Search results for ""Author Quelle"
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Armies of the Italian-Turkish War: Conquest of Libya, 1911–1912
In the early 1900s, the decaying Ottoman Turkish Empire had lost some of its Balkan territories, but still nominally ruled all of North Africa between British Egypt in the east and French Algeria in the west. Libya had fertile coastal territory, and was the last North African (almost, the last African) region not yet conquered by a European colonialist power. Italy was a young country, ambitious for colonies, but had been defeated in Ethiopia in the 1890s. The Italian government of Giovanni Giolitti was keen to overwrite the memory of that failure, and to gain a strategic grip over the central Mediterranean by seizing Libya, just across the narrows from Sicily. The Italian expeditionary force that landed in October 1911 easily defeated the Ottoman division based in the coastal cities, incurring few losses. However, the Libyan inland tribes reacted furiously to the Italian conquest, and their insurgency cost the Italians thousands of casualties, locking them into the coastal enclaves during a winter stalemate which diminished Italian public enthusiasm for the war. To retrieve Italian prestige the government launched a naval campaign in the Dardanelles and the Dodecanese – the last Turkish held archipelago in the Aegean – in April–May 1912, and landed troops to capture Rhodes. The army finally pushed inland in Libya in July– October (using systematic air reconnaissance, for the first time), and after brutal fighting the war ended in a treaty that brought Italy all it wanted, although though the Libyan tribes would not finally be quelled until after World War I. Containing accurate full-colour artwork and unrivalled detail, Armies of the Italian-Turkish War offers a vivid insight into the troops involved in this pivotal campaign, including the tribal insurgents and the navies of both sides.
Cornell University Press Narkomania: Drugs, HIV, and Citizenship in Ukraine
Against the backdrop of a post-Soviet state set aflame by geopolitical conflict and violent revolution, Narkomania considers whether substance use disorders are everywhere the same and whether our responses to drug use presuppose what kind of people those who use drugs really are. Jennifer J. Carroll's ethnography is a story about public health and international efforts to quell the spread of HIV. Carroll focuses on Ukraine where the prevalence of HIV among people who use drugs is higher than in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and unpacks the arguments and myths surrounding medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in Ukraine. What she presents in Narkomania forces us to question drug policy, its uses, and its effects on "normal" citizens. Carroll uses her findings to explore what people who use drugs can teach us about the contemporary societies emerging in post-Soviet space. With examples of how MAT has been politicized, how drug use has been tied to ideas of "good" citizenship, and how vigilantism towards people who use drugs has occurred, Narkomania details the cultural and historical backstory of the situation in Ukraine. Carroll reveals how global efforts supporting MAT in Ukraine allow the ideas surrounding MAT, drug use, and HIV to resonate more broadly into international politics and echo into the heart of the Ukrainian public.
University of Nebraska Press Agents of Empire: The First Oregon Cavalry and the Opening of the Interior Pacific Northwest during the Civil War
Agents of Empire expands the historiographical scope of Civil War studies to include the war’s intersection with the history of the American West, demonstrating how the war was transcontinental in scope. Much more than a traditional Civil War regimental history, James Robbins Jewell’s work delves into the operational and social conditions under which the First Oregon Cavalry Regiment was formed. In response to ongoing tensions and violent interactions with Native peoples determined to protect their way of life and lands, Colonel George Wright, head of the military’s District of Oregon, asked the governor of Oregon to form a voluntary cavalry unit to protect white settlers and farmers. By using local volunteers, and later two additional regiments of infantry from the region, the federal government was able to draw from the majority of Regular Army troops stationed in the Pacific Northwest, who were eventually sent to fight Confederate forces east of the Mississippi River. Had the First Oregon Cavalry failed to fulfill its responsibilities, the federal government would have had to recall Union forces from other threatened areas and send them to Oregon and Washington Territory to quell secessionist unrest and Indigenous resistance to land theft, resource appropriation, and murder. The First Oregon Cavalry ensured settlers’ security in the Union’s farthest northwest corner, thereby contributing to the Union cause.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Martin Hengels "Zeloten": Ihre Bedeutung im Licht von fünfzig Jahren Forschungsgeschichte. Mit einem Geleitwort von Roland Deines
Martin Hengels Die Zeloten von 1961 stellt auch nach über 50 Jahren die wichtigste Untersuchung zu den jüdischen Aufstandsbewegungen des 1. Jahrhunderts n.Chr. dar. Hengel betont darin den radikal-religiösen Hintergrund des jüdischen Widerstandes gegen Rom. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes gehen auf ein Symposion zurück, das anlässlich des 85. Geburtstags von Martin Hengel, der 2009 verstorben ist, und der Neuauflage der Zeloten an der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät Tübingen abgehalten wurde.In seinem Geleitwort gibt Roland Deines Einblick in die einzigartige Rolle, die Hengels Zeloten forschungsgeschichtlich gespielt haben und welche Bedeutung sie für den heutigen religiös-politischen Diskurs haben können. Die anhaltende Brisanz des Themas wird sogleich im Beitrag von Joachim Schaper deutlich, der die Verbindung zwischen Gottes Eifer und dem Eifern seiner Vorkämpfer in den Zusammenhang der Debatte über Monotheismus und Gewalt stellt. Anna Maria Schwemer widmet sich den biblischen und frühjüdischen Protagonisten des Eiferns: Elija und Pinhas. Sie findet im Liber antiquitatum biblicarum bisher nicht wahrgenommene Züge der beiden Eiferer. Christian Grappe zeigt Beziehungen und Unterschiede des historischen Jesus und des Jesus der Evangelien im Verhältnis zu den Zeloten auf. Niclas Förster erschließt eine neue patristische Quelle zur radikalen Ablehnung römischer Steuern und Münzen. Den Abschluss bildet der Hauptvortrag von Danny R. Schwartz, in dem Entwicklungen in Hengels Wahrnehmung von Juden und Judentum an seinem wissenschaftlichen Lebenswerk aufgezeigt werden.
Peeters Publishers Detroner Le Sultan: Deux Conjurations a L'epoque Des Reformes Ottomanes: Kuleli (1859) Et Meslek (1867)
Ce livre a pour objet l'etude de deux conjurations (Kuleli en 1859 et Meslek en 1867), fomentees dans la capitale de l'Empire ottoman, Istanbul, et revelees au moment ou les conjures s'appretaient a passer a l'action en vue de detroner le sultan - premieres tentatives de detronement depuis la suppression en 1826 des janissaires, qui etaient auparavant les principaux "defaiseurs" de sultans. Cet ouvrage analyse ce nouveau type de revoltes et de revoltes qui ont envisage de "defaire" le sultan ottoman. Il s'attache a reecrire l'histoire de ces deux conjurations, a examiner leur structure, leur fonctionnement et leurs strategies, tout en eclairant les motivations, les revendications politiques et les profils sociaux des conjures. Il s'interroge sur les specificites de ces deux tentatives dans le contexte des transformations sociales et politiques des annees 1850 et 1860, et contribue ainsi a une meilleure comprehension des changements de l'espace politique ottoman a cette epoque. Quelle etait la place des "sujets" et du sultan dans la structure du pouvoir politique durant les premieres decennies des Tanzimat, alors que les mentalites et les "techniques" de gouvernement de l'administration centrale etaient en train d'etre reformulees et que l'opinion publique devenait un acteur politique de plus en plus influent? Telle est la question fondamentale qui est abordee tout au long ce livre.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Religiöse Philosophie und philosophische Religion der frühen Kaiserzeit: Literaturgeschichtliche Perspektiven. Ratio Religionis Studien I
In der frühen Kaiserzeit werden Traditionen der gelebten Religion verstärkt als Quelle philosophischen Denkens interpretiert und plausibilisiert. Heilige Erzählungen, Riten und Kultgegenstände erscheinen als Reflex göttlicher Wahrheit: sie eröffnen Erkenntnis, die wahres Leben verspricht. Umgekehrt beruft sich philosophische Weltdeutung auf die religiöse Tradition als letzten Erkenntnisgrund. Dieser Verschmelzung religiöser und philosophischer Diskurse, die insbesondere den Platonismus jüdischer, christlicher und pagan-religiöser Provenienz kennzeichnet, entspringen kreative Neudeutungen in beiden Feldern.Im vorliegenden Tagungsband zeichnen ausgewiesene Fachleute aus den Bereichen Klassische Philologie, Theologie, Religionswissenschaft, Judaistik und Philosophiegeschichte ein Panorama der religiös-philosophischen Literatur der frühen Kaiserzeit, über religiös-kulturelle Herkunftsbereiche, Sprachgrenzen und Literaturgattungen hinweg. Die Beiträge reichen von der paganen griechischen und lateinischen Literatur über hellenistisch-jüdische und neutestamentliche Texte bis hin zu Qumran sowie dem gnostischen und hermetischen Schrifttum. Dieser Querschnitt durch die religiös-philosophische Literatur der Kaiserzeit wird ergänzt und vertieft durch exemplarische Studien zu einzelnen Autoren und Texten (Philon von Alexandria, Plutarch, Johannesevangelium, Klemens von Alexandria). Die Beiträge wurden bei der "Impulstagung" des Projekts Ratio Religionis im Februar 2007 an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen gehalten.Wichtige Quellentexte werden am Schluss zweisprachig dargeboten.
