Search results for ""Peeters""
Peeters Publishers The Language of Qohelet in Its Context: Essays in Honour of Prof. A. Schoors on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday
This volume contains thirteen articles on the book of Qohelet, which were read on an international symposium on the occasion of the seventieth birthday of Professor Antoon Schoors, one of the leading scholars of this intriguing book. The studies, written by international experts in the field, cover both grammatical and semantic aspects of the language of Qohelet, but also deal with exegetical problems in the book and with the position of the book and its language in its wider context. In this respect, the volume forms a fitting tribute to this Qohelet-scholar to whom the scholarly world owes much. It will be a welcome source to all those interested in the fascinating book of Qohelet and in Israel's wisdom literature in general.
Peeters Publishers Actes Du Huitieme Congres International D'etudes Coptes: Paris, 28 Juin - 3 Juillet 2004
Les 76 contributions reunies en deux tomes sont le fruit de recherches fondamentales exposees a Paris, en 2004, lors du colloque internhational organise tous les quatre ans, sous l'egide de l'International Association for Coptic Studies (IACS). Bien que la part de l'histoire de l'art et de l'archeologie, occupant le premier tome, soit dominante, il convient cependant de souligner l'interet croissant porte a l'historiographie : ce nouvel axe de recherche, novateur, apporte un eclairage essentiel sur les travaux modernes, qui peuvent desormais s'inscrire dans la continuite d'une histoire plus specifique. L'ensemble des autres domaines de recherche sont representes sur pres d'un millier de pages : histoire, litterature, Bible, monachisme, linguistique, gnose, magie. Une diversite d'approches qui, loin de morceler la discipline, temoigne au contraire de l'unite de cette Egypte plurielle qui connait un echo grandissant. Les historiens de l'Eglise, de la civilisation byzantine en Egypte, de l'antiquite tardive ou de la chretiente orientale trouveront la une source documentaire de premier ordre.
Peeters Publishers Les Dernieres Redactions du Pentateuque, de L'Hexateuque et de L'Enneateuque
Le present volume trouve son origine dans un seminaire de 3e cycle en Ancien Testament sur "les dernieres redactions du Pentateuque, de l'Hexateuque et de l'Enneateuque" organise par l'Institut romand des Sciences Bibliques (regroupant les enseignements en sciences bibliques des Universites de Geneve, de Lausanne et de Neuchatel) en collaboration avec les enseignants en Ancien Testament de la Faculte de theologie de l'Universite de Zurich. Ce seminaire s'est deroule du 8 au 11 fevrier 2005 a Lausanne; il a ete suivi le 12 fevrier par une journee d'etude de la Societe Suisse pour l'etude du Proche-Orient ancien ayant pour theme "Les dernieres redactions des grands ensembles litteraires du Proche-Orient ancien".Il a paru utile aux editeurs de publier les contributions les plus importants de ces colloques afin de permettre a d'autres de prendre connaissance de ces travaux qui refletent une nouvelle orientation des recherches veterotestamentaires et d'engager ainsi un debat sur des questions qui furent injustement negligees par la recherche exegetique.
Peeters Publishers Osiris, Ramses, Thot Et Le Nil: Les Chapelles Secondaires Des Temples De Derr Et Ouadi Es-Seboua
Decorer un temple etait, dans l'Egypte Ancienne, un acte pense, dont l'un des objectifs etait de mettre un discours en images. Vocabulaire iconographique, principes de disposition et figures de style etaient les instruments, tels que nous les revele la methode par dissociation, des imagiers egyptiens. Construits et decores par Ramses II avec une vingtaine d'annees d'ecart, les temples de Derr et de Seboua offrent la possibilite d'une etude diachronique des moyens d'expression de ces imagiers. Bien conservee, la decoration des chapelles secondaires de ces temples est en outre le terrain ideal d'une telle mise en perspective. Or, si celle-ci permet de preciser les termes de l'evolution de ces moyens d'expression, elle nous fait egalement discerner deux versions d'une speculation sur la nature du roi divin en relation avec l'Inondation. Osiris, Ramses, Thot et le Nil: ainsi pourrait-on resumer le programme iconographique de ces chapelles.
Peeters Publishers Transformations in the Septuagint: Towards an Interaction of Septuagint Studies and Translation Studies
This study inaugurates interaction between Septuagint research and Translation Studies. From the field of Translation Studies the author has singled out approaches suited to LXX-research. The historical survey of views of translation in Antiquity reveals that among Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Jews similar disputes about language and translatability existed. Three Septuagint-chapters, Genesis 2, Isaiah 1 and Proverbs 6, are analysed in-depth, whereby the transformations ('shifts') are categorised with help of linguistic Translation Studies. Before ascribing 'deviations' either to the translator's ideology or to a variant in the Hebrew parent text, we must ascertain that the 'deviation' does not have a purely translational origin. Every transformation has a reason, and by categorizing the reasons behind all transformations one can trace the translational hierarchy that (un)consciously guided the translator. The rationale behind a transformation can be detected by analysing the literal alternative which the translator rejected. The conclusions of this study are of importance for Translation Studies, Classical Studies and Theology.
Peeters Publishers Visualizing Utopia
This volume contains the essays presented at the workshop 'Visualizing Utopia' held in May 2005, organized by Mary Kemperink and Willemien Roenhorst. The essays presented here discuss utopian thinking from 1890 until 1930. From the end of the eighteenth century, this utopian thinking developed from what can be called 'classic' utopianism into 'modern' utopianism. Utopianism unmarked by temporality made way for a tale situated in time - future time. Thus what was first regarded as merely a thought experiment gradually assumed the character of a real political programme. In their view of the new world and new people, writers, artists, architects, social reformers, cultural critics, politicians, etc., would often draw on representations already present in the culture. These could be biblical representations, such as those of the Apocalypse, Christ the Saviour and earthly paradise, or ancient myths, such as those of the Age of Gold, Arcadia, the sun-drenched world of Gnosticism and the Wagnerian mythological universe. The workshop concentrated on the following two aspects: the way in which the future Utopia and the path that would lead to its realization was given shape in the artistic field as well as in the non-artistic field, and the question to which culturally rooted concepts these representations were related. This double line of approach created the opportunity for specialized researchers from different disciplines - history, cultural history, art history, history of architecture, literary history - to discuss utopianism as it manifested itself in Europe and the United States at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century.
Peeters Publishers Les Auteurs Chretiens Latins Du Moyen Age Sur Les Juifs Et Le Judaisme
Analyse exhaustive et critique des ecrits des auteurs latins chretiens ( principalement ceux figurant dans la Patrologia latina ), concernant les juifs et le judaisme. Utilisant, lorsqu'elles existent, les editions critiques et la bibliographie scientifique attenante, cet ouvrage s'attache d'une part aux morceaux concernant les juifs et le judaisme en general - en rapport avec les commentaires chretiens et juifs de la Bible -, d'autre part a des textes concernant les juifs reels en leur temps et les rapports qu'ils auraient effectivement entretenus avec eux. L'ensemble fournit un panorama de sources ideologiques, a savoir les Peres de l'Eglise et leur attitude par rapport au judaisme ainsi qu'un apport historique documentaire tres riche pour une epoque ( le Haut Moyen Age ) pauvre en sources sur les juifs. A cette reimpression du livre paru en 1963 est jointe une Introduction nouvelle de Gilbert Dahan, Directeur de Recherche au C.N.R.S. et Directeur d'Etudes a l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes ( Sorbonne, Paris ).
