Search results for ""Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers""
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Practical Prescriber
This concise and comprehensive text covers a wide variety of ailments including some medical emergencies. It is very popular, not only with family physicians and general practitioners practicing allopathy, homeopathy and few other faculties, not forgetting senior medical undergraduate. Revised and updated. Miscellaneous chapter has been expanded with medical emergencies. Explains diagnosis of the ailment, clinical methods, investigations and management.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Purple Book: IAP Guidebook on Immunization 2022: (By Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices (ACVIP)
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers An Insider's Guide to Cases in Clinical Medicine: (Long and Short Cases)
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers 101 Cases in Respiratory Medicine
Presented as a large collection of case studies, this book is a complete guide to respiratory medicine for pulmonologists and trainees. Beginning with an overview of the respiratory system, history taking, and clinical examination, the next chapter discusses clinical data analysis. The rest of the book is divided into nine sections, each presenting at least eight clinical cases. Topics include: Respiratory Diseases Discovered Accidentally by Chest Radiology, Patients in Emergency with Respiratory Problems, Obstructive Airway Diseases, Respiratory Problems in Intensive Care Unit, Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Diseases, Tuberculosis, Pleural Diseases, Lung Infections, and Thoracic Malignancy. Each case follows a step by step approach and includes detail on diagnostic errors. X-Rays, CT scans, microscopic figures, and images of key clinical signs, further enhance the comprehensive text. Key points 101 case studies providing clinicians with comprehensive guide to respiratory medicine Provides detail on history taking, clinical examination, and clinical data analysis Each key topic features at least eight cases Highly illustrated with X-rays, CT Scans, microscopic figures, and images of clinical signs
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Chest X-ray in Neonates and Children
This is a guide to interpreting chest X-rays in a simpler and structured form, thus minimizing missing any findings. It focuses on common clinical scenarios and relevant findings to help students in their revision of radiology. It is also a practical book for pediatricians, postgraduate students and busy practitioners.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Essentials in Hematology and Clinical Pathology
This new edition provides undergraduate students with the most recent advances in haematology and clinical pathology. Divided into four sections, the book begins with an explanation of the diagnosis and management of numerous disorders of both red and white blood cells. Section three covers disorders associated with haemostasis (clotting), and the final section on clinical pathology discusses both haematological and non-haematological laboratory investigations. The second edition has been fully revised and includes new chapters on automation in haematology, urine analysis, atoll examination, and clinical scenarios. Each chapter begins with a chapter outline and ends with a summary of key points. Self assessment exercises with essay-type questions, short notes and MCQs are included at the end of each topic to assist revision. Key Points Fully revised and updated second edition providing latest advances in haematology and clinical pathology for undergraduates Each chapter includes self assessment exercises, short notes and MCQs Features nearly 400 illustrations and tables Previous edition (9789350255995) published in 2011
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Principles of Medical Education
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers MIMICS of Epileptic Seizures
Epilepsy is a common condition where sudden bursts of electrical activity in the brain cause seizures or fits. There are lots of possible symptoms of epileptic seizures, including uncontrollable shaking or loss of awareness of surroundings. There are many other disorders with symptoms that mimic those of epilepsy, thus accurate diagnosis is essential for effective treatment. This book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis of disorders that may mimic epilepsy. Divided into 22 sections, each chapter covers a different epilepsy imitator presented as an analytical discourse. A number of case studies are also included. The book concludes with discussion on the use of EEG (a test that detects electrical activity in the brain using small, metal discs (electrodes) attached to the scalp) and its potential pitfalls. Also included, is a chapter dedicated to Sir William Gowers, a British neurologist at the forefront of the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy and other neurological disorders (1845-1915). The text is further enhanced by clinical images and figures. Key points Comprehensive guide to diagnosis of MIMICS of epilepsy Covers many different imitators presented as analytical discourse Includes discussion on use and potential pitfalls of diagnostic EEG Features clinical images and figures as well as a selection of case studies
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook of Biochemistry for BSc Nursing
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Cardiology: Clinical Methods
Cardiology - Clinical Methods is a concise resource for postgraduate students preparing for exams. Divided into ten chapters, the book begins with a chapter on history taking, followed by arterial pulse, blood pressure, jugular venous pulse and precordial examination palpitation. Further chapters cover heart sounds, and the book closes with a chapter on systolic and diastolic sounds. Each chapter in Cardiology – Clinical Methods begins with a chapter outline to introduce the topic and assist revision. Common exam cases are discussed in detail, and enhanced by images and information tables throughout the book. Key Points Guide to clinical methods in cardiology for postgraduate students Chapters on arterial and jugular venous pulse, blood pressure and heart sounds Images and information tables throughout
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pediatric Drug Companion
This manual is a compendium of more than 400 drugs used in paediatric practice. Arranged alphabetically and colour-coded, each page represents a different drug. Each drug is introduced with quick reference, at a glance indications and dosing tips. Detailed descriptions of category, route, strength, brands, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, indications, dosage, dose adjustments, adverse effects, contraindications, and drug interactions, follow. This comprehensive guide is invaluable for all practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, and trainees involved in paediatric care.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Short Textbook of Anesthesia
This seventh edition has been fully revised to present students with the latest advances in anaesthesia. Divided into nine sections, the book begins with the basic concepts of anatomy and physiology, then provides discussion on equipment for anaesthesia, preoperative assessment, airway management, and monitoring. The following sections discuss general and regional anaesthesia, anaesthesia for coexisting diseases in various parts of the anatomy, and subspecialty anaesthetic management such as for laparoscopy, ENT surgery, ophthalmic surgery, trauma and burns, and more. The final chapters cover intensive care management and cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation, with the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) guidelines based on American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines. The new edition includes the most recent advances in drugs, equipment and techniques, and features clinical photographs, diagrams and tables to assist learning. Each chapter concludes with a summary of key points for quick revision. Previous edition (9789352704644) published in 2018.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Obstetrics & Gynecology
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook of Pharmacology, Pathology & Genetics for Nurses-II
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Jaypee's Nurses' Dictionary for Nurses & Allied Healthcare Professionals: Including Digital Encyclopedia
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pediatric Nursing Procedure Manual
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers ICOG Campus Male Infertility
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Color Atlas of Cornea
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Oculoplasty
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Postgraduate Obstetrics: A Textbook: (Volume 1)
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers IAP Clinical Cases in Pediatrics for Postgraduates
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Clinical Pediatric Dermatology
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Drug Handbook in Obstetrics & Gynecology
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Systemic Drugs in Dermatology
Systemic medications are prescription drugs that work throughout the body. They are usually used for individuals with moderate to severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Systemic psoriasis drugs are taken by mouth in liquid or pill form or given by injection (National Psoriasis Foundation). The new edition of this book is a guide to the use of systemic drugs in dermatology bringing practising dermatologists and pharmacologists fully up to date with the latest drugs available as well as new guidelines for prescribing and monitoring established drugs. Fully revised and organised alphabetically, the book covers numerous different types of drugs and the management of their common and less common side effects. Drugs are summarised in tabular format for quick reference. The comprehensive text is further enhanced by clinical images and figures. Each chapter concludes with references and a bibliography with suggestions for further reading. Key Points Comprehensive guide to use of systemic drugs in dermatology Fully revised, second edition featuring many new topics Discusses latest drugs available and new guidelines for prescribing and monitoring established drugs Previous edition (9789385891243) published in 2016
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Advance Concepts of Nursing Practice
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Handbook of Infertility & Ultrasound for Practicing Gynecologists
This handbook is a guide to infertility and ultrasound for gynaecologists and infertility specialists. The second edition has been fully revised and includes many new topics, providing the latest information in the field. Divided into two sections, the first half of the book covers infertility. Beginning with discussion on assessment of an infertile couple, the following chapters examine different hormone treatments, sperm preparation, and ovulation induction, including in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. The remaining chapters cover male infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, and practical tips for infertility management. The second part of the book covers ultrasound. Beginning with discussion on transvaginal sonography and ultrasound in different uterine diseases, the following chapters cover ultrasound in infertility treatment, as well as in the different trimesters of pregnancy. Screening for foetal abnormalities is also discussed in depth. The comprehensive text is highly illustrated with more than 700 ultrasound images, diagrams and photographs. Key points Practical guide to infertility and ultrasound for specialists in gynaecology and infertility Fully revised, second edition featuring many new topics Highly illustrated with more than 700 ultrasound images and diagrams Previous edition (9789351528562) published in 2015
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers An Evidence-Based Clinical Textbook in Obstetrics & Gynaecology for MRCOG-2
