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Johns Hopkins University Press Otherworldly Politics: The International Relations of Star Trek, Game of Thrones, and Battlestar Galactica
To help students think critically about international relations and politics, Stephen Benedict Dyson examines the fictional but deeply political realities of three television shows: Star Trek, Game of Thrones, and Battlestar Galactica. Deeply familiar with the events, themes, characters, and plot lines of these popular shows, students can easily draw parallels from fictive worlds to contemporary international relations and political scenarios. In Dyson's experience, this engagement is frequently powerful enough to push classroom conversations out into the hallways and onto online discussion boards. In Otherworldly Politics, Dyson explains how these shows are plotted to offer alternative histories and future possibilities for humanity. Fascinated by politics and history, science fiction and fantasy screenwriters and showrunners suffuse their scripts with real-world ideas of empire, war, civilization, and culture, lending episodes a compelling intricacy and contemporary resonance. Dyson argues that science fiction and fantasy television creators share a fundamental kinship with great minds in international relations. Creators like Gene Roddenberry, George R. R. Martin, and Ronald D. Moore are world-builders of no lesser creativity, Dyson argues, than theorists such as Woodrow Wilson, Kenneth Waltz, and Alexander Wendt. Each of these thinkers imagines a realm, specifies the rules of its operation, and by so doing seeks to teach us something about ourselves and how we interact with one another. A vital spur to creative thinking for scholars and an accessible introduction for students, this book will also appeal to fans of these three influential shows.
DC Comics Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 5: The Joker War
The Joker is waging a war on Batman, and he s going to use every ghost from the Dark Knight s past to win! As the Bat- Family reels from the recent loss of Alfred Pennyworth, no one has taken this death harder than Bruce Wayne. Alfred wasn t just a friend and partner to Gotham s favorite son; he was a father figure and a mentor to Bruce and the loss has left the dark detective wounded. The Joker knows that now is the time to strike and strike hard. The Clown Prince of Crime has unleashed a wave of friends, foes, and failures to attack Gotham s protector from the inside out. First up is Harvey Dent, a.k.a. Two-Face, whose violent impulses have been amplified to deadly new heights by the Joker unleashing a cadre of zealots known as the Church of the Two on Gotham City! But that s not all Lincoln March, Lucius Fox, Killer Croc, and countless more have been moved around the Joker s diabolical chessboard to bury the Bat once and for all. Will the Dark Knight rise? Or be drowned in laughter? This intensely personal volume of the Joker War collects Detective Comics #1020-1026, Detective Comics Annual #3, Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P., and a special Joker War tale from Detective Comics #1027. Seminal Batman scribe PETER J. TOMASI (Batman and Robin, Super Sons) is joined by Eisner Award winning writer MARIKO TAMAKI (Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) and the Joker War architect JAMES TYNION IV (Batman, Detective Comics) as well as artists BRAD WALKER (Aquaman), KENNETH ROCAFORT (Red Hood and the Outlaws), EDDY BARROWS (Detective Comics), EDUARDO RISSO (100 Bullets), and more!
DC Comics Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 5: The Joker War
The many faces of war... The Joker is waging a war on Batman, and he s going to use every ghost from the Dark Knight s past to win! As the Bat- Family reels from the recent loss of Alfred Pennyworth, no one has taken this death harder than Bruce Wayne. Alfred wasn t just a friend and partner to Gotham s favorite son; he was a father figure and a mentor to Bruce and the loss has left the dark detective wounded. The Joker knows that now is the time to strike and strike hard. The Clown Prince of Crime has unleashed a wave of friends, foes, and failures to attack Gotham s protector from the inside out. First up is Harvey Dent, a.k.a. Two-Face, whose violent impulses have been amplified to deadly new heights by the Joker unleashing a cadre of zealots known as the Church of the Two on Gotham City! But that s not all Lincoln March, Lucius Fox, Killer Croc, and countless more have been moved around the Joker s diabolical chessboard to bury the Bat once and for all. Will the Dark Knight rise? Or be drowned in laughter? This intensely personal volume of the Joker War collects Detective Comics #1020-1026, Detective Comics Annual #3, Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P., and a special Joker War tale from Detective Comics #1027. Seminal Batman scribe PETER J. TOMASI (Batman and Robin, Super Sons) is joined by Eisner Award winning writer MARIKO TAMAKI (Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) and the Joker War architect JAMES TYNION IV (Batman, Detective Comics) as well as artists BRAD WALKER (Aquaman), KENNETH ROCAFORT (Red Hood and the Outlaws), EDDY BARROWS (Detective Comics), EDUARDO RISSO (100 Bullets), and more!
Little, Brown & Company Halfway Home: Race, Punishment, and the Afterlife of Mass Incarceration
Each year, more than half a million Americans are released from prison and join a population of twenty million people who live with a felony record.Reuben Miller, a chaplain at the Cook County Jail in Chicago and now a sociologist studying mass incarceration, spent years alongside prisoners, ex-prisoners, their friends, and their families to understand the lifelong burden that even a single arrest can entail. What his work revealed is a simple, if overlooked truth: life after incarceration is its own form of prison. The idea that one can serve their debt and return to life as a full-fledge member of society is one of America's most nefarious myths. Recently released individuals are faced with jobs that are off-limits, apartments that cannot be occupied and votes that cannot be cast.As The Color of Law exposed about our understanding of housing segregation, Halfway Home shows that the American justice system was not created to rehabilitate. Parole is structured to keep classes of Americans impoverished, unstable, and disenfranchised long after they've paid their debt to society.Informed by Miller's experience as the son and brother of incarcerated men, captures the stories of the men, women, and communities fighting against a system that is designed for them to fail. It is a poignant and eye-opening call to arms that reveals how laws, rules, and regulations extract a tangible cost not only from those working to rebuild their lives, but also our democracy. As Miller searchingly explores, America must acknowledge and value the lives of its formerly imprisoned citizens.PEN America 2022 John Kenneth Galbraith Award for Nonfiction FinalistWinner of the 2022 PROSE Award for Excellence in Social Sciences2022 PROSE Awards Finalist2022 PROSE Awards Category Winner for Cultural Anthropology and SociologyAn NPR Selected 2021 Books We LoveAs heard on NPR's Fresh Air
Princeton University Press Cooperation under Anarchy
This path-breaking book offers fresh insights into a perennial problem. At times, the absence of centralized international authority precludes attainment of common goals. Yet, at other times, nations realize mutual interests through cooperation under anarchy. Drawing on a diverse set of historical cases in security and economic affairs, the contributors to this special issue of World Politics not only provide a unified explanation of the incidence of cooperation and conflict, but also suggest strategies to promote the emergence of cooperation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Business Analytics
Now in its fifth edition, Powell and Baker'sBusiness Analytics: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheetsprovides students and business analysts with the technical knowledge and skill needed to develop real expertise in business modeling. In this book, the authors cover spreadsheet engineering, management science, and the modeling craft. The briefness & accessibility of this title offers opportunities to integrate other materials such as cases -into the course. It can be used in any number of courses or departments where modeling is a key skill.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Further Correspondence of William Laud
The correspondence of William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury from 1633 to 1645, provides revealing insights into his mind, methods and activities, especially in the 1630s, as he sought to remodel the church and the clerical estatein the three kingdoms. William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury from 1633 to 1645, is a central figure in the history of seventeenth-century Britain. Laud's correspondence provides revealing insights into his mind, methods and activities, especially in the 1630s, as he sought to remodel the church and the clerical estate in the three kingdoms. The Further Correspondence of William Laud prints 223 letters, drawn from thirty-eight libraries and archives, which were not included in the nineteenth-century edition of his Works. It has real importance for our perception of Laud and the early Stuart church, greatly increasing the number of his letters for the 1620s and providing significant new information, such as the three earliest letters to his closest political ally, Thomas Wentworth, in 1630. Other correspondents include politicians such as Sir John Coke and Lord Keeper Coventry, the diplomat Sir William Boswell, numerous heads of colleges at both Oxford and Cambridge, and churchmen such as Bishops John Bridgeman of Chester and John Bramhall of Derry as well as Cyril Lucaris, Patriarch of Constantinople. A lengthy introduction assesses the waysin which these letters deepen our knowledge, broaden our understanding and refine our views of Laud's various roles, as chief ecclesiastical counsellor to Charles I, court politician and administrator, chancellor of Oxford University, and overseer of religious reformation in the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland. An appendix lists all of Laud's correspondence in chronological order. Collectively, the letters attest to his extraordinary energy andtireless commitment to reform and point to the indelible impact that Laud made on his contemporaries. KENNETH FINCHAM is Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Kent. He has written extensively on religion and politics in early modern Britain, including two monographs, Prelate as Pastor: the Episcopate of James I (1990) and, with Nicholas Tyacke, Altars Restored: the Changing Face of English Religious Worship 1547-c.1700 (2007); edited two collections of essays, The Early Stuart Church 1603-1642 (1993) and, with Peter Lake, Religious Politics in post-Reformation England (2006); and edited two volumes of Articles and Injunctions of the Early Stuart Church (1994-8) for the Church of England Record Society.
