Search results for ""Peeters""
Peeters Publishers Tertullian to Tyconius, Egypt Before Nicaea, Athanasius and His Opponents
Papers presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2007 (see also Studia Patristica 44, 45, 47, 48 and 49). The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford; they are held under the aegis of the Theology Faculty of the University. Members of these conferences come from all over the world and most offer papers. These range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The smaller number of longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Theologies Et Verite Au Defi de LHistoire Recherches de Science Religieuse 19102010
Theologies And Truth In The Challenge of History: Religious Science Research, 1910-2010
Peeters Publishers Les Constructions Serielles en Fon. Approche Typologique
Cet ouvrage porte sur la description d'un aspect syntaxique problematique de la grammaire fon : la serialisation verbale. Le fon est une langue kwa (groupe gbe), parlee principalement dans le sud du Benin par pres de 2 millions de locuteurs. La serialisation verbale est un phenomene linguistique largement observe dans les langues d'Afrique de l'Ouest comme le fon et dans d'autres langues typologiquement variees. Apres avoir presente un apercu de la grammaire du fon et un tour de la question concernant la serialisation verbale, l'auteure se consacre a l'examen des constructions serielles en fon dans une approche typologique et fonctionnelle, integrant des parametres semantiques et pragmatiques a l'analyse morphosyntaxique. Neuf types de constructions serielles sont etudies : les causatives, les instrumentales, les directionnelles, les comitatives, les comparatives, les aspectuelles, les resultatives, les sequentielles et les compositionnelles. L'ouvrage apporte une contribution typologique a trois niveaux. Premierement, il propose un modele pour aborder la description de la serialisation verbale dans d'autres langues. Deuxiemement, il contribue a enrichir la typologie des constructions serielles en precisant pour le fon leurs fonctions, leurs origines possibles et les correlats conceptuels lies a leur utilisation. Enfin il montre que l'etude des constructions serielles permet de raffiner les typologies actuelles concernant la classification des langues serialisantes.
Peeters Publishers Theologies and Truth The Challenges of History
Peeters Publishers Voltaire in Holland, 1736-1745
This book portrays Voltaire as he was perceived by readers of gazettes and literary journals published in Holland. Among them the literary critic Prosper Marchand, who was allergic to the many factual errors in Voltaire's works, and Henri Du Sauzet, publisher of the Bibliotheque francoise. Also Jean Rousset de Missy, who in 1736 sided with Jean-Baptiste Rousseau in his controversy with Voltaire, and who in his journals Le Magazin and L'Epilogueur often attacked Voltaire: an arrogant little creature, always out to cheat his publishers. We provide a day-by-day chronology of Voltaire's visits to Holland, and illustrate these with a large number of as yet unpublished comments. Thus Henri Du Sauzet tells a correspondent about his problems with Voltaire over Histoire du siecle de Louis XIV, while at the same time his Amsterdam colleague Etienne Ledet clashes with Voltaire over Elements de la philosophie de Newton and 'uvres de M. de Voltaire. Diplomats reported in detail on Voltaire's dealings with Johannes van Duren over the Anti-Machiavel, and on his unsuccessful diplomatic mission to Berlin in 1743. We include an unknown version of Voltaire's Sur un usage tres utile etabli en Hollande, and discuss at some length his Sommaire des droits de Sa Majeste le roi de Prusse sur Herstal, first printed as a pamphlet in The Hague, and published in the Leydse Courant before it appeared in the Gazette d'Amsterdam, the Gazette de Leyde and the Gazette d'Utrecht. As to the Anti-Machiavel, the first edition to comprise variants was not published by Van Duren, but by Pierre Paupie under the false imprints of Colomb (Marseille) and Lacaze (Amsterdam). With regard to Voltaire's very popular Vers a M. Van Haren, composed in June 1743, we publish a letter by Voltaire, written in Dutch. It was a reaction to criticism of his verses by a Dutch reader, and we suggest that the pamphlet L'Anti-Magazin, a more extensive answer to his critic, may well have been by Voltaire himself. As for Voltaire's Representations aux Etats-Generaux de Hollande, only a few phrases of it were used in the memorandum presented by the French envoy in The Hague on 6 October 1745.
Peeters Publishers A Promethean Legacy: Late Quaternary Vegetation History of Southern Georgia, the Caucasus
In this work, the author presents an original analysis of palaeoecological and archaeological data from Southern Georgia, demonstrating how past societies and environments interacted in this region of high biodiversity and ancient culture. New pollen records, including the first fire histories for the Caucasus region, are analysed using novel statistical techniques, providing insights into the region's climatic and vegetation history that challenge preconceived notions about the evolution of Georgia's diverse landscapes. Readers with an interest in the region's archaeology will find the synthesis of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental data in the chapter on human impact to be of great value, whereas those interested in Georgia's biogeography will find in the text and appendix a wealth of information, much of which has never before appeared in the English language. The text is thoroughly illustrated, including maps and descriptive notes on the present and past distribution of each of the major pollen types and vegetation units.
Peeters Publishers Le Traite de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nagarjuna (Mahaprajnaparamitasastra). Tome I: Chapitres I-XV
Peeters Publishers Mamluk Administrative Documents from St Catherine's Monastery
The library of St Catherine's Monastery in Sinai holds a remarkable series of documents issued over several centuries by the authorities of Fatimid, Ayyubid, Mamluk and Ottoman Egypt to guarantee the protection of the monks. The decrees issued at the highest level, for example by the Mamluk sultans, have been studied. This present study concentrates on eighteen documents of the Mamluk period, not before edited, which were issued by officials of lower rank. After an introduction, which briefly presents the monastery, its archive and general comments on the diplomatic of the documents, the text of each is established and translated into English with a commentary. The form and style of the documents are compared to those of relevant examples found in the scribal handbooks, including an unpublished work by the son of al-Qalqashandi. These documents not only reinforce the general aims of the sultanian decrees but also deal with some specific issues, the security of the monks and their ability to carry on commercial activity, and demonstrate a secondary level of administration that gave effect to orders from the centre. The original texts are fully reproduced.
Peeters Publishers The Political Ethics of Jean-Francois Lyotard and Jacques Derrida
A genuine political ethics seems to require a universal perspective, and yet we are told that the postmodern age eschews universal perspectives. In this book, Georges De Schrijver argues that the leading proponents of postmodernity have not, as is commonly assumed, abandoned the search for universals. Rather they have sought to reshape the concept in ways that account for postmodernity's critique. Examining the thought of both Jean-Francois Lyotard, who prophesies the end of the grand stories, and Jacques Derrida, the leading proponent of deconstruction, De Schrijver comes to the conclusion that each, in his turn, is still in search of the universal. Taking his lead from Kant's unpresentable Idea, Lyotard holds out hope for a universal expressed through respect for heterogeneity, whereas Derrida arrives at this impossible dream through a critical study of Husserl's phenomenology. The common bond for Lyotard and Derrida is their quest of the unpresentable. For Lyotard, this comes through a sublime sadness urging him to side with the silenced party in legal disputes. For Derrida, the same quest is expressed through a yearning for the impossible things to come: a justice that goes beyond legality, a reshaping of the international juridical order, and a hospitality that is truly unconditional in its reach. Underlying the thought of both men is a profound appreciation for their Jewish ethical inheritance, an appreciation they learn from Emmanuel Levinas. In passing judgment on the new world order, both authors go decidedly beyond Kant - and thus beyond modernity - in reaching for a truly transcultural perspective in this era of globalization.
