Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dark Side Of Healthcare, The: Issues, Cases, And Lessons For The Future
The Dark Side of Healthcare draws uncomfortable lessons from over 300 case studies of events that occurred in the healthcare sector. Health services have many skilled and dedicated professionals but there is a dark side that cannot be ignored. The unthinkable has happened and might have been prevented.The case studies from many countries include serial killers with a health background, drugs and medical devices that proved to be dangerous, negligent and poor clinical practices, as well as incompetent and weak management that led to failing hospitals and harm to patients. There are also corruption cases, accidents at work, and cases involving the sexual exploitation of children. Politicians' early responses to COVID-19 and the subsequent missteps are also scrutinised. Many of the errors and omissions that led to patient harm have been repeated.This book is not an attack on health services or health professionals. Instead, it is a search for ways of making health delivery safer for patients and staff who deliver care often in challenging circumstances. Its focus is learning rather than blame.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Memorial Volume For Shoucheng Zhang
This book honors the remarkable science and life of Shoucheng Zhang, a condensed matter theorist known for his work on topological insulators, the quantum Hall effect, spintronics, superconductivity, and other fields. It contains the contributions displayed at the Shoucheng Zhang Memorial Workshop held on May 2-4, 2019 at Stanford University.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures With Birds
Birds come in a dazzling array of sizes, shapes and colours, with abilities and behaviour worth making a song and dance about! Do you know how hornbills make a home? Or why sparrows hop? Get ready to admire the peacock's stunning plumage, glide with the wandering albatross and dive with penguins! From the everyday to the exotic, here are just some awesome representatives from this animal group that comprises more than 10,000 species worldwide.The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds.This book aligns with the following syllabi:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Enigma Of The Skies: Unveiling The Secrets Of Auroras
Enigma of the Skies is a joint endeavor by a scientist and a photographer to present to readers everything there is to know about auroras in an easy-to-understand matter. It explains the phenomena and describes how to predict when auroras occur using simple physics alongside a collection of beautiful photos taken both from Earth and from space.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Darwin: A Companion - With Iconographies By John Van Wyhe
'This is a book that required a great many research hours, the kind of volume you may be glad someone took the time to compile.'The Quarterly Review of Biology This is the ultimate guide to the life and work of Charles Darwin. The result of decades of research through a vast and daunting literature which is hard for beginners and experts alike to navigate, it brings together widely scattered facts including very many unknown to even the most ardent Darwin aficionados. It includes hundreds of new discoveries and corrections to the existing literature. It provides the most complete summaries of his publications, manuscripts, lifetime itinerary, finances, personal library, friends and colleagues, opponents, visitors to his home, anniversaries, hundreds of flora, fauna, monuments and places named after him and a host of other topics. Also included are the most complete lists (iconographies) ever created of illustrations of the Beagle, over 1000 portraits of Darwin, his wife and home as well as all known Darwin photographs, stamps and caricatures. The book is richly illustrated with 350 images, most previously unknown.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nanobiotherapeutic Based Blood Substitutes
This definitive volume will provide the reader with up to date information and the most recent science of the fast-evolving area of nanobiotherapeutic-based blood substitutes. Long studied, there are recent updates that make their use in patients more promising, and with one product approved for human use, many more in the pipeline. These include 2nd generations and even third generation ones, the later with enhancement of red blood cell functions. In addition, there are carefully written and referenced updates on the recent history and products in the field, complete with pathophysiologic and pharmacologic studies to validate and verify the efficacy and safety of many of these new products.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd X Games In Mathematics: Sports Training That Counts!
