Search results for ""Author Quelle"
The University of North Carolina Press A Black Jurist in a Slave Society: Antonio Pereira Rebouças and the Trials of Brazilian Citizenship
Now in English for the first time, Keila Grinberg's compelling study of the nineteenth-century jurist Antonio Pereira Reboucas (1798–1880) traces the life of an Afro-Brazilian intellectual who rose from a humble background to play a key as well as conflicted role as Brazilians struggled to define citizenship and understand racial politics. One of the most prominent specialists in civil law of his time, Reboucas explained why blacks fought stridently for their own inclusion in society but also complicitly embraced an ethic of silence on race more broadly. Grinberg argues that while this silence was crucial for defining spaces of social mobility and respectability regardless of race, it was also stifling, and played an important role in quelling political mobilization based on racial identity. Reboucas's commitment to liberal ideals also exemplifies the contradiction he embodied: though he rejected movements that were grounded in racial political mobilization, he was consistently treated as potentially dangerous for the single fact that he was of African origin. Grinberg's analysis of Reboucas and his times demonstrates how his life and career—encompassing such themes as racial politics and identities, slavery and racism, and imperfect citizenship—are central for our understanding of Atlantic slave and post-abolition societies.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Septuaginta - Text, Wirkung, Rezeption: 4. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 19.-22. Juli 2012
Die Septuaginta ist als jüdische Bibelübersetzung ab dem 3. Jh. v. Chr. entstanden. Sie wurde zur zentralen Grundlage des Judentums in der griechisch-hellenistischen Welt und in weiterer Folge für die Verbreitung des Christentums. Sie wurde von den meisten neutestamentlichen Autoren als Grundlage ihrer Schriftzitate benutzt und ist das Alte Testament in den orthodoxen Kirchen. Zudem gibt sie Einblick in das Schriftverständnis und die Theologie des Griechisch sprechenden Judentums in der Antike. In textgeschichtlicher Hinsicht ist sie die wichtigste Quelle neben dem hebräisch-masoretischen Text, zumal sie, anders als die biblischen Texte aus Qumran, vollständig überliefert ist. Die Septuaginta-Forschung bildet einen eigenständigen Bereich neben der Erforschung der hebräischen Bibel und liegt im Schnittfeld mit dem Neuen Testament und mit antiker Geschichte und Religionsgeschichte.Der vorliegende Band enthält Studien zum Text und zur Textgeschichte der Septuaginta, zu ihrer Philologie und Geographie sowie zur Theologie und zur Rezeptionsgeschichte. Er gibt einen Überblick über den gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand und zeigt Perspektiven für die weitere Forschung auf. Der Band ist erwachsen aus einer internationalen Tagung des Projektes Septuaginta Deutsch, die im Juli 2012 in Wuppertal stattfand.
Stanford University Press The Diplomat in the Corner Office: Corporate Foreign Policy
In The Diplomat in the Corner Office, Timothy L. Fort, one of the founders of the business and peace movement, reflects on the progress of the movement over the past 15 years—from a niche position into a mainstream economic and international relations perspective. In the 21st century global business environment, says Fort, businesses can and should play a central role in peace-building, and he demonstrates that it is to companies' strategic advantage to do so. Anchoring his arguments in theories from economics and international relations, Fort makes the case that businesses must augment familiar notions of corporate responsibility and ethical behavior with the concept of corporate foreign policy in order to thrive in today's world. He presents a series of case studies focusing on companies that have made peace a goal, either as an end in itself or because of its instrumental value in building their companies, to articulate three different approaches that businesses can use to quell international conflict— peace making, peace keeping, and peace building. He then demonstrates their effectiveness and proposes policies that can be utilized by business, civil society, and government to increase the likelihood of business playing a constructive role in the conciliatory process. This book will be of enormous use not only to students and scholars but also to leaders in NGOs, government, and business.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Corpus Johanneum bei Irenäus von Lyon: Studien und Kommentar zum dritten Buch von 'Adversus Haereses'
Im dritten Band seines hauptsächlich gegen valentinianische "Erkenntnis" (Gnosis) und gegen Markion gerichteten Hauptwerkes - es ist zugleich die erste Dogmatik der Kirche - zeigt der südgallische Bischof von Lyon um 185 n.Chr., wie mit Hilfe des Corpus Johanneum wesentliche theologische Herausforderungen der Gnosis biblisch-theologisch beantwortet werden können. Dies betrifft hermeneutische Fragen nach Schrift und Tradition ebenso wie die zentralen Fragen nach Gott und nach Jesus Christus. Thematisch wird dies anhand der Einheit Gottes, seinem Schöpfersein, der Inkarnation und der Soteriologie aufgezeigt. Dabei ist Irenäus der erste Autor, der mit hoher Wortlautgenauigkeit und unter ausdrücklichem Hinweis auf die Quelle zitiert und so als erster eine biblisch-heilsgeschichtliche Theologie entwirft. Bernhard Mutschler untersucht Aufbau und Einheit des dritten Buches sowie die verschiedene Reihenfolge der Evangelien bei Irenäus. Er kommentiert alle bisher identifizierten sowie neu aufgefundenen Bezugnahmen auf das Evangelium nach Johannes, die Johannesbriefe und die Johannesapokalypse.
Peeters Publishers L'"Imitatio Dei" Dans Le Targum Et La Aggada
L'importance de la notion d'exemple divin dans le judaisme ressort de l'importance des actes et qualites auxquels, des l'Ecriture, elle sert de motif, de son enseignement officiel et populaire dans les Targums, voir de son echo liturgique, et de la multitude des textes qui la developpent. Le Targum, traduction officielle de l'Ecriture, beneficie, grace a l'usage liturgique commun, de certaines prerogatives de celle-la: sacralisation donc fixation relatives. Les enseignements vehicules par le Targum sont ceux qui a l'epoque de leur insertion, ont ete consciemment choisis non seulement comme orthodoxes, mais comme fondamentaux et susceptibles d'une large divulgation. Quel est le moment de l'insertion de la notion d'imitation de Dieu dans le Targum, a quels moments et dans quels contextes historiques et exegetiques le bloc targumique et, auparavant, les elements qui le constituent, se sont elabores, quelles sont, dans ces contextes, les mutations de ce bloc, de ces elements qui l'ont constitue, telles sont les questions qui ont motive cette recherche dans les textes contemporains ou anterieures qui constituent, avec le Targum, la litterature rabbinique.
Peeters Publishers La Raison Du Corps. Ideologie Du Corps Et Representations De L'environnement Chez Les Mirana D'Amazonie Colombienne
Comment rendre compte de la perception de l'environnement propre aux Mirana, societe amerindienne d'Amazonie colombienne? Quel discours portent-ils sur leur corps? Comment construisent-ils la difference des sexes? Qui participe selon eux - et sous quelle forme - a la constitution et au developpement du foetus? Les reponses a ces questions, et d'autres donnees issues d'une enquete de terrain dans lesquelles le materiau mythologique est tres present, construisent la trame de l'ouvrage. Mais en quoi l'ethnographie d'un petit groupe amazonien peut-elle susciter un regard neuf sur des problemes plus generaux de l'anthropologie contemporaine? La facon dont les Mirana pensent leur corps permet de comprendre leur perception de l'environnement, et vice versa. Cela ouvre une piste fructueuse pour l'analyse des processus conceptuels impliques dans l'edification des savoirs. En partant d'un des universaux de l'esprit humain, l'anthropomorphisme, ce livre demonte la logique de connaissance a l'oeuvre au sein d'une societe amazonienne, qui exploite systematiquement les relations instituees entre corps et milieu ambiant. Il debouche sur cette question: avant d'etre organe d'emotion, le corps n'est-il pas raison?
