Search results for ""Author Theoni"
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Automatisieren mit SPS - Theorie und Praxis: Programmieren mit STEP 7 und CoDeSys, Entwurfsverfahren, Bausteinbibliotheken Beispiele für Steuerungen, Regelungen, Antriebe und Sicherheit Kommunikation über AS-i-Bus, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, Ether
Das Lehrbuch vermittelt die Grundlagen des Lehr- und Studienfachs Automatisierungstechnik hinsichtlich der Programmierung von SPS-Systemen und der Kommunikation dieser Geräte über industrielle Bussysteme. Der Lehrstoff wird systematisch entwickelt und in Praxisbeispielen angewendet. Dabei werden auch parametrierbare Programmierbausteine aus den unter zur Verfügung gestellten Bausteinbibliotheken eingesetzt. Das Lehrbuch beruht auf den Erfahrungen einer umfangreichen Unterrichtserfahrung der Autoren.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, The: On Recent Developments In Theoretical And Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics And Relativistic Field Theories - Proceedings Of The Mg13 Meeting On General Relativity (In 3 Volumes)
The Marcel Grossmann Meetings seek to further the development of the foundations and applications of Einstein's general relativity by promoting theoretical understanding in the relevant fields of physics, mathematics, astronomy and astrophysics and to direct future technological, observational, and experimental efforts. The meetings discuss recent developments in classical and quantum aspects of gravity, and in cosmology and relativistic astrophysics, with major emphasis on mathematical foundations and physical predictions, having the main objective of gathering scientists from diverse backgrounds for deepening our understanding of spacetime structure and reviewing the current state of the art in the theory, observations and experiments pertinent to relativistic gravitation. The range of topics is broad, going from the more abstract classical theory, quantum gravity, branes and strings, to more concrete relativistic astrophysics observations and modeling.The three volumes of the proceedings of MG13 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. The scientific program of the meeting included 33 morning plenary talks during 6 days, and 75 parallel sessions over 4 afternoons. Volume A contains plenary and review talks ranging from the mathematical foundations of classical and quantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string/brane theories, to precision tests of general relativity including progress towards the detection of gravitational waves, and from supernova cosmology to relativistic astrophysics including such topics as gamma ray bursts, black hole physics both in our galaxy and in active galactic nuclei in other galaxies, and neutron star and pulsar astrophysics. Volumes B and C include parallel sessions which touch on dark matter, neutrinos, X-ray sources, astrophysical black holes, neutron stars, binary systems, radiative transfer, accretion disks, quasors, gamma ray bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations of collapsed objects, analog models, black hole thermodynamics, numerical relativity, gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmology, early universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmology, inflation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein-Maxwell systems, wormholes, exact solutions of Einstein's equations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data analysis, precision gravitational measurements, quantum gravity and loop quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, strings and branes, self-gravitating systems, gamma ray astronomy, and cosmic rays and the history of general relativity.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Ruder Boskovic (Boscovich) Und Sein Modell Der Materie: Zur 250. Wiederkehr Des Jahres Der Erstveroffentlichung Der Philosophiae Naturalis Theoria (Wien 1758). Bericht Des Internationalen Symposions in Wien Im Oktober 2008
Peeters Publishers Platonisme Politique et Theorie du Droit Naturel. Contributions a une Archeologie de la Culture Politique Europeenne. Volume II. Platonisme Politique et Jusnaturalisme Chretien. La Tradition Directe et Indirecte d'Augustin d'Hippone a John
