Search results for ""De Gruyter""
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Degrowth
Degrowth has emerged as one of the most exciting, and contested, fields of research into the drivers of global heating, ecological collapse, and economic injustice. The perspective is both a critique of existing growth-based models of development, which it argues have put humanity on a collision course with non-negotiable ecological limits, and a vision for a brighter future in which humans and non-humans alike can flourish. By putting an end to growth-seeking economic development and boundless energetic and material throughputs, degrowth’s proponents suggest we can build an economy that meets the material needs of people and planet for generations to come. This handbook’s contributions signal the importance of degrowth across multiple disciplines and practices. Along the way, they grapple with some of the most critical questions, ideological assumptions, policies, and social struggles of our time. The handbook approaches degrowth as a loosely knit and developing set of interdisciplinary propositions about what it might take to achieve a world of human and non-human flourishing. Contributors explore, challenge, and critique degrowth’s propositions and its prospects of shaping scholarly agendas, policy frameworks, and social movements. Essays consider degrowth from a variety of empirical and theoretical vantages, including urban design, architecture, political economy, political ecology, critical geography, and political theory. This integrative approach, at once critical and constructive, aims to preserve for readers the sense of possibility that has drawn people to degrowth scholarship thus far.
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of SME Entrepreneurship
"A small business is not a little big business." Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are considered the engines of worldwide economies and the main sources of job creation. Management in these companies is different from management in larger/older enterprises with their already established concepts and instruments. In view of the high importance of SMEs in emerging, developing and developed economies worldwide, the De Gruyter Handbook of SME Entrepreneurship investigates the underlying mechanisms and practices of management within these companies with a focus on entrepreneurship, growth and innovation. It argues that it is time for a dedicated theory of "SME Entrepreneurship" to emerge. Entrepreneurial thinking and behavior in SMEs must be differentiated from that of start-ups and large companies. On the other hand, it also explores the different entrepreneurship manifestations that exist within a widely heterogeneous group of SMEs. The handbook provides a theoretical framework in which to understand, compare and contrast the complexity of SMEs in both domestic and international processes and addresses the strengths, achievements, and challenges of entrepreneurship in SMEs.
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Media Economics
The handbook presents key contributions from scholars worldwide, providing a comprehensive exploration of current trends in media industries from diverse perspectives. Within the framework of understanding contemporary and future trajectories in media markets and industries, the volume delves into their influence on media organization and delivery, along with broader societal and market implications. Encompassing research at the crossroads of economics, management, political economy, and production studies, the handbook emphasizes the necessity for a robust interdisciplinary dialogue. Beyond scrutinizing present and forthcoming industry developments, the handbook addresses pivotal issues pertaining to media economics research methods and pedagogy. It serves as a valuable resource for scholars, students, and media professionals, providing insights into media economics as an academic field and delving into the multifaceted dynamics that shape the media landscape. Doing this, it contribut
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance
As of early 2022, seven of the ten largest firms in the world by market capitalization had been funded through various types of entrepreneurial finance. This handbook provides an up-to-date survey of what we know about this significant phenomenon in all its forms, and where our knowledge about it needs to head from here. The handbook embraces a wide range of established and emerging academic and practitioner voices across the globe to explore the theoretical and practical flux and tension in the field. Until recently, most studies have taken a supply side perspective, focusing on the perspective of those who provide funding to new ventures. This book takes a different, demand side perspective, beginning with the entrepreneur and gradually broadening our view to include close by and then more distant funding sources. Following this approach, it is organized into four parts detailing the individual level (founders’ resources, bricolage and bootstrapping, effectuation and portfolio entrepreneurship); the inner circle (informal financing, business groups, incubators and accelerators); the wider world (formal debt, microfinance, venture capital, corporate venture capital, business angels, government funding and family offices); and emerging perspectives (non-Western perspectives, gender, indigenous perspectives, post-conflict and disaster zones and ethics). The introduction considers the general state of the field, while the conclusion takes on additional topics relevant to entrepreneurial finance, such as decentralized finance, big data, behavioral economics, financial innovation and COVID-19, as well as possible ways in which entrepreneurial finance can have a greater impact on other disciplines. This handbook will be a core reference work for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers seeking an up-to-date academic survey of entrepreneurial finance. It can also be used as a primary text in Ph.D. seminars in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial finance, and finance. Instructors in Master’s level courses in entrepreneurial finance and venture capital will also find the book of benefit.
