Search results for ""author anne""
Verlag Peter Lang La Vraie Patrie, c'Est La Lumière¿: Correspondance Entre Annette Kolb Et Romain Rolland (1915-1936)- Documents Réunis Par Anne-Marie Saint-Gille
Peter Lang AG The Political Economy of Local Cinema: A Critical Introduction
The globalization and digitalization of cultural markets presents formidable challenges for local cinema and storytelling. The essays in this collection address some of these challenges from the perspective of a critical political economy of local cinema. Inspiring these contributions is the effort of supporting local cinema as a form of valuable storytelling that is at risk of market-driven extinction because of the greater commercial viability of global or Hollywood cinema and national cinema.
IDPURE Editions Freaks
University College Dublin Press Europe's Old States and the New World Order: The Politics of Transition in Britain,France and Spain: The Politics of Transition in Britain,France and Spain
Much attention has been paid to globalization, yet little has been focused on the relationship between the national and sub-national levels of politics. This publication has separate sections on the state in transition; on regionalism, nationalism and separatism; and on the security forces and the maintenance of order. The three states chosen - Britain, France and Spain - have historical similarities as ex-imperial, Atlantic seaboard states with weighty historical and institutional traditions. But they also differ in their institutions, in their centre-periphery relations and in their varying responses to the new phase of change. The authors assess the new constitutional configurations in each state - decentralisation, devolution or autonomous governments - and analyse the effect on the peripheries and the maintenance of order. The book also includes chapters on conflict in Northern Ireland and the Spanish Basque country and discussion of nationalist identity and assertion in the three countries.
Channel View Publications Ltd Language and Learning in the International University: From English Uniformity to Diversity and Hybridity
This book views the international university as a microcosm of a world where internationalization does not equate with across-the-board use of English, but rather with the practice of linguistic and cultural diversity, even in the face of Anglophone dominance. The globalization-localization continuum manifests itself in every university trying to adopt internationalization strategies. The many cases of language and learning issues presented in this book, from universities representing different parts of the world, are all manifestations of a multidimensional space encompassing local vs. global, diversification vs. Anglicization. The internationalization of universities represents a new cultural and linguistic hybridity with the potential to develop new forms of identities unfettered by traditional 'us-and-them' binary thinking, and a new open-mindedness about the roles of self and others, resulting in new patterns of communicative (educational and social) practices.
Talon Books,Canada Mégantic: A Deadly Mix of Oil, Rail, and Avarice
Eakins Press,N.Y. Walker Evans: The Interview: With Leslie George Katz
Walker Evans in his own words: the legendary interview, back in print In 1971, Art in America published an interview with Walker Evans conducted by Leslie George Katz, writer and publisher of the Eakins Press. The interview is charming and illuminating in its clarity and candor. Nearing the end of his life, Evans speaks freely about his influences and how he got started as a photographer (“I was damn well going to be an artist and I wasn’t going to be a businessman,” he remembers), and reflects back on his work and his thinking. The interview has become legendary, consulted by curators, scholars and students for half a century and considered a definitive source for insights into the process, philosophy and personality of one of America’s greatest photographers. In 1995, the Eakins Press Foundation republished Evans’ interview in a deluxe clothbound edition titled Walker Evans Incognito. More than 20 years later, this new edition brings the Evans interview back into print in an elegant and affordable volume for a new generation. Walker Evans scholar Anne Bertrand introduces the interview and its publication history, and contributes notes throughout the text that provide important contextual information. Walker Evans: The Interview offers an opportunity to rediscover the man behind the famous images, in his own words. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Walker Evans (1903–75) took up photography in 1928. His book collaboration with James Agee, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (1941), which portrayed the lives of three white tenant families in southern Alabama during the Depression, has become one of that era's most defining documents. Evans joined the staff of Time magazine in 1945, and shortly after moved to Fortune magazine, where he stayed until 1965. That year, he became a professor of photography at the Yale University School of Art. Evans died at his home in Old Lyme, Connecticut, in 1975. Leslie George Katz (1918–97) was the founder and publisher of the Eakins Press Foundation. Until his death in 1997, he wrote extensively about American art and culture, and through his sustained efforts to celebrate his heroes—Thomas Eakins, Walt Whitman, and Walker Evans—found a way to define a new sort of democratic, patriotic intellectualism.
