Search results for ""Author Theoni"
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Persona. l'Elaboration d'Une Notion Rhetorique Au Ier Siecle Av. J.-C.: Volume II: Theorisation Ciceronienne de la Persona Oratoire
Graswurzelrevolution e.V. Anarchismus Theorie Kritik Utopie Mit Arbeiten von Godwin Proudhon Bakunin Kropotkin Malatesta Landauer Rocker Goldman Voline Read Goodman Souchy
Duncker & Humblot Kelsens Theorie Der Rechtserkenntnis: Zugleich Eine Kritische Betrachtung Der Positivitat ALS Eigenschaft Des Rechts
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Die Berufene Zeugin Des Kreuzes Christi: Studien Zur Grundlegung Der Evangelischen Theorie Der Kirche
Info 3 Verlag Ken Wilber die integrale REVOLUTION Einfhrung in Theorie und Praxis eines neuen spirituellen Ansatzes
Waxmann Verlag GmbH Studierende fr den inklusiven Musikunterricht ausbilden Entwicklung und Evaluation eines TheoriePraxisSeminarkonzeptes in der Lehramtsausbildung
Franckh-Kosmos Pferdefhrerschein Umgang Das Prfungswissen der FN fr Theorie und Praxis Neu nach APOLPO 2020
Peter Lang AG Die Zweifelhafte Schuldfaehigkeit: Einfuehrung in Theorie Und Praxis Der Begutachtung Fuer Beteiligte an Gerichtsverfahren
Gebruder Mann Verlag wiederherstellen Oder Vollends Vernichten Theoriebildung Und Denkmalpflegerische Praxis Beim Wiederaufbau Von Schloss Charlottenburg 37 Die Bauwerke Und Kunstdenkmaler Von Berlin
Red Wheel/Weiser For Nobody's Eyes Only: Missing Government Files and Hidden Archives That Document the Truth Behind the Most Enduring Conspiracy Theories
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW Sprache Schlssel zur Welt Band 1 1 bis 6 Klasse Handbuch zur Theorie und Praxis der Spracherziehung in der MontessoriPdagogik
Red Wheel/Weiser The Physics of God: How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science
Bohlau Verlag Theorien Und Experimente Der Moderne: Europas Gesellschaften Im 20. Jahrhundert. Unter Mitarbeit Von Clelia Caruso
Octopus Publishing Group The Little Book of Economics: A Pocket Guide to the Key Concepts, Theories and Thinkers You Need to Know
Learn everything you ever wanted to know about economics in this no-nonsense beginner's guideIn a world where everything seems to get more expensive by the day - but most of us don't seem to get any richer - it's easy to feel confused about the economy. If you think it's time you learnt how inflation works, what causes recessions and why the stock market is so unpredictable, then look no further. The Little Book of Economics will bring you up to speed on the basics of micro- and macroeconomics and demystify the world of taxes, trade, investments and finance, in simple English and with easy-to-follow examples. By the end of this crash course, you will have a grasp on all the essential terms, concepts and theories you need to know to understand modern-day capitalism and markets. And you'll also have the answers to questions like:- Can inflation be a good thing? - How does supply and demand work? - Is immigration good for the economy? - How do we prevent another global financial crisis? - What is GDP, and what are the alternatives? and - Why can't we just print more money?
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Effective Theories for Brittle Materials: A Derivation of Cleavage Laws and Linearized Griffith Energies from Atomistic and Continuum Nonlinear Models
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Virtual, Augmented Und Cross Reality in Praxis Und Forschung: Technologiebasierte Erfahrungswelten in Der Beruflichen Aus- Und Weiterbildung - Theorie Und Anwendung
V&R unipress GmbH Pflegen lernen: Empirische Begriffs- und Theoriebildung zum WirkgefÃ"ge von Lernen und Lehren beruflichen Pflegehandelns
Classiques Garnier La Science Est Un Jeu: La Theorie Des Jeux Dans La France Des Annees 1950
Neue Erde GmbH Geheimnis der Vornamen Namensdeutung mit Runen in Theorie und Praxis 400 Vornamen in Runen gedeutet
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Theories of Metaphor Revised: Against a Cognitive Theory of Metaphor: an Apology for Classical Metaphor
Schoeningh Verlag Filmanalyse im Unterricht Zur Theorie und Praxis von Literaturverfilmungen EinFach Deutsch Unterrichtsmodelle Klassen 5 13
ISTE Editions Ltd Théorie des systèmes: Une approche moderne 1: systèmes linéaires aux équations différentielles ordinaires et retardées
Oxford University Press Inc Naturalism Beyond the Limits of Science: How Scientific Methodology Can and Should Shape Philosophical Theorizing
Philosophers and scientists both ask questions about what the world is like. How do these fields interact with one another? How should they? Naturalism Beyond the Limits of Science investigates an approach to these questions called methodological naturalism. According to methodological naturalism, when coming up with theories about what the world is like, philosophers should, whenever possible, make use of the same methodology that is deployed by scientists. Although many contemporary philosophers have implicit commitments that lead straightforwardly to methodological naturalism, few have a clear understanding of how widespread and disruptive methodological naturalism promises to be for the field. By way of a series of case studies involving laws of nature, composition, time and modality, and drawing on historical and contemporary scientific developments including the discovery of the neutrino, the introduction of dark energy, and the advent of relativity theory, this book demonstrates the ways in which scientists rely on extra-empirical reasoning and how that very same extra-empirical reasoning can yield surprising results when applied to philosophical debates. Along the way, Nina Emery's investigation illuminates the complex relationship between philosophy and the sciences, and makes the case that philosophers and scientists alike would benefit from a greater understanding of the connections between the two fields.
