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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Philosophies of Organizational Change: Perspectives, Models and Theories for Managing Change, Second Edition
This revised and extended second edition evaluates the diverse approaches to organizational change that have defined the field. Explaining the assumptions and implications that accompany these diverse philosophies, this book demystifies the complexities of conflicting perspectives and delivers valuable insights into the research and practice of organizational change. Philosophies of Organizational Change employs a critical analysis of scholarly writings that have shaped the evolution of alternative perspectives on change. It examines twelve unique approaches to change, charting the territory from philosophy and theory to practice and implications. By uncovering the deep assumptions associated with organizational change, the book supplies readers with a comprehensive analytical toolkit with which to pursue change in an unprecedented era of organizational disruption.Offering a guide through contradictory approaches to implementing change, this book will appeal to scholars and researchers in organization theory. It will also be valuable for MBA and DBA students, as well as undergraduate business students engaging with critical debates on theories and tools for introducing change.
Classiques Garnier Quand l'Art Se Dit Et Se Pense: Les Theories Artistiques de l'Antiquite Aux Lumieres
University Press of America Ethical Theories and Moral Narratives in Art: A Gallery Tour Through the Corporate Moral Forest
This volume is a critical practical study of the forest industrial complex composed in analogical narratives of prosaic discourse and poetic themes presented in a gallery tour through the corporate moral forest. Its focus is on the changing of "management by objectives" policies to "management by ethics" philosophies and managing moralities. With sociological imagination projecting multi-disciplinary analyses of literary forms and performing arts, Richard Guerrette founded the EquiPax Gallery in Newport, Vermont, where he presents a permanent exhibition with ecological theories and environmental scenes through the multi-media arts of paintings, sculptures and architectural designs. The EquiPax Gallery's permanent exposition traces the ethical consciousness-raising benefits of art in the workplace and the economic as well as the aesthetic returns of culturally conceived corporate art collections. Corporate art at EquiPax is authentic and integrative with business mission and company culture. It is a primary symbol of the corporate ethos and the company ethic.
Graswurzelrevolution e.V. Gewaltfreier Anarchismus anarchistischer Pazifismus Auf den Spuren einer revolutionren Theorie und Bewegung
Waxmann Verlag GmbH Handbuch der individualpsychologischen Beratung in Theorie und Praxis Zusammenhnge erschlieen Horizonte ffnen
Duke University Press The Limits of Okinawa: Japanese Capitalism, Living Labor, and Theorizations of Community
Since its incorporation into the Japanese nation-state in 1879, Okinawa has been seen by both Okinawans and Japanese as an exotic “South,” both spatially and temporally distinct from modern Japan. In The Limits of Okinawa, Wendy Matsumura traces the emergence of this sense of Okinawan difference, showing how local and mainland capitalists, intellectuals, and politicians attempted to resolve clashes with labor by appealing to the idea of a unified Okinawan community. Their numerous confrontations with small producers and cultivators who refused to be exploited for the sake of this ideal produced and reproduced “Okinawa” as an organic, transhistorical entity. Informed by recent Marxist attempts to expand the understanding of the capitalist mode of production to include the production of subjectivity, Matsumura provides a new understanding of Okinawa's place in Japanese and world history, and it establishes a new locus for considering the relationships between empire, capital, nation, and identity.
The University of Chicago Press Medieval Cosmology: Theories of Infinity, Place, Time, Void, and the Plurality of Worlds
These selections from Le système du monde, the classic ten-volume history of the physical sciences written by the great French physicist Pierre Duhem (1861-1916), focus on cosmology, Duhem's greatest interest. By reconsidering the work of such Arab and Christian scholars as Averroes, Avicenna, Gregory of Rimini, Albert of Saxony, Nicole Oresme, Duns Scotus, and William of Occam, Duhem demonstrated the sophistication of medieval science and cosmology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermodynamic Models for Industrial Applications: From Classical and Advanced Mixing Rules to Association Theories
Using an applications perspective Thermodynamic Models for Industrial Applications provides a unified framework for the development of various thermodynamic models, ranging from the classical models to some of the most advanced ones. Among these are the Cubic Plus Association Equation of State (CPA EoS) and the Perturbed Chain Statistical Association Fluid Theory (PC-SAFT). These two advanced models are already in widespread use in industry and academia, especially within the oil and gas, chemical and polymer industries. Presenting both classical models such as the Cubic Equations of State and more advanced models such as the CPA, this book provides the critical starting point for choosing the most appropriate calculation method for accurate process simulations. Written by two of the developers of these models, Thermodynamic Models for Industrial Applications emphasizes model selection and model development and includes a useful “which model for which application” guide. It also covers industrial requirements as well as discusses the challenges of thermodynamics in the 21st Century.
