Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Chemistry (2006-2010)
Mentioned as the second prize area in his will, Chemistry was the most important science for Alfred Nobel's own work. The development of Nobel's inventions as well as the industrial processes he employed were based upon chemical knowledge. This volume is a collection of the Nobel lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches for the period 2006-2010. Each Nobel lecture is based on the work for which the laureate was awarded the prize.List of prizewinners and their award citations:(2006) Roger D Kornberg — for his studies of the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription;(2007) Gerhard Ertl — for his studies of chemical processes on solid surfaces;(2008) Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie and Roger Y Tsien — for the discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP;(2009) Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas A Steitz and Ada E Yonath — for studies of the structure and function of the ribosome;(2010) Richard F Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki — for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Public Space In Urban Asia
Over the past few decades, rapid urbanisation has threatened to erode public space, especially in emerging economies. Market forces that prioritise profit generation are allowed to construct venues of consumption in its place. Though their physical appearance may resemble traditional public space, in reality, they are greatly restrictive and diminished in affordability, accessibility and social meaning. It is in this context that William SW Lim, chairman of Asian Urban Lab, has brought together architects, designers, historians, sociologists and urbanists from the region to discuss public space in selected Asian cities.Part One contains essays from participants from Chongqing, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Taipei and observations from commentators. Several essays by William SW Lim on the subject round off the discussion in Part Two. The thoughtful essays in Public Space in Urban Asia emphasise how engaging with the present actuality of cities and public awareness of spatial justice in cities are crucial — for it is the achievement of spatial justice that will help create a greater level of happiness across societies in our increasingly urbanised world.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nambu: A Foreteller Of Modern Physics (New Edition)
Coming into the 21st century, developments in three major areas of elementary particle physics — the electroweak theory with the Higgs mechanism, quantum chromodynamics, and string theory began to yield more and more concrete and successful results.Seeds of all these developments in contemporary particle physics were sowed by Nambu in prophetic lectures and papers from the 1960s-70s.The discovery of the Higgs-like scalar particle at the Large Hadron Collider in July 2011 was the climax for the idea of spontaneous symmetry breaking that Nambu had laid down at the beginning of the 1960s.In this book, we collect what we consider to be the most prophetic of Nambu's papers for the benefit of current and future generations of particle physicists of the world and made them easily accessible for all. It also contains articles never published before in a book form. This text is not only of historical value but also provides a window to the mind of a man many refer to as “Nambu the seer.”A must-have book for future researchers of elementary particle theory and for those interested in the history of modern physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd E-commerce Operations Management (2nd Edition)
This updated edition of the book blends in new e-commerce technologies. Mobile commerce (M-commerce) and use of cloud computing are offering a new set of challenges and opportunities for those individuals who know what they are and how they are related to e-commerce. Their use opens up new markets, expanding the need for larger operations, which in turn requires greater knowledge of the operations management subjects presented in this book.The book is focused on issues, concepts, philosophies, procedures, methodologies, and practices of running e-commerce operations. It connects the basic operations management activities undertaken by every organization (e.g., inventory management, scheduling, etc.) and translates their application into issues and problems faced in the field of e-commerce.The book also provides current research findings, strategies, and practices that can help students in the field of operations management run and improve their e-commerce operations. It covers most of the basic operations management activities and functions and has been designed for an upper-level undergraduate business, a graduate business or engineering management course on e-commerce operations management for university students. Students interested in e-commerce operations will find this book a valuable guide to the important aspects of starting up and running an e-commerce operation. They can learn from reading this book how supply chains, products and processes, human resources and purchasing functions can supported and enhanced by the use of e-commerce. In addition, students can learn how to undertake forecasting and scheduling in e-commerce operations. Decision-makers and managers who have to reengineer e-commerce operations can also use this book as a guide to understanding e-commerce.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd One Hundred Physics Visualizations Using Matlab (With Dvd-rom)
This book provides visualizations of many topics in general physics. The aim is to have an interactive MATLAB script wherein the user can vary parameters in a specific problem and then immediately see the outcome by way of dynamic “movies” of the response of the system in question. MATLAB tools are used throughout and the software scripts accompany the text in Symbolic Mathematics, Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Waves and Optics, Gases and Fluid Flow, Quantum Mechanics, Special and General Relativity, and Astrophysics and Cosmology. The emphasis is on building up an intuition by running many different parametric choices chosen actively by the user and watching the subsequent behavior of the system.Physics books using MATLAB do not have the range — or the intent — of this text. They are rather steeped in technical detail. Symbolic math is used extensively and is integral to the aim of using MATLAB tools to accomplish the technical aspects of problem solving.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Univer-cities: Strategic Implications For Asia - Readings From Cambridge And Berkeley To Singapore
Univer-cities: Strategic Implications for Asia aims to redefine the multi-faceted symbiotic relationship between universities and host cities. The four readings in this reader will invite readers to challenge the traditional view of what a university is as a place, and re-define the university as a space; drawing discoverers, creators, and seekers who are keen to preserve and enhance the value of higher education in Asia. This reader will also show how universities can make a huge and innovative impact on the immediate, surrounding, and global communities that are drawn into its ambit of its campus and sought out by the university in inter-univer-city and trans-displinary linkages.Written by worldly academic leaders and professionals from Berkeley, Cambridge, Canberra and Singapore — who are prominent in fields of higher education strategy, campus cum urban planning, design, and architecture — the readings will shed some light on the future and power of univer-cities. It also shares seven strategic implications the concept has on Asian universities — this is especially timely and apt for a part of the world where education, togetherness, hard work, high-savings rates, and economic growth are emerging tectonic changes that the trinity of China, India and the Southeast Asian region engenders. It is no wonder that several top Asian cities have universities that have been ranked among the Top 50 universities in the world.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Strong Light-matter Coupling: From Atoms To Solid-state Systems