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance
As of early 2022, seven of the ten largest firms in the world by market capitalization had been funded through various types of entrepreneurial finance. This handbook provides an up-to-date survey of what we know about this significant phenomenon in all its forms, and where our knowledge about it needs to head from here. The handbook embraces a wide range of established and emerging academic and practitioner voices across the globe to explore the theoretical and practical flux and tension in the field. Until recently, most studies have taken a supply side perspective, focusing on the perspective of those who provide funding to new ventures. This book takes a different, demand side perspective, beginning with the entrepreneur and gradually broadening our view to include close by and then more distant funding sources. Following this approach, it is organized into four parts detailing the individual level (founders’ resources, bricolage and bootstrapping, effectuation and portfolio entrepreneurship); the inner circle (informal financing, business groups, incubators and accelerators); the wider world (formal debt, microfinance, venture capital, corporate venture capital, business angels, government funding and family offices); and emerging perspectives (non-Western perspectives, gender, indigenous perspectives, post-conflict and disaster zones and ethics). The introduction considers the general state of the field, while the conclusion takes on additional topics relevant to entrepreneurial finance, such as decentralized finance, big data, behavioral economics, financial innovation and COVID-19, as well as possible ways in which entrepreneurial finance can have a greater impact on other disciplines. This handbook will be a core reference work for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers seeking an up-to-date academic survey of entrepreneurial finance. It can also be used as a primary text in Ph.D. seminars in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial finance, and finance. Instructors in Master’s level courses in entrepreneurial finance and venture capital will also find the book of benefit.
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Personal Finance
The De Gruyter Handbook of Personal Finance provides a robust review of the core topics comprising personal finance, including the primary models, approaches, and methodologies being used to study particular topics that comprise the field of personal finance today. The contributors include many of the world’s leading personal finance researchers, financial service professionals, thought leaders, and leading contemporary figures conducting research in this area whose work has shaped—and continues to affect—the way that personal finance is conceptualized and practiced. The first section of the handbook provides a broad introduction to the discipline of personal finance. The following two sections are organized around the core elements of personal finance research and practice: saving, investing, asset management, and financial security. The fourth section introduces future research, practice, and policy directions. The handbook concludes with a discussion on an educational and research agenda for the future. This handbook will be a core reference work for researchers, financial service practitioners, educators, and policymakers and an excellent supplementary source of readings for those teaching undergraduate and graduate-level courses in personal finance, financial planning, consumer studies, and household finance.
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Drone Warfare
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management
The De Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management offers insightful contributions covering a myriad of conflict management topics ranging from fundamental issues, such as emotional intelligence and cultural differences, to cutting-edge themes such as political conflicts and mindfulness training. Renowned conflict management scholars and leading practitioners have contributed chapters to this handbook based on their research and their practical experience in the field of confl ict management. Many of the authors have influenced the topic of conflict management as it has become both a fi eld of academic study in universities and a necessary leadership skill. The handbook is organized in four sections. The first section covers interpersonal conflict management and focuses on perceptions, conflict styles, emotional intelligence, psychological safety, and change. The second section includes ethnic and cultural issues in organizational conflict managem
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Disability and Management
Globally, the prevalence of disability is growing, as is disability awareness. The disability rights movement argues that the right to employment is essential for full participation and human dignity. While there have been improvements related to broad diversity programs and policies, those for persons with disabilities, especially less visible or invisible disabilities, have received less attention. Contextual factors such as the legal environment and protections, cultural and social values, religious norms, and broader economic conditions shape the employment prospects for persons with disabilities. The De Gruyter Handbook of Disability and Management uses an interdisciplinary lens to study disability and management, integrating perspectives from disability studies, psychology, education, and legal domains. It aims to incorporate a contextually sensitive and global perspective to emphasize actionable areas of inclusion and provides a more international focus by including contributions from across the world including contries and regions that have till date received less attention in the area of disability studies. Managers, human resource professionals, and policy makers can be more proactive to support persons with disabilities, and more insights, best practices, and tools are needed to facilitate this support. This handbook will guide and support efforts of organizational stakeholders and policy makers as they strive to be more inclusive.