Peeters Publishers The Path of Wisdom: A Christian Commentary on the Dhammapada
The Dhammapada is Buddhism's most beloved compendium of the Buddha's sayings. It is memorized by thousands of monks, nuns, and laypeople, and it is chanted daily by millions of pious Buddhists. The Path of Wisdom presents this distillation of the Buddha's wisdom in a fresh translation together with an explanation of the Buddhist context in dialogue with wisdom from the Bible and the Christian monastic and spiritual traditions. In continuity with the long tradition of seeking wisdom through the exchange of insights and experience, this work explores the possibilities that arise when Christianity engages the profound teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. Above all, what this text uncovers is that both wisdom traditions speak piercingly relevant words to us today, and that placing them together in conversation yields surprising insights.
Peeters Publishers The Black Sea, Greece, Anatolia and Europe in the First Millennium BC
The volume celebrates the 75th birthday of Prof. Jan Bouzek, one of the leading specialists in Mediterranean, Black Sea, Anatolian and European archaeology. The chapters, written by leading specialists who are friends and colleagues of the dedicatee, address many of Prof. Bouzek's primary interests: Thrace, the Getae, the Persians in Europe, the impact of the Etruscans on ancient Europe, Black Sea archaeology, Hallstatt Europe, the Celts, the Scythians, the Iron Age in Central Anatolia, jewellery, etc. All chapters are substantial pieces that offer overviews of our present state of knowledge.
Peeters Publishers Patterns and Persons: A Historiography of Liturgical Studies in the Netherlands in the Twentieth Century
Scholarly research does not develop in an historical vacuum. The questions addressed and the vantage points from where they are studied, are closely related to the social and cultural contexts in which the researchers are working and living. This holds in a particular way true for liturgical research done in the twentieth century. The research carried out in this period was clearly influenced by the changes that various forms of Christianity, and more in general religion as such, went through during this century. The clearest evidence of the strong impact these changes had on liturgical practice is provided by a series of sweeping liturgical reforms taking place in the second half of the century.The research of liturgical scholars was indirectly or directly influenced by the social and cultural processes that were taking place. These processes unavoidably had their effect on the questions that were raised and on the foci that were chosen and it also coloured, at least to some extent, the interpretations given to the data studied. During the last few decades, these issues have frequently and thoroughly been discussed by the Dutch liturgical scholars who are cooperating within the open, inter-confessional and interdisciplinary setting of the Institute for Liturgical and Ritual Studies located at the Tilburg University.Apart from furthering reflection about the various scholarly paradigms that were followed among these scholars, these discussions and conversations also aroused a historiographic curiosity, especially with regard to the development of liturgical scholarship in the Netherlands. How did liturgical studies develop in the course of this century in the Netherlands? What scholarly approaches were predominant? What paradigms and shifts of paradigm can one discern? And how did these relate to the development of liturgical practice and the underlying religious, cultural and historical processes? In several respects the Dutch case was unique, due to specific historical circumstances. These considerations led to the decision to devote a common research project to the history of liturgical studies in the Netherlands and this volume is the final outcome of this project.
Peeters Publishers Utopianism and the Sciences, 1880-1930
This volume focuses on the relationship between utopianism and the sciences in the period from 1880 to 1930. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Europe and the United States experienced a mushrooming desire for a more beautiful, happier world. During the nineteenth century, the older 'classic' utopianism of Plato and More started to develop into so-called 'modern' utopianism: ideas that used to be considered mere thought experiments were developing into programmes that could in fact be realised in time. The proposed societal ideal thus needed to be supported by convincing and preferably scientific arguments, particularly at a time when, despite all the criticism, people still kept faith in science. Science was thus strongly embraced by those engaged in theory formation, sociopolitical debate and artistic expression, all of which were directed at supporting the ideal of a better future. The contributions to this book demonstrate how scientific discoveries such as electricity and the X-ray, as well as scientific theories in the fields of physics, mathematics, biology, the medical sciences, sociology and even linguistics, were used to substantiate, illustrate and realise the future utopia. This volume is the result of recent interdisciplinary research in the fascinating field of utopian sciences and scientific utopias.
Peeters Publishers Beroul, Tristran et Iseut. Poeme Du XIIe Siecle. Tome II: Notes et Commentaires
Cette oeuvre est assurement un des temoins les plus importants de la celebre legende. La transcription et la traduction du texte ont fait l'objet, en 1999, d'une deuxieme edition revue (Ktemata 10*). Les eclaircissements et commentaires avaient ete publies une premiere fois en 1989. Les vingt dernieres annees ont produit une nouvelle floraison d'etudes, tant philologiques que litteraires: beaucoup de ces nouveaux eclairages, lectures critiques et interpretations sont venus enrichir le present volume.
Peeters Publishers Beethoven's Tempest Sonata: Perspectives of Analysis and Performance
For music analysts and performers alike, Beethoven's Tempest sonata (1802) represents one of the most challenging pieces of the classical and early romantic piano repertoire. This book is a collection of eleven essays, each dealing with this sonata from a different analytical perspective and investigating the possible connections between music analysis and the practice of performance. Under the editorship of Pieter Berge, Jeroen D'hoe and William E. Caplin, the book presents essays by Scott Burnham (hermeneutics), Poundie Burstein (Schenkerian approach), Kenneth Hamilton (history of performance), Robert Hatten (semiotics), James Hepokoski (Sonata Theory), William Kinderman (source studies), William Rothstein (tempo, rhythm, and meter), Douglas Seaton (narratology), Steven Vande Moortele (20th-century Formenlehre) and the editors themselves (motivic analysis and form-functional approach respectively).
Peeters Publishers Q6: 37-42. Not Judging - The Blind Leading the Blind - The Disciple and the Teacher - The Speck and the Beam
The ninth volume in the series Documenta Q is concerned with the reconstruction of the Q text behind Luke 6:37-42 par. Matt 7:1-5; 10:24-25a; 15:14. The database and evaluations are expanded and revised versions of those presented and discussed at the meetings of the International Q Project in New Orleans 1990, in Claremont, CA 1991 and Toronto 1993. Just prior to the bibliography at the conclusion of the volume the resultant critical text of Q 6:37-42 is printed. This Greek text is followed by English, German and French translations (Lucan chapter and verse numeration is used as a convenience and a mere convention). The International Q Project's presentation of the critical text of Q 6:37-42, together with the exhaustive history of research on which it is based, will enhance considerably research in the Sayings Gospel Q, the historical Jesus, and New Testament theology.
Peeters Publishers Religious Poetry in Vernacular Syriac from Northern Iraq (17th-20th Centuries). An Anthology: T.