Gebruder Mann Verlag Paul Schultze-Naumburg: Die Netzwerke Des Kultur- Und Rassentheoretikers/ Networks of a Cultural and Racial Theorist
Royal Society of Chemistry The Origin of Chirality in the Molecules of Life: From Awareness to the Current Theories and Perspectives of this Unsolved Problem
This book provides an interdisciplinary review of one of the great unsolved mysteries that has fascinated scientists for over 150 years: the origin of chirality in biomolecules. Current advances in fields as diverse as space exploration, prebiotic chemistry and high-energy physics may help to provide an answer. Important pieces of information will come from observations at the two frontiers of science: outer space and the subatomic world. Observation of distant planets, galaxies, and even actual sampling of celestial objects from beyond the solar system are projects currently underway. At the other end of the spectrum, there are experiments that study the elemental properties of matter, such as symmetry, and interactions with the fundamental forces. Completely revised and updated this new edition once again unifies all the theories of the origin of biomolecular homochirality together in a single source. This complete, interdisciplinary review of an intriguing subject condenses a large and disparate range of contributions from journals in almost every scientific field. The various theories have been organized, interrelated and explained in a unified way. It is fundamental, comprehensive and structured to be accessible for educational purposes.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Great Political Theories, Volume 1: A Comprehensive Selection of the Crucial Ideas in Political Philosophy from the Greeks to the Enlightenment
Peeters Publishers Oeuvre Mathematique D'al-Sijzi. Volume 1: Geometrie Des Coniques Et Theorie Des Nombres Au Xe Siecle
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Edmund Husserl: Introduction a la Logique Et a la Theorie de la Connaissance Cours (1906/07)
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Entwicklungsorientierte Sprachdiagnostik und frderung bei Kindern mit geistiger Behinderung Theorie und Praxis mit Zugang zum ElsevierPortal
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Peoples' Rights: Gruppenrechte im Völkerrecht: Theorie und Praxis des kollektiven Menschenrechtsschutzes in Afrika, Amerika und Europa
Die Peoples ' Rights aus dem afrikanischen Menschenrechtsschutzsystem sind bislang eine Unbekannte, die allenfalls unter dem Blickwinkel des Kulturrelativismus wahrgenommen wird. Gruppenrechte als Menschenrechte scheinen angesichts des Primats der Individualrechte undenkbar. Indes offenbart die erstmalige Gesamtschau von der Ideengeschichte (innerhalb und jenseits des Nationalstaates), dem theoretischen Diskurs zu kollektiven Rechtspositionen und der Praxis des internationalen Menschenrechtsschutzes ein anderes Bild. Julia Kriesel unternimmt eine rechtsvergleichende Analyse des afrikanischen, amerikanischen und europäischen Menschenrechtssystems und zeigt, dass der Schutz von Gruppen durch Menschenrechte (unabhängig von der rechtspositivistischen Ausgangssituation) längst Realität ist. Hervor tritt eine Verflechtung von Individual- und Gruppenschutz mit einem (teilweise neuen) umfassenden Menschenrechtsverständnis.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Sinn, Symbol, Religion: Theorie des Zeichens und Phänomenologie der Religion bei Ernst Cassirer und Martin Heidegger
Markus Höfner analysiert Ernst Cassirers und Martin Heideggers Phänomenologie der Religion im Blick auf ihre zeichentheoretischen Voraussetzungen. In Konzentration auf die Zeit vor der Davoser Disputation 1929 arbeitet er dabei den neukantianischen Denkhintergrund Cassirers und Heideggers heraus, so dass die gegensätzlichen Ansätze beider Denker als divergierende Antworten auf gemeinsame Problemstellungen einsichtig werden. Während Cassirer diese mit einem Modell der sinnlichen Repräsentation ideellen Sinns bearbeitet und Symbole als Medien der Wirklichkeitskonstitution versteht, geht Heidegger von einem gegenüber Husserl pragmatisch transformierten Begriff der Intentionalität aus und konzipiert Zeichen daher als Orientierungsmedien des In-der-Welt-seins. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht Markus Höfner Cassirers Phänomenologie der Religion als Teil seiner Kulturphilosophie der symbolischen Formen, wobei seine Wahrnehmung der Religion als eigenständiger symbolischer Form profiliert wird. Am Ansatz einer Phänomenologie der Religion, den Heidegger in seinen frühen Freiburger Vorlesungen in Auseinandersetzung mit Paulus, Luther und Augustin entfaltet, wird demgegenüber die Rekonstruktion religiösen Lebens in seinem Vollzug hervorgehoben. Beide Ansätze werden so in ein kritisches Gespräch gebracht, aus dem sich Perspektiven für die gegenwärtige Religionsphilosophie ergeben.Diese Arbeit wurde mit dem John Templeton Award for Theological Promise 2009 ausgezeichnet.
