Search results for ""Author David"
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Greensboro Depot
The University of Chicago Press The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills
Emerald Publishing Limited Emergence
The recent growth in research on the topic of evolutionary novelties inspired this volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations. While previous sociological work has done an admirable job of understanding selection and differentiation processes, it has widely ignored the origin of novelty and how it grows to form initial structures and practices. Emergence is an easy to understand intuitive concept, as it simply means that an object comes into existence or appearance, but it needs further unpacking as a description of a widespread social process. In this book, emergence is seen as a process that involves 1) the creation of novelty, 2) its growth to a salient size, and 3) its formation into a recognizable social object, process, or structure. Each step should be understood through theory and empirical work. Yet the theory of each step can differ from, though it may be related to, the theory of the other two. As a consequence, emergence is a much more complex research topic than is suggested by a single word and it is these complexities that are examined in this book.
Red Lightning Books Under Penalty of Death: The Untold Story of Machine Gun Kelly's First Kidnapping
An FBI cover-up spanning nearly a century. A victim and his family sworn to secrecy. Machine Gun Kelly's first kidnapping, a crime that changed America before it was swept under the rug of history. Under Penalty of Death: The Untold Story of Machine Gun Kelly's First Kidnapping brings to light for the first time the long-forgotten (and twice covered up) tale of the 1930s kidnapping that saved America from itself. In January 1932, Howard Arthur Woolverton, a wealthy industrialist in South Bend, Indiana, was kidnapped by Kelly and his gang. While no one was killed, the crime—occurring just six weeks before the Lindbergh kidnapping—nevertheless proved a watershed event, gripping the imagination of terrified Americans everywhere. The combined fallout of the two kidnappings helped usher in the federal law that shut down America's professional kidnapping industry for good. However, today Woolverton's name is forgotten, his story erased from public memory as if it had never happened. But why the cover-up? How did Woolverton quash the first investigation? Why did J. Edgar Hoover and his "G-Men" impose their own wall of silence? And how does it all connect with a bloody 1933 FBI screwup at a train station in Kansas City?Drawing on a buried federal statement, family archives, extensive research through period newspaper accounts, and interviews with those few who still remember, Under Penalty of Death: The Untold Story of Machine Gun Kelly's First Kidnapping exposes intrigue and collusion in the era of gangsters, rampant crime, and the Great Depression.
Johns Hopkins University Press Knowledge Towns: Colleges and Universities as Talent Magnets
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner
The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Second Edition contains complete prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition. The prewritten progress notes can be easily and quickly adapted to fit a particular client need or treatment situation. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized progress notes Organized around 35 behaviorally based presenting problems, including loss of love and affection, depression due to relationship problems, jealousy, job stress, financial conflict, sexual dysfunction, blame, and intimate partner violence Features over 1,000 prewritten progress notes (summarizing patient presentation, themes of session, and treatment delivered) Provides an array of treatment approaches that correspond with the behavioral problems and DSM-IV-TR™ diagnostic categories in The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition Offers sample progress notes that conform to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies, including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Presents new and updated information on the role of evidence-based practice in progress notes writing and the special status of progress notes under HIPAA
Columbia University Press Taiwan Under Japanese Colonial Rule, 1895–1945: History, Culture, Memory
The first study of colonial Taiwan in English, this volume brings together seventeen essays by leading scholars to construct a comprehensive cultural history of Taiwan under Japanese rule. Contributors from the United States, Japan, and Taiwan explore a number of topics through a variety of theoretical, comparative, and postcolonial perspectives, painting a complex and nuanced portrait of a pivotal time in the formation of Taiwanese national identity. Essays are grouped into four categories: rethinking colonialism and modernity; colonial policy and cultural change; visual culture and literary expressions; and from colonial rule to postcolonial independence. Their unique analysis considers all elements of the Taiwanese colonial experience, concentrating on land surveys and the census; transcolonial coordination; the education and recruitment of the cultural elite; the evolution of print culture and national literature; the effects of subjugation, coercion, discrimination, and governmentality; and the root causes of the ethnic violence that dominated the postcolonial era. The contributors encourage readers to rethink issues concerning history and ethnicity, cultural hegemony and resistance, tradition and modernity, and the romancing of racial identity. Their examination not only provides a singular understanding of Taiwan's colonial past, but also offers insight into Taiwan's relationship with China, Japan, and the United States today. Focusing on a crucial period in which the culture and language of Taiwan, China, and Japan became inextricably linked, Taiwan Under Japanese Colonial Rule effectively broadens the critique of colonialism and modernity in East Asia.
Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Water stress and human migration: a global, georeferenced review of empirical research
This report assesses and maps 184 peer-reviewed, empirical research articles selected for their focus on linkages between water stress and human migration. First and most importantly, this literature asserts that migration is an extremely common social process and is normal in almost every society on earth. Moreover, environment- influenced migration is rarely (if ever) a resource threat to the regions to which people move. The literature does, however, observe that negative social outcomes can result from narratives that stigmatize migrants and/or cast migrants as a security threat - especially when these narratives are used to justify increased surveillance and monitoring of these people.
Pharmaceutical Press Dale and Appelbe's Pharmacy and Medicines Law
This new 12th edition of Dale and Appelbe’s Pharmacy and Medicines Law is your guide to law and ethics for pharmacy practice in the UK. It covers law and professional regulation and is firmly established as the definitive student textbook and reference work on this subject in the UK. This edition has been extensively restructured and revised to include all the most recent changes to pharmacy laws and regulation.
InterVarsity Press The Gift of Being Yourself – The Sacred Call to Self–Discovery
Ediciones Nowtilus A cubierto
Un abogado encuentra en los archivos de su antiguo bufete los informes sobre un horroroso caso de violencia doméstica. Su lectura le adentra en un alucinante mundo de locura, amor delirante y maldad psicópata.
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Criptografa sin secretos con Python
La criptografía se ha definido tradicionalmente como el arte o la ciencia que se ocupa de alterar los textos escritos con el fin de hacerlos ininteligibles areceptores no autorizados. El único objetivo de la criptografía es conseguir la confidencialidad de los mensajes.La historia de la criptografía es larga y abunda en anécdotas. El libro recorre los hitos criptográficos más importantes desde el Antiguo Egipto hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras la conclusión de esta, el rápido desarrollo teórico y los avances en computación supusieron una amenaza para los sistemas clásicos de cifrado. A mediados de los años 70, se empezó a gestar lo que sería la última revolución de la criptografía: los sistemas asimétricos.Esta obra, sin embargo, no se centra ni en la historia, ni en la teoría de la criptografía, sino en cómo programar los ordenadores para imitar elfuncionamiento de las cifras clásicas y cómo pueden romperse.Dirigida a principiantes que nunca han programado, te mo
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Microsoft Windows PowerShell
El lector que decida acceder a esta obra descubrirá que trabajar con Microsoft Windows PowerShell de una manera inmediata no es tan difícil.El desarrollo tiene un enfoque práctico intentando de esta manera que el contenido resulte lo más útil y funcional posible.Esta obra aborda soluciones gráficas y aplicables mediante consola.Asimismo, aquel que quiera entrar en un modo productivo heterogéneo encontrará respuestas gracias a las explicaciones abordadas.Todo lo que el lector puede encontrar en esta obra se resume en cinco puntos:? Trabajar con las diferentes versiones de Microsoft Windows PowerShell.? Entender Microsoft Windows PowerShell ISE.? Generación de Scripting.? Personalización de factores gráficos o seguridad del entorno.? Combinar Microsoft Windows PowerShell con soluciones gráficas de fácil puesta en producción.
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones BackTrack 5 hacking de redes inalámbricas
Desde hace un tiempo, la seguridad en las comunicaciones, en general, y en las inalámbricas, en particular, se ha convertido en un tema de continua actualidad y es un elemento crucial que cualquier administrador de red debe asumir como objetivo principal.En este libro, su autor (docente e investigador) explica cuidadosamente el abecé de las redes inalámbricas desde un punto de vista totalmente práctico, con cientos de ejemplos reales.La obra le brindará la oportunidad de ponerse en la piel de un hacker y experimentar los métodos que usaría para romper la confidencialidad de sus comunicaciones, todo ello en un entorno completamente controlado.De este modo, podrá estar preparado para afrontar cualquier intento de intrusión en su red Wi-Fi.BackTrack 5. Hacking de redes inalámbricas se perfila como un libro esencial en la biblioteca del consultor o administrador de redes. Como experto, o entusiasta, le guiará paso a paso por los diferentes modos para atacar y defenderse de las
Extramuros Edición, S.L. Dissertation sur les fivres bilieuses et histoire de lepidmie bilieuse qui rgna Lausanne en 1755
Edicions Bellaterra Arqueología analítica
Margaret K. McElderry Books Scavenger of Souls
Dearborn Real Estate Education Essentials of Real Estate Finance
Hay House The Path to Spiritual Advancement
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Cry of the Deer
Takes us deeper into the prayer experience through a series of meditations leading into practical exercises in affirming the Presence of God. This book features meditations that are based on the eternal certainties of the Christian faith.
