Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physiology Or Medicine 2001-2005
This volume is a collection of the Nobel Lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches at the award ceremonies in Stockholm for the period 2001 - 2005. Each Nobel Lecture is based on the work for which the laureate was awarded the prize. This volume of inspiring lectures should be on the bookshelf of every keen student, teacher and professor of physiology/medicine as well as of those in related fields.The following is a list of the Nobel laureates during 2001 - 2005 with a description of the works that won them their prizes:(2001) Leland H Hartwell, Tim Hunt & Sir Paul Nurse — for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle; (2002) Sydney Brenner, H Robert Horvitz & John E Sulston — for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death; (2003) Paul C Lauterbur & Sir Peter Mansfield — for their discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging; (2004) Richard Axel & Linda B Buck — for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system; (2005) Barry J Marshall & J Robin Warren — for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Literature (2001-2005)
Equally important to our understanding of history and humanity are the great works of literature. The Nobel Prize for literature recognizes modern classics and the efforts of authors to bridge gaps between different cultures, time periods and styles.Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 2001 - 2005.(2001) Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul — for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories; (2002) Imre Kertész — for writing that upholds the fragile experience of the individual against the barbaric arbitrariness of history; (2003) John M Coetzee — who in innumerable guises portrays the surprising involvement of the outsider; (2004) Elfriede Jelinek — for her musical flow of voices and counter-voices in novels and plays that with extraordinary linguistic zeal reveal the absurdity of society's clichés and their subjugating power; (2005) Harold Pinter — who in his plays uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression's closed rooms.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Literature (2001-2005)
Equally important to our understanding of history and humanity are the great works of literature. The Nobel Prize for literature recognizes modern classics and the efforts of authors to bridge gaps between different cultures, time periods and styles.Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 2001 - 2005.(2001) Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul — for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories; (2002) Imre Kertész — for writing that upholds the fragile experience of the individual against the barbaric arbitrariness of history; (2003) John M Coetzee — who in innumerable guises portrays the surprising involvement of the outsider; (2004) Elfriede Jelinek — for her musical flow of voices and counter-voices in novels and plays that with extraordinary linguistic zeal reveal the absurdity of society's clichés and their subjugating power; (2005) Harold Pinter — who in his plays uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression's closed rooms.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Semi-classical Analysis For Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
These lecture notes review recent results on the high-frequency analysis of nonlinear Schrödinger equations in the presence of an external potential. The book consists of two relatively independent parts: WKB analysis, and caustic crossing. In the first part, the basic linear WKB theory is constructed and then extended to the nonlinear framework. The most difficult supercritical case is discussed in detail, together with some of its consequences concerning instability phenomena. Applications of WKB analysis to functional analysis, in particular to the Cauchy problem for nonlinear Schrödinger equations, are also given. In the second part, caustic crossing is described, especially when the caustic is reduced to a point, and the link with nonlinear scattering operators is investigated.These notes are self-contained and combine selected articles written by the author over the past ten years in a coherent manner, with some simplified proofs. Examples and figures are provided to support the intuition, and comparisons with other equations such as the nonlinear wave equation are provided.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Uncertainty And Intelligent Information Systems
Intelligent systems are necessary to handle modern computer-based technologies managing information and knowledge. This book discusses the theories required to help provide solutions to difficult problems in the construction of intelligent systems. Particular attention is paid to situations in which the available information and data may be imprecise, uncertain, incomplete or of a linguistic nature. The main aspects of clustering, classification, summarization, decision making and systems modeling are also addressed. Topics covered in the book include fundamental issues in uncertainty, the rapidly emerging discipline of information aggregation, neural networks, Bayesian networks and other network methods, as well as logic-based systems.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Simultaneity: Temporal Structures And Observer Perspectives
