Search results for ""van haren publishing""
van Haren Publishing Implementing IT Governance A Practical Guide to Global Best Practices in IT Management Best Practice Van Haren Publishing
Van Haren Publishing Bian Data Architecture & Design Specialist Courseware
Van Haren Publishing Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware - English: Based on the 3rd Edition of the Agile Scrum Handbook
Van Haren Publishing The Togaf Standard, Enterprise Agility and Digital Transformation
Van Haren Publishing Agile Scrum Handbook
Van Haren Publishing Privacy and Data Protection Based on the Gdpr: Understanding the General Data Protection Regulation
Van Haren Publishing Prince2 (R) 6de Editie - Pocket Guide
Van Haren Publishing The Turning Point: A Novel about Agile Architects Building a Digital Foundation
Van Haren Publishing The Togaf Standard, a Pocket Guide
Van Haren Publishing Software Architecture Foundation: Cpsa Foundation(r) Exam Preparation
Van Haren Publishing Data Management Courseware Based on Cdmp Fundamentals
Van Haren Publishing Certified Bio Professional - Baseline Informatiebeveiliging Overheid - Courseware
Van Haren Publishing Der Komplette Projektmanager: Die Essenz Und Anwendung Von Projektmanagement Und Agiler Führung
Van Haren Publishing IPMAC op basis van ICB 4 Courseware herziene druk
Naast de publicaties, IPMA-C op basis van ICB 4 Courseware - herziene druk (ISBN: 978 94 018 427 1) adviseren wij bij dit materiaal gebruik te maken van het boek Projectmanagement op basis van ICB versie 4 - 4de herziene druk - IPMA B, IPMA C, IPMA-D , IPMA PMO (ISBN: 978 94 018 0381 6) De inhoud is gebaseerd op de Individual Competence Baseline version 4 (ICB4) van de International Project Management Association (IPMA) en beschrijft alle vakinhoudelijke, gedragsmatige en contextuele competenties voor de projectprofessional zoals deze zijn gespecificeerd in de examengids van IPMA Nederland. Deze 4-daagse training en halve dag examentraining is bedoeld voor projectmanagers met minimaal 3 jaar ervaring op het gebied van projectmanagement. De training richt zich op het versterken van zowel de 'harde' als 'zachte' kant van projectmanagement. Deze training leidt op tot het examen IPMA-C van IPMA CertificeringNa afloop van de training is de deelnemer in staat zelfstandig niet-complexe projec
Van Haren Publishing IPMAD op basis van ICB 4 Courseware herziene druk
Naast de publicatie IPMA-D op basis van ICB 4 Courseware - herziene druk (ISBN: 978 94 0184240) wordt u geadviseerd de het boek Projectmanagement op basis van ICB versie 4 - 4de herziene druk - IPMA B, IPMA C, IPMA-D , IPMA PMO (ISBN: 978 94 018 0381 6) aan te schaffen. De inhoud is gebaseerd op de Individual Competence Baseline version 4 (ICB4) van de International Project Management Association (IPMA) en beschrijft alle vakinhoudelijke, gedragsmatige en contextuele competenties voor de projectprofessional zoals deze zijn gespecificeerd in de examengids van IPMA Nederland. Dit cursusmateriaal is bedoeld voor het verzorgen van een 4-daagse training voor beginnende projectleiders en biedt een gedegen theoretische kennis van zowel de 'harde' instrumentele als 'zachte' sociale aspecten voor het vakgebied projectmanagement conform de IPMA richtlijnen. Deze training leidt op tot het examen IPMA-D van IPMA Certificering. Na afloop van de training is de deelnemer in staat zelfstandig niet-com
ITIL Service Offerings Agreements 4 daysThe four courses in Service Capability is aimed at students who need deep knowledge of the processes and the roles of ITIL. Service Lifecycle covered in the course but the primary focus is on processes, functions, roles and activities of its application and use by lifecycle. The courses within the Service Capability is role-based modules, each with a separate certification. Each course includes a grouping of processes and roles within ITIL is intended to give participants a specific knowledge of the practice and application related to the daily work.Youll learn This course gives you a
ITIL Intermediate Service Design 3 daysThis course leads to the ITIL Certificate Service Design. This is a free-standing qualification, but is also part of the ITIL Intermediate Lifecycle stream, and one of the modules that leads to the ITIL Expert Certificate in IT Service Management.The course covers the management and control of the activities and techniques within the Service Design stage, but not the detail of each of the supporting processes.Youll learn Detailed understanding of processes, functions and activities related to Service Design within the Service Lifecycle.Introduction to service designService design
ITIL Intermediate Service Transition 3 daysThis leads to the ITIL Certificate Service Transition. This is a free-standing qualification, but is also part of the ITIL Intermediate Lifecycle stream, and one of the modules that leads to the ITIL Expert Certificate in IT Service Management.The course covers the management and control of the activities and techniques within the Service Transition stage, but not the detail of each of the supporting processes.Youll learn Detailed understanding of processes, functions and activities related to Service transition within the Service Lifecycle.Introduction to service transitionService
