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Peeters Publishers Caritas. Etude Sur Le Vocabulaire Latin De La Charite Chretienne
Peeters Publishers Transnationality, Internationalism and Nationhood: European Avant-Garde in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
New means of transport and communication allowed unprecedented mobility of people, goods and ideas in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, which contributed to far-reaching economic, social and political changes in a first wave of globalisation. In its genuine transnationality, the European historical avant-garde can be seen as a product of this development. Cosmpolitanism, internationality and internationalism became emblems of the avant-garde in its pursuit of a 'new', modern international culture trangressing 'old' borders and limitations dictated by conceptions of nationhood, linguistic restrictions, and state boundaries. Simultaneously, national and nationalist reflexes can be traced in the avant-garde as well - in a European context marked by a plethora of competing nationalisms. This collection of essays focuses on the transnationality and inter-nationalisms in the European avant-garde as well as on conflicts, paradoxes and debates in the avant-garde as genuinely transnational configuration of artistic movements, which possessed nevertheless many nationalist edges. The book presents a panorama of the historical avant-garde oscillating and operating between transnationality, internationalism and nationalisms of different kinds, both in national cultural fields and a transnational European arena - from Iceland to Greece and from the Pale of Settlement to the Atlantic.
Peeters Publishers Dreams as Divine Communication in Christianity: From Hermas to Aquinas
In the book presented here, one encounters dreams and visions from the history of Christianity. Faculty members of the Tilburg School of Theology (TST; Tilburg University, The Netherlands) and other (Dutch and Flemish) experts in theology, Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages present a collection of articles examining the phenomenon of dreaming in the Christian realm from the first to the thirteenth century. Their aim is to investigate the dream world of Christians as a source of historical theology and spirituality. They try to show and explain the importance and function of dreams in the context of the texts discussed, meanwhile making these texts accessible and understandable to the people of today. By contextualizing those dreams in their own historical imagery, the authors want to give the reader some insight into the fascinating dream world of the past, which in turn will inspire him or her to consider the dream world of today.
Peeters Publishers Le Sort Des Gathas Et Autres Etudes Iraniennes in Memoriam Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin
Les circonstances ont dicte la matiere de cet hommage: quelques etudes iraniennes diverses ont pris place a cote des actes d'un colloque (Liege, avril 2010) avec lequel l'Universite de Liege venait de celebrer le centenaire de Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin. Le grand iranologue venait meme d'y faire une derniere communication, mais allait nous quitter a pres de 102 ans. L'intitule du colloque, Le sort des Gathas, faisait echo a la traduction que Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin avait donnee des Gathas dans son Zoroastre (1948), important jalon des etudes de l'Iran ancien. Les principes directeurs de la rencontre etaient de traiter une question la plus precise possible et encore debattue, pour laquelle des etudes philologiques techniques puissent apporter une solution positive et de le faire avec un nombre restreint de participants choisis sur la seule base de leurs apports recents sur le sujet: le resultat de l'entreprise fut a la hauteur de l'hommage qu'il convenait de rendre a l'une des plus grandes figures de l'iranologie. Le theme du colloque, la reutilisation et le role des passages vieil-avestiques dans la litterature mazdeenne ulterieure, avestique recente, mais aussi moyen-iranienne, a ete aborde de plusieurs facons: Philippe Swennen (Liege), a titre preambule, s'est penche sur les emplois vediques du mot gatha-; ensuite, Antonio Panaino (Ravenne) a examine la portee du compose asrauuaiiat.gatha- "qui ne recite pas les Gathas"; Helmut Humbach (Mayence) a recherche des traces dialectales vieil-avestiques subsistant dans l'Avesta recent; avec la collaboration de Klaus Faiss, Helmut Humbach examine aussi l'histoire de la comprehension d'une strophe gathique; Almut Hintze (Londres), Prods Oktor Skjaervo (Cambridge, MA) et Elizabeth Tucker (Oxford) ont examine les raisons des citations que l'Avesta recent faisait des textes vieil-avestiques; Jean Kellens (Paris) et Eric Pirart (Liege) ont montre comment les auteurs de l'Avesta recent avaient fabrique certains noms propres nouveaux a partir du texte des Gathas; Alberto Cantera (Salamanque) et, dans une communication ulterieure, Eric Pirart ont traite de la diascevase des textes vieil-avestiques ou de la place que ceux-ci tenaient dans la liturgie longue. Les quelques autres etudes qui, reprises dans ce volume, ne concernent pas les textes vieil-avestiques sont au nombre de quatre: Miguel Angel Andres Toledo (Salamanque) s'interesse aux chiens de l'au-dela zoroastrien; Michiel de Vaan (Leyde), a un fait de phonetique avestique; Norbert Oettinger (Ulm), a l'emploi que l'Avesta recent fait de l'indicatif imparfait; Pierre Lecoq (Paris), a la place du kurde parmi les dialectes iraniens. Le volume contient aussi la liste que Philippe Swennen dresse des dernieres publications de Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin ainsi que l'evocation que Jean Loicq offre de la personne du grand iranologue.
Peeters Publishers The Homily of Zär'a Ya'eqob's Mäshafä Berhan on the Rite of Baptism and Religious Instruction: V.
The text in this volume (with its translation) is from the writings of Emperor Zär’a Ya‛eqob, the prolific scholar who reformed the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the fifteenth century. In this homily, which is part of his previously published Mäshafä Berhan "Book of Light" (see CSCO vols. 250/Script. Aeth. 47 and 261/Script. Aeth. 51), he addresses in detail the ritual of Christian baptism and the requirement of religious instruction for the baptized faithful as well as the would-be baptized catechumens. The ritual for adults is discussed and defined with thoroughness and clarity not found in any other source. Significantly, the text suggests that there was at that time a large number of non-Christians who converted to Orthodox Christianity, either of their own free will or due to pressure from Christian rulers, including the Emperor. As always, Zär’a Ya‛eqob uses his authority to enforce religious instruction as he details it. He prescribes harsh corporal punishment, usually flogging, to individuals who do not attend school without acceptable excuses—which are illness and going on military expeditions— as well as to clergy who neglect their duty to teach and to district rulers who do not force people to come to school. A close study of the homily sheds some interesting light on the history of Ethiopic literature. For example, the extensive quotation from Acts is not from the text we now know. This detail corroborates what is known that the book was translated anew after the time of Zär’a Ya‛eqob. A second example is Zär’a Ya‛eqob’s quotation of John Chrysostom. That he quotes from his homily in the Apophthegmata Patrum shows that this source was well known in Ethiopia prior to the fifteenth century.
Peeters Publishers Thomas Aquinas's "Summa Contra Gentiles": a Mirror of Human Nature
The Summa contra gentiles is perhaps the most peculiar work of St. Thomas Aquinas, due to Thomas's decision to structure the work first according to what humans can say about God without revelation and then what humans can say about God once revelation is explicitly introduced. Such an approach to the human pursuit of the divine is otherwise unheard of in Thomas's own day, and this unusual structure has provided a fertile seedbed for a wide range of interpretations. Matthew Kostelecky's book shows the integral relationship between the conceptions of human nature and God operative throughout the Summa contra gentiles such that the text is always in a twofold movement, at once describing what humans can say about God while also reflecting human nature back on itself by delineating its limits and capabilities with respect to the possible human knowledge of God. As a result, the Summa contra gentiles is presented as a mirror of human nature as that nature is directed to its most noble object.
Peeters Publishers Polymetis: Melanges En L'honneur De Francoise Bader
Francoise Bader, par ses recherches et son enseignement en linguistique du grec ancien et en grammaire comparee des langues indo-europeennes, a marque les esprits de plusieurs generations d'eleves, d'auditeurs et de lecteurs. Ces Melanges portent aussi temoignage de l'atmosphere chaleureuse de ses seminaires ou beaucoup de chercheurs, qui etaient jeunes alors, ont trouve un terrain favorable pour faire leurs premiers pas de chercheur. Les contributions reunies dans ce volume par ses collegues, amis et disciples, attestent de la fecondite intellectuelle et de la variete des recherches de Francoise Bader. Ses travaux ont porte non seulement sur la linguistique, mais sur la mythologie et la poetique grecques et indo-europeennes. On trouvera dans la premiere partie de ce volume, consacree au grec, le reflet de l'impulsion qu'elle a donne a l'etymologie grecque, y compris a l'etymologie et a l'interpretation des toponymes, anthroponymes et theonymes, sans oublier la dialectologie. Les contributions de specialistes d'autres langues (sanscrit vedique, langues slaves, italiques, etrusque), qui forment la seconde partie de ce volume, font echo a une oeuvre qui embrasse l'ensemble du domaine indo-europeen. La derniere partie aborde l'histoire meme de la grammaire comparee et ses methodes. Ce volume reunit des contributions d'A. Blanc, M.P. Bologna, D. Briquel, M. Casevitz, A. Christol, L. Dubois, P. Flobert, J.-L. Garcia-Ramon, J. Hadas-Lebel, J. Kellens, J.S. Klein, Ch. de Lamberterie, Cl. Le Feuvre, A. Lemarechal, B. Lincoln, Fr. Mawet, Cl. Moussy, J.-L. Perpillou, D. Petit, G. Rocca, C. de Simone, Fr. Skoda, P. Swiggers, C. Watkins, et des regrettes P. Monteil et X. Tremblay.
Peeters Publishers Une Theo-logique Du Don: Le Don Dans La Trilogie De Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Cet ouvrage souhaite se placer au centre de la pensee theologique de Balthasar et en eclairer la logique intime. Un precedent travail (Une theologie de l'amour. L'amour, centre de la Trilogie de Hans Urs von Balthasar, Bruxelles, 2012) a tente de montrer que son foyer incandescent reside dans le don radical d'amour. S'inscrivant dans son prolongement, ce livre cherche, dans une premiere partie, a decrire les trois rayons dans lesquels se diffracte cet amour inoui. En effet, la presentation de la conception balthasarienne est parfois trop exclusivement centree sur la kenose. Mais le don absolu d'amour prend chez le theologien lucernois deux autres formes : la fecondite et l'enveloppement. La seconde partie propose une evaluation de l'immense theologie balthasarienne. Pour conjurer le risque de critique extrinseque et proposer un depassement de l'interieur, elle repart de la theo-logique du don, celle-meme que Balthasar a souhaite elaborer, et montre que celle-ci epouse aussi une rythmique ternaire, mais en un sens different - dynamique que l'auteur de la Trilogie honore et parait manquer partiellement.
Peeters Publishers Philae: Itineraire Du Visiteur
Comme elle est belle, cette ville apparue au sein des eaux! Elle existe depuis le commencement, alors que la terre etait dans la nuit et les tenebres. Elle est un havre quand on vient du sud, une rade quand on vient du nord. Cette phrase, vieille de deux millenaires, pourrait etre ecrite aujourd'hui, et de fait temps et espace sont suspendus pour quiconque voit surgir Philae au milieu des eaux miroitantes sous le soleil. Philae, bout du monde pour les Egyptiens et les Grecs anciens, est le point de rencontre culturel des civilisations mediterraneennes et des Nubiens venus des profondeurs de l'Afrique. Les tableaux qui decorent ses temples refletent cette position strategique de l'Ile des temps anciens: les dieux de Nubie, de Philae meme, d'Elephantine cotoient, en s'y indentifiant parfois, ceux des metropoles religieuses de l'Egypte. Le mythe de l'eternel retour d'Osiris et de la crue du Nil donne son harmonieuse coherence a cette synthese theologique. Une promenade dans cet ecrin lumineux, tout different des grands sanctuaires a la masse ecrasante et austere, fait retrouver l'enchantement qu'exprime un visiteur contemporain des Ptolemees et des Cesars: Celui qui a adore l'Isis de Philae a un sort heureux, non pas seulement parce qu'il devient riche, mais parce qu'en meme temps il obtient une longue vie. Nombreux en effet sont ceux qui ont foule le sol sacre; ils ont immortalise leur presence et leur ferveur en hieroglyphes, en demotique, en grec, en latin, en copte, en arabe - en francais aussi, tels les braves de Bonaparte, et meme en italien avec les envoyes du pape de Rome.
Peeters Publishers Solved by Sacrifice: Austin Farrer, Fideism, and the Evidence of Faith
Austin Farrer (1904-1968), Warden of Keble College, Oxford, was a remarkably creative and significant figure in twentieth-century theology. Robert MacSwain argues that one explanation for Farrer's relative obscurity is that most commentators have focused on his metaphysics, and in particular on Finite and Infinite (1943), his monumental treatise of 'rational theology'. By contrast, MacSwain proposes an epistemological analysis that takes seriously the neglected but crucial theme of fideism in Farrer's thought. MacSwain charts the development of Farrer's thinking on the proper relation between faith and reason from 1924 to 1968-including his engagements with Karl Barth, logical positivism, Thomism, and Wittgensteinian philosophy-and offers a reading of Farrer that resonates with contemporary religious epistemology and the growing focus on spiritual praxis. The final chapter considers Farrer's provocative claim that the logical paradoxes of religious belief are 'solved by sacrifice' in the lives of those whom we recognise as 'saints': as Farrer puts it, 'Such a life, then, is evidence, and what other evidence could you hope to find?'
Peeters Publishers The Ecumenical Legacy of Johannes Cardinal Willebrands (1909-2006)
Johannes Cardinal Willebrands (1909-2006) certainly was one of the major players in the turn of the Roman Catholic Church to ecumenism. Through his stimulating role as secretary of the Catholic Conference for Ecumenical Questions (1952-1962), he prepared the ecumenical openness of the bishops of the Second Vatican Council. As secretary of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity (1960-1968), and as President of the Secretariat, later Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (1968-1989), he played a central role in setting up ecumenical structures within the Roman Catholic Church, and starting bilateral dialogues with the churches and ecclesial communities that are not in communion with the Bishop of Rome. On the occasion of the centenary of his birthday (4 September 1909), two symposia were organised in memory of J. Willebrands, in Utrecht and in Rome.The majority of the papers presented at both conferences now become available in this volume. After a biographical introduction (A. Denaux), four contributions pay attention to 'Willebrands' formation and early commitment to ecumenism' (A. Houtepen, T. Merrigan, P. De Mey, T. Salemink). The next part focuses on 'Willebrands and the development of the Catholic view on ecumenism during the Second Vatican Council' (M. Velati, W. Thonissen, J. Wicks). Four contributions of this volume focus on 'Willebrands and ecumenism', commenting both on his relations with the Eastern Christian Churches (M. Van Parys) and with the churches of the West and to the World Council of Churches (J. Radano, W. Henn, G. Gassmann). Willebrands also played an important role in the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people. This aspect of his work is highlighted in the next four contributions (M. Lamberigts-L. Declerck, M. Poorthuis, P.F. Fumagalli, J. Banki). The volume closes with Cardinal Kasper's address on the legacy of Cardinal Willebrands and the future of ecumenism, with some witnesses of close friends and collaborators of the cardinal (T. Stransky, P.-W. Scheele), and with a bibliography of Willebrands, provided by the co-founder of the Willebrands Archives and co-organiser of the Utrecht conference, Maria ter Steeg.
Peeters Publishers The Greek Verb. Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics: Proceedings of the 8th International Meeting of Greek Linguistics. Agrigento, October 1-3, 2009
Despite the difficulties of reconstructing the grammar of a dead language, studying Ancient Greek offers new insights for linguistic theory. The morphological complexity of the Greek verb with its highly intricate inflectional system provides a valuable basis for an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms which regulate the functioning of a language. Studies on the Ancient Greek verb have also contributed significantly to the reconstruction of the Indo-European language since the early history of Linguistics in the nineteenth century. The conservative features preserved in the oldest stages of Greek allow us to rely on a solid basis to which every linguist must refer in investigating a model of the Proto-Indo-European verb. The present volume contains the papers presented at the 8th International Meeting on Greek Linguistics (GL8) held in Agrigento in October 2009, hosted by the University of Palermo, Italy. The conference was part of a series of biennial international meetings on Ancient Greek Linguistics organized in Italy since 1993. It was entitled `The Greek Verb: Morphology, Syntax, Semantics’ and was aimed at discussing trending issues on the Ancient Greek verbal system from a perspective both synchronic and diachronic. The contributions of this book analyze phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic phenomena from various areas of grammar pertaining to the verb, using a large corpus which ranges mostly from Homeric to Classical Greek. There is diversity in the topics covered, but the approach which unifies the volume is that of challenging traditional divisions and rigid boundaries between different levels of analysis, focusing on fundamental issues in theoretically-based linguistics from a broad perspective: morphosyntactic and syntactic variation, phonological, morphological, semantic and pragmatic aspects of grammatical phenomena. The papers also adopt different theoretical frameworks, both synchronic and diachronic, and develop diverse approaches varying from the cognitive (prototype theory), and the formal (Distributed Morphology), to the pragmatic-functional, and the historical-comparative. This volume provides a current overview of some work on Ancient Greek Linguistics, setting forth interesting topics for further research and drawing more attention to the contribution which historical linguistics and the study of dead languages can give to the improvement and growth of linguistic theories, toward a deeper comprehension of the language system.
Peeters Publishers The Syriac Version of John Chrysostom's Commentary on John I. Mêmrê 1-43: V.
St. John Chrysostom was one of the most popular and influential Greek Fathers in Syrian churches. His works began to be translated into Syriac in the fifth century, after which they significantly impacted the shape of Syriac exegetical, homiletical, dogmatic, and spiritual writing. These volumes make available for the first time an edition of the Syriac text and English translation of St. John Chrysostom’s Exegetical Homilies on the Gospel of John, typically known in Syriac as Chrysostom’s Commentary on John, Homilies (Mêmrê) 1–43. The text is edited on the basis of the extant main manuscripts, from the 6th–8th centuries, in addition to excerpts preserved in various collections. Introductions to the two volumes explore the Syriac manuscript tradition, the origin and technique of the translation, its value as a witness to the Greek text, the nature of its many biblical citations, and the impact of the version on the Syriac tradition. The volumes include an orthographical index and an index of biblical citations.
Peeters Publishers Yanik Tepe, Northwestern Iran: The Early Trans-Caucasian Period. Stratigraphy and Architecture
Excavations at Yanik Tepe were conducted by Charles A. Burney over three seasons from 1960 to 1962. The site is located to the northeast of Lake Urmia, some 20 km from Tabriz. This volume comprises the final report on the long sequences of stratigraphy and architecture belonging to the Early Trans-Caucasian (ETC) period which lasted from about 3000 BCE into the early second millennium. It is argued that the ETC people who founded the village came from a long tradition of settled farming. While the first phase, ETC I, is characterised by round houses and the second, ETC II, by agglutinative rectilinear building there is strong continuity in the use of space and, particularly, of built-in kitchen ranges. The descriptive text is enhanced by numerous photographs and line drawings. A concluding chapter makes pertinent comment on chronology and the place of Yanik Tepe within a wider setting. A foreword by Charles Burney provides colourful background to his pioneering excavations.
Peeters Publishers Le Traité de la Grande Vertu de Sagesse de Nagarjuna (Mahaprajnaparamitasastra). Tome II: Chapitres XVI-XXX
Peeters Publishers Phenomenologies De L'histoire: Husserl, Heidegger Et L'histoire De La Philosophie
Tous les grands mouvements philosophiques du XXe siecle ont ete tenus de mediter les consequences de leur inscription dans l'histoire de la philosophie. La phenomenologie n'a pas escamote cette tache, elle qui, nee d'une volonte de se defaire d'une tradition trop encombrante, a fini par chercher a s'expliquer avec elle. Chez Heidegger tout d'abord, chez Husserl ensuite, l'histoire de la philosophie est devenu l'une des problematiques essentielles de la recherche sur les fondements de la methode phenomenologique. Cette etude interroge la relation complexe qui unit a l'histoire de la philosophie la phenomenologie transcendantale de Husserl et la phenomenologie hermeneutique de Heidegger. Plutot que d'opposer ces deux phenomenologies et chercher a en souligner les differences, l'ouvrage fait plutot le pari de montrer qu'elles finirent toutes deux par reconnaitre la necessite pour la philosophie de comprendre sa propre histoire et par accepter de se convertir en une phenomenologie historiste, voire meme en une phenomenologie de l'histoire. Chez le jeune Heidegger et le dernier Husserl, la phenomenologie se sera comprise comme une maniere de philosopher qui, tout en reconnaissant sa propre historicite, n'abandonne pas son ambition de parler des choses elles-memes. Docteur en philosophie de l'Universite de Montreal et boursier de la Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Francois Jaran est presentement professeur a l'Universite de Valence (Espagne). Il est l'auteur de La metaphysique du Dasein (Zeta Books, 2010), Heidegger inedit 1929-1930. L'inachevable Etre et temps (Vrin, 2012) et The Heidegger Concordance (Continuum, 2013).
Peeters Publishers Les 250 ans de Candide: Lectures et relectures
Après 250 ans, le Candide de Voltaire continue de nous faire rire et de nous faire penser. Dans ce recueil d’essais, une quarantaine de spécialistes, venus de nombreux pays du monde, collaborent pour présenter leurs points de vue sur ce chef-d’÷uvre inépuisable et insaisissable. Ce «conte philosophique» entre en dialogue avec la philosophie de son temps; et en même temps ce roman fait la synthèse de tous les modèles romanesques connus. Mélangeant pastiche et parodie, Voltaire exhibe une ironie cinglante qui nous désarçonne encore aujourd’hui: l’humour voltairien laisse encore aujourd'hui son empreinte sur la satire contemporaine. Lu et relu, ce chef-d’÷uvre voltairien, objet d’inlassables réécritures, a été adapté pour la scène comme pour le cinéma. Le roman de Voltaire a été traduit dans toutes les langues, et illustré dans tous les styles. Le voyage de Candide dans le monde est aussi extravagant que celui de son héros.
Peeters Publishers Ostia speaks: Inscriptions, Buildings and Spaces in Rome's Main Port
This monograph provides a brief introduction to the material history of Ostia, Rome’s harbour town from ca 300 BC until ca AD 600, before centring on about one hundred Latin as well as some Greek inscriptions, some of which are previously unpublished. It focuses on inscriptions which are still present in situ, in forty-two places. They range in date from ca 100 BC until ca AD 420. They belong to and cast light upon buildings, monuments, urban spaces and tombs. Some of them were reused in floors after ca AD 250. Each inscription is presented in full, supplemented by abbreviated names and words, translated into English, dated, and commented upon from a contextual point of view. Sometimes inscriptions that are not in situ, as well as relevant ancient texts, are quoted and translated in order to sketch a broader picture. The comments are based on a critical evaluation of the most recent archaeological, historical and epigraphic publications. Several new interpretations result from own research. The inscriptions cast light upon political, socio-economic, religious (pagan and Christian), and funerary aspects of the multi-ethnic Ostian society, its relation with Rome and the Mediterranean world. The publication is intended not only for scholars, teachers and students, but also for historians, classicists, philologists, linguists, epigraphists, archaeologists and art historians. It may also prove a useful vademecum for those who intend to visit or have visited Ostia Antica.
Peeters Publishers The Jesuits of the Low Countries: Identity and Impact (1540-1773): Proceedings of the International Congress at the Faculty of Theology, KU Leuven (3-5 December 2009)
From 3 until 5 December 2009 an international colloquium was organised at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies (KU Leuven) which intended to highlight and discuss the impact of the Society of Jesus on the development of cultural, scientific and political life in the Low Countries. The colloquium not only aimed to bring together specialists in the various fields of Jesuitica research, but also organised a meeting between the people committed to scientific research, and those who disclose archives and other information sources enabling new research. Some of the finest scholars in Jesuit studies presented the results of their research in a number of lectures. The current volume contains a selection of these lectures, dealing with a broad spectrum of subjects, from Jesuit spirituality to the Jesuit contribution to the science of law, political thought and the visual arts, to education, mathematics and architecture. Attention is paid to the role of the Jesuits in the development of the printing press, their relation with Louvain's Faculty of Theology and their position in the Jansenist controversies, as well as to their expansion abroad, in the Missio Hollandica, in South Wales and in the mission to China. Furthermore, the book includes a number of presentations from the workshops, specifically concerning archives and databases related to the history of the Jesuits in the Low Countries.
Peeters Publishers Le Dagara-Lobr
Le dagara est une langue de rameau gur de la famille Niger-Congo, parlee au Burkina Faso et au Ghana par quelque deux millions de locuteurs. La variete ici decrite est le lobr (region de Dissin au Burkina Faso). Par rapport aux langues de sa famille, la morphophonologie du dagara temoigne d'une erosion considerable liee a des processus de syllabification: elisions et amalgames dans les sequences vocaliques et consonantiques, qui occasionnent au plan tonal des phenomenes de modulation, d'abaissement et de rehaussement. Le radical nominal n'apparait qu'en composition. Le stock nominal est stratifie comme dans les langues a classes, mais l'accord pronominal marque un genre grammatical independant des suffixes de classe. Le radical verbal apparait soit a l'injonctif, soit dans la narration. Le seul aspect marque est l'inaccompli; le seul mode marque est l'actuel. La reference temporelle de l'enonce se construit a travers la combinaison de l'aspect et du mode avec un jeu de particules fortement polysemiques. Le dagara se caracterise par une relative rarete des connecteurs et une frequence elevee des juxtapositions formelles, notamment dans les sequences verbales et dans les sequences de propositions. Par ailleurs, la polysemie remarquable des connecteurs est compensee par la grammaticalisation de certains noms et verbes au sein de nombreuses constructions periphrastiques.
Peeters Publishers Le Discours Royal Dans L'Inde Du Sud Ancienne. Inscriptions Et Monuments Pallava (IVeme - IXeme Siecles). Tome I: Introduction Et Sources
Cet ouvrage est une etude de l'ideologie royale de la dynastie des Pallava qui prospererent dans le sud de l'Inde du IVeme au IXeme siecle. Ces rois hindous ont laisse des sources diverses et nombreuses qui donnent acces a leur conception du monde et de la societe, en particulier a leur representation de la royaute. Cette etude montre, en examinant des eloges epigraphiques et iconographiques, mais aussi les monnaies et un poeme de cour en tamoul (le Nantikkalampakam), qu'il existe a cote du modele brahmanique de la subordination du roi au brahmane, un discours royal propre, voire contestataire. Le point de divergence crucial est la pretention des Pallava au double de statut de rois et de brahmanes. La royaute s'affirme ainsi comme independante de la classe brahmanique en l'integrant dans son lignage, realisant ainsi en elle-meme l'union des pouvoirs "temporel" et "spirituel". Ce premier tome contient l'introduction et la presentation des sources de cette etude. Sa premiere partie est une introduction a la royaute hindoue et a la dynastie des Pallava (origine, histoire, art). Dans la deuxieme partie est etabli et presente le corpus des sources considerees comme temoignant du discours royal, a distinguer d'autres sources d'epoque pallava qui ne sont pas royales, mais locales. Cette deuxieme partie se conclut par une reflexion sur le panegyrique royal et sur la nature des sources royales (emetteurs, fonction, recepteurs). This book is an in-depth study of the royal ideology of the Pallava dynasty (South India, 4th-9th c. CE). These Hindu kings have left numerous and diverse sources evincing their conceptions of the world and the society, and particularly their self-representation of kingship. Through the examination of epigraphical and iconographical panegyrics as well as of coinage and Tamil court poetry (Nantikkalampakam), the argument is that, beside the brahmanical model of subordination of king to brahmin, there existed a specific royal discourse, at times contentious. The crucial point of divergence is the Pallavas' claim to the double status of kings and brahmins. In this respect, kingship asserts its independence vis-a-vis the brahmanical class by incorporating it in its lineage, thus achieving the union of "temporal" and "spiritual" powers. The first volume contains the introduction and the presentation of the sources. The first part is a general presentation of Hindu kingship and the Pallava dynasty (origin, history, art). The second part draws up and presents the sources considered as testimonies of the royal discourse, contrasting them with other Pallava-period sources of "local" nature. It concludes with considerations about the royal panegyric and the nature of royal sources (issuers, functions, addressees).
Peeters Publishers Dictionnaire Francais-kabyle. Parler Des At Mangellat (Algerie)
Peeters Publishers Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity: Exploring Their Limits
How we concieve of the movement of ancient phenomena through time and space has been undergoing reassessment over the last two decades, causing the grip to be loosened on the well-entrenched interpretative models that had dominated research up to that point. The 'Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity' conference, held in Vancouver on March 16-17, 2007, aimed to take stock of this situation and in particular to investigate in fresh ways how regional and global phenomena in the ancient Mediterranean, Near East and Eurasia shaped local life. Still today two models tend to guide explanations of intercultural and interregional contact and interaction: diffusionism from cores (or centres) to peripheries, involving 'superior' civilisations influencing other 'inferior' ones, and Mediterraneanism, the set of distinctive environmental, cultural and historical images that create a unified and unchanging view of the Mediterranean. These two models have come under increasing scrunity since the 1980s, as we have been living in a world of shifting perceptions of time and space and of greater interconnectedness that affects our everyday lives in numerous ways. The source of these shifts has been credited to globalisation, and with it has also come a greater historical appreciation of the phenomenon, including the recognition that the world has witnessed periods of globalisation since the end of the Ice Age. This volume contains 14 reworked and peer-reviewed essays from the original conference proceedings and provides a fair overview of the various chronological periods, methods and data, and perspectives encountered at the conference. The essays consist of case studies whose subjects range in date from the 10th millennium BC to the 4th century AD and draw in all the major regions of the ancient world. These essays and the original conference from which they derive have by no means exhausted all the potential topics raised by the framework within which they work. Much work remains to be done for antiquity and, given the framework's wide applicability, later periods of history.
Peeters Publishers Kosmos: Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Bronze Age Aegean: Proceedings of the 13th International Aegean Conference / 13e Rencontre Egeenne Internationale, University of Copenhagen, Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for T
Containing the complete proceedings of the 13th International Aegean Conference, this is almost certainly the biggest book on Bronze Age clothing and jewellery that you are ever likely to see. Nearly 100 papers address a vast array of topics including textile production, costumes, dyes and pigments, colours, jewellery, aesthetics, body adornment, luxury and exotic items, gender and femininity/masculinity, as well as their social, religious, ideological, economic, technological, administrative and philological connections.
Peeters Publishers I trattati teologici di Sulayman Ibn Hasan al-Gazzi: V.
Sulayman Ibn Hasan al-Gazzi fu vescovo melchita di Gaza tra il X e l’XI secolo. È l’autore di un Diwan e di un corpus di trattati teologici, omiletici e apologetici. La vita e le opere di Sulayman al-Gazzi sono state oggetto di studio sin dagli inizi del secolo scorso, tuttavia l’intero corpus algazzianus è stato edito per la prima volta da Neophytos Edelby solo negli anni `80 del `900. La presente edizione comprende solo gli scritti teologici in prosa editi e tradotti in italiano. Il principale progresso rappresentato da questa nuova edizione è costituito dal tentativo di ricostruire l’archetipo della tradizione in ottemperanza alle regole della critica testuale neolachmanniana. Le caratteristiche linguistiche del medio arabo sono state rispettate e conservate nel testo critico come esse si presentano nella fonte manoscritta più antica, mentre un apparato critico è stato interamente dedicato alla registrazione delle varianti linguistiche attestate negli altri testimoni. L’editore dunque ha cercato di rispettare sia la volontà autoriale espressa dal contenuto testuale, sia la forma linguistica dei testi in cui essi verosimilmente furono composti.
Peeters Publishers Oud Maar Niet Out: Denken En Doen Met De Oudheid Vandaag
De financiele crisis, klimaatverandering, pedofilie - onze maatschappij ziet zich vandaag geconfronteerd met heel wat ingewikkelde problemen. Het debat over deze uitdagingen blijft echter veelal hangen in de jachtige en al te vaak oppervlakkige mode van de dag. Deze bundel kiest daarentegen resoluut voor een lange-termijnvisie, en gaat te rade bij de oude Grieken en Romeinen. De tijd waarin de klassieke Oudheid geidealiseerd werd is lang voorbij, maar terugkijken naar de verdiensten en gebreken uit het verleden dwingt ons om onze eigen opvattingen kritisch te herzien. Deze bundel biedt geen pasklare oplossingen voor het democratisch tekort, de multiculturele maatschappij of de betaalbaarheid van de gezondheidszorg, maar daagt ons wel uit om uit in confrontatie met het antieke ideeengoed onze eigen horizonten te verleggen. Bijdragen van Luc Devoldere, Koenraad Verboven, Richard Seaford, Lieve Van Hoof, Toon Van Houdt, Christian Laes, Peter Van Nuffelen, Ludo Abicht, Luc Van der Stockt en Bart De Wever. Met een voorwoord van Herman Van Rompuy.
Peeters Publishers Zilver in Antwerpen: De Handel, Het Ambacht En De Klant
In Zilver in Antwerpen. De handel, het ambacht en de klant belichten acht bijdragen de edelsmeedkunst telkens vanuit een ander perspectief. Waar kwam het zilver vandaan en welke zilversmeden en -handelaars uit de Lage Landen waren actief op het Iberische Schiereiland en in de Nieuwe Wereld? Welke munten werden er geslagen in de Antwerpse Munt en hoe werd zilver ook in textiel gebruikt? Waar was het ambachtshuis van de Antwerpse edelsmeden, hoe was het ingericht en wat rest er nog van? Welk zilverwerk hadden de Antwerpse burgers en welke schilders en beeldhouwers werkten samen met de Antwerpse edelsmeden? Waarom had de medische vakliteratuur zoveel aandacht voor de zilveren kaakprothese die Jan Pieter Antoon Verschuylen voor een Franse kanonnier maakte, die in 1832 in Antwerpen bij een bomexplosie verminkt werd? Dat er na de onafhankelijkheid van Belgie weer een grens was tussen beide landen vormde voor deze edelsmid, die heel wat kerkzilver naar Nederland exporteerde, geen probleem. Aan een klant die bij hem een gouden monstrans voor Amsterdam bestelde schreef hij: "Mijn advies is altoos voor de minste koste van ze te laeten smockelen".
Peeters Publishers Beethoven's Tempest Sonata (first Movement): Five Annotated Analyses for Performers and Scholars
This book contains five graphic analyses of the opening movement of Beethoven's sonata Op. 31/2. The analyses are based on essays published in Beethoven's Tempest Sonata: Perspectives on Analysis and Performance, edited by Pieter Berge, William E. Caplin, and Jeroen D'hoe (Leuven, 2009). While the earlier collection was conceived for an academic readership, the present volume, by contrast, is intended primarily for practical musicians. The musical score itself accordingly serves as the point of departure, with analytical remarks introduced at the moment at which the relevant music appears. In so doing, this book aims to offer performers analytical insights within the familiar context of sitting at the piano, and following the chronology of the musical process itself. Five different analytical perspectives are presented: motivic (Pieter Berge and Jeroen D'hoe); Schenkerian (Poundie Burstein); form-functional (William E. Caplin); "sonata-theory" (James Hepokoski); and metrical (William Rothstein). This book contains five graphic analyses of the opening movement of Beethoven's sonata Op. 31/2. The analyses are based on essays published in Beethoven's Tempest Sonata: Perspectives on Analysis and Performance, edited by Pieter Berge, William E. Caplin, and Jeroen D'hoe (Leuven, 2009). While the earlier collection was conceived primarily for an academic readership, the present volume is also intended for practical musicians. The musical score itself accordingly serves as the point of departure, with analytical remarks introduced at the moment at which the relevant music appears. In so doing, this book aims to offer performers analytical insights within the familiar context of sitting at the piano, and following the chronology of the musical process itself. Five different analytical perspectives are presented: motivic (Pieter Berge and Jeroen D'hoe); Schenkerian (Poundie Burstein); form-functional (William E. Caplin); "sonata-theory" (James Hepokoski); and metrical (William Rothstein).
Peeters Publishers Sagalassos Jaarboek 2010 de Vroeg Tot MiddenByzantijnse Periode 4501250 N Chr Het Jaarverslag Van de Campagne Van 2010
Peeters Publishers Saint Basil of Caesarea and Armenian Cosmology: A Study of the Armenian Version of Saint Basil's Hexaemeron and Its Influence on Medieval Armenian Views About the Cosmos
The Hexaemeron by St Basil of Caesarea was a fundamental source for Christian writers describing the nature of the physical cosmos, not least in Armenia, where scholars attempted to reconcile theories derived from Greek antiquity with the Bible. The first part of this volume is a survey of references to Basil in Armenian writers from the fifth to the fourteenth centuries, and more particularly of the influence of the Hexaemeron on their cosmology. The second part is an English translation of the Armenian version. The commentary to the translation identifies the expansions and changes made by the Armenian translator, and justifies numerous divergences from the text of the critical edition [Erevan 1984] in favour of readings also attested in the Syriac version [Leuven 1995, CSCO 550], for the Armenian derives from the latter, not directly from the Greek. There are detailed Indices for the Armenian, Greek, Syriac and Latin sources quoted, the Armenian technical terms, and the topics discussed by Basil. The translations of the Hexaemeron in Syriac, Armenian, Arabic, Georgian and Old Slavonic contain only the original nine homilies, not the further two on the creation of man later added by Basil's brother, Gregory of Nyssa.
Peeters Publishers Le Vocabulaire De La Metallurgie Et La Nomenclature Des Objets En Metal Dans Les Textes De Mari: Materiaux Pour Le Dictionnaire De Babylonien De Paris Tome III
L'ouvrage d'I. Arkhipov sur Le vocabulaire de la metallurgie et la nomenclature des objets en metal dans les textes de Mari constitue le troisieme volume de la serie des Materiaux pour le Dictionnaire de Babylonien de Paris. Apres des etudes portant sur le vocabulaire des habits et textiles (MDBP I) et sur la vaisselle de luxe (MDBP II), cet ouvrage s'interesse aux techniques et produits de la metallurgie et de l'orfevrerie. Peu d'objets ont ete retrouves lors des fouilles, mais de nombreux documents administratifs et lettres donnent des descriptions souvent tres precises de leur forme, de leur fabrication ou de leur emploi. Une premiere partie etudie le vocabulaire akkadien et ses eventuelles notations ideographiques, a partir du corpus entier des archives de Mari. Les mots y sont classes en douze categories. La seconde partie donne l'edition de nombreux textes administratifs en ordre chronologique. Pas moins de 645 textes sont edites: 114 sont entierement nouveaux, 531 constituent la reprise de textes deja publies (essentiellement dans ARM XXV), collationnes et parfois completes par des joints. L'ensemble est suivi de diverses annexes. L'ouvrage montre le haut niveau technologique atteint par les ateliers syriens a cette epoque ancienne. Ces temoignages ecrits, issus de l'administration du palais de Mari, sont desormais a la disposition de toutes les personnes interessees: philologues, archeologues, historiens des techniques, etc.
Peeters Publishers Blood - Symbol - Liquid
Blood serves an excellent indicator of a nexus of late medieval and early modern Cultural Change, in which matter and meaning seems to have segregated progressively. As the harmony of body and spirit succumbed under the strain of competing world views, blood lost its unity as an embodied sign, a semiotic substance. The wordplays that impose themselves with such ease in this area of research attest to the enduring permeability of the material and the spiritual when it comes to blood. This volume brings together papers presented at a workshop entitled 'Blood-Symbol-Liquid', held in Groningen on 23-24 March 2006. The organizers were keen to put the shifting composition of the material and symbolic components of blood in a broad chronological and thematic perspective, forcing the contributors to merge their respective disciplinary approaches stemming from literary history, art history and the history of religion, medicine and science.
Peeters Publishers Boncompagno Da Signa, "Amicitia" and "De Malo Senectutis Et Senii"
Boncompagno was born in Signa, not far from Florence, sometime between 1165 and 1175. He first studied at Florence but soon moved to Bologna, becoming a teacher of grammar and rhetoric there. One of the most famous teachers of rhetoric in his time, he was regarded by his contemporaries as being the most skillful, the most original, and the most fertile in imagination of them all. The Amicitia was written toward the end of 1205 at Rome. Its unspoken purpose is to act as a guide in identifying and classifying the various kinds of people who try to gain our trust by posing as friends. Indeed, the text excels in describing in exuberant detail the many 'false' friends we encounter in life. Boncompagno's last work (he died sometime after 1240), the Libellus de malo senectutis et senii, was written when he was old and, as a final irony, without friends. It contains a stark description of the human condition as each one enters into old age and decrepitude and finally encounters death. To the end, Boncompagno continues to regard all of human life with a skeptical, even cynical eye, a detached observer of and commentator on the society of his time.
Peeters Publishers Poetiques De La Maladie: D'Honore De Balzac a Thomas Mann
Au debut du XIXe siecle, a l'aube de la medecine moderne, le developpement de la maladie n'etant pas entierement surcode par les discours medicaux, le corps souffrant devient un des objet de predilection de la litterature. Le discours realiste comme l'analyse subjective et la poesie en font un lieu commun ou ces differents types d'ecritures reflechissent a leur propre pouvoir poetique et rhetorique, ou ils testent leur dimension ethique pour produire leur propre definition en tant que pratiques litteraires. Confrontee a la maladie, la litterature a du, en effet, s'interroger sur sa capacite de toucher a l'existence humaine, poser la question de l'urgence des paroles, de la valeur des mots, et du pouvoir que ceux-ci ont d'arreter une signification definie. La maladie, vecue ou fictionnelle, definit ainsi, au-dela d'une simple thematique, un espace de reflexion qui parle de la litterature elle-meme dans ce qu'elle a de plus trouble et d'incertain.
Peeters Publishers Vado Mori Une Danse Macabre Unique Dans Le Livre dHeures GantoBrugeois CroyArenberg Environ 1500 40 Documenta Libraria
Peeters Publishers Penser, Agir Et Vivre Dans L'Empire Ottoman Et En Turquie: Etudes Reunies Pour Francois Georgeon
En suivant certains des silllons creuses par Francois Georgeon, les etudes ici reunies se repartissent en quatre groupes. Les premieres s'inscrivent dans le registre de l'histoire politique et ideologique des dernieres decennies de l'epoque ottomane. Elles touchent a la politisation et a la question des provinces de l'Empire. Elles touchent aussi au vocabulaire politique et aux nouvelles temporalites introduites par la revolution jeune-turque dans la reflexion de certains intellectuels. Les secondes sont des contributions a l'histoire intellectuelle. Une place importante est faite dans cette partie a la presse et a l'imprime, tandis qu'une derniere contribution reprend la question des intellectuels voyageurs. La troisieme partie est consacree a l'histoire sociale. Y sont abordees des themes divers tels que: la construction et la fluidite des identifications, les fetes, l'alimentation, et les evolutions sociales a l'echelle urbaine, comme a l'echelle individuelle. Enfin, la quatrieme et derniere partie rassemble d'un cote des etudes sur la Turquie kemaliste et, de l'autre, des essais sur le passage "des Ottomans aux Turcs" (pour reprendre le titre d'un volume d'articles de Francois Georgeon), et sur la construction des savoirs dans ce domaine. Following in Francois Georgeon's footsteps, this volume is divided in four parts. The first group of studies concerns the political and ideological history of the last decades of the Ottoman Empire. These studies tackle the issue of politicization, the question of the provinces of the Empire, political vocabulary and new timescales brought by the Young Turc Revolution in the thought of some intellectuals. The second group includes contributions on intellectual history. Important themes in this part are printed publishing and the press, while the last contribution takes up the issue of intellectual travelers. The third group is devoted to social history. Studies address identity development and fluidity, celebrations, food, and social developments on an urban or individual scale. The fourth and last part brings together both studies on Kemalist Turkey and essays on the switch from Ottomans to Turks (to quote a title of one of Francois Georgeon's volumes) and on knowledge construction in this field.
Peeters Publishers Acte Retributif, Renaissance Et Transmigration Dans Le Bouddhisme Des Origines
Cet ouvrage se propose, a l'aide de textes du bouddhisme qui s'echelonnent de ses origines jusqu'aux premiers siecles de notre ere, d'illustrer les trois dogmes qui sont partie integrante de la pensee indienne en general, et du bouddhisme en particulier: l'acte retributif (karman), les renaissances (jati) et la ronde universelle et eternelle de celles-ci (sansara ou "transmigration").La premiere partie s'interesse au bouddhisme doctrinal. Sans taire les difficultes, voire les contradictions que ces dogmes offrent pour les esprits occidentaux, notamment parce que le Buddha soutient simultanement la sanction morale des actes et l'inexistence d'une ame substantielle et personnelle, on veut montrer l'omnipresence et la continuite des ces croyances dans les enseignements du fondateur lui-meme, dans les oeuvres qui debattent a leur propos, ainsi l'"Objet des discussions" (Kathavatthu) ou les "Questions du roi Menandre" (Milindapanha) puis dans des sources plus tardives comme Buddhaghosa ou l'un ou l'autre penseur du "Grand Vehicule". Au stock des questions fondamentales qui reste la meme d'age en age et qui concerne par exemple le passage de la mort a la renaissance, qu'elle soit humaine, celeste ou infernale, on a ajoute quelques breves considerations sur la causalite karmique, sur karman et instinct ou sur l'equivalence samsara-nirvana.La deuxieme partie porte sur les dogmes precites tels qu'ils sont vus par le bouddhisme populaire. On aborde des lors une litterature d'un type tres different: un enorme repertoire de recits et de contes moraux enrichi au long des siecles et ou se detachent les Jataka's, c'est-a-dire ces "[recits par le Buddha lui-meme de ses] naissances anterieures". On peut y suivre les odyssees transmigratoires de personnages tantot fameux (le Buddha lui-meme, ses disciples, ses contemporains, ses adversaires ideologiques), tantot anonymes, a qui leurs actes moraux ou immoraux, pieux (envers le Buddha et ses moines) ou impies ont valu de renaitre heureux ou malheureux ici-bas, dans les cieux ou les enfers, comme animaux ou fantomes. Cet ensemble narratif destine a instruire et edifier moines et laics bouddhistes permet aussi des remarques diverses, par exemple sur l'anamnese des vies anterieures ou sur la duree des diverses renaissances et sejours dans les spheres cosmiques.
Peeters Publishers Autour De La Langue Arabe: Etudes Presentees a Jacques Grand'Henry a L'occasion De Son 70e Anniversaire
Les themes et sujets du present volume d'hommages que lui dedient plusieurs de ses collegues et amis, correspondent au profil a la fois focalise et varie de Jacques Grand'Henry, Professeur emerite d'etudes arabes a l'Universite catholique de Louvain. Les domaines couverts sont notamment ceux de la dialectologie arabe descriptive ou historique, de la linguistique historique et comparative, du moyen arabe ou de l'arabe melange tel qu'on le trouve dans les textes medievaux et dans les documents modernes (textes litteraires ou enonces oraux), et de la philologie arabe sous ses differents aspects. Ce volume contient des contributions de: Frederic Bauden, Lidia Bettini, Giovanni Canova, Joseph Chetrit, David Cohen, Werner Diem, Madiha Doss, Bruno Halflants, Clive Holes, Jerome Lentin, Xavier Luffin, Gabriel M. Rosenbaum, Catherine Taine-Cheikh, Andrzej Zaborski et Liesbeth Zack.
Peeters Publishers Die Assyrer Und Das Westland: Studien Zur Historischen Geographie Und Herrschaftspraxis in Der Levante Im 1. Jt. V. U. Z.
Mit dem Beginn der assyrischen Expansion im 8. Jh. v. u. Z. endete schrittweise die politische Unabhangigkeit der Levante. Die Frage, wie die Expansion erfolgte und wie die Assyrer dieses Territorium organisiert und verwaltet haben, steht im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit. Wichtige Aspekte dieser Thematik sind u. a., welche Grenzen die unabhangigen oder annektierten politischen Einheiten hatten, was die Assyrer von den vorhandenen Strukturen ubernahmen und was sie veranderten, welche konkrete Massnahmen einer Annexion folgten. Anhand der Analyse der assyrischen Herrschaftspraxis wird eine neue Interpretation des assyrischen Einflusses in der Region sowie der Rolle des assyrischen Reiches in der Geschichte der Weltreiche geboten. Ausgangspunkt und Grundlage der Arbeit bildet die neuassyrische Toponymie der Levante und ein wesentlicher Teil derselben besteht aus 53 historischen Karten, die die historisch-geographischen Informationen graphisch darstellen: lokalisierbare Ortsnamen (3 Karten), die assyrischen Vorstellungen der Levante (8 Karten), lokalisierbare Gewasser- und Bergnamen (1 Karte), Tribut und Bevolkerungspolitik (5 Karten), assyrische Denkmaler in der Levante (1 Karte), die Westfeldzuge (30 Karten) und die politische Geographie der Levante (5 Karten).
Peeters Publishers Mundus Primus: Die Geschichte Der Welt Und Des Menschen Von Adam Bis Noach Im Genesiskommentar Ephrams Des Syrers
Albeit famous as a composer of liturgical hymns, the exegetical works of Ephrem the Syrian are almost unknown. This monograph deals with Ephrem's commentary on Genesis in which he provides a specific explanation of the biblical primordial history. His exegesis proves to be apologetic (refuting the positions of his main opponents Marcion, Bardaisan and Mani), ascetic and critical towards allegorical interpretations of an allusive type. By applying principles of a complex typology, he interprets the primordial events by relating them to particular contexts (cosmology, anthropology, ethics and eschatology). Thus he assumes that Gen 1:1'9:17 describes the contours of a first world (mundus primus), which is in a paradigmatic way a typological pre-image of the second world (mundus secundus) in which we live. According to Ephrem, with the landing of the Ark and God's covenant with Noah, the history undergoes its decisive turning point. This study may prove both Ephrem's close proximity to rabbinic exegesis and his great originality. As a starting point for a specific Syriac interpretation tradition of the first book of the Bible Ephrem's commentary is highly interesting for patristic exegesis and inspiring for the theological interpretation of the primordial history and a lively dialogue with modern exegesis.
Peeters Publishers Quid Est Veritas? Over Kerkelijk Huwelijksrecht En Waarheid
Quid est veritas? Over kerkelijk huwelijkrecht en waarheid is een themanummer over kerkelijk huwelijks- en huwelijksprocesrecht. Het bevat bijdragen van internationaal en nationaal gereputeerde auteurs. De aanpak is interdisciplinair. Kerkrechtelijke bijdragen zijn van prof. dr. K. Ludicke (Munster ' Duitsland), prof. dr. R. Page (Ottawa ' Canada), mgr. dr. J. Hendriks (Haarlem ' Nederland), dr. H. van der Meer s.j. (Roermond ' Nederland), abt J. Wouters o.praem. (Averbode ' Belgie), pater W. Bellemakers c.m. (Utrecht ' Nederland), dr. M. C. Forconi (Hasselt ' Belgie) en prof. dr. R. Torfs (Leuven ' Belgie). Naast het kerkelijk recht krijgen psychiatrie en theologie ook ruimte. Dr. A. Haekens (Tienen ' Belgie) en mgr. G. Versaldi (Alessandria della Paglia ' Italie), respectievelijk psychiater en psycholoog-antropoloog, analyseren de mogelijke bijdrage van hun disciplines bij de zoektocht naar de waarheid over de geldig- of ongeldigheid van het huwelijk in het huwelijksnietigheidsproces. En tot slot is er ook een filosofisch-psychologische bijdrage van Prof. dr. P. Vandermeersch (Leuven ' Belgie) en een theologische reflectie van prof. dr. E. Borgman (Tilburg ' Nederland). Zo wordt de lezer een beeld geboden van het kerkelijke en het kerkrechtelijke denken over het huwelijk en de onontbindbaarheid ervan, over de ontologische waarheid en de juridische waarheid. Een levendige combinatie dus van fundamenteel wetenschappelijk onderzoek en praktijkgerichte canonistiek.
Peeters Publishers Grammaire Sanskrite a L'usage Des Etudiants Hellenistes Et Latinistes
Dans le meme esprit que les Deux Cahiers de grammaire grecque (2006) et que la Sankrit Grammar de M. Mayrhofer (1972), mais s'adressant en priorite a des etudiants hellenistes et latinistes deja avances, cette grammaire comporte des donnees comparatives importantes, qui expliquent souvent en retour bien des aspects de la langue sanskrite, et parallelement du grec et du latin. Il n'existe guere, en langue francaise, de grammaire du sanskrit concue dans cette optique. Sont mis en evidence les principaux elements et les structures fondamentales de la langue dont la comprehension permet un acces aise aux textes classiques. Il s'agit particulierement des alternances vocaliques qui regissent toute la grammaire sanskrite, de la valeur et des regles d'emploi des suffixes nominaux, donnees indispensables pour faciliter l'apprentissage du vocabulaire, des fonctions des desinences casuelles et de quelques paradigmes de base de la flexion nominale et de la conjugaison. Au fil des chapitres sont ainsi abordes le probleme de l'origine du genre feminin, des desinences casuelles, le role des pronoms, la formation de la conjugaison thematique, l'expression du temps et de l'aspect, les cinq conjugaisons latines, etc. La syntaxe est essentiellement abordee a travers la morphologie.
Peeters Publishers Boece, Opuscula Sacra. Volume 2. "De Sancta Trinitate", "De Persona Et Duabus Naturis" (Traites I Et V): Texte Latin De L'edition De Claudio Moreschini
Ce second volume de notre traduction francaise, introduite et annotee, des Opuscula sacra de Boece poursuit, avec le De trinitate et le Contra Euthychen et Nestorium, la demarche entamee dans le premier, qui consiste a passer en revue et a analyser tout ce qui trahit chez notre auteur non pas le theologien dialecticien mais le dialecticien theologien qu'il voulait etre. C'est effectivement en tant qu'intellectuel captive par le savoir de la Grece antique qu'il a aborde les grandes questions trinitaires et christologiques, se servant des contenus dogmatiques qu'elles vehiculent comme autant d'occasions pour montrer l'efficacite des sciences grecques, principalement celles du langage. Sous ce rapport, sondee et developpee dans tout ce qu'elle offre a l'argumentation rationnelle, la matiere fideique perd pour ainsi dire sa sacralite dans la mesure ou elle est soumise en ses moindres aspects au regard scrutateur de la philosophie. Dans le sillage des acquis biographiques, bibliographiques et doctrinaux du premier volume, celui-ci est entierement consacre a l'examen de ces enchainements d'episodes ou la raison continue a chercher son epanouissement dans le deploiement sans limites de ses ressources.
Peeters Publishers Understanding What One Reads: II: Essays on the Gospels and Paul (2003-2011)
This volume, Understanding what One Reads II: The Gospels and Paul (2003-2011), supplements the volume with the same main title which contains New Testament Essays from 1992-2002 and appeared in 2003. It continues the attempt (described in the preceding volume) to collect Professor Lambrecht's shorter writings into volumes that would be more accessible. The present volume brings together 35 studies, some rather brief, others more expanded. The first 34 are "bookended" by the cover illustration and the final article, which reflects on how Dei Verbum has functioned through forty years in attempting to understand what one reads in Scripture. As elsewhere in previous studies, Professor Lambrecht examines the relation between Q and Mark; he more than once reacts against a too easy reference to intertextuality which is methodologically not justified. He always carefully analyzes the line of thought (and the literal sense) in a number of passages, asking the question "How does the New Testament author reason and argue?". The majority of the articles in this volume have been published in journals or festschrifts. Most of the studies are strictly scientific; a few however have been written as conferences or essays for a nonspecialized Christian public. As the reader will observe, quite often a brief article is a reply to a recent publication. It is hoped that this collection of dispersed published studies and unpublished material will be appreciated by colleagues and students alike.
Peeters Publishers PieterJozef Verhaghen 17281811 In Het Spoor Van Rubens
Peeters Publishers History of the First Estifanosite Monks: V.
In the fifteenth century, a fearless Abba Estifanos and his followers openly criticized the monastic leaders of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church for what the monks saw as a gross disregard of monastic rules in the monastic leaders' relationship with political leaders. These monks of the Monastery of Gundagunde, in the province of Tegray, spoke out against the practice of having the monarch appoint abbots to head the large monasteries. Further, they dismissed as unchristian all religious practices that were not prescribed in, or proscribed by, the Eighty-One Canonical Scriptures of the Church. Most of all, they refused to bow to anything or anybody other than the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, including the king. Such defiance in a theocratic polity, in which the monarch was the head of the Church and State, was an extremely dangerous posture. Consequently, Abba Estifanos and his followers suffered unspeakable martyrdom. Vol. 635 tells the amazing story of these monks as they themselves recorded it in Ge'ez, the liturgical language of the Church. Vol. 636 is its English version. It is woth noting that although the narrative is hagiographical, the pertinent facts contained in the text are independently verifiable.
Peeters Publishers Reading New Testament Papyri in Context - Lire Des Papyrus Du Nouveau Testament Dans Leur Contexte
This volume is the publication of the acts of a conference held at the University of Lausanne (CH), in october 2009. It collects sixteen contributions on Egyptian Jewish and Christian papyri, read in their context, in four thematic parts. The first one concerns New Testament and papyri, with two programmatic contributions demonstrating the present importance of textual criticism in New Testament exegesis, as well as a state of research on the most recent NT papyri. The second part focuses on the interactions between the Egyptian context, Judaism and the emerging Christianity, with notably the presentation of a fragment of a homily containing Lk 2.35-36 (P.Gen. IV 150). The third part shows how every papyrus can tell a story on early Christianity whether it concerns the Gospel of John or the Gospel of Thomas, or if one uses the multispectral imaging. The last part offers further considerations on papyri and theology, and on the way in which papyri can help to fill in historical gaps. Contributions by R. Burnet, C. Clivaz, J. K. Elliott, K. Haines-Eitzen, S. Honigman, T. J. Kraus, A.-M. Luijendijk, X. Gravend-Tirole, C.-J. Gruber, D. Pastorelli, J. Read-Heimerdinger, J. Rius-Camp, P. Schubert, D. Stoekl, M. Theophilos, J. Zumstein.