The second edition of this textbook is an essential revision aid for trainees preparing for Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (MRCOG) examinations. Comprising nearly 1000 pages, the text has been fully updated and is in-line with the current syllabus and guidelines as recommended by The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). The book is divided into three main sections – General, Obstetrics, Gynaecology. The first section, General, provides an overview of the principles of clinical practice and surgery. The Obstetrics and Gynaecology sections are further subdivided, with Obstetrics covering the antenatal period, disorders during pregnancy, complications in different stages of pregnancy, intra- and post-partum, delivery, and the newborn; and Gynaecology covering general gynaecology, menstruation abnormalities, reproductive medicine, urogynaecological and pelvic abnormalities, gynaecological oncology, lower genital tract problems, and contraception. Numerous clinical photographs, flowcharts, tables and boxes, further enhance the invaluable text. Key points Second edition of practical revision aid for trainees preparing for MRCOG examinations Text in-line with current syllabus and guidelines recommended by NICE and RCOG Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, flowcharts, tables and boxes Previous edition (9789386322876) published in 2017
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Current Trends in Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to control the amount of glucose in the blood. This book is a comprehensive guide to the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. Divided into six sections, the manual begins with an overview of diagnosis and classification, followed by discussion on epidemiology and aetiopathogenesis. Section four covers comorbidities and complications of diabetes including hyper- and hypoglycaemia, heart failure, foot ulcers, and diabetic retinopathy. The final sections examine recent advances and technologies. The detailed text is further enhanced by clinical photographs, diagrams and tables to assist learning. Key points Comprehensive guide to latest advances in diagnosis and management of diabetes Discusses diagnosis and classification, epidemiology and aetiopathogenesis Covers many different comorbidities and complications Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams and tables
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Medicine MCQs for Medical Professionals
Based on 20th Edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, there have been many updates made to this new edition. It follows a multiple choice questions format and includes over 15,000 MCQs. Incorporates the recent advances in medicine. It is sign-posted with resources and references for further reading. Comprises relevant studies from the leading medical journals from the world over. Caters to medical professionals at all levels.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Operations in Obstetrics & Gynecology: Text and Atlas
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Medical X-ray Film Processing
The new edition of this book is a complete guide to medical X-ray film processing and digital radiography. Divided into ten chapters, the first half of the book examines fundamental concepts, X-ray production, the film, darkroom, cassette, and intensifying screens; processing, and image quality. With the increasing use of computed radiography, and reduced use of X-ray in modern medicine, the second half of the book discusses the differences in quality, viewing and recording, quality assurance, and health and safety aspects of digital radiography. The second edition has been fully revised with many new topics added, to present the latest advances in the field. The comprehensive text is formatted in an easy to follow manner, accompanied by X-ray and digital images, figures and tables, providing trainees with an invaluable learning tool. Key points Comprehensive guide to medical X-ray film processing and digital radiography Fully revised, second edition with many new topics Highly illustrated with X-ray and digital images, figures and tables Previous edition (9788180613982) published in 2005
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Practical Tips for Practitioners in Obstetrics & Gynecology
This book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of obstetric and gynaecologic disorders. Divided into three sections, the text begins with obstetric disorders. This section is further divided into antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum, operations and procedures, and emergencies. Each of these subspecialties covers numerous conditions and topics. The second section discusses gynaecologic disorders and surgical procedures including laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. The final section covers associated topics including blood components, medicolegal issues, record keeping, and medical insurance. The practical text is further enhanced by clinical and surgical images and diagrams.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Drugs in Diabetes
This book is designed to be a ready reckoner on commonly used medications for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Divided into 17 sections, topics include incretin-based therapies, insulin, chloroquine, metformin, colesevelam, drugs targeting renal excretion of glucose, management of dyslipidaemia, and more. The book concludes with discussion on associated comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes in the elderly. Drug classes featured are all approved in-line with FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) guidelines. Authored by recognised, US-based experts in the field, the comprehensive text is further enhanced by clinical photographs, diagrams and tables. Key points Comprehensive guide to pharmaceutical treatments for diabetes mellitus Features approved drugs in-line with FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) guidelines Includes discussion on commonly associated comorbidities such as hypertension, and diabetes in the elderly Internationally recognised, US-based author team
