the first study that investigates the long history of American conspiracy theories from the perspective of literary and cultural studies. Since research in these fields has so far almost exclusively focused on the contemporary period, the book concentrates on the time before 1960. Four detailed case studies offer close readings of the Salem witchcraft crisis of 1692, fears of Catholic invasion during the 1830s to 1850s, antebellum conspiracy theories about slavery, and anxieties about Communist subversion during the 1950s. The study primarily engages with factual texts, such as sermons, pamphlets, political speeches, and confessional narratives, but it also analyzes how fears of conspiracy were dramatized and negotiated in fictional texts, such as Nathaniel Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown (1835) or Hermann Melville's Benito Cereno (1855). The book offers three central insights: 1. The American predilection for conspiracy theorizing can be traced back to the co-presence and persistence of a specific epistemological paradigm that relates all effects to intentional human action, the ideology of republicanism, and the Puritan heritage. 2. Until far into the twentieth century, conspiracy theories were considered a perfectly legitimate form of knowledge. As such, they shaped how many Americans, elites as well as “common” people, understood and reacted to historical events. The Revolutionary War and the Civil War would not have occurred without widespread conspiracy theories. 3. Although most extant research claims the opposite, conspiracy theories have never been as marginal and unimportant as in the past decades. Their disqualification as stigmatized knowledge only occurred around 1960, and coincided with a shift from theories that detect conspiracies directed against the government to conspiracies by the government.
Deutscher Universitatsverlag Marketing, Ökologie und ökonomische Theorie: Abbau von Kaufbarrieren bei ökologischen Produkten durch Marketing
Headline Publishing Group Instant Engineering: Key Thinkers, Theories, Discoveries and Inventions Explained on a Single Page
Instant Engineering pulls together all the pivotal engineering theories and discoveries into one concise volume. Each page contains a discrete 'cheat sheet', which tells you the most important facts in bite-sized chunks, meaning you can become an expert in an instant. From Archimedes to Elon Musk, from screws and pulleys to the steam engine, and from the canal boat to the space rocket, every key figure, theory or term is expressed in succinct and lively text and graphics. Perfect for the knowledge hungry and time poor, this collection of graphic-led lessons makes engineering interesting and accessible. Everything you need to know – and more – is here.
Headline Publishing Group Instant Mathematics: Key Thinkers, Theories, Discoveries and Concepts Explained on a Single Page
Instant Mathematics pulls together all the pivotal mathematical theories and discoveries into one concise volume. Each page contains a discrete 'cheat sheet', which tells you the most important facts in bite-sized chunks, meaning you can become an expert in an instant. From zero to the Riemann Hypothesis, from primes to irrational numbers, and from Pythagoras to John Nash and Roger Penrose, every key figure, theory or term is expressed in succinct and lively text and graphics. Perfect for the knowledge hungry and time poor, this collection of graphic-led lessons makes mathematics interesting and accessible. Everything you need to know – and more – is here.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring Theories and Expanding Methodologies: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go
This volume of "Research in Social Science and Disability" focuses attention on the dual themes of theory and methodology that must form a basis for studies of impairment and disability. It addresses issues that include: critiques of current concepts of disability; the fit between sociological role theory and the concept of disability; the operationalization of different definitions of disability; conducting surveys with people with impairments; and, the reliability and utility of several qualitative research methodologies as applied to impairment and disability. Overall, the papers in this volume represent the beginning of a resurgence of interest in social science theories and methodologies within the study of impairment and disability.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Antoine Augustin Cournot: Iuvres Completes VI-1 Traite Elementaire de la Theorie Des Fonctions Et Du Calcul Infinitesimal
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Dogs and Puppies: Discover Your Inner Artist as You Explore the Basic Theories and Techniques of Pencil Drawing
Many aspiring artists want to draw a portrait of their best friend-especially where their pal has four paws and fur! This newest addition to the Drawing Made Easy series pairs our best-selling medium with the wildly popular subject of dogs and puppies. Unlike similar titles on the market, this book doesn't simply provide a collection of dogs for artists to re-create exactly. Instead, the book focuses on techniques specific to drawing accurate depictions of dogs and puppies-from creating a variety of fur types and features to achieving accurate proportions-so that artists can use the knowledge to render their own canine portraits. The book also includes a series of easy-to-follow, step-by-step projects showcasing a range of dog breeds, poses and props. This allows artists to practice their developing skills, guiding them from simple sketches through the study of various techniques to polished renderings.
