Search results for ""author anne""
Indiana University Press The Socialist Sixties: Crossing Borders in the Second World
The 1960s have reemerged in scholarly and popular culture as a protean moment of cultural revolution and social transformation. In this volume socialist societies in the Second World (the Soviet Union, East European countries, and Cuba) are the springboard for exploring global interconnections and cultural cross-pollination between communist and capitalist countries and within the communist world. Themes explored include flows of people and media; the emergence of a flourishing youth culture; sharing of songs, films, and personal experiences through tourism and international festivals; and the rise of a socialist consumer culture and an esthetics of modernity. Challenging traditional categories of analysis and periodization, this book brings the sixties problematic to Soviet studies while introducing the socialist experience into scholarly conversations traditionally dominated by First World perspectives.
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. What Will You Be, Sara Mee?
American Psychological Association Angry Kids, Angry Parents: Understanding and Working With Anger in Your Family
Psychologists Anne Hilde Vassbø Hagen and Joanne Dolhanty explain everything you need to know about your child’s anger and how to manage it. Anger can be normal and healthy when it enables us to stand up for ourselves and defend against injustice. However, it can also lead to aggression—even violence—while also hiding other, more vulnerable emotions. For instance, an angry child may be hiding embarrassment, shame, disappointment, sadness, loneliness, or fear. As a parent, it is your job to help your child understand their anger, express it in an appropriate way, and address the underlying need. In Angry Kids, Angry Parents you will learn how to respond to your child’s anger in a sensitive and productive way that validates their feelings, addresses their needs, and teaches them to manage their own anger. It can be nerve-wracking to watch your child explode in rage. This book will teach you how to stay calm and protect your boundaries. Supported by years of psychological research and therapeutic practice, the strategies in this practical, compassionate book will help any parent who struggles with their child’s anger.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Way of the Essenes: Christ'S Hidden Life Remembered
Nova Science Publishers Inc Coin of the Realm: Changing U.S. Coins
Trinity University Press,U.S. Miraflores: San Antonio's Mexican Garden of Memory
Aureliano Urrutia, a prominent physician in Mexico City, built Miraflores garden after immigrating to Texas during the Mexican Revolution. A man of science, he valued nature, art, literature, history, and community. The garden, whose name roughly translates to “behold the flowers,” was built primarily from 1921 to 1945. Its plants, architecture, sculpture, and artisanship formed a cultural landscape reflecting Urrutia’s love for and memory of his homeland. Though recent decades have rendered much of the garden decayed and barely recognizable, it is now part of San Antonio’s historic Brackenridge Park. Miraflores: San Antonio’s Mexican Garden of Memory recounts the garden’s history and celebrates the importance of the cultural, historical, and artistic meaning of a place.
Yale University Press Arms and Influence
Springer Us Microwave Photonics From Components to Applications and Systems
This cross-disciplinary title features contributions by key-note specialists from Europe, Israel and the United States. It deals with the rapidly growing area of microwave photonics, and includes an extended study of the interactions between optical signals and microwave and millimetre-wave electrical signals for broadband applications.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Greatest Stories Oxford Level 16 Sixteen Sisters Pack 6
Three classic English folk tales from the collection of Joseph Jacobs, beautifully retold and illustrated. Twelve princesses share a love of dancing, to their poor father''s despair. Will anyone be able to uncover their secret night-time escapades? Sisters may be related, but they certainly aren''t always alike; Drusilla and Isidora are like chalk and cheese, and receive very different enchantments in the story Diamonds and Toads. Snow White and Rose Red tells of two sisters whose beloved bear turns out to be something quite different ...TreeTops Greatest Stories offers children some of the worlds best loved tales in a collection of timeless classics. Top children''s authors and talented illustrators work together to bring to life our literary heritage for a new generation, engaging and delighting children.The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book.Each book contains inside cover notes to help children explore the content, supporting their r