Peeters Publishers Theology and the Quest for Truth: Historical - and Systematic - Theological Studies
In 2001, three research groups from the field of systematic theology and church history at the Faculty of Theology, K.U.Leuven, decided to join forces in an interdisciplinary project, entitled: "Orthodoxy: Process and Product". The main aim of this project consists of a "church-historical and systematic-theological study of the determination of truth in church and theology". Senior and junior scholars from the three groups agreed to take this theme as the starting point and leading question from which the many research projects they are engaged in, could be brought into relationship and - as far as possible - integrated. Although the question for theological truth already structured the research being conducted in the three groups to a significant degree, joining forces promised the realisation of a surplus-value, and this both through the gathering of a considerable critical mass (in total more than thirty junior and senior researchers) and the interdisciplinary design of the project. In this volume a first collection of contributions to this project, from a diversity of angles and research subjects, is presented. In these contributions scholars from the participating research groups investigate the implications of the overall research question for their particular line of research and research methodologies, and suggest how from this specific research the overall question may be refined and elements of answering it can be provided.
Peeters Publishers Le Mankon. Langue Bantoue Des Grassfields (Province Nord-Ouest Du Cameroun)
Le present ouvrage est une grammaire descriptive du mankon, langue ngemba appartenant au groupe Grassfields de l'Est du Bantou des Grassfields, parlee dans la province Nord-Ouest du Cameroun. La portee de cette grammaire est triple: historique, typologique et theorique. Jusqu'a une date assez recente, les langues du Bantou des Grassfields, mal connues, etaient considerees comme non bantoues (semi-bantoues ou bantoides). Or, a partir des annees soixante, les recherches sur la phonologie, la tonologie et le systeme de classification nominale de ces langues ont mis progressivement en evidence leur caractere bantou, remettant ainsi en cause leur classification genetique par rapport aux langues bantoues au sens etroit. La description du systeme verbal et de la syntaxe du mankon presentee ici devrait contribuer a enrichir le debat sur ce point. De meme, la description de la morphophonologie - et plus particulierement de la morphotonologie du mankon, d'une grande complexite - devrait etre majeur pour la linguistique theorique. L'ouvrage comporte une introduction generale detaillee, suivie de cinq parties grammaticales. La premiere partie presente la phonologie du mankon. La deuxieme traite de la morphophonologie segmentale et tonale. La troisieme aborde le nom: classes nominales; systeme d'accord; derivation verbo-nominale; syntagmes nominaux, substituts et pronoms. La quatrieme examine le verbe: derivation; conjugaisons perfective affirmative, perfective negative, imperfective affirmative et imperfective negative; auxiliaires. Enfin, la cinqieme partie decrit la syntaxe: fonctions; principaux types d'enonces; enonces complexes; hierarchisation enonciative.
Peeters Publishers Pol Heyns En Het Volkslied Met Een Heruitgave Van Zijn Verzameling Volksliederen 1941 En Een CD Met de Originele Veldopnamen 19371939
The Folk Song Collection of Pol Heyns
Peeters Publishers Nush-i Jan I: The Major Buildings of the Median Settlement
This first fascicule of the Final Report on the excavations at Tepe Nush-i Jan, located some 60 km south of Hamadan, provides a detailed account of the five seasons of excavation conducted between 1967 and 1977 as well as a comprehensive description of the temples and associated buildings belonging to the site's main Median occupation. The importance of the site lies principally in the architectural remains constructed in the eighth and seventh centuries BC when the Medes were the dominant population in central western Iran. In the order in which they were built, the monumental buildings of this hill-top sanctuary include an originally isolated tower-like temple which housed a stepped altar on which fire was burnt, a second temple, a strongly fortified storage facility, and a columned hall with three rows of four columns - a forerunner of the famed columned halls of the Persians at Pasargadae and Persepolis. In a remarkable development most of these distinctive structures came to be at least partly filled and encased with stones and mud-brick. As a result, the buildings proved to be in an exceptional state of preservation with intact doorways and, on occasion, intact ceilings as well. Subsequently, probably in the sixth century BC, squatters occupied those structures to which they could still obtain access. Before Tepe Nush-i Jan was investigated there was little or no evidence for the archaeology of the Medes from their own homeland. Today other sites, such as Godin Tepe and Ozbaki Tepe (not to mention fortified 'frontier posts' such as Tell Gubba), can be recognized as belonging to the same culture. Above all else, Nush-i Jan offers a striking picture of the achievements of the Medes, particularly in the field of architecture.
Peeters Publishers Desultoria Scientia: Genre in Apuleius' Metamorphoses and Related Texts
"Desultoria scientia" is the fifth volume of "Caeculus" and contains the proceedings of the fifth Fransum Colloquium, held on 18 May 2002. The Fransum Colloquia are meant to assist PhD-candidates in Mediterranean Archaeology and Greek and Roman Studies at the University of Groningen in the final phase of their doctoral research. The fifth colloquium was organised around the work of Wytse Keulen, who in January 2003 successfully defended his thesis "Apuleius Madaurensis: Metamorphoses Book I, 1-20. Introduction, Text, Commentary". The topic chosen by Wytse Keulen was "Genre in Apuleius' Metamorphoses and Related Texts".Like other ancient 'novels', the "Metamorphoses" of Apuleius has no clear-cut generic identity itself, but continually evokes a great number of genres from Greek and Latin literature, from the 'high' genres of tragedy and epic to 'lower' genres such as comedy and mime. Some of the genres it takes up, most notably Roman satire, were themselves already characterised by a mixing of the 'high' and 'low', so that the resulting texture is sometimes hard to disentangle; at the same time, the shifts and shocks of generic reference significantly contribute, as Apuleius programmatically announces in the prologue, to the reader's delight. In this collection, generic play in the "Metamorphoses" is approached from a number of diverse angles: some articles analyse individual passages, others consider specific genres, while there are also discussions of related texts such as Apuleius' oratorical works and the hybrid fictions of Lucian. No claim is made for a complete or systematic coverage of the subject; in that sense, the collection itself participates in the "desultoria scientia" that it studies.
Peeters Publishers Foundations of Power and Conflicts of Authority in Late-Antique Monasticism: Proceedings of the International Seminar Turin, December 2-4, 2004
The volume offers the acts of a meeting held at the University of Turin on the foundations of power and the conflicts of authority as documented by the monastic sources of East and West in Late Antiquity, with special reference to Max Weber's analysis of these notions. The issue is here examined from a variety of perspectives: the different meanings of power and authority in ancient monastic sources; the criteria by which authority is established within the monastic organizations; the kind of power and authority exercised towards outsiders; the relationship between monks and other authorities, especially the Church; the monks and their economic activity; the strategies for the solution of conflicts. The wide range of historical and cultural problems raised by these questions is what the present volume tries to illuminate through individual studies of a number of specific phenomena, events, and figures (from Shenute to John Cassian, from Abraham of Kashkar to Maxim the Confessor), paying particular attention to monasticism in Egypt, Palestine, Africa, and Persia.