Text edition. The present publication ideally continues the CSCO 589-590, in which 17th-century religious poems in Vernacular Syriac (i.e., Neo-Aramaic or Sureth) were published. It offers the reader a rich anthology and the most complete historical sketch of the dorektha genre, surveying published and unpublished works by Chaldean and Assyrian authors. Texts dating from 1607/08 to 1980 AD are critically edited and translated into English, with linguistic, philological and literary comments: On Repentance by Hormizd of Alqosh (17th cent.) ; the poetic diptych On the Torments of Hell and On the Delights of the Kingdom by Damynanos of Alqosh, which shows the author's indebtedness to Italian Baroque sermons; On a Famine in the Year 1898 by the poetess Anne of Telkepe, probably the first work by a woman to enter the CSCO; the fascinating and living story of the Hermit Barmalka by Joseph 'Abbaya of Alqosh; On an Attack by the Mongols at Karamlish, in which Thomas Hanna of Karamlish elaborates on classical sources such as Gewargis Warda and Barhebreus; the touching and beautiful elegy On Exile by Yohannan Cholagh, who deals with the Christian emigration from Iraq, a contemporary social problem that is even more pressing today than in 1980, when the poem first appeared in Qala Suryaya.
Peeters Publishers Raconter La Revolution
L'auteur des etudes reunies dans ce volume propose une lecture d'un corpus de romans francais de la decennie revolutionnaire (1789-1800) par le biais du rapport entre la fiction et l'histoire. Les questions posees se laisseraient resumer en ceci : que signifiait, pour les ecrivains de l'epoque, vivre l'histoire en train de se faire ? Pourquoi et comment essayerent-ils de la capter dans une forme narrative ? Les problemes examines concernent, d'une part, les phenomenes lies a l'acte meme de raconter, individuels (desir de temoigner, partis pris) et collectifs (imaginaires sociaux), qui illustrent la gestation de la memoire historique, dans un univers marque par la rupture avec le passe. D'autre part, la reflexion porte sur divers aspects de la fictionnalisation de l'histoire, en particulier dans les romans de m'urs et historique de l'apres-Thermidor. La conscience de la condition historique de l'etre humain et de la societe, celle aussi, des deficiences de la mise en recit de l'indicible, constituent les traits les plus originaux des romans de cette periode. Sous une forme parfois desuete, on observe les changements, qui s'operent par glissements, annoncant le roman realiste et historique du XIXe siecle.
Peeters Publishers Successful Ageing, Spirituality and Meaning: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
After more than forty years of studying the subject matter of successful ageing, defining it from perspectives like dependence or psychological and physiological vitality, scholars have only at the end of the nineties made a specific connection between successful ageing and spirituality. This sparked off an increase in spirituality or aspects of gerotranscendence with age in quite a number of studies. Considering spirituality and/or meaning and the ongoing discussion about the predictors of successful ageing and activities associated with the baby boom generation form the background to the articles bundled in this collection. The single thread running through this collection is that the inclusion of spirituality as an anthropological structure of humankind repels reductionism in both the study of the subject matter and the care for elderly people and opts for a moral position keeping respect and humanity in mind. The fourteen articles are thematically classified into seven categories. The categories reflect, apart from the conceptualisation of the two key concepts running through this book, the following perspectives: gerontological, psychological, sociological, anthropological, moral and theological perspectives. The authors explore the two-tiered theme of successful ageing and spirituality from different angles and make an interesting and challenging contribution to the existing corpus of publications in this field. Fundamental motives identified in the articles refer to the need of 'balance' in looking for the essence of ageing successfully, combining life span motives with care, considering culture as a very important parameter and to exploring mental health in relation to (theological) anthropology.
Peeters Publishers Making Myths: Jews in Early Christian Identity Formation
Were the Jews who appear so abundantly in the writings of the early Church real or were they figments of the imagination? In this new book, Leonard Rutgers argues that they were both. Exploring Jewish-Christian interaction in Late Antiquity in the form of three case studies, Rutgers shows that early Christian ideas about Jews and Judaism not only played a determining role in the ideologies that shaped early Christian identity formation. They also had a tendency to spill over into the real world. Therefore such ideas deeply influenced the dynamics of Jewish-Christian relations during a period that saw the curtailing of Jewish civil rights and liberties precisely as a result of early Christian exegetical activity. Making Myths draws a picture of Jewish-Christian relations in Late Antiquity that is significantly bleaker than the optimistic view of Roman-period Jewish history that permeates many recent studies on the topic. An epilogue sets out to explain why more irenic scenarios do not apply to the period under study.
Peeters Publishers Het Spijkerschrift En Zijn Ontcijfering
Ruim 150 jaar geleden, op 25 mei 1857, werd in Londen door de Royal Asiatic Society vastgesteld dat het Mesopotamische spijkerschrift was ontcijferd. Onder couvert ingediende vertalingen door vier geleerden van een nieuwe Assyrische koningsinscriptie bleken zozeer overeen te stemmen dat geen twijfel meer mogelijk was. Daarmee was de oudste Semitische taal, het Akkadisch, bekend geworden en toegang verkregen tot de rijke en veelsoortige schriftelijke nalatenschap van het oude Mesopotamie, van de wereld van de Sumeriers, Babyloniers en Assyriers, gedurende een periode van drieduizend jaar. Ter herdenking van deze gebeurtenis werd in 2007 in Parijs, in het Maison de l'Archeologie et de l'Ethnologie, een expositie georganiseerd door het onderzoeksteam Histoire et Archeologie de l'Orient Cuneiforme van het CNRS. Dit rijk geillustreerde boekje is de neerslag van deze expositie en reproduceert de panelen die daar te zien waren. Het beschrijft hoe de moeilijke ontcijfering van het spijkerschrift uiteindelijk gelukte op basis van enkele meertalige inscripties uit het Achaemenidische rijk, die Oudperzisch en Babylonisch combineerden. De geleerden die daarin de hoofdrol vervulden, met name de Britten Hincks, Talbot en Rawlinson, en de Fransman Oppert, komen aan bod, men kan lezen en zien hoe dit schrift werd gebruikt om Oudperzisch, Akkadisch en Sumerisch te schrijven, en hoe te Ugarit een 'spijkerschriftalfabet' werd ontworpen. Daarnaast wordt aandacht besteed aan de schrijfmaterialen (vooral het kleitablet), de opleiding van de oude schrijvers en hun productie. Een schets van de herontdekking van het Oude Nabije Oosten, een chronologisch overzicht, kaarten over de verspreiding van het schrift en met vindplaatsen van tabletten en een goede bibliografie completeren dit informatieve boekje.
