Search results for ""Author David"
McGraw-Hill Education Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology: Principles and Practice
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A complete full-color guide to the principles and practice of behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatryWritten by experts at the Center for Brain/Mind Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, this full-color resource offers a concise, yet comprehensive overview of the practice of neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology. It provides a practical approach to learning structural and functional neuroanatomy, neuropsychiatric assessment, neuropsychiatric treatments, and neurobehavioral and neuropsychiatric syndromes. •Numerous full-color illustrations of brain anatomy•High-resolution brain CT and MRI scans•Chapters include Learning Objectives, Key Terms, and Review Questions
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements
The most up-to-date and thorough compendium of scholarship on social movements This second edition of The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements features forty original essays from the field. With contributions from both established and ascendant scholars, the Companion seeks to present current research on social movements in all its diversity. It is the most up-to-date, comprehensive volume of social science research on social movements available today. The essays address: facilitative and constraining contexts and conditions; social movement organizations, fields, and dynamics; strategies and tactics; micro-structural and social psychological dimensions of participation; consequences and outcomes; and various thematic intersections, including the intersection of social movements and social class, gender, race and ethnicity, religion, human rights, globalization, political extremism and more. Offers an illuminating guide to understanding the dynamics and operation of social movements within the modern, global world Covers a diverse range of topics in the field of social movement studies Offers original, state-of-the-art essays by internationally recognized scholars The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements is recommended for graduate seminars on social movement and for scholars of social movements worldwide. It is also an excellent text for college and university libraries, especially with graduate programs in the social sciences.
Cambridge University Press Obstetric Anesthesia and Uncommon Disorders
A thoroughly revised third edition of the acclaimed textbook for caregivers involved in the management of pregnant women with uncommon diseases or an unusual or rare condition. The book offers valuable case reports and experience collated by an international team of editors and contributors who are leading experts in the field. This edition contains five additional chapters covering topics like cardiac and neuraxial point of care ultrasound, substance abuse, rare inherited conditions, and anesthesia for rare fetal and placental conditions. Clear, concise management guidelines and algorithms are provided, and each chapter is written from the viewpoint of the obstetric anesthesiologist. Numerous tables, figures and photographs provide visual aids and each chapter contains valuable clinical insights highlighting the essential facts. Featuring updated figures and references, links to useful websites for further reading and a list of commonly used abbreviations. A valuable resource for obstetric anesthetists, perinatologists and other obstetric care providers.
Union Square & Co. Classic Starts®: The Swiss Family Robinson
A shipwreck; a deserted island; a family wondering if they can survive. Rich in suspense and surprises, The Swiss Family Robinson entices young readers to come along on a wonderful adventure, where each moment brings a new thrill. Featuring amazingly resourceful characters and a landscape bursting with exotic wildlife and plants, it’s an irresistible tale of ingenuity.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Madam Crowl's Ghost & Other Stories
In 1888 Henry James wrote 'There was the customary novel by Mr Le Fanu for the bedside; the ideal reading in a country house for the hours after midnight'. Madam Crowl's Ghost & Other Stories are tales selected from Le Fanu's stories which mostly appeared in The Dublin University Magazine and other periodicals, and their haunting, sinister qualities still have an enormous appeal for the modern reader. The great M.R. James, who collected and introduces the stories in this book, considered that Le Fanu 'stands absolutely in the first rank as a writer of ghost stories.'
Simon & Schuster A Skateboard Catastrophe
Hanover Square Press Alabama V. King
Washington State University Press The Character of Meriwether Lewis
Meriwether Lewis commanded the most important exploration mission in the early history of the United States. Clay Jenkinson takes a fresh look at Lewis, not to offer a paper cutout hero but to describe and explain a hyperserious young man of great complexity who found the wilderness of Upper Louisiana as exacting as it was exhilarating.
MP-KST Kent State Uni Meades Army The Private Notebooks of Lt. Col. Theodore Lyman
Lt Col Theodore Lyman served as Gen George Gordon Meade's aidede-camp from September 1863 until the end of the Civil War. This work contains anecdotes, vignettes of officers, and descriptions of military campaigns as witnessed by this key figure in the Northern war effort.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Arthur and the AngloSaxon Wars
Part of the "Men-At-Arms" series, this book looks at Anglo-Celtic warfare between 410-1066, illustrating equipment, weapons and military encounters.