DC Comics Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point
Can the World's Greatest Detective solve the mystery of Zero Point and escape the battle royale world of FORTNITE? This hardcover collection includes a bonus code unlocking seven DC-themed Fortnite digital items.When a crack splits above Gotham City, Batman is pulled into a bizarre and unfamiliar world, with no memory of who he is or where he came from... As he fights to recall his past and escape an endless loop of chaos and struggle, he’ll come face to face for the first time with the likes of Renegade Raider, Fishstick, and Bandolette—as well as others who seem impossibly familiar to him. While the World's Greatest Detective strives to make sense of this strange new world, he’ll uncover the shocking truth about the Island, what lies beyond the Loop, and how everything is connected to the mysterious Zero Point. Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point uncovers secrets never before revealed in game or anywhere else! Every fan of Batman, Fortnite, stunning art and edge-of-your-seat excitement won't want to miss the Caped Crusader facing off against Fortnite champions on the Island, in a desperate attempt to save not only himself, but other familiar faces from the DCU…and perhaps the Multiverse itself! Comics all-stars Christos Gage, Reilly Brown, Christian Duce, Nelson DeCastro, and John Kalisz are joined by Epic Games chief creative officer Donald Mustard to bring readers into the Loop and help the World's Greatest Detective solve the mysterious of the global gaming phenomenon. This hardcover collects issues 1-6 of the global bestselling series, featuring variant covers from comics' greatest talents including Kenneth Rocafort, Arthur Adams, Jim Lee, Scott Williams, Amanda Conner, Dan Mora, and Kim Jung Gi, premium variant covers from Donald Mustard himself, and a bonus code unlocking seven DC-themed Fortnite digital items.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Encountering Disgrace: Reading and Teaching Coetzee's Novel
First book of essays devoted to Coetzee's controversial novel, combining critical and pedagogical approaches. Ever since it was first published in 1999, Nobel laureate J. M. Coetzee's novel Disgrace has provoked controversy. Set in post-apartheid South Africa, it follows Prof. David Lurie as he encounters disgrace through his sexual exploitation of a student and then through the shocking gang-rape of his only daughter. The novel's uncompromising portrayal of the "new" South Africa outraged many, who found the book regressive, even racist. It also challengedreaders worldwide to confront its hard questions. This first book of essays devoted to the novel ambitiously brings together criticism and pedagogy. The ten critical essays and eight essays on teaching Disgrace grapple with the ethical issues the novel so provocatively raises: rape, gender, race, animal rights. Disgrace is widely taught in colleges and universities and read in book clubs; the debates it has given rise to will take on fresh life with the release of the upcoming film starring John Malkovich. Unusually, the eighteen contributors to the collection are all faculty members or graduates of the same institution, the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies atthe University of Redlands, and have worked together closely in crafting their essays over the past two years. The volume will be exceptionally useful to teachers of literature, philosophy, and South African culture, to book clubleaders, and to all readers of Coetzee. Contributors: Nancy Best, James Boobar, Bradley Butterfield, Jane Creighton, Matthew Gray, Pat Harrigan, Gary Hawkins, Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann, Daniel Kiefer, Bill McDonald, Michael G. McDunnah, Kim Middleton, Kevin O'Neill, Raymond Obstfeld, Kathy Ogren, Kenneth Reinhard, Sandra D. Shattuck, Patricia Casey Sutcliffe, Julie Townsend. Bill McDonald is Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Redlands, Redlands, California.
Coach House Books The Sleepworker
"As New York, capital of the twentieth century, recedes from memory, it becomes more like Paris; we flock to it to pay tribute to the great things that once happened there. New York is now a miasma of apocryphal myths feasting on its own corpse. On these pages, Martinez spins hazy rumor and wilting gossip into blistering contemporary fiction, holding up Warhol's mirror to the myth of Warhol himself. The result is a delicious celebration of simulacra where, like New York New York itself, nothing is true, but everything is permitted."-Kenneth Goldsmith John is a poet. Only John almost never writes poems, because he is also unemployed. He lives with four friends, and they squat in a loft in New York New York, a fantastical city that resembles the Big Apple, but also any other city where artists live. They throw fabulous parties and practice group sodomy. That is, until John meets Andy. Andy is an artist. Well, he is if you define art as something that people don't want but the artist wants to give them anyway. A gallery owner with Tourette syndrome "discovers" his work and Andy is on his way to being famous. John, on the other hand, is hard at work at being unemployed, drinking all night and sleeping all day-which leaves him very little time for writing poems. Andy, watching him sleep, has an intriguing idea for a piece of art that he thinks will allow John to get paid for what he does best. Using the story of Andy Warhol and John Giorno and their film Sleep as a starting point, The Sleepworker reads like a Warhol film on fast-forward. Cyrille Martinez is a poet and novelist living in Paris. This is his English debut. Joseph Patrick Stancil has studied French and translation at UNC-Chapel Hill and New York University. He currently lives in New York, New York.
Taylor & Francis Inc Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook
As the number of electrical devices in use continues to grow, so do the challenges of ensuring the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of products and systems. Fortunately, engineers have at their disposal an array of approximations, models, and rules-of-thumb to help them meet those challenges. Unfortunately, the number of these tools and guidelines is overwhelming, and worse still is the thought of investigating their origins and confirming their results.The Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook is an unprecedented compilation of the many approximations, guidelines, models, and rules-of-thumb used in EMC analyses, complete with their sources and their limitations. The book presents these in an efficient question-and-answer format and incorporates an extremely comprehensive set of tables and figures. The author has either derived from basic principles or obtained and verified from their original sources all of the expressions in the tables. Mathcad was used to generate most of the plots and solve many of the equations, and the author includes the Mathcad programs for many of these so users can clearly see the variable assignments, assumptions, and equations.Designed to be of long-lasting value to engineers, researchers, and students, the Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook is ideal both for quick reference and as a textbook for upper-level and graduate electrical engineering courses.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Data Analytics for Engineering and Construction Project Risk Management
This book provides a step-by-step guidance on how to implement analytical methods in project risk management. The text focuses on engineering design and construction projects and as such is suitable for graduate students in engineering, construction, or project management, as well as practitioners aiming to develop, improve, and/or simplify corporate project management processes.The book places emphasis on building data-driven models for additive-incremental risks, where data can be collected on project sites, assembled from queries of corporate databases, and/or generated using procedures for eliciting experts’ judgments. While the presented models are mathematically inspired, they are nothing beyond what an engineering graduate is expected to know: some algebra, a little calculus, a little statistics, and, especially, undergraduate-level understanding of the probability theory.The book is organized in three parts and fourteen chapters. In Part I the authors provide the general introduction to risk and uncertainty analysis applied to engineering construction projects. The basic formulations and the methods for risk assessment used during project planning phase are discussed in Part II, while in Part III the authors present the methods for monitoring and (re)assessment of risks during project execution.
Cornell University Press Lincoln Emancipated: The President and the Politics of Race
Abraham Lincoln has long been revered by blacks and whites alike as the "Great Emancipator." In recent years, however, this image has come under assault by scholars who question Lincoln's commitment to racial equality and who assert that he was in fact, as Frederick Douglass once noted, the "white man's president." Such arguments challenging deep-seated assumptions about our nation's beloved leader demand serious investigation. What personal beliefs did Lincoln hold about the inherent differences or similarities between blacks and whites? How did his vision for race relations change as a result of the Civil War? What political, legal, and cultural circumstances prompted him to issue the Emancipation Proclamation? And in what ways have Americans chosen to remember Lincoln's legacy? Does he truly deserve his fame as the "Great Emancipator?" In this volume, seven historians attempt to answer these critical questions. Kenneth J. Winkle analyzes the racial climate of the early nineteenth-century Midwest in order to place Lincoln's views in context. Kevin R. C. Gutzman discusses the influence of Thomas Jefferson's racial politics upon Lincoln; and James N. Leiker scrutinizes Lincoln's attitudes toward Native Americans, Asians, and Hispanics as well as toward blacks. Phillip S. Paludan and Brian Dirck describe Lincoln's tortured deliberation over emancipation, while Dennis K. Boman uses Missouri as a case study of the president's delicate handling of this explosive issue. By tracing the changes in Lincoln's proposals for the future of liberated slaves, Michael Vorenberg argues that, despite what many Americans today would consider limitations, Lincoln demonstrated a remarkable open-mindedness and capacity for growth. Allen C. Guelzo opens the volume with a thought-provoking foreword.