This book presents an interdisciplinary approach to the question of how observer-participant perspectives are generated, what constrains them and how they may be modified. These questions are of vital importance and must be addressed in any discipline before formulating a hypothesis or designing a model about reality. Both epistemological questions about the nature of temporal nested structures and practical applications of our ability to contextualize are discussed. The resulting temporal observer-participant perspectives reflect approaches to the concept of simultaneity from the viewpoints of philosophers, logicians, cyberneticists and systems theorists, mathematicians, psychologists, medical practitioners, physicists, educationists, economists and musicologists. Although the main focus is on the cognitive sciences, as constraints to observer perspectives arise primarily from this field, the book will appeal to researchers of all disciplines and interested layman readers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Satyendra Nath Bose -- His Life And Times: Selected Works (With Commentary)
Satyendra Nath Bose became a legendary figure of science in the 20th century in India with his revolutionary discovery on the nature of radiation. Despite the association with Einstein, however, little is known about him outside of India. This book highlights the remarkable intellect and the extraordinary personality of Bose set against the backdrop of a rich Bengali cultural tradition and British-Indian politics. Unlike other books covering the significance of Bose's discovery, this book describes his diverse scientific contributions to India's scientific community by bringing together selected articles and addresses by Bose as well as contributions from some well-known scientists on the many-faceted life of Bose, thus making it a truly unique volume.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Basics Of Thermodynamics And Phase Transitions In Complex Intermetallics
Complex metal alloys (CMAs) comprise a huge group of largely unknown alloys and compounds, where many phases are formed with crystal structures based on giant unit cells containing atom clusters, ranging from tens of to more than thousand atoms per unit cell. In these phases, for many phenomena, the physical length scales are substantially smaller than the unit-cell dimension. Hence, these materials offer unique combinations of properties which are mutually exclusive in conventional materials, such as metallic electric conductivity combined with low thermal conductivity, good light absorption with high-temperature stability, high metallic hardness with reduced wetting by liquids, etc.This book is the first of a series of books issued yearly as a deliverable to the European Community of the School established within the European Network of Excellence CMA. Written by reputed experts in the fields of metal physics, surface physics, surface chemistry, metallurgy, and process engineering, this book brings together expertise found inside as well as outside the network to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge in CMAs.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Management Of Technology Innovation And Value Creation - Selected Papers From The 16th International Conference On Management Of Technology
The International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) is one of the largest scientific associations dealing with the education, research and application of management of technology. The annual conferences held by IAMOT assemble the most important scientists and experts in the field. The 16th conference held in 2007 included papers by experts from 32 countries. This book compiles the best of those papers presented at the conference. It covers topics and issues related to the knowledge economy, commercialization of knowledge, green technologies, and sustainable development.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nanoporous Materials - Proceedings Of The 5th International Symposium
This proceedings volume contains selected and peer-reviewed original oral and poster contributions to be presented at the 5th International Symposium on Nanoporous Materials, Vancouver, Canada, May 25-28, 2008. It presents recent scientific advances in the area of nanoporous materials, especially those with ordered pores of sizes between 1 and 50 nm, their synthesis, characterization and applications in adsorption, catalysis, bio-related processes, environmental cleanup and nanotechnology. A unique feature of this volume is the wide variety of nanoporous materials covered, ranging from ordered silica nanostructures, silicas with incorporated organic and inorganic species, ordered nanoporous carbons and polymers, metal organic frameworks, nanostructured catalysts to nanoporous films, membranes and monoliths. This proceedings volume reflects the current trends and advances in the field of nanomaterials, which will certainly continue to attract the attention of materials scientists around the globe. It will therefore be a valuable reference for materials scientists, chemists and physicists working in academia, national and industrial laboratories.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Recent Advances In Data Mining Of Enterprise Data: Algorithms And Applications
The main goal of the new field of data mining is the analysis of large and complex datasets. Some very important datasets may be derived from business and industrial activities. This kind of data is known as “enterprise data”. The common characteristic of such datasets is that the analyst wishes to analyze them for the purpose of designing a more cost-effective strategy for optimizing some type of performance measure, such as reducing production time, improving quality, eliminating wastes, or maximizing profit. Data in this category may describe different scheduling scenarios in a manufacturing environment, quality control of some process, fault diagnosis in the operation of a machine or process, risk analysis when issuing credit to applicants, management of supply chains in a manufacturing system, or data for business related decision-making.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Primer Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry, A