Peeters Publishers Belgische Uurwerken en Hun Makers AZ - Horloges et Horlogers Belges AZ
Eddy Fraiture (1942) schreef een aantal dichtbundels, was actief in de kleinkunstwereld, kende succes als atleet, maar in zijn passie voor uurwerken zette hij nog een stap verder. Zijn ontdekking van de horlogewereld, nu zo'n twintig jaar geleden, bleef niet beperkt tot de techniek en de kunst van het uurwerk, maar evolueerde tot een gote interesse voor de historische en de economische context van de uurwerkmakerij. Zijn publicaties Uurwerknijverheid en uurwerkmakers in Vlaanderen (2002) en Staande klokken en uurwerkmakers in Vlaanderen zijn daarvan mooie voorbeelden. In dit nieuwe boek leidt Eddy Fraiture ons rond in de vaak onbekende en jammer genoeg ook onbeminde wereld van het Belgische uurwerk en zijn makers. Dit boek, dat onder meer een lijst bevat van meer dan 4600 horlogemakers die in Belgie actief waren en waarvan sommigen zoals Nicolas Vallin, Zacharie Raingo of Hubert Sarton tot de allerbeste ter wereld behoren, is een must voor elke rechtgeaarde horlogeliefhebber, verzamelaar of antiquair. Eddy Fraiture (1942) est un touche-a-tout avec une grande passion pour l'horlogerie. La decouverte du monde horloger il y a une vingtaine d'annees ne s'arreta pas a la technique ou a l'art de construire une horloge. Il s'interessait aussi au contexte economique et historique. On retrouve deja cette demarche dans ses livres: Uurwerknijverheid en uurwerkmakers in Vlaanderen 2002 ('Industrie horlogere et horlogers en Flandre' Trad.) et Staande klokken en uurwerkmakers in Vlaanderen 2005 ('Horloges de parquet et horlogers en Flandre' Trad.). Dans son troisieme livre
Peeters Publishers Levinas Autrement
La diffusion d'une pensee s'accompagne souvent de son edulcoration. Les "grandes idees" identifiees sont rabachees, ressassees, reduites, donnant lieu a des associations aussi rapides que funestes, telle celle qui fait d'Emmanuel Levinas "le philosophe de l'autre". La reflexion bouleversante du philosophe qui fit de l'ethique la philosophie premiere menacait ainsi de tourner au prechi-precha quasi-johannique.L'annee du centenaire, 2006, sollicitant les chercheurs d'horizons multiples, a permis de faire resonner nombre d'aspects encore meconnus de l'oeuvre levinassienne, nourrie de quatre cultures, - la juive, la russe, l'allemande et la francaise -, mais aussi des divers apprentissages existentiels et scientifiques du philosophe. L'histoire, la sienne propre, celle de son peuple, les rencontres d'affinites ou de devoir, se refletent dans des livres entiers ou des passages de son oeuvre, stimulant ses lecteurs, venus de la litterature, de la philosophie, et des sciences de l'homme, d'Europe occidentale et orientale, d'outre Atlantique, des rives de la Mediterranee et du Pacifique.Ainsi ce volume precise-t-il de quoi sont faits les liens de Levinas avec la poesie et les poetes, - Blanchot, Celan, Jabes -, avec le roman russe, Pouchkine, Tolstoi, Gogol. ..Il nous decouvre un Levinas anthropologue, selon qu'il developpe une construction specifique, non reciproque, du don, ou qu'il cherche encore l'evasion hors du face a face amoureux dans la fecondite. Il creuse la dimension politique de l"uvre dans la confrontation avec les oeuvre de ces autres heritiers de Heidegger que sont Leo Strauss, Hannah Arendt, Tischner...Il approfondit aussi la qualite particuliere du judaisme du philosophe qui n'etait peut-etre pas aussi "Litvak", aussi rationaliste que le pensait son ami Scholem. Ainsi, au fil de ces experiences de tous bords et des textes qu'elles engendrent, le visage de Levinas se dessine-t-il autrement.
Peeters Publishers Children's Voices: Children's Perspectives in Ethics, Theology and Religious Education
This book deals with themes concerning religious education and the spirituality of children. Throughout the seventeen chapters, the book stimulates a scholarly discussion about children and theology. The book makes clear that classical Christian theology can benefit from taking seriously children's voices and reflections about children. The volume demonstrates how nuanced and interdisciplinary reflections can be relevant for Christian and social practices of adults with children and how these practices can influence theology. This volume asks the following questions: - Why is it important that we hear the 'voices of children' and what does this mean for how we treat children and relate to them? - What do the 'voices of children' express? How do children experience society and, in particular, religion, and what do they have to say about it? - What do the 'voices of children' mean for theology, ethics and religious education? In what way can our theology change when we see reality from the perspective of children? This book consists of five parts. In the first part the reader receives an overview of the current challenges concerning children and spirituality. The two chapters of this part offer an introduction to contemporary thinking about children, theology and spirituality and the place of 'children's voices' within this scope. The second part refers to biblical sources for contemporary theological reflection on children. The third part contains pedagogical and ethical reflections on children, as well as a view from practical theology about children in the world and the responsibility of churches. This third part looks mainly at children in relation to society, both in the past and in the present. The fourth part focuses on children living in the family, which is seen as a domestic church. The fifth part takes up the theme of children's spirituality again, showing children's own spiritual reflection and ways of theologizing with children in church and family contexts, by communication, literature and all forms of religious education and/or catechesis.
Peeters Publishers Les Interjections du Theatre Grec Antique: Etude Semantique et Pragmatique
Cet ouvrage propose un examen systematique de l'ensemble des interjections grecques attestees dans les tragedies et les comedies de l'epoque classique. L'analyse minutieuse se fonde sur une methode innovante integrant les acquis de la philologie a ceux de la linguistique pragmatique (notamment les criteres de situation typique d'enonciation et d'association preferentielle entre actes de langage, la repartition en cinq domaines d'actes illocutoires, les usages parodiques ou ironiques - frequents dans l'enonciation comique - qui peuvent aller jusqu'a l'inversion du semantisme). Cette etude a permis de parvenir a des conclusions neuves, a la fois pour l'etablissement des proprietes de la classe et sur le sens precis de chaque interjection. Pour certaines d'entre elles, l'heterogeneite de leurs emplois incite a distinguer, derriere une facade graphique unique, plusieurs interjections dont la prononciation devait differer par la courbe melodique, la duree ou la tension d'emission de leurs phonemes. La structuration phonique des interjections s'avere ainsi etre un domaine a part de la phonologie de la langue. D'autre part, l'etude montre qu'il existe des interjections pour chacun des cinq domaines d'actes illocutoires: beaucoup sont de valeur expressive ou directive, mais quelques-unes sont declaratives, promissives ou assertives. Tout ceci conduit a une definition precise de la classe des interjections, definition dont les principes depassent la langue grecque, et a un questionnement sur les limites d'une classe de mots ouverte a plus d'un titre. Cette description des interjections du grecque classique, qui permet de definir la signification et la tonalite des interventions des personnages de theatre, interessera les specialistes de la tragedie et de la comedie grecques, mais aussi les lecteurs des dialogues de Platon ou de Lucien. Cet ouvrage sera egalement utile pour les chercheurs en linguistique generale, meme non hellenistes, l'auteur s'etant efforcee de leur rendre son propos accessible en traduisant systematiquement les enonces etudies et en translitterant les mots et notions linguistiques du grec.