Peeters Publishers Fureurs, Heroisme Et Metamorphoses
Ivre de Dieu, Giordano Bruno nous offre une presentation violemment heterodoxe des dogmes chretiens, moins pour les destituer de leur autorite que pour les faire fonctionner autrement. Devenus les concepts operatoires d'un immanentisme radical, ceux-ci trouvent dans un naturalisme sans frein une acception nouvelle, hors toute transcendance. Cette reprise inversee de la dogmatique traditionnelle fera du plus inspire des philosophes modernes l'heresiarque le plus accuse, le detracteur aussi le plus determine de l'appareil rationnel que la theologie de son temps emprunte encore a Aristote. L'etrange retournement auquel il procede l'ouvre aux intuitions qui courent l'air du temps: univers infini, pluralite des mondes, matiere vivante, convertibilite de la nature et de l'esprit...pour faire de lui le createur visionnaire de la plus flamboyante des gnoses. La science nouvelle appelle une revelation nouvelle, Dieu partout visible dans la Nature, et un nouveau salut, Dieu partout vivant dans la Nature, seule mediatrice. Bref un mysticisme sauvage au service duquel se deploie le plus organise des discours.
Peeters Publishers Langage Et Subjectivite: Vers Une Approche Du Differend Entre Maurice Blanchot Et Emmanuel Levinas
Pourquoi parler du differend? Pourquoi employer ce terme comme modalite d'approche des deux 'uvres de Maurice Blanchot et d'Emmanuel Levinas? Il ne s'agit pas ici de nier leur rapport d'amitie, mais il faut inverser l'argument : c'est grace a leur amitie qu'il devient possible d'articuler les termes dans lesquels s'exprime la condition du differend. Qu'en est-il de cette condition? L'argumentation se developpe a partir de la these suivante : pour pouvoir expliquer la persistance du differend, il n'est pas possible de faire evacuer la question de la subjectivite dans l'evenement du langage. D'oA' l'enjeu d'une confrontation des rapports heterogenes de Blanchot et Levinas a cette impossibilite. Les deux auteurs nous permettent d'expliciter le differend a partir d'un contexte phenomenologique. Mais, leurs approches divergentes de l'evenement du langage menent vers un (non-)lieu decisif oA' le pouvoir du langage est en cause et qui rompt aussi avec la seule description phenomenologique. C'est ainsi, en suivant ce double mouvement qui va au-dela du descriptif, que le lecteur est aux prises avec un ecart entre les deux amis qui persiste dans leurs ecrits. La, pourtant, se passe aussi l'essentiel : l'avenement - avant meme qu'il soit question de l'etre - d'une modification du rapport a soi. En retracant l'histoire de cet ecart qui se dissimule dans le rapport entre Blanchot et Levinas, cette etude veut a la fois sonder son origine, interroger son insistance et en degager les termes qui exposent le differend comme une condition qui nous concerne.
Peeters Publishers Hansjakob Seiler. Notice Bio-bibliographique Suivie D'un Entretien Entre Hansjakob Seiler Et Jacques Francois, Et De Deux Exposes De Synthese De Hansjakob Seiler "Uber Das Verhaltnis Von Sprachuniversalienforschung Und Sprachtypologie: Ruck
Ce fascicule contient une notice sur la carriere scientifique de Hansjakob Seiler et une bibliographie complete de ses publications, suivie d'un apercu critique de la reception en France de son 'uvre. La partie bio-bibliographique est suivie par la traduction francaise d'un entretien sur la linguistique universaliste et la typologie linguistique, et par deux textes de synthese. Dans le premier, H. Seiler dresse le bilan des travaux du groupe UNITYP, qu'il a dirige pendant 20 annees, et ouvre des perspectives de recherche dans le domaine de la linguistique des universaux; le second texte offre une reflexion sur la notion de continuum permettant d'expliquer l'agencement de positions et de strategies linguistiques en tant que reponses a des 'problemes' cognitifs. Biographical sketch, followed by a full bibliography of H. Seiler's writings, a study of his reception in France, a dialogue on universalist and typological linguistics, and two texts by H. Seiler on the goals, methodological principles, and perspectives of language universals research.
Peeters Publishers Power and Architecture. Monumental Public Architecture in the Bronze Age Near East and Aegean: Proceedings of the International Conference "Power and Architecture" Organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, the Universite Catholique D
Public buildings reflect the investment of social resources and are usually interpreted as the embodiments of political, social, religious and economic power. The architecture of such buildings is often especially devised to reflect the performance of this power, incorporating a symbolism that served as a signpost for a particular social order. This symbolism was especially carried by monumentality and enhanced by scale, location, decoration, materials and visual impact. By making particular use of the natural landscape and the artificially created environment, the monumentality of public buildings helped to improve social cohesion and legitimated a particular societal system. Moreover, their intergenerational use gave such buildings great potential for communication and remembrance, especially during specific ceremonies. This volume is the reflection of an international conference which brought together specialists from two sides of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Near East and the Aegean, two areas that interrelated at different levels and at different moments during the Bronze Age, in order to examine how public architecture was used within this process.
Peeters Publishers Responsibility, Indifference and Global Poverty: A Levinasian Perspective
Consider the fact that thousands of people die daily from preventable, poverty-related causes through no fault of their own. However, despite our failure to prevent more of these preventable deaths, we generally do not seem to consider ourselves particularly guilty, unjust, bad, immoral or irresponsible for our failure to act. This study attempts to understand our continued good conscience amid the suffering of the world's poorest. In doing so, it draws on Emmanuel Levinas's ethical philosophy to demonstrate how writings in the principal debate about the extent of our responsibility for others at the global level, the so-called 'cosmopolitan-communitarian debate', contain a number of elements that enable and perpetuate our indifference to the world's poorest.
Peeters Publishers Gaydon: Chanson De Geste Du XIIIe Siecle
La "Chanson de Roland" se terminait sur les larmes de Charles contraint de repartir pour une nouvelle campagne. Mais l'empereur a aussi des soucis de politique interieure; en effet, la condamnation et la mort de Ganelon, a la suite du duel judiciaire par lequel Thierry d'Anjou avait demontre sa culpabilite, ne pouvaient qu'entrainer une volonte de vengeance de la part de son lignage. Tel est le sujet dramatique de la chanson de Gaydon. Les parents du traitre vont tout mettre en oeuvre pour d'abord detruire la relation privilegiee entre Thierry, heros eponyme de la chanson - Gaydon - (un geai s'etant pose sur son casque en signe d'election), ensuite le faire condamner a mort sur une fausse accusation, enfin, pour faire bonne mesure, tuer egalement l'empereur.Cette chanson de geste, un peu oubliee depuis son edition en 1862, est a nouveau proposee dans la version du Ms f. fr. 860 de la BNF, particulierement interessant parce que, outre sa grande qualite codicologique, il la rattache directement a un "remaniement" de la "Chanson de Roland" au XIIIe siecle, enrichie par une influence de la "Chronique du Pseudo-Turpin".L 'edition est accompagnee d'une presentation, d'une traduction en francais moderne, d'un dossier de variantes de l'autre manuscrit du XIIIe siecle, de nombreuses notes justificatives ou explicatives et d'index raisonnes.
