Search results for ""pentagon press""
Pentagon Press One Mountain Two Tigers: India, China and the Himalayas
The May-June standoff in Ladakh between the Indian Army and the Chinese PLA caught not just India, but the world by surprise as everyone`s attention was on tackling the Covid-19 pandemic.Why did China choose this moment to become an aggressor militarily? What are the lingering disputes between these Asian giants, who would soon become the top two economies in the world?Is India`s claim to Aksai Chin based only on the security needs of colonial India? Or did Indian control over these areas go back in history?What have been the historical links with these areas with the Indian mainland?What is the geostrategic importance of Ladakh?Did internal tensions within the Chinese Communist Party cause relations with India to break down?Has India internalised the lessons of 1962, and how is it placed militarily in Ladakh?Has India fundamentally misunderstood China?Did the Wuhan Spirit and the Chennai Connect serve any purpose?Are there other critical dimensions to the India-China relations where the latter may be at a disadvantage?This book addresses these, and many such questions in detail.
Pentagon Press India's National Security Vision 2030
It is not only the beginning of 2020 but also the opening of a new decade. Many important issues impacting India as a nation a decade earlier will develop at an accelerated pace in this decade and change our politics, economy and society dramatically. We need to think about how to survive in the fast changing global environment in which ethereal assets like data and ideas are likely to carry more power than hard assets. India will continue to face a complex set of challenges to its national security in the next decade. Without mitigating its security challenges and investing in human capital, India cannot hope to become a global power with innovative technological capability. Having been through several conflicts and crises, there is a growing recognition that India needs a robust national security system. It is therefore important now to imagine 2030. We need to think about what kinds of security challenges India will face and what kind of solutions can emerge in the future.This collection of essays analyses the contemporary security situation and evaluates possible alternative scenarios for the future for implementing India`s national security policy. Drawing upon the expertise of some leading practitioners and scholars in the field, the volume offers a broad array of timely and relevant analysis of an evolving and uncertain security environment to provide the reader with an informed and balanced overview of India`s national security.
Pentagon Press Maverick Leadership: Embracing The Power of Constructive Disobedience
This book builds a powerful narrative that constructive dissent, constructive disobedience, and positive defiance are positive tools for the long-term sustenance of an organisation. They are an extension of integrity, moral courage and value-based leadership. Covered in sixteen chapters, the book critically examines the theme in all its dimensions. Interesting case studies on the ‘My Lai Massacre’, General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in dealing with a reckless US President in 20-21 and the India-China conflict highlight the complexities and the challenges involved. A critical analysis of the Indian bureaucracy compels serious introspection for overhaul. The wars in the last 100 years, mostly of choice and not necessity, meet the definition of ‘Folly’ and the ‘Law of Stupidity’.
Pentagon Press Keeping the Peace: UN Peace Operations and their Effectiveness: An Assessment
The book is about assessing the effectiveness of a traditional UN Peace Operation. The book first goes on to develop a conceptual framework for the evaluation of UN peace operations and apply that to assess the performance of a traditional UN Peace Operation with UNIFIL as a case study. The author relies on empirical data, supported by perceptions and practical experiences of peacekeepers and 'subject matter experts' at both the operational and tactical levels using a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The author proves that UNIFIL can be assessed to be a satisfactorily successful UN Peace Operation. He ends the book with a few major takeaways and offers actionable recommendations to the practitioners of peacekeeping and for future reform of UN peace operations. This book is the first of its kind by a former Indian peacekeeper who holds a PhD from Tilburg University, the Netherland.
Pentagon Press Incredible Women of India's Freedom Struggle
75 Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav initiative is taken by the Government of India to celebrate 75 glorious years of India's independence. This initiative continues the vision of making today's generation aware of freedom fighters' life, struggles, and sacrifices, the price they had to pay for India's independence.Incredible Women of India's Freedom Struggle rediscovered the little-known contributions of female freedom fighters who fought fiercely against British imperialism, whose bravery, sacrifice, and resolve continue to inspire and instil pride in Indians. It narrates the history of ardent revolutionaries who did not fear imprisonment or death on the battlefield.Despite this, female freedom fighters received less recognition and are less celebrated in the pages of history, therefore, this work is a tribute to the women freedom fighters who kindled the flame of patriotism and marched shoulder to shoulder with men as part of the freedom struggle movement. Incredible Women of India's Freedom Struggle captures captivating and touching stories of remarkable women who deserve equal respect and recognition.The objective of this book is to empower our younger generations to change their world for the better. They are inspirations for everyone to overcome hardships. Each title of the story and the learning at the end will definitely build self-confidence and motivation to live a life of values, instincts, and out-of-the-box thinking and to remember that we have been born for a cause. It is a must-read book for every Indian.
