Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Quantum Mechanics In Nonlinear Systems
In the history of physics and science, quantum mechanics has served as the foundation of modern science. This book discusses the properties of microscopic particles in nonlinear systems, principles of the nonlinear quantum mechanical theory, and its applications in condensed matter, polymers and biological systems.The book is essentially composed of three parts. The first part presents a review of linear quantum mechanics, as well as theoretical and experimental fundamentals that establish the nonlinear quantum mechanical theory. The theory itself and its essential features are covered in the second part. In the final part, extensive applications of this theory in physics, biology and polymer are introduced. The whole volume forms a complete system of nonlinear quantum mechanics.The book is intended for researchers, graduate students as well as upper-level undergraduates.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dynamics Of Crowd-minds: Patterns Of Irrationality In Emotions, Beliefs And Actions
A crowd-mind emerges when formation of a crowd causes fusion of individual minds into one collective mind. Members of the crowd lose their individuality. The deindividuation leads to derationalization: emotional, impulsive and irrational behavior, self-catalytic activities, memory impairment, perceptual distortion, hyper-responsiveness, and distortion of traditional forms and structures. This book presents unique results of computational studies on cognitive and affective space-time processes in large-scale collectives of abstract agents being far from mental equilibrium. Computational experiments demonstrate that the irrational and nonsensical behavior of individual entities of crowd-mind results in complex, rich and non-trivial spatio-temporal dynamics of the agent collectives. Mathematical methods employ theory and techniques of cellular-automata and lattice swarms, applied algebra, theory of finite automata and Markov chains, and elementary differential equations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Soft Multihadron Dynamics
This book gives a comprehensive account of the development and present status of the field of soft (i.e. non-perturbative) phenomena encountered in the production of (multi-) hadronic final states by the collision of various types of particles at high energies. Phenomenological models used to describe the data are in general inspired by Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) and the book repeatedly crosses the border — if at all existent — between soft (non-perturbative) and hard (perturbative) QCD.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Principles Of Nanotechnology: Molecular Based Study Of Condensed Matter In Small Systems
This invaluable book provides a pointed introduction to the fascinating subject of bottom-up nanotechnology with emphasis on the molecular-based study of condensed matter in small systems. Nanotechnology has its roots in the landmark lecture delivered by the famous Nobel Laureate physicist, Richard Feynman, on 29 December 1959 entitled “There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom.” By the mid-1980s, it had gained real momentum with the invention of scanning probe microscopes. Today, nanotechnology promises to have a revolutionary impact on the way things are designed and manufactured in the future.Principles of Nanotechnology is self-contained and unified in presentation. It may be used as a textbook by graduate students and even ambitious undergraduates in engineering, and the biological and physical sciences who already have some familiarity with quantum and statistical mechanics. It is also suitable for experts in related fields who require an overview of the fundamental topics in nanotechnology. The explanations in the book are detailed enough to capture the interest of the curious reader, and complete enough to provide the necessary background material needed to go further into the subject and explore the research literature. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology, a comprehensive glossary is included detailing abbreviations, chemical formulae, concepts, definitions, equations and theories.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Selected Papers Of Wang Yuan
This volume presents a comprehensive collection of Wang Yuan's original important papers which are not available elsewhere, since the majority of the papers were published in China.Covering both pure number theory and applied mathematics, this book is important for understanding Wang Yuan's academic career and also the development of Chinese mathematics in recent years, since Wang Yuan's work has a wide-ranging influence in China.Wang Yuan is a professor and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his honorable Doctorship from Hong Kong Baptist University. He has published 70 papers and ten books.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Medical Statistics And Computer Experiments (With Cd-rom)
This textbook consists of three parts: basic concepts of statistics, advanced statistical methods, and design and analysis for medical research. Each chapter begins with challenging medical problems and related statistical methods and theories; to make the statistical ideas more easily understood, there is a section of “computer experiments” in each chapter where some basic statistical phenomena and related concepts are revealed. The statistical software SAS is used to carry out related statistical calculations.The aim of this book is to make medical students and researchers grasp easily the most useful tools of statistics for their medical research. It is done through various applications to a great number of medical problems, interesting demonstration of well-designed computer experiments and detailed explanation of statistical thinking.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Deterministic And Stochastic Models Of Aids Epidemics And Hiv Infections With Intervention
