Search results for ""Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers""
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Hair Transplantation
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers LC Gupta's Practical Nursing Procedures
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Practical Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Donald School: Difficult Cases in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Gut Microbiome, Probiotics & Good Health: The Evidence Gets Stronger
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Diabetes Mellitus: Types, Diagnostics and Therapy: OAD and Insulin Protocols
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Current Practice in Obstetrics & Gynecology - 3: Endometriosis
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers An Illustrated Textbook of Ear, Nose & Throat and Head & Neck Surgery
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Practical Diabetes Mellitus
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Comprehensive Textbook of Applied Microbiology for Nursing
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers The Physics of Radiation Oncology
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers IAP Case based Reviews in Pediatric Allergy
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Essentials of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Resuscitation for Medical Students
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers NEET/NEXT ESSENCE
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ramadan & Diabetes Care
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Drugs in Anaesthesiology
This book is a comprehensive guide to the use of drugs in anaesthesiology. Presented in tabular format, each section covers a different drug category, explaining and comparing the properties and characteristics of drugs within that group. The third edition has been fully revised and updated to provide clinicians with the latest advances and knowledge in their field. New chapters on non-opioid analgesics, antihypertensive drugs, antacids and antiemetics, all drugs that affect coagulation (clotting), have been added to this edition. The text is further enhanced by clinical images and figures. The previous edition (9789352701254) published in 2017.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Biochemistry
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Recent Advances in Pediatrics: Hot Topics Volume 27
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Modern Medical Toxicology: Completely Updated, Revised and Profusely Illustrated
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers AICOG Manual of Understanding High Risk Obstetrics
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Essential Pediatric Pulmonology
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Practical Guide to Point-of-Care Ultrasound: A Simplified Approach
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Surface and Radiological Anatomy: With a Clinical Perspective
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Practical Medical Biochemistry
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Non Communicable Diseases and Maternal Health
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pediatric Cardiac Radiology: Plain Radiographic Interpretation in Congenital and Structural Heart Diseases
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Histology
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates: Pediatrics
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Clinical Biochemistry
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Textbook of General Anatomy
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Handbook of Lipidology
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pathology Simplified: A Quick Review for Examination Preparation
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Essential Orthopedics: Principles & Practice: Two Volume Set
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Bedside Psychiatry
This book provides trainees in psychiatry with an overview of day to day patient evaluation and treatment planning. Divided into two sections, the first chapters cover the basics, psychiatric history, clinical examination and additional evaluation, management and related issues. The second section provides comprehensive appendices covering numerous psychiatric scenarios and disorders, as well as psychiatric tests, ratings and key terms. Authored by a recognised, UK-based expert in the field, the book is further enhanced by clinical photographs and illustrations to assist learning. Key points Provides trainees in psychiatry with an overview of day to day patient evaluation and treatment planning Covers psychiatric history, clinical examination and additional evaluation and management issues Discusses numerous psychiatric scenarios and disorders Authored by UK-based expert in the field of psychiatry
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers IAP Textbook of Pediatric & Neonatal Emergencies
IAP Textbook of Pediatric and Neonatal Emergencies comes with a unique feature of having both pediatric and neonatal emergencies together. This feature makes the tedious efforts of reading easier and exam-friendly. This book is a ready reference for most of the emergencies of the newborn and children. A wide range of emergencies, common approach in acute care, their pearls and pitfalls have been emphasized. The book is designed for all specialties requiring a working knowledge in acute care of pediatrics and neonatology. Some of our key chapters are on communication, toxicology, neurological emergencies, renal emergencies among many more. All the chapters are written for easy understanding and feasible application in the routine practice by the specialists. We hope that all health professionals caring for children in acute care settings would find the book useful in their practice, improving overall patients' outcome. The book encompasses all aspects of both pediatric and neonatal emergency practices. It gives an in-depth account of the diagnosis and management of all common pediatric and neonatal emergency problems encountered day-to-day in an emergency room. Each chapter contains evidence-based background information emphasizing core science. Includes new guidelines that have evolved in various disciplines. Acts as an educational resource for those preparing for the specialization certification examination in pediatric acute care. This book will provide an effective learning experience and referenced resource for all health professionals caring for children in acute care settings, leading to better pediatric acute care and improved patient outcome.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Expert Techniques in Spine Surgery
This book provides neurosurgeons and trainees with the latest techniques in spinal surgery. Divided into three sections, each is dedicated to surgical procedures in a key region of the spine – cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Each topic is presented in a step by step process covering anatomy, indications and contraindications, techniques and outcomes. Authored by internationally recognised, Philadelphia-based experts in the field, this invaluable text is enhanced by more than 200 surgical images and illustrations. Key points Practical guide to latest techniques in spinal surgery for neurosurgeons and trainees In depth coverage of procedures for each section of the spine – cervical, thoracic and lumbar Internationally recognised, Philadelphia-based author team Highly illustrated with surgical images and illustrations
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers IAP Textbook of Pediatric ICU Protocols
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Case-based Reviews in Dermatology
This book focuses on common case scenarios and presentations and how to approach them in exams and day-to-day practice. The chapters have been designed in a reader-friendly format and the authors have been hand-picked in terms of their teaching experience and their dedication toward the subject. The book is a novel attempt focusing on the methodology of approaching case scenarios in dermatology. Evidence-based approach to the treatment of various uncommon dermatological conditions. Each chapter starts with an interesting case, followed by a review of the disease entity in the form of relevant question and answer format. It is an important source of learning the basics of clinical dermatology, co-relates the clinical findings and laboratory investigations for disease diagnosis and management. Presented in a reader-friendly manner, written by experts having extensive research and clinical experience.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers IAP Textbook of Pediatrics
The book represents a substantial revision and reorganization of the text based on a complete review of the field of pediatrics. Efforts have also been made to keep a balance with incorporation of the curricular needs of the undergraduates, postgraduates and teachers in pediatrics. This edition has 239 chapters arranged in 21 major sections. The entire contents of the textbook are reorganized to provide relevant clinical information and national priorities at one site. All the chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated in a lucid and readable style and have undergone a three-tier review and edit process.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Differential Diagnosis in Pediatrics
The focus of this book is on the differential diagnosis of symptoms and signs. Common clinical conditions from various systems are included with each topic including a brief introduction with definitions as applicable, enumeration of the differential diagnosis in text, box, table, and figure format as needed, and an explanation of differentiating each condition based on history, clinical features and investigations leading to particular diagnosis. Wherever possible, an algorithmic approach been adopted and where essential, illustrations have been incorporated. Each chapter ends with important references for further reading. As the emphasis is on differential diagnosis, treatment aspects are deliberately excluded. Focuses on differential diagnosis of symptoms and sign. Each chapter discusses definition, differential diagnosis, history, clinical features and investigations, leading to diagnosis. Supported by explanatory tables, illustrations and algorithms. Information has been presented lucidly and in a reader-friendly manner. The book will be a boon for the pediatricians to guide them in day-to-day practice as well as for the pediatric residents.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Management of Common Gynecological Problems: A Guide for Practitioners
This book is a guide to the diagnosis and management of gynaecological disorders for clinicians and trainees. Divided into 22 sections, the text begins with discussion on normal and abnormal puberty, then the physiology and symptoms of menopause. The following sections cover numerous gynaecological disorders, their symptoms, investigation, diagnosis, and treatment. The book covers both normal and abnormal symptoms, and offers guidance on when treatment may not be needed if a condition is benign. The comprehensive text is further enhanced by clinical photographs, diagrams and tables. Key points Comprehensive guide to diagnosis and management of common gynaecological conditions Covers both normal and abnormal symptoms Offer guidance on benign conditions where treatment may not be necessary Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams and tables