Pentagon Press China's Strategic Deterrence
A well researched attempt to analyse the fast-paced progress made by China and its People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the military-cum-geo-political landscape. President Xi Jinping’s ambitious dream for Chinese rejuvenation is to lead the world in Comprehensive National Power by 2049. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has its core interests and is not ready to compromise. They are, therefore, advancing them on all fronts while simultaneously avoiding war. This book reveals the contours of this policy, identifies the key stratagems of the Chinese Grand Strategy, its implications and key deterrence facilitators.The PLA, ordered repeatedly to be loyal to the CCP, has accordingly established a nearly impregnable multi-domain wall to deter China’s adversaries, particularly America, India and Japan. The resource-hungry nation has exploited its vast industrial base and exploited its fast-expanding Diaspora. The Chinese government has channelized its scientific talent in conjunction with secret technology transfers and espionage to lead technology development, especially in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Quantum, Robotics, Blockchain, Hypersonic and Big Data Analytics.This book is a comprehensive compendium of the key measures initiated by the CCP and President Xi to revive Han supremacy the world over. It brilliantly covers the PLA’s march from ‘Mechanisation’ to ‘Informationisation’ to ‘Intelligentisation’ It covers the major aspects of all possible Chinese domains of warfare and uncovers the Chinese secret methodology to rapidly expand her global sphere of influence. It is an essential book for all China-watchers, military strategists, advanced technology-gazers and those who actually want to stand up to Chinese hegemony and rising ambitions.
Pentagon Press Managing Life with Bhagwad Gita
The debate whether Krishna or Arjuna are historical or mythological personages, will continue as long as the word Bhagwadgita is spoken. But this is pure semantics. What is more relevant is the context, vulnerabilities, lifestyle and the avowed goals of human existence. No other spiritual treatise (misinterpreted as purely religious by many) has dealt with this subject as comprehensively, as has Bhagwadgita. The breadth and the depth of Krishna's wisdom encapsulated in 700 verses has no parallel and is relevant for the entire mankind in a timeless paradigm.
Pentagon Press China-India-Japan in the Indo-Pacific
This book analyses the competing power politics that exists between the three major Asian powers – China, India and Japan – on infrastructural development across the Indo-Pacific. It examines the competing policies and perspectives of these Asian powers on infrastructure developmental initiatives and explores the commonalities and contradictions between them that shape their ideas and interests.In brief, the volume looks into the strategic contention that exists between China`s “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI; earlier officially known as “One Belt, One Road” – OBOR) and Japan`s “Expanded Partnership for Quality Infrastructure” (PQI) and initiatives like the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) that position India`s geostrategic and geo-economic interests in between these two competing powers and their mammoth infrastructural initiatives.
Pentagon Press Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate Governance and Workplace Practices - A New Perspective
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), corporate governance and workplace practices are intimately connected. They are indeed three distinct pillars of any successful business venture. This work strongly argues that without fulfilling the social responsibilities, economic and legal obligations of a business organization simply becomes infructuous. The best course of action for business is to first serve its stakeholders, mainly its employees. Hence, the overarching theme that revolves round the book is that employee engagement and their welfare are the keys to ascertain democratic practices at workplace. And once it is ensured, this would help an enterprise to fulfilling and encompassing four aspects of CSR i.e. economic, legal, ethical and discretionary or philanthropic.
Pentagon Press Developments in Central Asia: India-Kyrgyzstan Relations
The chapters in this book are by academics and researchers from United Service Institution of India and International Ataturk Alatoo University. The research was conducted through inter-disciplinary approaches giving comparative perspectives. All the chapters in this volume have identified the convergences and divergences providing in-depth discussion on the contemporary relevance of the study. The chapters give an understanding and possible direction on how to enhance the scope for cooperation and engagement with the region. This volume aims at enabling a better understanding of India-Kyrgyz relations as well as about the region through scholarly exchange. It provides valuable and timely insight into the contours of India and Central Asian states' policies and emerging trends of importance.