With contributions from an international team of leading researchers, the book pulls together updated research results in the area of HIV/AIDS modeling to provide readers with the latest information in the field. Topics covered include: AIDS epidemic models; vaccine models; models for HIV/cell dynamics and interactions; cellular kinetics; viral dynamics with antiviral treatments; modeling of drug resistance and quasispecies.Extensive deterministic models, statistical models, stochastic models and state space models on treating AIDS patients with anti-retroviral drugs are provided, as well as an in-depth discussion of these models. The book also contains updated reviews on mathematical models for assessing effects of AIDS vaccines, statistical methods for analyzing clinical trial data on AIDS vaccines, and overviews of models and statistical methods for assessing drug resistance of HIV to anti-retroviral drugs. Some important statistical methods specific to the intervention and prevention of HIV epidemic are also discussed.This will be a useful reference source for graduate students and researchers in biomathematics and biostatistics, as well as for HIV/AIDS epidemiologists and clinical investigators learning quantitative methods to study AIDS epidemics and HIV infection.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Elementary Particles: Building Blocks Of Matter
This highly readable book uncovers the mysteries of the physics of elementary particles for a broad audience. From the familiar notions of atoms and molecules to the complex ideas of the grand unification of all the basic forces, this book allows the interested lay public to appreciate the fascinating building blocks of matter that make up our universe.Beginning with a description of the quantum nature of atoms and particles, readers are introduced to the elementary constituents of atomic nuclei: quarks. The book goes on to consider all of the important ideas in particle physics: quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics, the theory of strong interactions, the gauge theories of the weak and electromagnetic interactions, as well as the problem of mass generation. To conclude the book, the ideas of grand unification are described, and finally, some applications to astrophysics are discussed.Your guide to this exciting world is an author who, together with the originator of the idea of quarks, Murray Gell-Mann, has played an important role in the development of the theory of quantum chromodynamics and the concept of grand unification.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd New Cosmology, The - Proceedings Of The 16th International Physics Summer School, Canberra
This volume presents a comprehensive introduction to modern cosmology from an astrophysical viewpoint. Key features of the book are: breadth of topics covered, from quantum cosmology to recent observational advances; up-to-the-minute inclusion of many recent results, e.g. from the WMAP satellite; the level of the work, suited to both students and professionals in the field.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd History Of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal And East Asia Ii - Scientific Practices And The Portuguese Expansion In Asia (1498-1759)
This book explores the interaction between Europe and East Asia between the 16th and the 18th centuries in the field of mathematical sciences, bringing to the fore the role of Portugal as an agent of transmission of European science to East Asia. It is an important contribution to understanding this fundamental period of scientific history, beginning with the arrival of Vasco da Gama in India in 1498 and ending with the expulsion of the Society of Jesus from Portugal in 1759. The former event opened a new era in relations between Europe and Asia, in particular regarding the circulation of scientific knowledge, leading to major social and intellectual changes in both continents. The Society of Jesus controlled education in Portugal and in the Empire. It was central to the network of knowledge transmission until the Society was expelled from Portugal in 1759.The proceedings have been selected for coverage in:• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings® (ISSHP® / ISI Proceedings)• Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Quantum Probability Communications: Qp-pq - Volume Xi
Lecture notes from a Summer School on Quantum Probability held at the University of Grenoble are collected in these two volumes of the QP-PQ series. The articles have been refereed and extensively revised for publication. It is hoped that both current and future students of quantum probability will be engaged, informed and inspired by the contents of these two volumes. An extensive bibliography containing the references from all the lectures is included in Volume 12.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd 50 Years Of Yang-mills Theory
“It was a brilliant idea to signal the 50th birthday of Yang-Mills theory by gathering together a wide range of articles by leading experts on many aspects of the subject. The result is a most handsome tribute of both historical and current interest, and a substantial addition to the existing literature …This unusual and elegant festschrift is a treat for theorists.”CERN CourierOn the 50th anniversary of Yang-Mills theory, this invaluable volume looks back at the developments and achievements in elementary particle physics that ensued from that beautiful idea.During the last five decades, Yang-Mills theory, which is undeniably the most important cornerstone of theoretical physics, has expanded widely. It has been investigated from many perspectives, and many new and unexpected features have been uncovered from this theory. In recent decades, apart from high energy physics, the theory has been actively applied in other branches of physics, such as statistical physics, condensed matter physics, nonlinear systems, etc. This makes the theory an indispensable topic for all who are involved in physics.An international team of experts, each of whom has left his mark on the developments of this remarkable theory, contribute essays or more detailed technical accounts to this volume. These articles highlight the new discoveries from the respective authors' perspectives. The distinguished contributors are: S Adler, F A Bais, C Becchi, M Creutz, A De Rújula, B S DeWitt, F Englert, L D Faddeev, P Hasenfratz, R Jackiw, A Polyakov, V N Popov, R Stora, P van Baal, P van Nieuwenhuizen, S Weinberg, F Wilczek, E Witten, C N Yang. Included in each article are introductory and explanatory remarks by the editor, G 't Hooft, who is himself a major player in the development of Yang-Mills theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Understanding The Human Machine: A Primer For Bioengineering
