Search results for ""Author Leon""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 29
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 22
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 5
Nova Science Publishers Inc Chemical Engineering Research Trends
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 180
This monograph contains six chapters, each of which provides details about recent advancements in the field of medicine and biology. Chapter One describes the discovery of AZQ, a drug specifically designed to shut off genes that cause brain cancer. Chapter Two analyses the structure, stability, adaptation to extreme environments and the catalytic mechanism of α-helical membrane proteins. Chapter Three provides an up-to-date overview of artificial intelligence (AI) in assisted reproductive treatment (ART) clinics and explores how AI learns and develops a dataset to provide clinical guidance. Chapter Four consists of a study focused on the etiopathogenesis of primary open angle glaucoma using laboratory mice. Chapter Five presents and comments on the current evidence regarding diagnostics in patients with metastatic breast cancer based on circulating tumour cells (CTCs). Lastly, Chapter Six reviews the pathogenetic and clinical features of inner ear involvement in congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV), the most frequent non-genetic cause of permanent sensorineural hearing loss in childhood.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 178
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 170
Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 170 begins by presenting the latest evidence that Alzheimer's disease-related proteins and their genes play a role in post-ischemic brain damage, and that an ischemic episode is an essential and leading provider of Alzheimer's disease development. The authors go on to review the pathophysiology, symptoms, epidemiology, analysis, and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Important issues when appraising and interpreting studies on fertility awareness methods used for avoiding pregnancy are described, and correct clinical applications of fertility awareness methods for contraception are also discussed. The basic molecular pathology of human cancers is discussed, as well as rising technologies for tumour characterization and the role of molecular profiling in identifying potential targets for individualised treatment. Additionally, an overview of the various modalities for assessing the liver functional reserve in patients undergoing hepatic resection is provided. Lastly, data on the linearization of somatic growth plots in humans and rats is discussed, showing the existence of at least two ontogenetic transitions: juvenile and pubertal.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 167
This compilation opens with a review of the current knowledge regarding the impact of endocrine disruptors on human health, as well as the mechanisms contributing to it. The authors emphasize the evidence of aquaporin modulation by hypoxia and erythropoietin, as these water channels are increasingly valued as potential biomarkers of disease, as well as pharmacological targets for the treatment of brain and renal injuries, cardiovascular disorders and cancer. Later, the safety and tolerability of adalimumab demonstrated in pivotal phase III clinical trials is examined, along with long-term follow up data from open-label extensions and the ESPRIT registry. Adalimumab for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis and peripheral spondyloarthritis is also discussed. The authors go on to study the types, causes, effect and problems related to polycystic ovary syndrome. The closing study deals with the relationship between reactive oxygen species and male fertility, providing some futuristic approaches for better research in the field.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 165
Volume 165 first presents promising information about the essential goal of effective and safe medication for target patients with the appropriate genotypes. The authors explore the diverse causes of neonatal leukemoid reaction in premature infants proposed by Hill and Duncan in 1941, such as intrauterine infection and maternal steroid administration. This compilation also explores hjypoxia-inducible factor-1, a key gene regulator for cellular adaptation to hypoxia which leads to a transcriptional response under physiological as well as pathological conditions. From a historical perspective, Wilms' tumor treatment is assessed, focusing on the different approaches of the two main groups, the Children's Oncology Group and the International Society of Paediatric Oncology. The genetics and genomics of Plasmodium, which include multiple parameters and factors affecting disease transmission, are assessed in an effort to enhance our knowledge about the disease. Following this, whole slide imaging or virtual microscopy is used for the quantitative evaluation of liver biopsy specimens of patients with chronic hepatitis. The closing study examines data which reveals changes in the functioning of the ceruloplasmin/transferrin system, decreasing the content of toxic ions of Fe2+ in the plasma of patients with Parkinson's disease. These changes are a pathogenetically significant factor of Parkinson's disease at all stages.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 157
Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 157 opens with a study wherein the authors use guinea pig airway smooth muscle to demonstrate that testosterone blocks L type voltage dependent Ca2+ channels. Furthermore, in vivo experiments with sensitized guinea pigs show that bronchospasm induced by antigenic challenge was abolished by testosterone and its 5α and 5β-dihydrotestosterone metabolites. Following this, the authors evaluate the structural features of skeletal muscles in children and adults with various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system based on ultrasonography, considering periods of natural growth and involutive changes. An overview of the current state of research on fluoxetine for the treatment of anxiety alone or combined with depression is provided, along with its possible side effects. Also provided is scientific information is regarding the neurobiological bases of depression and therapeutic effects of fluoxetine during the different periods of menopause. This information could be useful in pharmacological strategies for the treatment of depression occurring in the menopausal women. One chapter focuses on how improved direct access to the liver protected inside the rib cage can be obtained in laparoscopic liver resection using its specific "Caudal approach", decreasing the risk of refractory ascites and liver failure, especially in hepatocellular carcinoma patients with chronic liver diseases. The nucleolus is packed with proteins involved in ribosome function and biogenesis, as well as other proteins involved in cell-cycle regulation, senescence and stress response. However, little is known about the molecular mechanism of protein turnover in the nucleolus. As such, the authors discuss the nucleolus-localized protein degradation pathway, which is essential to ribosome production and cell-cycle progression. The concluding chapter focuses on the dye Congo red, which is used as a stain in microscopy to detect an abnormal material called amyloid. Amyloid consists of misfolded proteins that form fibrils which bind molecules of Congo red and orientate the molecules parallel to the long axis of the fibrils.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 141
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 129
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 125
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 122
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 121
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 118
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 112
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 109
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Havre de Grace: A Photo Album
Take a virtual tour of picturesque Havre de Grace, Maryland, a charming town on the Chesapeake Bay. Local history and charm are preserved through Victorian homes, waterfowl, festivals, and antique shops. Also stroll through Susquehanna State Park. Over 200 color photographs will help you experience the unique character and natural beauty of Havre de Grace.
IVP Academic The Atonement – Its Meaning and Significance
Dover Publications Inc. Science and Information Theory
Obelisco El Cancer Domesticado
Seis mil aos de pan
Una monumental historia del pan, el alimento del hombre más difundido y antiguo, a lo largo de más de 6.000 años.
Editorial Renacimiento Cmo hicimos la Revolucin de Octubre
Ediciones de la Isla de Siltolá, S.L. Esperando a los pjaros del sur poesa reunida 20042016
Dr Ludwig Reichert Rasn Yast: The Avestan Hymn to 'Justice'
Classiques Garnier Correspondance 18891890
Encounter Books,USA Life Liberty & the Defense of Dignity: The Challenge for Bioethics
This book grapples with the moral meaning of the new biomedical technologies now threatening to take us back to the future envisioned by Aldous Huxley in "Brave New World". In a series of meditations on cloning, embryo research, the sale of organs, and the assault on mortality itself, Kass questions the wisdom of trying to break down the natural boundaries given us and to remake the human body into an instrument of our will.
Biblioasis A Good Baby: A Novel
"Grim and raw and hilarious."--The New York Times During the night of a storm, an Appalachian girl delivers a baby and disappears. Next morning, Raymond Toker finds the baby under a bush and takes to the mountain roads to find her a home. While Turner carries out his quest, the child's father, Truman, with "teeth as rotten as his soul," drives his battered car along the same paths. Leon Rooke is a novelist, short story writer, editor, and critic. He has published twenty-eight books, nearly three hundred short stories, and is the recipient of the North Carolina Award for Literature.