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Decoding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
This book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) for clinicians. Presented in a step by step format, the text begins with an overview of the condition, followed by imaging and diagnosis. The next section covers the effects of PCOS on fertility and management techniques such as ovulation induction and assisted reproductive techniques (ART). The final sections discuss areas for concern and management including weight related effects of PCOS, psychological effects, PCOS in adolescents, implications of PCOS for pregnancy, and medicolegal aspects. The book is full of ‘hot topics’ such as recent advances in PCOS and ART in PCOS, and is further enhanced by clinical images and tables. Key points Comprehensive guide to diagnosis and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) In depth coverage of PCOS and infertility Discusses associated issues including weight, psychological effects, and medicolegal factors Full of ‘hot topics’ such as recent advances and ART in PCOS
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Color Atlas of Cardiology: Challenging Cases
This book is a concise guide to the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disorders and diseases. Divided into seven sections, the atlas begins with an overview of patient history and physical examination. The following chapters cover electrocardiography cases, chest X-Ray, exercise testing, clinical points in daily practice, coronary angiography views and catheters, and cardiovascular haemodynamic study. The book highlights conditions commonly encountered in both the outpatient and inpatient environment. Edited by recognised experts based in Tehran, the atlas is highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams and tables, and features an interactive DVD ROM demonstrating procedures used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and disorders. Key Points Concise guide to the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disorders and diseases Highlights conditions commonly seen in outpatient and inpatient environments Recognised Tehran-based editor team Includes interactive DVD ROM demonstrating procedures
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Evidence Based Clinical Gynecology
This book is a comprehensive guide to clinical gynaecology for clinicians and trainees. Divided into three sections, the first part provides an overview of general concepts in the specialty including endocrinology of menstruation, ultrasonography and endoscopy, contraception, minor procedures, and menopause. Sections two and three discuss the diagnosis and management of numerous benign and malignant gynaecological diseases and disorders, from PCOS and infertility, to chronic pelvic pain and viral infections, to cancer. The text includes common clinical cases and provides detailed instruction on clinical skills and diagnostic investigations. More than 130 images, diagrams and tables enhance learning. Key points Comprehensive guide to clinical gynaecology for clinicians and trainees Covers general concepts in gynaecology, and many benign and malignant diseases Includes common clinical cases Highly illustrated with clinical images, diagrams and tables
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers New Investigations in Ophthalmology
The second edition of this comprehensive guide presents ophthalmologists with the very latest techniques in ophthalmic investigations and diagnosis. Divided into seventeen sections, the book covers investigation methods for both structural and functional abnormalities in each part of the eye. The book has been fully revised and includes all the latest technologies, from dry eye evaluation, specular and confocal microscopy, and biometry, to frequency doubling perimetry (FDP), ultrasound biomicroscopy, and OCT angiography. The new edition includes detail on interpretation of printouts, advantages and disadvantages of each test, clinical studies and patient examples, and more than 250 ocular images, diagrams and tables. Key Points Comprehensive guide to latest investigation techniques for ocular abnormalities Fully revised, second edition with new chapters added Covers numerous methods for investigations in each part of the eye Previous edition (9788180617607) published in 2006
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Oral Diseases in the Tropics
This book is a complete guide to oral diseases common in tropical environments. Divided into five main sections, the book begins with an overview of the epidemiology of health and disease in the tropics, followed by anthropological and environmental factors affecting oral health in these regions. The following section discusses the diagnosis and management of both infectious and non-infectious tropical diseases, including bacterial infections and their causes, and disorders due to poor nutrition, anaemia, and bleeding and endocrine problems. Section four covers oral and salivary gland neoplasms and the final chapters describe numerous other oral and dental diseases in the tropics. An appendices section provides advice to travellers visiting tropical regions and normal reference values for practitioners. Edited by an internationally recognised team of experts, predominantly from Australia, this comprehensive text is highly illustrated with more than 500 clinical images, diagrams and tables. Key Points Comprehensive guide to oral diseases in tropical environments Covers epidemiology, infectious and non-infectious tropical diseases, and neoplasms Internationally recognised editor team Highly illustrated with more than 500 clinical images, diagrams and tables
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Practical Manual of Obstetrics