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Personal Finance
The De Gruyter Handbook of Personal Finance provides a robust review of the core topics comprising personal finance, including the primary models, approaches, and methodologies being used to study particular topics that comprise the field of personal finance today. The contributors include many of the world’s leading personal finance researchers, financial service professionals, thought leaders, and leading contemporary figures conducting research in this area whose work has shaped—and continues to affect—the way that personal finance is conceptualized and practiced. The first section of the handbook provides a broad introduction to the discipline of personal finance. The following two sections are organized around the core elements of personal finance research and practice: saving, investing, asset management, and financial security. The fourth section introduces future research, practice, and policy directions. The handbook concludes with a discussion on an educational and research agenda for the future. This handbook will be a core reference work for researchers, financial service practitioners, educators, and policymakers and an excellent supplementary source of readings for those teaching undergraduate and graduate-level courses in personal finance, financial planning, consumer studies, and household finance.
de Gruyter The de Gruyter Handbook of Automated Futures
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Responsible Project Management
The narrative about the project management profession is dominated by discussions of “success” and “failure” along with the need to improve the competence of project managers. As a result, the community is engaged in a fruitless search for a combination of tools, techniques and practices that will result in desired outcomes for funders. While the profession has made recent attempts to incorporate environmental and social responsibility, these areas are still framed within the existing discourses of project delivery. The De Gruyter Handbook of Responsible Project Management seeks to rethink project management by integrating contributions from the emerging responsible Management domain. This handbook will explore the nature and extent of project professionals’ responsibility at different levels – individual, team, organizational and societal – along with the implications for education, research and practice. The De Gruyter Handbook of Responsible Project Management offers cutting-edge insights into the fi eld of project management. It is an essential reference for scholars and practitioners.
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management
The De Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management offers insightful contributions covering a myriad of conflict management topics ranging from fundamental issues, such as emotional intelligence and cultural differences, to cutting-edge themes such as political conflicts and mindfulness training. Renowned conflict management scholars and leading practitioners have contributed chapters to this handbook based on their research and their practical experience in the field of confl ict management. Many of the authors have influenced the topic of conflict management as it has become both a fi eld of academic study in universities and a necessary leadership skill. The handbook is organized in four sections. The first section covers interpersonal conflict management and focuses on perceptions, conflict styles, emotional intelligence, psychological safety, and change. The second section includes ethnic and cultural issues in organizational conflict management, such as microaggressions, ethnicity and religion, and political conflicts. The third section offers methods for managing organizational conflicts, including mediation, negotiation, ombudspersons, and conflict coaching. This section also offers guidance on developing an organizational conflict management system and discusses HR’s role in managing conflicts. The fourth section introduces chapters on special topics in conflict management, such as workplace bullying, gender issues, birth order personality, human connections, and forgiveness. This handbook is an essential reference for scholars and practitioners. It offers organizational leaders insights into the causes and solutions to organizational conflict management. In addition, it is an excellent textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in organizational conflict management.
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Business Families
The management field increasingly recognizes that most firms in the world are family firms and that these entities operate differently from the non-family firms on which most of our current management theories are based. The De Gruyter Handbook of Business Families brings together work from leading academics who explore emerging research themes relevant to business families, particularly drawing in new insights from adjacent disciplines that can advance the family business field. The handbook challenges the traditional notion of the "single firm–single family" that has characterized most early research on family business. Recognizing that families may simultaneously own or control multiple businesses as well as substantial wealth beyond these firms in the form of financial and non-financial assets, this handbook focuses on business families rather than the narrower construct of family business. The contributions in this handbook explore the relatively neglected dynamics between individuals with family ties that shape the interaction between family and business; business families with multiple businesses; how business families adopt formal rules and processes around their joint activities; and the institutionalization of wealth and business families in society. The De Gruyter Handbook of Business Families fills a gap in the family business research literature and is an essential reference work for researchers and graduate-level students in the area of business families.
