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Taylor & Francis Ltd Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology
The world''s coastlines represent a myriad of dynamic and constantly changing environments. Heavily settled and intensely used areas, they are of enormous importance to humans and understanding how they are shaped and change is crucial to our future.Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphologybegins by discussing coastal systems and shows how these systems link to the processes examined in detail throughout the book. These include the morphodynamic paradigm, tides, waves and sediment transport. Later chapters explore fluvial deltas, estuaries, beaches and barriers, coastal sand dunes and geologically-influenced coasts such as cliffs, coral reefs and atolls. A new chapter addresses the forward-facing aspect of coastal morphodynamics, including the ways in which coasts respond to rapid climate changes such as present day global warming. Also new to this second edition is a chapter on future coasts which considers the wider effects of coastal change on other importa
Taylor & Francis Ltd Practical Building Conservation 10volume set
Since the original series of Practical Building Conservation appeared in 1988, it has become a standard reference for those caring for historic buildings large and small: essential reading for architects, surveyors and building managers, as well as conservators. This new and much expanded set of 10 volumes has been updated to provide a fully comprehensive reference featuring the latest techniques and materials. Historic England is renowned for its expertise in the conservation of buildings, gardens and archaeological sites and these books are an accessible distillation of many years of experience. They look in detail at building materials ranging from the ancient to the modern and are studded throughout with practical advice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Infrastructural Optimism
Infrastructural Optimism investigates a new kind of twenty-first-century infrastructure, one that encourages a broader understanding of the interdependence of resources and agencies, recognizes a rightfully accelerated need for equitable access and distribution, and prioritizes rising environmental diligence across the design disciplines. Bringing together urban history, case studies, and speculative design propositions, the book explores and defines infrastructure as the basis for a new form of urbanism, emerging from the intersection of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design. In defining this new infrastructure, the book introduces new dynamic and holistic performance metrics focused on measuring what matters over growth for the sake of growth and twelve criteria that define next generation infrastructure. By shifting the focus of infrastructure our largest public realm to environmental symbiosis and quality of life for all, design becomes a catalytic co
Taylor & Francis Ltd Staging Sex
Staging Sex lays out a comprehensive, practical solution for staging intimacy, nudity, and sexual violence. This book takes theatre practitioners step-by-step through the best practices, tools, and techniques for crafting effective theatrical intimacy. After an overview of the challenges directors face when staging theatrical intimacy, Staging Sex offers practical solutions and exercises, provides a system for establishing and discussing boundaries, and suggests efficient and effective language for staging intimacy and sexual violence. It also addresses production and classroom specific concerns and provides guidance for creating a culture of consent in any company or department. Written for directors, choreographers, movement coaches, stage managers, production managers, professional actors, and students of acting courses, Staging Sex is an essential tool for theatre practitioners who encounter theatrical intimacy or instructional
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Adventures of Mindy and Mo Stories to Promote Speech Sound Development
This set comprises 8 entertaining and engaging books which are written with a target sound at their core 1 key sound per book. The books expose the child to their target sound (a sound which they are having difficulty saying and may be substituting with a different sound) through natural rhythm and good quality rhyme.The books will enable children to join in with repeated phrases which include their target sound and also to hear their target sound repeated and spoken accurately by an adult. A key feature of the books in this series is that they follow the adventures of two children who are transported by their imaginations to exciting settings in which they encounter a challenge which they help to solve. Included in the set are Mindy and Mo's Groovy Gog, Mindy and Mo's Dino Duo, Mindy and Mo's Crazy Carpet, Mindy and Mo's Pirate Problem, Mindy and Mo's Super Sledge, Mindy and Mo's Troll Trouble, Mindy and Mo's Bear Bother and Mindy and Mo's Fab Flight.Th
Taylor & Francis Ltd AI for Cars