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Sesgos inconcientes: Cómo reformularlos, cultivar conexiones y crear equipos de alto rendimiento / The Leader's Guide to Unconscious Bias
Africa Magna Verlag African Memory in Danger - Memoire Africaine En Peril
JOVIS Verlag Housing the Family: Locating the Single-Family Home in Germany
The suburban, detached single-family home is a major legacy of the Fordist decades of the twentieth century. In 2011, two-thirds of German households occupied such single-family houses. These buildings have embodied the political support for a way of life and type of living arrangement since the 1950s, and continue to symbolise dreams of home, prosperity, and social status. West German suburbs today consist mainly of single-family homes built between the fifties and eighties. However, municipal administrations and politics at the local level are now faced with the emptying of single-family housing areas at the edges of villages and small towns. At the same time, young families in particular are calling for building plots in the countryside. Whilst remaining aware of critiques of the single-family home in urban planning and architecture, this interdisciplinary volume offers fresh insights into these dwellings - from their place in everyday life and popular culture, to changing welfare regimes and demographic change, and to the implementation of ecological frameworks in the construction industry.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Soziale Gerechtigkeit Heute: Kongress Der Schweizerischen Vereinigung Fur Rechts- Und Sozialphilosophie, 7. Juni 2013, Universitat Bern
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Conflicts of Jurisdiction in Criminal Matters in the European Union: Volume I: National Reports and Comparative Analysis
Classiques Garnier Traduction Et Transferts / Translation and Transfers
Les Belles Lettres Rome Triomphante / Roma Triumphans: Tome I. Livres I Et II (La Religion)
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Lakes
The concept of a data lake is less than 10 years old, but they are already hugely implemented within large companies. Their goal is to efficiently deal with ever-growing volumes of heterogeneous data, while also facing various sophisticated user needs. However, defining and building a data lake is still a challenge, as no consensus has been reached so far. Data Lakes presents recent outcomes and trends in the field of data repositories. The main topics discussed are the data-driven architecture of a data lake; the management of metadata supplying key information about the stored data, master data and reference data; the roles of linked data and fog computing in a data lake ecosystem; and how gravity principles apply in the context of data lakes. A variety of case studies are also presented, thus providing the reader with practical examples of data lake management.
Libros para ninos El Día del Zoológico (Zoo Day): Un Libro de MIS Primeras Experiencias
Harbour Publishing T'aal: The One Who Takes Bad Children
Capstone Press Robin Hood (Graphic Revolve: Common Core Editions)
Simon & Schuster At the Beach
Capstone Press Jane Goodall: Animal Scientist (Graphic Biographies)
Vintage Espanol El Diario de Anne Frank (novela gráfica) / Anne Frank's Dairy: The Graphic Adaptation
Amsterdam University Press An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research: 2nd Revised Edition
We are increasingly realizing that, as a result of technological developments and globalization, problems are becoming so complex that they can only be solved through cooperation between scientists from different disciplines. Healthcare, climate change, food security, globalization, and quality of life are just a few examples of issues that require scientists to work across disciplines. In many cases, extra-academic stakeholders must be involved in order to arrive at robust solutions. Young academics are being called on to step beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines to contribute to addressing fundamental, often societal problems. As a result of these developments, an interdisciplinary approach is becoming increasingly necessary and popular in higher education. Students need to learn more about how to integrate and apply knowledge, methods, and skills from different fields. The crucial step of integration within interdisciplinary research is treated extensively in this textbook, which contains a comprehensive ‘interdisciplinary integration toolbox’. In addition, students must learn to collaborate in teams. An Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research serves as a systematic manual to guide students through this interdisciplinary research process.