Sports analytics has gathered tremendous momentum as one of the most dynamic fields. Diving deep into the numbers of sports can be game changing or simply a fun exercise for fans. How do you get in the game with numbers? What questions can be explored? What actionable insights can be gleaned?Do you like sports? This book will detail ways to analyze athletics to gain insight that can otherwise be obscured. Like math? You'll find many mathematical topics not involving sports. You'll also see how sports analytics can train you broadly in mathematics.From coaching at the highest levels to national media broadcasts, analytics are becoming increasingly indispensable. Dive into the numbers behind soccer to basketball to baseball to boxing to swimming, dive into the numbers. Learn how to get in the game with sports and mathematics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Analysis With Complex Numbers
This is a self-contained book that covers the standard topics in introductory analysis and that in addition constructs the natural, rational, real and complex numbers, and also handles complex-valued functions, sequences, and series. The book teaches how to write proofs. Fundamental proof-writing logic is covered in Chapter 1 and is repeated and enhanced in two appendices. Many examples of proofs appear with words in a different font for what should be going on in the proof writer's head. The book contains many examples and exercises to solidify the understanding. The material is presented rigorously with proofs and with many worked-out examples. Exercises are varied, many involve proofs, and some provide additional learning materials.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Machine Learning: Concepts, Tools And Data Visualization
This set of lecture notes, written for those who are unfamiliar with mathematics and programming, introduces the reader to important concepts in the field of machine learning. It consists of three parts. The first is an overview of the history of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science, and also includes case studies of well-known AI systems. The second is a step-by-step introduction to Azure Machine Learning, with examples provided. The third is an explanation of the techniques and methods used in data visualization with R, which can be used to communicate the results collected by the AI systems when they are analyzed statistically. Practice questions are provided throughout the book.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd China-us Trade Frictions Shaping New Equilibriums With The Eu And The Us: Towards A New Multilateralism Or Tripolarism
This book shows the impact of the recent trade tensions between China and the US on the world trade order, and how parties have reached a deal (so called 'phase one', January 2020), which could lead to a more comprehensive agreement, and the consequences of these 'adjustments' in shaping new equilibriums.After 40 years, China has transformed into an economic superpower, which could now rival the US. This has evoked some concerns, and put the US in an uncomfortable position, as the US views the rise of China as a threat to its predominance and interests. However, China's development and its increasing economic power, which is a direct consequence of the ongoing reform process, is unstoppable.The confrontation between China and the US will favor Chinese expansion into the EU not only because the EU offers a more receptive environment for Chinese Foreign Direct Investment, but also because the EU and China have more in common if we consider the Belt And Road Initiative and the new bilateral investment agreement which is under negotiation. The EU, not only represents the final destination of the BRI, but also a more logical and convenient trade partner for China.The shift of Chinese attention toward the EU will also change the equilibrium between China, the EU and the US, bring forth the negotiation of new trade agreements, and move the entire international community towards a new world trade order and a new multilateralism which might evolve into a tripolarism.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Physics Of Cancer, The: Research Advances
Cancer deaths per capita have decreased in recent years, but the improvement is attributed to prevention, not treatment. The difficulty in treating cancer may be due to its 'complexity', in the mathematical physics sense of the word. Tumors evolve and spread in response to internal and external factors that involve feedback mechanisms and nonlinear behavior. Investigations of the nonlinear interactions among cells, and between cells and their environment, are crucial for developing a sufficiently detailed understanding of the system's emergent phenomenology to be able to control the behavior. In the case of cancer, controlling the system's behavior will mean the ability to treat and cure the disease. Physicists have been studying various complex, nonlinear systems for many years using a variety of techniques. These investigations have provided insights that allow physicists to make unique contributions towards the treatment of cancer.This interdisciplinary book presents recent advancements in physicists' research on cancer. The work presented in this volume uses a variety of physical, biochemical, mathematical, theoretical, and computational techniques to gain a deeper molecular and cellular understanding of the horrific disease that is cancer.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Living The Corporate Purpose: Insights From Companies In Asia
Corporate purpose has become a global phenomenon in recent years. Increasingly, businesses are expected to 'produce profitable solutions to the problems of people and planet, and not to profit from producing problems for people or planet' (World Economic Forum). However, the literature on how companies can build purpose into their corporate DNA is still very nascent.This book, first of its kind, focuses on how companies in Asia are building purpose into their journey. It contains case studies of companies and their current journey to become more purpose driven, why they do it, and how they did it.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Linear Algebra And Optimization With Applications To Machine Learning - Volume Ii: Fundamentals Of Optimization Theory With Applications To Machine Learning