Chicago Review Press The People's Place: Soul Food Restaurants and Reminiscences from the Civil Rights Era to Today
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. loved the fried catfish and lemon icebox pie at Memphis’s Four Way restaurant. Beloved nonagenarian chef Leah Chase introduced George W. Bush to baked cheese grits and scolded Barack Obama for putting Tabasco sauce on her gumbo at New Orleans’s Dooky Chase’s. When SNCC leader Stokely Carmichael asked Ben’s Chili Bowl owners Ben and Virginia Ali to keep the restaurant open during the 1968 Washington, DC, riots, they obliged, feeding police, firefighters, and student activists as they worked together to quell the violence. Celebrated former Chicago Sun-Times columnist Dave Hoekstra unearths these stories and hundreds more as he travels, tastes, and talks his way through twenty of America’s best, liveliest, and most historically significant soul food restaurants. Following the “soul food corridor” from the South through northern industrial cities, The People’s Place gives voice to the remarkable chefs, workers, and small business owners (often women) who provided sustenance and a safe haven for civil rights pioneers, not to mention presidents and politicians; music, film, and sports legends; and countless everyday, working-class people. Featuring lush photos, mouth-watering recipes, and ruminations from notable regulars such as the Rev. Jesse Jackson, jazz legend Ramsey Lewis, Little Rock Nine member Minnijean Brown, and many others, The People’s Place is an unprecedented celebration of soul food, community, and oral history.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lösungskunst: Lehrbuch der kunst- und ressourcenorientierten Arbeit
Beratung, Therapie, Coaching kommen nicht ohne Sprache aus. Was ausschließlich sprachlich vermittelt wird, hat jedoch die Tendenz, Prozesshaftes, Sinnlich-Vitales und Komplexes zu reduzieren, zu verallgemeinern und festzuschreiben. Dies trifft auf kënstlerisches Tun nicht zu - auch wenn es mit einfachsten Mitteln ausgeëbt wird.Das Autorenduo Herbert Eberhart und Paolo Knill hat ëber Jahrzehnte in Praxis und Ausbildung Erfahrungen mit dem Ineinandergreifen von Sprache und kënstlerischem Tun gesammelt. Entstanden ist ein Arbeitsansatz auf systemtheoretischer Grundlage, der kënstlerisches Tun als Dezentrierung vom Belastenden und Defizitären verbindet mit einer ressourcenorientierten Sprache und Haltung. Damit wird der Erkenntnis Rechnung getragen, dass produktive Neuausrichtung ein Zurëcktreten und Loslassen voraussetzt.Detaillierte Praxisbeispiele zeigen die Vielfalt konkreter Vorgehensweisen in verschiedenen Settings. Damit verbunden ist eine theoretische Aufarbeitung des Einsatzes von Sprache, Kunst und Spiel sowie die Darstellung der erkenntnistheoretischen und methodologischen Wurzeln. Es werden die Grenzen der Anwendbarkeit diskutiert wie auch die Frage der Vermittlung der notwendigen professionellen Kompetenzen."Damit ist das Buch gleichermaßen fër Lehrende wie Lernende und fër Theoretiker wie fër Praktiker eine wertvolle Quelle zur weiteren Entwicklung und deren Reflexion" (Jërgen Kriz).
University of Pennsylvania Press Police Power and Race Riots: Urban Unrest in Paris and New York
Three weeks after Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a New York City police officer shot and killed a fifteen-year-old black youth, inciting the first of almost a decade of black and Latino riots throughout the United States. In October 2005, French police chased three black and Arab teenagers into an electrical substation outside Paris, culminating in the fatal electrocution of two of them. Fires blazed in Parisian suburbs and housing projects throughout France for three consecutive weeks. Cathy Lisa Schneider explores the political, legal, and economic conditions that led to violent confrontations in neighborhoods on opposite sides of the Atlantic half a century apart. Police Power and Race Riots traces the history of urban upheaval in New York and greater Paris, focusing on the interaction between police and minority youth. Schneider shows that riots erupted when elites activated racial boundaries, police engaged in racialized violence, and racial minorities lacked alternative avenues of redress. She also demonstrates how local activists who cut their teeth on the American race riots painstakingly constructed social movement organizations with standard nonviolent repertoires for dealing with police violence. These efforts, along with the opening of access to courts of law for ethnic and racial minorities, have made riots a far less common response to police violence in the United States today. Rich in historical and ethnographic detail, Police Power and Race Riots offers a compelling account of the processes that fan the flames of urban unrest and the dynamics that subsequently quell the fires.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Psychoanalytikerin Lou Andreas-Salomé: Ihr Werk im Spannungsfeld zwischen Sigmund Freud und Rainer Maria Rilke
Lou Andreas-Salomé (1861-1937) begegnete zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zwei bedeutenden Protagonisten sehr unterschiedlicher Geistesströmungen, die sich der Erforschung von subjektiven Innenwelten widmeten: Sigmund Freud mit seiner neuen Wissenschaft der Psychoanalyse und Rainer Maria Rilke mit seiner Philosophie eines Innerlichkeitskosmos. Von beiden Gedankenwelten zutiefst berëhrt, entwickelte Lou Andreas-Salomé eine eigene Synthese. Anders als Freud, fër den das Unbewusste als ein Reservoir fër Verdrängtes und somit potenziell Pathologisches galt, betrachtete Andreas-Salomé gerade diese Innenanteile als Quelle fër Kreativität und Weiterentwicklung. Den Trieb verstand sie nicht als etwas den Menschen primär Bedrängendes, dem er ausgeliefert sei, sondern eher als ein Begehren nach dem Anderen, als eine Sehnsucht nach Beziehung. Gerade hierdurch sah Lou Andreas-Salomé intrapsychische Entwicklungsprozesse induziert. Somit ist sie nicht nur als eine Schëlerin Freuds, sondern als eine Weiterdenkerin psychoanalytischen Gedankenguts zu betrachten. Ihre Auffassungen von Beziehung und ihr Einfordern des Intuitiven und Spirituellen als einer erweiterten Dimension des Psychischen finden sich heute aufgegriffen in der Bindungs- und Psychotherapieforschung und auch in der Diskussion um Mentalisierungsprozesse.
The University of Chicago Press Fighting Financial Crises: Learning from the Past
If you’ve got some money in the bank, chances are you’ve never seriously worried about not being able to withdraw it. But there was a time in the United States, an era that ended just over a hundred years ago, in which bank customers had to pay close attention to whether the banking system would remain solvent, knowing they might have to rush to retrieve their savings before the bank collapsed. During the National Banking Era (1863–1914), before the establishment of the Federal Reserve, widespread banking panics were indeed rather common. Yet these pre-Fed banking panics, as Gary B. Gorton and Ellis W. Tallman show, bear striking similarities to our recent financial crisis. In both cases, something happened to make depositors—whether individual customers or corporate investors—“act differently” and find reason to question the value of their bank debt. Fighting Financial Crises thus turns to the past for a fuller understanding of our uncertain present, investigating how panics during the National Banking Era played out and how they were eventually quelled and prevented. Gorton and Tallman open with a survey of the period’s “information environment,” tracing the development of national bank notes, checks, and clearing houses to show how the key to keeping order was to disseminate information very carefully. Identifying the most effective responses based on the framework of the National Banking Era, they then consider the Fed’s and the SEC’s reactions to the recent crisis, building an informative new perspective on how the modern economy works.
Peeters Publishers Chroniques conciliaires: Vatican II tel que je l'ai expliqué aux lecteurs et lectrices du journal «Le Droit» 1962-1965
Le présent ouvrage préfacé par le professeur Gilles Routhier, grand spécialiste de Vatican II, réunit les chroniques - 63 au total - que le professeur Pierre Hurtubise a fait paraître durant les quatre sessions du deuxième concile du Vatican dans le quotidien Le Droit d'Ottawa (Canada). Elles sont reproduites telles quelles, mais précédées d'un Avant-propos les situant dans le contexte de l'époque et par rapport aux circonstances de temps, de lieu et de personnes qui ont présidé à leur rédaction. L'auteur a par ailleurs cru bon les faire suivre d'un Épilogue consistant en un article publié en 1990 dans le même journal à l'occasion du 25e anniversaire de la clôture du Concile, article jetant un regard rétrospectif sur ce qui est advenu des espoirs qu'avait suscités Vatican II. Il importe de rappeler que l'auteur était à l'époque jeune professeur d'histoire de l'Église préparant un doctorat en histoire moderne qu'il obtiendra en 1969 à l'université Paris-Sorbonne. Recteur de l'Université Saint-Paul à Ottawa de 1989 à 1994, il y est aujourd'hui professeur émérite et titulaire d'une chaire de recherche en histoire religieuse de Canada.