This unique volume chronicles the combined experiences of the multidisciplinary team on the clinical practice of child and adolescent psychiatry. A culmination of the authors' past 37 years of training medical students and other allied health trainees, this text is designed with the needs of the busy clinician in mind. Its broad coverage of the subject, the use of relevant clinical histories and findings to illustrate key points, as well as discussions on common treatment side effects make it a very helpful and practical book.Medical students in their third through final years; trainees in psychiatry, psychology, and social work; psychologists; teacher counselors; medical social workers; pediatricians interested in child mental health; and family physicians will find this book particularly useful and stimulating.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Foundations Of Decision-making Agents: Logic, Probability And Modality
This self-contained book provides three fundamental and generic approaches (logical, probabilistic, and modal) to representing and reasoning with agent epistemic states, specifically in the context of decision making. Each of these approaches can be applied to the construction of intelligent software agents for making decisions, thereby creating computational foundations for decision-making agents. In addition, the book introduces a formal integration of the three approaches into a single unified approach that combines the advantages of all the approaches. Finally, the symbolic argumentation approach to decision making developed in this book, combining logic and probability, offers several advantages over the traditional approach to decision making which is based on simple rule-based expert systems or expected utility theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advances In Doctoral Research In Management (Volume 2)
Within the academic realm, doctoral research plays a vital role in the advancement of knowledge. In areas ranging from strategy and international business to marketing, finance and operations management, the contributions in this volume represent the very best in doctoral research in the field of management worldwide.The second volume in the Advances in Doctoral Research in Management series comprises doctoral research papers and research notes, which are shorter versions of extended monographs. Research methodology papers that introduce applications of new methodological concepts, techniques, and tools are also included in this comprehensive volume.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Public Image Of Chemistry, The
Popular associations with chemistry range from poisons, hazards, chemical warfare and environmental pollution to alchemical pseudoscience, sorcery and mad scientists, which gravely affect the public image of science in general. While chemists have merely complained about their public image, social and cultural studies of science have largely avoided anything related to chemistry.This book provides, for the first time, an in-depth understanding of the cultural and historical contexts in which the public image of chemistry has emerged. It argues that this image has been shaped through recurring and unlucky interactions between chemists in popularizing their discipline and nonchemists in expressing their expectations and fears of science. Written by leading scholars from the humanities, social sciences and chemistry in North America, Europe and Australia, this volume explores a blind spot in the science-society relationship and calls for a constructive dialog between scientists and their public.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Group Theory For Physicists
Newer Edition Available: Group Theory for Physicists (2nd Edition)This textbook explains the fundamental concepts and techniques of group theory by making use of language familiar to physicists. Application methods to physics are emphasized. New materials drawn from the teaching and research experience of the author are included. This book can be used by graduate students and young researchers in physics, especially theoretical physics. It is also suitable for some graduate students in theoretical chemistry.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Christmas At The Royal Institution: An Anthology Of Lectures By M Faraday, J Tyndall, R S Ball, S P Thompson, E R Lankester, W H Bragg, W L Bragg, R L Gregory, And I Stewart
Since the mid-1820s, a series of lectures has been delivered each year over the Christmas period in the world-famous Faraday Lecture Theatre at The Royal Institution of Great Britain by prominent scientists, addressed specifically to an audience of children. Initially made accessible in book form, the lectures have been nationally televised throughout the UK and distributed worldwide since the 1960s, making them accessible to an even larger audience. The importance of these lectures in promoting science to a broad audience is perhaps best gauged by the fact that an image of one of Faraday's lectures appeared on the Bank of England £20 note in the 1990s.This anthology brings together, for the first time, a carefully chosen selection of 11 lectures from the 1860s to the 1990s. The selection includes lectures by Michael Faraday, arguably the most important and influential 19th-century physicist, and Lawrence Bragg, the youngest ever winner of the Nobel Prize. Through this work, readers will come to grips with the changing nature of popular science lectures over the past 140 years.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Harmonic Analysis, Group Representations, Automorphic Forms And Invariant Theory: In Honor Of Roger E Howe
This volume carries the same title as that of an international conference held at the National University of Singapore, 9-11 January 2006 on the occasion of Roger E. Howe's 60th birthday. Authored by leading members of the Lie theory community, these contributions, expanded from invited lectures given at the conference, are a fitting tribute to the originality, depth and influence of Howe's mathematical work. The range and diversity of the topics will appeal to a broad audience of research mathematicians and graduate students interested in symmetry and its profound applications.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Biomaterials In Modern Medicine: The Groningen Perspective