Liverpool University Press Conquerors and Chroniclers of Early Medieval Spain
From the perspective of the Hispano-Romans, the Visigoths who invaded Spain in the mid-fifth century were heretical barbarians. But Leovigild’s military success and Reccared’s conversion to Catholic Christianity led to more positive assessments of the Gothic role in Iberian history. John of Biclaro (c.590) and Isidore of Seville (c.625) authored histories that projected the Gothic achievements back on to their uncertain beginnings, transforming them from antagonists of the Roman Empire to protagonists of a new, independent Chistianity in Spain.
Giles de la Mare Publishers Duchess of Cork Street: The Autobiography of an Art Dealer
Duchess of Cork Street is the autobiography of a remarkable woman who, educated in the culturally unsophisticated milieu of South Africa, managed by charm, determination and good judgment to establish herself as a doyenne of the London art world between about 1950 and the late 1970s. Although Lillian Browse had originally had ambitions to become a ballet-dancer, she joined the staff of the well known Leger Gallery in the early 1930s, and in 1945 she set up a new art gallery called Roland, Browse and Delbanco in Cork Street in the west end of London together with two fellow art dealers, thus coming to know through her varied experiences many of the most distinguished people of her time as clients and friends. She had worked with Sir Kenneth Clark on planning exhibitions in the National Gallery during the war. Her gallery soon acquired a reputation for quality and integrity and, with her distinctive and influential taste, she pioneered the study of important French and English painters and sculptors, among them Degas, Rodin, Sickert, William Nicholson and Augustus John, and she also gave consistent support to an expanding group of living artists. She was active in the world of art-dealing for over fifty years. During that period the character of the profession changed out of all recognition. Although the spotlight has now moved from London to New York for a variety of reasons, she is by no means despairing of the future. The number of galleries is growing fast, especially away from central London. Above all, there is a much wider interest in art and appreciation of living artists in Britain than ever before. She played a significant role in helping to bring that about. Lillian Browse, who was awarded the CBE in 1998, remains a popular and revered personality in the art world. Her book has been eagerly awaited.
Johns Hopkins University Press Cave Biodiversity: Speciation and Diversity of Subterranean Fauna
A deep-dive into the evolutionary biology, biogeography, and conservation of the most elusive subterranean creatures in the world.Far from the austere, sparsely populated ecosystems often conjured in the imagination, caves host some of the most mysterious and biodiverse natural systems in the world. Subterranean environments, however, are the least explored terrestrial habitats, contributing to misconceptions about their inhabitants. Edited by cave scientist and conservation ecologist Dr. J. Judson Wynne, Cave Biodiversity explores both the evolution and the conservation of subterrestrial-dwelling fauna. Covering both vertebrates and invertebrates, including mollusks, fishes, amphibians, arthropods, and other troglobionts, this volume brings together ichthyologists, entomologists, ecologists, herpetologists, and conservationists to provide a nuanced picture of life beneath the earth's surface. Broad chapters covering biotic and abiotic factors that influence evolution and support biodiversity precede chapters dedicated to specific taxa, highlighting phylogenetics and morphology, and delving into zoogeography, habitat, ecology, and dispersal mechanisms for each. Considerations for conservation of these fascinating, often bizarre, and often highly sensitive subterranean creatures are emphasized throughout.Cave Biodiversity aims to synthesize the principles of subterranean evolutionary biology and diversity through in-depth case studies of some of the most captivating and imperiled taxonomic groups in the world. Employing a multidisciplinary approach involving systematics, genetics, ecology, biogeography, evolutionary biology, and conservation science, Cave Biodiversity will be of keen interest to evolutionary biologists, ecologists, conservation biologists, and cave scientists, as well as advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Contributors: Maria E. Bichuette, Evin T. Carter, Prosanta Chakrabarty, Kenneth James Chapin, Danté B. Fenolio, Andrew G. Gluesenkamp, Jozef Grego, Francis G. Howarth, Leonardo Latella, Matthew L. Niemiller, Karen A. Ober, T. Keith Philips, John G. Phillips, Stuart Pimm, Daphne Soares, J. Judson Wynne, and Yahui Zhao.
Princeton University Press Advances in Behavioral Finance, Volume II
This book offers a definitive and wide-ranging overview of developments in behavioral finance over the past ten years. In 1993, the first volume provided the standard reference to this new approach in finance--an approach that, as editor Richard Thaler put it, "entertains the possibility that some of the agents in the economy behave less than fully rationally some of the time." Much has changed since then. Not least, the bursting of the Internet bubble and the subsequent market decline further demonstrated that financial markets often fail to behave as they would if trading were truly dominated by the fully rational investors who populate financial theories. Behavioral finance has made an indelible mark on areas from asset pricing to individual investor behavior to corporate finance, and continues to see exciting empirical and theoretical advances. Advances in Behavioral Finance, Volume II constitutes the essential new resource in the field. It presents twenty recent papers by leading specialists that illustrate the abiding power of behavioral finance--of how specific departures from fully rational decision making by individual market agents can provide explanations of otherwise puzzling market phenomena. As with the first volume, it reaches beyond the world of finance to suggest, powerfully, the importance of pursuing behavioral approaches to other areas of economic life. The contributors are Brad M. Barber, Nicholas Barberis, Shlomo Benartzi, John Y. Campbell, Emil M. Dabora, Daniel Kent, Francois Degeorge, Kenneth A. Froot, J. B. Heaton, David Hirshleifer, Harrison Hong, Ming Huang, Narasimhan Jegadeesh, Josef Lakonishok, Owen A. Lamont, Roni Michaely, Terrance Odean, Jayendu Patel, Tano Santos, Andrei Shleifer, Robert J. Shiller, Jeremy C. Stein, Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, Richard H. Thaler, Sheridan Titman, Robert W. Vishny, Kent L. Womack, and Richard Zeckhauser.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Transaction Cost Economics Project: The Theory and Practice of the Governance of Contractual Relations
The presence of transaction costs greatly modifies the traditional picture of the allocation of resources through the market. It gives rise to many phenomena inexplicable in the simple market view and to problems of government policy. Oliver Williamson has been a leading figure in this analysis. His interpretations of corporate governance and of the complementarity between internal controls and the market have been the most profound in the literature. It is good that his leading essays are now available in collected form.'- Kenneth J. Arrow, Stanford University, US'Oliver Williamson's contributions to economics are certainly among the most important of the past several decades, and their importance will be increasingly recognized as economists come to grips with all that he has accomplished. This collection provides an unparalleled view of those contributions, and it belongs on the bookshelf of everyone who wants to understand complex economic transactions.'- David Kreps, Stanford University, US'This book provides a terrific opportunity to have a collection of Oliver Williamson's best papers on transaction cost economics all in one convenient volume.'- Paul L. Joskow, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and MIT'Williamson's work on transaction cost economics has shaped the thinking of all social scientists about organizations and institutions. This volume reprints many of his seminal papers on the subject, and is valuable both as commemoration and for reference.'- Avinash Dixit, Princeton University, USTransaction cost economics has and continues to be a fruitful area of research. There is still much to be done in the field with past research being used in conjunction with the vast number of contractual phenomena that have yet to be investigated in transaction cost economics terms. New challenges are posed by the need to move beyond the design of new contractual instruments (such as financial derivatives) to include an examination of the lurking hazards that attend contract implementation.This important collection brings together Professor Williamson's key papers on transaction cost economics. It will be of benefit to academics, scholars and practitioners with an interest in this progressive subject.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective
An effective technique for data analysis in the social sciences The recent explosion in longitudinal data in the social sciences highlights the need for this timely publication. Latent Curve Models: A Structural Equation Perspective provides an effective technique to analyze latent curve models (LCMs). This type of data features random intercepts and slopes that permit each case in a sample to have a different trajectory over time. Furthermore, researchers can include variables to predict the parameters governing these trajectories. The authors synthesize a vast amount of research and findings and, at the same time, provide original results. The book analyzes LCMs from the perspective of structural equation models (SEMs) with latent variables. While the authors discuss simple regression-based procedures that are useful in the early stages of LCMs, most of the presentation uses SEMs as a driving tool. This cutting-edge work includes some of the authors' recent work on the autoregressive latent trajectory model, suggests new models for method factors in multiple indicators, discusses repeated latent variable models, and establishes the identification of a variety of LCMs. This text has been thoroughly class-tested and makes extensive use of pedagogical tools to aid readers in mastering and applying LCMs quickly and easily to their own data sets. Key features include: Chapter introductions and summaries that provide a quick overview of highlights Empirical examples provided throughout that allow readers to test their newly found knowledge and discover practical applications Conclusions at the end of each chapter that stress the essential points that readers need to understand for advancement to more sophisticated topics Extensive footnoting that points the way to the primary literature for more information on particular topics With its emphasis on modeling and the use of numerous examples, this is an excellent book for graduate courses in latent trajectory models as well as a supplemental text for courses in structural modeling. This book is an excellent aid and reference for researchers in quantitative social and behavioral sciences who need to analyze longitudinal data.