Yale University Press Traders in Men: Merchants and the Transformation of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
A sweeping new history that reveals how British, African, and American merchants developed the transatlantic slave trade “This is a landmark study given its clear status as easily the best researched and most comprehensive book on the British slave trade to date.”—David Eltis, coauthor of Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade “A masterful account of one of the most brutal moments in the history of capitalist modernity. Radburn brilliantly details all aspects of the process of commodification of human beings in the Liverpool slave trade, vividly depicting the long journeys endured by Africans in Africa, across the Atlantic, and in the Americas.”—Leonardo Marques, Universidade Federal Fluminense During the eighteenth century, Britain’s slave trade exploded in size. Formerly a small and geographically constricted business, the trade had, by the eve of the American Revolution, grown into a transatlantic system through which fifty thousand men, women, and children were enslaved every year. In this wide-ranging history, Nicholas Radburn explains how thousands of merchants collectively transformed the slave trade by devising highly efficient but violent new business methods. African brokers developed commercial infrastructure that facilitated the enslavement and sale of millions of people. Britons invented shipping methods that quelled enslaved people’s constant resistance on the Middle Passage. And American slave traders formulated brutal techniques through which shiploads of people could be quickly sold to colonial buyers. Truly Atlantic-wide in its vision, this study shows how the slave trade dragged millions of people into its terrible vortex and became one of the most important phenomena in world history.
BenBella Books Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships
In the first work of investigative journalism in decades to give a comprehensive view into contemporary psychiatric incarceration and forced interventions, Your Consent Is Not Required exposes how rising numbers of people from many walks of life are being subjected against their will to surveillance, indefinite detention, and powerful tranquilising drugs, restraints, seclusion, and electroshock. There’s a common misconception that, due to asylum closures, only “dangerous” people get committed now. But forced psychiatric interventions today occur in thousands of public and private hospitals, and also in group and long-term care facilities, troubled-teen and residential treatment centers, and even in people’s own homes under outpatient commitment orders. Intended to “help,” for many people the experiences are terrifying, traumatising, and permanently damaging. Driven partly by individuals’ genuine concerns for the “mental health” of others, and partly by institutions entangled with goals of power, profit, and social control, psychiatric coercion is increasingly used to: manage school children and the elderly, quell family conflicts, police the streets, control people in shelters, community living, and prisons, fraudulently increase hospital profits, “resolve” workplace disagreements, detain protesters and discredit whistleblowers. Thoroughly researched, with alarming true stories and hard data from the US and Canada, Rob Wipond’s Your Consent Is Not Required builds an unassailable case for greater transparency, vigilance, and change.
Cornerstone For My Country's Freedom: (Richard Bolitho: Book 23)
Fans of Patrick O'Brian and C. S. Forester will love this captivating, vivid and exciting page-turner from multi-million copy seller Alexander Kent - guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat! 'Shipwreck, survival... a spirited battle... a splendid yarn' -- Times'One of our foremost writers of naval fiction' -- Sunday Times'Alexander Keen is a master of his craft' -- ***** Reader review'Seamless fiction at its best' -- ***** Reader review'Another great story, gripping to the end' -- ***** Reader review'Difficult to put down' -- ***** Reader review'Superb' -- ***** Reader review************************************************************************************************1811: After two and a half months of precious peace in Cornwall with his beloved mistress Catherine, Admiral Richard Bolitho is once again summoned to London.In defence of an Empire, the Admiralty must quell the unrest in America - or face the war with those who were once friends. For when diplomacy fails, the cannon will speak.For his daring mission, Bolitho must call on the loyalty of his most trusted officers - and the trust of those he loves the most. Distance too is their enemy, as the Indomitable leads the fleet from Plymouth towards the rich merchant grounds of the Americas.In the troubled seas from Antigua north to Halifax, Admiral Bolitho's revolutionary 'flying squadron' will face their first and harshest test. For a country's freedom. For a hero's right to turn his back on the sea ...
Cornerstone Star Wars: Cataclysm
After the thrilling events of The High Republic: Convergence, the Jedi race to confront the Path of the Open Hand and end the Forever War.After five years of conflict, the planets Eiram and E'ronoh are on the cusp of real peace. But when news breaks of a disaster at the treaty signing on Jedha, violence reignites on the beleaguered worlds. Together, the royal heirs of both planets-Phan-tu Zenn and Xiri A'lbaran-working alongside the Jedi, have uncovered evidence that the conflict is being orchestrated by outside forces, and all signs point to the mysterious Path of the Open Hand, whom the Jedi also suspect of causing the disaster on Jedha.With time-and answers-in short supply, the Jedi must divide their focus between helping quell the renewed violence on Eiram and E'ronoh and investigating the Path. Among them is Gella Nattai, who turns to the one person she believes can unravel the mystery but the last person she wants to trust: Axel Greylark. The chancellor's son, imprisoned for his crimes, has always sought to unburden himself of the weight of his family name. Will he reconcile with the Jedi and aid in their quest for justice and peace, or embrace the Path's promise of true freedom?As all roads lead to Dalna, Gella and her allies prepare to take on a foe unlike any they've ever faced. And it will take all of their trust in the Force, and in one another, to survive.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Experimentelle Produktentwicklung: Wie Unternehmen ihre Strategien systematisch validieren können
Das Buch zeigt, wie Führungskräfte und Unternehmer Experimente als Grundlage für strategische (Produkt)-Entscheidungen nutzen können. Der Autor erläutert, wie sich die Strategie von Unternehmen verändert, wenn Experimente als zentrale Quelle der Entscheidungsfindung verwendet werden. Nils Stotz beschreibt zunächst das Wesen von Experimenten und stellt verschiedene in der Praxis erprobte Methoden vor. Dabei stehen Aspekte der Risikominderung, Planungshilfen und die Betrachtung von Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmensentwicklung im Mittelpunkt. Anschließend erklärt er, welche Unternehmenskultur nötig ist, um das Experimentieren auf ein skalierbares und effizientes Level zu bringen. Es folgt eine ausführliche Darstellung relevanter Techniken und Frameworks für das Experimentieren sowie des Ablaufs eines Experiments.Beispiele aus der Unternehmenspraxis, anwendungsnahe Tipps und Handlungsempfehlungen bieten eine Orientierungshilfe für Start-ups sowie etablierte Unternehmen. Der Inhalt Experimentation als Strategie Die Struktur der Experiment Organisation Das Experiment Design Methoden und Techniken beim Experimentieren Praktische Beispiele
John Wiley and Sons Ltd China's Military Transformation
China�s military transformation is one of the major geo-strategic developments of the 21st Century. Billions of dollars are being spent modernizing The People�s Liberation Army (PLA) as China seeks to upgrade and expand its military capabilities to rival the US. In this cutting-edge analysis, You Ji, a leading expert on China�s military affairs, explores the changes taking places within the PLA today, covering its ground, aerospace and maritime forces, its ability to meet asymmetric threats, and the growing role played by the People�s Armed Police in quelling dissent in China. He shows how these transformations in personnel, technology and strategic goals are slowly driving a wedge between China�s two most powerful institutions. Until recently, relations between the CCP and PLA were harmonious, but as the PLA becomes increasingly professionalized and autonomous so its unconditional loyalty to the ruling Party may weaken. The changing relationship between the CCP and PLA, he argues, is likely to have profound implications for China�s own political development and the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region. Comprehensive and incisive, this timely book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the nature and consequences of China�s military rise.