This introductory book for undergraduate students poses a question: What is bioengineering all about? After offering a reference frame and defining the objectives (chapter 1), “physiology” (chapter 2) is presented as a source material followed by “signals” (chapter 3) and “signal pick up” (chapter 4). Chapter 5 deals with the biological amplifier. Reading the signal and the need for mathematical models are the subject matter, respectively, of chapters 6 and 7; they only provide guidance. The last chapter tries to look ahead. Sometimes, the subject is treated in relative depth; at times, the visit is more superficial. Formation rather than information is favored. Historical shots supply background material and spicy insights. Style is light, sprinkled with a little humor. There are exercises which allow students to learn independently.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Piv And Water Waves
This volume introduces particle image velocimetry (PIV), a technique for water wave measurement in the laboratory and in the open ocean. It discusses the turbulent dissipation, Reynolds stresses and vortical structures in boundary layers of the sea bed, as well as ships, ship wakes, propulsion hydrodynamics, cavitation and free surface waves. Upwelling behind crests of micro-breaking ocean surface waves (important for the exchange of greenhouse gases between air and water) and large amplitude internal solitons in the ocean are measured. The book includes velocities and accelerations in breaking ocean waves, run-up, interaction between strong waves and breakwaters, as well as a concise description of the state-of-the-art PIV technique.This book has its origins in a meeting on PIV and water waves which was held in Cambridge in 2002. The main body of the book consists of six overview or in-depth articles by invited authors who are specialists in their respective fields, as well as practitioners of PIV. A complete set of abstracts from the meeting is enclosed. The book is well suited for scientists who want to acquaint themselves with current experimental hydrodynamics, as well as for researchers and graduate students who are already working in the field or plan to do so.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Journey With Fred Hoyle, A: The Search For Cosmic Life
This is the story of the author's unique scientific journey with one of the most remarkable men of 20th century science. The journey begins in Sri Lanka, the author's native country, with his childhood acquaintance with Fred Hoyle's writings. The action then moves to Cambridge, where the famous Hoyle-Wickramasinghe collaborations begin. A research programme which was started in 1962 on the carbonaceous nature of interstellar dust leads, over the next two decades, to developments that are continued in both Cambridge and Cardiff. These developments prompt Hoyle and the author to postulate the organic theory of cosmic dust (which is now generally accepted), and then to challenge one of the most cherished paradigms of contemporary science — the theory that life originated on Earth in a warm primordial soup.A Journey with Fred Hoyle is an intriguing book that traces the progress of a collaboration spanning 40 years, through a sequence of personal reflections, anecdotes and reminiscences. Ideas that were thought heretical 25 years ago are now quietly slipping into the domain of orthodox science.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Riemannian Submersions And Related Topics
This book provides the first-ever systematic introduction to the theory of Riemannian submersions, which was initiated by Barrett O'Neill and Alfred Gray less than four decades ago. The authors focus their attention on classification theorems when the total space and the fibres have nice geometric properties. Particular emphasis is placed on the interrelation with almost Hermitian, almost contact and quaternionic geometry. Examples clarifying and motivating the theory are included in every chapter. Recent results on semi-Riemannian submersions are also explained. Finally, the authors point out the close connection of the subject with some areas of physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Global Structure Of Visual Space, The
The space we see around us is the end product of a long series of processes: physical, physiological, and cognitive. It is a highly structured perceptual entity. In contrast to the fact that most studies of visual perception are concerned with local phenomena in this visual space, the main purpose of this book is to discuss the global structure of visual space. The physical space which surrounds us is of Euclidean structure, but its perceived image is not necessarily structured in that way. Problems such as why the sky appears as a vault and why the horizon is located at eye level are discussed in the book.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Chaos, Bifurcations And Fractals Around Us: A Brief Introduction
During the last twenty years, a large number of books on nonlinear chaotic dynamics in deterministic dynamical systems have appeared. These academic tomes are intended for graduate students and require a deep knowledge of comprehensive, advanced mathematics. There is a need for a book that is accessible to general readers, a book that makes it possible to get a good deal of knowledge about complex chaotic phenomena in nonlinear oscillators without deep mathematical study.Chaos, Bifurcations and Fractals Around Us: A Brief Introduction fills that gap. It is a very short monograph that, owing to geometric interpretation complete with computer color graphics, makes it easy to understand even very complex advanced concepts of chaotic dynamics. This invaluable publication is also addressed to lecturers in engineering departments who want to include selected nonlinear problems in full time courses on general mechanics, vibrations or physics so as to encourage their students to conduct further study.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Golfonomics
