Search results for ""author anne""
Emerald Publishing Limited Management And Leadership Innovations
Management and Leadership Innovations, vol. 38 of Advances in Librarianship presents techniques, cases and theoretical papers on how libraries and other non-profit organizations can achieve sustainability through application of the UN's Agenda 21, how to interview candidates through non-traditional and interactive processes to assess 'soft skills' needed to join a team, how a model was developed to ensure successful school libraries, and how academic libraries can provide leadership in sustaining and preserving their surrounding communities' history and culture. It also offers chapters on the utility of gossip in management, how to provide mindful leadership within an organization, and how to identify and manage levels of stress and burnout. The volume presents a case study of how a library altered the skill sets of subject librarians to function in teams using a matrix approach in order to better serve clients. Another innovation is represented by a chapter on staff development and service through participation in a community of practice. Also included is a chapter on service design a relatively new concept of service design which is critical in improving user/customer satisfaction and patronage.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contexts for Assessment and Outcome Evaluation in Librarianship
Assessment and outcomes evaluation have become increasingly important in librarianship. Although initially used in educational contexts to measure student learning, the strategy has migrated to other contexts such as hiring, employee development, overall organizational and institutional successes, measuring the outcomes of projects and operational changes, and self assessment at the personal level. This growing emphasis is partly due to increasingly stringent requirements that funds are used effectively to improve services and operations. The current economic climate and retrenchments in non-profit agencies, have raised the need for assessment and outcomes evaluation to a critical level. 'Contexts for Assessment and Outcome Evaluation in Librarianship' focuses not on the how of undertaking assessment and outcomes evaluation, but rather on their successes and failures in various contexts in which these tools have been and will be used.
Colourpoint Creative Ltd Homebirds: Days out Getting to Know Birds and Places Around Northern Ireland
When Anne Marie McAleese invited birding expert Dot Blakely on to her radio show, Your Place and Mine, she had no idea that it would mark the beginning of an enduring friendship and a life-changing birding odyssey. For the next two decades, the pair travelled all over Northern Ireland, exploring the wonderful world of birds and the glorious and varied landscapes they inhabit. In Homebirds, Anne Marie and Dot tell the inspiring and often funny story of their adventures. In all weathers, they make their way around parks and loughs, up hills and along coastlines, through villages and towns, meeting a cast of oystercatchers, blackcaps, fulmars, pied wagtails, buzzards, blue tits, herons, brent geese and many more. Illustrated with more than 100 images, Homebirds is packed with information on how to identify birds and attract them to your garden, and includes fascinating facts about the places visited. Above all, Homebirds is a celebration of the wonders of nature on our doorstep and a call for us all to get out and enjoy them.
Cambridge University Press The Cambridge History of War: Volume 2, War and the Medieval World
Volume II of The Cambridge History of War covers what in Europe is commonly called 'the Middle Ages'. It includes all of the well-known themes of European warfare, from the migrations of the Germanic peoples and the Vikings through the Reconquista, the Crusades and the age of chivalry, to the development of state-controlled gunpowder-wielding armies and the urban militias of the later middle ages; yet its scope is world-wide, ranging across Eurasia and the Americas to trace the interregional connections formed by the great Arab conquests and the expansion of Islam, the migrations of horse nomads such as the Avars and the Turks, the formation of the vast Mongol Empire, and the spread of new technologies – including gunpowder and the earliest firearms – by land and sea.
Oxford University Press Graded Keyboard Musicianship Book 1
Graded Keyboard Musicianship provides graded and integrated exercises for developing five core skills at the keyboard: figured bass, score-reading, transposition, harmonization, and improvisation. Organized into two books, it develops these skills from an elementary level, providing support for practical and theoretical music exams, and for teaching harmony. Book 1 assumes keyboard ability of Grade 1 ABRSM standard and covers up to Grade 5, while Book 2 covers Grades 6 to 8. The bite-size approach, catering for pianists and organists, uses practical worksheets of exercises alongside supplementary text.