Volume 2 applies the linear algebra concepts presented in Volume 1 to optimization problems which frequently occur throughout machine learning. This book blends theory with practice by not only carefully discussing the mathematical under pinnings of each optimization technique but by applying these techniques to linear programming, support vector machines (SVM), principal component analysis (PCA), and ridge regression. Volume 2 begins by discussing preliminary concepts of optimization theory such as metric spaces, derivatives, and the Lagrange multiplier technique for finding extrema of real valued functions. The focus then shifts to the special case of optimizing a linear function over a region determined by affine constraints, namely linear programming. Highlights include careful derivations and applications of the simplex algorithm, the dual-simplex algorithm, and the primal-dual algorithm. The theoretical heart of this book is the mathematically rigorous presentation of various nonlinear optimization methods, including but not limited to gradient decent, the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, Lagrangian duality, alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), and the kernel method. These methods are carefully applied to hard margin SVM, soft margin SVM, kernel PCA, ridge regression, lasso regression, and elastic-net regression. Matlab programs implementing these methods are included.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Our Celestial Clockwork: From Ancient Origins To Modern Astronomy Of The Solar System
This book is a superposition of two distinct narratives: the first is historical, discussing the evolution of astronomical knowledge since the dawn of civilizations; the second is scientific, conveying mathematical and physical content of each advancement. Great scientists of antiquity, Middle Ages and modern times until the 18th century, are presented along with their discoveries, through short biographies and anecdotes. Special care is taken to explain their achievements using mathematical and physical concepts of their time, with modern perspective added only when ancient methodology is too cumbersome or its language hardly understandable to contemporary readers.The book conveys a lot of astronomical facts and data in a pleasant and accessible manner. Almost all findings and discoveries made in ancient times are followed by simple mathematical exercises using basic knowledge, so that the reader can check the assertions himself. The book contains a lot of inedited illustrations. Geometrical schemes are given extra attention to make the examples clear and understandable. The language is simple and accessible to the young audience.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Regional Economics: Fundamental Concepts, Policies, And Institutions
Regional Economics: Fundamental Concepts, Policies, and Institutions is a unique and unconventional economics textbook which emphasizes the role of 'space' in economics and highlights the importance of non-economic factors particularly the role of institutions in regional development. It also presents the approach on how to evaluate regional development performance based on economic, social, and environmental considerations, which is the organizing principle for meeting people-oriented development and sustainable development goals. Other essential concepts such as 'regional science' and 'spatial economics' are also explored in this book.Why activities tend to be spatially concentrated and can get more intensified despite efforts to disperse them toward other regions? Why infrastructure development intended to increase activities and improve the population's welfare can produce the opposite outcome of greater interregional inequality? What is the role of regional and national policies in affecting growth incentives, and how non-economic factors such as institutions and the quality of local leaders can make a difference in welfare achievement? Addressing these questions allows readers to better understand the various phenomena in the actual development process.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nanopore Sequencing: An Introduction
This is an introductory text and laboratory manual to be used primarily in undergraduate courses. It is also useful for graduate students and research scientists who require an introduction to the theory and methods of nanopore sequencing. The book has clear explanations of the principles of this emerging technology, together with instructional material written by experts that describes how to use a MinION nanopore instrument for sequencing in research or the classroom.At Harvard University the book serves as a textbook and lab manual for a university laboratory course designed to intensify the intellectual experience of incoming undergraduates while exploring biology as a field of concentration. Nanopore sequencing is an ideal topic as a path to encourage students about the range of courses they will take in Biology by pre-emptively addressing the complaint about having to take a course in Physics or Maths while majoring in Biology. The book addresses this complaint by concretely demonstrating the range of topics — from electricity to biochemistry, protein structure, molecular engineering, and informatics — that a student will have to master in subsequent courses if he or she is to become a scientist who truly understands what his or her biology instrument is measuring when investigating biological phenomena.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Loose Ends...false Starts
Sydney Brenner was born in South Africa and educated at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (Medicine and Science). He then moved to Oxford and received a D.Phil in 1952, before joining the MRC Unit in the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge in 1956. His various accomplishments include serving as the Director of MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, founding the Molecular Science Institute in Berkeley, holding the position of Distinguished Professor at the Salk Institute, La Jolla. And during his last years, Sydney Brenner played a key role in shaping research and development in the biomedical sector in Singapore as A*Star Senior Fellow.He was one of the greatest biologists of the 20th century and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2002 for his pioneering work in the field of molecular biology. He was also known for his boundless curiosity, sharp intellect and courage to speak with clarity and characteristic wit as evident in this delightful book which is a compilation of the columns that he wrote for Current Biology in the late '90s.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Financial Risk Management: An End User Perspective