Pentagon Press Contemporary Art: North India
Contemporary Art North India charts the trajectory of Modernism in the region, tracing aesthetic influences and history leading up to its contemporary art. The book’s editorial strategy focuses specially on the unique practices of the various artists who live and work in North India, and their aesthetic predecessors, through profiles as opposed to overarching histories that treat oeuvres for their overlaps. This particular approach allows for diversity, bringing attention to individual aesthetics, straying away from tendencies to build a singular narrative for an expansive, though culturally aligned region.
Pentagon Press In the Shadow of Danger: Army Real Life-Stories
This book is a compilation of stories penned down by the author at intermittent intervals over forty turbulent years of his service in the Indian Army that began just prior to the Bangladesh War, 1971. The stories recount real-life events, though many times the narratives have either been spiced up or eased down in the interest of readability. The reader may note that it is just a soldier's account; neither is it a philosopher's thesis nor does it lays any claim to literary excellence. Indeed, it is just a witness's narration of certain episodes that he found worth sharing. The book contains twenty one narratives in all, covering themes as diverse as mind boggling experiences, sad episodes, humour in field, adventure, satire and nostalgia. Photographs, where available, and sketches when necessary, are appended alongside some of the story-lines. As the reader may notice, these are products of a young amateur who attempted to compensate his limited skills with boundless enthusiasm. The stories, 'First Blood: East Pakistan' and 'The Battle for Jaffna', are recounts of battle experiences; the first comes from a twenty year old platoon commander's eyes and the second when he grew up to a middle-age company commander. The pieces, 'Olive Green in Dev Bhoomi' and 'On the Trail of the Dead: A Journey Through Karakoram' narrate the travails of long range patrolling in the most difficult environments of the Indo-Tibet Border, while the story 'War of the Junkyard' recounts the triggering of a sensitive situation in the North-East Frontier by an over-active young officer, to be laughed off later. There are two satires: 'Tales and Travails of Study at the NDC' and 'The Final Solution'; the first one laughs at the snobbish culture at the National Defence College, New Delhi, a prestigious destination for military and civil service officers, while the latter points to the incredulity of political stance towards Maoist rebellion. In July 2006, the nation stood transfixed as the child 'Prince' was dug out from the bottom of a 60 feet deep bore-well. 'A Prince in a Bore-well' tells that story. 'Back to the Bygone' and 'Marhaura' are reconnections with the past after four decades spent in faraway lands that motivate reconciliation with the ways of life. Even if India history is replete with hoary military traditions, the independent nation's elite seem to have lost their understanding of the military institution during their two centuries of servitude to foreign rule; thankfully, rural Bharat has maintained their tradition of celebrating its soldierly. The piece, 'Understanding Civil-Military Relations' attempts to refresh the State in that understanding without which the nation would find itself in grief. Hopefully, the reading would give to the readers at least a fraction of the joy that it gave to the author while penning it.
Pentagon Press South Asia: Traditional and Non-Traditional Security Threats
South Asia presents a picture of marked contrast in all fields-politically, economically, and military. Politically, the entire South-Asia region, with the exception of India, has witnessed convulsive politics in the last fifty years. Democratic political institutions if they had been allowed to mature could have contributed to building up of regional trust and confidence. Unfortunately, democracy has been an exception amongst South-Asian states rather than the rule. South Asia, in terms of economic development and regional economic cooperation, offers very attractive prospects due to the richness of natural and energy resources within the region and the potential for cheap hydroelectric power. Military, South Asia is a conflict prone region where the two largest countries fought four wars. This conflictual environment has largely affected the financial resources which could have gone for economic and social development. New military dangers grew in 1998 with the nuclear weaponizations of South Asia. Thus, the possibility of future conflict has become a cause of great concern which affects not only regional actors but also international actors. South Asia, therefore, present a picture of a troublesome environment so far military, political, economic, and social issues are concerned. Thus, conflict resolution in South Asia is a pre-requisite for establishing any meaningful regional co-operation and the ultimate emergence of South Asian Economic Community akin to the European Economic Community. South Asia, however, continue to be a prisoner of the past in political and military terms. The thrust of the book is on South Asia: Traditional and Non-Traditional Security Threats. It has been divided into two sections: (1) traditional security threats; and (2) non-traditional security threats. The book contains various articles contributed by distinguished scholars in their own respective areas.