Peeters Publishers De l'occupation postpalatiatale à la cité-État grecque: le cas du Mirambello (Crète)
Entre 1350 et 1200, les palais mycéniens qui régissaient le monde égéen sont successivement détruits et la progressive dissolution de l’administration palatiale entraîne la disparition de ses principales manifestations (archives en linéaire B, architecture monumentale, arts mineurs). Il faut attendre le VIIIe s. pour voir l’écriture réapparaître, sous la forme nouvellede l’alphabet grec, et un modèle politique inédit, celui de la cité-État grecque (polis), émerger progressivement alors. À l’issue de quelles mutations sociales, politiques, économiques et culturelles et selon quelle chronologie les communautés égéennes sont-elles passées d’un système étatique centralisé, celui des palais mycéniens, à un autre, celui de la cité-État grecque ? Terre nourricière de la civilisation minoenne et carrefour des routes maritimes reliant le monde égéen à la Sicile et à l’Italie du Sud, à l’Anatolie et au Levant, à l’Égypte et à la Libye, la Crète représente un terrain particulièrement riche pour répondre à cette question. L’un des objectifs de cette étude étant d’échapper aux cloisonnements thématiques traditionnels et de convoquer l’ensemble des sources disponibles sur le sujet, son cadre géographique est réduit à une unité pertinente et bien documentée de l’île : le pourtour de la baie du Mirambello, région charnière entre la Crète centrale et la Crète orientale. Cette partie de l’île, qui a fait l’objet d’une exploration archéologique intensive depuis la fin du XIXe s., a en particulier livré de très nombreux sites datés entre la fin du Bronze Récent et le Premier ge du Fer et a vu se développer le centre urbain de sept poleis. En fonction des phases chronologiques identifiables et de la typologie des sites recensés, des schémas d’implantation peuvent être dégagés et représentés par une série de cartes SIG. L’évolution des structures sociales, des stratégies économiques, des orientations culturelles et des organisations politiques au cours de la période peut également être envisagée, à partir des vestiges de la culture matérielle relevant du religieux, du funéraire, du résidentiel et du politique. Au final, il apparaît que c’est dans la première moitié du VIIe s. avt n. è. qu’il faut situer l’émergence de la cité-État grecque dans cette région de Crète et que celle-ci se produit au terme d’un long processus de formation, initié au lendemain de l’effondrement du Palais de Knossos. Si la naissance de la polis dans le Mirambello constitue bien une rupture majeure d’ordre politique, elle s’appuie en revanche sur des structures sociales et des éléments culturels préexistants, qui trouvent leur origine à la fin du Bronze Récent. L’ensemble de la documentation rassemblée pour cette étude est proposée dans la Deuxième Partie du volume : la présentation des sites inventoriés prend la forme de notices systématiques conçues dans l’optique de la recherche et illustrées de cartes, de plans, de dessins et de photographies.
Peeters Publishers Ernst Cassirer: La Vie De L'esprit: Essai Sur L'unite Systematique De La Philosophie Des Formes Symboliques Et De La Culture
Le projet de la philosophie des formes symboliques d'Ernst Cassirer n'etait pas seulement de demontrer la structure et la fonction specifique des diverses formes culturelles (la langue, le mythe, la religion, la science et l'art), mais aussi d'etablir leur unite systematique et organique. Mais quelle est la nature de cette unite de l'esprit? Comment penser l'unite de l'heterogeneite, sans reduire la multiplicite des formes de rationalite de l'homme a une simple unite homogene et identique a elle-meme? Cette question est apparue aussi problematique pour Cassirer qu'elle l'est pour nous : "meme la tentative d'une telle unification, ecrit Cassirer, rencontre une difficulte qui est due a la problematique et a la methode de notre investigation elle-meme". Dans La vie de l'esprit, S.G. Lofts nous engage dans une interpretation de la philosophie de Cassirer qui tente de lire celle-ci comme une forme de structuralisme avant la lettre, et ceci dans le but d'etablir l'unite systematique de la philosophie des formes symboliques et partant de l'unite dynamique et organique de la vie de l'esprit.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Ludwig Prandtl – Strömungsforscher und Wissenschaftsmanager: Ein unverstellter Blick auf sein Leben
Ludwig Prandtl gilt als Pionier der modernen Strömungsmechanik. Seine Grenzschichttheorie überbrückte eine Jahrhunderte andauernde Kluft zwischen Theorie und Praxis auf diesem Gebiet. Prandtl hinterließ darüber hinaus bleibende Spuren in einer Fülle von ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, von der Festigkeitslehre bis zur Erforschung der Turbulenz. Auch beim Aufbau neuer Institute machte sich Ludwig Prandtl einen Namen: Die Aerodynamische Versuchsanstalt in Göttingen, eine Vorläufer-Einrichtung des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), geht auf Prandtls Initiative zurück. Zudem gründete er auch das Kaiser- Wilhelm-Institut für Strömungsforschung, das heute als Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation fortbesteht. Seine Reputation als „Vater der modernen Aerodynamik“ verschaffte Prandtl auch Einfluss bei politischen Weichenstellungen der Luftfahrtforschung - vom Deutschen Kaiserreich über die Weimarer Republik bis zum „Dritten Reich“. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg zählte er zum Kreis der Berater für die Forschungspolitik des Reichsluftfahrtministeriums. Ludwig Prandtls Korrespondenz mit Kollegen, Forschungsmanagern, Industriellen und Politikern dient dieser Biografie als wichtigste Quelle. Sie ermöglicht einen unverstellten Blick auf die engen Beziehungen zu Technik und Politik, die dieses Wissenschaftlerleben so besonders machten.
Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture
Throughout the eighteenth century, shifts in political power and social structures were making their way across Europe and into the New World. In this volume of Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, editors Ourida Mostefai and Catherine Ingrassia have brought together four clusters of related essays that explore the complexities of national and international identity in light of these changes, integrating such diverse fields of scholarship as women's studies, literary theory, and art history. Topics addressed range from gambling and the relationship between money and power to the way that portrayals of peasantry in art and literature helped to shape the French national identity. Contents:James E. Evans, "'A Sceane of Uttmost Vanity': The Spectacle of Gambling in Late Stuart Culture" Beth Kowaleski Wallace, "A Modest Defense of Gaming Women"Catherine Keohane, "'Spare from your Luxuries': Women, Charity, and Spending in the Eighteenth Century" Brijraj Singh, "'One Soul, tho' not one Soyl': International Protestantism and Ecumenism at the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century"Daniel J. Ennis, "Poetry and American Revolutionary Identity: The Case of Phillis Wheatley and John Paul Jones"Leanne Maunu, "Quelling the French Threat in Frances Burney's Evelina Reginald McGinnis: "The Critique of Originality in French Letters"John R. Iverson, "The First French Literary Centenary: National Sentiment and the Moliere Celebration of 1773"Joe Johnson, "Philosophical Reflection, Happiness and Male Friendship in Prevost's Manon Lescaut"J. David Macey, Jr., " Et in Arcadia Ego?: Thomas Amory, Mary Hamilton, and the (Re)Construction of Arcadia"Howard Irving, "John Marsh and the Ancient-Modern Polemic"Amy Wyngaard, "Revising Rousseau: Young Legrand d'Aussy and the Challenge to Enlightenment Constructions of the Peasantry, 1787-1794"
Liverpool University Press Un philosophe des Lumières entre Naples et Paris: Ferdinando Galiani (1728-1787)
Célèbre pour ses travaux d’économie politique ainsi que pour son activité diplomatique, Ferdinando Galiani (1728-1787) incarne un type singulier de ‘philosophe’, s’attribuant et reniant cette appellation en fonction des contextes. Bien que refusant de construire un système ordonné d’idées, Galiani produit un savoir philosophique qui accompagne et enrichit ses projets politiques. Située au carrefour de l’histoire, de la littérature et de la philosophie, cette monographie étudie ainsi le parcours de Galiani en mesurant la finalité sociale et politique de sa production philosophico-littéraire, et en saisissant son identité de ‘philosophe’ entre Naples et Paris. Quelles influences ces deux milieux socioculturels ont-ils eu sur sa pensée et sur sa carrière? Cette interrogation constitue le cœur d’une analyse souhaitant reconsidérer conjointement les contextes napolitain et parisien, où les termes de ‘philosophe՚ et de ‘filosofo՚ se chargent de significations, de pratiques et d’emplois différenciés. A l’aune des discours, des pratiques et des représentations que cet auteur construit tout au long de sa vie, ce livre inscrit Galiani dans la dimension concrète du travail philosophique, en étudiant sa manière de vivre en philosophe, là où les batailles philosophiques, les succès éditoriaux et la gloire cohabitent sans antagonisme avec des inquiétudes d’ordre matériel, des craintes concernant sa réputation ou encore des échecs. --- Famous for his works on political economy as well as for his diplomatic activity, Ferdinando Galiani (1728-1787) embodies a singular type of 'philosopher', attributing and denying himself this designation according to the context. Although he refused to construct an ordered system of ideas, Galiani produced a philosophical knowledge that accompanied and enriched his political projects. Situated at the crossroads of history, literature and philosophy, this monograph studies Galiani's career by measuring the social and political purpose of his philosophical-literary production, and by establishing his identity as a 'philosopher' between Naples and Paris. What influences did these two socio-cultural milieus have on his thought and his career? This question constitutes the core of an analysis that aims to simultaneously reconsider the Neapolitan and Parisian contexts, where the terms ‘philosophe՚ and ‘filosofo՚ take on different meanings, practices and uses. In the light of the discourses, practices and representations that this author constructed throughout his life, this book places Galiani in the real dimension of philosophical work, studying his way of life as a philosopher, where philosophical battles, editorial successes and fame coexist without conflict with material worries, fears about his reputation or even failures.
