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Peeters Publishers Armeniens et Byzantins a L'epoque de Photius: Deux Debats Theologiques Apres le Triomphe de L'Orthodoxie
Face au conflit qui allait en s'aggravant entre les sieges de Constantinople et de Rome en 862, le patriarche Photius se tourna vers l'Armenie pour y chercher un soutien. Il esperait devenir lui-meme facteur d'unite chretienne au moment oA' la reconquete byzantine de l'Est anatolien paraissait imminente. L'auteur demontre que Photius a influence non seulement les relations de Byzance avec l'Occident, mais aussi les debats doctrinaux avec l'Orient. Il explore les sources patristiques de la politique ecclesiastique de Photius afin d'expliquer comment l'attitude de ce patriarche a l'egard des heterodoxes a permis la formulation d'un accord aussi singulier que celui de Sirakawan. La traduction commentee des documents armeniens concernant ce concile et la controverse qui le suivit est basee sur une nouvelle collation de manuscrits et accompagnee d'un lexique extensif. L'analyse du langage technique developpe par les auteurs armeniens lors de la domination arabe permet d'exposer comment evoluait l'articulation de la doctrine de l'Incarnation depuis les grandes controverses de l'epoque de Justinien. L'interpretation de ces textes et de leurs sources represente la premiere etude systematique de la christologie armenienne. Les divergences dogmatiques entre les Armeniens et les Byzantins sont mises en relation avec les differents criteres de l'orthodoxie soutenus par les deux Eglises.
Peeters Publishers La Version Armenienne Ancienne Des Homelies Sur Les "Actes Des Apotres" De Jean Chrysostome. Homelies I, II, VII, VIII: V.
Peeters Publishers Schooling and Society: The Ordering and Reordering of Knowledge in the Western Middle Ages
The present volume, number VI in the series "Groningen Studies in Cultural Change", offers a selection of papers presented at the International Conference 'Knowledge and Learning' held in Groningen in November 2001. It is the second of three volumes. The first (volume V in the series), entitled "Learned Antiquity: Scholarship and Society in the Near East, the Greco-Roman World, and the Early Medieval West" has been edited by Alasdair A. MacDonald, Michael W. Twomey and Gerrit J. Reinink. The third one (volume VII in the series) bears the title "Scholarly Environments: Centres of Learning and Institutional Contexts 1600-1960" and will be edited by Alasdair A. MacDonald and Arend H. Huussen.The present volume, "Schooling and Society: The Ordering and Reordering of Knowledge in the Western Middle Ages", contains new studies on a wide range of matters pertaining to scholarship (and to changes in scholarship, in the European West) from the early Middle Ages throught to the Renaissance and beyond. The disciplines discussed include: literature, philosophy, cultural history, and education.
Peeters Publishers La version arménienne ancienne des homélies sur les «Actes des Apôtres» de Jean Chrysostome. Homélies I, II, VII, VIII: T.
L'étude de la version arménienne des «Homélies sur les Actes des Apôtres» de Jean Chrysostome, contenue dans deux manuscrits, dont l'un reproduit une traduction intégrale faite en 1077 à partir du grec, est essentielle pour connaître l'original et, confirmant la nette supériorité de la recension dite «brute», aidera à parfaire une édition critique restée inachevée. Le volume 1 donne le texte arménien de quatre homélies établi à partir des deux manuscrits étudiés, avec les textes de colophons. Le volume 2 propose la traduction française, comporte une comparaison avec le grec et un lexique bilingue. L'analyse des procédés de traduction du XIe siècle, comparés à ceux de Ve «époque d'or» de la traduction arménienne, permet de montrer l'évolution syntaxique et lexicale de l'arménien. Quant aux écarts, dans cette version extrêmement littérale, ils attestent une spécificité arménienne et serviront la connaissance du christianisme oriental.
Peeters Publishers Ulucak Hoyuk: Excavations Conducted Between 1995 and 2002
Of the areas in Anatolia that have attested intensive Neolithic occupation, the western region is the least understood, with systematic investigations barely two decades old. Information concerning the west-central sector around Izmir is particularly limited and underlines the significance of the results from Ulucak, an ancient mound site, and the first Neolithic site to be excavated in this part of Anatolia. The Neolithic settlement is superimposed by the debris of three other main cultural periods, providing an important sequence for the Izmir region. From top to bottom the periods are: Late Roman - Early Byzantine (Period I), Early Bronze Age II (Period II), Late Chalcolithic Age (Period III) and Late Neolithic (Period IV). Of these the Late Neolithic settlement is the most significant, attesting to influences from the Aegean, the Balkans and the Konya Plain. This volume presents the results to date of this multi-disciplinary project, ranging from palaeogeography, through stratigraphy and settlement plans to an analysis of the finds, focusing especially on the Late Neolithic.
Peeters Publishers Hadewijch. Schrijfster - Begijn - Mystica
Hadewijch (ca. 1210-1260) is een figuur die, ook internationaal, blijft boeien. Als auteur is zij bijzonder creatief en artistiek. Als begijn behoort Hadewijch tot een revolutionaire vrouwenbeweging, gevormd door "godvruchtige vrouwen" die, zelfbewust, niet in het klooster en evenmin in het huwelijk willen treden. Geestelijk en materieel zelfstandig komen deze eerste begijnen - die dus nog niet de "begijntjes" van de latere begijnhoven zijn - in conflict met de maatschappelijke orde. Zo hebben zij de reactie te verduren van clerici, wereldlijke en kerkelijke gezagsdragers en officiele religieuzen. Als mystica stelt Hadewijch, naast het heerlijke aspect van de liefdesgemeenschap, ook de pijnlijke kant ervan in het licht: met de minnegenieting gaat volgens haar een steeds heviger verlangen gepaard; in de eenheid wordt het anders-zijn van de Geliefde des te sterker. De vereniging met God is dan ook geen geestverheffing die de mens onttrekt aan het mens-zijn. Het echte een-zijn bestaat, integendeel, in het samenspel van "rusten" in God en "werken in deze wereld", van "God met God zijn" en "mens met de Mens" (Jezus). "Als mens zult ge leven!" - dat is de keiharde kern van Hadewijchs leven en leer.
Peeters Publishers Armenian Paradigms: Revised and edited by Michael E. Stone
«Armenian Paradigms» provides a systematic presentation of the morphology of classical Armenian. Developed in the context of a course in Armenian at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, it serves as a pedagogical aid for any who are learning or reviewing classical Armenian. The booklet is invaluable for beginning students who need to see the full scope of grammatical forms arranged according to the parts of speech as well as for advanced students who want to a review.
Peeters Publishers Theologische Frauenforschung in Mittel-Ost-Europa - Theological Women's Studies in Central/Eastern Europe - Recherche Theologique Des Femmes En Europe Orientale Et Centrale
This ESWTR Yearbook is the first to be defined geographically. It gathers together articles by Eastern and Central European women theologians, reflecting on their context, their history and their identity. The book gathers papers from Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Slovenia, from Lutheran, Reformed, Orthodox, Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic perspectives. Central for many of the authors is the burning question of how identity is to be defined - for women, for believers, in the post-communist era. To read these papers is to be offered a fascinating glimpse of the multiplicity and complexity of the contexts and traditions which have shaped - and continue to shape - European churches and their theologies.