Pentagon Press India's National Security in the 21st Century
Through ages, nation's survival is the most important aspect of security. The pertinent question is how nation manages the different elements of security rationally. Otherwise, if not managed properly it might lead to war. War is deeply related to human, social, political, economic, military aspects of nations survival. In other words, it encompasses internal and international security. Today, after the second world war major powers (nuclear powers) have avoided war by developing the theories of deterrence, collective security, detente, balance of power, disarmament and arms control and so on. Against this background, how does one explains Indian national security? The task is not an easy one. It is easy to describe India's conflictual engagement with its neighbours. Napoleon once said that the foreign policy of a country flows from its geographic position. In case of India, its geography has been both a curse and a blessing. No doubt, India's geo-strategic location is important to regional security. But in the past, we have seen India's war with Pakistan and China, peace keeping debacle in Sri Lanka and the strained relations with Myanmar and Nepal. This is one dimension of India's security. The other dimension is India's position in international community. At international level, it is embedded in the policy of non-alignment as an instrument of foreign policy's goal. Today, when the world has changed after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, India's position has also been elevated and the external powers feel that India will play a dominant role in international politics. As a consequence, India has made considerable efforts to resume strategic partnership with all the major countries of the western world as well with ASEAN countries. India's emphasis on Look East and Look West are aimed to improve the economic and strategic linkages with them. This has been possible due to the emergence of India as an economic power.
Pentagon Press Troubling Tehran: Reflections on Geopolitics
What is the best approach for resolving differences over the Iranian nuclear programme and preventing a conflict? How would a conflict possibly unravel given Iranian military, asymmetric and missile capabilities? What does a military conflict over Iran mean for international order and India in particular? These are some of the questions that the book, Troubling Tehran: Reflections on Geopolitics analyses and seeks answers to.
Pentagon Press Spectrum of Modern Warfare
Traces the evolution of warfare over the past two centuries. It covers the momentous changes in warfare, both conventional and unconventional, and evaluates how unconventional warfare-which is the pre-dominant form today has impacted war-fighting concepts across the globe. The book takes us into the emerging arenas of war, including space and cyberspace. It evaluates the impact of technology and shows how dwindling resources and the scourge of global warming can precipitate conflict in the future. The major wars that have been fought in the 21st Century have been examined. It also peeks into the future and provides realistic scenarios of future conflict in the flashpoints of Korea, the Middle East, India-Pakistan, India-China and the major impending conflict of this century; the clash between USA and China. Its range of scope and vision reveals a deep insight and helps provide a fascinating perspective on the nature of modern conflict.
Pentagon Press American Interventions and Just Cause: The Rationale behind the Oregon Trail
Focuses on a perpetual theme in International Relations - the definition and the legality (or the illegality) of the American interventions in nations from the US-Spanish war in 1890 until Syria, one of the biggest humanitarian disasters mankind has ever seen. The work refers to the International law dictum of Just Cause and Preemption which has become a cornerstone of the strategy for the advancement of American national interest along with the homeland security aspect in the US. The book is the first of its kind from an Indian author premised upon a defence of the American war efforts and humanitarian strivings to sustain world security.
Pentagon Press Assessment of Chinese Military Modernisation and Its Implications for India
Ever since its creation, China has been claiming territories of numerous countries. There have been wars and clashes, and the usual tone of policy statements has remained assertive. After annexing Tibet, Communist China has described China as a palm with Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Arunachal and Ladakh as the country`s five fingers. It is pertinent to note that some maps have even shown Assam and the Andaman Islands as a part of China. The standard tactics of gradual cartographic invasion seems to have been extended to new areas - tentatively, casually first and then with increasing emphasis until the time comes to usurp the quest.Though Chinese White Papers always project a defensive and peaceful attitude, Beijing`s intentions appear deceptive. China`s official media continues to publicise articles that caution India about China retaining the option of initiating military hostilities. In India, China`s prime target, however, there has been scant research on the modernisation of the Chinese Armed Forces and its impact on Indian security. This book is an effort to fill that gap.
Pentagon Press China Pakistan Military Nexus: Implications for India
Pakistan and China enjoy exemplary friendly ties, which have been expanding and becoming even deeper with time. China’s main geopolitical focus in South Asia is to restrain India as a competitor by using Pakistan as a proxy. China’s growing economic and security relation with Pakistan, and the unholy nexus between the two, remains a major worry for India as the growing Chinese involvement is bound to erode India’s influence in the region. Another area of concern has been the lack of credible Indian deterrence to the hybrid threats that it faces as a result of such collusivity between Pakistan and China.This book is the culmination of a series of discussions held under the aegis of the United Service Institution of India on the subject of Sino-Pak Collusivity and Hybrid Warfare. The book contains details on Concepts and Determinants of Hybrid Warfare, an objective assessment of the China–Pakistan Collusive Threats and their Implication for India, and makes Policy recommendations for India in the Time-Frame up to 2030.