The new edition of this comprehensive manual has been fully updated to provide clinicians with the latest information and developments in the field of obstetrics. The book emphasises the practical aspects of the specialty, providing discussion on specimens, instruments and drugs, physical features of the maternal pelvis and foetal skull, normal and complicated labour, assessment of foetal well-being, and imaging techniques. The second edition of this book includes a brand new topic – ‘Nonimmune hydrops and foetal anaemia’. Most chapters are presented in a question and answer format, with emphasis on topics commonly asked in examinations. More than 200 illustrations and tables are included to enhance learning. Key Points Fully revised, new edition providing latest developments in obstetrics Includes brand new chapter on ‘Nonimmune hydrops and foetal anaemia’ Most chapters presented in question and answer format with emphasis on topics common in examinations Previous edition (9789350903995) published in 2013
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Liver Biopsy Made Easy
This book is a complete guide to the evaluation and interpretation of liver biopsy specimens for clinicians, providing the latest techniques and advances in the field. Beginning with an introduction to the structure and function of the ‘normal’ liver, and discussion on situations requiring biopsy, and types of specimen, the following sections describe pathologic variations of liver diseases, ways to identify the changes, and qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The book covers the full spectrum of disorders and diseases that may occur in the liver and includes chapters dedicated to liver transplant pathology, and paediatric liver disease. Current terminologies, grading and staging systems used in liver biopsy, are discussed in detail. High definition slides and images enhance learning, and each chapter concludes with ‘points to remember’ highlighting the key features of the topic. Key Points Complete guide to evaluation and interpretation of liver biopsy specimens Covers the full spectrum of liver disorders and diseases Includes discussion on terminologies, grading, and staging systems Features high definition slides and images, and key learning points
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Differential Diagnosis in Spine Surgery
This book is a practical guide to the diagnosis of spine-related disorders. Covering both adult and paediatric conditions, each chapter presents a systematic approach to common and more complex problems, including associated complaints such as headaches, bowel and bladder incontinence and retention, and groin pain. Typical case presentations and initial work up are provided for each condition, followed by differential diagnosis and treatment options. Authored by internationally recognised experts from the USA, this comprehensive text is enhanced by clinical images, diagrams and tables to assist understanding. Key Points Practical guide to diagnosis of spine-related disorders Covers adult and paediatric conditions Each topic includes typical case presentations and initial work up Authored by internationally recognised experts in the field
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Infertility Management Series: Investigating Infertility
This book is a practical guide to the detection, diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Beginning with an overview of human reproduction, the importance of accurate history taking and examination, and general preconception evaluation, the following chapters discuss the different investigational methods in the assessment of female infertility. The final sections examine male infertility and the role of semen analysis in understanding the potential of fertility. Genetic, environmental and behavioural risk factors are also covered. This comprehensive text is enhanced by clinical images, diagrams and tables. Key Points Practical guide to detection, diagnosis and treatment of infertility Covers assessment of both female and male infertility Covers genetic, environmental and behavioural risk factors Enhanced by clinical images, diagrams and tables
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Complications in Cosmetic Dermatology: Crafting Cures
Complications in Cosmetic Dermatology – Crafting Cures presents the potential side-effects and complications of procedures in aesthetic dermatology, with evidence-based guidance on their management. Divided into eighteen chapters, common and uncommon complications of each procedure are discussed in detail. Procedures covered include Q switched laser, laser hair reduction, injectable botulinum toxin, mesotherapy, and chemical peels. The concluding chapters focus on the prevention of ocular complications in cosmetic dermatology, and managing medical emergencies the office. Each chapter in Complications in Cosmetic Dermatology – Crafting Cures is supplemented by clinical pearls and a summary of key points, and the text is enhanced by 300 full colour images and illustrations. Key Points Guide to management of potential complications in a range of cosmetic dermatology procedures Clinical pearls and key points summaries provided with each procedure 300 full colour images and illustrations
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Tips & Tricks in Dermatologic Practice
This book is a concise guide to the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions. Divided into 32 chapters, each with at least two case studies, topics include both rare and more common disorders. Each case guides clinicians step by step through theory, clinical examination, differential diagnosis and management. Each chapter concludes with tips or editorial comments to illustrate key learning points. Full colour clinical photographs enhance the detailed text. Key points Concise guide to diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions Covers both rare and more common disorders Each topic includes at least two case studies guiding readers through process of diagnosis based on logical thinking Chapters include tips and editorial comments to enhance learning
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook of Comprehensive Research Methodology
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Dermatology in General Practice
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook of Growth, Development & Behavioural Pediatrics
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Lessons from the Grand Rounds 2: Options in Rational Management