La justice est-elle une illusion? Si tel etait le cas, que penser de l'Etat de droit contemporain, lui qui resulte d'une longue et continuelle recherche de la justice par les penseurs occidentaux? Avec Platon, la philosophie occidentale a en effet debute sa longue quete d'un modele pour batir la cite. Le modele de Platon, la justice transcendante ou naturelle (to; fuvsei divkaion), fut accueilli a Rome par Ciceron. Cette phase inaugurale de l'histoire de la philosophie politique occidentale est etudiee dans le premier volume de cette etude: "Platonisme politique et theorie du droit naturel. Contributions a une archeologie de la culture politique europeenne. Le platonisme dans l'antiquite", Louvain-Paris, Ed. Peeters, 1995.Le present volume etudie la reception chretienne de la doctrine de Platon, du Veme au XVIIeme siecle. Le lecteur rencontrera d'abord Augustin d'Hippone: l'eveque accueille, puis rejette la theorie platonicienne. Durant le Moyen Age latin, les juristes et le theologien Thomas d'Aquin assoient solidement cette doctrine dans la pensee chretienne en s'opposant a l'augustinisme religieux. De la Renaissance au XVIIeme siecle, Marsile Ficin, Jean Bodin, Jean de Serres, Francisco Suarez, Hugo Grotius, Samuel Pufendorf et John Locke retravaillent encore la notion platonico-chretienne de justice: contre le volontarisme, la pensee theocratique, puis la doctrine de Thomas Hobbes au XVIIeme siecle, cette tradition philosophique met la justice naturelle au fondement de la republique. Au bout de cette histoire se profilent les premieres declarations des Droits de l'homme, que cet etude envisage dans le sillage du platonisme politique et de l'un de ses heritiers majeurs, John Locke.Cette etude retrace pour la premiere fois la reception de Platon considere comme un penseur politique. Elle ouvre de fait une nouvelle perspective dans l'histoire de la philosophie politique. Elle corrige enfin les histoires anterieures du jusnaturalisme chretien, dans la mesure ou celles-ci ignoraient l'impact de la pensee platonicienne. L'etude est accompagnee de traductions francaises inedites: un ensemble de textes qui temoignent de la presence du platonisme politique dans la pensee occidentale.
Peeters Publishers The End of Liberation? Liberation in the End! - Befreiung am Ende? Am Ende Befreiung! - La Liberation, Est-elle a Sa Fin? Enfin La Liberation!: Feminist Theory, Feminist Theology and Their Political Implications - Feministische Theorie, Fem
This volume collects the key-note addresses on feminist theology and feminist theory given at the international conference of the ESWTR held in Salzburg in August 2001, together with other papers given at that conference and relating to this theme. It explores the interactions between liberation theology and feminist theory in European and other contexts, considering particularly aspects crossing boundaries: gender, national, disciplinary. The papers are complemented by a comprehensive bibliography of relevant literature and by an extensive review section.
Wide World Publishing,U.S. Do the math!: math challenges to exercise your mind
Kick start your brain with Do the math! math challenges that exercise those gray cells. Whether it's a computation problem, problems involving advanced equations, or challenges that use plain old logic, this book makes you use math. Problems are provocative and engage your curiosity. The challenges cover a range of math problems, which tantalize, challenge, and amuse. Sometimes math skills help you solve them, other times you may rely on logic. Do the math! is designed so that if you get stuck you can turn to its hint section. Each challenge also comes with an in-depth solution, found in the solution section. Problem solving fuels imagination and creativity. These 99 challenges stimulate your brain, challenge your wits, and increase your confidence. With each solution you experience a sense of accomplishment. And the challenges that you don't solve provide new insights on how to approach various new problems. By the end of Do the math! your mathematical toolkit is enhanced.
Wide World Publishing,U.S. Puzzles from Penrose the Mathematical Cat
The famous mathematical cat Penrose takes us on a trip though puzzleland, while sharing fascinating and challenging puzzles in this uniquely designed mini book. Each page's puzzle is introduced by our star Penrose or one of his quirky friends. Readers are treated to page after page of Penrose antics and problems, while the over 100 mind teasers stimulate and engage its readers gray cells, This book's mini format and fun graphics makes it hard to resist picking up, and its characters and puzzles are sure to entertain both kids or adults.