Peeters Publishers Les Ottomans en Egypte: Historiens et Conquerants au XVIe Siecle
Ce livre montre, a la lumiere d'une documentation turque, arabe et italienne, dans quelles conditions les Ottomans, victorieux des Mamlouks en 1517, installerent leur domination en Egypte. La reduction du pays au rang de province favorisa le renouvellement des elites et la regulation de la violence politique. Les nouveaux maitres assumaient l'heritage mamlouk, et leurs historiens demarquaient les chroniques de l'ancien regime; mais ils avaient a justifier la guerre de conquete menee contre un vieux centre de la civilisation arabo-islamique. L'impact de la provincialisation sur l'ecriture de l'histoire en arabe et en turc, l'identite des elites, le travail de legitimation du pouvoir sont mis ici en lumiere par un mouvement de va-et-vient entre histoire et historiographie. Une attention particuliere est portee a la chronique magnifique et oubliee redigee en turc dans les annees 1540 par 'Abdussamed Diyarbekri, dont on peut lire des extraits en edition bilingue.
The University of Chicago Press Well Worth Saving: How the New Deal Safeguarded Home Ownership
The urgent demand for housing after World War I fueled a boom in residential construction that led to historic peaks in home ownership. Foreclosures at the time were rare, and when they did happen, lenders could quickly recoup their losses by selling into a strong market. But no mortgage system is equipped to deal with credit problems on the scale of the Great Depression. As foreclosures quintupled, it became clear that the mortgage system of the 1920s was not up to the task, and borrowers, lenders, and real estate professionals sought action at the federal level. Well Worth Saving tells the story of the disastrous housing market during the Great Depression and the extent to which an immensely popular New Deal relief program, the Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC), was able to stem foreclosures by buying distressed mortgages from lenders and refinancing them. Drawing on historical records and modern statistical tools, Price Fishback, Jonathan Rose, and Kenneth Snowden investigate important unanswered questions to provide an unparalleled view of the mortgage loan industry throughout the 1920s and early '30s. Combining this with the stories of those involved, the book offers a clear understanding of the HOLC within the context of the housing market in which it operated, including an examination of how the incentives and behaviors at play throughout the crisis influenced the effectiveness of policy. More than eighty years after the start of the Great Depression, when politicians have called for similar programs to quell the current mortgage crisis, this accessible account of the Home Owners' Loan Corporation holds invaluable lessons for our own time.
Peeters Publishers La nature et le bien: L'éthique d'Aristote et la question naturaliste
La référence à la nature, qu’elle soit normative ou descriptive, croise les thèmes essentiels de l’éthique d’Aristote : la fin ultime, l’acquisition des vertus, le plaisir et les émotions, les liens relationnels, la justice et la vie en cité, la responsabilité. L’éthique aristotélicienne n’est pas pour autant « naturaliste » au sens où le bien humain dériverait de tendances et de prédispositions naturelles. Cet ouvrage, en procédant à une étude systématique de la référence à la nature dans l’éthique aristotélicienne, défend une nouvelle interprétation du naturalisme pratique d’Aristote : un naturalisme critique, le plus souvent dialectique, qui s’interroge sur les conditions de base du bien humain ; non pas un naturalisme scientifique, en vertu duquel la biologie serait source de prescriptions morales, mais un naturalisme problématique qui délimite des possibilités d’agir. L’une des tâches primordiales du théoricien de l’éthique, comme celle du politique actif, est précisément d’évaluer dans quelle mesure le bien humain dépend de la nature ou s’en affranchit.
De Gruyter Die Hochburg bei Emmendingen
Die Ruine der Hochburg ist eine der größten Badens. Als Burg 'Hachberg' wurde sie im 12. Jahrhundert erstmals erwähnt; als Gründer und erste Besitzer kommen die Herren von Hachberg infrage. Seit dem 13. Jahrhundert waren die Markgrafen von Baden mit der Seitenlinie der Hachberger Besitzer und Nutzer der Anlage. Die große Zeit der Burg begann im 17. Jahrhundert, als Markgraf Georg Friedrich von Baden sie zur Festung ausbauen ließ. Im Dreißigjährigen Krieg wurde sie 1636 gründlich zerstört. Zwar vollendete Markgraf Friedrich VI. von Baden 1660 den Wiederaufbau, doch der Pfälzische Erbfolgekrieg führte 1689 zur endgültigen Zerstörung. Danach blieb die Hochburg Ruine und diente nur noch als Quelle romantischer Impressionen und sagenhafter Geschichten. Die Ausdehnung der heutigen Anlage sowie ihre noch vorhandenen Gebäude mit aufschlussreichen Baudetails zeugen eindrucksvoll von der Bedeutung der Festung im 17. Jahrhundert. Der Silbergraue Führer lädt ein, sich anhand der erhaltenen und wieder zugänglichen Teile der Ruine mit der Funktionsweise und dem Alltagsleben auf einer badischen Festung der Frühen Neuzeit bekannt zu machen.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Hungarian Uprising: Budapest's Cataclysmic Twelve Days, 1956
When the world held its breath It is more than 25 years since the end of the Cold War. It began over 75 years ago, in 1944 long before the last shots of the Second World War had echoed across the wastelands of Eastern Europe with the brutal Greek Civil War. The battle lines are no longer drawn, but they linger on, unwittingly or not, in conflict zones such as Syria, Somalia and Ukraine. In an era of mass-produced AK-47s and ICBMs, one such flashpoint was Hungary Soviet troops had occupied Hungary in 1945 as they pushed towards Germany and by 1949 the country was ruled by a communist government that towed the Soviet line. Resentment at the system eventually boiled over at the end of October 1956\. Protests erupted on the streets of Budapest and, as the violence spread, the government fell and was replaced by a new, more moderate regime. However, the intention of the new government to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact and declare neutrality in the Cold War proved just too much for Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. Soviet forces had intervened at the beginning of events to help the former regime keep order but were withdrawn at the end of October, only to return in November and quell the uprising with blunt force. Thousands were arrested, many of whom were imprisoned and more than 300 executed. An estimated 200,000 fled Hungary as refugees. Despite advocating a policy of rolling back Soviet influence, the US and other western powers were helpless to stop the suppression of the uprising, which marked a realization that the Cold War in Europe had reached a stalemate.
Cornell University Press The Brown Recluse Spider
The brown recluse is a fascinating spider very well adapted to dwelling in houses and other buildings. Because of this very quality and the ghastly reputation associated with the medical consequences of its bite, it has become infamous throughout North America. Although recluse spiders can cause serious skin injuries and, in very rare cases, death, the danger posed by this spider is often exaggerated as a result of arachnophobia and the misdiagnosis of non-spider-related conditions as brown recluse bites. These misdiagnoses often occur in areas of North America where the spider does not exist, making legitimate bites improbable. One of the greatest factors that keeps the myths alive is misidentification of common (and harmless) spiders as brown recluses. With this book, Richard S. Vetter hopes to educate readers regarding the biology of the spider and medical aspects of its bites, to reduce the incidence of misdiagnoses, and to quell misplaced anxiety. In The Brown Recluse Spider, Vetter covers topics such as taxonomy, identification, misidentification, life history characteristics and biology, medical aspects of envenomations, medical conditions misdiagnosed as brown recluse bites, other spider species of medical consideration (several of which have been wrongly implicated as threats to human health), and the psychology behind the entrenched reasons why people believe so deeply in the presence of the spider in the face of strong, contradictory information. Vetter also makes recommendations for control of the spider for households in areas where the spiders are found and describes other species of recluse spiders in North America. Although The Brown Recluse Spider was written for a general audience, it is also a valuable source of information for arachnologists and medical personnel.