Emerald Publishing Limited Historical Female Management Theorists: Frances Perkins, Hallie Flanagan, Madeleine Parent, Viola Desmond
Persuasively arguing for the inclusion of overlooked female figures whilst simultaneously bridging feminist theory and critical historiography, Historical Female Management Theorists features four literary non-fiction, fictitious conversations with historic female proto-management theorists from Canada and the United States: Frances Perkins (1880-1965), Hallie Flanagan (1890-1969), Madeleine Parent (1918-2012), and Viola Desmond (1914-1965). These women have been noted for their contributions in various fields, however their accomplishments and lessons have largely been overlooked by management and organizational history. A variety of archival, biographical and media sources are combined with Williams’s own sense-making and learnings to stitch together a believable, but fictional encounter, introducing a method for feminist historical inquiry – ficto-feminism. A blend of auto-ethnography, collective biography and fictocriticism, this new method explores mechanisms to enact personal agency in subject and writer, featuring a novel narrative, storytelling style inspired by fictional writing. Historical Female Management Theorists is essential reading for both feminist scholars and management historians.
Springer A History of Color: The Evolution of Theories of Light and Color
This is the first comprehensive text on the history of color theories since Halbertsma's book of 1947. Color is discussed in close connection with the evolution of ideas of light and vision. The book has chapters on the ancient Greek ideas of vision and color; on the contributions of Arabic science; on the Scientific Revolution from Kepler to Newton; on the early history of the three-color hypothesis; on the trichromatic theory and defective color vision; and on Goethe's, Schopenhauer's and Hering's theories. New understanding of the structure and functions of the retina and the brain finally results in the modern science of color vision. A History of Color has been written for ophthalmologists, optometrists and others who are interested in visual science and its history. The book requires no specialized knowledge.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Synagogues in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: Archaeological Finds, New Methods, New Theories
The study of ancient Judaism has enjoyed a steep rise in interest and publications in recent decades, although the focus has often been on the ideas and beliefs represented in ancient Jewish texts rather than on the daily lives and the material culture of Jews/Judaeans and their communities. The nascent institution of the synagogue formed an increasingly important venue for communal gathering and daily or weekly practice. This collection of essays brings together a broad spectrum of new archaeological and textual data with various emergent theories and interpretative methods in order to address the need to understand the place of the synagogue in the daily and weekly procedures, community frameworks, and theological structures in which Judaeans, Galileans, and Jewish people in the Diaspora lived and gathered. The interdisciplinary studies will be of great significance for anyone studying ancient Jewish belief, practice, and community formation.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Architecture and Dynamics of Developing Mind: Experiential Structuralism As a Frame for Unifying Cognitive Development Theories
This Monograph presents a theory of cognitive development. The theory argues that the mind develops across three fronts. The first refers to a general processing system that defines the general potentials of mind to develop cognitive strategies and skills. The second refers to a hypercognitive system that governs self-understanding and self-regulation. The third involves a set of specialized structural systems that are responsible for the representation and processing of different reality domains.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Theorie Des Paralleles En Pays d'Islam: Contribution a la Prehistoire Des Geometries Non Euclidiennes
Oxford University Press Quantum Reality: The Quest for the Real Meaning of Quantum Mechanics - a Game of Theories
Quantum mechanics is an extraordinarily successful scientific theory. It is also completely mad. Although the theory quite obviously works, it leaves us chasing ghosts and phantoms; particles that are waves and waves that are particles; cats that are at once both alive and dead; and lots of seemingly spooky goings-on. But if we're prepared to be a little more specific about what we mean when we talk about 'reality' and a little more circumspect in the way we think a scientific theory might represent such a reality, then all the mystery goes away. This shows that the choice we face is actually a philosophical one. Here, Jim Baggott provides a quick but comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics for the general reader, and explains what makes this theory so very different from the rest. He also explores the processes involved in developing scientific theories and explains how these lead to different philosophical positions, essential if we are to understand the nature of the great debate between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein. Moving forwards, Baggott then provides a comprehensive guide to attempts to determine what the theory actually means, from the Copenhagen interpretation to many worlds and the multiverse. Richard Feynman once declared that 'nobody understands quantum mechanics'. This book will tell you why.