In the field of financial risk management, the 'sell side' is the set of financial institutions who offer risk management products to corporations, governments, and institutional investors, who comprise the 'buy side'. The sell side is often at a significant advantage as it employs quantitative experts who provide specialized knowledge. Further, the existing body of knowledge on risk management, while extensive, is highly technical and mathematical and is directed to the sell side.This book levels the playing field by approaching risk management from the buy side instead, focusing on educating corporate and institutional users of risk management products on the essential knowledge they need to be an intelligent buyer. Rather than teach financial engineering, this volume covers the principles that the buy side should know to enable it to ask the right questions and avoid being misled by the complexity often presented by the sell side.Written in a user-friendly manner, this textbook is ideal for graduate and advanced undergraduate classes in finance and risk management, MBA students specializing in finance, and corporate and institutional investors. The text is accompanied by extensive supporting material including exhibits, end-of-chapter questions and problems, solutions, and PowerPoint slides for lecturers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Carbon Materials: Science And Applications
'The field of carbon materials is huge and often difficult to comprehend, but this book is easy to read and methodically covers the subject, including presenting materials properties and performance data with clear illustrations and graphs. References include relevant older and up-to-date sources of information. The book is tutorial style in nature and is an excellent resource for senior undergraduates, graduate students, researchers, and anyone who wants to learn more about carbon and incorporate carbon materials into new applications.'MRS BulletinElemental carbon materials take numerous forms including graphite, carbon fiber, carbon nanotube, graphene, carbon black, activated carbon, fullerene and diamond. These forms differ greatly in the structure, properties, fabrication method, and applications. The applications of these carbon forms include electronic, electromagnetic, electrochemical, environmental and biomedical applications. Carbon materials are a subject of intense research, with strong relevance to both science and technology.This book provides a tutorial-style and up-to-date coverage of the carbon forms. In addition to an introductory chapter on carbon materials, the book includes chapters on graphite, graphene, carbon black, activated carbon, carbon fibers, and carbon nanofibers/nanotubes. For example, the chapter on graphite covers various materials in the graphite family, including polycrystalline graphite, pyrolytic graphite, turbostratic carbon, intercalated graphite, graphite oxide, exfoliated graphite and flexible graphite, in addition to their electronic and mechanical properties.This book is suitable for use as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students in science and engineering, and as a reference book for professionals. It is dedicated to the memory of the author's PhD thesis advisor, Professor M S Dresselhaus (1930-2017) of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Elementary Stochastic Calculus, With Finance In View
Modelling with the Itô integral or stochastic differential equations has become increasingly important in various applied fields, including physics, biology, chemistry and finance. However, stochastic calculus is based on a deep mathematical theory.This book is suitable for the reader without a deep mathematical background. It gives an elementary introduction to that area of probability theory, without burdening the reader with a great deal of measure theory. Applications are taken from stochastic finance. In particular, the Black-Scholes option pricing formula is derived. The book can serve as a text for a course on stochastic calculus for non-mathematicians or as elementary reading material for anyone who wants to learn about Itô calculus and/or stochastic finance.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lagrangian And Hamiltonian Mechanics
This book takes the student from the Newtonian mechanics typically taught in the first and the second year to the areas of recent research. The discussion of topics such as invariance, Hamiltonian-Jacobi theory, and action-angle variables is especially complete; the last includes a discussion of the Hannay angle, not found in other texts. The final chapter is an introduction to the dynamics of nonlinear nondissipative systems. Connections with other areas of physics which the student is likely to be studying at the same time, such as electromagnetism and quantum mechanics, are made where possible. There is thus a discussion of electromagnetic field momentum and mechanical“hidden” momentum in the quasi-static interaction of an electric charge and a magnet. This discussion, among other things explains the“(e/c)A” term in the canonical momentum of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field. There is also a brief introduction to path integrals and their connection with Hamilton's principle, and the relation between the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of mechanics, the eikonal equation of optics, and the Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics.The text contains 115 exercises. This text is suitable for a course in classical mechanics at the advanced undergraduate level.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Photosynthesis: Solar Energy For Life
Photosynthesis has been an important field of research for more than a century, but the present concerns about energy, environment and climate have greatly intensified interest in and research on this topic. Research has progressed rapidly in recent years, and this book is an interesting read for an audience who is concerned with various ways of harnessing solar energy.Our understanding of photosynthesis can now be said to have reached encyclopedic dimensions. There have been, in the past, many good books at various levels. Our book is expected to fulfill the needs of advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in branches of biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and bioengineering because photosynthesis is the basis of future advances in producing more food, more biomass, more fuel, and new chemicals for our expanding global human population. Further, the basics of photosynthesis are and will be used not only for the above, but in artificial photosynthesis, an important emerging field where chemists, researchers and engineers of solar energy systems will play a major role.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Energy Finance: Theories, Practices And Simulations
