Search results for ""taylor francis ltd""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Routledge Intensive Russian Course
These CDs provide 120 minutes of audio material to be used in conjunction with the Routledge Intensive Russian Course. Recorded by native speakers, they include dialogues, exercises and a variety of texts to help students using the course to improve their listening comprehension and pronunciation skills.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Human Nature After Darwin: A Philosophical Introduction
Human Nature After Darwin is an original investigation of the implications of Darwinism for our understanding of ourselves and our situation. It casts new light on current Darwinian controversies, also providing an introduction to philosophical reasoning and a range of philosophical problems.Janet Radcliffe Richards claims that many current battles about Darwinism are based on mistaken assumptions about the implications of the rival views. Her analysis of these implications provides a much-needed guide to the fundamentals of Darwinism and the so-called Darwin wars, as well as providing a set of philosophical techniques relevant to wide areas of moral and political debate.The lucid presentation makes the book an ideal introduction to both philosophy and Darwinism as well as a substantive contribution to topics of intense current controversy. It will be of interest to students of philosophy, science and the social sciences, and critical thinking.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sanctioning Pregnancy: A Psychological Perspective on the Paradoxes and Culture of Research
Pregnancy provides a very public, visual confirmation of femininity. It is a time of rapid physical and psychological adjustment for women and is surrounded by stereotyping, taboos and social expectations. This book seeks to examine these popular attitudes towards pregnancy and to consider how they influence women’s experiences of being pregnant.Sanctioning Pregnancy offers a unique critique of sociocultural constructions of pregnancy and the ways in which it is represented in contemporary culture, and examines the common myths which exist about diet, exercise and work in pregnancy, alongside notions of risk and media portrayals of pregnant women. Topics covered include: Do pregnant women change their diet and why? Is memory really impaired in pregnancy? How risky behaviour is defined from exercise to employment The biomedical domination of pregnancy research. Different theoretical standpoints are critically examined, including a medico-scientific model, feminist perspectives and bio-psychosocial and psychodynamic approaches.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pre-Industrial Cities and Technology
See series selling points:
Taylor & Francis Ltd English Stage Comedy 1490-1990
First published in 2004. English stage comedy has weathered centuries of social and theatrical change. How did it survive? English Stage Comedy 1490–1990 is a unique and beautifully written study of the comedy of the English stage from the Tudor period to the late twentieth century. Organized thematically, it shows how this remarkably enduring genre has dealt with the tensions of social life, using its conventions as tools for social inquiry. Through an examination of comedy Alexander Leggatt demonstrates that an approach through genre, neglected in recent criticism, can have much to say about our current concerns with the relations between literature and society. English Stage Comedy 1490–1990 surveys five centuries of classic comic drama, focusing on major playwrights such as: Shakespeare, Jonson, Etherege, Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, Goldsmith, Sheridan, Wilde, Shaw, Coward, Orton, Ayckbourn and many lesser-known figures.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Caring for People in Pain
An excellent introduction for nurses to all aspects of pain and its management. Topics examined are relevant to all areas of health care practice and include:*types of pain*the experience of pain, including psycho-social factors*interventions (pharmocological, physical and psychological)*alternative and complementary therapies.Caring for People in Pain clearly sets out the research base for practice and provides a thorough and accessible text for students of this core topic on all entry level and many post-registration nursing courses.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion 2volume set
Containing over 200 articles from prominent scholars, The Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion examines ways in which politics and religion have combined to affect social attitudes, spark collective action and influence policy over the last two hundred years.With a focus that covers broad themes like millenarian movements and pluralism, and a scope that takes in religious and political systems throughout the world, the Encyclopedia is essential for its contemporary as well as historical coverage.Special Features:* Encompasses religions, individuals, geographical regions, institutions and events* Describes the history of relations between religion and politics* Longer articles contain brief bibliographies* Attractively designed and producedThe Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion will be invaluable for any library, public and academic, which serves those interested in politics, sociology, religious studies, international affairs a
Taylor & Francis Ltd Staff Development in Open and Flexible Education
Open learning is the fastest growing type of education worldwide - new courses, training etc coming on stream every weekGood line-up of international contributors
Taylor & Francis Ltd Fundamental Statistics for Social Research: Step-by-Step Calculations and Computer Techniques Using SPSS for Windows
This accessible introduction to statistics using the program SPSS for Windows explains when to apply and how to calculate and interpret a wide range of statistical procedures commonly used in the social sciences. Keeping statistical symbols and formulae to a minimum and using simple examples, this book:* assumes no prior knowledge of statistics or computing* includes a concise introduction to the program SPSS for Windows* describes a wider range of tests than other introductory texts* contains a comprehensive range of exercises with answersFundamental Statistics for Social Research covers SPSS Release 6 for Windows 3.1 and Release 7 for Windows 95. It will prove an invaluable introductory statistics text for students, and a useful resource for graduates and professionals engaged in research in the social sciences.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Virtual Embodied: Practice, Presence, Technology
The Virtual Embodied is intended to inform, provoke and delight. It explores the ideas of embodiment, knowledge, space, virtue and virtuality to address fundamental questions about technology and human presence. It juxtaposes cutting-edge theories, polemics, and creative practices to uncover ethical, aesthetic and ecological implications of why, how and in particular where, human actions, observations and insights take place. In The Virtual Embodied, many of the authors, artists, performers and designers apply their interdisciplinary passions to questions of embodied knowledge and virtual space. In doing so it chooses to acknowledge the limitations of the conventional linear book and uses them creatively to challenge existing genres of multi-media and networked consumerism.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing
Unique in its breadth of coverage, Who's Who in Contemporary Women's Writing is a comprehensive, authoritative and enjoyable guide to women's fiction, prose, poetry and drama from around the world in the second half of the twentieth century. Over the course of 1000 entries by over 150 international contributors, a picture emerges of the incredible range of women's writing in our time, from Toni Morrison to Fleur Adcock- all are here. This book includes the established and well-loved but also opens up new worlds of modern literature which may be unfamiliar but are never less than fascinating.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Environmental Assessment in Practice
This text explains what constitutes good practice in applying environmental assessment as an environmental management tool. A wide range of case studies and other student text features are employed to demonstrate how the different methods, techniques and disciplines of environmental assessment can be used. The authors address the key concepts for environmental assessment procedures: methods for using E.A.; techniques for impact prediction and evaluation; environmental risk assessment; EA consultation and participation; project management; environmental statement review and post-project analysis; and strategic environmental assessment.Worldwide case studies include: gas pipelines, hydroelectric power plants, gold mining, river crossings, waste-to-energy plants and gravel extraction in England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, the USA, Venezuela, the Netherlands, Iceland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Ghana.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Economics: 1995 Vol 44
This bibliography lists the most important works published in economics in 1995. Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, the IBSS provides researchers and librarians with the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences. The IBSS is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics, one of the world's leading social science institutions. Published annually, the IBSS is available in four subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Race, Class and the Changing Division of Labour Under Apartheid
Takes stance that during Apartheid, racial inequality was eroded.South African author on Apartheid policy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Who's Who in Contemporary World Theatre
Who's Who in Contemporary World Theatre is a lively and accessible biographical guide to the key figures in contemporary drama. All who enjoy the theatre will find their pleasure enhanced and their knowledge extended by this fascinating work of reference. Its distinctive blend of information, analysis and anecdote makes for entertaining and enlightening reading. Hugely influential innovators, household names, and a whole host of less familiar, international figures - all have their lives and careers illuminated by the clear and succinct entries. All professions associated with the theatre are represented here - actors and directors, playwrights and designers. By virtue of the broad range of its coverage, Who's Who in Contemporary World Theatre offers a unique insight into the rich diversity of international drama today.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Rise of Free Trade
Taylor & Francis Ltd Routledge French Dictionary of Environmental Technology Dictionnaire anglais du genie de l'environnement: French-English/English-French francais-anglais/anglais-francais
Covers the range of applied technology in the environmental fieldIncludes elements of environmental management and legal technologyWordlist originated and translated by specialist native-speaker tranlslatorsUp-to-the-minute terminology in a cutting-edge subject areaThe first English/French dictionary in its field containing such a large range of specialist terminology in an easy-to-use formatsOn CD-ROMWindows package integrates with most WP packagesCompatibility with other publisher's works allows searching across several dictionaries at once
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intl Biblio Econom 1954 Vol 3
First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Transition to the Market Economy
This collection draws together the most significant writings on the economics of transition. Although there are a wide range of examples from different countries and industries, the focus is on analysis of the key issues. These include:* macroeconomics and stabilization* liberalization and the establishment of markets* property rights and the legal framework* reform of banking and finance, agriculture, and the trading system* the functioning of labour marketsThis collection draws on material from an enormous range of sources. It includes articles by Barry Eichengreen, Oliver Blanchard, Stanley Fischer and Janos Kornai.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A History of Western Political Thought
A History of Western Political Thought is an energetic and lucid account of the most important political thinkers and the enduring themes of the last two and a half millennia. Written with students of the history of political thought in mind, the book:* traces the development of political thought from Ancient Greece to the late twentieth century* focuses on individual thinkers and texts* includes 40 biographies of key political thinkers* offers original views of theorists and highlights those which may have been unjustly neglected* develops the wider themes of political thought and the relations between thinkers over time.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Policy-Making in Britain: An Introduction
The book provides a broad-based introduction to policy-making in Britain, exporing the legacy of the Thatcher era and charting the new context of policy-making in the 1990s.The authors examine the policy process within its ideological, political and economic context, discussing both the influence of Europe and the influence of local government. Having established a broad framework for analysis, the book focuses on a selection of particular policy areas; public expenditure, the NHS, Next Steps, water privatisation, pensions, education and immigration.The aim of the book is to give a sense of the actual dynamics of policy-making and to encourage students to think about the likely outcomes of policy-change, while making the connections between British public policy and the environment in which it is shaped.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Political Power and Democratic Control in Britain
Democratic Institutions and Practices is the second study carried out under the Democratic Audit of the UK. This volume explores the formal institutions and processes of the liberal democratic state: including the executive, elections, parliament and the civil service.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Thomas Chatterton: Early Sources and Responses
The revival of interest in medieval life and literature during the 18th century led to a fanatical search for antiquarian literary treasures - forgers such as James Macpherson, William Henry Ireland and Thomas Chatterton provided them to their willing and eager patrons. Chatterton wrote on scraps of old parchment and posed it as the work of Thomas Rowley and others.The publication of Thomas Tyrwhitt's first collection of Rowley poems in 1777 gave rise to a heated literary controversy regarding their authenticity. This is a collection of the major contemporary contributions to this controversy - all of them extremely rare.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Political Science: 1992 Vol 41
This bibliography lists the most important works published in political science in 1992.Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, the IBSS provides researchers and librarians with the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences.The IBSS is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics, one of the world's leading social science institutions.Published annually, the IBSS is available in four subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Industrial Revolution and the Atlantic Economy: Selected Essays
In recent years it has become commonplace to downplay notions of an industrial revolution and argue instead that Britain's transformation was gradual and incremental. In The Industrial Revolution and the Atlantic Economy Brinley Thomas contests this view, arguing that change in the energy base and hence in technology has enabled Britain to overcome an energy crisis and sustain dramatic population growth. Throughout these essays illustrate the organic approach to economic growth that Brinley Thomas pioneered.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Economics: 1990 Vol 39
This bibliography lists the most important works published in economics in 1990. Renowned for its international coverage and rigorous selection procedures, the IBSS provides researchers and librarians with the most comprehensive and scholarly bibliographic service available in the social sciences. The IBSS is compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics, one of the world's leading social science institutions. Published annually, the IBSS is available in four subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Quine
Quine was one of the foremost philosophers of the Twentieth century. In this outstanding overview of Quine's philosophy, Peter Hylton shows why Quine is so important and how his philosophical naturalism has been so influential within analytic philosophy.Beginning with an overview of Quine's philosophical background in logic and mathematics and the role of Rudolf Carnap's influence on Quine's thought, he goes on to discuss Quine's famous analytic-synthetic distinction and his arguments concerning the nature of the a priori. He also discusses Quine's philosophy of language and epistemology, his celebrated theory of the indeterminacy of translation and his broader views of ontology and modality.This book is essential reading for anyone interested in Quine, twentieth century philosophy and the philosophy of language.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Anthropology: 1988 Vol 34
This bibliography is now under the editorial direction and authority of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, at the London School of Economics. The editorial expertise of the world's leading social science institution will ensure that the IBSS maintains its unrivalled position as a bibliographic source. This bibliography lists the most important works in anthropology published in 1988.
Taylor & Francis Ltd IBSS: Economics: 1987 Volume 36
First published in 1991. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Vortex Structures in a Stratified Fluid: Order from Chaos
A fully systematic treatment of the dynamics of vortex structures and their interactions in a viscous density stratified fluid is provided by this book. The various compact vortex structures such as monopoles, dipoles, quadrupoles, as well as more complex ones are considered theoretically from a physical point of view.Another essential feature of the book is the close combination of theoretical analyses with numerous examples of real flows.The book further provides real physical insight and base for postgraduate students specializing in geophysical and applied fluid dynamics. Among the family of vortex structures considered in the book, the most remarkable are the vortex dipoles. These are fundamental elements of the complex chaotic flows associated with the term 'two-dimensional turbulence'. The appearance of these structures in initially chaotic flows is currently of great interest because of a myriad of geophysical applications. Specific examples include the mushroom-like currents discovered from satellite images of the upper ocean. The book is well illustrated with many original photographs (some in colour) and diagrams.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Applied Urban Design
Applied Urban Design combines ''why'' we design and ''who'' we design for, with ''how'' we design, by providing the reader with a comprehensive and accessible bespoke framework for both understanding and practicing urban design in a contextually responsive manner from appraisal to design delivery. The framework is presented across four distinct steps, covering analysis at strategic and local scales; the urban design program; design development; and technical design. The authors unpack the functional blueprints, liveable qualities, contextual dynamics, and technical components of quality urban design, identifying the role of urban designers in shaping spaces and places across differing local contexts through a responsive and multiscalar approach. International best practice examples and two original live' case studies in Aalborg, Denmark and Manchester, UK demonstrate the application of the framework across differing scales and contexts each support
Taylor & Francis Ltd Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities
Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities reveals how environmental research infrastructures (RIs) provide new valuable insights on ecological processes that cannot be realized by more traditional short-term funding cycles and are integral to understand our changing world. This book bonds the latest state-of-the-science knowledge on environmental RIs, the challenges in creating them, their place in addressing scientific frontiers, and the new perspectives they bear. Each chapter is thoughtfully invested with fresh viewpoints from the environmental RI vantage as the authors explore and explain many topics such as the rationale and challenges in global change, field and modeling platforms, new tools, challenges in data management, distilling information into knowledge, and new developments in large-scale RIs. This work serves an advantageous guide for academics and practitioners alike who aim to deepen their knowledge in the field of science and project management, and logistics operations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Feynman Lectures on Computation: Anniversary Edition
The last lecture course that Nobel Prize winner Richard P. Feynman gaveto students at Caltech from 1983 to 1986 was not on physics but on computerscience. The first edition of the Feynman Lectures on Computation, publishedin 1996, provided an overview of standard and not-so-standard topics incomputer science given in Feynman’s inimitable style. Although nowover 20 years old, most of the material is still relevant and interesting, andFeynman’s unique philosophy of learning and discovery shines through.For this new edition, Tony Hey has updated the lectures with an invitedchapter from Professor John Preskill on “Quantum Computing 40 YearsLater”. This contribution captures the progress made toward building aquantum computer since Feynman’s original suggestions in 1981. The last25 years have also seen the “Moore’s law” roadmap for the IT industrycoming to an end. To reflect this transition, John Shalf, Senior Scientistat Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has contributed a chapteron “The Future of Computing beyond Moore’s Law”. The final updatefor this edition is an attempt to capture Feynman’s interest in artificialintelligence and artificial neural networks. Eric Mjolsness, now a Professorof Computer Science at the University of California Irvine, was a TeachingAssistant for Feynman’s original lecture course and his research interestsare now the application of artificial intelligence and machine learningfor multi-scale science. He has contributed a chapter called “Feynmanon Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” that captures the earlydiscussions with Feynman and also looks toward future developments.This exciting and important work provides key reading for students andscholars in the fields of computer science and computational physics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Supporting Children with Fun Rules for Tricky Spellings An Illustrated Storybook and Workbook SET Who Put the Spell into Spelling
This beautifully illustrated storybook and workbook set has been created to support learners who, after acquiring the basics of reading and writing, have struggled to organically grasp the rules that govern spelling in the English language. The colourful storybook tells the story of the Super Spelling School for Letters', and the teacher who helps all the students come together to make words. Twenty-two of the most important spelling rules are explored and given meaning through the engaging story, each followed by a quick quiz' to help solidify the rule in the long-term memory. In the fully photocopiable workbook, activity pages for each rule develop reading, spelling and writing skills, allowing the child to put the rules into practice. Key features include: An engaging story that connects the spelling rules together and gives them meaning, making them easier to remember Quirky and colourful illustrations, allowing children to visualise the sp
Taylor & Francis Ltd Commercial and Maritime Law in China and Europe
Both China and Europe have a long tradition of commercial and maritime law; and this new book examining various topics from their particular perspectives is both timely and important. It links the vital component of maritime law with commercial law, financial law and trade policy.The book has performed a remarkable task in making connections between China and Europe through the lenses of substantive and procedrual laws, covering a wide range of areas, including commercial law, insurance law, salvage, EU maritime law and Brexit, carriage of goods by sea, arbitration, mediation, litigation, the recently formed China International Commercial Court, and different liability regimes, as well as a brief look forward into new initiatives and artificial intelligence in the digital age.In these challenging times, we all have much to learn from each other in seeking to find answers to what are often difficult problems. This book provides a welcome opportunity for anyone interested in commercial and maritime law to engage in that learning exercise and, looking ahead, thereby to help solve such problems as may arise in the future – in a practical and fair manner. It is therefore of great relevance to both the academic field and the legal practice field in China and Europe.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Guide to Mental Health for Early Years Educators: Putting Wellbeing at the Heart of Your Philosophy and Practice
This practical and accessible guide tackles the challenges that busy childcare educators face with their mental health in what is a wonderful, rewarding, but often exhausting role.Drawing from "day-in-the-life" experiences and case studies, this book sets out high-quality staff wellbeing practices that can revolutionise the way childcare practitioners approach their job and their own health. Chapters guide the reader through a process of reflection and development, encouraging and empowering them to create a workplace culture that positively contributes to their personal wellbeing.This book:• Focuses on the realities of Early Years education, combining the author's lived experience with examples of real-life practice.• Encourages educators to think and feel positively about themselves; to identify the individual skills, strengths and talents they bring to their work.• Can be used individually or collaboratively by team members, with guidance on creating a positive workplace culture with a shared vision, core values and beliefs.Essential reading for anybody who finds that the job they love can sometimes leave them feeling worn out, stressed and depleted, this book has been written to enrich the lives of all training and practising Early Years Educators.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Built Up: An Historical Perspective on the Contemporary Principles and Practices of Real Estate Development
Built Up uncovers the roots of the global real estate industry in the machinations of a patron of Shakespeare, the merged lineages of business savvy women and men, startlingly innovative collaborations with the first English architect, and the radical explorations of other denizens of early modern London – and what those colorful origins mean for the practice of property development today. Uniting insights from the author’s career as an internationally recognized developer with meticulous archival research, this resource for scholars and professionals synthesizes economic history and the latest planning and finance literature. The result is an unprecedented effort to codify the principles and activities of real estate development as a foundation for future academic research and practical innovation.By tracing the evolution of property development to its earliest days, Built Up establishes the theoretical groundwork for the next phase in the transformation of the urban environment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Africa South of the Sahara 2022
The definitive one-volume guide to all sub-Saharan African countries, providing invaluable economic, political, statistical and directory data. General SurveyThoroughly revised and updated analytical articles written by experts on the region and covering both continent-wide and sub-regional issues. Country SurveysIndividual chapters on every country incorporating:essays on the physical and social geography, recent history and economies an extensive statistical survey of economic indicators a full directory containing names, addresses and contact details for key areas such as the government, diplomatic representation, the media, finance, trade and industry, and defence a useful bibliography, providing sources for further research. Regional InformationDetailed information on regional organizations; commodities; research institutes; and select bibliographies of books and periodicals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Genomes 5
Completely updated and rewritten, with 150 new figures Genomes from a wide variety of organisms included, from viruses to humans Techniques fully integrated into the text, including those investigating the genome, transcriptome, and proteome Coverage of expression, regulation, and evolution is on a genomic scale Short answer questions and in-depth problems at the end of each chapter Same structure as Genomes 3 but streamlined
Taylor & Francis Ltd Molecular Biology: Structure and Dynamics of Genomes and Proteomes
Vivid illustrations convey step-by-step mechanisms and explain fundamental principles. The text and figures describe results from new techniques that allow insight into processes at the molecular level both in vitro and in vivo. Chapter boxes present historic accounts, extended descriptions of methods, additional cell biology context, and medically-relevant material. The flexible presentation of both essential and advanced material ensures the book can meet the needs of both upper-level undergraduate and early graduate-level audiences. Each chapter ends with a list of key concepts and references for further reading.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Bringing Up War-Babies: The Wartime Child in Women’s Writing and Psychoanalysis at Mid-Century
The figure of the wartime child in the mid-twentieth century unsettles and disturbs. This book employs a range of material – biographical, literary and historical – to chart some of the surprising and unanticipated crossovers between women’s writing and early psychoanalysis in the years of the Second World War and the decades before and after. This volume includes examples of children’s adventure fiction, as well as works written for adult audiences and important and previously unrecognized similarities are noted.The war was a disruptive influence in the lives of all who lived through it. Although active self-censorship is observed in the behaviour and attitudes of adults at this time, this book demonstrates how fictional children are able to articulate feelings such as anxiety and fear that adults were under pressure to conceal or to repress and at times, the figure of the wartime child becomes a surrogate for the writer herself or her suppressed fears and anxiety. When peace returned, this study finds women writers quick to identify and communicate a discomfiting new ambivalence between parents and children.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Zedie and Zoola’s Playtime Cards: 25 Games to Lift Communication Barriers from the Playground
Playtime is essential for children’s wellbeing and provides key opportunities to make friends. This pack contains 25 beautifully illustrated cards containing ideas for fun playground games that draw from Zedie & Zoola’s Playful Universe. They are designed to be used alongside: Zedie & Zoola Light Up the Night – a colourful storybook, which draws on themes relating to friendships, neurodiversity, participation, and advocacy. Zedie & Zoola’s Playful Universe – an evidence-based guide offering additional advice for adults to use the cards effectively, with helpful contextual information relating to child development, communication differences, and play, to assist in making playtimes more accessible. The cards and storybook explore the topic of communication differences through engaging characters and games, and the accompanying guide offers additional advice for adults to use the cards effectively, with helpful contextual information to assist in making playtimes more accessible. Zedie and Zoola’s Playtime Cards are suitable for use at both school and at home by children aged 6-9. They are an essential resource for anyone looking for new ways to foster an inclusive environment to help children with different communication styles engage and play with their peers.Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Will the Wolf: Targeting the w Sound
Will sits and watches the world go by, feeling all alone. Will he be alone forever?This picture book targets the /w/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 2, a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story.The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy, for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder, or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents, teachers or caregivers.Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness.Picture books are sold individually, or in a pack. There are currently two packs available – Speech Bubbles 1 and Speech Bubbles 2. Please see further titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Rick's Carrot: Targeting the r Sound
Rick is hungry, but his carrot has disappeared! Who has taken it? Come along on the mission to find it.This picture book targets the /r/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 2, a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story.The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy, for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder, or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents, teachers or caregivers.Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness.Picture books are sold individually, or in a pack. There are currently two packs available – Speech Bubbles 1 and Speech Bubbles 2. Please see further titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Harry the Hopper: Targeting the h Sound
Harry loves to hop, and believes he is a ‘hopper’ – but not everyone agrees…This picture book targets the /h/ sound and is part of Speech Bubbles 2, a series of picture books that target specific speech sounds within the story.The series can be used for children receiving speech therapy, for children who have a speech sound delay/disorder, or simply as an activity for children’s speech sound development and/or phonological awareness. They are ideal for use by parents, teachers or caregivers.Bright pictures and a fun story create an engaging activity perfect for sound awareness.Picture books are sold individually, or in a pack. There are currently two packs available – Speech Bubbles 1 and Speech Bubbles 2. Please see further titles in the series for stories targeting other speech sounds.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Working with Children Experiencing Speech and Language Disorders in a Bilingual Context: A Home Language Approach
The complexity of speech and language disorders can be daunting in a monolingual context. When working with a bilingual child assessment and intervention may appear to be even more complicated. In this book Sean Pert provides the reader with the tools needed to overcome this perception and develop skills in working in a language that they don’t share with the client. By adopting a home language first approach the book discusses how to: identify diversity from disorder introduce effective approaches in line with the best clinical practice work successfully alongside interpreters make assessments and plan interventions set goals for therapy. At the heart of the text is the therapist creating essential partnerships with parents and truly valuing the bilingualism, culture and identity of the child. This leads to better outcomes, not only in speech, language and communication, but also in self-esteem, mental health, social participation and educational and employment success. The book concludes with a handy toolkit of resources including quizzes, case studies and printable extras making it the perfect resource for both experienced and newly qualified practitioners with bilingual and multilingual children in their care.
Taylor & Francis Ltd SEND Assessment: A Strengths-Based Framework for Learners with SEND
Part of The Essential SENCO Toolkit series, this invaluable resource offers practical ideas and materials to allow SENCOs and SEN practitioners to capture learning, demonstrate the impact of SEN support, and analyse whether provision is effectively tackling barriers to learning. Chapters introduce a shared language of learning and move through seven key components: cognition, communication, creativity, control, compassion, co-ordination and the curriculum. Key features include: A framework for the holistic assessment of skills and attributes that contribute to accessing the curriculum, and a framework for intervention that is additional to, or different from, the differentiated curriculum A unique strengths-based progress tracker that establishes a baseline to inform intervention and determine progress over time A photocopiable and downloadable programme of materials, trialled and tested in both primary and secondary settings, that can be shared with teachers, senior leaders and support staff, as well as with parents/carers and pupils Providing a framework to create a holistic profile of the child and their needs, SEND Assessment empowers professionals to confidently demonstrate progress for barriers to learning that are otherwise difficult to measure. It will support SENCOs in their day-to-day roles and become a vital tool for those interested in providing effective SEN provision in educational settings.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Plant Ecology and Conservation
Plant Ecology & Conservation is an introduction to the world of plant ecology. It includes the main areas of current research including ideas about plant populations, nutrition and plant community ecology and has a particular emphasis on the interactions of plants with animals, fungi and microorganisms whose important is being increasingly demonstrated. With the world’s environmental problems having such a high profile, the book focusses on the human impact on the world’s plant species. Conservation of the terrestrial world starts with plants as they form the basis of all ecosystems on land. We can only understand how best to conserve the world’s biodiversity with an understanding of the central role of plant ecology. This theme runs throughout with numerous examples of the disruption of ecosystems by human activity emphasising the connection between plant ecology and conservation.Key Features: Boxes present case studies, important statistics and interesting asides Full-colour photos depict key species and habitats and superb line drawings illustrate many concepts Important data are presented in Tables and Figures throughout Each chapter has Key Concepts and review questions to test a reader’s grasp of the content Key References and Further Reading are given for each chapter to point the reader towards the most important and influential literature Jargon is kept to a minimum and a full Glossary of all technical terms is presented The book is aimed primarily at undergraduate and graduate students in any aspect of ecology or plant science. It should also appeal to anyone interested in how plants function and are concerned about what is needed for the conservation of the world’s ecosystems.