Search results for ""Author Leon""
The Squeeze Press Story and Structure: A Complete Guide
Story and Structure tells the untold story of how story works. Using just six primary symbols, author Leon Conrad outlines eighteen story structures and shows how they all optimally solve the problems which give rise to them. The book also demonstrates the much wider application of story, presenting new insights into story as a dynamic force of life, allowing the reader to access more harmony and flow in their life. Writers, storytellers, creative writing teachers, folklorists, narrative therapists, anthropologists, poets, and readers interested in how story works will all find this book useful and informative. Rethink your idea of story.
HarperCollins Focus Ghosts of Honolulu: A Japanese Spy, A Japanese American Spy Hunter, and the Untold Story of Pearl Harbor
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER"A fast-paced debut...Espionage buffs will savor this vibrant account." — Publishers WeeklyA U.S. naval counterintelligence officer working to safeguard Pearl Harbor; a Japanese spy ordered to Hawaii to gather information on the American fleet. On December 7, 1941, their hidden stories are exposed by a morning of bloodshed that would change the world forever. Scrutinizing long-buried historical documents, NCIS star Mark Harmon and co-author Leon Carroll, a former NCIS Special Agent, have brought forth a true-life NCIS story of deception, discovery, and danger. Hawaii, 1941. War clouds with Japan are gathering and the islands of Hawaii have become battlegrounds of spies, intelligence agents, and military officials - with the island's residents caught between them. Toiling in the shadows are Douglas Wada, the only Japanese American agent in naval intelligence, and Takeo Yoshikawa, a Japanese spy sent to Pearl Harbor to gather information on the U.S. fleet. Douglas Wada's experiences in his native Honolulu include posing undercover as a newspaper reporter, translating wiretaps on the Japanese Consulate, and interrogating America's first captured POW of World War II, a submarine officer found on the beach. Takeo Yoshikawa is a Japanese spy operating as a junior diplomat with the consulate who is collecting vital information that goes straight to Admiral Yamamoto. Their dueling stories anchor Ghosts of Honolulu's gripping depiction of the world-changing cat and mouse games played between Japanese and US military intelligence agents (and a mercenary Nazi) in Hawaii before the outbreak of the second world war. Also caught in the upheaval are Honolulu's innocent residents - including Douglas Wada's father - who endure the war's anti-Japanese fervor and a cadre of intelligence professionals who must prevent Hawaii from adopting the same destructive mass internments as California. Ghosts of Honolulu depicts the incredible high stakes game of naval intelligence and the need to define what is real and what only appears to be real.
Balboa Press The Spirit of Humanity: Finding the Future
Austin Macauley Roads to COVID-19 Containment and Spread
MP-NCA Uni of North Carolina The Maya of Morganton Work and Community in the Nuevo New South
Reino de Cordelia S.L. Mis peripecias en Espaa
Expulsado de Francia por germanófilo y de Alemania por francófono, Lev Trotski llegó a España en 1916, donde permaneció tan sólo unos meses. Tiempo suficiente para que sufriese todo tipo de incidentes, que motivaron una interpelación parlamentaria al Gobierno del conde de Romanones. Trotski fue encarcelado en Madrid y trasladado posteriormente a Cádiz en espera de un barco con rumbo a Nueva York. El libro se publicó en español en 1929, traducido por Andrés Nin y con prólogo del propio Trotski enviado desde Constantinopla. Mis peripecias en España retrata a una sociedad atrasada, pícara y corrupta que el líder de la revolución soviética compara constantemente con Alemania y Francia. Este volumen recupera las ilustraciones realizadas por K. Rotova para la edición príncipe rusa.