University Press of Mississippi From Biblical Book to Musical Megahit: William B. Bradbury's Esther, the Beautiful Queen
Many church-goers will recognize the name William Bradbury, a nineteenth-century American composer of popular hymns still sung at Sunday services. Bradbury’s name may also bring to mind Esther, the Beautiful Queen, his choral setting of a text based on the biblical Book of Esther. Written for amateur singers, the uncomplicated score became enormously popular almost immediately after its initial publication in 1856. In From Biblical Book to Musical Megahit: William B. Bradbury’s "Esther, the Beautiful Queen," Juanita Karpf traces the work’s rich performance and reception history. Bradbury emphatically stated that he intended Esther to be sung as an unadorned religious and educational piece. Yet many music directors exploited the potential for his score, producing elaborately staged events with costumes, scenery, and acting. Although directors retained Bradbury’s original music, they nonetheless facilitated Esther’s rapid entrée into the realm of music theater. This stylistic transformation ignited a firestorm of controversy. Some clergy and religiously pious citizens condemned theatrical representations of biblical texts as the epitome of debauchery, sacrilege, and sin. In contrast, more tolerant and open-minded theater enthusiasts welcomed the dramatic staging of Esther as wholesome entertainment and as evidence of a refreshingly enlightened approach to biblical interpretation. However heated this debate seemed at times, it did little to quell the continued rise in popularity of Esther. In fact, by the late 1860s, Bradbury’s score had worked its way across the continent, north to Canada and, eventually, to Great Britain, Australia, Asia, and Africa. With performances recorded over a century after Bradbury published his score, Esther became, by any measure, an international megahit.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Der Experimentator: Immunologie
Lieber EXPERIMENTATOR,seit der Erstauflage im Jahr 2004 ist nun die 4. Auflage des Immuno-EXPERIMENTATORS erschienen. Das Werk präsentiert die methodische Vielfalt der Immunologie, indem es die gängigen Methoden auf einfache Weise erklärt und auf Vor- und Nachteile sowie auf kritische Punkte eingeht.Auf eine Einführung über Antikörper, deren Funktion und Quelle in vivo sowie über deren Anwendung als immunologisches Tool folgen u.a. Methoden wie die Durchflusscytometrie, Immuno-Blot, ELISA und ähnliche Immunoassays bis hin zu Zellseparationstechniken und in-situ-Immunlokalisation. Als zusätzliches Schmankerl wird dem Leser die Möglichkeit geboten, Einblicke in die Untiefen der Biostatistik zu nehmen.Der EXPERIMENTATOR-Immunologie richtet sich an Technische Assistenten, Laboranten, Diplomanden und Doktoranden und natürlich an alle, die an der Immunologie interessiert sind. Informative Abbildungen, Hintergrundinformationen, ein Glossar sowie Tabellen mit allen Cytokinen/Chemokinen und der aktuellen CD-Nomenklatur runden das Werk ab und machen es zu einem nützlichen Begleiter im Laboralltag.In der 4. Auflage erwartet den EXPERIMENTATOR u.a. Neues aus der Hochdurchsatztechnologie (Antikörper- und Tissue-Microarray) sowie ein Überblick über den therapeutischen Einsatz von Immunzellen. Ein besonderer Fokus wird hier auf Dendritische Zellen gelegt. Selbstverständlich haben die Autoren auch die CD-Nomenklatur sowie die Cytokin- und Chemokintabelle auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht.
Peeters Publishers Le démonstratif en français: étude de sémantique grammaticale diachronique (9ème-15ème siècles)
Les démonstratifs font partie des catégories grammaticales qui évoluent le plus dans les langues du monde. C'est particulièrement vrai en français, où ils connaissent une série de changements affectant tous les niveaux linguistiques (morphologie, morphosyntaxe et sémantique). Des origines du français à aujourd'hui, le système des démonstratifs s'est complètement réorganisé. Il s'est structuré autour de deux paradigmes morphosyntaxiques opposés (les pronoms et les déterminants) et s'est partiellement vidé de sa sémantique première. Cet ouvrage porte sur l'évolution sémantique des démonstratifs en français. Il est centré sur la période médiévale (9ème-15ème siècle) et montre par quelles étapes la valeur personnelle héritée du latin laisse place à une valeur plus abstraite, qui distingue les démonstratifs du français de ceux de la majorité des autres langues (romanes ou non). On y insiste sur la dimension pragmatique et cognitive de cette évolution et on s'est fondé sur la méthodologie de corpus. Ce livre s'adresse aux linguistes, enseignants-chercheurs et étudiants, qui sont spécialistes de la linguistique diachronique et du changement sémantique, mais aussi à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la sémantique référentielle, aux processus anaphoriques et déictiques, et aux évolutions typologiques qui marquent l'histoire du français.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Faszination Brucken: Baukunst. Technik. Geschichte.
Brücken üben eine besondere Faszination aus. Aber nicht alle in gleicher Weise und in gleichem Maße. - Warum gelten manche Brücken als Werke der Baukunst und andere nicht? Was macht einen gelungenen Brückenentwurf aus? Richard J. Dietrich, Architekt und renommierter Brückenbauer, setzt sich in diesem Buch mit diesen Fragen auseinander. Anhand von historischem Material nähert er sich zunächst der Frage nach dem Wesen der Brückenbaukunst Schritt für Schritt an. Bedeutende Baumeister der Vergangenheit und ihre Werke werden anhand zeitgenössischer Illustrationen präsentiert und analysiert, wodurch nicht nur ein eindrucksvoller Überblick über die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Brückenbaukunst gegeben wird, sondern zugleich Leitlinien und Prinzipien für die Gestaltung heutiger Brückenbauwerke abgeleitet werden. Anschließend zeigt Dietrich anhand ausgeführter Projekte und erfolgreicher Wettbewerbsentwürfe detailliert, wie diese Leitlinien in der Praxis umgesetzt werden können. Wichtige Aspekte dabei sind Baustoffwahl, Tragverhalten, ästhetische Erscheinung, Einpassung in die Landschaft, Nachhaltigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit. In diesem Zuge wird ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz entwickelt, der sich in einem System der integralen Planung manifestiert. Dieses Buch ist für jeden Brückenbauer, für Studenten und auch für interessierte Laien eine Quelle des Wissens und der Inspiration. Es zeigt, wie durch eine holistische Herangehensweise Brücken entworfen werden können, die sowohl technisch als auch ästhetisch auf ganzer Linie überzeugen.
Peter Lang AG Gli statuti di Banzi e Taranto nella «Magna Graecia» del I secolo a. C.
Al centro di questo studio ci sono la comunità italica di Banzi, la colonia greca di Taranto ed i loro rispettivi statuti, incisi su bronzo nella prima metà del I secolo a. C. Si tratta dei più antichi statuti locali dell’Italia antica a noi pervenuti. Essi contengono disposizioni normative relative alla sfera amministrativa e giudiziaria dei due centri. Le due leges sono note da tempo, ma in questo volume vengono per la prima volta presentate, tradotte e commentate insieme e vengono studiate nello specifico contesto storico-politico delle due comunità. L’indagine ha tenuto conto anche di altri testi epigrafici di recente scoperta, che hanno migliorato la comprensione di vari aspetti dei due statuti e in alcuni casi hanno condotto ad interpretazioni diverse da quelle formulate sinora. The Italian community of Banzi and the Greek colony of Tarentum, with their respective charters engraved on bronze in the first half of the 1st century BC, are the main subjects of this study. These local charters are the oldest of this kind discovered in Italy to date. They contain legal provisions relating to the administrative and judicial field of the two centres. The two leges have long been known about but, in this book, they are presented for the first time together, translated, annotated and analysed with regard to the specific historical and political context of the two communities. Moreover the research takes into account other recently discovered epigraphic evidence, which has improved the understanding of many aspects of the two charters and in some cases has led to different interpretations from those made to date. The book is written in Italian.
Liverpool University Press Le Récit génétique au XVIIIe siècle
La construction du récit en tant que vérité est l’ambition essentielle du roman du dix-huitième siècle. Mais dans quelle mesure les mots sur la page cachent-ils ou, au contraire, révèlent-ils la genèse de l’histoire qu’ils prétendent représenter? Telle est la question que J.Herman aborde en regardant sous la surface du récit pour explorer les traces de ses origines.Faisant appel à des théories de l’écriture allant de Platon à Derrida et à Genette, J.Herman offre une façon entièrement neuve de lire les romans-mémoires. Il montre comment les textes utilisant cette forme narrative réactivent des questions sur les rapports de l’écriture avec la vérité et avec la mémoire. Se concentrant sur le motif récurrent de l’enfant trouvé, sollicité à la fois en tant que thème et en tant que métaphore pour le texte lui-même, J.Herman explore la manière dont les romans utilisent cette figure pour représenter leur propre quête de légitimité et de reconnaissance.Après une exposition fouillée de ses concepts théoriques, l’auteur apporte une analyse systématique de plusieurs romans d’importance majeure dus à des écrivains allant de Marivaux et de Prévost à Laclos et à Potocki, à travers laquelle il offre une nouvelle méthode de déchiffrement rhétorique du roman au dix-huitième siècle.
University of Nebraska Press Manifest Destiny 2.0: Genre Trouble in Game Worlds
At a time when print and film have shown the classic Western and noir genres to be racist, heteronormative, and neocolonial, Sara Humphreys’s Manifest Destiny 2.0 asks why these genres endure so prolifically in the video game market. While video games provide a radically new and exciting medium for storytelling, most game narratives do not offer fresh ways of understanding the world. Video games with complex storylines are based on enduring American literary genres that disseminate problematic ideologies, quelling cultural anxieties over economic, racial, and gender inequality through the institutional acceptance and performance of Anglo cultural, racial, and economic superiority. Although game critics and scholars recognize how genres structure games and gameplay, the concept of genre continues to be viewed as a largely invisible power, subordinate to the computational processes of programming, graphics, and the making of a multimillion-dollar best seller. Investigating the social and cultural implications of the Western and noir genres in video games through two case studies—the best-selling games Red Dead Redemption (2010) and L.A. Noire (2011)—Humphreys demonstrates how the frontier myth continues to circulate exceptionalist versions of the United States. Video games spread the neoliberal and neocolonial ideologies of the genres even as they create a new form of performative literacy that intensifies the genres well beyond their originating historical contexts. Manifest Destiny 2.0 joins the growing body of scholarship dedicated to the historical, theoretical, critical, and cultural analysis of video games.