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Elige tu CMS Wordpress Moodle Prestashop y más
Existen muchas opciones dentro de los denominados CMS o gestores de contenido, pero todas son correctas en cualquier caso?Como veremos en esta obra, nuestra conclusión es que no, ya que cada uno de los CMS presentados está diseñado para cubrir una necesidad esencial y, por tanto, debemos aprovecharnos de ello para dar una correcta funcionalidad a nuestro servicio web.Además se pretende que el lector, tras decidir qué es lo que quiere hacer con un CMS y llevar a cabo su correcta elección, pueda ponerlo en funcionamiento de manera básica pero operativa.No olvidaremos explicar los conceptos iniciales de gestión e instalación del servidor web que aloje nuestro CMS.Algunos de los CMS tratados en la obra son:- WordPress- Moodle- Prestashop- Vanilla 2- SilverStripe
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Historia del pensamiento político griego teoría y praxis
El objeto de este libro es analizar la génesis y el desarrollo de la teoría y praxis políticas en la Grecia antigua, fragua de los conceptos básicos que han marcado la historia de las ideas políticas a lo largo de los siglos. A través de un planteamiento sistemático y riguroso, se exponen desde la perspectiva histórica los esbozos, tanteos, alternativas y etapas que conducen a la construcción teórica y práctica de la realidad política helena. Se ofrece así un panorama general del pensamiento político griego desde la época arcaica hasta la crisis de la polis clásica. En particular, se analiza detenidamente la fase de su plenitud en el siglo v a.C. hasta su decadencia en la transición al helenismo. La base documental de la obra se asienta primordialmente, junto a otros testimonios históricos, sobre el análisis detallado de las fuentes literarias griegas.
Starbook Editorial, S.A. Electrónica básica
Este libro es una introducción a la electrónica y está dirigido a estudiantes que van a iniciar sus estudios universitarios o de formación profesional y a todos aquellos aficionados interesados en la materia. Su contenido puede agruparse en tres bloques temáticos.En el primer bloque, que se corresponde con el capítulo 1, el lector encontrará las técnicas más elementales del análisis de circuitos para comprender su comportamiento.El segundo bloque se dedica a presentar las características de los principales componentes electrónicos (capítulos del dos al doce).El último bloque (capítulos trece y catorce) se dedica a presentar de forma eminentemente práctica al lector cómo puede diseñarse sus propios circuitos impresos y, como parte final, se le propone un proyecto completo de fabricación de una fuente de alimentación a 5 V para alimentar cualquier circuito digital que pueda construir.
Whitman Publishing A Guide Book of Collectible Postcards
O'Reilly Media Macintosh Troubleshooting Pocket Guide
This slim pocket guide has the answers to frequently asked Macintosh troubleshooting questions. Tekserver has long provided its customers with a free "Frequently Asked Questions" document. We recently discovered this FAQ sheet and realized that - like New York itself - it was too good to leave just for the New Yorkers. With the help of Tekserve, we turned this FAQ sheet into the "Macintosh Troubleshooting Pocket Guide". It covers the most common user hardware and software trouble, from disks stuck in drives to lost files. It's not just a book for Mac OS X (although it includes tips for OS X and Jaguar, the latest release), it's for anyone who owns a Mac of any type - there are software tips going back as far as OS 6. The "Macintosh Troubleshooting Pocket Guide" distills the answers to the urgent questions that Tekserve's employee's answer every week into a handy guide that fits in your back pocket or alongside your keyboard.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Den of Thieves
SPCK Publishing You Can Be Serious Meeting Jesus afresh in Johns Gospel
This inspiring York Course on John's Gospel, the most mysterious of all the gospel accounts of the life of Christ, invites us to meet Jesus afresh . . . an ideal study for Lent or any time of the year
Hay House The Evolution of Consciousness
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Sync or Swarm, Revised Edition: Improvising Music in a Complex Age
The revised edition of Sync or Swarm promotes an ecological view of musicking, moving us from a subject-centered to a system-centered view of improvisation. It explores cycles of organismic self-regulation, cycles of sensorimotor coupling between organism and environment, and cycles of intersubjective interaction mediated via socio-technological networks. Chapters funnel outward, from the solo improviser (Evan Parker), to nonlinear group dynamics (Sam Rivers trio), to networks that comprise improvisational communities, to pedagogical dynamics that affect how individuals learn, completing the hermeneutic circle. Winner of the Society for Ethnomusicology's Alan Merriam prize in its first edition, the revised edition features new sections that highlight electro-acoustic and transcultural improvisation, and concomitant issues of human-machine interaction and postcolonial studies.
