Search results for ""Author Iris""
Little, Brown & Company Magical Explorer Vol. 8 light novel Reborn as a Side Character in a Fantasy Dating Sim
Little, Brown & Company Magical Explorer Vol. 7 light novel Reborn as a Side Character in a Fantasy Dating Sim
Marino Hanamura receives an urgent request for assistance from Amaterasu Girl''s Academy, where countless students have lost their powers in an act of Magic Terrorism. Fortunately, Marino knows just the person to help resolve the incident: Kousuke Takioto. With a little help from some angel magic, Kousuke becomes a girl and transfers into Amaterasu Girls' Academy to get to the bottom of things.
Tusquets Editores Brasil
Tristão Raposo es negro, tiene 19 años, chulea por la playa de Copacabana y va armado de una hoja de afeitar, atracando aquí y allá para capear el hambre. Isabel Leme es blanca, rica, acaba de salir de un colegio de monjas y tiene 18 años cuando Tristão, al verla pasar en biquini, piensa : Esta muñeca está hecha para mí. Pese a la salvaje rapacidad de la pobreza, él parece casi sofisticado ; ella, hecha a la lógica y el bienestar del poder, va pisando fuerte por la vida. Pero, en cuanto sus cuerpos se juntan, él verdugo y ella víctima, los dos intuyen ya que el desenlace de aquel asalto no será otro que una pasión sin límite. Inspirándose en la leyenda de Tristán e Isolda, Updike nos embarca en la extraordinaria odisea que, por las junglas de Brasil, tanto las de asfalto como las otras, emprende la pareja hacia los abismos del alma y de la miseria en su constante huida de los esbirros del padre de Isabel.Nada podrá detenerlos en un paí
Siruela El fuego y el Sol por qu Platn desterr a los artistas
En este libro, basado en las conferencias que dictó en Roma en 1976, Iris Murdoch examina la visión de Platón sobre el arte y, en particular, las razones de la manifiesta hostilidad del filósofo hacia él.Para ello la autora, al tiempo que realiza un sintético recorrido por los elementos que fundamentan las teorías platónicas sobre la Belleza, busca una explicación al hecho de que el pensador griego atribuyera tanta importancia en su obra al papel que desempeña la Belleza, pero, paradójicamente, denigrara a los artistas. Apoyándose en el contraste entre las engañosas sombras del fuego de la Caverna y la luz del sol, iluminadora de la Verdad, Murdoch pone de relieve la labor primordial que desempeñan los creadores en la revelación de lo trascendente.Su certero examen se ve además enriquecido con las ideas sobre esta inagotable y apasionante cuestión de figuras tan destacadas como Kant, Kierkegaard, Freud, Tolstói o Jane Austen.
Harrassowitz Altagypten in Braunschweig: Die Sammlungen Des Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museums Und Des Stadtischen Museums
Grand Central Publishing Smokescreen
Syracuse University Press Family and Court: Legal Culture and Modernity in Late Ottoman Palestine
This book challenges prevailing assumptions about family, courts of law, and the nature of modernity in Muslim societies against the backdrop of Haifa and Jaffa during ""the long nineteenth century"". The popular image of the family and the court of law in Muslim societies is one of traditional, unchanging social frameworks. Iris Agmon suggests an entirely different view, grounded in a detailed study of nineteenth-century Ottoman court records from the flourishing Palestinian port cities of Haifa and Jaffa. She depicts the Sharia Muslim court of law as a dynamic institution, capable of adapting to rapid and profound social changes - indeed, of playing an active role in generating these changes. Court and family interact and transform themselves, each other, and the society of which they form part. Agmon's book is a significant contribution to scholarship on both family history and legal culture in the social history of the Middle East.
Random House USA Inc And the Desert Blooms
Random House USA Inc Touch the Horizon
Random House USA Inc Capture the Rainbow
Random House USA Inc Return to Santa Flores: A Classic Love Story
Random House USA Inc Blue Velvet: A Classic Love Story
Rhino Verlag Die Wasser der Ilm Eine kleine Geschichte Thringens
Friedenauer Presse Rede vom Glck Discours sur le bonheur Mit einer Anzahl Briefe der Mme du Chatelet an den Marquis de SaintLambert
BusinessVillage GmbH Bei allem Respekt
Deutscher Apotheker Vlg Schilddrsenerkrankungen Struma HypoHyperthyreose HashimotoThyreoiditis Morbus Basedow Ernhrung
FISCHER Sauerländer Duden Duden 18 Extradick federleicht 100 allererste Dinge vom Bauernhof
Pustet Anton Haie im Alpenvorland
Otto Müller Verlagsges. Leuchtende Schatten
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Partizipation Und Wissensaufbau Beim Lösen Von Textaufgaben
Franckh-Kosmos Garten einfach günstig
Franckh-Kosmos Blumenbeete
Kümmerly und Frey Lago Maggiore Wanderfhrer Mit 50 Touren und Outdoor App
De Gruyter Marginale Zeichentechniken: Pause, Abklatsch, Cut&Paste als ästhetische Strategien in der Vormoderne
Motorisch-mechanische Zeichentechniken wie Pause, Abklatsch und Cut&Paste gehören zu den elementaren Werkstattpraktiken der Vormoderne. Sie wurden ebenso in der Ausbildung wie von renommierten Künstler:innen wie Leonardo, Dürer, Michelangelo und Rubens eingesetzt, um Entwürfe zu verändern, den Motivvorrat zu erweitern und neue Kunstwerke herzustellen. In der damaligen Kunsttheorie waren sie jedoch weitgehend unbedacht oder gar herabgesetzt. Nur wenige Positionen der Wertschätzung bis hin zur entschiedenen Nobilitierung von Abklatschen im 18. Jahrhundert sind zu verzeichnen. Die Diskrepanz zwischen der Bedeutung der Zeichentechniken in der Praxis und ihrer Thematisierung in der Kunsttheorie blieb lange unbeachtet. Der vorliegende Band unternimmt in dieser Hinsicht eine unverzichtbare Neuperspektivierung der Zeichnungsforschung und bindet dabei transdisziplinäre Kontexte wie kunsttechnologische und philosophische Gesichtspunkte ein.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Dialog Neue Generation Band 1 Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Dialog Neue Generation Band 3 Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Privet Hallo 02 Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick Erstlesen Lesen 01 Westliche Bundeslnder