This book presents Stephen Shmanske's innovative research combining two of his passions, golf and economics. He develops two themes — the use of economics to explore institutional aspects of the business side of golf and the use of golf statistics to shed light on several vexing issues in economics. These two themes are addressed in two settings — the economics of golf course management and the economics of professional golf. Examples from golf course management are covered in separate chapters on golf cart usage, golf course maintenance, and the problem of slow play. Examples from professional golf include the causal relationships from practice to skill to earnings, the tournament compensation model, and the measurement of gender discrimination.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Conformational Proteomics Of Macromolecular Architecture: Approaching The Structure Of Large Molecular Assemblies And Their Mechanisms Of Action (With Cd-rom)
Biological processes involving large macromolecular assemblies are thought to be a dynamic consequence of cooperativity and metastability. The folding of a peptide chain creates local environments from which “activity” can emerge. In the same way, the assembly of large molecular complexes creates dynamic features that would only be feasible in a large construct. The biological implications of such adaptation are explored as it applies to the static quasisymmetry situations, as well as to the dynamics of structural transitions. The current wealth of solved high-resolution complex structures makes this an appropriate time to summarize the state of the art in structural dynamics of living architectures. With contributions by leading scientists in the fields of virology, bacterial flagellum, cytoskeleton, ribosome and giant enzymes, this important book presents cutting-edge knowledge in the various fields of structural proteomics of very large molecular assemblies, with the focus on their mechanisms of action.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Human And Machine Perception: Communication, Interaction, And Integration
The theme of this book on human and machine perception is communication, interaction, and integration. For each basic topic there are invited lectures, corresponding to approaches in nature and machines, and a panel discussion. The lectures present the state of the art, outlining open questions and stressing synergies among the disciplines related to perception. The panel discussions are forums for open debate. The wide spectrum of topics allows comparison and synergy and can stimulate new approaches.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Sars War: Combating The Disease
On 12 March 2003, the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a global alert on the outbreak of a new form of pneumonia-like disease with symptoms that are similar to those of the common flu. This illness, officially known as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), is potentially fatal and highly contagious, and has spread quickly to many parts of the world in a matter of a few weeks. Aided by globalisation and the ease of air travel today, the disease has now been reported in many countries, such as China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Canada, the US and some parts of Europe, with a large number of infections and a significant number of deaths.In this book, the global SARS outbreak is traced and described, with a focus on the regions where the most infections have been identified. An overview of the whole saga is presented: how the disease spreads; how governments react; how societies and people cope and how health experts work fervently to identify the virus and search for a cure.In addition, the book contains guidelines on what a person or organisation can do to reduce the risk of contracting the deadly illness. It includes precautionary measures disseminated by various health authorities and preventive herbal concoctions recommended by Chinese physicians, presented in an easy-to-read manner. Furthermore, insights of experts are provided.This book aims to give critical information on SARS. It is a must for people who want to find out more about the disease and how to reduce the risk of contracting it.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Bifurcations And Chaos In Piecewise-smooth Dynamical Systems: Applications To Power Converters, Relay And Pulse-width Modulated Control Systems, And Human Decision-making Behavior
Technical problems often lead to differential equations with piecewise-smooth right-hand sides. Problems in mechanical engineering, for instance, violate the requirements of smoothness if they involve collisions, finite clearances, or stick-slip phenomena. Systems of this type can display a large variety of complicated bifurcation scenarios that still lack a detailed description.This book presents some of the fascinating new phenomena that one can observe in piecewise-smooth dynamical systems. The practical significance of these phenomena is demonstrated through a series of well-documented and realistic applications to switching power converters, relay systems, and different types of pulse-width modulated control systems. Other examples are derived from mechanical engineering, digital electronics, and economic business-cycle theory.The topics considered in the book include abrupt transitions associated with modified period-doubling, saddle-node and Hopf bifurcations, the interplay between classical bifurcations and border-collision bifurcations, truncated bifurcation scenarios, period-tripling and -quadrupling bifurcations, multiple-choice bifurcations, new types of direct transitions to chaos, and torus destruction in nonsmooth systems.In spite of its orientation towards engineering problems, the book addresses theoretical and numerical problems in sufficient detail to be of interest to nonlinear scientists in general.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Analytic Aspects Of Quantum Fields
One of the aims of this book is to explain in a basic manner the seemingly difficult issues of mathematical structure using some specific examples as a guide. In each of the cases considered, a comprehensible physical problem is approached, to which the corresponding mathematical scheme is applied, its usefulness being duly demonstrated. The authors try to fill the gap that always exists between the physics of quantum field theories and the mathematical methods best suited for its formulation, which are increasingly demanding on the mathematical ability of the physicist.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Beauty Of Mathematics In Science, The: The Intellectual Path Of J Q Chen