Karolinum,Nakladatelstvi Univerzity Karlovy,Czech Republic Transfigured Night
A vision of late-twentieth-century Prague from an acclaimed Czech novelist. In late 1992, three years after the Velvet Revolution and as Czechoslovakia is about to dissolve into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, choreographer and dancer Leonora Marty, who fled the Communist state decades earlier, has returned to Prague. Having wrapped up her ballet of The Makropulos Affair, the famous dancer meets old classmates, wanders the city through crowds of tourists, and visits the most obscure and unvisited museums. When she is approached by Thomas Asperger, a descendant of ethnic Germans driven from Czechoslovakia after World War II, she must confront three relationships—her relationship with the city of her youth, her homeland’s relationship with its past, and her new romance with this German admirer. Written in German and published in 1995, by an author whose life mirrored her protagonist’s, the novel provides a cultural tour of Prague. Employing a style as influenced by the operas of Leoš Janácek as the novels of Thomas Pynchon, Transfigured Night is a masterpiece of Czech literature, showing that the culture of this nation comes in a variety of tongues.
De Gruyter Building with Hardwood
The worldwide booming timber construction sector and its rapid development beyond the limits of high-rise buildings demands high-performance materials, which are made possible by hardwood. Innovative production methods and manufacturing processes create economically competitive products that open up completely new possibilities for the construction sector - thanks to an almost forgotten building material. For it was not without reason that construction sector used predominantly hardwood until the 18th century.“Building with hardwood” focuses on its use in the supporting structure. The publication provides specialist knowledge for the safe handling of hardwood in building construction and shows successful examples of architecture from practice for practice.
De Gruyter bauhaus-paradigmen: künste, design und pädagogik
Das Bauhaus stellte durch den Anspruch, Welt umfassend zu gestalten und aus den Künsten heraus pädagogisch zu handeln, Architektur, Design, Kunst und Pädagogik in einen untrennbaren Zusammenhang. Die Wirkungen dieses tiefgreifenden Reformwillens sind auch hundert Jahre nach der Gründung noch erkennbar in Kunst, Architektur, Design und gegenwärtigen Prozessen der ästhetischen Bildung erkennbar. Diese Resonanz des Bauhauses ist Gegenstand des vorliegenden Bandes. Aus den Perspektiven von Kunst- und Designgeschichte, Kunstpädagogik und Erziehungswissenschaft reflektieren die unterschiedlichen Beiträge das Bauhaus in Bezug auf die Aspekte: Populärkulturelle Rezeption, Erziehung durch Gestaltung, Material in der Lehre sowie das Bauhaus als regulative Idee im digitalen Zeitalter.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Translation Under Communism
This book examines the history of translation under European communism, bringing together studies on the Soviet Union, including Russia and Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Poland. In any totalitarian regime maintaining control over cultural exchange is strategically important, so studying these regimes from the perspective of translation can provide a unique insight into their history and into the nature of their power. This book is intended as a sister volume to Translation Under Fascism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) and adopts a similar approach of using translation as a lens through which to examine history. With a strong interdisciplinary focus, it will appeal to students and scholars of translation studies, translation history, censorship, translation and ideology, and public policy, as well as cultural and literary historians of Eastern Europe, Soviet communism, and the Cold War period.