Visor libros, S.L. El gran responsable
El gran responsable, publicado en México en 1940, no había sido reeditado íntegro hasta hoy que lo hace la Colección Visor de Poesía.Algunos versos de este libro los utilizó el autor de Ganarás la luz, pero con intención y resultados diferentes.A ello se refiere León Felipe en el epílogo de Ganarás la luz: << En este libro hay versos míos antiguos y palabras recientes dichas en otro lugar, moviéndose, transformándose, corriendo ahora como ríos a la mar en busca de otra estructura y de otra rima de más amplitud y más sentido. >><< A veces coloco un mismo verso y un poema completo en tres sitios distintos, pero en cada momento tiene una intención diferente. La llama, la luz, es la que cambia. Iluminar es repetir. Me gusta poner el mismo verso bajo distintas luces, bajo la luz del mediodia y de la estrella. En la mañana no suena la canción como la noche. Y el mismo salmo es diferente leído en el coro que cantado sobre el camino abierto del Exodo. >>
Ediciones Akal Nueva antologia Rota New Broken Anthology
La importancia de La nueva antología rota de León Felipe radica en dos puntos: en primer lugar, en la atención que le presta el propio autor, como recopilación última de algunos de sus poemas más notorios (de las obras Versos y oraciones de caminante, Drop a Star, Español del éxodo y del llanto o El poeta prometeico, entre otras), revisada por él mismo; en segundo lugar, porque actualmente es casi imposible de encontrar.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El vuelo de Eluán / Eluán's Flight
New York Review of Books The Complete Bostock and Harris
Alfred Music Adventures Big Book L1 Adventures in Music Listening
Exile Editions Wide World in Celebration and Sorrow: Acts of Kamikaze Fiction
Subversive, edgy, and wildly entertaining, this short story collection is a unique encounter with fiction in Leon Rooke’s characteristic style as he peels back the skin of social convention and embraces the chaos of life with characters and themes as unpredictable as an assassin who murders the words in your memory; Egi Balducchi who is either a recording angel or a mad old man with a wheelbarrow; Eli's daughter, Frannie, who may just be a gentle two-bit hooker, or the Virgin herself; and is that really God, shrugging off insults from Isaac Babel and Guy de Maupassant? Then there is Lap the Dog who escapes gunshot and poison, and heads cross-country to find the human survivors; a glimpse into the life of Joyce Carol Oates; the philosopher Heidegger in a fight with Hannah Arendt; the Indian Chief who is denied his professorship at Yale when he turns up for the ceremony with a black princess on his arm; and more... Wide World in Celebration and Sorrow is an evocative short story collection that is wild with laughter, confronting pathos, rage and humour in ways that only Rooke’s writing could approach.
Hal Leonard Corporation Duo No 2 Violin and Piano
Hal Leonard Corporation Piano Sonata No 2
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Diesseits von Gut und Bse Briefe Tagebcher Prosa
seitenweise Verlag GmbH Wein und Weltkrieg
Edition Loewenzahn Kleine Fläche große Ernte
Bod Third Party Titles KfWBerechnung fr einen Wrmeschutz fr ein Bestandsgebude
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Besser fühlen
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Besser fhlen Eine Reise zur Gelassenheit
Bod Third Party Titles Unternehmensführung. Konzept zur Internationalisierung anhand eines Praxisbeispiels
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Physikalische Schulexperimente 1 Mechanik Thermodynamik Experimente fr die Sekundarstufe I
SAP Press Visual Studio Code for SAP
Start programming your SAP applications in Visual Studio Code! This hands-on guide begins with an overview of how VS Code works and how it connects to your SAP systems. Then learn how to manage version control by integrating VS Code with Git. Follow step-by-step instructions to develop SAPUI5 web components, build applications with ABAP, create SAP Fiori apps using SAP Fiori elements, and work with the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model. Get everything you need to master this IDE! Highlights include: 1) Git2) SAPUI5 3) ABAP 4) SAP Fiori elements 5) SAP HANA Cloud 6) SAP Cloud Application Programming Model 7) Installation8) Programming environment9) Application development10) Deployment and testing
University of Pennsylvania Press The Long Gilded Age: American Capitalism and the Lessons of a New World Order
From the end of the nineteenth century through the first decades of the twentieth, the United States experienced unprecedented structural change. Advances in communication and manufacturing technology brought about a revolution for major industries such as railroads, coal, and steel. The still-growing nation established economic, political, and cultural entanglements with forces overseas. Local strikes in manufacturing, urban transit, and construction placed labor issues front and center in political campaigns, legislative corridors, church pulpits, and newspapers of the era. The Long Gilded Age considers the interlocking roles of politics, labor, and internationalism in the ideologies and institutions that emerged at the turn of the twentieth century. Presenting a new twist on central themes of American labor and working-class history, Leon Fink examines how the American conceptualization of free labor played out in iconic industrial strikes, and how "freedom" in the workplace became overwhelmingly tilted toward individual property rights at the expense of larger community standards. He investigates the legal and intellectual centers of progressive thought, situating American policy actions within an international context. In particular, he traces the development of American socialism, which appealed to a young generation by virtue of its very un-American roots and influences. The Long Gilded Age offers both a transnational and comparative look at a formative era in American political development, placing this tumultuous period within a worldwide confrontation between the capitalist marketplace and social transformation.