Pentagon Press Rise of the Indo-Pacific: Perspectives, Dimensions and Challenges
A new concept of `Indo-Pacific` has entered into the geopolitical discourse and the lexicon of International Relations. There is no unanimity of views on the definition of the emerging concept of Indo-Pacific. Yet, Indo-Pacific region as a new geopolitical concept appears to have come to stay.Three major developments have taken place in recent years leading to emergence of the concept of `Indo-Pacific` that does not replace but subsumes the geopolitical construct, hitherto known as the `Asia-Pacific`. The newest development, of course, is the rise of India as an economic powerhouse and influential political actor in world affairs, particularly in Asian affairs. Second most important development is China`s assertive foreign policy and use of military strength to assert its sovereignty on disputed islands in the South China Sea. The third important development is erosion of self-confidence of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) that used to display its image as a triumphant political grouping in a region, despite diversity in terms of political system, economic philosophy, religious beliefs and socio-cultural traditions.The present book is a by-product of two days of intense deliberations among large number of scholars on various issues and challenges faced by the countries of the Indo-Pacific region. The book includes the perspectives of major powers in the Indo-Pacific, analyses critical regional security issues, such as sovereignty issues in South China Sea, the rise of QUAD, role of soft power, challenges to ASEAN centrality and regionalism, and examines the non-traditional security threats, such as terrorism, nuclear proliferation, environmental degradation, drugs trafficking and health hazards.
Pentagon Press Defence Reforms: A National Imperative
Despite being faced with myriad and complex challenges to national security, India’s defence structures have not kept pace with changing times. The defence reforms that were undertaken periodically were reactive in nature and, in many cases, responses to crises as well as being sporadic, piecemeal and often ad hoc. The most recent review of security challenges undertaken occurred close to two decades ago, in the aftermath of the Kargil conflict of 1999. This was the Kargil Review Committee, and a subsequent Group of Ministers committee was appointed to study its report and suggest urgent measures for implementation of its suggestions, especially focussing on intelligence reforms, internal security, border management, and defence management.While many of the suggestions made by the Group of Ministers committee were accepted and have been implemented, a key reform—the establishment of the Chief of Defence Staff—is yet to see the light of day.Keeping in mind the necessity as well as the urgency of such reforms, this volume brings together practitioners as well as researchers on defence issues, on the key issue of defence reforms. The aim is not just to interrogate the status of reforms in current times but to also place the issue before a wider, interested readership. The 14 incisive chapters herein cover the broad spectrum of defence reforms and provide perspectives on similar reforms in other militaries, structural reforms, those dealing with budgets and procurement issues, and, finally, education and communication.This volume is an indispensable guide for practitioners, scholars and researchers working on the area of defence and military studies, strategic and security studies, India’s defence and security policies as well as to the informed reader.
Pentagon Press National Maritime Power: Concepts Constituents and Catalysts
India is poised to resurge as a maritime power, with cooperative engagement as its most prominent pan-regional characteristic. Enabled by a sound national strategy within the Indo-Pacific region and beyond, this would enable successive governments to further the overarching national objective of securing the economic, material, and societal wellbeing of the people of India. In this context, the book appraises the various facets related to India’s ascendance as a maritime power, and lays down policy-relevant recommendations to assist the national policy-makers to chart the `way ahead’.
Pentagon Press Global Geo Strategic and Politico-Military Perspectives Through Millennia Past
In this book, the author offers a panoramic view of geopolitical–military aspects – a highly mesmerizing phenomenon of the mankind’s gradual evolution on our planet Earth. It has been traced from remote ancient times to the present day.The author maintains that, as the centuries – along with various human civilizations – have been rolling by, parallel and multi-dimensional developments of military aspects have also taken place. Thus, the reader embarks on a fascinating journey’ through the humanity’s past, present and possible future in global geostrategic–politico–military perspectives.Another aspect that readers will find of interest is the “multiple aspects of basic strategic cultures and thoughts”. These aspects have been instrumental to historically path-breaking events, including the inseparable as well as complimentary making of the military history.In nutshell, the pages of this book unfold the eternal relationship between the civilizational and military developments that have kept the mankind engaged.
Pentagon Press China's Expanding Military Maritime Footprint in the India ocean region
Significance of the great expanse of the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) comes from its centrality to global trade and as a conduit of energy supply to the Asiatic powers. In fulfilment of its ‘Chinese Dream’ therefore, China has found added interests over the Indian Ocean and its littoral nations. Accordingly, it has launched a massive programme to establish itself in this Region.The concern, however, comes from the intent, means and methods that China has adopted in registering its strategic domination over the IOR based on military power projection, a policy which it views as a prerequisite to the achievement of global power status. Further, peninsular India’s geographical gifted position in the IOR makes China imagine India as a rival and an obstacle to its hegemonic goals.This monograph is a factual description of the PRC's strategy to displace India from its natural advantages – geographic as well as cultural - in the IOR, and so marginalise it in the neighbourhood. The paper then goes on to offer certain recommendations that would protect Indian as well as the sub-continental interests against China’s irascible over-bearance.
Pentagon Press India-Nigeria Experience in combating Terrorism
The United Service Institution of India (USI) and the Nigerian Army Resource Centre (NARC) have taken an initiative to collaborate to document experiences and methodology of dealing with the terrorism and insurgencies in their respective nations. India and Nigeria are dealing with the violent extremism, secessionist movements and insurgencies due to economic, political and social reasons. Both nations have suffered economically and the conflicts are affecting internal harmony and social fabric of the states. The challenge to the governments is to restore peace, harmony and economic development. The overall objective of the joint study is to learn the lessons from the Indian and Nigerian experiences of dealing with the violent extremism, insurgency and militancy.
Pentagon Press Encyclopaedia of AIDS with Special Fous on India, the Sub-Continent of Asia and Pacific
The Encyclopedia of AIDS : A Social Political, Cultural and Scientific Record of the HIV Epidemic, is the first reference work to undertake such a task by covering all major aspects of the global. It provides extensive coverage of major topics in eight areas, from basic science to policy and law.
Pentagon Press Free Trade Zones to Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
This book is a graphic account of the direction the Indian business environment is taking as it aligns with the global standards of practice.
Pentagon Press Multimedia System
Pentagon Press Diplomatic Dimension of Maritime Challenges for India in the 21st Century
The ebbs and flows of Indian history can also be charted through the country’s “maritime blindness” – its onset and the national endeavour to overcome it. The story of developing India’s maritime capacity, since independence, is also about the kind of international and regional footprint it needs to have. In this book, the author discusses India’s new and old maritime challenges and contextualises them in terms of its inherent institutional strengths to cope with their bewildering complexity. Their complexity is not just due to their sheer scale; the degrading institutional capacities, within countries and internationally, act as threat multipliers. The dynamics of global geopolitics, the seismic perturbations of global economy, and the dizzying pace of technology belie presuppositions for global future; all strategic analysts recognise our current, persisting conundrums.
Pentagon Press World Peace and Global Order: Gandhian Perspectives
Many theorists and practitioners of International Relations believed that with the end of the Cold War decisive peace would descend etching a new global order of enhanced cooperation and conciliation and a world system devoid of conflicts and contestation. However, in less than a decade since the dawn of the 21st century the world has again plunged dramatically and new forms of insecurity, clashes of civilization, military armament and power, terrorists triggered violence have become endemic. Not surprisingly, peace building studies has become an expanding field of study and practice all over the world with a host of researchers, scholars and policy makers engaged in analyzing the causes and consequences of conflicts and in finding ways and means of resolving them peacefully. Towards this objective, efforts are also being made to revisit the ideas and strategies bequeathed by great thinkers like Mahatma Gandhi. This edited volume entitled World Peace and Global Order: Gandhian Perspectives, first of its kind, is a rich collection of research based studies on a variety of themes of relevance to contemporary International Relations by a galaxy of social scientists, specialists and scholars. The range of issues focused in the volume is not only comprehensive but also pertinent to present socio political and economic situation in the world. Contributions in the volume not only offer new insights on specific issues of critical importance to India but also shed enough light to capture graphically the contours of the evolving global order. Admittedly, World Peace and Global Order: Gandhian Perspectives Published by Indira Gandhi National Open University's newly established Centre for Gandhi and Peace Studies is a very welcome and valuable addition to the existing literature on frontier disciplines such as Peace Studies and International Relations. The book no doubt will appeal to the general reader seeking fresh perspectives on the Gandhian philosophy and of its vital importance to the study and research in International Relations.