Peeters Publishers The Stone of Alciato / De Steen Van Alciato: Literature and Visual Culture in the Low Countries. Essays in Honour of Karel Porteman / Literatuur En Visuele Cultuur in De Nederlanden. Opstellen Voor Prof. Dr. Karel Porteman Bij Zijn Emeritaa
This voluminous book, which is a Festschrift in honour of Prof. Dr. Karel Porteman, contains 56 articles on the relationship between literature and the visual arts in the Low Countries. Visual culture is interpreted in the largest possible sense to reflect the wide range of topics and interests Karel Porteman specialized in. All sorts of bi-medial genres in the strictest sense (emblems, picture poems, frontispieces, illustrated broadsheets,...) allign with visual aspects of other literary genres, including theater. The subjects of the articles are not restricted in time: they deal with seventeenth century culture as well as modern subjects.
Peeters Publishers Zeger-Bernard Van Espen: At the Crossroads of Canon Law, History, Theology and Church-state Relations
The volume contains the text of 23 papers read at the colloquium (Louvain, 21st-23rd September 2000) on Zeger-Bernard van Espen (1646-1728), the most important canonist of the ancient Louvain University.Several contributions seek to gauge the influence of Van Espen in a number of European countries: France, Italy, Spain, the German Empire and the United Provinces. Van Espen's influence was not merely investigated from a geographical perspective. The question was also raised as to how well his ideas survived the passage of time. How was Van Espen viewed in the 19th century? How was he used or misused?Hitherto, those who inquired into the personality and work of Van Espen have treated him almost exclusively from a 'Jansenist' perspective. The present volume seeks to break through this one-sidedness by approaching the man and his work from a legal and theological viewpoint, and from that of canon law and ecclesiology.From Gratian's "Concordia discordantium canonum" to Van Espen's "Separando certa ab incertis explicare et conciliare": the Louvain canonist was eminently aware of the canonical tradition within which he developed and formulated his ideas. More than being a Jansenist or a regalist or a Gallican, Van Espen was a jurist, who thought and reasoned on the basis of the law and structures of the Church. The protection of "that which is right", including the subjective rights of clerics and lay people, was his subject, his goal and his duty. On the basis of a sincere scientific, historical and philological approach to canon law, he came to conclusions which did not necessarily correspond to Rome's views on Church and State, moral theology, law and ecclesiology. This is not merely attributable to his Jansenist, rigorist, Gallican and regalist prejudices in these sensitive areas, but, probably to a greater extent than has been assumed hitherto, to his training as an academic, as a jurist, and as a canonist.
Peeters Publishers La Predication Verbale Et Les Cadres Predicatifs
La predication est fondamentalement un acte de discours qui en francais est pris en charge generalement par un verbe (predicatif) et plus rarement par un adjectif, un nom ou une preposition en emploi predicatif. A la lumiere de deux theories grammaticales a la fois structurales et fonctionnelles developpees par Simon Dik et Robert van Valin, l'auteur met en evidence les proprietes aspectuelles et participatives de la "predication verbale" dans le sens particulier que confere a ce terme la "Functional Grammar". Ces deux types de proprietes constituent des facteurs semantiques interagissant sur la transitivite syntaxique.La mise en evidence de ces proprietes permet l'elaboration d'un classement hierarchise des predications verbales. En integrant les proprietes aspectuelles et participatives du lexique verbal, cet ouvrage vise a rapprocher les approches tant formelles que fonctionnelles de son articulation.L'analyse de la perte d'aptitude a la fonction predicative de differentes classes d'entrees verbales conduit en outre a l'elaboration d'un continuum de predicativite (auxiliarite). Et a travers trois etudes contrastives entre le francais et l'allemand, l'auteur montre finalement que certains traits structurants du lexique verbal francais se degagent le plus clairement a partir de la comparaison interlangue, fondee sur le recours a un large corpus de traductions.
Peeters Publishers Jerome Bosch Et Son Entourage Et Autres Etudes
Une part importante des communications du Colloque XIV pour l'etude de la technologie et du dessin sous-jacent dans la peinture a ete consacree a l'oeuvre de Jerome Bosch et de ses successeurs. L'exposition Bosch qui s'est tenue en 2001 a Rotterdam a suscite de nombreuses etudes. Le colloque en est grandement le reflet. Selon la tradition une autre part importante du colloque, et donc du volume des actes, a ete consacree a l'etude de l'oeuvre d'autres artistes et notamment les Primitifs flamands tels Van Eyck, Van der Weyden et Van der Goes. Plusieurs maitres italiens comme Perugino, Rafael, Leonardo, Mantegna, Bramantino et Luini ont aussi fait l'objet de communications. Selon la tradition, la bibliographie de l'infrarouge et du dessin sous-jacent pour les annees 2001 et 2002 cloture l'ouvrage.
Peeters Publishers L'esperance De La Raison
Les textes reunis dans le present recueil ont ete publies, au cours des vingt-huit dernieres annees, dans differentes revues et divers ouvrages collectifs. Chacun peut etre lu independamment des autres. Mais ils s'inscrivent tous dans une meme perspective, qu'ils tentent d'ailleurs de rendre explicite a partir de leurs points de vue particuliers respectifs. Ce recueil se situe dans le prolongement d'un autre ensemble de textes, qui a pour titre "Le temps du possible" et dans lequel il est question de l'auto-comprehension de la philosophie et de quelques themes relevant d'une perspective ontologique. Le dernier de ces textes a pour theme ce qui est indique dans le titre donne au recueil. Il evoque ce qui constitue l'horizon de ce recueil et ce qui lui donne son unite. Et il prepare la reflexion sur la raison qui est poursuivie dans le present recueil.
Peeters Publishers L'hermeneutique Theologique De Karl Barth: Exegese Et Dogmatique Dans Le Quatrieme Volume De La "Kirchliche Dogmatik"
L'ouvrage se propose d'analyser l'hermeneutique theologique dans le quatrieme volume de la "Kirchliche Dogmatik" (KD IV) de Karl Barth, sous l'angle du rapport entre exegese et dogmatique. L'analyse de l'hermeneutique biblique de KD IV met en evidence la maniere dont l'instance de l'interpretation biblique est tournee vers ce qui est a comprendre. L'examen de son hermeneutique dogmatique aboutit a l'identification de deux dimensions structurantes: la premiere, une sorte d'"hermeneutique de la facticite", donne a Barth d'expliquer la configuration formelle de sa theologie de la revelation; la seconde, une "hermeneutique de l'historicite", rend compte du deploiement materiel de sa christologie, determine par la prise en compte de l'historicite du Mediateur. En soulignant sa pertinence hermeneutique, l'ouvrage entend recevoir critiquement la theologie barthienne de maniere a degager, a l'encontre des jugements sommaires portes a son egard, la qualite de sa contribution a la definition de la theologie pour aujourd'hui.