This useful book is written from a medical perspective and is aimed at academics as well as medical and biomedical engineering students who want to become involved in the design, development, manufacturing or use of prostheses or medical devices. It covers basic information on the complexities of implant and medical device development. The design process, technology assessment, animal experiments, histocompatibility, tissue compatibility and infections are described. In addition, examples of biomaterial applications are presented, showing the diversity of biomaterials.This is the first book that guides the reader through the complicated process of medical product development. Different technical and medical aspects of medical implants are highlighted by a group of authors who are actively involved in biomaterial research at the University Medical Center of Groningen, one of the leading hospitals in The Netherlands.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Limit Theorems For Associated Random Fields And Related Systems
This volume is devoted to the study of asymptotic properties of wide classes of stochastic systems arising in mathematical statistics, percolation theory, statistical physics and reliability theory. Attention is paid not only to positive and negative associations introduced in the pioneering papers by Harris, Lehmann, Esary, Proschan, Walkup, Fortuin, Kasteleyn and Ginibre, but also to new and more general dependence conditions. Naturally, this scope comprises families of independent real-valued random variables. A variety of important results and examples of Markov processes, random measures, stable distributions, Ising ferromagnets, interacting particle systems, stochastic differential equations, random graphs and other models are provided. For such random systems, it is worthwhile to establish principal limit theorems of the modern probability theory (central limit theorem for random fields, weak and strong invariance principles, functional law of the iterated logarithm etc.) and discuss their applications.There are 434 items in the bibliography.The book is self-contained, provides detailed proofs, for reader's convenience some auxiliary results are included in the Appendix (e.g. the classical Hoeffding lemma, basic electric current theory etc.).
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Theory Of Orbital Motion
Orbital motion is a vital subject which has engaged the greatest minds in mathematics and physics from Kepler to Einstein. It has gained in importance in the space age and touches every scientist in any field of space science. Still, there is almost a total dearth of books in this important field at the elementary and intermediate levels — at best a chapter in an undergraduate or graduate mechanics course.This book addresses that need, beginning with Kepler's laws of planetary motion followed by Newton's law of gravitation. Average and extremum values of dynamical variables are treated and the central force problem is formally discussed. The planetary problem in Cartesian and complex coordinates is tackled and examples of Keplerian motion in the solar system are also considered. The final part of the book is devoted to the motion of artificial Earth satellites and the modifications of their orbits by perturbing forces of various kinds.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Computer Solutions In Physics: With Applications In Astrophysics, Biophysics, Differential Equations, And Engineering (With Cd-rom)
With the great progress in numerical methods and the speed of the modern personal computer, if you can formulate the correct physics equations, then you only need to program a few lines of code to get the answer. Where other books on computational physics dwell on the theory of problems, this book takes a detailed look at how to set up the equations and actually solve them on a PC.Focusing on popular software package Mathematica, the book offers undergraduate student a comprehensive treatment of the methodology used in programing solutions to equations in physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Hepatocellular Carcinoma
This essential book is a compendium of papers written by an international team of world-renowned experts, who cover topics in their respective areas of expertise. Presenting the most up-to-date knowledge of hepatocellular carcinoma, it covers all topics — including those more controversial ones — in this rapidly advancing field, from epidemiology to prevention, from molecular biology to gross pathology, from screening to atypical presentation, from diagnosis to treatment, and from assessment to choice of appropriate treatment. This volume is therefore an important contribution to the field of hepatocellular carcinoma.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Analysis Of Biological Data: A Soft Computing Approach
Bioinformatics, a field devoted to the interpretation and analysis of biological data using computational techniques, has evolved tremendously in recent years due to the explosive growth of biological information generated by the scientific community. Soft computing is a consortium of methodologies that work synergistically and provides, in one form or another, flexible information processing capabilities for handling real-life ambiguous situations. Several research articles dealing with the application of soft computing tools to bioinformatics have been published in the recent past; however, they are scattered in different journals, conference proceedings and technical reports, thus causing inconvenience to readers, students and researchers.This book, unique in its nature, is aimed at providing a treatise in a unified framework, with both theoretical and experimental results, describing the basic principles of soft computing and demonstrating the various ways in which they can be used for analyzing biological data in an efficient manner. Interesting research articles from eminent scientists around the world are brought together in a systematic way such that the reader will be able to understand the issues and challenges in this domain, the existing ways of tackling them, recent trends, and future directions. This book is the first of its kind to bring together two important research areas, soft computing and bioinformatics, in order to demonstrate how the tools and techniques in the former can be used for efficiently solving several problems in the latter.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Basic Lie Theory