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Digital Entrepreneurship
Far-reaching technological developments are making a deep impact on societies and economic environments worldwide. With the emergence of new digital infrastructures such as artificial intelligence, fintech, data analytics, robotics and nanotech, new creative industries, still in a state of flux, have arisen, while others have disappeared, at least in their traditional form. The intermixing of traditional and new technologies has led to a redrawing of boundaries and an extension of the limits of entrepreneurship out towards industries with hitherto high barriers to entry due to regulatory, technological or structural factors. These external enablers have led to a democratization of entrepreneurship and a lessening of the obstacles to starting up a company by reducing (or eliminating) the difficulties inherent in the entrepreneurial phenomenon in its classical configuration, such as high resource intensity, uncertainty, limited time or information asymmetry. The De Gruyter Handbook of
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Humor Studies
The De Gruyter Handbook of Humor Studies consolidates the cumulative contributions in theory and research on humor from 57 international scholars representing 21 different countries in the widest possible diversity of disciplines. It organizes research in a unique conceptual framework addressing two broad themes: the Essence of Humor and the Functions of Humor. Furthermore, scholars of humor have recognized that humor is not only a universal human experience, it is also inherently social, shared among people and woven into the fabric of nearly every type of interpersonal relationship. Scholars across all academic disciplines have addressed questions about the essence and functions of humor at different levels of analysis relating to how narrowly or broadly they conceptualize the social context of humor. Accordingly, the editors have organized each broad thematic section into four subsections defined by level of analysis. The book first addresses questions about individual psychologic
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Migrant Entrepreneurship
Given the strong migration trends in our society all over the years, this handbook addresses the upcoming topic of migrant entrepreneurship in all its colourful facets. Migration, ethnic minorities, and related phenomena are currently the subject of intensive scholarly discussion and a heated public debate. Migrant entrepreneurship is a powerful issue within this debate as it creates numerous chances for both migrants and societies - despite significant challenges. In 19 chapters scholars from different disciplines and countries shed light on the phenomenon of migrant entrepreneurship. Long traditions of studies have resulted in the diversity of topics and approaches applied by scholars, and the handbook offers a systematization of research efforts. It also aims to explore future research avenues by providing inspirations. Three types of readers can benefit from this handbook: researchers, professionals (including policymakers), and students from around the world.
MC - De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Social Entrepreneurship
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Development and Finance
The De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Development and Finance explores the difficult and challenging issues confronting society and the environment, in the contexts of unprecedented climate change, bio-diversity loss and the global pandemic. In this seminal text exploring a wide range of topics, and in the devastating wake of COVID-19, scholars and practitioners analyse the effectiveness of current and proposed actions to build a sustainable future, and the public and private finance necessary to prevent an impending planetary catastrophe. The first section of the handbook introduces readers to the origins and evolution of sustainable development. An examination of public and private finance follows in the next two sections, presented from the perspectives of authors from both ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries. Climate change, one of the largest sectors of finance for sustainable development, is investigated in detail, as is the new and emerging development frontier, the ‘blue’ economy of the world’s oceans. Suitable for students, policymakers and the public at large, the handbook highlights the lessons learned and points the way forward for sustainable development and finance in the wake of the global pandemic, and the challenges to come.