Peeters Publishers Origeniana Nona: Origen and the Religious Practice of His Time
This volume contains the written versions of the lectures delivered by the participants of the Colloquium Origenianum Nonum held in Pecs (Hungary, 29 August - 2 September 2005). The main topic of the conference was Origen and the religious practice of his time. Here 49 scholars from some 18 countries publish their newest findings on the greatest and most influential Christian thinker before Augustine, who laid the foundation of the Biblical textual studies, created systematic theology, and was regarded as an authentic spiritual leader of Christianity. The papers not only provide the best overview on a lively field of studies but also demonstrate how Origen's heritage in Christian history, theology and spirituality carried with it the imprint of one of the most vital traditions of our civilization. Similarly to the volumes of the earlier conferences (Boston 1989, Chantilly 1993, Hofgeismar-Marburg 1997 and Pisa 2001), the contributions are published by the series Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium.
Peeters Publishers Bedrijf TaalBusiness Language Opstellen Voor Wilfried JanssensEssays in Honour of Wilfried Janssens
Peeters Publishers Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Religion: The Death of God and the Oriental Renaissance
This book is the first comprehensive study of Schopenhauer's philosophy of religion. It develops a contextual account of Schopenhauer's relation to the religions of India by placing his interpretation of their main doctrines within the perspective of his diagnosis of the religious situation in nineteenth-century Europe, and his revised conception of the proper content and methods of metaphysical philosophy in the wake of Kant. It shows that Schopenhauer's encounter with the religions of India was the stimulus for his formulation of a novel theory of a revitalised modern Christianity. The possibility of an oriental renaissance prompted Schopenhauer to argue that Christianity's immanent or ethical teachings needed to be severed from its supernatural or metaphysical doctrines, so that European culture could continue to satisfy the human need for a metaphysical interpretation of the world and life. This book will be of interest to philosophers, theologians, students of religion and modern intellectual history.
Peeters Publishers Metamorphoses du Roman Francais: Avatars D'un Genre Devorateur
Depuis son apparition, le roman n'a cesse de se metamorphoser. Aux romans bretons de Chretien succedent des textes novateurs comme Ysaye le Triste, au debut du XVe siecle. Les romans de la Renaissance se degagent de la question du vrai et du faux et annoncent deja la poetique pre-moderne (Merlin, Baldus, Les Angoysses douloureuses, Alector, Heptameron). De J.-P. Camus a l'abbe Faydit, s'installe l'idee de l'antinomie religion-roman; d'autres questions centrent la reflexion sur le roman au XVIIe siecle et ses mises en pratique : l'ambition d'exemplarite (les Scudery), l'accommodement des styles aux personnages (Sorel). Aux prises avec un epuisement du genre, le XVIIIe siecle invente des solutions : la fusion des nouvelles dans l'encadrement de la structure (Challe), le brouillage de formes et contenus (Voltaire), l'inflexion empirique (Diderot, Laclos), le besoin de faire sentir les passions (cercle d'Epinay). Au XIXe siecle, le roman cherche a raconter le moi veritable plutot qu'une histoire (Senancour, Chateaubriand), privilegie le monologue interieur (Stendhal) ou, encore, tente d'illustrer le rapport de la feminite et de l'autobiographie (Sand). Modification du roman, modification de la representation : le sujet observateur se trouve bouleverse (Hugo) et l'intrigue devalorisee au profit du milieu (Zola). Le XXe siecle, enfin, offre des voies difficiles a unifier : caractere classique et novateur a la fois du projet proustien, memoire historique provocatrice, equilibre entre les experiences intimes et le tissage rythmique de la parole (Giono, Butor), imbrication d'ecriture et feminisme (A. Ernaux), influence du fait divers (Besson, Jonquet), symbiose vivante des cultures (Cheng), paradoxe, enfin, de vouloir cerner des mouvements contestataires comme mai 68.
Peeters Publishers Becoming Living Communities - Construyendo Comunidades Vivas - Lebendige Gemeinschaften Werden
This number of the Journal of the ESWTR presents a good selection of the lectures and mini-lectures at the conference, which took place in the beach resort of Vico Equense (south of Naples, Italy) from 29 August to 2 September 2007. It was organised by Adriana Valerio, then president of the ESWTR. The articles restore the pluralist perspectives on the topic: "Becoming living communities" across many places, places where women live in families and cities, study the scriptures and traditions, and inhabit the churches. In the event, the three perspectives proved to intersect, showing how well chosen this approach was.
Peeters Publishers Narratives of Egypt and the Ancient Near East: Literary and Linguistic Approaches
This volume aims to enrich the study of ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian narrative (understood in a broad sense to include 'story-telling' of many kinds), illustrating how research methods and perspectives developed within other disciplines may fruitfully be applied to ancient writings, and dialogue encouraged between scholars working on widely different periods and geographical regions. The twenty-one contributors employ methodologies from fields which include cultural history, narratology, and linguistics. The discussions therefore revolve around topics where the investigation of language (grammar and discourse analysis) intersects with the study of plot and story. Material is examined which ranges in date from some of the earliest writings in Egyptian and Sumerian to Christian literatures of Late Antiquity, and beyond, while the languages represented embrace those of Mesopotamia (Sumerian and Akkadian), Hebrew, Syriac, Aramaic and all stages of Egyptian, including Coptic.
Peeters Publishers Etapes de la Vie et Tradition Orale. Conceptions Universelles et Expressions Particulieres
Issu des reflexions de l'operation " Textes de tradition orale en relation avec faits et pratiques socioculturels ", cette ouvrage porte sur " les etapes de la vie " prises en charge par les divers societes et dont les franchissements comportent des caracteriques universelles malgre la diversite des cultures. La finalite essentielle de ces passages est l'integration de l'individu au groupe et le maintien, au fil des ages, de l'identite de la societe par la transmission des pratiques, des regles et des savoirs. Ceci etant pose, nous avons ete amenes a etudier les differents domaines impliques (le cadre cosmique, les conditions materielles et economiques, le contexte social, les transformations culturelles, les connaissances, les croyances, les pratiques...) et a soulever les problemes lies a l'evolution des societes qui entrainent une perte d'identite, particulierement pour les societes traditionnelles confrontees a la mondialisation. Or, toute societe, meme si elle tend a disparaitre, peut laisser un message qui devrait permettre a l'humanite de s'enrichir de " l'experience humaine integrale " (concept que l'on doit a P. Ric?ur). En effet, notre avenir ne peut se limiter a un developpement economique et materiel " unilateral " avec toutes les violences, injustices et appauvrissements qu'il peut engendrer; un constant dialogue entre les cultures permettrait alors de faire emerger des valeurs pour le guider. Cet ouvrage de sciences humaines concu au sein d'un laboratoire pluridisciplinaire du CNRS, le LACITO (Laboratoire de LAngues et CIvilisations a Tradition Orale), pourra derouter tous ceux qui defendent la purete d'une discipline, les prerogatives d'une demarche ou d'une theorie, ainsi que l'autorite d'" un " modele universel (trop souvent autocentre). Il est le fruit de la contribution d'auteurs qui se sont interesses a la tradition orale et ont eu le souci, pour une meilleure comprehension des phenomenes humains, de confronter les apports techniques de leurs differentes disciplines - linguistique, anthropologie, histoire, philosophie, ethnosciences - et cela malgre les difficultes terminologiques que cela aurait pu poser. Grace a notre collaboration, les outils utilises auront permis d'ouvrir une problematique qui va au-dela de l'etude d'un mecanisme pointu a l'interieur d'un seul systeme.
