Search results for ""taylor francis ltd""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Inter-Laboratory Study on Electrochemical Methods for the Characterization of Cocrmo Biomedical Alloys in Simulated Body Fluids
This special issue of Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology is dedicated to the study of corrosion of objects from historical sites. The issue contains contributions from the 2009 EUROCORR session on Corrosion of Archaeological and Heritage Artefacts organised by the European Federation of Corrosion's working party and commissioned articles on other key issues. The objective is to give the reader a broad understanding of corrosion of ancient materials, for the most part metal but also glass. Articles shed light on a range of analytical approaches related to the study of the complex systems that make up historical artifacts. In order to arrive at an understanding of the nanometric organisation of rust layers and interphases, such studies must be approached on a macroscopic scale. Techniques used include; macrophotography, synchrotron radiation and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) that ensure results that are both exhaustive and representative of particular observations. This issue demonstrates the wealth of approaches possible in the study of the corrosion of ancient materials.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Captive of the Dawn: The Life and Work of Peretz Markish (1895-1952)
In this book, the authors explore Peretz Markish's entire career from his famous early modernist poetry to his post-war Yiddish literature that responded to Nazi and Soviet state-sponsored violence, and everything in between.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Machado De Assis's Philosopher or Dog?: From Serial to Book Form
This book reinforces Franco Moretti's findings, by examining whether they apply to the relationship that Machado de Assis maintained with the serial novel, as a genre and format of publication of fiction invented in Europe, and with the means of literary production available in Rio de Janeiro.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Octavio Paz and T. S. Eliot: Modern Poetry and the Translation of Influence
This study traces the history of Octavio Paz's engagement with T. S. Eliot in Latin American and Spanish periodicals of the 1930s and 1940s. It establishes the Mexican context, or horizon of expectations, in which the earliest translations of Eliot appeared.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Platonic Coleridge
This book traces Coleridge's discovery of a Plato marginalised in the universities, and examines his use of German sources on the 'divine philosopher'. It compares Coleridge's figurations of poetic inspiration with models in the Platonic dialogues.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Tough Issues, Tough Choices: Resources for Staff and Student Development
Tough Issues: Resources for staff and student development by Tina Rae and Brian Marris This exciting and challenging resource focuses upon the issues, problems and concerns of teenagers in today's increasingly diverse and complex society. Social, emotional and behavioural issues relevant to these young people are presented in a three part programme which was originally developed and trialled within the context of a Pupil Referral Unit and a Mainstream High School. Tough Issues aims to address some of the 'real' concerns and agendas of teenagers today. Whilst it fulfils many of the objectives of the KS3 and KS4 PSHE curriculum, it also promotes the development of emotional literacy, equal opportunities and social justice. A central objective is to encourage students to develop their own voice, to take ownership of their own behaviours, values and responses and to become reflective young adults able to effectively identify and challenge social injustice. The programme is presented in three parts, each containing 8 scenarios with accompanying teaching resources and activities. The issues presented are often extremely challenging and hard hitting and include the following: * Underage age pregnancy * Graffiti * ASBOs * Date rape * Homophobia * Anorexia * Racism * Death * Relationship breakdown * Peer pressure * Arson * Alcohol abuse * Obesity * Bullying * Drug abusive The structure of the sessions is consistent throughout to allow for ease of delivery and includes evaluation sheets, image cards, question and answer sessions, acting out of the scenario and take home activities to reinforce and build upon the learning undertaken. A CD-ROM accompanies the programme and this includes all the activites, image cards, take home activities and photographic images. This is a unique resource and of real relevance to today's young people. It certainly challenges our young people to reflect upon their own emotional, behavioural and social needs and the ways in which they can and should develop self-help strategies and appropriate problem solving skills to cope effectively with the issues and challenges of today's world. The content is hard-hitting but if we fail to address these issues, due to our own 'adult' embarrassments and fears then we also fail the young people we are seeking to support, challenge and develop. Tough Issues - Focusing on the real issues, problems and concerns of today's teenagers is suitable for young people aged 13 - 18 years.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Preventing Bullying: Creating Non-Aggressive School Cultures
Both research and anecdotal evidence tell us that bullying affects the lives of many of our children and young people. Working together in partnership to reduce bullying in our schools and communities is crucial. The difference it could make to just one child or young person's life is a difference worth making. Preventing Bullying: Creating Non-Aggressive School Cultures is a practical and comprehensive resource for teachers, parents/carers and other professionals involved in managing the effects of bullying. With sample policies, top tips, information for parents and students, case studies, and additional resources, Preventing Bullying: Creating Non-Aggressive School Cultures will provide your school with the information and resources it needs to successfully combat bullying. Write your review By reviewing our products and sharing your experience, you'll be helping your colleagues decide which resources to invest in, and you'll be providing us with invaluable feedback to use in devloping future titles. So don't be shy and let us know what you thought. You can see what other people said about this product here.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pastoral Drama in Early Modern Italy: The Making of a New Genre
This book traces the development of pastoral drama as it evolved over the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Italy. It considers how writers of pastoral drama responded to social, cultural and intellectual pressures and innovations, regarding critical attitudes towards theatre and the arts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Oral Narration in Modern French: A Linguistics Analysis of Temporal Patterns
This book introduces 'performed' oral storytelling into the debate, using data from traditional and contemporary storytellers in French to explore the narrative tenses, the discourse-pragmatic effects of tense switching, as well as broader questions concerning the nature of oral discourse.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reinventing Community: Identity and Difference in Late Twentieth-century Philosophy and Literature in French
During recent years critics have increasingly expressed their loss of faith in existing cultural and political collective frameworks, drawing attention instead to irreducible singularity and to radical incommensurability between diverse positions or groups. Hiddleston analyses and challenges this trend, bringing together political, theoretical and literary analysis and juxtaposing the works of critical theorists such as Derrida, Lyotard and Nancy with literature by writers of North African immigrant origin. She presents a critique of those writers who underline the absence of communal identification, proposes a new emphasis on relational networks interconnecting diverse cultural groups, and argues for a more subtle understanding of the complex interplay of the singular and the collective in contemporary French writing.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intimacy and Responsibility: The Criminalisation of HIV Transmission
In what circumstances and on what basis, should those who transmit serious diseases to their sexual partners be criminalised? In this new book Matthew Weait uses English case law as the basis of a more general and critical analysis of the response of the criminal courts to those who have been convicted of transmitting HIV during sex.Examining cases and engaging with the socio-cultural dimensions of HIV/AIDS and sexuality, he provides readers with an important insight into the way in which the criminal courts construct the concepts of harm, risk, causation, blame and responsibility.Taking into account the socio-cultural issues surrounding HIV/AIDS and their interaction with the law, Weait has written an excellent book for postgraduate and undergraduate law and criminology students studying criminal law theory, the trial process, offences against the person, and the politics of criminalisation. The book will also be of interest to health professionals working in the field of HIV/AIDS genito-urinary medicine who want to understand the issues that may face their clients and patients.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Negotiating Sainthood: Distinction, Cursileria and Saintliness in Spanish Novels
Negotiating Sainthood
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychology and Policing
Provides an accessible account of the way psychology impinges on the work of policingDraws upon mainstream psychological principles and practices to demonstrate their relevance and applicability to a variety of aspects of policingA rapidly growing area of police work increasingly recognised and central both to police training and the academic study of policing.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Burglary
Burglary has all the credentials as the 'folk crime of the new millennium', and is regularly identified as one of the crimes most feared by the public. Victims are particularly affected by burglary, and burglary is generally at the centre of crime prevention and community safety strategies. This book provides an accessible, systematic account of burglary, focusing on the problem of crime in the first main part of the book, and on policy responses in the second. This book identifies the particularcharacteristics of burglary as a crime, drawing upon an extensive range of research in both the UK and elsewhere. It will be of interest to both students of criminology and criminal justice and practitioners in policing and crime prevention, and it looksat burglary in both national and international contexts. Professor Mawby is particularly well qualified to write on this subject, being involved in policy initiatives at local, national and international levels, as well as being editor of a leading crime prevention journal. accessible and authoritative account of one of the most important crimes and policy responses to itauthor ideally qualified in view of experience of local, national and international crime prevention initiatives.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Possible Worlds
Ever since Saul Kripke and others developed a semantic interpretation for modal logic, 'possible worlds' has been a much debated issue in contemporary metaphysics. To propose the idea of a possible world that differs in some way from our actual world - for example a world where the grass is red or where no people exist - can help us to analyse and understand a wide range of philosophical concepts, such as counterfactuals, properties, modality, and of course, the notions of possibility and necessity. This book examines the ways in which possible worlds have been used as a framework for considering problems in logic and argument analysis. The book begins with a non-technical introduction to the basic ideas of modal logic in terms of Kripke's possible worlds and then moves on to a discussion of 'possible for' and 'possible that'. The central chapters examine questions of meaning, epistemic possibility, temporal logic, metaphysics, and impossibility. Girle also investigates how the idea of a possible world can be put to use in different areas of philosophy, the problems it may raise, and the benefits that can be gained.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Tradition of Infringement: Women in Russian Literature After Glasnost
This book examines the relationship of the Russian literary phenomenon to issues of gender and creative authority, providing detailed discussion of several of the most significant women writers of the late Soviet period, among them Valeriia Narbikova, Liudmila Petrushevskaia and Nina Sadur.
Taylor & Francis Ltd George Sand and Autobiography
This book discusses George Sand's autobiography "Histoire de ma Vie" from a variety of perspectives - thematic, structural and stylistic - and examines the often contradictory images of the author/narrator that emerge, in particular, from Sand's confused and ambivalent attitude to her gender. At each point, Sand's intriguing work is placed in the context of modern autobiographical and feminist theory, and measured against the conventions of traditional male autobiography. What emerges is a hybrid, androgynous text that combines different modes and voices, giving a unique access to the person of the author herself, both as she wished to appear and as she appears in spite of herself.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Critical Fictions: Nerval's "Les Illumines"
Nerval's "Les Illumines" (1852) has often been seen as a problem text, and as a strange supplement to his masterpieces "Les Chimeres", "Les Filles du feu", and "Aurelia". In this first book-length study, in English or French, of "Les Illumines", Meryl Tyers argues that it is a complex work of art in its own right and that its originality has been obscured by the tangled publishing history of its individual narratives. Tyers re-examines that history and provides a complete documentary basis for critical discussion of the work. She also traces the critical response from the earliest reviews through to the scholarly editions and studies of the present day. Tyers's own critical reading pays particular attention to 'La Bibliotheque de mon oncle', Nerval's intriguing preface. By investigating in detail those fragmentary structures and varying themes that may at first make the unity of "Les Illumines" seem elusive, she is able to show that subtle integrative mechanisms are at work in a volume that deserves to be placed among the highest achievements of this incomparable poet.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Corporate Social Opportunity!: Seven Steps to Make Corporate Social Responsibility Work for your Business
Moves the argument from the ‘why’ of CSR to the ‘how’ and beyondImprove CSR performance and gain competitive advantageA practical guide for business leaders on how CSR factors can impact on their business
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Ecology of the New Economy: Sustainable Transformation of Global Information, Communications and Electronics Industries
A "revolution" is taking place in the development of global information and communications technologies. In slightly more than a decade, the World Wide Web has gone from the idea of an obscure English scientist to a consumer-oriented technology system with an expected one billion users by 2005. The technologies that enable this to happen are advancing rapidly, which is leading to both an unprecedented number of start-up companies and a host of innovative new alliances between companies. The growth has been so rapid and unexpected that little research and analysis has yet been done on what impact this transformation has had or will have on the ability of companies to meet the global sustainability challenge. As environmental strategy has traditionally been portrayed in terms of risk cutting and resource efficiency, there is a danger that critical business issues such as information technology, R&D and e-commerce development are examined in isolation from the wider sustainable business perspective. An important objective of the book is to explore, document and raise awareness of sustainability concerns arising from the emerging global information economy. The information economy is defined in the broadest sense possible, including software, hardware, telecommunication – traditional and wireless – and advanced communication technologies. Some of the key issues and questions that are examined include:Case studies on how and to what degree sustainability concerns are being integrated into the business model of electronic, telecommunication and firms.The relationship between the diffusion of information and communication technologies and the energy and resource intensity of companies.The role of information and communication technologies in the shaping of policies for sustainability, its impacts on sustainable or unsustainable lifestyles and its implications for the interaction between companies and other actors.Corporations and the global digital divide.The Ecology of the New Economy will be of interest to academics, governments, businesses, and non-governmental groups who are trying to understand the linkages and relationship between the two of our greatest global challenges: the information revolution and environmental sustainability.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Business of Water and Sustainable Development
This title examines the role of privatization, technology and multi-sectoral partnerships to provide answers to one of the most pressing environmental and social problems of the twenty-first century how to provide access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation for some 2 billion of the world's poor in the next 15 years.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Solar Low Energy Houses of IEA Task 13
The International Energy Agency's Task 13 is to advance solar building technologies. As part of that programme, 15 houses in 12 countries have been built to test new technologies and strategies for achieving low energy demand while maintaining a good indoor climate.;The principal strategies used and evaluated are: minimization of heat losses, profiting from passive solar and internal gains, heating with an active solar system, heating with recovered heat and providing auxiliary heat efficiently.;For each house, this work provides a list of energy features incorporated, an analysis of energy demand, a floor plan, and a description of methods of construction. The houses range from apartment blocks to detached and terraced housing. Local weather conditions, building styles and cultural requirements are taken into consideration.
Taylor & Francis Ltd English Ironwork of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
This title comes with a new Introduction by Bethan Griffiths and Peter Milington. We are fortunate today that there is a far greater understanding and appreciation of our heritage, and how it should be cared for, than there was at the time J. Starkie Gardner's book was written. For the many people interested in and involved with the care and conservation of heritage ironwork "English Ironwork of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries" is an invaluable reference, not just for researching specific pieces but also for understanding the historic context of the ironwork of the period. It is also full of illustrations of once surviving examples in need of repair, and these photographs can give clues to their original form. Where ironwork has gone missing, the information can help to inform the design of replica work. There are few books on decorative historical ironwork and the small number there are highlight the fact that, overall, the subject of wrought ironwork has been insufficiently studied and is a rich field for cataloguing and research. Within the pages of Starkie Gardner's book are clues to the identification of further pieces of ironwork, particularly the many he did not cover, from which there is still much to learn. It is hoped that reissue of the book acts as an inspiration to those involved with the study, care and refurbishment of ironwork to continue the work he started in the recording and sharing of ironwork discoveries. However, the huge amount of surviving work of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries should not be forgotten as of this also too little is known; here again there is need for further cataloguing and research.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Specifications for Building Conservation: Volume 1: External Structure
In Specifications for Building Conservation, the National Trust draws on a range of case studies and specifications to provide a much needed guide to specification writing for building conservation. Although traditional building accounts for approximately a quarter of all buildings in the UK, the old skills and understanding required for their care and maintenance have been increasingly eroded over the last century. As the largest heritage charity in Europe, the National Trust has a first class reputation for high standards of conservation and care, and in this three volume set, the Trust brings together a remarkable pool of expertise to guide conservation professionals and students through the process of successful specification writing.This first book focusses on the materials used for the external fabric, detailing successful approaches employed by the National Trust at some of their most culturally significant sites. A range of studies have been carefully selected for their interest, diversity and practicality; showcasing projects from stonework repairs on the magnificent Grade I listed Hardwick Hall to the re-thatching of the traditional cottages of the Holnicote Estate. Complete with a practical Conservation Management Plan checklist, this book will enable practitioners to develop their skills, allowing them to make informed decisions when working on a range of project types. This is the first practical guide to specification writing for building conservation and the advice provided by the National Trust experts will be of interest to any practitioners and students involved in building conservation, both in the UK and beyond. Profits generated from the sale of this publication will go to the National Trust Building Apprenticeship Scheme. This provides placements for traditional skills at National Trust properties.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Treasures on Earth: A Good Housekeeping Guide to Churches and Their Contents
Churches are valuable not only for their significance within Christian religion, but also because of the historic value of the buildings themselves, and the artistic objects, furnishings and decorative features contained within them. This book explains the techniques and artistry involved in caring for the fabric and contents of churches. It considers the problems of cleaning and repair, and the damage that can be done by over-zealous non-specialists. The contributions to this book are wide-ranging and each chapter is written by a highly regarded specialist in his/her field. In addition to offering guidance on the conservation of stained glass, sculpture, textiles, metalwork, floors, furniture, decorative plaster work, paintings and so on, the book also covers the technical aspects of creating the right environment with the heating, ventilation and lighting of the building. The advice this volume contains should be essential reading for everyone concerned with the care and upkeep of churches.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sharing the Earth
Our heritage is rooted in local cultures and environments. However, does modern communication and its international bias now threaten regional integrity? How do we combine global awareness with practical local action, and can heritage be exported from one place to another like Euro Disney? Also, how will future cultural and environmental policies be influenced by the principle of subsidiarity and Article 128 of the Maastricht Treaty? These are some of the questions and issues to be discussed by contributors from the Heritage Convention, and to be included in this collection of papers. Drawn from papers presented at The Robert Gordon University Heritage Convention in 1995, this volume addresses a range of questions and explores issues critical to the sustained use of the Earth's heritage and economic benefit of local communities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd I Spy: Representations of Childhood
Attempting to address the photography of children in the late 1990s is a difficult and potentially dangerous exercise. _I Spy_ takes up the challenge by means of a unique combination of new colour and black and white photographs and newly commissioned writing. A book to savour, it addresses two related issues in the contemporary photography of children: how children photograph themselves and how they are portrayed by modern women photographers. It includes, for example, children's photographs of their homes, families and environment, a body of work on twins, a mother's photographs of her daughter and powerful essays expressing poetic, personal and critical approaches. Together, images and words describe intimate, surprising facets of the visual world of childhood.The contributors are: Melissa Benn, Linda Bullock, Wendy Ewald, Catherine Fahily, Jane Fletcher, Suzanne Greenslade, Patricia Holland, Holly Street Public Art Trust, Caroline Molloy, Kate Newton, Cath Pearson
Taylor & Francis Ltd Molecular Diagnosis
There has been a rapid introduction of nucleic acid-based analysis techniques into diagnostic laboratories and routine screening procedures. This timely book presents a concise overview of the molecular diagnosis of human disease. It focuses on the techn
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cross-border Electronic Banking: Challenges and Opportunities
Cross-border Electronic Banking addresses everything from the changes made to payment clearing since the deregulation of cross-border flows of funds, to the development of capital adequacy ratios and the Euro. This insightful and revealing book, backed up by extensive practical experience, will alert you to the ways that electronic banking practices affect even the simplest daily transactions, and will unveil the legal technicalities imposed by these developments.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sub City: Young People, Homelessness and Crime
Youth homelessness increased rapidly during the late 1980s and early 1990s, at a time when street homelessness in particular became increasingly associated in the popular mind with dangerousness and criminality. This book analyzes the construction of homelessness as a social and legal 'problem' and documents young people’s own experiences of homelessness, crime and danger. Drawing on the authors’ own field work in a range of urban and rural locations, the book addresses themes of home and homelessness, of exclusion and marginality and of risk and urban incivilities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd To Make Another World: Studies in Protest and Collective Action
This book is a significant contribution to the expanding study of social movements. The essays consider some of the manifold ways in which people join together in popular movements to pursue visions of a different and more just society. They examine the impact of such movements, both on ordinary citizens swept along by demands for change, and on conventional institutions caught in the crossfire between radical protest and the pursuit of more mundane goals. They cast a new light on seemingly familiar themes: participation as a learning experience, the critical ingenuity of leadership but also its failures of judgment and internal divisions and the ever-changing nature of protest in the face of relentless social change. Above all, these essays succeed in capturing the essential vitality and creativity of ideas and language expressed by citizens as they struggle to reinvent their lives and times.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Challenges and Solutions in Patient-Centered Care: A Case Book
Series Editors: Moira Stewart, Judith Belle Brown and Thomas R Freeman The application of the patient-centered clinical method has received international recognition. This book introduces and fully examines the patient-centered clinical method and illustrates how it can be applied in primary care. It presents case examples of the many problems encountered in patient-doctor interactions and provides ideas for dealing with these more effectively. It covers a wide range of topics and issues including palliative care, abuse, dying patients, ethical challenges and the role of self-awareness. Many narratives originate from patients' and family members' experiences, providing perspectives of great power and value. The Patient-Centered Care series is of great value to all health professionals, teachers and students in primary care.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Harnessing Information for Health Economics Analysis
Series Editor: Michael Rigby This completely up-to-date resource equips readers with practical tools to understand and apply health economic methods. It introduces the key economic tools and the data available that can assist an economic decision and covers a range of areas from primary care and national data to global indicators of health. The information presented is applicable to all economic issues - at individual practice or nationwide policy level. Harnessing Information for Health Economics Analysis is a vital handbook for all clinicians, managers, and policy makers and shapers who make decisions about planning, commissioning and delivering healthcare. It will also be of great value to health economists, and postgraduate students in health economics and related disciplines.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Supervision and Support in Primary Care
This unique and practical book provides a clear introduction to clinical supervision and support in primary care. Supervision and Support in Primary Care provides practical information and guidance on the nature and purpose of clinical supervision. It uses examples and perspectives from the world of mental health, Balint groups and self-directed learning, and examines the benefits and challenges of supervision within the primary care setting. Numerous case studies are used throughout to describe the wide range of current approaches to supervision for general practitioners, illustrating how this can contribute towards more effective clinical work and training. All those working within primary care will find this book valuable reading.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Developing a Unified Patient-Record: A Practical Guide
The introduction of the new General Medical Services contract for the payment and reward of general practice and GP practices will inevitably change the way in which primary care is delivered. This practical workbook aims to address how its implementation will work in practice. Written in the interactive Roy Lilley workbook style with think boxes hazard warnings tips and comment boxes it deals with the implications impact and implementation of the New Contract questioning the contract's impact on patients and the provision of services. It is an essential guide for general practitioners primary care managers practice staff and trainers; and for all those that have an involvement in primary care and the implementation of the new contract. GPs practices and PCOs need as much guidance as they can get - from the General Practitioners Committee the NHS Confederation and also from books such as this. The more advice that they can turn to and the earlier they can get the help they need the better. So I welcome Roy's book as a valuable contribution. The book is primarily an informative summary of the contract documents and a practical tool kit for putting the contract into action. I too want to see practice teams making the contract work and this book will help many of them to do so. John Chisholm in the Foreword
Taylor & Francis Ltd Substance Abuse: A Patient-Centered Approach
Series Editors: Moira Stewart, Judith Belle Brown and Thomas R Freeman Primary care clinicians are often unfamiliar with new and effective methods for detecting substance abuse problems in their earliest stages, and the majority of patients with substance abuse problems remain undiagnosed. Substance Abuse is written by primary care clinicians and focused to meet the needs of primary care providers, demonstrating how the patient-centered clinical method can assist clinicians in learning how to diagnose this complex psychosocial disorder. This book describes how to use state-of-the-art screening techniques, and how to understand and motivate patients to decrease or eliminate harmful use of alcohol and drugs. It presents the latest scientific findings and gives examples of using a patient-centered approach, as well as describing specific communication skills, with samples of dialogue illustrating their use in helping substance-abusing patients. This is essential reading for all family doctors, paediatricians, gynaecologists, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, psychologists and all clinicians whose practices include substance abusing patients. It will also appeal to counsellors, education personnel and all professionals working with substance abusing individuals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd John Macalister's Other Vision: A History of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine
John MacAlister's Other Vision traces the history of The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine from its formation to the present day. It includes biographies and images of the major figures involved in the institution along with fascinating background information for those involved in postgraduate education. Members of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine will find this book interesting and historically enlightening, as will members of The Royal College of Physicians, The Royal College of Surgeons and worldwide organisations and individuals with an interest in the history and development of postgraduate medical education.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Weight Matters for Children: A Complete Guide to Weight, Eating and Fitness
This work provides a concise and up-to-date account of endocrine therapy for breast cancer. It covers historical development, basic physiology of female sex hormones, role of hormones in breast cancer aetiology, selective oestrogen receptor modules, ovarian ablation and chemoprevention. The book aims to provide a concise and up-to-date medical guide to medical and surgical oncologist working in the field of breast cancer and reflects recent advances in molecular biology of the oestrogen receptor including descriptions of ongoing trials involving hormonal manipulation.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Third World Health: Hostage to First World Wealth
Great and increasing inequities exist between the peoples of the Third World and those of the First. As well, we find ourselves threatened by imminent environmental catastrophes largely as a result of trying to maintain such inequities. This clear and straightforward text explains the complex origins of such bodies as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and others, and demonstrates the extent to which they exacerbate the problem. The situation is now so grave that we can no longer afford the luxury of leaving it to the professionals. We are all involved. We find ourselves hearing daily news reports of wars, starvation, the HIV/AIDS pandemic and natural disasters, rendered worse by inadequate international responses. The United Nations, once seen as an effective arbiter and mediator in such matters, now finds itself unable to exercise authority adequately. Third World Health: hostage to First World Wealth adopts a positive approach and puts forward various ways in which people at all levels can become more involved. It addresses the pivotal issue of health in the Third World and argues that it is very much hostage to the globalization of trade by and for the benefit of First World agencies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Professionalism in Medicine
Those at the grassroots of primary care have been provided with a unique opportunity to plan and shape the modern NHS. This book describes the work of primary care groups in their first months and describes everything from the initial aims of PCGs through to primary care trusts and the future. The excellent panel of contributors who are practised members of PCGs describe their experiences and the lessons they have learnt. The book explores how organisations will evolve and provides guidance on theory people and functions. It is essential reading for members of PCG teams and those with or aspiring to PCT status.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Inner World of Medical Students: Listening to Their Voices in Poetry
"A passerby may marvel And admire my molded form. My every branch and twig and leaf Has learned how to conform". Why are some medical students drawn to creative writing? What issues does this writing address, and what needs, fears and experiences does it give expression to? What can we learn about the future generation of physicians from examining their writing? Until now, no systematic examination of the links between medical education, the students, their poetry and the meanings that can be gleaned from these writings has been published. In this comprehensive, clearly argued book, Shapiro explores contemporary academic thought on the topic and offers new insights on the medical education system. It is a critical appraisal which independently explores the positive and negative aspects of medical culture, student life, socialisation and learning through the unique expressive medium of medical student poetry. It sheds light on issues such as patient relationships that have become obscured over time, and offers fresh insight on fundamental, universal concerns such as mortality, suffering, acceptance and identity. This book provides a practical, comprehensive analysis of medical student poetry and is an invaluable resource for medical educators, those with an interest in the medical humanities, and medical students themselves.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The NHS IT Project: The Biggest Computer Programme in the World... Ever!
The emphasis on primary care in health service development requires both academics and professionals involved in research to apply the highest standards in qualitative and quantitative methodology. This book provides accurate and up to date information in an easy to follow and clear way. Guidance is given on appropriate methods specialist advice and where to find it. All chapters include exercises to relate the reader's own experiences and review understanding. Primary Care Research series is aimed at developing the knowledge expertise and skills of all practitioners in primary care. Each book is based on contributions from experts in their field and is supported by practical facts personal insight support and advice. They enable all primary care practitioners to realise the potential of exploring information used in everyday working practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Counselling Victims of Warfare: Person-Centred Dialogues
In the United Kingdom since 1987 38,000 people have been referred to The Medical Foundation for specialist psychological treatment relating to warfare, and in the past 80 years 75,000 military personnel have received counselling from the Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society. The topic of warfare induced psychological stress and trauma is a vast one.This book gives an unique, person-centred insight into counselling victims of warfare (either civilians or military personnel) whose trauma is physical or psychological. It covers such topics as anger, death, nightmares, recovered memories, emotional and physical pain, and alcohol use. It also contains a list of useful contacts for further support and helpful tips. Counsellors, trainees and other healthcare and social care professionals dealing with civilian or military victims of warfare will find this guide invaluable.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Humane Prisons
Based on the popular courses run by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine in Oxford, and written by leading figures working in the field of evidence-based medicine, this workbook provides papers appropriate for the study of child health.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Neurology Update: Reviews for Continuing Professional Development
This is a companion to the highly successful GP Quiz Book 1. It enables interactive learning and rapid identification of new areas of knowledge. Questions and answers on a range of disease management topics are covered with material sourced from the British Medical Journal and the British Journal of General Practice. The practical application of research findings and advisory statements is unique in presenting both fact and authoritative opinion. The book includes questions model answers and references for each question for those who wish to study that topic in more detail. It can stimulate discussion for individuals or those in a group setting. Students and all professionals working in healthcare will find it essential reading and reference.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Chronic Disease Management in Primary Care: Quality and Outcomes
Domiciliary care is a sensitive and complex subject. Can I obtain suitable care workers? Which organisations can I call on for support? What are the obligations placed on homeowners? If a relative wishes to remain at home do you know what to do? These are questions often asked by health professionals social workers and service users. This book answers such questions gives choices and shows how to implement decisions. It is essential reading for the new primary care organisations community practitioners primary healthcare teams practitioners in palliative care and geriatrics charities and volunteer groups.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Managing and Leading in the Allied Health Professions
This stimulating series is unique in providing advice on management, leadership and development for those in the Allied Health Professions (AHP). This concise companion guides readers through current key management challenges, the structure of the NHS, legal matters, professional regulation, research and cultural issues. With contributions from internationally renowned professionals, Managing and Leading in the Allied Health Professions provides vital information for AHP managers and aspiring managers, senior clinicians, extended scope practitioners, clinical specialists, AHP educators, researchers, staff and students. It will also be invaluable for clinical scientists, pharmacists and optometrists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Clinical Audit in Primary Care: Demonstrating Quality and Outcomes
Clinical audit is essential for demonstrating performance for the quality and outcomes framework of the GP Contract. This completely up to date manual uses a practical ‘how-to-do-it’ approach, linked directly to the GP Contract, to make the undertaking of clinical audit a positive and rewarding exercise for both patient care and practice finance. By using examples of clinical audit from around twenty different clinical fields, Clinical Audit in Primary Care provides tips and advice that can be integrated into everyday practice. The recommended process will enable managers, doctors, nurses and clinical staff to collect the data painlessly and to draw meaningful results from it. Its principles will also provide practical guidance to pharmacists and others in the multidisciplinary team involved in clinical audit.