Verlag G. Mainz Integrated Design of Process and Working Fluids for Organic Rankine Cycles
This thesis presents systematic extensions of the continuous-molecular targeting framework for the integrated design of working fluids and ORC processes. In the first step of the proposed method, a simultaneous optimization of working fluid and process allows for the identification of an optimal hypothetical working fluid. The second step of the method is used to search for real working fluids that lead to similar performance.
Penn State University Culinary Shakespeare Staging Food and Drink in Early Modern England
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La quinta estación / The Fifth Season
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Alarga tu esperanza de vida: Cómo la ciencia nos ayuda a controlar, frenar y revertir el proceso de envejecimiento / Lifespan: Why We Age - and Why We Don't
Les Belles Lettres Commentaire Des Sentences: Prologue
Exisle Publishing For The Love Of A Cat: A Publisher's Story
Light Technology,U.S. Ascension and Romantic Relationships
Archaeopress The Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia, 1963-69: The Pharaonic Sites
Of the Nubian Archaeological Campaigns responding to the construction of the Aswan High Dam, the survey and excavations carried out within Sudanese Nubia represent the most substantial achievement of the larger enterprise. Many components of the larger project of the UNESCO – Sudan Antiquities Service Survey have been published, in addition to the reports of a number of other major projects assigned separate concessions within the region. However, the results of one major element, the Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia (ASSN) between the Second Cataract and the Dal Cataract remain largely unpublished. This volume, focusing on the pharaonic sites, is the first of a series which aims to bring to publication the records of the ASSN. These records represent a major body of data relating to a region largely now lost to flooding. This is also a region of very considerable importance for understanding the archaeology and history of Nubia more generally, not least in relation to the still often poorly understood relationships between Lower Nubia to the north and the surviving areas of Middle and Upper Nubia, to the south. The ASSN project fieldwork was undertaken over six years between 1963 and 1969, investigating c.130km of the river valley between Gemai, at the south end of the Second Cataract, and Dal.
Owlkids Books Inc. Deepest Dig
Post Hill Press The Soul of Purpose: A Step-By-Step Approach to Create a Purpose-Driven, Healthy Life
Other Press LLC Bold Ventures: Thirteen Tales of Architectural Tragedy
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Manufacturing Processes: Materials, Productivity, and Lean Strategies
Interlink Publishing Group, Inc Thailand (Traveller's Wildlife Guides): Traveller's Wildlife Guide
Portage & Main Press 7 Generations: A Plains Cree Saga
Illustrated in vivid colour, 7 Generations: A Plains Cree Saga is an epic story that follows one Indigenous family over three centuries and seven generations. This compiled edition was originally published as a series of four graphic novels: Stone, Scars, Ends/Begins, and The Pact.Stone introduces Edwin, a young man who must discover his family’s past if he is to have any future. Edwin learns of his ancestor, Stone, a Plains Cree warrior who came of age in the early 19th century. When Stone’s older brother is tragically killed during a Blackfoot raid, he must overcome his grief to avenge his brother’s death.In Scars, the story of White Cloud, Edwin’s ancestor, is set against the smallpox epidemic of 1870–1871. After witnessing the death of his family one by one, White Cloud must summon the strength to find a new home and deliver himself from the terrible disease.In Ends/Begins, readers learn about Edwin’s father James and his experiences in a residential school. In 1964, two brothers are taken from the warm and loving care of their grandparents, and spirited away to a residential school. When James discovers the anguish that his little brother is living under, it leads to unspeakable tragedy.In The Pact, the guilt and loss of James’s residential school experiences follow him into adulthood, and his life spirals out of control. Edwin, mired in the desolation of his fatherless childhood, struggles to heal. As James navigates his own healing, he realizes, somehow, he must save his son’s life—as well as his own.Find ideas for using this book in your classroom in the FREE Teacher’s Guide for 7 Generations.
Little, Brown & Company Trump: America First: The President Succeeds Against All Odds
Arcadia Publishing Sunnyside Yard and Hell Gate Bridge
National Geographic Kids Super Stars: The Biggest, Hottest, Brightest, and Most Explosive Stars in the Milky Way (Science & Nature)