Pentagon Press Understanding the Brahma Kumaris
Understanding the Brahma Kumaris The Brahma Kumaris are a new spiritual tradition. The movement has more than one million adherents worldwide. As with all spiritual traditions, the Brahma Kumaris are different, bewildering and fascinating in their newness and in their complexity. In 1936, in Hyderabad in Sind, an old millionaire diamond merchant named Lekhraj Khubchand began to have visions. These led him to start meetings in his own home which were attended mainly by women. This was the beginning of the Brahma Kumaris. The Brahma Kumaris moved later to Mount Abu in Rajasthan in India and this remains their headquarters. Through phenomenology involves putting one's own world-view aside in order to understand the world-view of others. Applying 'epoche', to avoid bias, and 'empathy', to engage sympathetically, the objective of this study is to understand, as far as is possible for an outsider, this new tradition from within. Frank Whaling is emeritus professor of the study of religion, University of Edinburgh. He has taught and researched in many countries including India, the USA and South Africa.
Pentagon Press Every Child is a Genius: Easy Ways to Awaken Child's Potential
This is a fabulous and upbeat book. In order to discover your child's hidden potential, the author has explained various aspects in a clear and lucid manner. His style of writing is absorbing and can be easily understood both by parents and their child. There is no doubt that traits displayed by the people who are considered Genius can be developed by any child. This book will help you to know your strengths and weaknesses. Eliminate weakness and build up your strengths. Pursue your goals with vigour, enthusiasm and determination. Acquire new skills and abilities. This will raise your level of self esteem and confidence. ....
Pentagon Press Iraq War: Strategy, Tactics & Military Lessons
Pentagon Press Indo-Pak Relations Glamour, Drama or Diplomacy
Why the inherently faulty dream of Iqbal and Jinnah continues to irrigate the evil roots of the 'Pakistan's India fixation'-and how communal and international shadows -falling on the IPR, do not allow some enegizing sunlight to fall upon this genetically weak relationship, is dwelt upon, uncommonly beautifully,inthiswork. This book discards what is apparent and goes to the depths of the IAP-answering why its continuitly is essential for the very existence of Pakistan. Why, without the glue of PIA, the 'nation of Pure (Pak)' runs the danger of crumbling like a ball of moist sand, is explained herein. Further, it analyzes and lists the ten key 'stake-holders of Pakistan'. Which is topped by the Pak army and at its very bottom rests the public. This formation of the author postulates that, except for the Pakistani public, 'Indo-Pak peace' is highly toxic to basic interests and well being of its other nine stake-holders. Why and how the Pakistani army and its politicians and diplomats, under willing and or unwilling collabration by the other six stake-holders, raise unreasonable demands upon India-to make sure thate no movement towards peace between the two neighbours is made in any meeting or conference, is exposed in a decisively convincing manner. How talks take place for the sake of talks-and participants shake hands or shout undiplomatically for the benefit of their respective audience and constituencies too is dwelt upon. Diplomats and politicians of the two conflicting nations often behave and act as well-rehearsed characters of an often stage drama.
Pentagon Press Constitutional Evolution in Nepal
Pentagon Press Manual of Islam: Islamic Shariat on Family
This book will be highly useful for scholars, researchers, students and all those who are interested to know about Islam. In the long run it will help its readers to see Islam in a new light with well referenced reliable information.
Pentagon Press Pentagon's South Asia Defence and Strategic Year Book 2011
South Asia's complex geopolitical realities present a number of challenges to regional countries and dominate the discourse. Likewise, there are complex geostrategic issues which inhibit regional cooperation and add to trust-deficit. This 2011 volume captures the perspectives of experts and scholars on South Asia who offer insights of the region.