Onomatopee Deep Scroll
Ovid Technologies Moore. Anatomía con orientación clínica
¡El mejor texto de anatomía con enfoque clínico del mundo!Ha pasado un tercio de siglo desde que la primera edición de Anatomía con orientación clínica ocupara por primera vez los estantes de bibliotecas y librerías. Aunque la base de la anatomía humana se caracteriza por ser longeva y consistente, la evolución de esta obra desde su creación ha sido notable y refleja cambios en diferentes aspectos: aplicación clínica de la anatomía, evolución tecnológica, nuevas y mejores técnicas de diagnóstico por imagen y avances en la tecnología de edición e impresión que, en conjunto, permiten plasmar y transmitir la información anatómica con la mejor calidad y la máxima utilidad. Edición tras edición, los esfuerzos se han enfocado en hacer que la obra sea más amigable y útil para los estudiantes de las diferentes disciplinas dedicadas a la atención de la salud y en conservar la identidad que le ha valido su posición como una de las mejores y más valiosas obras para el estudio de la anatomía humana en el mundo.La 9.ª edición ha sido revisada en su totalidad por estudiantes, docentes, médicos especialistas y expertos anatomistas, quienes han validado la precisión, relevancia y utilidad de su contenido siguiendo en todo momento los estándares más rigurosos de precisión científica y clínica. La terminología empleada para esta edición en español ha sido revisada y validada por un destacado y valioso grupo de expertos anatomistas de Latinoamérica y España.
Spector Books The First 3 Years of Ludlow 38
Dr Ludwig Reichert Kleinasien Vom 12. Bis 6. Jahrhundert V.Chr. Siedlungen, Heiligtumer, Funde. B IV 9.1: B IV 9.1 Die Zeit Von CA. 1200 Bis 700 V.Chr. 1: 2 Mio.
Kehrer Verlag Xl Photography 6: Art Collection Deutsche Boerse
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Anthony McCall: 1970s Works on Paper
Universitatsverlag Winter 'An Epistle of Noble Poetrye: 'A Middle English Translation of Christine de Pizan's 'Epistre d'Othea': Edited from London, British Library, MS Harley 838
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Interdisciplinary Research in Jurisprudence and Constitutionalism
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Aushandlungen religiösen Wissens - Negotiated Religious Knowledge: Verfahren, Synergien und produktive Konkurrenzen in der Vormoderne - Methods, Interactions and Productive Rivalries in Premodern Times
Religiöses Wissen, so die Grundannahme des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs "Religiöses Wissen im vormodernen Europa (800-1800)", entsteht in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem in der Bibel offenbarten, aber nicht greifbaren Wissen. Im alltäglichen Umgang der religiösen Experten und Laien wird es jedoch immer wieder transformiert und an die zeitspezifischen Gegebenheiten angepasst. Die dabei entstehenden diskursiven Konkurrenzen zwischen religiösem Wissen und anderen Wissensfeldern stehen im Fokus des interdisziplinär angelegten Sammelbands. Die Beiträge thematisieren die unterschiedlichen Verfahrensweisen, durch die religiöses Wissen in den Bereichen der Naturforschung, Kunst oder Literatur adaptiert und modelliert wird, sowie die dabei zu Tage tretenden Spannungen, Konkurrenzen oder Synergien.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Histoire Philosophique Du Travail
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Completes. Tome II: Relation Autobiographique, Entretiens Et Textes Divers
Classiques Garnier Revue Bossuet: Bossuet Et l'Angleterre
Classiques Garnier Bref Traite Sur La Richesse Des Royaumes: Precede Des 1er Et 2e Discours Sur Le Change de Marc'antonio de Santis (1605)
Classiques Garnier Frontieres Du Theatre: Melanges Offerts a Daniel Mortier
Classiques Garnier de la Sante Des Gens de Lettres
Classiques Garnier Nouvelles Voies d'Acces Au Changement Linguistique
Random House USA Inc God Is Young: A Conversation
Wolters Kluwer Health Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy
Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023! Known for its hallmark Clinical Blue Boxes, Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, 7th Edition, combines an easy-to-read approach, dynamic surface anatomy and medical imaging features, and engaging digital resources to build clinical confidence and equip users for success from foundational science courses through clinical training and practice. The concise, user-friendly format emphasizes structures and functions critical to physical diagnosis for primary care, interpretation of diagnostic imaging, and understanding the anatomical basis of emergency medicine and general surgery. This updated 7th Edition reflects the latest clinical perspectives and is supported by valuable self-assessment tools, case studies, and interactive BioDigital software to enrich understanding for students and practitioners alike. NEW! Sex and gender content clarifies important gender considerations and reflects an equitable focus on female as well as male anatomy. Extensively revised Clinical Blue Boxes highlight the practical applications of anatomy, accompanied by helpful icons, illustrations, and images that distinguish the type of clinical information covered. Revised comprehensive surface anatomy photographs ensure accurate, effective physical examination diagnoses with integrated natural views of unobstructed surface anatomy and illustrations superimposing anatomical structures with landmarks for more accurate physical examination. Insightfully rendered, anatomically accurate illustrations, combined with many photographs and medical images, strengthen comprehension of anatomical concepts and retention of “mental images” of anatomical structures. Medical Imaging sections familiarize students with plain and contrast radiographic, MRI, CT, and ultrasonography studies they’ll use in clinical practice. Comprehensive tables clarify complex information about muscles, veins, arteries, nerves, and other structures for easy study and review.
The Library of America Reporting World War II: American Journalism 1938-1946: A Library of America Paperback Classic
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Drama in the Music of Franz Schubert
This book challenges the assumption that Franz Schubert (1797-1828), best known for the lyricism of his songs, symphonies and chamber music, lacked comparable talent for drama. It is commonly assumed that Franz Schubert (1797-1828), best known for the lyricism of his songs, symphonies, and chamber music, lacked comparable talent for drama. Challenging this view, Drama in the Music of Franz Schubert provides a timely re-evaluation of Schubert's operatic works, while demonstrating previously unsuspected locations of dramatic innovation in his vocal and instrumental music. The volume draws on a range of critical approaches and techniques, including semiotics, topic theory, literary criticism, narratology, and Schenkerian analysis, to situate Schubertian drama within its musical and cultural-historical context. In so doing, the study broadens the boundaries of what might be considered 'dramatic' within the composer's music and offers new perspectives for its analysis and interpretation. Drama in the Music of Franz Schubert will be of interest to musicologists, music theorists, composers, and performers, as well as scholars working in cultural studies, theatre, and aesthetics. JOE DAVIES is College Lecturer in Music at Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford. JAMES WILLIAM SOBASKIE is Associate Professor of Music at Mississippi State University. Contributors: Brian Black, Lorraine Byrne Bodley, Joe Davies, Xavier Hascher, Marjorie Hirsch, Anne Hyland, Christine Martin, Clive McClelland, James William Sobaskie, Lauri Suurpää, Laura Tunbridge, Susan Wollenberg, Susan Youens
House of Anansi Press Ltd ,Canada Should the West Engage Putin's Russia?: The Munk Debates
How should the West deal with Putin’s Russia? For the U.S. and some European powers the answer is obvious: isolate Russia with punishing economic sanctions, remove it from global institutions such as the G8, and arm the nations directly threatened by Putin. In short, return to the Cold War doctrine that froze Soviet aggression in Europe and helped bring about the collapse of communist Russia. Others argue that such a policy is a dead end. Putin’s Russia has legitimate grievances against Western and NATO powers meddling in its sphere of influence. Instead of further antagonizing Putin and risking a dangerous escalation of the current conflict, the U.S. and Europe should seek common cause with Russia to address shared threats, from the Middle East to Asia to combatting terrorism.In the fifteenth semi-annual Munk Debate, acclaimed academic Stephen F. Cohen and veteran journalist and bestselling author Vladimir Poznar square off against internationally renowned expert on Russian history Anne Applebaum and Russian-born political dissident Garry Kasparov to debate the future of the West’s relationship with Russia.
Our Daily Bread Publishing God Hears Her, a Joyful Christmas: 31 Morning and Evening Devotions (a Daily Advent Devotional for Women with 2 Readings Per Day)
Broadview Press Ltd Epistles On Women and Other Works
Henry James wrote of Lucy Aikin: “Clever, sagacious, shrewd ... and an accomplished writer, one wonders why her vigorous intellectual temperament has not attracted independent notice.” The most important long poem by a woman from the British Romantic era, Aikin’s Epistles on Women (1810) is the first text in English to re-write the entire history of western culture, from the creation story of Genesis through the eighteenth century, from a feminist perspective. Responding to Alexander Pope’s misogynistic “Epistle to a Lady,” Aikin argues that men’s degradation of women has hindered the growth of civilization, and provides historical and literary evidence for her claim that “man cannot degrade woman without degrading himself.”In addition to Epistles on Women, this Broadview Edition also includes a wide selection of poetry, historical writing, fiction, memoir, and literary criticism by Aikin, as well as letters, contemporary reviews, and other feminist historiographies.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Adult Themes: British Cinema and the X Certificate in the Long 1960s
Between the late 1950s and mid-1970s, British cinema experienced an explosion of X-certificated films. In parallel with an era marked by social, political, and sexual ferment and upheaval, British filmmakers and censors pushed and guarded the permissible limits of violence, horror, revolt, and sexuality on screen. Adult Themes is the first volume entirely devoted to the exploration of British X certificate films across this transformative period, since identified as ‘the long 1960s’. How did the British Board of Film Censors, harried on one side by the censorious and moralistic, and beset on the other by demands for greater artistic freedom, oversee and manage this provocative body of films? How did the freedoms and restrictions of the X certificate hasten, determine, and reshape post-war British cinema into an artistic, exploitational, and unapologetically adult medium? Contributors to this collection consider these central questions as they take us to swinging parties, on youthful crime sprees, into local council meetings, on police raids of cinemas, and around Soho strip clubs, and introduce us to mass murderers, lesbian vampires, apoplectic protestors, eroticised middle-aged women, and rebellious working-class men. Adult Themes examines both the workings and negotiations of British film censorship, the limits of artistic expression, and a wider culture of X certificate cinema. This is an important volume for students and scholars of British Film History and censorship, Media Studies, the 1960s, and Cultural and Sexuality Studies, while simultaneously an entertaining read for all connoisseurs of British cinema at its most vivid and scandalous.
Edinburgh University Press Law, Surveillance and the Humanities
What do Margaret Atwood or Gulliver's Travels have to do with Facebook, Tik Tok or COVID-19 and issues of surveillance? Covers a range of topical issues ranging from the security state and the power of tech industries, to COVID-19 and the role of surveillance in the experience of indigenous peoples in post-colonial societies Compares legal frameworks and offers an overview of surveillance in France, the UK, US, Canada and Australia Draws on a range of resources including literary texts, such as Jonathan Raban's Surveillance, Margaret Atwood's Bodily Harm and The Testaments and Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels Examines the key concepts involved in surveillance studies, including surveillance itself, privacy, identity, trust, consent, agency and security The growing sophistication of surveillance practices has given rise to concerns and discussions in the public sphere, but has also provided a popular theme in literature, film and the arts. Bringing together contributors across literary studies, law, philosophy, sociology, and politics, this book examines the use, evolution, legitimacy, and implications of surveillance. Drawing on a range of resources including literary texts, chapters explore key issues such as the use and legitimacy of surveillance to address a global health crisis, the role of surveillance in the experience of indigenous peoples in post-colonial societies, how surveillance interacts with gender race, ethnicity, and social class, and the interaction between technology, surveillance, and changing attitudes to expression. It shows how literature contributes innovative ways of thinking about the challenges posed by surveillance, how philosophy and sociology can help to correct biases and law and politics can offer new approaches to the legitimacy, use and implications of surveillance.
Urban Institute Press,U.S. Beyond Bilingual Education: New Immigrants and Public School Policies in California
The United States has a long record of ambivalence toward recent immigrants. Nowhere is this love-hate relationship more evident than in the public school systems of high-immigration states like California, where pro- and anti-immigration advocates have waged a long-running battle over “bilingual” education versus “English immersion” programs. Unfortunately, this fierce political debate does not always acknowledge day-to-day reality in the schools, and the policies that result may ultimately hinder the schools and students they intend to help. Beyond Bilingual Education cuts through the politics, offering a statistical portrait of English language learners in five large California school districts and highlighting the results of more than 120 interviews conducted with teachers, school administrators, and community service providers about the challenges facing recent immigrants and the schools that serve them. This combined approach yields essential intelligence for policymakers, advocates, and administrators seeking to escape the trap of immigration politics. It is a vital perspective, because how our schools receive, treat, and educate these future workers will directly affect our country’s economic and social health and progress.
Strandberg Publishing Unity of Knowledge: Scrapbook from the Niels Bohr Institute
Kehrer Verlag Xl Photography 5: Art Collection Deatsche Borse
Hatje Cantz Roj Rodriguez: Mi Sangre
The series Mi Sangre by Roj Rodriguez started as a photo documentation of a personal journey to retrace his Mexican heritage and has evolved into a fine art project aimed at highlighting Mexican culture on both sides of the US/Mexico border. It documents everyday aspects of Mexican life, the culture and popular iconography, both as they exist in México and as reimagined by Mexican Americans in the US. With each of the subjects portrayed, Roj Rodriguez engaged in sometimes casual, sometimes insightful conversations. Mi Sangre includes proud and elegant charros, beautiful and skilled escaramuzas, joyful and coy children, wise and innocent elders, vibrant and talented mariachi musicians, loving and welcoming families, and even fine art re-interpretations of Loteria iconography.
Hatje Cantz The Late Works of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Jens Ferdinand Willumsen: Staging Nature and Life
An exceptional talent, master of Expressionist art, co-founder of Die Brücke group. Where Ernst Ludwig Kirchner’s work is concerned, superlatives are basic. It is all the more surprising, therefore, that there has been little critical appraisal of one of the most important chapters in the painter’s life and oeuvre. Besides his Expressionist acme, his imposing later-phase work deserves special attention and recognition. In exile in Davos, Kirchner again managed to produce an outstanding cycle of pictures, before committing suicide at the age of fifty-eight. Though continuing to use his inimitable style, he nevertheless invented something entirely new. Nature appears as an intoxicating space in intense colours, where the dignity of the human figure is negotiated in a dynamic aesthetic. The scholarly publication gives readers the complete picture in the context of another Expressionist living in a self-imposed exile during those years: Danish painter J. F. Willumsen (1863–1958). The juxtaposition of Kirchner and Willumsen poses a visually persuasive and entirely new perspective on an intense, colourful and vital vision of painting from the 1910s–1930s.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Protecting Children and Adults from Abuse After Savile: What Organisations and Institutions Need to Do
The high profile reporting of child sexual abuse carried out by Jimmy Savile over decades has had far reaching-consequences, raising public awareness and concern, yet we continue to uncover new cases of institutional abuse which have been taking place under the radar for years.This book distils the learning from 80+ public inquiries relating to Savile as well as related cases of institutional abuse and analyses the key findings. It examines what we now know about offending within organisations and institutions, and how organisational failures can enable abusers. Each chapter also outlines solutions, offering perspectives for individuals and organisations on what practical action they can take to minimise risk in the settings in which they work.The book includes chapters specifically dedicated to the NHS, sports organisations and schools, and is necessary reading for professionals with responsibility for safeguarding in any setting.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Labor Standards in International Supply Chains: Aligning Rights and Incentives
The authors examine developments in labor standards in global supply chains over the past thirty years, analyzing factors that create challenges and opportunities for improving working conditions. They illustrate the complex dynamics within and among key groups, including brands, suppliers, governments, workers and consumers.Using extended examples from China, Honduras, Bangladesh and the United States, as well as new quantitative evidence, the authors analyze stakeholders and mechanisms that create or obstruct opportunities for improving labor rights. They evaluate key clusters of actors and their interests in order to comprehensively map the complex interactions and relationships that make up global supply chains. Original data and analyses, including four in-depth case studies, present a systematic evaluation of the points of leverage for changing labor standards in sectors including apparel, footwear, and electronics.This exciting new contribution to a burgeoning field of study will benefit scholars of labor rights and human rights, as well as students with an interest in labor and working conditions. It also presents critical information for political scientists, NGOs, and practitioners looking to effect change in working conditions and learn more about key players in the global economy.
Bristol University Press Rethinking Peace Mediation: Challenges of Contemporary Peacemaking Practice
Written by international practitioners and scholars, this pioneering work offers important insights into peace mediation practice today and the role of third parties in the resolution of armed conflicts. The authors reveal how peace mediation has developed into a complex arena and how multifaceted assistance has become an indispensable part of it. Offering unique reflections on the new frameworks set out by the UN, they look at the challenges and opportunities of third-party involvement. With its policy focus and real-world examples from across the globe, this is essential reading for researchers of peace and conflict studies, and a go-to reference point for advisors involved in peace processes.