University of Nebraska Press Manifest Destiny 2.0: Genre Trouble in Game Worlds
At a time when print and film have shown the classic Western and noir genres to be racist, heteronormative, and neocolonial, Sara Humphreys’s Manifest Destiny 2.0 asks why these genres endure so prolifically in the video game market. While video games provide a radically new and exciting medium for storytelling, most game narratives do not offer fresh ways of understanding the world. Video games with complex storylines are based on enduring American literary genres that disseminate problematic ideologies, quelling cultural anxieties over economic, racial, and gender inequality through the institutional acceptance and performance of Anglo cultural, racial, and economic superiority. Although game critics and scholars recognize how genres structure games and gameplay, the concept of genre continues to be viewed as a largely invisible power, subordinate to the computational processes of programming, graphics, and the making of a multimillion-dollar best seller. Investigating the social and cultural implications of the Western and noir genres in video games through two case studies—the best-selling games Red Dead Redemption (2010) and L.A. Noire (2011)—Humphreys demonstrates how the frontier myth continues to circulate exceptionalist versions of the United States. Video games spread the neoliberal and neocolonial ideologies of the genres even as they create a new form of performative literacy that intensifies the genres well beyond their originating historical contexts. Manifest Destiny 2.0 joins the growing body of scholarship dedicated to the historical, theoretical, critical, and cultural analysis of video games.
Harvard University Press Japan at the Crossroads: Conflict and Compromise after Anpo
In spring of 1960, Japan’s government passed Anpo, a revision of the postwar treaty that allows the United States to maintain a military presence in Japan. This move triggered the largest popular backlash in the nation’s modern history. These protests, Nick Kapur argues in Japan at the Crossroads, changed the evolution of Japan’s politics and culture, along with its global role.The yearlong protests of 1960 reached a climax in June, when thousands of activists stormed Japan’s National Legislature, precipitating a battle with police and yakuza thugs. Hundreds were injured and a young woman was killed. With the nation’s cohesion at stake, the Japanese government acted quickly to quell tensions and limit the recurrence of violent demonstrations. A visit by President Eisenhower was canceled and the Japanese prime minister resigned. But the rupture had long-lasting consequences that went far beyond politics and diplomacy. Kapur traces the currents of reaction and revolution that propelled Japanese democracy, labor relations, social movements, the arts, and literature in complex, often contradictory directions. His analysis helps resolve Japan’s essential paradox as a nation that is both innovative and regressive, flexible and resistant, wildly imaginative yet simultaneously wedded to tradition.As Kapur makes clear, the rest of the world cannot understand contemporary Japan and the distinct impression it has made on global politics, economics, and culture without appreciating the critical role of the “revolutionless” revolution of 1960—turbulent events that released long-buried liberal tensions while bolstering Japan’s conservative status quo.
Oxford University Press Inc Conquering the Ocean: The Roman Invasion of Britain
An authoritative new history of the Roman conquest of Britain Why did Julius Caesar come to Britain? His own account suggests that he invaded to quell a resistance of Gallic sympathizers in the region of modern-day Kent -- but there must have been personal and divine aspirations behind the expeditions in 55 and 54 BCE. To the ancients, the Ocean was a body of water that circumscribed the known world, separating places like Britain from terra cognita, and no one, not even Alexander the Great, had crossed it. While Caesar came and saw, he did not conquer. In the words of the historian Tacitus, "he revealed, rather than bequeathed, Britain to Rome." For the next five hundred years, Caesar's revelation was Rome's remotest imperial bequest. Conquering the Ocean provides a new narrative of the Roman conquest of Britain, from the two campaigns of Caesar up until the construction of Hadrian's Wall across the Tyne-Solway isthmus during the 120s CE. Much of the ancient literary record portrays this period as a long march of Roman progress but recent archaeological discoveries reveal that there existed a strong resistance in Britain, Boudica's short lived revolt being the most celebrated of them, and that Roman success was by no means inevitable. Richard Hingley here draws upon an impressive array of new information from archaeological research and recent scholarship on the classical sources to provide a balanced picture of the military activities and strategies that led to the conquest and subjugation of Britain. Conquering the Ocean is the fullest picture to date of a chapter in Roman military history that continues to captivate the public.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC British Gunboats of Victoria's Empire
A beautifully illustrated history of the iconic ocean-going gunboats of British 'gunboat diplomacy', the hundreds of little warships that for 50 years demonstrated the power of the Royal Navy worldwide, and which maintained and enforced the rule of the British Empire at its peak. In recent years the phrase 'gunboat diplomacy' has been used to describe the crude use of naval power to bully or coerce a weaker nation. During the reign of Queen Victoria, 'gunboat diplomacy' was viewed very differently. It was the use of a very limited naval force to encourage global stability and to protect British overseas trade. This very subtle use of naval power was a vital cornerstone of the Pax Britannica. Between the Crimean War (1854–56) and 1904, when the gunboat era came to an abrupt end, the Royal Navy’s ocean-going gunboats underpinned Britain’s position as a global power and fulfilled the country’s role as a 'global policeman'. Created during the Crimean War, these gunboats first saw action in China. However, they were also used to hunt down pirates in the coasts and rivers of Borneo and Malaya, to quell insurrections and revolts in the Caribbean or hunt slavers off the African coast. The first gunboats were designed for service in the Crimean War, but during the 1860s a new generation of ships began entering service – vessels designed specifically to fulfill this global policing role. Better-designed gunboats followed, but by the 1880s, the need for them was waning . The axe finally fell in 1904 when Admiral 'Jackie' Fisher brought the gunboat era to an end in order to help fund the new age of the dreadnought. This exciting New Vanguard title describes the rise and fall of the gunboat, the appearance and capability of these vital warships, and what life was like on board. It also examines key actions they were involved in.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Wissen des Rechts
Das positive Recht ist das Objekt des rechtlichen Wissens. Aber wer oder was ist sein Subjekt? Ist es "die" Rechtswissenschaft? Ist es die jeweils zu einer Entscheidung befugte Stelle? Oder ist es gar "das Recht selbst"? Im Hauptbeitrag dieses Bandes wird die provokante These entfaltet, dass das Recht nicht bloß Gegenstand der Erkenntnis, sondern auch Subjekt des Erkennens ist. Den Schlüssel zum Verständnis dieser These bildet eine Theorie der Rechtsquellen. Diese lassen sich als Formen des Urteilens begreifen, etwa in der Form der Behauptung, etwas gehe nicht an, weil es das noch nie gegeben habe (Gewohnheitsrecht), oder etwas sei unerlaubt, weil das so entschieden worden sei (Gesetzesrecht). Keine Quelle kann für sich selbst sprechen. Sie bedarf der Vermittlung durch eine andere. Zwischen den Quellen entsteht solcherart ein spannungsreiches Verhältnis von wechselseitiger Anerkennung und Zurückweisung. Im Fall der Beziehung zwischen der hoheitlichen Rechtsanwendung und der wissenschaftlichen Rechtserkenntnis lässt sich dieses Verhältnis unter Anknüpfung an Hegel als Dialektik von Herrschaft und Knechtschaft beschreiben. Aus der Sackgasse, in die das rechtliche Wissen damit gerät, lässt sich ein Ausweg nur finden, indem man die Theorie der Rechtsquellen zur Theorie des Rechtsverhältnisses erweitert. Auf deren Grundlage lässt sich die Rechtsgeltung als Konstrukt begreifen, dessen wir uns bedienen, um mit moralischen Auffassungsunterschieden fertig zu werden.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Abkürzungsverzeichnis hebräischer Grabinschriften (AHebG)
Die Bedeutung der jüdischen Friedhöfe als genealogische, historische und kunsthistorische Quelle steht heute außer Frage. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen über jüdische Ortsgeschichte sind in den letzten Jahrzehnten erschienen. Einen breiten Raum nehmen dabei Dokumentationen jüdischer Friedhöfe ein.Es gibt kaum eine hebräische Inschrift ohne Abkürzungen. Abgekürzt werden vor allem immer wiederkehrende, manchmal viele Wörter umfassende Wendungen. Aber auch Familien- und Ortsnamen werden häufig abgekürzt. Außerdem werden immer wieder Wörter nicht ganz ausgeschrieben, um den knappen zur Verfügung stehenden Platz auf dem Grabstein voll ausnutzen zu können. Berücksichtigt man noch die häufigen Steinmetzfehler, dann ist es verständlich, wie schwierig eine richtige Auflösung sein kann - wenn sie überhaupt möglich ist. Für das "Abkürzungsverzeichnis hebräischer Grabinschriften" wurden fast alle in Dokumentationen jüdischer Grabsteine - von der Karibik bis zur Arabischen Halbinsel - vorkommenden Abkürzungen ausgewertet und mit ihrer Auflösung und Übersetzung aufgeführt. Hinzu kommen nicht veröffentlichte Dokumentationen von Privatpersonen und Institutionen und Recherchen des Verfassers auf Friedhöfen in ganz Europa. Durch die Aufnahme auch der nicht voll ausgeschriebenen Wörter wird dem Benutzer gleichzeitig ein Wörterbuch an die Hand gegeben, das ihm die Arbeit wesentlich erleichtert. Das Abkürzungsverzeichnis umfaßt über 8.500 Abkürzungen mit weit über 10.000 Auflösungen.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Jacobite Prisoners of the 1715 Rebellion: Preventing and Punishing Insurrection in Early Hanoverian Britain
The Jacobite rebellion of 1715 was a dramatic but ultimately unsuccessful challenge to the new Hanoverian regime in Great Britain. It did, however, reveal serious fault lines in the political foundations of the new regime which enormously restricted the government's freedom of action in the suppression of the rebellion, and effectively made the treatment of the rebels in its aftermath the true test of the new dynasty's legitimacy and stability. Whilst the rulers of England had traditionally dealt harshly with internal rebellion, monarchs and their ministers had to find a delicate balance between showing the power of the regime through the candid exercise of force while maintaining their own reputation for justice and clemency. As such George I and his government had to tailor their reaction to the 1715 rebellion in such a way that it effectively discouraged further participation in Jacobite insurgency, undercut the rebels' ability to challenge the state, and made clear the regime's intention to use a firm hand in preventing rebellion. At the same time it could not cross the line into tyranny with excessive or sadistic executions and had to avoid giving offence to powerful magnates and foreign powers likely to petition for the lives of the captured rebels. To accomplish this feat, the Hanoverian Whig regime used a programme far more subtle and calculated than has generally been appreciated. The scheme it put into effect had three components, to put fear into the rank-and-file of the rebels through a limited programme of execution and transportation, to cripple the Catholic community through imprisonment and property confiscation, and, most crucially, to entertain petitions from members of the elite on behalf of imprisoned rebels. By following such a strategy of retribution tempered with clemency, this book argues that the Hanoverian regime was able to quell the immediate dangers posed by the rebellion, and bring its leaders back into the orbit of the government, beginning the process of reintegrating them back into political mainstream.