Deze Courseware bestaat uit twee samengevoegde publicaties, MoR Courseware ter voorbereiding op het Foundation en Practitioner examen ISBN 978 94 018 0109 6 en Risicomanagement op basis van MoR en NEN/ISO 31000 ISBN 978 90 875 3656 5.Management of Risk MoR helpt organisaties aan een effectief kader voor het nemen van verantwoorde beslissingen over risicos. Gericht op risicos die invloed hebben op de doelen van alle organisatieactiviteiten, op zowel strategisch, programmatisch, projectmatig als operationeel zijn niveau.Het is een richtlijn voor Integraal risicomanagement die waarborgt dat een organisatie op een
van Haren Publishing ArchiMate 2.1 Specification
van Haren Publishing TOGAF Version 9.1 Guide de Poche
van Haren Publishing The ITIL Process Manual
van Haren Publishing ASL 2 Pocketguide
Deze pocketguide geeft een introductie tot het framework ASL 2, een evolutionaire vernieuwing van het in 2001 geintroduceerde en breed toegepaste ASL framework. Naast een algemene introductie biedt deze pocketguide ook verdieping door cases. In deze cases zit een historisch perspectief met voorbeelden uit het verleden en de situatie nu, zes jaar later. Wijsheden zijn verloren gegaan en worden herontdekt maar ook nieuwe wijsheden worden gevonden.
van Haren Publishing Implementing Metrics for IT Service Management
van Haren Publishing Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge OPBOK Version 9
Van Haren Publishing Data Management
The overall objective of this book is to show that data management is an exciting and valuable capability that is worth time and effort. More specifically it aims to achieve the following goals: 1. To give a gentle introduction to the field of DM by explaining and illustrating its core concepts, based on a mix of theory, practical frameworks such as TOGAF, ArchiMate, and DMBOK, as well as results from real-world assignments.2. To offer guidance on how to build an effective DM capability in an organization.This is illustrated by various use cases, linked to the previously mentioned theoretical exploration as well as the stories of practitioners in the field.The primary target groups are: busy professionals who are actively involved with managing data. The book is also aimed at (Bachelor's/ Master's) students with an interest in data management. The book is industry-agnostic and should be applicable in different industries such as government, finance, telecommunications etc.Typical roles
Van Haren Publishing DevOps Master Courseware
Besides the DevOps Master Courseware (ISBN: 978 94 018 313 7) publication you are advised to obtain the publication The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations (ISBN: 978 19 427 8800 3).The word DevOps is a contraction of 'Development' and 'Operations'. DevOps is a set of best practices that emphasize the collaboration and communication of IT-professionals (developers, operators, and support staff) in the lifecycle of applications and services, leading to: Continuous Integration: merging all developed working copies to a shared mainline several times a day Continuous Deployment: release continuously or as often as possible Continuous Feedback: seek feedback from stakeholders during all lifecycle stagesThe DevOps practices covered in this certification are derived from the Three Ways:- The First Way is to enable the work to move fast from left to right, from Development to Operations to the customer.- The Second Way is
Van Haren Publishing TOGAFR Business Architecture Level 1 Study Guide
This title is the Study Guide for the TOGAF(R) Business Architecture Part 1 Examination. It gives an overview of every learning objective for the TOGAF Business Architecture Syllabus and in-depth coverage on preparing and taking the TOGAF Business Architecture Part 1 Examination. It is specifically designed to help individuals prepare for certification.This Study Guide is excellent material for: Individuals who require knowledge and understanding of TOGAF Business Architecture techniques; Professionals who are working in roles associated with an architecture project such as those responsible for planning, execution, development, delivery, and operation; Architects who are looking to achieve the TOGAF Business Architecture Level 1 credential; Architects who want to specialize in development of a Business Architecture based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2;It covers the following topics: Business Modeling Business Capabilities Value Streams Information Mapping TOGAF Business
Van Haren Publishing Proactive Project Management
One mindset is that the project management process itself should be lead. You promote proactive project management by planning and evaluating relevant management initiatives - and by adapting the level of effort and the tools for the project's degree of complexity. The entire book can be considered as a method with tools for such planning and evaluating the project management.Another mindset is that the project management is not only a task for the project managers. The project owners, the participants and other parties must also be proactively involved in the management process. Such co-management means that the analyses and plans created will become more relevant- and have more impact on the project process. The general tool for such an approach, as presented in this book, is to facilitate the management activities.The entire book is a supplement to the existing literature on project management. The new mindsets and methods promote the idea of being a more reflective project manager