Peeters Publishers Henry of Ghent's "Summa": The Questions on God's Unity and Simplicity (articles 25-30)
This volume continues Professor Roland Teske's translation of a series of important questions from Henry of Ghent's "Summa of Ordinary Questions" ("Summa quaestionum ordinarium"). It contains the Latin text of questions 25 through 30 (which treat of God's unity and simplicity), a close English translation, a philosophical introduction, and notes identifying all of Henry's sources. Moreover, there is a glossary of Henry's often complex technical terminology. The questions translated in this volume impressively reflect the changed intellectual climate in the last quarter of the thirteenth century, after the condemnations of 1277. To Henry, Aristotelianism is not a viable option for a Christian thinker. Reading the Philosopher "with greater historical accuracy than Thomas Aquinas," as Teske writes, Henry reaffirms the Catholic faith vigorously against the influence of a philosophy that, in his view, applies principles of Greek metaphysics to Christianity without sufficient discernment. Henry develops many of his positions in critical dialogue with Thomas Aquinas, whom he associates with the overly enthusiastic kind of Aristotelianism that he helped condemn in 1277.
Peeters Publishers The Necropolis of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period
Burials from the Second Temple Period, that is, the Late Hellenistic (Hasmonean) and the Early Roman (Herodian) Periods, were revealed in all the areas surrounding Jerusalem, the central city of the period. These burial caves, mainly family tombs, were hewn in a necropolis completely surrounding the city and more than a dozen times its area. The consequences of this study have enabled the authors to map the burial fields that make up this necropolis, one of the most intensively studied in the archaeology of the Levant. Approximately 900 family tombs and 60 individual graves were hewn in a ring about 4km around the city. An additional 100 burial caves were hewn within the present-day municipal area of Jerusalem, but are not discussed here because they lie outside this belt and belonged to neighboring villages of the period. Since the 19th century all the relevant findings from these burials were meticulously documented according to various categories: architectural elements (the majority of which are carved in the rock), ossuaries and sarcophagi, pottery, glass vessels, stone vessels, coins, personal belongings, human bones and more. Inscriptions and names, generally inscribed on the sides of ossuaries, give a voice to these silent findings, and reveal the personalities of the Jews who lived in the city and participated in its design and history. This interdisciplinary approach, incorporating many branches of study, weaves a colourful picture that enables us to understand the burial customs of the period and sheds light on the city and its inhabitants. The authors collected, summarized and discuss this large body of information, the product of intensive field work by hundreds of archaeologists and other scholars, who excavated the tombs, collected the data, and documented the finds connected to the burials and burial customs of the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period.
Peeters Publishers Les Revues Scientifiques D'etudes Juives: Passe Et Avenir: A L'occasion Du 120e Anniversaire De La "Revue Des Etudes Juives". Actes De La Table Ronde De Paris 13-14 Novembre 2002
Cette Table Ronde sur "Les revues scientifiques d'etudes juives: passe et avenir", qui s'est deroulee les 13 et 14 novembre 2002, a eu pour but de celebrer, avec deux annees de retard, le cent-vingtieme anniversaire de la creation, en 1880, de la "Revue des etudes juives" - une de toutes premieres revues specialisees qui ont marque l'emergence des etudes juives comme discipline scientifique a une epoque charniere. Au cours de ces deux jours, il s'est agi d'une part, de situer les origines de la "Revue des etudes juives" dans son contexte historique et intellectuel, d'autre part, de mettre en relief le role et le potentiel des revues scientifiques consacrees aux etudes juives dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.
Peeters Publishers Towards Another Future: On the Christian Faith and Its Shape Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
From the beginning, the gospel has been understood and articulated in terms borrowed from the cultural context in which it finds itself. For the largest part of the church's history, the prevailing context has worked with a static vision of humanity and the world. Theology and philosophy perpetuated this static worldview. This was both legitimate and necessary as long as the culture was shaped by such a worldview. Since the advent of modernity, however, this is no longer the case. The advent of science and technology has seen the static view of things give way to an understanding of ourselves and our world as dynamic entities. This has made the traditional understanding of faith increasingly untenable. One might say that the gospel has become the prisoner of its previous embodiments. The church's determination to hold on to established forms, and with them the traditional understanding of humanity and the world, has led to its increasing alienation from the prevailing culture, especially in the West. For many in our society, the church's language has become increasingly incomprehensible and its message increasingly untenable. In this book, the author argues that the church's attachment to a static worldview is the fundamental cause of the current crisis, especially as this is manifest in western Europe. He provides a detailed discussion of the European context and analyzes the main features of the traditional, static understanding of faith and its roots in classical culture. He then examines the contemporary crisis of faith and offers a critical evaluation of attempts at 'restoration'. Finally, he proposes a vision of the way forward for the church as it struggles to come to terms with the modern worldview.
Peeters Publishers Coptica - Gnostica - Manichaica: Melanges Offerts a Wolf-Peter Funk
Le 5 decembre 2001, nous lancions le projet de la publication d'une "Festschrift" destinee a honorer notre collegue et ami Wolf-Peter Funk. La parution de ce volume etait alors annoncee pour le 30 decembre 2003, date du 60e anniversaire du dedicataire. Mais diverses raisons, au premier rang desquelles figure la generosite avec laquelle on a repondu a notre invitation, ont fait que ces melanges paraissent avec deux annees de retard. Mais a quelque chose malheur est bon: les lecteurs apprecieront la richesse, la haute tenue scientifique et la diversite de ces quarante-sept contributions qui, redigees en francais, en anglais ou en allemand par cinquante auteurs provenant de treize pays, temoignent eloquemment de l'estime et de l'amitie dont jouit Wolf-Peter Funk.Les editeurs de ce volume ont voulu l'ouvrir aux domaines auxquels s'est particulierement consacre Wolf-Peter Funk: la philologie et la linguistique coptes, les etudes gnostiques et manicheennes. Les contributions qui composent cet hommage illustrent par ailleurs assez bien ce qu'a ete l'activite scientifique et universitaire de Wolf-Peter Funk depuis son arrivee a l'Universite Laval a l'ete 1986. S'il y a poursuivi des travaux entrepris a Berlin, il s'est de plus en plus engage, a partir de ce moment, dans l'edition et l'interpretation des textes de Nag Hammadi en meme temps qu'il ouvrait un vaste chantier manicheen en devenant l'editeur des manuscrits manicheens des Musees d'Etat de Berlin et en s'associant a l'equipe australienne chargee de la publication des fouilles de l'oasis de Dakhleh (Kellis).