University of Michigan, Museum of Art Multiple Impressions: Contemporary Chinese Woodblock Prints
Multiple Impressions examines works by 40 leading printmakers from contemporary China, highlighting the extraordinary innovations, in both technique and conception, which have transformed this long-established art form in recent years. It includes works by such artists as Xu Bing, Kang Ning, Song Yuanwen, Chen Qi, He Kun, and Fang Limin, as well as many other accomplished printmakers. Essays by noted scholars place contemporary printmaking in its complex art historical and cultural contexts, discuss the relationship between printmaking and contemporary art, and interpret new work by the internationally prominent artist Xu Bing. The book explores three key themes in printmaking today: "Landscapes Old and New" illustrates the variety of techniques and visual idioms contemporary printmakers draw on to create expressive and fantastic landscapes; "Fellow Citizens" turns to the human figure; and "Layered Abstractions" focuses on works that showcase the distinct visual effects and pictorial language that underscore the process of making a print.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Therapeutic Interventions for Forensic Mental Health Nurses
Written by experts in the growing field of forensic mental health care, this book explores current and emerging interventions in forensic nursing and the care of the mentally disordered offender, with an emphasis on clinical practice and clinical competence. It explores the practical issues facing forensic nurses, such as environment and safety issues, as well as the possible emotional trauma of such a role. It examines a range of intervention strategies, such as exercise, which has often been used as an occupational time-filler, but also offers real therapeutic benefits. The contributors cover a range of diverse perspectives from the care of women in secure services, severely assaultive patients and sex offenders, the role of inpatient therapy and nurse therapists and the importance of spiritual nursing and educational interventions. The book also examines the client group itself and considers new roles for nurses in the light of recent research.The contributors to this volume take a wide-ranging approach, providing a comprehensive overview of current and future therapeutic interventions for forensic mental health care. Therapeutic Interventions for Forensic Mental Health Nurses is essential reading for all practitioners, nurses and educators in the forensic nursing field.
CABI Publishing Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms Volume 3: Methodologies for Transgenic Fish
The decline of many individual and wild fish stocks has commanded an increase in aquaculture production to meet the protein demands of a growing population. Alongside selective breeding schemes and expanding facilities, transgenic methods have received increasing attention as a potential factor in meeting these demands. With a focus on developing countries, this third text in the series provides detailed information on environmental biosafety policy and regulation and presents methodologies for assessing ecological risks associated with transgenic fish.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainable Consumption, Production and Supply Chain Management: Advancing Sustainable Economic Systems
This incisive book integrates the academic fields of sustainable production and consumption (SCP) and sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) as a framework for challenging the current economic paradigm and addressing the significant ecological and environmental problems faced by the contemporary business world.Outlining the growth and progress of consumption in the developed world, initial chapters explore the numerous problems that have emerged from the current mode of consuming resources, and how we might engage in more sustainable consumption practices. The book goes on to address the historical development of mass production and the ecological damage caused by an unsustainable linkage between mass consumption and mass production. Considering the future of the supply web, it illustrates how SSCM can play a leading role in the transition towards a more sustainable economic system if it is able to address contemporary ecological concerns more effectively.This insightful and optimistic platform for ecological supply chain management is a rousing call to arms for business and management scholars hoping to propose innovative methods of improving the sustainability of consumption, production and supply webs. It will also benefit the work of business practitioners and entrepreneurs looking to engage in more sustainable business operations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals and Applications of Acoustic Metamaterials: From Seismic to Radio Frequency
In the last few decades, metamaterials have revolutionized the ways in which waves are controlled, and applied in physics and practical situations. The extraordinary properties of metamaterials, such as their locally resonant structure with deep subwavelength band gaps and their ranges of frequency where propagation is impossible, have opened the way to a host of applications that were previously unavailable. Acoustic metamaterials have been able to replace traditional treatments in several sectors, due to their better performance in targeted and tunable frequency ranges with strongly reduced dimensions. This is a training book composed of nine chapters written by experts in the field, giving a broad overview of acoustic metamaterials and their uses. The book is divided into three parts, covering the state-of-the-art, the fundamentals and the real-life applications of acoustic metamaterials.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Medieval Clothing and Textiles 17
The best new research on medieval clothing and textiles, drawing from a variety of angles and approaches. The essays here take us from the eleventh century, with an exploration of the Bayeux Tapestry, into an examination and reconstruction of an extant thirteenth-century sleeve in France which provides a rare and early example of medieval quilted armour, and finally on to late medieval Sweden and the reconstruction of gilt-leather intarsia coverlets. A study of construction techniques and the evolution of form of gable and French hoods in the late medieval and the early modern periods follows; and the volume also includes a study of the Great Wardrobe under Edward I of England, and what it can tell us about textiles at the time.