Vendome Press Peter Pennoyer Architects: City | Country
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Homunculi Approach To Social And Emotional Wellbeing 2nd Edition: A Neurodiversity-Friendly CBT Programme to Build Resilience in Young People
Welcome to the world of the homunculi!The homunculi are miniature agents with problem solving missions and special gadgets who live inside the brain and help out with distressing feelings and behaviours. Now adapted for use in the classroom, as well as pairs and individuals, this practical second edition allows you to use this fun CBT-based activity with children and young people aged 7-16.This well researched approach is proven to help children who have difficulty identifying troubling feelings such as anger and fear and can be used in a variety of potentially distressing situations including bullying or tricky transitions from primary to secondary school. Complete with a large format skull poster, character and storyboard templates and downloadable record sheets this unique resource includes everything needed to get started on making stories cartoons or videos. Additional online resources show you how the programme was put in action in real-life individual and classroom settings, showcasing how the weirdly wonderful homunculi characters and stories created by children can come to life.
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Leader's Guide to Unconscious Bias
A timely, must-have guide to understanding and overcoming bias in the workplace, from the experts at FranklinCovey. Unconscious bias affects everyone. It can look like the disappointment of an HR professional when a candidate for a new position asks about maternity leave. It can look like preferring the application of a red brick university graduate over one from a state school. It can look like assuming a man is more entitled to speak in a meeting than his female junior colleague. Ideal for every manager who wants to understand and move past their own preconceived ideas, Unconscious Bias explains that bias is the result of mental shortcuts, our likes and dislikes, and is a natural part of the human condition. And what we assume about each other and how we interact with one another has vast effects on our organisational success - especially in the workplace. Teaching you how to overcome unconscious bias, this book provides more than thirty unique tools, such as a prep worksheet and a list of ways to reframe your unconscious thoughts. According to the experts at FranklinCovey, your workplace can achieve its highest performance rate once you start to overcome your biases and allow your employees to be whole people. By recognising bias, emphasising empathy and curiosity, and making true understanding a priority in the workplace, we can unlock the potential of every person we encounter.
Cengage Learning, Inc PASS Cambridge BEC Vantage
This popular BEC series has been completely revised. PASS Cambridge BEC is a practical course for students who wish to gain a recognised business English qualification. Focusing on relevant international business situations, the course has been structured to provide students with a thorough preparation for the Business English Certificates (BEC).
Cengage Learning, Inc PASS Cambridge BEC Higher
This popular BEC series has been completely revised. PASS Cambridge BEC is a practical course for students who wish to gain a recognised business English qualification. Focusing on relevant international business situations, the course has been structured to provide students with a thorough preparation for the Business English Certificates (BEC).
Multnomah Press Preparing to Meet Jesus: A 21-Day Challenge to Move from Salvation to Transformation
Thames & Hudson Ltd Pop-up Earth
Open this book and explore the wonders of our planet! Find out how the Earth was formed, where life first evolved and when the first humans arrived. Explore its many treasures, travel beneath its surface and discover why it needs out help and what we can do to protect it… Featuring five interactive pop-ups and gorgeous illustrations by Annabelle Buxton.
Lockwood Press Roman Sculpture in Context
This volume tackles a pressing issue in Roman art history: that many sculptures conventionally used in our scholarship and teaching lack adequate information about their find locations. Questions of context are complex, and any theoretical and methodological reframing of Roman sculpture demands academic transparency. This volume is dedicated to privileging content and context over traditions of style and aesthetics. Through case studies, the chapters illustrate multivariate ways to contextualize ancient objects. The authors encourage Roman art historians to look beyond conventional interpretations; to reclaim from the study of Greek sculpture the Roman originals that are too often relegated to discussions of "copies" and "models"; to consider the multiple, dynamic, and shifting contexts that one sculpture could experience over the centuries of its display; and to recognize that post-antique receptions can also offer insight into interpretations of ancient viewers. The collected topics were originally presented in three conference sessions: "Grounding Roman Sculpture" (Archaeological Institute of America, 2019); "Ancient Sculpture in Context" (College Art Association, 2017); and "Ancient Sculpture in Context II: Reception" (College Art Association, 2019).