Peeters Publishers Levinas and the Greek Heritage Followed by One Hundred Years of Neoplatonism in France: A Brief Philosophical History
"Levinas and the Greek Heritage" shows that throughout his career, Emmanuel Levinas always admired and recognized his profound debt to Plato and to the philosophical tradition he initiated, which have been largely transmitted to us by the Neoplatonists, most notably Plotinus and Proclus. How can we read "Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence" in any other way than as some sort of Neoplatonic programme, prolonging Plato's Good "beyond being" of the "Republic" VI, 509b, in the direction of the "other man," the one which in his "nudity" and "fragility," opens for us the horizon of a new humanism? There are many ways by which one can attempt to go over and above Being, not only a Greek way (primordially metaphysical), but also a Biblical way (mainly ethical). One of the interests of Levinas' philosophy is to show us the hidden community - and perhaps unavoidable interdependency - of these two approaches."One Hundred Years of Neoplatonism in France" shows that during the Twentieth century a retrieval of Neoplatonism is a powerful hidden feature of French philosophy and theology, of spiritual and institutional life. Beginning with Henri Bergson, it passes by way of figures like Maurice Blondel, A.J. Festugiere, Henri de Lubac, Jean Trouillard, Henry Dumery, and culminates with Michel Henry, Pierre Hadot, and Jean-Luc Marion. The book examines the particular character Neoplatonism takes in this retrieval, and traces connections between leading figures within the French and Anglophone worlds.
Peeters Publishers Har-pa-chered (Harpokrates): Die Genese Eines Agyptischen Gotterkindes
Eine Besonderheit der agyptischen Religion sind Gotter in Kindgestalt. Dazu zahlt das Horuskind, das bereits seit dem Alten Reich in verschiedenen Texten, wie den Pyramidentexten oder medizinischen Texten, erwahnt wird. Als eigenstandige Gottheit mit festgelegter Ikonographie und einem nachweisbaren Kult ist der Knabe erst seit dem Anfang der 3. Zwischenzeit unter dem agyptischen Namen Har-pa-chered (Horus-das-Kind) belegt. Seine grosste Bedeutung erlangt dieser Kindgott, der mit der griechischen Bezeichnung Harpokrates auch uber die Grenzen Agyptens hinaus verehrt wird, in der Ptolemaer- und Kaiserzeit. In der vorliegenden Studie werden erstmals die erhaltenen Darstellungen und Texte zu Har-pa-chered aus den agyptischen Tempeln und Siedlungen (Tempelreliefs und -texte, Statuetten, Stelen, Priestertitel, theophore Personennamen u.a.) in einem Katalog und mehreren Tabellen zusammengestellt. Ihre Auswertung gibt Aufschluss uber die Geschichte des Har-pa-chered, uber seinen Platz in der agyptischen Gotterwelt und nicht zuletzt uber seine Bedeutung und Funktion fur die Glaubigen und den Pharao.
Peeters Publishers Language and Cultural Change: Aspects of the Study and Use of Language in the Later Middle Ages and the Renaissance
It is common wisdom that language is culturally embedded. Cultural change is often accompanied by a change in idiom, in language or in ideas about language. No period serves as a better example of the formative influence of language on culture than the Renaissance. With the advent of humanism new modes of speaking and writing arose. But not only did classical Latin become the paradigm of clear and elegant writing, it also gave rise to new ideas about language and the teaching of it. Some scholars have argued that the cultural paradigm shift from scholasticism to humanism was causally determined by the rediscovery, study and emulation of the classical language, for learning a new language opens up new possibilities for exploring and describing one's perceptions, thoughts and beliefs. However, the vernacular traditions too rose to prominence and vied with Latin for cultural prestige.This volume, number XXIV in the series "Groningen Studies in Cultural Change", offers the papers presented at a workshop on language and cultural change held in Groningen in February 2004. Ten specialists explore the multifarious ways in which language contributed to the shaping of Renaissance culture. They discuss themes such as the relationship between medieval and classical Latin, between Latin and the vernacular, between humanist and scholastic conceptions of language and grammar, translation from Latin into the vernacular, Jewish ideas about different kinds of Hebrew, and shifting ideas on the power and limits of language in the articulation of truth and divine wisdom. There are essays on major thinkers such as Nicholas of Cusa and Leonardo Bruni, but also on less well-known figures and texts. The volume as a whole hopes to contribute to a deeper understanding of the highly complex interplay between language and culture in the transition period between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Peeters Publishers Paradigms, Poetics and Politics of Conversion
In the terms of Durheimian sociology, conversion is a "fait social". Although they are rarely treated as a cultural phenomenon, conversions can obviously be examined for the norms, values and presuppositions of the cultures in which they take place. Thus conversion can help us to shed light on a particular culture. At the same time, the term evokes a dramatic appeal that suggests a kind of suddenness, although in most cases conversion implies a more gradual process of establishing and defining a new - religious - identity.From 21-24 May 2003, the University of Groningen hosted an international conference on 'Cultures of Conversion'. The contributions have been edited in two volumes, which pay special attention to the modes of language and idiom in conversion literature, the meaning and sense of religious-ideological discourse, the variety of rhetorical tropes, and the effects of the conversion narrative with allusions to religious or political conventions and idealizations. The present volume contains theoretical contributions on the theory of conversion, with special attention to the rational choice theory, and on the history of research into conversion. It also offers stimulating case studies, ranging from the late Middle Ages to present times and taken from Germany, Great Britain and The Netherlands.The other volume, "Cultures of Conversion", offers in-depth studies of conversion that are mainly taken from the history of India, Islam and Judaism, ranging from the Byzantine period to the new Muslimas of the West.
Peeters Publishers Pour Une Poetique De L'inspiration, D'Homere a Euripide
Elaborer une poetique de l'inspiration d'Homere a Euripide consiste a tenter de reconstituer, de maniere imaginaire, ces phenomenes psychiques qui suscitent la creation des aedes, puis des lyriques et des tragiques grecs. Il s'agit donc de mener une etude anthropologique, de pratiquer une archeologie de comportements eteints, en se fondant sur une analyse precise des indices fournis par les textes eux-memes; car ils revelent quelquefois, de maniere furtive, les sensations des artistes antiques. De fait, si l'etat d'inspiration est sans doute, selon leurs dires, l'etat le mieux partage par les poetes de tous les temps, l'exaltation, souvent en relation avec de divins mysteres initiatiques, d'artistes mus par le souffle des Muses ou par les vibrations de la cithare a quelque chose de specifique dont la connaissance nous renseigne sur l'evolution de l'esprit humain et de ses energies les plus etranges.