Pentagon Press You Too Can be a Genius
Pentagon Press China and Its Neighbours
China had attracted global attention in the recent past by becoming one of the decisive actors in Asia and beyond. It is the largest country in Asia and bordering the largest number of Asian countries, with the largest population, permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council and a recognised nuclear weapon state. Its geographical position in Asia provides it with unique privileges. It borders fourteen of the other 42 countries in Asia and others by land and with several other countries in maritime dimensions. China's emergence as a third largest economy in the world after the United States and Japan in 2008 is providing opportunities as well as challenges. Hence, its political/border interactions with these nearly half of the Asian states are crucial in explaining inter-state dynamics in the region. China's formulation of policies, their execution and implementation would be crucial for a number of states in Asia. The neighbouring countries' responses to these policies would also be crucial for China as well in evaluating the successes or failures of its adjustment with the neighbourhood. This book provides valuable insights on these issues, not only from India's point of view, but also from the point of view of Japan. The research and analysis has been assembled by renowned scholars from both countries and is of value to the academics, specialists, policy analysts, think tanks and all interested in studying the geo-strategic significance of China today.
Pentagon Press The Art of Warfare
Pentagon Press Water Resource Management
With the increasing use (and misuse of water) and the static availability of freshwater sources, a global scarcity of this precious commodity is already on the screen and, if unchecked, will inevitably lead to a water crisis situation. This book its implications are for the future of the world community and what must be done to avoid the looming water crisis. This book is suitable for teachers, students and researchers in Environment Science as well as professional environmentalist and activists. The general reader too will be able to get an extensive and overall view of the global environmental crisis we face today.
Pentagon Press Interest Free System in Islam
Islam calls for benevolence, mercy, kindness, peace and love in all walks of life, strata of society, creed or color. The economy, considered to be the backbone of society, is no exception nor are day-to-day activities pertaining to economic and financial matters. Here also, Islam insists on human welfare. Therefore, Islam strictly prohibits any kind of interest in any transaction, especially fees for lending money on specific terms. Similarly, investment in trade dealing with forbidden goods is considered contrary to the tenets of Islam and is not allowed under the no-interest system of Islamic economy. In the system, charging extra for dealing with mortgages, etc., is also not allowed. If a person borrows money against his property or a moveable assets, for instance, jewelry, he should not be charged extra. This and various other principles are at the core of the interest-free system of Islam. The present book is an initiative to add another pearl to the many books which are already available on this subject. Hopefully, it will be appreciated and welcomed in concerned circles.
Pentagon Press Economic Perceptions in Islam
Pentagon Press Law Relating to Right to Information
The passage of the Right to Information Act, 2005, is a historic movement. It replaces the culture of secrecy and control with openness with participation. But the * framework on this topic so far has resulted in little change. Is this another that promises much, but offers little? This book has been written to further the awareness levels of people concerned and the general public. Global laws have been incorporated to disseminate existing trends and also to render a comparative insight to readers. A sizeable number of decisions pronounced by the CIC have been included for wider public reading and understanding. This set is divided into two volumes. The passage of the Right to Information Act, 2005, is a historic movement. It replaces the culture of secrecy and control with openness with participation. But the * framework on this topic so far has resulted in little change. Is this another that promises much, but offers little? This book has been written to further the awareness levels of people concerned and the general public. Global laws have been incorporated to disseminate existing trends and also to render a comparative insight to readers. A sizeable number of decisions pronounced by the CIC have been included for wider public reading and understanding. This set is divided into two volumes.
Pentagon Press Environment and Climate Change
The changing climate and its impact on the environment is a global phenomenon. Each country in fact each region within a country will feel the impact differently and require area-specific remedial action. The only commonality is that no region will be spared the direct impact of climate change. This book presents the expert advice of over 40 renowned Indian environmentalists and scientists concerned with how climate change is affecting the various regions of India, the degree of the threat and how it can be alleviated if not eliminated. The collection covers a very wide gamut and covers almost every imminent risk the country faces. This book is suitable for teachers, students and researchers in Environment Science as well as professional environmentalist and activists. The general reader too will be able to get an extensive and overall view of the global environmental crisis we face today.
Pentagon Press Energy Conservation
This book Covers under the backdrop of ever increasing energy intensity in the development needs is energy conservation and efficient utilization of energy. This volume provides insights into various tools and techniques for energy conservation and Suggests methodologies for developing energy efficient appliances and industrial processes. It takes into accounts few case Studies of key industries of Steel, Cement and Power.
Pentagon Press Religious Philosophy of Islam
Covers the fundamental principles and ideology of the religious philosophy of Islam that are embedded in the ethos of the holy Quran and in the commandments of Allah.
Pentagon Press Concept of Islamic Law
In Islamic law, all concepts and perceptions are quiet clear, because the concept, and various features and laws are strongly rooted in the origin of the Quran.