Wide World Publishing,U.S. Math Stuff
Whether it's stuff in your kitchen or garden, stuff that powers your car or your body, stuff that helps you work, communicate or play, or stuff that you've never heard of you can bet that mathematics is there. MATH STUFF brings it all in the open in the Pappas style. Not many people think of mathematics as fascinating, exciting and invaluable. Yet Pappas writes about math ideas in such a way that conveys its often overlooked fascination, excitement, and worth. MATH STUFF deals with 38 topics in an non-threatening way that piques our curiosities. Open the book at random, and learn about such topics a:s what a holyhedron is, how computers get stressed, how e-paper will work, how codes and numbers work with our bodies. Read about up-to-date math ideas and how they will impact our lives. By the end of this book you will think "Mathematics is the stuff that dreams are made of."
Wide World Publishing,U.S. Math-A-Day: A Book of Days for Your Mathematical Year
This entertaining book of mathematical days exercises the brain with confounding puzzles, intriguing math problems, and, of course, detailed solutions to all the conundrums. Readers will enjoy 366 days' worth of stimulating math.
Wide World Publishing,U.S. Numbers and Other Math Ideas Come Alive
Most people don't think about numbers, or take them for granted. For the average person numbers are looked upon as cold, clinical, inanimate objects. Math ideas are viewed as something to get a job done or a problem solved. Get ready for a big surprise with Numbers and Other Math Ideas Come Alive. Pappas explores mathematical ideas by looking behind the scenes of what numbers, points, lines, and other concepts are saying and thinking. In each story, properties and characteristics of math ideas are entertainingly uncovered and explained through the dialogues and actions of its math characters. In fact, you forget that you are actually learning mathematics as you get caught up in the characters' private lives, secrets and how they interact with one another. You may even forget that these math actors come from the imaginary worlds of mathematics. They seem so real! This is the crux of Numbers and Other Math Ideas Come Alive - number and math ideas tell their own stories in their own words. As you read these stories you will be amazed at how math ideas come to life and develop their own personalities. We learn about their foibles and strengths, and see why mathematicians had to develop new concepts when the old ones were not sufficient for the problems at hand. You'll see how mathematics is constantly evolving. How new numbers appeared, and old ones were reticent to accept the newcomers. How certain math ideas lay hidden for centuries, until they were resurrected or discovered by a mathematician. Love, hate, jealousy, excitement-all emotions we associate with human behavior are taken on by these math characters. You will come away learning how indispensable these math ideas and their roles are in our world today.
Wide World Publishing,U.S. Math For Kids and Other People Too
A book that brings mathematics to life in stories, puzzles and challenges. Here we find - * How the fractions were squeezed between the whole numbers * Witness the rise and fall of the Roman numerals * Do mental gymnastics with intriguing puzzles * Challenge a friend to a special game * Help factorials cut things down to size * Discover what's a zillion * Learn the magic of binary cards * and many more topics A TOTAL of 41 fascinating topics-- all presented with the Pappas flair we have come to recognize and enjoy. - Helps kids find out that mathematics is more than just computation. - - Lets them discover the world of mathematics.-
Wide World Publishing,U.S. The Adventures of Penrose the Mathematical Cat
Penrose, a cat with a knack for math, takes children on an adventurous tour of mathematical concepts from fractals to infinity.
Wide World Publishing,U.S. The Music of Reason: Experience the Beauty of Mathematics Through Quotations
Wide World Publishing,U.S. Mathematical Journeys: math ideas & the secrets they hold
MATHEMATICAL JOURNEYS—a unique book of math ideas for teachers, homeschoolers, and anyone who wants to learn about the world of mathematics. Unlock secrets and joy behind math ideas. Discover how math concepts evolve and connect. Stimulate curiosity and the awe behind mathematics. Develop creative and inspiring ways to introduce us to mathematical ideas. Important tool enhances and enriches mathematics distance learning Are you a teacher, parent, homeschooler, or just plain curious or perplexed by mathematics, if so Mathematical Journeys will open new vistas into why math is so important and essential in our lives while expanding your knowledge of math. Pappas’ new book focuses on looking at math ideas not often covered in the traditional classroom…showing us that math is more than knowing how to add, subtract or solve equations. Explore such ideas as Discovering the golds of mathematics or Delving into non-Euclidean geometries. Pappas’ design and writing style makes us wanting to learn more about math.