Peeters Publishers The Septuagint and Messianism: Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense LIII, July 27-29, 2004
The question of the extent to which the Septuagint reflects an evolution in messianic belief in comparison with the Masoretic Text has come into prominence in recent years, and in view of the role played by messianism in Jewish belief of the late Second Temple period and in early Christianity it seemed very appropriate that "The Septuagint and Messianism" should be chosen as the theme of the 2004 Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense. This volume contains the papers given at the Colloquium, which are concerned both with methodological issues and with the interpretation of specific texts (in practice the majority of the texts in the Septuagint for which a messianic interpretation has been claimed). The papers are very far from all reflecting the same approach, and it has frequently happened that the same texts have been treated by different contributors from very different viewpoints. But the fact such different viewpoints are expressed is a proper reflection of the complexity of the issues involved in the question of the extent of messianic belief in the Septuagint, and of the fact that the question requires a nuanced answer. It is in any case hoped that the varied approaches reflected in the papers will serve to make clear the underlying reasons for the differences between those who take a "minimalist" and those who take a "maximalist" view on the subject of the Septuagint and Messianism.
Peeters Publishers Armenian Job
Armenian Job presents for the first time a critical edition of the Armenian translation of Job, which was translated from a Lucianic Greek manuscript in the early 5th century, and is, therefore, an important witness in the Septuagint tradition. The Armenian text is accompanied by a retroverted Greek text and by an English translation of the Armenian based on the translation of Job in the "New English Translation of the Septuagint". The critical text is followed by a hundred pages of notes relating to issues of grammar, textual criticism, and the translator's technique in rendering the Greek into Armenian.The book begins with a listing of the 138 Armenian manuscripts that contain Job and the procedure for selecting the nine witnesses used in the critical edition; it ends with chapters devoted to the textual affiliations of the Armenian text, Conclusion, several appendixes, and a bibliography. In sum, this book makes a major contribution both to Armenian studies and to biblical studies; Armenian Job is the most extensive treatment of any biblical book in Armenian translation.
Peeters Publishers Severe D'Antioche: Fragments Grecs Tires Des Chaines Sur Les Derniers Livres De L'Octateuque Et Sur Les Regnes
Cette publication complete celle des fragments de Severe d'Antioche relatifs a l'Exode (TEG 9). Sa nouveaute reside dans les nombreux extraits qu'elle revele de la "Correspondance" de Severe. Ils sont presque aussi nombreux que les emprunts aux "Homelies cathedrales" et proviennent surtout de la chaine des Regnes. Severe y repond aux questions, parfois tres concretes, de ses correspondants, echange revelateur des preoccupations religieuses de l'epoque. Autre nouveaute, plus modeste: la decouverte d'une hymne, qui en outre a permis l'identification de deux pieces analogues, attestees dans la chaine de l'evangile de Matthieu.Dans le cas de Severe, la tradition syriaque revet une particuliere importance. Elle ne peut etre traitee superficiellement mais impose une analyse fine. Lucas Van Rompay a bien voulu se charger entierement de cet aspect du travail. Son glossaire des correspondances entre le grec et le syriaque constitue pour les orientalistes un instrument dont ils reconnaitront le prix.
Peeters Publishers Tell Al-'Abr (Syria): Ubaid and Uruk Periods
La construction du barrage de Techrine dans la haute vallee de l'Euphrate, au nord de la Syrie, a donne lieu a des fouilles de sauvetage archeologique. C'est dans le cadre de cette operation que Tell al-'Abr a ete fouille pendant cinq campagnes, entre 1989 et 1993, par une mission syrienne dirigee par Hamido Hammade. Le present volume est le rapport de fouille definitif. Il contient la publication de toutes les decouvertes, accompagnees de chapitres d'analyses de laboratoire. La richesse des resultats obtenus permet desormais de considerer Tell al-'Abr comme un site de reference important pour la periode d'Obeid en Syrie. Tell al-'Abr was excavated in the frame of the salvage excavations carried out during the building of the Teshreen dam on the upper Euphrates valley in the north of Syria. A Syrian team, directed by Hamido Hammade, excavated the site during five seasons between 1989 and 1993. The volume is the final excavation report. It contains the publication of all archaeological discoveries and chapters concerning the laboratory analysis. Because of the richness of the results, Tell al-'Abr could be considered now as an important reference site for the Ubaid period in Syria.
Peeters Publishers "Contez Me Tout": Melanges De Langue Et De Litterature Medievales Offerts a Herman Braet
A l'occasion de l'emeritat de Herman Braet, professeur de litterature medievale francaise et occitane aux universites d'Anvers et de Louvain, de nombreux collegues belges et etrangers ont souhaite contribuer au volume d'hommages "Contez me tout".Ce recueil propose un itineraire passionnant a travers les investigations les plus recentes, principalement en langue, en litterature et en iconographie du Moyen Age, tant dans le domaine francais qu'occitan.Par son titre comme par les contributions qui le composent, il rend hommage a l'infatigable chercheur qu'est Herman Braet qui, depuis pres de quarante ans, parcourt la litterature et le monde en quete de savoir et d'images. Son portrait scientifique ainsi que sa bibliographie actualisee completent ces hommages.
Peeters Publishers Geschiedenis Van Het Kerkelijk Recht: Tweede, Herziene En Uitgebreide Uitgave
De hoofdindeling van deze geschiedenis van het kerkelijk recht is niet systematisch, maar chronologisch: een eerste tijd loopt van de stichting van de Kerk tot en met de Gregoriaanse hervorming; een tweede tijd na de 'Gregoriaanse hervorming' tot het midden van de 16de eeuw; een derde tijd van het Concilie van Trente (1545-1563) tot Vaticanum II. Daarnaast wordt in elk van die tijdperken een kort overzicht gegeven van de belangrijkste historische feiten of bewegingen die op de ontwikkeling van de kerkrechtelijke kenbronnen en op de kerkrechtelijke leerstelsels een invloed hebben gehad, gevolgd door de documentaire bronnen, de rechtswetenschap en haar beoefenaars. Uiteindelijk is dit werk een nieuw boek over de geschiedenis van het kerkelijk recht, vervolledigd en bijgewerkt met bibliografie, studies en uitgaven over een looptijd van de laatste vijftig jaar.
Peeters Publishers Settlements of the Ptolemies: City Foundations and New Settlement in the Hellenistic World
New settlement, relocation and migration have been part of human life right from the beginning. It is an essential ingredient of socio-economic life in antiquity and in the modern world. This book tells the history of new cities and settlement under the Ptolemies (332 to 30 BC). The Ptolemies ruled Egypt, numerous Aegean Islands, large stretches of the Mediterranean and Red Sea coasts for three centuries. They up-rooted, transferred, replanted and attracted people to new and old settlements throughout their realm. Departing from the traditional emphasis on Egypt only, or outside Egypt only, and bridging the scholarly divides between Egyptologists, Classicists, Archaeologists and Geographers, this study offers an innovative framework for understanding the structure of and processes underlying new Ptolemaic settlement. By assessing topics such as bilingual toponyms, spatial settlement networks and the rural impact of new foundations, population size, urban differentiation, politics and programmes that facilitated new settllement, the author draws the first comprehensive and multivariant picture of the basis for Ptolemaic power: land, people and cities.