This book is a tribute to the life and work of J Q Chen. The contributions of Chen to nuclear and molecular physics are discussed vis-à-vis present developments in these fields. Among other subjects, the present status of microscopic theories of the interacting boson model in nuclear physics and the theory of symmetry adaptation of molecular vibrations in molecular physics are reviewed. The latter theory is particularly useful for large molecular species such as fullerenes, where icosahedral symmetry plays a fundamental role.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Bone Morphogenetic Protein And Collagen: An Advances In Tissue Banking Specialist Publication
What are bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and how can they be used in orthopaedic practice? Ever since Urist proposed in 1976 that protein factors from cortical bone appeared to modulate bone healing in animals, there has been a search for these mysterious osteoinductive components. Now that their structure has been elucidated, they have been purified and cloned, and are now available for the improvement of bone healing.The best source of BMPs is demineralised bone. This bone allograft is used to achieve greater osteoinductive capacity. But are the actions of procurement, processing, demineralisation and sterilisation harmful to the BMPs? Unless the BMPs can be assayed, neither their clinical nor their scientific effectiveness can be appraised. All these aspects are logically and scientifically described in this volume. In addition, there is a review of the biochemistry of one of the two main components of bone, namely collagen. This subject is itself a confusing but rapidly growing field. This comprehensive review describes the procedures for building up bone in vivo and in vitro.Bone Morphogenetic Protein and Collagen answers most of the questions of orthopaedic surgeons and tissue bankers on how BMPs can be produced and used to their maximum effectiveness.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Voyage Through Time: Walks Of Life To The Nobel Prize
From a beginning in an Egyptian delta town and the port of Alexandria to the scenic vistas of sunny southern California, Ahmed Zewail takes us on a voyage through time — his own life and the split-second world of the femtosecond. In this endearing exposé of his life and work until his receipt of the Nobel Prize in 1999, he draws lessons from his life story so far, and he meditates on the impact which the revolution in science has had on our modern world — in both developed and developing countries. What makes the book enchanting and engaging is Zewail's emphasis on the human dimension and his unique ability to paint the journey of Life and Science with insightful analogies and ingenious metaphors.But this inspiring book goes far beyond the usual province of an autobiography. Zewail integrates the two worlds he equally belongs to — Egypt and America — and, despite differences, he emphasizes the confluence of the two cultures — the East and the West. He rejects the view that the current state of the world is due to a clash of civilizations or a conflict of religions, and suggests a concrete course of action for the world of the have-nots. The book ends with his road map for a partnership between developed and developing worlds. Throughout the book, Zewail takes on the mantle of philosopher, historian and even political and economic adviser.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Maunder Minimum And The Variable Sun-earth Connection, The
This book takes an excursion through solar science, science history, and geoclimate with a husband and wife team who revealed some of our sun's most stubborn secrets.E Walter and Annie S D Maunder's work helped in understanding our sun's chemical, electromagnetic and plasma properties. They knew the sun's sunspot migration patterns and its variable, climate-affecting, inactive and active states in short and long time frames. An inactive solar period starting in the mid-seventeenth century lasted approximately seventy years, one that E Walter Maunder worked hard to make us understand: the Maunder Minimum of c 1620-1720 (which was posthumously named for him).With ongoing concern over global warming, and the continuing failure to identify root causes driving earth's climatic changes, the Maunders' story outlines how our cyclical sun can alter climate. The book goes on to view the sun-earth connection in terms of geomagnetic variation and climatic change; contemporary views on the sun's operating mechanisms are explored, and the effects these have on the earth over long and short time scales are pondered.If not a call to widen earth's climate research to include the sun, this book strives to illustrate how solar causes and effects can influence earth's climate in ways we must understand in order to enhance solar system research and our well-being.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Making Of Economics, The (4th Edition) - Volume I: The Foundation
A classic returns. The third edition of The Making of Economics appeared in 1987. Now, in a major revision, Ray Canterbery brings the book right up to date with new chapters on the 'casino economy' (a term the author invented to describe an economy driven by making money with money rather than focusing on real production, now overtaken by reality), Joseph Schumpeter, globalization, and general equilibrium. Canterbery retains the engaging flavor of the earlier editions by covering the times and ideas of the major economists, such as Smith, Ricardo, Malthus, Mill, and Marshall, while giving ample ink to the remarkable dissidents - Marx, Veblen, Galbraith, Heilbroner, and other 'radicals'. Canterbery again unmasks a traditional economics eschewing value judgements but itself standing on hidden ones even as he traces its origins to Isaac Newton's idea of an orderly universe. Personal references relate the great economists' ideas to the societies in which they lived, making the historical figures really come alive. Economics is displayed as a developing discipline, a discipline still evolving.This book is also available as a .