Van Haren Publishing VeriSM Foundation Portugues Brasil
pacote do Courseware consiste em duas publicacoes, VeriSMTM - Foundation Courseware e VeriSM - Foundation Study Guide. Este material de treinamento abrange o plano de estudos para a qualificacao da Fundacao VeriSM . O treinamento pode ser entregue em dois dias. Este material didatico e credenciado para preparar o aluno para a certificacao da VeriSM Foundation. O VeriSM Foundation consiste em duas partes: VeriSM Essentials e VeriSM Plus, cada uma cobrindo um dia de treinamento.Os alunos que ja possuem um certificado de Gerenciamento de Servicos (TI) podem se beneficiar do conhecimento que ja possuem. Eles sao o publico-alvo de apenas um treinamento do VeriSM Plus. Ao serem aprovados no exame VeriSM Plus, recebem o certificado VeriSM Foundation.Provedores de treinamento que desejam oferecer um treinamento de um dia sobre principios de gerenciamento de servicos podem decidir oferecer apenas o treinamento VeriSM Essentials. Os alunos que forem aprovados no exame VeriSM Essentials
Van Haren Publishing IT4IT Foundation Study Guide 2nd Edition
This title is a Study Guide for the IT4IT Foundation Certification examination. It gives an overview of every learning objective for the IT4IT Foundation certification syllabus and in-depth coverage on preparing and taking the IT4IT Part 1 Examination. It is specifically designed to help individuals to prepare for certification. This 2nd Edition of the document has been updated to align with the IT4IT Reference Architecture, Version 2.1.This Study Guide is excellent material for: Individuals who require a basic understanding of the IT4IT Reference Architecture IT Professionals/Practitioners who are responsible for delivering services in a way that is flexible, traceable, and cost-effectiveA prior knowledge of IT service management is advantageous but not required. While reading this Study Guide, the reader should also refer to the IT4IT documentation available at
van Haren Publishing IT Capability Maturity FrameworkTM ITCMfTM
Van Haren Publishing Scrum
Das Taschenbuch, das jeder lesen muss, der etwas ueber Scrum wissen moechte.Es umfasst alle Rollen, Regeln und die grundlegenden Prinzipien von Scrum, basierend auf dem Scrum Guide von 2016. Durch die Beschreibung der Vergangenheit und Zukunft von Scrum wird darueber hinaus ein weitergehender Kontext aufgespannt.Der Autor Gunther Verheyen hat eine praezise, vollstaendige und leidenschaftliche Referenz zu Scrum geschrieben. Dabei vermittelt das Buch seine Einschaetzung von Scrum als Weg der Entdeckungen und Freude. Durch seinen Aufbau eignet es sich als hilfreicher Wegweiser auf diesem Weg.Nach Aussage von Ken Schwaber, dem Mitgestalter von Scrum, ist dieses Buch momentan die beste Beschreibung von Scrum. Das Buch verbindet einige seltene Merkmale: Es beschreibt Scrum als Ganzes, bettet es aber in den weiteren Kontext aus Vergangenheit und Zukunft ein. Der Autor fokussiert darauf, Scrum auf eine Weise zu erklaeren, die den Leser unterstuetzt: Die Sprache und der Stil des Buchs entspre
ITIL Foundation 3 daysThe purpose of the course is to ensure that students gain an understanding of the IT Processes than manage IT services from their concept stage through design and development and safely into a production environment. In ITIL these stages are known as Service Strategy Service Design Service Transition and Service Operation. Students will also appreciate the concept of continual service improvement and quality control.Youll learn On successful completion of the course delegates will be able to understandService management as a practice comprehensionThe ITIL service lifecycle comprehensionGeneric
van Haren Publishing BiSL Next A Framework for Business Information Management
van Haren Publishing ISOIEC 200002011
van Haren Publishing CATS CMR Editie 2014 Contractmanagement Voor Opdrachtgever En Leverancier
van Haren Publishing ITIL
van Haren Publishing Foundations of Information Security
Van Haren Publishing Agile Scrum Handbuch - 3. Ausgabe
Van Haren Publishing Itil(r) 4 Direct, Plan, Improve (Dpi) Kursunterlagen - Deutsch
Van Haren Publishing Agile Focus in Governance: Pocket Guide for Executives in Transformation
Van Haren Publishing It Service Management: Iso/Iec 20000-1:2018 - Introduction and Implementation Guide
Van Haren Publishing BiSL R Next A Framework for Business Information Management 2nd edition
This book describes the framework of the next generation of Business Information Services Library, BiSL(R). BiSL Next is a public domain standard for business information management with guiding principles, good practices and practical templates. It offers guidance for digitally engaged business leaders and those who collaborate with them, with the ultimate goal to improve business performance through better use of information and technology.Twelve elements - four drivers, four domains and four perspectives - are the basis of the guidance in BiSL Next. Target audience of this book are business managers, business information managers, business analysts, CIO's and IT managers, as well as consultants in this field.While describing the twelve elements, the book offers them insight in the best way to manage, execute and profit from business information management in their enterprise. The book is also the official literature for the BiSL(R) Next Foundation exam.
van Haren Publishing ISO 21500 in Practice
van Haren Publishing Version 4.0