New York University Press On the Sources of Patriarchal Rage: The Commonplace Books of William Byrd and Thomas Jefferson and the Gendering of Power in the Eighteenth Century
"A brilliant . . . analysis of the fragile hegemony and identities of colonial Virginia's elite men. . . . On the Sources of Patriarchal Rage compellingly illuminates the ragged edge where masculinity and colonial identity meet. . . . [the book] will undoubtedly send Jefferson scholars scurrying back to their notes. . . . Most significant, by being among the first to tackle the subject of masculinity in early America, Lockridge forces colonial scholars to reexamine the lives of men they thought they already knew too well." William and Mary Quarterly Two of the greatest of Virginia gentlemen, William Byrd II and Thomas Jefferson, each kept a commonplace book--in effect, a journal where men were to collect wisdom in the form of anecdotes and quotations from their readings with a sense of detachment and scholarship. Writing in these books, each assembled a prolonged series of observations laden with fear and hatred of women. Combining ignorance with myth and misogyny, Byrd's and Jefferson's books reveal their deep ambivalence about women, telling of women's lascivious nature and The Female Creed and invoking the fallible, repulsive, and implicitly corruptible female body as a central metaphor for all tales of social and political corruption. Were these private outbursts meaningless and isolated incidents, attributable primarily to individual pathology, or are they written revelations of the forces working on these men to maintain patriarchal control? Their hatred for women draws upon a kind of misogynistic reserve found in the continental and English intellectual traditions, but it also twists and recontextualizes less misogynistic excerpts to intensified effect. From this interplay of intellectual traditions and the circumstances of each man's life and later behavior arises the possibility one or more specific politics of misogyny is at work here. Kenneth Lockridge's work, replete with excerpts from the books themselves, leads us through these texts, exploring the structures, contexts, and significance of these writings in the wider historical context of gender and power. His book convincingly illustrates the ferocity of early American patriarchal rage; its various meanings, however suggestively explored here, must remain contestable.
The University of Chicago Press Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: The Mississippi Civil Rights Movement and Its Legacy
No part of the United States was more resistant to the civil rights movement and its pursuit of racial equality than Mississippi. Freedom Is a Constant Struggle explores the civil rights movement in that state to consider its emergence before the 1965 Voting Rights Act and its impact long after. Did the civil rights movement have a lasting impact, and, if so, how did it bring about change? Kenneth T. Andrews is the first scholar to examine not only the history of the movement but its social and political legacy as well. His study demonstrates how during the 1970s and '80s, local movements worked to shape electoral politics, increase access to better public schools, and secure the administration of social welfare to needy African Americans.Freedom Is a Constant Struggle is also the first book of its kind to detail the activities of white supremacists in Mississippi, revealing how white repression and intimidation sparked black activism and simultaneously undermined the movement's ability to achieve far-reaching goals. Andrews shows that the federal government's role was important but reactive as federal actors responded to the sustained struggles between local movements and their opponents. He tracks the mobilization of black activists by the NAACP, the creation of Freedom Summer, efforts to galvanize black voters, the momentous desegregation of public schools and the rise of all-white private academies, and struggles over the economic development of black communities. From this complex history, Andrews shows how the civil rights movement built innovative organizations and campaigns that empowered local leadership and had a lasting legacy in Mississippi and beyond.Based on an original and creative research design that combines extensive archival research, interviews with activists, and quantitative historical data, Freedom Is a Constant Struggle provides many new insights into the civil rights struggle, and it presents a much broader theory to explain whether and how movements have enduring impacts on politics and society. What results is a work that will be invaluable to students of social movements, democratic politics, and the struggle for racial freedom in the U.S.
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House The Complete George Smiley Radio Dramas: BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatization
The complete collection of acclaimed BBC Radio dramas based on John le Carre's bestselling novels, starring Simon Russell Beale as George Smiley. With a star cast including Kenneth Cranham, Eleanor Bron, Brian Cox, Ian MacDiarmid, Anna Chancellor, Hugh Bonneville and Lindsay Duncan, these enthralling dramatisations perfectly capture the atmosphere of le Carre's taut, thrilling spy novels. Call for the Dead is the first Smiley novel, which sees him looking into an apparent suicide only to uncover a murderous conspiracy;A Murder of Quality finds Smiley investigating a murder in a private school; The Spy Who Came in from the Cold introduces Alec Leamas, a British intelligence officer whose East Berlin network is in tatters; The Looking Glass War features former spy Fred Leiser, lured back from retirement to investigate a claim that Soviet missiles are being installed close to the West German border; Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is the first book in the Karla trilogy, and sees Smiley searching for a mole who has infiltrated the Circus; The Honourable Schoolboy sees Smiley determined to destroy his nemesis, Karla, and his spy networks; Smiley's People finds George Smiley called out of retirement to exorcise some Cold War ghosts from his clandestine past; The Secret Pilgrim sees Smiley invited to dine with the eager new recruits at the Circus. He offers them his thoughts on espionage and, in doing so, prompts a former colleague to re-examine his own eventful secret life. 'A radio triumph...Simon Russell Beale's pitch-perfect master spy' - "Financial Times". Duration: 19 hours.
University of Texas Press On Story—The Golden Ages of Television
“On Story is film school in a box, a lifetime’s worth of filmmaking knowledge squeezed into half-hour packages.” —Kenneth Turan, film critic for the Los Angeles TimesAustin Film Festival (AFF) is the first organization to focus on writers’ creative contributions to film and television. Its annual Film Festival and Conference offers screenings, panels, workshops, and roundtable discussions that help new writers and filmmakers connect with mentors and gain advice and insight from masters, as well as reinvigorate veterans with new ideas. To extend the Festival’s reach, AFF produces On Story, a television series currently airing on PBS-affiliated stations and streaming online that presents high-caliber artists talking candidly and provocatively about the art and craft of screenwriting and filmmaking, often using examples from their own work.On Story—The Golden Ages of Television explores the transformation of television’s narrative content over the past several decades through interviews with some of TV’s best creators and writers, including Garry Shandling (The Larry Sanders Show), Carl Reiner (The Dick Van Dyke Show), Issa Rae (Insecure), Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad), Greg Daniels (The Office), Paula Pell (Saturday Night Live), Noah Hawley (Fargo), Liz Meriwether (New Girl), David Chase (The Sopranos), Alan Yang (Master of None), Marta Kauffman (Friends), Jenji Kohan (Orange Is the New Black), and many more. Their insights, behind-the-scenes looks at the creative process, production tales, responses to audiences’ reactions, and observations on how both TV narratives and the industry have changed make this book ideal for TV lovers, pop culture fans, students taking screenwriting courses, and filmmakers and writers seeking information and inspiration.
Academica Press The Light of Evening: A Brief Life of Jack Foley
Jack Foley has been prominent in the San Francisco Bay Area poetry scene since the mid-1980s. The Light of Evening traces the arc of his life since his birth in New Jersey in 1940. Foley has spent his life in the pursuit of ways to continue writing poetry in a world in which the status of poetry has been seriously diminished. This candid autobiography offers a portrait of an artist who has continued to produce experimental as well as traditional work and who created theoretical underpinnings for that work. His exciting “choruses” – duets performed with his late wife Adelle – established him as a unique presenter of poetry in an area in which poets abound. Along with his creative work, Foley studied at Cornell with the brilliant and notorious deconstructionist critic Paul de Man. He lived through the 1960s in and around Berkeley, California, attending the university at the height of the Free Speech Movement. Following on the heels of Kenneth Rexroth, he has presented poetry on KPFA-FM, Berkeley’s radical radio station, for over thirty years. He produced a 1300-page history of Californian poetry from 1940 to 2005 that has been called “an oddball masterpiece ... the first adequate account of California's complex and contradictory literary life.” At eighty, Foley looks back at a life in which he managed to maintain himself as a contrarian poet who never resorted to the academy for sustenance and who never courted fame from the East Coast literary hegemony. The Light of Evening is the story of a complex, always-in-motion public intellectual for whom poetry was first, last, and always.