Michael O'Mara Books Ltd Roman Woman: Everyday Life in Hadrian's Britain
Roman Britain is vividly portrayed in this fascinating and authentically detailed story about a year in the life of an ordinary woman and her family.The year is AD 133. Hadrian is Emperor of Rome and all its vast empire, including Britannia. The greater part of that island has long been under imperial rule and the Roman legions control most of the land, quelling uprisings and building new forts and towns. Around the fortress of Eboracum (now known as York), a bustling garrison settlement is developing, while along the north-west frontier of Hadrian’s empire, the legions are completing the construction of a mighty wall.Introducing us to this world is Senovara, born into the Parisi, a local tribe whose customs have been little changed by Roman rule. But she is also the young wife of Quintus, a veteran of the 6th Legion Victrix. Settling in Quintus’s home is both bewildering and awe-inspiring for Senovara as she seeks to adjust to Eboracum’s cosmopolitan environment, come to terms with new customs and reconcile their cultural differences.Senovara finds that daily life in the settlement can be harsh; a constant struggle to provide her family with fresh food, water and warmth. Yet there is much enjoyment to be had as well, at the public baths or with new friends. There is also the excitement of religious festivals and in the regular news from the frontier, and peril in the form of a deadly fever which sweeps through Eboracum, forcing Senovara and her children to flee to her brother in the countryside.Roman Woman is an immersive, compelling narrative which gets to the heart of what life was like for everyday people in Roman Britain.
Peeters Publishers Le Darwinisme
Charles Darwin marque profondement la culture occidentale, bien au-dela des sciences de la vie. Son ouvrage L'origine des especes non seulement revolutionne le monde scientifique en proposant une theorie coherente de l'evolution biologique, mais il bouscule les grands systemes de pensee qui dominent son epoque. Ses ouvrages posterieurs concernent le comportement humain et elargissent encore considerablement la portee philosophique de ses positions. Comment comprendre le personnage de Darwin lui-meme? Quelles sont les idees centrales de son apport scientifique? Comment interpreter l'evolution de sa pensee tout au long de son ouvre gigantesque? Comment analyser les enjeux philosophiques et societaux de tels apports? Michael Ruse, historien et philosophe des sciences, est un des meilleurs connaisseurs mondiaux du darwinisme. Il propose ici un ouvrage de grande ampleur. Dans un style dynamique, qui preserve toute sa faconde et son humour, Michael Ruse nous confie les reflexions d'un chercheur chevronne qui integre dans une synthese magistrale les conclusions de trente annees de recherche nourries par une culture scientifique et historique impressionnante.
Peeters Publishers Identite Et Difference Dans L'oeuvre De Nicolas De Cues (1401-1464)
Les notions d'identite et de difference recoupent celles de l'un et du multiple, du meme et de l'autre, de l'etre et du devenir. La pensee de Nicolas de Cues les a analysees avec une profondeur inegalee dans une ouvre qui demeure meconnue et qui est, cependant, d'une actualite etonnante. Dans la Docte ignorance, le Cusain enseigne que Dieu est unite, egalite de l'unite avec l'unite et connexion de l'unite et de l'egalite. Que serait, en effet, une unite differente de l'unite, une unite qui ne serait plus une ? Nicolas de Cues repond qu'il ne peut y avoir d'egalite sans unite. Dans son opuscule De aequalitate, il developpera la these qu'il n'y a pas d'unite parfaite sans egalite. Des lors, quelle place donner a la difference, s'il ne peut y avoir une autre unite que l'unite ? Si l'unite se donne a soi dans une repetition de soi, comment cette repetition peut-elle se distinguer de la differenciation ? Telle est la problematique abordee dans les Actes du colloque qui s'est tenu a Rennes sous la direction de Herve Pasqua publies dans notre collection.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Atlas der Pädiatrischen Dermatologie
Dieser Atlas verbindet als erster die beiden wichtigen Themengebiete der Pädiatrie und Dermatologie. Da sich das Erscheinungsbild von Hauterkrankungen in der Kindheit stark von dem im Erwachsenenalter unterscheiden kann, stellt dieses einzigartige Nachschlagewerk eine wichtige Quelle sowohl für Dermatologen als auch Pädiater dar. Der Schwerpunkt der Diagnostik von Hauterkrankungen beim Kind liegt insbesondere auf der morphologischen Befunderhebung und ihrer lokalisations- und altersabhängigen Manifestation. Ist die exakte klinische Beurteilung und differenzialdiagnostische Abgrenzung erfolgt, kann sie dem Kind häufig invasive Eingriffe zur Diagnosefindung ersparen. Hier setzt der vorliegende Atlas an. Jahrzehntelange klinische Erfahrung der drei Autoren findet in diesem Atlas ihren Ausdruck. Er lebt von seinen Abbildungen, die ihn zu einem einzigartigen Nachschlagewerk machen, das schnell den diagnostischen Blick trainiert und schult. Exzellent und umfangreich bebildert mit genauen Befundbeschreibungen und ausführlichen Differenzialdiagnosen versehen, führt der Atlas schnell von den Hauptmerkmalen, über diagnostische Kriterien, sicher und einfach zur Diagnose und sollte somit in keiner Praxis fehlen.
The History Press Ltd Battle Story: Kabul 1841-42
Kabul is a name that has had much resonance in current affairs over the last few years, however its place in military history can be charted much further back to the first British incursions into Afghanistan during the 19th century. The First Anglo-Afghan War saw British India attempting to obtain power over Central Asia by gaining control of Afghanistan. The British had little understanding or appreciation of the terrain or tribal warfare in Afghanistan and incurred heavy casualties, despite being far superior in training and weaponry than the Afghan warriors they faced. In 1841 the British, having held Kabul for several years in an attempt to stop the Afghans colluding with the Russians, relaxed their grip on the garrison, allowing the Afghans to rebel, leading to the slaughter of over 16,000 British and Indian troops and camp followers. The outrage from the disaster resounded throughout the British Empire and reinforcements were sent to Afghanistan in 1842 to quell the Afghan troops. However, a rash of uprisings broke out around Kabul, leading to the murder of Indian sepoys and the imprisonment of British officers. In retribution an army was sent to support the British retreat from Afghanistan, laying waste to the city of Kabul on their way.
Stanford University Press The Diplomat in the Corner Office: Corporate Foreign Policy
In The Diplomat in the Corner Office, Timothy L. Fort, one of the founders of the business and peace movement, reflects on the progress of the movement over the past 15 years—from a niche position into a mainstream economic and international relations perspective. In the 21st century global business environment, says Fort, businesses can and should play a central role in peace-building, and he demonstrates that it is to companies' strategic advantage to do so. Anchoring his arguments in theories from economics and international relations, Fort makes the case that businesses must augment familiar notions of corporate responsibility and ethical behavior with the concept of corporate foreign policy in order to thrive in today's world. He presents a series of case studies focusing on companies that have made peace a goal, either as an end in itself or because of its instrumental value in building their companies, to articulate three different approaches that businesses can use to quell international conflict— peace making, peace keeping, and peace building. He then demonstrates their effectiveness and proposes policies that can be utilized by business, civil society, and government to increase the likelihood of business playing a constructive role in the conciliatory process. This book will be of enormous use not only to students and scholars but also to leaders in NGOs, government, and business.
Hodder Education French for the IB MYP 4&5 (Emergent/Phases 1-2): by Concept
Develop your skills to become an inquiring learner; ensure you navigate the MYP framework with confidence using a concept-driven and assessment-focused approach to French, presented in global contexts.Has been updated for the revised curriculum from September 2020.- Develop conceptual understanding with key MYP concepts and related concepts at the heart of each chapter. - Learn by asking questions for a statement of inquiry in each chapter. - Prepare for every aspect of assessment using support and tasks designed by experienced educators.- Understand how to extend your learning through research projects and interdisciplinary opportunities.- Think internationally with chapters and concepts set in global contextsContents1. Quelle est mon identité culturelle?2. Qu'est ce qu'il y a autour de moi?3. Pourquoi faire la fete?4. A quoi sert l'école?5. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger?6. Tu fais du sport? 7. Quels sont tes loisirs?8. Suis-je responsible de mon environement?9. Es-tu curieux?10. Comment communique-t-on?11. Es-tu une victim de la consommation?12. Qu'est-ce qui définit nos relations?