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly playing an increasingly significant role in automobile technology. In fact, cars inhabit one of just a few domains where you will find many AI innovations packed into a single product.AI for Cars provides a brief guided tour through many different AI landscapes including robotics, image and speech processing, recommender systems and onto deep learning, all within the automobile world. From pedestrian detection to driver monitoring to recommendation engines, the book discusses the background, research and progress thousands of talented engineers and researchers have achieved thus far, and their plans to deploy this life-saving technology all over the world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Speech Bubbles 1 Picture Books and Guide
Speech Bubbles 1 is the first set in an exciting new series of picture books designed to be used by Speech Language Therapists/Pathologists, parents/caregivers, and teachers with children who have delayed or disordered speech sound development, children receiving speech therapy, or by those wanting to provide sound awareness activities for their children.The set includes eleven picture books that each target a different speech sound within the story. The set is also accompanied by a user guide with notes for professionals and caregivers alike. Eleven different speech sounds have been chosen that are early developing sounds, or sounds commonly targeted in speech language therapy: /t/, /d/, /m/, /n/, /p/, /b/, /k/, /g/, /f/, /s/ and /s/ blends. With titles such as Who Bit My Tail?, Crocodiles Can't Climb Trees and Ben the Bubble Bear, the stories are light and engaging, with colourful and fun pictures on every page to keep the child interested.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Hair and Scalp Disorders: Medical, Surgical, and Cosmetic Treatments, Second Edition
A succinct and comprehensive guide examining the treatment of hair and scalp disorders, with a special emphasis on how hair type, morphology, and ethnicity can impact on hair disease and treatment. This updated and revised second edition builds on a successful first edition with additional chapters on dermoscopy, on how technology can best be integrated into clinical practice, and on aging hair.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Music and Protest
This volume of essays brings together some of the best writing on music and protest from the last thirty years. Encompassing a variety of genres, from classical to many different kinds of popular music, the collection selects articles on a broad range of topics - including revolutions and uprisings, environmentalism, class, identity, struggles for self-determination as well as rights and the historical legacy of protest music - and from at least fifteen different countries, confirming the contention that music is one of the primary languages of protest. Written by leading researchers and educators from different countries and cultures, this volume, which documents the importance of music and protest, is an indispensable collection for those working in the fields of music, cultural studies, politics, history, anthropology and area studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Immersive Sound: The Art and Science of Binaural and Multi-Channel Audio
Immersive Sound: The Art and Science of Binaural and Multi-Channel Audio provides a comprehensive guide to multi-channel sound. With contributions from leading recording engineers, researchers, and industry experts, Immersive Sound includes an in-depth description of the physics and psychoacoustics of spatial audio as well as practical applications. Chapters include the history of 3D sound, binaural reproduction over headphones and loudspeakers, stereo, surround sound, height channels, object-based audio, soundfield (ambisonics), wavefield synthesis, and multi-channel mixing techniques. Knowledge of the development, theory, and practice of spatial and multi-channel sound is essential to those advancing the research and applications in the rapidly evolving fields of 3D sound recording, augmented and virtual reality, gaming, film sound, music production, and post-production.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Public Places Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design
Public Places Urban Spaces provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, theory and practices of urban design for those new to the subject and for those requiring a clear and systematic guide. In this new edition the book has been extensively revised and restructured. Carmona advances the idea of urban design as a continuous process of shaping places, fashioned in turn by shifting global, local and power contexts. At the heart of the book are eight key dimensions of urban design theory and practice—temporal, perceptual, morphological, visual, social, functional—and two new process dimensions—design governance and place production.This extensively updated and revised third edition is more international in its scope and coverage, incorporating new thinking on technological impact, climate change adaptation, strategies for urban decline, cultural and social diversity, place value, healthy cities and more, all illustrated with nearly 1,000 carefully chosen images. Public Places Urban Spaces is a classic urban design text, and everyone in the field should own a copy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Thinking Through Communication: An Introduction to the Study of Human Communication