Wide World Publishing,U.S. More math adventures with Penrose the mathematical cat
More math adventures with Penrose the mathematical cat brings the world of mathematics to life with amusing, fascinating, and exciting stories.Penrose proved his math prowess in Pappas’ first two Penrose books. Now Penrose, the famous mathematically minded cat, is at it again.Join Penrose on all new math adventures as he introduces math concepts in a non threatening way. His encounters with math characters and ideas capture children’s imaginations and stimulates their curiosity while having fun discovering and playing with what the world mathematics offers.Lets you discover that math is much more than learning math facts.A great resource for parents and teachers. An exciting way to get children fascinated by mathematics.
Wide World Publishing,U.S. Mathematical Scandals
Mathematics can be a passionate subject, and this text introduces the human sides and foibles of mathematics and mathematicians. Each scandal is introduced by a vignette which, although fictional, follows factual historical accounts.
Wide World Publishing,U.S. Fractals, Googols, and Other Mathematical Tales
A treasure trove of stories that make mathematical ideas come to life. Explores math concepts and topics such as real numbers, exponents, dimensions, the golden rectangle in both serious and humorous ways. Stories such as the parable of p, the number line that fell apart, Leonhard the magic turtle and many others offer an amusing and entertaining way to explore and share mathematical ideas regardless of age or background. The reference section following each story is designed as enrichment information for the concepts presented in each story. Has both kids and adults sections for each topic.
Wide World Publishing,U.S. The Joy of Mathematics: Discovering mathematics all around you
Part of the joy of mathematics is that it is everywhere-in soap bubbles, electricity, da Vinci's masterpieces, even in an ocean wave. Written by the well-known mathematics teacher consultant, this volume's collection of over 200 clearly illustrated mathematical ideas, concepts, puzzles, and games shows where they turn up in the "real" world. You'll find out what a googol is, visit hotel infinity, read a thorny logic problem that was stumping them back in the 8th century.THE JOY OF MATHEMATICS is designed to be opened at random it's mini essays are self-contained providing the reader with an enjoyable way to explore and experience mathematics at its best.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Temperature-Responsive Polymers: Chemistry, Properties, and Applications
An authoritative resource that offers an understanding of the chemistry, properties and applications of temperature-responsive polymers With contributions from a distinguished panel of experts, Temperature-Responsive Polymers puts the focus on hydrophilic polymers capable of changing their physicochemical properties in response to changes in environmental temperature. The contributors review the chemistry of these systems, and discuss a variety of synthetic approaches for preparation of temperature-responsive polymers, physicochemical methods of their characterisation and potential applications in biomedical areas. The text reviews a wide-variety of topics including: The characterisation of temperature-responsive polymers; Infrared and Raman spectroscopy; Applications of temperature-responsive polymers grafted onto solid core nanoparticles; and much more. The contributors also explore how temperature-responsive polymers can be used in the biomedical field for applications such as tissue engineering. This important resource: Offers an important synthesis of the current research on temperature-responsive polymers Covers the chemistry, the synthetic approaches for presentation and the physiochemical method of temperature-responsive polymers Includes a review of the fundamental characteristics of temperature-responsive polymers Explores many of the potential applications in biomedical science, including drug delivery and gene therapy Written for polymer scientists in both academia and industry as well as postgraduate students working in the area of stimuli-responsive materials, this vital text offers an exploration of the chemistry, properties and current applications of temperature-responsive polymers.
Simon And Schuster Group USA Gay Heaven Is A Dance Floor but I Cant Relax