Modeling the dynamics of energy markets has become a challenging task. The intensification of their financialization since 2004 had made them more complex but also more integrated with other tradable asset classes. More importantly, their large and frequent fluctuations in terms of both prices and volatility, particularly in the aftermath of the global financial crisis 2008-2009, posit difficulties for modeling and forecasting energy price behavior and are primary sources of concerns for macroeconomic stability and general economic performance.This handbook aims to advance the debate on the theories and practices of quantitative energy finance while shedding light on innovative results and technical methods applied to energy markets. Its primary focus is on the recent development and applications of mathematical and quantitative approaches for a better understanding of the stochastic processes that drive energy market movements. The handbook is designed for not only graduate students and researchers but also practitioners and policymakers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Our Body, The: Super Mi Discovery
Come discover with me, Super Mi!In what ways are our bodies like racing cars? What do our bodies need to survive?My name is Mi and though I'm still small, the world has no more secrets from me anymore! That's because of my superpowers. As Super Mi, I can discover everything I want to know!Discover, experiment and learn with the little scientists! Each little scientist has something new to teach readers. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, I'm a Little Scientist! introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science. Everyone can be a little scientist!Series features:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Collected Papers Of Stephen Smale, The (In 3 Volumes)
This invaluable book contains the collected papers of Stephen Smale. These are divided into eight groups: topology; calculus of variations; dynamics; mechanics; economics; biology, electric circuits and mathematical programming; theory of computation; miscellaneous. In addition, each group contains one or two articles by world leaders on its subject which comment on the influence of Smale's work, and another article by Smale with his own retrospective views.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Schrodinger In Oxford
'Clary's account makes for fascinating reading, not least because of its clear style and copious citation of primary sources and original scientific articles. The author provides a compelling narrative of … Schrödinger's departure in 1933 from a highly eminent position at the University of Berlin to a precarious, untenured position at Magdalen College … with political and scientific considerations deftly woven together.' [Read Full Review]ScienceErwin Schrödinger was one of the greatest scientists of all time but it is not widely known that he was a Fellow at Magdalen College, Oxford in the 1930s. This book is an authoritative account of Schrödinger's time in Oxford by Sir David Clary, an expert on quantum chemistry and a former President of Magdalen College, who describes Schrödinger's remarkable life and scientific contributions in a language that can be understood by all. Through access to many unpublished manuscripts, the author reveals in unprecedented detail the events leading up to Schrödinger's sudden departure from Berlin in 1933, his arrival in Oxford and award of the Nobel Prize, his dramatic escape from the Nazis in Austria to return to Oxford, and his urgent flight from Belgium to Dublin at the start of the Second World War.The book presents many acute observations from Schrödinger's wife Anny and his daughter Ruth, who was born in Oxford and became an acquaintance of the author in the last years of her life. It also includes a remarkable letter sent to Schrödinger in Oxford from Adolf Hitler, thanking him for his services to the state as a professor in Berlin. Schrödinger's intense interactions with other great scientists who were also refugees during this period, including Albert Einstein and Max Born, are examined in the context of the chaotic political atmosphere of the time. Fascinating anecdotes of how this flamboyant Austrian scientist interacted with the President and Fellows of a highly traditional Oxford College in the 1930s are a novel feature of the book.A gripping and intimate narrative of one of the most colourful scientists in history, Schrödinger in Oxford explains how his revolutionary breakthrough in quantum mechanics has become such a central feature in 21st century science.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Development (2nd Edition)
Although there are many textbooks that deal with the formal apparatus of quantum mechanics (QM) and its application to standard problems, none take into account the developments in the foundations of the subject which have taken place in the last few decades. There are specialized treatises on various aspects of the foundations of QM, but none that integrate those topics with the standard material. This book aims to remove that unfortunate dichotomy, which has divorced the practical aspects of the subject from the interpretation and broader implications of the theory.In this edition a new chapter on quantum information is added. As the topic is still in a state of rapid development, a comprehensive treatment is not feasible. The emphasis is on the fundamental principles and some key applications, including quantum cryptography, teleportation of states, and quantum computing. The impact of quantum information theory on the foundations of quantum mechanics is discussed. In addition, there are minor revisions to several chapters.The book is intended primarily as a graduate level textbook, but it will also be of interest to physicists and philosophers who study the foundations of QM. Parts of it can be used by senior undergraduates too.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Financial Hacking: Evaluate Risks, Price Derivatives, Structure Trades, And Build Your Intuition Quickly And Easily
This book teaches financial engineering in an innovative way: by providing tools and a point of view to quickly and easily solve real front-office problems. Projects and simulations are not just exercises in this book, but its heart and soul. You will not only learn how to do state-of-the-art simulations and build exotic derivatives valuation models, you will also learn how to quickly make reasonable inferences based on incomplete information. This book will give you the expertise to make significant progress in understanding brand new derivatives given only a preliminary term sheet, thus making you extraordinarily valuable to banks, brokerage houses, trading floors, and hedge funds.Financial Hacking is not about long, detailed mathematical proofs or brief summaries of conventional financial theories; it is about engineering specific, useable answers to imprecise but important questions. It is an essential book both for students and for practitioners of financial engineering.MBAs in finance learn case-method and standard finance mainly by talking. Mathematical finance students learn the elegance and beauty of formulas mainly by manipulating symbols. But financial engineers need to learn how to build useful tools, and the best way to do that is to actually build them in a test environment, with only hypothetical profits or losses at stake. That's what this book does. It is like a trading desk sandbox that prepares graduate students or others looking to move closer to trading operations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Special Relativity For Beginners: A Textbook For Undergraduates