Princeton University Press The United Nations in International Politics
Six authors, all of whom have been associated with the Center of International Studies at Princeton University, take the occasion of the twentyfifth anniversary of the United Nations to reexamine the UN's role and work in the world today and to anticipate its future. Chapters ranging from the theoretical to the detailed and practical include "The United Nations and the International System," by Oran R. Young; "The United Nations and the League," by Stanley Michalak; "An Inquiry into the Successes and Failures of the United Nations General Assembly," by Gabriella Rosner Lande; "International Organization and Internal Conflicts," by Linda Miller; "The United Nations and Economic and Social Change," by Leon Gordenker; and "The United Nations: Various Systems of Organization," by Richard A. Falk. Originally published in 1971. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Harvard University Press The Rise of Central Banks: State Power in Financial Capitalism
A bold history of the rise of central banks, showing how institutions designed to steady the ship of global finance have instead become as destabilizing as they are dominant.While central banks have gained remarkable influence over the past fifty years, promising more stability, global finance has gone from crisis to crisis. How do we explain this development? Drawing on original sources ignored in previous research, The Rise of Central Banks offers a groundbreaking account of the origins and consequences of central banks’ increasing clout over economic policy.Many commentators argue that ideas drove change, indicating a shift in the 1970s from Keynesianism to monetarism, concerned with controlling inflation. Others point to the stagflation crises, which put capitalists and workers at loggerheads. Capitalists won, the story goes, then pushed deregulation and disinflation by redistributing power from elected governments to markets and central banks. Both approaches are helpful, but they share a weakness. Abstracting from the evolving practices of central banking, they provide inaccurate accounts of recent policy changes and fail to explain how we arrived at the current era of easy money and excessive finance.By comparing developments in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Switzerland, Leon Wansleben finds that central bankers’ own policy innovations were an important ingredient of change. These innovations allowed central bankers to use privileged relationships with expanding financial markets to govern the economy. But by relying on markets, central banks fostered excessive credit growth and cultivated an unsustainable version of capitalism. Through extensive archival work and numerous interviews, Wansleben sheds new light on the agency of bureaucrats and calls upon society and elected leaders to direct these actors’ efforts to more progressive goals.
These nine essays by a prominent scholar in American labor history self-consciously evoke the tensions between the worker as historical subject and the historian as outside observer. Encompassing studies of labor culture, strategy, and movement building from the late nineteenth century to the present, In Search of the Working Class also connects the trials of the early labor economists to the conceptual challenges facing today's academic practitioners. "Fink places American labor history in the broader context of American political historiography better than any other historian I can think of." -- James R. Barrett, author of Work and Community in the Jungle: Chicago's Packinghouse Workers, 1894-1922
Wiley Energy Systems
Advantage Media Group All Physicians Lead
Leadership is an integral part of what doctors do.All physicians lead, not just those with official leadership titles, such as CMO or Chief of Surgery. If leadership can be defined as influencing thought and behavior to achieve desired results, then clearly it isn't something physicians work toward only as a later-career goal. Leadership is a skillset physicians practice every day. Whether persuading a patient to stop smoking, a lab to return speedy results, or a surgical team to understand what needs to happen in the OR, physicians lead. Leadership is baked into the job.In fact, we already look to physicians as leaders. We expect them to make critical healthcare decisions, inspire treatment teams, influence patients' behaviors, communicate impeccably, and be exemplars of professional conduct. Few roles in society carry more built-in leadership expectations then that of physician.And yet, most physicians receive little focused training in leadership. While clini
Talisman Publishing Asian Favourite Stories: Hong Kong
The vocabulary and sentence structures have been kept simple so that the stories can be enjoyed without too much help, and a Glossary is included in every book giving explanations of the more difficult words. With attractive colour illustrations accompanying the stories, the Asian Favourite Stories Series aims to encourage children to read stories with a familiar background for their enjoyment and pleasure.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Student Teaching: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges
Through the research examined in the opening chapter the authors determine that it is necessary for elementary teacher candidates to be strengthened in the pedagogical level related to culturally responsive teaching during the undergraduate education process, and graduate as culturally responsive elementary teachers. Next, a study is presented which investigates the effects of multiple intelligence practices on secondary school students' environmental literacy levels. The results reveal that a learning environment enriched by multiple intelligence activities significantly improved the participants' environmental literacy levels. The final study explores three Andalusia universities (that are part of the 17 autonomous regions making up Spain) and how they regard the knowledge of prospective primary teachers in the area of metric geometry.
Vallentine Mitchell & Co Ltd In the Shadow of the Cross: Jewish-Christian Relations Through the Ages
Stanford University Press A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance
Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance has been widely recognized for its important and influential concepts in areas of motivation and social psychology. The theory of dissonance is here applied to the problem of why partial reward, delay of reward , and effort expenditure during training result in increased resistance to extinction. The author contends that a state of impasse exists within learning theory largely because some of its major assumptions stand in apparent opposition to cetain well-established experimental results. The book puts forward a new theory that seems to reconcile these data and assumptions. This new theory can account for data with which other theories have difficulty: it integrates empirical phenomena that have been regarded as unrelated, and it is supported by the results of experiments designed specifically to test its implications. These experiments are fully described in the text.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Shakespeare Stories
Twelve Shakespeare plays presented afresh by Leon Garfield in narrative form. These are not simple retellings, but more like a refashioning of the dramas as stories, which remain true to the essential spirit of the original versions. The author has captured all the richness of character, plot, mood and setting in Shakespeare's works. It is the perfect introduction to Shakespeare for the young.