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Depotenzierung der Souveränität: Religion und politische Ideologie bei Claude Lefort, Slavoj Zizek und Karl Barth
Der durch Hobbes geprägte Begriff der Souveränität erweist sich bis in unsere Gegenwart als entscheidend für Politik und Theologie. Nach Carl Schmitt impliziert er das Moment rechtsfreier und rechtssetzender Gewalt, die dem metaphysisch-theologischen Erbe der neuzeitlichen Moderne entspringt. Der gegenwärtige politische Diskurs begreift Souveränität dagegen nicht mehr als Erbin der Theologie, sondern als Produkt politischer Einbildungskraft des Menschen.Der Glaube an die Souveränität lebt von der Fiktion, absolute Macht könne real existieren und dauerhaft bestehen. Er stiftet politische Ideologien mit notwendig totalitären Zwecken. Rebekka A. Klein klärt im Verweis auf die Souveränitätskritik der Philosophen Claude Lefort und Slavoj Žižek sowie des Theologen Karl Barth, wie diese durchdrungen und entschärft werden. Die drei Autoren leiten eine Depotenzierung der Souveränitätsfigur durch die Stärkung ihrer subversiv-emanzipatorischen Potenziale ein und berufen sich als Quelle ihrer Ideologiekritik auf die Theologie.Diese Arbeit wurde mit dem Hanns-Lilje-Stiftungspreises Freiheit und Verantwortung 2019 ausgezeichnet.
Sounds True Inc Calmfidence: How to Trust Yourself, Tame Your Inner Critic, and Shine in Any Spotlight
Calm and confidence are qualities that everyone-not just presenters and performers-wants and needs in their everyday lives. Confidence is important. But calm and confidence together are a magical and powerful combination. After years of struggling with communication in school, business, and public, Patricia Stark achieved this state of "calmfidence" not through some single moment of revelation, but through years of small insights, "aha" moments, and constant practice. Today, after helping thousands of students and clients find their own voices and abilities, Stark makes her methods available in Calmfidence-a comprehensive guide to improving your self-talk and communication skills in any social interaction. Inspired by her coaching workshops of the same name, Calmfidence gathers a unique set of mental tools, experiential practices, and natural remedies for quelling the self-sabotaging habits of the Inner Critic. With warmth and compassion, Stark guides you in how to identify and overcome your blockages to communication, how to react skillfully to strong emotions as they arise, and how to deal with setbacks in your Calmfidence journey without self-judgment. You don't need some rare talent to communicate well. When you engage with the exercises and encouragement in Calmfidence, you'll learn how to stop surrendering to fear and become the calm and confident communicator who has always been waiting within.
New York University Press The Gentlemen and the Roughs: Violence, Honor, and Manhood in the Union Army
Finalist for the 2011 Gilder Lehrman Lincoln Prize "A seminal work. . . . One of the best examples of new, sophisticated scholarship on the social history of Civil War soldiers." —The Journal of Southern History “Will undoubtedly, and properly, be read as the latest word on the role of manhood in the internal dynamics of the Union army." —Journal of the Civil War Era During the Civil War, the Union army appeared cohesive enough to withstand four years of grueling war against the Confederates and to claim victory in 1865. But fractiousness bubbled below the surface of the North’s presumably united front. Internal fissures were rife within the Union army: class divisions, regional antagonisms, ideological differences, and conflicting personalities all distracted the army from quelling the Southern rebellion. In this highly original contribution to Civil War and gender history, Lorien Foote reveals that these internal battles were fought against the backdrop of manhood. Clashing ideals of manliness produced myriad conflicts, as when educated, refined, and wealthy officers (“gentlemen”) found themselves commanding a hard-drinking group of fighters (“roughs”)—a dynamic that often resulted in violence and even death. Based on extensive research into heretofore ignored primary sources, The Gentlemen and the Roughs uncovers holes in our understanding of the men who fought the Civil War and the society that produced them.
Hachette Books Heroes And Villains: The True Story Of The Beach Boys
The Beach Boys have been rolling, like the tide their great songs evoke, for more than thirty years, reaching professional peaks and tragic personal depths. In this electrifying account Steven Gaines reveals the gothic tale of violence, addiction, greed, genius, madness, and rock'n' roll behind the wholesome, surf-and-sun image. Through candid interviews with close friends, family, and the Beach Boys themselves, Heroes and Villains portrays and evaluates all those who propelled the California myth, and the group who sang about it, into worldwide prominence: Murry Wilson, the corrosive father who abused them as children and exploited them as adults Dennis Wilson, who explored every avenue of excess (including welcoming the entire Manson family into his home) to his inevitable self-destruction the Wilsons' cousin, frontman Mike Love, whose devotion to eastern religion could not quell his violent temper the wives (more than ten), mistresses, managers, and producers who consumed huge pieces of the "musical pie" and of course, the band's artistic centre, Brian Wilson, the mentally fragile musical genius who achieved so much and then so little. With dozens of photos, Heroes and Villains recounts the bitter saga of the American dream realized and distorted and the music that survived.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Verzahnung der Brüssel Ia-VO mit der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit bei Parallelverfahren
Das Verhältnis des Europäischen Zivilprozessrechts zur Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit ist seit jeher umstritten. Doch gerade während des siebenjährigen Revisionsprozesses bis zum Inkrafttreten der Brüssel Ia-VO hat sich eine Debatte entwickelt, die an Umfang und Intensität kaum zu übertreffen ist. Das schwierigste und relevanteste Szenario betrifft grenzüberschreitende Parallelverfahren vor staatlichen Gerichten und Schiedsgerichten. Sebastian Breder durchleuchtet die möglichen Mechanismen zur Unterbindung des jeweils anderen Parallelverfahrens, insbesondere den Erlass von Prozessführungsverboten, die Berufung auf die materielle Rechtskraft und die Geltendmachung von Schadensersatz wegen der Verletzung der Schiedsabrede. Zudem untersucht er, wie der Konflikt der Hauptsacheentscheidungen aufgelöst werden kann, wenn beide Parallelverfahren mit widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen zu Ende geführt wurden. Dabei fächert er aus Sicht deutscher, englischer und französischer Gerichte die verschiedenen Fallkonstellationen präzise auf. Das macht die Arbeit zu einer wertvollen Quelle - für Akademiker und Praktiker gleichermaßen. Die Arbeit wurde mit dem Förderpreis (1. Platz) der Deutschen Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (DIS) für die Jahre 2021/2022 ausgezeichnet.
University of Texas Press Muslim Rap, Halal Soaps, and Revolutionary Theater: Artistic Developments in the Muslim World
From "green" pop and "clean" cinema to halal songs, Islamic soaps, Muslim rap, Islamist fantasy serials, and Suficized music, the performing arts have become popular and potent avenues for Islamic piety movements, politically engaged Islamists, Islamic states, and moderate believers to propagate their religio-ethical beliefs. Muslim Rap, Halal Soaps, and Revolutionary Theater is the first book that explores this vital intersection between artistic production and Islamic discourse in the Muslim world. The contributors to this volume investigate the historical and structural conditions that impede or facilitate the emergence of a "post-Islamist" cultural sphere. They discuss the development of religious sensibilities among audiences, which increasingly include the well-to-do and the educated young, as well as the emergence of a local and global religious market. At the heart of these essays is an examination of the intersection between cultural politics, performing art, and religion, addressing such questions as where, how, and why pop culture and performing arts have been turned into a religious mission, and whether it is possible to develop a new Islamic aesthetic that is balanced with religious sensibilities. As we read about young Muslims and their quest for a "cool Islam" in music, their struggle to quell their stigmatized status, or the collision of morals and the marketplace in the arts, a vivid, varied new perspective on Muslim culture emerges.