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advances In Modal Logic, Volume 3
Advances in Modal Logic is a unique forum for presenting the latest results and new directions of research in modal logic. The topics dealt with are of interdisciplinary interest and range from mathematical, computational, and philosophical problems to applications in knowledge representation and formal linguistics.Volume 3 presents substantial advances in the relational model theory and the algorithmic treatment of modal logics. It contains invited and contributed papers from the third conference on “Advances in Modal Logic”, held at the University of Leipzig (Germany) in October 2000. It includes papers on dynamic logic, description logic, hybrid logic, epistemic logic, combinations of modal logics, tense logic, action logic, provability logic, and modal predicate logic.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Towards A Nonlinear Quantum Physics
The author of this book presents conceptual and experimental evidence showing that Heisenberg's uncertainty relations are not valid in all cases. Furthermore, he derives a more general set of uncertainty relations. The new relations result from the replacement of the Fourier nonlocal and nontemporal paradigm by wavelet local analysis. These results lead to a coherent and beautiful causal synthesis unifying quantum and classical physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Weighted Inequalities Of Hardy Type
Inequalities play an important role in almost all branches of mathematics as well as in other areas of science and engineering. This book surveys the present state of the theory of weighted integral inequalities of Hardy type, including modifications concerning Hardy-Steklov operators, and some basic results about Hardy type inequalities and their limit (Carleman-Knopp type) inequalities. It also describes some rather new fields such as higher order and fractional order Hardy type inequalities and integral inequalities on the cone of monotone functions together with some applications and open problems. The book can serve as a reference and a source of inspiration for researchers working in these and related areas, but could also be used for advanced graduate courses.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Geometric And Topological Methods For Quantum Field Theory - Proceedings Of The Summer School
This volume offers an introduction to recent developments in several active topics of research at the interface between geometry, topology and quantum field theory. These include Hopf algebras underlying renormalization schemes in quantum field theory, noncommutative geometry with applications to index theory on one hand and the study of aperiodic solids on the other, geometry and topology of low dimensional manifolds with applications to topological field theory, Chern-Simons supergravity and the anti de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence. It comprises seven lectures organized around three main topics, noncommutative geometry, topological field theory, followed by supergravity and string theory, complemented by some short communications by young participants of the school.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Doing Mathematics: Convention, Subject, Calculation, Analogy
This book discusses some ways of doing mathematical work and the subject matter that is being worked upon and created. It argues that the conventions we adopt, the subject areas we delimit, what we can prove and calculate about the physical world, and the analogies that work for mathematicians — all depend on mathematics, what will work out and what won't. And the mathematics, as it is done, is shaped and supported, or not, by convention, subject matter, calculation, and analogy. The cases studied include the central limit theorem of statistics, the sound of the shape of a drum, the connection between algebra and topology, the stability of matter, the Ising model, and the Langlands Program in number theory and representation theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Statistical Physics Of Crystals And Liquids: A Guide To Highly Accurate Equations Of State
This important book presents a unified formulation from first principles of the Hamiltonian and statistical mechanics of metallic and insulating crystals, amorphous solids, and liquids. Extensive comparison of theory and experiment provides an accurate understanding of the statistical properties of phonons, electrons, and phonon-phonon and electron-phonon interactions in elemental crystals and liquids. Questions are posed along the following lines: What is the “best” theory for a given property? How accurate is a good theory? What information is gained by a comparison of theory and experiment? How accurate is a good experiment?