The ninth edition of this textbook for hybrid introductory communication courses provides a balanced introduction to the fundamental theories and principles of communication. The book explores communication in a variety of contexts—including interpersonal, group, organizational, and mass media—and provides students the theoretical knowledge and the research and critical thinking skills they’ll need to succeed in advanced communication courses and professions. The first section explores the history of communication study and explains basic perspectives used by scholars in the field. The second looks at how communicators decode and encode messages, while the third examines channels and contexts, from interpersonal to mass media. This edition devotes attention to how new technologies are changing the ways we think about communication, with revised and updated examples, and gives special attention to relevant critical theory. Two appendices give users the flexibility to tailor their courses to the interests and needs of their students, offering guidelines for preparing and presenting public presentations and giving examples of major research methods. Thinking Through Communication is an ideal textbook for Introduction to Communication courses that aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the field.Material for instructors containing PowerPoint slides, test questions, and an instructor’s manual is available at
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Art of Editing: in the Age of Convergence
Now in its 12th edition, this core text is the most comprehensive and widely used textbook on editing in journalism. Thoroughly revised and updated to incorporate more online and multimedia formats, this hands-on guide offers a detailed overview of the full process of journalistic editing, exploring both the "micro" aspects of the craft, such as style, spelling and grammar, and "macro" aspects, including ethics and legality. Recognizing the pronounced global shift toward online multimedia, the authors continue to stress the importance of taking the best techniques learned in print and broadcast editing and applying them to online journalism. This new edition also includes an in-depth discussion of the role editors and journalists can play in recapturing the public’s trust in the news media. Additional chapters examine how to edit for maximum visual impact and how to edit across media platforms, teaching students how to create a polished product that is grounded in the best practices of journalism.The Art of Editing, 12th edition, remains an essential resource for students of journalism across all media and levels interested in editing, design and media writing, as well as for professionals seeking to refine and refresh their skill set. Accompanying online features include instructor PowerPoints and student exercises.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Institutional Translation and Interpreting: Assessing Practices and Managing for Quality
This collection brings together new insights around current translation and interpreting practices in national and supranational settings. The book illustrates the importance of further reflection on issues around quality and assessment, given the increased development of resources for translators and interpreters. The first part of the volume focuses on these issues as embodied in case studies from a range of national and regional contexts, including Finland, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and the United States. The second part takes a broader perspective to look at best practices and questions of quality through the lens of international bodies and organizations and the shifting roles of translation and interpreting practitioners in working to manage these issues. Taken together, this collection demonstrates the relevance of critically examining processes, competences and products in current institutional translation and interpreting settings at the national and supranational levels, paving the way for further research and quality assurance strategies in the field.The Introduction, Chapter 7, and Conclusion of this book are freely available as downloadable Open Access PDFs at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
Taylor & Francis Ltd If It's Purple, Someone's Gonna Die: The Power of Color in Visual Storytelling
If It's Purple, Someone's Gonna Die is a must-read book for all film students, film professionals, and others interested in filmmaking. This enlightening book guides filmmakers toward making the right color selections for their films, and helps movie buffs understand why they feel the way they do while watching movies that incorporate certain colors. Guided by her twenty-five years of research on the effects of color on behavior, Bellantoni has grouped more than 60 films under the spheres of influence of six major colors, each of which triggers very specific emotional states. For example, the author explains that films with a dominant red influence have themes and characters that are powerful, lusty, defiant, anxious, angry, or romantic and discusses specific films as examples. She explores each film, describing how, why, and where a color influences emotions, both in the characters on screen and in the audience. Each color section begins with an illustrated Home Page that includes examples, anecdotes, and tips for using or avoiding that particular color.Conversations with the author's colleagues - including award-winning production designers Henry Bumstead (Unforgiven) and Wynn Thomas (Malcolm X) and renowned cinematographers Roger Deakins (The Shawshank Redemption) and Edward Lachman (Far From Heaven) - reveal how color is often used to communicate what is not said. Bellantoni uses her research and experience to demonstrate how powerful color can be and to increase readers awareness of the colors around us and how they make us feel, act, and react. Learn how your choice of color can influence an audience's moods, attitudes, reactions, and interpretations of your movie's plot. See your favorite films in a new light as the author points out important uses of color, both instinctive and intentional. Learn how to make good color choices, in your film and in your world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The ABCs of Taking Care of Me
Set in a bustling household, the ABCs of Taking Care of Me joyfully captures the spirit of childhood. Each letter highlights a unique aspect of the child's day, emphasizing the importance of caring for themselves, their loved ones, and the world around them. From morning stretches to goodnight kisses, brushing teeth to listening to eating well, this book is the perfect head start to healthy habits for every child and family!Expertly reviewed by Mayo Clinic Pediatric Physician Angela Mattke, MDMayo Clinic Press Kids creates empowering health and wellness content in partnership with pediatric experts. Proceeds from the sale of every book go to benefit important medical research and education and Mayo Clinic.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mayo Clinic Guide to Holistic Health
Are you tired of playing catch-up with your health, always racing to address problems rather than preventing them in the first place? In a world where high-tech medicine often takes precedence, it's easy to overlook the fundamental factors that contribute to our well-being. Mayo Clinic Guide to Holistic Health takes you on a journey to discover the missing pieces in modern healthcare. Authored by experts in Integrative Medicine and Health at Mayo Clinic, this book shows you how to cultivate all aspects of your health — mind, body and spirit — regardless of your current health status. Inside this book, you’ll read about: The interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional health and how they influence each other. Essential strategies for nurturing your complete well-being, including the significance of spirituality and the vital connection to nature.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Its a Lonely Day
With his sister away and his mom in a meeting, Liam starts to feel pretty lonely. Kids are familiar with feeling happy or sad, but loneliness is a unique feeling that's often not discussed, including for adults! This friendly introduction to the feeling encourages readers to think of loneliness and all feelings like the weather: they come and go, and they never last forever. But we can prepare for all feelings, including loneliness. Charming illustrations and accessible text explore the feeling of loneliness and how we can handle it with kindness to ourselves and others. Liam's Lonely Day was created in collaboration with Emily McTate, Ph.D., L.P., Pediatric Psychologist at the Mayo Clinic Children’s Center.Aligns to core CASEL Competencies of self-awareness, self-management, and social awareness. Mayo Clinic Press Kids creates empowering health and wellness content in partnership with pediatric experts. P
Taylor & Francis Ltd Its an Anxious Day
When Ajay's mom leaves for a business trip, he recognizes the telltale signs of anxiety, like feeling his heart beat and an upset stomach. Young readers discover in this sweet story that they are more than capable of handling a wave of anxiety. This take on the familiar feeling uses approachable text and charming illustrations to give readers the tools they need to handle the sudden storm of anxiety. Ajay's Anxious Day was created in collaboration with Emily McTate, Ph.D., L.P., Pediatric Psychologist at the Mayo Clinic Children’s Center.Aligns to core CASEL Competencies of self-awareness, self-management, and social awareness. Mayo Clinic Press Kids creates empowering health and wellness content in partnership with pediatric experts. Proceeds from the sale of every book go to benefit important medical research and education at Mayo Clinic.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ukraine: Movement without Change, Change without Movement
Ukraine has surprised many international observers. Few anticipated its declaration of independence in 1991 or its determination to move out of Russia's shadow. Dyczok redresses the continuing dearth of information on the country. Aimed at nonspecialists and specialists alike, it presents an overview of the main government policies, and the social and cultural issues facing the new state. These are placed within their historical, regional and global framework. In contrast with the generally bleak picture that international media reports present, the book suggests that Ukraine has actually accomplished a great deal in a short time. In seven years, from 1991 to 1998, Ukraine went from being a little-known nation within a non-democratic state to an internationally recognized independent country. During this period of change, it contributed to the geopolitical shift which occurred with the implosion of the Soviet Union. As such, it may be argued, Ukraine has a role to play in the search for the new international order.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Molecular Genetics of Drug Resistance
Drug resistance is a growing problem in today's society. Successful drugs are constantly being developed but there is always the risk that a small percent of the drug's target will be immune. These survivors can then lead to a new population, resistant to the action of this drug. New drugs are continuously under development to combat this problem, but these can, in turn, lead to new resistant populations. This problem is universal whether the target is to destroy a deadly virus, or an insect which is ravaging crop production. Development of new drugs is difficult and time consuming so it is of crucial importance that we understand the processes behind drug resistance. "Molecular Genetics of Drug Resistance" forms a vital and timely review of the genetic processes behind drug resistance. Starting with an overview of the area, each chapter focuses on a particular target with important sections on drug resistance in malaria and in cancer. Each chapter has been written by an acknowledged expert in the field and the careful work of the editors has ensured a consistent approach and presentation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Science and Technology of Integrated Ferroelectrics: Selected Papers from Eleven Years of the Proceedings of the International Symposium of Integrated Ferroelectronics
The aim of this book is to present in one volume some of the most significant developments that have taken place in the field of integrated ferroelectrics during the last decade of the twentieth century. The book begins with a comprehensive introduction to integrated ferroelectrics and follows with fifty-three papers selected by Carlos Paz de Araujo, Orlando Auciello, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, and George W. Taylor. These fifty-three papers were selected from more than one thousand papers published over the last eleven years in the proceedings of the International Symposia on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF). These papers were chosen on the basis that they (a) give a broad view of the advances that have been made and (b) indicate the future direction of research and technological development. Readers who wish for a more in-depth treatment of the subject are encouraged to refer to volumes 1 to 27 of Integrated Ferroelectrics, the main publication vehicle for papers in this field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Simulation Systems
Simulation Systems expolres a wide spectrum of topics including simulation software, logic simulation, query-driven simulation, multi-computer simulation and manufacturing simulation. Although such papers are presented in Journals and conference proceedings it is difficult to find a single source where the foremost papers are presented. Contributions in Simulation Systms are freom leading researchers and practioners which explore a wide spectrum of topics. The chapters include topics such as presentation of SIMULA/OBJECTR, which is a query driven simulation support environment and a method of translating automatically digital logic equations so that they may be simulated using VHDL. This is followed by simulation techniques for deterministic and statistical circuit design optimization. A mathematical model of a magnetic resonance imaging system is simulated so that one can better understand the imaging system.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bioceramics
The main sections/chapters of the book focus on the composition of nine types of bioceramics, other simple oxides and more and the medical applications of these materials in orthopaedics, dentistry and the treatment of cancerous tumors.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Antimonide-Related Strained-Layer Heterostructures
Interest in antimonide-related heterostructures is burgeoning due to their applications as light sources, diode lasers, modulators, filters, switches, nonlinear optics, and field-defect transistors. This volume, featuring contributions from leading researchers in the field, is the first book to focus on antimonide-related topics. It offers to both the beginning student and the advanced researcher a comprehensive review of the state of the art in this exciting new area of research.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Almost Completely Decomposable Groups
An almost completely decomposable abelian (acd) group is an extension of a finite direct sum of subgroups of the additive group of rational numbers by a finite abelian group. Examples are easy to write and are frequently used but have been notoriously difficult to study and classify because of their computational nature. However, a general theory of acd groups has been developed and a suitable weakening of isomorphism, Lady's near-isomorphism, has been established as the rightconcept for studying acd groups. A number of important classes of acd groups has been successfully classified. Direct sum decompositions of acd groups are preserved under near-isomorphism and the well-known pathological decompositions can actually be surveyed in special cases.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Electrodynamics of Density Ducts in Magnetized Plasmas: The Mathematical Theory of Excitation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Plasma Waveguides
Providing a systematic and self-contained treatment of excitation, propagation and re- emission of electromagnetic waves guided by density ducts in magnetized plasmas, this book describes in detail the theoretical basis of the electrodynamics of ducts. The classical dielectric-waveguide theory in open guiding systems in magnetoplasma is subjected to rigorous generalization. The authors emphasize the conceptual physical and mathematical aspects of the theory, while demonstrating its applications to problems encountered in actual practice. The opening chapters of the book discuss the underlying physical phenomena, outline some of the results obtained in natural and artificial density ducts, and describe the basic theory crucial to understanding the remainder of the book. The more specialized and complex topics dealt with in subsequent chapters include the theory of guided wave propagation along axially uniform ducts, finding the field excited by the source in the presence of a duct, excitation of guided modes, the asymptotic theory of wave propagation along axially nonuniform ducts, and mode re-emission from a duct. The full wave theory is used throughout most of the book to ensure consistency, and the authors start with simpler cases and gradually increase the complexity of the treatment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics
This unique monograph presents a collection of papers by leading international fluid dynamicists and applied mathematicians demonstrating the latest state of the art in fluid mechanics. The vast scope and breadth of this subject is illustrated with sections covering evolution in flow problems, convection and transport phenomena, dynamics of atmosphere, and wave propagation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Compounds and Alloys Under High Pressure: A Handbook
This is the first book to classify and systematize the available data on the behavior of binary alloys under high pressure. Despite the fact that there is a strong correlation between temperature-composition (T-C) phase diagrams at normal pressure and three- dimensional temperature-composition-pressure (T-C-P) diagrams, many material scientists seldom refer to the (T-C-P) diagrams, just as many high pressure researchers often ignore the data obtained at normal pressure. This book aims to bridge the gap between data obtained at high pressure and that obtained at normal pressure. The most recent research covers not only elements and stoichiometric compounds, but also binary, ternary, and multicomponent alloys, and so this book covers an extended range of substances. The properties of 890 binary systems and a further 1153 pseudobinary and ternary systems are summarized, and accompanied by an extensive bibliography. The data includes information on the solubility of components in solid solutions, melting, and first- and second-order phase transformations in alloys and stoichiometric compounds.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Immunology of Behçet's Disease
Behçet's Disease (BD) is one of the most-studied systemic disorders characterized by an occlusive vasculopathy of multiple organs. The etiology and pathogenesis of BD are still unclear, but there is evidence for genetic, immunologic and infectious factors in the onset and throughout the course of the disease. Immunology of Behçet's Disease highlights various aspects of BD. After an epidemiological overview, the clinical presentation of ocular and non-ocular symptoms of BD are summarized. The immunopathological changes reflect a chronic vasculitis of arterioles, venules and capillaries. The role of T-cells, but also of NK-T-cells, secreted cytokines and neutrophils is covered. For years microorganisms have been under investigation as initiating BD and, in particular, immune reactions against various microbial heat shock proteins could be an important etiological factor. It has been shown that the pathogenic gene involved in the development of BD is pinpointed to HLA-B51. Finally, the treatment of BD is discussed in detail, including new options like anti-TNF-alpha-antibodies and interferon-alpha. Immunology of Behçet's Disease summarizes our knowledge regarding the most important factors that induce or trigger BD and will stimulate research in the field and help to initiate new ideas.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics in China
Since the 1990s, significant advances have been made in the research on nonlinear dynamics in China. Many papers were published in Chinese in the Journal of Vibration Engineering, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, and Vibration and Shock. This work offers translations of selected articles.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Organizational Learning in Schools
This volume presents the view that what matters most are learning processes in organizations and ways of enhancing the sophistication and power of these processes. Each contributor, therefore, explicitly addresses the meaning(s) of organizational learning which they have adopted themselves.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Socialisation of School Children and Their Education for Democratic Values and Human Rights
Report of the Colloquy of Directors of Educational Research Institutions, held in Ericeira, Portugal, October 1989. Part 1 includes two reports and six commissioned papers covering France, Federal Republic of Germany, Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland. Part 2 includes national and individual reports
Taylor & Francis Ltd Computational Fluid Dynamics Techniques
The progress made in the CFD field mandates a review of new trends and directions, and this volume covers some of the significant contributions made in the last decade in a large number of branches of CFD. Topics include: finite difference, finite volume and finite element methods for steady and unsteady, inviscid and viscous external and internal flows, spanning a wide range of Mach and Reynolds numbers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd High Pressure Phase Transformations Handbook 1
Comprising two volumes, this publication classifies and systematizes data on phase transformations of 2263 elements and compounds under high pressure (at least 0.1 GPa). It includes data on new materials and compounds synthesized under high pressure. The book devotes a separate paragraphs to each compound with a bibliography that includes information on the behaviour of the material under normal pressure. It makes a critical analysis of experimental data on melting, first- and second-order phase transitions, crystal structures and phase diagrams.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Art and Design for Children with Sen: A Resource for Inclusive Teaching
The purpose of this book is to offer professionals working with children with special educational needs (SEN) a compilation of tried and tested themed lessons, designed to excite and involve children in developing their creative art skills. Each lesson is carefully planned with step by step instructions to assist teaching and learning in small group settings. This resource equips professionals with an understanding of how to prepare and deliver a good art lesson that will enable the children to express their natural creativity and achieve pleasing results.Features include: step by step, tried and tested lesson plans devised by an experienced and qualified art teacher learning outcomes linked to the National Art Curriculum illustrated throughout with the children's own art work useful hints and visual teaching aids for introducing new techniques themed lessons to cover the year or to dip into as you choose progressive learning, to achieve confident art skills and knowledge.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Maritime Societies of the Viking and Medieval World
This book is a study of communities that drew their identity and livelihood from their relationships with water during a pivotal time in the creation of the social, economic and political landscapes of northern Europe. It focuses on the Baltic, North and Irish Seas in the Viking Age (ad 1050–1200), with a few later examples (such as the Scottish Lordship of the Isles) included to help illuminate less well-documented earlier centuries. Individual chapters introduce maritime worlds ranging from the Isle of Man to Gotland — while also touching on the relationships between estate centres, towns, landing places and the sea in the more terrestrially oriented societies that surrounded northern Europe’s main spheres of maritime interaction. It is predominately an archaeological project, but draws no arbitrary lines between the fields of historical archaeology, history and literature. The volume explores the complex relationships between long-range interconnections and distinctive regional identities that are characteristic of maritime societies, seeking to understand communities that were brought into being by their relationships with the sea and who set waves in motion that altered distant shores.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Konfuzianisches Ethos und westliche Wissenschaft: Wang Guowei (1877-1927) und das Ringen um das moderne China
This study in German offers profound insights into the life and thoughts of Wang Guowei (1877-1927). Like many intellectuals who strongly perceived the necessity of reforms in the waning years of the Late Qing dynasty, i.e. after the Opium wars, Wang sought to strengthen China's position against foreign, in particular Western, powers. Contrary to earlier approaches, which either advocated a close adherence to Confucian traditions or tried to adapt only elements of Western material culture, mainly industrial and military technology, Wang Guowei aimed at reviving traditional Chinese culture by analysing its source texts using a modern scientific approach (and thereby started the discipline of guoxue [national studies]) and simultaneously adapting compatible elements of Western immaterial culture. Thus, Wang became known as an authority on Chinese paleography as well as on German philosophy, especially Kantian epistomology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Urban Space, Identity and Postmodernity in 1980s Spain: Rethinking the Movida
This book encourages a rethink of the urban youth movement that came to be known as la movida through a close analysis of the monthly arts magazine La Luna de Madrid (1983–1988). It analyses La Luna's urban reimaginings and its destabilization of fixed identity categories.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe: (Un)Timely Meditations