Ohio University Press Hollywood’s Africa after 1994
Hollywood’s Africa after 1994 investigates Hollywood’s colonial film legacy in the postapartheid era, and contemplates what has changed in the West’s representations of Africa. How do we read twenty-first-century projections of human rights issues—child soldiers, genocide, the exploitation of the poor by multinational corporations, dictatorial rule, truth and reconciliation—within the contexts of celebrity humanitarianism, “new” military humanitarianism, and Western support for regime change in Africa and beyond? A number of films after 1994, such as Black Hawk Down, Hotel Rwanda, Blood Diamond, The Last King of Scotland, The Constant Gardener, Shake Hands with the Devil, Tears of the Sun, and District 9, construct explicit and implicit arguments about the effects of Western intervention in Africa. Do the emphases on human rights in the films offer a poignant expression of our shared humanity? Do they echo the colonial tropes of former “civilizing missions?” Or do human rights violations operate as yet another mine of sensational images for Hollywood’s spectacular storytelling? The volume provides analyses by academics and activists in the fields of African studies, English, film and media studies, international relations, and sociology across continents. This thoughtful and highly engaging book is a valuable resource for those who seek new and varied approaches to films about Africa. Contributors Harry Garuba and Natasha Himmelman Margaret R. Higonnet, with Ethel R. Higgonet Joyce B. Ashuntantang Kenneth W. Harrow Christopher Odhiambo Ricardo Guthrie Clifford T. Manlove Earl Conteh-Morgan Bennetta Jules-Rosette, J. R. Osborn, and Lea Marie Ruiz-Ade Christopher Garland Kimberly Nichele Brown Jane Bryce Iyunolu Osagie Dayna Oscherwitz
Columbia University Press America’s Mayor: John V. Lindsay and the Reinvention of New York
In a stunning repudiation of the Democratic machine, John V. Lindsay (1921-2000) captured the New York mayoralty in 1965 by promising to rid the city of apathy and corruption and make New York governable again. Over the next eight years, Lindsay presided over a city at the vortex of the civil rights, antiwar, women's, and gay rights movements, a turbulent global economy, demographic upheaval defined by an influx of blacks and Puerto Ricans and an exodus of whites, and volatile local labor politics further fractured by race. He would revolutionize urban planning, hoping to make New York not just inhabitable but enjoyable--a celebration of itself-and he would attempt to overhaul the government's services and priorities. Some reforms succeeded. Others failed. While few have evaluated Lindsay's controversial legacy with the benefit of hindsight and within the context of national cultural upheaval, this book does just that. Edited by The New York Times urban affairs correspondent Sam Roberts and published in collaboration with the Museum of the City of New York, America's Mayor is lavishly illustrated and features original essays by Hilary Ballon, Joshua Freeman, Jeff Greenfield, Pete Hamill, Charlayne Hunter-Gault, Kenneth T. Jackson, John Mollenkopf, Charles Morris, Nicholas Pileggi, Richard Reeves, James Sanders, and Steven Weisman. Key contemporaries such as Jimmy Breslin, Mario Cuomo, and Juan Gonzalez offer personal reminiscences enhanced by compelling documents and articles. With his undeniable charisma and bold support for cities and urban living, Lindsay galvanized the attention of a nation at a time of looming crisis. This collection vividly reexamines the truth behind Lindsay's reputation as a failed dreamer and the forces that transformed him into America's mayor.
Chance Chance Magazine: Issue 3: Couture/Stage
Chance is a photography magazine that looks at the world through the lens of theater and design. We produce and original photo shoot of nearly every production we cover, and believe that superior documentation can change the way we think and write about the theater and the artists who create for it. A calm, noise free place to engage with the aesthetics of design in detail, Chance integrates all of the arts, material and non material, into a single space where the poetry of human thought can expand our desire for a more provocative and lifted engagement with design. Our editorial team of 30 artists have worked for more than a year to bring you Chance 3, Couture | Stage, representing the work of the artists in C3 in a manner more pointed, refined and convincing than you may have ever seen them before. In C3 we traveled to Europe for fresh shoots of the work of Eiko Ishioka and Rudolf Nureyev. We've developed beautiful portfolios on the work of Simon Doonan, Ming Cho Lee and Mark Wendland. More comprehensively, we look at the career of Kenneth Collins of Temporary Distortion, while Charles Renfro gives us fresh insights into DSR's redesign of Lincoln Center. Then we head off the grid, downtown, for performance shoots of Company XIV and The Mad Ones. Chance is literature over script, high rez over low rez. When the image is about seeing and not selling, the art of photography comes alive. Chance is a revolution in theatrical photography. No other artist is more perfectly poised to undertake an examination of our noisebound culture than those in theater, and no other publication better frames this conversation than Chance. There's a lot going on. Chance is looking and listening. Join us.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Business Analytics: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets, EMEA Edition
Now in its fifth edition, Powell and Baker's Business Analytics: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets provides students and business analysts with the technical knowledge and skill needed to develop real expertise in business modeling. In this book, the authors cover spreadsheet engineering, management science, and the modeling craft. The briefness & accessibility of this title offers opportunities to integrate other materials –such as cases -into the course. It can be used in any number of courses or departments where modeling is a key skill.
Columbia University Press The Economists’ Voice: Top Economists Take On Today's Problems
In this valuable resource, more than thirty of the world's top economists offer innovative policy ideas and insightful commentary on our most pressing economic issues, such as global warming, the global economy, government spending, Social Security, tax reform, real estate, and political and social policy, including an extensive look at the economics of capital punishment, welfare reform, and the recent presidential elections. Contributors are Nobel Prize winners, former presidential advisers, well-respected columnists, academics, and practitioners from across the political spectrum. Joseph E. Stiglitz takes a hard look at the high cost of the Iraq War; Nobel Laureates Kenneth Arrow, Thomas Schelling, and Stiglitz provide insight and advice on global warming; Paul Krugman demystifies Social Security; Bradford DeLong presents divergent views on the coming dollar crisis; Diana Farrell reconsiders the impact of U.S. offshoring; Michael J. Boskin distinguishes what is "sense" and what is "nonsense" in discussions of federal deficits and debt; and Ronald I. McKinnon points out the consequences of the deindustrialization of America. Additional essays question whether welfare reform was successful and explore the economic consequences of global warming and the rebuilding of New Orleans. They describe how a simple switch in auto insurance policy could benefit the environment; unravel the dangers of an unchecked housing bubble; and investigate the mishandling of the lending institutions Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Balancing empirical data with economic theory, The Economists' Voice proves that the unique perspective of the economist is a vital one for understanding today's world. To learn more about the electronic journals published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, please visit
Rowman & Littlefield Gender in Motion: Divisions of Labor and Cultural Change in Late Imperial and Modern China
Bringing together the work of distinguished China historians, anthropologists, and literary and film scholars, Gender in Motion raises provocative questions about the diversity of gender practices during the late imperial society and the persistence and transformation of older gender ideologies under the conditions of modernity in China. While several studies have investigated gender or labor in late imperial and twentieth century China, this book brings these two concepts together, asking how these two categories interacted and produced new social practices and theories. Individual chapters examine agricultural and urban work, travel within China, overseas study, polyandry, the acting profession, courtesan culture, female politicians, Maoist work culture, and the boundaries of virtue and respectability. Governing notions of the social order (and interrelated constructions of gender) changed radically in the modern era—initially with the questioning of the imperial, dynastic order and the creation of a Chinese republic in the early twentieth century, later with the creation of a Communist government and, most recently, with China's political and cultural transformations in the post-Mao era. As ideas and practices of gender have changed, the persistence of older rhetorical signs in the interstices of new political visions has complicated the social projects and understandings of modernity, especially in terms of the creation of new public spaces, new concepts of work and virtue, and new configurations of gender. Contributions by: Madeleine Yue Dong, Bryna Goodman, Gail Hershatter, Ellen R. Judd, Joan Judge, Wendy Larson, Susan Mann, Kenneth L. Pomeranz, Tze-lan Deborah Sang, Matthew H. Sommer, Luo Suwen, Catherine Vance Yeh, and Wang Zheng.