De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research
Many countries and regions face unprecedented social and environmental crises and disruptive events whose impact can no longer be ignored. Sustainable entrepreneurs offer new solutions to these problems that involve replacing the current linear economies by circular systems. Sustainable entrepreneurs generate new sustainable products, services, and production processes, with new sustainable business models that simultaneously balance ecological, social and economic goals, which result in sustainable welfare for current and for future generations. The DeGruyter Handbook of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research studies the causes and consequences of sustainable entrepreneurship, the new standard of doing business and designing public policy, as reflected in the growth of sustainable entrepreneurship start-up ventures and the increasing integration of sustainability in small- and medium-sized enterprises as well as in incumbent corporations. It explores five main themes, each presenting state-of-the-art thinking: foundations, leadership, innovation, business models, performance and impact. Each section consists of four chapters that, taken together, offer in-depth perspectives, take stock of current situations and propose new avenues for future research. The handbook offers a coherent and systemic perspective for sustainable start-ups and for incumbent firms and governments aiming for transitions. It will also be of interest to scholars and postgraduate students interested in sustainable entrepreneurship.
De Gruyter The De Gruyter Handbook of Robots in Society and Culture
The De Gruyter Handbook of Robots in Society and Culture provides a comprehensive discussion of how social robots take form, function, and meaning for individuals, relationships, cultures, and societies. Through a path-breaking integration of perspectives coming from sociology, communication and media, psychology, cognitive neuroscience, anthropology, political science, and science and technology studies, it focuses on the critical and social meaning of present developments in social robotic technologies. This book looks at artificial agents from voice-based assistants to humanoid robots as their use transforms private and public contexts and gives rise to both new possibilities and new perils for human being and becoming, organizations as well as social structures and institutions. The handbook traces the consequences and key problems of social robotics across broad social contexts in both public and political as well as domestic and intimate spaces. Further, it attends carefully to
MC - De Gruyter De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Development and Finance
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Qumran and the Essenes A ReEvaluation of the Evidence 60 de Gruyter Studies in Organization
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Herbert Cram und der Verlag Walter de Gruyter 1945 bis 1967: Ein Wissenschaftsverlag im Nachkriegsberlin
Der Wissenschaftsverlag Walter de Gruyter hatte sich in der NS-Zeit zwar bemüht, wissenschaftliche Qualitätsstandards aufrechterhalten. Zugleich suchte der Verleger Herbert Cram die Nähe des Regimes. Dessen ideologische und antisemitische Vorgaben akzeptierte er ohne Widerspruch. Ihm war in den Jahren 1933 bis 1945 ausschließlich am wirtschaftlichen Erfolg des Verlages gelegen. In ihrem zweiten Buch über die Geschichte des Walter de Gruyter Verlages widmet sich Angelika Königseder nun den schwierigen Jahren nach 1945, die das Unternehmen im Wesentlichen aufgrund seiner "stillen Reserven" – der Verlagsrechte – überdauerte. Zunächst hielt die Verlagsleitung den Betrieb am Laufen, indem die teilweise erhalten gebliebenen Lagerbestände verkauft und anschließend unverändert nachgedruckt wurden. In den 1950er-Jahren ging es zwar wirtschaftlich bergauf, aber familiäre Auseinandersetzungen und wohl auch die personelle Kontinuität in der Verlagsführung verhinderten einen tatsächlichen Aufbruch. Unter Herbert Cram, der den Verlag seit dem Tod Walter de Gruyters im Jahre 1923 leitete, hielten weder neue Wissenschaftsdisziplinen noch ein moderner Führungsstil oder der Aufbau neuer Standorte Einzug bei De Gruyter. Die Aufgabe des Verlagssitzes in Berlin und eine Verlegung in den Westen Deutschlands war für Herbert Cram auch zu Zeiten größter politischer Krisen wie der Berlin-Blockade 1948/49 oder dem Mauerbau 1961 keine Option. Vor allem eine internationale Ausrichtung wurde erst von den neuen Geschäftsführern Kurt-Georg Cram und Kurt Lubasch ab Mitte der 1960er-Jahre eingeleitet. Mit dem Tod Herbert Crams 1967 endete eine Ära.