Springer International Publishing AG Intelligent Computing Theories and Application: 18th International Conference, ICIC 2022, Xi'an, China, August 7–11, 2022, Proceedings, Part II
This two-volume set of LNCS 13393 and LNCS 13394 constitutes - in conjunction with the volume LNAI 13395 - the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2022, held in Xi'an, China, in August 2022. The 209 full papers of the three proceedings volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from 449 submissions.This year, the conference concentrated mainly on the theories and methodologies as well as the emerging applications of intelligent computing. Its aim was to unify the picture of contemporary intelligent computing techniques as an integral concept that highlights the trends in advanced computational intelligence and bridges theoretical research with applications. Therefore, the theme for this conference was “Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications”. Papers focused on this theme were solicited, addressing theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Theories of Fugue from the Age of Josquin to the Age of Bach
Few bodies of Western music are as widely respected, studied, and emulated as the fugues of Johann Sebastian Bach. Despite the esteem which Bach's contributions brought to the genre, however, the origin and early history of the fugue remain poorly understood. Theories of Fugue from the Age of Josquin to the Age of Bach addresses both the history and methodology of the pre-Bach fugue (from roughly 1500 to 1700), and, of greatest significance to the literature, it seeks to present a way out of the methodological dilemma of uncertainty which has plagued previous scholarly attempts by considering what musicians of the time had to say about the fugue: what it was, what it was not, how important it was, and where and how a composer should (or shouldn't) use it. Paul Mark Walker is director of the Early Music Ensemble at the University of Virginia and an expert on the history of the fugue.
Duke University Press Black, Quare, and Then to Where: Theories of Justice and Black Sexual Ethics
In Black, Quare, and Then to Where jennifer susanne leath explores the relationship between Afrodiasporic theories of justice and Black sexual ethics through a womanist engagement with Maât the ancient Egyptian deity of justice and truth. Maât took into account the historical and cultural context of each human’s life, thus encompassing nuances of politics, race, gender, and sexuality. Arguing that Maât should serve as a foundation for reconfiguring Black sexual ethics, leath applies ancient Egyptian moral codes to quare ethics of the erotic, expanding what relationships and democratic practices might look like from a contemporary Maâtian perspective. She also draws on Pan-Africanism and examines the work of Alice Walker, E. Patrick Johnson, Cheikh Anta Diop, Sylvia Wynter, Sun Ra, and others. She shows that together these thinkers and traditions inform and expand the possibilities of Maâtian justice with respect to Black sexual experiences. As a moral force, leath contends, Maât opens new possibilities for mapping ethical frameworks to understand, redefine, and imagine justices in the United States.