ALA Editions Hopeful Visions Practical Actions
MP-AMM American Mathematical Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry
Mirror symmetry began when theoretical physicists made some astonishing predictions about rational curves on quintic hypersurfaces in four-dimensional projective space. This book presents a comprehensive monograph on mirror symmetry, covering the original observations by the physicists.
Not Stated Ballpark Mysteries 18 The Atlanta Alibi
Batter up! Baseball action and exciting whodunits star in this chapter book series! Next up is Atlanta! The A-team takes A-Town! Mike and Kate are in Atlanta, where Hammerin'' Hank hit his legendary 715th home run. But Hank''s historic bat and ball, which he used to break Babe Ruth''s record, have been stolen! Good thing Mike and Kate are sleuthing pros. Can the cousins track down Hank Aaron''s missing treasure . . . before it''s gone forever?Ballpark Mysteries are the all-star matchup of fun sleuthing and baseball action, perfect for readers of Ron Roy''s A to Z Mysteries and Matt Christopher''s sports books, and younger siblings of Mike Lupica fans. Each Ballpark Mystery also features Dugout Notes with more amazing baseball facts.
HarperCollins The Guardian Herd Stormbound
Perfect for fans of the Warriors, Survivors, and Guardians of Ga'hoole series, this sequel to The Guardian Herd: Starfire, which Peter Lerangis called "an epic tale," will have readers eagerly turning the pages.When Star received his powers on his first birthday, he became the most powerful pegasus in Anok.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Mucho más de 999 recetas sin bobadas / Much More than 999 Serious Recipes
Duomo Ediciones Arséne Lupin Caballero Ladrón. Edición Ilustrada
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Ese Instante / That Instant
Fidelis Publishing, LLC Tragic Consequences: The Price America is Paying for Rejecting God and How to Reclaim Our Culture for Christ
Tragic Consequences was written for Americans who are concerned about the cultural decline they see all around them, people who watch the nightly news and ask themselves, “What is happening to our country?” It seems we have become a nation of people who are offended by everything but sin. What is happening to our country is simple to explain but sad to observe: we are seeing what a culture of sin can do to a country. Within the problem is the solution. Biblical morality reestablished in America by an uprising of God’s people standing for righteousness will bring God’s forgiveness and our healing.
Little Genius Books I'm the Digger Driver: Jump Into the Driver's Seat and Help Build a House!
BenBella Books The Day the Markets Roared: How a 1982 Forecast Sparked a Global Bull Market
Legendary economist Dr. Henry Kaufman shares a classic Wall Street story that has never been fully told: a firsthand account of the day in August 1982 that would define US economics for decadesDr. Henry Kaufman is the most famous economist Wall Street has ever seen, renowned well beyond the financial industry. He was the subject of New Yorker cartoons, had cameos in drama productions and two seminal literary works of the 1980s, was subject to death threats, and enjoyed the nickname "Dr. Doom." His pinnacle of influence arrived on August 17, 1982.That single day turned out to be the beginning of the world that we now live in. At the time, after painful years of high interest rates and the inflation of the late 1960s and 1970s, consumers were paying 17 percent and higher to borrow money. But by the end of one summer day almost 40 years ago, the stock market had undergone its second-biggest rally since WWII, while bond prices soared and interest rates plunged. Dr. Kaufman himself had written a memo that sparked this tremendous boom-and it set the global markets on fire, marking the start of almost four decades of US economic growth.The Day the Markets Roared answers the questions: • Why did Dr. Kaufman break with his longstanding bearish views to make a momentous prediction that spurred blaring headlines everywhere from Brazil to Beijing? • How could a private individual exercise such profound influence over global financial markets? • How did we get to today's rock-bottom and even negative rates? And what is their continuing impact on the economy, our financial markets and our livelihoods?The Day the Markets Roared is a firsthand, minute-by-minute account of one remarkable day in financial and economic history, with a rich cast of characters, from Salomon's John Gutfreund to interest rate guru Sydney Homer, to Dr. Kaufman's longtime friend, Fed Chairman Paul Volcker. Dr. Kaufman reflects on the lessons of the historic August 1982 episode, harkening back to a more optimistic moment in American history, and offering inspiration for better times ahead.
Actar Publishers Paradigms in Computing: Making, Machines, and Models for Design Agency in Architecture
Smart Publications Mavericks of Medicine: Conversations of the Frontiers of Medical Research
Candle Books My Story Time Parables Coloring Book
Alfred Music Prelude to Te Deum: Conductor Score & Parts
Alfred Music Toccata: From Sonata in A, Score & Parts
Tundra Books It's Not About The Tiny Girl!