Classiques Garnier Recherches Arnaldiennes. Tome I - Theorie Raisonnee Des Idees Chez Antoine Arnauld: Reprise Et Prolongement Du Projet Cartesien
Pitchstone Publishing Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity—and Why This Harms Everybody
Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller! Times, Sunday Times, and Financial Times Book-of-the-Year Selection! Have you heard that language is violence and that science is sexist? Have you read that certain people shouldn't practice yoga or cook Chinese food? Or been told that being obese is healthy, that there is no such thing as biological sex, or that only white people can be racist? Are you confused by these ideas, and do you wonder how they have managed so quickly to challenge the very logic of Western society? In this probing and intrepid volume, Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay document the evolution of the dogma that informs these ideas, from its coarse origins in French postmodernism to its refinement within activist academic fields. Today this dogma is recognizable as much by its effects, such as cancel culture and social-media dogpiles, as by its tenets, which are all too often embraced as axiomatic in mainstream media: knowledge is a social construct; science and reason are tools of oppression; all human interactions are sites of oppressive power play; and language is dangerous. As Pluckrose and Lindsay warn, the unchecked proliferation of these anti-Enlightenment beliefs present a threat not only to liberal democracy but also to modernity itself. While acknowledging the need to challenge the complacency of those who think a just society has been fully achieved, Pluckrose and Lindsay break down how this often-radical activist scholarship does far more harm than good, not least to those marginalized communities it claims to champion. They also detail its alarmingly inconsistent and illiberal ethics. Only through a proper understanding of the evolution of these ideas, they conclude, can those who value science, reason, and consistently liberal ethics successfully challenge this harmful and authoritarian orthodoxy—in the academy, in culture, and beyond.
Octopus Publishing Group The Little Book of Psychology: An Introduction to the Key Psychologists and Theories You Need to Know
If you want to know your Freud from your Jung and your Milgram from your Maslow, strap in for this whirlwind tour of the highlights of psychology. Including accessible primers on: The early thinkers who contributed to psychological ideas and the birth of modern psychology Famous (and often controversial) experiments and their repercussions What psychology can teach us about memory, language, conformity, reasoning and emotions The ethics of psychological studies Recent developments in the modern fields of evolutionary and cyber psychology. This illuminating little book will introduce you to the key thinkers, themes and theories you need to know to understand how the study of mind and behaviour has sculpted the world we live in and the way we think today.
IVP Academic The Person in Psychology and Christianity – A Faith–Based Critique of Five Theories of Social Development
Logos Verlag Berlin Kants Antwort Auf Die Globalisierung: Das Kantsche Weltburgerrecht ALS Prinzip Einer Normativen Politischen Theorie Des Weltpolitischen Systems Zur Steuerung Der Globalisierung
A A Balkema Publishers Anchors in Theory and Practice / Anker in Theorie Und Praxis: Proceedings of the international symposium, Salzburg, Austria, 9-10 October 1995
Over the past decades a great variety of anchor types has been developed for a multitude of different applications in soils, jointed rock or homogeneous concrete, and thus the experiences gained served a basis for futher development. Special importance was attached to the design of permanent anchors with protection against corrosion and to in situ monitoring in order to ensure the permanent contribution of anchors to the stability of the structure. More than 50 papers are focussing subjects that are of interest to designers, manufacturers, contractors and owners and are dealing with the topics load bearing capacity and effect of anchors, history cases, types of anchors as well as protection against corrosion and long term behaviour.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Fairplayer.Manual -- Klasse 7--9: Förderung von sozialen Kompetenzen - Prävention von Mobbing und Schulgewalt. Theorie- und Praxismanual für die Arbeit mit Jugendlichen in Schulklassen
With the implementation of the scientifically evaluated and multiple award-winning Fairplayer.Manuals, civil courage and prosocial behavior are promoted, social skills are strengthened and personal responsibility is supported. Instructions for structured role play encourage empathy and cognitive perspective adoption. Structured guidelines help to deal with moral dilemmas and form values. The materials are particularly suitable for pupils in the 7th to 9th grade and can be used during lessons. The practical part contains numerous practical exercises and tips. The Fairplayer.Manual was published as a companion book for teacher training or for further training of educational professions and is now available in the second, completely revised edition (
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Sprachliches Handeln in Der Archaischen Lyrik: Sprechakte Und Ihre Aussertextuelle Welt in Der Polisbezogenen Lyrik Des Kallinos, Tyrtaios, Alkaios, Solon Und Theognis
Les Belles Lettres Le Pouvoir MIS a la Question: Theologiens Et Theorie Politique a l'Epoque de la Querelle Entre Boniface VIII Et Philippe Le Bel