Peeters Publishers Zij Schreven Geschiedenis: Historische Documenten Uit Het Oude Nabije Oosten (2500 - 100 V. Chr.)
"Zij schreven geschiedenis" is bedoeld als kennismaking met originele historische documenten uit het Oude Nabije Oosten, teksten die op de een of andere wijze belangrijke en interessante historische informatie bevatten. Die informatie vinden we, uiteraard, vooral in 'officiele' teksten die koningen lieten schrijven, zoals bouw-, wij- en triomfinscripties, annalen en edicten. maar eveneens in brieven van vorsten en bestuurders, in oorkonden die gebeurtenissen rapporteren en zelfs in wetenschappelijke teksten. Belangrijk zijn verder composities die de geschiedenis retrospectief beschrijven en soms interpreteren, zoals kronieken, profetische teksten, autobiografieen, de historische boeken van het Oude Testament en geschriften van klassieke auteurs. Tenslotte kunnen ook poetische teksten, zoals epen, legenden en hymnen, waarin koningen vaak centraal staan, historisch belangwekkend zijn, al gaan ze uiteraard veel vrijer met de geschiedenis om. Dat laatste geldt overigens in het algemeen voor zeer veel historische documenten uit de oudheid, waarvan het merendeel geen objectief-wetenschappelijk feitenrelaas geeft. De ideologie speelt in 'officiele' teksten vaak een rol, waardoor negatieve berichten worden vermeden en tegenstanders vaak in een kwaad daglicht worden gesteld, ter vergroting van de reputatie van de succesvolle eigen vorst. Soms is er echter wel degelijk sprake van objectieve feitelijkheid.In dit boek worden de vertaalde historische documenten in elke bijdrage voorafgegaan door een inleiding en gevolgd door een commentaar, waarbij de nadruk ligt op de betekenis van de tekst(en) en de historische implicaties. Een bijgevoegde literatuuropgave vergemakkelijkt nadere orientatie. De meeste teksten gaan vergezeld van een illustratie en dikwijls ook van een aparte kadertekst, waarin algemene historische informatie wordt gegeven over de hoofdpersoon of -personen in het behandelde 'historische document'. Enkele geografische kaarten achterin het boek bieden een handzaam overzicht van de verschillende gebieden waaruit de teksten afkomstig zijn.De grote varieteit van de gekozen teksten staat borg voor een boeiende staalkaart van historisch bronnenmateriaal uit het Oude Nabije Oosten.
Peeters Publishers Tacite Et Les Sources Des "Annales": Enquetes Sur La Methode Historique
Apres une presentation des sources possibles des "Annales" ainsi que des hypotheses qui ont ete emises a leur propos, l'ouvrage se pose la question de la connaissance qu'avait Tacite du passe ainsi que celle des techniques grace auxquelles il representait et faisait revivre celui-ci. Un examen de la notion de liberte (face aux garants, face aux princes) donne egalement a penser que son traitement des sources a pu trouver un fondement dans sa conception du role du senateur sous l'Empire. Deux eclairages particuliers sont encore apportes, d'abord a travers l'examen des passages ou il declare avoir recours a un garant ou reproduire une rumeur, ensuite a travers la comparaison avec les autres auteurs, specialement Suetone et Dion Cassius, qui ont traite de l'epoque julio-claudienne. Le but n'est pas tant de retrouver sa source pour tel ou tel passage que de comprendre sa maniere de proceder face a une documentation abondante.
Peeters Publishers Les Manuscrits Hebreux Dans L'Angleterre Medievale: Etude Historique Et Paleographique
Cet ouvrage est une etude paleographique et historique d'un corpus des manuscrits en caracteres hebraiques copies en Angleterre, avant l'expulsion des juifs en 1290. Une grande partiede ce corpus est constituee par des manuscrits bilingues hebreu-latin. Dans ces manuscrits, le texte hebreu - souvent de la Bible - est accompagne de sa traduction latine copiee en colonnes paralleles. Ces manuscrits sont l'oeuvre des scribes juifs et des scribes chretiens qui travaillaient en etroite collaboration. A travers une analyse des aspects materiels et techniques de la production de ces livres manuscrits, le present ouvrage contribue a notre connaissance de la communaute juive anglaise, et apporte des elements nouveaux a l'histoire des contacts intellectuels entre juifs et chretiens au Moyen Age.
Peeters Publishers Incredible Forgiveness: Christian Ethics Between Fanaticism and Reconciliation
Christian ethics is threatened today by two opposite dangers: on the one hand, violence by moral and religious fanatics and on the other hand, too-easy forgiveness and cheap grace. The main challenge of Christian ethics in the present context is how it can invite people to react powerfully against moral evil without becoming fanatical on the one hand, and how it can bring the Christian message of forgiveness and reconciliation without creating in people an attitude of moral indolence on the other hand. Such questions call for a wrestling with the dilemmas between justice and forgiveness. It also asks for dealing with tensions like taking the perspective of victims and of perpetrators and choosing between remembrance of the past and a common hope for the future. In eight contributions, internationally recognised scholars in the field of Christian ethics offer ways to approach this tension and to integrate both moral passion and mercy. Topics such as tolerance, radicalism, terrorism, forgiveness, non-violence, etc. are discussed from a Christian moral viewpoint. In a world so deeply shaken by forms of immense individual and collective evil, these are very delicate yet pressing matters. Readers will find in this book new perspectives to deal with these moral dilemmas and tensions in such a way that Christian ethics does not cool down into moral mediocrity nor become inflamed into moral terror, but can place itself in the service of justice and peace.
Peeters Publishers Wisdom and Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the Biblical Tradition
The volume contains the papers read at the 51st Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense (July 31 - August 2, 2002) dedicated to the study of the theme of Wisdom and Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the biblical tradition in general. The "Main papers" and some of the "Offered papers" have been thematically grouped in four parts.Part I comprises four articles dealing with the relationship between wisdom and apocalypticism in the Scrolls compared to the biblical tradition. Part II includes five papers which focus on specific wisdom compositions from Qumran, such as 1Q/4QMysteries, 4QInstruction, 4QTime of Righteousness, or the "Tractate of the Two Spirits" from the "Rule of the Community". The nine contributions of Part III analyse different aspects of biblical Wisdom compositions (in Qohelet, Sirach, and the Wisdom of Solomon) or of apocalyptic writings (in 1 Enoch and 4 Ezra) in the light of the Qumran Wisdom texts. Part IV groups six studies on several aspects of the Wisdom compositions from Qumran (messianic ideas, ecstatic worship, the beatitudes, or the fate of the righteous) which are directly relevant for the study of the New Testament.The articles are written in English (14), French (6), and German (4). Among the contributors are specialists of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Jean Duhaime, Torleif Elgvin, Armin Lange, Hermann Lichtenberger, Emile Puech, Eibert Tigchelaar) and of Early Judaism (e.g., John J. Collins, Daniel Harrington, Michael Knibb), as well as Old Testament scholars (e.g., Hainz-Josef Fabry, Maurice Gilbert, Klaus Koch).