Peeters Publishers Word Order and Phrase Structure in Gothic
The book aims at providing a precise description of part of the Gothic syntax in the context of a formal theory of syntax. The following questions are addressed: To what extent can Gothic - despite its limited corpus - be used as data material? Further, which of the ascertained syntactic characteristics does Gothic have in common with other old Indo-European languages? Which of these features can be characterized as typically Germanic? It is shown that - despite a certain Greek influence - the Gothic Bible is indeed a rich source of data which can with some certainty be regarded as typically Gothic. Phenomena concerning the left periphery like personal pronouns, topicalization, left-dislocation and discourse particles are described and discussed within the generative framework, with additions from pragmatic and cognitive linguistics for those issues where syntax seems to be inadequate to cover the whole range of the phenomena concerned. The readership aimed at is that of linguists and philologists, and of scholars interested in the interrelation between both disciplines.
Peeters Publishers Jerusalem Against Rome
While conquering the world, Rome encountered a great number of peoples around the Mediterranean. We know very little about how these populations viewed their conquerors. The Jews were the only people to offer a comprehensive view of Rome over a great span of time. They expressed it in a rich corpus of Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic sources, reflecting the evolution of the relations between Jews and Romans: from alliance and friendship to tensions and revolt, culminating for the Jews in temporary compliance to foreign domination together with hopeful expectations for redemption. The image of Rome which emerges from apocryphal, Talmudic and Midrashic literature durably shaped the Jewish political, moral and eschatological vision of the world and history.
Peeters Publishers Catulle: Une Poetique De L'indicible
Nous avons choisi d'aborder Catulle par ce qu'il nous laisse: un desordre et un secret.Ce desordre est une source d'imaginaire: en effet, la memoire du lecteur s'ingenie a en reconstituer les themes par le biais des personnages notamment.La "dissemination poetique" creee paradoxalement par le regroupement metrique engendre, avec ce double mouvement de liaison et de separation qui caracterise Catulle, une dynamique temporelle troublante. L'espace poetique fragmente (volontairement ou non) appelle un temps unifie, les hiatus appellent les ressemblances. Dans le monde catullien, chaque etoile fait signe et cherche sa constellation.Il nous est ainsi apparu d'emblee que le travail de reprise, de retour, de ressassement meme de l'ecriture allait de pair avec une poetique de l'inexprime. Qu'il s'agisse de passions lyriques ou allegoriques, l'auteur decline sa culture affective tout en cherchant des structures ideales et des styles multiples soumis aux exigences des genres. L'ellipse et la digression figurent assez bien l'insatisfaction de l'artiste face au langage explicite et au trace rectiligne; il cultive l'implicite et le detour, il detourne les signes au profit des surprises qu'ils enferment. Meme pour toujours redire, il redit autrement. C'est le chatoiement du langage versicolore ou ses brusques contrastes qui l'interessent surtout.D'ou l'importance des voix differentes, des figures qui escortent chaque poeme afin qu'impressions diffuses et violentes deviennent expressions stylistiques. La mimetique catullienne serre les emotions au plus pres, par le dialogue notamment, mais aussi elle les place a distance grace au tissage des images dont l'"ecphrasis" et l'allegorie sont les lieux majeurs.Ainsi la rhetorique evolutive de Catulle suit le processus des recherches stylistiques les plus personnelles: notre seconde partie tente de visiter l'atelier du poete, en considerant les aspects rhetoriques et stylistiques de son oeuvre. Parole romaine et accents italiques croisent une preciosite grecque valorisante. Catulle use d'une oralite ludique et festive, il la dote de capacites inventives nouvelles; sa parole est ouverte aussi bien aux eclats du forum qu'a la verve de l'insulte, il capte la vie des mots quotidiens et stylise les effets: il retranscrit dans les registres choisis, en fonction d'une situation, d'un contexte enonciatif fictif, les petites et grandes dramaturgies du ressenti. Le poete explore les modes d'expression pour en souligner le caractere emotionnel. Il ne les choisit pas sans leur insuffler la force d'une persuasion sensible.Catulle s'avise des charmes trompeurs et veridiques, pourtant, de la parole: le locuteur se revele souvent grace a ce paradoxe, avec ses manques, ses exces, hyperbole et litote reunies. Mais l'arbitre des elegances passionnelles ne serait-il pas le "carmen", ce chant fluide de la chanson eolienne qui peu a peu se ritualise dans le distique? Catulle tourne l'hexametre vers le pentametre, il cadre une pensee (concettisme avant l'heure?) et lui imprime un mouvement de seduction: le poete sans doute cherche a rendre desirable sa parole, il en fait un symbole sensible. Il active, pour ce faire, les ressources lexicales et rythmiques, visant une facture achevee du poeme. Le poeme 64, souvent analyse, figure un art inquiet qui tend a se stabiliser.Mais toujours la recherche poetique des expressions du moi se fait en dialogue double: en amont, avec les poetes grecs - Sappho, Callimaque notamment - il rassemble la violence et la grace, son erotisme devient passion. En aval, avec les poetes de l'elegie - Properce, Tibulle, Ovide - il trace la route ou s'aventurent les paradoxes du desir et les illusions du coeur, mais aussi la beaute des images. Il figure jusque chez Horace, Seneque et Martial ce mouvement intermediaire d'absorption de l'hellenisme "baroque" et sa reaction classique: Catulle evolue vers une poetique de la profondeur, entre l'ombre et la lumiere des figures.
Peeters Publishers Haiim B. Rosen.: Bio-bibliographical Sketch Followed by the Late Prof. Rosen's Text "The Jerusalem School of Linguistics and the Prague School"
Haiim B. Rosen (1922-1999) received his philological and linguistic training in Europe and Israel, and taught in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and, on various occasions, in France, Germany and the United States. He has published extensively in the field of Indo-European and Semitic Linguistics (cf. the three volumes of "East and West. Selected Writings in Linguistics"), and has made a pioneering contribution to the description of contemporary Hebrew. His editions and linguistic studies of Herodotus and Homer are basic reference tools for classical scholars.A first-rate connoisseur of the history of linguistics, especially of pre-structuralist and structuralist linguistics, Prof. H.B. Rosen was one of the founders, with H.-J. Polotsky, of the Jerusalem school of structuralist-functionalist linguistics.The book contains a detailed bio-bibliographical survey of H.B. Rosen's life and work; the survey is followed by Prof. Rosen's hitherto unpublished text (edited by Hannah Rosen) "The Jerusalem Scool of Linguistics and the Prague School".
Peeters Publishers De La Rose: Texte, Image, Fortune
Le "Roman de la Rose" est sans doute, avec la Divine Comedie, le texte vernaculaire le plus connu du moyen age. Redecouverte par la critique au XIXe siecle, l'oeuvre attribuee a Guillaume de Lorris et a Jean de Meun a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux. Le present volume vise a illustrer certaines orientations de la recherche actuelle; la bibliographie finale en dresse un inventaire detaille. Les contributions sont signees Douglas Kelly, Brigitte Callay, Sylvia Huot, Alexandre Leupin, Jacek Kowalski, Martine Meuwese, Gregor Weyer, Heidrun Ost, Dulce M. Gonzalez Doreste, Lori Walters, Luciano Rossi, Andrea Valentini, Peter De Wilde, Virginie Minet-Mahy, Fabienne Pomel, Jean Devaux, Jacqueline Thibault Schaefer, Heather Arden, Leslie Brook et Yvan Lepage.