Duke University Press The Academic's Handbook
This new, revised, and expanded edition of the popular Academic’s Handbook is an essential guide for those planning or beginning an academic career. Faculty members, administrators, and professionals with experience at all levels of higher education offer candid, practical advice to help beginning academics understand matters including:— The different kinds of institutions of higher learning and expectations of faculty at each.— The advantages and disadvantages of teaching at four-year colleges instead of research universities.— The ins and outs of the job market.— Alternatives to tenure-track, research-oriented positions.— Salary and benefits.— The tenure system.— Pedagogy in both large lecture courses and small, discussion-based seminars.— The difficulties facing women and minorities within academia.— Corporations, foundations, and the federal government as potential sources of research funds.— The challenges of faculty mentoring.— The impact of technology on contemporary teaching and learning.— Different types of publishers and the publishing process at university presses.— The modern research library.— The structure of university governance.— The role of departments within the university.With the inclusion of eight new chapters, this edition of The Academic’s Handbook is designed to ease the transition from graduate school to a well-rounded and rewarding career.Contributors. Judith K. Argon, Louis J. Budd, Ronald R. Butters, Norman L. Christensen, Joel Colton, Paul L. Conway, John G. Cross, Fred E. Crossland, Cathy N. Davidson, A. Leigh DeNeef, Beth A. Eastlick, Matthew W. Finkin, Jerry G. Gaff, Edie N. Goldenberg, Craufurd D. Goodwin, Stanley M. Hauerwas, Deborah L. Jakubs, L. Gregory Jones, Nellie Y. McKay, Patrick M. Murphy, Elizabeth Studley Nathans, A. Kenneth Pye, Zachary B. Robbins, Anne Firor Scott, Sudhir Shetty, Samuel Schuman, Philip Stewart, Boyd R. Strain, Emily Toth, P. Aarne Vesilind, Judith S. White, Henry M. Wilbur, Ken Wissoker
New York University Press Democratic Community: Nomos XXXV
A state-of-the-art meditation on relations, theoretical and practical, among a familiar triad of themes: comunitarianism, liberalism, and democracy. --American Political Science Review A collection of distinguished contributors, from a wide range of disciplines, examine the implications of the resurgence of interest in community. The chapters in Democratic Community consider the fundamental issues that divide liberals and communitarians, as well as the structure of communities, the roles of freedom and democratic institutions in sustaining one another, the place of a democratic civil society in a democratic polity, and the contributions of feminist thinking. This thirty-fifth volume in the American Society of Political and Legal Philosophy series is devoted, as is each volume in the series, to a single topic-- in this case, the implications for human nature and democratic theory of the resurgence of interest in community. Democratic Community deals not only with fundamental issues that divide liberals and communitarians, but is also concerned with the structure of communities, the roles of freedom and democratic institutions in sustaining one another, the place of a democratic civil society in a democratic polity, and the contributions of feminist thinking to the great debate. The collection of distinguished contributors, from a wide range of disciplines, includes: Richard J. Arneson (University of California, San Diego), Jean Baechler (University of Paris, Sorbonne), Christopher J. Berry (University of Glasgow), Robert A. Dahl (Yale University), Martin P. Golding (Duke University), Carol C. Gould (Stevens Institute of Technology), Amy Gutmann (Princeton University), Jane Mansbridge (Northwestern University), Kenneth Minogue (London School of Economics), Robert C. Post (University of California, Berkeley), David A. J. Richards (New York University), Gerald N. Rosenberg (University of Chicago), Bruce K. Rutherford (Yale University), Alan Ryan (Princeton University), and Carmen Sirianni (Brandeis University).
University of Utah Press,U.S. An 1860 English-Hopi Vocabulary Written in the Deseret Alphabet
In 1859 Brigham Young sent two Mormon missionaries to live among the Hopi, ""reduce their dialect to a written language,"" and then teach it to the Hopi so that they would be able to read the Book of Mormon in their own tongue. Young also instructed the men to teach the Hopi the Deseret alphabet, a phonemic system that he was promoting in place of the traditional Latin alphabet. While the Deseret alphabet faded out of use in just over twenty years, the manuscript penned by one of the missionaries has remained in existence. For decades it sat unidentified in the archives of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints - a mystery document having no title, author, or date. But authors Beesley and Elzinga have now traced the manuscript's origin to the missioaries of 1859-1860 and decoded its Hopi-English vocabularly written in the short-lived Deseret alphabet. The resulting book offers a fascinating mix of linguistics, Mormon history, and Native American studies.The volume reproduces all 48 vocabularly entries of the original manuscript, presenting the Deseret and the modern English and Hopi translations. It explains the history of the Deseret alphabet as well as that of the Mormon missions to the Hopi, while fleshing out the background of the two missionaries, Marion Jackson Shelton, who wrote the manuscript, and his companion, Thales Hastings Haskell. The book will be of interest to linguists, historians, ethnographers, and others who are curious about the unique combination of topics this work connects.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Economics of Labor and Employment Law
Estlund and Wachter have assembled a feast on the economic analysis of issues in labor and employment law for scholars and policy-makers. The volume begins with foundational discussions of the economic analysis of the individual employment relationship and collective bargaining. It then progresses to discussions of the theoretical and empirical work on a wide range of important labor and employment law topics including: union organizing and employee choice, the impact of unions on firm and economic performance, the impact of unions on the enforcement of legal rights, just cause for dismissal, covenants not to compete and employment discrimination. Anyone who wants to study what economists have to say on these topics would do well to begin with this collection.'- Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, Indiana University Bloomington School of Law, USThis Research Handbook assembles the original work of leading legal and economic scholars, working in a variety of traditions and methodologies, on the economic analysis of labor and employment law.In addition to surveying the current state of the art on the economics of labor markets and employment relations, the volume's 16 chapters assess aspects of traditional labor law and union organizing, the law governing the employment contract and termination of employment, employment discrimination and other employer mandates, restrictions on employee mobility, and the forum and remedies for labor and employment claims.Comprising a variety of approaches, the Research Handbook on the Economics of Labor and Employment Law will appeal to legal scholars in labor and employment law, industrial relations scholars and labor economists.Contributors: R. Arnow-Richman, S. Deakin, Z.J. Eigen, R.A. Epstein, C.L. Estlund, S. Estreicher, B.T. Hirsch, A. Hyde, S. Issacharoff, C. Jolls, B.E. Kaufman, M.M. Kleiner, B.I. Sachs, E. Scharff, S.J. Schwab, M.L. Wachter, D. Weil
Johns Hopkins University Press Whole Lives: Shapers of Modern Biography
Originally published in 1989. In this companion volume to the acclaimed Pure Lives, Reed Whittemore probes the often-complex motives behind the relationships of modern biographers to their subjects. Whittemore's description of biography's uneven path toward comprehensive character study begins with Thomas Carlyle, whose biography of Frederick the Great broke with tradition by tracing the roots of its subject's character to childhood trauma. (A strict disciplinarian, Frederick's father once considered having his rebellious teenage son executed.) Whittemore examines the work of Leslie Stephen, the Dictionary of National Biography's first editor, who admired Carlyle but disliked his style—and was convinced that Carlyle disliked him. And in a chapter on Sigmund Freud, Whittemore traces the revolution in writing biography that began with Freud's speculations on the nature and origin of Leonardo da Vinci's homosexuality. Few have escaped Freud's influence. While Leon Edel argues that biographers should not psychoanalyze their subjects, his biography of Henry James does precisely that. Richard Ellman tempers his impulse for Freudian probing of Joyce, Yeats, and Oscar Wilde with the explication of their often difficult works. Kenneth Lynn's recent biography of Hemingway takes the opposite approach. "The Hemingway industry," Whittemore explains, "is like Marilyn Monroe's in having much of the sensational in it, including suicide, so that the problems of having to deal with Hemingway as a writer, good or bad, can always be put on the back burner for a few chapters while Hemingway the braggart and liar performs." Thomas Parton and Benjamin Franklin, Virginia Woolf and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Erik Erikson and Martin Luther, biographers and their subjects continue to engage our attention. Whole Lives offers an informative—and refreshingly informal—look at one of the most enduringly popular genres.
Penguin Books Ltd Collective Choice and Social Welfare: Expanded Edition
Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen's first great book, now reissued in a fully revised and expanded second edition'Can the values which individual members of society attach to different alternatives be aggregated into values for society as a whole, in a way that is both fair and theoretically sound? Is the majority principle a workable rule for making decisions? How should income inequality be measured? When and how can we compare the distribution of welfare in different societies?'These questions, from the citation by the Swedish Academy of Sciences when Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, refer to his work in Collective Choice and Social Welfare, the most important of all his early books. Originally published in 1970, this classic work in welfare economics has been recognized for its ground-breaking role in integrating economics and ethics, and for its influence in opening up new areas of research in social choice, including aggregative assessment. It has also had a large influence on international organizations, including the United Nations, particularly in its work on human development. In its original version, the book showed that the 'impossibility theorems' in social choice theory-led by the pioneering work of Kenneth Arrow-need not be seen as destructive of the possibility of reasoned and democratic social choice. Sen's ideas about social choice, welfare economics, inequality, poverty and human rights have continued to evolve since the book's first appearance. This expanded edition, which begins by reproducing the 1970 edition in its entirety, goes on to present eleven new chapters of new arguments and results. As in the original version, the new chapters alternate between non-mathematical chapters completely accessible to all, and those which present mathematical arguments and proofs. The reader who prefers to shun mathematics can follow all the non-mathematical chapters on their own, to receive a full, informal understanding. There is also a substantial new introduction which gives a superb overview of the whole subject of social choice.
Headline Publishing Group Watching the Match: The Remarkable Story of Football on Television
Football and television have been intertwined in culture for more than half a century and Brian Barwick has played a massive role in the continuing liaison between them. Watching The Match tells the story of how football on television became a national obsession. The first live football match in England was the 1938 FA Cup final, and the winning goal was a penalty in the last minute of extra time - proof if ever it was needed that football can deliver the dramatic like no other sport. The BBCs Match of the Day, the first dedicated football highlights show, was first aired in August 1964. The FA Cup Final, for years the only match shown live, suddenly became an all-day event with ITV's FA Cup Wrestling Special FA Cup Final going up against the BBC's It's An FA Cup Knock-out. The 1966 World Cup brought live international matches into the public's home for the first time and the BBC coverage of the final will forever be remembered by Kenneth Wolstenholme's legendary, "Some people are on the pitch ...they think it's all over comes Hurst is now!" Soon commentators, presenters and analysts such as Wolstenholme, Barry Davies, John Motson, Brian Moore, Martin Tyler, Keith Macklin, Gerald Sinstadt, Jimmy Hill, Brian Clough and Terry Venables became national figures and their sucessors, Gary Lineker, Gabby Logan, Jeff Stelling, Adrian Chiles, more so. Satellite television has moved football into a new stratosphere with almost 40 per cent of all Premier League matches shown live every season and the FA's sale of broadcast rights in 2012 for that league alone brought in GBP3 billion. Watching The Match is full of a fascinating story, personal anecdotes and interviews from in front of and behind the cameras, spanning 75 years. Written by a man who has held every important post in football television, this is a must-read book for all football fans.
St Augustine's Press Medieval Philosophy Redefined as the Latin Age
In a statement published for Paul Cobley’s edition of Realism for the 21st Century. A John Deely Reader, Umberto Eco wrote that “John Deely has not only paid attention to the Second Scholasticism but also to the first one”. In the present book, Deely goes one step further, by establishing the continuity of the Latin Age as a whole. He shows how the Latin thinkers demonstrated the presuppositions and created the framework of critical thought that made possible and inevitable the turn to science in the modern sense. The book thus shows how and why criticalachievements of the Latins remain requisite, even today, for the proper understanding of science and technology as offshot of the “Way of Signs” upon which all of thought, as also evikytuib as a whole, perforce travels. “With the sophistic modern and Enlightenment misconceptions about philosophy’s nature and history daily crashing and burning around us, Deely’s unconventional way of understanding medieval philosophy is like a breath of fresh air amid intellectual smog. This is a great book, the single most important study of medieval thought in half a century or more. It deserves an unbiased hearing by anyone today claiming to be a serious philosopher.” — Peter A. Redpath Founding Chairman, Universities of Western Civilization Chairman of the Board, The International Etienne Gilson Society “Drawing upon the thought of John Poinsot and Charles Pierce, John Deely has opened a distinctively postmodern path to the metaphysics of being, at once illuminating much of this ancient tradition while casting new light upon it in the context of contemporary thought. His treatment notably of St. Thomas is not merely a return to an earlier thinker, but an opening to a different path, at once in profound agreement with St. Thomas and yet heretofore unexplored. This book, thus, not only constitutes a return to a past era, but shows this era in a new light that illuminates as well the contemporary scene.” — Kenneth L. Schmitz Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, Canada Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Washington, D.C.
Princeton University Press Semiclassical Soliton Ensembles for the Focusing Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (AM-154)
This book represents the first asymptotic analysis, via completely integrable techniques, of the initial value problem for the focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation in the semiclassical asymptotic regime. This problem is a key model in nonlinear optical physics and has increasingly important applications in the telecommunications industry. The authors exploit complete integrability to establish pointwise asymptotics for this problem's solution in the semiclassical regime and explicit integration for the underlying nonlinear, elliptic, partial differential equations suspected of governing the semiclassical behavior. In doing so they also aim to explain the observed gradient catastrophe for the underlying nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations, and to set forth a detailed, pointwise asymptotic description of the violent oscillations that emerge following the gradient catastrophe. To achieve this, the authors have extended the reach of two powerful analytical techniques that have arisen through the asymptotic analysis of integrable systems: the Lax-Levermore-Venakides variational approach to singular limits in integrable systems, and Deift and Zhou's nonlinear Steepest-Descent/Stationary Phase method for the analysis of Riemann-Hilbert problems. In particular, they introduce a systematic procedure for handling certain Riemann-Hilbert problems with poles accumulating on curves in the plane. This book, which includes an appendix on the use of the Fredholm theory for Riemann-Hilbert problems in the Holder class, is intended for researchers and graduate students of applied mathematics and analysis, especially those with an interest in integrable systems, nonlinear waves, or complex analysis.
Workman Publishing Year of Baseball Trivia PageADay Calendar 2025
Spend a year at the ballpark with 365 days of trivia, stats, and immortal records for the baseball fan. BASEBALL FUN: Here's everything you love about the game, right on your desktop every day of the year: Hall of Famers, Famous Firsts, Immortal Records, Dubious Distinctions, quotes, and more. HOME RUN GIFT: Trivia fans and stat geeks will love testing their knowledge with this collection of fascinating factoids from the author of The Major League Baseball Book of Fabulous Facts and Awesome Trivia. PLASTIC FREE: Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.
University of Wales Press Revolution to Devolution: Reflections on Welsh Democracy
This is an integrated range of studies, focussing on Wales, by a long-established, internationally-recognised academic authority and member of the House of Lords, on the advance of democracy and the evolving idea of national identity in modern Britain. Looking back to the impact of change in Europe and the wider world from the 1789 revolution in France onwards, this book covers key personalities such as Lloyd George, the impact of the First World War in Wales, and relates to contemporary debates on Scottish independence and the connections with Europe. It opens up wider issues of open government, foreign policy, the rule of law and and cultural diversity.
University of Wales Press Revolution to Devolution: Reflections on Welsh Democracy
This is an integrated range of studies, focussing on Wales, by a long-established, internationally-recognised academic authority and member of the House of Lords, on the advance of democracy and the evolving idea of national identity in modern Britain. Looking back to the impact of change in Europe and the wider world from the 1789 revolution in France onwards, this book covers key personalities such as Lloyd George, the impact of the First World War in Wales, and relates to contemporary debates on Scottish independence and the connections with Europe. It opens up wider issues of open government, foreign policy, the rule of law and and cultural diversity.
