Search results for ""author christo"
Surtees Society Commercial Papers of Sir Christopher Lowther, 1611-1644
Development of Whitehaven, family commercial speculations. Papers cover 1632-1637 and 1639-1644 and consist of letters, notebooks and miscellaneous documents. Significant for information on Lowther family, early history of Whitehaven and its coal industry, Irish economic history, Englishinternal and overseas trade in 1630s, early industrial developments and the role of the gentry in commerce and manufacturing, especially the part played by younger sons of gentry families. Christopher Lowther's commercial papers throw light on the development of Whitehaven - salt making, coal mining - and other family commercial speculations in Cumberland.Market: Economic history, 17c
De Gruyter Christoph Schwarz: Hofkünstler der Wittelsbacher im konfessionellen Zeitalter
Christoph Schwarz (um 1545–1592) zählte zu den einflussreichsten Künstlern am Hof der bayerischen Herzöge Albrecht V. und Wilhelm V. In seinen frühen Jahren entwarf er vielgerühmte Fassadenmalereien, deren lebendige Kompositionen die Auseinandersetzung mit Venedig offenbaren. Mit dem Regierungsantritt Wilhelms V. wurde er der bevorzugte Maler für die monumentalen Altarbilder der Jesuiten. Seine Mariendarstellungen und der »Kampf des Erzengels Michael mit Luzifer« in der Münchner St. Michaelskirche blieben über Generationen hinweg stilistische Vorbilder. Erstmalig wird einem der bedeutendsten Hofkünstler des ausgehenden 16. Jahrhunderts eine umfassende Monographie gewidmet. Dabei werden wichtige Fragen wie Schwarz’ ambivalente Position zwischen Stadt und Hof sowie die Bedeutung seiner Bildthemen im konfessionellen Zeitalter untersucht. Die umfangreiche Publikation, mit vollständigem Werküberblick sowie einem Werkkatalog der von ihm beeinflussten Künstler, wurde maßgeblich gefördert durch die ars et studium-Stiftung.
University of Nebraska Press A Journal for Christa: Christa McAuliffe, Teacher in Space
Most people remember where they were when John F. Kennedy was assassinated, just as they remember how they felt when humans first set foot on the moon. Elements of both reactions are present in the story of Christa McAuliffe, the energetic young schoolteacher chosen to be the first civilian to go into space—and who died with her astronaut companions in the Challenger explosion of January 28, 1986. In this straightforward memoir, McAuliffe's mother, Grace George Corrigan, makes it very clear just who and what the nation lost in the Challenger tragedy. The product of family history, notes and letters, and the commemorative efforts to honor her daughter, A Journal for Christa provides a very personal biography of a remarkable young woman.Christa McAuliffe's story is solidly American—the eldest child of a close Catholic Massachusetts family, and a dedicated Girl Scout, she came of age in the turbulent sixties and early seventies and became a schoolteacher and mother. Generous, outgoing, funny, and beloved by her many friends and students, she was little known beyond her personal circle until selected by NASA to be the first civilian sent on a space mission as the "Teacher in Space." Whether or not the selection was a publicity stunt, Christa McAuliffe may have proved more than NASA bargained for. Honest, direct, and outspoken, she was impatient with the stultifying ceremonies of the government bureaucracy and did not hesitate to speak out on behalf of the constituency she felt she had been selected to represent: American public schoolteachers and the children in their classrooms.
Karl-Alber-Verlag Der Erst-Lebendige: Christologie Leiblicher Ursprungswahrheit
Fe-Medienverlags GmbH Die Christologie des Hilarius von Poitiers
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Poetik der markinischen Christologie: Eine kognitiv-narratologische Exegese
Die narrative Exegese ist ein wichtiges Paradigma der neueren Markusforschung. Ein Grundproblem der Forschung war es bisher aber, historisch-kritische Methoden und synchrone Ansätze in ein Gesamtsystem der Interpretation zu überführen. Die sogenannte "kognitive Wende" in der Narratologie weist über eine rein textimmanente Analyse hinaus. Sie macht es möglich, die vielfältigen Interaktionen zwischen Rezipient und Erzählung zu beschreiben. Jan Rüggemeier stellt in seiner Studie eine entsprechende Methodik vor und zeichnet systematisch nach, welches kognitive Bild der Leser des Markusevangeliums im Lektüreprozess vom Protagonisten gewinnt und wie die einzelnen Figurenperspektiven seine Wahrnehmung der Hauptfigur beeinflussen. Die markinische Christologie erweist sich dabei im Kern als emergent. Die Identität Jesu erschließt sich erst vom Ende der Erzählung her und fußt auf dem textexternen Vorwissen - insbesondere den Bekenntnistraditionen - der intendierten Rezipienten.Diese Arbeit wurde mit dem Armin Schmitt Preis 2017 und dem Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award for Theological Promise 2019 ausgezeichnet.
Harvard University Press The Poems of Christopher of Mytilene and John Mauropous
Poems of Christopher of Mytilene and John Mauropous collects the varied Byzantine Greek verses of these witty and vibrant poets their epigrams, satires, encomia, polemics, and more in English for the first time.
Manchester University Press Doctor Faustus, A- and B- Texts 1604: Christopher Marlowe
This volume in the "Revel Plays" series, offers reading editions, with modern spelling, of the 1604 and 1616 editions of Marlowe's play, arguing that the two cannot be conflated into one. Included are sources and commentary, literary criticism, style and staging/performance assessments.
Classiques Garnier Christophe Colomb Et La Corse: La Possibilite d'Une Ile ?
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Supergute Tage oder Die sonderbare Welt des Christopher Boone
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Supergute Tage oder Die sonderbare Welt des Christopher Boone
Verlag Peter Lang Saving Beauty: Form as the Key to Balthasar's Christology
Columbia University Press The Cinema of Christopher Nolan: Imagining the Impossible
Over the past fifteen years, writer, producer and director Christopher Nolan has emerged from the margins of independent British cinema to become one of the most commercially successful directors in Hollywood. From Following (1998) to Interstellar (2014), Christopher Nolan's films explore philosophical concerns by experimenting with nonlinear storytelling while also working within classical Hollywood narrative and genre frameworks. Contextualizing and closely reading each of his films, this collection examines the director's play with memory, time, trauma, masculinity, and identity, and considers the function of music and video games and the effect of IMAX on his work.
New Village Press Skyscraper Settlement: The Many Lives of Christodora House
The roles that Christodora House has played from 19th-century settlement house to its newest forms Settlement house workers helped transform the lives of thousands of people despite lack of funding, the influenza epidemic of 1918, economic depressions, and two World Wars. Many of these houses still exist in the original neighborhoods where they confront the problems of today and advocate for their communities. Christodora House, founded in 1897 as “The Young Women’s Settlement,” played an important role in the life of immigrants and other residents on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. For over 50 years, residents and volunteers at Christodora House provided classes, clubs, recreational activities, and medical and dental clinics for thousands of New Yorkers, and then continued to operate programs out of public housing and other locations for more than two decades. The building at 143 Avenue B, now housing condominiums, has had a tumultuous history since 1948 but still stands, towering over its tenement neighborhood in the East Village. Christodora Inc. is now a nonprofit foundation with offices in Midtown Manhattan, whose staff works with underserved New Yorkers, including youth in the public school system, carrying on a long, distinguished history of service to the city and country.
New Village Press Skyscraper Settlement: The Many Lives of Christodora House
The roles that Christodora House has played from 19th-century settlement house to its newest forms Settlement house workers helped transform the lives of thousands of people despite lack of funding, the influenza epidemic of 1918, economic depressions, and two World Wars. Many of these houses still exist in the original neighborhoods where they confront the problems of today and advocate for their communities. Christodora House, founded in 1897 as “The Young Women’s Settlement,” played an important role in the life of immigrants and other residents on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. For over 50 years, residents and volunteers at Christodora House provided classes, clubs, recreational activities, and medical and dental clinics for thousands of New Yorkers, and then continued to operate programs out of public housing and other locations for more than two decades. The building at 143 Avenue B, now housing condominiums, has had a tumultuous history since 1948 but still stands, towering over its tenement neighborhood in the East Village. Christodora Inc. is now a nonprofit foundation with offices in Midtown Manhattan, whose staff works with underserved New Yorkers, including youth in the public school system, carrying on a long, distinguished history of service to the city and country.
Little, Brown & Company Christopher Kimballs Milk Street The New Home Cooking
SPCK Publishing Celebrating Christs Appearing
Considers the practicalities of celebrating the liturgical year from the point of view of the liturgical president and other liturgical ministers (eg the deacon at the Easter Vigil), and with particular reference to "Common Worship Times and Seasons" material. This book also considers material from the wider Western tradition where appropriate.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Jerome Zanchi (151690) and the Analysis of Reformed Scholastic Christology
This is a study in the Christology of Jerome Zanchi (1516-90), a leading 16th century reformed scholastic theologian. The study as a whole is bound together by doctrinal topics, themes and trajectories important to the 16th century Christological debates as well as by philosophical issues and arguments. In the first chapter, Stefan Lindholm situates Zanchi in the contemporary research into reformed scholasticism. Lindholm gives an account of what he calls analytic Christology and why it is relevant to the present study. In the second chapter, he contextualizes Zanchis Christology, historically and theologically. He discusses the sources and context of Zanchis Christology and characterize it as catholic, scholastic and reformed.In the second part, on the hypostatic union, Lindholm evaluates Zanchis view of the virgin birth The process of hominization in the third chapter. In the fourth chapter, he analyses Zanchis uses of the part-whole and soul-body similes for the hypostatic union. What emerges is a rather ambiguous view of the hypostatic union. At the end of this chapter, Lindholm offers further correctives to Zanchis assumed metaphysical framework in order to better accommodate the sort of claims Zanchi wants to make about the hypostatic union. The central theme in the debate between the Lutherans and the reformed theologians, the communication of properties, is treated in the third part. Chapter five deals with Zanchis controversy with Martin Chemnitz notion of the majestic genus (genus maiestaticum). In the sixth chapter Lindholm discusses the most heated issue in the debate about the communication of properties: ubiquity. He shows that Zanchi tends to argue against a sort of generalized version of ubiquity but it is not clear that Chemnitz actually ascribed to that position which weakens the force of Zanchis arguments. Finally, Lindholm looks at two scholastic arguments found in Chemnitz for multi-location and reconstruct a possible Zanchian response to them. In a postscript, Lindholm suggests some trajectories for future research.
Collective Ink Questioning the Incarnation: Formulating a meaningful Christology
The classic Christological formulations of the 4th and 5th Centuries are basically meaningless today. Questioning the Incarnation offers a new approach to Christology based on modern biblical, scientific and philosophical studies. Whilst using different concepts and language and courting controversy and disagreement, the overall thrust of the study is to take Jesus' humanity seriously, whilst seeking to interpret what may be meant by his 'divinity' in a way that remains fully Trinitarian and which takes seriously the intentions of the early Church Fathers.
Sandstein Verlag Nordlichter: 150 Jahre Danische Kunst. Schenkung Christoph Muller
Hal Leonard Corporation Christopher Robin: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
Penguin Putnam Inc Where Do You Think You're Going, Christopher Columbus?
LITTLE BROWN BOOKS FOR YOUNG R Dirt Bike Race Matt Christopher Sports Classics
Ron can't believe his luck when he finds a dirt bike at the bottom of a nearby lake. His luck seems to keep improving as he works towards his dream of being in a dirt bike race. But when he befriends a rich old man who used to be a racer, his dream is threatened by the man's jealous nephew.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Selbstverständnis Jesu: Hermeneutische und christologische Reflexion
Matthias Kreplin setzt sich mit den verschiedenen Positionen der älteren und neueren Forschung zu der historischen Rückfrage nach Jesus und insbesondere dessen Selbstverständnis auseinander und klärt dabei auch deren theologische Relevanz. Er verbindet sprachanalytische und christologische Ansätze so miteinander, daß eine Relevanz historischer Jesus-Forschung deutlich wird, ohne daß dabei der christliche Glaube in direkter Abhängigkeit von wechselnden Forschungsmeinungen steht.Der Ausdruck 'der Menschensohn' ist zunächst Gegenstand der auf diesem hermeneutischen Fundament aufbauenden historischen Rückfrage nach Jesu Selbstverständnis. Matthias Kreplin greift eine in der Menschensohn-Diskussion wenig bekannte These neu auf: Der Ausdruck 'der Menschensohn' ist nicht als apokalyptischer Titel, sondern als ein von Jesus selbst geprägter Name für die indirekte Selbstbezeichnung zu verstehen. Die apokalyptischen Menschensohnworte sind sekundär.Da es über Hoheitstitel keinen Zugang zum Selbstverständnis Jesu gibt, untersucht Matthias Kreplin die von Jesus beanspruchte und eingenommene Rolle. Er zeigt, daß Jesus sich als eschatologischer Repräsentant Gottes sah. Für die Tatsache, daß sich Jesus trotz dieses Selbstverständnisses aller Titel und Hoheitsansprüche enthielt, gibt es folgende Erklärung: Weil Jesus seiner eigenen Botschaft entsprechen wollte, mußte er ein Geheimnis um seine Person machen. Das Messiasgeheimnis wird so im Kern auf Jesus selbst zurückgeführt.Weitere historische und theologische Schlußfolgerungen zur Entstehung und Interpretation der neutestamentlichen Christologie schließen den Band ab.
Maney Publishing Traces of Trauma in W. G. Sebald and Christoph Ransmayr
This book offers the first full-length study of W. G. Sebald and Christoph Ransmayr and their complicated relation to the traumatic traces of National Socialism. It examines the different ways in which the traces of a traumatic past mark their narratives.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Empfangene Allmacht: Die Christologie Tilemann Heshusens (1527-1588)
Capstone Press Christopher Columbus: New World Explorer or Fortune Hunter?
The New Press Lies My Teacher Told Me About Christopher Columbus
Faber & Faber Christopher Hampton Plays 1: Total Eclipse; The Philanthropist; Savages; Treats
This first collection of Hampton's work includes The Philanthropist, which premièred at the Royal Court Theatre in 1970 and went on to become one of the Court's longest-running West End transfers. The volume also contains Treats, Savages and Hampton's deeply affecting drama about the relationship of the French poets Rimbaud and Verlaine, Total Eclipse.
Andrews UK Limited And Then It Was Now: The Autobiography of Christopher Guard
Vintage Publishing The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe
In 1593, the brilliant and controversial young playwright Christopher Marlowe was stabbed to death in a Deptford lodging house. The circumstances were shady, the official account - a violent quarrel over the bill, or 'recknynge' - long regarded as dubious.For the first time tracing Marlowe's shadowy political and intelligence dealings, Charles Nicholl uncovers critical new evidence about that fatal day. Also providing an enthralling revelation of the extraordinary underworld of Elizabethan crime and espionage, the 'secret theatre', Nicholl penetrates four centuries of obscurity to expose a complex and chilling story of entrapment and betrayal.
Pegasus Crime A Fine Madness: A Christopher Marlowe Murder Mystery
Disney Book Publishing Inc. Christopher Robin: The Little Book Of Pooh-isms
Baker Publishing Group Who I Am in Christ
Do You Know Who You Are in God's Eyes? Have you ever been tempted to doubt God's love? Well, He never gives up on you. Do you spend much of your life trying to earn God's favor? What a tragic waste of time--because you already have His love! It is the gift of life, which God freely gives you when you decide to follow Christ. It comes with no strings attached and lasts for eternity. Neil T. Anderson--bestselling author of Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker--reveals and defines your special place in God's family in this powerful devotional that has sold over 100,000 copies! Who I Am in Christ includes 36 readings and prayers, each and every one based on scriptural passages that assure you of God's love and your security and freedom in His kingdom. Welcome to His Word and His world-- where you are the apple of His eye!
Random House USA Inc The House of the Spirits: Introduced by Christopher Hitchens
Floris Books Christ Legends
The stories of Jesus' birth and childhood are well known, but Selma Lagerlöf brings them truly to life in this wonderful collection of tales for children.Her storytelling draws vividly on the colourful history and landscape of the Holy Land. She weaves in a cast of lively characters whose experiences and points of view are not usually represented: a war-hardened soldier at Herod's feast, a grumpy shepherd, Emperor Tiberius himself. Together they proclaim the human drama and divine mystery of the events of Christ's life.Previously published as The Emperor's Vision.
Verlag Herder Christologie Im Horizont Pneumatologischer Neuaufbruche: Bestandsaufnahmen Und Perspektiven
Banner of Truth Knowing Christ
De Gruyter Überleben. Christoph Brech: Installationen im Dialog mit dem Mittelalter
Der Münchner Künstler Christoph Brech (*1964), der in vielen internationalen Sammlungen vertreten ist, wurde vor allem mit Foto- und Videoarbeiten, Rauminstallationen und Arbeiten im öffentlichen Raum bekannt. Für dieses aktuelle Projekt inszeniert er in der Sammlung mittelalterlicher Kunst des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums 21 Video-, Sound- und Rauminstallationen. Er greift ikonographische Themen auf, setzt sie bildlich um oder interpretiert sie neu. Die Arbeiten stellen formal und inhaltlich interessante, unerwartete Bezüge her, die sich oft erst auf den zweiten Blick erschließen. Räume und Objekte werden überraschend inszeniert, einzelne Museumsstücke verfremdet, durch besondere Beleuchtung oder veränderte Stellung hervorgehoben, andere mit Klanginstallationen zum Leben erweckt. Das gemeinsame Ausstellungsprojekt des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für christliche Kunst in München eröffnet völlig neue Sichtweisen auf das Bayerische Nationalmuseum. Zur gleichen Zeit wird in der Galerie der DG ein Zyklus von Fotografien gezeigt, die Brech 2015 und 2016 im Bayerischen Nationalmuseum aufgenommen hat. Zudem sind zwei Leihgaben des Museums zentrale Bestandteile zweier von dem Künstler in den Galerieräumen neu konzipierter Installationen.
Baker Publishing Group Living in Union with Christ: Paul's Gospel and Christian Moral Identity
Leading New Testament theologian Grant Macaskill introduces Paul's understanding of the Christian life, which is grounded in the apostle's theology of union with Christ. The author shows that the exegetical foundations for a Christian moral theology emerge from the idea of union with Christ. Macaskill covers various aspects of Christian moral theology, exploring key implications for the Christian life of the New Testament idea of participatory union as they unfold in Paul's Letters.
University Press of America The Pursuit of Godliness: Sanctification in Christological Perpective
The Pursuit of Godliness argues that holiness or sanctification is not something that someone achieves, but entails something a person becomes. Donald L. Alexander defines sanctification as God's taking possession of people in Christ and setting them apart by restoring the character traits originally present in the creature created in God's image. He derives evidence from the Bible that this restoration lies in the fruit of the Spirit and that Christ died not only to bring an end to sin but also to bring about a newness of life. Alexander places the biblical teaching on sanctification within the context of personal spiritual maturity, rather than as an obligation to fulfill specific religious requirements. He suggests that a developmental connection exists between spiritual formation and personal maturity. This approach connecting sanctification with personal development brings about a new and suggestive understanding of sanctification.
Profile Books Ltd The Stones of Christ Church: The Story of the Buildings of Christ Church, Oxford
Christ Church, Oxford's largest and arguably grandest college, has awed visitors ever since its foundation by Cardinal Wolsey in 1525: one seventeenth-century visitor said 'it is more like some fine castle, or great palace than a College'. The already impressive site was further enhanced during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by ever more imposing structures, and building has continued up to the present day, sometimes following fashion, sometimes leading the way with new architectural styles. The Stones of Christ Church tells the fascinating story of the college's buildings throughout its five centuries, and of those who brought them into being, from the three great 'builder deans', John Fell, Henry Aldrich and Henry Liddell, to the humble slaters, joiners, bricklayers and stonemasons, and the materials that they worked with. The resulting buildings - Tom Tower, Peckwater Quad, Meadow Buildings and many more - are among the most iconic sights of Oxford today. Judith Curthoys, archivist at Christ Church since 1994, is also the author of The Cardinal's College (Profile, 2012), an in-depth history of this remarkable institution. Her new and impeccably researched study shows how much each generation's buildings, whether grand or humble, can tell us about the history both of the site and of those who occupied it.
Peeters Publishers A Divine Round Trip: The Literary and Christological Function of the Descent/Ascent Leitmotif in the Gospel of John
How does the Evangelist utilize the Descent/Ascent Leitmotif to shape the telling of Jesus’ story, and what is he conveying by incorporating this round trip language? The argument of this book is that the Descent/Ascent Leitmotif, which includes the language of not only descending and ascending, but also coming, going, and being sent, performs a significant literary and christological function in the Gospel of John. The Evangelist’s Descent/Ascent Leitmotif becomes the Gospel’s organizing principle, drawing together this constellation of verbs and a number of christological themes, including Jesus’ origin, identity, relationship to God, authority, signs and works, life, and glory. Using a thematic structural method, this book illustrates the transforming influence of the Leitmotif on these themes from which John’s Christology emerges. Additionally, this book examines the spatial dimensions and christological importance of the vertical and horizontal depictions of Jesus’ divine round trip.