This book, first appearing in German in 2004 under the title Spezielle Relativitätstheorie für Studienanfänger, offers access to the special theory of relativity for readers with a background in mathematics and physics comparable to a high school honors degree. All mathematical and physical competence required beyond that level is gradually developed through the book, as more advanced topics are introduced. The full tensor formalism, however, is dispensed with as it would only be a burden for the problems to be dealt with. Eventually, a substantial and comprehensive treatise on special relativity emerges which, with its gray-shaded formulary, is an invaluable reference manual for students and scientists alike.Some crucial results are derived more than once with different approaches: the Lorentz transformation in one spatial direction three times, the Doppler formula four times, the Lorentz transformation in two directions twice; also twice the unification of electric and magnetic forces, the velocity addition formula, as well as the aberration formula. Beginners will be grateful to find several routes to the goal; moreover, for a theory like relativity, it is of fundamental importance to demonstrate that it is self-contained and without contradictions.Author's website:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Bifurcation Theory And Applications
This book covers comprehensive bifurcation theory and its applications to dynamical systems and partial differential equations (PDEs) from science and engineering, including in particular PDEs from physics, chemistry, biology, and hydrodynamics.The book first introduces bifurcation theories recently developed by the authors, on steady state bifurcation for a class of nonlinear problems with even order nondegenerate nonlinearities, regardless of the multiplicity of the eigenvalues, and on attractor bifurcations for nonlinear evolution equations, a new notion of bifurcation.With this new notion of bifurcation, many longstanding bifurcation problems in science and engineering are becoming accessible, and are treated in the second part of the book. In particular, applications are covered for a variety of PDEs from science and engineering, including the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, the Cahn-Hillard equation, the Ginzburg-Landau equation, reaction-diffusion equations in biology and chemistry, the Benard convection problem, and the Taylor problem. The applications provide, on the one hand, general recipes for other applications of the theory addressed in this book, and on the other, full classifications of the bifurcated attractor and the global attractor as the control parameters cross certain critical values, dictated usually by the eigenvalues of the linearized problems. It is expected that the book will greatly advance the study of nonlinear dynamics for many problems in science and engineering.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Physics Of Quantum Information, The - Proceedings Of The 28th Solvay Conference On Physics
Ever since 1911, the Solvay Conferences have shaped modern physics. The format is quite different from other conferences as the emphasis is placed on discussion. The 28th edition held in May 2022 in Brussels and chaired by David Gross and Peter Zoller continued this tradition and addressed some of the most pressing open questions in the fields of quantum information, gathering many of the leading figures working on a wide variety of profound problems.The proceedings contain the 'rapporteur talks' giving a broad overview with unique insights by distinguished renowned scientists. These lectures cover the five sessions: The Physics of Quantum Information, Many-Body Entanglement, Quantum Information and Spacetime, Quantum Platforms, Quantum Algorithms.In the Solvay tradition, the proceedings also include the prepared comments to the rapporteur talks. The discussions among the participants — expert, yet lively and sometimes contentious — have been edited to retain their flavor and are reproduced in full. The reader is taken on a breathtaking ride through a fascinating field which is expanding rapidly.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Casual Calculus: A Friendly Student Companion (In 3 Volumes)
Yes, this is another Calculus book. However, it fits in a niche between the two predominant types of such texts. It could be used as a textbook, albeit a streamlined one — it contains exposition on each topic, with an introduction, rationale, train of thought, and solved examples with accompanying suggested exercises. It could be used as a solution guide — because it contains full written solutions to each of the hundreds of exercises posed inside. But its best position is right in between these two extremes. It is best used as a companion to a traditional text or as a refresher — with its conversational tone, its 'get right to it' content structure, and its inclusion of complete solutions to many problems, it is a friendly partner for students who are learning Calculus, either in class or via self-study.Exercises are structured in three sets to force multiple encounters with each topic. Solved examples in the text are accompanied by 'You Try It' problems, which are similar to the solved examples; the students use these to see if they're ready to move forward. Then at the end of the section, there are 'Practice Problems': more problems similar to the 'You Try It' problems, but given all at once. Finally, each section has Challenge Problems — these lean to being equally or a bit more difficult than the others, and they allow students to check on what they've mastered.The goal is to keep the students engaged with the text, and so the writing style is very informal, with attempts at humor along the way. The target audience is STEM students including those in engineering and meteorology programs.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Sing A Song Of Hawker Food: Humpty Dumpty & Friends Have A Singapore Hawker Feast