The physics of strong light-matter coupling has been addressed in different scientific communities over the last three decades. Since the early eighties, atoms coupled to optical and microwave cavities have led to pioneering demonstrations of cavity quantum electrodynamics, Gedanken experiments, and building blocks for quantum information processing, for which the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 2012. In the framework of semiconducting devices, strong coupling has allowed investigations into the physics of Bose gases in solid-state environments, and the latter holds promise for exploiting light-matter interaction at the single-photon level in scalable architectures. More recently, impressive developments in the so-called superconducting circuit QED have opened another fundamental playground to revisit cavity quantum electrodynamics for practical and fundamental purposes.This book aims at developing the necessary interface between these communities, by providing future researchers with a robust conceptual, theoretical and experimental basis on strong light-matter coupling, both in the classical and in the quantum regimes. In addition, the emphasis is on new forefront research topics currently developed around the physics of strong light-matter interaction in the atomic and solid-state scenarios.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Porphyrin Science: With Applications To Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Engineering, Biology And Medicine (Volumes 31-35)
This is the seventh set of Handbook of Porphyrin Science.Porphyrins, phthalocyanines and their numerous analogue and derivatives are materials of tremendous importance in chemistry, materials science, physics, biology and medicine. They are the red color in blood (heme) and the green in leaves (chlorophyll); they are also excellent ligands that can coordinate with almost every metal in the Periodic Table. Grounded in natural systems, porphyrins are incredibly versatile and can be modified in many ways; each new modification yields derivatives, demonstrating new chemistry, physics and biology, with a vast array of medicinal and technical applications.As porphyrins are currently employed as platforms for study of theoretical principles and applications in a wide variety of fields, the Handbook of Porphyrin Science represents a timely ongoing series dealing in detail with the synthesis, chemistry, physicochemical and medical properties and applications of polypyrrole macrocycles. Professors Karl Kadish, Kevin Smith and Roger Guilard are internationally recognized experts in the research field of porphyrins, each having his own separate area of expertise in the field. Between them, they have published over 1500 peer-reviewed papers and edited more than three dozen books on diverse topics of porphyrins and phthalocyanines. In assembling the new volumes of this unique handbook, they have selected and attracted the very best scientists in each sub-discipline as contributing authors.This handbook will prove to be a modern authoritative treatise on the subject as it is a collection of up-to-date works by world-renowned experts in the field. Complete with hundreds of figures, tables and structural formulas, and thousands of literature citations, all researchers and graduate students in this field will find the Handbook of Porphyrin Science an essential, major reference source for many years to come.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Global Challenge Of Malaria, The: Past Lessons And Future Prospects
Malaria is one of the most important “emerging” or “resurgent” infectious diseases. According to the World Health Organization, this mosquito-borne infection is a leading cause of suffering, death, poverty, and underdevelopment in the world today. Every year 500 million people become severely ill from malaria and more than a million people die, the great majority of them women and children living in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2008, it was estimated, a child would die of the disease every thirty seconds, making malaria — together with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis — a global public health emergency. This is in stark contrast to the heady visions of the 1950s predicting complete global eradication of the ancient scourge. What went wrong?This question warrants a closer look at not just the disease itself, but its long history and the multitude of strategies to combat its spread. This book collects the many important milestones in malaria control and treatment in one convenient volume. Importantly, it also traces the history of the disease from the 1920s to the present, and over several continents. It is the first multidisciplinary volume of its kind combining historical and scientific information that addresses the global challenge of malaria control.Malaria remains as resurgent as ever and The Global Challenge of Malaria: Past Lessons and Future Prospects will examine this challenge — and the range of strategies and tools to confront it — from an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Virtual Knots: The State Of The Art
The book is the first systematic research completely devoted to a comprehensive study of virtual knots and classical knots as its integral part. The book is self-contained and contains up-to-date exposition of the key aspects of virtual (and classical) knot theory.Virtual knots were discovered by Louis Kauffman in 1996. When virtual knot theory arose, it became clear that classical knot theory was a small integral part of a larger theory, and studying properties of virtual knots helped one understand better some aspects of classical knot theory and encouraged the study of further problems. Virtual knot theory finds its applications in classical knot theory. Virtual knot theory occupies an intermediate position between the theory of knots in arbitrary three-manifold and classical knot theory.In this book we present the latest achievements in virtual knot theory including Khovanov homology theory and parity theory due to V O Manturov and graph-link theory due to both authors. By means of parity, one can construct functorial mappings from knots to knots, filtrations on the space of knots, refine many invariants and prove minimality of many series of knot diagrams.Graph-links can be treated as “diagramless knot theory”: such “links” have crossings, but they do not have arcs connecting these crossings. It turns out, however, that to graph-links one can extend many methods of classical and virtual knot theories, in particular, the Khovanov homology and the parity theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger Equation And Path Integral
This text on quantum mechanics begins by covering all the main topics of an introduction to the subject. It then concentrates on newer developments. In particular it continues with the perturbative solution of the Schrödinger equation for various potentials and thereafter with the introduction and evaluation of their path integral counterparts. Considerations of the large order behavior of the perturbation expansions show that in most applications these are asymptotic expansions. The parallel consideration of path integrals requires the evaluation of these around periodic classical configurations, the fluctuation equations about which lead back to specific wave equations. The period of the classical configurations is related to temperature, and permits transitions to the thermal domain to be classified as phase transitions.In this second edition of the text important applications and numerous examples have been added. In particular, the chapter on the Coulomb potential has been extended to include an introduction to chemical bonds, the chapter on periodic potentials has been supplemented by a section on the band theory of metals and semiconductors, and in the chapter on large order behavior a section has been added illustrating the success of converging factors in the evaluation of asymptotic expansions. Detailed calculations permit the reader to follow every step.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lectures On Quantum Mechanics
This set of lecture notes on quantum mechanics aims to teach, in a simple and straightforward manner, the basic theory behind the subject, drawing on examples from all fields of physics to provide both background as well as context.The self-contained book includes a review of classical mechanics and some of the necessary mathematics. Both the standard fare of quantum mechanics texts — the harmonic oscillator, the hydrogen atom, angular momentum as well as topics such as symmetry with a discussion on periodic potentials, the relativistic electron, spin and scattering theory are covered. Approximation methods are discussed with a view to applications; these include stationary perturbation theory, the WKB approximation, time dependent perturbations and the variational principle. Together, the seventeen chapters provide a very comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics. Selected problems are collected at the end of each chapter in addition to the numerous exercises sprinkled throughout the text.The book is written in a simple and elegant style, and is characterized by clarity, depth and excellent pedagogical organization.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Quantum Hall Effects: Recent Theoretical And Experimental Developments (3rd Edition)