University of Washington Press Heroes, Hacks, and Fools: Memoirs from the Political Inside
Ted Van Dyk, a shrewd veteran of countless national political and policy fights, casts fresh light on many of the leading personalities and watershed events of American politics since JFK. He was a Pentagon intelligence analyst during the Berlin Crisis of 1961 and an aide to Jean Monnet and other leaders of the European movement before serving at the Johnson White House as Vice President Humphrey’s senior advisor and alter ego. He was involved in that administration’s Great Society triumphs and its Vietnam tragedy. In the late 1960s, Van Dyk moved to Columbia University as vice president to help quell campus disorders which threatened the university. Over a period of 35 years he was a senior advisor to presidential candidates Humphrey, McGovern, Carter, Ted Kennedy, Mondale, Hart, and Tsongas; contributed regular essays to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Fortune, and other national publications; and led two national think tanks. In 2001 the Bellingham, Washington, native returned to the Northwest to write a regular editorial-page column for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Van Dyk’s memoirs contain many previously untold stories from an historic period of national politics, portray brilliant and not-so-brilliant leaders and ideas, and also illuminate politics’ darker side. They bring to life the flawed realities and enduring opportunities of public policymaking in our time.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die vier Evangelien und das eine Evangelium von Jesus Christus: Studien zu ihrer Sammlung und Entstehung
Warum besitzt die Kirche vier verschiedene schriftliche Evangelien, obwohl es nach Paulus von Anfang an nur ein mündlich verkündigtes Evangelium gab? Martin Hengel versucht diese Frage zu beantworten, indem er von der Herausbildung der Vierevangeliensammlung im 2. Jh. ausgeht und nach deren Entstehung zurückfragt. Die entscheidende Rolle spielt dabei die Lesung im Gottesdienst neben alttestamentlichen Texten. Weiter fragt er nach den Autoren der Evangelien und ihrer Abfassungszeit. Der Ausgangpunkt ist Markus als der Urevangelist. Die Berufung auf die eine Q-Quelle erweist sich als fraglich, man sollte eher von einer vielfältigen Logientradition sprechen. Sehr wahrscheinlich hat der spätere Matthäus das frühere Lukasevangelium gekannt und verwendet. Die zahlreichen minor agreements zwischen Lukas und Matthäus gegen Markus legen diese Hypothese nahe."H. hat das bereits bekannte und einschlägige Material in seinem gelehrten Werk eingearbeitet und eine kluge Rekonstruktion geboten. Das Wunder der Vierersammlung bleibt vielleicht immer ungeklärt, hier allerdings liegen in dichter Zusammenstellung die relevanten Quellen vor, die dieses Wunder bezeugen."Theo K. Heckel in Theologische Literaturzeitung 134 (2009), 804f.
Hodder & Stoughton Girl in the Cellar - The Natascha Kampusch Story
When Natascha Kampusch made her bid for freedom on 23 August 2006 after eight years held captive in a seemingly ordinary Austrian suburban house, her story horrified and astonished the entire world. How did she survive a childhood locked in a cellar? What sort of young woman had emerged? What kind of man was Wolfgang Priklopil, her abductor - and what demands had he made of her? As the days and weeks passed and Natascha's TV interview failed to quell the curiosity, so the questions began to change. What exactly was the relationship between abductor and hostage? Why had Natascha waited so long to escape when it seemed there had been other, earlier opportunities? Did Natascha's parents know Priklopil before he kidnapped their daughter? Allan Hall and Michael Leidig have tracked the story from the days of the 10-year-old's disappearance. They have spoken to police investigators, lawyers, psychiatrists, and to the family members closest to Natascha. They have come as close as possible to uncovering the full, shocking story. It is a story that tests the limits of our understanding of how human beings behave - and makes our hearts bleed for the plight of an innocent child caught up in a horror story almost beyond our imagining.
Haymarket Books Coup: A Story of Violence and Resistance in Bolivia
In three dramatic weeks in October and November 2019, the fourteen years of progressive change that Evo Morales’ pink tide government had worked to implement in Bolivia and beyond came to a screeching halt. President Morales was forced to resign after protests against his re-election to a fourth term in allegedly fraudulent elections erupted among the urban middle classes, anti-indigenous racists, and prominent conservative politicians. The country’s far right used the ensuing crisis to orchestrate a successful coup, with military and police backing, paving the way for a repressive “transition” government led by Jeanine Áñez to take power. The Áñez government quelled popular protests with lethal force, shut down critical media outlets, and targeted members of Morales’ political party, the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS). Despite postponing elections three times, the Áñez government was eventually forced to call elections in October 2020. The MAS swept back into power, winning elections with 55% of the vote and returning democracy to the country. This book tells the story of this year of upheaval in Bolivia, providing a critical analysis of the 14 years of the MAS government that preceded it as well as the MAS return to power in 2020. It includes personal stories and commentary from women and men on the streets, leaders in social movements, members of the MAS party and government, survivors of Áñez’s abuses, and intellectuals.
Duke University Press The Appearances of Memory: Mnemonic Practices of Architecture and Urban Form in Indonesia
In The Appearances of Memory, the Indonesian architectural and urban historian Abidin Kusno explores the connections between the built environment and political consciousness in Indonesia during the colonial and postcolonial eras. Focusing primarily on Jakarta, he describes how perceptions of the past, anxieties about the rapid pace of change in the present, and hopes for the future have been embodied in architecture and urban space at different historical moments. He argues that the built environment serves as a reminder of the practices of the past and an instantiation of the desire to remake oneself within, as well as beyond, one’s particular time and place.Addressing developments in Indonesia since the fall of President Suharto’s regime in 1998, Kusno delves into such topics as the domestication of traumatic violence and the restoration of order in the urban space, the intense interest in urban history in contemporary Indonesia, and the implications of “superblocks,” large urban complexes consisting of residences, offices, shops, and entertainment venues. Moving farther back in time, he examines how Indonesian architects reinvented colonial architectural styles to challenge the political culture of the state, how colonial structures such as railway and commercial buildings created a new, politically charged cognitive map of cities in Java in the early twentieth century, and how the Dutch, in attempting to quell dissent, imposed a distinctive urban visual order in the 1930s. Finally, the present and the past meet in his long-term considerations of how Java has responded to the global flow of Islamic architecture, and how the meanings of Indonesian gatehouses have changed and persisted over time. The Appearances of Memory is a pioneering look at the roles of architecture and urban development in Indonesia’s ongoing efforts to move forward.