The worlds of nursery rhymes and Singapore hawker food collide in this book. Dive into fractured nursery rhymes with a local twist, featuring Singapore hawker food.Imagine Humpty Dumpty enjoying kaya toast, Jack and Jill grilling satay on a hill and the three blind mice eating chicken rice at the hawker centre. Wouldn't that be a funny sight?Cheeky illustrations highlight aspects of Singapore hawker culture that children will have fun identifying. Young readers (and not so young ones) can sing or read these hawker food rhymes and follow the familiar rhythms, while naming the well-loved hawker fare that appear in the rhymes.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mathematical Methods For Foreign Exchange: A Financial Engineer's Approach
This comprehensive book presents a systematic and practically oriented approach to mathematical modeling in finance, particularly in the foreign exchange context. It describes all the relevant aspects of financial engineering, including derivative pricing, in detail. The book is self-contained, with the necessary mathematical, economic, and trading background carefully explained. In addition to the lucid treatment of the standard material, it describes many original results.The book can be used both as a text for students of financial engineering, and as a basic reference for risk managers, traders, and academics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Scientific Handbook Of Energy, The
Competition for energy resources worldwide will almost certainly increase because of population growth and economic expansion, especially in countries such as China and India, with large populations. In addition, environmental concerns with the use of certain energy sources add a complicating factor to decisions about energy use. Therefore there is likely to be an increased commitment around the world to invest in energy systems.The World Scientific Handbook of Energy provides comprehensive, reliable and timely sets of data on energy resources and uses; it gathers in one publication a concise description of the current state-of-the-art for a wide variety of energy resources, including data on resource availability worldwide and at different cost levels. The end use of energy in transportation, residential and industrial areas is outlined, and energy storage, conservation and the impact on the environment included.Experts and key personnel straddling academia and related agencies and industries provide critical data for further exploration and research.Experts in these various areas who provide relevant data for further exploration and research include former Head of the Nuclear Reactors Directorate of the CEA; Director of the Potential Gas Agency, who leads a team of 100 geologists, geophysicists and petroleum engineers; former CEO of an Icelandic engineering company that specializes in the design, construction and operation of “Kalina” binary power plants for geothermal, biomass and industrial waste heat recovery applications; Chairman of the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association; former Director of the Geo-Heat Center at the Oregon Institute of Technology, who received the Patricius Medal from the German Geothermal Association for “his pioneer work in the direct use of geothermal energy”; Division Director of NETL's Strategic Center for Coal, who provides expert guidance and consultation to major DOE-funded clean coal technology and carbon sequestration demonstration projects; an internationally recognized expert in the physics and technology of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF); former Senior Scientist and Director of the Center for Distributed Generation and Thermal Distribution with Washington State University, who was responsible for state policy, technical assistance to resource developers and investigations related to geothermal energy development; a main author on the 2005 Billion Ton Report and 2011 Billion Ton Update; and many more extremely well published and well known individuals straddling academia and related agencies and industries.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd 50 Years Of Yang-mills Theory
“It was a brilliant idea to signal the 50th birthday of Yang-Mills theory by gathering together a wide range of articles by leading experts on many aspects of the subject. The result is a most handsome tribute of both historical and current interest, and a substantial addition to the existing literature …This unusual and elegant festschrift is a treat for theorists.”CERN CourierOn the 50th anniversary of Yang-Mills theory, this invaluable volume looks back at the developments and achievements in elementary particle physics that ensued from that beautiful idea.During the last five decades, Yang-Mills theory, which is undeniably the most important cornerstone of theoretical physics, has expanded widely. It has been investigated from many perspectives, and many new and unexpected features have been uncovered from this theory. In recent decades, apart from high energy physics, the theory has been actively applied in other branches of physics, such as statistical physics, condensed matter physics, nonlinear systems, etc. This makes the theory an indispensable topic for all who are involved in physics.An international team of experts, each of whom has left his mark on the developments of this remarkable theory, contribute essays or more detailed technical accounts to this volume. These articles highlight the new discoveries from the respective authors' perspectives. The distinguished contributors are: S Adler, F A Bais, C Becchi, M Creutz, A De Rújula, B S DeWitt, F Englert, L D Faddeev, P Hasenfratz, R Jackiw, A Polyakov, V N Popov, R Stora, P van Baal, P van Nieuwenhuizen, S Weinberg, F Wilczek, E Witten, C N Yang. Included in each article are introductory and explanatory remarks by the editor, G 't Hooft, who is himself a major player in the development of Yang-Mills theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Atoms In Electromagnetic Fields (2nd Edition)
“The production quality is very high; even the smallest symbols are easily readable, and some papers are reproduced in color. The clarity of the exposition, the wide range of topics, and the logic of the presentation make this a valuable teaching reference. This book is highly recommended for physicists and students working on atoms in intense laser fields, laser cooling and trapping and Bose-Einstein condensation.”Optics & Photonics NewsThis invaluable book presents papers written during the last 40 years by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and his collaborators on various physical effects which can be observed on atoms interacting with electromagnetic fields. It consists of a personal selection of review papers, lectures given at schools, as well as original experimental and theoretical papers. Emphasis is placed on physical mechanisms and on general approaches (such as the dressed atom approach) having a wide range of applications. Various topics are discussed, such as atoms in intense laser fields, photon correlations, quantum jumps, radiative corrections, laser cooling and trapping, Bose-Einstein condensation. In this new edition, about 200-page of new material has been added.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd George Yeo Selected Musings