Pushkin Children's Books Oksa Pollock: The Last Hope
A New Heroine. An Old Evil. An Unforgettable Adventure. A thrilling new supernatural adventure series. Fuses the excitement, action and extraordinary worlds of Harry Potter, I Am Number Four and Buffy the Vampire Slayer with an inspirational new teen heroine. Oksa Pollock is a normal thirteen-year-old girl, starting a new life in London. New lives, new friends, a new school and new adventures. But bizarre things start happening around Oksa she finds she can produce fire from her hands, move objects with her mind, and even fly. Finally the truth emerges... her family fled Edefia, their magical, hidden homeland years ago. And more than that: Oksa is their queen... Oksa will be thrown into a wilder adventure than she could ever have imagined. She must triumph over her enemies. The whole of Edefia is counting on her. 'Great fun' -- Financial Times 'Fantastic' -- Guardian Children's Books 'The first title from the French children's series combines action, excitement and new worlds.' -- Natasha Harding, The Sun 'A feisty heroine, lots of sparky tricks and evil opponents could fill a gap left by the end of the Harry Potter series' -- Daily Mail A thrilling, magical adventure ... enchanting. -- Booktrust 'An adventure that rivals the Harry Potter books' Bookseller The French Harry Potter. -- Guardian 'Unforgettable and compelling adventures' Armadillo 'Great fantasy novel... will be a classic of the fantasy genre' Cuckoo A fantastic novel... I loved this book... I can't wait for the next one! Whoo hoo!' -- We Sat Down I was instantly drawn into this magical "other" world' -- Serendipity Reviews 'Such a great children's book, and I cannot wait for the next book to be released' Goodreads, 4/5 stars After studying Chinese language and culture, Anne Plichota lived and worked in Korea and China. Her past jobs included working as a Chinese teacher, a nurse's aide, a public letter writer, and most recently a librarian. She enjoys American and Gothic literature and hearing people s stories. She lives in Strasbourg with her teenage daughter. Cendrine Wolf studied sports, and went on to work as a social worker in deprived neighbourhoods. She taught herself illustration, and loves fantasy literature and speed 'in all its forms'.
Sweet Cherry Publishing The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Easy Classics)
An illustrated adaptation of Anne Bronte's classic – at an easy-to-read level for readers of all ages! A mysterious woman has arrived at Wildfell Hall. Unmarried and living alone, she is the subject of whispers and rumours. Where has she come from? Where is her husband? Gilbert is determined to find out about this secretive woman. And, when he gets her journal, he finally has the chance … The Complete Brontë Sisters Children's Collection: From the haunted Yorkshire moors to the towering battlements of Thornfield Hall, experience the Bronte sisters' famous stories of love, self-discovery and family feuds. Adapted and illustrated for children aged 7+.
Seven Stories Press,U.S. The Wizard's Tears
Bristol University Press The Value of Industrial Relations: Contemporary Work and Employment in Britain
Published in collaboration with BUIRA, this book provides a critical review of the field of industrial relations (IR) and evaluates its future in the rapidly evolving world of work. Written by key names in IR, the book captures the significant transformations that have taken place within the field over the past decade. It traces the historical development of IR, exploring its ongoing impact on our lives. The chapters delve into various aspects, including union organization and mobilization, the influence of new technology, and the examination of intersectionality in the context of work and employment. This is an invaluable resource for academics and students of employment and industrial relations, as well as HR professionals, trade union organizations and representatives.
Union Square & Co. The Bronte Sisters (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions): Three Novels
This is the most cherished novel from each of England's talented sisters, in one gorgeously packaged volume. The Bronte family was a literary phenomenon unequalled before or since. Both Charlotte's "Jane Eyre" and Emily's "Wuthering Heights" have won lofty places in the pantheon and stirred the romantic sensibilities of generations of readers. This "Leatherbound Classics" edition unites these two enduring favourites with the lesser known, but no less powerful work by their youngest sister, Anne Bronte. Drawn from Anne's own experiences as a governess, Agnes Grey offers a compelling view of Victorian chauvinism and materialism. Its inclusion makes "The Bronte Sisters" a must-have volume for anyone fascinated by this singularly talented family.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Gus is in the Garden
Gus is in the garden, and he can see lots of little animals. Connects to the non-fiction text pair, Yummy, Yummy!