Peeters Publishers Desirable God?
The human fascination with images, and the idolatry or idolization of images as the source of desire, passion and terror, is treated in this book. The first part enters more deeply into religious idolatry, past and present. It treats the biblical, the early-Jewish as well as the Christian views on monotheism and the prohibition against images, as source of authentic humanism or as source of intolerance and violence. In the second part, the focus shifts onto a number of contemporary, profane idols and gods: the nationalist fascination for one's own land and people, and the fear or hate towards foreigners; the rampant preoccupation with (genetic) health, in a context of body culture and aestheticization, of which the postmodern sport idols have become the great 'icons'; the current image- and screen-culture and all forms of audiovisual exorcisms; and last but not least the ongoing process of economization and globalization, with an expanding culture of 'branding' logos.
Peeters Publishers La Laine Et Le Parfum: Epinetra Et Alabastres. Forme, Iconographie Et Fonction. Recherche De Ceramique Attique Feminine
Le travail de la laine et les soins de beaute constituaient deux aspects majeurs dans la vie de la femme athenienne des epoques archaique et classique. L'iconographie des vases grecs et les textes anciens nous fournissent de nombreuses informations aussi importantes que complexes, parfois meme contradictoires. La presente etude propose une nouvelle approche des problemes en analysant de facon systemique les representations decorant les epinetra , objets utilises pour le travail de la laine et les alabastres, vases a parfum destines aux femmes. La recherche part de trois questions essentielles: la forme et la fonction de l'epinetron et de l'alabastre, le statut des femmes utilisant ces objets et la relation entre la fonction de ces objets et de leur iconographie. Les resultats de l'enquete mettent en evidence les relations surprenantes entre la laine et le parfum; l'image de l'epouse legitime et celle de l'hetaire se croisent, s'opposent et s'attirent; enfin toutes les tensions qui agitent la societe athenienne, entre jeunes filles, femmes, ephebes et hommes murs, sont mises en evidence par les structures specifiques de cette imagerie.
Peeters Publishers Mystical Theology: The Glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grossetest No De Mystica Theologia
The treatise by the Pseudo-Dionysius "De Mystica Theologia" was translated into Latin in the ninth century, but it had to await the first decades of the thirteenth to receive interpretation and commentary. Thomas Gallus, a member of the Victorine School at Paris, glossed the Latin version of Iohannes Sarracenus in 1233. This new, critical edition and translation are based upon all five manuscripts, two of which are recent discoveries. The commentary by Bishop Grosseteste was made at Lincoln around 1242. It was based upon his new version of the Greek text. Both are published here with a translation.These earliest Latin commentators ventured a full-scale reappropriation of the contents of "The Mystical Theology". They explored the trans-conceptual ecstasy of the individual soul that passes through purification and illumination to union with God by means of an exceptional grace of divine love. Between them they provided the context which not only the later mystical theology of monastery and university but also the actual spiritual experience of countless souls was formed.
Peeters Publishers For East is East
The liber amicorum is a collection of 40 articles written by Polish, Russian, Belgian and French philologists about the themes of the jubilarian's interests and academic research: general linguistics, comparatism and etymology, relations between Poland and the World, modern Polish literature, Russian literature and culture (18-20th century). The contributions are representative for the varied horizon of historical, linguistic, literary and cultural interests of Prof. Skalmowski.
Peeters Publishers Cultural Repertoires: Structure, Function and Dynamics
It is apparent that every linguistic and literary tradition will wish to distinguish broad periods in its historical evolution. One way of demarcating such periods is by isolating and identifying dominant "repertoires" of texts, styles or types, which may be seen as preserving repositories of material, promoting literary models, privileging formal constraints, or inspiring theoretical reflections - or all of these. The present collection of studies represents the results of a colloquium held at the University of Groningen in 2001. The contributions range widely in area, time, and theme: from general theory of acceptation into the canon to particular case studies; from overall descriptions of cultural repertoires to their very manufacture; from Ancient Mesopotamia to the European avant-garde - taking in Homeric Greece, the Arabic world, the Middle Ages, Renaissance Humanism, and modern Dutch literature along the way.
Peeters Publishers L'aspect Verbal En Grec Ancien: Le Choix Des Themes Verbaux Chez Isocrate
La categorie verbale de l'aspect, tant en grec ancien que dans les autres langues, a toujours ete une question fort epineuse des etudes linguistiques. Aujourd'hui encore, ce sujet continue a poser de serieux problemes aux specialistes. La bibliographie est abondante, mais aussi tres confuse. En outre, la systematisation de cette categorie semble encore loin d'etre etablie. Dans le present ouvrage, nous avons voulu effectuer une etude sur l'aspect verbal en grec ancien. Nous avons soupconne que l'utilisation des differents aspects verbaux (aspect du theme du present, aspect du theme de l'aoriste, aspect du theme du parfait et aspect du theme du futur) etait en rapport avec des facteurs contextuels tres divers. Nous avons essaye de simplifier autant que possible la question complexe du concept d'aspect pour nous fixer sur les details textuels associes a l'utilisation des differents aspects. La methode utilisee s'est voulue descriptive et vise a faire le constat le plus objectif possible de tous les faits trouves. Elle s'appuie systematiquement sur les ressources informatiques (creation d'une base de donnees, application des methodes statistiques). Nous avons juge opportun de circonscrire le champ de notre etude a un seul auteur, l'orateur Isocrate (436-338 av. J.C.), et a un seul genre litteraire, l'Art Oratoire, ce qui constitue un large corpus d'un total de 14980 formes verbales analysees de differents points de vue (morphologiques, syntaxiques et lexicaux). Ainsi, l'ouvrage donne les resultats des frequences des tests realises d'apres un large eventail des facteurs contextuels mis a l'etude. Au moyen de la methode statistique du chi carre, nous avons compare les differents echantillons et nous avons propose des commentaires, du point de vue linguistique, des repartitions temporelles obtenues. Au terme de ce travail, nous pouvons considerer la methode utilisee comme ayant donne de tres bons resultats pour ce qui est de la comprehension du choix des themes verbaux: 95% des formes verbales analysees ont une utilisation temporelle qui, statistiquement, n'est pas aleatoire.