CABI Publishing Periphyton: Ecology, Exploitation and Management
The first comprehensive monograph on periphyton, this book contains contributions by scientists from around the globe. Multi-disciplinary in nature, it covers both basic and applied aspects of periphyton, and is applicable worldwide in natural, extensive and intensive managed systems. Periphyton, as described in this book, refers to the entire complex of attached aquatic biota on submerged substrates, including associated non-attached organisms and detritus. Thus the periphyton community comprises bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae, zooplankton and other invertebrates. Periphyton is important for various reasons: as a major contributor to carbon fixation and nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems; as an important source of food in aquatic systems; as an indicator of environmental change. It can also be managed to improve water quality in lakes and reservoirs; it can greatly increase aquaculture production; it can be used in waste water treatment. The book provides an international review of periphyton ecology, exploitation and management. The ecology part focuses on periphyton structure and function in natural systems. The exploitation part covers its nutritive qualities and utilization by organisms, particularly in aquaculture. The final part considers the use of periphyton for increasing aquatic production and its effects on water quality and animal health in culture systems. This book will help scientists and entrepreneurs further understand the ecology and production of aquatic systems and venture into new and promising areas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing: A Systems Approach
Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing A Systems Approach Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing is a comprehensive yet easy-to-read overview of medical and surgical nursing, designed specifically to support all nursing students learning to care for the adult patient. Highly illustrated and with an easy-to-follow systems-based structure, it provides a thorough foundation in anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, medical management, and nursing care for the full spectrum of adult health conditions. KEY FEATURES: Extensive coverage of principles of nursing assessment, medication administration, infection prevention and control, and nutritional care Key need-to-know-information and definitions for the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of a range of illnesses and conditions Detailed overviews of nursing care, including patient education, treatment, and complications An online resource centre with a range of extras for both lecturers and students, including case studies, reflective activities, interactive multiple choice questions, and further reading lists Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing is the ideal textbook to help students succeed on their adult nursing course. with online self-test Interactive multiple-choice questions Reflective questions for downloading Case studies Links to online resources When you purchase the book you also receive access to the Wiley E-Text: Powered by VitalSource. This is an interactive digital version of the book, featuring downloadable text and images, highlighting and notetaking facilities, bookmarking, cross-referencing, in-text searching, and linking to references and abbreviations. Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing is also available on CourseSmart, offering extra functionality as well as an immediate way to access the book. For more details, see
WW Norton & Co The New York Public Library: The Architecture and Decoration of the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
The New York Public Library, one of the nation's architectural wonders, is possibly our finest classical building. Designed by John Merven Carrère and Thomas Hastings, and inspired by the great classical buildings in Paris and Rome, it was completed in 1911. The library boasts a magnificent exterior, but that is only the beginning. In the interior, one splendid hall follows another, an awesome gallery leads to richly decorated rooms, and stairways are vaulted in marble. From the terrace to the breathtaking Main Reading Room is a triumphal way. All the devices of the classical tradition, the main artistic current of Western civilization, are brought into play. Maidens, cherubs, and satyr masks look down from ceilings. Lions' heads, paws, rams' heads, and griffins are on every side. In this beautiful volume, featuring new color photography by Anne Day, every facet of the building is described, including its inception and construction.
University of Illinois Press The Rule of Women in Early Modern Europe
This collection brings a transcultural and transnational perspective to the study of early modern women rulers and female sovereignty, a topic that has until now been examined through the lens of a single nation. Contributors to the volume juxtapose rulers from different countries, including well-known sovereigns such as Isabel of Castile and Elizabeth Tudor, as well as other less widely studied figures Isabeau of Bavaria, Jeanne d'Albret, Isabel Clara Eugenia, Juana of Austria, and Catherine of Brandenburg. Several essays also focus on the representations of foreign rulers such as Catherine de' Medici in England and Elizabeth I in France. Drawing on early modern literature and historical documents, this study investigates the various political, discursive, and symbolic measures employed to negotiate and support female sovereignty by both early modern writers and the rulers themselves. The detailed analysis of the women's responses--or inability to respond--to these strictures underscores the relationship between early modern authors and sovereigns and the complex and vexed situation of European women rulers. Contributors are Tracy Adams, Anne J. Cruz, Éva Deák, Mary C. Ekman, Catherine L. Howey, Elizabeth Ketner, Carole Levin, Sandra Logan, Magdalena S. Sánchez, Mihoko Suzuki, and Barbara F. Weissberger.
Columbia University Press Research in Social Work
The University of Chicago Press From Mother and Daughter: Poems, Dialogues, and Letters of Les Dames des Roches
Among the best-known and most prolific French women writers of the sixteenth century, Madeleine (1520 - 87) and Catherine (1542 - 87) des Roches were celebrated not only for their uncommonly strong mother-daughter bond but also for their bold assertion of poetic authority for women in the realm of belles letters. The Dames des Roches excelled in a variety of genres, including poetry, Latin and Italian translations, correspondence, prose dialogues, pastoral drama, and tragic comedy; collected in "From Mother and Daughter" are selections from their celebrated oeuvre, suffused with an engaging and enduring feminist consciousness. Madeleine and Catherine spent their entire lives in civil war - torn Poitiers, where a siege of the city, vandalism, and desecration of churches fueled their political and religious commentary. Members of an elite literary circle that would inspire salon culture during the next century, the Dames des Roches addressed the issues of the day, including the ravages of religious civil wars, the weak monarchy, education for women, marriage and the family, violence against women, and the status of women intellectuals. Through their collaborative engagement in shared public discourse, both mother and daughter were models of moral, political, and literary agency.