John Wiley & Sons Inc The AI Book: The Artificial Intelligence Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and FinTech Visionaries
Written by prominent thought leaders in the global fintech space, The AI Book aggregates diverse expertise into a single, informative volume and explains what artifical intelligence really means and how it can be used across financial services today. Key industry developments are explained in detail, and critical insights from cutting-edge practitioners offer first-hand information and lessons learned. Coverage includes: · Understanding the AI Portfolio: from machine learning to chatbots, to natural language processing (NLP); a deep dive into the Machine Intelligence Landscape; essentials on core technologies, rethinking enterprise, rethinking industries, rethinking humans; quantum computing and next-generation AI · AI experimentation and embedded usage, and the change in business model, value proposition, organisation, customer and co-worker experiences in today’s Financial Services Industry · The future state of financial services and capital markets – what’s next for the real-world implementation of AITech? · The innovating customer – users are not waiting for the financial services industry to work out how AI can re-shape their sector, profitability and competitiveness · Boardroom issues created and magnified by AI trends, including conduct, regulation & oversight in an algo-driven world, cybersecurity, diversity & inclusion, data privacy, the ‘unbundled corporation’ & the future of work, social responsibility, sustainability, and the new leadership imperatives· Ethical considerations of deploying Al solutions and why explainable Al is so important
Africa World Press Beyond Survival: African Literature and the Search for New Life
Liverpool University Press The Doctrine of the Hert: A Critical Edition with Introduction and Commentary
This volume makes readily available for the first time a critical edition of The Doctrine of the Hert, the fifteenth-century English translation of De doctrina cordis, a thirteenth-century Latin devotional treatise addressed to nuns. A religious bestseller, the Doctrina circulated throughout Europe between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries and was translated into six different languages. The Doctrina progressively pairs the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit with seven key actions of the heart, leading readers toward contemplative unity with God. Despite its medieval popularity, the Doctrina has largely escaped the attention of scholars until recently. Exeter’s edition offers a full textual commentary, while its introduction not only examines current thinking upon the Doctrina’s authorship and envisaged primary audience, but also takes advantage of recent scholarly breakthroughs in the understanding of late medieval female spirituality.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Concepts and Patterns of Service in the Later Middle Ages
The notion of service was ingrained in medieval culture, prominent throughout the language and life of the time. The notion of service was ingrained in medieval culture, and not just as a part of the wider concept of patronage: it is prominent throughout the language and life of the time. These studies examine the nature and importance of service in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries in a variety of contexts both within and beyond the dominions of the English crown, including contracts between domestic servants and employers, labour legislation, career opportunities for graduates, the public service ethos embodied by the king's household retinue and a scheme for its reform, public service in France, ducal service in Brittany, and bastard feudalism in Scotland. ANNE CURRY is Professor of History, University of Southampton; ELIZABETH MATTHEW is honorary research fellow at the Department of History, University of Reading. Contributors: JEREMY GOLDBERG, CHRISTOPHER GIVEN-WILSON, MICHAEL JONES, ALEXANDER GRANT, VIRGINIA DAVIS, JEREMY I. CATTO, D.A.L. MORGAN, KATHELEEN DALY, RALPH A. GRIFFITHS.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cultural Competence in Health Care: A Practical Guide
A manual written for health care professionals who care for patients from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. First developed by doctors and nurses at Children's Hospital in Boston, it contains detailed, practical information for working with dozens of religious and cultural groups and is designed to help providers best meet needs of their ethnically diverse patients while satisfying stringent new regulatory standards for culturally sensitive care.