De Gruyter Die Zeit von 1250 bis 1350
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter Balthasar Neumann als Stadtbaumeister
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter Michelangelo und der Barockstil
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter Fritz Pfuhle: Ein Danziger Maler der Gegenwart
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter The Scaling Value Playbook
Learn how to scale your business or organization and overcome the challenges in moving innovation to scale. The Scaling Value Playbook provides an overview of the challenges in moving innovation to scale, offering practical guidance on managing this process. It explores creating new ventures and discusses the road to realizing value at scale. It also provides a framework for developing and implementing a strategy for scaling up and scaling out of innovation, together with tools and templates to enable the reader to create a fit-for-purpose scaling strategy. In an easily accessible and visually appealing way, De Gruyter playbooks offer practical concepts for improving business performance. They are an extremely valuable resource for a wide range of business professionals.
De Gruyter Mastering the Science of Organizational Change
As the business context evolves more rapidly, driven by accelerating technological, political, and social change, an increasing strategic priority for business leaders is how to enact large-scale organizational change. Even companies that are current industry leaders are vulnerable to disruption. Company leaders need to watch over their shoulder for—and transform the company in anticipation of—the next disruption. Mastering the Science of Organizational Change summarizes the work of the BCG Henderson Institute and its fellows and ambassadors over several years to develop a more scientific approach to change. Hundreds of companies are analyzed in the book’s discussion on how to beat the odds in large-scale change management using an evidence-based approach—a large-scale analysis of what approaches actually work in which circumstances. Part 1 of the book reviews the imperatives for self-disruption. The second part elaborates on how to manage the process of change. Finally, Part 3 discusses how organizations can take change to the next level. Events around the book Link to a De Gruyter online event in which, Martin Reeves, Chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, will share lessons on how to develop a more scientific approach to change including how to self disrupt, how to manage the process of change, and how organizations can take change to the next level:
De Gruyter The Innovator’s Dictionary: 555 Methods and Instruments for More Creativity and Innovation in Your Company
More and more people have to organize or moderate innovation processes, creative workshops and design thinking projects and need help when choosing appropriate tools. At the same time, the number of available methods has virtually exploded in recent years – making it difficult to find the most appropriate method. This book presents 555 of the most important innovation methods and tools, selected and curated by experienced innovation professionals. A step-by-step explanation for each method allows for easy implementation in your own team meeting or workshop. Further information on each method, such as method results, experience insights, required innovation skills and numerous illustrations help the reader to select the right instrument and adapt it to their respective goal. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, the book will help you to select methods quickly and safely. Innovation managers and everyone responsible for projects and products will find invaluable help for their work in this dictionary. It also offers a Design Thinking reference for all methods as well as a free online method search with various search paths. Events around the book Link to a De Gruyter Online Event in which the editors Christian Buchholz and Benno van Aerssen discuss and present the use of tools and innovation methods in workshops, meetings, and innovation projects.The event will be moderated by Joanne Hyland, Founding Partner, and President, rInnovation Group:
De Gruyter Sociology of Europeanization
The numerous and far-reaching socio-political transformations that have taken place on the European continent since the mid-20th century have stipulated the emergence of new approaches and research fields in the social sciences. One of these is the development of a Sociology of Europeanization. This textbook provides an overview of its major topics, concepts, and research approaches. Each of the 14 chapters of this textbook introduces one particular topic of the Sociology of Europeanization – ranging from major conceptual considerations to an exploration of the numerous spatial, cultural, economic, political, judicial, and socio-structural implications of Europeanization. Hence, this book is very suitable as a fundamental introductory reading and for teaching in European studies and related study programs. It is also recommended to everyone who is interested in more recent European history and current sociological studies of transnationalization. Events around the bookLink to a De Gruyter Online Event in which renowned scholars and experts discuss what is necessary for the teaching of European Studies today and what future directions European Studies should take in light of current challenges and crises. The event was moderated by Sebastian Büttner and Susann Worschech, two co-editors of this textbook: During the annual colloqium of the European General Studies Programme of the College of Europe (Bruges), Sebastian Büttner discussed and presented his co-edited book:
De Gruyter Dynamic Business Strategy: Competing in a Fast-changing, Uncertain Context
The playing field for business has changed significantly in recent decades. The pace of change is accelerating, driven by increased technological progress and shrinking business lifespans. Economic and political uncertainty has risen dramatically and is likely to remain at elevated levels. Industry boundaries are blurring, increasing the potential paths to competitive disruption. Strategy is not dead—in fact, as the gap between winners and losers within industries continues to grow, it is more important than ever. However, the playbook needs to be reinvented for today’s business environment. Classical sources of competitive advantage, such as scale and differentiation, have not gone away, but they have been complemented by new dimensions of competition. This book discusses the new role of strategy in a dynamic, unpredictable context. Part 1 of this book revisits classical strategy frameworks and what changes should be made to apply them to the modern era. Part 2 discusses new strategic capabilities companies need today, such as adapting to uncertain environments and shaping new or disrupted ones. Part 3 examines the expanding boundaries of strategy, including new competitive imperatives as well as the wider range of timescales on which businesses must now operate. Drawing on the work of the BCG Henderson Institute and its fellows and ambassadors over several years, Dynamic Strategy will help business professionals as well as academics and students with an interest in strategy understand the new competitive challenges that businesses face and develop a playbook to address them. Events around the book Link to a De Gruyter Online Event in which Martin Reeves, Chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, talks about successful business strategies in turbulent times:
De Gruyter Data Science for Supply Chain Forecasting
Using data science in order to solve a problem requires a scientific mindset more than coding skills. Data Science for Supply Chain Forecasting, Second Edition contends that a true scientific method which includes experimentation, observation, and constant questioning must be applied to supply chains to achieve excellence in demand forecasting. This second edition adds more than 45 percent extra content with four new chapters including an introduction to neural networks and the forecast value added framework. Part I focuses on statistical "traditional" models, Part II, on machine learning, and the all-new Part III discusses demand forecasting process management. The various chapters focus on both forecast models and new concepts such as metrics, underfitting, overfitting, outliers, feature optimization, and external demand drivers. The book is replete with do-it-yourself sections with implementations provided in Python (and Excel for the statistical models) to show the readers how to apply these models themselves. This hands-on book, covering the entire range of forecasting—from the basics all the way to leading-edge models—will benefit supply chain practitioners, forecasters, and analysts looking to go the extra mile with demand forecasting. Events around the book Link to a De Gruyter Online Event in which the author Nicolas Vandeput together with Stefan de Kok, supply chain innovator and CEO of Wahupa; Spyros Makridakis, professor at the University of Nicosia and director of the Institute For the Future (IFF); and Edouard Thieuleux, founder of AbcSupplyChain, discuss the general issues and challenges of demand forecasting and provide insights into best practices (process, models) and discussing how data science and machine learning impact those forecasts.The event will be moderated by Michael Gilliland, marketing manager for SAS forecasting software:
De Gruyter The Radical Innovation Playbook: A Practical Guide for Harnessing New, Novel or Game-Changing Breakthroughs
The Radical Innovation Playbook: A Practical Guide for Harnessing New, Novel or Game-Changing Breakthroughs The only guide you will need on creating, planning, and launching a radical innovation project. Innovation is a must if you want your company to adapt and overcome the market's rapid change in this highly competitive world. Innovation can drive growth and revenue, whatever the size of your business – whether a micro-company, SME, or multinational. But while the more commonly tried and tested incremental innovation can save time, costs and enable a company to be more sustainable, breakthrough and radical innovation (the creation of new, far-reaching, and novel ideas) can generate between two to five times as much revenue within the same period. The challenge is that breakthrough and radical innovation are hard: they require unique capabilities, structures, approaches, success metrics, and cultures to succeed. Launching radical projects without a strategic approach risks you burning through time and money without anything to show for it. The Radical Innovation Playbook is a practical, how-to-do-it manual with tested advice and guidance on planning, creating, and successfully launching new innovative business ideas. Authors Olga Kokshagina, an innovation practitioner, researcher, and advocate for open science and entrepreneurism and Allen Alexander, an Associate