Peeters Publishers Politics, Administration and Society in the Hellenistic and Roman World
These are the Proceedings of one of the colloquia organized by the International Research Group "Society and Administration in the Hellenistic and Roman World", patronized by the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research in Brussels and composed of ancient historians of the Universities of Leuven, Brussels, Antwerp, Bologna, Leiden, Trier, Koln, Gottingen, Thessaloniki, Cambridge and London (see also Studia Hellenistica 34, 1998, and 37, 2002). The contributions cover a wide range of topics and a vast geographical area: new papyrological evidence on the taxes imposed by Vespasian on the Jews in the Empire and the collection of arrears by Domitian; new papyrological evidence on the foundation and organization of poleis in Ptolemaic Egypt; problems of taxation and other administrative questions in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt; the upper strata of officialdom in the Seleucid kingdom and the entourage of the Antigonids; the Epirote Confederacy; the collapse of the monarchy in Syracuse; royal visits and regal displays in Ptolemaic Egypt; Egyptian temples and the Ptolemaic army; the settlements in the northern Sinai; the relationships between Greek subjects and Roman authorities in Asia Minor and elsewhere; people of Greek origin in Italy and the western provinces; the payment of Augustan troops in Germania Inferior. The volume is dedicated to the memory of Professors Edmond Van 't Dack (1923-1997) and Hubert Devijver (1936-1997).
Biblioteca Nueva Espejos de tinta con la mirada de Borges
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. Corazón oscuro la cruzada escocesa en la frontera de Granada
En agosto de 1330, el noble escocés James Douglas cayó, junto con muchos de sus caballeros, en un combate durante el asedio de la fortaleza granadina de Teba. Con su muerte se perdió la reliquia que llevaba al cuello, dentro de un cofrecito. Dicha pérdida fue una mácula para la cruzada y el rey Alfonso XI de Castilla dispuso que el relicario se recuperase al precio que fuese. León Arsenal novela con su habitual maestría un hecho real acaecido en el pueblo de Teba. Un suceso ocurrido en la España medieval que fue el verdadero origen del apodo Braveheart, corazón valiente, popularizado hace unos años por el cine y que en realidad designaba al rey escocés Robert the Bruce, de quien James Douglas fue su más estrecho servidor.
Blume Conquistar El Dolor: Soluciones Para Romper El Círculo del Dolor Y Recuperar El Control de Su Vida
Visor libros, S.L. Nueva antología rota
León Felipe Camino (Tábara, Zamora, 1884) es uno de los más importantes poetas contemporáneos de habla hispana. Desde el año 1923 permaneció, salvo su estancia en España, en los años 1938 - 1940, viajando por América y fundamentalmente por México, donde murió en septiembre de 1968.
El mendigo ingrato diario I 18921895
El mendigo ingrato pone de relieve la pobreza existencial, extrema, mendicante del artista anti-moderno, enfrentado a una sociedad eminentemente dineraria.
Kehrer Verlag Sharon
Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. Parade of the Wooden Soldiers Score Parts Eighth Note Publications
Trusted Media Brands Live, Love, Explore, 1: Discover the Way of the Traveler a Roadmap to the Life You Were Meant to Live
Hay House Inc 21 Days to Decode Your Dreams: Unlock the Signs, Symbols, and Meanings of Your Dreams
Discover the deeper meaning of your dreams and understand the messages behind various signs and symbols in just 21 days.We've all experienced dreams that have given us pause for thought or wondered what deeper insight these nighttime visitations have. Dreams can unlock the deepest parts of our minds, reveal solutions that the waking mind could not comprehend and provide important guidelines for our future. However, these valuable insights are useless to us without a simple, easy-to-follow guide to the symbols and messages submerged within our dreams. 21 Days to Decode Your Dreams is the package all dreamers need.Your sleeping life holds the solutions to your waking life. This book offers a comprehensive day-by-day guide to the most familiar themes, symbols and messages that our dreams transmit. In 21 daily segments, you'll learn how to keep a dream journal, understand recurring dreams, break troubling patterns that your dreams warn you about and create an incredible dream life to enrich your conscious time.Studies have shown it takes just 21 days to establish a new habit. Take advantage of a new skill with Hay House’s 21 Days series.
Scarecrow Press From Brown to Boston: Desegregation in Education 1954-1974
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Hal Leonard Corporation Trio No 2 Score and Parts