Oxford University Press Inc Conquering the Ocean: The Roman Invasion of Britain
An authoritative new history of the Roman conquest of Britain Why did Julius Caesar come to Britain? His own account suggests that he invaded to quell a resistance of Gallic sympathizers in the region of modern-day Kent -- but there must have been personal and divine aspirations behind the expeditions in 55 and 54 BCE. To the ancients, the Ocean was a body of water that circumscribed the known world, separating places like Britain from terra cognita, and no one, not even Alexander the Great, had crossed it. While Caesar came and saw, he did not conquer. In the words of the historian Tacitus, "he revealed, rather than bequeathed, Britain to Rome." For the next five hundred years, Caesar's revelation was Rome's remotest imperial bequest. Conquering the Ocean provides a new narrative of the Roman conquest of Britain, from the two campaigns of Caesar up until the construction of Hadrian's Wall across the Tyne-Solway isthmus during the 120s CE. Much of the ancient literary record portrays this period as a long march of Roman progress but recent archaeological discoveries reveal that there existed a strong resistance in Britain, Boudica's short lived revolt being the most celebrated of them, and that Roman success was by no means inevitable. Richard Hingley here draws upon an impressive array of new information from archaeological research and recent scholarship on the classical sources to provide a balanced picture of the military activities and strategies that led to the conquest and subjugation of Britain. Conquering the Ocean is the fullest picture to date of a chapter in Roman military history that continues to captivate the public.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Imperial Brothers: Valentinian, Valens and the Disaster at Adrianople
The latest of Ian Hughes' Late Roman biographies here tackles the careers of the brother emperors, Valentinian and Valens. Valentian was selected and proclaimed as emperor in AD 364, when the Empire was still reeling from the disastrous defeat and death in battle of Julian the Apostate (363) and the short reign of his murdered successor, Jovian (364). With the Empire weakened and vulnerable to a victorious Persia in the East and opportunistic Germanic tribes along the Rhine and Danube frontiers, not to mention usurpers and rebellions within, it was not an enviable position. Valentian decided the responsibility had to be divided (not for the first or last time) and appointed his brother as his co-emperor to rule the eastern half of the Empire. Valentinian went on to stabilize the Western Empire, quelling revolt in North Africa, defeating the 'Barbarian Conspiracy' that attacked Britain in 367 and conducting successful wars against the Germanic Alemanni, Quadi and Saxons; he is remembered by History as a strong and successful Emperor. Valens on the other hand, fare less well and is most remembered for his (mis)treatment of the Goths who sought refuge within the Empire's borders from the westward-moving Huns. Valens mishandling of this situation led to the Battle of Adrianople in 378, where he was killed and Rome suffered one of the worst defeats in her long history, often seen as the 'beginning of the end' for the Western Roman empire. Ian Hughes, by tracing the careers of both men in tandem, compares their achievements and analyzes the extent to which they deserve the contrasting reputations handed down by history.
Peeters Publishers Philosophie et fiction de l'Antiquité tardive à la Renaissance
Quels étaient les représentations et enjeux de la philosophie et de la fiction, leurs échanges, interactions et zones frontières de l’Antiquité tardive jusqu’à la Renaissance ? La fiction peut apparaître comme l’envers de la vérité. Elle n’en est pas moins une forme de recherche de vérité, savoir ou sagesse : Augustin, Macrobe, Martianus Capella ou Boèce, puis les poèmes allégoriques latins du XIIe siècle, les encyclopédies du XIIIe siècle, suivies par des œuvres allégoriques écrites dans le milieu de la cour de Charles V et Charles VI ou encore par Ficin problématisent le statut de la fiction : quelle est sa légitimation philosophique ? Quels sont les rapports entre philosophie et arts libéraux, philosophie et poétique, philosophie et théologie ? Les contributions interrogent le lexique et l’arrière-plan philosophique. Elles examinent aussi les moyens de la fiction pour mettre en œuvre un projet herméneutique et heuristique fécond : la personnification, la prosopopée, les modèles narratifs (banquet ou voie) ou le cadre dialogique.
Peeters Publishers Systématique de la polyrythmie malinké: Mali-Guinée
Cet ouvrage décrit et analyse les principes qui régissent la polyrythmie d’un peuple établi sur un territoire allant du sud du Mali au nord-est de la Guinée: les Malinké. Leur polyrythmie, d’une extrême complexité, est mise en œuvre dans des musiques jouées par des formations regroupant une partie soliste et jusqu’à cinq instruments d'accompagnement. Julien André aborde cette technique, largement répandue en Afrique subsaharienne, en tant que système sémiologique. La méthodologie à laquelle il recourt allie l’apprentissage approfondi du jeu des tambours auprès de maîtres, sur le terrain, à des enregistrements analytiques permettant de réaliser des partitions détaillées. Il peut ainsi identifier dans toute formule polyrythmique la partie dévolue à chaque musicien et saisir de quelle manière elle s’articule avec toutes les autres. Chaque étape est soumise à une validation culturelle de la part de musiciens malinké. Il s’agit là du tout premier ouvrage exclusivement consacré à la polyrythmie. Il permet de comprendre comment un nombre limité de procédés musicaux nourrit une infinie richesse d’expression.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Legion XXII: The Capsarius
Warrior and combat medic, Titus Cervianus, must lead a legion and quell the uprisings in Egypt in this thrilling Roman adventure from Simon Turney. Titus Cervianus is no ordinary soldier. And the Twenty Second is no ordinary legion... Egypt. 25 BC. A former surgeon from the city of Ancyra, Titus Cervianus is now a capsarius – a combat medic. He is a pragmatist, a scientist – and deeply unpopular with his legion, the Twenty Second Deiotariana. The Twenty Second have been sent to deal with uprisings in Egypt. Founded as the private army of one of Rome's most devoted allies, their ways are not the same as the other legions', which sets them apart and causes friction with their fellow soldiers. Marching into the unknown, Cervianus will find unexpected allies: a local cavalryman and a troublesome lunatic. Both will be of critical importance as the young medic marches through the searing sands of the south, finding forbidden temples, hidden assassins, and worst of all, the warrior queen of Kush... Reviews for The Capsarius 'Brings a whole new dimension to the genre... Recommended' Historical Novel Society 'A blistering epic brimming with tension, mystery and adventure!' Gordon Doherty Reviews for Simon Turney 'A page turner from beginning to end... A damn fine read' Ben Kane 'First-rate Roman fiction' Matthew Harffy
McGill-Queen's University Press When Bad States Win: Rethinking Counterinsurgency Strategy
There is a common assumption that the promotion of democracy and economic development are the most effective means of quelling widespread political unrest within a country. Many believe that free and fair elections, health care, education, and employment will help secure the hearts and minds of citizens. By contrast, the violation of human rights and international law is presumed to be counterproductive, engendering political protest and violent rebellion.When Bad States Win challenges the belief that democratic institutions and economic growth are effectual tools in countering insurgencies. Jeffrey Treistman uses a mixed-methods approach to examine the conditions in which governments have violated human rights and attacked civilians to effectively suppress political dissent. His research suggests that moderate levels of violence against civilians tend to backfire and only provoke widespread resentments that lead to the overthrow of a central government; however, when pursued to extremes, brutal repression and indiscriminate violence against civilians can effectively defeat a rebellion. As a result, bad states may sometimes win.As the number of democratic states in the world continues to decline, violence and authoritarian rule are on the rise. A thought-provoking and timely analysis, When Bad States Win offers important insight into how democratic states can respond to human rights violations in regions in crisis.
Chronicle Books Calm the Chaos Cards: 65 Simple Practices for a More Peaceful Life
For anyone overwhelmed by the stresses of daily life, this deck is a simple tool to promote calm and well-being. Here are 65 soothing cards, each featuring an encouraging mantra on the front and a short practice on the back, including exercises for mindfulness, self-care, awareness, grounding, gratitude, and more. Users can pull one card each morning to center themselves, or pick a few at a time to set a bigger intention for the week. Presented in a lovely portable package with foil stamping, Calm the Chaos Cards make it easy to foster moments of peace and clarity, anytime and anywhere. • A CREATIVE WAY TO PRACTICE SELF-CARE: Manage daily stress, quell anxiety, and build happiness habits with the 65 cards in this deck. • CULTIVATE MORE MINDFULNESS: These cards will help you practice daily reflection, record gratitude, and set achievable goals. • USE DAILY, WEEKLY, OR WHENEVER YOU NEED CALM: Pull a card each morning to find a mantra and inspiration for your day, or choose one card a week to set a larger intention. • HANDY FORMAT: 65 cards in a gorgeous foil-stamped box with sliding tray makes this a portable and attractive way to find balance and peace. • A LOVELY GIFT: This beautifully designed package makes a perfect gift for moms, girlfriends, or anyone trying to balance the busy-ness of their life.