Johns Hopkins University Press Introduction to US Health Policy: The Organization, Financing, and Delivery of Health Care in America
Health care reform has been a dominant theme in public discourse for decades now. The passage of the Affordable Care Act was a major milestone, but rather than quell the rhetoric, it has sparked even more heated debate. In the latest edition of Introduction to US Health Policy, Donald A. Barr reviews the current structure of the American health care system, describing the historical and political contexts in which it developed and the core policy issues that continue to confront us today. Barr's comprehensive analysis explores the various organizations and institutions that make the US health care system work-or fail to work. He describes in detail the paradox of US health care-simultaneously the best in the world and one of the worst among developed countries-while introducing readers to broad cultural issues surrounding health care policy, such as access, affordability, and quality. Barr also discusses specific elements of US health care with depth and nuance, including insurance, especially Medicare and Medicaid. He scrutinizes the shift to for-profit managed care while analyzing the pharmaceutical industry, issues surrounding long-term care, the plight of the uninsured, the prevalence of medical errors, and the troublesome issue of nursing shortages. The thoroughly updated edition of this widely adopted text focuses on the Affordable Care Act. It explains the steps taken to carry out the Act, the changes to the Act based on recent Supreme Court decisions, the success of the Act in achieving the combined goals of improved access to care and constraining the costs of care, and the continuing political controversy regarding its future. Drawing on an extensive range of resources, including government reports, scholarly publications, and analyses from a range of private organizations, Introduction to US Health Policy provides scholars, policymakers, and health care providers with a comprehensive platform of ideas that is key to understanding and influencing the changes in the US health care system.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Briefwechsel 1928-1976: Mit einem Anhang anderer Zeugnisse
Hans Jonas wurde 1903 in Mönchengladbach als Sohn eines Textilfabrikanten geboren. Er studierte in Freiburg bei Edmund Husserl und Martin Heidegger, in Berlin bei Eduard Spranger, Ernst Troeltsch und Eduard Meyer und in Marburg bei Heidegger und Rudolf Bultmann. 1928 wurde er dort mit der Arbeit "Der Begriff der Gnosis" promoviert.1933 wanderte er zunächst nach London aus, ein Jahr später nach Jerusalem. Im gleichen Jahr erschien "Gnosis und spätantiker Geist. Erster Teil: Die mythologische Gnosis" dank des Engagements des protestantischen Theologen Rudolf Bultmann.Das Denken von Hans Jonas ist ohne die besonderen intellektuellen und biographischen Prägungen im Marburg der 1920er Jahre nicht zu verstehen. Neben Martin Heidegger ist hier vor allem Rudolf Bultmann zu nennen. Für das persönliche und intellektuelle Verhältnis zwischen Jonas und Bultmann ist ihr Briefwechsel eine entscheidende Quelle. Er erstreckt sich mit Unterbrechungen über fast ein halbes Jahrhundert, von 1928 bis 1976, und ist ein überaus eindrückliches Dokument einer Gelehrtenfreundschaft und Zeugnis eines bedeutsamen philosophisch-theologischen Dialogs zugleich: über Fragen der Gnosis, über Mythos und "Entmythologisierung" und - nicht zuletzt - auch über Heidegger und die Theologie.Die Edition der Korrespondenz wird in einem Anhang von weiteren Dokumenten flankiert, darunter u.a. die erstmals publizierten Gutachten von Martin Heidegger und Rudolf Bultmann zu Jonas' Dissertation über den Begriff der Gnosis 1928.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Late Roman Infantryman vs Gothic Warrior: AD 376–82
Ravaged by civil war and pressure from the Huns to the east, in late summer AD 376 the Gothic tribe of the Theruingi – up to 200,000 people under their leader Fritigern – gathered on the northern bank of the River Danube and asked the Eastern Roman emperor, Valens, for asylum within the empire. After agreeing to convert to Arian Christianity and enrol in the Roman Army, the Goths were allowed to cross the Danube and settle in the province of Thrace. Far more people crossed the Danube than the Romans expected, however, and with winter approaching, the local Roman commander, Lupicinus, lacked the resources to feed the newcomers and did not possess sufficient troops to control them. Treated poorly and running out of food, the Goths very quickly lost faith in the Roman promises. Meanwhile, other Gothic tribes also sought permission to cross the Danube. The Greuthungi were refused permission, but soon learned that local Roman garrisons had been depleted to supervise the march of the Theruingi to the town of Marcianopolis, close to the eastern shore of the Black Sea. Taking advantage of this, the Greuthungi also entered Roman territory. Camping outside Marcianopolis, Lupicinus denied the Goths access to the town’s food stores, provoking the Theruingi to begin skirmishing with the Roman troops. Fritigern convinced Lupicinus to let the Gothic leaders go and calm their people, but they did nothing to quell the warlike temper of his warriors. Lupicinus summoned troops to him, but in late 376 these Roman forces were defeated – the first of several defeats for the Romans that would culminate in the fateful battle of Adrianople in August 378, at which Roman forces led by the emperor himself confronted the Gothic host. The aftermath and repercussions of Adrianople have been much debated, but historians agree that it marks a decisive moment in the history of the Roman world. This fully illustrated book investigates the fighting men of both sides who clashed at the battles of Marcianopolis, Ad Salices and Adrianople, as the fate of the Western Roman Empire hung in the balance.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Avot de-Rabbi Natan B
Nach Erschließung der hebräischen Textbasis durch die Edition der Geniza-Fragmente (2003) und die Synopse der Handschriften beider Versionen von Avot de-Rabbi Natan (2006) legt Hans-Jürgen Becker mit diesem Band eine Übersetzung von Version B vor, die auf dem aktuellen Stand der Textforschung diese für Geschichtsdeutung und Weisheit des antik-rabbinischen Judentums zentrale Quelle auch den Interessierten angrenzender Disziplinen zugänglich macht.Das Werk enthält unter anderem die älteste Fassung der rabbinischen Legenden zu den Umständen der Zerstörung Jerusalems im Jahre 70 n. Chr., Sentenzen und Rätselworte der Weisen des ersten und zweiten Jahrhunderts, Geschehnisse aus ihrem Leben und Schilderungen ihres Alltags mit viel Zeitkolorit, zahlreiche Gleichnisse sowie auch längere schriftauslegende Passagen, etwa zur Erschaffung des Menschen nach dem Bericht der Genesis. Fiktive Gespräche mit Kaisern, Matronen und Philosophen zeugen zusammen mit einer Vielzahl griechischer und lateinischer Lehnwörter von der Verbundenheit der Rabbinen mit der sie umgebenden Kultur.Grundlage dieser ersten Übersetzung ins Deutsche ist die älteste und vollständigste erhaltene Handschrift MS Parma 2785 (= de Rossi 327, Spanien 1289), ergänzt durch MS Vatikan 303 (Italien, 15. Jh.). Übersetzungsrelevante Varianten sämtlicher Textzeugen werden anmerkungsweise oder durch synoptische Darstellung dokumentiert. Die Übersetzung ist um größtmögliche Wörtlichkeit bemüht - schwierige Stellen werden sprachlich nicht geglättet. Die Anmerkungen geben Hinweise zum möglichen Textverständnis, ohne der Interpretation vorzugreifen.