Redleaf Press Teorías Sobre la Infancia (Theories of Childhood Spanish Edition): Una introducción a Dewey, Montessori, Erickson, Piaget, y Vygotsky
Examine the work of five groundbreaking education theorists-John Dewey, Maria Montessori, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Lev Vygotsky-in relation to early childhood. Theories of Childhood, Spanish Edition, provides a basic introduction to each theorist and explains the relationship of theory to practice and its impact on real children, teachers, and classrooms. This edition reflects current academic learning standards and includes new understandings of Vygotsky's work. It is a popular guide to help you be aware of the theories behind good child care practices. It is also a widely-used text in undergraduate programs, community college courses, and training workshops that focus on early development and education.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Enlightened War: German Theories and Cultures of Warfare from Frederick the Great to Clausewitz
New essays exploring the relationship between warfare and Enlightenment thought both historically and in the present. Enlightened War investigates the multiple and complex interactions between warfare and Enlightenment thought. Although the Enlightenment is traditionally identified with the ideals of progress, eternal peace, reason, and self-determination, Enlightenment discourse unfolded during a period of prolonged European warfare from the Seven Years' War to the Napoleonic conquest of Europe. The essays in this volume explore the palpable influence of war on eighteenth-century thought and argue for an ideological affinity among war, Enlightenment thought, and its legacy. The essays are interdisciplinary, engaging with history, art history, philosophy, military theory, gender studies, and literature and with historical events and cultural contexts from the early Enlightenment through German Classicism and Romanticism. The volume enriches our understanding of warfare in the eighteenth century and shows how theories and practices of war impacted concepts of subjectivity, national identity, gender, and art. It also sheds light on the contemporary discussion of the legitimacy of violence by juxtaposing theories of war, concepts of revolution, and human rights discourses. Contributors: Johannes Birgfeld, David Colclasure, Sara Eigen Figal, Ute Frevert, Wolf Kittler, Elisabeth Krimmer, Waltraud Maierhofer, Arndt Niebisch, Felix Saure, Galili Shahar, Patricia Anne Simpson, Inge Stephan. Elisabeth Krimmer is Professor of German at the University of California, Davis, and Patricia Anne Simpson is Associate Professor of German Studies at Montana State University.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Die Berufene Zeugin Des Kreuzes Christi: Studien Zur Grundlegung Der Evangelischen Theorie Der Kirche
Info 3 Verlag Ken Wilber die integrale REVOLUTION Einfhrung in Theorie und Praxis eines neuen spirituellen Ansatzes
Waxmann Verlag GmbH Studierende fr den inklusiven Musikunterricht ausbilden Entwicklung und Evaluation eines TheoriePraxisSeminarkonzeptes in der Lehramtsausbildung
Franckh-Kosmos Pferdefhrerschein Umgang Das Prfungswissen der FN fr Theorie und Praxis Neu nach APOLPO 2020
Peter Lang AG Die Zweifelhafte Schuldfaehigkeit: Einfuehrung in Theorie Und Praxis Der Begutachtung Fuer Beteiligte an Gerichtsverfahren
Springer International Publishing AG What Is the Truth About the Great Recession and Increasing Inequality?: Dialogues on Disputed Issues and Conflicting Theories
Have you ever puzzled over the causes of the 2007–8 financial crisis and wondered how it will affect all our futures? If so, this book is for you. Using imagined dialogue between three economists with contrasting theoretical perspectives and a student who knows little about economics, different interpretations are compared in straightforward, jargon-free language. The book explores both the consequences of neoliberal economic policies based on the belief in efficient, self-regulating markets and the implications of alternative economic visions formulated in response to the Great Recession. In all, nine dialogues are presented, each of which focuses on a key theme: increasing inequality, the failure of economists to predict the crash, the reasons for fiscal austerity, the rolling back of the welfare state, the roles of the state and the market, the repercussions of the German trade surplus and the Eurozone crisis, policies to confront the crisis, environmental degradation, and the need for an industrial policy appropriate to the present day. The book will be ideal for both general readers and those embarking on the study of economics.
Classiques Garnier Quand l'Art Se Dit Et Se Pense: Les Theories Artistiques de l'Antiquite Aux Lumieres
John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermodynamic Models for Industrial Applications: From Classical and Advanced Mixing Rules to Association Theories
Using an applications perspective Thermodynamic Models for Industrial Applications provides a unified framework for the development of various thermodynamic models, ranging from the classical models to some of the most advanced ones. Among these are the Cubic Plus Association Equation of State (CPA EoS) and the Perturbed Chain Statistical Association Fluid Theory (PC-SAFT). These two advanced models are already in widespread use in industry and academia, especially within the oil and gas, chemical and polymer industries. Presenting both classical models such as the Cubic Equations of State and more advanced models such as the CPA, this book provides the critical starting point for choosing the most appropriate calculation method for accurate process simulations. Written by two of the developers of these models, Thermodynamic Models for Industrial Applications emphasizes model selection and model development and includes a useful “which model for which application” guide. It also covers industrial requirements as well as discusses the challenges of thermodynamics in the 21st Century.
Bohlau Verlag Theorien Und Experimente Der Moderne: Europas Gesellschaften Im 20. Jahrhundert. Unter Mitarbeit Von Clelia Caruso