This volume provides a comprehensive treatment of basic Lie theory, primarily directed toward graduate study. The text is ideal for a full graduate course in Lie groups and Lie algebras. However, the book is also very usable for a variety of other courses: a one-semester course in Lie algebras, or on Haar measure and its applications, for advanced undergraduates; or as the text for one-semester graduate courses in Lie groups and symmetric spaces of non-compact type, or on lattices in Lie groups. The material is complete and detailed enough to be used for self-study; it can also serve as a reference work for professional mathematicians working in other areas. The book's utility for such a varied readership is enhanced by a diagram showing the interdependence of the separate chapters so that individual chapters and the material they depend upon can be selected, while others can be skipped.The book incorporates many of the most significant discoveries and pioneering contributions of the masters of the subject: Borel, Cartan, Chevalley, Iwasawa, Mostow, Siegel, and Weyl, among others.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To The Basics Of Reliability And Risk Analysis, An
The necessity of expertise for tackling the complicated and multidisciplinary issues of safety and risk has slowly permeated into all engineering applications so that risk analysis and management has gained a relevant role, both as a tool in support of plant design and as an indispensable means for emergency planning in accidental situations. This entails the acquisition of appropriate reliability modeling and risk analysis tools to complement the basic and specific engineering knowledge for the technological area of application.Aimed at providing an organic view of the subject, this book provides an introduction to the principal concepts and issues related to the safety of modern industrial activities. It also illustrates the classical techniques for reliability analysis and risk assessment used in current practice.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Biological Networks
This volume presents a timely and comprehensive overview of biological networks at all organization levels in the spirit of the complex systems approach. It discusses the transversal issues and fundamental principles as well as the overall structure, dynamics, and modeling of a wide array of biological networks at the molecular, cellular, and population levels. Anchored in both empirical data and a strong theoretical background, the book therefore lends valuable credence to the complex systems approach.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mif: A Most Interesting Factor
In recent years, researchers have identified a pivotal, upstream role for macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in the innate immune response. This pioneering book describes this renaissance of knowledge in the biology of MIF. Topics covered include MIF's molecular mechanism of action, its counterregulatory action on the immunosuppressive properties of glucocorticoids, its role in the production of proinflammatory mediators as shown in cell-based and animal studies; and its central role in human inflammation. Human genetic studies have identified allelic forms of the MIF gene, and high-expression alleles have been associated with rheumatoid arthritis, asthma severity, sarcoidosis, atopy, inflammatory bowel disease, and other inflammatory and infectious maladies. The book also discusses the role of MIF as a therapeutic target. Unique structural features of the protein, such as an intrinsic catalytic activity and the recent discovery of its cell surface receptor, offer attractive opportunities for therapeutic intervention. Such approaches are presently in clinical development.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Low-dimensional Nanoscale Systems On Discrete Spaces
The area of low-dimensional quantum systems on discrete spaces is a rapidly growing research field lying at the interface between quantum theoretical developments, like discrete and q-difference equations, and tight binding superlattice models in solid-state physics. Systems on discrete spaces are promising candidates for applications in several areas. Indeed, the dynamic localization of electrons on the 1D lattice under the influence of an external electric field serves to describe time-dependent transport in quantum wires, linear optical absorption spectra, and the generation of higher harmonics. Odd-even parity effects and the flux dependent oscillations of total persistent currents in discretized rings can also be invoked. Technological developments are then provided by conductance calculations characterizing 1D conductors, junctions between rings and leads or rings and dots, and by quantum LC-circuits. Accordingly, the issues presented in this book are important starting points for the design of novel nanodevices.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Singular Integrals And Related Topics
This book introduces some important progress in the theory of Calderon-Zygmund singular integrals, oscillatory singular integrals, and Littlewood-Paley theory over the last decade. It includes some important research results by the authors and their cooperators, such as singular integrals with rough kernels on Block spaces and Hardy spaces, the criterion on boundedness of oscillatory singular integrals, and boundedness of the rough Marcinkiewicz integrals. These results have frequently been cited in many published papers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Invitation To Noncommutative Geometry, An
This is the first existing volume that collects lectures on this important and fast developing subject in mathematics. The lectures are given by leading experts in the field and the range of topics is kept as broad as possible by including both the algebraic and the differential aspects of noncommutative geometry as well as recent applications to theoretical physics and number theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Tobacco Control Policy Analysis In China: Economics And Health
This is the first book that analyzes tobacco control policies in China from the perspectives of economics and health. For readers interested in the economic aspects of tobacco control policy issues not only in China but also in other developing countries, this book provides a comprehensive analytical and empirical framework addressing key debated issues.This book covers a range of interesting topics from the prevalence of smoking in China, health and economic burden of smoking in China, demand for cigarettes and taxation in China, the role of tobacco on farming, the tobacco industry and the World Trade Organization, poverty and smoking in China, to future challenges of tobacco control for the Chinese government.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Strongly Correlated Systems, Coherence And Entanglement
This volume presents a collection of review papers on recent work in the connected areas of strongly correlated systems, the effects of coherence on macroscopic systems, and entanglement in quantum systems. These areas have attracted considerable interest due to their complexity and associated unexpected nontrivial phenomena, and also due to their potential applications in various fields, from materials science to information technology. The coverage includes strongly correlated electronic systems such as low-dimensional complex materials, ordered and disordered spin systems, and aspects of the physics of manganites and graphene, both in equilibrium and far from equilibrium.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Stewardship-based Economics
Ownership-based economics has led to the rapid development and apparent universal success of the market economy. It is a system built on the deception of resource availability, ill-defined profit, and misled by the idea that an invisible hand can be an equitable system of distribution. It has resulted in a high living standard for a few select individuals, but at the expense of mankind and nature, ultimately culminating in the development of human conflict.This is a book with a blueprint for the twenty-first century, proposing a two-fold approach to easing the pressure on both the human race and the world we live in. It calls for a change of mindset from ownership to stewardship and a shift of responsibility to the corporate entities as a sub-system of the market economy.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nanotubes And Nanowires
The field of nanotubes and nanowires is evolving at a rapid pace, with many potential applications in electronics, optics, and sensors, to name a few. In this book, various prominent researchers summarize our current understanding of these new materials systems, as well as some of these potential applications. A snapshot of the state-of-the-art in the field of nanowires and nanotubes, the contributions give an instructive mix of experimental, theoretical, and visionary material to give the reader an indication of where the field is now, and where it is going.With several points of view represented, including academic theoreticians, academic experimental device engineers, and industry researchers from well-known semiconductor companies, Nanotubes and Nanowires is an essential source of reference for physicists, chemists, materials scientists, and graduate students interested in keeping abreast of the latest developments in nanotechnology.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Minder Brain, The: How Your Brain Keeps You Alive, Protects You From Danger, And Ensures That You Reproduce
Ambition, genius, thought, imagination, love, hate, greed and, above all, consciousness ourselves as alive and as part of our world — all this is somehow enabled by the brain. The brain is the person, and if it goes wrong, a person is ruined. This book is about part of what the brain does — a role of which many of us are hardly aware, but one that has ensured, the survival of mankind. Despite famine, drought, wars, cold, infections and hostile environments, we survive as a species — though not always as individuals. All this time, our brains have been coping with what fate throws at us — a process that some call adaptation. How does the brain do it? How does it know what's needed? How does it enable us to provide that need? How much do we depend on our own brains, or on those of others?This book is different from other books on the brain. It deals with the brain's role in survival, rather than “higher” cognitive functions (such as language or thought). It describes the special part of the brain that keeps you alive: that makes you feel hungry when you need energy, makes you feel thirsty when you need water, drives you to reproduce so that your species survives, makes you fearful of things or individuals that might harm you, and defends you against adversity.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Understanding Genes And Gmos