Black Sands Entertainment Inc Black Sands, the Seven Kingdoms, Volume 3
Black Sands is the most popular independent book series in the black community and it is clear why.War has broken out in the Mediterranean as Sparta invades mainland Minoa.Ausar realizes his original mission no longer stands. He now must rally his allies before they are crushed by the relentless onslaught of the Spartan army. The young boy Menes has decided to aid our heroes in the fight, but even with his aid, the enemy is well prepared.After days of grueling battle, there is a moment of peace, but that moment shatters when it is discovered that ancients beasts are on the island! Ausar decides it would be best to investigate so the team delves deep into the tunnels under the mountain. After many obstacles, they stumble upon a glowing shard that holds the answers to many mysteries behind the ancients and Minoa.
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation Hamilton: An American Musical
Regnery Publishing The Resurrected Jesus: The Church in the New Testament
Rockridge Press Baby's First Year Milestones: 150 Games and Activities to Promote and Celebrate Your Baby's Development
Bridge21 Publications, LLC People of Nanjing: A Cultural Perspective on a Historic Chinese City
Nanjing has a prominent place in Chinese culture and history as having been a capital city for ten times throughout the history. The city of Nanjing is a fine history textbook. If one pores over this city, one will evoke the history of China itself. Every historic site in Nanjing is saturated with the character of human affairs. Whichever ruins one might visit, they are all part of a deep historical dialogue. In terms of scenery, Nanjing has mountains and rivers, enough to match any city. But the city's strength is in its history, and its unique culture. This book is a collection of prose about the unique history, culture and atmosphere of the city as well as the temperament and customs of its people, by the renowned Nanjing-born writer, YE Zhaoyan.Nanjng in the eyes of Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), the Italian Jesuit priest and one of the founding figures of the Jesuit China missions:"THIS METROPLITAN CITY is called Nankin…In the judgement of the Chinese this city surpasses all other cities in the world in beauty and in grandeur… It is literally filled with palaces and temples and towers and bridges, and these are scarcely surpassed by similar structures in Europe… There is a gaiety of spirit among the people, who are well mannered and nicely spoken…in the whole kingdom of China and in all bordering countries, Nankin is rated as the first city.This city was once the capital of the entire realm and the ancient abode of kings through many centuries, and though the kind changed his residence to Pekin, in the north, … Nankin lost none of it splendor or of its reputation…" - Ricci, Matteo, Nicolas Trigault, and Louis J. Gallagher. 1953. China in the Sixteenth Century: The Journals of Matthew Ricci, 1583-1610. New York: Random House. pp. 268-270."An elegant city with the European and American planning models adopted at the macro level, and the traditional Chinese style at the micro level – the most beautiful, clean and well-planned modern city in twentieth-century China." - YE Zhaoyan: remarks on the modern Nanjing city
Lee & Low Books The Pot That Juan Built
Sourcebooks, Inc Do Animals Have Feelings, Too?
Beyond Words Publishing Creative You: Using Your Personality Type to Thrive
Red Wheel/Weiser Dowsing Beyond Duality: Access Your Power to Create Positive Change
YWAM Publishing,U.S. Why Not Women?: A Fresh Look at Scripture on Women in Missions, Ministry and Leadership
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Reproductive Biomechanics, Volume 1101
The reproductive system is composed of complex sub-systems, which are driven by sophisticated biochemical processes, whereas their performance is controlled by the same physical laws that exist in any mechanical process on Earth (e.g., Newton's laws). Accordingly, the understanding of any physiological phenomenon, including the development of a pathologic condition, requires comprehensive evaluation of the biophysical and biomechanical aspects of reproduction in concert with the biological and clinical features. Several of the scientists from around the world who investigate the physical aspects of the reproductive system have contributed to the eight sessions resulting in this volume. These reports encompass the following areas of inquiry: non-pregnant uterine peristalsis, placental vasculature and blood flow, myometrial contractility and calcium transport, mechanics of the uterus and cervix in pregnancy, mechanics of embryonic development, penile mechanics and hemodynamics, sperm propulsion, and pelvic floor mechanics. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Spirit Clans: Native Wisdom for Personal Power and Guidance
Alfred Music General Wooster March: Part(s)
Alfred Music Final Alla Schumann, Op. 83: Conductor Score
Alfred Music Tico Tico: Trumpet Solo and Band, Conductor Score
Alfred Music Ave Maria: Score & Parts