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Kalimantan Dolphin And Other Indonesian Tales The
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Kiasunomics 3 Economic Insights For Everyday Life
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Im A Mathematician Now
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Polderstein 13: School Of The Amazing Brain
A short, short time to come, in a galaxy very much like our own, a small planet struggles to survive the Great Storm. The apocalyptic event of the millennia has cut the Earth's population to a third and divided the surviving populations into three pockets. From here rise our protagonists: Sha, a spunky young woman with a bright future and a traumatised past; Niel, the surviving brother of a set of twins who has hidden inner powers and Ral-D, a tortured half man, half robot who yearns redemption. What they're looking for is the Amazing Brain. This is their adventure... and yours!Is the Amazing Brain just a figment of the survivor's imagination or are there true secrets to mastering mindfulness? Here is a book that presents mindfulness techniques through comic storytelling meant for the young and the young at heart.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Conjuring With Computation: A Manual Of Magic And Computing For Beginners
The team behind Computer Science for Fun (CS4FN), brings you Conjuring with Computation: A Manual of Magic and Computing for Beginners. Develop your skills as a magician while also learning the basics of computer science by exploring its links to magic. Each chapter explains how to do a simple magic trick, step-by-step, then uses the trick to introduce linked fundamental ideas in computer science in a fun way.By reading the book you will learn to do self-working tricks, be able to hold magic shows, create your own versions of tricks, and with creativity even invent your own. We cover:The book includes profiles of computer scientists, alongside magicians with links to technology, through history.Master conjuring and thinking computationally.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Can I Lick The Spoon Mum A Comicsstyle Cookbook For Creating Asian Bakes And Family Memories In The Kitchen
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Rethinking The Triangle: Washington-beijing-taipei
Rethinking the Triangle: Washington-Beijing-Taipei is a book on foreign policy with a difference. Under the premise that the Cold War mentality is outdated, the book explores a new paradigm for the three parties' interrelationships based on inclusiveness and opportunity rather than each hedging against increasingly unlikely crises. It states that instead of seeing Taiwan as a security liability, the US should use it as a compatible point of contact to East Asia, and China should view the US-Taiwan relationship as an opportunity rather than as an intervention. Rather than focusing only on American policy options, the book treats the most important triangular interaction in Asia from the standpoint of each of its participants, by an expert from each country. The book also includes brief discussions by experts from Japan and Macau considering the general salience of the new paradigm for Asia. For readers' easy reference, it also includes a triangular chronology as well as a selection of major documents relating to the triangle.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Wspc Reference On Organic Electronics, The: Organic Semiconductors (In 2 Volumes)
This 2-volume set provides the reader with a basic understanding of the foundational concepts pertaining to the design, synthesis, and applications of conjugated organic materials used as organic semiconductors, in areas including organic photovoltaic devices, light-emitting diodes, field-effect transistors, spintronics, actuation, bioelectronics, thermoelectrics, and nonlinear optics.While there are many monographs in these various areas, the emphasis here is both on the fundamental chemistry and physics concepts underlying the field of organic semiconductors and on how these concepts drive a broad range of applications. This makes the volumes ideal introductory textbooks in the subject. They will thus offer great value to both junior and senior scientists working in areas ranging from organic chemistry to condensed matter physics and materials science and engineering.Number of Illustrations and Tables: 168 b/w illus., 242 colour illus., 13 tables.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advanced Therapies In Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine is a fast developing field which has led to a paradigm shift in treatment of various diseases. Clinician-scientists worldwide constantly develop novel approaches in various medical specialties (surgery, internal medicine, oncology, neurology, gynecology, pediatrics, etc.) using gene therapy approaches, innovative biomaterials or stem cell based therapies.It is difficult even for experts to find out what has already reached a clinical stage. The aim of the second volume in this series is to provide the reader with a current update on the latest therapeutic developments. As such, both patients and doctors will find the information contained within this manual to be useful and relevant. The editors are both international leaders in the field of regenerative medicine, and both possess a broad spectrum of experience from basic research to clinical application and commercialization.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Economic Sciences (2006-2010)
In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden's central bank) established the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize. The Prize in Economic Sciences is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, according to the same principles as for the Nobel Prizes that have been awarded since 1901. This volume is a collection of the Nobel lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches, for the period 2006-2010.List of prizewinners and their award citations:(2006) Edmund S Phelps — for his analysis of intertemporal tradeoffs in macroeconomic policy;(2007) Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S Maskin and Roger B Myerson — for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory;(2008) Paul Krugman — for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity;(2009) Elinor Ostrom — for her analysis of economic governance, especially the commons, and Oliver E Williamson — for his analysis of economic governance, especially the boundaries of the firm;(2010) Peter A Diamond, Dale T Mortensen and Christopher A Pissarides — for their analysis of markets with search frictions.