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Selected Topics In Vibrational Mechanics
Vibrational mechanics is a new, intensively developing section of nonlinear dynamics and of the theory of nonlinear oscillations. It presents a general approach to the study of the effects of vibration on nonlinear systems. This approach is characterized by simplicity of application and by physical clearness.In recent years a number of new, essential results have been obtained both on the development of the mathematical apparatus of vibrational mechanics and on the solution of certain applied problems. This book reflects those results through the ingenious presentation of the authors — well-known scientists from Germany, Denmark and Russia. For the convenience of readers, the main content is preceded by a brief description of the main theses of vibrational mechanics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd At The Frontier Of Particle Physics: Handbook Of Qcd (Volume 4)
This is the fourth and last volume of the invaluable publication At the Frontier of Particle Physics: Handbook of QCD. In this volume the reader will find three important sections. The first is devoted to QCD-based phenomenology. It covers issues deeply woven into the fabric of particle physics: weak interactions of light quarks (J Bijnens) and heavy quarkonium physics (A Hoang). The second section is a report on recent advances in the understanding of confinement in three dimensions in the Georgi-Glashow model (I Kogan and A Kovner). The third section deals with lattice QCD (A Kronfeld) and loop equations (A Dubin and Yu Makeenko).The five reviews in Volume 4, together with the 33 reviews in Volumes 1-3, constitute a full encyclopedia, covering all aspects of quantum chromodynamics as we know it today. The articles have been written by recognized experts in this field. Combining features of a handbook and a textbook, this is the most comprehensive source of information on the current status of QCD. It is intended for students as well as physicists — both theorists and experimentalists.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Peace, Vol 7 (1996-2000)
In addition to the presentation speeches and the Nobel lectures, these volumes also provide brief biographies and the Nobel laureates' own accounts of their many years of preparation and effort that led to their achievements.The last decade of the twentieth century is already proving to be as dramatic as any decade before. The chances of global peace seem stronger now than at any time since 1900 and the people and organizations that have contributed most towards this progress are recognized by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The Nobel Peace prizewinners during the period 1996 - 2000 include men, women and organizations whose principles, dedication and diligence continue to shape history.Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 1996 - 2000.(1996) C F X BELO & J RAMOS-HORTA — for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor; (1997) INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO BAN LANDMINES (ICBL) & J WILLIAMS — for their work for the banning and cleaning of anti-personnel mines; (1998) J HUME & D TRIMBLE — for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland; (1999) DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS — in recognition of the organization's pioneering humanitarian work on several continents; (2000) D J KIM — for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd A World Scientific Encyclopedia Of Business Storytelling, Set 2: Methodologies And Big Data Analysis Of Business Storytelling (In 5 Volumes)
This set of multi-reference works is meant to be read together as the five volumes interlace one another like the laces of a shoe in the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh. The question of who will wear the shoes is long debated in art history and philosophy. If we take these five volumes from different points of view on the theory and practice of business storytelling then we have a crisscrossing, a new and impressive dialogue for the reader. This set is presented as a new way to lace up the laces of business storytelling.Volume 1 aims to help and inspire leaders, business owners, and researchers in creating a commitment to ethical and sustainable changes and ideas, and live in a world of high complexity without getting stressed but experiencing freedom instead.The book combines tools, case studies, and theories about the ethical change-management method of True Storytelling and other perspectives and views on ethics and storytelling. It delves into important topics such as true storytelling sustainability and freedom, storytelling and start-ups in the health industry, storytelling and diversity and culture, storytelling and teams, storytelling, sustainability and the UN Goals, storytelling and well-being, storytelling in higher education, and storytelling and fundraising.Book authors are experienced and successful researchers, business owners, leaders, and consultants from Scandinavia, the USA, Africa, and Europe.Volume 2 is an endeavor into the creation of new concepts for engaging with sustainability. It maintains that storytelling is important for our emplacement in nature and can be important for enacting another relationship between nature and the cultural artifice — our social and material constructions of houses, cities, villages, harbors, streets, and railways, and our use of objects and artifacts to construct our lives.Business storytelling communication is that space for social symbolic work that brings the symbolic objects of the organization, the human, and the natural environment into a dialogical relationship. Volume 3 posits that organizations are arranged as social symbols that are arranged in institutions based on the needs of organics, for example health, food, shelter, mating, leisure, and labor. Organics, as a social symbolic object, specifically humans, have emotions, language, and culture to organize their institutions and organizations. In this book, readers will find that many of the authors attempt to understand the body's exclusion or attempt to bring the body back into the organization. Business storytelling communication takes aim at the social symbolic work of making space to negotiate the social arrangement of organizations with its organic components.Volume 4 covers a variety of methodological topics from a storytelling perspective. Why a storytelling perspective? Consider that a common business research goal is to convince others that what the researcher has to say matters. If the researcher is a basic researcher who wishes to promote a theory, the goal is to make a convincing case for the value of that theory. If the researcher is an applied researcher who wishes to promote a particular application, intervention, or policy change, the goal is likewise to make a convincing case. Either way, the researcher has a story to tell, and the onus is on the researcher to tell the best possible story; storytelling failures likely will result in a failure to convince others of the value of one's theory or application.Here is where methodological issues come into play. Poor methodology, whether in the form of less-than-optimal study designs or invalid statistical analyses, harms story quality. In contrast, high-quality methods and statistics enhance story quality. Moreover, the larger one's methodological and statistical toolbox, the greater the opportunities for researchers to tell effective stories. The chapters in this book come from a wide variety of perspectives and should enhance researchers' storytelling in the following ways. By opening many different methodological and statistical perspectives, researchers should be more able to think of research stories that otherwise would remain unavailable or inaccessible. Secondly, the present chapters should aid researchers in better executing their research stories. Therefore, researchers and graduate students will find this book an invaluable resource.Volume 5 opens a window into the world of quantum storytelling as an organizational research methodology, providing numerous exemplars of work in this storytelling science that has disrupted qualitative inquiry only with the intention of providing expanded, improved, and generative ways of understanding and knowing the narratives that emerge from qualitative interviews and observations during organizational research studies.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd I Am Healthy (Set 3)