Permuted Press Raising Olives in Provence: A Guide for Body and Soul
A fun-filled portrait of Provence told by an American bestselling author who knows France intimately and unwraps people and places with devastating insight—and laugh-out-loud humour. Americans have long had a love affair with Provence: its glamour, its mystique, its foreignness. But never have they had a guide like Ken Timmerman. Bursting with humorous stories about local characters and vivid description of French landscapes and customs gleaned from thirty-five years in the country, Raising Olives in Provence tells the story of how the author improbably came to renovate a run-down house and raise olive trees in the hills above Saint-Tropez. From olive presses to truffle markets, from Templar hostelries to lunch at a beachside club with the king and queen of Sweden, Timmerman takes us to places and introduces us to people we would never find on our own. In his other life as a war correspondent and investigative reporter, Timmerman deals with the horrors and betrayals of a world gone mad, always returning to this hillside in the south of France as a refuge. But even here, intrigue and treachery lie just beneath the surface, along with mysterious visitors on the hillside, an olive thief, phony artists and wannabe aristocrats, and the endless love adventures of his French neighbours. Love, faith, marriage, and friendship—with a sprinkling of salt, thyme, and some olive oil, please! And don’t forget the rosé.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Living with Life-Threatening Illness: A Guide for Patients, Their Families, and Caregivers
A hands-on guide for patients, families, and caregivers on how tolive an affirming existence while facing the physical and spiritualtraumas of life-threatening illness. Every page of this book reveals the author's keen awareness of thechallenges faced by patients, families, and caregivers dealing withlife threatening illnesses. In page after page readers willdiscover clear, practical, and wise suggestions that are wellgrounded in personal experience. Don't we all know somebody whoneeds this book now? --Robert Kastenbaum, Ph.D., Editor, Omega Journal of Death andDying
Little, Brown Book Group Solid Ivory
'Over 20 films. Over 40 years. What collaboration in any medium has lasted so long, been so successful, so personal, so happy? Read this wonderfully entertaining book: a unique story of a unique life in the world of world cinema' WES ANDERSON 'Jim is as eloquent and elegant with words as with the camera; here are almost a series of short stories of his life, vivid snapshots, told with an exacting eye. Every sentence is filled with his wry cadence, guided by his appreciation of things beautiful, amusing and unusual. We take the tour of his life which has as fascinating a cast and is set in locations as far flung and exotic as his films - except with way more sex. Read it and drink it in!' HELENA BONHAM CARTER'Ivory is full of candour and randiness...[this] book will open the eyes, often very wide' The Times---------------In Solid Ivory, a carefully crafted mosaic of memories, portraits, and reflections, the Academy Award-winning filmmaker James Ivory, a partner in the legendary Merchant Ivory Productions and the director of A Room with a View, Howards End, Maurice, and The Remains of the Day, tells stories from his remarkable life and career as one of the most influential directors of his time. At times, he touches on his love affairs, looking back coolly and with unexpected frankness.From first meeting his collaborator and life partner, Ismail Merchant, at the Indian Consulate in New York to winning an Academy Award at age eighty-nine for Call Me by Your Name; from seeing his first film at age five in Klamath Falls, Oregon, to memories of Satyajit Ray, Jean Renoir, The New Yorker magazine's film critic Pauline Kael (his longtime enemy), Vanessa Redgrave, J.D. Salinger, George Cukor, Kenneth Clark, Bruce Chatwin, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, and Merchant, Ivory writes with invariable fluency, wit, and perception about what made him who he is and how he made the movies for which he is known and loved.Solid Ivory, edited by Peter Cameron, is an utterly winning portrait of an extraordinary life told by an unmatched storyteller.
Orion Publishing Co By Your Side: My Life Loving Barbara Windsor
'I'm so glad you had the life you did, Barbara. I'm sorry you can't remember, but my God, what a life! You haven't wasted a minute of it...'In December 2020, while the world was gripped with news of an imminent third lockdown, Scott Mitchell was visiting the care home where his partner and wife of 27 years - Dame Barbara Windsor - was being looked after. At the age of 83, after a career spanning seven decades and a seven-year battle with the debilitating effects of dementia, she was slipping away.Barbara's illness meant she could no longer remember her magical career, and so Scott sat by her bedside in her final days, telling her tales from their extraordinary life together. From the unlikely moment they met to the challenges they faced, and the highs and lows of a life shared in the limelight. For theirs was an incredibly passionate relationship, but also a turbulent one - and along with a life of love and laughter, together they endured the pressures of fame, drink and addiction, heartbreak and ultimately dementia. He told Barbara stories of her wonderful achievements on and off screen, and the people who altered the trajectory of her life. From nine enormously successful and much-loved Carry On films to more than twenty years in Albert Square with the role of Peggy Mitchell. From director Joan Littlewood handpicking her for Sparrows Can't Sing and her first husband Ronnie Knight and his links to the Kray twins, to her friendships with Sid James, Kenneth Williams and more.Weaving together an old-fashioned love story, a glittering life of showbiz and the true cost of dementia, By Your Side is a treasure trove for all of us who grew up watching and loving Dame Barbara. From the madness and the mayhem, the glorious highs and the devastating lows, to the fantastic fun she and Scott had along the way - this is an intimate, honest and incredibly personal account of a life spent loving Babs; a warm, colourful and heartfelt celebration of her rich, varied and remarkable life from the man who knew her best.
Johns Hopkins University Press Descriptions and Prescriptions: Values, Mental Disorders, and the DSMs
Most everyone agrees that having pneumonia or a broken leg is always a bad thing, but not everyone agrees that sadness, grief, anxiety, or even hallucinations are always bad things. This fundamental disjunction in how disease and disorders are valued is the basis for the considerations in Descriptions and Prescriptions. In this book John Z. Sadler, M.D., brings together a distinguished group of contributors to examine how psychiatric diagnostic classifications are influenced by the values held by mental health professionals and the society in which they practice. The aim of the book, according to Sadler, is "to involve psychiatrists, psychologists, philosophers, and scholars in related fields in an intimate exchange about the role of values in shaping past and future classifications of mental disorders." Contributors: George J. Agich, Ph.D., Cleveland Clinic Foundation; Carol Berkenkotter, Ph.D., Michigan Technological University; Lee Anna Clark, Ph.D., University of Iowa; K.W.M. Fulford, D.Phil., F.R.C.Psych., University of Warwick, Coventry; Irving I. Gottesman, Ph.D., University of Virginia; Laura Lee Hall, Ph.D.; Cathy Leaker, Ph.D., Empire State College; Chris Mace, M.D., M.R. C.Psych., University of Warwick, Coventry; Laurie McQueen, M.S.S.W., American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C.; Christian Perring, Ph.D., Dowling College; James Phillips, M.D., Yale University School of Medicine; Harold Alan Pincus, M.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Jennifer H. Radden, D.Phil., University of Massachusetts; Doris J. Ravotas, M.A., L.L.P., Michigan Technological University; Patricia A. Ross, Ph.D., University of Minnesota; Kenneth F. Schaffner, M.D., Ph.D., George Washington University; Michael Alan Schwartz, M.D., Case Western Reserve University; Daniel W. Shuman, J.D., Southern Methodist University; Allyson Skene, Ph.D., York University; Jerome C. Wakefield, D.S.W., Rutgers University; Thomas A. Widiger, Ph.D., University of Kentucky; Osborne P. Wiggins, Ph.D., University of Louisville.
Liverpool University Press The Bookman: William Troy on Literature and Criticism, 1927-1950
William Troy (1903-1961) was a highly regarded literary critic during the 1930s and 1940s. Among his contemporaries, he ranked with Edmund Wilson, Kenneth Burke, and F. O. Matthiessen. Indeed, in the preface to the posthumous, 1968 publication of his Selected Essays, which won a National Book Award, Allen Tate placed Troy among the handful of the best critics of this century. Troy's criticism was informed by an intelligence so balanced that, where many theoreticians took up positions in logical traps, he easily avoided them. At the very moment when scholars and critics were either treating literature like polemics or investigating ideas as if belles-lettres were a sub-category of history or philosophy, Troy acknowledged both the centrality of literary ideas and their distinction from ideas in other forms. When confronted with a text, he analysed it with a firm sense of its inherent meaning and of its cultural implications, in a style that expresses seriousness of commitment precisely and clearly. The Bookman presents a selection of Troy's remaining writings on such major literary figures as Henry James, e. e. cummings, Ernest Hemingway, Edith Wharton, F. Scott Fitzgerald, T. S. Eliot, Andre Gide, William Faulkner, James Joyce, Albert Camus, Jean Cocteau, Willa Cather, W. H. Auden, Virginia Woolf, and Emile Zola. Troy produced a body of work that is timeless, permanent, and exemplary -- perhaps as much as, if not more so than, the work of such other critical contemporaries of his as the Anglo-Americans Yvor Winters, I. A. Richards, William Empson, George Jean Nathan, and R. P. Blackmur. Published in conjunction with Film Nation: William Troy on the Cinema, 1933-1935 (ISBN 978-1-78976-173-3), The Bookman is clear evidence of Troy's role as one of the foremost critics of his age. Inclusion of a substantive index makes the work an essential and accessible gateway to a wide range of literary criticism.