University of Cape Town Press Child and adolescent development: An expanded focus for public health in Africa
While 90% of the 135 million infants born in the world each year live in low-income or developing countries, in a recent survey only 4% of the articles in 12 major international infancy and developmental journals were found to address the experience of infants living in the developing world. Yet, in conditions of extreme poverty and instability, conditions characteristic of Africa, the pressures on parents differ markedly from those facing parents in communities that are typically the focus of research in child development. This timely book addresses the dearth of literature in this area.There is an increasing awareness of the need for a broader knowledge base regarding infant and child development. One of the consequences of this awareness is a burgeoning interest in research in the field in Africa. The recent World Health Organization report `Social Determinants of Health’ has focused the interest of the academy on factors outside traditional medicine, on the social determinants of later problems and the profound inequities that exist as a result of poverty and how these impact on infant and child development. This volume will sit squarely within this context and will offer a broad contextualised understanding of the factors that impact upon infant and child development in Africa. Unlike other works on the subject it is Africa-wide in its scope, with case studies in Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi and South Africa.Recommended for: Academics, students and practitioners in psychology, including developmental psychology, child clinical psychology, developmental psychopathology, psychiatry, human ecology, and those in schools of education. It will also be of interest to nurses and paediatricians, health workers and for those interested in early childhood development.
Field Studies Council Guide to Commoner Water Plants
Hachette Children's Group Me and My World: Life Online
This book is an ideal resource for exploring and discussing online safety and includes topics such as using search engines, playing online games, cyber bullying, trolls and much more.Me and My World explores topics that are important to children aged 6 plus as they grow up. The text and illustrations provide lots of talking points, and questions help children to relate information to themselves and discover their similarities and differences. In the classroom, the books are great for exploring the topics in the RSE 2020 curriculum. The titles in the series are Being safe, My behaviour, My family, My friends, My growing body and Life online.
Little, Brown Book Group Instant Intuition: A psychic's guide to finding answers to life's important questions
Anne Jirsch is a psychic with an extraordinary gift. In her first book, she reveals her own unique techniques for effortlessly developing clairvoyant ability. As you follow Anne's fascinating life story she describes - with practical and straightforward exercises - how you too can switch on your psychic skills. Anne reveals her own revolutionary approach - Etheric Energy Techniques (E.E.T) - which enables you to tap into a person's thoughts and emotions, no matter where they are. Using Anne's methods of Future Life Progression, you can act now to change your own destiny. Packed with real life stories and will help you to transform your life - with instant results!· Written in the first person, Instant Intuition combines Anne's exciting and unique life story with simple and effective psychic exercises, quizzes and case studies. Shows you how to gain immediate insight into any area of your life - love, health, friends and work. Her techniques are completely safe, backed with scientific research, and give instant results.
Oxford University Press Animal Physiology: an environmental perspective
Wild animals survive in a variety of complex environments; they are exposed to predictable and unpredictable changes in their particular environment on a daily or seasonal basis. However, we live in a time when almost all natural environments are undergoing relatively rapid change, and many of these changes, such as the pollution of air and water, removal of natural food sources, environment fragmentation, and climate change, are the result of human activity. Animal Physiology: an environmental perspective shows how an understanding of the physiology of animals in their natural habitats helps us to understand not only how and why animals evolved the way they did, but how we can act to protect at least some of them from the extreme effects of the changes affecting their environments. Part One sets the foundation for the topics covered in the remainder of the book by introducing a range of fundamental processes that are essential to life. It considers the diversity of habitats on Earth in which animals live, and examines animal groups and their evolutionary relationships. It then explores the different feeding strategies used by animals to obtain the energy they require to carry out all the essential functions of life, and how animals convert the chemical energy in food molecules into the energy they need to power all body functions. Finally, it explores the general properties of animal cells, and how animals maintain a suitable internal environment in which their cells are protected from external influences. We then examine those fundamental principles governing the main exchanges between the cells within animals, and between an animal and its environment. Parts two to four of the book explore how different organ systems - respiratory and circulatory systems, excretory organs and endocrine systems - enable animals to interact with their environment, and how environmental temperature profoundly affects the physiology of animals. Part five considers how the sensory and nervous systems provide animals with information on their internal as well as their external environment, and how they, together with the endocrine system, are involved in the control and co-ordination of muscles, reproduction, salt and water balance, and the cardio-respiratory systems. Digital formats and resources Animal Physiology: an environmental perspective is supported by online resources and is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: The book's online resources include: For students: - Original articles: a list of original articles consulted during the writing of each chapter so that you can explore the original research for yourself. - Additional case studies and experimental approach panels to augment those in the printed book. - Answers to numerical questions: full solutions to numerical questions so that you can verify your working. For registered adopters of the text: - Digital image library: Includes electronic files in JPG format of every illustration, photo, graph and table from the text
Oxford University Press The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
'he looked up wistfully in my face, and gravely asked - "Mamma, why are you so wicked?"' The mysterious new tenant of Wildfell Hall has a dark secret. But as the captivated Gilbert Markham will discover, it is not the story circulating among local gossips. Living under an assumed name, 'Helen Graham' is the estranged wife of a dissolute rake, desperate to protect her son from his destructive influence. Her diary entries reveal the shocking world of debauchery and cruelty from which she has fled. Combining a sensational story of a man's physical and moral decline through alcohol, a study of marital breakdown, a disquisition on the care and upbringing of children, and a hard-hitting critique of the position of women in Victorian society, this passionate tale of betrayal is set within a stern moral framework tempered by Anne Brontë's optimistic belief in universal redemption. Drawing on her first-hand experiences with her brother Branwell, Brontë's novel scandalized contemporary readers. It still retains its power to shock. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
The Crowood Press Ltd Not Quite a Horsewoman
Caroline Akrill reveals the frequent disasters and the occasional triumphs of her long association with a string of equine characters. Engagingly witty, endearingly frank, sometimes surprising, but always amusing, Caroline Akrill regards the horse from the safety of the stable door and scrutinises him with candour and affection.
Peeters Publishers Actes Du Huitieme Congres International D'etudes Coptes: Paris, 28 Juin - 3 Juillet 2004
Les 76 contributions reunies en deux tomes sont le fruit de recherches fondamentales exposees a Paris, en 2004, lors du colloque internhational organise tous les quatre ans, sous l'egide de l'International Association for Coptic Studies (IACS). Bien que la part de l'histoire de l'art et de l'archeologie, occupant le premier tome, soit dominante, il convient cependant de souligner l'interet croissant porte a l'historiographie : ce nouvel axe de recherche, novateur, apporte un eclairage essentiel sur les travaux modernes, qui peuvent desormais s'inscrire dans la continuite d'une histoire plus specifique. L'ensemble des autres domaines de recherche sont representes sur pres d'un millier de pages : histoire, litterature, Bible, monachisme, linguistique, gnose, magie. Une diversite d'approches qui, loin de morceler la discipline, temoigne au contraire de l'unite de cette Egypte plurielle qui connait un echo grandissant. Les historiens de l'Eglise, de la civilisation byzantine en Egypte, de l'antiquite tardive ou de la chretiente orientale trouveront la une source documentaire de premier ordre.