The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using a story-based approach, each book contains a relatable story that will help children understand themselves better, and be able to take practical steps to grow, develop and change. These books can be used by educators in schools, by counsellors and doctors in counselling sessions, and by parents who are helping their children cope with their emotions and struggles.This set includes three titles:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Is It Science? (Set 1)
Magic or science? Toys or physics? Have you ever looked at an object or trick and wondered what the science behind it is?In will amaze young readers and spark their interest in physics. With full-colour illustrations and simple-to-read explanations, Toys or Physics? examines well-loved toys and games, and breaks down essential physics concepts through fun and play.This book is for three groups of people:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd George Yeo: Musings (In 3 Volumes)
Musings Series 1 | Musings Series 2| Musings Series 3Over sessions which lasted two to three hours each time, every week for half a year, George Yeo met and mused over a wide range of topics with writer Woon Tai Ho and research assistant Keith Yap. Speaking from notes, he began with himself and his hope for Singapore, and then spanned over a wide range of subjects — from the importance of human diversity and Singapore's reflection within itself of the world, to history, politics, economics, philosophy, taijigong and religion. He gives his views on India, China, ASEAN, Europe, the US and other parts of the world, and how Singapore's history and destiny are connected to all of them. The style is conversational and anecdotal.George Yeo: Musings is exactly that — musings. Some themes recur throughout the book which reflect his view of life. But there is no grand theory. He does not expect all of his reflections to be of interest to everyone, but he hopes that everyone will find something of interest.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Understanding Advanced Chemistry Through Problem Solving: The Learner's Approach - Volume 1 (Revised Edition)
Written for students taking either the University of Cambridge Advanced Level examinations or the International Baccalaureate examinations, this guidebook covers essential topics and concepts under both stipulated chemistry syllabi. The book is written in such a way as to guide the reader through the understanding and applications of essential chemical concepts using the problem-solving approach. The authors have also retained the popular discourse feature from their previous two books — Understanding Advanced Physical Inorganic Chemistry and Understanding Advanced Organic and Analytical Chemistry — to help the learners better understand and see for themselves, how the concepts should be applied during solving problems. Based on the Socratic Method, questions are implanted throughout the book to help facilitate the reader's development in forming logical conclusions of the concepts and the way they are being applied to explain the problems. In addition, the authors have also included important summaries and concept maps to help the learners to recall, remember, reinforce, and apply the fundamental chemical concepts in a simple way.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Rescuing The Barren Forest
From ordinary boy to superhero, Gavin is here to save the day!Something or someone is ruining the forest and it's up to Green Gavin to save the day again! How will he do it? We're not telling you, but there will be flying animals, trumpeting elephants and a whole lot of slime!In this new series, Green Gavin is on a mission to protect our environment from the evil clutches of ... humans! From battling sea pollution to protecting wildlife from illegal trade, Gavin is determined to use his (accidental) superpowers to save Earth, one adventure at a time! Go, Go, Green Gavin!IN THIS SERIES:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Cleo And Chad Clean And Check: A Story About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Cleo and Chad are twins who have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Cleo needs to repeatedly clean herself, while Chad needs to repeatedly check his things. But this is getting in the way of everyday life! Can they overcome their compulsions and get better?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using a story-based approach, each book contains a relatable story that will help children understand themselves better, and be able to take practical steps to grow, develop and change. These books can be used by educators in schools, by counsellors and doctors in counselling sessions, and by parents who are helping their children cope with their emotions and struggles.In this series:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Disciple And The Baffling Bowls The
As part of his training, a young disciple is challenged by his master to find the diameter of a bowl but without any measuring tools. Can he find a way to obtain the answer before dinnertime? The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Oceans, The: Super Mi Discovery
Come discover with me, Super Mi!How many oceans does Earth have? What is going on underneath the waters?My name is Mi and though I'm still small, the world has no more secrets from me anymore! That's because of my superpowers. As Super Mi, I can discover everything I want to know!Discover, experiment and learn with the little scientists! Each little scientist has something new to teach readers. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, I'm a Little Scientist! introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science.Everyone can be a little scientist!Series features:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Art Of War, The: Outsmarting Your Opponents
How does a leader respond in times of war and chaos? This was the central question the great Chinese military strategist, Sun Zi, sought to answer over 2,000 years ago in his classic book, The Art of War. In this book, you will read about the famous battles fought in China across the different dynasties. You will learn the lessons Sun Zi taught in The Art of War and appreciate the timelessness of his insights!Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.Series features: