Search results for ""taylor francis ltd""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Federalism and the Dictatorship of Power in Russia
Stoliarov presents an analysis of the historical traditions and distinctive features of modern Russian federalism. He reviews the state of affairs in today's Russia as it strives to become a federal democracy securing the rights and liberties of its citizens. By tracing two contrasting ideas - federalism and derzhavnost (dictatorship of power) - in the legacy of the Russian state, and in relations between the modern federal government and the regions, he demonstrates the need for balance in the delimitation of power. The election in 2000 if Vladimir Putin as President raised doubts about the future of federalism among politicians and citizens, but Stoliarov believes that the development of federalism is the only way forward for this multi-ethnic and multi-religious society. He shows that the strengthening of 'vertical power' and 'dictatorship of the law', despite their patriotic appeal, are likely to have a negative effect on the building of democracy and federalism in Russia.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Genetic Engineering: A Primer
Genetic Engineering: A Primer presents the growing field of biotechnology to non-science majors and other general interest readers. The author examines the natural forces that change genetic information and the ways in which scientists have learned to engineer these genetic changes. With a wealth of information flooding the popular press, including news and controversy surrounding cloning, Genetic Engineering is a timely volume that provides background information to the reader intent on understanding this fascinating development.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Analysing Identity: Cross-Cultural, Societal and Clinical Contexts
People's identities are addressed and brought into being by interaction with others. Identity processes encompass biographical experiences, historical eras and cultural norms in which the self's autonomy varies according to the flux of power relationships with others.Identity Structure Analysis (ISA) draws upon psychological, sociological and social anthropological theory and evidence to formulate a system of concepts that help explain the notion of identity. They can be applied to the practical investigations of identity structure and identity development in a number of clinical, societal and cultural settings. This book includes topics on national and ethnic identification in multicultural contexts and gender identity relating to social context and the urban environment. Clinical applications that describe identity processes associated with psychological distress are also examined. These include anorexia nervosa and vicarious traumatisation of counsellors in the aftermath of atrocity. Analysing Identity is unique in its development of this integrative conceptualisation of self and identity, and its operationalisation in practice. This innovative book will appeal to academics and professionals in developmental, social, cross-cultural, clinical and educational psychology and psychotherapy. It will also be of interest to those involved with sociology, political science, gender studies, ethnic studies and social policy.Of particular note is the availability of new software, Ipseus, which facilitates ISA for use by practitioners. It enables them to enhance their professional skills by ascertaining their clients’ perspectives on self as located in the social world. This has been successfully used with pre-school three to five year-old children, and all other age-ranges through childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Ipseus is designed to be used in inter-cultural contexts and appeals to practitioners for their input for the generation of customized identity instruments (see
Taylor & Francis Ltd Grammars and Automata for String Processing: From Mathematics and Computer Science to Biology, and Back
The conventional wisdom was that biology influenced mathematics and computer science. But a new approach has taken hold: that of transferring methods and tools from computer science to biology. The reverse trend is evident in Grammars and Automata for String Processing: From Mathematics and Computer Science to Biology and Back. The contributors address the structural (syntactical) view of the domain. Mathematical linguistics and computer science can offer various tools for modeling complex macromolecules and for analyzing and simulating biological issues. This collection is valuable for students and researchers in biology, computer science, and applied mathematics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Coleridge Notebooks V3 Text
First published in 2002. Volume 3 of the Text on the Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, spanning from 1808 to 1819. The volume is in two parts, text and notes. During his adult life until his death in 1834, Coleridge made entries in more than sixty notebooks. Neither commonplace books nor diaries, but something of both, they contain notes on literary, theological, philosophical, scientific, social and psychological matters, plans for and fragments of works and many other items of great interest. Shortly after World War II, Kathleen Coburn, formerly of Victoria College in Toronto, rediscovered this great collection of unpublished manuscripts. With the support of the Coleridge estate, she embarked on a career of editing and publishing these volumes and was awarded with many honours for her work, including: a Leverhulme Award (1948), a Guggenheim Fellowship (1953), a Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada (1958), the Order of Canada (1974) and an honorary doctorate from her own university. Originally projected as a five volume set (each volume consisting of a book of text and a book of notes).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Lord Byron - Wilson Knight V1
First Published in 2002. Part of the G.Wilson Knight collection, the essays included in this volume V, a full length study that covers misunderstandings, Byron's role as a patron and his proteges, his poetry, and his politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advances in Nonlinear Dynamos
Nonlinear dynamo theory is central to understanding the magnetic structures of planets, stars and galaxies. In chapters contributed by some of the leading scientists in the field, this text explores some of the recent advances in the field. Both kinetic and dynamic approaches to the subject are considered, including fast dynamos, topological methods in dynamo theory, physics of the solar cycle and the fundamentals of mean field dynamo. Advances in Nonlinear Dynamos is ideal for graduate students and researchers in theoretical astrophysics and applied mathematics, particularly those interested in cosmic magnetism and related topics, such as turbulence, convection, and more general nonlinear physics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Lenin and Revolutionary Russia
Lenin and Revolutionary Russia examines the background to and the course of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and Lenin's regime. It explores all the key aspects such as the development of the Bolsheviks as a revolutionary party, the 1905 Revolution, the collapse of the Tsarists, the Russian Civil War and historical interpretations of Lenin's legacy to Russian history.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Planning for Diversity: Policy and Planning in a World of Difference
The practical importance of diversity and equality for spatial planning and sustainable development is still not widely understood. Using international examples, this book shows planners and educationalists the benefits of building in a consideration of diversity and equality at each stage and level of planning.Despite being one of the most diverse and gender balanced of the built environment professions, complacency has been widespread in planning. This book shows why a diverse profession is important and drawing on a wide range of good practice, shows how those involved in planning can develop their sensitivity to and expertise in diversity and equality.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Language of Literature
Routledge A Level English Guides equip AS and A2 Level students with the skills they need to explore, evaluate, and enjoy English.Books in the series are built around the various skills specified in the assessment objectives (AOs) for all AS and A2 Level English courses. Focusing on the AOs most relevant to their topic, the books help students to develop their knowledge and abilities through analysis of lively texts and contemporary data. Each book in the series covers a different area of language and literary study, and offers accessible explanations, examples, exercises, summaries, a glossary of key terms, and suggested answers.The Language of Literature:*looks at how writers use language to create literary texts*explores a wide variety of literary texts from Shakespeare to Helen Fielding, via Alexander Pope, William Blake, Mary Shelley, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Julian Barnes and Martin Amis*covers the key skills and topics, including structure, shapes and patterns, genre and sub-genre, narrative and narrators, representing talk, metaphor, allegory and intertextuality*offers a step-by-step guide to approaching literary texts and structuring a response*can be used as both a course stimulus and a revision tool.Written by an experienced teacher, author and AS and A2 Level examiner, The Language of Literature is an essential resource for all students of AS and A2 Level English Language, English Literature, and English Language and Literature.
Taylor & Francis Ltd GIS in Law Enforcement: Implementation Issues and Case Studies
This is the ideal book for GIS users in law enforcement who want to learn more about the technology or who wish to get started using GIS in their agency. Crime analysts, teachers, and students of criminal justice will also gain valuable insights into a suite of powerful technological tools ideally suited for crime mapping and analysis from this comprehensive volume. This book features chapters on implementation, data sharing, web-based GIS and database design written by experts and practitioners from law enforcement agencies and universities. Also included is a series of chapters detailing exactly how specific law enforcement agencies are using GIS and related technologies such as GPS and remote sensing to solve crimes, deploy resources, and gauge the effectiveness of crime prevention and community oriented policing initiatives.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Kierkegaard and Philosophy: Selected Essays
Kierkegaard and Philosophy makes many of the most important papers on Kierkegaard available in one place for the first time. These seventeen essays, written over a period of over twenty years, have all been substantially revised or specially prepared for this collection, with a new introduction by the author.In the first part, Alastair Hannay concentrates on Kierkegaard's central philosophical writings, offering closely text-based accounts of the silent concepts Kierkegaard uses. The second part shows the relevance of other thinkers' treatments of shared themes, pointing out where they differ from Kierkegaard. The concluding chapter provides a reason Kierkegaard himself would give for disagreeing with those who claim his texts are infinitely interpretable.Written by the world's foremost Kierkegaard scholar and translator, Kierkegaard and Philosophy is an indispensible resource for all students of Kierkegaard's work.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Civil Society and Global Finance
This key text brings together twenty activists, officials and researchers from the five continents to discuss this burning question of today's globalization debate. Providing rare, authoritative analyses by those who deal with the issues first hand, Civil Society and Global Finance is rich in insight and policy ideas for decision-makers, students and concerned citizens.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Working Postures and Movements
In most industries, musculoskeletal injuries are the most common work-related reason for employee absences. These injuries are often caused by static postures or repetitive movements that have to be maintained for many hours a day, such as intensive use of data entry devices, assembly work, parts inspection, equipment maintenance, manual materials handling, machinery operations, and vehicle operation, among others. The book addresses seating concepts, hand tool and pedal designs, foot-floor interfaces, digital human models for computer-aided design and engineering, and work organization (task duration, breaks, handling frequency) as they affect human performance and musculoskeletal injury reduction. Professionals responsible for identifying and improving conditions in the industries where such workplace injuries occur will find this volume to be a handy sourcebook, while teachers and students will find it to be a valuable reference.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Science and Technology of Millimetre Wave Components and Devices
In this comprehensive book, all aspects of Millimeter Waves (MMWs) are explored with an emphasis on the fundamental aspects of the associated physical phenomena. Each chapter provides a review of the main aspects of the subject, including: fundamental limitations and prospects of semiconductor device application in MMW radio systems; multi-element arrays of semiconductor devices in MMW transceivers; active MMW dielectric waveguides; crystal growth processes in thin film Au-GaAs contact performance for MMW devices; local nonuniformities and potential patches at the interfaces of thin film structures in MMW semiconductor devices; and low-loss dielectric materials for MMW components. The Science and Technology of Millimeter Wave Components and Deviceswill be invaluable to researchers, university lecturers, industrial laboratories and medical institutions concerned with both the scientific and technological advances in the millimeter wave components and devices.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Christian Faith for Today
Written by one of the world's foremost religious authorities, A Christian Faith for Today provides both Christians and sceptics with a much-needed response to modernity's challenge to God.Most people accept that our world is regulated by the laws of natural science, but how should Christian believers reconcile this with faith, incarnation and a loving and intelligent Creator?W. Montgomery Watt returns to the Biblical stories and sources at the roots of modern faith and to theological problems such as Jesus' divinity and humanity. He suggests how the miraculous might be understood from a rational perspective and the genuinely transcendental distinguished from allegory and symbolism.Sympathetic to the Gospel, yet acceptable to the modern mind, this is a timely and sensitive exposition of God's manifestation and intervention in the world and of his purposes with us and for us.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Christian Faith for Today
Written by one of the world's foremost religious authorities, A Christian Faith for Today provides both Christians and sceptics with a much-needed response to modernity's challenge to God.Most people accept that our world is regulated by the laws of natural science, but how should Christian believers reconcile this with faith, incarnation and a loving and intelligent Creator?W. Montgomery Watt returns to the Biblical stories and sources at the roots of modern faith and to theological problems such as Jesus' divinity and humanity. He suggests how the miraculous might be understood from a rational perspective and the genuinely transcendental distinguished from allegory and symbolism.Sympathetic to the Gospel, yet acceptable to the modern mind, this is a timely and sensitive exposition of God's manifestation and intervention in the world and of his purposes with us and for us.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Long Term Control of Exhaustible Resources
This title is concerned with the issue of long-term depletion of non-renewable natural resources.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Quantization Methods in the Theory of Differential Equations
This volume presents a systematic and mathematically rigorous exposition of methods for studying linear partial differential equations. It focuses on quantization of the corresponding objects (states, observables and canonical transformations) in the phase space. The quantization of all three types of classical objects is carried out in a unified way with the use of a special integral transform. This book covers recent as well as established results, treated within the framework of a universal approach. It also includes applications and provides a useful reference text for graduate and research-level readers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Theory of Generalized Inverses Over Commutative Rings
The theory of generalized inverses of real or complex matrices has been expertly developed and documented. But the generalized inverses of matrices over rings have received comprehensive treatment only recently. In this book, the author, who contributed to the research and development of the theory, explains his results. He explores regular elements in a ring, regular matrices over principal ideal rings, and regular matrices over commutative rings. Students, mathematicians working in g-inverses of matrices, along with algebraists, and control theorists will find new and indispensable data, presented with clarity and insight. This book is also well suited to graduate courses on g-inverses in algebra.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Predicting Chemical Toxicity and Fate
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSARs) are increasingly used to predict the harmful effects of chemicals to humans and the environment. The increased use of these methods in a variety of areas (academic, industrial, regulatory) results from a realization that very little toxicological or fate data is available on the vast amount of chemicals to which humans and the environment are exposed.Predicting Chemical Toxicity and Fate provides a comprehensive explanation of the state-of-the-art methods that are available to predict the effects of chemicals on humans and the environment. It describes the use of predictive methods to estimate the physiochemical properties, biological activities, and fate of chemicals. The methods described may be used to predict the properties of drugs before their development, and to predict the environmental effects of chemicals. These methods also reduce the cost of product development and the need for animal testing. This book fills an obvious need by providing a comprehensive explanation of these prediction methods. It is a practical book that illustrates the use of these techniques in real life scenarios. This book will demystify QSARs for those students unsure of them, and professionals in environmental toxicology and chemistry will find this a useful reference in their everyday working lives.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Insulin Signaling: From Cultured Cells to Animal Models
With contributions from the leading researchers in the field, this volume brings together the latest studies on insulin action and signal transduction to provide a state-of-the-art reference for graduate researchers and students in diabetes and endocrinology. Insulin Signaling is a comprehensive study of the regulation of molecular events by insulin at a cellular level, utilizing experimental techniques ranging from molecular systems through phenotypic expression in transgenic and knockout models.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Development and Modes of Production in Marxian Economics: A Critical Evaluation
By exploring the strengths and weaknesses of a Marxist approach to economic development, this book presents a balanced treatment of development issues within the area of 'rational choice Marxism'
Taylor & Francis Ltd Inclusion in the City: Selection, Schooling and Community
Inclusion in the City explores inclusion and exclusion in the context of policy and practice in one English city - Birmingham. Here, a commitment to redressing the inequalities experienced by many learners has been inhibited by difficulty in securing agreement to a definite policy for inclusion and, consequently, in sustaining initiatives for strengthening participation in community comprehensive education.Grounded in an understanding of inclusion as a political and moral project, the book presents a range of perspectives from policymakers and practitioners. Detailed case studies, based on research specially undertaken for this book, relate inclusion to key issues in contemporary education such as; the effects of selection by attainment; faith schools and their communities; single sex education and inclusive schools; participation in further education; and social mobility.Insightful, thought provoking and original, Inclusion in the City detaches processes of inclusion and exclusion from the language of educational reform. In so doing it highlights links between participation in education and poverty, gender and cultural background, as well as the absence of a link between urban and educational renewal.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hyper-Structured Molecules III
Hyper-Structured Molecules are topologically well-defined molecules in two or three dimensions, expected to show novel quantum effects in the molecular sequences. This book covers molecular designs of dendrimers, oligomers, hyperbranched polymers and/or high spin systems, molecular organizations and nanostructures, mesoscopic pattern formation, and scanning probe microscopy for characterization and molecular handling, aims at the fundamental understandings of how to design and synthesize and the future applications toward molecular electronics, photonics and spinics such as quantum effect devices. Hyper-structured Molecules III presents the frontier of novel molecules and techniques for handling them, and should be of interest to all researchers working in supramolecular chemistry or molecular electronics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A History of British Socialism (1919): Volume 1
This is volume 1 in the set A History of British Socialism. These volumes study the political thought experienced as a result of the massive transition of the British countryside to capitalist agriculture and capitalist industry.
Taylor & Francis Ltd English Radicalism (1935-1961): Volume 4
Reissuing the epic undertaking of Dr S. Maccoby, these volumes cover the story of English Radicalism from its origins right through to its questionable end. By combining new sources with the old and often long forgotten, the volumes provide an impressive history of radicalism and shed light on the course of English political development. The six volumes are arranged chronologically from 1762 through to the perceived end of British Radicalism in the mid-twentieth century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Japan and UN Peacekeeping: New Pressures and New Responses
Dobson is a very good young author, and was a co-author of our very successful Japan's International Relations textbookTopical because UN has an ever increasing role in international disputesIncludes case-studies on the Gulf, Cambodia, the Golan Heights, Kosovo and East Timor
Taylor & Francis Ltd Fashioning the Feminine in the Greek Novel
The Greek novel occupies a special place in the debate on gender in antiquity, forcing us to ask why the female protagonists are such strong and positive characters. This book rejects the hypothesis of a largely female readership, and also sees a problem in ascribing this pattern to the reflection of a blanket improvement in the status of women. Katharine Haynes shows that the strong heroines are best understood not as an undistorted mirror on an improved social reality, but as a type of 'constructed feminine'.The book offers a wealth of fascinating insights into the kaleidoscopic world of male and female in the Greek novel, which will inform and illuminate the reader whatever the text being studied. The related issues of ethnicity and self-definition also explored will be of interest for all those working on ancient fiction or the culture of the Second Sophistic
Taylor & Francis Ltd Remotely-Sensed Cities
New urban applications are emerging for remote sensing, in particular with the use of high-resolution data for measuring, monitoring and analysis. This comes through the use of high spatial resolution imaging, such as for precision mapping of cities; new techniques for population mapping; extracting urban land use features, and evaluating the city energy patterns; and through the use of night-time imagery for determining populations and economic activity, particularly on a global scale. Remotely Sensed Cities helps to redress the balance with remote sensing books, most of which are dedicated to the physical environment. It is designed for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, along with research scientists and brings together a good deal of topical work applying remote sensing to the understanding of urban features, their behavior and growth.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Supporting Lifelong Learning: Volume III: Making Policy Work
This volume of the Open University Reader for Supporting Lifelong Learning looks at policy development in lifelong learning at local, regional, national and supra-national levels. Using an international team of contributors, it explores and examines the policy context for lifelong learning, the policies themselves, and their effects when implemented.The book focuses on the role of lifelong learning policy in relation to issues of competitiveness, technological change and social inclusion. The provision of a range of chapters from around the globe uniquely establishes a comparative basis for the reader. This volume also encourages the student to evaluate lifelong learning as a response to globalising trends and the globalising of educational policy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Beyond Relativism: Raymond Boudon, Cognitive Rationality and Critical Realism
This book argues that critical realism offers the theory of cognitive rationality a real way of overcoming the limitations of methodological individualism by recognising both the agents' - and the social structure's - causal powers and liabilities. Cynthia Lins Hamlin persuasively argues that critical realism represents a better safeguard against the relativism which springs from the conflation of social reality and our ideas about it. This is an important book for sociologists and anyone working in the social sciences, and for all those concerned with the methodology, and philosophy, of social science.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Understanding and Preventing Falls: An Ergonomics Approach
Readable and authoritative, Understanding and Preventing Falls provides a guide to the nature and extent of the problem of falls. Drawing on the latest research, the authors outline the combination of environmental factors that commonly lead to falls and explore how to prevent them. The case is made for a multifaceted approach to falls prevention, taking account of the complex interplay that exists between individuals and the environment. Broad in scope, the book is divided into two parts. The first part examines the current state of knowledge and understanding of the causes and prevention of falls, with chapters on human ambulation and balance on level surfaces and on steps and stairs followed by chapters exploring vision and the effects of aging. Rounding out the coverage, the second part contains a series of case studies illustrating how falls occur in different circumstances and varying approaches to their prevention. While there have been reductions in the number and severity of injuries from other causes over recent decades, the incidence of injuries from falling has remained consistently high. However, many falls are preventable. This unique resource supplies a concise overview of how to minimize the occurrences of slips, trips, and falls in a variety of situations and conditions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Integrated Life Cycle Design of Structures
Traditionally the process of design has concentrated on the construction phase itself, with the primary objective being to optimise efficiency and minimise costs during development and construction. With the move towards a more sustainable development comes the need for this short-term approach to be expanded to encompass the entire service life of the structure. This book describes how to optimise the service life of structures, through an optimum integrated life cycle design process. Sustainability and material performance issues are detailed. Integrated Life Cycle Design of Structures provides a comprehensive account of this rapidly emerging field. It is essential reading for civil and structural engineers, designers, architects, contractors, and clients.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Renewing Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy, Performance and Prospects
Renewing Development in Sub-Saharan Africa reviews the debates and brings together specialist contributions, to provide a clear guide to the major complexities of African development. They lay the foundation for designing a range of individual country-specific policy-sets, in which the strategic components are prioritized according to each country's constraints and opportunities. The emphasis of the book is on the identification of effective strategies that will enable individual countries to most effectively exploit their growth opportunities and to meet poverty-reducing and other key equity objectives.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare
Available for the first time in many years, Commonsense and Nuclear Warfare presents Russell's keen insights into the threat of nuclear conflict, and his argument that the only way to end this threat is to end war itself. Written at the height of the Cold War, this volume is crucial for understanding Russell's involvement in the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and his passionate campaigning for peace. It remains an extremely important book in today's uncertain nuclear world, and is essential reading for all those interested in Russell and postwar history. Includes a new introduction by Ken Coates, Chairman of The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ecological Relations: Towards an Inclusive Politics of the Earth
International relations (IR) traditionally theorises the social relationships between different peoples. In so doing, it ignores the ecological bases to life - the ground upon which we walk, the all-encompassing bind of nature. In the current climate of environmental degradation, international relations as a theory must in turn be altered. By broadening the term 'relations' to include this ecological framework, international relations can be approached from a changed perspective. In this book, Susan Board uses a Foucauldian model of power to expand the boundaries of international relations. She argues that 'relations' can include other people or animals, and are not exclusively between states. Such a perspective acts to denaturalise the marginalization of women, animals and indigenous peoples and hence expand the constrained discipline of IR. By rethinking international relations to put ecological foundations first, we are pushed to think and act with consideration of the long-term sustainability of the global environment; an ecological focus reminds us of our interdependence with our environment and all our neighbours. The book raises conceptual and methodological issues that go directly to the heart of current critical engagements within the discipline of IR. As such it will be of great interest to students and researchers in IR, environmental politics and political theory.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Operations Management
Operations management is concerned with the fundamental activity of organizations - how they provide goods and services. One of the earliest branches of business and management studies, the increase in international competition has seen a resurgence of interest in the development of the operation management field.This collection is international in scope, and addresses the four key areas of the subject:* the foundations of operations management* the interaction between operations and strategy* the role of technology* ''Japanization'' and ''just in time'' techniques.With a new introduction providing an overview of the key concepts, and an extensive index, this collection will prove an invaluable reference tool and teaching aid.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Explaining in the Secondary School
This book explores strategies for building up a repertoire of ideas, approaches and techniques that allow teachers to develop effective explanatory skills. It covers issues such as the use of an appropriate language register and analogies for handling topics with which teachers might be unfamiliar.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Women in Islam: The Western Experience
Women in Islam investigates the ongoing debate across the Muslim world and the West on the position of women in Islam.Anne-Sofie Roald focuses on how Islamic perceptions of women and gender change in Western Muslim communities. She shows how Islamic attitudes towards social concerns such as gender relations, female circumcision, and female dress emerge as responsive to culture and context, rather than rigid and inflexible.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Evolutionary Theory in the Social Sciences
Evolution Theory in the Social Sciences is the first collection of its kind to give a coherent historical account of the evolution of evolutionary thought and includes the most innovative and insightful works on the subject, from its very beginnings through to contemporary debates. The selections begin in the nineteenth century with Darwin and Malthus and then follows the variegated story of social evolutionary thought through to the beginning of the 21st Century, including key works by Marx, Veblen and Kropotkin as well as other less well known contributions.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Wine: A Scientific Exploration
Interest in wine science has grown enormously over the last two decades as the health benefits of moderate wine consumption have become firmly established in preventing heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia. The growth of molecular biology has allowed proper investigation of grapevine identity and lineage and led to improvements in the winemaking process.This book explores the history and appreciation of wine, its early role as a medicine and modern evidence on how and why wine protects against disease. It also addresses genetic modification of the grapevine, long recognized as a natural process, and of the microbes involved in the making of wine. Pharmacologists, biochemists, epidemiologists, physicians, and public health officials will find this book not only a wealth of data, but also a fascinating read.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Democracy and Political Change in the Third World
This book examines the experience of democracy in developing countries such as Mexico, Zambia, India and Indonesia. It considers the patchy democratic record of such countries, as well as investigating the relationship between external and domestic factors to democratisation. The contributors assess the importance to democratic progress of a number of key variables, including:*the institutionalisation of political parties and electoral systems* the role of civil society*the influence of external actors, such as the European Union
Taylor & Francis Ltd Freelance Counselling and Psychotherapy: Competition and Collaboration
There are far more qualified counsellors and therapists than there are salaried posts, so many recently qualified practitioners face the challenges of working freelance. Freelance Counselling and Psychotherapy is an excellent guide on surviving and flourishing in a highly challenging field. Written by practitioners with extensive experience of the practical and emotional aspects of working independently, it covers the range of issues and choices which confront newly qualified practitioners, for example:* Regulation, registration and accreditation* Supervision* Financial issues in freelance therapy* The dynamics of competition and collaborationThis highly readable book provides an 'insider's' view of the field, and will be essential reading for trainers, established practitioners and newly qualified therapists alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Who's Who in Twentieth Century Warfare
This authoritative biographical guide to warfare in the twentieth century is at once fascinating reading and an invaluable work of reference for anyone interested in modern military history. As well as the First and Second World Wars, this Who's Who takes in key figures from conflicts in Vietnam, Korea and others. Those whose lives and careers are covered here include not only major military leaders, but also politicians, inventors and other key public figures central to the course of twentieth-century military history. From Che Guevara to Mao Zhedong, from Albert Speer to Norman Schwarzkopf, and from Josef Stalin to Charles de Gaulle - this volume's breadth of coverage makes it a unique and indispensable guide to an important and absorbing element of modern history.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Controversies in Analytical Psychology
How can controversy promote mutual respect in analytical psychology?Analytical psychology is a broad church, and influences areas such as literature, cultural studies, and religion. However, in common with psychoanalysis, there are many different schools of thought and practice which have resulted in divisions within the field. Controversies in Analytical Psychology picks up on these and explores many of the most hotly contested issues in and around analytical psychology.A group of leading international Jungian authors have contributed papers from contrasting perspectives on a series of key controversies. Some of these concern clinical issues such as what helps patients get better, or how closely analysts should work with the transference. Other contributions focus on the relationship between analytical psychology and other disciplines including evolutionary theory, linguistics, politics and religion. A critical eye is cast over Jungian theories and practices, and a number of questions are raised:* are they homophobic?* do they denigrate women?* do they confuse absolute with narrative truth?* are the frequency of sessions chosen for political rather than clinical reasons?Controversies in Analytical Psychology encourages critical thinking on a variety of issues, helping foster dialogue and investigation in a climate of mutual respect and understanding. It will be invaluable for Jungian analysts and psychoanalysts in training and practice and psychotherapists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Industrial Relations
Until recently, the study of industrial relations centred around trade unions, collective bargaining and strikes - often in the manufacturing industry. Union decline and de-industrialization in the advanced capitalist world have raised major issues about the relevance of this focus. As a result, there is growing interest in alternative forms of worker representation, often in conjunction with Human Resource Management. Union decline is by no means universal, however, even in Europe, and there are regions of the world (South East Asia, some African countries and parts of Latin America) where unions are powerful and growing organisations.This set captures the complexity of the field of industrial relations globally, as well as the continuing relevance of competing theoretical approaches to the subject. The selection covers neglected topics such as feminism, debates about post-modernism and the links between labour movements and politics. It combines classical texts with the latest c
Taylor & Francis Ltd Navigating Art Therapy: A Therapist’s Companion
From Art-making as a Defence to Works of Art, this anthology will help you navigate your way through the ever growing world of art therapy.Art therapy is used in an increasing range of settings and is influenced by a range of disciplines, including psychotherapy, social psychiatry, social work and education. Navigating Art Therapy is an essential companion for both seasoned art therapists and those new to the field as it offers a comprehensive guide to key terms and concepts. With contributions from art therapists around the world, entries cover: forms of interpretation processes of adaptation history of art therapy the inspiration provided by artworks and popular culture This book is an ideal source of reference as the concise, cross-referenced entries enable easy navigation through ideas and terms integral to the discipline. As such, it is invaluable for anyone working in the art therapy field.