Professor with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurism, provide insight, practical solutions, and reusable business model canvases to show how to develop breakthrough and radical ideas while steering through the culture of the organisation to gain buy-in from peers as well as stakeholders. In this playbook, you will learn how to:Discover new innovative ideas and emerging market opportunities;Find evidence that your innovation idea has business viability;Make vital decisions about how to plan and design your innovation project;Generate alternatives to your proposition;Explore, collect and analyse information to influence and convince others;Identify, navigate, and embrace uncertainty;Engage with peers and stakeholders;Reflect on how your organisation supports ideation processes;Discover, explore and secure investment;Gain confidence and skills for a successful launch;Diversify into new markets and commercial channels;Build a business structure that enables innovation to grow;Inspire and support future generations to make an impact and achieve success. This book is for you if: You are a first-time innovator looking for guidance and help in understanding how to take your fledgling ideas forward; A CEO or senior manager looking to invest in and devise your next-generation corporate innovation portfolio; You need to tailor your organisational structure to explore and deliver successful innovations. The Radical Innovation Playbook is a practical guide, presented in striking colour, with downloadable worksheets and canvases to help you collect, analyse, plan and launch a successful breakthrough or radical innovation project. Events around the book Link to a De Gruyter Online Event in which the authors Olga Kokshagina and Allen Alexander together with John Bessant, University of Exeter Business School, and Carina Leue-Bensch, Lufthansa Systems, talk about their own experiences in creating environments and models for radical innovation:
De Gruyter Ethical Leadership: Moral Decision-making under Pressure
Ethical leadership does not simply emerge from a code of conduct, a good school, or a host of good intentions. It is an individual choice, or rather a series of choices that emerges from the complex interaction of personal values with social imperatives. This book explores how and why some people become ethical leaders in morally challenging and complex social environments. In Ethical Leadership, Aidan McQuade provides insight into the concept of human agency – the individual’s choice of a course of action in response to the options posed by that individual’s engagement with the social world. He puts forth a new model of human agency – the "cruciform of agency" – which recognises that the potential range of individual action emerges from the nature of the resonance that social options strike with personal thoughts. Every action adds to the individual’s personal biography in ways that influence subsequent choices by confirming or changing personal values and hopes, hence influencing the way the individual subsequently thinks about the world. In explaining the potential and limits of human agency for ethical leadership, the book establishes a basis for executives, policy makers and academics to conceptualise and develop more robust and realistic approaches for the mitigation of some of the most pressing moral issues facing humanity today. These include the inter-related challenges of modern slavery and global warming, which pose such critical threats to the Earth itself. In this book McQuade not only sets an agenda for action but empowers individual leaders to find the moral courage to better advance human rights and preserve the environment even when such action requires unpopular choices. Events around the book Link to a De Gruyter Online Event in which the author and independent human rights consultant Aidan McQuade together with Bernd Vogel, Director of the Henley Centre for Leadership at Henley Business School, Joanne Murphy, Director of Research & Co-Director of the Centre for Leadership, Ethics & Organisation at Queen’s Management School; Ambassador Luis C. deBaca, Professor from Practice, University of Michigan Law School discuss topics such as: what potentially deters leaders from making ethical decisions; what can they draw upon both internally and externally to do the right thing when doing so may be unpopular; how, in the light of fake news, can leaders communicate ethically; and much more:
De Gruyter Die deutsche Kunst und die Denkmalpflege: Ein Bekenntnis
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter Andrea Orcagna und Nardo di Cione: Eine stilgeschichtliche Untersuchung
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter Sankt Georg die Wehrkirche zu Rastenburg
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter Die Heutigen Aufgaben der Kunstwissenschaft
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter Die braunschweigischen Schlösser der Barockzeit und ihr Baumeister Hermann Korb
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
De Gruyter Die Zeit von 1350 bis 1400
Dieser Titel aus dem De Gruyter-Verlagsarchiv ist digitalisiert worden, um ihn der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zugänglich zu machen. Da der Titel erstmals im Nationalsozialismus publiziert wurde, ist er in besonderem Maße in seinem historischen Kontext zu betrachten. Mehr erfahren Sie .>
de Gruyter Enki and the World Order
de Gruyter Art and Drama on a Late Medieval Rood Screen
de Gruyter Canon Fanfiction