Peeters Publishers De Westmalse Acta Sanctorum: Provenances van Pauscollege tot Guillaume Joseph De Boey. Met Bibliografie van Seraphinus Lenssen, de "Bollandist" van de Trappisten
The 400th anniversary of Heribert Rosweyde's trendsetting Fasti sanctorum has put the Acta sanctorum, the hagiographical masterwork accomplished by generations of Bollandists, in the spotlight. The rich library of the Westmalle Trappists (Belgium) has a complete series of the Acta sanctorum, with extraordinary provenances: the Pope Adrian VI College of Louvain University, the Jesuit College in Bruges, the Brussels friars recollets, G.J. De Boey, the generous benefactor of St. Louis University and donator to Marquette College, Milwaukee. Moreover, the precious series was subject of a long dispute between the Trappist Abbeys of Scourmont and Westmalle. Twenty illustrations show some dedications, bookbindings, and even a bookbinder's error...A thorough application of D. Pearson's Provenance Research in Book History. The biobibliography of Father Seraphinus Lenssen O.S.C.O (1891-1960), rightfully called the "bollandist of the Trappists", is given in annex.
Peeters Publishers At the Crossroads of Art and Religion: Imagination, Commitment, Transcendence
Since the 'turn to the subject' in modernity, aesthetic experiences have become crucial in the creation of meaning. This explains why art and religion are becoming increasingly intermingled in late modern Western culture. The search for meaning is no longer confined to traditional religious settings and it is especially in art that people are looking for moral and spiritual significance. Religion is being aestheticised while art is being spiritualised. This volume contains studies on the interface between art and religion. Scholars from art studies, theology, philosophy and psychology of religion address the following questions: What psychological and religious functions does art fulfil? What are the similarities and differences between aesthetic and religious experiences? How does the aestheticising of religion affect theological thinking? How does the spiritualising of art affect artistic practices and theory? Case studies are taken from literature, visual art, film and opera, both from 'high' and popular culture. Among others, there are chapters on J.M. Coetzee's novel Waiting for the Barbarians, Richard Wagner's operas, the Harry Potter books and the concept of beauty from a theological perspective. The contributors all highlight the crucial role of human imaginative capabilities and the capacity of art to open up wider horizons of meaning.
Peeters Publishers Les Constructions Causatives En Malgache
Comment la langue malgache signifie-t-elle la relation semantique de A"causeA"? Une reponse satisfaisante a cette question ne pourra etre donnee que par un ensemble de recherches articulees entre elles, portant non seulement sur le lexique et la grammaire, mais surtout sur les organisations textuelles et argumentatives. Le projet qui porte Les constructions causatives en malgache constitue un des elements de cette enquete. Bien que limite par choix a une etude de structures morpho-syntaxiques, il a ete concu pour jeter quand meme quelque lumiere sur le sens. Il s'agit en effet de savoir quel sens la langue construit avec les constituants dont elle dispose. Plus particulierement, il importe de saisir comment le malgache utilise les affixes qu'il recoit en heritage de ses origines austronesiennes et qu'il partage avec les langues apparentees pour se creer un ensemble diversifie de phrases semantiquement causatives. A cet effet, plus de 100 enonces ont ete analyses, choisis dans un corpus qui s'etend du classique ancien (avec le Tantara ny Andriana, des annees 1870-80) au malgache standard contemporain. Ceci permet d'etablir qu'a des enonces diversifies par ces affixes - par leur position et leurs effets fonctionnels - correspondent des interpretations distinctes soit de A"cause determinanteA" (ou rarement finale), soit d'explication justificative, soit d'ingredience...Cet ouvrage trouve son complement dans les travaux - articles et conferences a Madagascar - que l'auteur a consacres par ailleurs aux argumentations touchant a la notion de A"causeA", telles qu'on les trouve developpees dans des enonces complexes.
Peeters Publishers The Predynastic Egyptian Cemetery of El-Gerzeh: Social Identities and Mortuary Practices
The cemetery of el-Gerzeh (dated to c. 3600-3350 BC) excavated in 1910-11, seemingly provided the first evidence of Predynastic 'Naqada culture' outside its previously documented social field in Upper Egypt. Moreover, the distinctive character of the assemblage later led Petrie to use the cemetery as the type-site for his 'Gerzean' culture. Despite the apparent significance of the cemetery, the excavation report was brief. Fortunately, the tomb cards from the excavation still exist and almost 300 artefacts from the site have been accessioned into several museums. This book brings together this material for the first time and by utilizing recent archaeological and anthropological theories reassesses its significance. Through the central theme of social identities, together with subsidiary issues concerning scale and the role of funerary practices in ancient communities, the material from Gerzeh is presented and interpreted more fully.
Peeters Publishers Christentum Und Politik in Der Alten Kirche
Im Januar 2005 widmete sich die 25. Tagung der Patristischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft in Goslar dem Thema "Christentum und Politik in der Alten Kirche". Damit griff die Patristische Arbeitsgemeinschaft erstmals eingehend ein Themenfeld auf, welches seit ihrer Grundung immer wieder in ihrer Arbeit angesprochen wurde. Der vorliegende Band enthalt fast alle Vortrage der Tagung in ausgearbeiteter Form, ausserdem den Text der Morgenandacht, die im Rahmen der Tagung stattfand. Die Untersuchung des Verhaltnisses von politischer Macht und Religion innerhalb verschiedener historischer Horizonte erweist sich dabei als relevant auch fur gegenwartige Positionsbestimmungen. Mit der Wahl der Kaiserpfalz Goslar als Tagungsort wurde an die westliche Tradition dieses Verhaltnisses gleichsam symbolisch erinnert; die kirchenhistorische Arbeit der Tagung jedoch konzentrierte sich auf Fragestellungen aus dem Bereich der Ostkirche, von der Antike bis in die jungste Zeit. Sowohl der regulierende politische Eingriff in die Sphare der Religion als auch die starke christliche Einflussnahme auf die Politik und die geistesgeschichtliche Durchdringung beider Bereiche werden in den Beitragen in den Blick genommen.
Peeters Publishers Friars, Scribes, and Corpses: A Marian Confraternal Reading of "The Mirror of Human Salvation" (Speculum Humanae Salvationis)
Gilbert Lazard, "Un salut amical a Philippe Gignoux"; Gherardo Gnoli, "Un demi siecle"; Guitty Azarpay, "Imagery of the Sogdian den"; Sebastian Brock, "The contributions of Philippe Gignoux to Syriac studies"; Carlo G. Cereti, "Some aspects of Philippe Gignoux's contribution to Zoroastrian studies"; Frantz Grenet, "Quelques nouvelles notes sur Kerdir et "sa" vision"; Rika Gyselen, "Sceaux, monnaies et argenterie dans l'?uvre de Philippe Gignoux"; Philip Huyse, "L'epigraphie moyen-perse et l'histoire sassanide dans l'?uvre de Philippe Gignoux"; Christelle Jullien, "Chretiens d'Iran. Entre hagiographie et histoire"; Florence Jullien, "La Passion syriaque de Mar 'Abda. Quelques relations entre chretiens et mazdeens"; Antonio Panaino, "Apocalittica, Escatologia e Sciamanismo nell'opera iranologica di Ph. Gignoux"; Rudiger Schmitt, "Philippe Gignoux' Beitrag zur iranischen Anthroponomastik"; Michel Tardieu, "Les metaphores du temps"; Dieter Weber, "Philippe Gignoux' Beitrag zur Interpretation der Dokumente des "Pahlavi Archive" in Berkeley, CA".
Peeters Publishers Looking for Mithra in Malta
Many aspects of the mystery cult of Mithra remain enigmatic. It was a belief system that touched the hearts and minds of all manner of people, rich and poor, in the early centuries AD. Secretive, private and exclusive enclaves of believers infiltrated numerous regions of the Roman Empire, assembling in caves and cellars, where strange, sometimes terrifying, initiation rites were carried out. Never before has the evidence for the mysteries of Mithra been traced to the Maltese archipelago. This group of islands in the central Mediterranean fell under Roman domination, but their somewhat isolated location may have appealed to followers of Mithra. Cult artefacts and possible places of Mithraic worship in the islands have been presented here fore the first time.
Peeters Publishers Philosophie Moderne Et Christianisme
Le present ouvrage etudie la facon dont les principaux philosophes du XVIIIe au XXe siecle ont pense le christianisme et reflechi a la complexite des liens - complexite qui va de la meconnaissance au respect, en passant par la negation, l'ignorance ou l'absorption - entre la pensee philosophique et l'alterite representee par le christianisme. Apres avoir rappele en guise d'introduction la maniere dont le christianisme a recu la philosophie paienne et l'apport de la theologie chretienne a la raison philosophique, le livre deploie en six grandes parties le panorama des relations entre la philosophie moderne et le christianisme. La premiere partie considere le rationalisme, l'empirisme et la crise des croyances au XVIIe siecle. La deuxieme partie traite du proces du christianisme dans la pensee du XVIIIe siecle, tandis que la troisieme presente la philosophie du christianisme developpee par Kant et par les grands philosophes idealistes (Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schleiermacher). La quatrieme partie expose la critique du christianisme elaboree, parmi d'autres, par les representants de la " gauche hegelienne " et par Nietzsche. La cinquieme partie lui repond en presentant les differentes formes de philosophie chretienne elaborees au XIXe siecle. La sixieme et derniere partie passe en revue le XXe siecle. Plus de 90 auteurs, qui ont faconne et alimentent encore la reflexion actuelle, sont ainsi " visites " selon la perspective choisie. Les conclusions degagent une typologie riche en contrastes. Comme le parcours propose le suggere, le rapport entre philosophie et christianisme implique une tension feconde, qu'aucune synthese n'est a meme d'extirper totalement.
Peeters Publishers The Beloved Mothertongue: Ethnolinguistic Nationalism in Small Nations: Inventories and Reflections
During the long nineteenth century, the Herderian motto that language reflects the soul of the nation proved to be a pivotal agent in forming ethnies, nations and national territories as well as in excluding linguistic minorities. In the spring of 2005, the Groningen Research School for the Study of the Humanities hosted a workshop on the subject of Ethnolinguistic nationalism in the Netherlands, Flanders and the Scandinavian countries. The workshop was organized and attended by a select, interdisciplinary group of scholars whose papers are presented in this volume, XXXIII in the series Groningen Studies in Cultural Change. The volume opens with introductory and theoretical surveys on the theme of nationalism, followed by critical surveys of each of the above-mentioned regions and nations. The contributions to the volume consist of the discussion and development of some interesting new fields of research on the subject.
Peeters Publishers Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts: Coins of the Black Sea Region: Pt. I: Ancient Coins from the Northern Black Sea Littoral
The book deals with the numismatic collection of one of Russia's principal musea, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Created initially as Moscow University Museum it houses various archaeological collections, plaster casts and antiquities as well as coins and medals. The numismatic collection of the Pushkin Museum is one of the oldest in Russia. It has been built up since the middle of the 18th century, and, along with those of the State Historical Museum in Moscow and the State Hermitage in St Petersburg, is now one of the biggest in the country. Greek and Roman coins form an important part of the numismatic material stored in the Museum. This book provides a detailed description of almost 2000 coins struck in the Greek cities of the Northern Black Sea Littoral between the end of the 6th century BC and the 4th century AD. Descriptions are given according to the format of the Sylloge series initiated by the British Academy in the last century. Each coin is illustrated. The catalogue contains many rare pieces and for the first time makes this material available to Western scholars. A brief history of the collection is provided.
Peeters Publishers Les Contraintes Metriques Dans La Poesie Homerique: L'emploi Des Themes Nominaux Sigmatiques Dans L'hexametre Dactylique
L'hexametre dactylique, dans lequel ont ete composes l'Iliade et l'Odyssee, est selon Aristote la forme metrique la plus majestueuse que le grec ait connu. Ce metre a oblige les poetes epiques a effectuer des prouesses d'ingeniosite qui les ont amenes a se creer une langue composite alliant archaismes et innovations, fonds traditionnel et particularites dialectales, doublets morphologiques et variantes phonetiques, etc. Ces differents procedes, morphologiques, phonetiques, syntaxiques, lexicaux, ont ete etudies depuis longtemps, tel l'allongement metrique; mais on ne s'etait jamais pose la question de savoir comment les poetes ont fait pour employer dans l'hexametre une classe morphologique donnee. C'est ce qu'entreprend ce livre, qui examine de facon systematique et complete l'emploi des themes nominaux sigmatique (substantifs du type de belos et de teichos, adjectifs composes du type de diotrephes, et anthroponymes comme diomedes ou patroklees). L'etude part des mots et de leurs differentes formes casuelles pour considerer la realisation des syntagmes et, au-dela, l'organisation de la phrase epique. On est transporte dans l'activite meme de l'aede qui agence les mots les uns avec les autres, en evitant soigneusement de negliger coupes et zeugmas.