Clanrye International Understanding Digital Signal Processing
Santa Monica Press Creepy Crawls: A Horror Fiend's Travel Guide
Macabre city offerings and variously vile movie locations are explored in hair-raising detail in this entertaining travel guide. The names and addresses of people, places and - of course - things associated with the horror genre - such as the real-life Baltimore haunts of Edgar Allen Poe, the final resting place of Bela Lugosi and Stephen King's Maine - are coupled with trivia, travel tips, photographs and a ghoulishly fun narrative. Includes information on the locations used in cult classics such as Dawn of the Dead, The Exorcist and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Hal Leonard Corporation Piano Sonata No. 2
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Anthology of Musical Forms
BuilderBooks Basic Construction Management: The Superintendent's Job
Learn essentials of managing projects well and within budget, from scheduling and jobsite safety to quality and customer service in this long-anticipated revision of Basic Construction Management. Leon Rogers, an experienced builder, author, and educator, offers proven practices for: recruiting and keeping the best trade contractors; scheduling that makes sense; developing and implementing quality practices This book guides you step-by-step from construction planning through warranty work, blending proven practices with the experiences of builders in the field. It offers a roadmap to excellence for new construction superintendents and for veterans who want to brush up their skills for managing people and projects. A companion Web page includes updated quality checklists and other customizable tools to help you manage your construction projects.
Associated Music Publishers, Inc. Interlude II Piano Solo
Ca Ira Verlag Vom Antizionismus zum Antisemitismus
Assimil-Verlag GmbH Volume Niederlandisch OM Ne
Westarp Science Fachvlge Die Maske der Scham Die Psychoanalyse von Schamaffekten und Schamkonflikten
Edition Loewenzahn Market Gardening Agroforst
Liverpool University Press Phenomenal Difference: A Philosophy of Black British Art
Phenomenal Difference grants new attention to contemporary black British art, exploring its critical and social significance through attention to embodied experience, affectivity, the senses and perception.Featuring attention to works by the following artists:Said Adrus, Zarina Bhimji, Sonia Boyce, Vanley Burke, Chila Burman, Mona Hatoum, Bhajan Hunjan, Permindar Kaur, Sonia Khurana, Juginder Lamba, Manjeet Lamba, Hew Locke, Yeu-Lai Mo, Henna Nadeem, Kori Newkirk, Johannes Phokela, Keith Piper, Shanti Thomas, Aubrey Williams, Mario Ybarra Jr. Much before scholars in the arts and humanities took their recent ‘ontological turn’ toward the new materialism, black British art had begun to expose cultural criticism’s overreliance on the concepts of textuality, representation, identity and difference. Illuminating that original field of aesthetics and creativity, this book shows how black British artworks themselves can become the basis for an engaged and widely-reaching philosophy.Numerous extended descriptive studies of artworks spell out the affective and critical relations that pertain between individual works, their viewers and the world at hand: intimate, physically-involving and visceral relations that are brought into being through a wide range of phenomena including performance, photography, installation, photomontage and digital practice.Whether they subsist through movement, or in time, through gesture, or illusion, black British art is always an arresting nexus of making, feeling and thought. It celebrates particular philosophical interest in:- the use of art as a place for remembering the personal or collective past;- the fundamental ‘equivalence’ of texture and colour, and their instances of ‘rupture’;- figural presence, perceptual reversibility and the agency of objects;- the grounded materialities of mediation;- and the interconnections between art, politics and emancipation.Drawing first hand on the founding, historical texts of early and mid-twentieth century phenomenology (Heidegger; Merleau-Ponty), and current advances in art history, curating and visual anthropology, the author transposes black British art into a freshly expanded and diversified intellectual field. What emerges is a vivid understanding of phenomenal difference: the profoundly material processes of interworking philosophical knowledge and political strategy at the site of black British art.