The rapid progress in genomics and related technologies has increased interest in genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This concise and highly readable book equips the reader with essential information about what genes are, how they work, and how they can be modified and used in biotechnology. The book starts with a summary of the beginnings of life, the structure and components of living organisms, and an outline of genetic engineering.The coverage of human genetics spans race, human evolution and migration, the sex chromosomes, gene therapy, and forensic science. A separate chapter is devoted to the genetics and evolution of some of the major disease-causing organisms. On environmental genetics, the book considers the risks of releasing agricultural GM plants, as well as bioremediation and metal extraction by GM plants. Applications of genetic modification in agriculture — pest-resistant plants, herbicide resistance, and improved foods — are presented as part of a discussion on sustainable agriculture to emphasize the role played by GM plants in relation to chemicals, analytic techniques, and organic farming.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Current Topics In Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics: Invited Lectures Of Tc-2005
The breadth, scope and volume of research in atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics have increased enormously in the last few years. Following the widespread use of pulsed lasers, certain newly emerging areas as well as selected mature subfields are ushering in a second renaissance.This volume focuses on current research in these crucial areas: cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates, quantum information and quantum computation, and new techniques for investigating collisions and structure. The topics covered include: the multireference coupled cluster method in quantum chemistry and the role of electronic correlation in nanosystems; laser cooling of atoms and theories of the Bose-Einstein condensate; and quantum computing and quantum information transfer using cold atoms and shaped ultrafast pulses. Other articles deal with recent findings in heavy ion collisions with clusters, time-of-flight spectroscopy techniques, and a specific example of a chaotic quantum system.The contributions will greatly assist in the sharing of specialized knowledge among experts and will also be useful for postgraduate students striving to obtain an overall picture of the current research status in the areas covered.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Our Place In The Universe
Our Place in the Universe tells the story of our world, formation of the first galaxies and stars formed from great clouds containing the primordial elements made in the first few minutes; birth of stars, their lives and deaths in fiery supernova explosions; formation of the solar system, its planets and many moons; life on Earth, its needs and vicissitudes on land and in the seas; finally exoplanets, planets that surround distant stars. Interspersed in the text are short pieces on some of those who revealed these wonders to us.It is written in a very authoritative and readable form and contains more than 100 color prints of the marvelous galaxies, and nebula that have been taken from space-based and land-based telescopes carried by NASA missions, the European Space Agency, the European Southern Laboratory in Chile and many other sources.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Intelligent Transport Systems In Europe: Opportunities For Future Research
This book provides valuable insight and critical appraisal of key areas of intelligent transport systems (ITS) for land transport in Europe. ITS is becoming increasingly important as the means to improving the efficiency, safety and comfort of the transport of people and goods while at the same time helping to minimize environmental damage and the contribution of transport to global warming.The material draws on over four years of study by the ROSETTA project — part of the European Commission 5th Framework Program. For each of the 12 areas addressed, the book provides a vision for their application, identifies key issues yet to be addressed and the future opportunities that the timely application and advancement of ITS can bring.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Subatomic Physics (3rd Edition)
This is the third and fully updated edition of the classic textbook on physics at the subatomic level. An up-to-date and lucid introduction to both particle and nuclear physics, the book is suitable for both experimental and theoretical physics students at the senior undergraduate and beginning graduate levels.Topics are introduced with key experiments and their background, encouraging students to think and empowering them with the capability of doing back-of-the-envelope calculations in a diversity of situations. Earlier important experiments and concepts as well as topics of current interest are covered, with extensive use of photographs and figures to convey principal concepts and show experimental data.The coverage includes new material on:Detectors and acceleratorsNucleon elastic form factor dataNeutrinos, their masses and oscillationsChiral theories and effective field theories, and lattice QCDRelativistic heavy ions (RHIC)Nuclear structure far from the region of stabilityParticle astrophysics and cosmology
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Geometrical Properties Of Vectors And Covectors: An Introductory Survey Of Differentiable Manifolds, Tensors And Forms
This is a brief introduction to some geometrical topics including topological spaces, the metric tensor, Euclidean space, manifolds, tensors, r-forms, the orientation of a manifold and the Hodge star operator. It provides the reader who is approaching the subject for the first time with a deeper understanding of the geometrical properties of vectors and covectors. The material prepares the reader for discussions on basic concepts such as the differential of a function as a covector, metric dual, inner product, wedge product and cross product.J M Domingos received his D Phil from the University of Oxford and has now retired from the post of Professor of Physics at the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dna Repair, Genetic Instability, And Cancer