Enthusiasm for research on the quantum Hall effect (QHE) is unbounded. The QHE is one of the most fascinating and beautiful phenomena in all branches of physics. Tremendous theoretical and experimental developments are still being made in this sphere. Composite bosons, composite fermions and anyons were among distinguishing ideas in the original edition.In the 2nd edition, fantastic phenomena associated with the interlayer phase coherence in the bilayer system were extensively described. The microscopic theory of the QHE was formulated based on the noncommutative geometry. Furthermore, the unconventional QHE in graphene was reviewed, where the electron dynamics can be treated as relativistic Dirac fermions and even the supersymmetric quantum mechanics plays a key role.In this 3rd edition, all chapters are carefully reexamined and updated. A highlight is the new chapter on topological insulators. Indeed, the concept of topological insulator stems from the QHE. Other new topics are recent prominent experimental discoveries in the QHE, provided by the experimentalists themselves in Part V. This new edition presents an instructive and comprehensive overview of the QHE. It is also suitable for an introduction to quantum field theory with vividly described applications. Only knowledge of quantum mechanics is assumed. This book is ideal for students and researchers in condensed matter physics, particle physics, theoretical physics and mathematical physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Sustainability Management
Sustainability is about the effective management of nonrenewable and nonreplenishable natural resources. These resources are limited and critical to maintaining ecological balance. A collective effort is required to balance our socio-economic needs with environmental needs. This could be achieved by re-evaluating policies and actions as to how they affect the environment. Sustainability requires changes in traditional practices of doing things and refocusing ourselves to the needs of the earth. This handbook explores the role of sustainability in achieving social development, environmental protection, and economic development. These three areas constitute what is referred to as the triple bottom line (TBL). Sustainability management may help organizations and their global supply networks to re-evaluate their policies, processes, programs, and projects in terms of triple bottom line. Sustainability helps to facilitate planning, implementing, reviewing, and improving an organization's actions and operations to meet ecological goals.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Biomimetics And Bioinspiration: Biologically-driven Engineering Of Materials, Processes, Devices, And Systems (In 3 Volumes)
Global warming, pollution, food and water shortage, cyberspace insecurity, over-population, land erosion, and an overburdened health care system are major issues facing the human race and our planet. These challenges have presented a mandate to develop “natural” or “green” technologies using nature and the living system as a guide to rationally design processes, devices, and systems. This approach has given rise to a new paradigm, one in which innovation goes hand-in-hand with less waste, less pollution, and less invasiveness to life on earth. Bioinspiration has also led to the development of technologies that mimic the hierarchical complexity of biological systems, leading to novel highly efficient, more reliable multifunctional materials, devices, and systems that can perform multiple tasks at one time. This multi-volume handbook focuses on the application of biomimetics and bioinspiration in medicine and engineering to produce miniaturized multi-functional materials, devices, and systems to perform complex tasks. Our understanding of complex biological systems at different length scales has increased dramatically as our ability to observe nature has expanded from macro to molecular scale, leading to the rational biologically-driven design to find solution to technological problems in medicine and engineering.The following three-volume set covers the fields of bioinspired materials, electromechanical systems developed from concepts inspired by nature, and tissue models respectively.The first volume focuses on the rational design of nano- and micro-structured hierarchical materials inspired by the relevant characteristics in living systems, such as the self-cleaning ability of lotus leaves and cicadas' wings; the superior walking ability of water striders; the anti-fogging function of mosquitoes' eyes; the water-collecting ability of Namib Desert Beetles and spider silk; the high adhesivity of geckos' feet and rose petals; the high adhesivity of mussels in wet aquatic environments; the anisotropic wetting of butterflies' wings; the anti-reflection capabilities of cicadas' wings; the self-cleaning functionality of fish scales; shape anisotropy of intracellular particles; the dielectric properties of muscles; the light spectral characteristics of plant leaves; the regeneration and self-healing ability of earthworms; the self-repairing ability of lotus leaves; the broadband reflectivity of moths' eyes; the multivalent binding, self-assembly and responsiveness of cellular systems; the biomineral formation in bacteria, plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates; the multi-layer structure of skin; the organization of tissue fibers; DNA structures with metal-mediated artificial base pairs; and the anisotropic microstructure of jellyfish mesogloea. In this volume, sensor and microfluidic technologies combined with surface patterning are explored for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases. The high throughput combinatorial testing of biomaterials in regenerative medicine is also covered.The second volume presents nature-oriented studies and developments in the field of electromechanical devices and systems. These include actuators and robots based on the movement of muscles, algal antenna and photoreception; the non-imaging light sensing system of sea stars; the optical system of insect ocellus; smart nanochannels and pumps in cell membranes; neuromuscular and sensory devices that mimic the architecture of peripheral nervous system; olfaction-based odor sensing; cilia-mimetic microfluidic systems; the infrared sensory system of pyrophilous insects; ecologically inspired multizone temperature control systems; cochlea and surface acoustic wave resonators; crickets' cercal system and flow sensing abilities; locusts' wings and flapping micro air vehicles; the visual motion sensing of flying insects; hearing aid devices based on the human cochlea; the geometric perception of tortoises and pigeons; the organic matter sensing capability of cats and dogs; and the silent flight of rats. The third volume features engineered models of biological tissues. These include engineered matrices to mimic cancer stem cell niches; in vitro models for bone regeneration; models of muscle tissue that enable the study of cardiac infarction and myopathy; 3D models for the differentiation of embryonic stem cells; bioreactors for in vitro cultivation of mammalian cells; human lung, liver and heart tissue models; topographically-defined cell culture models; ECM mimetic tissue printing; biomimetic constructs for regeneration of soft tissues; and engineered constructs for the regeneration of musculoskeletal and corneal tissue.This three-volume set is a must-have for anyone keen to understand the complexity of biological systems and how that complexity can be mimicked to engineer novel materials, devices and systems to solve pressing technological challenges of the twenty-first century.Key Features:The only handbook that covers all aspects of biomimetics and bioinspiration, including materials, mechanics, signaling and informaticsContains 248 colored figures
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Complete Guide To Complementary Therapies In Cancer Care, The: Essential Information For Patients, Survivors And Health Professionals
With recent clinical advances, millions of people survive many years after a cancer diagnosis. And while their physicians deliver conventional, evidence-based therapies to treat the cancer, sometimes the cancer patient and his or her symptoms are not treated with equal skill.To manage their physical and emotional symptoms and promote health and well-being, most cancer patients and survivors use complementary therapies: Naturopathy, Ayurveda, herbalism, homeopathy, hypnosis, yoga, acupuncture, music therapy, macrobiotics, chelation therapy, colonics, hydrotherapy and many, many more. But … are they safe? Are they effective? What problems do they address? What are the risks? When can they help?This unique and comprehensive book guides the way through the often confusing maze of complementary and alternative therapies promoted to cancer patients and survivors. The functions, benefits, backgrounds and risks are clearly presented. Learning when, if and how to use them provides medical professionals, cancer patients and survivors with the information they need to better control the symptoms and side effects of cancer and its treatment. Unfortunately, using some of these therapies without this expert guidance can lead to medical complications, or worse.The Complete Guide to Complementary Therapies in Cancer Care is an invaluable resource in making educated health care decisions for managing life during and after cancer. Through the wise and informed use of these approaches, cancer patients — whether just-diagnosed, during treatment or throughout Survivership are better able to manage the physical and emotional stresses that accompany cancer, leading to symptom control and improved quality of life.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Banquets, The: A Century Of Culinary History (1901-2001)
The Nobel Banquets is not about Alfred Nobel's personal dining habits; it is about his “gift to mankind” — the five original Nobel Prizes and the festivities that are arranged every year to celebrate them.There is hardly any other banquet in the world that is as famous as the Nobel Banquet which many would give a fortune to attend. It is held on December 10 in Stockholm every year. Countless articles and books have been written describing what the guests eat and drink, the table decorations and the serving ceremonies, the placing lists and of course the Nobel laureates themselves.This comprehensive book presents not only all the known facts about the Nobel banquet menus but also many unknown details, both about the Nobel banquets themselves and about the traditional banquets held at the Royal Court by the King and Queen of Sweden on December 11 in honour of the laureates.The main focus is on the food and drink that have been served annually for more than a century. The gastronomic man is at the centre. The composition and contents of each banquet are listed and analysed. Today, the guiding principle is that the menus should have a touch of Scandinavia. The reader is given interesting insights into the work in the kitchens, the decanting of the wines and the special challenges that the waiters and waitresses face.The Nobel Banquets contains many photographs. It is a goldmine for gourmets and for anyone interested in knowing more about all the effort that goes into these fabulous festivities.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Gentle Introduction To Support Vector Machines In Biomedicine, A - Volume 2: Case Studies And Benchmarks
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are among the most important recent developments in pattern recognition and statistical machine learning. They have found a great range of applications in various fields including biology and medicine. However, biomedical researchers often experience difficulties grasping both the theory and applications of these important methods because of lack of technical background. The purpose of this book is to introduce SVMs and their extensions and allow biomedical researchers to understand and apply them in real-life research in a very easy manner. The book is to consist of two volumes: theory and methods (Volume 1) and case studies (Volume 2).
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Incomplete Block Designs
This book presents a systematic, rigorous and comprehensive account of the theory and applications of incomplete block designs. All major aspects of incomplete block designs are considered by consolidating vast amounts of material from the literature including the classical incomplete block designs, like the balanced incomplete block (BIB) and partially balanced incomplete block (PBIB) designs. Other developments like efficiency-balanced designs, nested designs, robust designs, C-designs and alpha designs are also discussed, along with more recent developments in incomplete block designs for special types of experiments, like biological assays, test-control experiments and diallel crosses, which are generally not covered in existing books. Results on the optimality aspects of various incomplete block designs are reviewed in a separate chapter, that also includes recent optimality results for test-control comparisons, parallel-line assays and diallel cross experiments.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dynamics Of Water Waves: Selected Papers Of Michael Longuet-higgins (Volumes 1-3)
This is a three-volume selection of classical papers by Michael Longuet-Higgins, who for many years has been a leading researcher in the fast-developing field of physical oceanography. Some of these papers were first published in scientific journals or in conference proceedings that are now difficult to access. All the papers are characterized by the novelty of their content, and the clarity of their style and exposition.The papers are quite varied in their approach. They range from basic theory and new computational methods to laboratory experiments and field observations. An overall feature is the frequent comparison between theory and experiment and the constant attention to practical applications.Among the many advances and achievements to be found in these three volumes are: the now generally accepted solution to the longstanding problem of how oceanic microseisms can be generated in deep water or near steep coastlines; a theoretical explanation of the strong drifting near the bottom in shallow water; the first introduction of a boundary-integral technique for calculating free surface flows; simple analytic expressions for the form and time-development of plunging breakers; and so on.The book will be of particular interest to advanced students in ocean engineering; also more generally to fluid dynamicists and physical oceanographers concerned with the interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere and with sandy shorelines.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Descent Map From Automorphic Representations Of Gl(n) To Classical Groups, The
This book introduces the method of automorphic descent, providing an explicit inverse map to the (weak) Langlands functorial lift from generic, cuspidal representations on classical groups to general linear groups. The essence of this method is the study of certain Fourier coefficients of Gelfand-Graev type, or of Fourier-Jacobi type when applied to certain residual Eisenstein series. This book contains a complete account of this automorphic descent, with complete, detailed proofs. The book will be of interest to graduate students and mathematicians, who specialize in automorphic forms and in representation theory of reductive groups over local fields. Relatively self-contained, the content of some of the chapters can serve as topics for graduate students seminars.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Shape Of Algebra In The Mirrors Of Mathematics, The: A Visual, Computer-aided Exploration Of Elementary Algebra And Beyond (With Cd-rom)
The Shape of Algebra in the Mirrors of Mathematics is a unique text aiming to explain some elements of modern mathematics and to show its flavor and unity. It is neither a standard textbook nor a tour of algebra for a casual reader. Rather, it is an attempt to share authors' mathematical experiences and philosophy with readers who have more than a passing interest in mathematics, but only a traditional exposure to High School Algebra and some elements of Calculus. The book gives the readers a sense of visual nature of significant part of mathematics.The reader becomes an owner of and a researcher in VisuMatica, a virtual math laboratory. It is an original and comprehensive PC software package (a brainchild of the second author) that will enable the reader to experience mathematics both as a human intellectual endeavor and as an experimental science. Although it is possible to read and appreciate the book without ever visiting the VisuMatica lab, those who engage with the interactive demos found in the lab will greatly advance their understanding of the text. The book seeks to encourage an interactive, investigative style of learning that can promote the habits of mind characteristic of modern mathematical thinking.An outline of the topics that are discussed may read like a list of graduate courses: Abstract Algebra, Topology, Singularity Theory, Complex Analysis, and Number Theory. However, they are presented from an intuitive perspective that uses primarily visual models and concepts. Although the main subject is polynomials and polynomial equations, the true story line is the interplay between basic ideas from algebra, geometry, analysis and topology.The Shape of Algebra might serve as a text for an “appreciation” course in modern mathematics designed for non-mathematics majors or for students who are considering majoring in mathematics or related disciplines. The authors' goal is to present the reader with a fresh viewpoint on the sense and flavor of mathematics. The subject is often presented in a fashion that students find stale and uncompelling. The book's emphasis, in contrast, is on how a modern practitioner thinks about and works within the discipline.The book aims to attract students of all ages, particularly including professional mathematicians interested in pedagogy. In part, The Shape of Algebra is directed at secondary and college teachers and students who want to expand their horizons in the field and to find both a fresh presentation of familiar concepts and, perhaps, some unexpected results. Many of the topics and demos are self-contained and can be used individually to enhance traditional courses. Several of the ideas and materials developed in the book have been tested in high school and college classrooms. The book will enable readers to approach its content on three levels: the first level requires only some fluency with routine algebraic manipulations; the second also presumes familiarity with the notions of derivatives, and the third uses some basic concepts of multivariable calculus and linear algebra. All three levels are clearly marked in the text, and allow for a smooth reading enhanced by virtual experiments.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Weimar Culture And Quantum Mechanics: Selected Papers By Paul Forman And Contemporary Perspectives On The Forman Thesis
This volume reprints Paul Forman's classic papers on the history of the scientific profession in post-World War I Germany and the invention of quantum mechanics. The Forman thesis became famous for its demonstration of the cultural conditioning of scientific knowledge, in particular by showing the historical connection between the culture of Weimar Germany — known for its irrationality and antiscientism — and the emerging concept of quantum acausality. From the moment of its publication, Forman's research provoked intense historical and philosophical debates. In 2007, participants at an international conference in Vancouver, Canada, discussed the implications of the Forman thesis for contemporary historiography. Their contributions collected in this volume represent cutting-edge research on the history of the quantum revolution and of German science.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Condensed Matter Theories, Volume 24 (With Cd-rom) - Proceedings Of The 32nd International Workshop
This unique volume presents the scientific achievements of outstanding scientists from different countries working in diverse areas of Condensed Matter Physics. Drawn from the 32nd International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories held in Loughborough in August 2008, these 46 papers, while centered on the concepts and techniques of theoretical condensed matter physics, also address broad issues of common concern for all physicists. It is particularly relevant to theorists who apply advanced many-particle methods in other areas of physics.The primary topics covered in the paper contributions include: statistical mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, quantum Fermi and Bose liquids, boson condensates, strongly correlated electron systems, superconductivity and phase transitions. Among the specific questions addressed and discussed are modern theories of graphene, Quantum Hall Effect, models of social dynamics, which are based on the example of Obama-McCain election, extraordinary magnetoresistance, supercooled atomic gases, transitions between various magnetic states in different systems made from magnetic nanoparticles, order-disorder-order phase transitions in spin frustrated systems, embolic stroke and semifluxon dynamics in extended Josephson junctions. The book provides the latest updated information on modern Condensed Matter Theories and the methods used. The many recent developments in the field such as the discovery of graphene or of new phenomena in supercooled gases or of an extraordinary magnetoresistance augur well for this timely publication. The main value of the book lies in the diversity of topics being covered comprehensively, which puts the book in a primary position in the modern market.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Design Theory
This book deals with the basic subjects of design theory. It begins with balanced incomplete block designs, various constructions of which are described in ample detail. In particular, finite projective and affine planes, difference sets and Hadamard matrices, as tools to construct balanced incomplete block designs, are included. Orthogonal latin squares are also treated in detail. Zhu's simpler proof of the falsity of Euler's conjecture is included. The construction of some classes of balanced incomplete block designs, such as Steiner triple systems and Kirkman triple systems, are also given. T-designs and partially balanced incomplete block designs (together with association schemes), as generalizations of balanced incomplete block designs, are included. Some coding theory related to Steiner triple systems are clearly explained. The book is written in a lucid style and is algebraic in nature. It can be used as a text or a reference book for graduate students and researchers in combinatorics and applied mathematics. It is also suitable for self-study.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Soviet Union In The Context Of The Nobel Prize: Facts, Documents, Thoughts And Commentaries
The result of meticulous research by Professor Abram Blokh, this book presents facts, documents, thoughts and comments on the system of the Nobel Prize awards to Russian and Soviet scientists. It provides a comprehensive overview of the relationship between the ideas expressed by the Nobel Foundation and those expressed by the autocratic and totalitarian regimes in Russia and the ex-Soviet Union during the 20th century who had the same attitude of revulsion toward the intellectual and humanistic values represented by the Nobel Prizes.To do his research, the author had access to the declassified documents in the archives of the Nobel Foundation for many years. Also included in the book are new materials obtained and developed by the author after the publication of the first two editions (in Russian). This additional information is from the archives of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Soviet Writers' Union et al. in Moscow and St Petersburg. These documents shed new light on the difficulties encountered during the attempts to integrate Russian and Soviet science into the world's intellectual community.This book would be of utmost interest to those who are interested in the history of science in Russia and the ex-Soviet Union, related to the Nobel Prize.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To The Quantum World Of Atoms And Molecules
This invaluable book provides a balanced and integrated introduction to the quantum world of atoms and molecules. The underlying basis of quantum mechanics is carefully developed, with respect for the historical tradition and from a molecular angle. The fundamental concepts in the theory of atomic and molecular structure are thoroughly discussed, as are the central techniques needed in quantum-chemical applications. Special attention is paid to exposing and clarifying the common ground of Hartree-Fock theory and density-functional theory. Throughout the text, the discussion is pedagogically obliging and aims at simplicity and mathematical clarity, while avoiding the use of advanced mathematics. End-of-chapter problems supplement the main text.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Value Sphere, The: The Corporate Executives' Handbook For Creating And Retaining Shareholder Wealth (4th Edition)
This book, written in story narrative form, traces the development of a company from a start-up to a global enterprise. It develops the key concepts related to this evolution — corporate strategy, raising external finance, capital budgeting, dividend policy, mergers and acquisition, globalization, marketing and human resource management. The focus is on topics in corporate strategy and corporate finance, and each topic is developed in depth with problem sets and reflection questions within the context of the organization's evolution.The Power Point slides, practice problems and solutions, as well as intervention exercises for executive education teaching is available upon request for all instructors who adopt this book as a course text. Please send your request to
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd If You Had To Draw A Universe For Me... : 50 Questions About The Universe, Matter And Scientists
What was there before the Big Bang? Are researchers ordinary people just like everyone else? What will physicists do when they've discovered what's inside particles? Do particles grow when we grow? Does space go on forever? What's inside a black hole?In 2014, CERN launched an art competition for local primary schools where 50 children were given the opportunity to ask a physicist anything they wanted. The result is a fascinating journey into physics. It is designed to enable primary school teachers and their classes, as well as parents keen to share in their child's discovery of the world, to discuss these questions and explore the answers together.Through their questions and artwork, the universe unfolds to the most curious among us...
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Tall Order: The Goh Chok Tong Story Volume 1
Goh Chok Tong was an improbable Prime Minister for an unlikely country. He had neither the connections nor the cunning to rise to the top, and was even once famously derided by his mentor Lee Kuan Yew for being 'wooden' in his communication skills. Except for an imposing height most unusual in this part of the world, he was an ordinary man. He lost his father at a young age, lived in a two-bedroom public flat with his mother and four siblings and needed a government bursary to complete university.Yet somehow he succeeded. Tall Order tells the extraordinary story of his life and career over half a century, revealing how Singapore's second Prime Minister rose through a combination of strength, wit and a political nous which many, including himself, did not know he had. In this first of two volumes, Goh navigated years of a challenging apprenticeship to Lee, scoring numerous policy successes but also suffering political blows and humiliation.He was the man who first made Neptune Orient Lines, Singapore's national carrier, profitable, before entering politics. The stellar corporate stint was followed by his many novel policies and institutions that have since become household names in the country: Medisave, Total Defence, Residents' Committee and Nominated Member of Parliament. But the highlights were counterposed by setbacks, including overseeing the People's Action Party's first electoral defeat after independence at the Anson by-election.In the hands of acclaimed author and journalist Peh Shing Huei, this authorised biography reveals the private deliberations and negotiations between Goh and Lee before the maiden leadership transfer of independent Singapore. Tall Order is the first biography of Goh. This riveting book offers rare insights into Singapore's biggest and most important political and economic stories. .Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Theory And Policies Of Mutual Benefit And Win-win Strategy, The: Research On Sustainable Development Of China's Open Economy
In the past 30 years or so, reform and opening-up are the two major themes for China's economic and social development. Since the beginning of the 21st century, China has made great explorations in the depth and breadth of opening-up. This book provides a comprehensive overview of some issues and policies of mutual benefit and win-win strategies, which include China's foreign trade and technical barriers to trade, China's technology progress, China's service outsourcing industry, China's direct investment and RMB internationalization. It is an important reference book for Chinese policy-makers, Chinese businessmen and foreigners.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advanced Interferometric Gravitational-wave Detectors (In 2 Volumes)
The detection of gravitational waves in 2015 has been hailed a scientific breakthrough and one of the most significant scientific discoveries of the 21st century. Gravitational-wave physics and astronomy are emerging as a new frontier in understanding the universe.Advanced Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors brings together many of the world's top experts to deliver an authoritative and in-depth treatment on current and future detectors. Volume I is devoted to the essentials of gravitational-wave detectors, presenting the physical principles behind large-scale precision interferometry, the physics of the underlying noise sources that limit interferometer sensitivity, and an explanation of the key enabling technologies that are used in the detectors. Volume II provides an in-depth look at the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo interferometers, as well as examining future interferometric detector concepts. This two-volume set will provide students and researchers the comprehensive background needed to understand gravitational-wave detectors.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Atomistic Simulation Of Quantum Transport In Nanoelectronic Devices (With Cd-rom)
Computational nanoelectronics is an emerging multi-disciplinary field covering condensed matter physics, applied mathematics, computer science, and electronic engineering. In recent decades, a few state-of-the-art software packages have been developed to carry out first-principle atomistic device simulations. Nevertheless those packages are either black boxes (commercial codes) or accessible only to very limited users (private research codes). The purpose of this book is to open one of the commercial black boxes, and to demonstrate the complete procedure from theoretical derivation, to numerical implementation, all the way to device simulation. Meanwhile the affiliated source code constitutes an open platform for new researchers. This is the first book of its kind. We hope the book will make a modest contribution to the field of computational nanoelectronics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Tu Youyou And The Discovery Of Artemisinin: 2015 Nobel Laureate In Physiology Or Medicine
Nobel laureate Tu Youyou won the 2015 prize for Medicine/Physiology for the discovery of artemisinin, a drug therapy for malaria that has saved millions across the globe.This book traces the path of discovery beginning with Chairman Mao's 1964 instruction to Chinese researchers to find a cure for malaria, a disease that plagued the military and civilians alike in endemic regions. It chronicles the years of painstaking research to find effective anti-malarial drugs, and how an entry in a collection of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions gave Tu Youyou the clue which led her to successfully extract artemisinin from the plant, Artemisia annua.Gathering together information from a variety of sources including first-hand accounts, this book describes the contributions of the many organisations, scientists, doctors and countless others who played a part in the process of discovery and clinical testing. It also provides insights into the challenges of carrying out such an extensive research project with limited resources during the upheavals of the Cultural Revolution. An inspirational read for young scientists.Includes the translation of Professor Tu Youyou's 2015 Nobel Lecture.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Balancing Your Life: Executive Lessons For Work, Family And Self
The balance between work and family life is the single most commonly mentioned issue among senior executives worldwide. This book provides a framework for analyzing immediate and long-term balance. Using case studies of how twelve or more executives in various industries have handled the challenge, readers are invited throughout the volume to compare their current structures with those of the subjects in the cases presented.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Inelasticity Of Materials: An Engineering Approach And A Practical Guide