Peeters Publishers La condition animale: Études sur Aristote et les Stoïciens
Les douze études ici proposées jalonnent un parcours s'étalant sur une vingtaine d'années et s'étant ordonné autour d'une question centrale: et si nous n'avions rien entendu de la différence introduite par le «logos» entre l'homme et l'animal dans l'Antiquité? Ne l'aurions-nous pas surestimé chez Aristote ou, à l'inverse, minimisé chez les stoïciens? Qu'est-ce qu'un «animal politique»? Qu'en est-il de l'intelligence et des capacités représentatives des animaux? Pourquoi une polémique sur la question de la possession du «logos» par les animaux s'est-elle trouvée liée à celles du végétarisme et du mode de vie du sage? Répondre à ces questions impliquaient d'abord de relire patiemment les textes, y compris les plus connus, en s'efforçant de n'y rien précipiter et de leur redonner une nouvelle fraîcheur par-delà des couches d'interprétation les ayant rendus souvent méconnaissables et pour cela même méconnus parce que trop bien connus.
Peeters Publishers Paulus Und Die Gesinnung Christi: Identitat Und Entscheidungsfindung Aus Der Mitte Von 1Kor 1-4
"Wir haben die Gesinnung Christi", mit diesem Resumee beschliesst Paulus in 1Kor 2,16 einen Gedankengang, der beim "Wort vom Kreuz" beginnt, die Tiefen der Weisheit Gottes erschliesst und schliesslich jene innere Grundhaltung thematisiert, die zum Garant der Einheit der Gemeinde und als Gestaltungsprinzip ihres Zusammenlebens geeignet ist. Der Apostel vermittelt diese "Gesinnung Christi" nicht bloss argumentativ. Sie wird auch an den Verkundigern und insbesondere an Paulus selbst erfahrbar, damit die Korinther ihre eigene Identitat an der Gesinnung Christi schulen. Der Ansatz bei der Mitte von 1Kor 1-4 erlaubt es, den Zusammenhang der Themen in den ersten vier Kapiteln des 1Kor zu erfassen. Von hier aus ist es ausserdem moglich, die folgenden Kapitel 5-14 im Licht der Eingangssektion zu lesen und als "Testfalle" einer Lebensgestaltung aus jener Gesinnung zu begreifen, die Paulus auf den gekreuzigten Christus zuruckfuhrt. Identitat und Entscheidungsfindung orientieren sich im ersten Korintherbrief an der Mitte von 1Kor 1-4.
Peeters Publishers Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha and Armenian Studies: Collected Papers: v. 2
Peeters Publishers Jewish Ceremonial Objects in Transcultural Context
The opening of a new permanent exhibition on religion in the Jewish Historical Museum of Amsterdam in November 2004, which was accompanied by a catalogue entitled "Gifts from the Heart: Ceremonial Objects from the Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam", gave rise to the idea for this volume. Both this publication and the preceding catalogue on the museum's textiles collection (1997) explore Dutch Jewish ceremonial objects, their aesthetic quality and historical background. This issue of "Studia Rosenthaliana" covers a wider field: the setting is Europe rather than local, and the primary focus is ceremonial objects in their transcultural context. The first cluster of contributions explore the origins of the forms and symbolism of various ceremonial objects, and interpret them as the outcome of the interplay between Jewish (religious) tradition and the surrounding culture. The articles in the second group deal with the impact of specific historical circumstances on objects, their conception and production. In the third section, two inventories of ceremonial objects belonging to Amsterdam's Sephardi and Ashkenazi communities of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are presented. Following our tradition, the volume concludes with an appropriate item from the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana.
Peeters Publishers Beginning from Apollo: Studies in Apollonius Rhodius and the Argonautic Tradition
A"Beginning from ApolloA" is the sixth volume of A"CaeculusA" and contains the Proceedings of the sixth Fransum Colloquium, held on 8 March 2003. The theme of this colloquium was Apollonius Rhodius, the third c. BC poet who wrote the epic A"ArgonauticaA" as well as a number of other works, now preserved only in fragments. Apollonius' work was the subject of two doctoral dissertations completed at the University of Groningen, by Burkhard Scherer and by Iris Schmakeit, who have organised the colloquium and chosen the speakers. The papers in this volume share a focus on the position of Apollonius within the Greek cultural tradition. We see on the one hand how he engages the literary tradition before him and expects his readers to know the material of earlier poets, such as Homer, Pindar and the tragedians, and of the earlier Argonautic epics. On the other hand we get an impression of the way in which Apollonius incorporates antiquarian material, including traditions about obscure cults. Finally we learn how Apollonius and the Argonauts were the object of attention of later poets and scholars. Taken together the articles in this volume provide the reader with a good picture of Apollonius' central position in a long chain of reception and interaction.
Peeters Publishers Jewish Studies and the European Academic World: Plenary Lectures Read at the VIIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS), Amsterdam, July 2002
Is there such a thing as a 'European academic world'? The European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) operates on the principle that there is, and this volume is an attempt to present the facts on which this conviction is based. The eight plenary lectures delivered at the EAJS Congress of 2002 all dealt with the past, present and, in some measure, future of Jewish Studies as they developed in Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Eastern Europe and Russia, and the United Kingdom: a pan-European perspective concludes the whole. At the opening ceremony of the congress, in the "Esnoga" (Portuguese Synagogue) of Amsterdam, two further addresses were held, which both illustrate the firm rootedness of European Jewish culture in its European surroundings, as exemplified by the history and culture of the Amsterdam Portuguese Jewish community.
Peeters Publishers A Cloud of Witnesses: The Cult of Saints in Past and Present
From 11 to 16 August 2003, the nineteenth international congress of the Societas Liturgica was held in Veldhoven (the Netherlands), with as its theme «A cloud of witnesses. Saints and role models in Christian liturgy». The present publication contains a collection of nineteen case studies reflecting the versatility of the congress in its variations and themes, its scope in time (from early Christian times to the present day), and the fact that many churches and religious communities as well as the Jewish tradition are represented. The collection contains a number of articles that reflect on subjects like the phenomenon of saintliness, heortology, the dimensions of time and space in ritual-liturgical practice, and saints and canonizations in the present-day Roman Catholic and Protestant church. The last section consists of contributions on saints and forms of saint's cult by a number of authors, based on their own religious communities, such as the Old Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Dissenting Free Church, Reformed Church and ecumenical movement. The editors of this collection have by way of an introduction compiled a historiographic-bibliographic overview relating to saints and their cults in various research domains, specifically within liturgical studies, also touching upon certain specific, and for this collection interesting, themes such as the position of the (cult of) saints in cultural and historical studies, Protestant traditions, and the Feminist Liturgical Movement.