This volume describes the elaborate surveillance systems and various DNA repair mechanisms that ensure accurate passage of genetic information onto daughter cells. In particular, it narrates how the cell cycle checkpoint and DNA repair machineries detect and restore DNA damages that are embedded in millions to billions of normal base pairs. The scope of the book ranges from biochemical analyses and structural details of DNA repair proteins, to integrative genomics and population-based studies. It provides a snapshot of current understanding about some of the major DNA repair pathways, including base-excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, mismatch repair, homologous recombination, and non-homologous end-joining as well as cell cycle checkpoints and translesion DNA synthesis. One of the particular emphases of the book is the link between inherited DNA repair deficiencies and susceptibility to cancer in the general population. For the first time, the book brings together a collection of review articles written by a group of active and laboratory-based investigators who have a clear understanding of the recent advances in the fields of DNA damage repair and genomic stability and their implications in carcinogenesis, new approaches in cancer therapy, and cancer prevention.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Political Economy Of World Energy, The: An Introductory Textbook
This easy-to-read book presents an elementary yet comprehensive introduction to modern energy economics. Mathematical content is kept to a minimum, and advanced numerical concepts are placed in appendices. The two survey chapters are suitable for readers with little or no formal training in economics. Differing greatly from other energy textbooks, the book aims to provide the reader with an informed advantage. Principally intended as a textbook for undergraduate economics students, it can also be used for self-study or as a reference material.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Asean Economic Integration: Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, And Finance
Given the rapid emergence of regional economic arrangements in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia, it is useful to understand clearly what regionalism implies for the region, as well as to take stock as to the far-reaching and complicated effects of formal economic cooperation and integration. This book allows the reader to better understand the relevant international policies of the Southeast Asian economies, and to appreciate the potential lessons for other developing regions. It also focuses on the regionalism trend with an explicit application to ASEAN, as well as the implications of regionalism in the developed countries.The goal of this book is to survey the economics and political economy of regionalism in the ASEAN context from a variety of perspectives and using various techniques, from standard economic analysis of preferential trading arrangements to the political economy analysis of institutions. Its approach is comprehensive in that it includes ASEAN economic integration in the areas of trade, foreign direct investment, and finance. Presentation of the material is designed to be accessible to non-technical audiences without sacrificing the rigor expected by economists and other experts.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Quantum Structure Of Space And Time, The - Proceedings Of The 23rd Solvay Conference On Physics
Ever since 1911, the Solvay Conferences have shaped modern physics. The 23rd edition, chaired by 2004 Nobel Laureate David Gross, did not break with that tradition. It gathered most of the leading figures working on the central problem of reconciling Einstein's theory of gravity with quantum mechanics.These proceedings give a broad overview with unique insight into the most fundamental issues raised by this challenge for 21st century physics, by distinguished renowned scientists. The contributions cover: the status of quantum mechanics, spacetime singularities and breakdown of classical space and time, mathematical structures underlying the most promising attempts under current development, spacetime as an emergent concept, as well as cosmology and the cosmological constant puzzle. A historical overview of the Solvay conferences by historian of sciences Peter Galison opens the volume.In the Solvay tradition, the volume also includes the discussions among the participants — many of which were quite lively and illustrate dramatically divergent points of view — carefully edited and reproduced in full.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Core Values And Organizational Change: Theory And Practice
This book is written for managers in organizations that practice western style of management. The central theme of the book is the importance of generating core values, vision and mission within an organization, extending core values of work into practical and concrete ways of infusing them into day-to-day activities at work.Many of the central ideas and theories of western style of management are questioned, and readers are introduced to theories of contemporary writers in the field.Based on a critical interpretation of theory, this practical book is distilled from the authors' experience in developing core values within a variety of organizations over the last decade.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Bridges Over Water: Understanding Transboundary Water Conflict, Negotiation And Cooperation
"Bridges over Water" places the study of transboundary water conflicts, negotiation, and cooperation in the context of various disciplines (such as international relations, international law, international negotiations, and economics), analyzing them using various quantitative approaches, such as river basin modeling and game theory. Case studies of particular transboundary river basins, lakes and aquifers are also considered. This is the first textbook for a relatively recent yet rapidly expanding field of study.