With the advent of a host of new materials ranging from shape memory alloys to biomaterials to multiphase alloys, acquiring the capacity to model inelastic behavior and to choose the right model in a commercial analysis software has become a pressing need for practicing engineers. Even with the traditional materials, there is a continued emphasis on optimizing and extending their full range of capability in the applications. This textbook builds upon the existing knowledge of elasticity and thermodynamics, and allows the reader to gain confidence in extending one's skills in understanding and analyzing problems in inelasticity. By reading this textbook and working through the assigned exercises, the reader will gain a level of comfort and competence in developing and using inelasticity models. Thus, the book serves as a valuable book for practicing engineers and senior-level undergraduate/graduate-level students in the mechanical, civil, aeronautical, metallurgical and other disciplines.The book is written in three parts. Part 1 is primarily focused on lumped parameter models and simple structural elements such as trusses and beams. This is suitable for an advanced undergraduate class with just a strength of materials background. Part II is focused on small deformation multi-dimensional inelasticity and is suitable for a beginning graduate class. Sufficient material is included on how to numerically implement an inelastic model and solve either using a simple stress function type of approach or using commercial software. Case studies are included as examples. There is also an extensive discussion of thermodynamics in the context of small deformations. Part III focuses on more advanced situations such as finite deformation inelasticity, thermodynamical ideas and crystal plasticity. More advanced case studies are included in this part.• This textbook takes a new, task- or scenario-based approach to teaching and learning inelasticity. The book is written in an active learning style that appeals to engineers and students who wish to design or analyze structures and components that are subject to inelasticity.• The book incorporates thermodynamical considerations into the modeling right from an early stage. Extensive discussions are provided throughout the book on the thermodynamical underpinnings of the models.• This textbook is the first to make extensive use of MATLAB to implement many inelasticity models. It includes the use of concepts such as Airy stress functions to solve plane problems for inelastic materials. The MATLAB codes are listed in the appendix for one to modify with their own models and requirements.• Step-by-step procedures for formulations and calculations are provided for the reader to readily adapt to the inelastic problems that he or she attempts to solve.• A large number of problems, exercises and projects for one to teach or learn from are included. These can be assigned as homework, in-class exercises or projects.• The book is written in a modular fashion, which provides adequate flexibility for adaptation in classes that cater to different audiences such as senior-level students, graduate students, research scholars, and practicing engineers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Chinese Multinationals
This book examines the rise of Chinese companies in international markets during the last two decades of rapid expansion of the Chinese economy. The fruit of a collaboration between two leading business schools, HEC Paris and the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, it provides a comprehensive overview of the strategies of Chinese multinationals in terms of international marketing and branding, M&As and international joint ventures, management of technology, organization and human resource management, etc.The strategies of several well-known companies are described in detail, including Baosteel, Bird, Haier, Hisense, Huawei Technologies, Lenovo, Nuchtech, Petrochina, TCL, Tsingtao Brewery, Wahaha, Wanxiang, etc.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Exchange Rate, Monetary And Financial Issues And Policies In Asia
A decade has passed since the Asian crisis of 1997-1998 which decimated many of the regional economies. While the crisis itself led to severe economic and political consequences, its primary cause was an inappropriate mix of policies, as regional economies attempted to simultaneously maintain fairly rigid exchange rates (soft US dollar pegs) and monetary policy autonomy in the presence of large-scale capital outflows. The chapters in this volume focus on selected exchange rate, monetary and financial issues and policies that are of contemporary relevance and importance to Asia, including choice of exchange rate regimes, causes and consequences of reserve accumulation, international capital flows, macroeconomic synchronization, and regional monetary and financial cooperation.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Seri: Singapore's World-class Research - Singapore Eye Research Institute
Just 10 years ago, ophthalmic research was almost unheard of in Singapore. With little money and no infrastructure, ophthalmologists and scientists expressed scant interest in research. Today, however, ophthalmic research in Singapore is at a high international level, as exemplified by the activities of the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI), which is capable of competing with and challenging the world's leading eye research centers. Indeed, the world-class research carried out at SERI has helped to extend Singapore's international reach as the country moves towards its goal of becoming a global city and a leading nation influencing developments across Asia and the world.This book summarizes a decade of hard work, dedication, and commitment by a handful of doctors and researchers in their efforts to establish SERI and ensure its success. In particular, the remarkable contributions of two of Singapore's ophthalmic pioneers, the late Associate Professor Chew Sek Jin and current Professor Donald Tan, are acknowledged. The book will inspire leaders of developing nations in visualizing how research can develop rapidly in their own country, and how support and facilities may materialize if they can gather a few dedicated, intelligent researchers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Proceedings Of The 1st Asia-pacific Water Summit
This prestigious volume consists of the proceedings of the 1st ever Water Summit to be convened in the world. Under the theme, Water Security: Leadership and Commitment, the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit (1st APWS) convened political leaders of the region and high level dignitaries in December 2007 in Beppu City, Oita Prefecture in Japan, offering them a platform to make commitments and launch initiatives to tackle the water challenges. The contents include speeches by His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Japan, Chairman of the UNSGAB His Royal Highness Prince Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands, President of the Asia-Pacific Water Forum Mr Yoshiro Mori, Prime Minister of Japan Mr Yasuo Fukuda, Ambassador-at-Large of the Republic of Singapore Professor Tommy Koh, United Nations Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon, and 10 Heads of Government from the region. Summaries of sessions cover matters relating to sanitation, climate change, water financing and capacity development, water-related disaster management, water for development and ecosystems, developing knowledge and lessons, increasing local capacity, monitoring investments and results, and the CEO Water Mandate. Also included are the Policy Brief 2007 and the Message from Beppu, the two seminal outcome documents of the 1st APWS.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Practical Guide To Computer Simulations (With Cd-rom)
This book presents all the computational techniques and tools needed to start doing scientific research using computer simulations. After working through this book, the reader will possess the necessary basic background knowledge, from program design, programming in C, fundamental algorithms and data structures, random numbers, and debugging, all the way to data analysis, presentation and publishing. In each of these fields, no preliminary knowledge is assumed. The reader will be equipped to successfully perform complete projects from the first idea until the final publication. All techniques are explained using many examples in C; these C codes, as well as the solutions to exercises, are readily available in the accompanying CD-ROM.The techniques in this book are independent of the fields of research, and hence they are suitable for conducting research projects in physics, chemistry, computer science, biology and engineering. This also means that no problem-dependent algorithms are introduced; therefore, this book does NOT explain molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, finite elements and other special-purpose techniques, which would be beyond the scope of a general-purpose book.There has been no similar comprehensive book written so far. Currently, one needs many different books to learn all the necessary elements. With this book, however, one basically needs only a second book on field-specific algorithms in order to be fully equipped to perform computer simulations research.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Classical Mechanics And Relativity