Karl-Alber-Verlag Du Bist Mir Noch Nicht Demuthig Genug: Phanomenologische Annaherungen an Eine Theorie Der Demut
Skyhorse Publishing Escaping the Rabbit Hole How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts Logic and Respect
Mabuse-Verlag GmbH Die Theorie des Coolout und ihre Bedeutung fr die Pflegeausbildung Neue Studien und Analysen
Encounter Books,USA In Praise of Prejudice: How Literary Critics and Social Theorists Are Murdering Our Past
Today, the word prejudice has come to seem synonymous with bigotry; therefore the only way a person can establish freedom from bigotry is by claiming to have wiped his mind free from prejudice. English psychiatrist and writer Theodore Dalrymple shows that freeing the mind from prejudice is not only impossible, but entails intellectual, moral and emotional dishonesty. The attempt to eradicate prejudice has several dire consequences for the individual and society as a whole.
Cengage Learning, Inc Mastering Competencies in Family Therapy: A Practical Approach to Theories and Clinical Case Documentation
Gehart's MASTERING COMPETENCIES IN FAMILY THERAPY: A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO THEORIES AND CLINICAL CASE DOCUMENTATION, 4th Edition, not only teaches you about family therapy theories, but also how to use them. A resource you will turn to again and again, it covers most of what you need to know in graduate school and to pass your licensing exams. Students love the book's relaxed, down-to-earth style that makes even complex concepts easy to understand, along with its real-world clinical forms -- case conceptualization and treatment planning -- that can be used with clients. Integrating diversity and research considerations into theoretical discussions and practical applications, the book provides a more holistic and nuanced understanding of couple and family therapy. The fourth edition is packed with the latest research, new theories, telehealth practices, licensure exam prep tips and more.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Religion in Der Postkonfessionellen Gesellschaft: Ein Beitrag Zur Sozialwissenschaftlichen Theorieentwicklung in Der Religionsgeographie
Ca Ira Verlag Zeit Arbeit und gesellschaftliche Herrschaft Eine neue Interpretation der kritischen Theorie von Marx
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl Systemische Modelle fr die Soziale Arbeit Ein integratives Lehrbuch fr Theorie und Praxis
Deutscher Universitatsverlag Der strukturalistische Zirkel: Theorien über Mythos und Märchen bei Propp, Lévi-Strauss, Meletinskij
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Das hybride Subjekt Eine Theorie der Subjektkulturen von der brgerlichen Moderne zur Postmoderne
Duncker & Humblot Zur Geschichte Des Vereins Fur Socialpolitik: Studien Zur Entwicklung Der Okonomischen Theorie XLI
DIN Media Verlag Baustatik Weggrenverfahren Grundlagen Finite Elemente der Stabstatik Theorie I und II Ordnung BauwerkBasisBibliothek
Temple University Press,U.S. Theorizing Discrimination in an Era of Contested Prejudice: Discrimination in the United States
A new perspective that helps us understand the damaged social relations that incubate racial and sexual discrimination
Headline Publishing Group Instant History: Key thinkers, theories, discoveries and concepts explained on a single page
Instant History pulls together all the pivotal moments in modern history into one concise volume. Each page contains a discrete 'cheat sheet', which tells you the most important facts in bite-sized chunks, meaning you can become an expert in an instant. From the Boston Tea Party to the Cold War, the Grand Tour to the Great Depression, the Industrial Revolution to the Russian Revolution, every key event, character or turning point is expressed in succinct and lively text and graphics. Perfect for the knowledge hungry and time poor, this collection of graphic-led lessons makes history interesting and accessible. Everything you need to know is here.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Vorrang Fur Die Armen: Auf Dem Weg Zu Einer Theologischen Theorie Der Gerechtigkeit
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Theories of Human Nature, and, Human Nature: A Reader: A Hackett Value Set
Now available together as a set for a discounted price: Theories of Human Nature, with, Human Nature: A Reader, by Joel J. Kupperman.On Theories of Human Nature:A very fine book on human nature, both what it is and what philosophers have thought about it--philosophers in an inclusive sense, from Plato and Aristotle to Mengzi and Xunzi, from Hume and Kant to Ibn al-Arabi to Marx and Rousseau and including many others. The writing is lively and accessible, the philosophy insightful, and the sense of human possibilities conveyed admirable. It will fit nicely into many different sorts of classes. --John Perry, Stanford UniversityOn Nature: A Reader: This anthology provides a set of distinctive, influential views that explore the mysteries of human nature from a variety of perspectives.