Nubeocho On the Way Home
Oceano Travesia El Sistema Solar. Un Libro Que Brilla En La Oscuridad
Brepols N.V. Museums in Literature: Fictionalising Museums, World Exhibitions, and Private Collections
Les Belles Lettres Ciceron, Discours: Tome XIII, 2e Partie: Sur La Reponse Des Haruspices
Ocean Cruise Guides Best Anchorages of the Inside Passage: British Columbia's South and Central Coast from the Gulf Islands to Fitz Hugh Sound
Astra Publishing House Cloaked in Courage: Uncovering Deborah Sampson, Patriot Soldier
Our World of Books Good Night Israel
Our World of Books Good Night New Hampshire
The Library of America Anne Stevenson: Selected Poems: (American Poets Project #26)
On October 3rd, 2007 Anne Stevenson was named the second recipient of the Poetry Foundation's Neglected Masters Award. The award brings renewed critical attention to the life's work of a significant but under-recognized American poet. The Library of America is proud to publish Anne Stevenson: Selected Poems, edited by English Poet Laureate Andrew Motion, in conjunction with the award. Stevenson was born in England of American parents in 1933, grew up and received her schooling in New England and in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and has spent most of her adult life in England. This is the first American edition of her work in more than a generation.About the American Poets ProjectElegantly designed in compact editions, printed on acid-free paper, and textually authoritative, the American Poets Project makes available the full range of the American poetic accomplishment, selected and introduced by today’s most discerning poets and critics.
Basic Health Publications The Vitamin Cure for Digestive Disease: How to Treat and Eliminate Digestive Problems Using Nutrition and Vitamin Supplementation
Most people's diets are woefully inadequate for providing proper nutrition. Even good diets fail to deliver sufficient levels of nutrients. The Vitamin Cure book series highlights the safe and clinically effective use of vitamin supplements for a variety of illnesses. Research continues to prove the immense value of vitamins for maintaining health and fighting disease. The Vitamin Cure books, written by authors who are recognised experts in their field, deliver authoritative, up-to-date and practical information on taking vitamins for particular health problems. Those that think that they are not affected by digestive issues may consider them less serious than many other health problems. This is far from the case, as those who suffer from them can report. And digestive health has a direct impact on many, very serious illnesses aside from those directly apparent, such as indigestion, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and ulcers. Digestive health is critical to your health in general and has a direct impact on all of the systems and organs in your body. This readable guidebook will assist anyone suffering from digestive issues or those who just want to make sure that they are providing optimal nutrition to their bodies. It explains the major digestive systems, describes their structure and functions, discusses the health problems that can develop in each system and their causes and addresses available medical treatments. It covers a wide range of problems from canker sores to GERD, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, gluten allergies, and gallstones to cancer and more. The focus is to give readers straightforward, clear explanations on how and when to treat digestive issues with healthy, natural nutrition and vitamin therapies.
Pembroke Publishing Ltd Digital Principal
The Digital Principal shows educational leaders how to apply their leadership skills to the challenge of creating and supporting a technology-rich environment. From digital citizenship to connecting to the digital community to accessing digital and virtual worlds, this book establishes a framework for integrating technology into instruction and learning. It includes technology standards specific to educational administrators, a survey testing a school’s Technology Quotient (its readiness to embrace both the digital principle and the digital principal), tips for writing grants to improve a school’s technology resources, and ways to help teachers facilitate technology-based student learning.
Exile Editions The Complete Stories of Morley Callaghan, Volume Three
Eighty-five stories by one of Canada’s greatest writers are collected in this four-volume anthology. Several pieces of Morley Callaghan’s short fiction are collected here for the first time, while some which have been out of print for decades are now made available. Each volume contains a section providing the year of publication for each story, a question-and-answer section, and comprehensive editorial notes. As a whole, this series is essential reading for understanding the growth and importance of Canadian literature.
Candlewick Press,U.S. The Nest That Wren Built
Simon & Schuster Hiking Day
History Press Highway 25 in the Carolinas: A Brief History
Simon & Schuster Blind Goddess: Hanne Wilhelmsen Book One
Abrams Rad!
In this family-oriented picture book, one brave cat discovers how rad trying new things can be! Esther, Chester, Hester, and Sylvester are stoked to shred at the skate park! But unlike his daring brothers and sisters, Lester is a total fraidy-cat. Skateboarding doesn’t come easily to him—and with only nine lives to spare, why should he risk one on the half-pipe? When Lester sees how much fun his family is having, he decides to give it a shot anyway . . . only to wipe out! With the encouragement of his supportive siblings, Lester gets back up and tries again.
Picture Window Books Out and about at the Dairy Farm
Harbour Publishing Lazy Boy
Archipelago Books The Farm
Holiday House Inc Colors
Holiday House Inc Shapes
Pauline Books & Media Come to Jesus