This text provides a pedagogical tour through mechanics from Newton to Einstein with detailed explanations and a large number of worked examples. From the very beginning relativity is kept in mind, along with its relation to concepts of basic mechanics, such as inertia, escape velocity, Newton's potential, Kepler motion and curvature. The Lagrange and Hamilton formalisms are treated in detail, and extensive applications to central forces and rigid bodies are presented. After consideration of the motivation of relativity, the essential tensor calculus is developed, and thereafter Einstein's equation is solved for special cases with explicit presentation of calculational steps. The combined treatment of classical mechanics and relativity thus enables the reader to see the connection between Newton's gravitational potential, Kepler motion and Einstein's corrections, as well as diverse aspects of mechanics. The text addresses students and others pursuing a course in classical mechanics, as well as those interested in a detailed course on relativity.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Changes In The Human-monsoon System Of East Asia In The Context Of Global Change
This book is the first in a series of assessments of regional climate change. Irreversible changes to regional biogeochemistry, and terrestrial and marine ecosystem functioning are brought about by increases in population, intensified land use, urbanization, industrialization and economic development. These may have global as well as regional consequences. The objectives of the assessments are, (i) to better understand how human activities in regions are altering regional atmospheric, terrestrial, and marine environments, (ii) to provide a sound scientific basis for sustainable regional development, and (iii) to develop the capability of predicting changes in global-regional linkages in the Earth System and to recognize the future consequences of such changes. This book describes such a study for monsoon East Asia, providing a state-of-the-art summary of what we already know, and serves as a basis for identifying knowledge gaps that require study.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd How To Succeed In Breastfeeding Without Really Trying, Or Ten Steps To Laugh Your Way Through
How to Succeed in Breastfeeding Without Really Trying provides new mothers with humorous, easy-to-use, hands-on advice and step-by-step instructions on how to initiate, sustain, and actually succeed in breastfeeding. After giving birth, many women are shocked to discover that breastfeeding does not come naturally; rather, it is painful and awkward. Feeling both frustrated and exhausted, they often find themselves without help or support from hospital staff. Not surprisingly, many do not initiate or prematurely quit breastfeeding. This book is written not only to help women breastfeed, but also to help them feel better overall, especially postpartum — perhaps the most joyful yet tearful time in a woman's life.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Fat Manifolds And Linear Connections
The theory of connections is central not only in pure mathematics (differential and algebraic geometry), but also in mathematical and theoretical physics (general relativity, gauge fields, mechanics of continuum media). The now-standard approach to this subject was proposed by Ch. Ehresmann 60 years ago, attracting first mathematicians and later physicists by its transparent geometrical simplicity. Unfortunately, it does not extend well to a number of recently emerged situations of significant importance (singularities, supermanifolds, infinite jets and secondary calculus, etc.). Moreover, it does not help in understanding the structure of calculus naturally related with a connection.In this unique book, written in a reasonably self-contained manner, the theory of linear connections is systematically presented as a natural part of differential calculus over commutative algebras. This not only makes easy and natural numerous generalizations of the classical theory and reveals various new aspects of it, but also shows in a clear and transparent manner the intrinsic structure of the associated differential calculus. The notion of a “fat manifold” introduced here then allows the reader to build a well-working analogy of this “connection calculus” with the usual one.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Chaos, Complexity And Transport: Theory And Applications - Proceedings Of The Cct '07
This book aims to provide the readers with a wide panorama of different aspects related to Chaos, Complexity and Transport. It consists of a collection of contributions ranging from applied mathematics to experiments, presented during the CCT'07 conference (Marseilles, June 4-8, 2007). The book encompasses different traditional fields of physics and mathematics while trying to keep a common language among the fields, and targets a nonspecialized audience.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nonlinear Dynamics Of Piecewise Constant Systems And Implementation Of Piecewise Constant Arguments
Piecewise constant systems exist in widely expanded areas such as engineering, physics, and mathematics. Extraordinary and complex characteristics of piecewise constant systems have been reported in recent years. This book provides the methodologies for analyzing and assessing nonlinear piecewise constant systems on a theoretically and practically sound basis. Recently developed approaches for theoretically analyzing and numerically solving the nonlinear piecewise constant dynamic systems are reviewed. A new greatest integer argument with a piecewise constant function is utilized for nonlinear dynamic analyses and for establishing a novel criterion in diagnosing irregular and chaotic solutions from the regular solutions of a nonlinear dynamic system. The newly established piecewise constantization methodology and its implementation in analytically solving for nonlinear dynamic problems are also presented.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science And Technology Of An American Genius, The: Stanford R Ovshinsky
This book highlights the achievements of the self-taught inventor, scientist, manufacturer and entrepreneur, Stanford R Ovshinsky. This remarkable individual could, without special training, compete with the well-funded establishments of learning and industry in the second half of the last century and leave us an incredible legacy of brilliant innovations with a lasting impact on our lives. His achievements extend over amazingly diverse fields and have or are prone to create new industries of great societal value.The phase change memories of commonly used rewritable CDs and DVDs as well as of new flash memories are his invention; so are the Ni Metal hydride batteries which are the enabling batteries for electric and hybrid/electric vehicles. The future hydrogen economy will utilize his efficient and safe hydrogen storage alloys. He has developed light and ultralight photovoltaic solar panels for converting sunlight into electricity and built the largest manufacturing facility for thin film flexible solar roofing materials. A common theme of his inventions is the synthesis of new materials utilizing novel aspects of structural and compositional disorder.The book explains for each of Ovshinsky's innovations the essence of his pioneering ideas and inventions. These introductions are followed by a selection of Ovshinsky's seminal publications and, for each subject category, a list of his patents which reveal the inventive mind of this unusually creative person. Ovshinsky's example of gaining a deep understanding of the science underlying his inventions, his perseverance as well as his ability to attract and inspire talented collaborators will be a role model for entrepreneurs of this century.