BenBella Books Go Be Brave: 24 ¾ Adventures for a Fearless, Wiser, and Truly Magnificent Life
Leon Logothetis, host of the popular discovery+ series The Kindness Diaries and author of Go Be Kind, returns with a brand-new set of adventures and a brand-new call to action: Go Be Brave!Bravery goes far beyond running into burning buildings. It’s what makes us human and what allows us to connect with others. It’s the foundation of a truly magnificent life—if only we’re vulnerable enough to embrace it.In his travels across the world, Leon Logothetis—“The Kindness Guy”—has met some of the kindest people around. What he discovered along the way was that bravery wasn’t what he thought it was. True bravery means being kind, making connections, and tapping into the deep fearlessness that defines us as human beings. Now, in Go Be Brave, Leon shares 24 (and ¾) new adventures for a fearless, wiser, and truly magnificent life. Bravery is a choice—the choice to reconnect to our humanity—and it’s one we can make every single day. Go Be Brave is a simple concept and a simple journal that will strengthen your being-human muscle and remind you how brave you truly are. With Leon cheering you on, you will:Go on a treasure hunt to find your very own Bravery BuddyBuild a strategy for love—to both offer and accept more of it Learn to say "yes" to adventure, and embrace saying "no" to things that don't serve you.Tackle your biggest fear—whether it’s spiders or having a difficult conversation with a loved oneBravely share your greatest dream with the world (or email it to Leon)Some of the adventures will be fun (ice cream sold separately), some will be serious, some will be hard, and a few will crack you up. But all of them will have the power to change your life, and the lives of those around you. So go out there, and #GoBeBrave.
PM Press Where Are The Barricades?
Cornell University Press Antiques: The History of an Idea
The notion of retrieving a bit of the past-by owning a material piece of it-has always appealed to humans. Often our most prized possessions are those that have had a long history before they came into our hands. Part of the pleasure we gain from the encounter with antiques stems from the palpable age and the assumed (sometimes imaginary) cultural resonances of the particular object. But precisely what is it about these objects that creates this attraction? What common characteristics do they share and why and how do these traits affect us as they do? In Antiques: The History of an Idea, Leon Rosenstein, a distinguished philosopher who has also been an antiques dealer for more than twenty years, offers a sweeping and lively account of the origin and development of the antique as both a cultural concept and an aesthetic category. He shows that the appeal of antiques is multifaceted: it concerns their value as commodities, their age and historical and cultural associations, their uniqueness, their sensuous and tactile values, their beauty. Exploring how the idea of antiques evolved over time, Rosenstein chronicles the history of antique collecting and connoisseurship. He describes changing conceptions of the past in different epochs as evidenced by preservations, restorations, and renascences; examines shifting attitudes toward foreign cultures as revealed in stylistic borrowings and the importation of artifacts; and investigates varying understandings of and meanings assigned to their traits and functions as historical objects. While relying on the past for his evidence, Rosenstein approaches antiques from an entirely original perspective, setting history within a philosophical framework. He begins by providing a working definition of antiques that distinguishes them from other artifacts in general and, more distinctly, both from works of fine art and from the collectible detritus of popular culture. He then establishes a novel set of criteria for determining when an artifact is an antique: ten traits that an object must possess in order to elicit the aesthetic response that is unique to antiques. Concluding with a provocative discussion of the relation between antiques and civilization, this engaging and thought-provoking book helps explain the enduring appeal of owning a piece of the past.
Princeton University Press The United Nations in International Politics
Six authors, all of whom have been associated with the Center of International Studies at Princeton University, take the occasion of the twentyfifth anniversary of the United Nations to reexamine the UN's role and work in the world today and to anticipate its future. Chapters ranging from the theoretical to the detailed and practical include "The United Nations and the International System," by Oran R. Young; "The United Nations and the League," by Stanley Michalak; "An Inquiry into the Successes and Failures of the United Nations General Assembly," by Gabriella Rosner Lande; "International Organization and Internal Conflicts," by Linda Miller; "The United Nations and Economic and Social Change," by Leon Gordenker; and "The United Nations: Various Systems of Organization," by Richard A. Falk. Originally published in 1971. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.