Peeters Publishers De La Lumiere En Peinture: Le Debat Latent Du Grand Siecle
Sous-jacent au fameux debat opposant au XVIIe siecle les partisans du dessin a ceux de la couleur, et comme sa veritable raison d'etre, l'enjeu latent de ce desaccord reside dans la conception de la lumiere, qui engage la nature du peindre comme celle du voir. Si les poussinistes sont " luministes ", defendant la perspective aerienne et se reclamant de " la fenetre ouverte sur le monde " d'Alberti, les rubenistes sont " clair-obscuristes " et proposent un espace qui est celui du miroir convexe ou le relief nait du jeu des ombres et des lumieres, selon la technique de " la grappe de raisin ", modele secret du Titien. Sur les pas des antagonistes du XVIIe siecle qui sont en quete de l'autorite des anciens, l'analyse de leurs controverses mene a l'hypothese que la skiagraphie, cette peinture de l'ombre et du contraste, objet d'antiques polemiques, et condamnee par Platon pour ses deformations creatrices d'illusion, pourrait etre un precurseur du clair-obscur du grand siecle, tandis que l'art eikastique legitime par le philosophe grec presenterait une homologie avec l'art prone par les luministes. Ces parentes sont manifestes lorsque les deux partis en presence relisent chacun a leur maniere le mythe antique de l'invention de la peinture pour affronter cette question : " Qu'est-ce que le visible en peinture ? "
Peeters Publishers Marian Pilgrimage Sites in Brabant: A Bibliography of Books Printed Between 1600-1850
This analytical bibliography, compiled with the support of the University of Antwerp, represents a first, important step toward broader studies concerning the nature, function, and significance of propagandistic materials that have been printed and distributed since the seventeenth century in connection with pilgrimage sites in the Southern Netherlands. Two and a half centuries (from 1600 to 1850) of publications are documented. This is an intriguing period for such a study because Catholic clergy made great use of printed propaganda materials for their (often successful) attempts to revitalize pilgrimages as part of the Counter-Reformation. Consequently, there was a new surge of such publications in the Southern Netherlands as of 1600 that prevailed until the early nineteenth century, when changing ecclesiastical views of how one should experience the Catholic faith led many local clergy to publish new types of pilgrimage books. As tens of thousands of pilgrimage texts were printed in this period, only one essential sub-group of these publications could be featured here, namely those related to Marian pilgrimage sites in the current provinces of Antwerp, Vlaams-Brabant, and the county of Brussels. The resulting bibliography reflects the holdings of numerous collections and provides, for each publication whenever possible, a full transcription of the title page, the collation of the book, and notes on whether or not illustrations, dedicatory texts, and personal notations by previous owners are present. This work consequently provides a useful base of knowledge for those interested in a wide variety of topics pertaining both to the production of devotional literature and the extensive popular hold these pilgrimage sites had on people in and beyond the Southern Netherlands.
Peeters Publishers Between Two Worlds: Yiddish-German Encounters
What does Yiddish have to do with German? It is a question that has perplexed Jews and Germans alike for centuries. The relationship between the two languages - both originating from a common source and from a common location - has often become a metaphor for the relationship of German and Jewish societies, a relationship whose fraught and complex history is one of the most important in the study not only of Jews, but of modern European history. The two languages and their literary cultures have continued their intimate and mutually nourishing relationship and exchange over the course of a millennium, as is documented even from the earliest substantial corpus of Yiddish texts (ca. 1382), while during the last four centuries the relationship can be seen surprisingly clearly and profoundly in a broad range of texts and genres. A reevalution of this fraught cultural relationship is the focus of the present volume, whose panoramic approach suggests that the study of German culture is essential for those who wish truly to understand Yiddish literary culture - and, even more provocatively, vice versa.
Peeters Publishers The Necropolis of Assiut: A Case Study of Local Egyptian Funerary Culture from the Old Kingdom to the End of the Middle Kingdom
The history of Assiut in the First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom has mainly been written on the basis of its famous nomarchal tombs. This study takes a different approach by focusing on the other funerary remains from Assiut. It is based on a comprehensive collection of the finds from excavations conducted during the first half of the 20th century, including the unpublished work by D.G. Hogarth and E. Schiaparelli. The study presents a survey of the fieldwork conducted, a spatial analysis of the Siutian necropolis, 'new' candidates for hitherto unidentified nomarchal tombs, and a thorough analysis of the available funerary finds, many of which are unpublished. The author identifies and describes four distinct phases of local funerary culture at Assiut, spanning the late Old Kingdom, First Intermediate Period and the early Middle Kingdom. Based on archaeological dating, this study points out burials of local officials of the late Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period, some of them found intact. The study also traces the development of the Siutian style of coffin decoration, from the late 6th dynasty to the end of the 12th. In accordance with the view of Gunther Lapp, it is shown that at Assiut certain types of coffin decoration with text columns on the exterior were introduced in the late 11th dynasty, thus placing the Siutian style of coffin decoration about 100 years ahaed of developments elsewhere in Egypt. It is hoped that this book will contribute to the ongoing research of this fascinating site.
Peeters Publishers Le Langage Mental Du Moyen Age a L'Age Classique
La connaissance du monde s'exprime en propositions, que celles-ci soient considerees, selon les theories, comme objets ou comme moyens de la science. Le probleme de la relation entre ces entites linguistiques et les representations mental (intellections, intentions, concepts...) a une longue histoire qui remonte au traite De l'interpretation d'Aristote et aux commentaires de Boece. Apres Guillaume d'Ockham, en effet, l'idee de langage mental est certes une hypothese qui a acquis force et consistance, mais tous les problemes lies a la structuration de la pensee et au rapport entre le langage parle et la pensee ne sont pas resolus. Des questions surgissent sur la structuration meme de ce langage.Le colloque organise a Tours du 1er au 3 decembre 2005 sous les auspices de la Fondation europeenne de la science (European Science Foundation) avait l'ambition de parcourir ces questions en repartant d'Augustin qui est l'initiale medievale du probleme, et en suivant cette histoire jusqu'a l'aube des Temps modernes. Ce parcours historique donc fait une part importante au Moyen Age tardif, a la Renaissance et au XVIIe siecle. En meme temps, notre ambition etait aussi d'approfondir certains enjeux proprement philosophiques de ce parcours. L'horizon general est la question : est-il possible de considerer le domaine de la pensee comme etant structure a la maniere d'un langage, et par quels moyens conceptuels penser cela ? Comment cette idee peut-elle cesser d'etre metaphorique pour devenir un veritable instrument conceptuel d'investigation des procedures de pensee ? Comment les theories du Moyen Age tardif, de la Renaissance, des debuts des Temps modernes, peuvent elles etre mises en relation avec l'idee contemporaine du " langage de la pensee " ? Dans le meme temps l'emergence de l'idee medievale de langage mental remet en cause ou transforme certains usages de l'intention et de l'etre intentionnel tels qu'ils s'etaient imposes au tournant des XIIIe et XIVe siecles. Les problemes concernant le rapport entre intentions premieres et intentions secondes, intentions concretes et intentions abstraites, disparaissent ou sont considerablement transformes. Comment relier ces transfomations a l'idee contemporaine (ou aux idees contemporaines) d'intentionnalite ? Si l'idee medievale d'intention recouvre parfois le contenu mental, elle peut aussi designer un aspect de la chose, vise par la pensee. Si l'intentionnalite caracterise les entites mentales comme pensees de quelque chose, quel est le rapport entre cette intentionnalite et la semanticite du langage ? Enfin, les developpements sur le langage mental et ses remises en cause ulterieures nous conduisent a nous interroger sur les usages classiques de la notion de " representation ", une idee qui est elle aussi sinon equivoque du moins polysemique. La notion gagne en importance tant sur un plan metaphysique general (notamment avec Duns Scot) que dans certaines theories logiques et semantiques du XIVe siecle. Mais est-ce dans le meme sens qu'on la retrouvera au XVIIe siecle ?