Peeters Publishers La Vie Dans Le Christ Dans Le Catechisme De Jean-Paul II
Le Catechisme de l'Eglise catholique de 1992, son edition typique latine de 1997 et son Compendium ou Abrege de 2005 ont, apres une premiere partie (" La profession de la foi chretienne ") et une deuxieme (" La celebration du mystere chretien "), une troisieme consacree a la morale, a " la vie dans le Christ ".La presente etude, comme les deux precedentes (BETL 153 et 196), fait voir comment se sont constituees les deux sections de cette troisieme partie : la premiere est une sorte de theologie morale fondamentale intitulee " La vocation de l'homme : la vie dans l'Esprit " ; et la seconde est une theologie morale speciale portant sur les dix commandements du Decalogue dont le Christ a atteste la perennite. En vue de percevoir l'originalite de la morale catholique, des differents themes qu'elle aborde en ses 867 paragraphes, un regard est porte sur ce qu'ont enseigne en leur temps le Catechisme tridentin, le Concile Vatican II et le Directoire catechetique dont il a demande la publication, ainsi que les quelques catechismes nationaux parus avant 1992. En outre, l'examen du troisieme schema preparatoire de 1987 et du cinquieme de 1989 fait apparaitre l'evolution du plan, des formulations doctrinales et des exigences morales proposees a ceux qui veulent suivre la voie tracee par le Christ. Les changements intervenus, les suppressions et les ajouts constates permettent d'etablir quelles etaient les options morales que le magistere de l'Eglise privilegiait en cette fin du XXe siecle.
Peeters Publishers Semantique de la Cause
Ce livre constitue une typologie semantico-syntaxique systematique des constructions causales qui operent sur des arguments phrastiques, a l'exclusion de celles qui figurent dans le cadre d'une phrase simple (renverser,tuer). Les connecteurs etudies sont donc des predicats du second ordre, quelle que soit leur categorie morphologique (verbe, nom, adjectif, preposition, locution). La classification repose sur la nature de l'operande : celle-ci permet de mettre en evidence des causes evenementielles (causer, provoquer, occasionner), des causes du faire (faire, ordonner, motiver, mobile, motif) et des causes du dire (conjecturer, alleguer, pretendre, puisque, car).Sur la base d'un corpus de grande ampleur, on decrit le spectre argumental de tous les connecteurs. Ce travail methodique revele que chaque predicat de cause selectionne un nombre d'operandes qui lui est propre et qui representent des classes semantiques specifiques. Les relateurs de cause ne sont donc pas interchangeables. A cote de causes " globales ", on distinguera des causes inchoatives (declencher, activer, instaurer), progressives (perpetuer, maintenir) ou terminatives (clore, endiguer, eradiquer). Les connecteurs ne codent pas la relation de facon uniforme. Certains sont caracterises par un surcodage : ils ajoutent a la notion de cause des valeurs supplementaires de nature metaphorique (conduire a, venir de, etre une source de, donner naissance a). D'autres correspondent a un sous-codage : leur sens premier exprime une autre relation (si, quand, lorsque, chaque fois que) et necessite une inference pour avoir une interpretation causale.
Oxford University Press Inc North Korea: What Everyone Needs to Know®
After a year of trading colorful barbs with the American president and significant achievements in North Korea's decades-long nuclear and missile development programs, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un declared mission accomplished in November 2017. Though Kim's pronouncement appears premature, North Korea is on the verge of being able to strike the United States with nuclear weapons. South Korea has long been in the North Korean crosshairs but worries whether the United States would defend it if North Korea holds the American homeland at risk. The largely ceremonial summit between US president Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un, and the unpredictability of both parties, has not quelled these concerns and leaves more questions than answers for the two sides' negotiators to work out. The Korean Peninsula's security situation is an intractable conflict, raising the question, "How did we get here?" In this book, former North Korea lead foreign service officer at the US embassy in Seoul Patrick McEachern unpacks the contentious and tangled relationship between the Koreas in an approachable question-and-answer format. While North Korea is famous for its militarism and nuclear program, South Korea is best known for its economic miracle, familiar to consumers as the producer of Samsung smartphones, Hyundai cars, and even K-pop music and K-beauty. Why have the two Koreas developed politically and economically in such radically different ways? What are the origins of a divided Korean Peninsula? Who rules the two Koreas? How have three generations of the authoritarian Kim dictatorship shaped North Korea? What is the history of North-South relations? Why does the North Korean government develop nuclear weapons? How do powers such as Japan, China, and Russia fit into the mix? What is it like to live in North and South Korea? This book tackles these broad topics and many more to explain what everyone needs to know about South and North Korea.
WW Norton & Co Insurrection: Rebellion, Civil Rights, and the Paradoxical State of Black Citizenship
The little-known and under-studied 1807 Insurrection Act was passed to give the president the ability to deploy federal military forces to fend off lawlessness and rebellion, but it soon became much more than the sum of its parts. Its power is integrally linked to the perceived threat of black American equity in what lawyer and critic Hawa Allan demonstrates is a dangerous paradox. While the Act was initially used to repress rebellion against slavery, during Reconstruction it was invoked by President Grant to quell white-supremacist uprisings in the South. During the civil rights movement, it enabled the protection of black students who attended previously segregated educational institutions. Most recently, the Insurrection Act has been the vehicle for presidents to call upon federal troops to suppress so-called “race riots” like those in Los Angeles in 1992, and for them to threaten to do so in other cases of racial justice activism. Yet when the US Capitol was stormed in January 2021, the impulse to restore law and order and counter insurrectionary threats to the republic lay dormant. Allan’s distinctly literary voice underscores her paradigm-shifting reflections on the presence of fear and silence in history and their shadowy impact on the law. Throughout, she draws revealing insight from her own experiences as one of the only black girls in her leafy Long Island suburb, as a black lawyer at a predominantly white firm during a visit from presidential candidate Barack Obama, and as a thinker about the use and misuse of appeals to law and order. Elegant and profound, deeply researched and intensely felt, Insurrection is necessary reading in our reckoning with structural racism, government power, and protest in the United States.
The University Press of Kentucky The Most Hated Man in Kentucky: The Lost Cause and the Legacy of Union General Stephen Burbridge
For the last third of the nineteenth century, Union General Stephen Gano Burbridge enjoyed the unenviable distinction of being the most hated man in Kentucky. From mid-1864, just months into his reign as the military commander of the state, until his death in December 1894, the mere mention of his name triggered a firestorm of curses from editorialists and politicians. By the end of Burbridge's tenure, Governor Thomas E. Bramlette concluded that he was an "imbecile commander" whose actions represented nothing but the "blundering of a weak intellect and an overwhelming vanity."In this revealing biography, Brad Asher explores how Burbridge earned his infamous reputation and adds an important new layer to the ongoing reexamination of Kentucky during and after the Civil War. He explains that Burbridge's use of measures, including retaliatory executions, to quell guerrillas and Confederate partisans fell within the range of tactics used by Union commanders faced with irregular fighters in other areas and within the bounds of the laws of war as articulated by the Union high command. Burbridge jailed, banished, and harassed those who expressed anti-Lincoln, anti-war, or pro-Confederate political sympathies. Most importantly, however, he oversaw and sped along the destruction of slavery by administering the recruitment and enlistment of enslaved people as soldiers.This reassessment illuminates how Burbridge -- as a Kentuckian and the local architect of the destruction of slavery -- became the scapegoat for white Kentuckians, including many in the Unionist political elite, who were unshakably opposed to emancipation. Beyond successfully recalibrating history's understanding of Burbridge, Asher's biography adds administrative and military context to the state's reaction to emancipation and sheds new light on its postwar pro-Confederacy shift.
Common Notions New Bones: Abolitionism and the Captive Maternal
New Bones Abolition addresses “those of us broken enough to grow new bones” in order to stabilize our political traditions that renew freedom struggles. Reflecting on police violence, political movements, Black feminism, Erica Garner, Mumia Abu-Jamal, caretakers and compradors, Joy James analyzes the “Captive Maternal,” which emerges from legacies of colonialism, chattel slavery and predatory policing, to explore the stages of resistance and communal rebellion that manifest through war resistance. She recognizes a long line of gendered and ungendered freedom fighters, who, within a racialized and economically-stratified democracy, transform from coerced or conflicted caretakers into builders of movements, who realize the necessity of maroon spaces, and ultimately the inevitability of becoming war resisters that mobilize against genocide and state violence. New Bones Abolition weaves a narrative of a historically complex and engaged people seeking to quell state violence. James discusses the contributions of the mother Mamie Till-Mobley who held a 1955 open-casket funeral for her fourteen-year-old Emmett Till, murdered by white nationalists; the 1971 rebels at Attica prison; the resilience of political prisoners despite the surplus torture they endured; the emergence of Black feminists as political theorists; human rights advocates seeking abolition; and the radical intellectualism of Erica Garner, daughter of Eric Garner slain in 2014 by the NYPD. James positions the Captive Maternal within the evolution of contemporary abolition. Her meditation on, and theorizing of, Black radicals and revolutionaries works to honor Agape-driven communities and organizers that deter state/police predatory violence through love, caretaking, protest, movements, marronage, and war resistance.
