Search results for ""Author Leon""
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo The Plurality of Realities – Collected Essays
The Plurality of Realities contains four texts by Leon Chwistek that deal with his original philosophical conception called the theory of plurality of realities. This collection is essential not only for understanding the full-fledged version of Chwistek’s conception but also for surveying its development over a span of five years (1916–1921). Reading these essays in chronological order allows us to notice all stages of its development, beginning with its first sketches, drawn in the book Meaning and Reality, where only two realities are considered, and finishing with Chwistek’s most famous essay, The Plurality of Realities, in which he discusses four different realities: the reality of things, the reality of physics, the reality of impressions, and the reality of imaginations. The collection is preceded by two introductory essays by Karol Chrobak. The first presents Leon Chwistek against the background of the intellectual, cultural, and political life of the interwar period in Poland. The second focuses on Chwistek’s conception of the plurality of realities and gives a critical account of its most widespread interpretations.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Systeme d'Aristote
The Library of America The Education of Henry Adams: A Library of America Paperback Classic
"The pleasure of reading the Education is . . . the pleasure of seeing history come alive, of seeing it move, of seeing behind history to the actions and actors. It is the pleasure of seeing revealed the humanity so often concealed in history." -Alfred Kazin Henry Adams was one of the most powerful and original minds to confront the American scene from the Civil War to World War I. Though a man of the modern world, Adams remained in temperament a child of the 18th century, his political ideals shaped by his presidential ancestors, great-grandfather John Adams and grandfather John Quincy Adams. The Education of Henry Adams is both a brilliant memoir and a profound meditation on the extraordinary developments in science, politics, religion, and society that so transformed the world as he knew it. For almost thirty years, The Library of America has presented America's best and most significant writing in acclaimed hardcover editions. Now, a new series, Library of America Paperback Classics, offers attractive and affordable books that bring The Library of America's authoritative texts within easy reach of every reader. Each book features an introductory essay by one of a leading writer, as well as a detailed chronology of the author's life and career, an essay on the choice and history of the text, and notes. The contents of this Paperback Classic are drawn from Henry Adams: Novels, Mont Saint Michel, The Education, volume number 14 in the Library of America series. That volume is joined in the series by two companion volumes, numbers 31 and 32, Henry Adams: History of the United States During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and Henry Adams: History of the United States During the Administrations of James Madison.
Walker Books Ltd About This Boy: Growing up, making mistakes and becoming me
Leon "Locksmith" Rolle is one-quarter of the phenomenally successful band Rudimental. In this book, he shares his aspirational story. With chapters on mindset, self-belief and confidence, Leon encourages you to find balance and happiness, no matter what life throws at you.Leon grew up in Hackney, where he played semi-professional football and went on to form Rudimental with three childhood friends. He says: "Things weren’t always easy for me growing up, and I made a lot of mistakes. But I don’t regret any of it, because everything that’s happened has made me Locksmith, and that makes me proud. I want you to be proud of yourself too. You have the power to be great, and successes, mistakes and failures are all just a part of life. It's the journey that counts, because that's what makes you who you are."Let Leon's story inspire you to embrace life and fulfil your incredible potential.
Taylor & Francis Inc Generic Drug Product Development: Bioequivalence Issues
The assessment of bioequivalence is an important process whereby the bioavailability of a generic drug product is compared with its brand-name counterpart. Generic pharmaceutical products must be approved as therapeutic equivalents to the brand name alternative in order to be interchangeable. The demonstration of bioequivalence is an important component of therapeutic equivalence. Bioequivalence studies are very expensive, time consuming and always have the possibility of failure. The objective of this textbook is to describe some of those specific bioequivalence issues which need to be considered for the design and conduct of bioequivalence studies. By exploring scientific, legal, and international regulatory challenges, Generic Drug Development, discusses the use of alternative approaches to the measurement of plasma drug concentrations for the demonstration of bioequivalence, and covers bioequivalence procedures for drug products that are not easily assessed - based upon the physical and chemical properties of the active drug and the nature of the drug product.
Vintage Publishing The Nuremberg Interviews: Conversations with the Defendants and Witnesses
The Nuremberg Interviews reveals the chilling innermost thoughts of the former Nazi officials under indictment at the famous postwar trial. The architects of one of history's greatest atrocities speak out about their lives, their careers in the Nazi Party and their views on the Holocaust. Their reflections are recorded in a set of interviews conducted by a U.S. Army psychiatrist. Dr Leon Goldensohn was entrusted with monitoring the mental health of the two dozen German leaders charged with carrying out genocide, as well as that of many of the defence and prosecution witnesses. These recorded conversations have gone largely unexamined for more than fifty years.Here are interviews with some of the highest-ranking Nazi officials in the Nuremberg jails, including Hans Frank, Hermann Goering, Ernest Kaltenbrunner, and Joachim von Ribbentrop. Here, too, are interviews with lesser-known officials who were, nonetheless, essential to the workings of the Third Reich. Goldensohn was a particularly astute interviewer, his training as a psychiatrist leading him to probe the motives, the rationales, and the skewing of morality that allowed these men to enact an unfathomable evil. Candid and often shockingly truthful, these interviews are deeply disturbing in their illumination of an ideology gone mad.Each interview is annotated with biographical information and footnotes that place the man and his actions in their historical context and are a profoundly important addition to our understanding of the Nazi mind and mission.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Game Theory & Applications: Volume 15
Manchester University Press Sustainable Art Communities: Contemporary Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean
This collection sets out a range of perspectives on the challenges that the Caribbean is facing today, showing how the arts hold a crucial role in forging a more sustainable Caribbean community. It forcefully attests to the view that visual art in particular has a specific contribution to make and that this in turn means striving to foster a sustainable arts community that can contend with an environment of uneven infrastructure, opportunity and public awareness. Spanning the scholarly, artistic and professional fields of arts and heritage, this book compares two of the Caribbean’s key linguistic regions – the Anglophone and the Dutch – to address the themes of global-local relations, capital, patronage, morality, contestation, sustainability and knowledge exchange. The result is a milestone of collaboration from diverse global settings of the Caribbean and its diaspora, including Jamaica, the Bahamas, Barbados, Suriname, Curaçao, the Netherlands, UK, Germany and the US.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The Communist Manifesto: The Modern South African Edition
‘…the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all.’ The Modern South African Edition of the Communist Manifesto Includes: Leon Trotsky’s Afrikaans Introduction to the 1937 edition with an English translation. Neville Alexander’s 2002 Introduction in isiZulu and English to the isiZulu translation of The Communist Manifesto. A new isiZulu translation of The Communist Manifesto. Jeremy Cronin’s Introduction to this edition. As the first in the new series RADICAL PASTS, RADICAL FUTURES, this edition of The Communist Manifesto is a vantage point from where to view the lives, work and creativity of ordinary South Africans in the years 1937, 2002 & 2022, and a prompt to visit and re-visit Marx & Engels’ urgent text.
Wellred Books The Permanent Revolution and Results and Prospects
John Wiley & Sons Inc Renewable Energy in Power Systems
An up to date account of renewable sources of electricity generation and their integration into power systems With the growth in installed capacity of renewable energy (RE) generation, many countries such as the UK are relying on higher levels of RE generation to meet targets for reduced greenhouse gas emissions. In the face of this, the integration issue is now of increasing concern, in particular to system operators. This updated text describes the individual renewable technologies and their power generation characteristics alongside an expanded introduction to power systems and the challenges posed by high levels of penetrations from such technologies, together with an account of technologies and changes to system operation that can ease RE integration. Features of this edition: Covers power conditioning, the characteristics of RE generators, with emphasis on their time varying nature, and the use of power electronics in interfacing RE sources to grids Outlines up to date RE integration issues such as power flow in networks supplied from a combination of conventional and renewable energy sources Updated coverage of the economics of power generation and the role of markets in delivering investment in sustainable solutions Considers the challenge of maintaining power balance in a system with increasing RE input, including recent moves toward power system frequency support from RE sources Offers an insightful perspective on the shape of future power systems including offshore networks and demand side management Includes worked examples that enhance this edition’s suitability as a textbook for introductory courses in RE systems technology Firmly established as an essential reference, the Second Edition of Renewable Energy in Power Systems will prove a real asset to engineers and others involved in both the traditional power and fast growing renewables sector. This text should also be of particular benefit to students of electrical power engineering and will additionally appeal to non-specialists through the inclusion of background material covering the basics of electricity generation.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Smith
A Puffin Book - stories that last a lifetime.Puffin Modern Classics are relaunched under a new logo: A Puffin Book. There are 20 titles to collect in the series, listed below, all with exciting new covers and fun-filled endnotes.London street urchin Smith is 12 years old, and an experienced pick-pocket. One day on Ludgate Hill, he robbed an old gentleman, and one minute later watched him silently murdered by two men, who chased him for the document he had stolen but could not understand. Smith artfully dodges the two men and winds up in the odd company of a wealthy blind man, who takes Smith into his home and provides him with an education. But this new comfort is lost when Smith himself is suspected of the very murder he witnessed.Leon Garfield was a British novelist, born in 1921. He is best known for children's historical novels, though he also wrote for adults. He wrote more than thirty books including Shakespeare's Stories - retellings of Shakespeare's plays for children, and he won many awards including the Guardian Award and the Carnegie Medal. He died in 1996, aged 74.Also available in A Puffin Book: GOODNIGHT MISTER TOM and BACK HOME by Michelle Magorian CHARLOTTE'S WEB, STUART LITTLE and THE TRUMPET OF THE SWAN by E. B. White THE BORROWERS by Mary NortonSTIG OF THE DUMP by Clive KingROLL OF THUNDER, HEAR MY CRY by Mildred D. TaylorA DOG SO SMALL by Philippa PearceGOBBOLINO by Ursula Moray WilliamsCARRIE'S WAR by Nina BawdenMRS FRISBY AND THE RATS OF NIMH by Richard C O'BrienA WRINKLE IN TIME by Madeleine L'EngleTHE CAY by Theodore TaylorTARKA THE OTTER by Henry WilliamsonWATERSHIP DOWN by Richard AdamsSMITH by Leon GarfieldTHE NEVERENDING STORY by Michael EndeANNIE by Thomas MeehanTHE FAMILY FROM ONE END STREET by Eve Garnett
Actar Publishers By Practice, by Invitation: Design Practice Research in Architecture and Design at RMIT, 1986-2011
Burnham, Incorporated Stonehenge: The Indo-European Heritage
To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
New York University Press Beyond Deportation: The Role of Prosecutorial Discretion in Immigration Cases
The first book to comprehensively describe the history, theory, and application of prosecutorial discretion in immigration law When Beatles star John Lennon faced deportation from the U.S. in the 1970s, his lawyer Leon Wildes made a groundbreaking argument. He argued that Lennon should be granted “nonpriority” status pursuant to INS’s (now DHS’s) policy of prosecutorial discretion. In U.S. immigration law, the agency exercises prosecutorial discretion favorably when it refrains from enforcing the full scope of immigration law. A prosecutorial discretion grant is important to an agency seeking to focus its priorities on the “truly dangerous” in order to conserve resources and to bring compassion into immigration enforcement. The Lennon case marked the first moment that the immigration agency’s prosecutorial discretion policy became public knowledge. Today, the concept of prosecutorial discretion is more widely known in light of the Obama Administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA program, a record number of deportations and a stalemate in Congress to move immigration reform. Beyond Deportation is the first book to comprehensively describe the history, theory, and application of prosecutorial discretion in immigration law. It provides a rich history of the role of prosecutorial discretion in the immigration system and unveils the powerful role it plays in protecting individuals from deportation and saving the government resources. Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia draws on her years of experience as an immigration attorney, policy leader, and law professor to advocate for a bolder standard on prosecutorial discretion, greater mechanisms for accountability when such standards are ignored, improved transparency about the cases involving prosecutorial discretion, and recognition of “deferred action” in the law as a formal benefit.
Auckland University Press Hare Pota me te Whatu Manapou: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in te reo Maori
Sacristy Press Fierce Love: Music Leads a Lost Child Home
Nova Science Publishers Inc Game Theory & Applications: Volume II
Resistance Books The Permanent Revolution & Results and Prospects
University of Notre Dame Press Wing to Wing, Oar to Oar: Readings on Courting and Marrying
Despite current concerns for “family values” and the dissolution of marriages, Amy A. and Leon R. Kass see very little attention being paid to what makes for marital success. They argue there are no longer socially prescribed forms of conduct that help guide young men and women in the direction of matrimony; the very concepts of “wooing” and “courting” seem archaic. Yet they see major discontent with the present situation and detect among their students certain longings—for friendship, for wholeness, for a life that is serious and deep, and for associations that are trustworthy and lasting—longings they do not realize could be largely satisfied by marrying well. Wing to Wing, Oar to Oar: Courting and Marrying is an anthology of source readings offered as a response to the contemporary cultural silence surrounding love that leads to marriage. It addresses important questions that emerge not from theory, but from practice: Why marry? Is this love? How can I find and win the right one to marry? What about sex? Why a wedding and the promises of marriage? What can married life be like? Using readings taken mainly from classic texts of Homer, Herodotus, Plato, Aquinas, Erasmus, Shakespeare, Rousseau, Austen, Tolstoy, C.S. Lewis, Miss Manners, and many others, this collection challenges our unexamined opinions, expands our sympathies, elevates our gaze. It offers a higher kind of sex education, one that prepares hearts and minds for romance leading to lasting marriage, and introduces us to possibilities open to human beings in everyday life that may be undreamt of in our current philosophizing. This unapologetically pro-marriage anthology is intended to help young people of marriageable age and their parents think about the meaning, purpose, and virtues of marriage and, especially, about finding the right person with whom to make a life.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Candida Albicans: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Options
John Wiley & Sons Inc Intervening and Changing: Looking for Meaning in Interactions
Presenting new thinking in organizational psychology from the Netherlands, Intervening and Changing is a guide to applying global thinking and democratic values to achieve innovation. Expertly steered by Jaap Boonstra and Leon de Caluwe, it explores tensions and paradoxes in the field of organizational change and presents interventions based in social interaction theory. Its vision is of people collaborating, making sense of their work and living situations and developing collaborative action for breakthrough innovation will be a source of inspiration for any manager, consultant or change agent.
Lisson Gallery Leon Polk Smith
Imperial College Press Local Activity Principle: The Cause Of Complexity And Symmetry Breaking
The principle of local activity explains the emergence of complex patterns in a homogeneous medium. At first defined in the theory of nonlinear electronic circuits in a mathematically rigorous way, it can be generalized and proven at least for the class of nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems in physics, chemistry, biology, and brain research. Recently, it was realized by memristors for nanoelectronic device applications. In general, the emergence of complex patterns and structures is explained by symmetry breaking in homogeneous media, which is caused by local activity. This book argues that the principle of local activity is really fundamental in science, and can even be identified in quantum cosmology as symmetry breaking of local gauge symmetries generating the complexity of matter and forces in our universe. Applications are considered in economic, financial, and social systems with the emergence of equilibrium states, symmetry breaking at critical points of phase transitions and risky acting at the edge of chaos.
Lion Hudson The Lion First Bible
A top-selling children's Bible, now in a mini pink gift edition
Harvard University Press The Letters of Henry James Volume IV 18951916
Barricade Books Inc Battle of the Two Talmuds: Judaism's Struggle with Power, Glory, & Guilt
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Neurosurgical Diseases: An Evidence-Based Approach to Guide Practice
A structured, evidence-based approach to neurosurgical decision-making for brain pathologies Evidence-based neurosurgery is one of the most important pillars upon which to build decision management pathways. Effective delivery of care involves understanding the natural history of the disease and the evidence behind available treatment options. Neurosurgical Diseases: An Evidence-Based Approach to Guide Practice by esteemed neurosurgeons Leon T. Lai, Cristian Gragnaniello, and expert contributors covers cranial pathologies neurosurgeons commonly encounter in everyday practice. The book combines a structured approach to evidence-based neurosurgery with expert opinions, analysis of up-to-date clinical data, understanding of patient preferences and values, and firsthand experiences to facilitate translation of evidence into clinical practice. Twenty-seven consistently formatted chapters are each dedicated to a different disease state, including brain tumors, cerebrovascular disease, Cushing's disease, traumatic brain injury, trigeminal neuralgia, and normal pressure hydrocephalus. All chapters include an introduction, current statistics and data, natural history of the pathology, selected papers for further reading, procedural options and outcomes, and recommended treatment protocols from the authors. Key Features Key content summarized in reader-friendly bullets, diagrams, tables, and illustrative figures enhances acquisition of knowledge Discussion of new developments including treatment recommendations for primary and metastatic brain tumors Statistical data on cerebral aneurysm treatment outcomes and recommendations for treatment New protocols for treating head trauma, closed head injuries, and spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage This essential resource will help neurosurgical residents and junior neurosurgeons make challenging surgical treatment decisions for complex conditions, clearly and concisely and based on the best evidence. This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on
Taylor & Francis Inc Power of Peers: How the Company You Keep Drives Leadership, Growth, and Success
Birds of a feather flock together. We're all in the same boat. Great minds think alike. While just figures of speech to some, they reflect a simple truth--it's the company we keep that often determines the level of personal growth and professional success we achieve in life. Business leaders exchange information and ideas. They network to make deals and build partnerships. They work together to optimize best practices, and they reach out to leaders outside their companies to accelerate growth. Simply put, CEOs and business leaders provide value to one another that they can't find anywhere else. In The Power of Peers, authors Leon Shapiro and Leo Bottary introduce peer advantage, a concept that transcends peer influence. This is what CEOs and business leaders experience when they are more selective, strategic, and structured in the way they engage their peers. Peer advantage gives CEOs the insights to compete and the courage to act. The Power of Peers features stories of business leaders from a range of industries to illustrate the five essential factors for peer advantage, how it impacts personal growth and why it has proven so effective in helping leaders identify future opportunities and challenges. It's what top, growth-oriented executives have relied upon for decades to be successful in business and in life.
Kodansha America, Inc The Craft Of The Japanese Sword
Well over a thousand years old, the tradition of swordmaking in Japan is one of the most highly regarded metal crafts in the world. When all sword manufacture was prohibited in Japan for seven years after World War II, the age-old techniques were in danger of being lost forever. Today, in the hands of a new generation of practitioners, the craft is making a startling comeback. Connoisseurs say that the swords being produced now are the equal of anything made in Japan in the past few hundred years. This book takes the reader into the workshops of four of Japan's
Princeton University Press The American Essays of Henry James
"No one, among American writers, was more contemporary or had a more powerful grasp of American history and American myth," writes Leon Edel of Henry James. This collection of James's essays on American letters, together with some of his miscellaneous writings on other American subjects, is a pivotal document in the reassessment of James as less cloistered--and more American--than previously supposed. James is relaxed and informal as he writes of Emerson, Hawthorne, Lowell, Godkin, Norton, and Howells: he is fondly recalling--but also criticizing--the cultural orthodoxy in which he was reared. The American Essays remarkably prefigures current efforts to revise and challenge the aesthetic idealism of the Emersonian tradition.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Catalysis: An Integrated Textbook for Students
Written by an excellent, highly experienced and motivated team of lecturers, this textbook is based on one of the most successful courses in catalysis and as such is tried-and-tested by generations of graduate and PhD students, i.e. the Catalysis-An-Integrated-Approach (CAIA) course organized by NIOK, the Dutch Catalysis research school. It covers all essential aspects of this important topic, including homogeneous, heterogeneous and biocatalysis, but also kinetics, catalyst characterization and preparation, reactor design and engineering. The perfect source of information for graduate and PhD students in chemistry and chemical engineering, as well as for scientists wanting to refresh their knowledge
Wellred Books The First Five Years of the Communist International
SPCK Publishing The Lion First Bible
The Lion First Bible has had previous sales of over 1.25 million copies. This Bible includes more than sixty Bible stories, specially chosen for young children: a foundation on which to build a growing knowledge of the Bible. With colourful, child-friendly illustrations and clearly laid out text, this retelling is ideal for beginner readers, and fantastic for reading aloud.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Rocket Men
'Rocket' Ron Haslam started racing on the professional circuit in 1972 at the age of 15 and developed into one of the finest, and fastest, racers the UK has ever seen. Winner of three World titles and four British championships, as well as a record six Macau GPs, he rode in more than 100 Grands Prix. Despite tragically losing two of his brothers in motorbike accidents, Haslam kept on riding, setting speed records wherever he went.His son, Leon, the 'Pocket Rocket', is following in his father's extremely speedy footsteps. A national Motorcross champion and national Scooter champion at the age of just 14, he became the youngest ever rider to compete in the 500cc World Championship and is now one of Britain's top racers, competing for Stiggy Honda in the World Superbike Championship.This is the extraordinary story of a father and a son who are addicted to motorbikes, with all the thrills and spills, miraculous escapes and multiple broken bones that involves. Both colourful characters, their story takes us all the way from the 1970s to today and is full of hilarious high-octane derring-do, a cast of characters including legends like Fast Freddie Spencer and Barry Sheene, and nothing less than terrifying but exhilarating adventure.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Actor and Strategy Models: Practical Applications and Step-wise Approaches
A practical how-to guide for more effective planningthrough multi-actor modelling Careful planning is the cornerstone of a successful initiative, and any plan, policy, or business strategy can only be successful if it has the support of different actors. These actors may beactively pursuing their own agendas, so the plan must not only offer an optimal solution to theproblem, but must also fit the needs and abilities of the actors involved. Actor and Strategy Models: Practical Applications and Step-wise Approaches provides a primer on multi-actormodelling, based on the fundamental premise that actor strategies are explained by investigatingwhat actors can do, think, and want to achieve. Covering a variety of models with detailed background and case examples, this book focuses on practical application. Step-by-step instructions for each approach provide immediately actionable insight, while a general framework for actor and strategy modelling allows the reader to tailor any approach as needed to optimize results in terms of situation-specific planning. Oriented toward real-world strategy, this helpful resource: Provides models that shed light on the multi-actor dimensions of planning, using a variety of analytical approaches Includes literature, theoretical underpinnings, and applications for each method covered Clarifies the similarities, differences, and suitable applications between various actor modelling approaches Provides a step-wise framework for actor and strategy modelling Offers guidance for the identification, structuring, and measuring of values and perceptions Examines the challenges involved in analyzing actors and strategies Even before planning begins, an endeavor's success depends upon a clear understanding of the various actors involved in the planning and implementation stages. From game theory and argumentative analysis, through social network analysis, cognitive mapping, and beyond,Actor and Strategy Models provides valuable insight for more effective planning.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors & Clinical Outcomes
McGraw-Hill Education Small Business Management: An Entrepreneur's Guidebook
Small Business Management: An Entrepreneur’s Guidebook, by Mary Jane Byrd takes a practical and down-to-earth approach to planning, organizing, and running a small business. While employing current research and theory, its pragmatic “how-to” perspective illustrates many practical examples and applications from the business world. It explains how to achieve optimum benefits from the limited resources available to small firms, as well as how to plan for growth and succession in a business. It also explores arguments both for and against owning a small business.
Transcript Verlag Interwar Crossroads: Entangled Histories of the Middle Eastern and North Atlantic World between the World Wars
Studying the entangled histories of the areas conceptualized as Middle Eastern and North Atlantic World in the interwar years is crucial to understanding the two areas' respective and common histories until today. However, many of the manifold connections, exchanges, and entanglements between the areas have not received thorough scholarly attention yet. The contributors to this volume address this by bringing together various innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to the topic. It thereby furthers the understanding of the two areas' entangled histories and diversifies prevailing concepts and narratives. Through this, the volume also offers enriching insights into the global history of the early 20th century.
Protea Boekhuis Intimately Absent
Nova Science Publishers Inc Game Theory & Applications: Volume 13
Royal Botanic Gardens Flowering Plants A Concise Pictorial Guide
Plants are fundamental to life on Earth – they provide the oxygen we breathe, our food and beverages, spices and herbs, fibres, medicines, fuels, dyes and building materials. To enable botanists to identify plants they have been classified by physical features and now by their DNA. Flowering Plants: a concise pictorial guide graphically illustrates over 100 of the most important plant families that shape our lives and environment, taken from the classic reference Flowering Plant Families of the World by V. H. Heywood, R. K. Brummitt, A. Culham and O. Seberg. Both as an illustration of the breathtaking beauty of plants and as an introduction to the science behind flowering plants, this concise pictorial guide provides a handy reference to flowering plant families and is sure to become part of every plant enthusiast’s library.
Archaeopress Middle Bronze Age and Roman Settlement at Manor Pit, Baston, Lincolnshire: Excavations 2002-2014
Between 2002 and 2014 MOLA Northampton carried out evaluation and excavation work over an area of approximately 49.65ha ahead of mineral extraction for the quarry at the Manor Pit, Baston, Lincolnshire. The earliest activity dated to the Neolithic with the first occupation dating to the early Bronze Age, but it was within the middle Bronze Age that significant occupation took place within the site. Part of a large co-axial field system was recorded over an area approximately c800m long and up to 310m wide. Cropmarks and the results from other archaeological excavations suggest the field system continued beyond Manor Pit for c4km and was up to 1km wide. The field system was a well-planned pastoral farming landscape at a scale suggesting that cattle and other animals were being farmed for mass trade. The site was reoccupied in the early 2nd century AD when two adjacent Roman settlements were established. One of the settlements was arranged along a routeway which led from the Car Dyke whilst the other settlement connected to this routeway by a long straight boundary. In both settlements there were a series of fields/enclosures situated in a largely open environment, with some evidence for cultivation, areas of wet ground and stands of trees. Well/watering holes lay within these enclosures and fields indicating that stock management was a key component of the local economy. In the later medieval period a trackway ran across the site, associated with which was a small enclosure, which perhaps contained fowl. During the early post-medieval period the land was subject to a final period of enclosure, with a series of small rectilinear fields established aligned with Baston Outgang Road, forming the basis of the current landscape.
SPCK Publishing The Lion First Bible and Prayers
A treasure trove of familiar and lesser-known Bible stories, accompanied by the matching prayer book. The Bible includes more than 60 Bible stories, specially chosen for young children: a foundation on which to build a growing knowledge of the Bible, the prayer book has over 100 prayers for any time and any need. Both are complemented by delightful, colourful illustrations to bring the text to life.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Corporate Governance in the 21st Century: Japan’s Gradual Transformation
The 'lost decade' of economic stagnation in Japan during the 1990s has become a 'found decade' for regulatory and institutional reform. Nowhere is this more evident than in corporate law. In 2005, for example, a spate of reforms to the Commercial Code culminated in the new Company Act, a statute promising greater organisational flexibility and shareholder empowerment for Japanese corporations competing in a more globalised economy. But does this new law herald a more 'Americanised' system of corporate governance? Has Japan embraced shareholder primacy over its traditional loyalty to other key stakeholders such as 'main banks', core employees, and partners within diffuse corporate (keiretsu) groups? This book argues that a more complex 'gradual transformation' is unfolding in Japan - a process evident in many other post-industrial economies. The book brings together contributions from academics and practitioners from Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. It includes chapters on comparative corporate governance theory and methodology, lifelong employment, the main bank system, board structures, and governance issues in small and medium-sized enterprises. The procedural, substantive and FDI policy dimensions of takeover law and practice are discussed, as well as empirical changes to corporate governance practices in large, publicly listed companies during the past twenty years. The authors' rich mix of national, disciplinary and professional backgrounds allows for a broad comparative perspective on developments in Japanese corporate governance. The book will be of great interest to scholars and students of law, business, political economy and Japanese studies, and will also appeal to corporate lawyers and policymakers.