Cornell University Press Narkomania: Drugs, HIV, and Citizenship in Ukraine
Against the backdrop of a post-Soviet state set aflame by geopolitical conflict and violent revolution, Narkomania considers whether substance use disorders are everywhere the same and whether our responses to drug use presuppose what kind of people those who use drugs really are. Jennifer J. Carroll's ethnography is a story about public health and international efforts to quell the spread of HIV. Carroll focuses on Ukraine where the prevalence of HIV among people who use drugs is higher than in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and unpacks the arguments and myths surrounding medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in Ukraine. What she presents in Narkomania forces us to question drug policy, its uses, and its effects on "normal" citizens. Carroll uses her findings to explore what people who use drugs can teach us about the contemporary societies emerging in post-Soviet space. With examples of how MAT has been politicized, how drug use has been tied to ideas of "good" citizenship, and how vigilantism towards people who use drugs has occurred, Narkomania details the cultural and historical backstory of the situation in Ukraine. Carroll reveals how global efforts supporting MAT in Ukraine allow the ideas surrounding MAT, drug use, and HIV to resonate more broadly into international politics and echo into the heart of the Ukrainian public.
Peeters Publishers Penser La Tradition Avec Walter Kasper: Pertinence D'une Catholicite Historiquement Et Culturellement Ouverte
Qu'est-ce que la tradition? Quelle est sa signification pour la vie humaine ainsi que pour les societes pluralistes dans la rencontre inedite des cultures? Comment, theologiquement, en partant de la tradition, l'Eglise, en tant que signe et instrument de salut universel, peut-elle rendre plus effective sa catholicite? Reprenant de maniere approfondie toutes ces questions dans un contexte epistemologique caracterise par un pluralisme de pensee, de langage et d'histoire, cet ouvrage (sur la tradition) vise a presenter les determinations essentielles d'une catholicite historiquement et culturellement ouverte. A ce titre, il touche aussi bien aux problemes les plus cruciaux de la theologie fondamentale contemporaine qu'a l'auto-comprehension de l'Eglise comme realite historique et a la question plus large, au sein meme de cette auto-comprehension, des rapports specifiques qui s'instaurent entre le "particulier" et l'"universel". Les enjeux hermeneutique (avec l'importance du langage et de la culture), societal (sur les rapports entre tradition et societes multiples dans un contexte postmoderne) et ecclesial (puisqu'il en va de la conception meme de l'Eglise) ne font que renforcer l'actualite d'une telle reflexion.
Peeters Publishers Actualité des Néogrammairiens
Dans quelle mesure la linguistique générale contemporaine est-elle encore redevable aux Néogrammairiens des règles de la méthode? Loin d’être un courant appartenant au passé, auquel on n’accorderait plus qu’une place plus ou moins marginale dans les manuels d’histoire des idées linguistiques, tout en se gaussant aimablement du principe de l’inexorabilité des lois phonétiques, le programme et la pensée des néogrammairiens ne continuent-ils pas de vivre et de faire progresser les sciences du langage aujourd’hui même, quoique sous d’autres apparences, avec d’autres termes et des concepts analogues, mais déclarés différemment? Ne décèle-t-on pas implicitement, voire parfois explicitement, la marque de l’héritage néogrammairien dans les grammaires formelles issues du générativisme, dans les applications de T.A.L. traitant la régularité dans des grands corpus, dans l’étude de l’économie et des principes et mécanismes fondamentaux qui déterminent les changements phonétiques? Outre cette dimension de continuité de la méthode néogrammairienne dans la linguistique la plus moderne, se pose aussi la question de l’étendue des domaines d’application hors de l’indo-européen ou de domaines linguistiques qui furent très tôt l’objet de la méthode (algonquien, finno-ougrien, niger-congo, etc.): dans quels domaines extra-indo-européens le dispositif analytique des néogrammairiens a-t-il été appliqué avec succès, voire de manière décisive, en tenant compte des apports de la typologie linguistique, ou des modèles en phonologie, morphologie et syntaxe? Quelles sont les nouvelles formes du comparatisme contemporain, qui opèrent à partir du dispositif néogrammairien – autrement dit, qui suivent «les règles de l’art» de la méthode néogrammairienne, ou s’en inspirent sous des dehors modernes? Le présent volume tente de répondre à ces questions, en se faisant l’avocat d’un retour vers et sur les Néogrammairiens. Les contributeurs proposent divers angles d’approches et plusieurs questions centrales en linguistique contemporaine, représentatives de leur praxis, qui consiste à travailler avec et après les Néogrammairiens, tout en contribuant à l’avancement de la grammaire comparée aussi bien qu’à la classification des langues et à la description grammaticale, y compris de «langues en danger». Mieux encore: ils montrent combien (et comment) les Néogrammairiens avaient pressenti la plupart des grands concepts qui fondent actuellement les théories phonologiques et morphologiques en sciences du langage (distribution, spécification, constituance, etc.). À ce titre, le présent volume est un plaidoyer pour l’actualité des Néogrammairiens.
Columbia University Press American Force: Dangers, Delusions, and Dilemmas in National Security
While American national security policy has grown more interventionist since the Cold War, Washington has also hoped to shape the world on the cheap. Misled by the stunning success against Iraq in 1991, administrations of both parties have pursued ambitious aims with limited force, committing the country's military frequently yet often hesitantly, with inconsistent justification. These ventures have produced strategic confusion, unplanned entanglements, and indecisive results. This collection of essays by Richard K. Betts, a leading international politics scholar, investigates the use of American force since the end of the Cold War, suggesting guidelines for making it more selective and successful. Betts brings his extensive knowledge of twentieth century American diplomatic and military history to bear on the full range of theory and practice in national security, surveying the Cold War roots of recent initiatives and arguing that U.S. policy has always been more unilateral than liberal theorists claim. He exposes mistakes made by humanitarian interventions and peace operations; reviews the issues raised by terrorism and the use of modern nuclear, biological, and cyber weapons; evaluates the case for preventive war, which almost always proves wrong; weighs the lessons learned from campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam; assesses the rise of China and the resurgence of Russia; quells concerns about civil-military relations; exposes anomalies within recent defense budgets; and confronts the practical barriers to effective strategy. Betts ultimately argues for greater caution and restraint, while encouraging more decisive action when force is required, and he recommends a more dispassionate assessment of national security interests, even in the face of global instability and unfamiliar threats.
Peeters Publishers Memoires, Mentalites Religieuses, Art Funeraire: La Partie Juive Du Cimetiere Du Dieweg a Bruxelles, XIXe-XXe Siecles
Considerer l'epitaphier juif du "Dieweg" comme une bibliotheque de pierre, dont les ouvrages furent ecrits par une communaute d'hommes et de femmes issus de quinze pays differents, constitue la ligne directrice de cet ouvrage. Les epitaphes, examinees comme des fragments de memoire et de mentalite enchasses dans le mineral, nous ont revele des indices historiques, sociologiques, epigraphiques et artistiques qui, tout au long du developpement, projettent un eclairage particulier et novateur sur la pensee juive contemporaine. Car, si le point de depart de nos travaux d'inventaire concernait la sauvegarde et l'etude d'un patrimoine funeraire juif, la presente publication s'inscrit pleinement dans le corpus plus vaste de l'etude des attitudes du judaisme face a la mort. Ainsi, notre propos s'efforce-t-il de voir dans quelle mesure les pensees gravees dans la pierre pendant pres de cent ans refletent-elles des aspects de la vie sociale et religieuse des communautes juives de Bruxelles? Les monuments qui surgissent de-ci de-la de l'epais feuillage, arborent une mosaique de langues - anglais, allemand, francais, hebreu, neerlandais et yiddish - qui, au travers des citations bibliques, talmudiques et des compositions profanes, relatent les differentes attitudes de nos predecesseurs devant la vie, devant la mort.