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Practice Pearls in Neurology: (Series II)
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Basic Measurements in Ophthalmology
The basic measurements in ophthalmology included here are described fitting different clinical situations. Simple diagrams which can be easily remembered and reproduced are included. This book can be used as a reference book for all ophthalmologists in their learning and teaching purposes and also in clinical practice.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Practical Applications of Intravenous Fluids in Surgical Patients
Fluid therapy is one of the most basic interventions spanning across all medical and surgical disciplines. Physicians need to understand the physiology of fluids and electrolytes before they can evaluate the extent to which disease pathophysiology has altered the balance, enabling them to determine the type and quantity of intravenous fluids required for treatment. This new edition is a practical guide to intravenous fluids and their administration to surgical patients. Divided into sixteen sections, the text begins with an overview of normal water balance and distribution of body fluid. The next sections cover the pharmacology of different types of intravenous fluid, followed by discussion on fluid therapy in different medical circumstances, and concluding with a chapter on fluid calculation. The second edition has been fully revised to provide the latest information in the field, and features new topics including fluid choice in the perioperative period and surgery and stress response. Key points Fully revised, new edition presenting latest information on intravenous fluids in surgery Discusses different types of fluid and their application in different circumstances Second edition includes several new topics Previous edition (9789350903957) published in 2013
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Practical Guide in Andrology and Embryology
Part of a new series on reproductive medicine, this book is a complete guide to andrology and embryology. Divided into 38 chapters, the text begins with in depth discussion on male infertility covering sperm function tests, screening, sperm selection for ART, sperm banking, and various causes of male infertility. The second part of the book examines assisted reproductive techniques in male infertility, frozen embryo transfer, oocyte and embryo cryopreservation, third party reproduction, and more. The book presents the latest advances in the field and each chapter includes key points and references for further reading. Clinical photographs, diagrams and tables further enhance the comprehensive text. Other titles in the series include: Practical Guide in Infertility, Practical Guide in Reproductive Surgery and Practical Guide in Assisted Reproductive Technology. Key points Comprehensive guide to andrology and embryology Part of new series on reproductive medicine Covers numerous ART procedures for male infertility Chapters include key points and detailed references for further reading
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Handbook of Pain Management: A Case-based Approach
This book is a practical guide to the diagnosis and management of pain. Presented in a case-based approach the text begins with an introduction to pain and its pathophysiology, the next chapter discusses assessment and diagnosis of pain. The following sections provide in depth detail on the management of different categories of pain – acute, cancer-related, and non-cancer chronic pain. The final chapter covers pain management in specific situations including dysfunction related to the gastrointestinal tract, renal, hepatic, respiratory and cardiac systems, and in pregnant and breast-feeding patients, and geriatric patients. The handbook is enhanced by clinical images and tables to assist learning. Key points Practical guide to the diagnosis and management of pain Presented in a case-based approach with clinical examples Covers acute, cancer-related and non-cancer chronic pain Includes clinical images and tables
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ward Rounds in Obstetrics & Gynecology
This book is a practical guide to obstetrics and gynaecology cases clinicians might encounter on an everyday basis. Divided into 34 chapters, the text begins with discussion on history taking and examination. The next sections cover the diagnosis and management of different obstetrical disorders including fever in pregnancy, gestational diabetes and anaemia, heart and liver diseases, preterm labour, and recurrent pregnancy loss. The following chapters present a variety of gynaecological disorders such as abnormal uterine bleeding, ovarian cancer, fibroids, infertility, and much more. Each chapter begins with a case history and investigation methods and concludes with questions and answers. Topics are further enhanced by clinical photographs, illustrations, medication tables, flowcharts, and comprehensive references. Key points Practical guide to obstetrics and gynaecology cases seen in daily practice Covers diagnosis and management of many different disorders Each topic includes a case history, and questions and answers to assist learning Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams, medication tables and flowcharts