Search results for ""peeters publishers""
Peeters Publishers Faith and Society - Foi Et Societe - Geloof En Maatschappij: Acta Congressus Internationalis Theologici Lovaniensis 1976
Peeters Publishers L'Evangile De Luc - The Gospel of Luke: Revised and Enlarged Edition of "L'Evangile De Luc. Problemes Litteraires Et Theologiques" (1973)
Peeters Publishers The Minor Agreements of Matthew and Luke Against Mark with a Cumulative List
Peeters Publishers Liber Amicorum Monseigneur Onclin: Actuele Thema's Van Kerkelijk En Burgerlijk Recht - Themes Actuels De Droit Canonique Et Civil
Peeters Publishers Gregory Barhebraeus Ethicon (Memra I): T.
The first book of the Ethicon of Gregory Barhebraeus (d. 1286) contains a description of a number of ascetical practices such as the manner of saying prayers, reading spiritual books, reciting psalms, fasting, living in seclusion, pilgrimage, etc. Barhebraeus' description is partly based on Greek and Syriac authors on the spiritual life. The originality of the work, however, lies in it being influenced by Islamic authors such as Al-Ghazali and B. Sina. This influence causes Barhebraeus to pay attention to basically Islamic concepts as sama, dhikr, etc. Much attention is given to the identification of the sources. In a special appendix one finds the parallel texts of Al-Ghazali's Ilhya 'ulum aldin and the first book of Barhebraeus' Ethicon.
Peeters Publishers The Armenian Commentary on Genesis Attributed to Ephrem the Syrian: V.
Peeters Publishers George, Bishop of the Arabs. A Homily on Blessed Mar Severus, Patriarch of Antioch: T.
The Homily on Blessed Mar Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, presents a critical edition of the Syriac text with English translation of this vita in memra form composed by George, Bishop of the Arabs (ca. 725). Both volumes are accompanied by introductions. The first describes the manuscripts, which range in date from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries, and it establishes a stemma. The text is furnished with an index of Greek cognates. The introduction to the second volume discusses the rhetorical structure, literary sources and theological themes of the homily and evaluates its ascription to George of the Arabs. The translation volume contains Biblical, literary and onomastic indices and a bibliography.
Peeters Publishers Giyorgis di Sagla. Il Libro del Mistero (Mashafa Mestir), II: T.
Il Libro del Mistero (Mashafa Mestir) e un'opera originale etiopica composta da uno dei piA' grandi teologi etiopici, Giyorgis di Sagla, nella prima meta des secolo XV, in quel periodo della storia etiopica carico di avvenimenti politici e di roventi dispute religiose interne. Il Libro del Mistero non fu composto per esigenze pastorali, ma apologetiche; si tratta infatti di un'opera compasta per difendere la dottrina ufficiale della Chiesa etiopica dell'epoca, combattendi i "falsi maestri" etiopici nella persona dei piA' noti antichi eresiarchi. In pratica il Libro del Mistero raccoglie in se, tranne che per alcuni punti controversi, la dottrina ufficiale della Chiesa etiopica. Quanto all sua importanza, e ulteriormente sottolineata dal fatto che, nell'aspro conflitto des secolo XVII tra i Gesuiti ed il clero etiopico, il Libro del Mistero ha costituito la base delle discussioni.
Peeters Publishers Die Katholischen Briefe in der Koptischen (Sahidischen) Version: T.
Die im Jahr 1910 in Harabt Hamuli aufgefundenen koptischen Handschriften brachten nicht nur den Koptologen bzw. Agyptologen unermesslichen Gewinn, sondern wenigstens in gleichem Masse auch den Theologen. Wenn der Autor hier die Handschrift M 572 der Pierpont Morgan Library zu New York und den zu demselben Codex gehorenden Teil in Kairo, Koptisches Museum Nr. 3813, vorlegt, so hat das seinen Grund im Inhalt des Codex und im Handschriftenbestand zu den Katholischen Briefen. Denn einerseits sind die Katholischen Briefe in der Sammlung des Neuen Testaments bislang sowohl von den Koptologen als auch Theologen stets vernachlassigt worden, andererseits besitzen wir nur eine einzige sahidische Handschrift mit dem vollstandigen Text der Katholischen Briefe, die in diesem Buch erstmals der Offentlichkeit vorgestellt wird.