This book focuses on Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe's oeuvre within a timely framework, and on the counterpoint to this, being organized around areas of Lacoue-Labarthe's oeuvre that appear to be untimely in their relation to narratives of the period.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Hirsel Excavations
Excavations and surveys adjacent to Hirsel House, Coldstream, have revealed a remarkably detailed history of a proprietary church and its cemetery for a period when the parochial structure in Scotland was in course of development, and when very little is known about the fate of estate churches after they were donated to support the newly founded monasteries of the 12th century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Samuel Butler against the Professionals: Rethinking Lamarckism 1860-1900
This book provides new insight into a fascinating but often misunderstood writer, Samuel Butler. It offers a much-needed reappraisal of Butler's work and shows how Lamarckian ideas pervaded the whole of Butler's wide-ranging ouevre, and not merely his evolutionary theory.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Richardson and the Philosophes
This book inquires why the philosophes converge on Samuel Richardson and with what results. It focuses on the two-way or 'cross-Channel' flow in texts and ideas that continued between Britain and France throughout the long eighteenth century.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Modern Guide to GP Consulting
Dr. Alex Watson and actor Dave Gillespie have combined their different areas of expertise to produce a new approach to GP consulting. Modern Guide to GP Consulting is a simple and straightforward guide that any doctor can use to improve the way they communicate with their patients. For many years, General Practitioners have placed great emphasis and importance on consultation skills, especially within their training schemes. Medical Schools are also placing increasing value on these skills, regardless of what specialty a doctor chooses to pursue in the future.Using these six S’s – Status, Story, Summarising, Sharing, Securing, and Sanity – the book provides a structure for the consultation, with the aim of Increasing successful patient-doctor outcomes and satisfaction rates. If you would like to contact the authors, or to find out more about 'Six S for Success' training, seminars and workshops, please email
Taylor & Francis Ltd Surgical Interviews: The Survival Guide
Prepare, prepare, prepare! Surgical Interviews: The Survival Guide is a highly detailed handbook of what to expect during surgical interviews, including applications and CV preparation, clinical scenarios, portfolios, communication, possible questions, suggested solutions, potential pitfalls and a multitude of invaluable tips to enhance the overall assessment. Written by trainees who have recently (and successfully) been through the interview process, this is the only comprehensive guide available for future surgeons. It is wide-ranging, authoritative and down to earth - designed specifically to test knowledge, develop fluency in responses and foster confidence.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Practical Pain Management Handbook: The Essential Evidence-Based Guide
The successful management of chronic pain remains an elusive goal. As more complex diagnostic and intervention procedures become available, patients and clinicians alike have ever-greater expectations of banishing the problem of pain altogether. Unfortunately this hope is rarely fulfilled and the frustration experienced by everyone affected by chronic pain has remained more or less the same over the last two or three decades. Based on over 40 years' of experience and research The Practical Pain Management Handbook is a unique resource specifically designed for therapists involved in running Pain Management Programmes (PMPs). This engaging and effective handbook includes: intensive inpatient and extended outpatient programmes all of which are at least 25 hours in length; interactive materials designed to be used to form the basis of group discussion. Where there is a question in the text the suggested answer material is provided; assignments and tasks that can be used as homework or group session exercises; both standard Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) technologies as both have been found to be valuable in PMPs. The handbook is organised into sections to fit a useful logical sequence but can be adapted to suit your preference.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Renaissance Keywords
This book investigates the languages of Renaissance Europe on seven keywords, such as allegory, discretion, disegno, grace, modern, scandal, and sense. It seeks alternative ways to understand a culture and society which produced conceptions of the self as much as it did art and science.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Remembering Aldo Moro: The Cultural Legacy of the 1978 Kidnapping and Murder
This book presents important position statements by scholars who have made contribution to the understanding of the social and political mechanisms underlying Aldo Moro's targeting and death. It covers Giuseppina Mecchia's exploration of philosophical understandings of the Moro kidnap and murder.