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick Erstlesen 2 Lesen Westliche Bundeslnder
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Klick Erstlesen Lesen und Sprache Arbeitsheft Teil 4 stliche Bundeslnder und Berlin
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Mittendrin Band 2 78 Schuljahr BadenWrttemberg Schlerbuch
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Biologie 78 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft Regelschule Thringen
fontis Engelspost
Rethink Press Team Magic: Eleven Magical Ways for Winning Teams
Grand Central Publishing The Persuasion
St. Martin's Press Mind Game: An Eve Duncan Novel
MIT Press Ltd Melancholy Wedgwood
Ebury Publishing Colourful
Iris Apfel's legacy29 August 1921 to 1 March 2024.In the summer of 2023, as Iris Apfel welcomed her 102nd birthday, she put pen to paper to write this very special project: what Iris called her legacy book.Comprising of over 200 personal photos and adorned with beautiful, unseen fabric patterns from her Old World Weaver's collection, Iris's incredible energy radiates from every page. Here she shares her creative work, life stories, adventures, and her unwavering belief in the essential power of colour and creativity on a life well lived.''It has been an honour to know and to learn from Iris.'' Ruvén Afanador''A force of nature.'' Tommy Hilfiger''One of the industry's oldest tastemakers.'' VogueThis is not a book of secrets I have no secrets. Sorry to disappoint if that's what you're looking for. I have some good stories though. And a few ideas. This book is about living, creating and colour
Penguin Books Ltd The Merchant of Prato: Daily Life in a Medieval Italian City
This extraordinary re-creation of the life of a medieval Italian merchant, Francesco di Marco Datini, is one of the greatest historical portraits written in the twentieth century.Drawing on an astonishing cache of letters unearthed centuries after Datini's death, it reveals to us a shrewd, enterprising, anxious man, as he makes deals, furnishes his sumptuous house, buys silks for his outspoken young wife and broods on his legacy. It is an unequalled source of knowledge about the texture of daily life in the small, earthy, violent, striving world of fourteenth-century Tuscany.'Datini has now probably become most intimately accessible figure of the later Middle Ages ... brilliant and intricate' The Times'As a picture of Tuscany before the dawn of the Renaissance it is a complement to The Decameron' Sunday Times
Grand Central Publishing Captive
Eye of Newt Books Faeries of the Faultlines
"Iris Compiet is the rarest of artist: That who invokes a complete and cohesive reality with every image she creates. Beautiful, powerful and contemplative all at once." — Guillermo Del Toro Let me tell you about Faeries, let me take you away on a journey, an adventure. The Faultlines is an ancient name given to those places where the veil between this world and the Other is thinnest. It is the place where faeries dwell, creatures creep, and magic oozes through the cracks. Recently the Faultlines have been stirring, opening up to all who wish to see, and to all who dare to venture... This edited, expanded edition of Faeries of the Faultlines includes the complete original documentation from the greenmen to mermaids, with expanded sections and many more faeries to meet!
Penguin Books Ltd Existentialists and Mystics: Writings on Philosophy and Literature
Best known as the author of 26 novels, Iris Murdoch was also an accomplished essayist and critic who taught philosophy for many years at Oxford University. This work gathers for the first time in one volume her most influential essays and shorter pieces. Included are her major critiques of existentialism written in the 1950s, her two Platonic dialogues on art and religion, incisive evaluations of the writings of T.S. Eliot, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Simone de Bauvoir, and Elias Canetti, as well as key texts on the continuing importance of the sublime, on the concept of love, and of the role great literature can play in curing the ills of philosophy. This volume confirms Iris Murdoch's major contributions to the literature and thought of the 20th century.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kundenindividuelle Massenproduktion: Entwicklung, Vorbereitung der Herstellung, Veränderungsmanagement
Everyman The Sea, The Sea & A Severed Head
First published in 1961, The Severed Head is regarded is one of Iris Murdoch’s most entertaining works. A dark and ferocious comic masterpiece, the novel traces the turbulent emotional journey of Martin Lynch-Gibbon, a smug, well-to-do London wine merchant and unfaithful husband, whose life is turned inside out when his wife leaves him for her psychoanalyst. In The Sea, the Sea the landscape shifts to the seclusion of an isolated house on the edge of England’s North Sea, where Charles Arrowby, a big name in London’s glittering theatrical world, has retired to write his memoirs. Arrowby’s plans begin to unravel when he meets his first love and becomes haunted by the idea of rekindling his adolescent passion. The Severed Head and Booker prize-winner The Sea, the Sea are two of Iris Murdoch’s most accomplished novels, displaying all her talent for combining profundity with playful creativity. Both tragic and comic, brooding and hilarious, they brilliantly reveal how much our lives are governed by the lies we tell ourselves as well as our all-consuming desire for love, significance and, ultimately, redemption.
Austin Macauley Publishers Jumper