De Gruyter Watteau – kolonial: Herrschaft, Handel und Galanterie im Frankreich des Régence
What were the early visions of Empire in Regency France? The book offers a interpretation of Jean-Antoine Watteau’s Pilgrimage to the Isle of Cythera (1717) by framing it in the context of French colonial expansion in the years of the Regency. Born in Louis XIV’s reign, galant aesthetics contributed to frame the colonial encounter in French America. Fantasies of maritime departure, embarkation and/or debarkation, also expressed a longing for colonial travel and exploration. The imperial imagination fueled with codes of galanterie was very developed in the circles of Watteau’s amateurs. From Watteau’s Pilgrimage to the Isle of Cythera (1717) to its visual reenactment in 1763, the book argues that galanterie served as a visual and conceptual model of French commercial and colonial relations. Quelles furent les premières visions de l’Empire dans la France de la Régence ? Cet ouvrage propose une interprétation nouvelle du Pèlerinage à l’île de Cythère (1717) de Jean-Antoine Watteau en le replaçant dans le contexte de l’expansion coloniale française des années de la Régence. Née sous le règne et l’imperium de Louis XIV, l’esthétique galante a contribué à donner une forme visuelle à la rencontre coloniale en Amérique française. Les motifs du débarquement, de l’embarquement et du voyage maritime, essentiels dans ce tableau, exprimaient également un désir de voyage et de conquête. L’imaginaire impérial, alimenté par les codes de la galanterie était très développé dans les cercles des commanditaires de Watteau, eux-mêmes proches des cercles des Modernes, qui défendaient de nouvelles formes esthétiques en art et en littérature. Du Pèlerinage à l’île de Cythère (1717) de Watteau à son remploi visuel en 1763 dans une vue d’optique, le livre soutient que la galanterie servit comme ressource formelle au développement de l’imaginaire colonial français.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Literarische und historische Studien zu Nebenfiguren im zweiten Samuelbuch
Die SamuelbÃ"cher sind ein literarisches Werk und eine historische Quelle ersten Ranges. Sie berichten von der frÃ"hen Königszeit Altisraels. Im zweiten Samuelbuch spielt König David die Hauptrolle. Literarisch und historisch bedeutsam sind indes die Nachrichten nicht nur Ã"ber ihn, sondern Ã"ber eine ganze Reihe literarischer Figuren und historischer Persönlichkeiten in seinem Umfeld: Mitglieder der königlichen Familie wie einfache Leute, Generäle, Ratgeber, Propheten, Priester, Wächter, Söldner, Diener. Die Erzähler der SamuelbÃ"cher geben solchen Nebenfiguren nicht nur Namen, sondern oft höchst eindrÃ"ckliche Gesichter; sie erwähnen nicht nur ihre Existenz, sondern schildern einzelne ihrer Aktionen. Sie schöpfen dabei aus älteren Quellen, gestalten aber auch aus eigener Intuition. So schaffen sie ein ungemein farben- und facettenreiches Historiengemälde Ã"ber die Zeit des Königs David.In diesem Band beleuchten zweiundzwanzig Forscherinnen und Forscher aus acht verschiedenen Ländern die verschiedenen Nebenfiguren des zweiten Samuelbuches. Anlass dazu gab ein Fachsymposium in Bern im September 2009 und eine Sondersession im Rahmen des Kongresses der "International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament" in Helsinki im August 2010. Die Beiträge ergeben zusammen ein Gesamtbild, das in seiner Vielgestaltigkeit und gleichzeitigen Geschlossenheit demjenigen des zweiten Samuelbuchs nicht unähnlich ist.
And Other Stories Phenotypes
Longlisted for the 2022 International Booker Prize Winner of the 2023 Jabuti Prize in the Brazilian Book Published Abroad category Federico and Lourenco are brothers. Their father is black, a famed forensic pathologist for the police; their mother is white. Federico - distant, angry, analytical - has light skin, which means he's always been able to avoid the worst of the racism that Brazilian culture has to offer. He can 'pass' as white, and yet, because of this, he has devoted his life to racial justice. Lourenco, on the other hand, is dark-skinned, easy-going, and well-liked in the brothers' hometown of Porto Alegre - and has become a father himself. As Federico's fiftieth birthday looms, he joins a governmental committee in the capital. It is tasked with quelling the increasingly violent student protests rocking Brazil by overseeing the design of a software program that will adjudicate the degree to which each university applicant is sufficiently black to warrant admittance under new affirmative-action quotas. Before he can come to grips with his feelings about this initiative, not to mention a budding romance with one of his committee colleagues, Federico is called home: his niece has just been arrested at a protest carrying a concealed gun. And not just any gun. A stolen police service revolver that Federico and Lourenco hid for a friend decades before. A gun used in a killing. Paulo Scott here probes the old wounds of race in Brazil, and in particular the loss of a black identity independent from the history of slavery. Exploratory rather than didactic, a story of crime, street-life and regret as much as a satirical novel of ideas, Phenotypes is a seething masterpiece of rage and reconciliation.
Savas Beatie The Great Battle Never Fought: The Mine Run Campaign, November 26 – December 2, 1863
The stakes for George Gordon Meade could not have been higher. After his stunning victory at Gettysburg in July of 1863, the Union commander spent the following months trying to bring the Army of Northern Virginia to battle once more and finish the job. The Confederate army, robbed of much of its offensive strength, nevertheless parried Meade’s moves time after time. Although the armies remained in constant contact during those long months of cavalry clashes, quick maneuvers, and sudden skirmishes, Lee continued to frustrate Meade’s efforts. Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., Meade’s political enemies launched an all-out assault against his reputation and generalship. Even the very credibility of his victory at Gettysburg came under assault. Pressure mounted for the army commander to score a decisive victory and prove himself once more. Smaller victories, like those at Bristoe Station and Rappahannock Station, did little to quell the growing clamor—particularly because out west, in Chattanooga, another Union general, Ulysses S. Grant, was once again reversing Federal misfortunes. Meade needed a comparable victory in the east. And so, on Thanksgiving Day, 1863, the Army of the Potomac rumbled into motion once more, intent on trying again to bring about the great battle that would end the war. The Great Battle Never Fought: The Mine Run Campaign, November 26-December 2 1863 recounts the final chapter of the forgotten fall of 1863—when George Gordon Meade made one final attempt to save the Union and, in doing so, save himself.
Cornerstone Alphabet Squadron
The first novel in a new trilogy starring veteran New Republic pilots!On the brink of victory in a brutal war, five New Republic pilots transform from hunted to hunters in this epic Star Wars adventure. Set after Return of the Jedi, Alphabet Squadron follows a unique team, each flying a different class of starfighter as they struggle to end their war once and for all.The Emperor is dead. His final weapon has been destroyed. The Imperial Army is in disarray. In the aftermath, Yrica Quell is just one of thousands of defectors from her former cause living in a deserters’ shantytown—until she is selected to join Alphabet Squadron.Cobbled together from an eclectic assortment of pilots and starfighters, the five members of Alphabet are tasked by New Republic general Hera Syndulla herself. Like Yrica, each is a talented pilot struggling to find their place in a changing galaxy. Their mission: to track down and destroy the mysterious Shadow Wing, a lethal force of TIE fighters exacting bloody, reckless vengeance in the twilight of their reign.The newly formed unit embodies the heart and soul of the Rebellion: ragtag, resourceful, scrappy, and emboldened by their most audacious victory in decades. But going from underdog rebels to celebrated heroes isn’t as easy as it seems, and their inner demons threaten them as much as their enemies among the stars. The wayward warriors of Alphabet Squadron will have to learn to fly together if they want to protect the new era of peace they’ve fought so hard to achieve.Part of a Marvel and Del Rey crossover event, Alphabet Squadron is the counterpart to Marvel’s TIE Fighter miniseries, which follows the exploits of Shadow Wing as they scheme to thwart the New Republic.
Orion Publishing Co The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control
'Her book is life-changing.' GOOP'The definitive guide for anyone who's ready to walk a crucial pathway: from the appearance of control, to the possession of a quiet power.' SUSAN CAIN'This book will forever change the way you view perfectionism and yourself. An irresistible invitation to reclaim your natural state of wholeness, your joy and your life.' DEEPAK CHOPRA'Gives you permission to be more in a world that's telling you to be less.' LORI GOTTLEIB'Provocative... identifies the strategies and mindsets every high-achieving woman needs to quell her inner critic and embrace her true talents.' HOLLY WHITAKERThe advice we hear on perfectionism is always the same - let go of it! Forget it! Perfectionism is bad for you. But what if we've been looking at it all wrong? What if perfectionism is your superpower?In The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control, psychotherapist Katherine Morgan Schafler says you don't have to stop being a perfectionist to be happy and fulfilled. Her smart, witty book is a new approach for women who are over the generic advice to 'find balance'.Morgan Schafler's book identifies five distinct types of perfectionist - Classic, Parisian, Messy, Intense, and Procrastinating. As you identify your unique perfectionist profile, you'll learn how to manage each form of perfectionism to work for you, not against you. Beyond managing it, you'll learn how to embrace and even enjoy your perfectionism. Yes, enjoy!With handy self-assessments and actionable advice tailored to the unique needs of each perfectionist type, The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control is the game-changing companion for women who dare to want more out of life.
Peeters Publishers Les Noms Du Style Dans L'Antiquite Greco-latine
Le present volume a pour objet le champ lexical des denominations et des qualifications du style dans l'Antiquite greco-latine. On y trouve etudies un grand nombre de termes grecs (harmonia, hermeneia, kharakter, lexis, phrasis, plasma, tupos) ou latins (elocutio, oratio, ratio dicendi, stilus...), ainsi que des metaphores empruntees au vocabulaire du corps, des ornements socialement marques, des references aux arts plastiques. Ce champ lexical, travaille par les rheteurs, en particulier pour formuler des preceptes et pour accompagner les evolutions de leur technique, fut pense par les philosophes du langage et de la representation et enrichi par la critique d'art. Il forme un ensemble complexe et signifiant, capable de fournir un objet particulierement stimulant a une recherche collective menee dans l'esprit d'interdisciplinarite auquel sont attaches les editeurs de ce volume, qui ont evite soigneusement les decoupages disciplinaires modernes, si arbitraires en general et plus encore quand il s'agit de l'Antiquite. Car au-dela de l'examen semantique d'un champ lexical, l'objectif est de repondre, en multipliant les points de vue, a deux questions generales et connexes : - quelles sont les modifications de point de vue entre la Grece et Rome, telles qu'elles apparaissent dans les traductions, adaptations et innovations qui ont permis la constitution d'un lexique latin specifique ?