Duncker & Humblot Kelsens Theorie Der Rechtserkenntnis: Zugleich Eine Kritische Betrachtung Der Positivitat ALS Eigenschaft Des Rechts
Ohio University Press Theories of Dependent Foreign Policy and the Case of Ecuador in the 1980s
How do economic weakness and dependence influence foreign policy decisions and behavior in third world countries? Theories in Dependent Foreign Policy examines six foreign policy theories: compliance, consensus, counterdependence, realism, leader preferences and domestic politics, and each is applied to a series of case studies of Ecuador’s foreign policy during the 1980s under two regimes: Osvaldo Hurtado (1981-1984) and his successor León Febres Cordero (1984-1988). Hey shows that Ecuador during this period represented the third world in many ways. It was a new democracy, having just emerged from years of military rule, extremely indebted to the West, and dependent on primary product export economy that relied heavily on importers, especially the United States. Jeanne Hey finds that some of the most popular and enduring theories in western research, such as realism and compliance, poorly account for Ecuadorian foreign policy. She explains that poor countries like Ecuador have substantial foreign policy latitude in the diplomatic area. Drawing on archival research and interviews with policy makers including Presidents Hurtado and Febres Cordero, Dr. Hey convincingly argues that many of the traditional foreign policy theories do not “fit” dependent states, and inadequately account for the complexity of foreign policy in the third world.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Stratégies managériales et création de valeur: Une approche par la théorie des jeux
Duke University Press We Are Not Dreamers: Undocumented Scholars Theorize Undocumented Life in the United States
The widely recognized “Dreamer narrative” celebrates the educational and economic achievements of undocumented youth to justify a path to citizenship. While a well-intentioned, strategic tactic to garner political support of undocumented youth, it has promoted the idea that access to citizenship and rights should be granted only to a select group of “deserving” immigrants. The contributors to We Are Not Dreamers—themselves currently or formerly undocumented—poignantly counter the Dreamer narrative by grappling with the nuances of undocumented life in this country. Theorizing those excluded from the Dreamer category—academically struggling students, transgender activists, and queer undocumented parents—the contributors call for an expansive articulation of immigrant rights and justice that recognizes the full humanity of undocumented immigrants while granting full and unconditional rights. Illuminating how various institutions reproduce and benefit from exclusionary narratives, this volume articulates the dangers of the Dreamer narrative and envisions a different way forward. Contributors. Leisy J. Abrego, Gabrielle Cabrera, Gabriela Garcia Cruz, Lucía León, Katy Joseline Maldonado Dominguez, Grecia Mondragón, Gabriela Monico, Genevieve Negrón-Gonzales, Maria Liliana Ramirez, Joel Sati, Audrey Silvestre, Carolina Valdivia
Turia + Kant, Verlag Das Ich in der Theorie Freuds und in der Technik der Psychoanalyse Das Seminar Buch II
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Theorie Der Nachhaltigkeit: Ethische, Rechtliche, Politische Und Transformative Zugange - Am Beispiel Von Klimawandel, Ressourcenknappheit Und Welthandel
State University of New York Press God, Evil, and Human Learning: A Critique and Revision of the Free Will Defense in Theodicy