Peeters Publishers Disaster Ritual: Explorations of an Emerging Ritual Repertoire
People increasingly look to rituals after a disaster. A silent procession and a memorial service are carefully and observantly organised, preparations are begun for a lasting monument in memory of the victims, or people keep up the tradition of an annual commemoration. Remarkably enough, this ritual repertoire has received hardly any attention from researchers. This book is a report on the first exploration of these rituals which emerged particularly in the 1990s. The exploration focuses on the situation in the Netherlands. From the case studies analyzed a strikingly coherent and well-organised repertoire comes to light, which has become established in a rather short time. There appears to be interaction with both Dutch and international contexts (i.e., influence from the memorial rites after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, the 'Dutroux affair' in Belgium, and the rites after a series of episodes of street violence in the Netherlands), as well as with previous, more divergent ritual traces of a Christian-liturgical, general-religious and profane-secular nature. This study more particularly looks at disaster ritual from the perspective of contemporary ritual dynamics. As such, it makes a contribution to gauging the ritual-liturgical milieu today. To this end, the central concepts of disaster and ritual are first defined. Next follows an assessment, first in general through a survey of disasters in the Netherlands and other countries, then on the basis of five Dutch case studies, each of which illuminates a particular theme in disaster ritual, and two international case studies (the 'Estonia' ferryboat disaster and September 11). Then comes a more broadly conceived contextual and analytic chapter in which the general context of contemporary ritual developments is elaborated. The closing chapter has the nature of the familiar 'synthesis and perspective'.
Peeters Publishers The Letters of Baron Friedrich Von Hugel and Maude D. Petre
During the first decade of the twentieth century the Roman Catholic Church was shaken to its core by an intellectual reform movement, 'modernism', seeking radical changes in the traditional approaches to biblical studies, philosophy and theology. The repercussions of the church authorities' condemnations and repression of the so-callled modernist heresy persisted for more than half a century. Then, liberated by Pope John XXIII, himself suspected of being a modernist, the Second Vatican Council created the possibility for many modernist ideas to resurface and initiate a renewal of the church in the modern world. The present work contains the integral correspondence of the leader of this modernist movement, Baron Friedrich von Hugel to Maude D. Petre along with her two extant letters to him. The correspondence offers a unique glimpse into the history of the movement and an example of how its leading protagonist promoted the novel ideas of many of the seminal thinkers of the time among his friends and colleagues. Sadly, the letters also depict the often unchristian nature of the authorities' response and the subsequent suffering inflicted on some of the church's most critical but faithful and enlightened members.
Peeters Publishers Het Oorkondewezen Van Enige Kloosters En Steden in Holland En Zeeland 1200-1325. 2. Bijlagen, Afbeeldingen, Transcripties: 2 Delen
Peeters Publishers Persuasion and Dissuasion in Early Christianity, Ancient Judaism and Hellenism
In 2001, scholars working in the fields of early Christianity, ancient Judaism, and Hellenism at the Faculty of Theology of Utrecht University and the Catholic Theological University in Utrecht started a new research program called "Judaism, Christianity, and Hellenism in Interaction". To mark its start, a small conference on religious propaganda in antiquity was organized in January 2002; on this occasion the group presented itself, and some guests from abroad were also invited to join in. The ten conference papers have been brought together in this volume. The terms "persuasion" and "dissuasion" cover both "propaganda" and "protreptics" as well as "apologetics" and "polemics", and it is these four aspects of ancient religious discourse which are addressed. Persuasion and dissuasion have their natural setting in a context of cultural, or religious, interaction. The common aim of the papers is to contribute to the fascinating study of pluriform religious interaction in antiquity.
Peeters Publishers Iran: Questions Et Connaissances. Vol. II: Periodes Medievale Et Moderne
Ce deuxieme volume des Actes du IVe Congres Europeen des Etudes Iraniennes comporte trente-trois contributions traitant des epoques medievale et moderne dans le monde iranien, depuis l'arrivee de l'islam en Iran et en Asie centrale jusqu'a la formation des societes contemporaines. Comme dans le precedent volume, consacre a l'Iran ancien, les articles ici reunis sont presentes par themes: langue et litterature; histoire et archeologie; religion, philosophie et histoire des sciences; histoire de l'art.
Peeters Publishers International Code on Religious Freedom
The A"International Code on Religious FreedomA" encompasses the widest possible collection of international texts on the matter. They are grouped under three indexes, namely: a) index by GO's (United Nations, International Labour Organization, UNESCO, Council of Europe, European Union, Organization of American States, OSCE, African Union); b) index by "juridical source" (binding and non-binding international instruments); and c) chronological index. It also includes, as far as Islam is concerned, the "Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam" and "The Arab Charter on Human Rights", as well as, insofar as Asia is concerned, "The Seoul Recommendation on Democracy and Tolerance" and "The Asian Human Rights Charter". Besides international instruments, the A"CodeA" also presents the relevant elements of the case-law of the European and Inter-American Courts of Human Rights, with a direct bearing on the matter at issue, in such a way that the practical problems raised, and the solutions thereto, may be known by both specialists and non-legal readers. The A"CodeA" thus becomes a source of useful and indispensable consultation for all those interested in studying the theme, and of recurrent importance. The ultimate purpose of the A"International Code on Religious FreedomA" by Professor Michelangela Scalabrino is to foster a better understanding of what is meant by "religious freedom" in the domain of the International Law of Human Rights. It is hoped that the aforementioned A"CodeA" may also serve as a source of inspiration for representatives of States and entities of the civil society, as well as for leaders of religious faiths, in devising and assessing what they could or should do, in order to favour mutual respect for, and a spirit of tolerance and a better understanding of, each other's beliefs, to the ultimate benefit of all human beings and their religious faiths.
Peeters Publishers Les Experiences Romanesques De Prevost Apres 1740
Avec la publication de l'"Histoire d'une grecque moderne" en 1740, Prevost inaugure une nouvelle serie de romans plus courts, plus denses, aux fins deroutantes ("Histoire de la jeunesse du Commandeur", "Les Campagnes philosophiques", "Memoires d'un honnete homme"). Dans le meme temps, il s'interesse de nouveau a la matiere historique dans ses deux "histoires particulieres": "Histoire de Marguerite d'Anjou" et "Histoire de Guillaume le conquerant". La parution du "Monde moral" en 1760 est l'ultime tentative de Prevost pour renouveler le roman. Le present volume rassemble les communications des deux journees d'etudes organisees par le CERLAV 18 (Centre d'etudes et de recherches Litterature et Arts Visuels) a l'Universite de Paris III en janvier 2002. Les dix-huit communications se proposent d'explorer ces experiences romanesques engagees par Prevost a partir de 1740. Elles se repartissent en trois champs d'etude: les modes de l'imaginaire prevostien, les dispositifs et les intertextes romanesques, et le rapport de Prevost a l'Histoire.
Peeters Publishers Catalogue of the Greek Inscriptions in the Sudan National Museum at Khartoum
The book contains the edition of 123 Greek inscriptions kept in the Sudan National Museum in Khartoum. Two of them were monuments set up by Axumite kings in Meroe City after victorious campaigns carried out against the Meroitic state still before the official conversion of the Kingdom of Axum to Christianity in the middle of the 4th century. The remaining texts, in overwhelming majority epitaphs, are connected to the Nubian Christian culture flourishing between the 1st and the 6th Nile cataract from the 6th until the 14th/15th century. The inscriptions are presented in the geographical order from the north to the south. Each text is reproduced, edited (in many cases for the first time), translated and provided with an extensive commentary. The book opens with an introduction on the language, form and dating of the inscriptions. It is supplemented by ample indices and concordances. The book constitutes an indispensable instrument and material for every student of medieval Nubia. It shall also excite considerable interest among scholars researching Oriental Christianity and Greek epigraphy.
Peeters Publishers Ecce Homo: Schouwen Van De Weg Van Liefde/contemplating the Way of Love
In moderne kerken zijn kruiswegstaties vaak verdwenen of tot onderdeel geworden van een abstracte wandschildering of decoratief relief. Toch heeft het kruis de laatste tijd zijn traditionele plaats in het hart van de christelijke spiritualiteit teruggevonden. Juist in een tijd van geweld en onrecht zonder weerga krijgt het kruis betekenis als symbool van willekeurig geweld, van onrechtvaardige veroordeling van mensen, onderdrukking van het protest van de zwakken door belangengroepen die anderen in hun macht houden. Moderne mensen worden onophoudelijk geconfronteerd met Jezus die gefolterd, zwartgemaakt en tot zwijgen gebracht wordt. Dagelijks lezen wij in de krant en zien we op de televisie talloze berichten over oorlogen en zinloos geweld. In dit boek mediteren de zalige Titus Brandsma en de kunstenaar Albert Servaes over het lijden van Christus. De beroemde "tweede bekering" van Teresa kwam voort uit de beschouwing van een beeld van de "Ecce Homo" - een van die realistische Spaanse afbeeldingen die ons het bloed en de wonden waarmee het heilig lichaam overdekt is, niet besparen. De meditaties van Titus Brandsma over het lijden vormen een onderdeel van deze traditie waarin een levendig gebruik van de verbeelding ertoe dient om de werkelijkheid van Jezus' lijden op te roepen. Zijn overwegingen worden echter niet bij toeval in herinnering gebracht, want zij zijn meditaties bij de staties van de kruisweg van de schilder, Albert Servaes. De details van zijn overwegingen worden bepaald door de zwart op wit houtskooltekeningen van de kunstenaar. Dit boek presenteert een meesterwerk van de Vlaamse kunst gekoppeld aan de geestelijke reflecties van een vooraanstaand religieus personage uit Nederland. Beide zijn het resultaat van de overweging van Jezus' weg van de liefde. Servaes tekent in zichtbare beelden wat Titus Brandsma heel zijn leven innerlijk overwogen en geleefd heeft. Brandsma ziet in de kruisweg van Servaes een vorm van kunst die kan helpen om tot de ware contemplatie van de lijdende Christus te komen. Een zalige die mediteert bij een kruisweg die door Rome verboden wordt omdat het lijden te menselijke trekken vertoont.In recent times the cross has once more assumed its traditional place at the heart of Christian spirituality. To an age of unprecedented violence and injustice the cross makes sense as the symbol of arbitrary violence, unjust condemnation, suppression of the protest of the weak by powerful vested interests. Jesus, tortured, calumniated and silenced, has a familiar look to the modern person. Teresa of Avila's famous "second conversion" resulted from contemplating a statue of the "Ecce homo" - one of those realistic Spanish ones not omitting the blood and wounds covering the sacred body. To beginners in prayer, practicing meditation, she recommends the use of the imagination to picture Jesus, especially in his passion. Albert Servaes (1883-1966) is the leading representative of Expressionism in Belgian painting. Here we have a great piece of Flemish art matched with the spiritual thoughts of Brandsma. Titus meditating on the passion of the Lord, and calling attention to the place of the cross in prayer. These meditations on the passion stand wholly in this tradition of the vivid use of the imagination in order to evoke the reality of Jesus' sufferings. The details of his thoughts are determined by the artist's black on sepia drawings and are completely understood only by reference to them. No doubt the grim expressionist statement of the theme brought home with extra force to Titus' mind the frightful nature of the crucifixion.
Peeters Publishers Zwarte Indianen En Hun Symbolen: Het Magisch-religieuze Systeem Van De Garifuna Van De Baai Van Tela, Honduras
Dit boek is gebaseerd op de resultaten van langdurig en intensief antropologisch veldwerk onder de Garifuna van de Baai van Tela gelegen aan de Atlantische kust van de Centraal-Amerikaanse Republiek Honduras. Het is de eerste uitvoerige studie van het magisch-religieuze systeem van dat volk dat ontstond in de zeventiende eeuw op het eiland San Vicente uit de kruising van een Afrikaanse en een Amerindiaanse populatie.Een eerste deel behandelt de geschiedenis, het identiteitsbesef, de sociale structuur, het economisch leven en de fundamentele beginselen van het waardesysteem van de Garifuna. Speciale aandacht wordt besteed aan de manier waarop deze kustbewoners de ruimte omvormen tot woongebied en aan de symbolisering van dat proces. In een tweede deel worden de verschillende bewoners van het Garifuna pantheon voorgesteld: God, Christus en de katholieke heiligen huizen er zij aan zij met traditionele natuurgeesten, hulpgeesten en voorvaderen. Waar vroegere studies nauwelijks melding maakten van de duivel, stelt dit onderzoek ruim de specifieke bemiddelende functie in het licht die dat personage vervult in het dagelijkse leven van een bevolking ten prooi aan de gevolgen van diepgaande socio-culturele verandering. Deel drie handelt over het Garifuna sjamanisme, terwijl het laatste deel gewijd is aan de religieuze rituelen, in het bijzonder aan de bij de Garifuna zo belangrijke dodencultus met als hoogtepunt de "dugu". Het was bekend dat bij de Garifuna sjamanen bedrijvig zijn, maar in dit boek worden voor het eerst de roeping, de vorming, de activiteiten, de sociale positie en het sexueel statuut van deze religieuze experten, evenals hun verhouding tegenover het christendom, uitvoerig beschreven. Ook van het dagenlange complexe "dugu" ritueel vindt men hier de eerste uitgebreide beschrijving en dito interpretatie.De brede eruditie, de voortdurende aandacht voor de diachronische dimensie, de voorbeeldige gedetailleerde etnografie, de gedurfde maar evenwichtige interpretatie van de symbolische aspecten van de cultuur, de diepgang van de psychologische analyse en van de antropologische inzichten maken "Zwarte indianen en hun symbolen" tot een standaardwerk onder de Caribische studies en voor lange jaren de referentie voor alle verder onderzoek bij de Garifuna. Voor niet-specialisten vormt de lectuur van dit vlot geschreven boek bovendien een boeiende en verrassende ontdekkingstocht.
Peeters Publishers De Hysterie Van De Geest: Melancholie En Zwaarmoedigheid in Het Pseudonieme Oeuvre Van Kierkegaard
Het oeuvre van de Deense filosoof S. Kierkegaard is als geen ander met het thema van de melancholie verbonden. Op vele plaatsen en in vele opzichten komt het onderwerp in de pseudonieme werken ter sprake, en ook van Kierkegaard zelf is bekend dat hij als melancholicus door het leven ging. Maar hoewel de melancholie nauw verwant is met de cruciale begrippen van Kierkegaards gedachtegoed zoals ironie, angst en vertwijfeling, heeft Kierkegaard er zelf nooit een afzonderlijke studie aan gewijd. In dit boek wordt een poging ondernomen om door het kluwen van de pseudonieme werken heen een beeld te schetsen van Kierkegaards benadering van het fenomeen melancholie en er de verschillende gestalten van te onderzoeken. Na een inleidend onderzoek naar de wijsgerige receptie van het begrip melancholie doorheen haar complexe, historische ontwikkeling wordt duidelijk dat vooral de moderne figuur van de melancholie als 'zwaarmoedigheid' in Kierkegaards oeuvre ter sprake komt. Ook een grondige analyse van Kierkegaards wijsgerige antropologie verduidelijkt zijn bijzondere aandacht voor de zwaarmoedigheid als een zich afsluiten van het subject voor de concrete werkelijkheid waarin het leeft en handelt. Hoewel dit boek Kierkegaard vanuit een specifieke invalshoek benadert, kan het eveneens als een inleiding tot diens filosofie worden gelezen.
Peeters Publishers Education Et Instruction En Chine 3. Aux Marges De L'orthodoxie
Troisieme et dernier volume d'une serie consacree a l'instruction en Chine, "Aux marges de l'orthodoxie" regroupe huit etudes qui rappellent, pour des periodes allants des Royaumes Combattants au debut du XXe siecle que, si la litterature ecrite classique a predomine dans la formation du lettre, elle ne fut pas son seul moyen d'education. Avant que l'enseignement ne trouve un cadre fige a partir des Han, Confucius, le maitre par excellence, a pratique un enseignement itinerant dans une vie marquee par l'errance, faisant du voyage et de la mobilite le coeur de la formation "lettree". Une etude sur l'art de la cithare "qin" souligne toute l'importance des formations artistiques. Une autre revele l'existence d'un enseignement prive de tradition eremitique notamment avec le developpement des communautes bouddhistes sous les Six Dynasties, au sein desquelles se cotoyerent erudition classique et bouddhique. L'instruction d'une certaine ethique occupe une place importante dans ce volume, que ce soit a travers l'analyse d'un roman didactique des Ming, le "Roman de la conversion de l'Orient", ou du discours edifiant comme element majeur des recits en langue vulgaire au XVIIe siecle. Il est rappele que l'autorite du lettre ne passe pas uniquement par le discours, mais s'exerce aussi en dehors de toute lecon explicite, par une conduite ideale, par une attitude libre, degagee des opinions. Enfin, une place a ete accordee a la categorie marginale par excellence dans un milieu lettre essentiellement masculin: les femmes. Dans la Chine traditionnelle, elles apparaissent comme des etres qu'il fallait discipliner, eduquer par des histoires edifiantes, des reprimandes, comme le demontre l'analyse de nombreux recits des Six Dynasties consacres a la jalousie feminine, presentee comme une des emotions les plus caracteristiques des femmes. Un inventaire des manuels feminins du debut du XXe siecle met en evidence les conceptions de la femme propres a la Chine pour cette periode, ainsi que la perpetuation ou la remise en question de la tradition en la matiere.
Peeters Publishers Uurwerkmakers En Uurwerknijverheid in Vlaanderen
In zijn boek beschrijft Eddy Fraiture niet enkel de Vlaamse uurwerken en hun makers, maar verklaart hij ook aan de hand van historische en sociologische feiten, de opgang, de bloei en de teloorgang van de Vlaamse uurwerknijverheid. Nooit werd dit onderwerp zo uitvoerig en toegankelijk voor niet-specialisten behandeld. Wie had verwacht dat Vlamingen door Europa trokken om torenuurwerken te bouwen? Wie weet dat tijdens de 16de eeuw de Leuvense en Antwerpse bouwers van tijdmeetinstrumenten de beste ter wereld waren? Welke was de rol van het katholicisme en het protestantisme bij de terugval van de Vlaamse uurwerknijverheid? In dit boek vernemen we er alles over. Het laatste deel bevat de namen van meer dan 2100 Vlaamse uurwerkmakers, telkens met de voorhanden zijnde biografische gegevens en de vermelding van nog overgebleven horloges. Dit boek is een onschatbare informatiebron voor musea, uurwerkliefhebbers, verzamelaars en antiquairs, maar ook voor de Vlaming die wat meer wil weten over zijn cultureel uurwerkverleden.
Peeters Publishers Prosopographia Ptolemaica. Tome X: Foreign Ethnics in Hellenistic Egypt
Under the Ptolemies thousands of Greek-speaking foreigners were resident in Egypt: they were active in the armed forces, in the administration, in commerce. In official and notarial documents they are identified by their ethnic, i.e. their real or fictive origin outside Egypt. The present work provides a complete inventory of the ethnics, which refer to Greek city-states (e.g. 'Athenian', 'Syracusan'), but also to regions in Greece (e.g. 'Cretan', 'Thessalian') or elsewhere (e.g. 'Thracian', 'Jew'). The data are incorporated in the database of the "Prosopographia Ptolemaica" and offer a diversified view of the Greek presence in Egypt between 323 and 30 BC.
Peeters Publishers Jewish Culture and Society Under the Christian Roman Empire
This book investigates the complexity, diversity, uniqueness and enduring significance of Jewish life in the Christian Roman Empire, from 312 to 634 C.E. During this period there occurred an unprecedented Jewish cultural explosion, encompassing the compilation and/or composition of such texts as the Palestinian Talmud, the main aggadic midrashim, an extensive magical/mystical literature, the revived apocalypse, a vast corpus of piyyutim and the beginnings of a practically oriented halakhic literature. Furthermore, this was the era of the florition of Jewish art, for it was only in the fourth century that a specifically Jewish iconographic language came into common use in the synagogues and catacombs, the archeological remains of almost all of which date from this period. This volume moves toward a synthesizing and contextualizing view of the Jewish cultural production of late antiquity, examining the interaction of Jews, Christians and pagans and with the emergence of new religious forms generated by such interaction.
Peeters Publishers History of Vatican II: English Version Edited by J.a. Komonchak: Volume IV: Church as Communion. Third Period and Intersession. September 1964 - September 1965
This fourth volume of the "History of Vatican II" reconstructs the work of the Council during the third session, which was to produce two of the most significant texts, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church and the Decree on Ecumenism. As with previous volumes an international team of scholars tracks the daily progress of the assembly and its numerous assisting bodies. Using sources from all the Council's groups, as well as an unprecedented acquisition of previously unpublished documents, they provide the reader with a rich, multidimensional knowledge of the event that more than any other shaped the Roman Catholic Church.The enthusiasm of the two previous sessions had given way to a greater awareness of the enormity of the conciliar task. The general desire on the part of the bishops to conclude the Council with this third session added to the pressure from many sides to produce significant results. The agenda thus included many complex issues in various schemas, and none surrounded by more tension than the question of collegiality, which was the source of passionate debate in the previous session.Other issues to be taken up by the Council included discussions and votes on sections on eschatology and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the schema on the Church; on the care of souls in the schema on the pastoral role of bishops; an entirely new text on divine revelation; declarations on religious freedom and on the Jews in the schema on ecumenism, and two entirely new schemas on the lay apostolate and on the Church in the modern world. Many conciliar fathers were disappointed by events during the last days of this session (the "Black Week," some called it), and this created even greater interest in what would be the fourth and final session of Vatican II.
Peeters Publishers Guernes De Pont-Sainte-Maxence, La Vie De Saint Thomas De Canterbury, Vol. I
Les qualites d'historien qu'on reconnait a Guernes de Pont-Sainte-Maxence meritaient qu'on se penchat avec attention et minutie sur la seule oeuvre qu'on lui connaisse, surtout qu'elle n'est pas toujours d'un abord facile. Elle porte d'ailleurs sur un personnage de tout premier plan, et qui a inspire plus d'un ecrivain moderne: Thomas Becket. Parue en 1922, l'edition Walberg, pourtant reputee excellente et certes non denuee de merites ni d'interet, appelait en priorite une serieuse remise a jour du texte. Tout a ete controle aux sources, souvent remis en conformite avec elles, emende plus d'une fois differemment s'il le fallait, et ponctue de neuf. Une traduction s'imposait pratiquement; ce fut d'ailleurs le mobile du present travail. Et elle est demeuree opportune malgre celles qui ont ete publiees entre-temps, car elle se distingue des autres par des differences parfois importantes et par l'abondance des justifications, explications ou elements de discussion fournis dans les notes, qui occupent la majeure partie du tome II. La consultation et la recherche y seront facilitees par une serie de tables, consacrees respectivement aux rimes, aux references bibliques, aux proverbes et sentences, a l'intertextualite, aux noms propres, et a un index lexicologique et grammatical de pres de 1500 entrees.
Peeters Publishers "Vita", "Omilia", "Miracoli" Del Santo Gabra Manfas Qeddus: T.
Il libro contiene l'edizione critica e la traduzione, accompagnate da una Introduzione filologica e da una sul contenuto, della "Vita" di Gabra Manfas Qeddus (il secondo santo d'Etiopia per importanza, dopo Takla Haymanot) assieme ai suoi 13 miracoli tradizionali, ad una Omelia di uno Zena Gabre'el sulla sua infanzia, e a 4 miracoli compiuti in vita, ai quali l'Omelia, nei mss. che la contengono (v. sotto), appare strettamente collegata. L'edizione della "Vita" e dei "Miracoli" tradizionali e compiuta su 15 mss., cioe quelli anteriori al XVIII s.; quella dell'Omelia e dei Miracoli in vita su 10 mss., cioe quelli finora noti (meno 2 non collazionati in tempo), tutti diversi dai precedenti (che non contengono tali testi), tranne uno, il Vat. 232; si tratta di mss. tutti tardivi (XVIII-XX s., salvo uno del XVI e il Vat. 232 del XVII). L'introduzione al testo identifica lo stemma dei codici della "Vita" e dei "Miracoli" tradizionali, quest'ultimo diverso da quello della "Vita", e con molte variazioni al suo interno, indicanti la natura composita della compilazione; l'Introduzione alla traduzione cerca di collocare la "Vita" del santo (che si presenta come quasi totalmente priva di riferimenti storici) nelle tematiche della agiografia etiopica, cercando anche di identificare contatti piu concreti con altre tradizioni (Ciro, Takla Haymanot, Giorgio, Yohannes l'Orientale). Sono state individuate tre versioni, indicate come "A" (quella piu nota, piena di racconti fantastici), "B" (probabilmente quella originale, di impronta monastica ed eremitica, ricca di riflessioni teologiche), e "C" (che combina le due precedenti).
Peeters Publishers La "Vita" E I "Miracoli" Di Libanos: V.
Peeters Publishers Grammatical Theory and Philosophy of Language in Antiquity
This collective volume contains studies in the field of ancient grammar, poetics and philosophy of language. The contributions, written by specialists in the field, focus on central themes in the historiography of ancient linguistics, such as the status of grammar as a discipline in Antiquity, the relationship between poetics and grammatical theory, the constitution and development of the word class system, the descriptive format of grammars, the nature and description of specific word classes, the development of grammatical argumentation. In addition, several methodological issues in the study of ancient grammar and philosophy of language are dealt with: the problem of continuity vs. discontinuity in the history of linguistic thought, the role of schoolroom activities in the development of grammatical description and theory-formation, and problems concerning "tradition", "influence" and "originality" in ancient linguistics. The volume is rounded off with extensive indices of proper names, concepts and technical terms.
Peeters Publishers Lexikon Der Agyptischen Gotter Und Gotterbezeichnungen Band I: Bearbeitet Von Dagmar Budde, Peter Dils, Lothar Goldbrunner, Christian Leitz Und Daniela Mendel Unter Mitarbeit Von Frank Forster, Daniel Von Recklinghausen Und Bettina Ventker
The Dictionary of Egyptian Deities and Divine Designations (Lexikon der agyptischen Gotter und Gotterbezeichnungen: LGG) comprises more than 5.500 pages or 16.500 columns, about 56.500 entries, almost 100.000 cross-references and approximately 200.000 citations. That makes it the largest reference-work of its kind in Egyptology. It includes all expressions which can in one way or another designate deities. For the first time it is possible to view at once the entire material for any particular epithet - no matter whether the texts are from the Old Kingdom or from the Graeco-Roman Period (including demotic texts). Das Lexikon der agyptischen Gotter und Gotterbezeichnungen (LGG) enthalt auf mehr als 5.500 Seiten oder 16.500 Spalten rund 56.500 Haupteintrage, knapp 100.000 Querverweise und etwa 200.000 Textbelege; es ist damit das grosste Nachschlagewerk seiner Art in der Agyptologie. Verzeichnet sind alle Ausdrucke, die im weitesten Sinne als Bezeichnungen von Gottheiten dienen konnten. Es ist erstmalig moglich, das gesamte Material zu einem beliebigen Epitheton auf einen Blick zu sichten - gleichgultig, ob es sich um Texte des Alten Reiches oder der griechisch-romischen Zeit (einschliesslich des Demotischen) handelt.
Peeters Publishers L'éthique à Nicomaque II, 1: Introduction, traduction et commentaire par René Antoine Gauthier et Jean Yves Jolif
Peeters Publishers What Athens Has to Do with Jerusalem: Essays on Classical, Jewish and Early Christian Art and Archaeology in Honor of Gideon Foerster
In the present volume, scholars from Europe, the United States, and Israel join forces to honor a most esteemed colleague and friend, Gideon Foerster, professor of classical archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The essays included in this volume all present new archaeological, epigraphical, and literary evidence, which derives from a variety of sites including Jerusalem, Qumran, the Gaza strip, Samaria-Sebaste, Caesarea, Beth Shean, the Galilee, and several sites outside the Land of Israel. The book is not only essential for those wishing to familiarize themselves with the latest discoveries and developments in the field of classical, Jewish, and early Christian archaeology. It is also a valuable resource for scholars interested in the larger historical question of how Jews interacted with their non-Jewish contemporaries during Roman, late antique, and early medieval times.