Peeters Publishers La Caverne Des Tresors. Version Georgienne: V.
Peeters Publishers Vie De Samu'el De Debra Halleluya: T.
Peeters Publishers Church and Order: A Reformed Perspective
Church and order. A reformed perspective. are the Onclin lectures given at the Faculty of Canon Law in Leuven during February 1998. The first four chapters give a perspective on the fundamental principles of Reformed Church Government. Follows a discussion of what a Church Order as a document of order in the church is all about - its scope, its authority, its relationship to Holy Scripture etc. The last chapter is a reflection on how the rights of people can and should be protected in reformed churches - a burning issue in our day. The book is also an attempt to take note of canon law developments within the Roman Catholic Church and also to contribute to the dialogue between Rome and the churches of the reformation.
Peeters Publishers The Epistle of Humanity of Emperor Zar'A Ya Eqob: V.
Peeters Publishers The Book of Jubilees. A Critical Text: T.
Peeters Publishers The Book of Jubilees: V.
Peeters Publishers Die Geschichte Des Lebna-Dengel, Claudius Und Minas: T.
Peeters Publishers Une Traduction Arabe De La Collection D'Apophthegmata Patrum De 'Enaniso'
Peeters Publishers Vie De Georges De Sagla: V.
Peeters Publishers Vie De Georges De Sagla: T.
Peeters Publishers La Caverne Des Tresors. Les Deux Recensions Syriaques: V.
Peeters Publishers Le Commentaire Sur Genese-Exode 9, 32 Du Manuscrit (olim) Diyarbakir 22: T.
Peeters Publishers Geronticon: V.
Peeters Publishers Geronticon: T.
Peeters Publishers Das Annalenwerk Des Eutychios Von Alexandrien. Ausgewahlte Geschichten Und Legenden Kompiliert Von Sa'id Ibn Batriq Um 935 A.D.: V.
Peeters Publishers Textes Armeniens Relatifs a S. Ephrem: V.
Peeters Publishers Les Versions Georgiennes D'Epiphane De Chypre. Traite Des Poids Et Des Mesures: T.
Peeters Publishers Asceticon: T.
Peeters Publishers Theodore Bar Koni. Livre Des Scolies: T.
Peeters Publishers Ostkirchengeschichte, III. Das Christentum in Europa und Asien im Zeitalter der Kreuzzuge
Peeters Publishers An Analysis of the Biblical Quotations of Ephrem in "an Exposition of the Gospel"
Peeters Publishers La Grande Polemique Antinestorienne De Yahya B. 'Adi, II: V.
Peeters Publishers The Penitence of Adam: T.
Peeters Publishers Ephrams Trinitatslehre Im Bild Von Sonne/Feuer, Licht Und Warme
Peeters Publishers La Vie Primitive De S. Antoine: T.
Peeters Publishers La Version Armenienne Des Oeuvres D'Aphraate Le Syrien, II: T.
Peeters Publishers Miracoli Di Zar'a Buruk: V.
Peeters Publishers Una Raccolta Di Opuscoli Calcedonensi (Ms. Sin. Syr. 10): V.
Peeters Publishers The Synodicon in the West Syrian Tradition, II: V.
Peeters Publishers The Synodicon in the West Syrian Tradition, II: T.
Peeters Publishers Materials for the Study of Georgian Monasteries in the Western Environs of Antioch on the Orontes
Peeters Publishers Byzantine Iconoclasm During the Reign of Leo III, with Particular Attention to the Oriental Sources
Peeters Publishers Handschriftliche Uberlieferung Der Memre-Dichtung Des Ja'qob Von Serug, II. Sammlungen: Der Bestand
Peeters Publishers Des Heiligen Ephraem Des Syrers Sermones, IV: V.
Peeters Publishers Des Heiligen Ephraem Des Syrers Sermones, IV: T.
Peeters Publishers Actes De Martha Krestos: T.
Peeters Publishers Commentaire D'Iso'dad De Merv Sur L'Ancien Testament, V. Jeremie, Ezechiel, Daniel: V.
Peeters Publishers Des Heiligen Ephraem Des Syrers Hymnen Auf Abraham Kidunaya Und Julianos Saba: V.
Peeters Publishers Vita Di Walatta Petros: V.